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46 Rolling Back or Rolling Forward

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Rolling Back or Rolling Forward?

In this lesson, we will discuss different scenarios to help us decide whether to roll back the Deployment or roll


• Understanding the Scenarios

• Rolling Back with Kubernetes
• Getting the Rollout History

Understanding the Scenarios #

At this point, we are, more or less, capable of deploying new releases to
production as soon as they are ready. However, there will be problems.
Something unexpected will happen. A bug will sneak in and put our
production cluster at risk. What should we do in such a case? The answer to
that question largely depends on the size of the changes and the frequency of

If we are using continuous deployment process, we are deploying new

releases to production fairly often. Instead of waiting until features
accumulate, we are deploying small chunks. In such cases, fixing a problem
might be just as fast as rolling back.

After all, how much time would it take you to fix a problem caused by only a
few hours of work (maybe a day) and that was discovered minutes after you
committed? Probably not much. The problem was introduced by a very recent
change that is still in the engineer’s head. Fixing it should not take long, and
we should be able to deploy a new release soon.

You might not have frequent releases, or the amount of changes included is
more than a couple of hundreds of lines of code. In such a case, rolling
forward might not be as fast as it should be. Still, rolling back might not even
be possible.

We might not be able to revert the deployment if database schema changed,

and it is not compatible with the previous versions of the back-end that uses
it. The moment the first transaction enters, we might lose the option to roll-
back. At least, not without losing the data generated since the new release.

ℹ Rolling back a release that introduced database changes is often not

possible. Even when it is, rolling forward is usually a better option when
practicing continuous deployment with high-frequency releases limited
to a small scope of changes.

We did our best to discourage you from rolling back. Still, in some cases that is
a better option. In others, that might be the only option. Luckily, rolling back
is reasonably straightforward with Kubernetes.

Rolling Back with Kubernetes #

We’ll imagine that we just discovered that the latest release of the vfarcic/go-
demo-2 image is faulty and that we should roll back to the previous release.
The command that will do just that is as follows.

kubectl rollout undo \

-f deploy/go-demo-2-api.yml

kubectl describe \
-f deploy/go-demo-2-api.yml

The output of the latter command, limited to the last lines, is as follows.

OldReplicaSets: <none>
NewReplicaSet: go-demo-2-api-68df567fb5 (3/3 replicas created)
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 6m deployment-controller Scaled up replica set go-de
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 6m deployment-controller Scaled down replica set go-
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 6m deployment-controller Scaled up replica set go-de
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 6m deployment-controller Scaled down replica set go-
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 6m deployment-controller Scaled up replica set go-de
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 6m deployment-controller Scaled down replica set go-
Normal DeploymentRollback 1m deployment-controller Rolled back deployment "go-
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 1m deployment-controller Scaled up replica set go-de
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 1m deployment-controller Scaled down replica set go-
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 1m (x2 over 6m) deployment-controller Scaled up replica set go-de
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 1m (x3 over 1m) deployment-controller (combined from similar even

We can see from the events section that the Deployment initiated rollback
and, from there on, the process we experienced before was reversed. It
started increasing the replicas of the older ReplicaSet, and decreasing those
from the latest one. Once the process is finished, the older ReplicaSet became
active with all the replicas, and the newer one was scaled down to zero.

The end result might be easier to see from the NewReplicaSet entry located
just above Events . Before we undid the rollout, the value was go-demo-2-api-
68c75f4f5 , and now it’s go-demo-2-api-68df567fb5 .

Getting the Rollout History #

Knowing only the current state of the latest Deployment is often insufficient,
and we might need a list of the past rollouts. We can get it with the kubectl
rollout history command.

kubectl rollout history \

-f deploy/go-demo-2-api.yml

The output is as follows.

2 kubectl set image api=vfarcic/go-demo-2:2.0 --filename=deploy/go-demo-2-api.yml
3 kubectl create --filename=deploy/go-demo-2-api.yml --record=true

If you look at the third revision, you’ll notice that the change cause is the same
command we used to create the Deployment the first time. Before we
executed kubectl rollout undo , we had two revisions; 1 and 2 . The undo
command checked the second-to-last revision ( 1 ).

Since new deployments do no destroy ReplicaSets but scale them to 0 , all it

had to do to undo the last change was to scale it back to the desired number of
replicas and, at the same time, scale the current one to zero.

In the next lesson, we will try playing around further with the existing
Deployment in our cluster.

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