Prof Ref 4
Prof Ref 4
Prof Ref 4
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All content following this page was uploaded by Meenakshi Kumari on 11 September 2022.
Faculty of Business Management & Commerce, Usha Martin University, Angara, Jharkhand, India
NBFCs play supplement the role of banking sector in meeting the increasing financial needs of the
corporate sector, delivering credit to the unorganized sector and to small local borrowers. NBFCs are
often called shadow banks as they function a lot like banks but with fewer regulatory controls. Barring a
few, they cannot accept deposits from people and so raise money from bonds or borrow from banks.
NBFCs have a more flexible structure than banks. NBFCs are classified as Asset Finance Company,
Investment Finance Company and Loan Company. The aim of the study is to find out the financial
performance of selected NBFCs for a period of five years from year 2017 to year 2021. This study also
helps in understanding the present financial status of the selected companies. Earning per Share, Net
Profit, Debt to Equity, Return on Equity and Price to Earning Ratio are used in the present study.
analysis like Trend analysis and correlational analysis are done using the financial software named SPSS
v20. As a conclusion it can be said that financial performances of Muthoot Finance and Bajaj Finance
are up to the par and helpful for growth of companies as well as growth of shareholder’s wealth for the
period of study.
A Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) is a firm or organization listed under the Companies Act,
1956 and are involved in the business of loans, acquisition of stock, shares, bonds, debentures, securities
issued by the government or local authority or other marketable securities of a like nature, leasing, hire
purchase, insurance business but does not include any institution whose principal business is that of
agriculture activity, industrial activity, purchase or sale of any goods (other than securities) or providing
any services and sale or purchase or construction of immovable property (Kumar, Reddy & Dhanunjaya,
2016). NBFC constitutes as important segment of the financial system in India. The financial system of
India comprises of financial markets that provide an effective payment and credit system and thereby
facilitate channelizing of funds from savers to investors of the economy. NBFC have turnout to be
engines of growth and are important part of Indian financial system (Soranganesh & Soris, 2013).
NBFCs are the financial intermediaries engaged primarily in the business of accepting deposits and
delivering credits. They play an important role in channelizing the limited financial resources to capital
formation. NBFCs supplement the role of banking sector in meeting the increasing financial needs of the
corporate sector, delivering credit to the unorganized sector and to small local borrowers. NBFCs have a
more flexible structure than banks. As compared to banks, they can take quick decisions, assume greater
risks, tailor make their services and changes according to the needs of the clients. Their flexible structure
helps in broadening the market by providing the saver and investor a bundle of services on a competitive
basis (Biswas, 2019).
In today time, the total number of NBFCs registered under RBI is 9,507. The vast majority of over nine
thousand NBFCs belonged to the non-deposit taking category (Keelery, 2022). NBFCs (Non-Banking
Financial Company) plays a vital role in supporting Indian economy as well as in normal persons lives.
It is emerging as an alternative of banking industry, almost every facility provided by banking industry
is now delivered by NBFCs. NBFCs have become the fundamental part of Indian Financial System.
NBFCs have grown drastically in last few years despite of the slowdown in the economy due to COVID.
As per 2021, the share of non-banking financial companies – micro finance institution surge from 29.8%
to 33.4%. The actual problem faced by citizens are in choosing the right NBFC for their need. For
choosing right NBFC may analysis need to be done. Through this study, we have tried to highlight the
financial performance of selected NBFCs from 2017 to 2021. This paper contains several analyses like
trend analysis, ratio analysis, variance analysis, solvency analysis and regression analysis. This paper
also aims to provide an overall subjective assessment of current status and financial performance of top
5 NBFCs.
Literature Review
Author Sample Size Objective Methodology Findings
Srinivas The extending of The Objective of Sampling Design, The finding of the
Gumparthin the commercial the paper is to objective of the study, paper is the risk
vehicle and the build a Risk primary objective, calibration on the risk
different management secondary objective. management model it
construction model for Non- says that the customers
equipment for the Banking Financial were high score and
use of finance is Companies related low risk was the
totalled to 10 and on the both promoter payers and
the overall offices qualitative and the second one the
whom the quantitative customer with high
judgemental characteristic of risk and low score was
survey was the client. the defaulter.
initiated is totalled
to 19.
Dr. Bhaskar The sampling is The objective of Selection of the data, Mahindra & Mahindra
Biswas done on multi- the paper is to find Collection of the data, financial services the
stage pattern and out the Analysis of the data. connection. In
finally the data relationship Sundaram finance
was collected from between earning, there is Association
three cities Jaipur, profitability, among eps and current
Jodhpur and liquidity of the 10 ratio, quick ratio and
Udaipur. selected NBFC cash earnings retention
companies from ratio. Company there
the period of 10 is numerous
years from 2007 correlation co-efficient
to 2016. between net profit,
return on capital
employed, arrival on
assets and the
EPS. EPS and return
on assets in situation
of Bajaj Finance.
R. Up to 90 samples The basic The data is carried out The finding says that
Vimaladevi, collected from objective extract on the present study NBFCs are providing
S. employees of social security and it consists of both medical care facilities,
Vennilashree NBFC from the scheme, analysing primary and secondary Maternity benefits and
city Chennai, the the satisfaction of data and this primary accidents benefits
selected NBFCs the NBFCs Data is carried out by among various social
were, Equitas employees in simple random security schemes. It is
Finance Ltd. current social. sampling method. true that social.
H1: There is no significant positive or negative correlation of EPS and Net Profit.
H0: There is significant positive or negative correlation of EPS and Net Profit.
H2: There is no significant positive or negative correlation of EPS and Return on Equity.
H0: There is significant positive or negative correlation of EPS and Return on Equity.
H3: There is no significant positive or negative correlation of EPS and Debt to Equity.
H0: There is significant positive or negative correlation of EPS and Debt to Equity.
H4: There is no significant positive or negative correlation of EPS and Price to Earning.
H0: There is significant positive or negative correlation of EPS and Price to Earning.
Research Design
The present study based on quantitative research. The data of selected companies (for a period of five
years from 2017 to 2021) has been collected from annual report and the balance sheet published by the
companies and the websites of the respective firms.
Sampling Design
The study is done with special reference to NBFCs. The reason being that the data or financial statement
are readily available for them. Also, NBFCs are bound to disclose all their facts and figures publicly.
Thus, the technique of Judgmental and Purposive Sampling is adopted for the study. The selection of
sample companies is made on the basis of market capitalization. Five NBFCs were chosen as a sample
size for the study on account of having highest market capitalization, these are Bajaj Finance Limited,
Shriram Transport Finance Company Limited, Aditya Birla Capital Limited, L&T Finance Holding
Limited, Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited.
Secondary Data
Secondary data refers to data that is collected by someone other than the user. Common sources of
secondary data for social science include censuses, information collected by government departments,
organizational records and data that was originally collected for other research purposes. Primary data,
by contrast, are collected by the investigator conducting the research. In this project, we have used
secondary data which has been collected from following sources:
(1) Annual reports
(2) Books
(3) Internet
(4) Other material and report published by the companies
Earning per Share = (Net Income - Preferred Dividends) ÷ End-of-Period Common Share Outstanding
Trend Analysis
The chart EPS Showing the return on capital Earning per share of selected non-banking financial
companies in India from year 2017-21. The year 2017 to 2019, the Cholamandalam Investment and
Finance Company growth was high, but in 2019 to 2021, the growth of the Muthoot Finance Limited
and remaining all company like Bajaj Finance Limited, Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services
Limited, L&T Finance Limited, these all companies' growth was very low, and in the future, the
Muthoot Finance expectation future growth was going to be high. Accordingly, the return of the
Muthoot Finance was very high compared to other 4 companies.
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
The chart net profit margin shows the actual profit of the company. Muthoot Finance gained the highest
profit in years 2017 to 2018, but after that the growth is negative from 2019 to 2021. Bajaj Finance
Limited gained the highest profit, but in next years, the chart shows the profit growth was negative.
Muthoot Finance gains the previous place and they acquire their position in future means the expected
net profit growth of the company was Muthoot Finance according to remaining 4 companies like,
Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company, Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited,
L&T Finance Holding Limited.
Return on equity sometimes it called as return on net worth. It is a measure of profitability that calculate
how many dollars of profit a company generates with each dollar of shareholder equity. ROE Ratio help
to compare with other firms in the same industry and evaluate the financial performance and asset
valuation of the company. Generally, it shows the company how well uses their fund for growth and
how much they will gain.
Return on Equity
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
The chart Return on equity is a measure of the profitability of a business in relation to the equity. ROE
can also be thought of as a return on assets minus liabilities. The chart shows the profit on the business
according to chart the L&T Finance Holding Limited shows the highest profitability in 2017 to 2021 but
in 2021 the profitability growth was going the downward but in 2021 the 3 company combine with each
other and these 3 companies were L&T Finance Holding Limited, Mahindra & Mahindra Financial
Service Limited, Muthoot Finance Limited and there have very confusion with 3 companies for the
growth of the companies which companies achieve the highest future profitability growth.
Debt to Equity
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
The Chart Debt equity indicates the how much debt a company is using to finance its assets relatives to
the value of shareholders equity, according to this the company are in high debt L&T Finance Holding
Limited to equity from the year 2017 to 2021 according to others companies like Mahindra & Mahindra
Financial Service Limited, Muthoot Finance Limited, Cholamandalam Investment and Finance
Company, Bajaj Finance Limited, and the future expected growth of debt to equity according to chart it
shows the Muthoot finance growth in highest in debt to equity according to remaining 4 companies
which are shortlisted by us.
P/E Ratio
The price earning ratio, often called as P/E ratio, can be calculated only for listed companies. It is the
ratio of company stock price to the earning per share. Market price per share and earning per share after
that P/E ratio was formed.
It helps the investors to compare between market share with the company growth. It shows the how
much company have to pay for a company company’s growth. Before investing in any company
investors want to know about the growth of the company and worth of the equity share of the company
so, that’s why company analyze the company as a P/E Ratio.
Price to Earning
The price to earnings ratio, also known as P/E ratio, is the ratio of a company’s share price to the
company’s earning earnings per share. The chart Price to earning shows the share earning price so
according to chart the highest earning per share of the company is L&T Finance Holding Limited
because in year 2017 to 2021 the only this company growth will higher and in future the excepted
growth will be also the L&T Holding Limited company according to remaining 4 companies which are
Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited, Muthoot Finance Limited, Cholamandalam
Investment and Finance Company, Bajaj Finance Limited. Their growth was below to L&T Finance
Holding Limited.
Correlation Analysis
Table 6: Correlations
Net Return on Debt to Price to
Profit Equity Equity Earning
Pearson Correlation 1 .930* .972** .305 -.662
EPS Sig. (2-tailed) .022 .006 .618 .224
N 5 5 5 5 5
Pearson Correlation .930* 1 .839 .031 -.485
Sig. (2-tailed) .022 .076 .961 .407
N 5 5 5 5 5
Return Pearson Correlation .972** .839 1 .419 -.773
on Sig. (2-tailed) .006 .076 .482 .125
Equity N 5 5 5 5 5
Debt to Pearson Correlation .305 .031 .419 1 -.782
Correlation is a statistic that measures the degree to which two securities move in relation to each other.
Correlation is used in advanced portfolio management, computed as the correlation coefficient, which
has a value that must fall between -1.0 and +1.0. A positive correlation is a relationship between two
variable moves in which both variable move in the same direction. Therefore, when one variable
increase as the other variable increase, or one variable decrease the other variable decrease. A Negative
correlation is a relationship between two variables in which an increase in one variable is associated with
a decrease in other. We except those correlation who shows the Pearson correlation because Pearson
correlation show the two types like negative or positive which is from 0 to -1 and 0 to 1 but we focused
on 0.06 and -0.6 If the correlation between the ratio is less the 0.6 or -0.6 then the correlation between
them is weak and if the ratio is more the 0.6 and -0.6 then correlation between them is strong like the
correlation between EPS a Net Profit is .930, so the correlation between them is strong. The correlation
between EPS and ROE is .972 so the correlation between them is also strong, and between EPS and
Debt to Equity is .305 the correlation between them is negligible because it is less than 0.6 that’s why it
is negligible but the correlation between EPS and P/E ratio is -0.662 it is also form a strong correlation
It can be concluded from the above analysis that in case of trend analysis, the company which showed
highest rate of earning per share was Muthoot Finance, followed by Bajaj Finance Limited, then
Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company, Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited
and lastly, L&T Finance Holding Limited. After analyzing the Net Profit Ratio, it was found that the
high net profit was accumulated by Bajaj Finance Limited and remaining companies lied below it. In
term of ROE, Muthoot Finance Limited outperformed, followed by Bajaj Finance Limited, then
Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company, then Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services
Limited and lastly, L&T Finance Holding Limited. Graph of Debt-to-Equity reflects that in the year
2021, Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company has maximum amount of debt. The company
which has least amount debt is L&T Finance Holding Limited. L&T Finance Holding Limited has
maximum amount of Price-to-Earning Ratio, followed by Bajaj Finance Limited, then Mahindra &
Mahindra Financial Services Limited, then Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company and
lastly, Muthoot Finance Limited.
Second analysis of this paper is correlational analysis which tells about the correlation between ratios.
EPS had maximum positive correlation with ROE (ρ = 0.972). Correlation between Net Profit and EPS
was (ρ = 0.930) which is also strong as well as positive whereas correlation between P/E Ratio and EPS
is (ρ = -0.662) which is negative correlation. Lastly, correlation between EPS and Debt-to-Equity is
almost negligible (ρ = 0.305).
(1) Research should input the data carefully, one mistake in feeding data may cause whole result to
(2) Investors and stakeholders should analyse the data properly before reaching to any decisions.
(3) Companies should also take the analyses part seriously and should be more concerned about their
companies’ growth.
(4) Researchers should look after accurate result as some the websites might mislead and display
manipulated data.
(5) Companies should make their financial data easily available for the researchers to conduct research.
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