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Scrum Alliance

Certified Scrum Product Owner

Participant Workbook

Be Agile, Be You


Suresh Konduru

Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
ü More than 23 years of work ü More than 10,000 trained.
experience. ü 30 countries.
ü 4.9/5 – Rated on Google.
ü CST – Certified Scrum Trainer. ü CSM, ACSM, CSPO.
ü CAL 1 – Certified Agile Leader. ü CSP-SM, CSP-PO.
ü TBR – Training from the Back of ü Certified in Banking.
the Room. ü Certified in Cloud.

Suresh Konduru has more than 23 years of experience in the IT industry

extensively in Agile Transformation, Agile Consulting, Agile Coaching & Scrum
Training, Agile Leadership, Programming, Customer Liaison, Delivery
Management, Program Management, Project Management, for Global Fortune
500 customers.

Training: Certified in 'Sharon Bowman's 'Training from the Back of the Room
(TBR)' - how to make trainings more effective and stickier to the learners. Suresh
uses real-world examples, group learning activities to make workshops learning
as well as fun. He delivered workshops in global locations including the USA,
India, Sweden, China, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, France, Thailand, UAE, etc.

Coaching: Passionate about coaching at all levels - team and leadership.

Coached world-wide customers for enterprise transformation, team level
excellence, and new-age leadership nurturing.

Project Delivery: Delivered large and critical programs for multiple business
domains, especially in Banking & Financial Services, Manufacturing, Retail,
Automotive, Marketing industries.

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Established and managed large programs to drive Delivery Excellence,
Financials, Innovation, Metrics, Customer satisfaction, Management Reporting,
etc. Managed large turn-key transition programs while taking over from long-
standing partners seamlessly. Established and run multi-year and multi-million
AMS engagements that include SLA compliance, Due-diligence, Pre-Sales, etc.
Established and worked in a distributed and scaled Agile environment with large
teams at multiple locations.

Back to the community: Suresh is also an active volunteer, speaker, participant

at global conferences, Agile tours and meet-ups. Being an Agile enthusiast,
founded the ISEC (India Scrum Enthusiasts Community) Mumbai Chapter. An
active volunteer and a regular speaker in Agile-Scrum conferences and meet-
ups in India as well as globally. Co-chaired the largest Regional Scrum Gathering
Hyderabad 2020 conference in 2020.

Passionate about pro-bono consulting for start-ups and educational institutions

in their transformation journeys.

Innovation: Innovated 'Exepedia - a leadership coaching model' and 'Training

Scrum from the Back of the Room'.

Free Career Mentoring Program: Suresh runs ‘ASK’ program - a lifelong

mentoring program for his students registered through PremierAgile.

+91-91542-AGILE (24453)

Images Courtesy:
Images in this book are either my own clicks or downloaded from PresenterMedia (legal rights obtained)

Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
Table of Contents

# Topic
1 About CSPO Certification
2 Scrum Alliance Certifications – at a glance
3 What is Product?
4 Different Product levels
5 Product Owner
6 3 Vs of Product Owner
7 Product Vision
8 What is Agile?
9 Agile Frameworks
10 Agile Manifesto
11 Empiricism
12 Scrum Values
13 At a glance: Scrum Framework
14 Deep dive into Product Owner role
15 Product Owner Role variants
16 Product Lifecycle
17 Deep dive into Product Vision
18 Segmentation
19 User Personas
20 Prioritizing Customer Needs
21 Product Discovery
22 Connecting Teams and Customers
23 Product Roadmap
24 How to validate a product?
25 Output Vs Outcome
26 User Stories
27 Product Backlog
28 Product Backlog Refinement
29 Sprint Backlog, Increment
30 How to slice User Stories?
31 How to order User Stories?
32 Acceptance Criteria
33 Definition of Done

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34 Estimation
35 Release Planning
36 Release Burndown
37 How to create releasable assets?
38 Burndown charts
39 Appendix 1: Product Strategy
40 Appendix 2: How to kick-start a Scrum project?
41 Appendix 3: Product Economics
42 Appendix 4: Video Links & References
43 Appendix 5: Case Studies
44 Appendix 6: Scrum Guide 2020
45 Appendix 7: Templates

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Form Teams


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About CSPO Certification

ü No test.
ü Attendance is mandatory for 2 days.
ü Complete the mandatory learning objectives.


ü Continuous learning.
ü Make stronger contributions to team success.
ü Enable organisations’ success in businesses.
ü Become part of a global movement toward product excellence.

How to renew?

ü Earn 20 SEUs (Scrum Education Units).

ü SEUs can be earned by education in Agile/Scrum, speaking or
volunteering at events, attending conferences or webinars etc.
ü SEUs must be captured on Scrum Alliance dashboard.
ü A renewal fee may be applied.
ü By doing a higher certification with Scrum Alliance, the prior level
certifications are automatically renewed.
ü More details at

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Scrum Alliance Certifications – at a glance

Foundational & Advanced Guide Level Leadership

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What is a Product?
As per
A product is an article manufactured or refined for sale.

As per Wikipedia:
A product is an object or system made available for consumer use.

Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd

Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
Different Product levels
(Kotlers Five Product Level Model)
Core Benefits The fundamental need or want that consumers satisfy by
consuming the product or service.
Generic A version of the product containing only those attributes
or characteristics absolutely necessary for it to function.
Expected The set of attributes or characteristics that buyers
normally expect and agree to when they purchase a
Augmented The inclusion of additional features, benefits, attributes or
related services that serve to differentiate the product
from its competitors.
Potential This includes all the augmentations and transformations a
product might undergo in the future. To ensure future
customer loyalty, a business must aim to surprise and
delight customers in the future by continuing to augment







Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
Who is a Product Owner?
As per Scrum Guide:
The Product Owner is accountable for maximizing the value of the product
resulting from the work of the Scrum Team. How this is done may vary widely
across organizations, Scrum Teams, and individuals.
Strategic Versus Tactical
A Product Owner’s involvement in Scrum is tactical in terms of working with the
Scrum teams; writing, clarifying and prioritizing requirements.

A large amount of time is spent outside the Sprints, and is highly strategic. This
is especially for creating interacting with internal and external stakeholders,
creating product vision, product discovery etc.

3 Vs of Product Owner





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Product Vision

Vision without Action is a Daydream

But Action without Vision is a Nightmare

As per
A vision is the ability to see, or something that one can imagine.

As per Wikipedia:
A vision statement is an inspirational statement of an idealistic
emotional future of a company or group.

A vision must be inspirational, shared and concise. It is about the

purpose of a product, and describes the ‘Why’.


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Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd

Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
And Agile is NOT..
• Agile is NOT a process
• Agile is NOT a framework
• Agile is NOT a methodology

Term Definition
Process • A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve
a particular end.
Framework • A basic structure underlying a system, concept, or
• An essential supporting structure of a building,
vehicle, or object.
• A set of practices aligning with a thought process.
Methodology • A system of methods used in a particular area of
study or activity.
• Is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods
applied to a field of study.

Agile is a Mindset
A Mindset means:
• Is a set of assumptions, methods, or notions held by one or more people
or groups of people.
• A mental inclination or disposition.

~~ Being Agile Over Doing Agile ~~


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Agile Manifesto


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Agile Principles
1 Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and
continuous delivery of valuable software.

2 Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile

processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.

3 Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a

couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.

4 Business people and developers must work together daily throughout

the project.

5 Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the

environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job

6 The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to

and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.

7 Working software is the primary measure of progress.

8 Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors,

developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace

9 Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design

enhances agility.

10 Simplicity--the art of maximising the amount of work not done--is


11 The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-

organising teams.

12 At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more

effective, then tunes and adjusts its behaviour accordingly.


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Agile Frameworks


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Various Agile Frameworks
Scrum Scrum is a framework within which people can address
complex adaptive problems, while productively and
creatively delivering products of the highest possible

A simple framework for effective team collaboration on

complex products.

Kanban Kanban is a lean method to manage and improve work

across human systems. This approach aims to manage
work by balancing demands with available capacity, and
by improving the handling of system-level bottlenecks.

Extreme XP is a software development methodology which is

Programming (XP) intended to improve software quality and
responsiveness to changing customer requirements.

Based on:
• Human-powered
• Adaptive
• Ultra-light
Crystal allows teams to work the way they deem most
FDD Feature Drive Development (FDD) is customer-centric,
iterative, and incremental, with the goal of delivering
tangible software results often and efficiently

Any many more..


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Iterative & Incremental

Incremental This is a development approach that slices the system

functionality into increments (portions).

Iterative This is a development approach that breaks the process

of developing a large product into smaller parts. Each part,
called “iteration”, represents the
whole development process and contains planning,
design, development, and testing steps.

~~ Agile frameworks use

Incremental & Iterative approaches together ~~
The idea is to develop a system through repeated cycles (iterative) and in smaller
portions at a time (incremental), allowing developers to take advantage of what
was learnt during development of earlier parts or versions of the system.

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Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
Empirical Process An empirical process is implemented where progress is
based on observation and experimentation instead of
detailed, upfront planning and defined processes.
Using empirical process control is working in a fact-
based, experience-based, and evidence-based manner,
not fictitious plans.
Defined Process A defined process is one with a set of steps that should
produce the same output every time within a defined
variance range, given the same inputs.

~~ Scrum is based on Empirical Process Control ~~


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Three Pillars of Empirical Process Control

The emergent process and Progress toward agreed goals If any aspects of a process
work must be visible to those must be inspected frequently deviate outside acceptable
performing the work as well as and digligently to detect limits or if the resulting
those receiving the work. potentially undesirable product is unacceptable, the
variances or problems. process being applied or the
materials being produced must
be adjusted.

Transparency enables Inspection enables Adaptation. Adjustment must be made as

Inspection. Inspection without Inspection without adaptation is soon as possible to minimize
transparency is misleading and considered pointless. further deviation.


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Traditional Fixed Planning
Evolutionary Product Planning
Evolutionary product planning in an empirical environment differs from
traditional fixed planning in the following ways:
• Processes are not repeatable, are visible, and promote inspection and
• Work/process steps may not be understood.
• Impacted by factors such as past performance and capacity
• Improvement and direction guided by experiments and experience.


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A framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems,
while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible

ü Since early 1990s.

ü First time presented in 1995.
ü Latest update in Nov 2020.

Scrum is:
ü Simple.
ü Purposefully incomplete, only defining the parts required to implement
Empiricism and Lean thinking.
ü Built upon by the collective intelligence of the people using it.
ü Wraps around existing practices or renders them unnecessary.

End-note in Scrum Guide 2020:

Ø Scrum is free and offered in this Guide. The Scrum framework, as
outlined herein, is immutable. While implementing only parts of Scrum
is possible, the result is not Scrum. Scrum exists only in its entirety and
functions well as a container for other techniques, methodologies, and


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Scrum Values

As stated in Merriam-Webster dictionary..

Focus Focus means a center of activity, attraction, or attention, a
point of concentration.
Openness Openness means having no enclosing or confining
barrier: accessible on all or nearly all sides.
Respect Respect means the act of giving particular attention or high
or special regard.
Courage Courage means the mental or moral strength to venture,
persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.
Commitment Commitment means an agreement or pledge to do
something in the future, or an act of committing to a charge
or trust.


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Scrum Framework

Scrum Framework is best remembered as 3-5-3

Accountabilities (3) Events (5) Artifacts (3)
1. Product Owner 1. Sprint Planning 1. Product Backlog
2. Scrum Master 2. Daily Scrum 2. Sprint Backlog
3. Developers 3. Sprint Review 3. Increment
4. Sprint Retrospective
5. Sprint

Sprint is considered as a Container Event.

Product Backlog Refinement is a recommended activity.


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Scrum Team: 3 accountabilities
Scrum Guide says:
The fundamental unit of Scrum is a small team of people called as Scrum

More about Scrum Team:

• The Scrum Team consists of one Scrum Master, one Product Owner, and
• There are no sub-teams or hierarchies.
• A cohesive unit of professionals focused on one objective at a time.
• Cross-functional.
• Self-managed – decides who does what, when and how.
• Typically, 10 people or fewer.
• Responsible for all product-related activities from stakeholder
collaboration, verification, maintenance, operation, experimentation,
research and development, and anything else that might be required.
• Structured and empowered by the organization to manage their own
• The entire Scrum Team is accountable for creating a valuable, useful
Increment every Sprint.


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Scrum Accountabilities: Product Owner
Scrum Guide says:
The Product Owner is accountable for maximizing the value of the
product resulting from the work of the Scrum Team.

• Developing and explicitly communicating the Product Goal.
• Creating and clearly communicating Product Backlog items.
• Ordering Product Backlog items.
• Ensuring that the Product Backlog is transparent, visible and understood.

More about Product Owner


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Scrum Accountabilities: Scrum Master
Scrum Guide says:
The Scrum Master is accountable for establishing Scrum as defined in the
Scrum Guide. They do this by helping everyone understand Scrum theory
and practice, both within the Scrum Team and the organization.

• Coaching and Mentoring.
• Removing roadblocks.
• Teach Scrum.
• Accountable for the Scrum Team’s effectiveness. They do this by enabling
the Scrum Team to improve its practices, within the Scrum framework.
• Facilitate Scrum Events.
• Timeboxing Scrum Events.
• Ensuring a fruitful relationship between the Product Owner, Developers,
and others outside the team. Reducing conflicts, and promote continuous

More about Scrum Master


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Scrum Accountabilities: Developers
Scrum Guide says:
Developers are the people in the Scrum Team that are committed to
creating any aspect of a usable Increment each Sprint.

ü Create a plan for the Sprint.
ü Instilling quality by adhering to a Definition of Done.
ü Adapting their plan each day toward the Sprint Goal.
ü Holding each other accountable as professionals.

More about Developers


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Exercise: Scrum – True or False
1. Scrum is a methodology.

2. Empirical product planning makes a near-term

development plan in detail, but also has components of
long-term view, the vision and goals.

3. Scrum suggests using iterative and incremental

development techniques together.

4. Scrum Team is self-managing and cross-functional.

5. It is best if Product Owner and Scrum Master roles are

played by the same person.

6. Time-boxing means allocating a maximum time for a task

and extending the time if required so that the task can be

7. Time-boxing increases efficiency of teams and provides

opportunities to inspect and adapt at regular intervals.

8. Quality is entirely responsibility of the Developers.

9. A Sprint can never be cancelled.

10. Product Owner has the authority to cancel a Sprint.


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Exercise: Scrum – Match the following


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Exercise: Scrum - Fill in the Blanks
1. Scrum Team and Stakeholders collaborate on what to do
next, so that the _______________ provides valuable
input to subsequent planning.

2. The _______________ is the list of product features,

enhancements, bugs and user requests.

3. The Scrum Master ensures that the _______________ is

positive and productive.

4. The _______________ makes visible all the work that the

Developers identifies as necessary to meet the Sprint

5. The work to be performed in the Sprint is planned at the


6. _______________ have the attributes of a description,

order and size.

7. An _______________ is a body of inspectable, done work

that supports empiricism at the end of the Sprint.

8. _______________ improves communications, eliminates

other meetings, promotes quick decision-making and
improves the Developers level of knowledge.

9. Scrum Team members must have a shared

_______________, what it means for work to be complete,
to ensure transparency.

10. _______________ is a container of all Scrum Events.


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Product Owner – 3 Characteristics





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The Product Owner role requires an individual to be fully available, highly skilled
in communication, and must have a great understanding of the customers and
the market. To better understand the level of Product Ownership in an
organization, it is important to know that there are five types of Product
Owners as listed below:

• The Scribe
• The Proxy
• The Business Representative
• The Sponsor
• The Entrepreneur

Ø Read more at:


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Product Vision – Examples

To create a better everyday life for Bring inspiration and innovation to

the many people every athlete in the world

To be the best quick service To make people happy

restaurant experience

Empower every person and every To be a company that inspires and

organization on the planet to achieve fulfils your curiosity.

To make the best products on earth, To provide access to the world's

and to leave the world better than information in one click
we found it.


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Tips to create a compelling Product Vision
Attributed to Roman Pichler

1. Describe the Motivation behind the Product

2. Distinguish between Vision and Product Strategy
3. Look beyond the Product
4. Employ a Shared Vision
5. Choose an Inspiring Vision
6. Think Big
7. Keep your Vision Short and Sweet
8. Use the Vision to Guide your Decisions

Important to note

i. A Product Owner is the owner of the Product Vision

ii. Shared often
iii. Created incrementally and iteratively
iv. Validated with stakeholders and teams
v. Ready to adapt based on feedback
vi. Emphasize on value, not the technology
vii. Short and clear
viii. Align with organization vision


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User Research: User research focuses on understanding user behaviors, needs,
and motivations through observation techniques, task analysis, and other
feedback methodologies. This field of research aims at improving the usability
of products, services, or processes by incorporating experimental and
observational research methods to guide the design, development, and
refinement of a product. User researchers often work alongside designers,
engineers, and programmers in all stages of product creation and idealization.

Interaction Design: The practice of designing interactive digital products,

environments, systems, and services. Beyond the digital aspect, interaction
design is also useful when creating physical (non-digital) products, exploring
how a user might interact with it. While interaction design has an interest in
form (similar to other design fields), its main area of focus rests on behavior.
Rather than analyzing how things are, interaction design synthesizes and
imagines things as they could be. This element of interaction design is what
characterizes IxD as a design field as opposed to a science or engineering field.

Usability Engineering: Concerned generally with human-computer

interaction and specifically with devising human-computer interfaces that have
high usability or user friendliness. It provides structured methods for achieving
efficiency and elegance in interface design. implies more of a focus on assessing
and making recommendations to improve usability than it does on design.
However, Usability Engineers may still engage in design to some extent,
particularly through the design of wire-frames or other prototypes.

Visual Design: Visual design aims to shape and improve the user experience
through considering the effects of illustrations, photography, typography,
space, layouts, and color on the usability of products and on their aesthetic

Customer Experience Design: Customer Experience Design is the practice

of designing products/services with the focus on the quality and thoughtfulness
of the user experience. Every touchpoint within the customer's interaction with
a product/service is designed to deliver experiences based on the brand's


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The Product Owner is a highly collaborative role, working with various units
within the organisation such as Sales, Marketing, Legal, HR etc., and closely
working with Developers, middle management teams, senior leadership roles,
end-users etc. Hence there is a huge need to connect and collaborate between
Development Teams and several stakeholders.

A Product Owner may leverage some of the following techniques to connect

Development Teams directly to customers and users.

1. Job shadowing
2. Usability testing
3. User research
4. Customer observation
5. Simulating customer experience
6. Sprint Reviews
7. Product Backlog Refinement

Ø Read more at:


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Product Roadmap

Tips to create a great Product Roadmap

Attributed to Roman Pichler

1. Focus on Goals and Benefits

2. Do the Necessary Prep Work
3. Tell a Coherent Story
4. Keep it Simple
5. Secure Strong Buy-In
6. Have the courage to say No
7. Know when to show dates
8. Make your Product Roadmap measurable
9. Determine Cost Top-Down
10.Regularly Review and Adjust the Roadmap


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User Stories
As a <user role>
I want to <purpose>
So that <objective>

ü Created by Bill Wake.
ü A reminder of the characteristics of a good quality Product Backlog Item.


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3 Cs of a User Story

Real world example of User Stories

Image: Energy Balance information displayed in the living room


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Scrum Artifacts – Product Backlog


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Product Goal
• Describes a future state of the product.
• Present in the Product Backlog.
• A Product is defined as: a vehicle to deliver value. It has a clear
boundary, known stakeholders, well-defined users or customers. A
product could be a service, a physical product, or something more
• A long-term objective for the Scrum Team. They must fulfil (or
abandon) one objective before taking on the next.


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Product Backlog Refinement

Regular Meetings with Adhoc Refinement as Product Owner does the
Scrum Team needed Refinement
Discuss: Any two approaches above and present to the
Debate: Benefits of Just-In-Time approach versus All-At-
Once approach


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Scrum Artifacts – Sprint Backlog
Scrum Guide says:
The Sprint Backlog is composed of the Sprint Goal (why), the set of
Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint (what), as well as an
actionable plan for delivering the Increment (how).


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Scrum Artifacts – Increment
Scrum Guide says:
An Increment is a concrete stepping stone toward the Product Goal. Each
Increment is additive to all prior Increments and thoroughly verified,
ensuring that all Increments work together. In order to provide value, the
Increment must be usable.


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Acceptance Criteria


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Product Backlog Estimation
Relative sizing
Product Backlog is estimated using relative sizing or comparative sizing.

Size of a Product Backlog Item

The size of a Product Backlog Item/User Story is a combination of 3 factors:

• Complexity
• Uncertainty – Lack of clarity of the User Story
• Effort

Planning Poker


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What are Fibonacci numbers in Agile Estimation?
§ The Fibonacci series consists of a sequence of numbers where each
number is a sum of the preceding two numbers. The traditional
Fibonacci sequence is 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 and so on.
§ In Agile projects, this series is modified. The modified Fibonacci series is
0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100 – a sequence that is used to estimate the
relative size of User Stories in terms of Story Points.

Why Fibonacci numbers?

ü They are exponential.
ü They consist of integers.
ü You need to choose more or less.
ü They are non-linear.

Steps to play Planning Poker:

1. Each team member holds a set of Planning Poker cards.
2. The Product Owner briefly describes the Product Backlog Item/User Story
to be sized.
3. The team discusses about the User Story, asks questions and discusses their
views. Product Owner clarifies as required.
4. Each team member independently selects a card, to represent their size.
5. All team members reveal their selected cards at the same time.
6. Any outliers are discussed.
7. This is repeated until the team reaches a consensus or maximum 3 times.
8. The Scrum Master facilitates the session.


Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
Sample Product Backlog
SCHSTUD mobile app
# Feature Size

Reference As a Student 5

I want to see my attendance %

So that I can check my


1 As a Student

I want to see the courses

available for the next academic

So that I can plan to register

2 As a Student

I want to see the ‘ABSENT’ days

So that I can plan to minimize


Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd

Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
• Just the minimal number of features that are sufficient for a product to be deployed.
• The MVP helps you acquire the relevant knowledge and address key risks.

• The smallest set of functionalities that must be completed in order for the customer to
perceive value.
• The MMP reduces time-to-market and enables you to launch your product faster.


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Different Charts
ü Sprint Burn-down.
ü Sprint Burn-up.
ü Release Burn-down.
ü Release Burn-up.


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Product Strategy


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Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd

Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd

Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
Group Exercises - Key


Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
Exercise: Scrum – True or False
1. Scrum is a methodology.
2. Empirical product planning makes a near-term
development plan in detail, but also has components of
long-term view, the vision and goals.
3. Scrum suggests using iterative and incremental
development techniques together.
4. Scrum Team is self-managing and cross-functional.
5. It is best if Product Owner and Scrum Master roles are
played by the same person.
6. Time-boxing means allocating a maximum time for a task
and extending the time if required so that the task can be
7. Time-boxing increases efficiency of teams and provides
opportunities to inspect and adapt at regular intervals.
8. Quality is entirely responsibility of the Developers.
9. A Sprint can never be cancelled.
10. Product Owner has the authority to cancel a Sprint.


Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
Exercise: Scrum - Fill in the Blanks
1. Scrum Team and Stakeholders collaborate on what to do
next, so that the _SPRINT REVIEW_ provides valuable input
to subsequent planning.

2. The _PRODUCT BACKLOG_ is the list of product features,

enhancements, bugs and user requests.

3. The Scrum Master ensures that the _SPRINT

RETROSPECTIVE_ is positive and productive.

4. The _SPRINT BACKLOG_ makes visible all the work that the
Developers identifies as necessary to meet the Sprint

5. The work to be performed in the Sprint is planned at the


6. _PRODUCT BACKLOG_ have the attributes of a description,

order and size.

7. An _INCREMENT_ is a body of inspectable, done work that

supports empiricism at the end of the Sprint.

8. _DAILY SCRUM_ improves communications, eliminates

other meetings, promotes quick decision-making and
improves the Developers level of knowledge.

9. Scrum Team members must have a shared _DEFINITION OF

DONE_, what it means for work to be complete, to ensure

10. _SPRINT_ is a container of all Scrum Events.


Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
How to Kick-start a Scrum


Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
Steps involved to kick-start
Scrum product development
§ This list is not an exhaustive list.
§ Need not be performed in the same order always.

1. Get a buy-in and find a sponsor for Agile transformation

2. Identify a Product Owner
3. Do market analysis, product feasibility, customer surveys
4. Create a Product Vision, Product Strategy, Product Roadmap
5. Identify a Scrum Master
6. High-level Release Planning
7. Identify the Developers
8. Create an initial Product Backlog together
9. Estimate the implementation effort
10.Start small, Start Development, Start Sprints
11.Take work to Scrum Team, and not vice versa
12.Showcase to stakeholders during Sprint reviews

Ø Read more at:



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Product Economics


Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
Product Economics
• Product economics are models for production, competitive advantage
and consumer behaviour that are applicable to product marketing.
• Develop and market products and services that solve real customer
problems profitably.

Read 3 episodes of Product Economics at:



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Links to Videos


Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
# Description YouTube link
1 Agile Product
Ownership in a
Nutshell – by
Henrik Kniberg
2 Exact Instructions
Challenge – by Josh
3 Planning Poker – by
Mike Cohn


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Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd


3. The Art of doing twice the work in half the time - Jeff Sutherland

4. Succeeding with Agile – Mike Cohn

5. Agile Estimating and Planning – Mike Cohn

6. Agile Product Management with Scrum - Roman Pichler

7. Strategize - Roman Pichler

8. Market Segmentation Study Guide - Geoff Fripp

9. User Story Mapping - Jeff Patton


Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
Case Studies


Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
Case Study 1

Yoga Online
Few ideas:
1. Website, Mobile application
2. “Speak to Yoga e-Guru” IVR system
3. Weight reduction program
4. Money back guarantee program
5. Virtual reality device for monitoring

Case Study 2

Few ideas:
1. Tennis coaching in academy and in your tennis court
2. Inhouse and part-time programs
3. Crash courses by top ranked players
4. Summer and Winter camps
5. All age groups


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Case Study 3

Phone with projected Keyboard & Screen

Few ideas:
1. Keyboard is projected on a table surface
2. Screen is projected on a wall
3. First of its kind
4. Innovative design and Improved battery life
5. Eliminate the need of iPad or Laptop

Case Study 4

Solar Car
Few ideas:
1. Runs on solar energy
2. All basic features of a car
3. Suitable for any traffic conditions
4. Driver-less
5. Affordable pricing for the developing countries


Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
Case Study 5

Telecom Mobile App

Few ideas:
1. Subscriber to check plans, statements.
2. Subscriber to make payments, recharges.
3. Online streaming of movies, sports etc.
4. 24x7 availability.
5. Online shopping.

Case Study 6

Agile Conference
Few ideas:
1. Two-day conference. World-wide delegates.
2. Parallel tracks of speaker sessions.
3. Coaching and Mentoring workshops.
4. Quiz programs, fun competitions.
5. Speakers submission enablement.
6. Registration for participants, sponsors, volunteers.


Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
About Scrum Guide 2020


Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd
About Scrum Guide 2020
• Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber released Scrum Guide first version in
• Latest Scrum Guide version was released in Nov 2020.

# Few changes in Scrum Guide 2020

1 Less prescriptive and lighter. Now only 14 pages (The 2017 version was
19 pages).
2 Roles now called as ‘Accountabilities’.
3 Scrum Master’s accountabilities are clearly defined.
4 Development Team are now called as Developers.
5 Scrum Team is self-managed – decides who does what, when and how.
6 Scrum Team typically consists of 10 or lesser.
7 Product Goal is introduced. The Product Goal is the long-term objective
for the Scrum Team. They must fulfil (or abandon) one objective before
taking on the next.
8 Sprint Planning happens as three topics – Why, What and How.
9 ‘Potentially Releasable’ usage is removed. Multiple Increments may be
created within a Sprint and that can be showcased at any time, but the
sum total is showcased on the last day during Sprint Review.
10 Emphasis on commitment:
Each artifact contains a commitment to ensure it provides information
that enhances transparency and focus against which progress can be
• For the Product Backlog it is the Product Goal.
• For the Sprint Backlog it is the Sprint Goal.
• For the Increment it is the Definition of Done.


Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd


Copyright© 2014-2021 Created by Suresh Konduru. Rights reserved by PremierAgile Consulting Private Ltd


What does the persona look like? What is its name? Choose a What are the persona’s relevant characteristics and behaviours? What problem does the persona want to solve or which benefit
realistic and believable picture and name. For instance, demographics, such as age, gender, occupation, does the character seek? Why would the persona want to use or
and income; psychographics, including lifestyle, social class, and buy the product?
personality; and behavioural attributes like usage patterns,
attitudes, and brand loyalty. Only list relevant details. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons

Template version 04/17 Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License


The measures to determine
The name of the product. Your overarching goal.
if the goal has been met.


The users and the customers with their needs. The desired user experience (UX): the user journeys, the product The goal of the next iteration and specific actionable
functionality, the visual design, and the nonfunctional properties. items to reach the goal.
Personas are a great way to describe the target group.
Epics, scenarios, storyboards, workflows, design sketches, mock-ups, The items are ordered from one to n, and may be
and constraint stories are helpful techniques. captured as detailed user stories. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons

Template version 10/16 Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
What is your purpose for creating the product?
Which positive change should it bring about?


Which market or market segment does the What problem does the product solve? What product is it? How is the product going to benefit the
product address? company?
Which benefit does it provide? What makes it stand out?
Who are the target customers and users? What are the business goals?
Is it feasible to develop the product? This work is licensed under a Creative Commons

Template version 05/17 Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Meet Julie, the person … and the team members
in charge of the product and key stakeholders

Should you contribute to


the decision as the product NO

manager or product owner? Delegate


Does the decision have a high Decide w/o discussion

Consent or Majority Vote

Do you need to involve team

members and stakeholders?

Do you have to make the YES

decision quickly?
Decide after discussion

© 2019 Pichler Consulting Limited

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