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LED Signal Specs Rev.4.1 Reasoned Document

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The clause no. proposed initially is shown in BLACK, the comments received in BLUE and RDSO’s remarks
in RED

3.2 The terms referred to in this specification but not covered in IRS: S 23, are defined

Blanking & Non-Blanking failure modes of Main LED signal lighting units-

In blanking mode, a Main Signal Lighting Unit shall extinguish when input current drawn by
the current regulator falls outside specified limits of rated input current or illumination falls to
a value which is not less than 40% of nominal illumination due to a failure or any other reason.
In such case, current regulator should not draw input current more than 30 mA at maximum
rated voltage.

In non-blanking mode, a Main Signal Lighting Unit shall remain lit when input current drawn
by the current regulator falls outside specified limits of rated input current or illumination falls
to a value which is less than 40% of nominal illumination due to a failure or any other reason.
In such case, input current drawn by current regulator shall be limited to less than 40 mA to
ensure dropping of ECR. Limit on input current shall apply when illumination has deteriorated
to a value, which is not less than 40% of nominal illumination.

R.T.VISION Comment:
In blanking mode, a Main Signal Lighting Unit shall extinguish when input current drawn by
the current regulator falls outside specified limits of rated input current or illumination falls to
a value which is less than 50lux due to a failure or any other reason. In such case, current
regulator should not draw input current more than 30 mA at maximum rated voltage.

In non-blanking mode, a Main Signal Lighting Unit shall remain lit when input current drawn
by the current regulator falls outside specified limits of rated input current or illumination falls
to a value which is less than 50lux due to a failure or any other reason. In such case, input
current drawn by current regulator shall be limited to less than 40 mA to ensure dropping of
ECR. Limit on input current shall apply when illumination has deteriorated to a value, which
is less than 50lux of nominal illumination. (45 mA as exception case may be accepted)

RDSO comments:
The parameters are reasonably specified and no change is therefore needed.


4.1 The minimum visibility distance of Main signal LED signal lighting Units including LED
signals used for tunnels in Metro Railway, Kolkata shall be 600 m. in clear daylight with peak
sunrays at rated voltage. The minimum visibility distance of Direction type Route Indicator
with three lit LED signal lighting units shall be 400 m. in clear daylight with peak sun rays at
rated voltage. The minimum visibility distance of LED signal lighting units, other than Main
and Route signal lighting units, shall be 200 m in clear daylight with peak sunrays at rated

GAEC Comment:
Visibility requirement for Kolkata Metro Signals is given as 600 m in clear day light. With 16
LEDs (For Red / Yellow) and 7 LEDs (For Green) placed in 80 mm dia may not be visible in
clear sunny day light from 600m.
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RDSO comments:
Since the LED signals for Metro are only for use in tunnels, adequate visibility will be
obtained. The requirement of visibility distance may be deleted from this clause for Metro,

4.4 LED signal lighting units shall only be used with LED ECRs as per RDSO specification
STS/E/Relays/AC Lit LED Signal/09-2002 as applicable.

WCR Comment:
Working with only LED ECR’s will pose a number of problems in installations as follows:-

(a) Interchangeability with existing units will be lost, thus in case of a failure of existing LED
unit, the ECR will also have to be replaced which will increase the failure duration manifolds.

(b) In case of Siemens installations, it will not be possible to provide ECRs in the signal groups.
M/s Siemens should be made ready to take up the modifications of the groups and the terms
may be decided before the decision is finalized.

GAEC Comment:
We suggest to keep Conventional ECR mode as optional as per present specification. As it
will give benefit to Railways to changes from Conventional bulb to LED Signals faster in existing
installation because most of the installation is with Conventional ECR only. However, Railways
should be advised to replace ECR of LED type on priority. We feel removal of Conventional ECR
mode will substantial slow down the work of replacement of bulb with LED Signal. We would also
like to suggest that we should supply Integrated LED Signal to Railways against their procurement of
LED Signal suitable for LED ECR. As there is no difference in specification and product except the
mechanical arrangement. Separate specification for Integrated LED Signal should be avoided and
should be mode part of this specification.

R.T.VISION Comment:
LED signal lighting units shall only be used with LED ECRs as per RDSO specification
STS/E/Relays/AC Lit LED Signal/09- 2002 as applicable. (An optional selection of 190-300mA
current would be provided only for main signal and For Route, shunt and calling ON signals as per
existing acceptance format current may be specified. Railway has to ask specifically in the tender
current range to drive existing conventional ECRs).

RDSO comments:
It has already long been decided to go for LED ECRs only with LED signals and Railway
Board has already issues letter in 2004 regarding it. Failures due to more heat dissipation are more in
conventional ECRs rather than LED ECRs. In view of this, only LED ECRs are to be used with LED
signals. Since LED groups from Siemens are now available, there will not be any problem in keeping
only LED ECR mode.

As regards to Integrated signals lamps, it is being developed as a separate product and

presently only field trials have been permitted. A final decision on keeping the specification for
integrated type LED signal lamps will be taken in due course.

In view of above, no change is this clause is required.

5.1 Colour Co-ordinates :

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Colour co-ordinates of LED Signal lighting Units shall be as follows:
Red, Green & Lunar White Aspect: Class ‘C’of BS: 1376
Yellow Aspect: Class ‘B’ of BS: 1376
Colour co-ordinates graph as per BS: 1376 is given in Annexure I.

R.T.VISION Comment:
In the color co-ordinate additional variation of ± .0050 on Y axis for red and yellow
aspect is permitted.

RDSO comments: There appears no reason for any changes in colour co-ordinates as all approved
vendors are already complying this parameter.


Operating parameters of various types of LED Signal lighting Units when used
with ECRs as per RDSO specification STS/E/Relays/AC Lit LED Signal / 09-
2002shall be as per Table- II given below:

Sl. Parameter Main Signal C-ON Route Shunt

No. signal Lighting Lighting
unit unit
1. Rated voltage at Input 110V +25 % 110V 110V 110V
terminals of Current ± 20% ± 20% ± 20%
2 Current at rated for 140 mA +10%,-20% (rms) * 150 mA 25 mA 55 mA
voltage per unit at AC +10%, ± 5%(rms) ±
Input terminals of -20% 5%(rms)
Current Regulator (rms)
3. Illumination measured at 150 175 150 50 LUX ≥ 45 LUX ≥27 LUX
1.5m from LED Signal LUX LUX LUX –10%
Lighting Unit in axial –10% –10% –10% + 40%
direction at rated voltage + 40% + 40% + 40%

4. Colour Red Yellow Green Yellow Lunar white Lunar


Table II
Note: (i) * Input current shall be within the specified tolerance limits in all design
conditions of lighting except for non-blanking failure mode
(ii) All values given in table II shall be read as nominal value + tolerance limits.

SECR Comment:
Voltage should be clearly specified as 110 V AC at all places in the table.

RDSO Comments: Agreed. Besides it, ‘for AC’ words deleted in item 2 above.

Urban Comment:
Illumination for Red / Yellow / Green and Calling On aspect should be mentioned as Min.
150, 175, 150 and 50 respectively. Since day by day improvement in production of LED technology
yields higher intensity LEDs, it becomes extremely difficult to get constant intensity LEDs from the
vendors. Changing driving current through LEDs all the time becomes difficult in routine production
and also compatibility with old LEDs and New CRs become difficult. In view of above, illumination
criteria can be made as Min., with upper limit of approx 50 to 70%.

GAEC Comment:

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Illumination for Red / Yellow / Green and Calling On aspect should be mentioned as Min.
150, 175, 150 and 50 respectively. Since day by day improvement in production of LED technology
yields higher intensity LEDs, it becomes extremely difficult to get constant intensity LEDs from the
vendors. Changing driving current through LEDs all the time becomes difficult in routine production
and also compatibility with old LEDs and New CRs become difficult. In view of above, illumination
criteria can be made as Min. With upper limit of approx 50 to 70%.

Clause no. 5.2 and 6.1.6:

Since there is difference in series impedance of ECR for different make and also certain
tolerance in the same make of ECR, it becomes extremely difficult to control parameters of input
current when tested with ECR in the circuit. (Typically for Route and Shunt aspects where current
band is very narrow) We propose to test such units without ECR in the circuit. Since ECR pick up and
drop away values are atleast 10% below of input current at Min. Glow voltage, ECR will pick up for
sure. The advantage will be for drop away as there will be enough margin for dropping of ECR when
unit fails. This aspect may get verified for different make of signals and ECRs.

Example of SHUNT aspect in such case is demonstrated as under...

When TWO Shunts are tested, input current at Min. Glow voltage without ECR will be 110 mA -10%
in worst case. (99 mA) When put in circuit with ECR, it will definitely pick up the same even if it is
designed to operate at 90 mA. When ONE of the Shunt fail even at highest voltage, the input current
will remain 57.5 + 2 = 59.5 mA which when connected with ECR will take 54 to 59 mA, which in any
case will drop ECR which is even designed for 60mA drop away current.

R.T.VISION Comments:
OPERATING PARAMETERS (specified) Recommended
Operating parameters of various types of LED Signal lighting Units
when used with ECRs as per RDSO specification STS/E/Relays/AC Lit
LED Signal / 09-2002shall be as per Table- II given below
Current at rated voltage per unit at input terminals of current
regulator for AC
Main signal 140mA+10%,-20%(rms) 95mA to 155mA
C-On signal 150mA+10%,-20%(rms)
shunt signal 55ma ± 5% shunt signal 50ma ±5%
Illumination measured at 1.5m from LED signal lighting unit in axial
direction at rated voltage
Main signal Red- 150 lux-10%+40% 150lux-10%+60%
Yellow - 175lux-10%+40% 175lux-10%+60%
Green - 150 lux-10%+40% 150lux-10%+60%
C-On signal - 50 lux-10%+40% 100 lux -10%+60%
Route - ≥45 lux ≥45 lux ≤ 100 lux
Shunt - ≥27 lux ≥27 lux ≤ 60 lux

RDSO Comments:
Adequate current window is already given. As regards to increase in upper limit of
illumination, since there is no issue of dim signals at present, it is not proposed to do any change in
the illumination levels of main signals. However, no upper limit of illumination is specified which
should be there to control cases of over bright route & shunts. In view of this, an upper limit of +40%
over nominal values may be specified for route and shunt signal. Variations in these limits may be
accepted depending upon merit of the design.


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6.1.1 Main LED signal lighting unit shall be so designed that in all designed conditions of its
lighting, except for failure in non blanking mode, it should ensure pick up of ECR and input
current drawn by its current regulator should be more than specified maximum pick up current
of ECR with ECR connected in circuit.
R.T.VISION Comment:
ECR manufacturer to maintain resistive current range within range e.g. 95-105mA

RDSO comments: Not relevant as the comment is not related to present equipment.

6.1.2 Main signal lighting unit shall remain lit or extinguish as per the Blanking or Non Blanking
failure mode selected in the Current Regulator in case of deterioration of illumination or when
input current drawn by the current regulator falls outside specified limits of rated input current
due to a failure or any other reason as stipulated in Cl.3.2.

R.T.VISION Comment:
Main signal lighting unit shall remain lit or extinguish as per the Blanking or Non Blanking
failure mode selected in the Current Regulator in case of deterioration of illumination or when input
current drawn by the current regulator falls outside +75% - 10% above specified limits of rated input
current due to a failure or any other reason as stipulated in Cl.3.2.

RDSO comments:
Limits of current already defined in Cl. 3.2, hence suggestion may not be accepted.

6.1.5 LED Signal Lighting Units of Direction type Route Indicator and Position light Shunt Signal
shall extinguish when input current drawn by the current regulator falls outside specified limits
of rated input current or illumination falls to a value which is just less than 40% of nominal
illumination due to a failure or any other reason. In such case, a LED Signal Lighting Unit
should not draw more than 2 mA.

R.T.VISION Comment:
LED Signal Lighting Units of Direction type Route Indicator and Position light Shunt Signal
shall extinguish when input current drawn by the current regulator falls outside specified limits
of rated input current or illumination falls to a value which is just less than 15 LUX due to a
failure or any other reason. In such case, a LED Signal Lighting Unit should not draw more
than 2mA + 0.5 ma.

RDSO comments:
Limits of illumination are already specified and there is no confusion regarding it as such no
change in clause is needed.

6.1.7 Calling ON signal lighting unit shall extinguish when input current drawn by the lighting unit
falls outside specified limits of rated input current or illumination falls to a value which is just
less than 40% of nominal illumination due to a failure or any other reason. In such case, input
current drawn should not be more than 30 mA.
R.T.VISION Comment:
Calling ON signal lighting unit shall extinguish when input current drawn by the lighting unit
falls outside specified limits of rated input current or illumination falls to a value which is just
less than 20 lux due to a failure or any other reason. In such case, input current drawn should
not be more than 30 mA.

RDSO comments:

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Limits of illumination are already specified there is no confusion regarding it as such no
change in clause is needed.

6.1.11 Fluctuation in input voltage shall not result in latching of signal to Blanking/ non
blanking failure mode.

R.T.VISION Comment:
Fluctuation in input voltage shall not result in latching of signal to Blanking/ non blanking
failure mode except cutoff mode. Surge condition resulting in latch will not be considered as failure.

RDSO comments:
There is no cut off mode, therefore the comment is not clear. No change in clause is required.

6.1.12 The LED Signal Units shall work satisfactorily (Input current will remain in the
limits as specified in Clause 5.2) in ambient temperature varying from -10°C to
+70°C and a relative humidity upto 95%. at 40°C + 2°C as specified in RDSO/

WCR Comments:
The temperature range should be -10° to 85° C, which is as per the industrial grade
components as has been specified under para 6.4

R.T.VISION Comment:
Red & Green: (-15% ,+70%) i.e 127.5 to 255LUX, Yellow: (- 35% ,+70%) i.e 113.75 to 297.5 LUX ]

RDSO comments:
Though, industrial grade components are to be used, testing upto 70°C is adequate
as the ambient temp of 70°C would mean some 10-15 °C more temperature for
components. The comment of M/s. RT Vision is not relevant to this clause.

6.1.15 LED Signal Lighting Units shall have a display area of 125 mm + 1 mm diameter
for Main and Calling ON signals and 85 mm + 1 mm diameter for Route and Shunt

R.T.VISION Comment:
LED Signal Lighting Units shall have a display area of 125 mm + 1 mm diameter for Main
and Calling ON signals and 85 mm + 1 mm diameter for Route and Shunt signals. Use of lens in center
is also permitted in route and shunt signal.

RDSO comments:
May not be accepted as there is no problem on date with this clause. Besides, there is no harm in
keeping a tolerance on both sides. The comments on use of lens are in clause 6.1.16.

6.1.16 LED signal lighting unit shall be provided with a curved transparent cover of UV
stabilized polycarbonate material having a thickness of 2.5 mm ± .5 mm. LED
signals for use in tunnels in Metro Railway, Kolkata shall have UV stabilized cover
of polycarbonate material or UV stabilized polycarbonate lenses on inner surface.

Urban Comments:

LED signal lighting unit shall be provided with a curved transparent cover of UV stabilized
polycarbonate material having a thickness of 2.5 mm ± 0 .5 mm. used in Main & Calling ON signal
lighting units. LED Route, Shunt & Signals of Metro Railway tunnels shall be of stabilized

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polycarbonate lenses with steps inside the surface. The centre of the lens shall be 6.5 ± 0 .5 mm thick
for LED Route & Signals of Metro Railway tunnels.

GAEC Comments:
LED Signals for Kolkata Metro can also be acceptable without steps if overall
requirements are met.

R.T.VISION Comments:
LED signal lighting unit shall be provided with a curved transparent cover of UV stabilized
polycarbonate material having a thickness of 2.5 mm ± .5 mm. LED signals for use in tunnels
in Metro Railway, Kolkata, Route and shunt signal shall have UV stabilized cover of
polycarbonate material or UV stabilized polycarbonate lenses on inner surface.

RDSO Comments:
The proposed clause is same as existing and only provisions for Metro Railway has been added. Thus
no change is required except inclusion for provision for Metro Railway tunnel use.

6.1.17 Body of LED signal lighting unit shall be made of industrial grade plastic like ABS
or fiber glass. Metallic body parts may be used where these facilitate heat
dissipation. LED Signal Unit shall get fitted securely on the existing signal
housings without any modification on them.

WCR Comments:
A gasket needs to be provided on the face matching with the body of the signal
unit. It is suggested that a gasket made of EPDM-20 rubber pasted on the unit rim
with the help of Anaerobic adhesive like super glue etc. should be provided.

RDSO comments:
Suggestion of WCR is acceptable.

6.1.19 Number of LEDs used should not be less than 60 for Red and Yellow, 30 for Green
Main LED signal lighting units, 30 for Calling ON, 16 for Route and13 for Shunt
signal lighting units. Variation from stipulated number may be considered based on
merits of the design.

R.T.VISION Comments:
Number of LEDs used should not be less than 60 for Red and Yellow, 30 for Green Main LED
signal lighting units, 30 for Calling ON, 16 for Route and13 for Shunt signal lighting units.
Variation from stipulated number may be considered based on merits of the design. Route and
shunt with min. 6 LEDs may be permitted on special case after field trial for removing tube
light effect.

RDSO comments:
No change required in clause as variations are already permitted based on merit of design.

6.1.23 Sensing of illumination, if used, shall activate after signal lighting unit is
completely lit to prevent hunting.

R.T.VISION Comments:
Current and voltage sensing or photodiode is to be used to ensure signal lighting unit is
completely lit to prevent hunting.
RDSO comments: No restriction is needed to use only photo diode to sense illumination.
Hence no change in clause needed.

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6.1.26 At least 10% LEDs of every procured lot shall be tested before use to check
electrical/optical characteristics as per LED manufacturer’s data sheet. Lot-wise
test record shall be maintained, which may be verified by inspecting officials.

R.T.VISION Comments:
At least 5% LEDs of every procured lot shall be tested before use to check electrical/optical
characteristics as per LED manufacturer’s data sheet. Lot-wise test record shall be maintained, which
may be verified by inspecting officials.

RDSO comments: No need to reduce sampling percentage.

6.1.27 Number of LEDs and their Part no. shall not be changed without prior approval of

R.T.VISION Comments:
Number of LEDs and their Part no. shall not be changed without prior approval of RDSO.
Except in case the manufacturer changes the relevant part No. by upgrading existing part No.

RDSO comments:
No change required. If manufacturer changes relevant part no., approval of RDSO
shall be required.


6.2.6 An MOV of rating 200V shall be there at the input of the CR to take care of power

WCR Comments:
MOV should not be used as it fails with short circuit, which will allow the current
flow in the circuit and ECR will pick up, while there may be no light on the signal.
Also there should not be any other components in the circuitry of the current
regulator, which will extend a short circuit on the cable. In place of MOV a GD
tube will be a better option.

Urban Comments:
An MOV of rating 200V or nearest equivalent shall be there at the input of the CR
to take care of power surges

R.T.VISION Comments:
An MOV of rating 130V shall be there at the input of the CR to take care of power surges of
epcos/vishay make

RDSO comments: Besides MOVs, provision of GD tubes may be permitted.

6.2.7 A line filter circuit in a failsafe manner shall be provided at the input of the current
regulator unit.

GAEC Comments:
Transformer in lieu of line filter shall be acceptable. Transformer will act as heavy inductor and
therefore will oppose any change in line voltages. This will reduce the stress on further electronic
components caused by input surges. Also because of high in rush currents, the peak of the surges will get
lowered and further can cause reduced stress on the circuit.

R.T.VISION Comments:

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A line filter circuit in a failsafe manner shall be provided at the input of the current regulator
unit. With D class protection using a 3 leg mov.

RDSO comments:
No change required. A line filter circuit will provide smoothening of the input feed and will
provide some protection from incoming line disturbances. This feature has already been accepted by
most vendors in their modified CRUs as a better solution.

6.2.8 Bridge rectifiers used in the unit shall be 2 in no. in parallel and each rectifier
should have 2 diodes in series to provide redundancy in case of failures.

GAEC Comments:
Redundancy of diodes will result in prolonging the failure and in no case can avoid failures.
Since failure of the diodes is undetectable, it even cannot give preventive alarm regarding the failure. It
may increase the availability for some time but cannot improve reliability of the system. Increasing
number of components in the system will result in lower MTBF of the system.

RDSO comments:
While using double bridge rectifier, failure of a single diode will not cause failure of the signal
thereby improving the reliability and availability of the system. This aspect was decided during
meeting of all vendors in 2009 and subsequently modifications in current regulators were done. Most
vendors have already submitted their modified samples which have been tested also. Use of redundant
bridge rectifier has now been incorporated in the design of almost all vendors. In view of above, no
change in clause is recommended.

6.2.9 Electrolytic capacitors in power circuit shall be used in series parallel combination
to achieve failsafe redundancy.

GAEC Comments:
Redundancy for filter capacitors will improve availability for some time. However, due to
more components, it will reduce the MTBF of the system. Moreover, if one capacitor fails in the
system, it will lead to increase in input current which may even lead to unsafe side failure.

RDSO comments:
This is not agreeable. Since series parallel combination of capacitors is to be used
in failsafe manner, failure of one component will not cause any unsafe event.

6.2.10 If there is any external resistance in the design, it shall be of SMD type and in
series parallel combination to achieve failsafe redundancy.

Efftronics comments:
Due to the retrofit arrangement of the Current Regulator in the existing housing it
is difficult to accommodate the SMD Resistors in the existing size while achieving
thermal stability and insulation resistance. Hence high Reliability Power Resistors
like Aluminum housed power resister in the parallel combination shall be allowed.

R.T.VISION Comments:

If there is any extra current resistance in the design, it shall be of SMD type or heatsink type
resistance and should be mounted outside on heatsink type PCB only. and in series parallel
combination to achieve failsafe redundancy.

RDSO comments:

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Since heat generated will now reduce due to use of only LED ECRs and since it
has already been a feature of modified CRU, no change in the spec. is required.

6.3 A fuse terminal block as per RDSO specification no. RDSO/SPN/189/2004 ver. 1
(or latest) with glass fuse of 0.63 Amp rating as per IEC standard with fuse blown
indication and mounting rail arrangement and MOV of 160V rating should be
supplied alongwith the current regulator for use in signal lighting circuits.

Efftronics comments:
Dimensions and ratings shall be standardized for similarity among all the makes of
the LED Signals.

Urban Comments:
A fuse terminal block as per RDSO specification no. RDSO/SPN/189/2004 ver. 1 (or latest)
with glass fuse of 0.63 Amp rating as per IEC standard with fuse blown indication and mounting rail
arrangement and MOV of 160V rating or nearest equivalent should be supplied along with the current
regulator for use in signal lighting circuits.

GAEC Comments:
Fuse blown indication provided in components are generally sensed through voltage available
on TWO poles of the fuses. One LED with Resistor is generally connected to both contacts. When fuse
blows in the circuit, it may happen sometime that even if fuse is blown, certain current flows through
the circuit through resistor and may lead to unsafe failure.

R.T.VISION Comments:
A fuse terminal block as per RDSO specification no. RDSO/SPN/189/2004 ver. 1 (or latest) with glass
fuse of 0.63 Amp/110V or 0.35Amp/230V rating as per IEC standard without fuse blown indication
and mounting rail arrangement and MOV of 150V rating should be supplied alongwith the current
regulator for use in signal lighting circuits

RDSO comments: In view of remarks from M/s GAEC, the fuse blown indication can be kept as of
neon lamp and the maximum current can be restricted to 2 mA in case of fuse blown indication so that
any unsafe failure may not occur. Besides it, since MOV/GD tube is already being used at the signal,
use of MOV at the fuse block can be removed.

6.4 The electronic components, switches and connectors used shall be of Industrial grade and shall
comply Cl. 5.1 of RDSO/ SPN/144/2004, as applicable. The operating temperature rating of
the capacitors used shall be more than 100 deg. C. The connectors used for interconnection
between current regulator and LED signal lighting unit in case of main signals shall be of
military grade. Glass fuse shall be as per IEC 127.

WCR Comments:
The voltage rating of the capacitor should be more than double that of normal
incidence peak voltage.

RDSO comments: Accepted and clause modified accordingly.

6.7 Total harmonic distortion over full operating voltage range for AC LED signals
shall be less than 20%.

SECR Comments:
The word AC should be removed as there is no DC LED’s.

RDSO comments: Accepted

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6.8 Parts of body of any signal lighting unit as visible from front after fitting in CLS
unit shall be black. Any permanent means e.g. backside of body, collar etc. of
colour of the aspect may be used to indicate aspect colour for Main signal lighting
units. Rest signal lighting units and current regulator shall be of black colour.

New clause proposed by WCR

6.9 The current regulator should be hermetically sealed.

RDSO comments: Acceptable. Covered in cl. 6.1.18


SECR Comments:
There is no need for separate 24 V LED Signal for Road Traffic Signal. Existing 110V
AC LED units are being employed for this too for uniformity.

Moreover, there is a requirement of ECR for Gate Signal too as CRS wants that road traffic
Signal aspect should also be repeated in the Gate panel.

GAEC Comments:
Approval for this items should be given as lot of Railways is procuring this material without RDSO
inspection from non RDSO approved firm. Samples have been submitted to RDSO/Lucknow by us.
RDSO/Lucknow vide their No. STS/E/EL-LED/General Auto Dtd. 01.03.2005 has given provisional
approval for supply of 100 Nos. Red & 100 Nos. Yellow LED Signal aspect for LC Gates against P. O. No.
31067 Dtd. 12.01.2005 of M/s. Central Electronics Ltd./Sahibabad in connection with Trial installation of
TAWD Project.

R.T.VISION Comments:
Our type test samples have been submitted in the year 2005 and the same have been tested
however formal approval is awaited whereas Railway has been purchasing same with one year
warranty and Chinese LEDs from unknown sources not available in RDSO vendors list.

RDSO comments:
Comments of SECR can be accepted and the clause 7.0 for road signals may be deleted

7.4 For use at level crossing gates for road traffic, LED signal lighting units shall have operating
parameters as per Table- IV given below:

Sl. No. Parameter L C Gate Signal for

road traffic
1. Rated voltage at Input terminals of Current Regulator 24V +20%

2. Minimum Illumination measured at 1.5m from LED Signal 150 LUX

Lighting Unit in axial direction at rated voltage
3. Colour Red Yellow

Table IV

GAEC Comments:
Sl. No. Parameter L C Gate Signal for Road Traffic
1. Rated voltage at Input terminals of Current Regulator Input voltage 24V DC ± 20%
Input current 250mA D ± 20%
2. Minimum Illumination measured at 1.5m from LED Signal Lighting Min. 130 LUX
Unit in axial director at rated voltage
3. Colour Red Yellow

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RT Vision Comments:
Illumination measured at 1.5m from LED signal lighting unit in axial direction at rated voltage
150 lux -10% +60%

RDSO comments:
Clause for LED signals for road use may be deleted

7.6 Current regulator shall be inbuilt in the signal lighting unit.

GAEC Comments:
Number of LEDs shall be increased to get the specified illumination and visibility
RDSO’s Comments:
Clause for LED signals for road use may be deleted.

R.T.VISION Comments:
Current regulator shall be inbuilt in the signal lighting unit 250mA - 20%+40%

RDSO comments: Clause for LED signals for road use may be deleted.

7.9 Dispersion angle of signal lighting units for use at level crossing gates for road
traffic, measured as per Annexure II, shall be as given in Table – IV for shunt signal
lighting units.

GAEC Comments:
Dispersion angle = 4º to 10º

RDSO comments: Clause for LED signals for road use may be deleted.


7.3 A Operating parameters:

Operating parameters of various types of LED lighting units when used with
ECR’s as per RDSO specification STS/E/Relays/AC lit LED Signal/09-2002 shall
be as follows:

Sl. Parameter Main Signal for use in

No. tunnels
1. Rated voltage at Input terminals 110V +20 %AC (rms), 50Hz
2. Current at rated voltage per unit at Input terminals 140 mA ± 20% (rms)
3. Illumination measured at 1.5m from LED Signal Lighting 80 LUX 80 LUX 80 LUX
Unit in axial direction at rated voltage –10% –10% –10%
+ 40% + 40% + 40%
4. Colour Red Yellow Green

Table V
R.T.VISION Comments:

Current at rated voltage per unit at input terminals 95-155mA AC(rms)

Illumination measured at 1.5m from LED signal lighting unit in axial direction at rated voltage
Red 80 lux -10%+60%
Yellow 80 lux -10%+60%
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Green 80 lux-10%+60%

RDSO comments:
No change is required as tolerances are same as are at present.

7.4 A Design criteria

7.4.2A Green and Yellow aspect shall be designed to extinguish in case of failure resulting
in non-correspondence with ECR. In such case, input current shall be limited to
≤10 mA to ensure dropping of ECR to avoid double aspect due to cascading circuit.
In case of extinguishing of lamp due to an intermittent failure, it should restore
automatically if failure disappears.
R.T.VISION Comments:
Green and Yellow aspect shall be designed to extinguish in case of failure resulting in non-
correspondence with ECR. In such case, input current shall be limited to "10 mA to ensure
dropping of ECR to avoid double aspect due to cascading circuit. In case of extinguishing of
lamp due to an intermittent failure, it should not restore automatically if failure disappears and
would restore only on resetting the signal

GAEC comments
Self restoring operations should be avoided as it may lead to unsafe failure in certain cases.
Even EN-50129 is not allowing such kind of operations.

RDSO comments: Accepted. Clause modified accordingly

7.4.3A In case of Red aspect, design should not force blanking. In such case input current
drawn by the LED Signal shall be limited to less than Drop Away current of LED
ECR to ensure dropping of ECR. In case of extinguishing of lamp due to an
intermittent failure, it should restore automatically if failure disappears.

R.T.VISION Comments:
In case of Red aspect, design should not force blanking. In such case input current drawn by
the LED Signal shall be limited to less than Drop Away current of LED ECR to ensure dropping of
ECR. In case of extinguishing of lamp due to an intermittent failure, it should not restore
automatically if failure disappears and would restore only on resetting the signal

RDSO comments: Accepted. Clause modified accordingly

7.6 A No. of LED’s used should not be less than 16 for Red, and Yellow and should not
be less than 7 for Green aspect. Variations from stipulated nos. can be considered
based on merits on the design.

R.T.VISION Comments:
No. of LED’s used should not be less than 30 for Red, and Yellow and should not be less than
15 for Green aspect. Variations from stipulated nos. can be considered based on merits on the design.
This necessary for safety.

GAEC comments:
Number of LEDs shall be increased to get the specified illumination and visibility criteria.

RDSO comments: The provision for variation in no. of LEDs used is already there in the
proposed clause. No change required.


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8.2 Applied high voltage test for LED signal lighting unit, current regulator: The
equipment shall withstand for one minute without puncture and arcing a test
voltage of 2000Volts rms applied between

(a) body and all AC line terminals looped together

(b) body and all DC line terminals looped together

(For testing with part of body which is used as heat sink, test voltage shall be
1500Volts rms)
The test voltage shall be alternating of approximately sinusoidal waveform of any
frequency between 50 Hz and 100 Hz. In case of LED signal lighting unit, it should
not generate any spark during the test.
R.T.VISION Comments:

Applied high voltage test for LED signal lighting

unit, current regulator: The equipment shall
withstand for one minute without puncture and
arcing a test voltage of 2000Volts rms applied
(a) body and all AC line terminals looped (a) body and all AC line terminals
together looped together
(b) body and all DC line terminals looped There are no DC terminals
(For testing with part of body which is used as heat (For testing with part of body which is used as
sink, test voltage heat sink, test
shall be 1500Volts rms) voltage shall be 1100Volts rms)

RDSO comments: Deletion of part (b) above accepted as no DC is there. However, testing
voltage can not be reduced.


ii) Spike protection shall be provided in the LED Signal Units. This shall be achieved
by reliable means.

WCR Comments:
The type of spike protection devices to be provided, if any should be clearly
specified with complete specifications.

RDSO comments: Provision of MOV/GD tube and line filter is already there, these may take
care of ordinary spikes. However, in areas where surges and spikes are significant, option to
provide an additional isolation transformer /Surge Protection Device of suitable rating is
always there with the railways.
In view of above, the clause 8.5 (ii) may be deleted.


WCR Comments:
The following tests should also be included in the acceptance test:

(a) Climatic test as per clause 8.1, 8.1.1, and 8.1.2. This may be done on a small sample, picked
up from field supplies occasionally as an assurance of consistent quality maintenance.

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This will minimize the possibility of dilution of quality by the vendor subsequent to the

RDSO comments:
The suggestion of WCR is for post supply checks which have no relation with acceptance tests.
No change in clause is therefore required. The matter may be dealt separately.

The supplier shall give a warrantee of 60 months for all types of LED signal
lighting units and current regulators.

WCR Comments:
Warrantee period of the item should be same as the life of the unit itself. This will
avoid complications in the field for maintenance and repairs of the units, though it
may initially cost a little more.

R.T.VISION Comments:
The supplier shall give a warrantee of 36 months for all types of LED signal lighting units and
current regulators.

RDSO comments: It is not a general practice for any of the equipment to have lifetime warranty. A
period of 60 months of warranty is quite long and is adequate. The scope of warranty needs to be
widened covering all equipments. Clause is therefore changed slightly.


13.3 The anodized name plate shall be firmly attached to every unit and shall show the
following information:

(a) Name or trademark of the manufacturer

(b) Serial number of the unit
(c) Version No. of the unit*
(d) RDSO’s specification number
(e) Name and aspect of the signal
(f) Operating voltage- 110V AC or 24V DC, as applicable
(g) Month and year of manufacture

*In case of an alteration in the design of a unit, new version number shall be

R.T.VISION Comments:
The anodized name plate shall be firmly attached to every unit or a non erasable permanent
printing would be done on body/Heatsink and shall show the following information.

RDSO comments: No printing is allowed as it may be erased after some time. No change in clause is

Following documents shall be supplied: -
(a) Two copies of Installation and maintenance manual. This should also include
following information:
(i) Guaranteed performance data, technical and other particulars
(ii) Schematic block diagram showing mounting arrangement of various
components & details of each type of assembled PCB

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(iii) Details of Hardware e.g. schematic diagrams of the system circuits/
components, details for each type of assembled PCB and part list
(iv) Mechanical drawings of every unit
(v) Part no. and manufacturer’s data sheet of LEDs used
(vi) Trouble shooting procedure alongwith test voltages and waveforms at
various test points in the PCBs
(vii)Dos & Don’ts (Pocket size laminated cards)

(b) Pre-Commissioning check list

WCR comments:
Complete set of documentation may be supplied with each set of 10 units, rather
than with every unit.

RDSO comments: Accepted and clause modified accordingly.

Other Suggestions:

There should be some provision for self-restoring type lighting protection, as there are
too many failures of current Regulators during Lightening.

RDSO comments: Line filter and MOV/GD tube already added in the specification.

Instapower suggestions:

1. Conventional relays, requiring additional dummy loads, should be eliminated for LED
signals as it causes unnecessary heating. Therefore the signalling system need not be
compatible to conventional ECR.

2. Similarly the concept of DC power should be dropped from the specification.

3. Products should be tested for max. ambient of 60 deg. C as the ambient temperature in
India does not go beyond 50 degree C. and by unnecessarily subjecting the products to higher
temperatures for a long period we are reducing its life.

4. The option of LED makes should be expanded as done Electrical directorate as there
are better LED manufacturers available with better light output.

5. The linear power supplies heat more and are generally non-isolated. SMPS is better
and the latest technology and adopted by all directorates of railways. Therefore for greater
reliability SMPS current regulator should be made mandatory.

RDSO comments:
1. Conventional ECRs already eliminated from proposed LED signal specs.
2. Provision of DC power for main signals already removed from specs. of LED signals.
3. Testing has to be as per Safety & Reliability Requirement of Electronic Equipments
RDSO spec. RDSO/SPN/144/2006.
4. Manufacturer base of LEDs can be increased in due course after evaluation.

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5. There are different designs already in approval, as such changing the type of power
supply will require major changes in designs of many vendors so it may be added at a
later stage, if needed

WCR Comments:
It will be highly desirable to have interchangeability of current regulators and LED units
amongst the vendors. The inputs, outputs and connectivity may be defined so that the current
regulators of any make can work with LED units of any other make.

RDSO remarks:
In present design, interchangeability is not possible, however a separate specification for
LED Signal Lamps (Integrated type) is already under finalization/approval which covers this

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