Bando Mar Musa 25 - ENG
Bando Mar Musa 25 - ENG
Bando Mar Musa 25 - ENG
a.y. 2024/25
By Rectoral Decree number 1832/2024 of 29th February 2024 it is approved the Call of
This is a courtesy translation of the Call.
Art. 1 – Subject, amount and duration
The University of Milan participate in an education project together with MAR MUSA
Monastery in Syria. The project aims to support Syrian students in starting or continuing
their University Education at the University of Milan.
For the academic year 24/25 the University has reserved up to 4 scholarships of € 6,000
each, and a shared room in one of the University Hall of Residence.
Mar Musa Monastery will proceed with a first selection of the students and will indicate to
the university a list of pre-selected candidates. Candidates will be chosen among students
in economic need, facing family troubles or who were distinguished for voluntary works.
The University through a specific selection procedure will assign the scholarship to the
most deserving candidates.
Pre-selected candidates must hold a qualification valid for admission to the chosen Degree
Program. Moreover, must also meet the following requirements:
1. For the admission to bachelors or master courses: submit the admission request
following deadlines and modalities indicated in the call of application or on the
University website.
2. Sit and pass the entrance examination test or self-evaluation test if required by the
call of application of the programme.
Mar Musa Monastery representative shall send the list of the pre-selected candidates by
e-mail to: from from 4th March to 28th March 2024.
Art. 5 – Application documents
Candidates reported by the Monastery must fill and send by the same deadline indicated
on article 4 the following on line form:
The Committee of Experts will evaluate the documentation according to the following
- Entry requirements to the study course (score: 0-10)
- GPA (score: 0-3)
- Curriculum vitae (Score: 0-2)
At the end of the first step, by 15th Aprile 2024, a partial ranking will be published on the
website at the page devoted to the scholarship information.
Candidates will be considered eligible for step 2 if they will reach at least a score of 8/15.
Candidates admitted to Step 2 will be notified by e-mail also on the date and time of the
Art.6.2 – On-line interview
Candidates admitted to step 2 will be interviewed by the Committee of Expert, who will
evaluate their technical skills, competence on the subject as well as their mastering of
English or Italian language, according to the language of instruction of the course chosen.
Final ranking will result as a sum of the two steps of evaluation as for art. 6.1 and 6.2.
The ranking is organised in decreasing order of points.
For equal points, preference will be given to the younger candidate.
The final ranking and the list of winners will be approved by Rectoral Decree.
Candidates who will score less than 18/30 points will not be included in the final ranking.
The final ranking will be published by 16th of May 2024 on the website at
the page devoted to the scholarship information. Winners will be informed by e-mail as
Winners must accept the scholarship by 10 working days from the date of publication of
the ranking, by sending an email using informastudenti service.
Eligible candidate for open access degree course or transfers will receive by email all the
instruction on how to proceed with matriculation.
Eligible candidate for degree course with entrance examination test will first need to sit
and pass the entrance test required for admission.
Eligible candidates need also to submit VISA registration following the modalities indicated
by the Italian Ministry of Instruction.
Once the student will reach Italy, they will need to complete their matriculation by
submitting the documents due for all the International Students and listed at this link::
The amount of € 6,000 will be paid into two installments of € 3,000 each.
• The first installment of € 3,000 will be paid at the arrival after the submission of
all the documents due for completing the matriculation.
• The second installment of € 3,000 will be paid only in case the student will pass 30%
of the university credits (CFU) indicated on the student information booklet of the
course for the year of enrollment, by 10th August of the current academic year.
The bed in the shared room will be assigned upon arrival. Candidates are kindly invited to
inform the University about any disability which can affect the choice of the
accommodation assigned (e.g., motor disability)
Art. 10 – Renewal of the scholarship
The scholarship will be automatically renewed for the following academic year and for a
period equal to the normal duration of the programme, only in case of regular enrolment
in a year following the one attended and, on the condition, to have earned 50% of the
university credits (CFU) by the 10th of August of the current academic year (30% if the
candidate is enrolled into a degree course of the Medical Area).
The payment of € 6,000 will be done in one single instalment.
If the renewal requirement will not be earned by the 10th of August, half of the scholarship
can be assigned to those students who meet the merit requirement by 30th of November.
In this case the bed in the dorm will be guarantee until 31 st March of the sub sequential
year. In case the student would like to prolong his/her stay it will be asked to pay the
monthly rent for the room (€ 400).
If on 30th November the student will not have satisfied the merit requirement the
scholarship will not be renewed and the student will have to repay the cost of the dorm
for the previous 6 months.
In case the student will loss the scholarship for not having fulfilled the merit requirements,
it will be request to refund the amount received and to pay for the academic fees due.
Art. 12 - Incompatibility
Mar Musa scholarship cannot be combined with any other form of scholarship, including
the DSU scholarship and the Erasmus scholarship.
The winners of the scholarship have the right to be exempted from the second installment
of the University fee.
The Rector
Elio Franzini
Name and Surname:……………………………
Date and place of birth:………………………………..
Address: ………………………………..
Mobile phone:………………………
Passport number:
From…. To….
Job role
Company name
Describe responsibility and what do you do in this role
From…. To….
Job role
Company name
Describe responsibility and what do you do in this role
Degree or current University Studies (if any)
Date - University, Faculty/Department, Degree course: thesis title and score
Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) should be stated in the CV, and GPA
documentation should be included in the application (including each semester GPA and
cumulative GPA)
High school
Date – name of high school and type of diploma - score
Other formative experiences
From…. To….: School name, town, course title
Levels of knwoledge: M: mother tongue, A: elementary, B: intermediate, C: advanced
Language certifications:
Please list here any language certification you have gained. Scanned copy of the
certification must be attached to the application
I authorize the processing of personal data contained in my curriculum vitae according to art.
13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and art. 13 GDPR (EU Regulation 2016/679) for the sole
purpose of personnel research and selection.
I authorize the University of Milan to publish my passport number – without any other
personal data - as identification code for the publication of the scholarship ranking.
I hereby declare to accept without reserve all the terms and condition specify in
I also declare to promptly inform the University about any change in the provided
Place, Date and Signature