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Above all the researchers we would like to thank first our almighty God who

always showered us with guidance, knowledge and courage upon encountering

difficulties in making this research project. Also, the researchers would like to thank

the following amazing persons who supported throughout this journey. To the

program head and research instructor Ms. Mariel Namalata, RSW and also to our

college dean Mrs.Lhea J. Gloria, RSW, MSW who always had their back whenever

we need guidance in making the papers.

Furthermore, the researcher would like to extend their everlasting gratitude

especially to the dearest School President & CEO Dr. Eufemio Javier for allowing us

to conduct this research study. The researcher are full heatedly thankful to all

instructors, Classmates, schoolmates and parents for having this study successful.

To express our thanks to those who contributed in many ways in the success

of this study and made it to unforgettable experience to the researchers.

Our almighty God who is always there in times of our needs, failure and

struggle, thank you for guiding us in our ways going at home, protecting us from evils

and giving us the strength in our daily life.

To our dear parents who give us motivations and inspirations to go further our

study. They have given us the full support. They give us opinions and

understanding .Without their support this research would not have been made


To our beloved instructor Ms. Mariel G. Namalata ,which has been our

instrumental in shaping our research skills and knowledge. She has been our

invaluable asset to our academic and professional growth. To some friends out there

who gives us the courage to strive hard.

To school faculty and staff who help us to find our respondents easily thank you

for your time and active guidance for us, without your cooperation our time will give

us hardship to pursue this research.Finally, I would dedicate this research to all those

students age 13.6 years old grade 8 students of Sibugay Technical Institute

Incorporated who will be our respondents hopefully this will remind to you that this is

not just a paper but a guidance to protection in the near future. Thank you all for your

unwavering support and encouragement throughout this research study journey


Approval Sheet.............................................................................................................ii



Title Page.......................................................................................................................i


Chapter Page


Background of the study

Statement of the problem

Objectives of the study

Significance of the study

Scope and delimitation

Conceptual framework/theoretical framework

Definition of terms

Related literature with citation and relevance to the study


Type of research used

Respondents of the study

Research instrument

Data gathering procedure

Statistical treatment data

Validation of instrument


Data Analysis/Interpretation of data






Literature cited

Appendices (letter of request, research instrument, certification of


Research information etc.


This study aims to determine the impact of social media to the social emotional

development of the children in which social media platforms has been accessible to

anyone even children who are exposed to social media at young age that can may

affect to them whether positive or negative emotionally and it may be helpful if you

used it properly and can help their studies to improve but if you abused it may cause

negative impacts to the children emotional development. The purpose of this study is

to investigate how the impact of social media affect the children emotional

development and if it’s helpful or not to studies.



In today's world, children are born and raised in the digital world wherein both

the home environment and other surrounding environments they are exposed to and

immersed into a life consumed by an array of digital devices and concepts (Akyar and

Sapsaglam, 2019). Social media plays an important role in the lives of many tween

and teens. More than one-third (35%) of 13- 17-year-olds reported using social media

sites such as YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook "almost

constantly" in 2022. And while many social media platforms set a minimum age of 13

to sign up, 38% of kids ages 8-12 say they have used social media. Most social media

platforms require users to be aged 13 or older. Nonetheless, the report found that a

majority of children under 13 had their own profile on at least one social media app or

site. One-third of parents of children aged five to seven said their child had a profile,

which rose to 60% among children aged eight to 11. Overcoming these age

restrictions is clearly not a difficult task. Children simply supply a fake age when

setting up their account. Meanwhile, some children have multiple accounts on the

same platform – one for their friends, and another for their parents. The report also

found that roughly 16% of three and four-year-olds watch videos on TikTok. This

could be children being shown videos by a parent or somebody else, and does not

mean they have their own account. But they are still being exposed to social media

content at a very young age. With these findings in mind, it’s timely to take a look at

what we know about how social media use can affect children across different age

groups (Kuss, 2022).

According to the National Library of the Medicine, social interaction over the

Internet or simply social network consulting may play an important part in the lives of

many young people, influencing them and their relationship with self-esteem and

well-being. Not being guided and monitored in Internet fruition, the young may be

exposed to several risks, including cyber bullying which affects 7% of children aged

11–13 years and 5.2% of 14–17 years old adolescents or stalking which affects more

than 600 minors in Italy. On social media, the young are more vulnerable and may

display risk behavior, including pertaining substance abuse, sexual behaviors, or

violence. As your child makes the transition from being a 12-year-old kid to a 13-

year-old adolescent, you are bound to see some interesting changes. Not only will

your child be making a mental shift as they begin to view themself as a teenager, but

they also will be experiencing a variety of physical and emotional changes as well.

For instance, your 13-year-old may become sensitive to their changing bodies or take

notice of the changes in their peers if they are slower to develop.1 This realization

may cause them to worry that they are different or abnormal in some way—especially

if they are not growing body hair or have not hit a growth spurt yet. They also will be

experiencing a variety of emotional changes they begin to spend more time with their

peers (Gordon,2022). Parents and caregivers play the most vital role in social and

emotional development in early childhood. They are the primary source of care and

learning for a child. However, other people, including extended family members,

teachers, and other community members, may also contribute to a child's

understanding of emotions and social relationships. The National Library of the

Medicine in 2020, A systematic review of 20 studies found that use of social media

was associated with body image concerns and disordered eating. In a randomized

study, female participants reported more negative mood after just 10 minutes of
browsing their Facebook account compared with those who browsed an appearance-

neutral control website. Moreover, participants who were high in appearance

comparison tendency reported an increased desire to change the appearance of their

face, hair or skin after spending time on Facebook, in comparison with those who

browsed the control website. The nature of social media interactions, which are arm’s

length, makes negative commenting both easy and more frequent than in-person

interactions with peers. An Ontario survey of middle- and high school students

showed that the odds of suicidal idealization, plans and attempts were all significantly

higher among those who had experienced cyber bully, even after controlling for a

range of potential con-founders.

Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which people understand

their abilities, solve everyday life problems, work well, and make a significant

contribution to the lives of their communities. There is debated presently going on

regarding the benefits and negative impacts of social media on mental health. Social

networking is a crucial element in protecting our mental health. Both the quantity and

quality of social relationships affect mental health, health behavior, physical health,

and mortality risk. The Displaced Behavior Theory may help explain why social

media shows a connection with mental health. According to the theory, people who

spend more time in sedentary behaviors such as social media use have less time for

face-to-face social interaction, both of which have been proven to be protective

against mental disorders. On the other hand, social theories found how social media

use affects mental health by influencing how people view, maintain, and interact with

their social network. A number of studies have been conducted on the impacts of

social media, and it has been indicated that the prolonged use of social media

platforms such as Facebook may be related to negative signs and symptoms of

depression, anxiety, and stress. Furthermore, social media can create a lot of pressure

to create the stereotype that others want to see and also being as popular as others

(Alexander & Adler, 2020).

Background of the Study

In today’s society, media is connected to almost everything that humans interact

with. It can be used in education, finance, entertainment, and for social interactions.

Almost every week there is something new being discussed in the field of

technological study field regarding media. Whether it is a new app, a new phone, or

even a new song, media can have profound influences on people’s attitudes and

beliefs. One might argue that given the prominent role that technology plays in the

21st century, it is important to consider its effects on human development.

Technology gave birth to social media, which has been on the rise since its creation.

Children’s have become attached to smartphones in recent years, which can act as a

gateway to social media and its many features. If that is the case, then precautions

need to be taken and attention needs to be paid to social media and its use in order to

understand the possible detriment that may occur to an adolescent’s development. The

issue that can occur with the use of social media is that children can possibly start an

account earlier than what the social networking site requires by just changing their

birthday. Garber (2014) states that most social media sites, such as Facebook,

Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat require that the users are 13 years old or older.

Youtube requires that the account holders are 18 years old or older, but they also

allow children as young as 13 to join as long as they have their parent’s permission.

The problem here is that there are a growing number of children signing up for social

media at a younger age than what the sites require, with or without their parents
knowing (Garber, 2014). It is important to emphasize the possible harm that may

occur through the use of social media and if a child is using it at an age that is not

even close to being appropriate, then that can be especially harmful. The Children’s

Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is a law that was passed in 1998 that protects

every child under the age of 13 from having their personal information collected, and

the operators of the websites and online services must provide notice and permission

from parents if it was going to occur (Garber, 2014). This law can only protect

children under 13, so if a child lies about their age on social media, then there is

nothing that COPPA can protect. This can cause numerous ethical issues. Private

information of the child is more vulnerable, research studies can be disrupted, and the

companies themselves can be liable if anything serious occurs. Children’s is the next

step in the lifespan and that is when children will be able to think and reason more

logically, which can avoid situations like this, but until then it is the parent’s

responsibility to monitor their children and assist them in understanding why they

should not lie about their age on social media. Children’s are starting to figure

themselves out and trying to explore their environment to form an identity. They are

also undergoing major changes physically, cognitively, and socially. Media can

influence some of these features of development since it changes the way people

communicate and allows them to be connected at all times of day. As practitioners in

the field of Psychology and Education, we need to make sure that the decisions we are

making, in connection with media, are developmentally appropriate for adolescents.

These developmentally appropriate decisions should take into account all of the

developmental domains. If they do, then there needs to be a reexamination, so that a

child may develop successfully in all aspects of their life.

Statement of the problem

This research seeks to determine and to find solutions to the impact of social

media on the social-emotional development of children under 13 and 6 months years

old among Grade 8 students of Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated. The

proponents were also determined to find solutions to the following questions through

the process of the study:

Determining the students’ gender influence the habit of social media usage

1. To be able to know how the Grade 8 students of Sibugay Technical Institute

Incorporated students spend time using social media in one day.

2. To determine how social media affects the health of Grade 8 students of Sibugay

Technical Institute Incorporated students?

3. Finding out if social media really helpful to the Grade 8 students of Sibugay

Technical Institute Incorporated students on their specialized subjects


HO: There is no significant impact of social media on the social emotional

development of children under 13 and 6 months years old among Grade 8 students of

Sibugay technical institute incorporated.

HA: There is a significant impact of social media on the social emotional

development of children under 13 and 6 months years old among Grade 8 students of

Sibugay technical institute incorporated.

Significance of the study

This section is devoted to the significance of this study:


To know the influences that social media delivers on their students, so as to assist

them to illuminate and raise awareness to the students, to be capable to utilize social

media effectively and efficiently.


In the sense that they will know the possible effects of social media on their children.

Keeping their eye on them may be a way to protect, guide and discipline their children

to become literate and responsible social media users.


They will know what can be the positive and negative effects that they can acquire in

using social media, they may turn the negative into a positive thing, through that, they

will be knowledgeable enough to do best practices of social media and get the benefits

of communication, applications and technologies for their future career and personal


It may serve as a wakeup call to the government officials to take an action on how to

end the insufficient and irresponsible usage of social media that made a great impact

to the 21'st century learners.

Next researchers

This will help them to gathered more experience and resourceful information as they

want to expand more to their research study

Scope of the study

The main focus of this research is to find out the impact of social media on the

social-emotional development of children and respondents should be under 13 and 6

months years old among Grade 8 students of Sibugay Technical Institute

Incorporated. This study will be carried with the estimated 25 male respondents and

25 female respondents in junior high grade 8 students with a total of 50 respondents

of junior high school grade 8 students in Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated.

Our respondents will be answering a survey questionnaire regarding their first

semestral grades of their specialized subjects, the time and money they spend on

social media, the effects of its usage to their emotional and health, the general time of
their social media usage, and the hours they spent using social media in various

purposes; study purposes. The study will be held at Sibugay Technical Institute


Definition of terms

Abuse- use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse.

Cyber Bullying- sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content

about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about

someone else, causing embarrassment or humiliation.

COPPA- Children's Online Privacy Protection Act

Emotional- arousing or characterized by intense feeling.

Mental Health- a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of

life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their


Sexual Behavior- all activities which gratify an individual's sexual needs.

Social Media- interactions among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange

information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.

Violence- behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or

Theoretical Framework

Social media causes increased use and problems due to their attractions.

Hence, it can affect mental health, especially in students. The present study was

conducted with the aim of determining the relationship between the use of social

media and the mental health of students. Students have been observed increasing their

usage of social media applications as it has become central to everyday life. Students

can use different forms of social media to connect, share, and view a myriad of

content. When influenced by posts, social media can have a significant impact on

their lives. Social media can be a form of social support, but it can also have a

negative effect on mental health. With the increase in use, social media can provoke

individuals to begin self-comparing or gain an unrealistic expectation of them and

other individuals. This can lead to lower self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth.

This exploratory study attempts to determine the relationship between social media

use and its impact on depression, anxiety, and stress amongst students in higher

education (Iwamoto & Chun, 2022). According to Journal of Psychology and Political

Science, Social media can have both positive and negative impacts on students'

psychological well-being, including emotional distress, anxiety, and even suicidal

ideation due to cyber bullying.

The International Journal of Higher Education In this article, an exploratory

study was conducted to determine the relationship between social media use and its

impact on depression, anxiety, and stress amongst students in higher education,

finding that social media can be a form of social support, but it can also have a

negative effect on mental health. According to Children and Youth Services Review

(Elsevier Science) the authors found that various social media activities are differently

related to mental health, such as socializing, online shopping, and following people

one is not familiar with were significantly related to conduct problems. Children and

teenagers widely use social media, and recent studies have shown that they spend

majority of their time daily in social media pages. This study aims to show the

positive and negative impacts that social media has in the development of the

teenagers. This review brings together work from disparate fields which examine the

relationship between social media and social capital, privacy, youth safety,

psychological well-being, and educational achievement. We observed this

phenomenon in Albania by interviewing teenagers between 11-16 years of age. Those

selected were regular users of social media. The study shows that children and

teenagers were positively affected as social media helped in increasing their

communication abilities, getting information, developing their technical skills, and

how they can effectively use this recent technology. On the other side, they are

exposed to risk of Facebook depression, cyber bullying, and online sexual

harassments. In the conclusions part of this study, some suggestions were given for

further studies (Tartari, 2021).

Conceptual Framework
This study is anchored on the impact of social media on the social emotional

development of children under 13 and 6 months years old among Grade 8 students of

Sibugay technical institute incorporated. This conceptual framework shows the

process of our study on how we come up to this journey. Our inputs will show the

student’s background to be able to seek for information and it will be resourceful for

us researcher to know our respondents well. On the other hand, our process is to give

survey questionnaire to see the impacts of social media to the grade 8 to their socio

emotional and we can be easily to determine which impacts is more affected to the

respondents to see if its negative or positive impacts. As we can see the output will

sow which made the students reason to uses gadgets, in the other and the supporting

outcome is how those persons around tem can minimize social media, guidance and

supports to be able to control from over use of Social Medias.

Figure 1.The Impact of Social Media On The Social-Emotional Development Of

Children Under 13.6 Years Old Among Grade 8 Students Of Sibugay Technical

Institute Incorporated



The number of social media users has increased rapidly in the last few years.

According to the global ‘State of Digital’ report (2021), the number of social media

users reached 4.20 billion, which represents 53% of the world’s total population. This

number has risen by more than 13% compared to the last year (2020). In Tunisia, until

January 2021 the number of social media users has increased to 8.20 million, which

represents 69 percent of the total population, while 97%, are accessed via mobile

phones. According to the ALEXA report (2021),, Facebook are the most

used networks by Tunisian people. Most importantly, 18, 5% of Facebook users are

under 13 years old. Social media is a group of Internet-based applications that build

on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allows the

creation and exchange of user-generated content.” (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2021). The

foundation of social media is the social interaction, which gives the participants

the possibility to share opinions, thoughts, and knowledge in a global forum where

time and place are insignificant . Social media influencers play a greater role in
controlling and influencing the behavior of the consumer especially young people and

teenagers (Sokolova & Kefi, 2020). Actually, the use of Smartphone's has become an

integral part of the lives of both young people and adolescents. According to

Anderson (2018), 95% of teenagers aged between 13 and 17 own a Smartphone. For

young people, the pre-social media era has become something of a blur. This

generation has known as Generation Z where its members were born between the

nineties and the 2000s. According to the ALEXA report (2021),,

Facebook and YouTube are the networks most used by Tunisian people. In addition,

18, 5% of Facebook users are under 13 years old. The use of social media by young

people has recently increased, which led us to ask about the influence of such an

alternative on their psychological and mental conditions, their identity formation, and

their self-estimation.

Today, the main risk faced by preadolescents and adolescents online are risks

from each other, risks of improper use of technology, lack of privacy, sharing

too much information, or posting false information about themselves, this kind of

behaviors puts their privacy at risk. When Internet users visit various Websites, they

can leave behind evidence of which sites they have visited. This collective,

ongoing record of one's Web activity is called the “digital footprint.” One of

the biggest threats to young people on social media sites is that of their

digital footprint and future reputations (O'Keeffeet al., 2011) Preadolescents and

adolescents who lack an awareness of privacy issues often post inappropriate

messages, pictures, and videos without understanding that “what goes online

stays” (Palfrey et al., 2010). Asa result, future jobs and college acceptance may

be put into jeopardy by inexperienced and rash clicks of the mouse (O'Keeffe et

al., 2011).

There are three, complementary, theories that help to explain why extensive

social media use may have a negative effect on children’s wellbeing. All of these

theories draw on research from both economics and psychology, and it is likely that

they are not mutually exclusive, but rather that all of them contribute to altered

wellbeing in individuals who use social media. The first, which we term ‘social

comparison’ theory, posits that increased social media use is linked to more frequent

social comparisons with others (Zuo, 2014). These comparisons are more likely to be

‘upward’ (negative) in direction, given that the material people choose to present

online represents selectively idealised versions of their true appearance, activities, and

achievements (Mendelson and Papacharissi, 2010

A second theory, which we call ‘finite resources’, suggests that extensive time

spent on social media encroaches on other activities known to be beneficial for

psychological wellbeing, such as face-to-face socialising, sports or exercise

participation, and mental relaxation (Moreno et al., 2013; Wallsten, 2013). Recent

work has shown that the link between Facebook use and subsequent negative mood

may be mediated by the interpretation that people have wasted their time on an

activity that was meaningless (Sagioglu and Greitemeyer, 2014), and there is evidence

that passive use of social networking is worse for wellbeing than active usage (e.g.,

Verduyn et al., 2015). In similar vein Bryson and Mackerron (2016) find, from the

large scale Mappiness experience sampling data set,6 that the overall effect of texting,

email and social media use upon happiness when also ‘working or studying’ is

negative and significant.

A third theory, which we call ‘cyberbullying’, relates to the fact that children

who spend more time on social networks have a greater chance of being the victim of

cyberbullying or direct attacks from others on their sense of self, wellbeing, and self-

esteem. Sampasa-Kanyinga and Hamilton (2015) reported a significant increase in the

odds of being victimised for every hour spent using social networking sites.

Cyberbullying is associated with negative impacts on children’s emotional health and

wellbeing (Cowie, 2013). While cyberbullying victimization often overlaps and

correlates with traditional ‘offline’ bullying, the former may be particularly pernicious

because of children’s perceptions of continual connectedness, and that they cannot

escape criticism and ridicule (Slonje et al., 2012).



This chapter presents the methods of the study, the respondents, instruments

used, and the statistical tool applied.

Method of the study

The researcher tends to use quantitative method to measure the relationship of

the impacts of the social media to socio emotional to Grade 8 student of Sibugay

Technical Institute Incorporated. Researcher also uses primary research as to not

expand but to focus only with the researcher’s questions and answers. For a little

addition of method, researcher tends to use descriptive method for allowing

describing the subject and can gather more data on a larger scale
Research Setting

This study was conducted through the grade 8 students of Sibugay Technical

Institute Incorporated at Lower Taway, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were grade 8 students comprising 25 males and

25 female a total of 50 students of STII, junior high school department. To determine

what are impacts of social media on the social emotional development of children

under 13 and 6 months years old.

Research Instrument

The instrument used was made by the researchers entitled “The impact of

social media on the social emotional development of children under 13- and 6-months

years old among Grade 8 students in Sibugay technical institute incorporated” is

composed of 2 categories on how the social media impacts the students the negative

impact and the positive impact, researchers will use recordings and videos and survey

questionnaires as instrument of this research study to show the validity and evidences

as we continue to show our study we created. This research used self-made

questionnaire developed by our group.

Data-Gathering Procedures

The researchers asked permission from the office of the Dean and to our

research teacher allowing them to gather data related to this study. The questionnaires
were personally administered by the researchers to the fifty (50) grade 8 students in

Sibugay Technical Institute Inc.

Statistical Treatment of Data

This study being a descriptive research made use of pie graph and table for its

statistical treatment. The following formulas are:

Reliability and Validity of the Instrument

The designed questionnaire was submitted to the instructor or project

supervisor for approval before distributing it to the respondents. The following

response mode was used

1-Never 2-Rarely 3-Occasionally 4-Often 5-Always

The survey questionnaire utilized the rating scale as a means of identifying

how the given statements closely described the effects of technology to the student’s

performance. The rating scale ranges from 1-5, and described above.


This chapter represents the results, analysis and interpretation of data gathered

from the answers to the questionnaires distributed to Grade 8 student with an age of

13.6 years old. The said data were presented according to the sequence number of the

questionnaire and set the data's according to reach the statement problem.

Table 1: Represent the 1st question, did social Media affect your emotional Status.


(N) (R) (O) (OF) (A)


8 11 16 12 3 50


PERCENTAGE 16% 22% 32% 24% 6% 100%

The 8 respondents who answer Never affected social media in their emotional status,

11 respondent who answer Rarely affected social media in their emotional status, 16

respondents Occasionally affected social media in their emotional status, 12

respondents who answer Often affected social media in their emotional status and 3

respondents answer Always affected by social media in their emotional status.

Pie Graph 1.1. Percentage rate social Media affect your emotional Status.

The pie graph consist the sequence percentage rate of students answers from

the highest percentage to the lowest. 32% who says occasionally, 24% who says

often, 22% who says rarely, 16% says always and lastly the 6% who says never.

As the Researchers tally all the result the biggest number of respondent

determine the most impact to social media, In this #1 question Occasionally has the
biggest number of participant which means some occasionally use social media

because they limited their selves, some preferably use social media once or twice in a

moth to avoid such harassment or other social references such bullies or pictures that

will affect emotional status, The second biggest rate is the respondents who answer

Often, some limited their selves to use social media maybe a twice or thrice in a week

because of making self-more valuable, limit to avoid late sleep that affects help or any

social issues. The third biggest rating is who answers Rarely which students are

capable on doing outdoors than focusing social media on the other half respondents

never feel that social media affects emotional status, thus the 3respondents

corresponds to Always which they began to feel depressed or eaten by anxiety.

Table 2: Represent the 2nd question. Do you use Facebook, twitter, snap chat or other

media in the morning until evening?


(N) (R) (O) (OF) (A)


4 9 11 18 8 50





PERCENTAGE 8% 18% 22% 36% 16% 100%

The 4 respondents answer "Never" use Facebook, Twitter, Snap chat, or other

social media in the morning until evening. The 9 respondents answers "Rarely" use

Facebook, Twitter, Snap chat, or other social media in the morning until evening, 11

respondent answer "Occasionally" use Facebook, Twitter, Snap chat, or other social

media in the morning until evening, 18 respondents answers "Often" use Facebook,

Twitter, Snap chat, or other social media in the morning until evening and lastly 8

respondents answers "Always" use Facebook, Twitter, Snap chat, or other on social

media in the morning until evening.

Pie Graph 1.1. Percentage rate of student use Facebook twitter snap chat or other

social media in the morning until evening.

The pie graph consist the sequence percentage rate of students answers

from the highest percentage to the lowest. 36% who says often, 22% who says

occasionally, 18% who says rarely, 16% says always and lastly the 8% who says

The result of the data gathered definitely the Grade 8 age around 13.6 yrs

old are often using Facebook, Twitter, Snap chat, or other social media in the morning

until evening, some reason out that they have been using it all night for project

posting, online gaming and others are prone to use it especially teenage nowadays

read wattpad as their source of new frictional experience. The more student prone to

social media the more they create new things that gives them the courage to do that's

why social media has negative and positive impacts to teenage.

Table 3: Represent the 3rd question. Did you feel something loneliness, anxiety or

depression after using social media.


(N) (R) (O) (OF) (A)


16 13 9 7 5 50





PERCENTAGE 32 26% 18% 14% 10% 100%

The 16 respondents answer "Never" did they feel something Loneliness,

anxiety, depression after using social media, 13 respondents answer "Rarely" did they

feel something Loneliness, anxiety, depression after using social media, 9 respondents

answer "Occasionally" did they feel something Loneliness, anxiety, depression after

using social media, 7 respondents answer "Often" did they feel something Loneliness,

anxiety, depression after using social media, lastly 5 respondents answer "Always"

did they feel something Loneliness, anxiety, depression after using social media. A

total of 50 respondents participate in every survey.

Pie Graph 3.1: percentage rate student feel something loneliness, anxiety or

depression after using social media

The pie graph consist the sequence percentage rate of students answers from

the highest percentage to the lowest. 32% who says never, 26% who says rarely, 18%

who says occasionally, 14% says often and lastly the 10% who says always.
As we can see the result gathered the majority simplify that they never feel

something Loneliness, anxiety or depression after using social media, this Is a good

thing that students didn't rely only on negatives but they also look it us a positive core.

at the age of 13.6 yrs old teenage that prone to social media will not really consume

all over time in because some parents have guidance and support for their children.

Table 4: Represent the 4th question. Do you rely on social media as a source of

happiness, excitement and joyful to cope up with boredom and loneliness.


(N) (R) (O) (OF (A)



4 5 12 13 16 50




PERCENTAGE 8% 10% 24% 26% 32% 100%

The 4 respondents answer "Never" they rely on social media as a source of

happiness, excitement and joyful to cope up with boredom or loneliness. 5 respondent

answer "Rarely" they rely on social media as a source of happiness, excitement and
joyful to cope up with boredom or Loneliness, 12 respondents answer "Occasionally"

they rely on social media as a source of happiness, excitement and joyful to cope up

with boredom or Loneliness 13 respondents "Often" they rely on social media as a

source of happiness, excitement and joyful to cope up with boredom or Loneliness,

lastly 16 respondents answers " Always" they rely on social media as a source of

happiness, excitement and joyful to cope up with boredom or Loneliness. A total of

50 respondents participate in every survey.

Pie Graph 4.1: percentage rate student rely on social media as a source of happiness,

excitement and joyful to cope up with boredom or loneliness.

The pie graph consist the sequence percentage rate of students answers from the

highest percentage to the lowest. 32% who says always, 26% who says often, 24%

who says occasionally, 10%rarelysays a and lastly the 8% who says never.

The result gathered the majority relies on Students that they always rely social

media as a source of happiness, excitement and joyful to cope up with boredom or

Loneliness, the students were able to see the enjoyment on being in social media

nowadays students are very prone in posting pictures, creating stories in wattpad to

freely describe the non-fictional that didn't exist, some are going on musical games or

video games or even mobile games like ml or shooting, in this age the emotional

status of a teenage will not feel hopeless especially those who were guided by their


Table 5: Represent the 5th question. Do you find yourself spending too much around

social media.


(N) (R) (O) (OF) (A)


2 3 15 14 16 50



PERCENTAGE 4% 6% 30% 28% 32% 100%

The 2 respondents answer "never" find their selves spending too much on social

media, 3 respondents answer "rarely" find their selves spending too much on social

media, 15 respondents answer "Occasionally" find their selves spending too much on

social media, 14 respondents answers "Often" find their selves spending too much on
social media, lastly 16 respondents answer "Always" find their selves spending too

much on social media. A total of 50 respondents participate in every survey.

Pie Graph 5.1: percentage rate of student find themselves spending too much on social


The pie graph consist the sequence percentage rate of students answers from the

highest percentage to the lowest. 32% who says always, 30% who says occasionally,

28% who says often, 6% rarely says a and lastly the 4% who says never.
The result was out and the majority of the student from grade 8 age 13.6yrs old

are very crucial on always spending in social media, social media creates emotional

status if the users are very active, not just emotional but also in physical, according to

the students some of them forgetting their meals or breakfast when they are on their

social medias. The more they are prone to social Medias the more they forget.

Table 6: Represents the 6th questions. If using Facebook, twitter or any social media,

what you see is what you feel.


(N) (R) (O) (OF) (A)


4 8 20 13 5 50



PERCENTAGE 8% 16% 40% 26% 10% 100%

The 4 respondents answer "Never" using Facebook or any social media will not

correspond to what you see is what you feel. The 8 respondents answer "Rarely"

using Facebook or any social media will make them sometimes to do what they see,

20 respondents answer "Occasionally" they do it sometimes, 13 respondents answer

"Often" they do, lastly 5 respondents answer "Always" if what they see they do it or

feel it. A total of 50 respondents participate in every survey.

Pie Graph 6.1: percentage rate of student using social media what you see is what you


The pie graph consist the sequence percentage rate of students answers from

the highest percentage to the lowest. 40% who says occasionally, 26% who says

often, 16% who says rarely, 10% says always and lastly the 8% who says never.
The result has been gathered which the majority has occasionally using

Facebook, Twitter or any social media which quoted what you see is what you feel.

Some teenager today if what they have been seen they can emotionally adapt the

situation. Example if you see a quote which motivates individual you as well who

sees that make you feel or make it to do. The imitation will be applied as well.

Table 7: Represent the 7th question. Did you spend too much money in social media?


(N) (R) (O) (OF) (A)


33 8 3 2 4 50


PERCENTAGE 66% 16% 6% 4% 8% 100%

The 33 respondents answer "Never" did spend too much money on social

media, 8 respondents answer "Rarely" did spend too much money on social media, 3

respondents answer "Occasionally" did spend too much money on social media, 2

respondents answer "Often" did spend too much money on social media, Lastly 4
respondents answer "Always" did spend too much money on social media. A total of

50 respondents participate in every survey.

Pie Graph 7.1: Percentage rate of student spending too much money on social media.
The pie graph consist the sequence percentage rate of students answers from

the highest percentage to the lowest . 66% who says never, 16% who says rarely, 8%

who says always, 6%r says occasionally and lastly the 4% who says always.

The majority of the data gathered students are never spending too much money

in social media because they have their own mobile phones or appliances that keep

allowing to use social media.

Table 8: Represent the 8th table. Did you experience insulting someone on social



(N) (R) (O) (OF (A)


21 9 10 7 3 50


PERCENTAGE 42% 18% 20% 14% 6% 100%

The 21 respondents answers "Never" experience insulting someone on social

media, 9 respondents answer "rarely" experience insulting someone on social media,

10 respondents answer "Occasionally" experience insulting someone on social media,

7 respondents answer "Often" experience insulting someone on social media, lastly 3

respondents answer "Always" experience insulting someone on social media. A total

of 50 respondents participate in every survey.

Pie Graph 8.1: percentage rate student experience insults someone on social media.
The pie graph consist the sequence percentage rate of students answers from

the highest percentage to the lowest . 42% who says never, 20% who says

occasionally, 18% who says rarely , 14% says often and lastly the 6% who says never.

The majority of this result which is the grade 8 student age 13.6yrs old never

did experience insulting someone on media some says they just afraid of the acts and

laws they are afraid of cyber bullying actions acts which school has been taught to

Table 9: Represents the 9th question: Is someone bullying you.


(N) (R) (O) (OF) (A)

9. IS SOMEONE BULLYING 19 17 5 2 7 50


PERCENTAGE 38% 34% 10% 4% 14% 100%

The 19 respondents answer "Never" experience someone bullying them. 17

respondents answer "rarely" experience someone bullying them, 5 respondents answer

"Occasionally" experience someone bullying them, 2 respondents answer "Often"

experience someone bullying them, lastly 7 respondents answer "always" experience

someone bullying them. A total of 50 respondents participate in every survey.

Pie Graph 9.1 percentage rate of students someone who bullied them.

The pie graph consist the sequence percentage rate of students answers from

the highest percentage to the lowest . 38% who says never, 34% who says rarely, 14%

who says always, 10% says occasionally and lastly the 4% who says often.

The majority of the student never experience bullied by someone but naturally

there is some but they become lesser because of acts and laws for cyber bullying. But

authentically students also are rarely be bullied because of some reason, some wants

revenge, some want to have fun and some wants to see someone hurt. This has been

an impact to emotional status.

Table 10: Represent the 10th question. Is social media gives you a positive impact.


(N) (R) (O) (OF) (A)


4 11 19 10 6 50


PERCENTAGE 8% 22% 38% 20% 12% 100%

The 4 respondents answer "Never" have a negative and positive impact in their

life, 11 respondents answer "rarely" have a negative and positive impact in their life,

19 respondents answer "Occasionally" have an negative and positive impact in their

life, 10 respondents answer "Often" have an negative and positive impact in their life,

lastly 6 respondents answer "always" have an negative and positive impact in their

life. A total of 50 respondents participate in every survey.

Pie Graph 10.1: percentage rate which social media give positive impact.

The pie graph consist the sequence percentage rate of students answers from the

highest percentage to the lowest . 38% who says occasionally, 22% who says rarely,

20% who says often, 12% says always and lastly the 8% who says never.

According to the result the majority of the student occasionally says that social

media gives them a positive impacts, such as they can be updated to any news and

programs, they can easily communicate with friends and even when there is

emergencies, some also says that social media can also be the source of someone

income in a young age such as reseller from online. Therefore students see that there

is positive impacts undergo on using social media.

Table 11: Represent the 11th question. Is social media gives you negative impact.


(N) (R) (O) (OF) (A)


8 24 9 5 4 50


PERCENTAGE% 16% 48% 18% 10% 8% 100%

The 8 respondents answer "never" a social media gives negative impact, 24

respondents answer "Rarely" a social media gives negative impact, 9 respondents

answer "Occasionally" a social media gives negative impact, 5 respondents answer

"often" a social media gives negative impact, lastly 4 respondents answer "always" a

social media gives negative impact. A total of 50 respondents participate in every

Pie Graph 11.1: percentage rate of student that social media gives negative impact.

The pie graph consist the sequence percentage rate of students answers from

the highest percentage to the lowest . 48% who says rarely, 18% who says

occasionally , 16% who says never , 10% says often and lastly the 8% who says


As we can see the results majority is rarely that students believe that social

media gives negative impacts because sometimes students forget their over use of

social media that can make their emotional and mental increasing from something bad

happen such as students will only rely on social media that they forget their

relaxations, meditations and even fixing their selves can make them forget due to over

focusing on social media, some students parent scolded by their parents which affects

their emotional status depend on how parents deliver their words, some parents are

good in hurting deliver words to their children especially those who are naughty one.
Table 12: Represent 12th questions. Have you ever set a distance between social

media using and applying it to yourself.


(N) (R) (O) (OF) (A)


DISTANCE BETWEEN 6 15 15 8 6 50




PERCENTAGE 12% 30% 30% 16% 12 100%

The 6 respondents answer "Never" do set a distance between social media

using and applying to their selves, 15 respondents answer "rarely" do set a distance

between social media using and applying to their selves, 15 respondents answer

"Occasionally" do set a distance between social media using and applying to their

selves 8 respondents answer "Often" do set a distance between social media using and

applying to their selves, lastly 6 respondents answer "always" do set a distance

between social media using and applying to their selves. A total of 50 respondents

participate in every survey.

Pie Graph 12.1: percentage of student set a distance between social media using and

applying to itself.

The pie graph consist the sequence percentage rate of students answers from

the highest percentage to the lowest. 30% who says rarely, 30% who says

occasionally, 16% who says often, 12% says always and lastly the 12% who says


The result of majority has a tie some says its rarely some says it occasionally

therefore some students only set a boundary toward social media and applying it

maybe a thrice in a month or above twice they can distance and do not easily apply,

some says its Rarely which is maybe they can apply it but it's just once in a lifetime or

Table 13: Represents the 13th question. did you harm yourself.


(N) (R) (O) (OF) (A)

13. DID YOU HARM 28 8 4 3 7 50


PERCENTAGE 36% 16% 8% 6% 14% 100%

The 28 respondents answer "Never" harm themselves using social medias, 8

respondents answer "rarely" harm themselves using social medias, 4 respondents

answer "Occasionally" harm themselves using social medias, 3 respondents answer

"Often" harm themselves using social media, lastly 7 respondents answer "always"

harm themselves using social media. A total of 50 respondents participate in every

Pie Graph 13.1: percentage rate of student did harm their selves.

The pie graph consist the sequence percentage rate of students answers from the

highest percentage to the lowest . 36% who says never, 16% who says rarely, 14%

who says always, 8% says occasionally and lastly the % who says often.

Majority of the students says that they never harm their selves they only see

social media as their happiness and avoid the boredom, some use social media to

avoid awkwardness, some couldn’t define it as well but for them social media didn't

harm them.
Table 14. Represent the 14th question. do you compare yourself to others on social



(N) (R) (O) (OF) (A)


YOURSELF TO OTHERS ON 9 14 9 11 7 50


PERCENTAGE 18% 28% 18% 22% 14% 100%

The 9 respondents answer "never" did they compare their selves to others on

social media, 14 respondents answer "rarely" did they compare their selves to others

on social media, 9 respondents answer "occasionally" did they compare their selves to

others on social media, 11 respondents answer "often" did they compare their selves

to others on social media, lastly 7 respondents answer "always" did they compare

their selves to others on social media. A total of 50 respondents participate in every

Pie Graph 14.1: percentage rate of student comparing their selves on social media.

The pie graph consist the sequence percentage rate of students answers from

the highest percentage to the lowest . 28% who says rarely , 22% who says often, 18%

who says occasionally, 18 % says never and lastly the 14% who says always r.

Majority of the student says that rarely they compare their selves when

focusing in social media, the more they are prone to social media the more they

cannot longer see their worth, some students says sometimes what they see is what

they do especially for grade 8 student girl which very prudent for make-up tutorial

videos on YouTube, the boys are trying to imitate and compare their skills from

gaming they want to be a pro. Therefore students can feel the anxious of comparing

their selves on social media nowadays.

Table 15. Represent 15th question. Have you noticed yourself any changes on your

mood since using social media.


(N) (R) (O) (OF) (A)


YOURSELF ANY 9 9 10 12 10 50




PERCENTAGE 18% 18% 20% 24% 20% 100%

The 9 respondents answer "never" noticed anything in their selves that changes

the mood since using the social media, 9 respondents answer "rarely" noticed

anything in their selves that changes the mood since using the social media, 10

respondents answer " occasionally" noticed anything in their selves that changes the

mood since using the social media, 12 respondents answer "often" noticed anything in

their selves that changes the mood since using the social media and lastly 10

respondents answer "always" noticed anything in their selves that changes the mood

since using the social media. A total of 50 respondents participate in every survey.
Pie Graph 15.1: percentage rate of student notice their selves changes their moods

since using of social media.

The pie graph consist the sequence percentage rate of students answers from

the highest percentage to the lowest . 24% who says often, 20% who says

occasionally, 20% who says always, 18% rarely says a and lastly the 18% who says


The majority of student that Often they feel that there is something on their

moods are changing, some are anxious, some exaggerating things, some are irritable

especially when their parents ask them for something. Some do not want to be disturb.

Therefore the changing of moods because of social media has a big impact on student

especially Grade 8 at the age of 13.6 years old.




The Grade 8 age 13.6 years old Student of Sibugay Technical Institute

Incorporated has been our subject persona in this research as we collected all the

data’s needed we are having good communication with the individuals as we can see

the result are eligible and has been achieve our goal in this research our statement of

the problem has been achieve and get the details accordingly, the resource has been

listed by the Students.


As the researchers undergo the tally the result has been shown the

statement of problem has been answered and achieve such as to be able to know how

the Grade 8 students of Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated students spend time

using social media in one day. To determine how social media affects the health of

Grade 8 students of Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated student. Finding out if

social media really helpful to the Grade 8 students of Sibugay Technical Institute

Incorporated students on their specialized subjects. And also the Hypothesis, HO:

There is no significant impact of social media on the social emotional development of

children under 13 and 6 months years old among Grade 8 students of Sibugay

technical institute incorporated. HA: There is a significant impact of social media on

the social emotional development of children under 13 and 6 months years old among

Grade 8 students of Sibugay technical institute incorporated.


The study successfully addressed the research question, providing

information about how Grade 8 students at Sibugay Technical Institute

Incorporated spend their time on social media, how it affects their health, and the

possible benefits for their specialized courses. The hypothesis testing revealed that

social media does have a significant impact on the social-emotional development

of children under 13 and 6 months old among Grade 8 students at Sibugay

Technical Institute Incorporated, highlighting the importance of considering social

media's influence on this age group. The study's objectives were successfully

realized, as it provided a better understanding of social media usage patterns,

health implications, and educational benefits among Grade 8 students at Sibugay

Technical Institute Incorporated. To summarize, the research satisfactorily

achieved its aims.


The following recommended are offer based on work accomplish during the

project and conclusion was given previously:

1. Parent should give their children parental guidance to avoid their child

addicted to using social media.

2. Student should limit their selves spending in social media to avoid mental and

emotional issues.

3. Children should use social media platforms to help them enhance their talent

and creativity skills.

4. Teachers should make rules and regulations in classroom for not allowing

cellphones during class hours.

5. Keep in my as social media user do not make your life dependent and

surrounded by social media to avoid judgments, disappointment and emotional


6. Government should take actions for those students who are prone to social

media and limit the age policies in the access of social media platforms.

7. Students affairs should offer disciplinary to those students who are posting

inappropriate content .
Literature Cited

Akyar, L. & A. Sapsaglam, (2019). Effect Of Media On The Social And Emotional
Development Of Children And Young People.
development-of-children-and-young-people/ .

Arora P. & Idnani D.(2021). Understanding Social Media and Socio-Emotional Issues Among
the Young: An Empirical Study.

Bryant Aaron. (2018). The Effect of Social Media on the Physical, Social Emotional, and
Cognitive Development
article=1036&context=honors_capstones Spring 18.

Gordon G. .(2022). SOCIAL MEDIA TRENDS 2022.


Kuss, M..(2017). Adolescent social media addiction (revisited)

Mark Z. Tartari . (2021).IMPACTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA TO YOUNG CHILDREN. https://online-


Michelle Kusel, M.Ed., Ph.D. (2020). The Influence of Social Media on Social-Emotional

Sampang, M. & M. Luther. (2019). Article of International Journal of Higher Education.

Letter of Request







Date interview:

Name (optional):


Respondents no.

Directions ; Peace and all good ,please rate the level of agreement or disagreement

according to what you experience to the social emotional. Put a check(/)on the box

column that corresponds to your answer. Use the likers scale below.





(N) (R (O) (OF) (A

) )

1.Did social media affect your

Emotional status?

2 Do you use Facebook, twitter,

snapchat or other media in the

morning until evening?

3.did you feel something


anxiety or depression after using

social media?

4.Do you rely on social media as


source of happiness, excitement

and joyful to cope up with
boredom or loneliness?

5.Do you find yourself spending


much around social media?

6. If using Facebook, twitter or


social media, what you see is


you feel?

7. Did you spend too much
money in

social media?

8.did you experience insulting


On social media?

9. is someone bullying you?

10. is social media give you



11. is social media gives



12.Have you ever set a distance

between social

media using and applying to


13.did you harm yourself you compare yourself to


on social media?

15. Have you noticed yourself


changes on your mood since

social media.






Name : Aiza Jane P. Medrano

Age : 20 Years Old

Date of Birth : August 7,2003

Place of Birth : Domandan, Ipil , Zamboanga Sibugay

Home Address : Domandan, Ipil , Zamboanga Sibugay

Religion : Alliance

Name of Father : Edwin Medrano

Name of Mother : Wilma Medrano

Educational Background

Primary : Domandan Elementary School

Domandan, Ipil , Zamboanga Sibugay


Secondary : Bacalan National High School

Bacalan , Ipil Zamboanga Sibugay


Tertiary : Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated

Lower Taway, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay

Bachelor Of Science In Social Work



Name : Crizzel Mae B. Quirit

Age : 21 Years Old

Date of Birth : February 2, 2003

Place of Birth : Tambanan ,Naga, Zamboanga Sibugay

Home Address : Tambanan ,Naga, Zamboanga Sibugay

Religion : Roman Catholic

Name of Father : Cristito Quirit

Name of Mother : Elsie Quirit

Educational Background

Primary : Tambanan, Elementary School

Tambanan , Naga, Zamboanga Sibugay


Secondary : Tambanan national high school

Tambanan , Naga, Zamboanga Sibugay


Tertiary : Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated

Lower Taway, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay

Bachelor Of Science In Social Work



Name : Ladymae R. Deocampo

Age : 22 Years Old

Date of Birth : March 18, 2002

Place of Birth : New Calamba, Kalawit, Zamboanga Del Norte

Home Address : New Calamba, Kalawit, Zamboanga Del Norte

Religion : Roman Catholic

Name of Father : Cesar Deocampo

Name of Mother : Vergie Deocampo

Educational Background

Primary : New Calamba Elementary School

New Calamba, Kalawit, Zamboanga Del Norte


Secondary : Southcom National High School

Southcom,Upper Calarian,Zamboanga City


Tertiary : Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated

Lower Taway, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay

Bachelor Of Science In Social Work



Name : Christy Rose M. Benitez

Age : 21 Years Old

Date of Birth : June 21,2002

Place of Birth : Poblacion ,Kabasalan, Zamboanga Sibugay

Home Address : Poblacion ,Kabasalan, Zamboanga Sibugay

Religion : Roman Catholic

Name of Father : Ramil Benitez

Name of Mother : Analie M. Benitez

Educational Background

Primary : Kabasalan Central , Elementary School

Poblacion, Kabasalan , Zamboanga Sibugay


Secondary : Sibugays Matthew Jackson School

Poblacion , Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay


Tertiary : Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated

Lower Taway, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay

Bachelor Of Science In Social Work



Name : Allana Glaze Laquihon

Age : 21 Years Old

Date of Birth : October 21, 2002

Place of Birth : Sta. Clara ,Naga ,Zamboanga Sibugay

Home Address : Sta. Clara ,Naga ,Zamboanga Sibugay

Religion : KKDA

Name of Father : Rudy Laquihon

Name of Mother : Gliceria Laquihon

Educational Background

Primary : Sta. Clara Elementary School

Sta. Clara ,naga ,Zamboanga Sibugay


Secondary : Sta. Clara National High School

Sta. Clara National High School


Tertiary : Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated

Lower Taway, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay

Bachelor Of Science In Social Work



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