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Inorganic Chemistry - Class 12th - Practice MCQs

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Inorganic Chemistry - Class Contact Number:

12th - Practice MCQs 9667591930 / 8527521718

1 Generally transition elements and their salts are 5 A brown ring is formed in the ring test for


coloured due to the presence of unpaired electrons in ion. It is due to the formation of-
metal ions. Which of the following compounds are 1. [Fe (H2 O) (NO)]


2. FeSO4 . NO2
a. KMnO4

b. Ce(SO4)2 3. [Fe (H2 O)

(NO) ]

c. TiCl4 4. FeSO4 . HNO3

d. Cu2Cl2
Choose the correct option 6 The oxidation state of the central atom in the anion
1. (a, b)
2. (b, c) of the compound NaH 2 PO2 will be-
3. (c, d) 1. +3
4. (a, d) 2. +5
3. +1
4. -3
2 General electronic configuration of actionoids is (n–
2)f 1–14 (n-1)d0–2ns2.Which of the following actinoids 7 A black compound of manganese reacts with a
have one electron in 6d orbital? halogen acid to give greenish-yellow gas. When an
a. U (Atomic no. 92) excess of this gas reacts with NH an unstable trihalide
b. Np (Atomic no.93) is formed. In this process, the oxidation state of nitrogen
c. Pu (Atomic no. 94) changes from-
d. Am (Atomic no. 95) 1. -3 to +3
Choose the correct option 2. -3 to 0
1. (a, b) 3. -3 to +5
2. (b, c) 4. 0 to -3
3. (c, d)
4. (a, d)
8 Which of the following is isoelectronic pair?
3 Which of the following lanthanoids show +2 1. ICl , ClO 2 2

2. BrO , BrF
− +

oxidation state besides the characteristic oxidation state 2 2

3. ClO , BrF
+3 of lanthanoids? 2

4. CN , O

(a) Ce 3

(b) Eu
(c) Yb
(d) Ho 9 Which of the following statements are correct for
Choose the correct option SO2 gas?
1. (a, b) a. It acts as a bleaching agent in moist conditions.
2. (b, c) b. Its molecule has linear geometry.
3. (c, d) c. Its dilute solution is used as a disinfectant.
4. (a, d) d. It can be prepared by the reaction of dilute H2SO4
with metal sulphide.
1. (a, b)
4 On heating lead nitrate forms oxides of nitrogen and 2. (b, c)
lead. The oxides formed are- 3. (c, d)
1. N O, PbO
2 4. (a, c)
2. NO2 , PbO

3. NO, PbO

4. NO, PbO2

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Inorganic Chemistry - Class Contact Number:
12th - Practice MCQs 9667591930 / 8527521718

10 Which of the following statements are true? 14 When KM nO4 solution is added to oxalic acid
a. Only types of interactions between particles of noble solution, the decolourisation is slow in the beginning but
gases are due to weak dispersion forces. becomes instantaneous after some time because
b. Ionization enthalpy of molecular oxygen is very close 1. CO is formed as the product

to that of xenon. 2. Reaction is exothermic

c. Hydrolysis of XeF6 is a redox reaction. 3. M nO catalyses the reaction

d. Xenon fluorides are not reactive. 4. M n acts as autocatalyst


1. (a, b)
2. (b, c)
3. (c, d) 15 Which of the following is amphoteric oxide ?
4. (a, d) 1. V2 O5 , Cr2 O3

2. M n2 O7 , CrO3

11 Assertion: HI cannot be prepared by the reaction of 3. CrO , V2 O5

KI with concentrated H2SO4. 4. V2 O5 , V2 O4

Reason: HI has the lowest H—X bond strength among

halogen acids.
1. Both the assertion and the reason are correct 16
statements and the reason is the correct explanation of KM nO4 acts as an oxidi sin g agent in alkaline

the assertion. medium. W hen alkaline KM nO4 is treated

2. Both the assertion and the reason are correct with KI , iodide ion is oxidised to . . . . . . . . . .

statements and the reason is not the correct explanation 1. I2

of the assertion. −
2. IO
3. The assertion is correct but the reason is the −
wrong statement. 3. IO

4. The assertion is incorrect but the reason is a 4. IO

correct statement.

17 Highest oxidation state of manganese in fluoride is

12 On addition to a small amount of KMnO4 to
+4(MnF ) but highest oxidation state in oxides is +7(
concentrated H2SO4, a green oily compound is obtained M n O ) because
2 7

which is highly explosive in nature. Identify 1. Fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen
the compound from the following. 2. Fluorine does not possess d orbitals
1. Mn2O7 3. Fluorine stabilises lower oxidation state
2. MnO2 4. In covalent compounds, fluorine can form single
3. MnSO4 bond only while oxygen forms double bond
4. Mn2O3
18 Why is HCl not used to make the medium acidic in
oxidation reactions of KM nO in acidic medium?4

1. Both HCl and KM nO act as oxidising agents

13 Which of the following oxidation state is common 2. KM nO oxidises HCl into Cl , which is also an

4 2
for all lanthanoids? oxidising agent
1. +2 3. KM nO is a weaker oxidising agent than HCl
2. +3

4. KM nO acts as a reducing agent in the presence of

3. +4

4. +5

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Inorganic Chemistry - Class Contact Number:
12th - Practice MCQs 9667591930 / 8527521718

19 Match the property given in Column I with the 21 Assertion: Actinoids form relatively less stable
element given in Column II. complexes as compared to lanthanoids.
Reason: Actinoids can utilise their 5f orbitals along with
6d orbitals in bonding but lanthanoids do not use their 4f
Column orbital for bonding.
Column I
II 1. Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is
( Property) the correct explanation of the assertion.
2. Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is
(Element) not the correct explanation of assertion.
3. Assertion is not true but the reason is true.
4. Both assertion and reason are false.
A. Lanthanoid which shows + 4 oxidation
1. Pm
22 Which of the following complexes formed by Cu++
B. Radioactive lanthanoid ions is most stable?
2. Ce 1. Cu 2+
+ 4 NH → [Cu (NH
logK = 11.6
3 3) ]
2. Cu 2+
+ 4 CN

→ [Cu (CN) ]
logK = 27. 3


C. Lanthanoid which has 4f electronic

7 3. Cu 2+
+ 2 en

→ [Cu (en) ]
log K = 15. 4
3. Lu
configurations in +3 oxidation state
4. Cu 2+
+ 4H2 O → [Cu (H2 O) ]
logK = 8. 9

D. Lanthanoid which has 4f electronic

23 When 0.1 mol CoCl3 (NH3 ) is treated with an
4. Gd 5

configurations in +3 oxidation state

excess of AgNO3, 0.2 mol of AgCl are obtained. The
conductivity of the solution will correspond to-
Codes 1. 1:3 electrolyte
A B C D 2. 1:2 electrolyte
1. 2 4 1 3 3. 1:1 electrolyte
2. 1 2 3 4 4. 3:1 electrolyte
3. 2 1 4 3
4. 4 1 3 2
24 Indicate the complex ion which shows geometrical
1. [Cr (H O) Cl
2 4 2]

2. Pt (NH ) Cl
20 Assertion (A) Separation of Zr and Hf is difficult. 3

Reason (R) Because Zr and Hf lie in the same group of 3. [Co (NH 3
) ]

the Periodic Table.

4. [Co (CN) 6

1. Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is

the correct explanation of the assertion.
2. Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is 25 Which of the following species is not expected to be
not the correct explanation of assertion. a ligand?
3. Assertion is not true but the reason is true. 1. NO
4. Both assertion and reason are false. 2. NH +

2 2 2 2

4. CO

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Inorganic Chemistry - Class Contact Number:
12th - Practice MCQs 9667591930 / 8527521718

26 Which of the follwing options are correct for 28 Match the complex ions give in Column I with the
[F e(CN ) ] is
colours given in column II and assign the correct code.

a. d sp hybridisation
2 3

Column I Column II
b. d sp hybridisation
2 2

c. Paramagnetic (Complex ion) (Colour)

d. Diamagnetic
Choose the correct option
1. (a, b)
A. [Co (NH 3 )6 ]
1. Violet
2. (b, c)
3. (c, d)
4. (a, c)
B. [Ti (H 2 O)6 )]
2. Green

27 Which of the following complexes is/are

heteroleptic? C. [Ni(H 2 O6 ]
3. Pale blue
(a) [Co(N H 3 )6 ]

(b) [Fe (NH 3 )4 Cl2 ] 2+
4. Yellowish orange
D. [Ni (H 2 O)4 (en)]

(c) [Mn (CN) ] 6

(d) [Co (NH ) Cl ]3


Choose the correct option Codes

1. (a, b) A B C D
2. (b, c) 1. 2 3 4 1
3. (c, d) 2. 3 1 5 2
4. (b, d) 3. 5 4 3 2
4. 4 3 2 1

29 Match the coordination given in Column I with the

central metal atoms given in Column II and assign the
correct code.

Column I Column II

(Coordination compound) (Central metal atom)

A. Chlorophyll 1. Rhodium
B. Blood pigment 2. Cobalt
C. Wilkinson's catalyst 3. Magnesium
D. Vitamin B12 4. Iron

1. 2 3 4 1
2. 3 4 1 2
3. 1 4 3 2
4. 4 1 3 2

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Inorganic Chemistry - Class Contact Number:
12th - Practice MCQs 9667591930 / 8527521718

30 Match the complex species given in Column I with 33 Zone refining is based on the principle that ..........
the possible isomerism given in Column II and assign 1. Impurities of low boiling metals can be separated by
the correct code. distillation.
2. Impurities are more soluble in molten metal than in
Column I Column II solid metal.
3. Different components of a mixture are differently
(Complex species) (Isomerism) adsorbed on an adsorbent.
4. Vapours of volatile compound can be decomposed in
pure metal.
A.[Co (NH 3)
Cl2 ] 1. Optical isomerism

34 Extraction of gold and silver involves leaching the
B. cis − [Co (en) 2
Cl2 ] 2. lonisation Isomerism metal with CN ion. The metal is recovered by ......

1. Displacement of metal by some other metal from the

complex ion.
C. [Co (NH 3
) (NO2 )]Cl2
3. Coordination Isomerism 2. Roasting of metal complex.
3. Calcination followed byroasting.
4. Thermal decomposition of metal complex.
D. [Co (NH 3
) ][Cr (CN) ]
6 6
4. Geometrical Isomerism

35 The correct statement among the following

Codes regarding the reaction of FeO below point A in the
A B C D above diagram is
1. 2 3 4 1
2. 3 1 5 2
3. 5 4 3 2
4. 4 1 2 3

31 Assertion:
[Fe (CN) ] ion shows magnetic

moment corresponding to two unpaired electrons.

Reason: Because it has d sp type hybridization.
2 3

1. Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is

the correct explanation of assertion.
2. Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is
not the correct explanation of assertion.
3. Assertion is true but the reason is false.
4. Assertion is false but the reason is true.

32 What happens in the extraction of chlorine by

electrolysis of brine? 1. Reduced by carbon monoxide only.
1. Oxidation of Cl ion to chlorine gas occurs.

2. Reduced by both carbon monoxide and carbon.
2. Reduction of Cl ion to chlorine gas occurs.

3. Reduced by carbon only.
3. For overall reaction ΔG° has negative value. 4. Not reduced by both carbon and carbon monoxide.
4. A displacement reaction takes place.

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12th - Practice MCQs 9667591930 / 8527521718

36 Which of the following ores can be reduced by 39 Match the items in Column I with the items in
carbon? Column II, and assign the correct code.
a. Haematite
b. Zincite Column I Column II
c. Iron pyrites
d. Sphalerite
Choose the correct option: A. Cyanide process 1. Ultrapure Ge
1. (a, b)
2. (b, c)
3. (c, d) B. Froth flotation process 2. Dressing of ZnS
4. (a, d)
C. Electrolytic reduction 3. Extraction of Al
37 Which of the following statements are correct?
a. A depressant prevents certain type of particle to come D. Zone refining 4. Extraction of Au
to the froth.
b. Copper matte contains Cu S and ZnS.

c. The solidified copper obtained from reverberatory 5. Purification of Ni

furnace has blistered appearance due to evolution of
SO during the extraction.

d. Zinc can be extracted by self-reduction. Codes

Choose the correct option
1. (a, b) A B C D
2. (b, c) 1. 4 2 3 1
3. (c, d) 2. 2 3 1 5
4. (a, c)
3. 1 2 3 4
4. 3 4 5 1
38 In the extraction of chlorine from brine ............
a. ΔG for the overall reaction is negative.

b. ΔG for the overall reaction is positive.

c. E for the overall reaction has a negative value.

⊝ 40 In qualitative analysis when H 2S is passed through
d. E for the overall reaction has a positive value.
⊝ an aqueous solution of salt acidified with dil. HCl, a
Choose the correct option black precipitate is obtained. On boiling the precipitate
1. (a, b) with dil. H N O , it forms a solution of blue colour.

2. (b, c) Addition of excess of aqueous solution of ammonia to

3. (c, d) this solution gives-
4. (a, d) 1. Deep blue precipitate of Cu(OH)2
2. Deep blue precipitate of [Cu(NH3)4]2+
3. Deep blue precipitate of Cu(NO3)2
4. Deep blue solution of Cu(OH)2 . Cu(NO3)2

41 Affinity for hydrogen decreases in the group from

fluorine to iodine. Which of the halogen acids should
have highest bond dissociation enthalpy?
1. HF
2. HCl
3. HBr
4. HI

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12th - Practice MCQs 9667591930 / 8527521718

42 The correct statement for the reduction of FeO at 45 Which of the following complexes is used as an
the temperature corresponding to point D is: anticancer agent ?
1. mer − [Co(N H ) Cl] 3 3

2. Cis − [P tCl (N H ) ]
2 3 2

3. Cis − K [P t Cl Br ]
2 2 2

4. N H CoCl
2 4

46 Which of the following is not an ambidentate

1. CN −

2. NO −

3. SCN −

4. NH 3

47 The shape of [NiCl4]2- and [PtCl4]2- respectively


1. Square planar, Square planar

1. ΔG value for the overall reduction reaction with 2. Tetrahedral, Tetrahedral
carbon monoxide is zero. 3. Tetrahedral, Square planar
2. ΔG value for the overall reduction reaction with a 4. Square planar, Tetrahedral
mixture of 1 mol carbon, and 1 mol oxygen is positive.
3. ΔG value for the overall reduction reaction with a
mixture of 2 mol of carbon, and 1 mol of oxygen will be
How many hydrate isomers are possible for the
4. ΔG value for the overall reduction reaction with 48
carbon monoxide is negative. molecular formula CoCl ⋅ 6H O? 3 2

1. One
2. Two
43 When Cl2 gas reacts with hot and concentrated 3. Three
sodium hydroxide solution, the oxidation number of 4. Four
chlorine changes from
1. zero to +1 and zero to -5
2. zero to -1 and zero to +5
3. zero to -1 and zero to +3
4. zero to +1 and zero to -3

Actinoids exhibit more number of oxidation states than
the lanthanoids. It is because of

1. The greater metallic character of the lanthanoids than

that of the corresponding actinoids
2. More energy difference between 5f and 6d orbitals
than that between 4f and 5d orbitals
3. The lesser energy difference between 5f and 6d
orbitals than that between 4f and 5d orbitals
4. More active nature of the actinoids

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49 Note: In the following questions match the items 52 The total number of geometrical isomers possible
given in Columns I and II. for an octahedral complex of this type [MA B C ] is 2 2 2

Match the compounds given in Column I with the (M = transition metal; A, B and C are monodentate
oxidation state of cobalt present in it (given in Column ligands)
II) and assign the correct code. 1. 3
2. 4
Column II (Oxidation 3. 5
Column I (Compound)
state of Co) 4. 6

A. [Co(NCS)(NH 3
) ](SO3 )
1. +4 53 In aqueous solution, [Co (H (X) reacts with
2 O) ]

molecular oxygen in the presence of excess liquor N H 3

to give a new complex Y. The number of unpaired

B. [Co (NH3 )
Cl2 ]SO4 2. 0 electrons in X and Y are, respectively
1. 3,1
2. 3,0
C. Na4 [Co (S2 O3 ) ]
3. +1 3. 3,3
4. 7,0

D. [Co 2
(CO) ]
4. +2
54 Among the following, the π-acid ligand is
1. F−

5. +3 2. NH 3

3. CN −

4. l
1. A (1) B (2) C (4) D (5)
2. A (4) B (3) C (2) D (1)
3. A (5) B (1) C (4) D (2)
4. A (4) B (1) C (2) D (3)
55 Arrange the following in order of decreasing
number of unpaired electrons:
2+ 3−
(I) [Fe (H 2 O)6 ] (II) [Fe (CN ) 6
4− 3+
(III) [Fe (CN ) ] (IV) [Fe (H O) ] 6

50 A chelating agent has two or more than two donor 1. IV, I, II, III
2. I, II, III, IV
atoms to bind to a single metal ion. Which of the 3. III, II, I, IV
following is not a chelating agent? 4. II, III, I, IV
1. Thiosulphato
2. Oxalato
3. Glycinato 56 [Fe Cl (CN) (O )] is named as: II

4. Ethane-1,2-diamine 4 2

1. Chlorotetracyanodioxoferrate (II) ion

2. Chlorotetracyanoperoxoferrate (II) ion
51 Which of the following complexes formed by Cu

3. Chlorotetracyanosuperoxoferrate (II) ion

ions is most stable? 4. None of the correct
1. Cu
+ 4 NH3 ⇌ [Cu (NH3 ) ]
, log K = 11. 6

2− 57 Which among the following complexes can exhibit
Cu + 4 CN– ⇌ [Cu (CN) ]
, logK = 27. 3
3. 1. [Ag(NH3)2]+

+ 2 en ⇌ [Cu (en) ]
, logK = 15. 4 2. [Co(NH3)5NO2]2+
4. 3. [Pt(en)Cl2]
4. [Co(NH3)5Cl2]+
Cu + 4H2 O ⇌ [Cu (H2 O) ] , logK = 8. 9

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12th - Practice MCQs 9667591930 / 8527521718

58 A complex shown below can exhibit – 62 Match the items of Columns I and II and mark the
correct option.

Column I
Column II
(A) Its partial hydrolysis does not
(i) He
change oxidation state of central atom
(B) It is used in modern diving apparatus
(ii) XeF6
1. Geometrical isomerism only (C) It is used to provide inert atmosphere
2. Optical isomerism only (iii) XeF4
3. Both Optical and geometrical isomerism
for filling electrical bulbs
4. None of the above
(D) Its central atom is in sp3d2 hybridisation
(iv) Ar
59 In which of the following coordination entities the 1. A(i) B(iv) C(ii) D(iii)
2. A(i) B(ii) C(iii) D(iv)
magnitude of A.(CFSE in octahedral field) will be
3. A(ii) B(i) C(iv) D(iii)
4. A(i) B(iii) C(ii) D(iv)
(Atomic number Co = 27)
1. [Co (H O) ] 2

63 In the preparation of HNO3, we get NO gas by

2. [Co (NH 3) ] 6

3. [Co (CN) ]
catalytic oxidation of ammonia.
3− The moles of NO produced by the oxidation of two
4. [Co (C2 O4 ) ]
3 moles of NH3 will be ______.
1. 2
2. 3
60 In Fe (CO)5, the Fe-C bond possesses 3. 4
1. ionic character 4. 6
2. σ-character only
3. π-character only
4. both σ and π character 64 Maximum covalency of nitrogen is
1. 3
61 In which of the following arrangement, the order is 2. 5
not according to the property indicated against it 3. 4
Oxidising 4. 6
1. F > Cl > Br > I
2 2 2 2
2. NH > PH > AsH > SbH > BiH
3 3 3 3
65 Which is mismatched with respect to the shapes of
Electron the compounds given?
3. F > Cl > Br > I gain
enthalpy (1) XeF4 = Squar planar
Ability (2) XeOF4 = Square Pyramidal
form (3) XeF6 = Distorted Octahedral
4. C > Si > Ge > Sn
pπ − pπ
(4) XeO3 = Bent Shape

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66 Correct order of boiling point of group 16 hydrides 71

is Match the interhalogen compounds of column I with the
1. H2O < H2S < H2Se < H2Te geometry in column-II and assign the correct code:
2. H2Te < H2Se < H2S < H2O Column-I
(A) XX’
3. H2S < H2Se < H2Te < H2O
(B) XX’3
4. H2O < H2Te < H2Se < H2S
(C) XX’5
(D) XX’7
67 The number of P-H bond(s) in H3 PO2 , H3 PO3 , Column-II
(i) T-shape
and H PO , respectively, is
3 4
(ii) Pentagonal bipyramidal
1. 2, 0, 1
(iii) Linear
2. 1, 1, 1
(iv) Square Pyramidal
3. 2, 0, 0
(v) Tetrahedral
4. 2, 1, 0
1. A-(iii) B-(i) C-(iv) D-(ii)
68 Which of the following molecular structures is not 2. A-(v) B-(iv) C-(iii) D-(ii)
1. OF 2
3. A-(iv) B-(iii) C-(ii) D-(i)
2. SF 2

3. OF 4
4. A-(iii) B-(iv) C-(i) D-(ii)
4. SF 4

69 Match the Xenon compounds in Coloumn-I with its

structure in Column-II and assign the correct code:
Column-I Column-II 72 In the extraction of copper from its sulphide ore, the
(a) XeF4 (i) pyramidal metal finally obtained by the reduction of cuprous oxide
(b) XeF6 (ii) square planar with
(c) XeOF4 (iii) distorted octahedral 1. Iron (II) sulphide
(d) XeO3 (iv) square pyramidal 2. Carbon monoxide
3. Copper (I) sulphide
Code: 4. Sulphur dioxide
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1. (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
2. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 73 Which of the following structure is most expected
3. (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
4. (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) for the molecule XeOF4 ?
1. Tetrahedral
2. Square pyramid
70 Which of the statements given below is incorrect? 3. Square planar
1. Cl O is an anhydride of perchloric acid 4. Octahedral
2 7

2. O molecule is bent

3. ONF is isoelectronic with N O −

4. OF is an oxide of fluorine
74 Vitamin- B12 contains
1. Zn (II)
2. Ca (II)
3. Fe (II)
4. Co (II)

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75 Which of the following reactions is a part of large 80 Assertion(A): ICl is more reactive than I2 .
scale industrial preparation of nitric acid? Reason(R): I−Cl bond in ICl is weaker than I−I bond in
1. NaNO + H2 SO4 −−−−−

−−→ NaHSO4 + HNO3


500 K, 9 bar 1. Both assertion and reason are true, and reason is the
2. 4NH 3 + 5O2

(from air) −−−−−−−→ 4NO + 6H 2O

correct explanation of the assertion.
500 K, 9 bar 2. Both assertion and reason are true, but reason is not
3. 4HPO + 2 N O5 −−−−−

−−→ 4HNO3 + P4 O10

the correct explanation of the assertion.
3. Assertion is true but reason is false.
3 2
500 K, 9 bar
4. 4. Assertion is false but reason is true.

Cu(NO3 ) + 2NO2 + 2H2 O −−−−−−−→ 4HNO3 + Cu

81 The relation between given pair of complexes is-
500 K, 9

[Co(NH3)5Cl]SO4 and [Co(NH3)5SO4]Cl

76 Assertion: The metal carbon bond in metal 1. Coordination isomers
carbonyls possesses both σ and π character. 2. Linkage isomers
Reason: The ligand to metal bond is a π bond and metal 3. Ionization isomers
to ligand bond is a σ bond. 4. Optical isomers
1. Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is
the correct explanation of Assertion.
2. Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is 82 The number of unpaired electrons in the square
not the correct explanation of Assertion.
planar [Pt(CN)4]2− ion is-
3. Assertion is correct but Reason is not correct.
4. Assertion is not correct but Reason is correct. 1. One
2. Zero
3. Two
77 The strongest reducing agent among the given 4. Three
hydrides of Group 15 elements is-
1. NH3
83 Zone refining method is used to purify
2. PH3
1. boron
3. AsH3 2. barium
4. BiH3 3. sodium
4. magnesium

78 Consider the following equation,

Δ 84 How many σ and π bonds are present in
H3PO3 − →X + Y
peroxodisulphuric acid?
The products X and Y are respectively - 1. 10σ, 4π
1. H3PO2 ; PH3 2. 11σ, 4π
2. H3PO4 ; PH3 3. 10σ, 3π
3. H3PO4 ; H3PO2 4. 11σ, 3π
4. None of the above
85 If X and X' are halogens, select the correct option
79 Correct statement among the following regarding for the general formula of their perhalate, hypohalite,
flourine is : halite, and halate respectively
1. Fluorine is stronger oxidising agent than chlorine. 1. XX , XX , XX , XX

′ ′

3 5

2. Fluorine is weaker oxidising agent than chlorine. 2. XX , XX , XX , XX

′ ′

3 5

3. Fluorine is stronger reducing agent than chlorine. 3. XX , XX , XX , XX

′ ′


5 7

4. Bond dissociation energy of fluorine is more than 4. XX , XX , XX , XX





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86 Which of the following group 18 elements does not 91 Match coloum-I with column II : Column-I and II
form fluoride? represents complexes and magnetic moment (BM)
1. He respectively
2. Xe Column -I Column -II
3. Kr A. K3[FeF6] I. 1.73
4. Rn
B. [Co(NH3)6]Cl3 II. 5.9
2 6 2 C. [Ni(H O) ]Cl III. 0.0
87 Which of the following matches between the D. K [Mn(CN) ]
4 6 IV. 2.9
process and the catalyst used is incorrect?
1. Contact process - V O 2 5

2. Haber's process - Mo Choose the correct answer from the options given below
3. Catalytic hydrogenation- Ni 1. A-II; B-III, C-IV, D-I
4. Stephen reaction-SnCl 2. A-II; B-III, C-I, D-IV
3. A-I; B-III, C-IV, D-II
4. A-I; B-IV, C-III, D-II
88 Which one of the following statements is correct?
1. Ce4+
is a strong reductant
92 Columns I and II represent metal ions and the
2. Eu 2+
is a strong oxidant
number of electrons in the outermost shell
3. Y b
is a reductant
4. T b
is a reductant Column -I Column -II
A. Mn3+ I. 3
B. V3+ II. 4
89 You are given the following complexes:
C. Cr3+ III. 1
[MnCl6 ]
and [CoF ]
, [FeF6 ]

The number of unpaired electrons respectively will be D. Ti3+ IV. 2

(consider these complexes as high spin complexes)
1. 5, 4, 4 Choose the correct answer from the options given below
2. 4, 4, 5 1. A-I; B-III, C-II, D-IV
3. 4, 5, 4 2. A-III; B-II, C-I, D-IV
4. 5, 4, 5 3. A-II; B-I, C-IV, D-III
4. A-II; B-IV, C-I, D-III

90 d-orbital splitting in an octahedral crystal field is-

1. (0.4) Δ above barycentre and
0 (0.6) Δ0 below 93 Select the correct decreasing order for the radii of
barycentre the given lanthanides
2. (0.4) Δ below barycentre and
t (0.6) Δt above 1. Nd > Pr > Ce > La
barycentre 2. Ce > Pr > Nd > La
3. (0.4) Δ above barycentre and
t (0.6) Δt below 3. La > Ce > Pr > Nd
barycentre 4. La > Ce > Nd > Pr
4. (0.4) Δ below barycentre and
0 (0.6) Δ0 above
94 What is the ratio of concentrated HCl and
concentrated H N O to prepare aqua-regia?

1. Conc. HCl: Conc. H N O :: 3: 1


2. Conc. HCl: Conc. H N O :: 1: 3


3. Conc. HCl: Conc. H N O :: 1: 1


4. Conc. HCl: Conc. H N O :: 2: 1


Page: 12
Inorganic Chemistry - Class Contact Number:
12th - Practice MCQs 9667591930 / 8527521718

95 Select the correct order for the decreasing 99 Compound that is used for the product of UF6 in the
wavelength absorption in the visible region for the enrichment of 235U :
following complexes: 1. ICl3
4− 2−
2. BrF5 2+ 2+
[N i(N O ) ]
> [N i(CN ) ]
> [N i(N H ) ]
> [N i(H O) ] 3 6 2 6

2. 3. ClF5
[N i(CN ) ] 4
> [N i(H O) ] > [N i(N H ) ]
2 6
2+ 4. ClF]
> [N i(N O ) 3 3 6
2 6

2+ 2+ 2− 4−
[N i(H2 O)6 ] > [N i(N H3 )6 ] > [N i(CN )4 ] > [N i(N O2 )6 ]

4. 100 Noble gas that is not present in the atmosphere:

[N i(H2 O)6 ]
> [N i(N H3 )6 ]
1. He
> [N i(N O2 )6 ]
> [N i(CN )4 ]

2. Kr
3. Rn
96 Which of the following principle does the refining 4. Ne
of Zirconium metal?
1. Low melting metal can be made to flow on a sloping
surface and is separated from high melting impurities
2. Impurities are more soluble in the melt than in the
Fill OMR Sheet*
solid state of the metal
3. Metal is heated in a stream of CO and forms a *If above link doesn't work, please go to test link from
complex, which is decomposed to give the pure metal where you got the pdf and fill OMR from there. After
4. The crude metal is heated in an evacuated vessel with filling the OMR, you would get answers and explanations
iodine, then the metal iodide is decomposed to give the for the questions in the test.
pure metal

97 Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

1. 5f orbitals are not buried of 4f orbitals.
2. 5f orbitals differ from 4f orbitals in their angular part
of the wave function.
3. 5f electrons can participate in bonding to a greater
4. 5f electrons have poor shielding than 4f electrons.
days of ANY
NEETprep course
98 Match the complex in column-I with its function
given in Column -II
Column I Column II
a. cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] i. Oxygen transfer
b. Chlorophyll ii. Catalyst
c. (Ph3P)3RhCl iii. Photosynthesis
d. Hemoglobin iv Antitumour drug
Select the correct option
1. a-iv, b-iii, c-ii d-i
2. a-iv, b-i, c-ii d-iii
3. a-i, b-ii, c-iii d-iv
4. a-iii, b-iv, c-i d-ii

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