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Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus



Background of the Study

Peer influence within academic settings can take various forms. Friends and

classmates can influence a student's study habits, motivation, and attitude toward

learning. Positive peer influence can motivate students to excel academically, while

negative peer influence may lead to distractions, procrastination, or engagement in

academic misconduct.

Academic performance is a critical aspect of a student's life, influencing their educational

and career prospects. High academic achievement is often associated with future success,

while poor performance can limit opportunities. Therefore, understanding the factors that

influence academic performance, including peer influence, is of great importance.

It is generally observed that peer group has a lot of learning of a child, evidence

abound that students feel more comfortable and relaxed among fellow students. A child

who is brilliant and surrounded by dull friends would lose interest in learning. On the

other hand, a peer group which is prone to study would have positive effect on a dull

member towards learning and stimulate his/her interest on learning. He further suggests

that one group may have a negative impact on its member while the other may have

positive impact on its members as well (Olalekan, 2016).

A negative peer influence could be seen as one of the militating forces why most

student record poorly in academic performance, the reason for this is not farfetched, they
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

spend large amount of time in extra curriculum. More often than none, academic

priorities are neglected and thus academic performance grossly affected. It strives to

answer how students’ academic performance affects by the peer influence in terms of

peer pressure, decision making, motivation, and religion. The main purpose of this study

is to examine whether if there is significant relationship between peer influence and

students’ academic performance.

Theoretical Framework

This study will be anchored in the Model of Social learning theory by Albert

Bandura (1977). According to him, “that people learn through observing, imitating, and

modeling the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others”. Bandura's theory is

considered to be one of the most influential theories of learning in psychology, and it has

been applied to a wide range of areas, including education, parenting, and psychotherapy.

Bandura's social learning theory has had a major impact on our understanding of how

people learn. It has also had a significant influence on educational practices, parenting

techniques, and therapeutic interventions.

Conceptual Framework

To conceptualize, this study is focus on the Peer Influences in relation to students’

academic performance. It shows the relationship of the variables used. The independent

variables composed of one variable, which is the peer influences and has four aspects the

peer pressure, decision making, motivation and religion. And the dependent variables

contain the academic performance of Beed students.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

Schematic Diagram

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Peer Influences
a. Peer pressure Academic Performance of
b. Decision making BEED Students

c. Motivation
d. Religion

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study showing the relationship among the variables.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

Statement of the Problem

This study determines the Peer Influence to the academic performance of Bachelor

of Elementary Education students of Central Philippines State University-Hinigaran


Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the extent of peer influence when grouped according to:

a. Peer pressure

b. Decision Making

c. Motivation

d. Religion

2. What is the level of academic performance of the Bachelor of Elementary

Education students?

3. Is there a significant relationship between students’ academic performance and

peer influence when grouped by peer pressure, decision making, motivation, and

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus


Based on the statement of the problem, this is the hypothesis formulated by the


1. There is no significant relationship between students’ academic performance

and the peer influence when grouped by peer pressure, decision making, motivation, and


Scope and Limitation of the Study

The present study also has certain limitations. Firstly, in terms of the external

validity, the sample was restricted to the population of Bachelor of Elementary Education

(BEED) students of Central Philippines State University-Hinigaran Campus,

Municipality of Hinigaran, Negros Occidental during the 2 nd semester of school year

2022-2023. The focus of this study is to identify the peer influence in relation to students’

Academic Performance. The respondents will be the twenty (20) BEED 1A students,

seventeen (17) BEED 1B, twenty (20) BEED 2A, nineteen (19) BEED 2B, fifteen (15)

BEED 3A, and eighteen (18) BEED 3B.

Secondly, the questionnaire used for this study was self-made that was suitable

for this research.

Finally, this study was limited on the variables affecting students peer influence

such as peer pressure, decision making, motivation, and religion.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will be beneficial to the following:

School Administration. This study was served as knowledge and ideas to the

administrators. It may give them further knowledge about the influence of peers to the


Students. This study would help student to carefully choose people to be with.

They can be able to be guided in choosing their group to be fit in their need to critically

think where they should go and what way they wanted to be. This research Paper aims to

help most especially students because they are the one who are being affected by this


Parents. Parents can have the idea of the issue that their child was going through.

They can be able to have the idea of proper way of guiding their child so that the students

would be able to take chances of doing things together with their peers. To lessen the

percentage of truancy.

Teachers. They stand as a second guardians of the children. They have an idea to

correct and to know the reasons behind the attitude of their students. This also helps them

to adjust and also to know their limitations. This research may let them know or aware

for some common and differences between the grounds they are moving. As well as the

new generations involve.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

Future researcher. This study was serves as the basis for their further study. It

would help them to be a better analyst and it can be a help as a future reference for more

studies in the future.

Definition of Terms

These following items cover the terms that are defined conceptually and

operationally that help cater better understanding of the study.

Academic Performance. Academic Performance can be defined in terms of

gaining knowledge; acquiring skills and competencies; securing high grades and similar

academic achievements; securing a progressive career; and intention and persistence

towards education. (York et al., 2015).

In this study, it refers to a measurement of student achievement across various

academic subjects. The term refers to the grades or performance who participated in the


Peer Pressure. Peer pressure is like anything in the world, it has reasons for it

and causes like the urge to fit in or to be accepted by group and to the importance to the

opinion of their peers (Gongala, 2021).

In this study, it refers to emotional or mental forces from people belonging to the

same social group such as age, grade or status to act or behave in a manner similar to


Decision Making. This refers to the process of making choices about what to do in

a situation (Gary Klein 2013).

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College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

In this study, it refers to a process of making choices by identifying a decision,

gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions, and using a step-by-step

decision –making process can help deliberate thoughtful decisions by organizing relevant

information and defining alternatives.

Motivation. Stated that motivation is a process that begins with a physiological

deficiency or need that activates behavior or a drive that is aimed at a goal or incentive

(Dinah, 2012).

In this study, it refers to the student’s desires, urges, and wants in motivating

themselves to take action in order to achieve a goal.

Religion. Religion is defined as a personal set or institutionalized system of

religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices. (AHNA, 2019)

In this study, it refers to their belief, obedience, and faith in their God.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus



The reviews of literature are based on the international and national perspectives

to establish empirical evidence to support the scholarly presentation of the conceptual

framework set in this study. This would take off with peer influence as well as the

academic performance. This would commence on the findings in related studies. The

focus of this study is on the influence of peers to the Academic Performance of BEED

Students of Central Philippines State University for School Year 2022-2023. The

following related literature and studies were presented by themes.

Academic performance

Academic performance is the ability to study and remember facts and being able

to communicate one’s knowledge verbally or written on paper (Answers, 2010). In the

context of this study, academic achievement refers to the extent to which students have

achieve mastery of the objectives of the subjects they are exposed to in school.

Students performance is driven by helping teachers construct learning scenario

that are meaningful to individual students, relevant to their circumstances and cognizant

of their prior of learning and potential. Understanding what students have achieved,
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College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

where they should need next and how to effectively reach their destination requires a

coordinated effort, bringing together best of breed learning and assessment tools with

engaging and effective content and instruction (Otokiti, 2016). Academic performance is

used as an index of students' future in this highly competitive environment. It has been

one of the most essential purposes of the educational process. Academic achievement is

considered as a key criterion to judge an individual's total potentiality and capability

(Abdullahi & Bichi, 2015). Academic performance is all about what student can actually

do when they have finished a period of instruction. Academic performance is the level of

performance that is exhibited by an individual. Anselmus (2011) asserted that academic

performance is a cardinal concept in education. The centrality of this concept is derived

from the goal of instructions which is to bring about desire changes in knowledge, skills

and attitude of students. For example, people send their children to school in order to

acquire certain competencies their preference on the attributes of interest provides an

indication of the degree of efficiency of the machinery of education. In the formal school

system, students’ academic performance can be assessed at the main points which give

rise to three types of performance assessment and these are diagnostic, formative and

summative evaluation or assessment (Anselmus, 2011).

However, School Environment A student outcome and academic success is

greatly influenced by the type of school they attend. School factors include school

structure, school composition and school climate. The school one attends is the

institutional environment that sets the parameters of a students’ learning experience. As

schools are faced with more public accountability for student academic performance,
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

school level characteristics are being studied to discover methods of improving

achievement for all students. In Kenya, teachers who excel in their teaching subjects are

rewarded during open education days held annually in every district (Cherongis, 2010).

While appreciating the value of rewarding teachers who produce better results, teachers

should also not escape a portion of blame when students perform poorly. It has been

proved that teachers have an important influence on students’ academic achievement.

Researchers have examined the influence of teacher characteristics such as gender,

educational qualifications and teaching experience on students’ academic achievement

with varied findings. Yala and Wanjohi (2011) and Adeyemi (2010) have found that

teachers’ experience and educational qualifications are the prime predictors of students’

academic achievement.

Perkins (2013) indicates that teacher’s attitude contributes significantly to student

attention in classrooms whereas Adesoji and Olatunbosun (2008) illustrate that student

attitude was related to teacher characteristics. This therefore meant that teacher’s attitude

directly affected students’ attitude. On teacher personality, Adu and Olatundun (2007)

contend that teachers’ characteristics are strong determinants of students’ performance in

secondary schools. Scholars and researchers generally are in agreement that the school

variables, which include teacher administration, perform a critical role in educational

achievement than other variables. The important role of the teachers in the learning is

unquestionable. Teachers have a lot of influence on their classroom practices. Teachers

should have and apply specific abilities without which their influence may not be

reflected in their students’ performance in the subject. For students to be able to make
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

connection between what is taught in school and its application in problem solving in real

life, the teacher has to be effective in their teaching. On contrary, there has been no

consensus on the importance of specific teacher factors, leading to the common

conclusion that the existing empirical evidence does not find a strong role for teachers in

the determination of academic achievement. The study therefore sought to investigate the

influence of teacher characteristics on students’ performance: whether teachers give

assignment, mark and revise on time and reward or motivate the students’ to learn. Quite

a bit of research has been done to identify the influence of classroom and school

characteristics on academic performance. Student achievement variables aggregated to

the school level have been used a great deal to describe school output but variables

describing aggregation of properties of classrooms within schools have been studied

somewhat less in school analyses. On the other hand, direct school-level measures such

as the building and physical environment, and the school social and psychological

environments have been used often. The study sought to know if schools have adequate

books and learning materials.

A cordial relationship between the head teacher and learners creates an

environment conducive to learning as discussions are encouraged and l learners are

listened to. The head teacher works together with students on how to succeed in life and

academically. In such a school, every member is useful in decision making process. Most

of such schools have disciplined students and positive academic record. The head teacher

has a formal relationship with several people or groups of people both inside and outside

the school system. He/she has dealings not only with the teachers and students, but also
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

with parents, members the community, which the school serves and educational officers.

Therefore the image of the school outside is seen through the administrative capabilities

of the head teacher.

Academic performance is considered an important achievement for students during

the educational process in the university. The achievement of the performance affects the

students’ current and future life (Kell et al., Citation2013), as well as portraying students’

inherent productivity and ability (Hanushek, Citation2020; Sothan, Citation2019).

Students are taught accounting concepts and principles to be capable of improving a

strong analytic skill, language skill, business, information and communication

technology, competence, and higher education’s value (Lemos et al., Citation2011;

Papageorgiou, Citation2017; Papageorgiou & Callaghan, Citation2020). However, other

researchers confirmed that students’ academic achievement is a “net outcome” from both

cognitive and non-cognitive attributes (Khine, Citation2016; J. Lee & Shute,

Citation2010). Previous studies related to determining factors for the academic

performance of accounting students (Ahinful et al., Citation2019; Arthur & Everaert,

Citation2012; Duff & Mladenovic, Citation2015; Everaert et al., Citation2017) are

inconclusive (Fallan & Opstad, Citation2014; Maksy & Zheng, Citation2008). Students’

performance is determined by the willingness to change, adaptability, complex decision-

making, learning from mistakes, the change of controlled belief and choices (Feldman et

al., Citation2016).

Meanwhile, other researchers claimed that there are factors correlated to students’

academic performance such as locus of control, learning method, learning resources

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

(Litasari & Pustikaningsih, Citation2019), expectation, volition, academic interest,

learning attitude, learning approach (Ahinful et al., Citation2019; Byrne & Flood,

Citation2005; Everaert et al., Citation2017; Maksy & Zheng, Citation2008; Pérez-López

& Ibarrondo-Dávila, Citation2020), gender, interest, working status (Garkaz et al.,

Citation2011), personality, parents’ style, (Beatson et al., Citation2019; Fallan & Opstad,

Citation2014; Nouri & Domingo, Citation2019; Papageorgiou & Callaghan,

Citation2018), grade (Jansen & de Villiers, Citation2016), as well as attendance and

teaching quality (Paisey & Paisey, Citation2004; Pérez-López & Ibarrondo-Dávila,

Citation2020). However, there is inconsistency in these findings; therefore, it is needed to

carry out analysis to these factors in-depth. This research examined learning attitude,

academic interest, and learning quality as the main determining factors of academic

performance, and additional control variables.

The students’ academic interest, for each course, is correlated with academic

outcomes. Previous studies confirmed that the academic interest is correlated with

academic performance (Ahinful et al., Citation2019; Fallan & Opstad, Citation2014;

Garkaz et al., Citation2011), thus, students with a higher level of academic interest tend

to possess higher academic performance (Pérez-López & Ibarrondo-Dávila,

Citation2020). These previous researches showed a correlation between intrinsic interest

and students’ academic performance in different academic surroundings (J. Q. J. Q. Lee

et al., Citation2010). In this regard, interest was the variable that affects the students’

academic achievement (Blankenburg et al., Citation2016), furthermore, it becomes a

determining factor in choosing accounting major (Tan & Laswad, Citation2006). In

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

contrast to the finding, other researchers found that academic interest is not correlated to

academic performance (Köller et al., Citation2001; Meyer et al., Citation2019).

Students’ learning attitude is formed by a complex process (Reinig et al.,

Citation2014), such as learning effort, classroom attendance, success eagerness,

professional skill, and learning habit (Ahinful et al., Citation2019; Reinig et al.,

Citation2014) affect significantly the academic performance (Ahinful et al.,

Citation2019). Previous researchers have found that a good learning attitude influences

significantly the improvement of academic achievement (Guney, Citation2009; Nonis &

Hudson, Citation2010). Students with a good learning attitude can organize and access

series of good course materials, effective time management, bearing better performance,

better material understanding, enhancing skills, as well as having higher confidence in

their academic results (Nonis & Hudson, Citation2010; Şen, Citation2013). Meanwhile,

some studies found an insignificance correlation between students’ attendance and effort

toward performance in accounting management major (Fallan & Opstad, Citation2014).

By the increase of knowledge, understanding, attitude, and students’ competencies,

can accelerate academic performance. The measurement of the learning quality has been

conducted by previous researchers (Li et al., Citation2020; Longobardi et al.,

Citation2018; Praetorius et al., Citation2018; Warwas & Helm, Citation2018). A

significant correlation between learning outcome and learning result was found. In

contrast with the finding investigated by (Glewwe et al., Citation2011). The learning

quality involvement as a research variable would furnish previous findings and relate to

the students’ performance accomplishment.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

Academic performance is important for students as a result of educational

experience in colleges to represent knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Academic

performance becomes one of the key factors in determining students’ success in their

future careers. This research aimed to assess student’s academic interest, learning

attitude, and learning quality as well as control variables for the academic performance

improvement of undergraduate students in Indonesia. This research employed a cross-

section survey design to 872 samples gained by disproportionate random sampling. The

research instruments were tested for their validity and reliability. The multinomial logit

regression model was employed to analyze academic performance. The results of the

research showed that academic interest was proved to determine significantly the

academic performance. However, the learning attitude and learning quality did not

contribute to the student’s academic performance. High academic interest students

possessed a bigger chance to have better academic performance. Meanwhile, learning

attitude and learning quality indicated otherwise, decrease the students’ academic

performance. The results of this study contributed to the universities’ management to

manage innovative and learning activities to promote accounting students’ academic

interest in continuing better learning. The universities’ leaders should fulfill the

infrastructure and learning facilities needed by lecturers to maintain learning quality.

Keywords: academic interest academic performance learning attitude learning quality

Previous article Next article public interest statement the issue of performance is not only

used and related to the performance of companies, government agencies, and social

institutions but is also related to individual performance. One of the individual

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

performances that previous researchers have widely studied is students’ academic and

non-academic performance. Academic achievement in accounting reflects the results

obtained by accounting students during their accounting studies and career choices after

completing their studies. Good student achievement is the result of good university

education inputs and processes. Students are taught accounting concepts and principles to

develop strong analytical, language, business, and information technology skills. This

study focuses on the determinants of academic performance of undergraduate accounting


Academic performance is considered an important achievement for students

during the educational process in the university. The achievement of the performance

affects the students’ current and future life (Kell et al., Citation2013), as well as

portraying students’ inherent productivity and ability (Hanushek, Citation2020; Sothan,

Citation2019). Students are taught accounting concepts and principles to be capable of

improving a strong analytic skill, language skill, business, information and

communication technology, competence, and higher education’s value (Lemos et al.,

Citation2011; Papageorgiou, Citation2017; Papageorgiou & Callaghan, Citation2020).

However, other researchers confirmed that students’ academic achievement is a “net

outcome” from both cognitive and non-cognitive attributes (Khine, Citation2016; J. Lee

& Shute, Citation2010). Previous studies related to determining factors for the academic

performance of accounting students (Ahinful et al., Citation2019; Arthur & Everaert,

Citation2012; Duff & Mladenovic, Citation2015; Everaert et al., Citation2017) are

inconclusive (Fallan & Opstad, Citation2014; Maksy & Zheng, Citation2008). Students’
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

performance is determined by the willingness to change, adaptability, complex decision-

making, learning from mistakes, the change of controlled belief and choices (Feldman et

al., Citation2016). Meanwhile, other researchers claimed that there are factors correlated

to students’ academic performance such as locus of control, learning method, learning

resources (Litasari & Pustikaningsih, Citation2019), expectation, volition, academic

interest, learning attitude, learning approach (Ahinful et al., Citation2019; Byrne &

Flood, Citation2005; Everaert et al., Citation2017; Maksy & Zheng, Citation2008; Pérez-

López & Ibarrondo-Dávila, Citation2020), gender, interest, working status (Garkaz et al.,

Citation2011), personality, parents’ style, (Beatson et al., Citation2019; Fallan & Opstad,

Citation2014; Nouri & Domingo, Citation2019; Papageorgiou & Callaghan,

Citation2018), grade (Jansen & de Villiers, Citation2016), as well as attendance and

teaching quality (Paisey & Paisey, Citation2004; Pérez-López & Ibarrondo-Dávila,

Citation2020). However, there is inconsistency in these findings; therefore, it is needed to

carry out analysis to these factors in-depth. This research examined learning attitude,

academic interest, and learning quality as the main determining factors of academic.

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure can be caused by many factors. One of them is the importance to

peers’ opinion as teenagers usually tends to hear to their friend’s and to large groups

opinions as the teenagers usually takes decisions according to large groups for example:

when the teenager is driving a car and knows that his friends are watching him/her, the

teenager usually speeds the car to get more attention as he/she thinks that this is a reward

that risk should be taken for it and in this age the teenagers usually neglect the value of
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

the risk compared with reward which is getting attention and being the coolest in the

group. Gongala (2021). When the teenagers get easily influenced by their peers′ is the

impotence to peers’ opinion, like when teens place a high value on their peers and their

group rather than being alone. Also, research has discovered that teens are more likely to

take risks while their friends watching them.

According to Gongala (2021) Peer pressure is like anything in the world, it has

reasons for it and causes like the urge to fit in or to be accepted by group and to the

importance to the opinion of their peers. Peer pressure has a positive impact like it has

negative impact, like if you surround yourself with a good type of friends and peers who

are into good manners and behavior, that will affect us to be like them, like if your

friends care about the grades and the school GPA, with time you will find yourself doing

the same and compete with them.

In the other hand, Padma (2014) state that peer pressure has a negative impact on

confidence of the teenagers, just as some influences can be positive, some influences can

be negative too. Peer pressure can take a normally self-confident teenager and make

him/her someone who is not sure about themselves and has low self-esteem. Low self-

esteem and a lack of confidence in turn might impact a teenagers’ general well-being,

like in some cases teens find themselves overly dependent on their peers because they

begin to develop a serious issue with self-confidence and make them copy everything

their peers do.

According to Hartney, (2011) peer pressure refers to the influences that peers can

have on each other. Peer pressure is emotional or mental forces from people belonging to
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College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

the same social group (such as age, grade or status) to act or behave in a manner similar

to themselves (Weinfied 2010). Jones, (2010) defined peer pressure as the ability of

people from the same social rank or age to influence another of same age, bracket peer

pressure is usually associated with teens although its influence is not confined to

teenagers alone. 1 2 Mature adults, teens, young adults and children can be seen doing

things in order to be accepted by their peers. Peer pressure is commonly associated with

episodes of adolescent risk taking (such as delinquency, drug abuse, sexual behaviors),

because this behavior commonly occur in the company of peers. It can also have positive

effects when youth are pressured by the peer toward positive behavior. Such as

volunteering for charity or excelling in academics (Kellie, 2013). However, peers can

also have a negative influence. They can encourage each other to skip classes, steal,

cheat, use of drugs or alcohol, or become involve in other risky behaviors. Majority of

adolescents with substance abuse problems began using drug or alcohol as a result of peer

pressure. Negative peer pressure may influence in various ways like joining group who

drink alcohol, smoke cigarette and Indian hemp among others. It may also lead to the

decision to have a boy friend/girl friend, Peer pressure indulges youth into loitering about

in the streets, watching films and attending parties during school hours, taping as

alternative to stealing which may eventually graduate into armed robbery. (Arief, 2011),

Peer pressure may be present in the workplace, at school or within the society, it can

affect people of all ages. It may affect people in different ways but here, the focus is on

peer pressure as it influences academic performance of in-school adolescents. Peer

pressure may have a positive influence and help to 3 challenge or motivate one to do best.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

Peer pressure may also result in one doing thing that may not fit with ones sense of what

is right or wrong. In other words, when peer pressure makes one do things that people

frown at, it is a negative peer pressure.

Peer pressure faced by many teenagers of the society, professionals understood the

concept of peer influence that could affect teenagers in a negative way which can be

prevented by educating and preparing teenagers to face the negative aspects caused by

peer pressure (Temitope & Og0nsakin, 2015). Similarly peer influence among teenagers

does not directly affect them in a negative way but it varies in how much and how the

students receive the climate of the peers coming from the group (Mosha, 2017). When a

student is influenced and motivated by peer he will perform excellent at school and got

good grades in mathematics (Boechnke, 2018). Getting the support needed coming from

the peer group, student tend to excel and exceed its capability and concentrate more

pertaining to his studies and do good in the academic tasks in school (Olalekan, 2016).

Peer pressure is a sense of force from another age buddies to do something

dangerous for oneself and others. Whereas Palani and Mani (2016) view that, a peer

group is the group of persons who, experience identities in age, history and social strata.

The members of the group are expected to affect an individual's thoughts and actions.

However, Ogowewob & (2015) writes peer pressure not always bring

negative impacts on individuals, but have positive effects also. Evidence shows that

adolescents stop abusing drugs or to get rid of other anti-social activities in the influence

of their peers. They even start executing pro-social behaviors due to peer influence.
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College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

Ukyawi et al. (2012) perception of peer pressure is an institution that influences

students' behavior by encouraging them to engage with wrongdoings that cause them to

rebel. The author said that peer pressure significantly impacts students as they see their

peers as someone they can look up to. It implies that peer pressure affects students based

on who they associate themselves with. The effect of peer pressure can reflect on how

they want to act. For instance, the study conducted by Ukyawi et al. (2012) determined

that one of the causes of substance abuse is peer pressure on students. The researchers

discussed how important it is to be associated with peers that would guide them to make

better decisions to improve their behavior. Thus, it is crucial to show support to the

student by creating programs as this will encourage them to improve their behavior and

associate themselves with peers that will positively influence them.

According to Mahmood et al. (2013) and Damm (2018), peer pressure is defined as

a subjective or actual experience of feeling pressured by others to do things teens do not

want to do. Although each author agrees that peer pressure in high school can be good

and destructive, their perception focuses on the adverse effects on the students. This

could lead to a lot of impacts, including underachievement. Due to this information, the

authors found out that when pupils reach adolescence, they are likely to be exposed to

similar types of peer connections and similar peer pressures and levels of compliance.

Peer pressure can lead to psychological issues that hinder the growth of interpersonal

relationships. Peer pressure impacts children's relationships with their parents, family,

and society. Peer pressure affects their future, including their employment and marital

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

In contrast, Harrel (2020) and Aldanese (2010) state that not all peer pressure is

negative. Peer pressure will only negatively affect when our decisions and beliefs are set

aside just for students to be accepted in a particular peer group (Aldanese, 2010). It is up

to them to determine the effect of one's peer pressure. As students and teenagers look for

assurance from their peers or peer groups, they tend to be influenced by what they do or

even set standards for themselves, resulting in unconsciously pressuring themselves.

According to them, there are reasons why peer pressure affects students. For instance, it

creates the desire to fit in, teaches us what not to do, helps us grow, develops a sense of

support, takes them out of their comfort zone, and leads them to make independent

choices. These examples prove that peer pressure does not harm students. It could be

beneficial to train them in real-life situations. Staying and being with the right friends

may make students feel safe and secure. Their peers will lift and help them pursue a good

life. Second are those peer or peer groups who would lead you to your destruction and


Orillana (2018) also defines peer pressure as a social pressure from peers to do

something, embrace specific values, or otherwise adapt to be accepted. Inside the school,

students are required to belong to one group. Although it is not required, social standards

suggest that having a circle of friends boosts a student's confidence and socialization

skills. While all these arguments are valid, peer pressure has progressed to the point

where it interferes with the student's primary goal. It is said that peer pressure is not all

about its negativity, but it can also enhance and inspire a student to become their best

version of themselves. In the Philippines, Peer pressure has shifted to the opposing side.
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News, publications, and even personal claims of interested students and families have

demonstrated that peer pressure makes it difficult for pupils to embrace "their" views,

culture, and activities. Teens, according to Dr. B. J. Casey of Cornell University's Weill

Medical College, they are exceptionally rapid and accurate in making judgments and

decisions on their own and in settings when they have time to reflect. However, when

individuals are forced to make decisions in the heat of the moment or social

circumstances, they are frequently swayed by external influences such as a


ACCAP (2018) and ReachOut (n.d.) states that peer pressure usually happens when

students worry about fitting in with others. Peer groups' influence on how individuals

think, and act is referred to as "peer pressure." It can vary into various levels of the child's

peers. It can be seeking approval or one of the possible reasons for a child resulting in

bullying. The article also states that peer pressure is well- known for its negative

consequences, such as alcohol, smoking, and drugs. They determine how students are

impacted; it might be through their circle of friends, people they meet online, or any

social media platforms. However, the article also discussed that peer pressure's beneficial

side effects include a sense of belonging and support, as well as greater self-confidence.

Positive hobbies and interests are introduced, reinforcing positive behaviors and attitudes.

Meanwhile, it can result in the following adverse effects for a child: peer pressure to use

alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs, peer pressure to engage in risk-taking behaviors, a diversion

from academics, distancing between family and existing friends, and abrupt changes in

behavior and views.

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Peer pressure Yavuzer et al., (2014), is that adolescence is a period of transition

between childhood and maturity. Adolescence is a tumultuous period in which

physiological, psychological, and social transformations occur and a stressful phase that

might lead to an imbalance in an adolescent's thoughts and actions. The idea of time is a

significant issue in this age. Individualization is a term that refers to a continuous process

of self-development. One of the essential aspects of friendships and peer relationships is

at the center of teenage behavior. As a point of reference, peer pressure can range from

good to negative. Unfavorable consequences, such as criminal behavior Many scientists

have pointed out that adolescents have a strong need to belong to a specific group, which

can be problematic to encourage teenage participation in dangerous behaviors. This

research aimed to look at the impacts of, on the one hand, peer pressure, intuitive

thinking, and self-esteem are factors on the other—male and female teenage

aggressiveness levels. As a result, peer pressure and automatic thoughts were revealed to

be efficient predictors in explaining female and male teenagers in a hierarchical multiple

regression analysis. This section argues that authors have different definitions of peer

pressure. Some believe that it has a positive impact on students. Some authors argued that

peer pressure is something students should avoid. Nonetheless, the definition of peer

pressure relies on how students want to be influenced. Whether they want to achieve their

academic goal, or impulsively decide what they want to do with their lives.

Decision making

Decision making by authors with the year of publication: (George R. Terry

2013)"Decision making is the selection based on some criteria from two or more possible
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alternatives." Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich 2014 "Decision-making is defined as

the selection of a course of action among alternatives; it is the care of planning." Andrew

Smilagyi 2013 "Decision-making is a process involving information, choice of alternative

actions, implementations, and evaluation that is directed to the achievement of certain

stated goals." Stephen P. Robbins 2018 "Decision making is the process of making

choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative

resolutions." These definitions all highlight the essential elements of decision making,

which are: Identifying a problem or opportunity Gathering information Developing and

evaluating alternatives Choosing the best alternative Implementing the chosen alternative

Evaluating the outcome of the decision making is a complex process that is influenced by

a variety of factors, including the individual's personality, cognitive abilities, values, and

experiences, as well as the organizational and environmental context. (Gary Klein 2013)

"Decision making is the process of making choices about what to do in a situation."

(Daniel Kahneman 2013) "Decision making is the cognitive process resulting in the

selection of a course of action among several available alternatives." (Max H. Bazerman

and Ann E. Tenbrunsel 2017) "Decision making is the process of choosing between two

or more alternatives." Overall, decision making is a critical skill that is essential for

success in all areas of life. It is the process of making choices that can have a significant

impact on our personal and professional lives.

Peer influence also can be seen as a factor in decision-making, according to

Albert, Chein and Steinberg (2013) during adolescence, a teenager spends maximum time
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with their friends and age mates. Their brain circuit works to bring social acceptance. The

peer interaction activates the reward and pleasure-seeking center of the brain. In order to

get the reward of peer acceptance, they get involved in some risky activities, showing

very poor decision making. But, Birkeland, Breivik, and Wold (2014) writes in their

research that feeling accepted by peers promote positive self-esteem and self-efficacy in

the adolescents who do not have close and warm relationships with their parents.

Wolf (2015) observes that from the presence and absence of the peers at any

situation also influences the chances of an adolescent to get involved in some risk-taking

activity. The evidence has proved that they take more risk and participate in criminal

activities in the presence of their peers as compared to in their absence. Their decision-

making ability declines or limits, when the peers are around them. They only want their

conformity, even at the cost of losing their lives.

Albert et al., 2013; Helms et al., 2014). As Mindset × Context Theory suggests, the

school norms regarding effort, motivation, challenge, and risk-taking may either dampen

or strengthen the association between students' expectations for success in math and their

math progress. These findings align with the large and growing amount of research in

social neuroscience and neuroendocrinology that has pointed to adolescents' enhanced

sensitivity to peer influence during the mid-to late-adolescence period studied here

(Albert et al., 2013; Choukas-Bradley et al., 2014; Dahl et al., 2018; Paluck & Shepherd,

2012; Yeager et al., 2018). ... Adolescence is a critical time when students look to their

peers to determine what behaviors help them fit in (Albert et al., 2013). Consequently,

even when adolescents know that a behavior does not align with their academic success,
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they may conform to their peers. Certain groups may be particularly susceptible to

unhealthy food promotion. Adolescents are uniquely vulnerable due to their

developmental stage (i.e., cognitive and emotional maturity; Casey et al., 2008; Knoll et

al., 2015), peer-group influence (Albert et al., 2013; Decision making is a scientific

procedure of identification and understanding of the problem or the issue regarding which

a decision has to be made, gathering of information from all the possible sources,

identification of alternatives solutions to the problem, giving weightage to each

alternative understanding, its pros and cons, further making a choice among these

alternatives on the basis of the analysis, then taking the solution into action and then

finally reviewing the taken decision and its effects.


Motivation is an intrapsychic construct and resides within an individual. Such

internal motivation is greater to the extent that children feel efficacious, view the goals of

school as focused on learning and improvement, attribute failures to effort, harbor

positive academic emotions and feelings of competence and self-esteem, expect success,

value school, and find academic tasks worthwhile. For that reason, all these facets of

appraisals and beliefs have been studied as parts of motivation. At the same time,

motivation also shows on the outside. Academically motivated students like and enjoy

learning in school, persist in academic tasks, participate in school activities, and believe

that school is important (Finn & Zimmer, 2012).

Motivated students are visible to teachers and peers. In fact, all major

motivational conceptions rest on engagement and disaffection as key components of how

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motivation manifests itself in the classroom and is communicated to teachers, parents,

and peers (Skinner & Pitzer, 2012). Engagement is usually defined in terms of its

constituent constructs (behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement, Fredricks,

Blumenfeld, & Paris, 2004; Skinner, Kindermann, Connell, & Wellborn, 2009), but the

term is also used as a broader marker of the extent of students’ involvement in general

school activities (e.g., participation in extra-curricular activities; Juvonen, Espinoza, &

Knifsend, 2012).

An individual seeks emotional support towards communicating publicly and

showing his private objectives or goals. Indeed through showing your emotions to others

individual can get emotional benefits from it because it could help them to overcome

temptation and could give them emotional benefits. (Borein & Boemont, 2013). Also,

peer groups answer questions from teenager different concern from adolescence stage

including physical appearance or changing bodies (Ademiyi & Kolawole, 2015). Peer

pressure could easily affect the self-esteem of students that an important factor

adolescence. Individual adapt attitudes towards a certain aspect that they encountered or

they are aware of (Uslu, 2013) The pressure among peer group among its member may

engage to do undesired things or negative behavior with the presence of a particular peer

group leader who engage its member to do deviant acts or promote undesirable things to

the group (Dumas, Ellis, & Wolfe, 2012). Interactions between students with their

agemates appeal to enhance their learning capacity under the guidance of an adult

educator (Kinderman, 2016). Therefore, Peer Pressure cannot directly be shown to have

negative or positive impact towards students’ academic performance but one can realize
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the appropriate coping mechanism for a problem as a technique to avoid and fight peer

pressure optimistically

Motivation is an affective factor which makes human organisms behave,

determine the decisiveness and energy of that behavior and keep the behaviors going by

directing them. Motivation is a theoretical construct used to explain the initiations,

direction, intensity, persistence and quantity of behavior (Ekici, 2010). Example,

motivation towards science (Chemistry) lesson, motivation to technology lesson, etc, has

generated study on the causes of failure in science classes. Dinah (2012) stated that

motivation is a process that begins with a physiological deficiency or need that activates

behavior or a drive that is aimed at a goal or incentive. Motivation therefore consisted of

needs (deficiencies) which set up drives (motives) which help in acquiring the incentives

(goals). Drives or motives are action-oriented while incentives/goals are those things

which alienate a need. Marques (2010) opined that motivation is what people need to

perform better and can only work if the right person with the right skills has been placed

in charge of the task at hand.

Kang and Keinonen (2018) and other researchers explained that students’ time

management, self-motivation, engagement, behavior, and attitudes are the key factors

governing their academic success. According to a lot of researchers, teaching quality is

one of the most important factors that influence academic success. Although there is little

evidence proving that the qualifications of teachers can influence the achievement of

students, teaching quality is widely considered to be crucial for education. Furthermore,

teaching experience has a significant and positive impact on reading test scores and the
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control of fixed teacher quality. Most universities think that their teaching quality will be

improved when they pay more for teachers who have higher diplomas and more

experience. For students, the teaching quality is the main reason of withdrawing from

some courses. There are a lot of issues relating to teaching that may influence the

learning of students, such as whether teachers teach students conscientiously, whether

they are well-prepared for lessons, and whether they comment on students’ assignments

carefully. For school factors, there is a growing consensus, based on pragmatic evidence,

that the positive influence of successful leadership and school environment in general can

have a positive effect on school performance and students’ learning achievement (Allen,

Grigsby, & Peters, 2015; Beare, Caldwell, & Millikan, 2018) . Actually, it is revealed

that school leaders can improve students’ achievement in different ways, varying from 1)

direct and indirect effects on teaching and learning; 2) involving different stakeholders

(such as parents) in school; and 3) providing a proper ethos and climate, which eventually

impact students’ academic achievement.

The teacher should better understand the dynamics that increases student

motivation and focus their attention on understanding courses and gain their implication

in the proceedings of the sitting (Wentzel, Battle, Russell & Looney, 2010). Student are

aware of the importance of working independently, and are able to discover the implicit

rule and tacit didactic contracts increase their chance of success (Osma, Kemala & Radid,

2015). They must be motivated and have a real interest in their studies; their skills

acquired posteriorly must be adapted to their choice. One of the important factors in

teaching Chemistry is student motivation.

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Peer Influence

Studies show that the influence of peer groups among student can boost their

anxiety especially pertaining to their education (Kadir, Atmowasdoyo & Salija 2018).

The relationship within the group with its peers are co-related with each other, hence the

direction of this particular relationship should be monitored these relationships should go

considering all possible factors correlated within the group outcome (Wilson, 2016).

Knowing how the teenagers interact with their peers and how they interact with each

other and how presence of peer group affects student’s academic achievement in school

plays an important role for various categories and even the whole educational system

(Leka, 2015). There are different factors that could affects student’s academic

performance in school whether it’s their family is giving proper guidance and motivation

to their children with the healthy and harmonies interaction with their surroundings

(Ezzarrooki, 2016). Student interactions with its peers could help enhance their capability

and increase their academic performance in school because they could seek help from

their peers that could serve as a motivation than working alone (Sotinis, Mirco &

Michael, 2013). Student peer group in school plays as an in socializing teenager with the

peers to socialize with each other that help should the child adolescents (Uzezi & Deya,

2017). Interaction of students between its peer are likely to influence the students and can

be crucial for the student to determine their choice and could affect student performance (

De Giorgi ,n.d.). Peer among youth plays a vital role during the adolescence of a

teenager. This is the time when teenagers develop deep friendship among their peers and

become permanent during their adolescence (Guzman, 2017). Peer pressure towards
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persons behavior is said to be a social phenomenon where the members of a particular

society or may not be influence negatively but majority are affected by the undesirable

behavior of those people who resist what others do (Gulati, 2017).

In fact, they actually possess the knowledge, values, and processing competence to

evaluate risky decisions as proficiently as adults do (Reyna and Farley, in Bankole and

Ogunsakin, 2015). According to Olalekan (2016), it is generally observed that peer group

has a lot of influence on students. This is seen from the role played by the peer group in

the life and learning of a child, evidence abound that students feel more comfortable and

relaxed among fellow students. A child who is brilliant and surrounded by dull friends

would lose interest in learning. On the other hand, a peer group which is prone to study

would have positive effect on a dull member towards learning and stimulate his/her

interest on learning. Katz in Olalekan (2016) wrote that the nature of a peer group

determines the impact on the motivation of and achievements of its member. He further

suggests that one group may have a negative impact on its members while the other may

have positive impact on its members as well. The support supplied by parents, teachers,

and peer groups that affect their level of academic performance are inferred to be

correlational to children’ academic successes (Vangie et al., 2019). In today’s world,

education competency is inextricably linked to a society’s success. The ultimate goal of

education, according to Deepa & Chamundeswari (2014), is the best adjustment of school

atmosphere, parental participation, peer interaction, students’ self-evaluation, and student

teacher interaction. Friendships, according to Filade et al. (2019), are “essential

interpersonal vehicles that drive pupils toward psychological growth and maturity,
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permitting social compassion that promotes the development of self-evaluation”. The

preceding remark strongly shows that peer group has an unparalleled impact on

practically every aspect of teenage development. Such an effect can be seen in young

people’s social and emotional life, which doesn’t stop there; it can also be shown in their

attitudes toward educational activities, and careful analysis of these factors has

demonstrated that they have an impact on students’ academic achievement. According to

a study done by Kadir et al. (2018), peer networks might increase student anxiety,

particularly when it comes to their schooling. When a student is affected and motivated

by his or her peers, he or she will perform well in school and get strong academic results.

According to Olalekan (2016), when kids receive essential peer support, they are more

likely to achieve and exceed their capabilities, focus more on their studies, and perform

well in academic tasks at school. Students’ relationships with their peers can help them

improve their capability and academic performance in school since they can request

assistance from their peers, which can serve as motivation rather than working alone

(Sotinis et al., 2013). Students’ interactions with their peers are likely to influence them

and can be vital in helping them make decisions. It can also have an impact on their

performance (Vangie et al., 2019). During a teenager’s adolescence, peer relationships

are extremely important. When teens start university, they form intimate friendships with

their peers that last throughout their adolescence (Guzman, 2017). Is defined as a social

phenomenon in which members of a society may influence one other positively or

adversely, but the majorities are affected by the unpleasant behavior of those who resist

what others do (Gulati, 2017). A person seeks emotional support in order to communicate
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openly and reveal his personal ambitions or goals. Individuals can gain emotional

benefits from exposing their feelings to others since it can help them overcome

temptation and provide emotional rewards (Bonein & Boemont, 2013). Peer groups, on

the other hand, respond to questions from teenagers about many issues that arise during

the adolescent era, such as physical appearance or body changes (Adeniyi & Kolawole,



The critical review of the literature describes the definition clarity of spirituality,

religion, and faith. These three terms are interchangeably used in the literature. However,

each of these terms has its own definitions. For example, the term spirituality has more

than 13 conceptual components. It is abstract and subjective and is different from religion

and faith. Spirituality can be a connection to God, nature, others, and surrounding.

Spirituality is associated with quality and meaning in life. Conversely, religion is

attributed to traditional values and practices related to a certain group of people or faith.

Religion is guided by tradition, rules, and culture. Religion is defined as a personal set or

institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices. Religion is the

service or worship of God or the supernatural. Faith is often associated with religion and

spirituality. Faith is more personal, subjective, and deeper than organized religion and

relates to the relationship with God. The concept of spirituality lacks a professional

understanding. It is imperative that the holistic view of nursing must strive to understand

the definition of spirituality.

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According to the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA; 2019), the

primary goal of holistic nursing is healing practice of the whole person. Thornton (2008)

explains holistic nursing is a philosophy, an attitude, and an integration of self-care, self-

responsibility, and spirituality and self-reflection (Thornton, 2008). Holistic nursing

recognized by the American Nurses Association (ANA) is a philosophy of living and

being that is grounded in caring, relationship, and interconnectedness. As a specialty,

holistic nursing and nurses are accountable for their unique contribution health and

healing of their patients and their community (AHNA, 2019; AHNA & ANA, 2019). The

uniqueness of holism includes spirituality, and therefore, the concept of spirituality is

identified as an important concept for nursing practice. However, research suggests that

critical review of the literature describes the definition clarity of spirituality, religion, and

faith. These three terms are interchangeably used in the literature. However, each of these

terms has its own definitions. For example, the term spirituality has more than 13

conceptual components. It is abstract and subjective and is different from religion and

faith. Spirituality can be a connection to God, nature, others, and surrounding. Spirituality

is associated with quality and meaning in life. Conversely, religion is attributed to

traditional values and practices related to a certain group of people or faith. Religion is

guided by tradition, rules, and culture. Religion is defined as a personal set or

institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices. Religion is the

service or worship of God or the supernatural. Faith is often associated with religion and

spirituality. Faith is more personal, subjective, and deeper than organized religion and

relates to the relationship with God. The concept of spirituality lacks a professional
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understanding. It is imperative that the holistic view of nursing must strive to understand

the definition of spirituality.

According to the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA; 2019), the

primary goal of holistic nursing is healing practice of the whole person. Holistic nursing

recognized by the American Nurses Association (ANA) is a philosophy of living and

being that is grounded in caring, relationship, and interconnectedness. As a specialty,

holistic nursing and nurses are accountable for their unique contribution health and

healing of their patients and their community (AHNA, 2019; AHNA & ANA, 2019). The

uniqueness of holism includes spirituality, and therefore, the concept of spirituality is

identified as an important concept for nursing practice. However, research suggests that

knowledge gap exists regarding these vital concepts and there is a barrier and lack of

understanding regarding the concepts of spirituality and religion (Jones, 2018). Literature

shows that there is a wide knowledge gap about the concepts of spirituality and theories

of spirituality. Nurses struggle to provide spiritual care when they lack knowledge of

these concepts (Lavorato Neto Rodrigues, Rozendo da Silva, Ribeiro Turato, & Gomes

Campos, 2018). The phenomenon of spirituality lacks professional understanding

regarding practice and research implications (Tate, 2011). Many health care providers

rarely discuss the concepts of spirituality with their patients because of the lack of clarity

about spirituality and religion (Barreto de Oliveira & de Oliva Menezes, 2018). The

purpose of this article is to address the definition clarity of spirituality, faith, and religion,

and their role in holistic nursing care.

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In particular, Cheadle and Schwadel (2012) combine this focus on adolescent

religious change with recent advances in the statistical modeling of social network data to

show how adolescent friendships reflect both religious influence between friends and

friend selection based on religious similarities for a range of common religion variables.

Our focus here is similar: we investigate how networks contribute to religious identity,

but demonstrate how the assessment of this question can benefit from incorporating the

perspective of religious mosaics (Pearce and Denton 2011; Pearce et al., 2013).

Religion is a set of organized beliefs, practices, and systems that most often relate

to the belief and worship of a controlling force, such as a personal god or another

supernatural being. Religion often involves cultural beliefs, worldviews, texts,

prophecies, revelations, and morals that have spiritual meaning to members of the

particular faith, and it can encompass a range of practices, including sermons, rituals,

prayer, meditation, holy places, symbols, trances, and feasts. While this is a basic

definition, there are many different understandings of what religion is. Not all religions

are centered on a belief in a god, gods, or supernatural forces.

Religion can serve a wide range of purposes. Religion can be a source of comfort

and guidance. It can provide a basis for moral beliefs and behaviors. It can also provide a

sense of community and connection to tradition. Some research even suggests that it may

affect health.

Religion is a humanly constructed system of symbols and practices which relate

humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values. These systems are characterized
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by their ability to mobilize and inspire people to action, to provide them with a sense of

community, and to offer them solace and hope in the face of suffering and death.

"Religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things, that is to

say, things set apart and forbidden—beliefs and practices which unite into one single

moral community called a Church, all those who adhere to them." A system of symbols

and beliefs A sense of community A moral code A relationship to the supernatural It is

important to note that religion is not a monolithic entity. There are many different

religions in the world, each with its own unique beliefs and practices. Additionally,

religion is a personal experience, and what it means to one person may not be the same as

what it means to another. McCutcheon (2021), "Religion is a cultural system that creates

and maintains social order and provides a sense of meaning and purpose for individuals."

focus on the social and cultural dimensions of religion, and how it can provide

individuals with a sense of meaning and purpose.


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This chapter presents and discusses how the researches gather the necessary data

and information that will use in the entire study. It covers the research design, locale of

the study, respondents of the study, sampling techniques, and data gathering instrument,

validity and reliability of instrument, data gathering procedure and data analysis to assess

the influence of peers in relation to their academic performance.

Research Design

This study is a descriptive- quantitative research design utilizing Influence of

Peers to the Academic Performance of Beed Students of Central Philippines State

University- Hinigaran Campus during the first semester of school year 2022-2023. The

descriptive research part focused on the peer influence, motivation, decision-making, and

religion. Descriptive research is devoted to the gathering of information about prevailing

conditions or situations for the purpose of description and interpretation. This type of

research method is not simply amassing and tabulating facts but includes proper analyses,

interpretation, comparisons, identification of trends and relationships.

Locale of the study

This study will be conducted at Central Philippines State University Hinigaran

Campus located at Barangay Gargato which is 2.7 kilometers from Hinigaran Proper.
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Figure 1. Site of Central Philippines State University- Hinigaran Campus.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were the BEED students of Central Philippines State

University- Hinigaran Campus for the academic year 2022-2023, Municipality of

Hinigaran, Negros Occidental. The respondents were the thirty-seven (37) BEED first

year, thirty-nine (39) BEED second year, and thirty-three (33) BEED third year. Total

number of 109 respondents was taken from the registrar’s office in-charge to better assess

the standing of the samples.

Sampling Procedures or Techniques

This study used a stratified random sampling technique in which the researchers

make use of the Slovin’s Formula to identify and get the number of respondents. This

can provide useful data and can be specifically beneficial in a pilot study (Lunsford &

Lunsford, 1995). The goal of the method is to survey the students using the questionnaire.

The researcher administered the survey questionnaire to the BEED students. After the

data gathered from the 109 respondents, the researchers employed computation using an

appropriate statistical tool to answer the hypothesis and statement of the problem. The

table will show results correspond to each factor and it will be interpreted accordingly.

The Slovin’s formula below was used to determine the sample size:

n= 2
1+ N e
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Where: n = sample size

N = population size
e = margin of error

Table 1. Population and sample size of BEED Students of Central Philippines State
University-Hinigaran Campus.

Course, Year & Sec. N n

BEED 1A 27 20
BEED 1B 24 17
BEED 2A 27 20
BEED 2B 26 19
BEED 3A 21 15
BEED 3B 24 18
TOTAL 149 109

Data Gathering Instrument

In this study, the researcher used a self-made survey questionnaire, where the

respondents were asked to answer every question by checking the given choices. The

researcher instrument was comprised of total 40- item questions consisting of only one

part with 10 questions in each of the peer influences such as peer pressure, decision

making, motivation and religion. The questions were scaled 1-4 in which means 4-

Strongly agree, 3- Agree, 2- Strongly Disagree 1- Disagree.

Validity and Reliability of the Instrument

The researchers would present the self-constructed research instruments to the

jurors who are already expert and knowledgeable in research instrument validation. The
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rating scale use for the validity of the instrument will base on the criteria of Carter V.

Good and Douglas F. Scartes. The overall mean for the validity of the questionnaire will

be interpreted by the jurors that will be utilized in the study. After the instrument will

identify as valid, the researchers will conduct the reliability test of the instrument at

Central Philippines State University- Hinigaran Campus.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will write a formal letter to address to Central Philippines State

University Hinigaran Campus office of the Campus Administrator, the Dean of

Instruction, and the Program Head of the Bachelor of Elementary Education to secure

permission on conducting of the study. As soon as the permission approved,

questionnaire will be administered to the respondents. The instrument will be distributed

on the given and approved schedule by the campus administrator.

The researchers made a clear instruction for the respondent to be able understand

easily. Respondents will be given enough time in answering every item in the

questionnaire without rushing them. It will be also emphasized that their responses will

be treated with strict confidentiality and anonymous. After the respondents answer the

given questionnaire, the instrument will be gathered accordingly. The data will be

collected, intently tallied, tabulated and interpreted using the statistical analysis and

interpretation to answer the specific statement of the problem.

Data Analyses
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Based on the given statement of the problem, the following statistical tools will be

used in order to deal with the data that was gathered after conducting the study.

To determine the extent of peer influence when grouped according to peer

pressure, decision making, motivation, religion Mean and Standard deviation will be


Peer influence of BEED students

Main Score Ranges Verbal interpretation

4.21 - 5.00 Strongly Agree
3.41 – 4.20 Agree
2.61 – 3.40 Disagree
1.81 – 2.60 Strongly Disagree

To determine the level of academic performance of the BEED students, Mean and

Standard deviation will be used.

The scale will be used to interpret the academic performance of students.

Rating Interpretation
94-100 (1.0-1.49) Excellent
88-93 (1.5-1.99) Very Good
82-87 (2.00-2.49) Good
76-81 (2.5-2.99) Satisfactory
75 (3.00-3.99) Passed
70-74 (4.00-4.99) Failed (Conditional)
69 and below (5.00-above) Failed

Source: Grading_System.pdf

To determine the significant relationship between students’ academic

performance and peer influence when grouped by peer pressure, decision making,

motivation, and religion Spearman-rank correlation will be used.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus



This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of results of the data gathered

from the study to determine the extent of peer influence in relation of students to their

academic performance.

Extent of Peer Influence in Relation of Student’s to their Academic Performance

Table 1 shows the level of Peer Influence in terms of Peer Pressure, Decision

Making, Motivation and Religion. In terms of Peer Pressure, it has an average mean of

3.45 with the standard deviation of 0.46 which is interpreted as agree. In terms of

Decision Making, it has an average mean of 3.43 with the standard deviation of 0.45

which is interpreted as agree. In terms of Motivation, it has an average mean of 3.54 with

the standard deviation 0.41 which is interpreted as agree. In terms of Religion, it has an

average mean of 3.54 with the standard deviation of 0.58 which is interpreted as agree.

It implies that the level of peer influence, their religion has the highest mean

while the decision making have the lowest mean. It means that the respondents can easily
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

influenced by peers in terms of their religion. Additionally, the respondents' religious

beliefs can be easily influenced by their peers.

In support, according to Wilson (2016), the relationship within the group with its

peers are co-related with each other, hence the direction of this particular relationship

should be monitored these relationships should go considering all possible factors

correlated within the group outcome.

Table 2. Extent of Peer Influence


Peer Pressure 3.45 .46 Agree
Decision Making 3.43 .45 Agree

Motivation 3.63 .41 Agree

Religion 3.54 .58 Agree

Grand Mean 3.52 .48 Agree

Extent of peer influence

The table below shows the extent of students’ peer influence using mean and
standard deviation.
Table 1.2 below shows that the grand mean of the peer influence when
categorized according to Peer Pressure, Decision Making, Motivation and Religion. The
overall mean of religion was 3.541 which was interpreted as high level. Followed by the
overall mean of motivation was 3.535 which was interpreted as high level. A peer
pressure was 3.4486 which was interpreted as moderate level. And lastly the overall
mean of decision making 3.4293 which was interpreted as moderate level. It implies that
the highest overall mean of peer influence was religion therefore religion has the highest
impact to students when in comes on peer influence. Students performance is driven by
helping teachers construct learning scenario that are meaningful to individual students,
relevant to their circumstances and cognizant of their prior of learning and potential.
Understanding what students have achieved, where they should need next and how to
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

effectively reach their destination requires a coordinated effort, bringing together best of
breed learning and assessment tools with engaging and effective content and instruction
(Otokiti, 2016). In support, McCutcheon (2021), Religion is a cultural system that
creates and maintains social order and provides a sense of meaning and purpose for
Therefore, when the students influenced by peers and had a religion can affect

them academically effective. While the lowest mean of peer influence were the Decision

Making with a mean of 3.4293 which was interpreted as moderate level. It implies that

the students refers to their peers when making decision, they don’t had a positive

outcome on their learning. Wolf (2015) observes that from the presence and absence of

the peers at any situation also influences the chances of an adolescent to get involved in

some risk-taking activity. Furthermore (Max H. Bazerman and Ann E. Tenbrunsel 2017)

"Decision making is the process of choosing between two or more alternatives." Overall,

decision making is a critical skill that is essential for success in all areas of life. It is the

process of making choices that can have a significant impact on our personal and

professional lives.

Table 1.2 Extent of Peer Influence


My friends encourage me to do my best in school. 3.56 0.600 Agree

My friends help me with my homework and studying. 3.37 0.716 Disagree

My friends challenge me to think critically and learn new 3.39 0.561 Disagree

My friends help me to stay organize and on top of my school

works. 3.35 0.614 Disagree

My friends help me to develop good study habits. 3.47 0.675 Agree

My friends provide me with emotional support when I am 3.48 0.618 Agree

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

struggling academically.

My friends challenge me to consider different perspectives. 3.37 0.662 Disagree

My friends challenge me to be the best version of myself. 3.50 0.538 Agree

My friends set higher academic goals to strive for better 3.48 0.661 Agree
3.53 0.554 Agree
My friends challenge me to succeed academically.
3.448 0.464800 Agree
3.38 0.605 Disagree
My friends celebrate my good decisions and help me to learn
from my bad decisions.

My friends help me to think through the consequences of my 3.39 0.576 Disagree

3.43 0.551 Agree
My friends encourage me to make decisions which are good
for me.
3.43 0.533 Agree
My friends help me to learn from my mistakes and make
better decisions in the future.

My friends make me feel good about myself as a decision 3.35 0.614 Disagree
3.47 0.519 Agree
My friends help me feel good about my values when making

My friends encourage me to stand up for what I believe in, 3.43 0.644 Agree
even when it is unpopular.
3.45 0.616 Agree
My friends help me to be responsible and accountable for my

My friends challenge me to consider different perspectives. 3.41 0.612 Agree

I am willing to compromise and collaborate with my friends 3.56 0.535 Agree

in order to make the best decisions.
3.429 0.447690 Agree
3.53 0.519 Agree
My friends encourage me to set goals and works towards
3.61 0.508 Agree
3.56 0.517 Agree
My friends believe in me and my abilities.

My friends celebrate my successes and encourage me to keep

trying. 3.52 0.537 Agree

My friends support me through difficult times and help me to

3.57 0.516 Agree
learn in my mistakes.
3.54 0.519 Agree
My friends make me feel good about myself and my
3.41 0.697 Agree
3.41 0.531 Agree
My friends inspire me to be more confident and outgoing.
3.57 0.533 Agree
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

My friends help me to develop my talents and interests.

My friends encourage me to take a risk and try new things. 3.61 0.525 Agree

My friends help me to stay positive and motivated, even when 3.535 0.4122 Agree
things are tough. 3.72 0.511 Agree
My friends make my life more fun and the fulfilling. 3.61 0.653 Agree

I believe high spirituality leads to academic success. 3.51 0.618 Agree

I believe that peer influence in religious matters has a positive 3.52 0.715 Agree
impact in my overall academic performance.
3.55 0.700 Agree
My peers or friends shared religious belief and practices.

Because of my spirituality miracles happen, and I get better

results. 3.51 0.702 Agree

I think my religious or spiritual belief have positive impact to

my academic performance.
3.58 0.657 Agree
My religious or spiritual beliefs influence my academic
choices or goals. 3.41 0.723 Agree

I balance my personal religious or spiritual beliefs with

academics’ pressure specially when they might conflict.
3.48 0.812 Agree
I observed any changes I my academic performance as a
3.52 0.702 Agree
result of religious activities influenced I by my peers.
3.541 0.5753 Agree
My religious beliefs have specific rules or practices that affect
my daily life, including my academic routine.

When things get tough, my friends always taught me to pray.


GRAND MEAN 3.488 Agree

Level of Student’s Academic Performance

The table 2 shows the students academic performance in terms of their grades
and has an average mean of 1.70 with the standard deviation of .22043 which is
interpreted as
It implies that the General Weighted Average of the students during 2 nd semester
SY 2022-2023 has a mean of 1.70 and its equivalent of 85. It means that the respondents
can maintain good grades when influence by peers.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

In support Sotinis et al (2013) stated that student interactions with its peers could
help enhance their capability and increase their academic performance in school because
they could seek help from their peers that could serve as a motivation than working alone.

Academic Performance MEAN Standard Interpretation


General Weighted 1.70 .22043 Very Satisfactory

Average of the students
during the 2nd semester

The table 6 shows the relationship between the level of Peer Influence and
academic performance of students in terms of Peer Pressure, the F computed value
was .657 with P-value of .043. In terms of Decision Making the F computed value of .738
with P-value of .032. In terms of Motivation the F computed value of .983 with P-value
of .002. In terms of Religion the F computed value was .967 with P-value of .004 were
found that in terms of peer pressure, decision making, motivation and religion has shown
to have the significant relationship to students.
It implies that the student’s level of peer influence in terms of Peer Pressure,
Decision Making, Motivation and Religion have a significant relationship to their
academic performance. It means that if the students participate with their peers it might
affect their academic performance. The more students collaborate with their peers they
excel. The less collaborate the lesser they excel in their academic performance.
According to Olalekan (2016), it is generally observed that peer group has a lot of
influence on students.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

Table 3. The significant relationship between student’s academic performance and peer

Pearson P-Value Interpretation Decisio

Correlation n

Peer Pressure .657 .043 Significant Reject Ho

Decision Making .738 .032 Significant Reject Ho
Motivation .983 .002
Significant Reject Ho
Religion .967 .004
Significant Reject Ho
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus



This chapter presents the summary or the research work undertaken. The

conclusions drawn and the recommendations made were undergrowth o this study on

Peer Influence in relation to student’s academic performance.

Summary of Findings

The salient findings of the study are follows:

Based on the data presented in the previous chapter, the following were the

summary of findings in the study of Peer Influence in Relations to Students Academic

Performance in Central Philippine State University-Hinigaran Campus for 2 nd semester

school year 2022-22023.

It means that BEED students in Central Philippine State University are religious.

That most students strongly agree on their Peer Influence in terms of Motivation,

Religion Peer Pressure and Decision Making.

For the extent of Peer Influence when categorized according to Peer Pressure,

Decision Making, Motivation and Religion as perceived by the students most of the
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

responses had a high level of Religion. It implies that the highest overall mean of students

peer influence is religion. Their religion can affect more to influence with peers.

Therefore, religion can help students to become academically active in terms of peer


It was also found that the student academic performance was Very Satisfactory and

there is significant difference between student’s academic performance when group by


It was found that there is significant difference in terms of peer pressure, decision

making, in terms of motivation and religion and has significance difference between the

extent of Peer Influence when grouped by profile.

It was found that there is significant relationship between the extent of Peer

Influence in Relation to Student’s Academic Performance of students.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusion were drawn.

The extent of peer influence of the students were Religion. The total mean of

religion was the highest level. The total mean of Decision Making was in moderate level

while the grand mean of Peer influence was in a high level.

The finding of this study proved that the respondents peer influence can help them

to get a good grades specially in terms of motivation along with the religion.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

It was found that the Peer Influence has significant relationship to their academic

performance in terms of peer pressure, decision making, motivation and religion. It

proved that the extent of Peer Influence in relation to students academic performance can

affect and help them to get good grades.


This study provides opportunities for further research and exploration regarding

Peer Influence in relation to student’s academic performance of students. Henceforth,

future studies could prove and implement that peer influence can help students to get a

good grades especially in terms of peer pressure, decision making, motivation and


This recommendation for future study could help educators and stakeholders to

fully understand college students peer influence in relation to their academic performance

in various aspect. The school administrators, educators and teachers to compel students to

adjust their perception so that school remains a viable option through which they can be

able to affirm themselves.

The researchers noted that students have significant difference to get a good

grades when collaborating with their peers. Likewise, peer influence in terms of peer

pressure, decision making, motivation and religion have a significant relationship with

their academic performance.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus


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Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

Appendix A. Research Instrument

Peer Influence in Relation to Students Academic Performance
Directions: Please respond to the questions below by using the following rating scale.

Please write check (/) to the corresponding questions.


A. Peer Pressure

(4) (3) (2) (1)

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

1. My friends encourage me to do my best in

2. My friends help me with my homework and
3. My friends challenge me to think critically
and learn new things.
4. My friends help me to stay organize and on
top of my schoolwork.

5. My friends help me to develop good study

6. My friends provide me with emotional
support when I am struggling academically.
7. My friends challenge me to consider
different perspectives.
8. My friends challenge me to be the best
version of myself.
9. My friends set higher academic goals to
strive for better grades.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

10. My friends challenge me to succeed

(4) Strongly Agree (3) Agree (2) Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree

B. Decision Making

(4) (3) (2) (1)

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
Agree disagree

1. My friends celebrate my good decisions

and help me to learn from my bad
2. My friends help me to think through the
consequences of my choices.
3. My friends encourage me to make
decisions which are good for me.
4. My friends help me to learn from my
mistakes and make better decisions in the
5. My friends make me feel good about
myself as a decision-maker.
6. My friends help me to stay true to my
values when making decisions.
7. My friends encourage me to stand up for
what I believe in, even when it is
8. My friends help me to be responsible and
accountable for my decisions.
9. My friends challenge me to consider
different perspectives.
10. I am willing to compromise and collaborate
with my friends in order to make the best

C. Motivation

(4) (3) (2) (1)

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
Agree Disagree
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

1. My friends encourage me to set goals and

works towards them.
2. My friends believe in me and my abilities.

3. My friend celebrate my successes and

encourage me to keep trying.
4. My friends support me through difficult
times and help me to learn from my
5. My friends make me feel good about
myself and my potential.
6. My friends inspire me to be more confident
and outgoing.
7. My friends help me to develop my talents
and interests.
8. My friends encourage me to take risk and
try new things.
9. My friends help me to stay positive and
motivated, even when things are tough.
10. My friends make my life more fun and

D. Religion

(4) (3) (2) (1)

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
Agree Disagree

1. I believe high spirituality leads to academic

2. I believe that peer influence in religious
matters has a positive impact in my overall
academic performance.
3. My peers or friends shared religious belief
and practices.
4. Because of my spirituality miracles happen,
and I get better results.
5. I think my religious or spiritual belief have
positive impacted to my academic
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Hinigaran Campus

6. My religious or spiritual beliefs influenced

my academic choices or goals.
7. I balance my personal religious or spiritual
belief with academics’ pressure, especially
when they might conflict.
8. I observed any changes in my academic
performance as a result of religious
activities influenced I by my peers.
9. My religious beliefs have specific rules or
practices that affect my daily life, including
my academic routine.
10. When things get tough, my friends always
taught me to pray.

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