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Internship Report: Tribhuvan University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

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Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Internship Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of

Bachelors in Computer Applications

Submitted By
Niroj Dahal
BCA 7th Semester
Reg No:

Under the Supervision of

Prakash Chhetri
Tribhuvan University
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Sungava College

Supervisor’s Recommendation

I hereby recommend that this internship report prepared under my supervision by

Niroj Dahal in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelors in
Computer Application is recommended for the final evaluation.


Mr. Prakash Chhetri


Deparment of Bachelors in Computer Application

Sungava College

Khairahani-6, Chitwan
Tribhuvan University
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Sungava College

Letter of Approval
This is to certify that internship report prepared by Niroj Dahal in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of Bachelors in Computer Application has been
evaluated. In our opinion it is satisfactory in the scope and quality as an internship
report for the required degree.

………………………. ……………………….

Supervisor HOD/Coordinator

Mr. Prakash Chhetri Mr.Hari Prasad Sapkota

Department of computer Application Department of computer Application

Sungava College Sungava College

………………………. ……………………….

Mentor External Examiner

Mr. Sagar Parajuli

CodeKarkhana Pvt.Ltd.
I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my supervisor Mr. Prakash
Chhtetri for his excellent supervision during internship work and the preparation of
this report.

I would also like to thank my Mentor Mr.Sagar Parajuli for his patience, guidance,
and motivation. The experience was tremendously helpful to improve my skills on
programming as well as research. It was also a great path forward for me to learn and
understand new tools and technologies.

I would like to express my gratitude to Tribhuvan University and CodeKarKhana for

setting up internship programs for students like me to work on something practical
before entering the job market.

Most importantly, I would also like to thank my parents and friends for their support.
The rise in web technology has given a new opportunity to uplift the organizations
web platform to a new level. Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is a way to enhance
the website in search engine ranking algorithm. Search Engine are the platform for end
users for any products. The way each engines works depends on the algorithm written.

This internship report serves the purpose of recording the details of my internship
which was done at the CodeKarkhana which works is a software company aiming to
improve the quality of technology. Code Karkhana is a privately-held company Located in
Kathmandu, Nepal. The main Specialties of this company is web development , software
development and seo and digital marketing.This report will cover the details of my
internship in search engine optimization of 3 months which began in October 2022 and
ended in January 2023 of the same year.
This internship report on search engine optimization at Codekarkhana is done as
required by Tribhuvan University as compulsory requirement for the Bachelor’s
Degree in Computer Application. The objectives of the study are: to explore how
practical and theoretical knowledge of software development are applied to solve real-
world problems while working in industry, understand how software development
actually happens in a software companies, and learn to work as a software developer in
a team. This internship report serves the purpose to record the details of my internship.

This report will cover the details of my internship in the search engine optimization of
three months. In this report you will find the detail about the Project we worked on, in a
systematic manner. All the works done during software development has been
discussed thoroughly along with description of the project. As main purpose of this
internship is to learn by working in practical environment and to apply the knowledge
acquired during the studies in a real-world scenario in order to tackle the problems
using the knowledge and skills learned during the academic process. In this report, the
detailed analysis of the development process, implementation, need, and usage of
various applications is done from the position of a software developer.

This report walks through introduction and objective of the project, organization’s
information, details of activities done during the internship period. In the end, the
Conclusion and Learning Outcomes section consists of all the processes, practices, and
procedures which I have undergone through and learned during my internship program.

This report also contains my perceptions about the employee’s satisfaction, motivation
level and the working environment of the organization.
Chapter 1: Introduction...............................................................................................viii

1.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................viii

1.2 Problem Statement.............................................................................................viii

1.3 Objectives...............................................................................................................ix

1.4 Scope and Limitation............................................................................................ix

1.5 Report Organization..............................................................................................x

Chapter 2: Introduction to Organization.....................................................................xi

2.1 Organizational Details..........................................................................................xi

2.2 Organizational Hierarchy...................................................................................xii

2.3 Working Domains of Organization...................................................................xiii

2.4 Description of the Department..........................................................................xiii

Chapter 3: Background Study and Literature Review.............................................xiv

3.1 Background Study..............................................................................................xiv

3.2 Literature Review................................................................................................xv

Chapter 4: Internship Activities..................................................................................xvi

4.1 Roles and Responsibilities..................................................................................xvi

4.2 Project involved during internship....................................................................xvi

4.3 Task/Activities Performed................................................................................xvii

4.4 Weekly log..........................................................................................................xvii

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Learning Outcome.......................................................xxix

5.1 Conclusion.........................................................................................................xxix

5.2 Learning Outcome............................................................................................xxix


CS: Computer Science

DMT: Description Meta Tag
HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language
IMS: Internet Marketing Strategy
PHP: Hypertext Pre-Processor
PPC: Pay Per Click
SEM: Social Enterprise Marketing
SEO: Search Engine Optimization
SMO: Social Media Optimization
TU: Tribhuvan University
UI: User Interface
URL: Uniform Resource Locator
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a way to upgrade the ranking of specific web page
based on keywords. Keywords or key phrase is the terms that end users search in search
engine to find the product they need. The working mechanism is based on two prototypes
“paid” and “organic”. Business holders who pay directly to search engines to bring their
products on top is a way but what this project focus is not that, we are focusing on organic
search results that are based on various approaches like schema tag, meta tag optimization ,
density checking , image optimization and video optimization.

For a good web optimization one must be skilled with basic html skills , SEO strategies
( blueprint) and web auditing. Now the algorithm used by google is Google Humming bird
and this algorithm focuses on the following items; Content is the king and Focusing on
keyphrses rather than keywords, original contents and image optimization.

1.2 Problem Statement

From the dawn of time and humankind itself the concept of property right has been an
important if not the most important part of the social fabric. From verbal agreements to deeds
and intellectual property rights there have been ways for a person to claim ownership over
something. As the time marches on reaches the age of computers the system has always
struggled to keep up with the pace of modern life and commerce. The advent of internet has
brought many new things to the world but there is one thing lacking, that’s right over the
content a person creates on the internet. Creators have no internet first way to claim or sell
ownership of the content they create on the internet. Copyright laws exist but they have been
ineffective over the instant distribution and copying power of the internet. Traditional laws
such as copyright also rely on the central actor such as the government to force the right of an
individual but the limited resources and the comparatively low value of each content means
it’s rarely enforced. This leaves small creators with new way to claim ownership over
something they created and deprives them of the revenue they deserve when their content is
used or shared on the open internet.
1.3 Objectives
The main Objectives of this internship is defined as below:

 To promote all web based applications.

 To make a friendly search strategies for end users
 To reach out for a global market
 To sharp ourselves for better SEO Blueprint
 To understand the competition studying the real market

1.4 Scope and Limitation


 Keyword research and analysis.

 On-page optimization (title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, etc.).
 Content creation and optimization.
 Link building and backlink analysis.
 Website structure analysis and optimization.
 Competitor analysis.
 Local SEO optimization.
 Performance tracking and reporting using analytics tools.


 Limited hands-on experience with live projects.

 Dependence on guidance and supervision of mentors.
 Limited access to company resources and tools.
 Time constraints.
 Learning curve for SEO concepts and strategies.
 Limited decision-making authority.
 Difficulty in measuring the impact of SEO efforts.
 Lack of in-depth knowledge of the industry and market trends.
1.5 Report Organization
This report contains 5 chapters which are described below.

Chapter 1 is about general introduction of the system. It answers “what the system is?”,
“What this system does?” It also states problem of statement what existing problem lags.
Objective of the project, scope and limitation in detail.

Chapter 2 describe the details of the organization and its hierarchy. It includes working
domains of the organization and tells about the intern department or unit.

Chapter 3 is about literature review and background study.

Chapter 4 is about what roles and responsibilities participants played and their weekly log. It
deals about the description of project which is involved during internship and the tasks or
activities performed while doing this project.

Chapter 5 describes about Conclusion and Learning Outcome of the internship.

Chapter 2: Introduction to Organization

2.1 Organizational Details

CodeKarkhana is a software company aiming to improve the quality of technology. Code Karkhana
is a privately-held company Located in Kathmandu, Nepal. The main Specialties of this company
is web development , software development and seo and digital marketing . Quality,
authoritative content is the number one driver of your search engine rankings and there is no
substitute for great content—this is especially true when doing SEO marketing. Quality
content created specifically for your intended user increases site traffic, which improves your
site's authority and relevance. Fine-tune your web writing skills and present yourself as an
authority on the topic you are writing about. This allow creator to rank their site in the top of
the search engine.

CodeKarkhana helps you to probably noticed that we feel pretty strongly about content.
Search engines do, too. Regularly updated content is viewed as one of the best indicators of a
site's relevancy, so be sure to keep it fresh. Audit your content on a set schedule (semesterly
for example) and make updates as needed.

Table 2.1-1 Organizational Details

Name: CodeKarkhana
Location: New Baneshower,Sankhamul Kathamandu,Nepal
Phone: 9803267552 / 9860306332
2.2 Organizational Hierarchy

Figure 2-2.1 Organization Hierarchy

2.3 Working Domains of Organization
CodeKarkhana’s Digital marketing department handle Search Engine Optimization. Search
engines like to provide the best experience for their users, which is why they have hundreds of ranking
factors that determine your spot in the SERPs. Search engines want to show users the best websites in the
results to provide them with the information they need.

With SEO, you’ll implement techniques that improve your website’s user experience to ensure that your
site gives your audience answers to their queries. A few examples of SEO techniques include:

2.4 Description of the Department

CodeKarkhana’s Digital marketing department and Search Engine Optimization department
is handle by Ashish Shakya. He Test, collect, and analyse data, identify SEO trends, and gain insights
about target customers’ likes and dislikes to maximise ROI from an SEO campaign. Track, report and
analyse web analytics data and the various search engine marketing (SEM) campaigns. Manage
campaign costs, ensure budgets are not exceeded, calculate monthly campaign costs, and take necessary
steps to adhere to the budgets. Optimise website copy and landing pages for SEM. Undertake research,
expansion, and refinement of keyword. Research and understand the SEO efforts of competitors.
Develop and execute off-page SEO through link building. Work in collaboration with different teams to
ensure best practices are deployed Search engines like to provide the best experience for their users,
which is why they have hundreds of ranking factors that determine your spot in the SERPs. Search
engines want to show users the best websites in the results to provide them with the information they
need. With SEO, you’ll implement techniques that improve your website’s user experience to ensure that
your site gives your audience answers to their queries. A few examples of SEO techniques include:
Chapter 3: Background Study and Literature Review

3.1 Background Study

Search engines help people find what they’re looking for online. Whether researching a
product, looking for a restaurant, or booking a vacation, search engines are a common
starting point when you need information. For business owners, they offer a valuable
opportunity to direct relevant traffic to your website.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of orienting your website to rank higher on
a search engine results page (SERP) so that you receive more traffic. The aim is typically to
rank on the first page of Google results for search terms that mean the most to your target
audience. So, SEO is as much about understanding the wants and needs of your audience as it
is about the technical nature of how to configure your website.In every industry product
development is one of the most important parts of an organization. Having a functioning
product is important but, in a world, where apps are everywhere just having an app is not
enough. It has to be delightful to use and provide a good user experience.

Improve Your Website Loading Speed. Get Your Site Inside of Featured Snippets. Improve
Dwell Time With This Simple Step. Use Sitelinks. Create Linkable Assets. Target Keywords
With High Commercial Intent. Grab More SERP Real Estate. Rank for “Topic + Statistics”
Keywords. Optimize Old Content For User Intent. Try Content Partnerships. Repurpose
Content Into Different Formats. Use Broken Link Building. Find Backlink Opportunities
With “Link Intersect”. Target Brand New Keywords. Use Concept Visuals. Leverage
Industry Glossaries for Keyword Ideas. Get Backlinks From Content Curators
3.2 Literature Review
The Internet has fundamentally changed the way we live our lives since the first page popped
out in the World Wide Web. Internet is becoming immeasurably popular all across the globe.
With the ever increasing dependence on the Internet, the traffic on the World Wide Web has
increased at an explosive rate. Web development is the process of designing layouts; an
efficient CMS, flash integration and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Implementing the
best of Technologies combined with experience is the methodology that is used to produce
the best of results in the sphere of web and application development. Web development
process begins with carefully laid out plan that resembles a flowchart of sorts.

In SEO, selected sites in the earlier development of positioning and target groups in the case
the author has been working hard every day to learn and operate. SEO optimization of
relevant key words, by optimizing all aspects of internal and external web content to enhance
the site’s ranking in turn trigger more relevant traffic , in order to show the number of ads
and click on the number of effective upgrade.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) a form of Internet Marketing that involves the promotion of
websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages through optimization and
advertising . SEM may use search engine optimization(SEO) that adjusts or rewrites website
content to achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages or use pay per click

The main objectives of Search Engine Optimizer is to determining the objectives of how to
optimize the user experience within the site to keep the user to come back again. So author
analyze the internal structure of the site when the function of removing burdensome , profile
interface, within a reasonable increase in stations such as interactive button to make the
necessary arrangements for a reasonable optimization. By optimizing the stations interactive
features , content quality etc. can effectively improve the PV (page view) that the page view
or cliks. Each user station added to browser more time browsing the content.
Chapter 4: Internship Activities

4.1 Roles and Responsibilities

The main aim of internship purpose is to learn the organizational behavior, to learn about the
search optimization and to work in the team.

During the internship days, the target was to learn SEO tools, SEO implementation
techniques and implement this project with those learned technology. For the objective to be
fulfilled, the basic requirement was to understand how the search engines process the users
queries and show the presence of the highest optimized websites. Finally the project was
started after basic understanding of those technologies within a week.

4.2 Project involved during internship

A lot of interaction was carried out with other developers my mentor Mr. Ashish Shakya.
Work in collaboration with different teams to ensure best practices are deployed Search
engines like to provide the best experience for their users, which is why they have hundreds
of ranking factors that determine your spot in the SERPs. Search engines want to show users
the best websites in the results to provide them with the information they need.
4.3 Task/Activities Performed
 To create unique, accurate page titles
 To make use of the “description ” meta tag
 To improve the structure of the URLs
 Optimize the use of the images.
 Notify Google of mobiles sites
 Guide mobile users accurately
 Promote the websites in the correct ways
 Listing monthly hits on websites
 Listing county based users

4.4 Weekly log

Weekly log is a summary of the work done during the work. It consists of various roles and
responsibilities assigned during a week. Each log also consists of various activities as well as
observations and plan for the upcoming week. The log also contains the performance
appraisal by the team lead overseeing the work. The log is a high-level overview of the work
done during the work but it’s no an exhaustive list. It may not contain all the work done
during a week but just the high-level overview.
Weekly Internship log
Name: Niroj Dahal
Project: Search Engine Optimization
Week No: 1 (Oct 15th,2022 to Oct 22th,2022)
 Learning SEO basics and organization workflow.


 Performed Content Research and prepared content on different topics.

 Created a preliminary video review.


 Research on SEO basics.

Plan for Next Week:

 Create seo friendly and engaging titles

Performance Appraisal by Mentor:

Mentor’s Approval
Name: Sagar Parajuli

Weekly Internship log

Name: Niroj Dahal
Project: Search Engine Optimization
Week No: 2 (Oct 22th,2022 to Oct 29th, 2022)
 Create seo friendly and engaging titles


 To create unique, accurate page titles

 To make use of the “description” meta tag.


 Accurate and engaging titles are very helpful to attract more visitors.

Plan for Next Week:

 Improving Site Structure:

Performance Appraisal by Mentor:

Mentor’s Approval
Name: Sagar Parajuli

Weekly Internship log

Name: Niroj Dahal
Project: Search Engine Optimization
Week No: 3 (Oct 29th,2022 to Nov 6th,2022)
 Improving Site Structure:


 To improve the structure of the URLs

 Make the site easier to navigate


 To offer quality content and services we need to improve the structure

of the URLs and make the site navigate.

Plan for Next Week:

 Learning about search Engine tools

Performance Appraisal by Mentor:

Mentor’s Approval
Name: Sagar Parajuli

Weekly Internship log

Name: Niroj Dahal
Project: Search Engine Optimization
Week No: 4 (Nov 6th,2022 to Nov 13th,2022)
 Learning about search Engine tools.


 Performed SERP rank tracking using SERPforx & SEMrush.

 Performed keyword density check on competitor website


 To offer quality content and services we need to improve the structure

of the URLs and make the site navigate.

Plan for Next Week:

 Optimizing Content

Performance Appraisal by Mentor:

Mentor’s Approval
Name: Sagar Parajuli

Weekly Internship log

Name: Niroj Dahal
Project: Search Engine Optimization
Week No: 5 (Nov 13th,2022 to Nov 20th,2022)
 Optimizing Content


 Write better anchor text

 Optimize the use of images


 We need to used heading tags appropriately to optimize the anchor

text and image.

Plan for Next Week:

 SEO for mobile phones

Performance Appraisal by Mentor:

Mentor’s Approval
Name: Sagar Parajuli

Weekly Internship log

Name: Niroj Dahal
Project: Search Engine Optimization
Week No: 6 (Nov 20th,2022 to Nov 27th,2022)
 . SEO for mobile phones.


 Notify Google of mobile sites.

 Guide mobile users accurately


 To optimize the seo of mobile phones we need to notify mobile sites

and guide them accurately.

Plan for Next Week:

 Promotions and Analysis

Performance Appraisal by Mentor:

Mentor’s Approval
Name: Sagar Parajuli

Weekly Internship log

Name: Niroj Dahal
Project: Search Engine Optimization
Week No: 7 (Nov 27th,2022 to Dec 4th,2022)
 Promotions and Analysis


 Promote the website in the correct ways

 Make use of the free webmaster tools


 Search Console tools and reports help you measure your site's Search
traffic and performance, fix issues, and make your site shine in
Google Search results. tools is a google search console’s tools which
help to check traffic.

Plan for Next Week:

 Increase site performance

Performance Appraisal by Mentor:

Mentor’s Approval
Name: Sagar Parajuli

Weekly Internship log

Name: Niroj Dahal
Project: Search Engine Optimization
Week No: 8 (Dec 4th,2022 to Dec 11th, 2022)
 Increase site performance


 Optimized page load speed

 SEO copywriting and cross linking


 Content and image optimization help to increase the page load speed.

Plan for Next Week:

 Link Building and directory Submission

Performance Appraisal by Mentor:

Mentor’s Approval
Name: Sagar Parajuli

Weekly Internship log

Name: Niroj Dahal
Project: Search Engine Optimization
Week No: 9 (Dec 11th, 2022 to Dec 18th,2022)
 Link Building and directory Submission


 Products are submitted to different directory submission.

 Link building done by approaching different site owners.


 Backlink are very important for authority building.

Plan for Next Week:

 Data analysis

Performance Appraisal by Mentor:

Mentor’s Approval
Name: Sagar Parajuli

Weekly Internship log

Name: Niroj Dahal
Project: Search Engine Optimization
Week No: 10 (Dec 18th, 2022 to Dec 25th,2022)
 Data analysis


 Listing monthly hits on website

 Listing country based user.


 Extracted users data on city and country basis.

 Listed user on the basis of devise.

Plan for Next Week:

 Reporting site data to marketing managers.

Performance Appraisal by Mentor:

Mentor’s Approval
Name: Sagar Parajuli

Weekly Internship log

Name: Niroj Dahal
Project: Search Engine Optimization
Week No: 11 (Dec 25th,2022 to Jan 6th, 2023)
 Reporting site data to marketing managers.


 Reporting using Google Analytics

 Prepare documentation of report.


Plan for Next Week:

Performance Appraisal by Mentor:

Mentor’s Approval
Name: Sagar Parajuli

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Learning Outcome

5.1 Conclusion
SEO is an effective, cost free way to promote ones pages in organic manner. This is not easy,
there are some restrictions but working daily on site and writing a great content with user
friendly functionality can be a good start.

As stated above, the world have shrink into the size of a strawberry of electrons called as
World Wide Web(WWW). This is vast, we cannot control it, and we can take a step and
optimize our web applications so that our small website can be displayed in the vast network.

The greatest thing that learned doing internship is how to accomplish the task by doing it in
intern how to make best use of internet , how to use different tools to gain efficiency, how to
do code so that are in standard according to coming new technologies. The website was
effectively optimized so that its presence had been highly significant on the search engine,
with a good content, proper placement of keywords, and appreciable number of visits to
inbound links, hits, clicks and impressions.

5.2 Learning Outcome

The website was effectively optimized so that its presence had been highly significant on the
search engine, with a good content, proper placement of keywords, and appreciable number
of visits to inbound links, hits, clicks, and impression. By optimizing keywords "
Disadvantages of computer graphics", the websites came at first in Google ranking while
in searching similarly, optimizing keywords "Components of iway" these ranking in the
first page of the google search engine.

Structuring Data is the main focus of getting targeted customers. The visitor intelligence is
calculated by various tools like google analyitc, webmaster etc.
[1] Internet:

[2]”Web Technology”[Online].Available:

[3]Google Webmaster Central”Google Search Engine Optimizatin Strater Guide”:


[4]Marketing Executive, App

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