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Definer220 Manual

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Definer™ 220 Series

User Manual
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................. 1.0
Operation ........................................ 2.0
Battery ......................................... 2.1
Activation ..................................... 2.2
Connections .................................. 2.3
Display Screen .............................. 2.4
Menu Navigation ........................... 2.5
Set Up .......................................... 2.6
Measurements .............................. 2.7
Single ........................................... 2.8
Burst ............................................ 2.9
Continuous ................................... 2.10
Data Port ......................................... 3.0
Definer 5V Feature ........................ 3.1
DryCal Pro Software ...................... 3.2
Definer Firmware Upgrades ............ 3.3
Annual Maintenance and Calibration .. 4.0
Shipping .......................................... 5.0
Storage ........................................... 6.0
Definer 220 Specifications ................. 7.0
Factory Default Settings .................... 8.0
Limited Warranty ............................. 9.0
Troubleshooting ............................... 10.0

Operation 2.0

Data Port 3.0

Annual Maintenance and Calibration 4.0

Shipping 5.0

Storage 6.0

Definer 220 Specifications 7.0

Factory Default Settings 8.0

Limited Warranty

Troubleshooting Guide
1.0 Introduction

The Definer 220 measures volumetric and standardized gas flow with a volumetric flow
accuracy of 0.75% and standardized flow accuracy of 1% of reading. It uses our Proven
DryCal® Technology to measure volumetric gas flow and is manufactured in our accredited
laboratory in Butler, N.J.

This manual will provide the information needed to operate your Definer. If at any time
you have questions regarding its operation, please contact Mesa Labs through our web
site ( or call us at 973.492.8400 to speak with a member of our
professional customer service staff.

Your Definer
Your Definer comes with the following:

• AC Power Adapter/Charger
• PC Serial Cable
• Leak Test Cap (1); Save for use during the Leak Test
• Calibration Certificate
• Manual

Carrying cases and accessories are available for purchase from Mesa or your distributor.



Suction Fitting

Measuring Cell

Pressure Fitting

Data Port

3 Charging Jack
Calibration Label
Reset Button
Anti-tamper Label

2.0 Operation

2.1 Battery
Charging, installing and monitoring your Definer battery
Your Definer battery is charged at the factory, but we recommend that you make sure it is
fully charged before initial use.

• Connect the AC power adapter to the Definer’s Charging Jack (DC In).
• Plug the AC power adapter into an AC outlet.

Initial charging should take about eight (8) hours.

After the initial charge:

• You may continue to charge your Definer indefinitely simply by leaving it connected to
the AC power adapter.
• Be sure to charge the battery at least every three (3) months, to maintain battery life.

The battery symbol on the LCD display indicates your Definer’s battery charge condition. A
shaded battery icon indicates a full charge. As the battery voltage drops, the indicator will
empty in 20% increments.



In compliance with the European Union CE directive 2006/66/EC the battery in your De-
finer should be removed for recycling prior to disposal of the Definer. The battery in the
Definer is a valve regulated sealed lead acid battery. Please note that opening the Definer
may damage connections so this procedure should only be used for battery disposal.


Remove five Phillips head screws on the back of the Definer; one will be located under the
calibration void label. Lift off the rear cover and disconnect the two pin connector from the
battery to the printed circuit board. Lift the battery from the case.

2.2 Activation
Turning your Definer on and off
Simply press the power button.
• Press the On/Off button for 1 second to turn on your Definer.
• When first turned on, your Definer displays an opening screen showing the product
name, model number and flow range.
• Press the On/Off button for 3 seconds to turn your Definer off.

2.3 Connections
Attaching your Definer to a device
Connect device to be calibrated to the appropriate Definer port. Definer 220 low and me-
dium units have 1/4” ID tube swage lock fittings whereas Definer 220 high flow has 3/8”
ID tube swage lock fittings at their ports. Contact Mesa Labs for 3/8”-to-1/4” swage lock
adapter to use 1/4” tubing in a high flow unit.

• Connect tubing to outlet at top (suction fitting) when a device draws air (such as sam-
• Connect tubing to bottom inlet (pressure fitting) for devices that push air in (pressure


2.4 Display Screen

Understanding the screen components
The Definer 220 provides a menu of operational settings and commands. The four direc-
tional arrow buttons on the control panel allow you to navigate through the menu and
select the desired settings for your Definer. Your location within the menu is highlighted
for easy identification.

2.5 Menu Navigation

Moving through operational menus
• Use the directional arrows , ,  and  on the control panel to find your way
through the menu.
• When your desired command is highlighted, simply press the ENTER button on the
control panel.
If you see a menu selection within angle brackets (<….>), that means you have multi-
ple options for an item. Press the left or right (or ) arrow button to see the options.

Definer 220 M
Range: 50–5,000 scc/min
Control Panel
with DryCal Technology®

Definer 220

LCD Screen On/Off Button

2.6 Set-up
Customizing the Definer to your needs
You can customize your Definer in the Setup menu. Highlight SETUP in the introduction
screen to enter the Setup Menu. Or, highlight SETUP after resetting and then exiting
a measurement mode screen. The Setup menu has eight submenus. (Readings, Units,
Time, Date, Preferences, Power, Diagnostics and About).

To select a submenu, use the directional arrow buttons to highlight the submenu and
press the Enter button.

In submenus, brackets (i.e., <...>) indicate different selection options. You can switch
back and forth by pressing the forward or backward (or ) arrow.

Highlight CONFIRM after making changes and press the Enter button to save the
changes made.

‘Confirmed, New Settings Will be Retained’ message will appear in the screen for a
brief period before it returns to Setup menu. 8
Highlighting EXIT and then pressing the Enter button will return you to the SETUP
menu without saving any submenu changes.


Choose the flow reading type to either volumetric ‘Vol’ or standardized ‘Std’. Volumetric
flow is the actual flow at the ambient temperature and pressure whereas the standard-
ized flow indicates a flow rate at a specific temperature and pressure. Standardizing pres-
sure is set to a default value of 760 mmHg whearas standardizing temperature is a user
settable value set in ‘Std To’ in the ‘Units’ sub-menu.

Choose the number of measurements in the average from one to 100.

If you wish to incorporate a time delay between consecutive measurements, set Time
Between from one to 60 minutes.

Set the Sensor Factor to any value from 0.200 to 3.000. Sensor factor scales the reading
for calibrating MFCs and MFMs with surrogate gases. Sensor factor effects the flow rate
measurement only when the reading ‘Type’ is set to standardized ‘Std’.

Measure gas Flow in cubic centimeters, milliliters, liters or cubic feet (all units are per
Measure Pressure in mmHg, kPa or PSI and Temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit.

Set the standardizing temperature by setting ‘Std To’ to a value from 0 to 50 deg C or 32
to 122 deg F. ‘Std To’ effects the flow rate measurement only when the reading ‘Type’ in
the ‘Reading’ sub-menu is set to standardized ‘Std’.

Set the current time and the format.
The format can be selected as PM, AM, or 24H.

Set the date and the format.
The format can be selected as DD (day)-MM (month)-YYYY (year) or MM (month)-
DD (day)-YYYY (year).

Preferences 10

Read Default
Allows you to select a preferred mode of measurement when the Definer is initially turned

Default Settings
Select <No> to allow the ‘Read Default’ change. Selecting <Yes> will reset your Definer
to the factory default settings. (Factory default settings are provided elsewhere in this


It controls the amount of data on the display. Select <Zoom> to view only flow measure-
ments in larger font, or select <Detail> to simultaneously view flow measurements, tem-
perature, and pressure in a smaller font.

Power Save
By selecting <On>, your Definer will save power by turning off after five minutes of inac-
tivity. However, it will not turn off when connected to the AC power adapter/charger.

Select <Off>, and your Definer will remain on until you manually turn it off.

Select <On> to illuminate the LCD display or <Off > to conserve battery power.


The Definer Leak Test is designed only to verify the
internal integrity of the instrument and alert you to an
internal leak. We recommend performing the Leak Test
only as an intermediate quality control check or when-
ever the integrity of the instrument is questioned due
to misuse or accidental damage.

Please note that a leak test is not a substitute for a

comprehensive examination of the unit’s overall perfor-
mance and it does not ensure that your Definer is oper-
ating accurately.

• Invert your Definer and allow the piston to travel to

the top.
• Cap the port under test using the Mesa supplied leak
test cap. Leave the other port uncapped.
• Press Enter on the control panel while the unit is still
• Return the unit upright. The leak test will progress.

Tells you more about your Definer; a useful screen to
refer to when speaking to a technical support represen-
tative or your distributor.



Out of Range
If the flow you are measuring is outside the Definer’s flow range, the “Out of Range!”
warning appears. Immediately lower or disconnect the flow. When the flow is within the
proper range, select RESET to clear your Definer’s last measurement.

2.7 Measurements
Taking gas flow readings
To maintain the best possible accuracy and minimize thermal effects, Mesa Labs recom-
mends fully charging your battery before taking measurements. If this is not possible, we
recommend disconnecting your Definer from its AC power adapter/charger while taking
flow measurements — or to run gas through your Definer for 10 minutes before starting
the flow measurement.


First steps
Press the power button.
• Press the On/Off button for 1 second to turn on your Definer.
• When first turned on, your Definer displays an opening screen showing the product
name, model number and flow range.
• Press the On/Off button for 3 seconds to turn your Definer off.

Connect device to be calibrated to the appropriate Definer port. Use ¼ inch diameter

• Connect tubing to outlet at top (suction fitting) when a device draws air (such as
• Connect tubing to inlet at bottom (pressure fitting) when a device pushes air.
• Do not cap the unused port on the Definer.
• Select the reading type to Vol or Std. Set ‘Std To’ to the desired standardizing tem-
• Choose the measurement type, Single, Burst, or Continuous, then press Enter.


2.8 Single Measurement

Each time the ‘Enter’ button is pressed, one measurement will be made. When each
subsequent measurement is made, the current flow and average of all prior readings will
be displayed.


2.9 Burst Measurement

This setting functions in the same manner as ‘SINGLE’, but measurements continue
automatically until the preset number of measurements has been made. Operation then
ceases, and the last reading and average are displayed.

Note: (010 in series) indicates the number of measurements. 10 is the factory-preset

number. You can define the number of measurement you preferred from 1 to 100 by ac-
cessing the SETUP menu.

In Continuous or Burst mode, select:

• PAUSE to terminate the current flow measurement but to leave the average flow mea-
surement and previous flow measurement on the screen. This allows you to resume
the flow measurement sequence if you wish to do so.

• RESET to terminate the flow measurement and clear the screen.

Press ENTER again to begin another preset sequence.


2.10 Continuous Measurement

This setting functions in the same manner as ‘BURST’, but new sequences will automati-
cally repeat until stopped by the user.

3.0 Data Port

3.1 Definer 5V Feature (optional) 2.0

Your Definer 220 can be purchased with a 5-volt output that provides a volt-
age signal proprtional to the flow rate measured. Zero volts represents no
flow and 5 volts corresponds to the Upper Range Flow (URV); a user settable
value that can be set from the maximum flow rate of a particular Definer 3.0
model to 10 percent of the maxiumum flow rate for that Definer.
The Upper Range Flow correspondent to 5 V can be set by accessing
Cable/adapter part # 100-125 connects to the serial port of the Definer for
easy access to a voltage measurement point and for simultaneous serial
cable connection. Contact Mesa for details.

3.2 DryCal Pro Software

Visit Mesa Labs’ website to download your copy of DryCal Pro software
( DryCal Pro captures flow data
from your Definer directly to a pre-configured table. The data can be export-
ed to selectable Microsoft office environment.

To run DryCal Pro, you must have Windows® XP or 7, Microsoft Excel® 2003
and up, and an RS232 port, or if your PC does not have an RS232 port you
will need a USB to RS232 adapter.


3.3 Definer Firmware Upgrades

The Definer firmware is upgradable through the Data Port. Firmware up-
grades and procedures for your Definer are available through DryCal Pro Soft-
ware (

4.0 Annual Maintenance and Calibration

Assuring top performance and accuracy

Your Definer is a precision measuring standard with moving parts machined
to extremely close tolerances. Various environmental factors, product wear,
drift of sensors, or inadvertent damage may adversely affect your Definer’s
measurement accuracy or general performance. For these reasons, Mesa 3.0
Labs highly recommends having your Definer annually verified by an ISO
17025–accredited laboratory, such as Mesa Labs’ Butler, NJ facility, to en-
sure its measurement integrity.
For the ultimate in Definer maintenance and to take advantage of any avail-
able firmware and mechanical upgrades, Mesa Labs offers an annual non-
mandatory Recertification program. This is a service package that provides
complete product refurbishment, testing and available upgrades; calibration
and NIST-traceable calibration certificates.

Recertification includes a 90-day service warranty should any related labor

or parts replacements prove faulty.

Turnaround time is generally two weeks from time of receipt. Expedited

48-hour turnaround is available.


5.0 Shipping

Tips and guidelines for sending your Definer to Mesa Labs

If you are sending your Definer for repair or evaluation (rather than elective Recertifica-
tion), contact Mesa Labs for technical support or troubleshooting assistance prior to ship-
ping the unit. Pro-vide us a detailed description of your issues. If we are unable to resolve
the situation by phone or email, we will issue you an RMA (return merchandise authoriza-
tion) number. Follow online instruction for proper return procedure.

You can obtain an RMA number through our automated web-based system at RMAs also can be obtained through email
to, or by telephone at 973.492.8400. Our web site address is

Note: Mesa Labs will not evaluate or service your instrument without an RMA number.

If we find the issues you have identified are application related and not product related,
an evaluation fee will be charged.

When shipping your Definer, be sure to follow some simple guidelines to avoid costly
damage to your property.

• Use adequate packing material. Whenever possible, use the original packing that came
with your Definer. Or use a Mesa Pelican carrying case, which provides a hard case shell
for protection of your valuable equipment.
• Use a major freight carrier (e.g., FedEx, UPS) that supplies tracking numbers.
• Insure your Definer. Mesa is not responsible for damage occurred during transit.
• Understand our mutual shipping obligations.

6.0 Storage

Protecting your Definer when not in use

If you need to store your Definer for an extended period, please follow these guidelines:
• Always store it in a clean, dry place.
• If possible, leave it attached to its AC power adapter/charger while in storage.
• If your Definer cannot be attached to its AC power adapter/charger while in storage,
please do the following:
– F ully charge it before extended storage. If the battery is not fully charged prior
to storage, it might be permanently damaged.
• Fully charge it at least once every three months.
• Recharge the battery for at least 8 hours prior to reusing your Definer after storage.


7.0 Definer 220 Series Specifications

Technical data about your Definer

220L, from 5-500 scc/min
220M, from 50-5,000 scc/min
220H, from 300-30,000 scc/min

Standardized Accuracy: ±1% of reading
Volumetric Accuracy: ±0.75% of reading
Time per Measurement: 1-15 seconds (approximate)
Type: Single, Continuous or Burst
Volumetric Flow Units: cc/min, mL/min, L/min, cf/min
Standardized Flow Units: scc/min, smL/min, sL/min, scf/min
Pressure Units (Definer 220): mmHg, PSI, kPa
Temperature Units (Definer 220): °C, °F

Basics: 6.0
Dimensions (H x W x D): 5.5 x 6 x 3 in / 140 x 150 x 75 mm
Weight: 29 oz / 820 g
Configuration: Integrated flow measuring cell, valve and timing mechanism
Temperature & Pressure Sensors: In the flow stream
Press Accuracy: 3.5 mmHg (typical), 7.0 mm (max);
Temp Accuracy: 0.8° C (typical), 1.3° C (max)
AC Power Adapter/Charger: 12VDC, >250ma, 2.5 mm, center positive
Battery: 6V rechargeable, sealed lead-acid, 6-8
20 hours typical operation

Battery Operational Time (5 cycles/min): 3 hrs backlight on, 8 hrs backlight off
Pressure & Suction Fittings: ¼” ID Swagelock® fittings for Low and Medium models,
3/8” ID for High model
Display: Backlit graphical LCD

Flow Modes: Suction or Pressure
Operating Pressure (Absolute): 15 PSI
Operating Temperature: 0-50°C
Ambient Humidity: 0–70%, non-condensing
Storage Temperature: 0–70°C
Warranty: 1 year; battery 6 months

DryCal Pro Software:

DryCal Pro Software System Requirements
• Windows® XP, Windows® 7
• Microsoft Excel® 2003 and up
• RS-232 port, or if your PC does not have an RS-232 port you will need a USB to RS-232


8.0 Default Settings

Original factory settings for your Definer

The Definer is set with the following Default settings from the factory:
• Reading Type - Std
• Number in Average – 10
• Time Between – 0
• Sensor Factor - 1.000
• Flow Units – scc/min
• Pressure Units – mmHg
• Temperature Units – C
• Standardizing Temp – 21.1 deg C
• Measurement Mode – Single
• Magnification – Detail
• Backlight – On
• Power Save – On
• Time Format – 24 hour
• Date Format – MM-DD-YYYY



9.0 Limited Warranty

Outlining our responsibilities

The Definer 220 is warranted to the original end user to be free from defects in materi-
als and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of one year from the
date of purchase as shown on the purchaser’s receipt. The Definer 220’s battery is war-
ranted for six months from the original purchase date. If the unit was purchased from
an authorized reseller, a copy of an invoice or packing slip showing the date of purchase
may be required to obtain warranty service.

The obligation of Mesa Laboratories, Inc. under this warranty shall be limited to repair or
replacement (at our option), during the warranty period, of any part that proves defec-
tive in material or workmanship under normal use and service, provided the product is
returned to Mesa Laboratories, Inc., transportation charges prepaid.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Mesa Laboratories, Inc. shall have no liability to repair or
replace any Mesa Laboratories, Inc. product:

1. That has been damaged following sale, including but not limited to damage resulting
from improper electrical voltages or currents, defacement, misuse, abuse, neglect, ac-
cident, fire, flood, terrorism, act of God or use in violation of the instructions furnished
by Mesa Laboratories, Inc.
2. When the serial number has been altered or removed.
3. That has been repaired, altered or maintained by any person or party other than
Mesa’s own service facility or a Mesa authorized service center, should one be estab-
lished. 23

This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties and all other obligations or liabilities aris-
ing as a result of any defect or deficiency of the product, whether in contract or in tort
or otherwise. All other warranties, expressed or implied, including any implied warranties
of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are specifically excluded.

In no event shall Mesa be liable for any special, incidental or consequential damages for
breach of this or any other warranty, express or implied whatsoever.

10.0 Troubleshooting
Mesa is ready to help you with any operational issue you may encounter with your Definer. But we may
be able to save you some time by providing a short checklist of the questions most commonly asked of
our customer service and technical specialists.

Why won’t my Definer turn on?

If the Definer will not turn on, verify that the battery has been charged. When connected to the AC
power adapter/charger and power is present a small green indicator light should be visible through the
front viewing window

My Definer won’t respond to push-button commands.

If the Definer fails to respond to push-button commands, you can perform a hard reset of the Definer.
This can be done by inserting a paper clip into the reset opening in the back of the unit.

I’m not sure I have my Definer connected properly.

Verify that the flow source is connected to the pressure port of your Definer for pressure sources or to
the suction port for verifying suction pumps. The unused port should be at atmospheric pressure with
any cap or plug removed. If you are calibrating a gas that requires an exhaust line to vent the measure-
ment gas, ensure that the tubing is of sufficient diameter not to create a pressure drop greater then 5
inches of water.

How do I protect against leaks?

Ensure that hose and tube fittings are tight and leak free. The tubing connecting your flow source
(pump, mass flow controller, needle valve, sonic nozzle or restrictor) to the meter should be kept as
short as possible.
What do I do when my leak test fails?
First check to make sure that the leak test cap is on correctly
24 and it is not leaking through the leak test
cap itself. If the leak test cap is correct perform leak test both at the pressure and suction side. If it
fails, contact Mesa Technical Support.

What’s the best way to connect to the filter medium?

When calibrating sampling pumps best results are obtained with the filter medium connected to the
pump and the Definer connected to the inlet side of the filter medium with a short piece of tubing.

Why am I experiencing a temperature increase in my Definer 220?

A temperature rise during initial battery charging, or while charging a fully discharged battery is normal.
To maintain the best possible accuracy Mesa recommends fully charging your battery before
taking measurements. If this is not possible, we recommend disconnecting your Definer
from its AC power adapter/charger while taking flow measurements – or to run gas through
your Definer for 10 minutes before starting the flow measurement.

Why doesn’t my piston return to the bottom of the cell?

If the piston fails to return to the bottom of the cell after a measurement this could be
caused by:

• A discharged battery not providing enough power to operate the internal valve properly
(Try charging the Definer)
• Bright light shining into the unit resulting in an overload of the internal optical sensors
(Try to operate the unit in a shaded location)
• Moisture or dirt inside the cell (Return the Definer to Mesa for service)

What is Dead Volume?

Dead Volume is the gas volume between a flow generator and the instrument taking the
measurement. Since gas is compressible, this gas can act as a spring between the flow
source and the measurement instrument. For best accuracy this volume should be kept to a

We recommend keeping the tubing length between the gas flow generator and your Definer
to no more then .5 meters/20 inches in length.

What is Sensor Factor?

Sensor Factor is a number that multiplies the measured flow to scale the reading for cer-
tain types of calibrations. It allows customers to scale a mass flow controller or meter when
calibrated with alternate gases. Care should be exercised to always verify that the scaling
factor is set correctly and we recommend always returning the scaling factor to 1.000 after
completeing a calibration.
What is the difference between volumetric flow and standardized
As we know from the ideal gas law, the volume of25a gas changes with a change in tempera-
ture or pressure even when the number of molecules which constitute the mass remains
the same. Volumetric flow rate is the rate at which a volume of a gas travels past a given
location. Volumetric Flow = As Measured Volume of Gas / Time

Standardized (mass) flow rate is expressed as the rate at which the volume of a gas travels
past a given location if the gas is at a specified temperature and pressure. From the ideal
gas law if the temperature and pressure are held constant, the volume of the gas is propor-
tional to the number of molecules. Standardized Flow = Volume of Gas (at the stan-
dard temperature and pressure) / Time
Our Commitment to You

We strive to provide the closest NIST-traceable, legal defensibility of any

flow calibration equipment manufacturer, and we actively maintain our NV-
LAP (NIST) ISO 17025 laboratory accreditation in order to support our
claims and continually improve our quality system and laboratory profi-
ciency. Thank you for purchasing our products. From all of us at Mesa, best
wishes for many years of accurate, defensible primary flow measurements.


Mesa Laboratories, Inc.

10 Park Place
Butler, NJ, USA 07405
Phone: 973.492.8400
Toll Free: 800.663.4977
Fax: 973.492.8270
© 2015 Mesa Laboratories, Inc. MK01-26 REV I

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