Raati Reviewer For MS2 1
Raati Reviewer For MS2 1
Raati Reviewer For MS2 1
1. Intelligence – is the product resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis, integration and interpretation of all
available information which concerns a foreign nation or an area of operation.
2. Military Information – means all facts, documents, materials, photograph, diagram, maps and reports of observation
of any kind which increases our knowledge of a possible or actual enemy or area of operations.
3. Military Intelligence – is a knowledge acquired through the collection, evaluation, and interpretation of all available
information concerning a possible or actual enemy or area of operations, including the weather and terrain.
4. Map - is a graphical representation of the earth surface drawn to scale as seen from above. Man-made and natural
features are defected by symbols, colors, lines and forms.
5. INTERSECTION - is the location of the unknown, unoccupied points by taking sights to the known point from at
least two known occupied positions.
6. RESECTION - is the locating of an unknown occupied position by taking sights on two or more identifiable points
whose position are known.
7. MODIFIED RESECTION – a method of locating one’s position on a map when the individual is located on a road or
some other linear terrain feature identified on the map.
8. Signal Communication – is a method or means or a combination thereof of conveying information of any king of
one person or place to another except direct communication.
9. Means of Communication – a medium by which a message is conveyed from one person to another.
10. Agency of Communication – a facility which embraces the personnel and equipment to provide signal
communication by any particular means or combination thereof.
11. Wire – it is used as the principal means of communication in all military units
12. Radio – this means of communication is the most rapid one. It is most frequently used for maintaining command,
control, contact and direction in contact.
13. Messenger – the use of messenger as a means of communication is preferred over the rest when maps and
classified documents are to be transmitted to other operating units.
14. Visual Signal – it is used to control the action of a small units.
15. Sound Signal – this means of communications is used primarily to spread alarms
16. Radio Net – a group of several stations working together in the same frequency.
17. Call Sign – a combination of pronounceable words that identifies the facility or station.
18. Individual Call Sign – this call sign identifies a single call to any station within the net.
19. Over - My transmission is ended and I expect a response from you.
20. Roger – I received your last message satisfactorily.
21. Out – My transmission is ended and I expect no response from you.
22. Break-break – stop your conversation and allow me to this net to transmit for an urgent message.
23. CRAWL – is a move close to ground to avoid being seen by the enemy.
24. Dark adaptation – means allowing your eyes to become accustomed to low level of illumination.
25. COVER – is natural or artificial protection from the fire of the enemy.
26. CONCEALMENT – is natural or artificial protection from enemy observation
27 Freeze - Clenched fist at shoulder level.
28. Halt - Arm raised at shoulder level with open hand, fingers extended and joined together.
29. Alert - Clenched fist with forefinger upright.
30. Come to me (team leader) - Two fingers held against the opposite arm to indicate the Sgt’s chevron.
31. Increase Speed, Double Time or Rush – raise the hand to the shoulder, fist closed; thrust the fist upward to the full
extent of the arm and back to the shoulder rapidly several times.
32. The tactical rifle squad is the basic fighting unit. When employed in the attack, its mission is to close with and kill or
capture the enemy.
33. Squad Leader – he carries out the orders of his platoon leader. His responsibility includes the discipline,
appearance, training, control and welfare of his men at all times.
34. Fire Team Leader – he gives positive leadership to his team, and maintains discipline, welfare and combat
35. The mission of the infantry rifle squad is to close with the enemy by means of fire and maneuver, to destroy or
capture them or repel their assault by fire, close combat and counter attack.
36. Traveling - is used when contact with the enemy is not likely an speed is needed
37. Traveling over watch - is used when contact is possible. Attached weapons move near the squad leader and his
command so he can employ them quickly.
38. Bounding Over watch – is used when enemy contact is expected. It is most secured, but the slowest movement
39. Platoon Leader -- Is responsible for all the platoon does or fails to do. This includes the tactical employment,
training administration and personnel management and the logistics of the platoon.
40. Platoon Sergeant -- Assist the platoon leader in the supervision, admin and training, discipline and most especially
in the moral and the welfare of the platoon
41. The U.S. RIFLE 5.56MM M16 is the basic weapon of the Philippine Army.
42. A grenade is a small explosive or chemical bomb for military use against an enemy at the short ranges. Grenades
are of two (2) basic types – hand and launched. The hand grenade or thrown away, while the launched grenade is fired from
a launcher.
43. Preparatory Marksmanship Training (MPT) – all marksmanship training that takes place before live fire.
44. Marksmanship – it is a skillful art of shooting and hitting the target at a given or known distance.
45. Establish a Steady Position – refers to the establishments of a position that allows the weapon to be held still while
it is being fired.
46. Wounds – any break in the continuity of the skin/tissue of the body.
47. Open Wound – there is a break in the skin or mucus membrane.
48. Close Wound – involves underlying tissues without a break in the skin or mucus membrane.
49. Sight Alignment – The sight is aligned when the top of the front sight is exactly on the center of the rear sight
50. Aiming Point – is the target where the sights are aligned with.
51. Subversion – It is a group conspiracy seeking to alter an existing system of government through deceit and other
unlawful means, or it is an act of individual or a group who want to topple the government by all mean.
52. Communism – It is a theory which advocate elimination of private ownership. It tends to make the world stateless
and the society classless.
53. Threat to national security may be defined as any expression of intuition to inflict evil, injury or damage to the
nation’s people, territories, vital installations, political, economic and religious way of life.
54. External Threat – it is posed primarily by conflict from other countries that may affect certain country politically,
economically, socially and even militarily.
55. Internal Threat – posed primarily by the different groups from within who oppose our present system.
56. CPP/NPA – it was organized on 26 December 1968 by Jose Maria Sison with sixty seven (67) students activist
after he drifted from the PKP/HMB. It adheres to the teachings of Mao Tse Tung. It aims to wrest state power and
completely dissolve the existing government through protracted armed struggle which is being done by mobilizing the
peasantry from the country sides.
57. The military arm of the CPP is the New People’s Army was organized by Bernabe Buscayno,
58. Secessionist is an insurgency which aims to establish an autonomous region over the province of MINSUPALA,
59. Rightists are the disgruntled politicians, businessmen, clerics, oligarch, intellectual, military men and big time
criminals who work hand in hand to restore the old order to pave their way into power and position in the government.
60. Political Warlords are politicians who maintained their private armies to secure their vested interest. They show
defiance to an existing system of the government
61. The Central Committee is the top governing body of the CPP.
62. The Army of the CPP is the New Peoples Army.
63. The highest combat unit of the NPA is the Main Guerilla Unit.
64. The Militia serves as the village police force, to impose party policies in the village
65. The CPP united front is the National Democratic Front (NDF). Its highest governing body is the White Area
Commission (WAC).
66. Active Duty Training – a call to active duty of inactive reserve officer and Enlisted reservist for the purpose of
67. Inactive Reserve – a commissioned officer and enlisted reservist not performing regular military duty with the AFP.
68. Mobilization Center – a designated area or place wherein reservist will report when mobilization is ordered.
69. Grade – the military rank of a commissioned officer of the AFP.
70. Separation – the severance of all connections linking a reserve officer with the AFP.
71. Reservist Training – This refers to training programs to prepare and qualify individuals to become officer or enlisted
72. Ready Reserve I – units maintained in a high degree of readiness as to be ready for operational employment in not
more than seven (7) days after activation.
73. Timeliness. Logistics support must be provided in the right quantity at the proper time and place for the
accomplishment of the mission.
74. Supply. It involves the systematic coordination between the user, the supply units and the materiel management
75. Transportation. Transportation services in support of military tactical and administrative movements from one point
to another at the least time and cost.
76. Patrol - is a detachment sent out from a unit to perform an assigned mission of reconnaissance or combat or a
combination of both.
75. Patrol Order – An order issued by the patrol leader using the five (5) basic paragraphs of an OPORD.
76. Warning Order – Preliminary notice of action or orders that are to follow. These are usually oral or written
77. Route - An access intended for use of the patrol in going in or from objective.
78. Rallying Point - Point where the patrol were assemble or re-organized.
79. RAID – is a surprise attack against enemy position or installation.
80. Hasty raid is an immediate action in response to an unexpected meeting at close range with an enemy force.
81. Deliberate raid is planned against a specific target.
82. Command Group – Provides command, control and communications necessary for the accomplishment of the
83. Assault Element – They accomplish the purpose of the raid by assaulting through the objective in close
coordination with the support elements.
84. Linear – In an ambush using a linear formation, the assault and support elements are deployed parallel to the
enemy’s route.
85. L-Shaped – An ambush in which the assault elements forms the long leg to the enemy’s direction of movement
along the killing zone while the support elements forms the short leg at one end of and right angle to the assault elements.
86. Hasty – Is an ambush conducted when it makes visual contact with an enemy force and there is no time to plan to
establish an ambush.
87. Point Ambush - In a point ambush, soldiers deploy to attack an enemy in a single kill zone.
88. Area Ambush – In an area ambush, the elements are deployed in two (2) or more related point ambush.
89. Traveling - is used when contact with the enemy is not likely an speed is needed.
90. Traveling over watch - is used when contact is possible. Attached weapons move near the squad leader and his
command so he can employ them quickly.
91 Bounding Over watch – is used when enemy contact is expected. It is most secured, but the slowest movement
92. Visual tracking is very important to detect sign of enemy’s presence or activity.
93. Tracking – is the technique of locating and enemy with the aid of markings and traces left as he moves through and
out of the area.
94. Visual Tracking – is following the path of men or animals by the signs they leave, primarily on the ground or
95. Scent Tracking – is following men or animals by their smell.
96. Displacement – takes place when something is moved from its original position to another place.
97. Staining – roots, stones and vines may be stained by crushed leaves or berries when walked on. Yellow stains
may be urine mark left by personnel in the area.
98. Loop. A loop is a bend of a rope in which the rope does cross itself.
99. Round Turn. A round turn wraps around an object one and one-half times.
100. Butterfly Coil. The butterfly coil is the quickest and easiest technique for coiling.
Section 4, Article II of the Constitution provides that the prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people.
Commonwealth Act Number 1, otherwise known as the National Defense Act,
The National Defense Act was amended in 1980 by Presidential Decree 1706 (The National Service Law)
The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) recognizes the constitution of the Republic of the Philippines as the legitimate
expression of the people’s will.
To support and defend the constitution of the Republic of the Philippines against all enemies both foreign and domestics is
one of the mission of the DND.
To ensure, by timely and effective action, the security of the RP and of vital interest is one of the mission of DND.
To uphold and advance the national policies and interests of the RP.
To advance the national aims interests and policies is one of the mission of AFP.
The first recorded organized resistance against foreign aggressor took place in the Visayas during the Battle of Mactan on
27 Apr 1521
The Magdalo led by Aguinaldo and the Magdiwang led by Bonifacio . On 22 Mar 1897, the Tejeros Convention was called to
resolve the conflict between the two factions.
June 12, 1898, the Philippine Independence from Spain was declared in Kawit, Cavite.
Treaty of Paris, Spain ceded the Philippines to the United States.
National Defense Act was enacted which officially created the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
Honor The members of the AFP believe in honor as the most important virtue that a soldier must posses.
Loyalty The members of the AFP believe in unflinching loyalty.
Valor We believe in valor as the power and strength, courage and ability to overcome fear,
Duty Despite difficulty and danger, we perform our tasks as order or implied.
Solidarity Solidarity is the value that binds us with the rest of our comrades-in-arms.
Chain of Command deals on the generally accepted principles.
Military leadership summarizes the significant role of a military leader or Commander to influence his men.
The AFP believes that war or the use of force against the enemy of the state
In the performance of its mission, the troops must see to it that the lives and properties on non-combatants and innocent
civilians are well protected.
Those who resort to violence as a means to achieve their ends such as CPP/NPA/Guerillas.
Those who shall not accept the supremacy of civilian authority over the military, such as the coup plotters and participants.
Those who shall dismember the country or any part thereof, such as the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF)
Military professionalism is the heart and soul of the whole AFP code of ethics.
All military personnel shall be loyal and true to the Republic of the Philippines
Corrupt acts are crimes against public interest, public morals, property, chastity, civil status of person and honor.
MILITARY DISCIPLINE - is the state of order and obedience among personnel in a military organization.
MILITARY COURTESY - are the acts of politeness, civility and respect that personnel in the military organization accord to
one other.
CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE – it is the body of unwritten or common law of the armies, navies and air forces.
MORALE – the term may be defined as the mental state and spirit of an individual or unit.
The salute is the most important and the most common form of all the military courtesies.
Saluting distance is the distance of recognition. Usually it does not exceed 30 paces.
A salute must always be returned by the officer entitled to it, unless he is in the formation of other officers.
The salute must never be rendered in a casual or perfunctory manners.
The salute must never be rendered in a casual or perfunctory manners.
Funeral services are accorded to all military personnel who died.
Military justice is the system for enforcing discipline and administering criminal law in the Military Establishment.
Where a soldier’s discharge or separation does not interrupt his status as a “person subject to military law”.
COMMAND – is the authority of a person in the military service, lawfully exercise over subordinates by virtue of his rank and
MANAGEMENT – is the process of planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling sources such as men,
money, materials and machinery to accomplish the organizational mission.
MILITARY LEADERSHIP – is the ability to influence others directing them towards the accomplishment of a mission.
LEADERSHIP TRAITS – personal qualities essential for a commander in gaining obedience.
LEADERSHIP PRINCIPLES – fundamental guidelines for the selection of appropriate action and order.
BEARING – is the general appearance.
COURAGE – is the mental quality that recognizes fear or danger.
DECISIVENESS – is the promptness of making a decision in a state of clear and forceful manner.
DEPENDABILITY – reliability and certainty of a performance in the execution of duty.
INITIATIVE – taking actions in the absence of orders
INTEGRITY – is the uprightness and soundness of moral principles
JUDGEMENT – is the ability to logically weigh facts and possible solutions on to arrive at a sound decisions
JUSTICE – is the reward and punishment according to the merits of the case in question
KNOWLEDGE – keeping self abreast of current development I his military specialty and command
Intelligence – is the product resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis.
Military Intelligence – is a knowledge acquired through the collection, evaluation, and interpretation.
Collection – is the system exploitation of sources of information by collection agencies.
Processing – is the step which intelligence is created from the raw material of information.
Map - is a graphical representation of the earth surface drawn to scale as seen from above.
Map Reading _ is the knowledge and skills necessary to interpret correctly and efficiently map information.
Map Symbol - is a sign composed of diagram, number, letter, abbreviation, colors, or combination.
True North – is the direction of the north pole.
Magnetic North – is the direction of the North Magnetic Pole.
Grid North – is the direction of the vertical grid lines usually found on military maps.
Declination – is the difference in direction between true north and magnetic north or between true north and grid north.
Magnetic Azimuth – is the horizontal angle measured clockwise from magnetic north to the line.
Grid Azimuth – is the horizontal angle measured clockwise from grid north to the line.
True Azimuth – azimuth measured with true north as base line.
INTERSECTION - is the location of the unknown, unoccupied points by taking sights to the known point from at least two
known occupied positions.
RESECTION - is the locating of an unknown occupied position by taking sights on two or more identifiable points whose
position are known.
MODIFIED RESECTION – a method of locating one’s position on a map when the individual is located on a road or some
other linear terrain feature identified on the map.
Military Grid System – is a network of squares formed by the north-south and east-west grid line place on a map.
Radio Net – a group of several stations working together in the same frequency.
Call Sign – a combination of pronounceable words that identifies the facility or station.
Individual Call Sign – this call sign identifies a single call to any station within the net.
Collective Call Sign – this call sign identifies two or more stations in particular radio net but not all stations in the net.
Net Call Sign – this call sign identifies all radio stations operating in a particular radio net.
Call – a method of establishing communications whereby the station calling transmits the identity of the station called as well
as his own identity.
Pro words – are pronounceable words which have assigned meaning to facilitate transmission by radio communication.
Platoon Leader -- Is responsible for all the platoon does or fails to do.
Platoon Sergeant -- Assist the platoon leader in the supervision, admin and training, discipline and most especially in the
moral and the welfare of the platoon.
Squad Leader -- Responsible for what the squad does or fails to do.
Wilco – I will comply to your instruction.
Lima Charlie – I received your message loud and clear.
Say again – I did not understand your transmission, request repeat our last transmission.
Wait one – Request that you wait for a minute, I will call the person you want to talk to.
Read Back – Read back the message you have copied.
Radio Silence – Cease transmission immediately, however, keep on listening on the same frequency.
Break-break – stop your conversation and allow me to this net to transmit for an urgent message.
CRAWL – is a move close to ground to avoid being seen by the enemy.
High Crawl – it is applied when: Cover and concealment are available in the area.
Low Crawl – it is applied when; Cover and concealment are scarce or few.
Dark adaptation – means allowing your eyes to become accustomed to low level of illumination.
Off Center Vision – techniques in keeping your attention focused to an object without locking directly at it.
Scanning – it using off center vision to observe an area or an object.
Traveling - is used when contact with the enemy is not likely an speed is needed
Traveling over watch - is used when contact is possible. Attached weapons move near the squad leader and his command
so he can employ them quickly.
Bounding Over watch – is used when enemy contact is expected. It is most secured, but the slowest movement technique.
Aiming – refers to the precise alignment of the rifle sights with the target.
Breath Control – the third marksmanship fundamental refers to the control of breathing to help keep the rifle steady.