AT10 Phonic MM1805X Mixer
AT10 Phonic MM1805X Mixer
AT10 Phonic MM1805X Mixer
P Christopher Holder doubts whether this versatile mixer will need the hard sell.
ey you! Yes, you. Take a look at this compact bus you’re initial reaction is: live mixer. And, indeed, the
E console with 18 inputs, six mic inputs (individually MM1805X is ideal for a band rehearsal, for the jobbing
N switchable phantom power), inserts on the six engineer, or for smaller club/pub/church-style installa-
mic/line channels and three-band swept mid EQ with tions – there’s enough mic inputs and enough I/O flexibil-
high pass filter, two aux sends (one switchable pre or post ity, to make this a powerful little live console. Importantly,
fader), two groups, as well as a mono output and stereo for any application, it sounds good. The mic pres are
T output... how much would you expect to pay? Well don’t quiet, the EQ is perfectly serviceable for corrective work,
answer, because we’ll include a 255 program effects you can mute any unused channels to lower the noise
E section, and a seven-band graphic EQ. Now floor further (there’s a green LED to indicate whether the
S how much would you
channel’s active), and there’s a good amount of
headroom when you need it.
The inserts on the first six mic/line channels are very
welcome – they’re on TRS jacks, so get your ‘Y’ cables out
to feed your compressor or gate. There’s inserts on the
groups and stereo bus as well, which again, is most
welcome. The graphic EQ is handy, and so is the effects
section for basic delays and the like. The effects work via
a sixteen position selector and up/down switches to
access variations on a theme. I believe the effects are from
ART, and on the whole aren’t anything special. I wouldn’t
be looking to it to answer your main reverb duties.
card, and
Of course, this is a budget console and don’t expect
silky smooth P&G faders, lovely self illuminating latching
yourself off
switches, and gold plated XLR connectors. Saying that,
the floor,
there’s nothing about this mixer that makes you think, ‘nice
because there’s
idea, nice features, but it feels too shoddy for me to really
more. We’ve
use’. Everything is perfectly serviceable, sometimes a little
included, inserts on the stereo
fiddly, but I’m quite happy with ‘fiddly’ if it means a few
master bus, inserts on the two groups, two-track stereo
extra features. The only obvious omissions I could really
sends and returns on RCAs, master aux sends and returns
spot was the lack of dedicated volume pot for the
on short throw faders (with AFL/PFL switches and +4/-
headphone output (it’s shared with the control room
10 level switches), mute switches on every channel and
volume pot), while a phase reverse switch on the mic
control room outputs with a dedicated level pot. [Cue
channels would also have been handy.
gasp for air.] Okay, now how much would you expect to
If you’re looking for a dedicated studio mixer, then the
pay? How ‘bout $2500? $2000? Well get that pen away
redundancy of the graphic EQ and the quality of the
from that cheque book cos, you guessed it, there’s more!
effects might make you think again. But there’s nothing
We’ll throw in at no extra charge, sliding MS switches to
about the MM1805X which actually makes it inappropri-
configure in pairs the six mic inputs for your mid/side
ate for the studio – quite the contrary. There’s plenty to
stereo mic setups. [No honestly they have...] What’s more
like about the MM1805X for any application: it’s compact,
if you phone now with your credit card details we’ll send
affordable, easy to operate, sounds good, and for $1099
you this handsome leather-look compendium individually
comes with more features and flexibility than you’ve any
gold embossed with your initials...
right to demand.
Okay, so now I’m getting silly. But honestly, how much
would you expect to pay? For all those features I’ve just AT
listed probably not as little as the asking price of $1099,
Distributed by
(which incidentally means you’ll probably have enough
spare change to treat yourself to that compendium if
Phone: (02) 9905 2511
you’re keen).
Phonic on WWW: ‘’
With those features the MM1805X is a genuinely all-
purpose, ‘Swiss army knife’ of a mixer. Although, when
you see a mixer with a graphic EQ and a separate mono
•$1099, MM1805X; $995, MM1805 (without FX).