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Mechanism For The Review of Implementation of The United Nations Convention Against Corruption Oct 2011

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United Nations

Distr.: Limited 28 October 2011 Original: English

Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption

Fourth session Marrakech, Morocco, 24-28 October 2011 Agenda item 2 Review of the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption: criminalization and law enforcement and international cooperation

StartInternal 28/10/11 07:40

Commentaire: <<ODS JOB NO>>V1186787<<ODS JOB NO>> <<ODS DOC SYMBOL1>>CAC/COSP/2011/L.4/Rev.1<<ODS DOC SYMBOL1>> <<ODS DOC SYMBOL2>><<ODS DOC SYMBOL2>>

Draft resolution submitted by the Vice-President of the Conference and Chairman of the Implementation Review Group

Mechanism for the Review of Implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption
The Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, Recalling its resolution 3/1, in which the Conference established the Mechanism for the Review of Implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption and charged the Implementation Review Group with having an overview of the review process, Welcoming the work undertaken by the Implementation Review Group since the Groups first session, held from 28 June to 2 July 2010, and noting with appreciation the commitment of States parties to the country review process in their capacities both as States parties under review and as reviewing States parties, Expressing concern at the unresponsiveness of several States parties with regard to their obligations under the terms of reference and the guidelines for governmental experts and the secretariat in the conduct of country reviews, Recalling its decision, contained in its resolution 3/1, by which the Group was charged with following up and continuing the work undertaken previously by the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Technical Assistance, and taking into account the fact that, pursuant to paragraph 11 of the terms of reference, one of the goals of the Mechanism is to help States parties to identify and substantiate specific needs for technical assistance and to promote and facilitate the provision of technical assistance,

V.11-86787 (E)



Recalling in particular, as laid out in its resolution 3/4, its endorsement of country-led and country-based, integrated and coordinated technical assistance programme delivery and its encouragement to donors to accord high priority to technical assistance to implement the United Nations Convention against Corruption,1 1. 2. Reaffirms its resolution 3/1; Endorses Implementation Review Group resolution 1/1;

3. Requests the Secretariat to further examine the shortfall identified in the note by the Secretariat on resource requirements for the functioning of the Mechanism,2 to determine whether that shortfall can be addressed through cost efficiencies or voluntary contributions and to take that shortfall into account when submitting the budget for the biennium 2014-2015 in accordance with Group resolution 1/1 and section VII of the terms of reference; 4. Decides that the Group shall assist the Conference in the fulfilment of its responsibility to consider the budget biennially by engaging with the Secretariat during the intersessional period with regard to expenditures and projected costs related to the Review Mechanism; 5. Requests the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, in furtherance of the budget consideration function, and consistent with the financial rules and regulations of the United Nations, to support the Group by: (a) Providing the Group with financial information on expenditures and projected costs related to the Review Mechanism, in a format and at intervals to be agreed by the Secretariat and the Group; (b) Engaging in a dialogue, as appropriate, with the Group prior to finalizing its submissions relating to the finances of the Review Mechanism for each biennial regular budget; 6. Endorses the guidelines for governmental experts and the secretariat in the conduct of country reviews and the blueprint for country review reports as finalized by the Group at its first session3 and the practice followed by the Group with regard to the procedural issues arising from the drawing of lots; 7. Calls upon States parties that have not yet done so to submit their lists of governmental experts well ahead of the drawing of lots, and reminds States parties to keep their lists of governmental experts up to date, in accordance with the terms of reference; 8. Urges States parties participating in the country review process in a given year to make every possible effort to adhere to the indicative timelines for review as contained in the guidelines; 9. Also urges States parties under review in a given year to ensure the timely nomination of their focal points in accordance with the guidelines, and
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United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2349, No. 42146. CAC/COSP/2011/4. CAC/COSP/IRG/2010/7, annex I.



welcomes the training provided by the secretariat for focal points, which increases understanding of the Convention as well as the implementation review process; 10. Requests the secretariat, in order to ensure consistency in reporting for all States parties under review, to prepare, for consideration by the Group at its third session, an executive summary template, which is to be divided into the four sections of the executive summary identified in the blueprint that is, (a) successes and good practices; (b) challenges in implementation, where applicable; (c) observations on the implementation of the articles under review; and (d) technical assistance needs identified to improve implementation of the Convention and include sections summarizing the legal system of the State party under review; 11. Takes note of the thematic reports on the implementation of chapters III and IV of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, 4 invites States parties to be guided, bearing in mind paragraph 8 of the terms of reference, by the experience that is being accumulated through those reports in their efforts to implement their obligations under the Convention, and requests the secretariat to continue its work as more reviews are finalized, in order to enrich the findings contained therein; 12. Recognizes the functions assigned to the Group in paragraph 44 of the terms of reference, pursuant to which the Group has an overview of the review process in order to identify challenges and good practices and to consider technical assistance requirements in order to ensure effective implementation of the Convention; 13. Also recognizes the continuing and valuable role of technical assistance provided at different levels and the importance of effectively addressing technical assistance within the Mechanism, as well as the importance of country-led and country-based, integrated and coordinated programming and delivery of technical assistance as an effective means of addressing technical assistance needs of States parties; 14. Recommends that all States parties, where applicable, in their responses to the comprehensive self-assessment checklists and in the country reports, identify technical assistance requirements, preferably prioritized and related to the implementation of the provisions of the Convention examined during a given review cycle; 15. Also recommends that all States parties, where applicable, continue to provide the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime with information on ongoing technical assistance projects related to the implementation of the Convention; 16. Decides that the Group should consider, on the basis of the outcome of the review process and consistent with the terms of reference of the Mechanism, priority areas for the provision of technical assistance, as well as consolidated information on trends in technical assistance required and provided;


United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2349, No. 42146.



17. Recommends that the secretariat take into account in the thematic and regional programmes the priority areas referred to in paragraph 13 above, including when developing technical assistance tools; 18. Requests the secretariat to provide the Group with information on the gaps in securing funding for projects of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime implemented in accordance with the priorities set out; 19. Recommends that, under the supervision of the Conference through the Group, the secretariat continue to: (a) Promote, with bilateral and multilateral partners, the use of the Convention and its Mechanism as tools for programming anti-corruption assistance; (b) Establish partnerships with bilateral and multilateral technical assistance partners to ensure, as appropriate, the effective and coordinated provision of technical assistance related to the implementation of the Convention; (c) Develop information on experiences and lessons learned in the provision of technical assistance in anti-corruption efforts; (d) Include information on aspects of technical assistance in the periodic training courses organized pursuant to paragraph 32 of the terms of reference of the Mechanism; 20. Reaffirms, consistent with the terms of reference, the request contained in Conference resolution 3/4 for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to continue to provide technical assistance for the implementation of the Convention, including by providing direct expertise on policy or capacity-building through the Offices thematic programme on action against corruption and economic crime and, where appropriate, regional programmes, using its range of technical assistance tools; 21. Requests the secretariat to continue to develop a three-tiered approach global, regional and national to the delivery of technical assistance in the light of the priority areas identified as a result of the review process for chapters III and IV of the Convention, and also requests the secretariat to continue providing information on this matter to the Group; 22. Endorses country-led and country-based integrated and coordinated technical assistance programme delivery as an effective vehicle for furthering implementation of the Convention; 23. Encourages States parties to share experience on technical assistance annually during the Group meetings and on how their needs are addressed; 24. Recommends that the secretariat prepare a report on the implementation of the recommendations above for its consideration of the issue at each session.


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