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主要供中三學生參考 四邊形 (Quadrilaterals) - V3 - Final - G

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Quadrilaterals (四邊形)

Part 1: Concept and Example

1. Introduction to quadrilaterals

A polygon is a closed plane figure which is enclosed by three or more line segments.

A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides. The following are some common



parallelogram 平行四邊形 rhombus 菱形 rectangle 長方形 (矩形)

square 正方形 trapezium (trapezoid) 梯形 kite 箏形 (鳶形)

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Some common terms relating to a quadrilateral

In the figure below, ABCD is a quadrilateral.

Interior angle




(a) Vertex (頂點): the points where the adjacent sides meet, e.g. A, B, C and D.

(b) Side:
(i) Sides (邊): the line segments of the polygon, e.g. AB, BC, CD and AD.
(ii) Adjacent sides (鄰邊): two sides with a common vertex,
eg. AB and BC are a pair of adjacent sides. B is the common vertex of the sides
(iii) Opposite sides (對邊): two sides with no common vertex,
eg. AB and DC are a pair of opposite sides.

(c) Angle:
(i) Angle (角) : when two lines meet at a point, they form an angle, e.g. ∠ABC.
(ii) Adjacent angles (鄰角): two angles with a common side,
eg. ∠ABC and ∠BCD are a pair of adjacent angles . BC is the common side of
the angles.
(iii) Opposite angles (對角): two angles with no common side,
eg. ∠BAD and∠BCD are a pair of opposite angles.

(d) Diagonal (對角線) : the line segment joining any two non-adjacent vertices of a
polygon, e.g. AC .

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2. Parallelograms

2.1 Definition
A parallelogram (平行四邊形) is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel opposite sides.

In the figure, since BC//AD and BA//CD, the quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram.

2.2 Properties of Parallelograms

Properties Illustration
1 The opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal.
i.e. BA=CD and BC = AD.

[Reference: opp. sides of // gram]

2 The opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal.

i.e. ∠A =∠C and ∠B =∠D.

[Reference: opp. ∠s of // gram]

3 The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.

i.e. AM = CM and BM = DM.

[Reference: diags. of // gram]

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2.3 Conditions for Parallelograms
Conditions Figures
1 Both pairs of opposite sides of a quadrilateral
are equal.
i.e. If BA=CD and BC = AD ,
then ABCD is a parallelogram.
[Reference: opp. sides equal ]
2 Both pairs of opposite angles of a quadrilateral
are equal.
i.e. If ∠A =∠C and ∠B =∠D,
then ABCD is a parallelogram.

[Reference: opp. ∠s equal ]

3 The diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other.
i.e. If AM = CM and BM = DM,
then ABCD is a parallelogram.

[Reference: diags. bisect each other ]

4 One pairs of opposite sides of a quadrilateral
are equal and parallel.
i.e. If BC = AD and BC // AD.
then ABCD is a parallelogram. A

[Reference: opp. sides equal and // ]

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Example: In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. Find the values of m and n.


∵ ABCD is a parallelogram.
∴ AB = DC (opp. sides of // gram)

and BC = AD (opp. sides of // gram)

n = 3.5

Example: In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. Find the value of m.


∵ ABCD is a parallelogram.

∴ ∠C = ∠A (opp. ∠s of // gram)
4m = 80°
m = 20°

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Example: In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. The diagonals AC and BD intersect
at O. Find the values of m and n.


∵ ABCD is a parallelogram.
∴ OD = OB (diags. of // gram)
2m = 8

and OC = OA (diags. of // gram)


Example: In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. Find the values of m and n.



∵ ABCD is a parallelogram.
∴ ∠C =∠A (opp. ∠s of // gram)
2m = 80°
m = 40°
∠A +∠B = 180° (int. ∠s, DA // CB)
80° + 4n = 180°
n = 25°
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Example: The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD with perimeter 38 cm.
AB =12 cm. Find the length of BC.



∵ ABCD is a parallelogram.
∵ DC = AB (opp. sides of // gram)
= 12 cm

and AD = BC (opp. sides of // gram)

∵ Perimeter of ABCD = 38 cm
∴ AB + BC + CD + AD = 38
12 + BC + 12 + BC = 38
2BC = 14
BC = 7 cm

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Example: The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD .
Prove that ABCD is a parallelogram.





∵ AB = DC = 12
and AD = BC = 10
∴ ABCD is a parallelogram. opp. sides equal

Example: The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD.

Prove that ABCD is a parallelogram.

110° 70°

70° 110°


∵ A = C = 70
and B = D = 110
∴ ABCD is a parallelogram. opp. s equal

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Example: In the figure, DB and AC intersect at O.
Prove that ABCD is a parallelogram.



∵ AO = OC = 6
and BO = OD = 8
∴ ABCD is a parallelogram. diags. bisect each other

Example: The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD.

Prove that ABCD is a parallelogram.

5 cm 5 cm
70° 110°


∵ A + C = 70 +110
= 180
∴ DA // CB int. s supp.
∵ DA = CB = 5 cm
and DA // CB
∴ ABCD is a parallelogram. opp. sides equal and //

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3. Rhombuses (菱形)

3.1 Introduction
A rhombus is a quadrilateral with four equal sides.
A rhombus is a parallelogram with one pair of equal adjacent sides.

In the figure below, since AB=BC=CD=DA, the quadrilateral ABCD is a rhombus.

A rhombus looks like a diamond.

A rhombus is a special kind of a parallelogram, it has all the properties of a
parallelogram. In addition, a rhombus has some special properties of its own.

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3.2 Properties of rhombuses
(1) All properties of a parallelogram.
(2) All sides are equal.

(3) Diagonals are perpendicular to each other.


(4) Diagonals bisect each interior angle.

e.g. ∠1 =∠2, ∠3 =∠4, ∠5 =∠6 and ∠7 =∠8.

[Reference: Property of rhombus ]

3.3 Note
(a) When you join the midpoint of the sides of a rhombus, you will get a rectangle.
(b) The two diagonals of a rhombus NOT equal.

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Example: In the figure, ABCD is a rhombus. Find the value of m.

(3m+6) cm 36

∵ ABCD is a rhombus.
∴ BA = BC (definition of rhombus)
3m + 6 = 36
m =10

Example: In the figure, ABCD is a rhombus. AC intersects DB at O.

∠AOB = m, DO = 6 cm and OB = 3n cm. Find the values of m and n.


∵ ABCD is a rhombus.
∴ DO = OB (property of rhombus)
6 = 3n

and ∠AOB = 90 (property of rhombus)

m = 90

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(a) In the figure, ABCD is a rhombus. ∠ABC = 60. AC = 6 cm.
Find the length of AB and BC.

(b) In the figure, ABCD is a rhombus. AB = 4 cm. AC = 4 cm.

Find the length of BD. (Leave your answer in surd form.)

(a) ∵ ABCD is a rhombus.
∴ BA = BC (definition of rhombus)
∠BAC =∠BCA (base ∠s, isos. △)
In △ABC,
∠BAC +∠BCA +∠ABC = 180° (∠ sum of △)
∠BAC +∠BAC + 60° = 180°
2∠BAC = 120°
∠BAC = 60°
∴ ∠BAC =∠BCA =∠ABC = 60°
∵ AC = 6 cm
∴ AB = 6 cm and BC =6 cm

(b) ∵ ABCD is a rhombus.

∴ ∠AOB = 90 , AO = OC and BO=OD (property of rhombus)
AO = ½ AC = ½ x 4 = 2 cm
In △ABO,
AB2 = AO2 + BO2 (Pyth. theorem)
4 = 2 + BO
2 2 2

BO = 2 √3
BD = 2BO = 2 x 2 √3 = 4√3 cm
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4. Rectangles (長方形, 矩形)

4.1 Introduction
A rectangle is a quadrilateral with four equal interior angles.
A rectangle is a parallelogram with one interior angle equal to right angle (90°).

In the figure below, since A = B = C =D, the quadrilateral ABCD is a


A rectangle is a special kind of a parallelogram, it has all the properties of a

parallelogram. In addition, a rectangle has some special properties of its own.

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4.2 Properties of rectangles

(1) All properties of a parallelogram.

(2) All interior angles are right angles (90°).

(3) Diagonals are equal. (i.e. both diagonals have the same length).


(4) Diagonals bisect each other into four equal parts.


[Reference: Property of rectangle ]

4.3 Note
(a) A parallelogram with ONE interior right angle is a rectangle.
(b) The diagonals bisect each other at different angles. One is acute, and another
one is an obtuse angle
(c) A rectangle with side lengths m and n has the perimeter as 2(m+n) units
(d) A rectangle with side lengths m and n has the area as mn square units
(e) If m and n are the side lengths of a rectangle, then the length of each diagonal
is √𝑚2 + 𝑛2 units.
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Example: In the figure, ABCD is a rectangle. Find the values of m and n.

2n cm 5 cm
cm cm

∵ ABCD is a rectangle.
∴ AD = BC (property of rectangle)
2n = 5
n = 2.5
and CBA = 90 (definition of rectangle)
m+15° = 90°
m = 75°

Example: In the figure, ABCD is a rectangle. The diagonals AC and BD intersect at O.

AC = 5p cm, BO=10 cm and DO=q cm. Find the values of p and q.

∵ ABCD is a rectangle.
∴ BO = DO (property of rectangle)
q = 10
and AC = BD (property of rectangle)
AC = BO + DO
5p = 10 + 10

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Example: In the figure, ABCD is a rectangle. The diagonals AC and BD intersect at O.
(a) Find ∠OCB
(b) Find the value of m.




(a) ∵ ABCD is a rectangle.

∴ OC = OB (property of rectangle)
∴ ∠OCB =∠OBC (base ∠s, isos. △)
= 22°
(b) In △OBC, ∠DOC =∠OBC + ∠OCB (ext. ∠ of △)
m = 22° + 22°
= 44°

Example: In the figure, ABCD is a rectangle. The diagonals AC and BD intersect at O.

∠BEO =∠CFO = 90°. Prove BE=CF.


∵ ABCD is a rectangle.
∴ OB = OC (property of rectangle)
∠BEO =∠CFO (given)
∠BOE =∠COF (vert. opp. ∠s)
∴ △BOE  △COF (AAS)
∴ BE=CF (corr. sides,  △s )

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5. Squares (正方形)

5.1 Introduction
A square is a quadrilateral with four equal sides and four equal interior angles.
A square is a parallelogram with one pair of equal adjacent sides and one interior
angle equal to right angle (90°).

In the figure below, since AB=BC=CD=DA and A = B = C =D,

the quadrilateral ABCD is a square.

A square is also a rhombus and a rectangle. Therefore, squares have all the properties
of rhombuses and rectangles.

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5.2 Properties of squares
(1) All properties of a rhombus.
(2) All properties a rectangle.
(3) Angle between a diagonal and a side is 45°.

[Reference: Property of square ]

5.3 Note
(a) A square with side lengths m has the perimeter as 4m units
(d) A square with side lengths m has the area as 𝑚2 square units
(e) If m is the side length of a square, then the length of each diagonal
is √2𝑚 units.

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Example: In the figure, ABCD is a square. Find the values of p and q.
2p +6

30 cm


∵ ABCD is a square.
∴ D = 90 (definition of square)
q+30° = 90°
q = 60°

and AB = BC (definition of square)

2p+6 = 30
2p = 24
p = 12

Example: In the figure, ABCD is a square. The diagonals BD and AC intersect at E.

Find the values of p and q.


∵ ABCD is a square.
∴ DAE = 45 ( property of square)
p = 45°

and CED = 90 ( property of square)

3p + 15° = 90°
p = 25°
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Example: In the figure, ABCD is a square. The diagonals AC and BD intersect at E.
BE = 10 cm. Find the length of BC. (correct to 4 significant figures)


∵ ABCD is a square.

∴ CE=DE=BE = 10 cm (property of square)

In △CED,
∠CED = 90° (property of square)
CD2 = CE 2 + DE 2 (Pyth. theorem)
CD2 = 102 + 102
CD = 102 + 102
= 14.14 cm (cor. to 4 sig. fig.)

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Example: In the figure, ABCD is a square. AGE, BGF, DFC and BEC are straight lines.
∠AGB = 90°.
(a) Prove that BAE = CBF.
(b) Prove that AE=BF.



In △ABG,
∠ABG +∠BAG +∠AGB = 180° (∠ sum of △)
∠ABG +∠BAG + 90° = 180°
∠ABG +∠BAG = 90°
i.e. ∠ABG +∠BAE = 90°

∵ ABCD is a square
∴ ABG +CBF = 90 (definition of square)

∴ BAE = CBF

In △ABE and △BCF,

∵ BAE = CBF
EBA = BCF = 90 (definition of square)
AB=BC (definition of square)
∴ AE = BF (corr. sides,  △s )

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6. Trapeziums (梯形)

A trapezium is a quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel opposite sides.

AD : upper base
BC: lower base
h = height

In the figure, since AD//BC, the quadrilateral ABCD is a trapezium.

In a trapezium.
(a) the two parallel sides are called the bases of the trapezium.
(b) the perpendicular distance between the two bases is the height of the trapezium.

In particular, if the non-parallel opposite sides of a trapezium are equal, then the
trapezium is called an isosceles trapezium (等腰梯形).

ABCD is an isosceles trapezium with AB//DC and AD=BC.

Properties of the isosceles trapezium:

(i) there are two pairs of equal adjacent angles,
i.e. ∠DAB=∠CBA and∠ADC=∠BCD.

(ii) the two diagonals are equal in length,

These properties can be proved by congruent triangles.
i.e. AC=BD.

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7. References (參考資料): Kites

7.1 A kite (箏形,鳶形) is a quadrilateral that has two distinct pairs of equal adjacent
sides. It has reflectional symmetry about one of the diagonals (but not both).

7.2 In the figure below, ABCD is a kite.

We have the following properties of the kite.

(a) CB = CD and AB = AD
(b) △CBD and △ABD are isosceles triangles.
(c) △ABC  △ADC
(d) Diagonal AC is the perpendicular bisector of BD.
i.e. AC ⊥ BD. BO = DO

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8. Properties of the quadrilaterals – an overview

Properties of
quadrilaterals Parallelogram Rhombus Rectangle Square

Opposite sides are parallel Yes Yes Yes Yes

Opposite sides are equal Yes Yes Yes Yes

Opposite angles are equal Yes Yes Yes Yes

Diagonals bisect each

other Yes Yes Yes Yes

All sides are equal No Yes No Yes

All interior angles are

equal No No Yes Yes

All interior angles are right

angles (90°) No No Yes Yes

Diagonals are
perpendicular to each
other No Yes No Yes

Diagonals bisect each

interior angle No Yes No Yes

Diagonals are equal

(i.e. both the diagonals
have the same length) No No Yes Yes

Diagonals bisect each

other into four equal parts. No No Yes Yes

Angle between a diagonal

and a side is 45° No No No Yes

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Quadrilaterals Figures




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9. Relationship among different kind of quadrilaterals
The following diagram shows the relationship among different kind of quadrilaterals
we have discussed in this section.


Four right angles Four equal sides

Non-parallel sides equal


Four equal sides

Four right angles

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10. Mid-point Theorem and Intercept Theorem

10.1 Mid-point Theorem (中點定理)

Mid-point theorem
The line segment joining the mid-points of two sides
of a triangle is parallel to the third side and is equal to
half of the third side in length of the triangle.
i.e. In △ABC, if AD=DB and AE = EC, then
(i) DE // BC ,
(ii) DE = BC.

[Reference: mid-pt. theorem ]

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10.2 Intercept Theorem (截線定理)

10.2.1 Transversal and Intercept

M transversal

A 𝐿1



In the figure,
(i) the transversal (截線) MN cuts three straight lines 𝐿1 , 𝐿2 and 𝐿3 at points A, B and
C respectively.
(ii) AB is called the intercept (截距) made by 𝐿1 and 𝐿2 on MN , while BC is called the
intercept made by 𝐿2 and 𝐿3 on MN.

If 𝐿1 // 𝐿2 // 𝐿3 , then the relationships among intercepts are stated in the intercept

theorem below.

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10.2.2 Intercept theorem

Intercept theorem
When three or more parallel lines make
equal intercepts on a given transversal,
these parallel lines will also make equal
intercepts on any other transversal.
i.e. If 𝐿1 ∥𝐿2 ∥𝐿3 and PQ=QR,
then KM=MN.

[Reference: intercept theorem ]

10.2.3 Intercept theorem for triangles

A special case of the intercept theorem is as follows.
Intercept theorem for triangles
The straight line drawn through the mid-point of
one side of a triangle and parallel to another side
bisects the third side of the triangle.
i.e. In △ABC, if AD=DB and DE∥BC,
then AE=EC.

[Reference: intercept theorem]

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Example: In the figure, ADB and AEC are straight lines. DE = 20 cm. Find the
length of BC.

∵ AD=DB and AE = EC (given)
∴ DE = ½ BC (mid-pt. theorem)
20 = ½ BC
BC = 40 cm

Example: In the figure, D, E and F are the mid-points of AB, AC and BC

respectively. Prove that CEDF is a parallelogram.


∵ AD = DB and AE = EC given
∴ DE // FC mid-pt. theorem
∵ AD = DB and BF = FC given
∴ DF // EC mid-pt. theorem
∵ DE // FC and DF // EC proved
∴ CEDF is a parallelogram.

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Example: In the figure, E, F and G are the mid-points of AB, AC and DC respectively.
AEB, AFC, DGC and EFG are straight lines. Prove that AD // BC.



In △ABC,

∵ AE = EB and AF = FC given

∴ EF // BC mid-pt. theorem
i.e. EG // BC (1)
In △ACD,

∵ CG = GD and CF=FA given

∴ FG // AD mid-pt. theorem
i.e. EG // AD (2)
∴ AD // BC from (1) and (2)

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Example: In the figure, PQR and STU are straight lines. If TU = 10 cm, find the
length of ST.


∵ PS // QT // RU and PQ = QR
∴ ST = TU (intercept theorem)
= 10 cm

Example: In the figure, ADB and AEC are straight lines. EC = 20 cm.
Find the length of AE.


∵ AD = DB and DE // BC
∴ AE = EC (intercept theorem)
= 20 cm

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Example: In the figure, KXL and JYM are straight lines. Find the value of p.

(2p+30) cm

5p cm


∵ KJ // XY // LM and KX = XL
∴ JY = YM (intercept theorem)
2p+30 = 5p

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Part 2: Quiz (1)

1. In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. Find the values of m and n.




∵ ABCD is a parallelogram.
∴ BC = AD (opp. sides of // gram)
3m-3 = m+9
and AB = DC (opp. sides of // gram)
3m = 4n+4
3(6) = 4n+4
n= 3.5

2. In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. Find the value of m.



∵ ABCD is a parallelogram.
∴ ∠C =∠A (opp. ∠s of // gram)
4.5m - 10° = 3m + 20°
m = 20°

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3. In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. The diagonals AC and BD intersect at O.
Find the values of m and n.


∵ ABCD is a parallelogram.
∴ OD = OB (diags. of // gram)
m+2 = 6
and OC = OA (diags. of // gram)
n-3 = 5

4. In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram and AC = BC. Find ADC



In △ABC,
∵ AC = BC
∴ ∠BAC =∠B (base  s, isos. △)
∠BAC +∠B +∠ACB = 180° (∠ sum of △)
∠B +∠B + 22° = 180°
∠B = 79°
∵ ABCD is a parallelogram.
∴ ∠ADC =∠B (opp. ∠s of // gram)
= 79°

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5. In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram with perimeter 64 cm.
E is a point on DC such that AE ⊥ DC. AE = 12 cm and BC = 14 cm.

(a) Find the length of DC,

(b) Find the area of ABCD.

(a) ∵ ABCD is a parallelogram.
∴ AD = BC (opp. sides of // gram)
= 14 cm
and AB = DC (opp. sides of // gram)

∵ Perimeter of ABCD = 114 cm

∴ AB + BC + CD + AD = 64
DC + 14 + DC + 14 = 64
2DC = 36
DC = 18 cm

(b) Area of ABCD = AE x DC

= 12 x 18
= 216 cm2

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6. In the figure, DFE, ABE and CFB are straight lines. CF = BF.
ABCD is a parallelogram.
(a) Prove that △CDF≌△BEF
(b) Prove that AB=BE.

(a) ∵ ABCD is a parallelogram. (given)
∴ AB//DC (definition of // gram)
i.e. AE//DC
and AB = CD (opp. sides of // gram)
∴ ∠C=∠FBE and ∠CDF=∠E (alt. ∠s, AE // DC)

∵ In △CDF and △BEF,

∵ CF = BF (given)
∠C=∠FBE (proved)
∠CDF=∠E (proved)
(b) ∵ △CDF≌△BEF [proved in (a)]
∴ CD = BE (corr. sides,  △s )
∵ AB=CD [proved in (a)]

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Part 2: Quiz (2)

1. In the figure, ABCD is a rhombus of side 34 cm. The diagonals AC and DB

intersect at O. AC = 60 cm. Find the length of DO.


∵ ABCD is a rhombus
∴ AO = AC (property of rhombus)

=  60
= 30 cm

In △AOB,
AOB = 90 (property of rhombus)
AO + BO = AB
2 2 2
(Pyth. theorem)
302 + BO2 = 342
BO2 = 256
BO = 16 cm

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2. In the figure, WXYZ is a rhombus. XEW, XFZ and YFE are straight lines.
XF = EF and ∠WXY = 120.
(a) Find ∠EXF .
(b) Find ∠ZYE.

(a) ∵ WXYZ is a rhombus.

∴ ∠WXZ =∠ZXY (property of rhombus)

= ½ ∠WXY
= ½ x 120
= 60
i.e. ∠EXF =60

(b) ∵ XF = EF
∴ ∠XEF =∠EXF (base ∠s, isos. )
= 60
∠ZYE = ∠XEF (alt. ∠s, ZY // WX)
= 60°

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3. In the figure, ABCD is a rectangle. The diagonals AC and BD intersect at O.
AB = 60 cm and BC = 80 cm
(a) Find the length of AC
(b) Find the length of OD.

(a) ∵ ABCD is a rectangle.
∴ ∠ABC = 90° (definition of rectangle)

In △ABC,

AC 2 = AB2 + BC 2 (Pyth. theorem)

AC 2 = 602 + 802
AC = 100 cm

(b) ∵ OD = OA = OC (property of rectangle)

∴ OD = OC
= ½ AC
= ½ x 100
= 50 cm

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4. In the figure, ABCD is a square. The diagonals BD and AC intersect at E.
BE = 10 cm.
(a) Find the length of AE
(b) Find the length of AB.
(Leave your answers in surd form if necessary.)

(a) ∵ ABCD is a square.
∴ AE= BE (property of square)
= 10

(b) In △ABE,
∠AEB = 90° (property of square)
AB2 = BE 2 + AE 2 (Pyth. theorem)
AB2 = 102 + 102
AB = 10 2

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5. In the figure, ABCD is a square. AMD, CME, CDF and AEF are straight lines.
∠CEF= 90°.
(a) Prove that ∠ECF =∠DAF.
(b) Prove that MD = FD
(c) Prove that ∠DFM=45°.



(a) In △CEF,
∠ECF +∠EFC +∠CEF = 180° (∠ sum of △)
∠ECF +∠EFC + 90° = 180°
∠ECF +∠EFC = 90° (1)

∵ ABCD is a square
∴ ADF = 90 (definition of square)

In △ADF,
∠DAF +∠AFD +∠ADF = 180° (∠ sum of △)
∠DAF +∠AFD + 90° = 180°
∠DAF +∠AFD = 90°
i.e. ∠DAF +∠EFC = 90° (2)

∴ ∠ECF =∠DAF [from (1) and (2)]

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(b) In △CDM and △ADF,
∵ ∠MCD =∠FAD [proved in (a)]
CDM = ADF = 90 (definition of square)
CD=AD (definition of square)
∴ MD = FD (corr. sides,  △s )

(c) ∵MD = FD [proved in (b)]

∴ DMF = DFM (base ∠s, isos. △)
∵ ABCD is a square
∴ MDF = 90 (definition of square)
In △MDF,
DMF + DFM +∠MDF = 180° (∠ sum of △)
DFM + DFM + 90° = 180°
2DFM = 90°
DFM = 45°

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Part 2: Quiz (3)

1. In the figure, ADB and AEC are straight lines. ACB = 90. Find AED.

2 cm
2 cm

A 3 cm D 3 cm B

∵ AE=EC= 2 cm and AD=DB = 3 cm (given)
∴ DE // BC (mid-pt. theorem)
∴ AED =ACB (corr. ∠s, DE // BC)
= 90

2. In the figure, ADB and AEC are straight lines. ∠ABC = 45°. ∠BAC = 75°.
Find ∠AED.

In △ABC,
∵ AD = DB and AE = EC (given)
∴ DE // BC (mid-pt. theorem)
∴ ADE = ABC (corr. s, DE // BC)
= 45
In △ADE,
AED + ADE + DAE = 180 ( sum of △)

AED + 45 + 75 = 180

AED = 60°

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3. In the figure, ADEB and AFGC are straight lines. DF = 5 cm
(a) Find the length of EG.
(b) Find the length of BC.

4.5 cm 3 cm
4.5 cm 3 cm
9 cm 6 cm



(a) In △AEG,
∵ AD = DE = 4.5 and AF = FG = 3 (given)

∴ DF = ½ EG (mid-pt. theorem)
5 = ½ EG
EG = 10 cm

(b) In △ABC,
AE = AD + DE
= 4.5 +4.5
= 9 cm
AG = AF + FG
= 6 cm

∵ AE = EB = 9 and AG = GC = 6
∴ EG = ½ BC (mid-pt. theorem)
10 = ½ BC
BC = 20 cm

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4. In the figure, D, G and E are the mid-points of AB, AF and AC respectively.
CF = DG and BF = 50 cm.
(a) Find the length of CF.
(b) Find the length of GE.

(a) In △ABF,
∵ AD = DB and AG = GF (given)
∴ DG = ½ BF (mid-pt. theorem)
= ½ x 50
= 25 cm

CF = DG (given)
= 25 cm

(b) In △AFC,
∵ AE = EC and AG = GF (given)
∴ GE = ½ CF (mid-pt. theorem)
= ½ x 25
= 12.5 cm

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5. In the figure, AEC, BED and BFC are straight lines. E is the mid-point of both AC
and BD, while F is the mid-point of BC. Prove that AB = DC.


In △ABC,

∵ CE=EA and CF=FB given

∴ EF = ½ AB mid-pt. theorem
AB = 2 EF (1)
In △BCD,

∵ BE = ED and BF = FC given

∴ EF = ½ DC mid-pt. theorem
DC = 2 EF (2)

∴ AB= DC from (1) and (2)

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6. In the figure, ABC and DEF are straight lines. AD//BE//CF.
AB =BC = 9.5 cm and EF = 10 cm. Find the length of DF.


∵ AD // BE // CF and AB =BC
∴ DE = EF (intercept theorem)
= 10 cm
DF = DE + EF
= 10 + 10
= 20 cm

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7. In the figure, ABCM and DEFN are straight lines. AD//BE//CF//MN.
AB=BC=CM =9.6 cm and FN = 9.7 cm. Find the length of DE.

M N 𝑙4


∵ BE // CF // MN and BC=CM
∴ EF = FN (intercept theorem)
= 9.7 cm

∵ AD // BE // CF and AB = BC
∴ DE = EF (intercept theorem)
= 9.7 cm

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8. In the figure, ADFB and AEGC are straight lines. DE // FG // BC.
AD = DF = FB and AC = 90 cm. Find the length of AE.

In △AFG,
∵ AD = DF and DE // FG
∴ AE = EG (intercept theorem)
∵ DF = FB and DE // FG // BC
∴ EG = GC (intercept theorem)
∴ AE = EG = GC
AE = 1/3 AC
= 1/3 x 90
= 30 cm

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Part 3: Challenging Questions (思考題)
(*=Level 1, **=Level 2, ***=Level 3)

**1. In the figure, E, F and G are the mid-points of AB, DC and AC respectively.
AEB, AGC, DFC and EGF are straight lines. AD = 21 cm and BC = 12 cm.
Find the length of EF.

**2. In the figure, E, F and G are the mid-points of AB, DC and AC respectively.
AEB, AGC, DFC and EGF are straight lines. AD = 21 cm and EF = 16.5 cm.
Find the length of BC.

**3. In the figure, E, F and G are the mid-points of AB, DC and AC respectively.
AEB, AGC, DFC and EGF are straight lines. Prove that AD + BC = 2EF.

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**4. In the figure, ADB and AEC are straight lines. AD = DB and AE = EC.
Find the ratio of area of △DEB to area of △EBC.

**5. In the figure, E, G and F are the mid-points of AD, AC and BC respectively.
AED, AGC, BFC and EGF are straight lines.
If EG : GF = 7 : 6, prove that AB : DC = 6 : 7.

**6. In the figure, AED, AGC, BFC and EGF are straight lines. AE = ED.
AB // EF // DC. DC = 40 cm, FC = 8 cm and EF = 30 cm.
(a) Find the lengths of BC,
(b) Find the lengths of GF.
(c) Find the lengths of AB.

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**7. In the figure, AED, BFC, GAB, DCH and GEOFH are straight lines.
ABCD is a parallelogram. AE=CF.
(a) Prove that △ABE≌△CDF.
(b) Join GD. If DG=BG,
(i) prove that BEDF is a parallelogram
(ii) prove that ∠GOB=∠GOD.

**8. In the figure, DEF, CBF, DCH and AEB are straight lines. AE = BE.
ABCD is a parallelogram.
(a) Prove that △ADE≌△BFE.
(b) Join CE. If ∠ADE=∠CDE , prove that ∠CED=∠CEF.

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**9. In the figure, AGD, DEC, BFC and GCP are straight lines.
ABCD is a parallelogram. DG=DC and CE=CF.
(a) Prove that ∠DCP=∠FCP.
(b) Prove that FP=EP.

**10. In the figure, AOCM, EOF, DFC and BEC are straight lines. AE = AF.
ABCD is a square.
(a) Prove that BE = DF.
(b) If OM = OA, prove that AEMF is a rhombus.

***11. In the figure, BDC is a straight line. ABDE is a parallelogram. AB=CA.

(a) Prove that △BAD≌△ACE.
(b) If BG=√3 𝐴𝐺, ∠ADC=45° and BD=10 cm, find the area of ABDE.

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***12. In the figure, AED, BDC and BEF are straight lines. ∠BAC=90°.
BD = CD = AD. AE= DE. AF//BC.
(a) Prove that △AEF≌△DEB.
(b) Prove that ADCF is a rhombus.
(c) If AB=5 cm and AC=4 cm,find the area of ADCF.

***13. In the figure, AFC and BCD are straight lines. ∠ACB=90°.
EA⊥AB. EF⊥AC,ED⊥BC. AB=AE. BC=4 cm. FC=5 cm.
(a) Prove that △ABC≌△EAF. (b) Find the length of AC and EF.
(c) Find the length of AB and AE. (d) Prove that EFCD is a rectangle.
(e) Find the perimeter of quadrilateral ABDE.

***14. In the figure, BFC, AMC,FMD and CED are straight lines.
ABCD is a rhombus. ME⊥CD. BF=CF. ∠1=∠2.
(a) Prove that MC=MD.
(b) Prove that △MCE≌△MDE.
(c) If CE=1 cm,
(i) find the length of BC.
(ii) prove that MF=ME.
(iii) prove that AM=DF+ME.

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***15. Refer to below Figure (M) and Figure (N)
(1) Figure (M): ABCD is a square. AED and DFC are straight lines. ∠EBF=∠CBF.
Produce DC such that CG=AE. Join BG.
(i) Prove that △ABE≌△CBG.
(ii) Prove that ∠ABF=∠FBG .
(iii) Prove that BE = AE + CF.

(2) Figure (N): ABCD is a square. DCE is a straight line. ∠EAF=45°.

Locate a point H on DE such that DH = BF. Join AH.
(i) Prove that △ADH≌△ABF .
(ii) Prove that ∠EAF=∠EAH = 45°
(iii) Prove that △AFE≌△AHE.
(iv) Prove that DE - BF = EF.



Figure (M) Figure (N)

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