Dimple Dhok Resume
Dimple Dhok Resume
Dimple Dhok Resume
Developed an automated, scalable, and resilient data pipeline for seamlessly migrating
on-premise data to the cloud. Transformed and stored the data in a cloud-based SQL
database, ensuring real-time accessibility for further analysis.
● Set up an Azure pipeline for on-premise and cloud integration using Integration
● Moved on-premise files to the cloud through Azure Data Factory, employing a
copy activity with a linked service to store raw data in a storage container.
● Processed unstructured data with Azure Databricks Notebook and saved the
output.Set up a logic app for pipeline failure notifications.
The project was divided into two phases. In the first phase, public profile data from
LinkedIn was scraped and then recorded in a database. The second phase included
scraping public profile URLs from the Sales Navigator.
The project involved creating a Risk Quantification Engine that calculated the risk for all
nodes at the FAIR level, utilizing a Bayesian network.
5).Project 5-
Our project focused on reducing fuel and tire management costs in fleet operations. By
leveraging data-driven insights and targeted measures, we aimed to optimize these
expenses, enhancing overall cost efficiency and financial performance for the fleet.
● Collected relevant data from Palantir Foundry or other databases, then filtered to
remove unnecessary or redundant information.
● Conducted data sampling and preprocessing by selecting a representative sample
for prediction. Implemented necessary preprocessing steps to ready the data for
analysis and predictive modeling.
6).Project 6-
The objective was to establish a complete data pipeline for a product, simplifying the
report creation process by monitoring a folder, detecting changes in files and data, and
generating Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) using Apache Airflow.
7).Project 7-
Description:-(Data Migration)
Bachelor of Engineering (B. E.) - Computer Science Engineering JUNE, 2015 - JUNE, 2019
Python | SQL server | Azure Blob storage| Azure Data Factory | Databricks | Selenium | MongoDB
| Agenarisk | Postgres | Linux | Airflow | FLASK | Microservice | Docker | GitHub Actions | Cloud |
Azure | FastAPI | Scripting | Linux | Logging | Monitoring | Project Management | Leadership |
Teamwork | Django | Development |