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1. If a unit vector ̂ is rotated through an angle of 45° anticlockwise, then the new vector will be:

(a) √2𝚤̂ + √2𝚥̂ (b) 𝚤̂ + 𝚥̂ (c) 𝚤̂ + 𝚥̂ (d) − 𝚤̂ + 𝚥̂

√ √ √ √

2. Which of the following is not a scalar quantity?

(a) Temperature (b) Coefficient of friction (c) Charge (d) Impulse

𝝎𝐭 𝝎𝐭
3. If vectors 𝑨⃗=cos𝝎t ̂+ sin𝝎t ̂and 𝑩⃗=cos 𝟐
̂+ sin
̂are functions of time, then the value of t at
which they are orthogonal to each other is

(a) t = (b) t = 0 (c) t = (d) t =

4. If 𝒂⃗ + 𝒃⃗ =𝒄⃗ and a + b = c, then the angle include between 𝒂⃗ and 𝒃⃗ is

(a) 90° (b) 180° (c) 120° (d) zero

5. If 𝑨⃗ + 𝑩⃗ = 𝑨⃗ − 𝑩⃗ , then the angle between 𝑨⃗ and 𝑩⃗ will be

(a) 30° (b) 45° (c) 60° (d) 90°

6. The direction cosines of ̂ + ̂ + 𝒌are

(a) 1, 1, 1 (b) 2, 2, 2 (c) , , (d) , ,

√ √ √ √ √ √

7. A unit vector is represented as (0.8 ̂ + b ̂ + 0.4𝒌 ). Hence the value of 'b' must be

(a) 0.4 (b)√0.6 (c) 0.2 (d)√0.2

8. The sum of the numbers 436.32, 227.2, and 0.301 in appropriate significant figures is

(a) 663.821 (b) 664 (c) 663.8 (d) 663.82

9. Which of the following measurements is most precise?

(a) 5.00 mm (b) 5.00 cm (c) 5.00 m (d) 5.00 km

10. The mass and volume of a body are 4.237 g and 2.5 cm3, respectively. The density of the
material of the body in correct significant figures will be

(a) 1.6048 g cm-3 (b) 1.69 g cm-3 (c) 1.7 g cm-3 (d) 1.695 g cm-3

11. The periods of oscillation of a simple pendulum in an experiment are recorded as 2.63 s, 2.56 s,
2.42 s, 2.71 s and 2.80 s respectively. The average absolute error will be:

(a) 0.1 s (b) 0.11 s (c) 0.01 s (d) 1.0 s

12. A physical quantity A is related to four observable quantities a, b, c and d as follows, A =
𝒂𝟐 𝒃𝟑
,the percentage errors of measurement in a, b, c and d are 1 %, 3%, 2% and 2% respectively.
The percentage error in quantity A will be:

(a) 12% (b) 7% (c) 5% (d) 14%

13. If the error in the measurement of the radius of a sphere is 2%, then the error in the
determination of the volume of the sphere will be

(a) 4% (b) 6% (c) 8% (d) 2%

14. If force (F), velocity (v) and time (T) are taken as fundamental units, the dimensions of mass
will be

(a) [FvT-1] (b) [FvT-2] (c) [Fv-1T-1] (d) [Fv-1T]

15. The dimensions of (𝝁𝟎 𝜺𝟎 ) are:

(a) [L-1T] (b) [LT-1] (c) [L-1/2T1/2] (d) [L-1/2T-1/2]

16. The velocity v of a particle at time t is given by v = at + 𝒕 𝒄. The dimensions of a, b and c are

(a) [LT-2] , [L] ,[T] (b) [L2] , [T] and [LT2] (c) [LT2], [LT] and [L] (d) [L], [LT] and [T2]

17. When unit vector 𝒏= a ̂+b ̂ is perpendicular to ( ̂+ ̂) then a and b are

(a) 1, 0 (b) —2, 0 (c) 3, 0 (d) ,−

√ √

18. If the vectors𝑨⃗ =2 ̂+4 ̂ and 𝑩⃗ =5 ̂ – p ̂ are parallel • to each other, the magnitude of 𝑩⃗ is

(a) 5√5 (b) 10 (c) 15 (d) 2√5

19. The diagonals of a parallelogram are represented by vectors, 𝒑⃗ = 𝟓 ̂ − 𝟒 ̂ + 𝟑𝒌 and , 𝒒⃗ =

𝟑 ̂ + 𝟐 ̂ − 𝒌 . Then the area of the parallelogram is

(a) √171units (b)√72 units (c) 171 units (d) 72 unit

20. If vectors ̂ − 𝟑 ̂ + 𝟑𝟓and ̂ − 𝟑 ̂ − 𝒂𝒌 are equal vectors. then the value of a is

(a) 5 (b) 2 (c) — 3 (d) — 5

21. Two forces in the ratio 1 : 2 act simultaneously on a particle. The resultant of these forces is
three times the first force. The angle between them is

(a) 0° (b) 60° (c) 90° (d) 45°

22. . Two equal forces are acting at a point with an angle of 60° between them. If the resultant
force is equal to 40√𝟑 N the magnitude of each force is

(a) 40 N (b) 20 N (c) 80 N (d) 30 N

23.. The resultant of two forces ((A + B) and (A — B) is a force 𝟑𝑨𝟐 + 𝑩𝟐. The angle
ang between two
given forces is

(a) (b) (c) (d) 𝜋

24. In the relation p =𝜷 𝒆 𝒌𝜽 , p is pressure, z is distance, k is Boltzman
Boltzmannn constant and 𝜽 is the
e. The dimensional formula of 𝜷 will be

(a) [M°L2 T1] (b) [ML°T-1] (c) [ML2T] (d) [M°L2 T-1]

25.. The dimensions of coefficient of viscosity are

(a) [ML-1 T-1] (b) [MLT-2] (c) [ML° T-2] (d) [MLT-1]
26. 1L = ______ dm3

(a) 100 (b) 10 (c) 1 (d) 0.1

27. The number of significant figures in value of π are:

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) ∞
28. The Law of conservation of mass holds good for all of the following except –
(a) All Chemical reactions (b) Nuclear reaction
(c) Endothermic reactions (d) Exothermic reactions.
29. Insulin contains 3.4% sulpher by mass. What will be the minimum molecular
weight of insulin ?
(a) 94.117 (b) 1884 (c) 941 (d) 976
30. Boron has two isotopes 10B & 11B whose relative abundance are 20% and 80%
respectively. Atomic weight of Boron is –
(a) 10 (b) 11 (c) 10.5 (d) 10.8
31. Maximum number of atoms are present in – SSA
(a) 14g of CO2 (b) 2g of H2
(c) 11.2 lit of N2 at STP (d) 1.5g atoms of He
32. Number of Ca+2 and Cl- in 111g of anhydrous CaCl2 are –
(a) NA,2NA (b) 2NA, NA (c) NA,NA (d) None of these
33. 60g of a compound on analysis give 24g C, 4 g H and 32g O. The emperical
formula of the compound is –
(a) C2H4O2 (B) C2H2O2 (c) CH2O2 (d) CH2O
34. The vapour desity of gas A is four times that of B. If molecular mass of B is M, then
molecular mass of A is –
(a) M (b) 4M (c) M/4 (d) 2M

35. An oxide of nitrogen contains 36.8% by weight of nitrogen. The formula of the
compound is –
(a) N2O (b) N2O3 (c) NO (d) NO2

36. The equivalent weight of anhydrous oxalic acid is –

(a) 10 (b) 45 (c) 90 (d) 30
37. 45.

38. 46.



41. 49.



51. Select the incorrect statement from the following :

1) NBRI (National Botanical Research Institute) is situated at Lucknow

2) Plant families like convolvulaceae and solanaceae are included in other polynomials
mainly based on floral characters

3) All living organisms – present, past and future are linked to one another by sharing of
common genetic material but to varying degrees

4) Order solanum, datura and petunia are placed in the family solanaceae

(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 4 (c) 4 only (d) 2 and 3

52. Modern taxonomy studies require which of the following?

(a) knowledge of external and internal structure

(b) knowledge development process and ecological information of organism

(c) knowledge of structure of cell (d) all of the above

53. Botanical name of potato is

(a) Mangiferaindica (b) Solanum tuberosum (c) Solanum melongena (d) Pantheraleo

54. Taxon is used for

(a) the ranks of species and genus (b) the species epithet only

(c) the ranks upto phylum (d) any rank of taxonomic Hierarchy

55. Select the incorrect statement from the following

(a) ICZN stands for international code of zoological nomenclature

(b) each statement in key is known as lead

(c) taxonomic keys are tools that help in identification based on characteristics

(d) Ernst Mayr used SystemaNaturae as the title of his Publication

56. Which of the following is incorrect about the taxonomical aid keys?

(a) used for identification of plants and animals based on similarities and dissimilarities

(b) each statement in the key is called a lead (c) keys are generally analytical in nature

(d) used for identification of plants and animals based on similarities only
57. Which of the following is a false statement?

(a) classification is the process by which anything is grouped into convenient

categories based on some easily observable characteristics

(b) nomenclature is important because there is a need to standardise the naming of

living organisms such that a particular organism is known by the same name all over
the world

(c) all living organisms cannot be classified into different taxa

(d) characterisation, identification classification and nomenclature and the processes

that are basic to taxonomy

58. Which of the following is a correct statement?

(a) scientific name of leopard is Pantheraleo

(b) scientific name of tiger is Pantherapardus

(c) potato and brinjal are two different species but they belong to the genus solanum

(d) felis includes dogs

59. Which one of the following matches is correct?

(a) Alternaria Sexual Deuteromycetes reproduction absent
(b) Mucor Reproduction Ascomycetes by Conjugation
(c) Agaricus Parasitic fungus Basidiomycetes
(d) Phytophthora Aseptate Basidiomycetes mycelium

60. The bacteria that can survive in extreme salty areas are called
(a) thermophiles (b) methanogens (c) eubacteria (d) halophiles

61. Statement 1: Linnaeus classified plants into trees, shrubs, and herbs, on the basis of
morphological characters.
Statement 2: Aristotle divided animals into 2 groups – Anaima and Enaima.
(a) Only statement 1 is correct
(b) Only statement 2 is correct
(c) Both statement 1 and statement 2 are correct
(d) Both statement 1 and statement 2 are incorrect.

62. Select correct match w.r.t. Whittaker’ system of classification

(a) Monera: Unicellular, osmotrophs, producers and decomposers, true cellulosic cell wall
(b) Protista: Unicellular, eukaryotic, photoautotrophs, and chemoautotrophs
(c) Fungi: Multicellular/loose tissue, eukaryotic, osmotrophs, chitinous wall
(d) Animalia: Multicellular, eukaryotic, organ or organ system, holozoic, no saprobic

63. The bacterial cell divides every one minute. It takes 15 minutes for a cup to be one-
fourth full. How much time will it take to fill the cup?
(a) 30 minutes (b) 45 minutes (c) 60 minutes (d) 17 minutes

64. The highly resistant nature of endospore is due to the presence of

(a) Dipicolinic acid and peptidoglycan in spore coat
(b) Peptidoglycan in exosporium
(c) Dipicolinic acid and Ca in cortex
(d) Dipicolinic acid and Ca in cell membrane

65. Seawater glows during the night mainly due to the occurrence of
(a) Gonyaulax (b) Noctiluca (c) Euglena (d) Cyclotella

66.Leucosin (Chrysolaminarin) is a carbohydrate that is stored as reserve food in case of

(a) Diatom (b) Euglena (c) Dinoflagellates (d) Paramoecium

67. Read the following statements (1-5) and answer the question which follows them.

In liverworts, mosses and ferns gametophytes are free-living

Gymnosperms and some ferns are heterosporous.

Sexual reproduction in Fucus, Volvox, and Albugo is oogamous

The sporophyte in liverworts is more elaborate than that in mosses

Both, Pinus and Marchantia are dioecious

How many of the above statements are correct?
(a) Two (b) Three (c) Four (d) One

68. Which one of the following is wrong about Chara?

(a) Upper oogonium and lower round antheridium
(b) Globule and nucule present on the same plant
(c) Upper antheridium and lower oogonium
(d) Globule is male reproductive structure
69. Read the following five statements (A to E) and select the option with all correct
(A) Mosses and Lichens are the first organisms to colonize bare rock.
(B) Selaginella is a homosporouspteridophyte
(C) Coralloid roots in Cycas have VAM
(D) Main plant body in bryophytes is gametophytic, whereas in pteridophytes it is
(E) In gymnosperms, male and female gametophytes are present within sporangia located
on the sporophyte
(a) (B), (C), and (D) (b) (A), (D), and (E)
(c) (B), (C), and (E) (d) (A), (C), and (D)

70. Select the mismatch

(a) Cycas – Dioecious (b) Salvinia – Heterosporous
(c) Equisetum – Homosporous (d) Pinus – Dioecious

71. The embryo sac of an angiosperm is made up of

(a) 8 cells (b) 7 cells and 8 nuclei (c) 8 nuclei (d) 7 cells and 7 nuclei

72.Fucoxanthin is found in
(a) red algae (b) brown algae (c) green algae (d) blue-green algae

73.Prothallus (gametophyte) gives rise to fern plant (sporophyte) without fertilization. It is

(a) apospory (b) apogamy (c) parthenocarpy (d) parthenogenesis

74. Conifers differ from grasses in the

(a) lack of xylem tracheids (b) absence of pollen tubes
(c) formation of endosperm before fertilization (d) production of seeds from ovules

75. Which commonly known as ‘Peat moss’ or ‘Bog moss’?

(a) Selaginella (b) Equisetum (c) Laminaria (d) Sphagnum

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