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Android User's Guide

Rev. android-14.0.0_1.2.0 — 19 April 2024 User guide

Document information
Information Content
Keywords Android, i.MX, android-14.0.0_1.2.0
Abstract This document provides the technical information related to the i.MX 8 series devices.
NXP Semiconductors
Android User's Guide

1 Overview
This document provides the technical information related to the i.MX 8 series devices. It provides instructions
• Configuring a Linux OS build machine.
• Downloading, patching, and building the software components that create the Android system image.
• Building from sources and using pre-built images.
• Copying the images to boot media.
• Hardware and software configurations for programming the boot media and running the images.
For more information about building the Android platform, see

2 Preparation

2.1 Setting up your computer

To build the Android source files, use a computer running the Linux OS. The Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit version is the
most tested environment for the Android 14 build.
To synchronize the code and build images of this release, the computer should at least have:
• 450 GB free disk space
• 16 GB RAM
• The minimum required amount of free memory is around 16 GB, and even with that, some configurations may
not work.
• Enlarging the physical RAM capacity is a way to avoid potential build errors related to memory.
• With a 16 GB RAM, if you run into segfaults or other errors related to memory when building the images, try
reducing the -j value. In the demonstration commands in the following part of this document, the -j value is
After installing the computer running Linux OS, check whether all the necessary packages are installed for an
Android build. See "Establishing a Build Environment" on the Android website
In addition to the packages requested on the Android website, the following packages are also needed:

sudo apt-get install uuid uuid-dev zlib1g-dev liblz-dev liblzo2-2 liblzo2-dev

lzop git curl u-boot-tools mtd-utils \
android-sdk-libsparse-utils device-tree-compiler gdisk m4 bison flex make
libssl-dev gcc-multilib libgnutls28-dev \
swig liblz4-tool libdw-dev dwarves bc cpio tar lz4 rsync ninja-build clang
libelf-dev build-essential libncurses5

Configure Git before use. Set the name and email as follows:

git config --global "First Last"

git config --global ""

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To build Android in Docker container, skip this step of installing preceding packages and see Section
Section 3.4 to build Docker image, which has full i.MX Android build environment.

2.2 Unpacking the Android release package

After you set up a computer running Linux OS, unpack the Android release package by using the following

$ cd ~ (or any other directory you like)

$ tar xzvf imx-android-14.0.0_1.2.0.tar.gz

3 Building the Android Platform for i.MX

3.1 Getting i.MX Android release source code

The i.MX Android release source code consists of three parts:
• NXP i.MX public source code, which is maintained in the GitHub repository.
• AOSP Android public source code, which is maintained in
• NXP i.MX Android proprietary source code package, which is maintained in
Assume you have the i.MX Android proprietary source code package imx-android-14.0.0_1.2.0.tar.gz
under the ~/. directory. To generate the i.MX Android release source code build environment, execute the
following commands:

$ mkdir ~/bin
$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
$ export PATH=${PATH}:~/bin
$ source ~/imx-android-14.0.0_1.2.0/
# By default, after preceding command finishes execution, current working
directory changed to the i.MX Android source code root directory.
# ${MY_ANDROID} will be refered as the i.MX Android source code root directory
in all i.MX Andorid release documentation.
$ export MY_ANDROID=`pwd`

In the script, a .xml file that contains the code repository information is specified.
To make the code be synchronized by this script the same as the release state, code repository revision
is specified with the release tag in this file. The release tag is static and is not moved after the code is
published, so no matter when is executed, the working area of the code repositories
synchronized by this script are the same as the release state and images being built are the same as prebuilt
If a critical issue bugfix is published, another .xml file is published to reflect those changes on the source code.
Then customers need to modify the For this release, make the following changes
on the script.

diff --git a/ b/

index 324ec67..4618679 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ if [ ! -d "$android_builddir" ]; then
# Create android build dir if it does not exist.
mkdir "$android_builddir"
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cd "$android_builddir"
- repo init -u -b imx-android-14
-m imx-android-14.0.0_1.2.0.xml
+ repo init -u -b imx-android-14
-m rel_android-14.0.0_1.2.0.xml
if [ "$rc" != 0 ]; then
echo "---------------------------------------------------"

The wireless-regdb repository may fail to be synchronized with the following log:

fatal: unable to access '

sforshee/wireless-regdb/': server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/
ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none

If this issue is encountered, execute the following command on the host as a fix:

$ git config --global http.sslVerify false

3.2 Building Android images

The Android image can be built after the source code has been downloaded (Section 3.1 Section 3.1).
This section provides an overview of how to use Android build system and what NXP did on it. Then it provides
an example of how to build Android images for a specific board as well as preparation steps. Customers could
follow these steps to do the preparation work and build the images.
First, the source build/ command is executed to import shell functions that are defined in
Then, the lunch <ProductName-BuildMode> command is executed to set up the build configuration.
The "Product Name" is the Android device name found in directory ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/. Search
for the keyword PRODUCT_NAME under this directory for the product names. The following table lists the i.MX
product names.

Table 1. i.MX product names

Product name Description
evk_8mm i.MX 8M Mini EVK Board
evk_8mn i.MX 8M Nano EVK Board
evk_8mp i.MX 8M Plus EVK Board
evk_8mq i.MX 8M Quad EVK Board
evk_8ulp i.MX 8ULP EVK Board
mek_8q i.MX 8QuadMax/i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK Board

The "Build Mode" is used to specify what debug options are provided in the final image. The following table lists
the build modes.

Table 2. Build mode

Build mode Description
user Production ready image, no debug
userdebug Provides image with root access and debug, similar to user

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Table 2. Build mode...continued

Build mode Description
eng Development image with debug tools

This lunch command can be executed with an argument of ProductName-BuildMode, such as lunch
evk_8mm-userdebug. It can also be issued without the argument and a menu presents for choosing a target.
After the two commands above are executed, the build process is not started yet. It is at a stage that the next
command is necessary to be used to start the build process. The behavior of the i.MX Android build system
used to be aligned with the original Android platform. The make command can start the build process and
all images are built out. There are some differences. A shell script named is provided and its
symlink file can be found under ${MY_ANDROID} directory, and ./ should be executed first to
start the build process.
The original purpose of this is to build U-Boot/kernel before building Android images.
Google started to put a limit on the host tools used when compiling Android code from Android 10.0. Some host
tools necessary for building U-Boot/kernel now cannot be used in the Android build system, which is under the
control of soong_ui, so U-Boot/kernel cannot be built together with Android images. Google also recommends
to use prebuilt binaries for U-Boot/kernel in the Android build system. It takes some steps to build U-Boot/kernel
to binaries and put these binaries in proper directories, so some specific Android images depending on these
binaries can be built without error. is then added to do these steps to simplify the build work.
After U-Boot/kernel are compiled, any build commands in standard Android can be used. can also start the soong_ui with the make function in ${MY_ANDROID}/build/ to build the Android images after U-Boot/kernel is compiled, so customers can still build the i.MX
Android images with only one command with this script.
i.MX Android platform needs some preparation for the first time when building the images. The image build
steps are as follows:
1. Prepare the build environment for U-Boot and Linux kernel.
This step is mandatory because there is no GCC cross-compile tool chain in the one in AOSP codebase.
An approach is provided to use the self-installed GCC cross-compile tool chain.
a. Download the tool chain for the A-profile architecture on page.
It is recommended to use the 9.2 version for this release. You can download gcc-arm-9.2-2019.
12-x86_64-aarch64-none-elf.tar.xz or gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-
linux-gnu.tar.xz. The first one is dedicated for compiling BareMetal programs, and the second one
can also be used to compile the application programs.
b. Decompress the file into a path on the local disk, for example, to /opt/. Export a variable named
AARCH64_GCC_CROSS_COMPILE to point to the tool as follows:
# if "gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-elf.tar.xz" is used
$ sudo tar -xvJf gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-elf.tar.xz -C /
$ export AARCH64_GCC_CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-
# if "gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz" is used
$ sudo tar -xvJf gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz
-C /opt
$ export AARCH64_GCC_CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-
c. Follow the steps below to set the external clang and kernel-build-tools tools for kernel building.
sudo git clone
linux-x86 /opt/prebuilt-android-clang
cd /opt/prebuilt-android-clang
sudo git checkout d20e409261d6ad80a0c29ac2055bf5c3bb996ef4
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export CLANG_PATH=/opt/prebuilt-android-clang

sudo git clone /opt/

cd /opt/prebuilt-android-kernel-build-tools
sudo git checkout e3f6a8c059b94f30f7184a7d335876f8a13a2366
export PATH=/opt/prebuilt-android-kernel-build-tools/linux-x86/bin:$PATH

The preceding export commands can be added to /etc/profile. When the host boots up,
AARCH64_GCC_CROSS_COMPILE, PATH and CLANG_PATH are set and can be directly used.
• To build Android in Docker container, skip this step of installing GCC cross-compile and clang tools on the
host. See Section Section 3.4 to build Docker image which has full i.MX Android build environment.
2. Change to the top-level build directory.
$ cd ${MY_ANDROID}
3. Set up the environment for building. This only configures the current terminal.
$ source build/
4. Execute the Android lunch command. In this example, the setup is for the production image of i.MX 8M
Mini EVK Board/Platform device with userdebug type.
$ lunch evk_8mm-userdebug
5. Execute the script to generate the image.
$ ./ -j4 2>&1 | tee build-log.txt

The commands below can achieve the same result:

# Build U-Boot/kernel with first, but not to build Android images.
$ ./ bootloader kernel -j4 2>&1 | tee build-log.txt
# Start the process of build Android images with "make" function.
$ make -j4 2>&1 | tee -a build-log.txt

The output of make command is written to standard output and build-log.txt. If there are any errors when
building the image, error logs can be found in the build-log.txt file for checking.
To change BUILD_ID and BUILD_NUMBER, update in the ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/
directory. For details, see the Android Frequently Asked Questions.
The following outputs are generated by default in ${MY_ANDROID}/out/target/product/evk_8mm:
• root/: Root file system. It is used to generate system.img together with files in system/.
• system/: Android system binary/libraries. It is used to generate system.img together with files in root/.
• recovery/: Root file system, integrated into vendor_boot.img as a part of the RAMDisk and used by the
Linux kernel when the system boots up.
• vendor_ramdisk/: Integrated into vendor_boot.img as part of the RAMDisk and used by the Linux
kernel when the system boots up.
• ramdisk/: Integrated into boot image as part of the RAMDisk and used by linux kernel when system boot up.
Because GKI is enabled on i.MX 8M Mini EVK, this is integrated into the boot-imx.img.
• ramdisk.img: Ramdisk image generated from ramdisk/. Not directly used.
• dtbo-imx8mm.img: Board's device tree binary. It is used to support MIPI-to-HDMI output on the i.MX 8M
Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.
• dtbo-imx8mm-m4.img: Board's device tree binary. It is used to support MIPI-to-HDMI output and audio
playback based on Cortex-M4 FreeRTOS on the i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.

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• dtbo-imx8mm-mipi-panel.img: Board's device tree binary. It is used to support RM67199 MIPI Panel
output on the i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.
• dtbo-imx8mm-mipi-panel-rm67191.img: Board's device tree binary. It is used to support RM67191 MIPI
Panel output on the i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.
• dtbo-imx8mm-8mic.img: Board's device tree binary. It is used to support i.MX 8MIC PDM Microphone
audio input on i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.
• dtbo-imx8mm-ddr4.img: Board's device tree binary. It is used to support MIPI-to-HDMI output on the i.MX
8M Mini EVK DDR4 board.
• vbmeta-imx8mm.img: Android Verify boot metadata image for dtbo-imx8mm.img.
• vbmeta-imx8mm-m4.img: Android Verify boot metadata image for dtbo-imx8mm-m4.img.
• vbmeta-imx8mm-mipi-panel.img: Android Verify boot metadata image for dtbo-imx8mm-mipi-
• vbmeta-imx8mm-mipi-panel-rm67191.img: Android Verify boot metadata image for dtbo-imx8mm-
• vbmeta-imx8mm-8mic.img: Android Verify boot metadata image for dtbo-imx8mm-8mic.img.
• vbmeta-imx8mm-ddr4.img: Android Verify boot metadata image for dtbo-imx8mm-ddr4.img.
• system.img: EXT4 image generated from system/ and root/.
• system_ext.img: EXT4 image generated from system_ext/.
• product.img: EXT4 image generated from product/.
• partition-table.img: GPT partition table image for single-bootloader condition. Used for 16 GB SD card
and eMMC.
• partition-table-dual.img: GPT partition table image for dual-bootloader condition. Used for 16 GB SD
card and eMMC.
• partition-table-28GB.img: GPT partition table image for single-bootloader condition. Used for 32 GB
SD card.
• partition-table-28GB-dual.img: GPT partition table image for dual-bootloader condition. Used for 32
GB SD card.
• u-boot-imx8mm.imx: U-Boot image without Trusty OS integrated for i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.
• u-boot-imx8mm-trusty-secure-unlock.imx: U-Boot image with Trusty OS integrated and
demonstration secure unlock mechanism for i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.
• u-boot-imx8mm-evk-uuu.imx: U-Boot image used by UUU for i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board. It is not
flashed to MMC.
• u-boot-imx8mm-ddr4.imx: U-Boot image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK DDR4 board.
• u-boot-imx8mm-ddr4-evk-uuu.imx: U-Boot image used by UUU for i.MX 8M Mini EVK DDR4 board. It is
not flashed to MMC.
• spl-imx8mm-dual.bin: SPL image without Trusty related configuration for i.MX 8M Mini EVK with
LPDDR4 on board.
• spl-imx8mm-trusty-dual.bin: SPL image with Trusty related configuration for i.MX 8M Mini EVK with
LPDDR4 on board.
• spl-imx8mm-trusty-secure-unlock-dual.bin: Secondary program loader image with Trusty and
secure unlock related configurations for i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.
• bootloader-imx8mm-dual.img: Bootloader image without Trusty OS integrated for i.MX 8M Mini EVK
with LPDDR4 on board.
• bootloader-imx8mm-trusty-dual.img: Bootloader image with Trusty OS integrated for i.MX 8M Mini
EVK with LPDDR4 on board.
• bootloader-imx8mm-trusty-secure-unlock-dual.img: An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF,
and Trusty OS. It is a demonstration of secure unlock mechanism for i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.
• imx8mm_mcu_demo.img: MCU FreeRTOS image to support audio playback on MCU side.
• vendor.img: Vendor image, which holds platform binaries. Mounted at /vendor.

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• vendor_dlkm.img: Vendor DLKM image, which holds dynamically loadable kernel modules. Mounted at /
• super.img: Super image, which is generated with system.img, system_ext.img, vendor.img,
vendor_dlkm.img, and product.img.
• boot.img: A composite image, which includes the AOSP generic kernel Image and boot parameters.
• boot-imx.img: A composite image, which includes the kernel Image built from i.MX Kernel tree and boot
• init_boot.img: Generic RAMDisk.
• vendor_boot.img: A composite image, which includes vendor RAMDisk and boot parameters.
• rpmb_key_test.bin: Prebuilt test RPMB key. Can be used to set the RPMB key as fixed 32 bytes 0x00.
• testkey_public_rsa4096.bin: Prebuilt AVB public key. It is extracted from the default AVB private key.
• To build the U-Boot image separately, see Section 3.4.
• To build the kernel uImage separately, see Section 3.5.
• To build boot.img, see Section 3.6.
• To build dtbo.img, see Section 3.7.

3.2.1 Configuration examples of building i.MX devices

The following table shows examples of using the lunch command to set up different i.MX devices with
userdebug build mode. After the desired i.MX device is set up, the script is used to start the

Table 3. i.MX device lunch examples

Board name Lunch command
i.MX 8M Mini EVK board $ lunch evk_8mm-userdebug
i.MX 8M Nano EVK board $ lunch evk_8mn-userdebug
i.MX 8M Plus EVK board $ lunch evk_8mp-userdebug
i.MX 8M Quad WEVK/EVK board $ lunch evk_8mq-userdebug
i.MX 8ULP EVK Board $ lunch evk_8ulp-userdebug
i.MX 8QuadMax/i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK board $ lunch mek_8q-userdebug

3.2.2 Build mode selection

There are three types of build mode to select: eng, user, and userdebug.
The userdebug build behaves the same as the user build, with the ability to enable additional debugging that
normally violates the security model of the platform. This makes the userdebug build with greater diagnosis
capabilities for user test.
The eng build prioritizes engineering productivity for engineers who work on the platform. The eng build
turns off various optimizations used to provide a good user experience. Otherwise, the eng build behaves
similar to the user and userdebug builds, so that device developers can see how the code behaves in those
modules to be installed in the appropriate product makefiles.
The modules specified by PRODUCT_PACKAGES are always installed. For the effect of
PRODUCT_PACKAGES_ENG and PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG, check the description below.

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The main differences among the three modes are listed as follows:
• eng: development configuration with additional debugging tools
– Installs modules specified by PRODUCT_PACKAGES_ENG and/or PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG.
– Installs modules according to the product definition files.
– ro.debuggable=1
– adb is enabled by default.
• user: limited access; suited for production
– Installs modules tagged with user.
– Installs modules according to the product definition files.
– ro.debuggable=0
– adb is disabled by default.
• userdebug: like user but with root access and debuggability; preferred for debugging
– Installs modules specified by PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG.
– Installs modules according to the product definition files.
– ro.debuggable=1
– adb is enabled by default.
To build of Android images, an example for the i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 target is:

$ cd ${MY_ANDROID}
$ source build/ #set env
$ lunch evk_8mm-userdebug
$ ./ -j4

The commands below can achieve the same result.

$ cd ${MY_ANDROID}
$ source build/
$ lunch evk_8mm-userdebug
$ ./ bootloader kernel -j4
$ make -j4

For more Android platform building information, see

3.2.3 Building with GMS package

Get the Google Mobile Services (GMS) package from Google. Put the GMS package into the
${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/partner_gms folder. Make sure that the file has the following line:

$(call inherit-product-if-exists, vendor/partner_gms/products/

Then build the images. The GMS package is then installed into the target images.
Note: means the build target make file. For example, for i.MX 8M Mini EVK Board, the is
named device/nxp/imx8m/evk_8mm/

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3.2.4 Building 32-bit-only images or 32-bit and 64-bit images

Since the android-14.0.0_1.2.0 release, the default is to build 64-bit-only images. To build 32-bit-only images or
32-bit and 64-bit images, export the environment variables before building.

# build 32-bit-only images:

# build 32-bit and 64-bit images:

Then, see the build steps in Section 3.2 to build images.

3.3 Building an Android image With Docker

The Dockerfile can be found in the directory ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/common/dockerbuild/, which
sets up a Ubuntu 20.04 image ready to build i.MX Android OS. You can use it to generate your own Docker
image with full i.MX Android build environment. The process is as follows:
1. Build the Docker image:
$ cd ${Dockerfile_path}
# ${Dockerfile_path} can be ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/common/dockerbuild/, or
another path that you moved the Dockerfile to.
$ docker build --no-cache --build-arg userid=$(id -u) --build-arg groupid=
$(id -g) --build-arg username=$(id -un) -t <docker_image_name> .
# <docker_image_name> can be whatever you want, such as 'android-build'.
# '.' means using the current directory as the build context, it specifies
where to find the files for the “context” of the build on the Docker daemon.
2. Start up a new container and mount your Android source codes to it with:
$ docker run --privileged -it -v ${MY_ANDROID}:/home/$(id -un)/android_src
> cd ~/android_src; source build/
> lunch evk_8mm-userdebug
> ./ -j4 2>&1 | tee build-log.txt
3. You can get the image what you want:
> exit
$ cd ${MY_ANDROID}/out/target/product/evk_8mm

• If it fails to use the apt command to install packages in the process of Docker image build, configure the
HTTP proxy. First, copy your host apt.conf with cp /etc/apt/apt.conf ${Dockerfile_path}/
apt.conf, or create a stripped down version. Then, remove the symbol "#" from the related content in
• If it fails to install clang tools in the process of Docker image build, remove the symbol "#" from the related
content in Dockerfile, and try to build it again.
• If you manage Docker as a non-root user, preface the docker command with sudo, such as sudo docker
build ... and sudo docker run ....
• You can use the command docker images to see the existing Docker image and use docker ps -a to
see the existing container. For other docker commands, see Docker Docs web.
• The Android build content above is taking the i.MX 8M Mini EVK board as an example. To build other board
images or single image, refer to the other content of this section.

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3.4 Building U-Boot images

The U-Boot images can be generated separately. For example, you can generate a U-Boot image for i.MX 8M
Mini EVK as follows:

# U-Boot image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board

$ cd ${MY_ANDROID}
$ source build/
$ lunch evk_8mm-userdebug
$ ./ bootloader -j4

For other platforms, use lunch <ProductName-BuildMode> to set up the build configuration. For detailed
build configuration, see Section 3.2. Multiple U-Boot variants are generated for different purposes. For more
details, check {MY_Android}/device/nxp/{MY_PLATFORM}/{MY_PRODUCT}/UbootKernelBoard
To generate a U-Boot image with trusty, the size of bootloader image may be larger than the
corresponding partition size, especially for the single bootloader configuration. You can build image with
USE_TEE_COMPRESS=true to compress the TEE images. For example, execute the following command to
compress the TEE image and generate a U-Boot image with a smaller size.

$ USE_TEE_COMPRESS=true ./ bootloader -j4

There is also an environment variable BUILD_ENCRYPTED_BOOT used to choose whether to insert a dummy
dek_blob (dek_blob_fit_dummy.bin) to the compiled image, where the real dek_blob is inserted when
encrypting the image. Execute the following command to generate a set of images with dummy dek_blob, but
only the image with trusty_secure_unlock_dual supports encrypted boot.

$ BUILD_ENCRYPTED_BOOT=true ./ bootloader -j4

Note: The command above only applies to i.MX 8M Plus, i.MX 8M Mini, i.MX8M Nano, and i.MX 8MQuad.
More details about encrypted boot, See Sections "Encrypted boot with AHAB" and "Encrypted boot with HABv4"
in the i.MX Android Security User's Guide (ASUG).
The following table lists the U-Boot configurations and images for i.MX 8M Mini EVK.

Table 4. U-Boot configurations and images for i.MX 8M Mini EVK

SoC U-Boot configuration Generated image Description
i.MX 8M Mini imx8mm_evk_android_ u-boot-imx8mm.imx Default i.MX 8M Mini U-Boot
defconfig image if trusty is not enabled.
i.MX 8M Mini imx8mm_evk_android_dual_ spl-imx8mm-dual.bin, i.MX 8M Mini U-Boot image with
defconfig bootloader-imx8mm-dual. dual-bootloader feature enabled.
i.MX 8M Mini imx8mm_evk_android_ spl-imx8mm-trusty-dual. i.MX 8M Mini U-Boot image with
trusty_dual_defconfig bin, bootloader-imx8mm- trusty and dual-bootloader feature
trusty-dual.img enabled.
i.MX 8M Mini imx8mm_evk_android_ spl-imx8mm-trusty- i.MX 8M Mini U-Boot with
trusty_secure_unlock_ secure-unlock-dual.bin, trusty, secure unlock and dual-
dual_defconfig bootloader-imx8mm-trusty- bootloader feature enabled.
i.MX 8M Mini imx8mm_ddr4_evk_android_ u-boot-imx8mm-ddr4.imx i.MX 8M Mini U-Boot image with
defconfig DDR4 DRAM chip.

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Table 4. U-Boot configurations and images for i.MX 8M Mini EVK...continued

SoC U-Boot configuration Generated image Description
i.MX 8M Mini imx8mm_evk_android_uuu_ u-boot-imx8mm-evk-uuu.imx U-Boot image meant for flashing
defconfig images for i.MX 8M Mini EVK.
It should not be shipped to end
i.MX 8M Mini imx8mm_ddr4_evk_android_ u-boot-imx8mm-ddr4-evk- U-Boot image meant for flashing
uuu_defconfig uuu.imx images for i.MX 8M Mini EVK with
DDR4 DRAM chip. It should not
be shipped to end users.

3.5 Building a kernel image

Kernel image is automatically built when building the Android root file system.
The following are the default Android build commands to build the kernel image:

$ cd ${MY_ANDROID}
$ source build/
$ lunch evk_8mm-userdebug
$ ./ kernel -c -j4

The kernel images are found in ${MY_ANDROID}/out/target/product/evk_8mm/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/


3.6 Building boot.img

The following commands are used to generate boot.img under Android environment:

# Boot image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board

$ source build/
$ lunch evk_8mm-userdebug
$ ./ bootimage -j4

The commands below can achieve the same result:

# Boot image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board

$ source build/
$ lunch evk_8mm-userdebug
$ ./ kernel -j4
$ make bootimage -j4

For other platforms, use lunch <ProductName-buildMode> to set up the build configuration. For detailed
build configuration, see Section Section 3.2.

3.7 Building dtbo.img

DTBO image holds the device tree binary of the board.
The following commands are used to generate dtbo.img under Android environment:

# dtbo image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board

$ source build/
$ lunch evk_8mm-userdebug
$ ./ dtboimage -j4

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The commands below can achieve the same result:

# dtbo image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board

$ source build/
$ lunch evk_8mm-userdebug
$ ./ kernel -j4
$ make dtboimage -j4

For other platforms, use lunch <ProductName-buildMode> to set up the build configuration. For detailed
build configuration, see Section Section 3.2.

4 Running the Android Platform with a Prebuilt Image

To test the Android platform before building any code, use the prebuilt images from the following packages and
go to Section 5 and Section 6.

Table 5. Image packages

Image package Description
android-14.0.0_1.2.0_image_ Prebuilt-image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board, which includes NXP
8mmevk.tar.gz extended features.
android-14.0.0_1.2.0_image_ Prebuilt-image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK board, which includes NXP extended
8mnevk.tar.gz features.
android-14.0.0_1.2.0_image_ Prebuilt-image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board, which includes NXP extended
8mpevk.tar.gz features.
android-14.0.0_1.2.0_image_ Prebuilt-image for i.MX 8M Quad EVK board, which includes NXP extended
8mqevk.tar.gz features.
android-14.0.0_1.2.0_image_ Prebuilt-image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board, which includes NXP extended features.

The following tables list the detailed contents of the android-14.0.0_1.2.0_image_8mmevk.tar.gz

image package.

Table 6. Images for i.MX 8M Mini

i.MX 8M Mini EVK Image Description
spl-imx8mm-dual.bin Secondary program loader image without Trusty related configurations for i.MX
8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.
spl-imx8mm-trusty-dual.bin Secondary program loader image with Trusty related configurations for i.MX 8M
Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.
spl-imx8mm-trusty-secure- Secondary program loader image with Trusty and secure unlock related
unlock-dual.bin configurations for i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.
bootloader-imx8mm-dual.img An image containing U-Boot proper and ATF. It is for i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4
bootloader-imx8mm-trusty- An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF, and Trusty OS. It is for i.MX 8M Mini
dual.img EVK LPDDR4 board.
bootloader-imx8mm-trusty- An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF, and Trusty OS. It is a demonstration of
secure-unlock-dual.img the secure unlock mechanism for i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.
u-boot-imx8mm.imx An image containing U-Boot and ATF for i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.
u-boot-imx8mm-evk-uuu.imx An image containing U-Boot and ATF, used by UUU for i.MX 8M Mini EVK
LPDDR4 board. It is not flashed to MMC.

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Table 6. Images for i.MX 8M Mini...continued

i.MX 8M Mini EVK Image Description
u-boot-imx8mm-ddr4.imx An image containing U-Boot and ATF for i.MX 8M Mini EVK DDR4 board.
u-boot-imx8mm-ddr4-evk- An image containing U-Boot and ATF, used by UUU for i.MX 8M Mini EVK DDR4
uuu.imx board. It is not flashed to MMC.
boot.img Boot image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board. It contains the AOSP generic kernel
image, generic RAMDisk, and default kernel command line.
boot-imx.img Boot image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board. It contains the kernel image built from
i.MX Kernel tree, generic RAMDisk, and default kernel command line.
vendor_boot.img Vendor boot image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board, It contains vendor RAMDisk and
default kernel command line.
system.img System image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board.
system_ext.img System extension image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board.
vendor.img Vendor image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board.
vendor_dlkm.img Vendor dynamically loadable kernel module image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board.
product.img Product image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board.
super.img Super image generated from system.img, system_ext.img, vendor.img,
vendor_dlmk.img, and product.img.
partition-table.img GPT partition table image for single-bootloader condition. Used for 16 GB SD
card and eMMC.
partition-table-dual.img GPT partition table image for dual-bootloader condition. Used for 16 GB SD card
and eMMC.
partition-table-28GB.img GPT partition table image for single-bootloader condition. Used for 32 GB SD
partition-table-28GB-dual.img GPT partition table image for dual-bootloader condition. Used for 32 GB SD card.
imx8mm_mcu_demo.img The MCU FreeRTOS image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board.
dtbo-imx8mm.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board to support MIPI-to-HDMI output
on i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.
dtbo-imx8mm-m4.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board to support MIPI-to-HDMI output
and audio playback based on Cortex-M4 FreeRTOS i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4
dtbo-imx8mm-mipi-panel.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board to support RM67199 MIPI panel
output i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.
dtbo-imx8mm-mipi-panel- Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board to support RM67191 MIPI panel
rm67191.img output i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.
dtbo-imx8mm-8mic.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board to support i.MX 8MIC PDM
Microphone audio input i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.
dtbo-imx8mm-ddr4.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board to support MIPI-to-HDMI output
on i.MX 8M Mini EVK DDR4 board.
vbmeta-imx8mm.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board to support MIPI-
to-HDMI output on i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.
vbmeta-imx8mm-m4.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board to support MIPI-
to-HDMI output and Cortex-M4 playback on i.MX 8M Mini EVK LPDDR4 board.
vbmeta-imx8mm-mipi-panel.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board to support
RM67199 MIPI panel output on i.MX 8M Mini EVK DDR4 board.

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Table 6. Images for i.MX 8M Mini...continued

i.MX 8M Mini EVK Image Description
vbmeta-imx8mm-mipi-panel- Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board to support
rm67191.img RM67191 MIPI panel output on i.MX 8M Mini EVK DDR4 board.
vbmeta-imx8mm-8mic.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board to support i.MX
8MIC PDM Microphone audio input on i.MX 8M Mini EVK DDR4 board.
vbmeta-imx8mm-ddr4.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board to support MIPI-
to-HDMI output on i.MX 8M Mini EVK DDR4 board.
vbmeta-imx8mm-mipi-panel.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Mini EVK board to support
LPDDR4 and MIPI panel output.
rpmb_key_test.bin Prebuilt test RPMB key, which can be used to set the RPMB key as fixed 32
bytes 0x00.
testkey_public_rsa4096.bin Prebuilt AVB public key, which is extracted from the default AVB private key.

The following tables list the detailed contents of the android-14.0.0_1.2.0_image_8mnevk.tar.gz

image package.

Table 7. Images for i.MX 8M Nano

i.MX 8M Nano EVK Image Descriptions
spl-imx8mn-dual.bin Secondary program loader image without Trusty related configurations for i.MX
8M Nano EVK LPDDR4 board.
spl-imx8mn-trusty-dual.bin Secondary program loader image with Trusty related configurations for i.MX 8M
Nano EVK LPDDR4 board.
spl-imx8mn-trusty-secure- Secondary program loader image with Trusty and secure unlock related
unlock-dual.bin configurations for i.MX 8M Nano EVK LPDDR4 board.
bootloader-imx8mn-dual.img An image containing U-Boot proper and ATF. It is for i.MX 8M Nano EVK
LPDDR4 board.
bootloader-imx8mn-trusty- An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF, and Trusty OS. It is for i.MX 8M Nano
dual.img EVK LPDDR4 board.
bootloader-imx8mn-trusty- An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF, and Trusty OS. It is a demonstration of
secure-unlock-dual.img the secure unlock mechanism for i.MX 8M Nano EVK LPDDR4 board.
u-boot-imx8mn.imx An image containing U-Boot and ATF for i.MX 8M Nano EVK LPDDR4 board.
u-boot-imx8mn-evk-uuu.imx An image containing U-Boot and ATF, used by UUU for i.MX 8M Nano EVK
LPDDR4 board. It is not flashed to MMC.
u-boot-imx8mn-ddr4.imx An image containing U-Boot and ATF for i.MX 8M Nano EVK DDR4 board.
u-boot-imx8mn-ddr4-evk- An image containing U-Boot and ATF, used by UUU for i.MX 8M Nano EVK
uuu.imx DDR4 board. It is not flashed to MMC.
boot.img Boot image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK board. It contains the AOSP generic kernel
image, generic RAMDisk, and default kernel command line.
boot-imx.img Boot image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK board. It contains the kernel image built from
i.MX Kernel tree, generic RAMDisk, and default kernel command line.
vendor_boot.img Vendor boot image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK board. It contains vendor RAMDisk
and default kernel command line.
system.img System image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK board.
system_ext.img System extension image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK board.
vendor.img Vendor image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK board.

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Table 7. Images for i.MX 8M Nano...continued

i.MX 8M Nano EVK Image Descriptions
vendor_dlkm.img Vendor dynamically loadable kernel module image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK board.
product.img Product image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK board.
super.img Super image generated from system.img, system_ext.img, vendor.img,
vendor_dlkm.img, and product.img.
partition-table.img GPT partition table image for single-bootloader condition. Used for 16 GB SD
card and eMMC.
partition-table-dual.img GPT partition table image for dual-bootloader condition. Used for 16 GB SD card
and eMMC.
partition-table-28GB.img GPT partition table image for SD single-bootloader condition. Used for 32 GB SD
partition-table-28GB-dual.img GPT partition table image for dual-bootloader condition. Used for 32 GB SD card.
imx8mn_mcu_demo.img The MCU demonstration image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK board.
dtbo-imx8mn.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK LPDDR4 board to support MIPI-to-
HDMI output.
dtbo-imx8mn-rpmsg.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK LPDDR4 board to support MIPI-to-
HDMI output and MCU image.
dtbo-imx8mn-mipi-panel.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK LPDDR4 board to support RM67199
MIPI panel output.
dtbo-imx8mn-mipi-panel- Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK LPDDR4 board to support RM67191
rm67191.img MIPI panel output.
dtbo-imx8mn-8mic.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK LPDDR4 board to support i.MX 8MIC
PDM Microphone audio input.
dtbo-imx8mn-ddr4.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK DDR4 board to support MIPI-to-HDMI
dtbo-imx8mn-ddr4-rpmsg.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK DDR4 board to support MIPI-to-HDMI
output and MCU image.
dtbo-imx8mn-ddr4-mipi- Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK DDR4 board to support RM67199
panel.img MIPI panel output.
dtbo-imx8mn-ddr4-mipi-panel- Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK DDR4 board to support RM67191
rm67199.img MIPI panel output.
vbmeta-imx8mn.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK LPDDR4 board to support MIPI-to-
HDMI output.
vbmeta-imx8mn-rpmsg.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK LPDDR4 board to
support MIPI-to-HDMI output and MCU image.
vbmeta-imx8mn-mipi-panel.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK LPDDR4 board to
support RM67199 MIPI panel output.
vbmeta-imx8mn-mipi-panel- Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK LPDDR4 board to
rm67191.img support RM67191 MIPI panel output.
vbmeta-imx8mn-8mic.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK LPDDR4 board to
support i.MX 8MIC PDM Microphone audio input.
vbmeta-imx8mn-ddr4.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK DDR4 board to
support MIPI-to-HDMI output.

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Table 7. Images for i.MX 8M Nano...continued

i.MX 8M Nano EVK Image Descriptions
vbmeta-imx8mn-ddr4-rpmsg.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK DDR4 board to
support MIPI-to-HDMI output and MCU image.
vbmeta-imx8mn-ddr4-mipi- Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK DDR4 board to
panel.img support RM67199 MIPI panel output.
vbmeta-imx8mn-ddr4-mipi- Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Nano EVK DDR4 board to
panel-rm67191.img support RM67191 MIPI panel output.
rpmb_key_test.bin Prebuilt test RPMB key. It can be used to set the RPMB key as fixed 32 bytes
testkey_public_rsa4096.bin Prebuilt AVB public key. It is extracted from the default AVB private key.

The following tables list the detailed contents of the android-14.0.0_1.2.0_image_8mpevk.tar.gz

image package.

Table 8. Images for i.MX 8M Plus

i.MX 8M Plus EVK Image Description
spl-imx8mp-dual.bin Secondary program loader image without Trusty related configurations for i.MX 8M Plus
EVK board.
spl-imx8mp-trusty- Secondary program loader image with Trusty related configurations for i.MX 8M Plus EVK
dual.bin board.
spl-imx8mp-trusty- Secondary program loader image with Trusty and secure unlock related configurations for i.MX 8M Plus EVK LPDDR4 board.
spl-imx8mp-trusty- Secondary program loader image with Trusty related configurations for i.MX 8M Plus EVK
powersave-dual.bin board. Set the LPDDR4 frequency to 2400 MT/s and VDD_SOC to 0.85 V.
bootloader-imx8mp- An image containing U-Boot proper and ATF. It is for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board.
bootloader-imx8mp- An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF, and Trusty OS. It is for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board.
bootloader-imx8mp- An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF, and Trusty OS. It is a demonstration of the secure
trusty-secure-unlock- unlock mechanism for i.MX 8M Plus EVK LPDDR4 board.
bootloader-imx8mp- An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF, and Trusty OS. It is for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board.
trusty-powersave- Set the LPDDR4 frequency to 2400 MT/s and VDD_SOC to 0.85 V.
u-boot-imx8mp.imx An image containing U-Boot and ATF for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board.
u-boot-imx8mp-evk- An image containing U-Boot and ATF, used by UUU for i.MX 8M Plus board. It is not flashed
uuu.imx to MMC.
boot.img Boot image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board. It contains the AOSP generic kernel image,
generic RAMDisk, and default kernel command line.
boot-imx.img Boot image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board. It contains the kernel image built from i.MX Kernel
tree, generic RAMDisk, and default kernel command line.
vendor_boot.img Vendor boot image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board. It contains vendor RAMDisk and default
kernel command line.
system.img System image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board.
system_ext.img System extension image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board.

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Table 8. Images for i.MX 8M Plus...continued

i.MX 8M Plus EVK Image Description
vendor.img Vendor image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board.
vendor_dlkm.img Vendor dynamically loadable kernel module image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board.
product.img Product image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board.
super.img Super image generated from system.img, system_ext.img, vendor.img, vendor_
dlkm.img, and product.img.
partition-table.img GPT partition table image for single-bootloader condition. Used for 16 GB SD card and
partition-table- GPT partition table image for dual-bootloader condition. Used for 16 GB SD card and
dual.img eMMC.
partition-table- GPT partition table image for single-bootloader condition. Used for 32 GB SD card.
partition-table-28GB- GPT partition table image for dual-bootloader condition. Used for 32 GB SD card.
imx8mp_mcu_demo.img MCU image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board.
dtbo-imx8mp.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support MIPI-to-HDMI output, and
support two Basler cameras plug-in CSI1 and CSI2 port.
dtbo-imx8mp-basler- Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support MIPI-to-HDMI output, and
ov5640.img support Basler camera plug-in CSI1 port and OV5640 camera plug-in CSI2 port.
dtbo-imx8mp-basler. Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support MIPI-to-HDMI output, and
img support only Basler camera plug-in CSI1 slot.
dtbo-imx8mp-dual- Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support MIPI-to-HDMI output, and
basler.img support two Basler cameras plug-in CSI1 and CSI2 slot.
dtbo-imx8mp-ov5640. Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support MIPI-to-HDMI output, and
img support only OV5640 camera plug-in CSI1 slot.
dtbo-imx8mp-lvds- Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support LVDS panel output.
dtbo-imx8mp-lvds.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support dual-channel LVDS to HDMI
dtbo-imx8mp-mipi- Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support RM67199 MIPI panel output.
dtbo-imx8mp-mipi- Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support RM67191 MIPI panel output.
dtbo-imx8mp-os08a20. Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support MIPI-to-HDMI output, and
img support only OS08A20 camera plug-in CSI1 slot.
dtbo-imx8mp-os08a20- Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support MIPI-to-HDMI output, and
ov5640.img support OS08A20 camera plug-in CSI1 slot and OV5640 camera plug-in CSI2 slot.
dtbo-imx8mp-rpmsg.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support MIPI-to-HDMI output and MCU
dtbo-imx8mp-sof.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support the Sound Open Firmware audio
vbmeta-imx8mp.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support MIPI-to-HDMI
output, and support two Basler cameras plug-in CSI1 and CSI2 port..

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Table 8. Images for i.MX 8M Plus...continued

i.MX 8M Plus EVK Image Description
vbmeta-imx8mp-basler- Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support MIPI-to-HDMI
ov5640.img output, and support Basler camera plug-in CSI1 port and OV5640 camera plug-in CSI2 port.
vbmeta-imx8mp-basler. Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support MIPI-to-HDMI
img output, and support only Basler camera plug-in CSI1 slot.
vbmeta-imx8mp-dual- Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support MIPI-to-HDMI
basler.img output, and support two Basler cameras plug-in CSI1 and CSI2 slot.
vbmeta-imx8mp-ov5640. Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support MIPI-to-HDMI
img output, and support only OV5640 camera plug-in CSI1 slot.
vbmeta-imx8mp-lvds- Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support LVDS panel
panel.img output.
vbmeta-imx8mp-lvds. Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support dual-channel
img LVDS-to-HDMI output.
vbmeta-imx8mp-mipi- Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support RM67199 MIPI
panel.img panel output.
vbmeta-imx8mp-mipi- Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support RM67191 MIPI
panel-rm67191.img panel output.
vbmeta-imx8mp- Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support MIPI-to-HDMI
os08a20.img output, and support only OS08A20 camera plug-in CSI1 slot.
vbmeta-imx8mp- Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support MIPI-to-HDMI
os08a20-ov5640.img output, and support OS08A20 camera plug-in CSI1 slot and OV5640 camera plug-in CSI2
vbmeta-imx8mp- Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support MIPI-to-HDMI
rpmsg.img output and MCU image.
vbmeta-imx8mp-sof.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board to support the Sound
Open Firmware audio output.
rpmb_key_test.bin Prebuilt test RPMB key. It can be used to set the RPMB key as fixed 32 bytes 0x00.
testkey_public_ Prebuilt AVB public key. It is extracted from the default AVB private key.

The following tables list the detailed contents of the android-14.0.0_1.2.0_image_8mqevk.tar.gz

image package.

Table 9. Images for i.MX 8M Quad EVK

i.MX 8M Quad EVK Image Description
spl-imx8mq-dual.bin Secondary program loader image without Trusty related configurations for i.MX
8M Quad EVK board.
spl-imx8mq-trusty-dual.bin Secondary program loader image with Trusty related configurations for i.MX 8M
Quad EVK board.
spl-imx8mq-trusty-secure- Secondary program loader image with Trusty and secure unlock related
unlock-dual.bin configurations for i.MX 8MQuad EVK LPDDR4 board.
spl-imx8mq-wevk-dual.bin Secondary program loader image without Trusty related configurations for i.MX
8MQuad WEVK board.
spl-imx8mq-trusty-wevk-dual. Secondary program loader image with Trusty related configurations for i.MX
bin 8MQuad WEVK board.

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Table 9. Images for i.MX 8M Quad EVK...continued

i.MX 8M Quad EVK Image Description
spl-imx8mq-trusty-secure- Secondary program loader image with Trusty and secure unlock related configurations for i.MX 8MQuad WEVK LPDDR4 board.
bootloader-imx8mq-dual.img An image containing U-Boot proper and ATF. It is for i.MX 8M Quad EVK board.
bootloader-imx8mq-trusty- An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF, and Trusty OS. It is for i.MX 8M Quad
dual.img EVK board.
bootloader-imx8mq-trusty- An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF, and Trusty OS. It is a demonstration of
secure-unlock-dual.img secure unlock mechanism for i.MX 8M Quad EVK LPDDR4 board.
bootloader-imx8mq-wevk-dual. An image containing U-Boot proper and ATF. It is for i.MX 8M Quad WEVK board.
bootloader-imx8mq-trusty- An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF, and Trusty OS. It is for i.MX 8MQuad
wevk-dual.img WEVK board.
bootloader-imx8mq-trusty- An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF, and Trusty OS. It is a demonstration of
secure-unlock-wevk-dual.img secure unlock mechanism for i.MX 8M Quad WEVK LPDDR4 board.
u-boot-imx8mq.imx An image containing U-Boot and ATF for i.MX 8M Quad EVK board.
u-boot-imx8mq-evk-uuu.imx An image containing U-Boot and ATF, used by UUU for i.MX 8M Quad EVK
board. It is not flashed to MMC.
boot.img Boot image for i.MX 8MQuad EVK board. It contains the AOSP generic kernel
image, generic RAMDisk, and default kernel command line.
boot-imx.img Boot image for i.MX 8MQuad EVK board. It contains the kernel image built from
i.MX Kernel tree, generic RAMDisk, and default kernel command line.
vendor_boot.img Vendor boot image for i.MX 8M Quad EVK board. It contains vendor RAMDisk
and default kernel command line.
system.img System image for i.MX 8M Quad EVK board.
system_ext.img System extension image for i.MX 8M Quad EVK board.
vendor.img Vendor image for i.MX 8M Quad EVK board.
vendor_dlkm.img Vendor dynamically loadable kernel module image for i.MX 8M Quad EVK board.
product.img Product image for i.MX 8M Quad EVK board.
super.img Super image generated from system.img, system_ext.img, vendor.img,
vendor_dlkm.img and product.img.
partition-table.img GPT partition table image for single-bootloader condition. Used for 16 GB SD
card and eMMC.
partition-table-dual.img GPT partition table image for dual-bootloader condition. Used for 16 GB SD card
and eMMC.
partition-table-28GB.img GPT partition table image for single-bootloader condition. Used for 32 GB SD
partition-table-28GB-dual.img GPT partition table image for dual-bootloader condition. Used for 32 GB SD card.
dtbo-imx8mq.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Quad EVK REV A board to support HDMI output
and DSD playback.
dtbo-imx8mq-wevk.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8MQuad WEVK REV A board to support HDMI
output and DSD playback.
dtbo-imx8mq-mipi.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Quad WEVK/EVK REV A board to support MIPI-
DSI-to-HDMI output.

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Table 9. Images for i.MX 8M Quad EVK...continued

i.MX 8M Quad EVK Image Description
dtbo-imx8mq-dual.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Quad WEVK/EVK REV A board to support HDMI
and MIPI-DSI-to-HDMI dual-output.
dtbo-imx8mq-mipi-panel.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Quad WEVK/EVK REV A board to support
RM67199 MIPI panel output.
dtbo-imx8mq-mipi-panel- Device Tree image for i.MX 8M Quad WEVK/EVK REV A board to support
rm67191.img RM67191 MIPI panel output.
vbmeta-imx8mq.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Quad EVK REV A board to
support HDMI output.
vbmeta-imx8mq-wevk.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8MQuad WEVK REV A board to
support HDMI output.
vbmeta-imx8mq-mipi.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Quad WEVK/EVK REV A board
to support MIPI-DSI-to-HDMI output.
vbmeta-imx8mq-dual.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Quad WEVK/EVK REV A board
to support HDMI and MIPI-DSI-to-HDMI dual output.
vbmeta-imx8mq-mipi-panel.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Quad WEVK/EVK REV A board
to support RM67199 MIPI panel output.
vbmeta-imx8mq-mipi-panel- Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8M Quad WEVK/EVK REV A board
rm67199.img to support RM67191 MIPI panel output.
rpmb_key_test.bin Prebuilt test RPMB key. It can be used to set the RPMB key as fixed 32 bytes
testkey_public_rsa4096.bin Prebuilt AVB public key. It is extracted from the default AVB private key.

The following tables list the detailed contents of the android-14.0.0_1.2.0_image_8ulpevk.tar.gz

image package.

Table 10. Images for i.MX 8ULP EVK

i.MX 8ULP EVK Image Description
spl-imx8ulp-dual.bin Secondary program loader image without Trusty related configurations for i.MX 8ULP
EVK board.
spl-imx8ulp-trusty-dual. Secondary program loader image with Trusty related configurations for i.MX 8ULP
bin EVK board.
spl-imx8ulp-trusty-9x9- Secondary program loader image with Trusty related configurations for i.MX 8ULP
dual.bin EVK 9x9 board.
spl-imx8ulp-trusty-lpa- Secondary program loader image with Trusty related configurations and Low Power
dual.bin Audio enabled for i.MX 8ULP EVK board.
spl-imx8ulp-trusty- Secondary program loader image with Trusty related configurations and dual boot
dualboot-dual.bin enabled (low power display) for i.MX 8ULP EVK board.
bootloader-imx8ulp-dual. An image containing U-Boot proper and ATF for i.MX 8ULP EVK board.
bootloader-imx8ulp-trusty- An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF, and Trusty OS for i.MX 8ULP EVK board.
bootloader-imx8ulp-trusty- An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF, and Trusty OS. It is for i.MX 8ULP 9x9 EVK
9x9-dual.img board.
bootloader-imx8ulp-trusty- An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF, Low Power Audio MCU firmware, and
lpa-dual.img Trusty OS. It is for i.MX 8ULP EVK board.

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Table 10. Images for i.MX 8ULP EVK...continued

i.MX 8ULP EVK Image Description
bootloader-imx8ulp-trusty- An image containing uboot proper, ATF and Trusty OS, it's for i.MX 8ULP EVK board.
u-boot-imx8ulp-9x9.imx An image containing U-Boot and ATF for i.MX 8ULP EVK 9x9 board.
u-boot-imx8ulp-9x9-evk- An image containing U-Boot and ATF, used by UUU for i.MX 8ULP EVK 9x9 board. It
uuu.imx is not flashed to MMC.
u-boot-imx8ulp.imx An image containing U-Boot and ATF for i.MX 8ULP EVK board.
u-boot-imx8ulp-evk-uuu.imx An image containing U-Boot and ATF, used by UUU for i.MX 8ULP EVK board. It is
not flashed to MMC.
imx8ulp_mcu_demo_sf.img MCU image containing low power display demo for i.MX 8ULP EVK board, it is
flashed to serial flash in MCU side.
boot.img Boot image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board, It contains the AOSP generic kernel image,
generic RAMDisk, and default kernel command line.
boot-imx.img Boot image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board, It contains the kernel image built from i.MX
Kernel tree, generic RAMDisk, and default kernel command line.
vendor_boot.img Vendor boot image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board. it contains vendor RAMDisk and
default kernel command line.
system.img System image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board.
system_ext.img System extension image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board.
vendor.img Vendor image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board.
vendor_dlkm.img Vendor dynamically loadable kernel module image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board.
product.img Product image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board.
super.img Super image generated from system.img, system_ext.img, vendor.img,
vendor_dlkm.img, and product.img.
partition-table.img GPT partition table image for single-bootloader condition. Used for 16 GB eMMC.
partition-table-dual.img GPT partition table image for dual-bootloader condition. Used for 16 GB eMMC.
partition-table-28GB.img GPT partition table image for single-bootloader condition. Used for 32 GB eMMC.
partition-table-28GB-dual. GPT partition table image for dual-bootloader condition. Used for 32 GB eMMC.
dtbo-imx8ulp-9x9.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8ULP EVK 9x9 board to support MIPI panel output.
dtbo-imx8ulp-9x9-hdmi.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8ULP EVK 9x9 board to support HDMI output.
dtbo-imx8ulp.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board to support MIPI panel output.
dtbo-imx8ulp-hdmi.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board to support HDMI output.
dtbo-imx8ulp-epdc.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board to support EPDC output.
dtbo-imx8ulp-sof.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board to support the Sound Open Firmware
audio output.
dtbo-imx8ulp-lpa.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board to support Low Power Audio.
dtbo-imx8ulp-lpd.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board to support Low Power Display.
vbmeta-imx8ulp-9x9.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8ULP EVK 9x9 board to support MIPI
panel output.

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Table 10. Images for i.MX 8ULP EVK...continued

i.MX 8ULP EVK Image Description
vbmeta-imx8ulp-9x9-hdmi. Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8ULP EVK 9x9 board to support HDMI
img output.
vbmeta-imx8ulp.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board to support MIPI panel
vbmeta-imx8ulp-hdmi.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board to support HDMI
vbmeta-imx8ulp-epdc.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board to support EPDC
vbmeta-imx8ulp-sof.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board to support the Sound
Open Firmware audio output.
vbmeta-imx8ulp-lpa.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board to support Low Power
vbmeta-imx8ulp-lpd.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8ULP EVK board to support Low Power
Display demo.
rpmb_key_test.bin Prebuilt test RPMB key. It can be used to set the RPMB key as fixed 32 bytes 0x00.
testkey_public_rsa4096.bin Prebuilt AVB public key. It is extracted from the default AVB private key.

The following tables list the detailed contents of the android-14.0.0_1.2.0_image_8qmek.tar.gz image

Table 11. Images for i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus MEK

i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus Description
MEK Image
spl-imx8qm-dual.bin Secondary program loader image without Trusty related configurations for i.MX
8Quad Max MEK board.
bootloader-imx8qm-dual.img An image containing U-Boot proper and ATF. It is for i.MX 8Quad Max MEK board.
spl-imx8qm-trusty-dual.bin Secondary program loader image with Trusty related configurations for i.MX 8Quad
Max MEK board.
bootloader-imx8qm-trusty- An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF, and Trusty OS. It is for i.MX 8Quad Max
dual.img MEK board.
spl-imx8qxp-dual.bin Secondary program loader image without Trusty related configurations for i.MX 8
QuadXPlus MEK board with silicon revision B0 chip.
bootloader-imx8qxp-dual. An image containing U-Boot proper and ATF. It is for i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK board
img with silicon revision B0 chip.
spl-imx8qxp-c0-dual.bin Secondary program loader image without Trusty related configurations for i.MX 8
QuadXPlus MEK board with silicon revision C0 chip.
bootloader-imx8qxp-c0- An image containing U-Boot proper and ATF. It is for i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK board
dual.img with silicon revision C0 chip.
spl-imx8qxp-trusty-dual. Secondary program loader image with Trusty related configurations for i.MX 8Quad
bin XPlus MEK board with silicon revision B0 chip.
bootloader-imx8qxp-trusty- An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF, and Trusty OS. It is for i.MX 8QuadXPlus
dual.img MEK board with silicon revision B0 chip.
spl-imx8qxp-trusty-c0- Secondary program loader image with Trusty related configurations for i.MX 8Quad
dual.bin XPlus MEK board with silicon revision C0 chip.

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Table 11. Images for i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus MEK...continued

i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus Description
MEK Image
bootloader-imx8qxp-trusty- An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF, and Trusty OS. It is for i.MX 8QuadXPlus
c0-dual.img MEK board with silicon revision C0 chip.
spl-imx8qm-trusty-secure- Secondary program loader image with Trusty and secure unlock related
unlock-dual.bin configurations for i.MX 8Quad MAX EVK board.
bootloader-imx8qm-trusty- An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF, and Trusty OS. It is a demonstration of
secure-unlock-dual.img secure unlock mechanism for i.MX 8Quad MAX EVK board.
spl-imx8qxp-trusty-secure- Secondary program loader image with Trusty and secure unlock related
unlock-dual.bin configurations for i.MX 8QuadXPlus EVK board.
bootloader-imx8qxp-trusty- An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF, and Trusty OS. It is a demonstration of
secure-unlock-dual.img secure unlock mechanism for i.MX 8QuadXPlus EVK board.
u-boot-imx8qm.imx An image containing U-Boot and ATF for for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board.
u-boot-imx8qxp.imx An image containing U-Boot and ATF for i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK board.
u-boot-imx8qm-mek-uuu.imx An image containing U-Boot and ATF, used by UUU for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board.
It is not flashed to MMC.
u-boot-imx8qxp-mek-uuu.imx An image containing U-Boot and ATF, used by UUU for i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK
board. It is not flashed to MMC.
u-boot-imx8qm-hdmi.imx An image containing U-Boot and ATF for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board to support a
physical HDMI display.
u-boot-imx8qxp-c0.imx An image containing U-Boot and ATF for i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK board with silicon
revision C0 chip.
u-boot-imx8qm-md.imx An image containing U-Boot and ATF for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board to support
multiple display.
u-boot-imx8qxp-mek-c0-uuu. An image containing U-Boot and ATF, used by UUU for i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK board
imx with silicon revision C0 chip. It is not flashed to MMC.
boot.img Boot image for i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus MEK board. It contains the kernel image
built from i.MX Kernel tree, generic RAMDisk, and default kernel commandline.
vendor_boot.img Vendor boot image for i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus MEK board. It contains vendor
RAMDisk and default kernel commandline.
system.img System image for i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus MEK board.
system_ext.img System extension image for i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus MEK board.
vendor.img Vendor image for i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus MEK board.
vendor_dlkm.img Vendor dynamically loadable kernel module image for i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus
MEK board.
product.img Product image for i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus MEK board.
super.img Super image generated from system.img, system_ext.img, vendor.img,
vendor_dlkm.img, and product.img.
partition-table.img GPT partition table image for single-bootloader condition. Used for 16 GB SD card
and eMMC.
partition-table-dual.img GPT partition table image for dual-bootloader condition. Used for 16 GB SD card and
partition-table-28GB.img GPT partition table image for single-bootloader condition. Used for 32 GB SD card.

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Table 11. Images for i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus MEK...continued

i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus Description
MEK Image
partition-table-28GB-dual. GPT partition table image for dual-bootloader condition. Used for 32 GB SD card.
vbmeta-imx8qm.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board to support
LVDS-to-HDMI/MIPI-to-HDMI display.
vbmeta-imx8qm-md.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board to support
multiple displays.
vbmeta-imx8qm-hdmi.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board to support
physical HDMI display.
vbmeta-imx8qm-mipi-panel. Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board to support MIPI
img panel (RM67199) display.
vbmeta-imx8qm-mipi-panel- Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board to support MIPI
rm67191.img panel (RM67191) display.
vbmeta-imx8qm-hdmi-rx.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board to support HDMI
vbmeta-imx8qm-lvds1-panel. Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board to support LVDS
img panel display.
vbmeta-imx8qm-sof.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board to support the
Sound Open Firmware audio output.
vbmeta-imx8qxp.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK board to support
single LVDS-to-HDMI/MIPI-to-HDMI or dual LVDS-to-HDMI displays with dual-camera
vbmeta-imx8qxp-lvds0- Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK board to support
panel.img LVDS panel display.
vbmeta-imx8qxp-mipi-panel. Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK board to support
img MIPI panel (RM67199) display.
vbmeta-imx8qxp-mipi-panel- Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK board to support
rm67191.img MIPI panel (RM67191) display.
dtbo-imx8qxp-lvds0-panel. Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK board to support
img LVDS panel display.
dtbo-imx8qxp-mipi-panel. Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK board to support
img MIPI panel (RM67199) display.
dtbo-imx8qxp-mipi-panel- Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK board to support
rm67191.img MIPI panel (RM67191) display.
vbmeta-imx8qxp-sof.img Android Verify Boot metadata image for i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK board to support the
Sound Open Firmware audio output.
dtbo-imx8qm.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board to support LVDS-to-HDMI/MIPI-
to-HDMI display.
dtbo-imx8qm-md.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board to support multiple displays.
dtbo-imx8qm-hdmi.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board to support physical HDMI display.
dtbo-imx8qm-mipi-panel.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board to support MIPI panel (RM67199)
dtbo-imx8qm-mipi-panel- Device Tree image for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board to support MIPI panel (RM67191)
rm67191.img display.

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Table 11. Images for i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus MEK...continued

i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus Description
MEK Image
dtbo-imx8qm-hdmi-rx.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board to support HDMI input.
dtbo-imx8qm-lvds1-panel. Device Tree image for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board to support LVDS panel display.
dtbo-imx8qm-sof.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board to support the Sound Open
Firmware audio output.
dtbo-imx8qxp.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK board to support single LVDS-to-
HDMI/MIPI-to-HDMI or dual LVDS-to-HDMI displays with dual-camera support.
dtbo-imx8qxp-sof.img Device Tree image for i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK board to support the Sound Open
Firmware audio output.
rpmb_key_test.bin Prebuilt test RPMB key. It can be used to set the RPMB key as fixed 32 bytes 0x00.
testkey_public_rsa4096.bin Prebuilt AVB public key. It is extracted from the default AVB private key.

5 Programming Images
The images from the prebuilt release package or created from source code contain the U-Boot bootloader,
system image, GPT image, vendor image, and vbmeta image. At a minimum, the storage devices on the
development system (MMC/SD or NAND) must be programmed with the U-Boot bootloader. The i.MX 8 series
boot process determines what storage device to access based on the switch settings. When the bootloader is
loaded and begins execution, the U-Boot environment space is then read to determine how to proceed with the
boot process. For U-Boot environment settings, see Section Section 6.
The following download methods can be used to write the Android System Image:
• UUU to download all images to the eMMC or SD card.
• to download all images to the SD card.
• fastboot_imx_flashall script to download all images to the eMMC or SD storage.

5.1 System on eMMC/SD

The images needed to create an Android system on eMMC/SD can either be obtained from the release
package or be built from source.
The images needed to create an Android system on eMMC/SD are listed below:
• U-Boot image: u-boot.imx
• GPT table image: partition-table.img
• Android dtbo image: dtbo.img
• Android boot image: boot.img
• Android vendor boot image: vendor_boot.img
• Android vendor dynamically loadable kernel module image: vendor_dlkm.img
• Android system image: system.img
• Android system extension image: system_ext.img
• Android verify boot metadata image: vbmeta.img
• Android vendor image: vendor.img
• Android product image: product.img

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5.1.1 Storage partitions

The layout of the eMMC card for Android system is shown below:
• [Partition type/index] which is defined in the GPT.
• [Start Offset] shows where partition is started, unit in MB.
The userdata partition is used to put the unpacked codes/data of the applications, system configuration
database, and so on. In normal boot mode, the root file system is first mounted with RAMDisk from boot
partition, and then the logical system partition is mounted and switched as root. In recovery mode, the root file
system is mounted with RAMDisk from the boot partition.

Table 12. Storage partitions

Partition Name Start offset Size File system Content
N/A bootloader0 Listed in the 4 MB N/A spl.imx/u-boot.imx
following table
(1) bootloader_a 8 MB 16 MB N/A bootloader.img
(2) bootloader_b Following 16 MB N/A bootloader.img
1/(3) dtbo_a 8 MB (following 4 MB N/A dtbo.img
2/(4) dtbo_b Follow dtbo_a 4 MB N/A dtbo.img
3 (5) boot_a Follow dtbo_b 64 MB boot.img format, a boot.img
kernel + part of recovery
4 (6) boot_b Follow boot_a 64 MB boot.img format, a boot.img
kernel + part of recovery
5 (7) vendor_boot_a Follow boot_b 64 MB Part of recovery RAMDisk vendor_boot.img
6 (8) vendor_boot_a Follow boot_b 64 MB Part of recovery RAMDisk vendor_boot.img
7 (9) misc Follow boot_b 4 MB N/A For recovery storage
bootloader message,
8 (10) metadata Follow misc 16 MB N/A Metadata of OTA update,
remount, and so on.
9 (11) presistdata Follow metadata 1 MB N/A Option to operate unlock
10 (12) super Follow 4096 MB N/A system.img, system_
presistdata ext.img, vendor.img,
vendor_dlkm.img, and
11 (13) userdata Follow super Remained Application data storage
space for system application.
And for internal media
partition, in the /mnt/
sdcard/ directory.
12 (14) fbmisc Follow userdata 1 MB N/A To store the state of lock/

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Table 12. Storage partitions...continued

Partition Name Start offset Size File system Content
13 (15) vbmeta_b Follow fbmisc 1 MB N/A To store the verify boot's
14 (16) vbmeta_b Follow vbmeta_a 1 MB N/A To store the verify boot's

Table 13. bootloader0 offset

SoC bootloader0 offset in eMMC boot0 bootloader0 offset in SD card
i.MX 8M Mini 33 KB 33 KB
i.MX 8M Nano 0 32 KB
i.MX 8M Plus 0 32 KB
i.MX 8M Quad 33 KB 33 KB
i.MX 8ULP 0 32 KB
i.MX 8Quad Max Rev.B 0 32 KB
i.MX 8QuadXPlus Rev.B 32 KB 32 KB
i.MX 8QuadXPlus Rev.C 0 32 KB

For the preceding table, in the "Partition Type/Index" column and "Start offset" column, the contents in brackets
is specific for dual-bootloader condition.
To create these partitions, use UUU described in the Android Quick Start Guide (AQSUG), or use format tools in
the prebuilt directory.
The script below can be used to partition an SD card and download images to them as shown in the partition
table above:

$ sudo ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/common/tools/ -f
<soc_name> /dev/sdX
# <soc_name> can be imx8mm,imx8mn,imx8mp,imx8mq, imx8ulp, imx8qm,imx8qxp.

• If the SD card is 16 GB, use sudo ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/common/tools/imx-sdcard- -f <soc_name> /dev/sdX to flash images in the current working directory.
• If the SD card is 32 GB, use sudo ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/common/tools/imx-sdcard- -f <soc_name> -c 28 /dev/sdX to flash images in the current working directory.
• /dev/sdX, the X is the disk index from 'a' to 'z', which may be different on each Linux PC.
• Unmount all the SD card partitions before running the script.
• Put related bootloader, boot image, system image, product image, and vbmeta image in your current directory,
or use -D <directory_containing_images> to specify the directory path in which there are the images
to be flashed.
• This script needs simg2img tool to be installed on your PC. The simg2img is a tool that converts sparse
system image to raw system image on the host PC running Linux OS. The android-tools-fsutils
package includes the simg2img command for Ubuntu Linux.

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5.1.2 Downloading images with UUU

UUU can be used to download all images into a target device. It is a quick and easy tool for downloading
images. See the Android Quick Start Guide (AQSUG) for detailed description of UUU.

5.1.3 Downloading images with fastboot_imx_flashall script

UUU can be used to flash the Android system image into the board, but it needs to make the board enter serial
down mode first, and make the board enter boot mode once flashing is finished.
A new fastboot_imx_flashall script is supported to use fastboot to flash the Android system image into
the board. It is more flexible. To use the new script, the board must be able to enter fastboot mode and the
device must be unlocked. The table below lists the fastboot_imx_flashall scripts.

Table 14. fastboot_imx_flashall script

Name Host system to execute the script Linux OS
fastboot_imx_flashall.bat Windows OS

With the help of fastboot_imx_flashall scripts, you do not need to use fastboot to flash Android images
one-by-one manually. These scripts automatically flash all images with only one command.
With virtual A/B feature enabled, your host fastboot tool version should be equal to or later than 30.0.4. You can
download the host fastboot tool from the Android website or build it with the Android project. Based on Section
Section 3.2, follow the steps below to build fastboot:

$ cd ${MY_ANDROID}
$ make -j4 fastboot

After the build process finishes building fastboot, the directory to find the fastboot is as follows:
• Linux version binary file: ${MY_ANDROID}/out/host/linux-x86/bin
• Windows version binary file: ${MY_ANDROID}/out/host/windows-x86/bin
The way to use these scripts is follows:
• Linux shell script usage: sudo <option>
• Windows batch script usage: fastboot_imx_flashall.bat <option>

-h Displays this help message
-f soc_name Flashes the Android image file with soc_name
-a Only flashes the image to slot_a
-b Only flashes the image to slot_b
-c card_size Optional setting: 7 / 14 / 28
If it is not set, use partition-table.img (default).
If it is set to 7, use partition-table-7GB.img for 8 GB
SD card.
If it is set to 14, use partition-table-14GB.img for 16
GB SD card.
If it is set to 28, use partition-table-28GB.img for 32
GB SD card.
Make sure that the corresponding file exists on your
-m Flashes the MCU image.
-u uboot_feature Flashes U-Boot or spl&bootloader images with
"uboot_feature" in their names

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For Standard Android:

If the parameter after "-u" option contains the
string of "dual", the spl&bootloader image is flashed;
Otherwise U-Boot image is flashed.
For Android Automative:
Only dual-bootloader feature is supported. By
default, spl&bootloader image is flashed.
-d dtb_feature Flashes dtbo, vbmeta and recovery image file with
"dtb_feature" in their names
If not set, use default dtbo, vbmeta and recovery
-e Erases user data after all image files are flashed.
-l Locks the device after all image files are flashed.
-D directory Directory of images.
If this script is execute in the directory of the images,
it does not need to use this option.
-s ser_num Serial number of the board.
If only one board connected to computer, it does not need
to use this option

• -f option is mandatory. The SoC name can be imx8mm, imx8mn, imx8mp, imx8mq, imx8qm, or imx8qxp.
• Boot the device to U-Boot fastboot mode, and then execute these scripts. The device should be unlocked first.

sudo ./ -f imx8mm -a -e -u trusty-dual -D /imx_android/


Options explanation:
• -f imx8mm: Flashes images for i.MX 8M Mini EVK Board.
• -a: Only flashes slot a.
• -e: Erases user data after all image files are flashed.
• -D /imx_android/evk_8mm/: Images to be flashed are in the directory of /imx_android/evk_8mm/.
• -u trusty-dual: Flashes spl-imx8mm-trusty-dual.bin and bootloader-imx8mm-trusty-

5.1.4 Downloading a single image with fastboot

Sometimes only a single image needs to be flashed again with fastboot for debug purpose.
With dynamic partition feature enabled, fastboot is also implemented in userspace (recovery) in addition to
the implementation in U-Boot. The partitions are categorized into three. Fastboot implemented in U-Boot and
userspace can individually recognize part of the partitions. The relationship between them are listed in the
following table.

Table 15. Relationship between partitions

Partition category Partition Can be recognized by
U-Boot hard-coded partition bootloader0, gpt, mcu_os U-Boot fastboot
EFI partition boot_a, boot_b, vendor_boot_a, vendor_boot_ U-Boot fastboot, userspace
b, dtbo_a, dtbo_b, vbmeta_a, vbmeta_b, misc, fastboot
metadata, presistdata, super, userdata, fbmisc
Logical partition system_a, system_b, system_ext_a, system_ext_b, Userspace fastboot
vendor_a, vendor_b, product_a, product_b

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To enter U-Boot fastboot mode, for example, make the board enter U-Boot command mode, and execute the
following command on the console:

> fastboot 0

To enter userspace fastboot mode, two commands are provided as follows for different conditions. You may
need root permission on Linux OS:

# board in U-Boot fastboot mode, execute the following command on the host
$ fastboot reboot fastboot
# board boot up to the Android system, execute the following command on the host
$ adb reboot fastboot

To use fastboot tool on the host to operate on a specific partition, choose the proper fastboot implemented on
the device, which can recognize the partition to be operated on. For example, to flash the system.img to the
partition of system_a, make the board enter userspace fastboot mode, and execute the following command on
the host:

$ fastboot flash system_a system.img

6 Booting
This chapter describes booting from MMC/SD.

6.1 Booting from SD/eMMC

6.1.1 Booting from SD/eMMC on the i.MX 8M Mini EVK board

The following tables list the boot switch settings to control the boot storage for Rev. C boards with LPDDR4.

Table 16. Boot device switch settings

Boot device switch SW1101 (1-10 bit) SW1102 (1-10 bit)
SD boot 0110110010 0001101000
Download mode 1010xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx
eMMC boot 0110110001 0001010100

To test booting from SD, change the board Boot_Mode switch to SW1101 0110110010 (1-10 bit) and SW1102
0001101000 (1-10 bit).
To test booting from eMMC, change the board Boot_Mode switch to SW1101 0110110010 (1-10 bit) and
SW1102 0001010100 (1-10 bit).
The default environment is in boot.img. To use the default environment in boot.img, do not set bootargs
environment in U-Boot.
To clear the bootargs environment being set and saved before, use the following command:

U-Boot > setenv bootargs

U-Boot > saveenv #Save the environments


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bootargs environment is an optional setting for boota. The boot.img includes a default bootargs, which is
used if there is no bootargs defined in U-Boot.

6.1.2 Booting from SD/eMMC on the i.MX 8M Nano board

The following tables list the boot switch settings to control the boot storage.

Table 17. Boot device switch settings

Boot mode switch SW1101 (from 1-4 bit)
SD boot 1100
eMMC boot 0100
Download mode 1000

• To boot from SD, change the board Boot_Mode switch to SW1101 1100 (from 1-4 bit).
• To boot from eMMC, change the board Boot_Mode switch to SW1101 0100 (from 1-4 bit).
The default environment is in boot.img. To use the default environment in boot.img, do not set bootargs
environment in U-Boot.
To clear the bootargs environment being set and saved before, use the following command:

U-Boot > setenv bootargs

U-Boot > saveenv #Save the environments

bootargs environment is an optional setting for boota. The boot.img includes a default bootargs, which is
used if there is no bootargs defined in U-Boot.

6.1.3 Booting from SD/eMMC on the i.MX 8M Plus EVK board

The following tables list the boot switch settings to control the boot storage.

Table 18. Boot device switch settings

Boot mode switch SW4
SD boot 0011
eMMC boot 0010
Download mode 0001

• To boot from SD, change the board Boot_Mode switch SW4 to 0011 (from 1-4 bit).
• To boot from eMMC, change the board Boot_Mode switch SW4 to 0010 (from 1-4 bit).
The default environment is in boot.img. To use the default environment in boot.img, do not set bootargs
environment in U-Boot.
To clear the bootargs environment being set and saved before, use the following command:

U-Boot > setenv bootargs

U-Boot > saveenv #Save the environments

bootargs environment is an optional setting for boota. The boot.img includes a default bootargs, which is
used if if there is no bootargs defined in U-Boot.
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6.1.4 Booting from SD/eMMC on the i.MX 8M Quad WEVK/EVK board

The following tables list the boot switch settings to control the boot storage.

Table 19. Boot device switch settings

Boot device switch External SD card eMMC
SW01 (1-2 bit) 1100 0010

Table 20. Boot mode switch settings

Boot mode switch Download Mode (MfgTool mode) Boot mode
SW02 (1-2 bit) 01 10

To test booting from SD, change the board Boot_Mode switch to 10 (1-2 bit) and SW801 1100 (1-4 bit).
To test booting from eMMC, change the board Boot_Mode switch to 10 (1-2 bit) and SW801 0010 (1-4 bit).
The default environment is in boot.img. To use the default environment in boot.img, do not set bootargs
environment in U-Boot.
To clear the bootargs environment being set and saved before, use the following command:

U-Boot > setenv bootargs

U-Boot > saveenv # Save the environments

bootargs environment is an optional setting for boota. The boot.img includes a default bootargs, which is
used if if there is no bootargs defined in U-Boot.

6.1.5 Booting from eMMC on the i.MX 8ULP EVK board

The following tables list the boot switch settings to control the boot storage.

Table 21. Boot device switch settings

Boot mode switch SW5 (from 1-8 bit)
eMMC boot 00000001
Download mode 00000010

The default environment is in boot.img. To use the default environment in boot.img, do not set bootargs
environment in U-Boot.
To clear the bootargs environment being set and saved before, use the following command:

U-Boot > setenv bootargs

U-Boot > saveenv # Save the environments

6.1.6 Booting from SD/eMMC on the i.MX 8QuadMax MEK board

The following tables list the boot switch settings to control the boot storage.

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Table 22. Boot device switch settings

Boot mode switch SW2 (from 1-6 bit)
SD boot 001100
eMMC boot 000100
Download mode 001000

To test booting from SD, change the board Boot_Mode switch to 001100 (1-6 bit).
To test booting from eMMC, change the board Boot_Mode switch to 000100 (1-6 bit).
The default environment is in boot.img. To use the default environment in boot.img, do not set bootargs
environment in U-Boot.
To clear the bootargs environment being set and saved before, use the following command:

U-Boot > setenv bootargs

U-Boot > saveenv # Save the environments

bootargs environment is an optional setting for boota. The boot.img includes a default bootargs, which is
used if if there is no bootargs defined in U-Boot.

6.1.7 Booting from SD/eMMC on the i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK board

The following tables list the boot switch settings to control the boot storage.

Table 23. Boot device switch settings

Boot mode switch SW2 (from 1-4 bit)
SD boot 1100
eMMC boot 0100
Download mode 1000

To test booting from SD, change the board Boot_Mode switch to 1100 (1-4 bit).
To test booting from eMMC, change the board Boot_Mode switch to 0100 (1-4 bit).
The default environment is in boot.img. To use the default environment in boot.img, do not set bootargs
environment in U-Boot.
To clear the bootargs environment being set and saved before, use the following command:

U-Boot > setenv bootargs

U-Boot > saveenv # Save the environments

bootargs environment is an optional setting for boota. The boot.img includes a default bootargs, which is
used if if there is no bootargs defined in U-Boot.

6.2 Boot-up configurations

This section explains some common boot-up configurations such as U-Boot environments, kernel command
line, and DM-verity configurations.

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6.2.1 U-Boot environment

• bootcmd: the first command to run after U-Boot boot.
• bootargs: the kernel command line, which the bootloader passes to the kernel. As described in
Section 6.2.2, bootargs environment is optional for booti. boot.img already has bootargs. If you
do not define the bootargs environment, it uses the default bootargs inside the image. If you have the
environment, it is then used.
To use the default environment in boot.img, use the following command to clear the bootargs
> setenv bootargs
If the environment variable append_bootargs is set, the value of append_bootargs is appended to
bootargs automatically, which facilitates the feature enable/disable during development. However, all kernel
command lines should be fixed in code and the append_bootargs should be disabled in formal release
images. See Section "Disabling development options in U-Boot" in the i.MX Android Security User's Guide
• boota:
boota command parses the boot.img header to get the Image and ramdisk. It also passes the bootargs
as needed (it only passes bootargs in boot.img when it cannot find bootargs variable in your U-Boot
environment). To boot up the Android system, execute the following command:
> boota
To boot into recovery mode, execute the following command:
> boota recovery

6.2.2 Kernel command line (bootargs)

Depending on the different booting/usage scenarios, you may need different kernel boot parameters set for

Table 24. Kernel boot parameters

Kernel parameter Description Typical value Used when
console Where console=ttymxc0 i.MX 8M Mini uses
to output console=ttymxc1.
kernel log by
init Tells kernel init=/init All use cases. init in the Android
where the init platform is located in "/" instead of in
file is located. "/sbin".
androidboot.console The Android androidboot.console=ttymxc0 To use the default shell job control,
shell console. such as Ctrl+C to terminate a
It should be running process, set this for the
the same as kernel.
cma CMA memory cma=800M or cma=1280M or Start address is 0x96000000 and
size for GPU/ cma=800M@0x960M-0xe00M end address is 0xDFFFFFFFF. The
VPU physical • For i.MX 8M Mini and i.MX 8Quad CMA size can be configured to other
memory Max, it is 800 MB by default. value, but cannot exceed 1184 MB,
allocation. • For i.MX 8M Quad WEVK/EVK, it is because the Cortex-M4 core also
1280 MB by default. allocates memory from CMA and
Cortex-M4 cannot use the memory
larger than 0xDFFFFFFFF.
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Table 24. Kernel boot parameters...continued

Kernel parameter Description Typical value Used when
• For i.MX 8QuadXPlus and 8Quad
Max, it is 800 MB by default.
androidboot.selinux Argument androidboot. Setting this argument also bypasses
to disable selinux=permissive all the selinux rules defined in
selinux Android system. It is recommended
check when to set this argument for internal
userdebug/ developer.
eng build
images are
used. For
details about
selinux, see
Linux in
androidboot.primary_ It is used to androidboot.primary_ androidboot.primary_
display chose and display=imx-drm display=mxsfb-drm is only used
fix primary for MIPI display.
androidboot.lcd_ It is used to androidboot.lcd_density=160 -
density set the display
density and
over write
density in
init.rc for
HDMI display.
androidboot. It is used to • 4K display should be configured as: The system will find out and work at
displaymode configure the androidboot.displaymode=4k. the best display mode, and display
kernel/driver The default fps is 60 fps. To mode can be changed through this
work mode/ configure fps, change this value to bootargs.
fps. 4kp60/4kp50/4kp30.
• 1080p display should be
configured as: androidboot.
displaymode=1080p. The default
fps is 60fps. To configure fps,
change this value to 1080p60/
• 720p display should be
configured as: androidboot.
displaymode=720p. The default
fps is 60fps. To configure fps,
change this value to 720p60/720p50/
• 480p display should be
configured as: androidboot.
displaymode=480p. The default
FPS is 60fps. To configure fps,
change this value to 480p60/480p50/
• For other displaymode which is
not 4k/1080p/720p/480p or fps
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Table 24. Kernel boot parameters...continued

Kernel parameter Description Typical value Used when
is not 60/50/30, for example:
1024x768p24 display should be
configured as: androidboot.
• 1080p60 display can be
configured as: androidboot.
or androidboot.
androidboot. It is used androidboot. It should not be set when connecting
fbTileSupport to enable fbTileSupport=enable the MIPI-DSI-to-HDMI display or
framebuffer MIPI panel display.
super tile
firmware_class.path It is used to firmware_class.path=/vendor/ -
set the Wi-Fi firmware
firmware path.
androidboot. It is used androidboot. -
wificountrycode=CN to set Wi- wificountrycode=CN
Fi country
code. Different
countries use
different Wi-
Fi channels.
For details,
see the i.MX
moal.mod_para It is used to • moal.mod_para=wifi_mod_ -
set driver load para_sd8987.conf
arguments • moal.mod_para=wifi_mod_
for NXP para_powersave.conf
mxmdriver Wi-
Fi driver.
transparent_hugepage It is used to transparent_hugepage=never/ -
change the always/madvise
sysfs boot
time defaults
of Transparent
loop.max_part Defines loop.max_part=7 -
how many
partitions to
be able to
manage per
loop device.
swiotlb It is used to swiotlb=65536 i.MX 8M Plus EVK is configured to
configure the 128 MB (swiotlb=65536) to fix

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Table 24. Kernel boot parameters...continued

Kernel parameter Description Typical value Used when
size. The SWIOTLB overflow issue of the Wi-Fi
kernel default driver.
value is 64
androidboot.vendor. It is used androidboot.vendor.sysrq=1 -
sysrq to enable
androidboot. It is used to androidboot.powersave. -
powersave.usb enable USB usb=true
androidboot. It is used androidboot.secureime=enabled -
secureime to enable
NXP Secure
IME. It is only
available on
with MIPI
panel as
androidboot.lpa. It is used to androidboot.lpa.enable=1 -
enable enable Low
Power Audio
(LPA), only
available on
i.MX 8M Plus
EVK, i.MX 8M
Mini EVK, and
snd_pcm.max_alloc_ It is used snd_pcm.max_alloc_per_ -
per_card to set the card=134217728
total allocation
bytes per
card, required
by LPA case.
For details,
see Section
Section 8.2.1.
androidboot.lpa. It is used to androidboot.lpa.enable=1
enable enable LPA,
only available
on i.MX 8M
Plus EVK,
i.MX 8M Mini
EVK, and i.MX
snd_pcm.max_alloc_ It is used to snd_pcm.max_alloc_per_
per_card set max total card=134217728
bytes per
card, required
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Table 24. Kernel boot parameters...continued

Kernel parameter Description Typical value Used when
by LPA case.
For details,
see Section
Section 8.2.1.

6.2.3 DM-verity configuration

DM-verity (device-mapper-verity) provides transparent integrity checking of block devices. It can prevent device
from running unauthorized images. This feature is enabled by default. Replacing one or more partitions (boot,
vendor, system, vbmeta) will make the board unbootable. Disabling DM-verity provides convenience for
developers, but the device is unprotected.
To disable DM-verity, perform the following steps:
1. Unlock the device.
a. Boot up the device.
b. Choose Settings -> Developer Options -> OEM Unlocking to enable OEM unlocking.
c. Execute the following command on the target side to make the board enter fastboot mode:
reboot bootloader
d. Unlock the device. Execute the following command on the host side:
fastboot oem unlock
e. Wait until the unlock process is complete.
2. Disable DM-verity.
a. Boot up the device.
b. Disable the DM-verity feature. Execute the following command on the host side:
adb root
adb disable-verity
adb reboot

7 Over-The-Air (OTA) Update

7.1 Building OTA update packages

7.1.1 Building target files

You can use the following commands to generate target files under the Android environment:

$ cd ${MY_ANDROID}
$ source build/
$ lunch evk_8mm-userdebug
$ ./ bootloader kernel -j4
$ make target-files-package -j4

After building is complete, you can find the target files in the following path:


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7.1.2 Building a full update package

A full update is one where the entire final state of the device (system, boot, product, and vendor partitions) is
contained in the package.
You can use the following commands to build a full update package under the Android environment:

$ cd ${MY_ANDROID}
$ source build/
$ lunch evk_8mm-userdebug
$ ./ bootloader kernel -j4
$ make otapackage -j4

After building is complete, you can find the OTA packages in the following path:


evk_8mm-ota-**.zip includes payload.bin and payload_properties.txt. These two files are used
for full update, which is called for convenience.

7.1.3 Building an incremental update package

An incremental update contains a set of binary patches to be applied to the data that is already on the device.
This can result in considerably smaller update packages:
• Files that have not changed do not need to be included.
• Files that have changed are often very similar to their previous versions, so the package only needs to contain
encoding of the differences between the two files. You can install the incremental update package only on a
device that has the old or source build used when constructing the package.
Before building an incremental update package, see Section Section 7.1.1 to build two target files:
• one old package that has already been applied on the device.
• the latest package that is waiting to be applied on the device.
Then use the following commands to generate the incremental update package under the Android environment:

$ cd ${MY_ANDROID}
$ out/host/linux-x86/bin/ota_from_target_files -i NEW-

${MY_ANDROID}/ includes payload.bin and payload_properties.txt. The

two files are used for incremental update.

7.1.4 Building an OTA package for single-bootloader image

The dual-bootloader feature divides the default u-boot.imx into two parts: spl.bin and bootloader.img.
spl.bin leads to the bootloader0 partition, which is managed by U-Boot itself, while bootloader.img leads
to the bootloader_a/bootloader_b partitions, which are managed by GPT. Taking i.MX 8M Mini as an example,
the layout of the dual-bootloader images is as follows.

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Figure 1. Dual-bootloader image layout

The dual-bootloader feature is the default configuration and it's useful as it can provide a secure way
to update the bootloader image. But if the single-bootloader image is used, to build the OTA package,
some configurations need to be made. Taking i.MX 8M Mini as an example, add the following changes to

diff --git a/imx8m/evk_8mm/ b/imx8m/evk_8mm/

index 3305270b4..c402abc05 100644
--- a/imx8m/evk_8mm/
+++ b/imx8m/evk_8mm/
@@ -7,5 +7,3 @@ include $(FSL_PROPRIETARY_PATH)/fsl-proprietary/media-profile/
include $(FSL_PROPRIETARY_PATH)/fsl-proprietary/sensor/
-include $(IMX_MEDIA_CODEC_XML_PATH)/mediacodec-profile/

-BOARD_PACK_RADIOIMAGES += bootloader.img
diff --git a/imx8m/evk_8mm/ b/imx8m/evk_8mm/
index c6f94c82f..66414a65d 100644
--- a/imx8m/evk_8mm/
+++ b/imx8m/evk_8mm/
@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ BOARD_PREBUILT_DTBOIMAGE := $(OUT_DIR)/target/product/

-AB_OTA_PARTITIONS += bootloader

# -------@block_security-------

Note that Trusty is not integrated in the single-bootloader image.

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7.1.5 Building an OTA package with the postinstall command

Postinstall is a mechanism to execute a specified command in the updated partition during the OTA process. To
enable this mechanism, add some build configurations.
This release provides a demonstration for enabling the vendor partition postinstall command. You can find the
following code in the repository under the ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp directory:

RUN_POSTINSTALL_vendor=true \
POSTINSTALL_PATH_vendor=bin/imx_ota_postinstall \
FILESYSTEM_TYPE_vendor=erofs \

The preceding configurations are as follows:

• The vendor partition postinstall command is enabled.
• After the vendor partition is updated, the vendor partition with updated image is mounted on the /
postinstall directory, and the /postinstall/bin/imx_ota_postinstall command is executed.
• The updated vendor partition is of erofs type.
• The vendor partition postinstall command is not optional. If the command fails, the whole OTA process will not
be marked as success.
As you can find in the source code, the preceding configurations do not take effect by default unless a variable
named IMX_OTA_POSTINSTALL is assigned with an appropriate value. For example, assign a value when
executing the command to build an OTA package as follows:

$ cd ${MY_ANDROID}
$ source build/
$ lunch evk_8mm-userdebug
$ ./ bootloader kernel -j4
$ make otapackage -j4 IMX_OTA_POSTINSTALL=1

This postinstall mechanism is not mutually exclusive with full update package or incremental update package. It
can be used with both of them.
In the demonstration, imx_ota_postinstall corresponds to a shell script, and the source code is under the
${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp-opensource/imx/ota_postinstall/ directory. It is used to update the
bootloader0 partition, which does not have a/b slot.
Note: Be aware of the risk that the update of the bootloader0 partition may fail and there is no way to roll
During the execution of this command, it invokes the dd command to write the file /postinstall/etc/
bootloader0.img to the appropriate offset of the boot device. You can modify the configuration source code
to decide which file is copied to the vendor partition and named as bootloader0.img. Taking i.MX 8M Mini
EVK as an example, the following code lines in the release code can copy the U-Boot image with Trusty OS to
vendor partition and name it as bootloader0.img. If the dual-bootloader feature is enabled, the SPL image
should be copied. If the board is closed, the image should be signed first.

$(OUT_DIR)/target/product/$(firstword $(PRODUCT_DEVICE))/obj/UBOOT_COLLECTION/

See the i.MX Android Security User's Guide (ASUG) about how to sign the bootloader0 image with CST.
In the default configuration, an SPL image is copied to be bootloader0.img because dual-bootloader is

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You can implement your own postinstall command and perform the operations as needed during the OTA

7.1.6 Building an OTA package with encrypted boot enabled

A full upgrade image is needed during OTA when Encrypted Boot is enabled. Currently, only dual-bootloader
enabled images support encrypted boot OTA. The following table lists the target SPL and bootloader images,
which are supported by encrypted boot OTA.

Table 25. Target SPL and bootloader images

Board Target SPL image Target bootloader image
i.MX 8M Mini EVK Board spl-imx8mm-trusty-dual.bin bootloader-imx8mm-trusty-dual.img
i.MX 8M Nano EVK Board spl-imx8mn-trusty-dual.bin bootloader-imx8mn-trusty-dual.img
i.MX 8M Plus EVK Board spl-imx8mp-trusty-dual.bin bootloader-imx8mp-trusty-dual.img
i.MX 8M Quad EVK Board spl-imx8mq-trusty-wevk-dual.bin bootloader-imx8mq-trusty-wevk-
i.MX 8ULP 9x9 EVK Board spl-imx8ulp-trusty-9x9-dual.bin bootloader-imx8ulp-trusty-9x9-
i.MX 8QuadMax MEK Board spl-imx8qm-trusty-dual.bin bootloader-imx8qm-trusty-dual.img
i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK spl-imx8qxp-trusty-dual.bin bootloader-imx8qxp-trusty-dual.
Board img
i.MX 8QuadXPlus C0 MEK spl-imx8qxp-trusty-c0-dual.bin bootloader-imx8qxp-trusty-c0-
Board dual.img Building SPL and bootloader images with encrypted boot enabled
Before compilation begins, see Section "Building Android images to construct the containers" and Section
"Enabling the encrypted boot support in U-Boot" in the i.MX Android Security User's Guide (ASUG) to enable
the encrypted boot function by modifying the target defconfig files.
Images including the encrypted boot enabled SPL and bootloader can be generated with the following

$ cd ${MY_ANDROID}
$ source build/
$ lunch evk_8mm-userdebug
$ BUILD_ENCRYPTED_BOOT=true ./ bootloader -j24 Encrypting SPL and bootloader images

To encrypt SPL and bootloader images, see Section "Encrypted boot with AHAB" and Section "Encrypted boot
with HABv4" in the i.MX Android Security User's Guide (ASUG). But there are two differences:
• Do not insert the Encryption Key (DEK) Blob to final images. Save these DEK Blob files such as
dek_blob_spl.bin and dek_blob_bl.bin, which are necessary for encrypted boot OTA.
• To facilitate remote upgrades, all the CST commands that encrypt images should be appended with the -d
parameter. This parameter requires CST to reuse DEK Blob files that already exist in the current directory.

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Move the encrypted target SPL and bootloader images to the directory of ${MY_ANDROID}/out/tagret/
product/${TARGET_PRODUCT}/obj/UBOOT_COLLECTION/. Override the original target files.
Execute the following command to generate an OTA package, which includes the encrypted SPL and
bootloader images.

$ ./ kernel -j4

$ BUILD_ENCRYPTED_BOOT=true make otapackage -j24 IMX_OTA_POSTINSTALL=1

Then the OTA package includs the encrypted SPL and bootloader images. Besides the OTA package, DEK
Blobs of SPL and bootloader images need to be provisioned into the device before applying the OTA package.
For how to provision DEK Blobs into devices and enable the encrypted boot OTA, see Section "Setting up
encrypted boot OTA" in the i.MX Android Security User's Guide (ASUG).

7.2 Implementing OTA update

7.2.1 Using update_engine_client to update the Android platform

update_engine_client is a pre-built tool to support A/B (seamless) system updates. It supports update
system from a remote server or board's storage.
To update system from a remote server, perform the following steps:
1. Copy or (generated on Section 7.1.2 and Section 7.1.3) to the
HTTP server (for example,
2. Unzip the packages to get payload.bin and payload_properties.txt.
3. Cat the content of payload_properties.txt like this:
• FILE_HASH=0fSBbXonyTjaAzMpwTBgM9AVtlBeyOigpCCgkoOfHKY=
• FILE_SIZE=379074366
• METADATA_HASH=Icrs3NqoglzyppyCZouWKbo5f08IPokhlUfHDmz77WQ=
4. Input the following command on the board's console to update:
update_engine_client --payload= --update
5. The system will update in the background. After it finishes, it shows "Update successfully applied, waiting to
reboot" in the logcat.
To update system from board's storage, perform the following steps:
1. Unzip or (Generated on 7.1.2 and 7.1.3) to get payload.bin
and payload_properties.txt.
2. Push payload.bin to board's storage: adb push payload.bin /data/ota_package.
3. Cat the content of payload_properties.txt as follows:
• FILE_HASH=0fSBbXonyTjaAzMpwTBgM9AVtlBeyOigpCCgkoOfHKY=
• FILE_SIZE=379074366
• METADATA_HASH=Icrs3NqoglzyppyCZouWKbo5f08IPokhlUfHDmz77WQ=

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4. Input the following command on the board's console to update:

update_engine_client --payload=file:///data/ota_package/payload.bin --update
5. The system will update in the background. After it finishes, it displays "Update successfully applied, waiting
to reboot" in the logcat.
Make sure that the -- header equals to the exact content of payload_properties.txt without "space" or
"return" character.

7.2.2 Using a customized application to update the Android platform

Google has provided a reference OTA application (named as SystemUpdaterSample) under ${MY_ANDROID}/
bootable/recovery/updater_sample, which can do the OTA operations. Perform the following steps to
use this application:
1. Generate a JSON configuration file from the OTA package.
out/host/linux-x86/bin/gen_update_config \
--ab_install_type=STREAMING \
--ab_force_switch_slot \ \
full-ota.json \
And you can use the following command to generate incremental OTA JSON file:
out/host/linux-x86/bin/gen_update_config \
--ab_install_type=STREAMING \
--ab_force_switch_slot \ \
incremental-ota.json \
Note: is a remote server address, which can hold the OTA package.
2. Set up the HTTP server (for example, Lighttpd, Apache).
You need one HTTP server to hold the OTA packages.
scp ${server_ota_folder}
scp ${server_ota_folder}
• server_ota_folder is one folder on your remote server to hold OTA packages.
• and are built from Section 7.1.2 and Section 7.1.3.
3. Push JSON files to the board.
a. Use the following command to push JSON files to the board:
adb push full-ota.json /data/local/tmp
adb push incremental-ota.json /data/local/tmp

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b. Use the following command to move JSON files to the private folder of the SystemUpdaterSample
mkdir -m 777 -p /data/user/0/
mkdir -m 777 -p /data/user/0/
cp /data/local/tmp/*.json /data/user/0/
chmod 777 /data/user/0/
If you use the Android Automotive system, move JSON files to the user/10 folder as follows:
mkdir -m 777 -p /data/user/10/
mkdir -m 777 -p /data/user/10/
cp /data/local/tmp/*.json /data/user/10/
chmod 777 /data/user/10/
4. Open the SystemUpdaterSample OTA application.
There are many buttons on the UI. The following are their brief description:
Reload - reloads update configs from device storage.
View config - shows selected update config.
Apply - applies selected update config.
Stop - cancel running update, calls UpdateEngine#cancel.
Reset - reset update, calls UpdateEngine#resetStatus, can be called only when
update is not running.
Suspend - suspend running update, uses UpdateEngine#cancel.
Resume - resumes suspended update, uses UpdateEngine#applyPayload.
Switch Slot - if ab_config.force_switch_slot config set true, this button
will be enabled after payload is applied, to switch A/B slot on next reboot.
First, choose the desired JSON configuration file. Then, click the APPLY button to do the update. After the
update is complete, you can see "SUCCESS" in the Engine error text field, and "REBOOT_REQUIRED" in
the Updater state text field. Finally, reboot the board to finish the whole OTA update.
The OTA package includes the DTBO image, which stores the board's DTB. There may be many DTS for one
board. For example, in ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/imx8m/evk_8mm/

TARGET_BOARD_DTS_CONFIG ?= imx8mm-ddr4:imx8mm-ddr4-evk.dtb
TARGET_BOARD_DTS_CONFIG += imx8mm:imx8mm-evk-usd-wifi.dtb
TARGET_BOARD_DTS_CONFIG += imx8mm-mipi-panel:imx8mm-evk-rm67199.dtb
TARGET_BOARD_DTS_CONFIG += imx8mm-mipi-panel-rm67191:imx8mm-evk-rm67191.dtb
TARGET_BOARD_DTS_CONFIG += imx8mm-m4:imx8mm-evk-rpmsg.dtb

There is one variable to specify which DTBO image is stored in the OTA package:

BOARD_PREBUILT_DTBOIMAGE := out/target/product/evk_8mm/dtbo-imx8mm.img

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Therefore, the default OTA package can only be applied for evk_8mm with single MIPI-DSI-to-HDMI
display. To generate an OTA package for evk_8mm with an RM67199 MIPI panel display, modify this

BOARD_PREBUILT_DTBOIMAGE := out/target/product/evk_8mm/dtbo-imx8mm-mipi-

To generate an OTA package for evk_8mm with an RM67191 MIPI panel display, modify this

BOARD_PREBUILT_DTBOIMAGE := out/target/product/evk_8mm/dtbo-imx8mm-mipi-panel-

For detailed information about A/B OTA updates, see

For detailed information about the SystemUpdaterSample application, see

8 Customized Configuration

8.1 Camera configuration

Camera HAL on running reads the information in /vendor/etc/configs/camera_config_${ro.
boot.soc_type}.json to configure the camera. ${ro.boot.soc_type} is the value of property
ro.boot.soc_type. The source of this json file is in the repository under ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/.
To configure the camera, make modifications on this source file.
Some parameters have default values in the camera HAL. It is not necessary to set these parameters in the
JSON file if the default values can have cameras work normally.

8.1.1 Configuring the rear and front cameras

camera_type and camera_name can be used together in the camera configuration JSON file to specify the
camera used as the front or rear camera.
The value of camera_type can be "front" and "back". "front" represents the front camera, and "back"
represents the rear camera.
The value of "camera_name" represents the camera. It should be either returned from v4l2's VIDIOC_DBG_G_CHIP_IDENT ioctl or
v4l2_capability.driver returned from v4l2's VIDIOC_QUERYCAP ioctl. v4l2_dbg_chip_ident
and v4l2_capability are structure types defined in camera HAL. Camera HAL goes through all the V4L2
device present in the system to find the corresponding camera and output the information to logcat.
OmitFrame is used to skip the first several frames. cam_blit_csc is used to specify the hardware used to do
csc in camera HAL. cam_blit_copy is used to specify the hardware used to do memory copy in camera HAL.
media_profiles_V1_0.xml in /vendor/etc is used to configure the parameters used in the recording
video. NXP provides several media profile examples that help customer align the parameters with their camera
module capability and device definition.

Table 26. Media profile parameters

Profile file name Rear camera Front camera
media_profiles_1080p.xml Maximum to 1080P, 30FPS and 8 Mbps Maximum to 720P, 30FPS, and 3 Mbps
for recording video for recording video

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Table 26. Media profile parameters...continued

Profile file name Rear camera Front camera
media_profiles_720p.xml Maximum to 720P, 30FPS, and 3 Mbps Maximum to 720P, 30FPS, and 3 Mbps
for recording video for recording video
media_profiles_480p.xml Maximum to 480P, 30FPS, and 2 Mbps Maximum to 480P, 30FPS, and 2 Mbps
for recording video for recording video
media_profiles_qvga.xml Maximum to QVGA, 15FPS, and 128 Maximum to QVGA, 15FPS, and 128
Kbps for recording video Kbps for recording video

Because not all UVC cameras can have 1080P, 30FPS resolution setting, it is recommended that
media_profiles_480p.xml is used for any board's configuration, which defines the UVC as the rear camera
or front camera.

8.1.2 Configuring camera sensor parameters

Camera sensor parameters are used to calculate view angle when doing panorama. The focal length and
sensitive element size should be customized based on the camera sensor being used. The release has the
parameters for OV5640 as the rear camera.
The following table lists the parameters for camera sensor. These parameters can be configured in the camera
configuration JSON file.

Table 27. Camera sensor parameters

Parameter Description
ActiveArrayWidth Maximum active pixel width for camera sensor.
ActiveArrayHeight Maximum active pixel height for camera sensor.
PixelArrayWidth Maximum pixel width for camera sensor.
PixelArrayHeight Maximum pixel height for camera sensor.
orientation If (PixelArrayWidth > PixelArrayHeight), and the screen is portrait(w <
h), set it to 90. If (PixelArrayWidth < PixelArrayHeight), and the screen is
landscape(w > h), set it to 90. Otherwise, set it to 0.
FocalLength Focal length.
MinFrameDuration Minimum FPS.
MaxFrameDuration Maximum FPS.
MaxJpegSize Maximum JPEG size.
PhysicalWidth PixelArrayWidth * siz_of_one_pixel (For OV5640, it is 1.4 um; For
max9286, it is 4.2 um.)
PhysicalHeight PixelArrayHeight * siz_of_one_pixel (For OV5640, it is 1.4 um; For
max9286, it is 4.2 um.)

8.1.3 Making cameras work on i.MX 8M Plus EVK with non-default images
The default image for i.MX 8M Plus EVK supports OS08A20 + OS08A20 and the cameras can work after the
image is flashed and boot up. To make cameras work with non-default images, execute the following additional

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• Basler (CSI1) + OV5640 (CSI2) or only Basler (CSI1) on the host

# flash the image
sudo ./ -f imx8mp -a -e -d basler-ov5640 // or "-d
basler" for Only basler(CSI1)

# set bootargs
# In serial console, enter into uboot command mode, run below commads:
# If enable basler 4k size, also add
setenv append_bootargs
• Only OV5640 (CSI1) on the host
# flash the image
sudo ./ -f imx8mp -a -e -d ov5640

# set bootargs
# In serial console, enter into uboot command mode, run below commad:
setenv append_bootargs
-d ov5640 can be replaced by one of below:
-d lvds, -d lvds-panel, -d mipi-panel, -d mipi-panel-rm67191, -d rpmsg, -d sof.
• OS08A20 (CSI1) + OV5640 (CSI2) Or Only OS08A20 (CSI1)
# flash the image
sudo ./ -f imx8mp -a -e -d os08a20-ov5640 # or "-d
os08a20" for Only os08a20(CSI1)

# set bootargs
# In serial console, enter into uboot command mode, run below commads:
# If enable os08a20 4k size, also add
setenv append_bootargs
• Basler (CSI1) + Basler (CSI2)
# flash the image
sudo ./ -f imx8mp -a -e -d dual-basler

# set bootargs
# In serial console, enter into uboot command mode, run below commad:
setenv append_bootargs

8.2 Audio configuration

8.2.1 Enabling low-power audio

The DirectAudioPlayer application is provided to support audio playback from DirectOutputThread.
The source code is in ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp-opensource/fsl_imx_demo/DirectAudio
Player. After the property is set to 1, low-power audio can be enabled. In this
situation, audio can keep playing even if the system enters suspending mode.
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By default, the music stream plays from MixedThread. To make stream play from DirectOutputThread,
add the AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT flag to the related tracks. On the Android Application layer, there
is no AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT flag to specify DirectOutputThread explicitly. Instead, use
FLAG_HW_AV_SYNC when there is "new AudioTrack" in the application. Then the Android audio framework adds
AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT for this track, and this stream plays from DirectOutputThread.
In low-power audio mode, the default audio period time is 500 milliseconds, and the whole buffer can hold
20 seconds data. These two parameters can be configured by the and properties as follows:

> setprop 20

> setprop 500

To enable low-power audio, perform the following steps:

1. Add -d m4 -m or -d rpmsg -m when flashing images to support audio playback based on MCU
FreeRTOS, for example:
• For i.MX 8M Mini EVK: -f imx8mm -e -d m4 -m
• For i.MX 8M Plus EVK: -f imx8mp -e -d rpmsg -m
• For i.MX 8ULP EVK: -f imx8ulp -e -d lpa -u trusty-lpa-
dual -m
2. For i.MX 8ULP EVK, set the board boot switch to dual-boot mode: 0100_0001 (SW5, from 1-8 bit). For i.MX
8M Mini EVK and i.MX 8M Plus EVK, add bootmcu to bootcmd.
setenv bootcmd "bootmcu && boota"
3. Add androidboot.lpa.enable=1 snd_pcm.max_alloc_per_card=134217728 to
append_bootargs in U-Boot command line.
# for i.MX 8ULP EVK
setenv append_bootargs androidboot.lpa.enable=1

# for i.MX 8M Plus EVK

setenv append_bootargs androidboot.lpa.enable=1
snd_pcm.max_alloc_per_card=134217728 clk-imx8mp.mcore_booted=1

# for i.MX 8M Mini EVK.

setenv append_bootargs androidboot.lpa.enable=1
snd_pcm.max_alloc_per_card=134217728 clk-imx8mm.mcore_booted=1

4. Boot up the system, and push the .wav audio files to /sdcard/. It is better to use a long-duration audio
5. Open the DirectAudioPlayer application, and select a file from the spinner. The file selected is listed
under the spinner.
6. Click the Play button to play audio.
7. Press the ON/OFF button on the board. The system then enters suspend mode, and the audio can keep
• Only i.MX 8M Mini EVK, i.MX 8M Plus EVK, and i.MX 8ULP EVK support this feature.
– For i.MX 8M Mini EVK, the audio is output from the "LPA Output" port on the audio expansion board. See
Figure "i.MX 8M Mini EVK with audio board" in the Android Quick Start Guide (AQSUG).
– For i.MX 8M Plus EVK Board and i.MX 8ULP EVK Board, the audio is output from the HEADPHONE jack.

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• DirectAudioPlayer supports limited audio files, which is declared in device's

audio_policy_configuration.xml with the AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT|AUDIO_OUTPUT_FL
AG_HW_AV_SYNC flag. Other medians are not supported. For example, it does not support playing 44100 Hz
• DirectAudioPlayer supports 24/32 bits .wav file with sampling rates no more than 192000.

8.2.2 Supporting a new sound card

Perform the following steps to support a new sound card on the Android system:
1. Add a new audio configuration JSON file.
Each sound card needs one JSON file under the /vendor/etc/configs/audio folder of the board, so
that Android audio HAL code can manage this card. The content of the JSON file mainly includes the card's
driver name, supported output/input device type, and mixer controls that need to be configured.
See ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/common/audio-json/readme.txt for details to create such a
JSON file. After that, copy the JSON file to the board by the following command in Android makefile:
2. Configure the audio mix port, device port, and route in ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/imx8m/evk_8mp/
• Mix ports describe the possible configuration profiles for streams that can be opened at the audio HAL for
playback and capture.
• Device ports describe the devices that can be attached with their type.
• Routes describe which mix port can route to which device.
Take the following configuration as an example. It means that the system supports three output devices:
speaker, headphone, and HDMI. If the speaker or headphone is connected, it expects that the frameworks
can deliver 16 bit, 48 kHz, and stereo streams to them. If an HDMI device is connected, it expects 24 bit, 48
kHz, and stereo streams.
<mixPort name="primary output" role="source"
<profile name="" format="AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT"
samplingRates="48000" channelMasks="AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO"/>
<mixPort name="hdmi output" role="source">
<profile name="" format="AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_8_24_BIT"
samplingRates="48000" channelMasks="AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO"/>
<devicePort tagName="Speaker" type="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER" role="sink" >
<devicePort tagName="Wired Headphones"
<devicePort tagName="HDMI Out" type="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_AUX_DIGITAL"
<route type="mix" sink="Speaker"
sources="primary output"/>
<route type="mix" sink="Wired Headphones"
sources="primary output"/>
<route type="mix" sink="HDMI Out"
sources="hdmi output"/>
3. (Optional) Support device hot plug.

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Android frameworks support dynamically switching default output device by catching the device's hot-plug
event. The uevent can be sent in the kernel by extcon driver.
a. Declare which device type supports:
static const unsigned int xxx_extcon_cables[] = {
struct extcon_dev xxx_edev;
b. Allocate and register the extcon device:
xxx_edev = devm_extcon_dev_allocate(&pdev->dev, xxx_extcon_cables);
devm_extcon_dev_register(&pdev->dev, xxx_edev);
c. When the device is connected, execute the following command to tell frameworks that the headphone
device has been connected:
extcon_set_state_sync(extcon_dev, EXTCON_JACK_HEADPHONE, 1);
d. When the device is disconnected, execute the following command:
extcon_set_state_sync(extcon_dev, EXTCON_JACK_HEADPHONE, 0).

8.2.3 Enabling powersave mode

By default, the DRAM speed is 4000 MT/s, the GIC frequency is 500 MHz, and VDD_SOC is 0.95 V. A
powersave mode can be achieved with the following conditions:
• DRAM speed is 2400 MT/s.
• VDD_SOC is 0.85 V.
• Prohibit the eMMC module, FEC module, BT module, and Wi-Fi module from requesting high bus frequency.
• Disable LDB, ISP, and HDMI.
• USB power domain is active when the USB is in use, and enters suspending when the USB is not in use.
• When playing local audio and output with Bluetooth headset, playing local audio through LPA and output with
wired headset, playing online audio and output with wired headset at the time of screen off, the DRAM speed
is 400 MT/s and the GIC frequency is 100 MHz.
Perform the following steps to enable powersave mode:
1. Download the GCC tool chain from the arm Developers GNU-RM Downloads page. It is recommended to
download the 7-2018-q2-update version. Extract it to the installation directory, and export the directory
as export ARMGCC_DIR=<install_dir>/gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2018-q2-update and add it to /
2. Upgrade the CMake version to or higher than 3.13.0. If the CMake version on your machine is not higher
than 3.13.0, you can execute the following commands to upgrade it:
tar -xzvf cmake-3.13.2.tar.gz; cd cmake-3.13.2;
sudo ./bootstrap
sudo make
sudo make install
3. Build image with POWERSAVE=true.
POWERSAVE=true ./ -j4 2>&1 | tee build-log.txt

Perform the following steps to play audio in powersave mode with the MCU image:

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1. Use -u trusty-powersave-dual -d powersave-non-rpmsg -m when flashing images to enable

powersave mode, for example:
# For imx8mp
sudo -f imx8mp -e -u trusty-powersave-dual -d
powersave-non-rpmsg -m
2. Set bootargs in U-Boot command line:
setenv append_bootargs androidboot.lpa.enable=1
snd_pcm.max_alloc_per_card=134217728 clk-imx8mp.mcore_booted=1
3. Set bootcmd in U-Boot command line:
setenv bootcmd "bootmcu && boota"
Make sure that only "MIPI DSI", "Debug UART", and "Power" ports are connected on the board.
4. To play local audio through LPA and output with wired headset:
a. Boot up the system.
b. Push the .wav audio files to /sdcard/. It is better to use a long duration audio file.
c. Open the DirectAudioPlayer application. Select a file from the spinner, and the file selected is listed
under the spinner.
d. Click the Play button to play audio.
e. Press the power key on the board to make the system enter suspend mode, and the audio can keep
Perform the following steps to play audio in powersave mode without the MCU image:
1. Use -u trusty-powersave -d powersave-non-rpmsg4 when flashing images to enable the
powersave mode, for example:
# For imx8mp
sudo -f imx8mp -e -u trusty-powersave -d powersave-
Make sure that only "MIPI DSI", "Debug UART", and "Power" ports are connected on the board.
2. To play audio and output with Bluetooth headset:
a. Boot up the system.
b. Push the .mp3 audio files to /sdcard/. It is better to use a long-duration audio file.
c. Connect a Bluetooth headset.
d. Play the .mp3 audio file and turn of the screen.
3. To play online audio and ouput with wired headset:
a. Boot up the system.
b. Connect to the Wi-Fi access point.
c. Open the Spotify application and play audio and turn off the screen.
Note: Only the i.MX 8M Plus EVK Board supports this feature.

8.3 Display configuration

8.3.1 Configuring the logical display density

The Android UI framework defines a set of standard logical densities to help application developers target
application resources.

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Device implementations must report one of the following logical Android framework densities:
• 120 dpi, known as 'ldpi'
• 160 dpi, known as 'mdpi'
• 213 dpi, known as 'tvdpi'
• 240 dpi, known as 'hdpi'
• 320 dpi, known as 'xhdpi'
• 480 dpi, known as 'xxhdpi'
Device implementations should define the standard Android framework density that is numerically closest to the
physical density of the screen, unless that logical density pushes the reported screen size below the minimum
The default display density value is defined in ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/ as follows:

BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE += androidboot.lcd_density=240

The display density value can be changed by modifying the related lines mentioned above in files under
${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/ and recompiling the code or setting in U-Boot command line as bootargs
during boot up.
• For the i.MX 8M Mini EVK board, the source folder is ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/imx8m/evk_8mm/
• For the i.MX 8M Nano EVK board, the source folder is ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/imx8m/evk_8mn/
• For the i.MX 8M Plus EVK board, the source folder is ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/imx8m/evk_8mp/
• For the i.MX 8MQuad WEVK/EVK board, the source folder is ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/imx8m/evk_
• For the i.MX 8ULP EVK board, the source folder is ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/imx8ulp/evk_8ulp/B
• For the i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus MEK board, the source folder is ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/

8.3.2 Enabling multiple-display function

The following boards support more than one display.

Table 28. Boards supporting multiple displays

Board Number of displays Display port
i.MX 8QuadMax MEK 4 • If physical HDMI is used:
• If physical HDMI is not used:

The two displays on i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK are enabled by default.

The three displays on i.MX 8M Plus EVK are enabled by default.

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To evaluate the multiple-display feature with physical HDMI on i.MX 8QuadMax MEK, flash dtbo-imx8qm-
md.img. It implies a limitation of the resolution of the physical HDMI. To use multiple displays, do not use the
physical HDMI with the resolution of 4K.
To evaluate the multiple-display feature on i.MX 8MQuad EVK, flash dtbo-imx8mq-dual.img. Binding the display port with the input port

The display port and input port are bound together based on the input device location and display-ID. /
vendor/etc/input-port-associations.xml is used to do this work when the system is running, but
the input device location and display-ID changes with the change of connection forms of these ports with
corresponding input and display devices, which means the input location and display-ID need to be retrieved
before the connection is fixed.
The source file of /vendor/etc/input-port-associations.xml is in the repository under the
${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/ directory.
Take i.MX 8M Plus EVK as an example:
1. Use the following commands to obtain the display port number:
dumpsys SurfaceFlinger --display-id
Display 4693505326422272 (HWC display 0): port=0 pnpId=DEL displayName="DELL
Display 4693505326422273 (HWC display 1): port=1 pnpId=DEL displayName="DELL
Display 4692921138614786 (HWC display 2): port=2 pnpId=DEL displayName="DELL
2. Use the following commands to obtain the touch input location:
getevent -i | grep location
location: ""
location: ""
location: ""
3. Bind the display port and input location as follows and modify the configuration file. This file needs to be
modified according to actual connection. One display port can be bound with multiple input ports.
<port display="0" input="" />
<port display="1" input="" />
<port display="2" input="" />

To make the modifications take effect, modify the source file under the ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/
directory and rebuild the images. Keep the connection of display devices and input devices unchanged and
reflash the images. Or you can disable DM-verity on the board and then use the adb push command to push
the file to the vendor partition to overwrite the original one. Launching applications on different displays

When multiple displays are connected, the default secondaryHomeLauncher of the non-primary display is used
to launch any application through a pop-up window. You can choose different applications for different displays.

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8.3.3 Enabling low-power display function

Currently, only the i.MX 8ULP EVK board supports the low-power display function. This demo demonstrates the
shared display switching between the Application domain (APD) and the Realtime domain (RTD). It provides a
possible solution for smart watch to optimize power consumption when the screen is on. Enabling low-power display on i.MX 8ULP EVK

Perform the following steps to enable the low-power display:
1. As the dual-boot mode is used to enable the low-power display feature, the MUC image should be built and
flashed separately. Add -u trusty-dualboot-dual -d lpd -m when flashing images to flash image
separately, for example: -f imx8ulp -e -u trusty-dualboot-dual -d lpd -m
2. To update the MCU binary only, use the UUU script to flash the MCU image only: -f imx8ulp -u trusty-dualboot-dual -mo
3. After flashing the image, set the board boot switch to dual-boot mode to boot up the board normally:
1000_0010 (SW5). Some test commands in low-power display demo

This feature on the MCU side is based on FreeRTOS and the console function is added to test this feature
• When the system boots up, this feature works as the default behavior (described in next section). Use the
following command to switch to the auto sleep behavior:
autosleep 10
The RTD UI truns off after 10 seconds (this value should be larger than 0). To disable this beahvior, just input
autosleep 0 to switch to the default behavior.
• The backlight of the RTD UI can be adjusted by the following commands:
adjust backlight to maximum: bl 100
turn off backlight: bl 0 Test procedure for low-power display demo

Default behavior
When the system boots up, this low-power display works as the default behavior.
• When the Android system boots up, make Android enter SUSPEND mode (remove the USB, press the ON/
OFF button). Then RTD takes over the display and shows the watch dial and updates the time all the time.
• Press the ON/OFF button again to resume the Android system. APD takes over the display again and shows
the Android UI.
Note: Sometimes the alarm wakes up APD, but does not light up the Android UI. The screen keeps dialing, and
then updates the time again when APD suspends again.
Auto Sleep behavior
The UART console on the MCU side supports to input some commands to make RTD UI (watch dial) turn off
in some time. Press the RTD BUTTON1 (Vol+) to show the dial again. If such a button is pressed when the
RTD UI is showing, it wakes up APD and shows the Android UI. When the Android UI is showing, press RTD
BUTTON1 (Vol+), which can make the Android audio volume up.
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• Input autosleep 10 to make the RTD UI turn off in 10s. autosleep 0 disables such behavior.
• When the display is turned off, pressing RTD BUTTON1 makes the RTD UI show again. It turns off the display
again if there is no other action.
• When the RTD UI (dial) is showing, pressing RTD BUTTON1 wakes up APD and shows the Android UI.
• When the Android UI is showing, pressing RTD BUTTON1 works as the Vol+ button.
Note: When the auto sleep feature is enabled, only RTD BUTTON1 can make the RTD UI show again (APD in
suspend mode).

8.3.4 HDMI-CEC feature

Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) is a feature of HDMI designed to allow users to command and control
devices connected through HDMI by using only one remote control. Implementation on i.MX platforms

Before the test, you need to know the following:
• Currently, only the platforms with physical HDMI support this feature, so the feature is enabled on i.MX 8M
Quad, i.MX 8QuadMax, and i.MX 8M Plus EVK boards. Pay attention to the images flashed.
./ -f imx8mq -a -e -u trusty-dual
./ -f imx8qm -a -e -u hdmi -d hdmi
./ -f imx8mp -a -e -u trusty-dual
• TV input is restricted to HDMI1. Other connector port inputs are not supported.
• For i.MX 8QuadMax, TV input is restricted to HDMI1, and other input ports are not supported. For i.MX 8M
Quad and i.MX 8M Plus, there is no such restrictions, and the hotplug is supported.
• Most TVs and devices support HDMI-CEC, but it may be referred to by different branded trade names, so
check your device's settings to enable it. For most TVs, there is a CEC-related introduction for your reference.
• An i.MX 8 device acts as a playback device (logical address 4). Test procedure for HDMI-CEC End-User features

Not all End-User features are supported (One Touch Play, System Standby are definitely supported), and some
features involve whether the TV remote control provides commands (Deck Control, Device Menu Control,
Remote Control Pass Through).
Ensure that the device boots up and the TV displays the HOME UI properly.

CEC End-User feature Test Step

One Touch Play 1. Set TV to other display (the HDMI connector is not actually connected to the Internet
2. Press the on button. Then the TV switches to the relevant HDMI connector and
System Standby 1. Press the device off button. Then the TV enters the standby state. You can check the
TV state by the TV remote control: Press the standby button. Then the TV recovers
from the standby state, which means that it truly entered into standby.
2. Press the device on button. Then the TV exits the standby state.
Note: Only device control TV is supported, and TV control device is not supported.
Deck Control Media functions:
1. Prepare a test video (or record a video through camera), opened by Gallery.
2. Perform Play and Pause video playback through TV remote control.
Note: Other commands, such as fast forward, rewind, and stop, are not supported.

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CEC End-User feature Test Step

Device Menu Control Use your TV remote control to navigate the menu settings on a connected source device.
1. Contents Menu: Open Gallery, and then press content list. The menu is then
displayed in the current view.
2. Home Menu: On other displays (enter an apk or swipe up to open the detailed
application menu), press Home. The system returns to the HOME UI.
Note: The operations depend on whether the TV remote control has these buttons. Other
menus were not tested.
Remote Control Pass Through Select; Up; Down; Left; Right; Exit; 0 1 2...
1. Run swipe up to open the detailed application menu.
2. Use TV remote control to move the cursor to select the application and enter the
application, or Exit the application.
Note: The operations depend on whether the TV remote control has these buttons. Other
commands were not tested.
One touch Record It is not supported, and it needs to be used as a recording device.
Timer Programming It is not supported, and it needs to be used as a recording device.
Tuner Control It is not supported, and it needs to be used as a tuner device.
System Audio Control It is not supported, and it needs to be used as an audio system.

8.4 Wi-Fi/Bluetooth configuration

8.4.1 Enabling or disabling Bluetooth profile

Default enabled Bluetooth profiles for Android build are configured in this file: ${MY_ANDROID}/packages/
For example, <bool name="profile_supported_a2dp">true</bool> indicates that the A2DP profile is
enabled. <bool name="profile_supported_a2dp_sink">false</bool> indicates that the A2DP_sink
profile is disabled.
To change enabled Bluetooth profiles, add an overlay file in ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/ to overwrite the
default Bluetooth profile configuration.
The following is an example to set A2DP_sink enabled and A2DP disabled for the i.MX 8M Mini board.
The file is ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/imx8m/evk_8mm/overlay/packages/apps/Bluetooth/res

<bool name="profile_supported_a2dp">false</bool>
<bool name="profile_supported_a2dp_sink">true</bool>

8.5 USB configuration

8.5.1 Enabling USB 2.0 in U-Boot for i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus MEK

There are both USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 ports on i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus MEK board. Because U-Boot can
support only one USB gadget driver, the USB 3.0 port is enabled by default. To use the USB 2.0 port, modify the
configurations to enable it and disable the USB 3.0 gadget driver.

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For i.MX 8QuadMax, to enable USB 2.0 for the u-boot-imx8qm.imx, make the following changes under

diff --git a/configs/imx8qm_mek_android_defconfig b/configs/imx8qm_mek_android_defconfig

index fec2840430..c1c963bef3 100644
--- a/configs/imx8qm_mek_android_defconfig
+++ b/configs/imx8qm_mek_android_defconfig
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ CONFIG_SPL_PHY=y
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ CONFIG_FASTBOOT_UUU_SUPPORT=n
diff --git a/include/configs/imx8qm_mek_android.h b/include/configs/imx8qm_mek_android.h
index 1fb6b45768..c60f924f02 100644
--- a/include/configs/imx8qm_mek_android.h
+++ b/include/configs/imx8qm_mek_android.h
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@

For i.MX 8QuadXPlus, to enable USB 2.0 for the u-boot-imx8qxp.imx, make the following changes under

diff --git a/configs/imx8qxp_mek_android_defconfig b/configs/imx8qxp_mek_android_defconfig

index 2dbd3f3f91..57aec56b0c 100644
--- a/configs/imx8qxp_mek_android_defconfig
+++ b/configs/imx8qxp_mek_android_defconfig
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ CONFIG_SPL_PHY=y
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ CONFIG_FASTBOOT_UUU_SUPPORT=n
diff --git a/include/configs/imx8qxp_mek_android.h b/include/configs/imx8qxp_mek_android.h
index 7e70e92f49..d8e420114f 100644
--- a/include/configs/imx8qxp_mek_android.h
+++ b/include/configs/imx8qxp_mek_android.h
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
#define FSL_FASTBOOT_FB_DEV "mmc"

More than one defconfig files are used to build U-Boot images for one platform. Make the same changes on
defconfig files as above to enable USB 2.0 for other U-Boot images. You can use the following command
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under the ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp-opensource/uboot-imx/ directory to list all the related

defconfig files:

ls configs | grep "imx8q.*android.*"

8.5.2 Changing the VID/PID values of the USB Gadget USB Gadget in U-Boot

The USB Gadget functions in the U-Boot stage include fastboot and SPL Serial Download Protocol (SDP).
The VID/PID values for fastboot are 0x1fc9/0x0152, they are configured with two defconfig items as follows.
They can be found in the defconfig file.


The VID/PID values for SPL SDP are 0x1fc9/0x0151. The VID value is the same as before, and the PID value
is changed to 0x0151 with the following function. The corresponding source code file is ${MY_ANDROID}/

int g_dnl_bind_fixup(struct usb_device_descriptor *dev, const char *name)

put_unaligned(0x0151, &dev->idProduct);
return 0;

The UUU tool relies on the VID/PID value, the reference values can be found in the UUU source code
config.cpp. Therefoe, if the values are changed, UUU may not work. But the U-Boot image used with UUU is not
flashed to the board, so the one in prebuilt images can be used during development if the VID/PID values need
to be changed. USB Gadget on the Android platform

The are many VID/PID value sets on the Android platform. They are set in the USB Gadget HAL with the
following function. The corresponding source code file is ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp-opensource/imx/
usb/UsbGadget.cpp. Search the name of the following function in the source code file. Different PID/VID
values are used when the Gadget provides different functions. Change the values based on your requirement.

static V1_0::Status setVidPid(const char *vid, const char *pid) USB Gadget in Recovery

The USB Gadget functions in Recovery include adb and fastbootd. The VID/PID values are set in ${MY_
ANDROID}/bootable/recovery/etc/init.rc. The following lines can be found in the file:

write /config/usb_gadget/g1/idVendor 0x18D1

write /config/usb_gadget/g1/idProduct 0xD001
write /config/usb_gadget/g1/idProduct 0x4EE0

Change the value in preceding lines based on your requirement.

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8.6 Trusty OS/security configuration

Trusty OS firmware is used in i.MX Android 14 release as TEE, which supports security features.
The i.MX Trusty OS is based on the AOSP Trusty OS and supports for i.MX 8M Mini EVK, i.MX 8M Nano EVK,
i.MX 8M Plus EVK, i.MX 8M Quad EVK, i.MX 8ULP EVK, i.MX 8QuadMax MEK, and i.MX 8QuadXplus MEK
Board. This section provides some basic configurations to make Trusty OS work on EVK/MEK boards. For more
configurations about security-related features, see the i.MX Android Security User's Guide (ASUG).
Customers can modify the Trusty OS code to make different configurations and enable different features. First,
use the following commands to fetch code and build the target Trusty OS binary.

# firslty create a directory for Trusty OS code and enter into this directory
$ repo init -u -b imx-android-14 -m
$ repo sync
$ source trusty/vendor/google/aosp/scripts/
$ ./trusty/vendor/google/aosp/scripts/ imx8mm #i.MX 8M Mini EVK Board
$ cp ${TRUSTY_REPO_ROOT}/build-imx8mm/lk.bin ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-

Then, build the images, and the tee-imx8mm.bin file is integrated into bootloader-imx8mm-trusty-
secure-unlock-dual.img and bootloader-imx8mm-trusty-dual.img.
Flash the spl-imx8mm-trusty-dual.bin and bootloader-imx8mm-trusty-dual.img files to the
target device.
• For i.MX 8M Nano EVK, it uses the same Trusty target as i.MX 8M Mini EVK. Use the parameter imx8mm
to build the Trusty OS image, and copy the file lk.bin to ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-
• For i.MX 8M Plus EVK, use the parameter imx8mp to build the Trusty OS image, and copy the file lk.bin to
${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/ uboot-firmware/tee-imx8mp.bin.
• For i.MX 8M Quad EVK, use the parameter imx8m to build the Trusty OS image, and copy the final lk.bin to
• For i.MX 8ULP EVK, use the parameter imx8ulp to build the Trusty OS image, and copy the final lk.bin to
• For i.MX 8QuadMax MEK, use the parameter imx8qm to build the Trusty OS image, and copy the final
lk.bin to ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/uboot-firmware/imx8q_car/tee-
• For i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK, use the parameter imx8qxp to build the Trusty OS image, and copy the final
lk.bin to ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/uboot-firmware/imx8q_car/tee-
• ${TRUSTY_REPO_ROOT} is the root directory of the Trusty OS codebase.
• ${MY_ANDROID} is the root directory of the Android codebase.

8.6.1 Initializing the secure storage for Trusty OS

Trusty OS uses the secure storage to protect userdata. This secure storage is based on RPMB on the eMMC
chip. RPMB needs to be initialized with a key, and default execution flow of images does not make this
Initialize the RPMB with CAAM hardware bound key or vendor specified key are both supported. The RPMB key
cannot be changed once it is set.
• To set a CAAM hardware bound key, perform the following steps:
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Make your board enter fastboot mode, and then execute the following commands on the host side:
– fastboot oem set-rpmb-hardware-key
After the board is rebooted, the RPMB service in Trusty OS is initialized successfully.
• To set a vendor specified key, perform the following steps:
Make your board enter fastboot mode, and then execute the following commands on the host side:
– fastboot stage < path-to-your-rpmb-key >
– fastboot oem set-rpmb-staged-key
After the board is rebooted, the RPMB service in Trusty OS is initialized successfully.
– The RPMB key should start with magic "RPMB" and be followed with 32 bytes hexadecimal key.
– A prebuilt rpmb_key_test.bin whose key is fixed 32 bytes hexadecimal 0x00 is provided. It is generated
with the following shell commands:
– touch rpmb_key_test.bin

– echo -n "RPMB" > rpmb_key_test.bin

– echo -n -e '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\
x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' >> rpmb_key_test.bin

The \xHH means eight-bit character whose value is the hexadecimal value 'HH'. You can replace "00" above
with the key you want to set.
• Note:
For more details, see the i.MX Android Security User's Guide (ASUG).

8.6.2 Provisioning the AVB key

The AVB key consists of public key and private key. The private key is used by the host to sign the vbmeta
struct in vbmeta image, and the public key is used by AVB to authenticate the vbmeta image. The following
figure shows the relationship between the private key, public key, and vbmeta image. Without Trusty OS, the
public key is hard-coded in U-Boot, while with Trusty OS, it is saved in secure storage.

Figure 2. Relationship between AVB key and vbmeta

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The OpenSSL provides some commands to generate the private key. For example, you can use the following
commands to generate the RSA-4096 private key test_rsa4096_private.pem:

openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096 -outform PEM -out


The public key can be extracted from the private key. The avbtool in ${MY_ANDROID}/external/avb
supports such commands. You can get the public key test_rsa4096_public.bin with the commands:

avbtool extract_public_key --key test_rsa4096_private.pem --output


By default, the Android build system uses the algorithm SHA256_RSA4096 with the private key from ${MY_
ANDROID}/external/avb/test/data/testkey_rsa4096.pem. This can be overwritten by setting the
BOARD_AVB_ALGORITHM and BOARD_AVB_KEY_PATH to use different algorithm and private key:

BOARD_AVB_ALGORITHM := <algorithm-type>
BOARD_AVB_KEY_PATH := <key-path>

Algorithm SHA256_RSA4096 is recommended, so Cryptographic Acceleration and Assurance Module (CAAM)

can help accelerate the hash calculation. The Android build system signs the vbmeta struct in vbmeta image
with the private key above and stores one copy of the public key in the signed vbmeta image. During AVB
verification, the U-Boot validates the public key first, and then uses the public key to authenticate the signed
vbmeta image. Storing the AVB public key to a secure storage

The public key must be stored in the Trusty OS backed RPMB for Android if Trusty OS is enabled. Perform the
following steps to set the public key.
Make your board enter fastboot mode and enter the following commands on the host side:

fastboot stage ${your-key-directory}/test_rsa4096_public.bin

fastboot oem set-public-key

The public key test_rsa4096_public.bin should be extracted from the private key you have
specified. But if you do not specify any private key, you should set the public key as prebuilt
testkey_public_rsa4096.bin, which is extracted to form the default private key testkey_rsa4096.pem.

8.6.3 AVB boot key

The boot image is built as chained partition and the vbmeta struct in boot image is signed by a pair of
asymmetric keys (AVB boot key. For more information about the chained partition, see https://android.
By default, the Android platform uses the test AVB boot key to sign the boot image. It is located at:


Custom keys should be used for production. See Section Section to generate the custom private key.
The AVB boot key and algorithm can be overridden by setting the following configurations:

BOARD_AVB_BOOT_ALGORITHM := <algorithm-type>

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8.6.4 Key attestation

The keystore key attestation aims to provide a way to strongly determine if an asymmetric key pair is hardware-
backed, what the properties of the key are, and what constraints are applied to its usage.
Google provides the attestation "keybox" that contains private keys (RSA and ECDSA) and the corresponding
certificate chains to partners from the Android Partner Front End (APFE). After retrieving the "keybox" from
Google, parse the "keybox" and provision the keys and certificates to secure storage. Both keys and certificates
should be Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded.
Fastboot commands are provided to provision the attestation keys and certificates. Make sure that the secure
storage is properly initialized for Trusty OS:
• Set RSA private key:
fastboot stage < path-to-rsa-private-key >
fastboot oem set-rsa-atte-key
• Set ECDSA private key:
fastboot stage < path-to-ecdsa-private-key >
fastboot oem set-ec-atte-key
• Append RSA certificate chain:
fastboot stage < path-to-rsa-atte-cert >
fastboot oem append-rsa-atte-cert
This command may need to be executed multiple times to append the whole certificate chain.
• Append ECDSA certificate chain:
fastboot stage < path-to-ecdsa-cert >
fastboot oem append-ec-atte-cert
This command may need to be executed multiple times to append the whole certificate chain.
After provisioning all the keys and certificates, the keystore attestation feature should work properly.
Besides, secure provision provides a way to prevent the plaintext attestation keys and certificates from
exposure. For more details, see the i.MX Android Security User's Guide (ASUG).

8.7 SCFW configuration

SCFW is a binary stored in ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/uboot-firmware, built into
To customize SCFW, download the SCFW porting kit on the i.MX Software and Development Tools page. For
this release, click "Embedded Linux", and then click the "RELEASES" tab. Find the Linux 5.15.71_2.2.0 release
and download its corresponding SCFW Porting kit. Then decompress the file with the following commands:

tar -zxvf imx-scfw-porting-kit-1.15.0.tar.gz

cd packages
chmod a+x imx-scfw-porting-kit-1.15.0.bin
cd imx-scfw-porting-kit-1.15.0/src
tar -zxvf scfw_export_mx8qm_b0.tar.gz # for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK
tar -zxvf scfw_export_mx8qx_b0.tar.gz # for i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK

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The SCFW porting kit contains prebuilt binaries, libraries, and configuration files. For the board configuration
file, take i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK as an example, it is scfw_export_mx8qx_b0/platform/board/mx8qx_
mek/board.c. Based on this file, some changes are made for Android and the file is stored in ${MY_
You can copy board.c in vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary to SCFW porting kit, modify it, and then build
the SCFW.
The following are steps to build Android SCFW (taking i.MX 8QuadXPlus as example):
1. Download GCC tool from the arm Developer GNU-RM Downloads page. It is suggested to download the
version of "6-2017-q2-update" as it is verified.
2. Unzip the GCC tool to /opt/scfw_gcc.
3. Export TOOLS="/opt/scfw-gcc".
4. Copy the board configuration file from ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/uboot-
firmware/imx8q/board-imx8qxp.c to the porting kit.
cp ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/uboot-firmware/imx8q/board-
imx8qxp.c scfw_export_mx8qx_b0/platform/board/mx8qx_mek/board.c
5. Build SCFW.
cd scfw_export_mx8qx_b0 # enter the directory just uncompressed for i.MX
8QuadXPlus MEK
make clean
make qx R=B0 B=mek
6. Copy the SCFW binary to the uboot-firmware folder.
cp build_mx8qx_b0/scfw_tcm.bin ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/
7. Build the bootloader.
./ bootloader -j4

To build SCFW for i.MX 8QuadMax MEK, use qm to replace qx in the steps above.

8.8 Miscellaneous configurations

8.8.1 Changing the boot command line in boot.img

After boot.img is used, the default kernel boot command line is inside this image. It packages together during
the Android build.
You can change this by changing the value of BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE in the file under
• For i.MX 8M Mini EVK Board, the source folder is ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/imx8m/evk_8mm/Board
• For i.MX 8M Nano EVK Board, the source folder is ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/imx8m/evk_8mn/Boar
• For i.MX 8M Plus EVK Board, the source folder is ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/imx8m/evk_8mp/Board
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• For i.MX 8M Quad WEVK/EVK Board, the source folder is ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/imx8m/evk_

• For i.MX 8ULP EVK Board, the source folder is ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/imx8ulp/evk_8ulp/B
• For i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus MEK, the source folder is ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/imx8q/mek_

8.8.2 Modifying the super partition

The partition of super is used to hold logical partitions. Metadata describing the layout of logical partitions in
super partition is at the beginning of the super partition. When the system boots up, the init program parses the
metadata in super partition and creates logical partitions to mount.
With virtual A/B feature, the super partition can only have the size for one slot of logical partitions. Now the size
of super partition is 4.0 GB. 10 MB reserved in this 4.0 GB for metadata. You can find the code as follows in


Refer to the following patch to change the super partition size to 4 GB:

diff --git a/common/partition/device-partitions-13GB-ab_super.bpt b/common/

index e6e7f1a..829821c 100644
--- a/common/partition/device-partitions-13GB-ab_super.bpt
+++ b/common/partition/device-partitions-13GB-ab_super.bpt
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
"label": "super",
- "size": "4096 MiB",
+ "size": "3584 MiB",
"guid": "auto",
"type_guid": "c1dedb9a-a0d3-42e4-b74d-0acf96833624"
diff --git a/imx8m/ b/imx8m/
index 20d65a3..ae42220 100644
--- a/imx8m/
+++ b/imx8m/
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ ifeq ($(TARGET_USE_DYNAMIC_PARTITIONS),true)
diff --git a/imx8q/ b/imx8q/
index 85d3561..c7352a2 100644
--- a/imx8q/
+++ b/imx8q/
@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ ifeq ($(TARGET_USE_DYNAMIC_PARTITIONS),true)
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8.9 Notices before the debugging work

When doing the customization work, you may need to do some debugging work. The debugging work will be
convenient and flexible if the read-only filesystems are remounted as writable, so that files in it can be replaced
with the adb push command. It helps to avoid flashing the images again and saves time.
To remount the read-only filesystems, perform the following steps:
1. Unlock the device.
2. Boot up the system to Android platform.
3. Execute the following commands on the host. The second command takes seconds to finish.
$ adb root
$ adb disable-verity
4. Reboot the device, and execute the following command on the host:
$ adb root
$ adb remount

Then, the images can be pushed to the board with the adb push command. Before the further debugging
work, be aware of the following notices:
• Do not erase the "userdata" partition after adb disable-verity is executed.
With the dynamic partition feature enabled in i.MX Android images, and the size is not specified for system,
system_ext, vendor, and product partitions when building the images. overlayfs is used when
remounting the read-only filesystems. An upper directory that can be written in overlayfs is needed in
this condition. When the adb push command is executed, the files are pushed to the upper directory of
overlayfs, while the original read-only filesystems are not modified.
i.MX Android images use only one partition named "super" to store images in logical partitions, and
ext4 filesystem is used for the userdata partition, which is mounted on /data. When executing the adb
disable-verity command, an image is allocated under /data/gsi/remount/scratch.img.0000. Its
size is half the size of the "super" partition and should not be greater than 2 GB. The layout information of this
image is stored in /metadata/gsi/remount/lpmetadata in the format logical partition metadata.
When rebooting the system, at the first stage of the init program, the information in /metadata/gsi/
remount/lpmetadata is used to create a logical partition named "scratch", and it is mounted on /mnt/
scratch. This is used as the upper directory in overlayfs used in remount. When the adb push command is
executed to modify the originally read-only filesystems, files are written to the "scratch" partition.
At the first stage of the init program, the userdata partition is not mounted. The code judges whether the
backing image of the scratch partition exists in the userdata partition by checking whether the /metadata/
gsi/remount/lpmetadata file can be accessed. Therefore, if the userdata partition is erased, but the
logical partition is still created, this could be catastrophic and may make the system crash.
• To modify the files from the console, execute remount on the console first.
adb and sh are in different mount namespaces. adb remount does not change the mount status that sh
• For MEK boards, if files need to be pushed to /vendor/etc, /vendor/lib64 and /vendor/firmware/
tee, push them to another path.

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Images for i.MX 8Quad Max MEK and i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK are built together with one target. Media codec
configuration files' names and paths are hardcoded in framework, while these two SoCs need different media
codec configurations. It means that the media codec configuration files for these two boards with different
content should have the same name and being accessed with the same path. Therefore, overlayfs is used,
and images for these two boards have different overlayfs upper directories. The mount command can be
found in ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/imx8q/mek_8q/init.rc:
mount overlay overlay /vendor/etc ro lowerdir=/vendor/vendor_overlay_soc/
mount overlay overlay /vendor/lib64 ro lowerdir=/system/lib64/
mount overlay overlay /vendor/firmware/tee ro lowerdir=/vendor/
The value of ${ro.boot.soc_type} can be imx8qxp or imx8qm here.
With the preceding command executed, access to files under /vendor/etc can access files both under
/vendor/etc and /vendor/vendor_overlay_soc/${ro.boot.soc_type}/vendor/etc. The /
vendor/vendor_overlay_soc/${ro.boot.soc_type}/vendor/etc:/vendor/etc directory is the
upper directory in overlayfs and /vendor/etc is both the lower directory and mount point.
After remount, the lower directory /vendor/etc is still read-only, and files can be pushed to other sub-paths
under /vendor except /vendor/etc. To push a modified file, which should be accessed from /vendor/
etc, push it to /vendor/vendor_overlay_soc/${ro.boot.soc_type}/vendor/etc, and then reboot
the system to make it take effect.
For example, if you modified the file cdnhdmi_config.json, a file should be under /vendor/etc/
configs/audio/. Execute the following commands on the console:
umask 000
cd /vendor/vendor_overlay_soc/imx8qm/vendor/etc/
mkdir -p configs/audio/
Then, execute the following commands on the host:
sudo adb push cdnhdmi_config.json /vendor/vendor_overlay_soc/imx8qm/vendor/etc/
At last, reboot the device to make this change take effect.
There are two limitations here:
– To delete a file under /vendor/etc/, you can only rebuild the image and flash the vendor image again.
– The overlayfs is mounted with a command in an init .rc file. The init .rc files are all parsed by the init
program before the overlayfs is mounted. Therefore, to modify init .rc files under /vendor/etc, you can
only rebuild the image and flash the vendor image again.
• For i.MX 8M Plus EVK boards, if files need to be pushed to /vendor/etc/configs/isp, push them to
another path.
Similar to the condition of images for MEK boards, the images for i.MX 8M Plus EVK board support different
Cameras, which require different configurations. The different configuration files have the same name, and
need to be accessed from the same directory of /vendor/etc/configs/isp, so overlayfs is used and
mounted on this directory for some camera usgages, and this directory is still read-only after remount.
The mount commands can be found in ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/imx8m/evk_8mp/init.rc.
# default is for dual os08a20
mount overlay overlay /vendor/etc/configs/isp ro lowerdir=/vendor/

# setenv append_bootargs

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setprop _8mp-ispsensor-ov5640
mount overlay overlay /vendor/etc/configs/isp ro lowerdir=/vendor/

# setenv append_bootargs

setprop _8mp-ov5640

setprop _8mp-ispsensor-ov5640
mount overlay overlay /vendor/etc/configs/isp ro lowerdir=/vendor/

mount overlay overlay /vendor/etc/configs/isp ro lowerdir=/vendor/
Files need to be pushed to the following directories based on the camera you are debugging with:
– /vendor/vendor_overlay_sensor/basler/vendor/etc/configs/isp
– /vendor/vendor_overlay_sensor/os08a20/vendor/etc/configs/isp
The limitations described in the preceding part for MEK images also exist in the images for i.MX 8M Plus EVK
– To delete a file under /vendor/etc/configs/isp, you can only rebuild the image and flash the vendor
image again.
– The overlayfs is mounted with a command in an init .rc file. The init .rc files are all parsed by init
before the overlayfs is mounted. Therefore, to modify init .rc files under /vendor/etc/configs/isp,
you can only rebuild the image and flash the vendor image again.
If only one kind of camera usage is needed, the overlayfs mount commands can be removed from the
init.rc file and put the corresponding config files directly under /vendor/etc/configs/isp.

9 Generic Kernel Image (GKI) Development

9.1 GKI introduction

The Generic Kernel Image (GKI) project addresses kernel fragmentation by unifying the core kernel and moving
SoC and board support out of the core kernel into loadable modules. The GKI kernel presents a stable Kernel
Module Interface (KMI) for kernel modules, so modules and kernel can be updated independently.
Devices that launch with the Android 14 (2023) platform release using kernel versions v5.15 or higher are
required to ship with the GKI kernel.
The following boards have enabled GKI:
• i.MX 8M Mini Board
• i.MX 8M Nano Board
• i.MX 8M Plus EVK Board
• i.MX 8M Quad WEVK/EVK Board
• i.MX 8ULP EVK Board
• i.MX 8QuadMax MEK Board
• i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK Board

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9.2 Changes after GKI enabled

There are some changes after GKI is enabled.
• boot.img
After GKI is enabled, the boot.img is a composite image that includes the AOSP generic kernel Image and
boot parameters.
It is built from one prebuilt boot.img, stored in the android source code ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/
fsl-proprietary/gki/boot.img. This boot.img is certified and released from AOSP, and then signed
with the AVB key to generate final boot.img.
By default, the UUU and fastboot script flash this image.
To build boot.img, run ./ or make bootimage.
• system_dlkm.img
system_dlkm.img is signed by Google using the kernel build-time key pair and are compatible only with the
GKI they are built with. There is no ABI stability between boot.img and system_dlkm.img. For modules to
load correctly during runtime, boot.img and system_dlkm.img must be built and updated together.
It needs to be built with the following steps:
# download Google Released android14-6.1 GKI
cp system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz {MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/
tar -xzf system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz -C system_dlkm_staging
make system_dlkmimage
• boot-imx.img
boot-imx.img is built from the i.MX kernel tree for debug purposes. By default, it is built out by imx- with TARGET_IMX_KERNEL=true, and then renamed from boot.img to boot-imx.img. For
details, see the last piece of code in the build script.
Note: boot.img and boot-imx.img are generated by the script as follows:
TARGET_IMX_KERNEL=true make ${parallel_option} ${build_bootimage}
${build_vendorbootimage} ${build_dtboimage} ${build_vendordlkmimage} || exit
if [ -n "${build_bootimage}" ] || [ ${build_whole_android_flag} -eq 1 ]; then
if [ ${TARGET_PRODUCT} = "evk_8mp" ] || [ ${TARGET_PRODUCT} = "evk_8mn" ] \
|| [ ${TARGET_PRODUCT} = "evk_8ulp" ] || [ ${TARGET_PRODUCT} = "mek_8q" ] \
|| [ ${TARGET_PRODUCT} = "evk_8mm" ] || [ ${TARGET_PRODUCT} = "evk_8mq" ];
if [ ${sign_gki} -eq 1 ]; then
mv ${OUT}/boot.img ${OUT}/boot-imx.img
make bootimage
To build boot-imx.img, run ./ or TARGET_IMX_KERNEL=true make bootimage && mv
${OUT}/boot.img ${OUT}/boot-imx.img.
• Kernel defconfig
Kernel .config is generated by one generic gki_defconfig along with one board specific config, like
• Driver modules
As GKI requires, all vendor drivers need to be built as module. Their configurations are set to m in above-
mentioned board-specific configuration file.
In addition, explicitly install those modules on board by adding them to the following two Android predefined
macros. For example, see ${MY_ANDROID}/device/nxp/imx8m/evk_8mm/

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Modules under this macro are copied to ${MY_ANDROID}/out/target/product/evk_8mm/vendor_

ramdisk/lib/modules, and then built as vendor_boot.img.
They are installed to the kernel in the first stage of initialization. In general, put essential modules here and
be careful of the sequence.
Modules under this macro are copied to ${MY_ANDROID}/out/target/product/evk_8mm/vendor_
dlkm/lib/modules, and then built as vendor_dlkm.img.
They are installed later than vendor_ramdisk, after the Android file system is ready.
• Note: Due to SoC errata TKT340553 in i.MX 8QuadMax, it has not fully enabled GKI. The boot_8q.img
and system_dlkm_staging_8q are built locally for both i.MX 8QuadMax and i.MX 8QuadXPlus.

9.3 How to add new drivers

Perform the following steps to add new drivers (Taking hdmirx driver on i.MX 8Quad Max/i.MX 8QuadXPlus as
an example):
1. Set the driver configuration to m in the configuration fragment file of the board:
diff --git a/arch/arm64/configs/imx8q_gki.fragment b/arch/arm64/configs/
index 51ce20e5920d..e54f96cc5469 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/configs/imx8q_gki.fragment
+++ b/arch/arm64/configs/imx8q_gki.fragment
@@ -148,3 +148,4 @@ CONFIG_TRUSTY_CRASH_IS_PANIC=y
2. Add the driver .ko files to the board:
diff --git a/imx8q/mek_8q/ b/imx8q/mek_8q/
index 280c067f8568..0837e352a4a7 100644
--- a/imx8q/mek_8q/
+++ b/imx8q/mek_8q/
@@ -227,7 +227,8 @@ BOARD_VENDOR_KERNEL_MODULES += \
$(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/watchdog/imx_sc_wdt.ko \
$(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/rtc/rtc-imx-sc.ko \
$(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/nvmem/nvmem-imx-ocotp-scu.ko \
+$(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/soc/imx/secvio/soc-imx-secvio-sc.ko \
Note: If other driver modules depend on them, put them before others.
3. Fix symbol issues encountered when the driver is loaded.
If some symbols are not exported but used by the added driver modules, perform the following steps:
a. Export symbols with EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(xxx).
Note: If symbols are in core kernel code (which means not in loadable modules), such changes must
upstream to the AOSP GKI Kernel tree.
b. Add symbols to the AOSP GKI Kernel tree android/abi_gki_aarch64.stg.
In this case, the following errors are encountered when init tries to load this module:
cdns_mhdp_hdmirx: Unknown symbol v4l2_enum_dv_timings_cap (err -2)
cdns_mhdp_hdmirx: Unknown symbol kthread_freezable_should_stop (err -2)

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After checking the kernel code, the two symbols are already exported by EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(), but are
not present in the android/abi_gki_aarch64.stg file. Therefore, follow the next section to add the two
symbols to the .stg file and upstream this change to AOSP as follows:
Once the patch has been merged into the ACK tree, it usually takes a month or two to get it into the GKI
release image. To speed up this process, see the following link to request an emergency respin release:

9.4 How to export new symbols

AOSP GKI image only exports those symbols listed at android/abi_gki_aarch64.stg. To update them,
see the official document:
The following is a quick start guide to export new symbols.
1. Generate the device symbol list (android/abi_gki_aarch64_imx).
mkdir gki && cd gki (Make sure folder gki is not inside of ${MY_ANDROID})
epo init -u -b common-
repo sync
cd common
Note: Switch kernel in this common folder from AOSP to its own device kernel and apply all your local
patches that may require new symbols.
git remote add device <device kernel git URL>
git remote update
git checkout device/<device kernel branch>
git apply <all device patches if needed>
cd ..
(Due to ISP and wifi code is out of kernel tree, set it explicitly to collect
their symbols)
ln -s ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp-opensource/verisilicon_sw_isp_vvcam
ln -s ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp-opensource/nxp-mwifiex nxp-mwifiex
BUILD_FOR_GKI=yes BUILD_CONFIG=common/build.config.imx
EXT_MODULES="nxp-mwifiex/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src" build/ --update-
symbol-list -j8
Then, common/android/abi_gki_aarch64_imx is updated.
2. Update the AOSP symbol list (android/abi_gki_aarch64.xml).
cd gki
cp common/android/abi_gki_aarch64_imx /tmp/abi_gki_aarch64_imx
cd common
Note: Switch the kernel in this common folder from its own device kernel to the AOSP kernel.
git reset --hard
git checkout aosp/android14-6.1
cp /tmp/abi_gki_aarch64_imx android/abi_gki_aarch64_imx
cd ..
tools/bazel run //common:kernel_aarch64_abi_update
Then common/android/abi_gki_aarch64.stg is updated.

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3. Build Android boot.img and system_dlkm.img locally.

cp out/kernel_aarch64/dist/boot.img {MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/
TARGET_IMX_KERNEL=true make bootimage
cp system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz {MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-
cd {MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/gki
tar -xzf system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz -C system_dlkm_staging
make system_dlkmimage
Then the boot.img and system_dlkm.img built locally will export those
4. If you want AOSP released GKI image to export these symbols, make a patch and send the patch upstream
to AOSP:
android/abi_gki_aarch64_imx android/abi_gki_aarch64.stg

9.5 How to build GKI locally

In development stage, it is useful to build a GKI image locally to verify drivers.
1. Prepare the GKI Kernel build repo (Taking 6.1 kernel as an example):
mkdir gki && cd gki
repo init -u -b common-
repo sync
2. (Optional) Enable the early console.
Early console is useful, if the system is stuck at "Starting kernel ...".
Apply the following changes in the GKI Kernel tree: gki/common:
diff --git a/arch/arm64/configs/gki_defconfig b/arch/arm64/configs/
index 29782a39fffa..6cae9ad783b4 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/configs/gki_defconfig
+++ b/arch/arm64/configs/gki_defconfig
@@ -387,6 +387,7 @@ CONFIG_SERIAL_AMBA_PL011=y
diff --git a/drivers/tty/serial/Kconfig b/drivers/tty/serial/Kconfig
index e2a2ff6c1296..52ad477c964a 100644
--- a/drivers/tty/serial/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/tty/serial/Kconfig
@@ -500,7 +500,6 @@ config SERIAL_IMX_CONSOLE
bool "Earlycon on IMX serial port"
-depends on ARCH_MXC || COMPILE_TEST
depends on OF

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3. Build the GKI Image.

tools/bazel run //common:kernel_aarch64_dist
The GKI boot.img is obtained from out/kernel_aarch64/dist/boot.img.
The GKI system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz is obtained from out/kernel_aarch64/dist/
4. Build Android boot.img and system_dlkm.img:
cp out/kernel_aarch64/dist/boot.img {MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/
TARGET_IMX_KERNEL=true make bootimage
cp system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz {MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-
cd {MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/gki
tar -xzf system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz -C system_dlkm_staging
make system_dlkmimage
5. Build Android boot_8q.img and system_dlkm_8q.img (Only for i.MX 8QuadXPlus and 8QuadMax MEK
To address TKT340553 Errata and support for multiple states domains, i.MX 8QuadXPlus and 8QuadMax
require boot_8q.img and system_dlkm_8q.img. This boot_8q.img and system_dlkm_staging_8q
are built locally with AOSP/android14-6.1-2023-06. Then add the following:
4546ce4e1756 MA-21443 usb: typec: tcpm: not sink vbus if operational current
is 0mA
e01d5b00e46d MA-21424 ANDROID: sound: usb: Fix wrong behavior of vendor
c50351a6e73e MLK-21052-08 clk: imx: Add CLK_SET_PARENT_NOCACHE
8e99deaf8919 drivers: base: move devices pm to tail when driver bound
4ef42b29925d PM / Domains: remove no governor for states warning
c959d2873210 PM / Domains: Choose the deepest state to enter if no devices
using it
d15e8c9838e2 PM / Domains: Support enter deepest state for multiple states
2e8cc8f442a4 PM / Domains: Move the Subdomain check into _genpd_power_off
72276f7e6758 MLK-16005-2 soc: imx: scu: add the SW workaround for i.MX8QM
e8be8b652866 LF-363 arm64: kernel: TKT340553 Errata workaround update for
40d0546bf89f MLK-23277: 8qm: Fix SW workaround for i.MX8QM TKT340553
d9d668fd112f arm64: drop the use of user_addr_max()
8ce9077c89de arm64: extable: update to use new UACCESS API

Add TKT340553_SW_WORKAROUND to the symbol list:

diff --git a/android/abi_gki_aarch64_imx b/android/abi_gki_aarch64_imx
index ac16191a3545..601c0eef9456 100644
--- a/android/abi_gki_aarch64_imx
+++ b/android/abi_gki_aarch64_imx
@@ -2419,3 +2419,4 @@
Then update the AOSP symbol list according to Section Section 9.4.
These patches are going upstream.

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9.6 How to update the GKI image

Download GKI boot.img from Google. Put boot.img in ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-
proprietary/gki/boot.img. Run the following command to build signed boot.img:

./ bootimage
make bootimage

Download GKI system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz from Google. Put

system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz in ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/
gki/system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz. Unzip system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz to
system_dlkm_staging. Run the following command to build system_dlkm.img.

make system_dlkmimage

Get the boot.img and system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz from the Android 14-6.1 Release Builds.

10 imx-chip-tool application
Matter (previously known as Project CHIP) is a universal IPv6-based application-layer communication protocol
for smart home devices. Matter supports UDP and TCP at the transport layer, and supports Ethernet, Wi-Fi,
Thread, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) at the link layer. Depending on the networking technologies supported
by a device, discovery and commissioning are possible using BLE, Wi-Fi technologies, or over IP, if a device
is already on an IP network. Devices that use Thread networking technology must also support BLE for the
purposes of discovery and commissioning.
The imx-chip-tool application is a pre-installed apk on the i.MX 8M Nano. It is a Matter Controller
implementation that allows users to discover and commission a Matter device on the network and communicate
with it using Matter messages. This application currently supports two commissioning methods:
• Provision chip device with Wi-Fi
This method is used to discover and communicate with Matter devices that support Wi-Fi. The Android device
connected to a Wi-Fi AP that supports IPv6 discovers a Matter lighting device through BLE, joins the Matter
device to the Wi-Fi network, and then communicates with it over the Wi-Fi network.
• Provision chip device with Thread
This method is used to discover and communicate with Matter devices that support Thread. The Android
device discovers a Thread lighting device through BLE, joins the Thread device to the Matter network through
the Open Thread Board Router (OTBR), and then communicates with the Thread device over IP.
Note: The Android device and the OTBR are on the same Wi-Fi network, and the OTBR and the Thread
device are on the same Thread network. They form a Matter network together.

11 Note About the Source Code in the Document

Example code shown in this document has the following copyright and BSD-3-Clause license:
Copyright 2024 NXP Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

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3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or
promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

12 Revision History
Revision history
Document ID Release date Description
AUG 19 April 2024 i.MX 8ULP EVK, i.MX 8M Mini, i.MX 8M Nano, i.MX 8M
Plus, i.MX 8M Quad, i.MX 8QuadMax, and i.MX 8Quad
XPlus GA release.
AUG 6 Feburary 2024 i.MX 8ULP EVK, i.MX 8M Mini, i.MX 8M Nano, i.MX 8M
Plus, i.MX 8M Quad, i.MX 8QuadMax, and i.MX 8Quad
XPlus GA release.
AUG 24 October 2023 i.MX 8ULP EVK, i.MX 8M Mini, i.MX 8M Nano, i.MX 8M
Plus, i.MX 8M Quad, i.MX 8QuadMax, and i.MX 8Quad
XPlus GA release.
AUG 07/2023 i.MX 8ULP EVK Beta release, i.MX 8M Mini, i.MX 8M Nano,
i.MX 8M Plus, i.MX 8M Quad, i.MX 8QuadMax, and i.MX 8
QuadXPlus GA release.
AUG 03/2023 i.MX 8ULP EVK Beta release, i.MX 8M Mini, i.MX 8M Nano,
i.MX 8M Plus, i.MX 8M Quad, i.MX 8QuadMax, and i.MX 8
QuadXPlus GA release.
AUG 01/2023 i.MX 8ULP EVK Beta release, i.MX 8M Mini, i.MX 8M Nano,
i.MX 8M Plus, i.MX 8M Quad, i.MX 8QuadMax, and i.MX 8
QuadXPlus GA release.
AUG 10/2022 i.MX 8ULP EVK Beta release, i.MX 8M Mini, i.MX 8M Nano,
i.MX 8M Plus, i.MX 8M Quad, i.MX 8QuadMax, and i.MX 8
QuadXPlus GA release.
AUG 07/2022 i.MX 8ULP EVK Beta release, i.MX 8M Mini, i.MX 8M Nano,
i.MX 8M Plus, and i.MX 8M Quad GA release.
AUG 03/2022 i.MX 8ULP EVK Beta release, i.MX 8M Mini, i.MX 8M Nano,
i.MX 8M Plus, and i.MX 8M Quad GA release.
AUG 01/2022 i.MX 8ULP EVK Beta release, i.MX 8M Mini, i.MX 8M Nano,
i.MX 8M Plus, and i.MX 8M Quad GA release.
AUG 10/2021 i.MX 8ULP EVK Alpha release, i.MX 8M Mini, i.MX 8M
Nano, i.MX 8M Plus, and i.MX 8M Quad GA release.
AUG 07/2021 i.MX 8M Mini, i.MX 8M Nano, i.MX 8M Plus, and i.MX 8M
Quad GA release.

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Revision history...continued
Document ID Release date Description
AUG 04/2021 i.MX 8M Mini, i.MX 8M Nano, i.MX 8M Plus, and i.MX 8M
Quad GA release.
AUG 12/2020 i.MX 8M Plus EVK Beta release, and all the other i.MX 8 GA
AUG 07/2020 i.MX 8M Plus EVK Beta1 release, and all the other i.MX 8
GA release.
AUG 05/2020 i.MX 8M Mini, i.MX 8M Nano, i.MX 8M Quad, i.MX 8Quad
Max, and i.MX 8QuadXPlus GA release.
AUG 04/2020 i.MX 8M Plus Alpha and i.MX 8QuadXPlus Beta release.
AUG 03/2020 Deleted the Android 10 image.
AUG 02/2020 i.MX 8M Mini, i.MX 8M Quad, i.MX 8QuadMax, and i.MX 8
QuadXPlus GA release.
AUG v.P9.0.0_2.0.0-ga 08/2019 Updated the location of the SCFW porting kit.
AUG v.P9.0.0_2.0.0-ga 04/2019 i.MX 8M, i.MX 8QuadMax, i.MX 8QuadXPlus GA release.
AUG v.P9.0.0_1.0.0-ga 01/2019 i.MX 8M, i.MX 8QuadMax, i.MX 8QuadXPlus GA release.
AUG v.P9.0.0_1.0.0-beta 11/2018 Initial release

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1 Overview ........................................................... 2 7.1.6 Building an OTA package with encrypted
2 Preparation ....................................................... 2 boot enabled ....................................................43
2.1 Setting up your computer .................................. 2 Building SPL and bootloader images with
2.2 Unpacking the Android release package ........... 3 encrypted boot enabled ................................... 43
3 Building the Android Platform for i.MX ..........3 Encrypting SPL and bootloader images ...........43
3.1 Getting i.MX Android release source code ........ 3 Building an OTA package with encrypted
3.2 Building Android images ....................................4 boot .................................................................. 44
3.2.1 Configuration examples of building i.MX 7.2 Implementing OTA update ............................... 44
devices ...............................................................8 7.2.1 Using update_engine_client to update the
3.2.2 Build mode selection ......................................... 8 Android platform .............................................. 44
3.2.3 Building with GMS package .............................. 9 7.2.2 Using a customized application to update
3.2.4 Building 32-bit-only images or 32-bit and the Android platform ........................................ 45
64-bit images ................................................... 10 8 Customized Configuration ............................ 47
3.3 Building an Android image With Docker .......... 10 8.1 Camera configuration ...................................... 47
3.4 Building U-Boot images ................................... 11 8.1.1 Configuring the rear and front cameras ........... 47
3.5 Building a kernel image ................................... 12 8.1.2 Configuring camera sensor parameters ...........48
3.6 Building boot.img ............................................. 12 8.1.3 Making cameras work on i.MX 8M Plus
3.7 Building dtbo.img ............................................. 12 EVK with non-default images .......................... 48
4 Running the Android Platform with a 8.2 Audio configuration .......................................... 49
Prebuilt Image ................................................ 13 8.2.1 Enabling low-power audio ............................... 49
5 Programming Images .................................... 26 8.2.2 Supporting a new sound card ..........................51
5.1 System on eMMC/SD ...................................... 26 8.2.3 Enabling powersave mode .............................. 52
5.1.1 Storage partitions .............................................27 8.3 Display configuration ....................................... 53
5.1.2 Downloading images with UUU ....................... 29 8.3.1 Configuring the logical display density .............53
5.1.3 Downloading images with fastboot_imx_ 8.3.2 Enabling multiple-display function ................... 54
flashall script ....................................................29 Binding the display port with the input port ...... 55
5.1.4 Downloading a single image with fastboot ....... 30 Launching applications on different displays ....55
6 Booting ........................................................... 31 8.3.3 Enabling low-power display function ................56
6.1 Booting from SD/eMMC ...................................31 Enabling low-power display on i.MX 8ULP
6.1.1 Booting from SD/eMMC on the i.MX 8M EVK ..................................................................56
Mini EVK board ............................................... 31 Some test commands in low-power display
6.1.2 Booting from SD/eMMC on the i.MX 8M demo ................................................................ 56
Nano board ......................................................32 Test procedure for low-power display demo .....56
6.1.3 Booting from SD/eMMC on the i.MX 8M 8.3.4 HDMI-CEC feature ...........................................57
Plus EVK board ............................................... 32 Implementation on i.MX platforms ................... 57
6.1.4 Booting from SD/eMMC on the i.MX 8M Test procedure for HDMI-CEC End-User
Quad WEVK/EVK board ..................................33 features ............................................................ 57
6.1.5 Booting from eMMC on the i.MX 8ULP EVK 8.4 Wi-Fi/Bluetooth configuration ...........................58
board ................................................................33 8.4.1 Enabling or disabling Bluetooth profile .............58
6.1.6 Booting from SD/eMMC on the i.MX 8.5 USB configuration ............................................58
8QuadMax MEK board .................................... 33 8.5.1 Enabling USB 2.0 in U-Boot for i.MX
6.1.7 Booting from SD/eMMC on the i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus MEK ......................... 58
8QuadXPlus MEK board ................................. 34 8.5.2 Changing the VID/PID values of the USB
6.2 Boot-up configurations .....................................34 Gadget ............................................................. 60
6.2.1 U-Boot environment .........................................35 USB Gadget in U-Boot .................................... 60
6.2.2 Kernel command line (bootargs) ......................35 USB Gadget on the Android platform .............. 60
6.2.3 DM-verity configuration ....................................39 USB Gadget in Recovery ................................ 60
7 Over-The-Air (OTA) Update ...........................39 8.6 Trusty OS/security configuration ......................61
7.1 Building OTA update packages ....................... 39 8.6.1 Initializing the secure storage for Trusty OS .... 61
7.1.1 Building target files .......................................... 39 8.6.2 Provisioning the AVB key ................................ 62
7.1.2 Building a full update package ........................ 40 Generating the AVB key to sign images .......... 63
7.1.3 Building an incremental update package ......... 40 Storing the AVB public key to a secure
7.1.4 Building an OTA package for single- storage ............................................................. 63
bootloader image ............................................. 40 8.6.3 AVB boot key ...................................................63
7.1.5 Building an OTA package with the 8.6.4 Key attestation .................................................64
postinstall command ........................................ 42 8.7 SCFW configuration .........................................64
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8.8 Miscellaneous configurations ...........................65

8.8.1 Changing the boot command line in
boot.img ........................................................... 65
8.8.2 Modifying the super partition ........................... 66
8.9 Notices before the debugging work ................. 67
9 Generic Kernel Image (GKI)
Development .................................................. 69
9.1 GKI introduction ............................................... 69
9.2 Changes after GKI enabled ............................. 70
9.3 How to add new drivers ...................................71
9.4 How to export new symbols ............................ 72
9.5 How to build GKI locally .................................. 73
9.6 How to update the GKI image ......................... 75
10 imx-chip-tool application .............................. 75
11 Note About the Source Code in the
Document ....................................................... 75
12 Revision History ............................................ 76
Legal information ...........................................78

Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s)
described herein, have been included in section 'Legal information'.

© 2024 NXP B.V. All rights reserved.

For more information, please visit:
Date of release: 19 April 2024
Document identifier: AUG

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