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OBE Course Syllabus Litt 512 Feminists' Writings Term 2 SY 2022-23

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OBE Course Syllabus

PNU Philosophy Education for personal renewal and social transformation

PNU Vision A leading future-ready teacher education university responsive to national and global development and goals and
PNU Mission Philippine Normal University is committed to lead innovative, responsive and sustainable teacher education programs that
set the standards of future-ready teachers and education leaders
PNU Quality Policy As the National Center for Teacher Education, the Philippine Normal University commits to provide inclusive, innovative,
impactful, and sustainable teacher education programs that produce future-ready teachers and education leaders imbued
with the values of truth, excellence, and service. Furthermore, PNU shall ensure the continual improvement of its Quality
Management System through compliance with International Quality Standards and statutory and regulatory requirements.
PNU shall achieve these commitments through its core functions of instruction, research, extension and production.
Goals 1. Improve competence in educational research
2. Provide leadership in curriculum and instruction
3. Increase research productivity and publication
4. Create educational alternatives that are responsive to the needs of the country
Course Number Litt 512
Course Title Feminist’s Writings
Course Pre-requisite None
Course Description The course discusses selected literary works vis-a-vis specific scholarly articles and books of feminist theorists and critics.
Literary texts of different genres are discussed under the lens of feminist literary theories. At the end of the course,
students are expected to define what constitutes feminist’s writings.
Program Outcomes 1. Exhibit leadership and competence in generating, integrating, and innovating knowledge of theory and practice in
advance higher education specific to the field of literature
2. Generate knowledge and/or products through research with strong theoretical and practical implications in theory-
building and practice in the field of literature
3. Demonstrate skills of an expert practitioner who is strongly grounded in theory and evidence-based practice in literature
GAD Themes 1. Gender Fair Education
2. Gender Equality and Diversity of Learners

Session No. Course Learning Content Instructional Delivery Design Assessment


Weeks 1-2 Learn about the goals What is feminism? Face to Independent Synchronous Asynchronous Write a
and policies of PNU Face Study/FLA Reaction Paper
What do the ff: Activities Discuss the Read Feminist on the critique
Discuss what concepts mean? Read and PNU Readings of done by Sylvia
constitutes feminist discuss the Philosophy, Philippine Mendez
writings female, feminine, syllabus Vision, Fiction:
feminist Ventura on The
Mission, etc. Critique and Dream Tiger,
Become familiar with Read the ff; Anthology
the advocacy and What are some short stories Discuss the The Black
elements that define (1994) - Sylvia Monkey, and
struggles of feminist found in the syllabus Mendez Ventura
writers and critics feminist writing? book of Sylvia Everything
Discuss the - pp. 1-55
Ventura: Introduction to
the Course via
The Dream a lecture in Read Sexual
Tiger - Lilia ppt. Politics 7th ed.
Pablo Amansec (1988) by Kate
Participate Millett - Chapter
The Black actively in 1 - Instances of
Monkey - Edith class Sexual Politics
L. Tiempo discussion and Theory of
Everything - Sexual Politics
Tita Lacambra

Week 3 Broaden one’s What is Sexual Read the ff: Discuss Read the Write a Critical
perspective on what Politics? Chapter 1 of excerpt from Paper on The
feminist writing is The Virgin - Kate Millett’s The Second Summer
How are men and Kerima Polotan book Sex - Simone de Solstice by
Interrogate how women viewed under Tuvera Beauvoir Nick Joaquin
women have been the lens of Sexual Discuss stories using Kate
represented in Politics? Magnificence - and poems Chapter XI -
Estrella Alfon Millett’s Theory
literature, arts, and in under the lens Myth and Reality of Sexual
other media What are instances of of Sexual
sexual politics? Family Rites - Watch the 2003 Politics and the
Rosario Cruz Politics and ideas from
film Mona Lisa
Hone one’s critical What is the Theory of Lucero the Second Smile (a film by Simone de
skills in reading and Sexual Politics? Sex Mike Newell) Beauvoir’s The
analyzing literature Second Sex
using feminist Is sexual politics still Cite other Watch the 2020
criticism evident today in our works that mini series The
society? Why or why depict Sexual Queen’s
not? Politics Gambit -
directed by Scott
What does it mean to Discuss the Frank and
belong to the Second film and the adapted from
Sex? mini series the 1983 novel
What is the myth vs. of Walter Tevis
reality about women?
about being a woman?

What is the so-called

‘myth of the Eternal

Week 4 Form one’s own What is the difference Read the ff: Discuss Read from A Write a Critical
belief about how between ‘women as literary works Room of One’s Paper on
women should be objects of Riverrun- based on V. Own - Virginia Desire by Paz
represented in representation’ and Ninotchka Woolf’s ideas Woolf Latorena using
literature and in other ‘women as authors of Rosca and Betty Woolf’s and
media representation’? Friedan’s [Shakespeare’s Friedan’s
The Story of Sister]
an Hour - Kate feminist ideas
Debunk the myths What impedes
about women and the women’s freedom? Chopin [Chloe Liked
image of women as Olivia]
What constitutes the The Office -
depicted in literature Alice Munro [Androgyny]
and in other media ‘feminine mystique’?

What do women (and Watch TEDx Selected

men) want? Talks with chapters from
Chimamanda the Feminine
What do women (men) Ngozi Adichie Mystique by
live for? (April 12, Betty Friedan
2013;April 14,
Is the ‘gender gap’ 2017;May 18, Chapter 1 - The
real? Problem That
2022) Has No Name

Chapter 2 - The

Chapter 3 - The
Crisis in

Week 5 Realize the What is ‘ecriture Submit Read the ff: Read The Write a Critical
importance of feminine’? reaction Laugh of the Paper on The
reading and writing paper (1) Portents - Medusa - Collector of
as a woman Is there such a thing as and critical Jessica Zafra Helene Cixous Treasures -
‘essence of a woman’? papers (2) Bessie Head
Value the role of Montage - Watch the 2016
What is the ‘New Ophelia using Cixous’
women writers in the Discuss the film Hidden ideas
literature landscape Woman’? article of Dimalanta Figures (a film
Cixous Dreamweavers by Theodore
- Marjorie Melfi)
Discuss the
assigned Evasco
works and
the film

Weeks 6 Underscore the How do women writers Discuss the Read the ff: Read from The Submission of
importance of gender contend with the article by Madwoman in the reaction
fair representation of patriarchal authority of Gilbert and Jane Eyre - the Attic - paper and the
women in literature art and the antagonism Gubar Charlotte Sandra M. critical papers
of male readers? Bronte Gilbert and
Question the Discuss Susan Gubar
stereotypical What is ‘herstory’ as other The Yellow
representation of instances Wallpaper -
women in literature opposed to ‘history’? where Charlotte Perkin from Chapter 2 -
women are Gilman Infection in the
objectified Sentence: The
To Room Woman Writer
Discuss the Nineteen - and the Anxiety
assigned Doris Lessing of Authorship
literary texts

Submit three
topics for the
final paper

Weeks 7-8 Point out the dangers How does the male Read the ff: Watch the 1990 Write a Critical
of objectifying women gaze differ from the film Pretty Paper on the
female gaze?Is there a may i feel said Woman (a film two films
difference? he - e.e. by Garry (Pretty
cummings Marshall) and Woman and
Are women the 2001 film Moulin
subordinated by the Midsummer -
Manuel Arguilla Moulin Rouge! Rouge!) using
male gaze? (a film by Baz Mulvey’s ideas
Does cinema objectify Harvest - Luhmann)
women? In what ways Loreto Paras
Sulit Read Visual
does cinema objectify Pleasure and
women? The Rain the Cinema -
Came - Grace Laura Mulvey
Watch the 2022
Chinese drama
seriesThe Story
of Xing Fu - by
Zheng Xiao
Long and Lao
Yuan (directors)
and Zhao Dong

Week 9 Identify the biases What informs our Selected poems Discuss Read Dancing Write a Critical
against women in art aesthetic response as of Adrienne Kolodny’s idea through the Paper on the
and literature (and in readers? Does gender Rich on feminism Minefield: 1990 Chinese
other fields) have anything to do and feminist Some film Ju Dou (a
with our aesthetic A Temporary criticism Observations film by Zhang
response to literature? Matter - on the Theory, Yimou and
Jhumpa Lahiri Discuss the Practice and Yang Feliang)
What are our biases assigned Politics of using Mulvey’s
and assumptions that Shiloh - Bobbie literary texts
Ann Mason Feminist and Kolodny’s
shape our aesthetic Literary ideas on
responses? Wife - Marra Criticism - feminism
Do things in the world PL. Lanot Annette Kolodny
have a fixed or inherent In the Cutting
meaning? of a Drink -
(Christina) Ama
Ata Aidoo

Weeks 10 Uncover/Discover a What is gynocriticism? Read the ff: Discuss the Read the ff: Write a Critical
feminist framework What is gynesis? ideas of Elaine Paper on
for women as writers LIke Water for Showalter and Showalter’s Nectar in a
What is the essential Chocolate - Haraway article on Sieve - Kamala
difference of women’s Laura Esquivel Feminist Markandaya
writing? Criticism in the using
How should women Autobiograph Discuss the Wilderness Showalter’s
write? y of my assigned and Haraway’s
From A ideas on
Mother - literary texts Manifesto for
What are the Jamaica feminism
implications of Cyborgs -
Kincaid Donna Haraway
modernity for
feminism? Latin Music in [The Homework
New York - Economy]

Selected poems
of Susan Howe
Week 11 Compare and What does it mean to Discuss the Read the ff: Read the ff: Write a Critical
contrast the be a Black feminist? ideas of Paper on
advocacy of Black Smith, The Color Toward a Black Beloved by
Feminism vis-a-vis What does Black hooks, and Purple - Alice Feminist Toni Morrison
the other Feminist Feminism advocate? Collins Walker Criticism - using the ideas
theories Barbara Smith from Black
What is the place of Discuss the A Raisin in the
black women in the Sun - Lorraine Postmodern Feminism
cultural discourse of literary texts Hansberry Blackness - bell
feminism? hooks
How are black women Woman - Maya from Black
represented in Angelou Feminist
literature? Thought -
Biography of Patricia Collins
How do black women Sojourner
writers use language to Truth
speak out and be
heard? Incidents in
the Life of a
Slave Girl -
Harriet Jacobs

Week 12 Demonstrate Who are some Oral China - Eileen Submission of

understanding of the prominent Asian Presentation Chang, Lu Yin, the rest of the
ideas and advocacy feminist writers and /Oral Report Shi Pingmei, Critical Papers
of Asian feminists critics? on the Asian Ding Ling
What do they writers and Japan -
advocate? critics and Kawakami
their feminist Mieko and N.B. Total # of
ideas and Murata Sayaka papers: 8

advocacy Philippines -
Sylvia Mendez
Ventura, Edna
Course References:
Adichie, C.N. (2015). We Should All Be Feminists. New York: Anchor Books.
Beauvoir, S. (1952). The Second Sex. New York: Albert Knopf Inc.
Cruz, I.R. ed. (2000). The Best Philippine Short Stories (of the Twentieth Century): An Anthology of Fiction in English. Manila: Tahanan
Curtis, S. (2018). Feminists Don’t Wear Pink and Other Lies: Amazing Women on What the F-Word Means to Them. Ballantine Books.
Friedan, B. (1963). Feminine Mystique. New York: Dell Publishing.
Gay, R. (2014). Bad Feminist. Essays. New York: Harper Perennial.
Hooks, B. (2015). Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics. 2nd ed. Routledge
Jardine, A. A. (1985). Gynesis: configurations of woman and modernity. Cornell University Press.
Jefferson, A. and Robey, D. eds. (1986). Modern Literary Theory (A Comparative Introduction). 2 nd ed. New Jersey: Barnes & Noble Books.
Kristeva, J. (1982). Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection. Leon Roudiez, trans. New York: Columbia Press.
Lamb, C. and Yousafzai, M. (2013). I Am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban. US: Little,
Brown and Company.
Leitch, V.B. gen. ed. (2001). The Norton Anthology: Theory and Criticism. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
Millett, K. (1970). Sexual Politics. New York: Ballantine Books.
Showalter, E. (1977). A Literature of Their Own. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
__________. (1981). Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness. Critical Inquiry 8, no. 2, Writing and Sexual Difference (Winter, 1981), pp. 179-
205. The University of Chicago Press.
Spivak, G. (1988). “Can the Sub-Altern Speak?” in Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture. Nelson, C. and Grossberg, L, eds. Urbana:
University of Illinois.
Woolf, V. (1929). A Room of One’s Own. New York: Harcourt Brace, Inc.
Xinran, X. (2002). The Good Women of China. Esther Tyldesley, trans. UK: Chatto & Windus.

Learning Resources:
hooks, b. (2018) feminism is for everybody (audiobook). Sample only. Robin Miles, narrator. We Should All Be Feminists - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, TEDx Talks, April 12, 2013; April 14, 2017; May 18, 2022.
Xinran, X. (Sept. 2022.) The Good Women of China: Hidden Voices. Sample only. Cindy Kay, narrator.

Performance Indicator and Course Performance Indicator Evidence of Performance Performance Standard
Evidence of Performance
Discuss what constitutes Read all assigned texts and view Express ideas clearly and
feminist writings assigned films and videos to concisely
ensure active participation in class
Become familiar with the Contribute substantially to
advocacy and struggles of enrich class discussions
feminist writers and critics Ask relevant and insightful
Cite sources correctly and
questions to probe and discuss
Broaden one’s perspective on accurately
concepts and ideas clearly
what feminist writing is
Acknowledge properly sources
Give reasoned and enlightened
Interrogate how women have cited in the papers for
responses and ideas relevant to
been represented in submission
the subject matter for discussion
literature, arts and in other
Demonstrate an inquiring and
media Relate the subject matter for
Hone one’s critical skills in discussion to real life situations to analytical mind
reading and analyzing show how much one has gained
Show creativity and
literature using feminist from the course
resourcefulness in making oral
Interpret and analyze the literary presentations and reports
Form one’s own belief about texts for discussion and support
Display honesty and integrity in
how women should be one’s claims with sufficient
using one’s original thoughts and
represented in literature and examples and/or evidences
ideas in the critical papers
other media
Write reaction papers and critical
Debunk the myths about papers for the assigned
women and the image of reading/viewing texts
women as depicted in
Make an effort to read
literature and other media
supplementary books and articles
Realize the importance of to enrich one’s understanding of
writing as a woman the course
Value the role of women as Deliver oral presentations/reports
readers and writers in the effectively
literature landscape
Submit required papers on time
Underscore the importance of
gender fair representation of
women in literature and in
other media
Question the stereotypical
representation of women in
literature and in other media
Point out the dangers of
objectifying women
Identify the biases against
women in art and literature
and in other fields
Uncover/discover a feminist
framework for women as
Compare and contrast the
advocacy of Black feminism
vis-a-vis the other feminist
Demonstrate understanding
of the ideas and advocacy of
Asian feminists
Grading System Based on BOR Resolution No. U-337 dated June 24, 2019, PNU is using this grading system:


98-100 1.0 Excellent

95-97 1.25 Very Good

92-94 1.50 Good

89-91 1.75 Satisfactory

86-90 2.0 Acceptable

Below 86 5.0 Failed

6.0 Incomplete (INC)

7.0 Authorized Withdrawal (AW)

Course Requirements 1. Attendance and active participation in synchronous classes 40%

2. Required Papers for Submission 40%

3. Asynchronous tasks and oral presentations/reports 20%

Total 100%

Course Policies Face to Face Be on time.

Always read assigned texts and readings or view

videos/films before attending the class.
Papers are due for submission in Week 6 and 12.
Submit papers on time. Plagiarism is not acceptable.
Acceptable papers based on Turnitin/Assignment
results should not be higher than 25% similarity index.

Active participation in class is expected.

Be prepared to deliver oral presentations/reports.

(N.B. Smart TV is installed in almost all the classrooms.
Have your report downloaded in a flash drive since wifi
connection could be an issue. No more OHPs.)

Be sure you are present during the oral


N.B. All the students are expected to observe ethical

and professional norms of conduct as provided in the
Graduate Student Handbook.

Synchronous/Online Be on time or join the class at least 10 mins. before.

Be sure you have read the assigned texts/readings and

viewed the videos/films to ensure active participation.

Participate actively in class discussions.

Observe proper and ethical behavior. Dress properly.

The online class will be recorded.

Be prepared to do an oral presentation/report.

Asynchronous Read assigned texts and view videos/films.

Use the group chat (GC) created for the course to ask
questions, clarify things, and for consultation.

Individual consultation in real time can be done via

email. See consultation schedule below. Let us not do
individual consultation in the group chat.

Visit the LMS for announcements and to view certain


Communication can also be done using the email.

For lectures missed during the synchronous classes,

the recording can be viewed. Be responsible for the
lesson/s you missed.

Always refer to the syllabus. The list of

readings/videos/films are found in the syllabus.

Consultation Period 1-2:30pm Wed

Prepared by:

Date: Feb. 3, 2023

Ma. Antoinette C. Montealegre, DA

Reviewed by:

Date: Feb. 6, 2023

Rodrigo D. Abenes, PhD

Approved by:

Date: Feb. 8, 2023

Marilyn U. Balagtas, PhD

Peer Reviewed by:

Jennie V. Jocson, PhD

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