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G8 Endterm Series-003

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Order Full Set Word format & Marking Schemes
Term 1.
End term Assessment.


Learner’s Name:______________________________________________________________
Assessment No:_____________________________ Grade:___________________________


Score Range Performance Level Tick OUT OF 60 MARKS
80-100 Exceeding Expectation Learners
60-79 Meeting Expectations Score.
40-59 Approaching Expectations
Below 40 Below Expectations %
Instructions to Learners.
Answer all the Questiions in the spaces provided after each question.
1. The table below shows materials used for preparing various soil conservation structures.
Use it to answer the questions that follow.
Fill in the table below. (8mks)
Materials used Identify the type of Soil How the methods conserves soil in
conservation method. agricultural environment.

Maize stalks

Planted maize
and sweet
Water channels
with planted

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 1

2. Grade 8 leaner at Huduma junior secondary wanted to prepare vegetables for lunch. State
four moments the vegetables might lose nutrients during the process. (4mks)

3. Name three types of water storage tanks. (3mks)

a.) State three signs to identify vegetable crops attacked by pests. (3mks)
b.) State two ways pests and diseases affects vegetable crops. (2mks)

5. State three items added to soap to improve its value. (3mks)

6. What is poultry rearing? (1mk)
7. The water catchment structure below is called_______________________________ (1mks)
[water tank, water pond]

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 2

8. State three types of soil tilth. (3mks)
9. Grade 8 learners were discussing methods used to add value to agricultural produce at home.
Mention any three methods they suggested. (3mks)
__________________________ _______________________ ________________________
10. Name three locally available materials used in construction of a poultry fold. (3mks)

11. State the maintenance carried out on the following structures. (3mks)
a.) Water pans
b.) Water tanks.
c.) Gutters
12. State four routine management practices done in when rearing poultry in a fold. (4mks)
13. Use the diagram above to answer the questions that follow below.

a.) Identify the tool and the practice sown above. (2mks)
Tool _____________________________ Practice _________________________________
b.) Mention two other practices done on fish during preparation for storage and consumption.

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 3

c.) Identify two precautions to observe when preparing fish. (2mks)
14. Suspended gardens are also called _____________________________________ (1mk)

15. __________________________ is the process of constructing fabric. (1mk)

[knitting, Crocheting]
16.List down two hygiene practices in rearing of animals. (2mks)

17.State four factors to consider when sorting and grading eggs. (4mks)
18.State two items to use when preparing poultry carcass. (2mks)
19. While learning about conserving food nutrients when preparing vegetables, A grade 8
teacher asked learners to state three things to avoid when washing vegetables to reduce lose
of nutrients. List down any two. (2mks)
20.Grade 8 teacher asked learners to make a farm layout drawing. Suggest two enterprises you
will include in your farm lay out. (2mks)
21.Using trash line as soil conservation measure has advantage over using stone line. Give the
advantage of trash line over stone line. (1mk)

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Creative Arts & Sports.
Term 1.
End term Assessment.
CAS G8 T1.
Learner’s Name:______________________________________________________________
Assessment No:_____________________________


Score Range Performance Level Tick OUT OF 50 MARKS
80-100 Exceeding Expectation Learners
60-79 Meeting Expectations Score.
40-59 Approaching Expectations
Below 40 Below Expectations %
1. State three strategies used by middle distance runenrs during a race. (3mks)
2. List down any four careers you can pursue from the study of Creative arts and sports. (5mks)
________________________________ __________________________________
________________________________ __________________________________
3. a.State three safety measures to observe when playing javelin. (3mks)
b. Name the four phases during a javelin throw. (4mks)
4. The government of Kenya through the ministry of sports and culture is really encouraging
youths to take part in arts and sports. State four benefits of both arts and sports. (4mks)

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 1

5. Identify five elements of a play. (5mks)
_________________________ _______________________ ______________________
_________________________ _______________________
6. ____________________ is the art of listening and writing down correctly the played
rhythmic patterns. (2mks)
7. Idenify two examples of the following activities in handball. (4mks)
a.) Pass __________________________________ __________________________________
b.) Dribbling ______________________________ __________________________________
8. Name three techniques of playing a descant recorder. (3mks)
9. a.__________________________ is the action of a player using their skills to bring the
football under control from a pass or when the ball is running loose. (2mks)
b. Name three body parts used when trapping a ball. (3mks)

10. Creative arts provides us with entertain. State four components of creative arts that entertain
us. (4mks)
11. Explain how creative arts has boosted tourism in kenya. (2mks)
12. Identify one rule in each of the following sports. (2mks)
a) Handball
b) Soccer
13. What is photomontage? (2mks)
14. Differentiate between 2D and 3D artforms. (2mks)

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 2

Term 1.
End term Assessment.


C.R.E G8 T1.
Learner’s Name:______________________________________________________________
Assessment No:_____________________________ Grade:___________________________


Score Range Performance Level Tick OUT OF 50 MARKS
80-100 Exceeding Expectation Learners
60-79 Meeting Expectations Score.
40-59 Approaching Expectations
Below 40 Below Expectations %
1. Name two divisions of the bible. (2mks)
2. State four ways human beings misuse natural resources. (4mks)
3. Adam and eve fall into in because : (2mks)
a.) __________________________________________________________________________
b.) __________________________________________________________________________
4. State four different ways we can share God’s love to others in the community. (4mks)
5. Highlight three instances Abraham showed his faith in God. (3mks)
6. What is a covenant? (2mks)
Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 1
7. State five characteristics of a covenant. (5mks)
8. Name four values you can acquire from the study of christian religious education. (4mks)
9. State four ways of taking care of domestic animals. (4mks)
10.Name four covenants in modern life. (4mks)
11.Name the accounts of creation found in the bible. (2mks)
12.State five leadership qualities that you can learn from Moses. (5mks)
13.During a group discussion,grade 8 leaners discussed Isaiahs prophesy aboout the coming of
Jesus Christ. List down four titles he game to Jesus Christ. (4mks)
______________________________ ___________________________________
______________________________ ___________________________________
14.Outline any two similarities in the two biblical accounts of creation. (2mks)
15.Identify three ways in which social media is misused today. (3mks)
Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 2
Term 1.
End term Assessment.
English G8 T1.
Learner’s Name:______________________________________________________________
Assessment No:_____________________________ Grade:___________________________


Score Range Performance Level Tick OUT OF 60 MARKS
80-100 Exceeding Expectation Learners
60-79 Meeting Expectations Score.
40-59 Approaching Expectations
Below 40 Below Expectations %
Answer all the Questions in the spaces provided.
As soon as the water starts bubbling, Achiko adds four handfuls of flour to it. This lowers
the temperature of the water and it stops producing bubbles. She has to wait for the
temperature to rise again before she can begin stirring the mixture of water and flour. While
she is waiting to see bubbles, she checks the cleanliness of the cooking stick and holds it
ready”. As soon as the mixture has produced enough froth to almost submerge the flour,
Achiko stirs the flour in the water three times, noticing that the temperature has dropped
once more, she pauses to give it time to rise. When bubbles appear again, she stirs the
She must be careful how long she pauses or how soon she adds flour to the boiling soft
mixture. This is because failure to pause for the heat to build up after the initial contact of
water and flour ruins the results. Thereafter, it does not matter how high or hot the flame
under the pot is, the ugali will remain half-cooked. Therefore, maximum concentration is
required at this stage.
Once the bubbles in the mixture grow wild, Achiko it is time to add more flour and turn the
mixture in the pot vigorously to get rid of any lumps of raw flour in the increasingly stiffening
mixture. As the mixture thickens, the amount of flour added decreases until it is a matter of a
sprinkled to complete process.
Achiko insists on silence when she is cooking ugali. She says this is important because the
time people prepare Ugali is the same time ghosts of people who dies of starvation long time
ago are roaming homesteads. As soon as she adds the first handful of flour to the water, she
Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 1
meaning fully looks at the children who are surrounding the pot. They immediately interpret
the message. Repeating what her mother has told her about ugali disappearing if it is prepared
in a noisy room. Achiko shocks the children by telling that whistling interfered with mixing of
hot water, flour and air. Chacha, who likes whistling, has to promise never to do that again. All
are silent, but eager.
In anticipation, the children watch Achiko’s arms skillfully turning over the increasingly
stiffening lumps in the pot. Her neck, back and arms grow more and more taut as works at the
pot. While she is still cooking, she uses her finger to test the texture of the cooking ugali. She
keeps this up until ugali is thoroughly cooked. Finally, she sets the meal before the family.

i. Why does Achiko maintain silence when she is cooking? (2mks)

ii. Why does she have to keep on checking the fire? (2mks)
iii. Why does the water have to boil before she adds the flour? (2mks)
iv. Explain why Achiko is always anxious about her cooking. (2mks)
v. Explain what message the children get from Achiko’s look before she starts stirring the
mixture. (2mks)
vi. According to the passage, why is whistling bad? (2mks)
vii. State one superstition that is associated with cooking ugali in this passage? (1mk)
viii. Explain the meaning of following words and phrases as used in the passage. (2mks)
ix. Popular_________________________________________________________________

x. Commendable____________________________________________________________

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 2

a.) Fill in the blanks below with the correct form of the present simple tense in brackets.
Cows ______________(is/are) important animals in our country. We all
_______________(feel/feels) that if the country _________________(encourage/encourages)
and ________________________(pump/pumps) money into the dairy
industry_____________________________(have/has) enough milk to go round but research
into agricultural potential of this land__________________(show/shows) that
we_______________(is/are) able to produce twenty times more milk that
we_____________(produce/produces) today.
The need for this___________________(is/are) seen on the radiant face of a child when given
milk. The face says. “This_____________________(is/are) heavenly,’ Thus the
child________________________(congratulate/congratulates) the farmer and at the same
time___________________________(pass/passes) a vote of confidence in his country, the
source of the milk. The milk, therefore______________________(preach/preaches)

b.) Complete the following sentences by filling in the blank spaces with the correct form of
the words in bracket. (5mks)
i. Neither the headteacher nor his deputy ____________________(is/are) around.
ii. Neither the prefects nor the monitors__________________(have/has) the lost bell.
iii. He told me that none of the girls _________________(was/were) allowed to sit for the
iv. One of my friends___________________(is/are) coming to my home tomorrow.
v. Wither the principal or the teachers________________(is/are) to blame.

c.) Write five sentences using the following verbs. (5mks)

i. Swim
ii. Cultivate.
iii. Read.
iv. Promise.
v. Borrow.

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 3

d.) Fill in the blank spaces in the following sentences with the most appropriate preposition.
i. He took_________________his clothes and dived into the pool.
ii. She will preside_____________the function.
iii. The exercise was conducted in accordance ________________regulations.
iv. Mutiso arrived at the airport just_______________time to catch the plane.
v. He cannot prevent me ___________going if I want to.

e.) Choose the correct alternative from the word(s) given in brackets to complete each of the
following sentences. (5mks)
i. This is one of those stories that______________(seem/seems) to have no ending.
ii. He is the longest serving of all Kenyan’s _____________________________(attorney
generals/attorney general)
iii. A range of issues ____________(was/were) discussed.
iv. The chaos_____________(has/have) been quelled by the police.
v. they have remained hopeful inspite of many____________crisis/crises) they have faced.

f.) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with appropriate article. (5mks)
i. Brailles is system of reding and writing by touch for ___________________blind.
ii. The king wanted _____________________heir to his throne.

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 4

Integrated Science.
Term 1.
End term Assessment.
Learner’s Name:______________________________________________________________
Assessment No:_____________________________ Grade:___________________________


Score Range Performance Level Tick OUT OF 50 MARKS
80-100 Exceeding Expectation Learners
60-79 Meeting Expectations Score.
40-59 Approaching Expectations
Below 40 Below Expectations %
Instructions to Learners.
Answer all the Questiions in the spaces provided after each question.
1. Matter exists in three states. Name them (3mks)
_____________________ _______________________ __________________________
2. Name two examples of each of the following. (4mks)
a.) Magnetic materials. ______________________ ______________________________
b.) Non-magnetic materials. _____________________ ____________________________
3. Write the symbol for the following three elements. (3mks)
a.) Calcium __________________________________
b.) Chlorine __________________________________
c.) Copper __________________________________
4. Calculate the density of block of wood below with a width of 6cm, length of 10cm and
height of 2cm with a mass of 675g. (3mks)

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 1

5. Fill the table below indicating the processes describing changes in states of matter. (4mks)
Solid to Liquid_______________________________
Liquid to gas_________________________________
Gas to liquid_________________________________
Liquid to solid________________________________
a.) _____________________________ the ability of a substance to be reduced in volume or
size by applying force or pressure on it. (1mk)
b.) Name the state of matter which lacks the property in (a) above. (1mks)
7. Grade 8 learners set up an experiment as shown below in the school laboratory. Use it to
answer the questions that follow

a.) What was the learner’s observation after heating blue hydrated copper sulphate. (2mks)

c.) What happens when water is added to the substance formed after heating as shown above.

c.) The change above is known as _________________________________________ (1mk)

8. The chemical name of table salt is sodium chloride. Explain if table slat is an element or a
compound. (2mks)

9. What is the function of air hole on a Bunsen burner? (1mk)


Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 2

10.Identify the following compounds represented by the following symbols. (3mks)
a.) NaCl_____________________________________________________________________
b.) H2O______________________________________________________________________
c.) CO2 ______________________________________________________________________
11.With a reason identify whether the following is an element or a compound.
Reason _________________________________________________________________
Reason _________________________________________________________________
12. State four different substances used in fire extinguishers. (4mks)
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
13.The table below shows different fire safety posters used in various places. Use them to
identify each and indicate its use. (12mks)
Fire safety Identity Meaning.

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 3

Muhula wa Kwanza.
Learner’s Name:______________________________________________________________
Assessment No:_____________________________ Grade:___________________________


Score Range Performance Level Tick OUT OF 60 MARKS
80-100 Exceeding Expectation Learners
60-79 Meeting Expectations Score.
40-59 Approaching Expectations
Below 40 Below Expectations %
Kamilisha kifungu kifuatacho kwa kutumia maneno uliyopewa katika mabano (alama 10)
Siku ya kuzuru mbuga nilijitayarisha 1.________________. Baada ya kuoga nilijipaka
2._____________. Niliepuka 3._________________marashi 4_____________ kwani mwalimu
alisema si vyema kuwasumbua wenzako kwa 5______________ambayp hawaipendi. Nilitia
chai kwenye kikombe na kutia 6______________ vijiko 7______________. Nilikuwa makini ili
nisije nikatia 8______________badala ya sukari. 9_______________safri ilkuwa ndefu,
nilibeba 10________________kwenye chupa.

(maji, chumvi, viwili, kwa vile, sukari, mengi, kujirashia, mapema, mafuta, harufu)

UFAHAMU. (11-18)
Baada ya mateso ya muda mrefu kwenywe mikono ya mwajiri katili, Vumilia alinyanyuliwa
na maafisa wa serikali waliosimamia haki za Watoto. Mwajiri wake alijikuta mashakani
alipopatikana akimtesa. Siku hiyo kweli ilkuwa siku ya afua kwa Vumilia. Mwajiri alishikwa na
askari na kupelekwa ndani.
Vumilia alipelekwa shuleni aendelee na masomo yake. Kweli liandikwalo na Mungu lazima
liwe naye Vumilia alisoma hadi kilele cha masomo hata ingawa alkuwa maskini hohehahe,
kutokana na misaada ya watu mbalimbali, alimaliza masomo yake ya shule ya upili na kupita
vilivyo. Alikwenda chuoni kusomea urubani, baadaye aliajiriwa kazi na shirika la ndege la
Kenya. Hapo aliweza kupata pesa nzuri kwa mahitaji yake.
Huko nyumbani, wazazi wake walizidi kudhoofika kimaisha. Waliposikia kuwa mtoto wao
wa pekee kapata kazi wingu la tamaa liliwajia. Ajabu lakini ni kuwa wingu hilo halikuwa mvua
ya mafanikio kwao. Vumilia aliponda mali na kutia maskia nta. Ama kwa hakika mirija yao
ilivukuta uhondo wa kutosha kutoka kwa mwenzao. Waliogelea kwenye mavuno ambayo
hawakuyapalilia wala kunyunyiza maji.

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 1

Kwa bahati mbaya, kutokana na makosa madogo madogo Vumilia alifutwa kazi. Hapo ndipo
marafiki wote walipomtoroka.wazazi wake waliposikia hivyo walikwenda kumtafuta wakaishi
naye hadi akapata ajira nyingine.

11. Ni nani aliyekuwa akimtesa Vumilia? (alama 1)

12. Eleza maana ya malezo, “liandikwalo na Mungu laziwa liwe”. (alama 1)
13. Hapo mwanzoni Vumilia alinyimwa haki gani? (alama 1)
14. Kwa nini marafiki walimtoroka Vumilia? (alama 1)
15. Je, Vumilia alipata kazi tena? (alama 1)
16. Moja ya yafuatayo ni uongo kulingana na Habari. (alama 1)
A. Vumilia hakuwashugulikia wazazi wake.
B. Vumilia alkuwa na marafiki wengi.
C. Vumilia alipatana na wazazi wake alipofutwa kazi.
D. Vumilia aliwasgughulikia wazazi wake vizuri.

17. Taja sifa moja ya wazazi wake Vumilia baada ya kupata Habari kuwa Vumilia alkuwa
amefutwa kazi. (alama 1)
18. Ni nini maana ya kutia masikia nta? (alama 1)
19. Tambua nomino za pekee katika sentensi ifuatayo. (alama 1)
Nchi ya Kenya ina malasili chungu nzima.
20. Andika katika wakati uliopo. (alama 1)
Mwalimu atakupa maoni yake kuhusu insha utakayoandika.
21. Andika katika wakati uliopita hali ya kuendelea (alama 1)
Nitakapoika nyumbani baba atakuwa akilima.

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 2

22. Andika ngeli sahihi kulingana na nomino zifuatazo (alama 4)
Nomino Ngeli

23. Tambua kwa kupiga mstari nomino ya dhahania katika sentensi ifuatayo. (alama 1)
Mwanafunzi alilala kutokana na uchovu aliokuwa nao.

24. Tunga sentensi ukitumia kitenzi kisaidizi (alama 1)

(- ngali)
25. Andika sentensi ifuatayo katika wakati ujao hali ya kuendelea. (alama 1)
Wakulima wanapanda mbegu
26. Chagua vitenzi vishirikishi viwili kutoka kwa jedwali lifuatalo. (alama 2)
(pongezi, anafagia, ki, si, andika, cheza, uu, angali)
_______________________________ _____________________________________
27. Andika vinyume vya maneo yafuatayo (alama 2)
i. Butu_____________________________
ii. Usiku ____________________________


28. Taja vipengele vitatu vya kimuundo vya insha ya maelezo. (alama 3)
29. Andika majibu ya maamkuzi yafuata (alama 2)
a) Salaam aleikum______________________________________
b) Masalkheri__________________________________________

30. Jibu maswali yafuatayo kwa kurejelea wimbo huu:-

Mabata wadogo wadogo x2 Tumbili wadogo wadogo x 2

Wanaogelea x2 Wanarukaruka x 2
Katika ziwa letu la maji safi Katika miti yetu ya miti juu
Wanafanya kwa kwa kwa x2 Wanafanya ki ki ki x 2
Katika ziwa la maji yetu x2 Katika miti yetu ya miti ya juu

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 3

i. Ni kina nani huimba wimbo huu? (alama 1)
ii. Taja sifa mbili za wimbo huu. (alama 2)

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Term 1.
End term Assessment.
Mathematic G8 T1.
Learner’s Name:______________________________________________________________
Assessment No:_____________________________ Grade:___________________________
Score Range Performance Level Tick Score.
80-100 Exceeding Expectation Learners
60-79 Meeting Expectations
40-59 Approaching Expectations
Below 40 Below Expectations
1. Identify the integers in the following numbers by underlining them (2mk)
9 9.5 12/5 -9
2. Use a numberline to performe the following operations.
a.) -3 +5 (2mks)

b.) -4 – 4 (2mks)

c.) -2 -7 +4 (2mks)

d.) 3 + 2 (2mks)

3. Identify which number is greater

a.) -6 and 0 (1mk)

b.) -4 and -3 (1mk)

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 1

4. If you spend 1/8 of your salary on paying rent, 1/3 on food, 1/6 on school fees and save the rest.
a.) Determine the fraction you save. (2mks)

b.) If your salary is sh.24,000. Determine the amount you spent on.
i. Food. (2mks)

ii. School fees. (2mks)

iii. Rent. (2mks)

iv. Savings. (2mks)

5. Convert 5/6 and write the answer in 2 coorect decimal places. (2mks)

6. A water tank holds 100 littres. Akinyi used ¼ of the tank to cean clothes. She also used
0.25 of the tank to clean their house. What is the amount of remaining water in decimals.

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 2

7. Juma was teaching his fellow leaners how to count when using a number line. He wants to
teach Auma how to count when determining -4 +7.
a.How many steps is Juma required count to get the asnwer when starting at -4 mark. (1mk)
b.) what is Jumas final answer (2mks)
c.) Draw an illustration of how juma will finally get the answer. (2mks)

8. Determine the height of the tank below if its volume is 6160 cm3. (3mks)

9. Use the diagram below to answer the following questions.

a.) The shape below is called__________________________________ (1mks)

b.) If a =5, b =10 and h = 8 determine the area of the shape. (2mks)

10. Work out: (3mks)

2(3a+b) - 3(a+2b)

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 3

11. Determine the value of angle a, b, c and d. (4mks)


12. The graph below shows Onyangos journey from town M to town N. use it to anser the
questions that follow.

a.) What distance had Onyango covered at:

i. 9am __________________________________ (1mk)
ii. 7am __________________________________ (1mk)
b.) Onyango arrive in tow N at exactly______________________________ (1mk)

c.) What was Onyango’s speed for the first hour. (2mk)

d.) What is the distance between the two towns (2mks)

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 4

Pretechnical Studies.
Term 1.
End term Assessment.


Learner’s Name:______________________________________________________________
Assessment No:_____________________________ Grade:___________________________


Score Range Performance Level Tick OUT OF 60 MARKS
80-100 Exceeding Expectation Learners
60-79 Meeting Expectations Score.
40-59 Approaching Expectations
Below 40 Below Expectations %
Instructions to Learners.
Answer all the Questiions in the spaces provided after each question.
1. The table below shows different ways three fire fighters were using to put off a fire that
broke at a school. Fill the gap with the types of methods they used (4mks)
Fire fighter Way that was used Identify the method
Fire fighter 1 Removed piece of burning wood
Fire fighter 2 Covered burning area with a blanket.
Fire fighter 3 Used carbon dioxide fire extinguisher
Fire fighter 4 Poured cold water to the burning area.

2. Name the keying input device used when operating a television (1mks)
3. The practice of making informed decision decisions about earning, spending and saving your
money is know as ________________________________________________ (2mks)
a.) What is computer hardware? (2mks)
b.) Use the picture below to name all the hardware parts labelled (8mks)

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 1

Part A ______________________________ Part E ______________________________
Part B ______________________________ Part F ______________________________
Part C ______________________________ Part G ______________________________
Part D _____________________________
c.) Classify all the hardware parts as indicated above in the table below.
Input devices (3mks) Processing device (1mk) Output device (4mks)
1.__________________ 1._______________________________ 1._________________
2.__________________ ________________________________ 2._________________
3.__________________ 3._________________
d.) Name the keying input device used when operating a television. (1mk)
5. ________________________________the process involving how an individual or an
organisation plans, controls and monitors usage of money for defined purposes. (2mks)
6. a.) Grade 8 learners in your school have planned to start a business at home in group. State
four methods they will use to generate business ideas. (4mks)
b.) Which four things will the learners consider to determine if their business can succeed.

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 2

7. Identify the following safety items and indicate where or when they are used. (6mks)
Safety item Identity Where used

State four online threats at a work environment. (4mks)

8. Identify the following artistic drawings. (4mks)

_______________ _______________ _______________ _____________________

9. Identify the following types of lines. (3mks)

a.) ___________________________

b.) ____________________________

c.) _____________________________

10. a.) Identify three forms of communication in business. (3mks)

_________________________________ ____________________________________
a.) Learners in Huduma junior school were discussing about various examples of oral
communication used today. Suggest any four examples they presented (4mks)
_______________________________________ ___________________________________
_______________________________________ ___________________________________

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 3

11. State three ways of keeping your body safe when using the computer. (3mks)
12. Identify the characteristics of computers illustrated below. (4mks)
Description characteristic
a.) a computer can perform millions of tasks without getting tired
b.) It starts a task from beginning to end
without requiring human assistance.
c.) Computers are reliable because they give consistent output
results for similar
d.) computers perform tasks without any errors if the correct data
is entered

13. State three injuries that can be caused by fire at work place. (3mks)

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 4

Social Studies.
Term 1.
End term Assessment.


SST G8 T1.
Learner’s Name:______________________________________________________________
Assessment No:_____________________________ Grade:___________________________


Score Range Performance Level Tick OUT OF 60 MARKS
80-100 Exceeding Expectation Learners
60-79 Meeting Expectations Score.
40-59 Approaching Expectations
Below 40 Below Expectations %
Instructions to Learners.
Answer all the Questiions in the spaces provided after each question.
1. The scientific theory about human being is also called_________________________(1mk)
2. What is self-esteem? (1mk)
3. The most advanced stage of human development is ___________________________ (1mk)
4. What is a prehistoric site? (1mk)
5. Identify four parts that underwent most changes during mans evolution. (4mks)
________________________________ ___________________________________
________________________________ ___________________________________
6. State four ways we can build a healthy self-esteem (4mk)
7. Leaners were discussing about entrepreneurial opportunities in the society today. Suggest
any four you will state. (4mks)
_______________________________ ______________________________________
_______________________________ ______________________________________
Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 1
8. Name four social injustices committed to the African during the Indian ocean trade. (4mks)
_______________________________ _____________________________________
_______________________________ _____________________________________
9. State four ways one can use to manage stress. (4mks)
10. Identify four benefits of interconnectedness and interdependence among countries. (4mks)
11. Define the following terms. (2mks)
a. Scrample for Africa__________________________________________________________
b. Partition of Africa ___________________________________________________________
12. ____________________ is the ability to bounce back and recover from adversity, challenges
or stressful situations.
13. Mention four examples of difficult emotions. (4mks)
_______________________________ ____________________________________
_______________________________ _____________________________________
14. Identify the items that was used as a symbol of national unity among the ASANTE
community of Ghana. _____________________________________________ (1mk)
15. Name three ways we can manage negative emotions. (3mks)
16. State four signs that indicate an unhealthy relationship. (4mks)
17. _________________ is a disagreement or argument between individuals or groups of
people. (1mk)

18. Mention two activities we can participate in when building a healthy relationship. (2mks)
19. Give two types of maps. (2mks)
_______________________________ _____________________________________

Maximum Revision Series 3 -2024 pg. 2

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