G6 Installation Boitier A
G6 Installation Boitier A
G6 Installation Boitier A
The described hard- and software are developments of the KEB Automation KG. The
enclosed documents correspond to conditions valid at printing. Misprint, mistakes and
technical changes reserved.
DANGER Dangerous situation, which will cause death or serious injury in case of
non-observance of this safety instruction.
WARNING Dangerous situation, which may cause death or serious injury in case of
non-observance of this safety instruction.
CAUTION Dangerous situation, which may cause minor injury in case of non-ob-
servance of this safety instruction.
Is used when certain conditions must meet the validity of statements or the result is
limited to a certain validity range.
Is used when the result will be better, more economic or trouble-free by follow-
ing these procedures.
More symbols
► This arrow starts an action step.
•/- Enumerations are marked with dots or indents.
=> Cross reference to another chapter or another page.
Through multiple applications not every imaginable case has been taken into ac-
count. If you require further information or if problems occur which are not treated de-
tailed in the documentation, you can request the necessary information via the local
KEB Automation KG agency.
The use of our units in the target products is outside of our control and therefore
lies exclusively in the area of responsibility of the customer.
The information contained in the technical documentation, as well as any user-specific
advice in spoken and written and through tests, are made to best of our knowledge and
information about the intended use. However, they are regarded as being only informal
and changes are expressly reserved, in particular due to technical changes. This also
applies to any violation of industrial property rights of a third-party. Selection of our units
in view of their suitability for the intended use must be done generally by the user.
Tests can only be done within the intended end use of the product (application) by
the customer. They must be repeated, even if only parts of hardware, software or
the unit adjustment are modified.
The customer may use the instructions for use as well as further documents or parts
from it for internal purposes. Copyrights are with KEB Automation KG and remain valid
in its entirety.
This KEB product or parts thereof may contain third-party software, including free and/
or open source software. If applicable, the license terms of this software are contained
in the instructions for use. The instructions for use are already available to you, can be
downloaded free of charge from the KEB website or can be requested from the respec-
tive KEB contact person.
Other wordmarks or/and logos are trademarks (™) or registered trademarks (®) of their
respective owners.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Preface..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Signal words and symbols.............................................................................................................. 3
More symbols..................................................................................................................................3
Laws and guidelines........................................................................................................................ 4
Warranty and liability....................................................................................................................... 4
Support .........................................................................................................................................4
Table of Contents.................................................................................................................................... 5
List of Figures.......................................................................................................................................... 8
List of Tables........................................................................................................................................... 9
Glossary................................................................................................................................................. 10
Standards for drive converters / control cabinets.............................................................................. 12
Product standards that apply directly to the drive converter......................................................... 12
Basic standards to which drive converter standards refer directly................................................ 12
Standards that are used in the environment of the drive converter.............................................. 13
2 Product Description..................................................... 21
2.1 Specified application...................................................................................................................... 21
2.1.1 Residual risks...................................................................................................................... 21
2.2 Unintended use............................................................................................................................... 21
2.3 Product features............................................................................................................................. 22
2.4 Part code......................................................................................................................................... 23
3 Technical Data............................................................... 25
3.1 Operating conditions..................................................................................................................... 25
3.1.1 Climatic ambient conditions................................................................................................. 25
3.1.2 Mechanical ambient conditions........................................................................................... 26
3.1.3 Chemical / mechanical active substances........................................................................... 26
3.1.4 Electrical operating conditions............................................................................................. 27
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
5 Certification................................................................... 44
5.1 CE-Marking...................................................................................................................................... 44
5.2 Functional safety............................................................................................................................ 44
5.3 UL Marking...................................................................................................................................... 44
5.4 Further informations and documentation.................................................................................... 47
6 Accessories................................................................... 48
6.1 Mounting kit shield connection braket......................................................................................... 48
7 Revision History........................................................... 49
List of Figures
List of Figures
Figure 1: Maximum load and derating depending on the switching frequency................................ 30
Figure 2: Overload characteristic..................................................................................................... 31
Figure 3: Dimensions and weights for G6 housing A....................................................................... 32
Figure 4: Mounting distances........................................................................................................... 33
Figure 5: Control cabinet ventilation................................................................................................ 33
Figure 6: Overview of the COMBIVERT G6..................................................................................... 34
Figure 7: Input circuit / drive converter type..................................................................................... 35
Figure 8: Line terminal strip X1A...................................................................................................... 36
Figure 9: Connection of the mains supply 230 V / 1-phase.............................................................. 37
Figure 10: Connection of the mains supply 400 V / 3-phase.............................................................. 37
Figure 11: Connection at DC voltage supply..................................................................................... 38
Figure 12: Terminal block X1B DC connection.................................................................................. 38
Figure 13: Terminal block X1B motor connection.............................................................................. 40
Figure 14: Wiring of the motor...........................................................................................................40
Figure 15: Terminal block X1B connection of a braking resistor........................................................ 41
Figure 16: Wiring of an intrinsically safe braking resistor................................................................... 41
Figure 17: Temperature detection terminals T1, T2........................................................................... 42
Figure 18: Terminal block X1C temperature detection....................................................................... 42
Figure 19: Wiring examples of the temperature input........................................................................ 43
Figure 20: G6 housing A with optional mounting kit........................................................................... 48
List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 1: Part code..........................................................................................................................24
Table 2: Climatic ambient conditions.............................................................................................. 25
Table 3: Mechanical ambient conditions......................................................................................... 26
Table 4: Chemical / mechanical active substances........................................................................ 26
Table 5: Device classification......................................................................................................... 27
Table 6: Electromagnetic compatibility........................................................................................... 27
Table 7: Technical data 230V class................................................................................................ 28
Table 8: Technical data 400V class................................................................................................ 29
Table 9: Calculation of the motor voltage....................................................................................... 43
Table 10: Mounting kit shield connection braket for G6 housing A................................................... 48
0V Earth-potential-free common point Endat Bidirectional encoder interface of the
1ph 1-phase mains company Heidenhain
3ph 3-phase mains EtherCAT Real-time Ethernet bus system of the
AC AC current or voltage company Beckhoff
AFE From 07/2019 AIC replaces the pre- Ethernet Real-time bus system - defines pro-
vious name AFE tocols, plugs, types of cables
AFE filter From 07/2019 AIC filter replaces the FE Functional earth
previous name AFE filter FSoE Functional Safety over Ethernet
AIC Active Infeed Converter FU Drive converter
AIC filter Filter for Active Infeed Converter GND Reference potential, ground
Application The application is the intended use GTR7 Braking transistor
of the KEB product HF filter High frequency filter to the mains
ASCL Asynchronous sensorless closed Hiperface Bidirectional encoder interface of the
loop company Sick-Stegmann
Auto motor Automatically motor identification; HMI Human machine interface (touch
ident. calibration of resistance and induc- screen)
tance HSP5 Fast, serial protocol
AWG American wire gauge HTL Incremental signal with an output
B2B Business-to-business voltage (up to 30V) -> TTL
BiSS Open source real-time interface for IEC International standard
sensors and actuators (DIN 5008) IP xx Degree of protection (xx for level)
CAN Fieldbus system KEB product The KEB product is subject of this
CDF Cyclic duration factor manual
CDM Complete drive module including KTY Silicium temperature sensor (pola-
auxiliary equipment (control cabinet) rized)
COMBIVERT KEB drive converters Manufacturer The manufacturer is KEB, unless
COMBIVIS KEB start-up and parameterizing otherwise specified (e.g. as ma-
software nufacturer of machines, engines,
Customer The customer has purchased a KEB vehicles or adhesives)
product from KEB and integrates the MCM American unit for large wire cross
KEB product into his product (cus- sections
tomer product) or resells the KEB Modulation Means in drive technology that the
product (dealer) power semiconductors are controlled
DC DC current or voltage MTTF Mean service life to failure
DI Demineralized water, also referred to NN Sea level
as deionized (DI) water OC Overcurrent
DIN German Institut for standardization OH Overheat
DS 402 CiA DS 402 - CAN device profile for OL Overload
drives OSSD Output signal swithching device; - an
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility output signal that is checked in regu-
Emergency Shutdown of a drive in emergency lar intervals on its shutdown. (safety
stop case (not de-energized) technology)
Emergency Switching off the voltage supply in PDS Power drive system incl. motor and
switching off emergency case measuring probe
EMS Energy Management System PE Protective earth
EN European standard PELV Protective Extra Low Voltage
Encoder emu- Software-generated encoder output PFD Term used in the safety technology
lation (EN 61508-1...7) for the size of error
End customer The end customer is the user of the probability
customer product
Standards for drive converters / control cabinets
Standards for drive converters / control cabinets
Basic Safety Instructions
► Do not stack drive converters or burden them with other heavy objects.
Basic Safety Instructions
1.3 Installation
Basic Safety Instructions
► For any work on the unit switch off the supply voltage, secure it
against switching on and check absence of voltage by measure-
► Wait until all drives has been stopped in order that no regenerative
energy can be generated.
► Never bridge upstream protective devices (also not for test pur-
Installations which include drive converter shall be equipped with additional control and
protective devices in accordance with the relevant applicable safety requirements, e.g.
act respecting technical equipment, accident prevention rules etc. They must always be
complied with, also for drive converter bearing a CE marking.
Basic Safety Instructions
For a trouble-free and safe operation, please pay attention to the following instructions:
• The electrical installation shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant re-
• Cable cross-sections and fuses must be dimensioned by the user according to the
specified minimum/maximum values for the application.
• The wiring must be made with flexible copper cable for a temperature > 75°C.
• Connection of the drive converter is only permissible on symmetrical networks with
a maximum line voltage (L1, L2, L3) with respect to earth (N/PE) of max. 300 V. An
isolating transformer must be used for supply networks which exceed this value ! In
case of non-compliance the control is not longer considered to be a PELV circuit.
• With existing or newly wired circuits the person installing the units or machines must
ensure that the PELV requirements are met.
• For drive converters that are not isolated from the supply circuit (in accordance with
EN 60721-3-2) all control lines must be included in other protective measures (e.g.
double insulation or shielded, earthed and insulated).
• When using components without isolated inputs/outputs, it is necessary that equi-
potential bonding exists between the components to be connected (e.g. by the equi-
potential line). Disregard can cause destruction of the components by equalizing
Observance of the limit values required by EMC law is the responsibility of the customer.
Testing with AC voltage (in accordance with EN 60204-1 chapter 18.4) may not be exe-
cuted, since there is danger for the power semiconductors in the drive inverter.
Due to the radio interference suppression capacitors, the test generator will
switch off immediately with a current fault.
Basic Safety Instructions
Basic Safety Instructions
Short-circuit resistance
The drive converters are conditional short-circuit proof. After resetting the internal pro-
tection devices, the function as directed is guaranteed.
• If an earth-leakage fault or short-circuit often occurs at the output, this can lead to a
defect in the unit.
• If a short-circuit occurs during regenerative operation (2nd or 4th quadrant, regen-
eration into the DC link), this can lead to a defect in the unit.
1.6 Maintenance
The following maintenance work has to be carried out when required, but at least once
per year by authorized and trained personnel.Check unit for loose screws and plugs and
tighten if necessary.
► Check system for loose screws and plugs and tighten if necessary.
► Clean drive converter from dirt and dust deposits. Pay attention especially to coo-
ling fins and protective grid of the fans.
► Examine and clean extracted air filter and cooling air filter of the control cabinet.
► Check the function of the fans of the drive converter. The fan must be replaced in
case of audible vibrations or squeak.
► In the case of liquid-cooled drive converters a visual test of the cooling circuit for
leaks and corrosion must be carried out.The cooling circuit must be completely
empty if a unit shall be switched off for a longer period. The cooling circuit must be
blown out additionally with compressed air at temperatures below 0°C.
Basic Safety Instructions
1.7 Repair
In case of malfunction, unusual noises or smells inform a person in charge!
Unpredictable malfunctions!
► The function of the drive converter is dependent on its parameteri-
zation. Never replace without knowledge of the application.
In case of failure, please contact the machine manufacturer. Only the machine manu-
facturer knows the parameterisation of the used drive converter and can provide an
appropriate replacement or induce the maintenance.
1.8 Disposal
Electronic devices of the KEB Automation KG are exclusively professional devices for
further industrial processing (so-called B2B devices).
Manufacturers of B2B devices are obliged to take back and recycle devices manufac-
tured after 14.08.2018. These devices may not be disposed at the collection centres of
public sector disposal organisations.
The entry numbers are listed country-specific in the following table. The corresponding
KEB return addresses can be found on our website.
Withdrawal by WEEE-Reg.-No. Keyword
KEB Automation GmbH ERA: 51976 Stichwort „Rücknahme WEEE“
RÉCYLUM - Recycle point ADEME: FR021806 Mots clés „KEB DEEE“
KEB Automation KG EAR: DE12653519 Stichwort „Rücknahme WEEE“
COBAT AEE: (IT) 19030000011216 Parola chiave „Ritiro RAEE“
Product Description
2 Product Description
The unit series COMBIVERT G6 concerns to drive converters, which have been devel-
oped for the universal use at open-loop three-phase drives. The COMBIVERT is opti-
mized for the operation at synchronous and asynchronous motors and equipped with an
integrated EMC filter.
The COMBIVERT meets the requirements of the Low-Voltage Directive. The harmo-
nized standards of the series EN 61800-5-1 for drive converters were used.
The COMBIVERT is a product of limited availability in accordance with EN 61800-3. This
product may cause radio interference in residential areas. In this case the operator may
need to take corresponding measures.
The machine directive, EMC directive, Low Voltage Directive and other guidelines and
regulations must be observed depending on the version.
If the product is used in machines, which work under exceptional conditions or if essen-
tial functions, life-supporting measures or an extraordinary safety step must be fulfilled,
the necessary reliability and security must be ensured by the machine builder.
Despite intended use, the drive converter can reach unexpected operating conditions in
case of error, with wrong parameterization, by faulty connection or unprofessional inter-
ventions and repairs. This can be:
• Wrong direction of rotation
• Motor speed too high
• Motor is running into limitation
• Motor can be under voltage even in standstill
• Automatic start
Product Description
Product Description
0: Air-cooling
Heat sink version 4)
1: Flat rear
Housing A, B, C, E
Product Description
x x G6 x x x - x x x x
The part code may not be used as order code, but only for identification !
EtherCAT® is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed
by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany
CANopen® is registered trademark of CAN in AUTOMATION - Interna-
tional Users and Manufacturers Group e.V.
IO-LINK® is registered trademark of PROFIBUS user organisation e.V.
Not valid for customer / special versions
SCL = Sensorless Closed Loop
ASCL = Asynchronous Sensorless Closed Loop
Operating conditions
3 Technical Data
Unless otherwise indicated, all electrical data in the following chapter refer to a 3-phase
AC voltage supply.
Operating conditions
Operating conditions
For devices without an internal filter, an external filter is required to comply with the
following limit values.
Technical data G6 230V class
The technical data are for 2/4-pole standard motors. With other pole numbers
the drive converter must be dimensioned onto the rated motor current. Contact
KEB for special or medium frequency motors.
Technical data G6 400V class
The technical data are for 2/4-pole standard motors. With other pole numbers
the drive converter must be dimensioned onto the rated motor current. Contact
KEB for special or medium frequency motors.
Technical data G6 400V class
The service life of drive converters with voltage DC link depends on the current load
of the electrolytic capacitors in the DC link. The use of mains chokes can increase the
service life of the condensators to a considerable extent, especially when connecting to
„hard“ power systems or when under permanent drive load (continuous duty).
The term "hard" power system means that the nodal point power (Snet) of the mains is
very high (>> 200) compared to the output rated power of the drive converter (Sout).
IN / %
220 IOC
07G6 (8 kHz) & 09/10G6 (4 kHz) = IHSR
09G6 / 8 kHz
10G6 / 8 kHz
100 IN
fout / Hz
f0 (0 Hz) fd (6 Hz)
IN Rated current fout Output frequency
IOC Overcurrent f0 Standstill
IHSR Hardware current limitation fd Corner frequency
Figure 1: Maximum load and derating depending on the switching frequency
Technical data G6 400V class
IN / %
0 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220
On exceeding a load of 105% the overload integrator starts. When falling below the
integrator counts backwards. If the integrator achieves the overload characteristic that
corresponds to the drive converter, „ERROR overload“ is triggered
After a cooling period the message „no ERROR overload“ is displayed. The error can
be reset now. The drive converter must remain switched on during the cooling period.
Dimensions and weights
Housing A
Weight 1.3 kg
Dimensions All dimensions in mm
Figure 3: Dimensions and weights for G6 housing A
Dimensions and weights
The power dissipation for the control cabinet dimension is to be taken from the technical
F 1)
Distance to preceding elements in the control cab-
B inet door.
Direction of the air Front and side view of the coolant inlet
Coolant outlet
Coolant inlet
Overview of the COMBIVERT G6
Protective earth;
at connection to protective earth each
terminal may be assigned only once.
PE, The shielding e.g. from the motor cable
9 10 is laid on the mounting plate in the
2 control cabinet or on the mounting kit
1 (optionally available).
10 => „Mounting kit shield connection
Connection of the power unit
Cyclic switching on and off of the unit leads to temporary high resistance
of the resistor (PTC) in the input. The unit displays „Error! load shunt
fault“ in this state. When switching the control release during this fault,
the unit will switch off. A restart without limitation is possible after cooling.
Waiting time => „Technical data G6 400V class“.
NOTICE • Pay attention to the input voltage, 230 V and 400 V class are possible.
• Never exchange the mains and motor cables.
Some countries demand that the PE-terminal is directly connected to the termi-
nal box (not over the mounting plate).
Connection of the power unit
AWG mm²
without with
Mains connec- wire-end wire-end
ferrule ferrule 0.5…0.6 A
L1, L2, L3 tion
5…6 lb-inch
3-phase 24...14 0.2…2.5
Connection for
Screw M4 1.3 Nm
PE, for ring crimp connector 11 lb inch
Connection of the power unit
4.2.2 AC connection
T1 T2 U
L1 L1 V
Mains voltage 1-phase 230 V
1 Mains form TN, TT IT
Personal protection RCMA with separator or RCD type B Insulation monitor
2 Mains fuses Type gG or MCCB
3 Line contactor
4 Mains choke 07 or 09Z1B02-1000
Figure 9: Connection of the mains supply 230 V / 1-phase
T1 T2
L1 L1 U
L2 L2 V
L3 L3 W
Mains voltage 3-phase 400 V
1 Mains form TN, TT IT
Personal protection RCMA with separator or RCD type B Insulation monitor
2 Mains fuses Type gG or MCCB
3 Line contactor
4 Mains choke 07, 09 or 10Z1B04-1000
Figure 10: Connection of the mains supply 400 V / 3-phase
Connection of the power unit
The conductor cross-section of the supply cable is dependent on the input current, the
cable according to manufacturer's data, as well as the VDE regulations.
T1 T2
+U ++ U
-U --
230V class: 275…373 V
1 DC voltage
400V-class: 480…746 V
Type aR
2 Fuses
Pay attention to the permissible voltage range !
Figure 11: Connection at DC voltage supply
The correct cabling as well as the motor cable play an important part in case of low power in
connection with long motor line lengths. Ferrite cores and low-capacitance cables (phase/
phase < 65 pF / m, phase/screen < 120 pF / m) at the output have the following effects:
Connection of the power unit
The maximum motor line length is depending on the capacity of the motor cable as well
as on the EMC emitted interference. The following data apply for operation under nom-
inal rating conditions.
Max. motor line length shielded
in accordance with EN 61800-3 max. leakage
Category C1 Category C2 current
(at fN=50-60 Hz)
Motor cable Motor cable (low Motor cable Motor cable (low
Size (standard) capacitance) (standard) capacitance)
09 25 m 50 m 50 m 100 m < 5 mA
The line length can be extend significant by using motor chokes or filters. KEB
recommends the use of motor chokes or filters for a line length upto 50 m. Mo-
tor chokes or filters are absolutely necessary upto 100 m.
The maximum motor line length at DC operation is basically dependent on the capacity
of the motor cable. The internal filter is not active at DC operation. External measures
must be taken here, if necessary. The following data apply for operation under nominal
rating conditions.
Size Motor cable (standard) Motor cable (low capacitance)
09 25 m 50 m
The resulting motor cable length for parallel operation of motors, or parallel installation
with multiple cables arises from the following formula:
resulting motor cable length = ∑single line length x √Number of motor lines
The conductor cross-section of the motor cable is dependent on the output current, the
cable according to manufacturer's data, as well as the VDE regulations.
Connection of the power unit
Drive converters switch at the output with dV/dt ≤ 5kV/µs. Voltage peaks
that endanger the insulation system at the motor can occur especially
in case of long motor cables (> 15 m).
A motor choke, a dv/dt-filter or sine-wave filter can be used for protec-
tion of the motor.
Apply motor cable, shielding on both sides over a
large surface on the function earth
T1 T2 3 Three-phase motor
L1 U U
Temperature monitoring (optional)
L2 V V 4
=> „Connection of a temperature detection“
L3 W W
NOTICE • Do not lay PTC cable of the motor (also shielded) together with con-
trol cable !
• PTC cable inside the motor cable only permissible with an addition-
ally shielding (double shielding) !
Connection of the power unit
① X1B
② U
NOTICE Only "intrinsically safe" braking resistors are permissible for this oper-
ation, since these resistors interrupt themselves at fault such as safety
fuse without fire risk.
Connection of the power unit
The KEB COMBIVERT G6 is delivered with a PTC evaluation. The function corresponds
to EN 60947-8 and works in accordance with the following table:
Calculation of the motor voltage
The temperature detection provides the user all possibilities within the resistance
range specified in „Connection of a temperature detection“. This can be:
Thermal contact (NC contact)
e.g. at the brake resistor
Temperature sensor (PTC)
e.g. at motor temperature detection
Mixed sensor chain
Figure 19: Wiring examples of the temperature input
Final test information of the machines/systems which are provided with drive converters
according to EN 60204-1 of 2007.
Components % Example
Mains choke Uk 4
Drive converter
open-loop Closed loop drive converter with mains and motor
Drive converter choke at non-rigid supply system:
closed-loop 400 V mains voltage - 15 % = 340 V motor voltage
Motor choke Uk 1
Non-rigid supply system 2
Table 9: Calculation of the motor voltage
5 Certification
5.1 CE-Marking
CE marked drive converters are developed and manufactured to comply with the regula-
tions of the Low-Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC and EMC directive (2004/108/EC). The
harmonized standards of the series EN 61800-5-1 and EN 61800-3 were used.
5.3 UL Marking
To be conform according to UL for use on the North American and Canadian Market the
following additionally instructions must be observed (original text of the UL-File):
• “Only for use in WYE 480V/277V supply sources”
• Operator and Control Board Rating of relays (30Vdc.:1A)
• "Maximum Surrounding Air Temperature 45°C"
• “Internal Overload Protection Operates prior to reaching the 200% of the Motor Full
Load Current”.
• For 480V rated models:
"Suitable For Use On A Circuit Capable Of Delivering Not More Than 5000 rms Sym-
metrical Amperes, 480 Volts Maximum, see instruction manual for Branch Circuit
Protection details"
"Suitable For Use On A Circuit Capable Of Delivering Not More Than 18000 rms
Symmetrical Amperes, 480 Volts Maximum when protected by CC, J or RK5 Class
Fuses", see instruction manual for maximum fuse sizes".
• For 240V rated models:
„Suitable For Use On A Circuit Capable Of Delivering Not More Than 5000 rms Sym-
metrical Amperes, 240 Volts Maximum, see instruction manual for Branch Circuit
Protection details“
„Suitable For Use On A Circuit Capable Of Delivering Not More Than 18000 rms
Symmetrical Amperes, 240 Volts Maximum when protected by CC, J or RK5 Class
Fuses“, see instruction manual for maximum fuse sizes“.
• ”Integral solid state short circuit protection does not provide branch circuit protec-
tion. Branch circuit protection must be provided in accordance with the Manufacturer
Instructions, National Electrical Code and any additional local codes”.
continued on the next page
• Wiring terminals are marked to show a range of values or a nominal value of tighten-
ing torque in pound-inches to be applied to the clamping screws as shown below:
Input/Output terminals: 5…7 lb-in (0.56…0.79 Nm)
• Use in a Pollution Degree 2 environment.
• "Use 60/75°C Copper Conductors Only"
• “During the UL evaluation, only Risk of Electrical Shock and Risk of Fire aspects
were investigated. Functional Safety aspects were not evaluated”
• In order to comply with CSA C22.2 No. 14-2010 (cUL) following external Input
Chokes need to be installed: See table 1 below!
Table 1: Mains input chokes for CSA applications:
Cat. No. Housing Input Voltage [V] Reactor Cat. No. FLA Inductance [mH]
07G6 A 240 / 1ph 07DRF08-2951 10A 2.93
09G6 A 240 / 1ph 09DRF08-1851 16A 1.83
07G6 A 480 / 3ph 07DRB08-4951 3 x 6A 4.88
09G6 A 480 / 3ph 10DRB08-3751 3 x 8A 3.66
10G6 A 480 / 3ph 10DRB08-3751 3 x 8A 3.66
Branch Circuit Protection for G6 - A Drive series
I) Fuses:
Cat. No. Housing Input Voltage Class CC, J or RK5
[V] UL248 Fuse rating 600V [A]
07G6 A 240 / 1ph 15
09G6 A 240 / 1ph 20
07G6 A 480 / 3ph 6
09G6 A 480 / 3ph 10
10G6 A 480 / 3ph 10
The voltage rating of the external fuses shall be at least equal to the input voltage of the
WARNING – The opening of the branch circuit protective device may be an indication
that a fault current has been interrupted. To reduce the risk of fire or electrical shock,
current-carrying parts and other components of the controller should be examined and
replaced if damaged. If burnout of the current element of an overload relay occurs, the
complete overload relay must be replaced.
II) Listed (DIVQ, DIVQ7/CSA Certified ) Circuit Breakers, Type, manufacturer and elec-
trical ratings as specified below:
Cat. No. Housing Type Manufacturer Ratings
5SJ4 318-8HG42 Siemens
S203UP-K 15 ABB
07G6 A 480Y/277V, 15A
FAZ D15/3-NA Eaton
1489 A3D 150 Allen Bradley
5SJ4 318-8HG42 Siemens
S203UP-K 15 ABB
09G6 A 480Y/277V, 15A
FAZ D15/3-NA Eaton
1489 A3D 150 Allen Bradley
5SJ4 318-8HG42 Siemens
S203UP-K 15 ABB
10G6 A 480Y/277V, 15A
FAZ D15/3-NA Eaton
1489 A3D 150 Allen Bradley
III) Listed (NKJH, NKJH7/CSA Certified) Type E Self Protected Manual Motor Control-
lers, Type and manufacturer and electrical ratings as specified below:
Cat. Housing Self Protected Manual Manufac- Self Protected Dial
No. Motor Controller, turer Manual Motor setting
Type Controller, [A]
07G6 A PKZM0(1) 6.3-E Eaton 480Y/277V, 3.0 Hp 6
09G6 A PKZM0(1) 10-E Eaton 480Y/277V, 7.5 Hp 10
10G6 A PKZM0(1) 10-E Eaton 480Y/277V, 7.5 Hp 10
General instructions
• EMC and safety instructions
• Manuals for additional control boards, safety modules, fieldbus modules, etc.
• COMBIVIS, the software for comfortable parameterization of drive converters via
PC (available per download)
• EPLAN- drawings
6 Accessories
Revision History
7 Revision History
Revision Date Description
1B 2011-03 First published version
„Original manual“ inserted; Type code extended; technical data changed; Connection
1C 2011-09
braking resistor changed
recommended supply and motor cable cross-section removed; Drawings mains and
1D 2012-02
motor connection changed; UL certification; Addresses on the rear side
1E 2012-07 Terminal description supplement
1F 2013-09 Completely revised; 230 V class included
Type code extended to VARAN: Technical data have been adapted; Voltages for DC
1G 2014-04
operation; UL certification adapted
Version Date Description
00 2014-04 Changed to document number. Revision 1G is identical to version 00
01 2018-03 Insertion of dimensions. Conversion to new KEB corporate identity optics
02 2018-10 Editorial changes, warning symbol inserted
03 2019-05 Dimensions for mounting kit inserted
04 2020-03 Adjustments Type code; editorial changes
05 2020-09 Editorial changes
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Tel: +43 7243 53586-0 Fax: +43 7243 53586-21
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E-Mail: info@keb.at Internet: www.keb.at
Tel: +86 21 37746688 Fax: +86 21 37746600
E-Mail: info@keb.cn Internet: www.keb.cn
Benelux | KEB Automation KG
Dreef 4 - box 4 1703 Dilbeek Belgium
Poland | KEB Automation KG
Tel: +32 2 447 8580
Tel: +48 60407727
E-Mail: info.benelux@keb.de Internet: www.keb.de
E-Mail: roman.trinczek@keb.de Internet: www.keb.de
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KEB Automation KG Suedstrasse 38 32683 Barntrup Tel. +49 5263 401-0 E-Mail: info@keb.de