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7th Grade Master Vocabulary Word List

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7th Grade Master Vocabulary Word List

Abject- extremely bad or severe Amiss- improper, wrong, or faulty Avert- to turn away or aside one
eyes or thoughts.
Abominable- evil; intended to hurt Ample- enough or more than
or abuse enough Baffle- to bewilder, perplex, or
Abrogate- abolish, do away with, Amplified- increase of volume
repeal. especially using a device Balk- to stop or block abruptly;
hesitate or be unwilling to accept an
Abscond- to run away taking Annex- object attached to
idea or undertaking.
someone or something with you something else.
Beatific- having a blissful appearance
Acclaim- enthusiastic approval. Antagonize- cause someone to
become hostile. Bedlam- a scene of uproar and
Accosted- approach or address
someone boldly or aggressively Anticipation- expecting or predicting
a future event. Bequeath- to leave a person
Acerbic- harsh expression
belongings through a will after death
Apparition- a supernatural
Acidulous- having a sour, harsh, or
appearance as in a ghost or spirit. Bereft- deprived of; made unhappy
caustic disposition or expression
due to a loss
Aptly- something appropriate or
Acquisition- act of obtaining or
fitting to another thing or situation. Beset- to trouble presently; harass.
gaining possession
Arbitrate- act between parties with a Bewildered- caused to be confused
Acrid- bitter, sharp, or irritating to
view to make peace. emotionally
taste or smell.
Arbitrate- to determine who is right Binary- having two parts
Acrid- strong and sharp, as in taste
as in a business contract
Blaspheme- to speak without
Admonish- warn someone of
Ardent- enthusiastic or passionate. reverence (pertaining to religious or
something to be avoided
sacred things)
Aroma- smell or scent.
Affinity-a natural attraction to or a
Bleak- dreary; miserable; without
feeling of kinship. Aspire- to direct one’s hope to a goal
Affront- to insult to one’s face on Assertive- having or showing a
Bon mot-witty remark
purpose confident and forceful personality.
Braggadocios- boastful; arrogant
Ajar- to open slightly Assimilate- to take in and make as
one’s own Braggart- person who boasts about
Akin- of similar character, qualities,
possessions or achievements.
or traits Astute- ability to accurately assess
situation or people Brash- self-assertive, rude, noisy
Allege- to accuse without proof
Asylum- a shelter from danger or Breach- act or result of breaking
Aloof- distant or unconcerned
attitude Brevity- using less words
Augment- to make larger; increase
Aloof- uninterested attitude; don’t Brim- edge of the bottom of a hat.
care Austere- severe or strict in manner
Bush- the rural area of Australia
Amends- pleasantness; peace after a Authentic- the original, not
Cabal- a secret political clique or
dispute counterfeit or copied.
Amiable- to be lovable, sweet- Avarice- strong desire to have or get
Cacophony- loud unpleasant sound
tempered, or kind
Candid- open and sincere
7th Grade Master Vocabulary Word List
Canny- careful and clever especially Conjure- to call upon or to summon Denigrate- to treat as if of little
with money; using good judgment to appear importance or not deserving of
Caper- a playful leap Consolidate- to make stronger or
more solid. Denounce- to condemn or censure
Capricious- given to sudden and
unaccountable changes of mood or Conspicuous- obvious or noticeable;
behavior striking in a way to get attention Deplore- to feel strong disapproval

Catalyst- something that increases Contamination- action of being Desolate- deserted of people and in
the rate of a reaction made impure by polluting or a state of bleak and dismal
poisoning emptiness.
Caustic- able to burn or corrode
organic tissue Contentious- having a tendency to Detract- reduce or take the worth or
pick a fight value away
Celerity- swiftness in movement
Corroborate- to support with Detriment- state of being harmed or
Cerulean- deep blue in color like a
evidence. damaged
blue sky.
Cosmetics- intended to beautify the Diatribe- a forceful and bitter attack
Challis- soft lightweight clothing
face or hair; make-up against someone or something
fabric made from silk and worsted
Cotillion- social gathering for Digress- to wander or turn away
Chastise- to rebuke or reprimand
dancing from the main subject
severely; punish
Courier- person who carries Dilapidated- of a building or object
Chided- to express disapproval;
packages that is in a state of disrepair or ruin
scold; reproach
as a result of age or neglect.
Culminate- climax or point of highest
Chided- to express disapproval;
development. Dilatory- tending to delay or
scold; reproach
Culvert- a tunnel carrying a stream
Clandestine- secret or secluded
or open drain under a road or Diminish- to decrease in size, extent,
Coddle- treat in an indulgent or railroad. or range
overprotective way
Curtly- rude in speech Dire- urgent, crucial to prevent
Collaborate- to work together to disaster.
Cynosure- something that strongly
bring to pass an event or to produce
attracts attention by its brilliance Discern- to see something that is not
an object.
very clear or obvious.
Debase- to lower the quality of
Compensate- to make up for; give
something or someone Disheartened- loss of enthusiasm
(someone) something, typically
and/or excitement
money, in recognition of loss, Defer- to submit to another’s wish
suffering, or injury incurred or authority Dismal- causing gloom or dejected,
dreary, cheerless.
Complacent- content with one’s Defunct- no longer existing or
position or situation functioning. Distress- sorrow, agony, grief.

Compulsory- required or binding as Demeanor- the way a person Ditty- short simple song
in an agreement behaves towards other people.
Divergent- moving in different
Concord- agreement or harmony Demure- shy and reserved directions.
between people or groups
Drudgery- menial, distasteful dull, or
hard work
7th Grade Master Vocabulary Word List
Dubious- unsure or uncertain. Exhort- strongly encourage or urge Flagrant- conspicuously and
(someone) to do something outrageously bad
duende- flirtatious expression
Exonerate- to prove innocent; to Flagrant- obviously offensive
Duende-a kind loving look.
remove blame or fault
Flecked- marked with spots
Duress- force to do something by
Exotic- very rare or special
threatening Floundered- struggle or stagger
Extensive- far reaching or affecting helplessly or clumsily in water or
Eccentric- unconventional or strange
many things. mud
Extol- praise enthusiastically Flourish- to grow or develop in a
Elope- to run away secretly to get
healthy way.
married. Extradite- hand over to the
jurisdiction of the foreign state that Fortitude- courage in pain or
Eloquent- expressing oneself clearly
a crime was committed in adversity
and effectively
Exuberant- filled with or Fracas- noisy disturbance
Encapsulate- to surround and
characterized by a lively energy and
enclose completely as to seal off Frindle- writing pen
Enigmatic- mystical; mysterious Galant- bold or daring in the face of
Exuberant- having lively energy or
beyond understanding danger
Enigmatic- mystifying; cryptic Garth- enclosed garden or yard
Facetious- treat a serious situation
Enthrall- to hold spellbound; to humor Gaudy- tastelessly showy; overly
encompass all of one’s attention. showing to the point of being tacky
Fallow- plowed and harrowed land
Erratic- deviating from the proper or left unsown for a period of time. Gaunt- thin or bony in appearance
usual course randomly in conduct or (Usually for crop rotation)
Ghastly-causing great horror or fear;
Falter- to start to lose speed or frightening.
Escalade- to become greater in momentum
Gingerly- with extreme care or
volume, amount, or number
Fanatically- in a distraught way due caution.
Eschew- to deliberately avoid; to to fear anxiety, or other emotion
Gratification- pleasure, especially
abstain from
Fastidious- overly demanding or when gained from the satisfaction of
Evade- (verb) escape by cleverness hard to please. a desire.
or trickery.
Feckless- to be irresponsible. Haggard- looking exhausted and
Evanescent- vanishing quickly, unwell, especially from fatigue,
Feign- to represent falsely; to fake
lasting for a short time worry, or suffering
Fen- swamp or marsh
Evict- to expel or remove a person Haggle- to bargain in a petty way.
from a property Ferocity- the state of being fierce
Haimish-homey, cozy
Exasperation- feeling of intense Fervor- intense and passionate
Hallowed- regarded as holy,
irritation or annoyance to the point feeling.
venerated, or sacred.
of giving up
Figment- something a person
Hallowed- regarded as holy,
Exhilarating- making one feel happy believes to be real but is not actually
venerated, or sacred.
or animated real.
Harmonious- works well together as
Flabbergasted- surprised; shocked
in sound or purpose
7th Grade Master Vocabulary Word List
Harrowing- acutely distressing Inexplicit- not clearly stated Laconic- using very few words

Hasten- to speed up Innovative- product or idea featuring Laggard- someone who moves slow
new methods; advanced and or falls behind.
Heir- one who obtains goods or
money from another legally through Languid- tired or slow
a will Insignia- a badge or distinguishing
Languish- fading away; weak
mark of an office or honor
Homage- special honor or respect
Lethargy- a lack of energy and
Insinuate- suggest or hint about
Hue- color or tone enthusiasm
something in an indirect and
Hurtle- to throw or move at a great unpleasant way. Liable- legally responsible
Interject- cutting off someone else’s Linger-to leave slowly or hesitantly;
Husbandry- work involving the conversation to stay in one place longer than
cultivation of crops and/or breeding necessary
Inundating- overwhelm someone
with things to be dealt with Lionize- to treat at a celebrity
Hygiene- body cleanliness
Itemize- to break down into parts Loath- to strongly oppose or dislike
Hysteria- exaggerated or with quantities very much
uncontrolled emotion or excitement
Jargon- special words or expressions Lodestone- something that attracts
Illusion- a thing that is likely to be that are used by a particular objects strongly
perceived or interpreted wrongly by profession or group and are difficult
for others to understand. Loiter- to stand around not doing
the senses
Immanent-existing or remaining Jay- foolish or talkative person
Lucid- clear; easily understood
Impeccable- at the highest standards Jettison- to drop or throw from a
ship or plane Lucrative- producing a great deal of
of living
Impeccable- flawless, perfect Journeyman- an apprentice in a
skilled trade such as electrician Ludicrous- absurd, ridiculous,
unworthy of serious consideration
Imprudent- unwise; foolish Jovial- joyous humor or spirit
Luminous- of a color that is very
Impudent- not showing due respect Jubilee- a special anniversary of an bright or harsh to the eyes
for other people. event, especially one celebrating
twenty-five or fifty years of a reign Maelstrom- powerful violent
Incorrigible- not able to be or activity whirlpool sucking in objects within a
corrected, improved, or reformed. given area
Keel- to turn over on one’s side such
Indigent- lacking necessities due to as a ship Malefactor- someone who commits
poverty an evil act
Keen witted- fun; lively
Indignant- expressing strong Manipulate- to take advantage of
displeasure at something considered Kosher- pertaining to fulfilling Jewish
law (as in food preparation and Marginal- not included in the main
premises) society or group
Ineffable- too great or important to
Laborious- requiring much work; Matron- an elderly married woman
express in words
toilsome Maverick- a longhorn cow found in
Inevitable- incapable of being
Laconic- using few words Texas.
avoided or prevented.
7th Grade Master Vocabulary Word List
Maverick- independent; going Mural- pertaining to or resembling a Ominous- impression that
against rules or convention picture affixed to a wall something bad will happen

Meander- to follow a winding or Muse- to think in silence. Opine- to state an opinion.

turning course.
Mutable- changeable Optimistic- positive outlook or
Mediocre- neither good nor bad; attitude for the future
Mutilate- to inflict a violent and
average or ordinary
disfiguring injury Opulent- wealthy, luxurious, ample,
Medley- a mix of several different or grandiose
Naïve- childlike; trusting
Orient- to determine one’s position
Narcissistic- overly loving oneself
Meekness- humility with patience with reference to another point
with the need to be center of
Melancholy- having the feeling of attention Overt- shown openly
pensive sadness
Native- being in the place where one Panache- distinctive or stylish
Menacing- threatening; scary was born elegance

Mendacious- dishonest Negligent- failing to take proper care Pantheon- all the gods of a people or
in doing something religion collectively
Meticulous- showing great concern
for details; extremely careful Negligent- showing no concern or Paraphrase- a rewording of
attention something written or spoken by
Militant- aggressive in support
someone else.
and/or behavior. Nimble- quick and light in movement
Paroxysm- any sudden outburst
Minute- (pronounced My Noot’) a Nostalgia- affection or love of the
very small amount or size. past or past experiences. Pavilion- a light usually open
building used for shelter.
Mirth- amusement in laughter Notorious- famous or well-known
for something bad Peevish- easily annoyed or irritated
Mirth- great merriment
Novice- a person new to or Peevish- easily annoyed or irritated
Mitigate- to lessen damage done
inexperienced in a field or situation.
Pendulum- something that tends to
Mitigate-to make less severe
Nuisance- an obnoxious and move back and forth
Momentum- the ability of an object, annoying person.
Penurious- extremely stingy or tight
process, or situation to keep moving
Oblique- slanting or sloping, not with money
straightforward or direct.
Percolating- to drip.
Monologue- dramatic speech by one
Obliterate- to destroy, demolish, or
actor in a play Perjury- act of lying under oath
Monopoly- exclusive possession or Permanence- the condition or
Obscure- not discovered or known
control of the supply or trade in a quality of lasting for a long time
about; unclear
specific business
Perpetual- continuing or enduring
Obtuse- annoyingly insensitive or
Morose- ill-tempered forever
slow to understand
Mortify- to humiliate or shame Perpetual- everlasting or
Odious- extremely unpleasant or
continuing/enduring forever
Moschate- having a smell similar to repulsive.
musk Pestilence- a fatal epidemic of a
Officiate- to perform a ceremony
disease for example bubonic plague
7th Grade Master Vocabulary Word List
Pillaging- stealing using violence Puree- crushed fruit or vegetables Rupture- break or burst suddenly,
especially in war time into a smooth consistency breach or disturb.

Plunder- to steal from a place by Quell- to calm someone or Salve- an ointment to promote
force something; appease healing on the skin or as protection

Poised- having a composed and self- Quell- to stop, hinder, or prevent Saturate- causing something to be
assured manner; having a graceful fully soaked with liquid
Rankle- to annoy or irritate
and elegant bearing.
Saunter- to walk in a slow relaxed
Raze- completely destroy a building
Prance- move with high springy manner
steps Recede- to move back or farther
Savory- pleasant to the taste or
away from the point of origin.
Precipitous- very steep like a cliff. smell
Redress- to set right
Preclude- to make impossible, to Scrutinize- to study or examine
prevent, to shut out. Regress- to return to an earlier less closely
complex state
Preponderance- a quantity or a fact Serenity- state of being calm,
of being a great number or of great Remedial- intended to improve skills peaceful, and untroubled
importance in a specific field
Shard- a broken piece of an object
Prestige- widespread respect or Rendered- provided or gave
Shirked- not holding up your in of
admiration for someone or
Reprimand –to fuss at for the bargain; preying greedily on
wrongdoing, to formally punish others
Prestigious- having a high reputation someone
Simonize- to shine or polish to a high
due to achievement
Residual- remaining after the greater sheen, especially with wax
Presume- to suppose something will part or quantity has gone.
Sinuous- devious, crooked, not
happen based on probability; to
Resilient- able to recoil or bounce honest
make an assumption
back into shape; able to cope
Smorgasbord- collection containing
Pretentious- attempting to impress
Respite- a break or lull in action, a a variety of things
by pretending to be more important
than one is. moment of no stress.
Snuffling- to draw air into the nose
Reticent- not revealing one’s for smelling something.
Prevalent- widespread in a particular
area in a particular time thoughts or feelings readily.
Solicitously- anxious or concerned
Retort- snappy and/or rude answer. way
Retort- to reply to sharply Solidarity- unit of agreement,
Prodigy- a young person endowed
feeling, or action.
with exceptional qualities or abilities Reverberation- continuation of a
sound, consistent sound. Somber- dark or gloomy
Proliferation- the fast growth of
something. Ricochet- when an object bounces Sow- to plant seeds.
Proverbial- well-known, especially so off one or more surfaces
Sporadic-happening in irregular or
as to be stereotypical Riotous- marked by or involving few intervals; scattered
Prowess- bravery or ability public disorder
Stalwart- firm, steadfast,
Robust- healthy; strong uncompromising
Prowess- exceptional valor and
7th Grade Master Vocabulary Word List
Stratagem- a plan or scheme to Ultramarine- color of blue beyond
outwit an opponent or to achieve an the sea
Uncanny- strange or mysterious in
Subdued- overcome or to bring an unsettling way
under control
Unscathed- not injured
Substantial- of considerable
Unscrupulous- dishonest; not fair
importance in size or worth
Vertigo- a dizzying sensation or a
Substantial- of considerable size or
tilting or spinning sensation of one’s
stable surroundings
Tamper- to make changes in
Vindictive- having a desire for
Taper- gradually get thinner as in the
Vitriol- cruel or scathing criticism
shape of an object.
Wanton- reckless, heartless,
Tentative- not certain or fixed;
unjustifiable, loose in morals.
Whet- to sharpen as in a blade or
Tenuous- having a thin or slender
Workhorse- someone who is a hard
Terse- brief and direct in a way that
may seem rude
Yammer- to complain with much
Textile- of or pertaining to fabric
Thwart- to prevent from taking place
Yeasayer- someone with a positive
Tract- as in land a section or area outlook or attitude

Transient- lasting a very short time Yuppie- young ambitious, well-

educated city dweller who has a
Translucent- allowing light in but no
professional career and affluent
detailed images
Transpire- to be revealed; to come
Yurt- round structure for living made
to pass
of animal skins
Travail- difficult situation
Zenith-highest point reached by an
Trawl- to fish with a net object or person

Trivial- of little importance Zest- full of enthusiasm and energy

Truncate- to shorten by cutting off

Tumultuous- making a loud confused

noise; confused disorder

Ubiquitous- present, appearing or

found everywhere

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