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Part 2

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Part 2
What makes people successful in their career?
There are many factors that contribute to career success.
Effort is the most important factor determining success. Without effort, even
with talent and luck, it is difficult to achieve success. It develops skills and
fosters adaptability. It plays a vital role in advancing careers. Effort includes
patience, determination, and commitment to the goal. By always improving
yourself, learning from failures, and continuing your efforts, you can overcome
difficulties and get closer to your goals.
The second is luck, for example, when you are born into a rich family, it can
bring you a full life, with the opportunity to study and socialize to learn new
things. And this is the opportunity for you to be more successful than others. A
rich families often have wide relationships with people of status and power,
helping their children get better job opportunities.
Skills are essential for success at work. Skills help you do work effectively and
quickly. By using skills, you can complete the job correctly and achieve better
results. This helps increase work efficiency and achieve set goals.

What are important qualities of champion athlete?

All champions have the courage to pursue their goals. They are not afraid of failure. They
accept risks. Have compassion for every member of your team and treat everyone with
Dedication and Discipline
Champions don’t just talk about their goals – they work towards them every day. They setting
clear and ambitious targets for themselves.They are dedicated and disciplined in their training
and practice, and they using setbacks as opportunities for growth.

For example, a champion swimmer wakes up early every day, often before sunrise, to hit the
pool for intense training sessions. They always s follow a strict schedule, sacrificing sleep and
leisure time to prioritize their training.
Confidence and Self-belief
Champions have confidence in their abilities and believe in themselves. They maintain a
positive mindset, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth.They don’t give up easily,
and they keep pushing through even when things get tough. They don’t let fear or insecurity
hold them back – they embrace challenges and are willing to take on the unknown.

Which sports is the best for children to participate in?

Soccer/Football: Soccer is a popular sport
Soccer is a team sport that players must cooperate to achieve a common goal. Little ones
gain an understanding of the value of cooperation, communication, and teamwork as they pass
the ball, support their teammates, and develop plans while playing sports. This fosters
important social skills, such as sharing, supporting others, and goal-setting skills, which are
valuable in all aspects of life.

Fun and Enjoyment: For young children, soccer is a fun and exciting sport. It lets them play
with their friends and engage in physical activity. The joy of winning a goal or making a
fantastic play improves the fun of the match.
Participating in soccer encourages regular physical activity, which promotes overall health
and fitness. Children develop motor skills, strength, and endurance through regular practice
and gameplay. can have a positive impact on mental health, reducing stress and anxiety.
It's a fun activity that offers both physical and mental benefits.

Swimming is also a wonderful sport for young children,

Swimming is is a life skill that can potentially save lives. Learning to swim at a young age
equips children with water safety knowledge. Regular swimming provides a comprehensive
full-body workout. Improve height and flexibility. It's a fun activity that offers both physical
and mental benefits.

How do organized sport affect children

Advantage of althetic sportsw2
Advantages of organized sports

Building confidence: Organized sports give children the opportunity to set goals, work hard
and achieve success. It can boost self-confidence as children learn new skills, and experience
personal growth. They learn to believe in themselves and their abilities, how to handle both
success and failure which can have a positive impact on other areas of their lives.
Physical Health: Participating in organized sports encourages regular physical activity,s
which promotes overall health and fitness. Children develop motor skills, strength, and
endurance through regular practice and gameplay.
Social Development: Organized sports provide healthy competition. Children learn how to
compete fairly, respect opponents and handle winning and losing skillfully. They develop
sportsmanship, teamwork and respe`ct for rules and others. These values are important for
character development and can extend beyond sports.
Motivation: Organized sports provide a environment for children to work towards achieving
goal. Whether it's improving skills or winning competitions, children learn the importance of
setting targets, staying motivated, and developing a growth mindset.
Mental healtth: sport can have a positive impact on mental health, reducing stress and
anxiety. It's a fun activity that offers both physical and mental benefits.
Ways for parents to help their children develop sportmanship
Parents play a crucial role in helping their children develop sportsmanship.
Modelling how kid should react to their teamate
They should praise teammates for what they have done well and at the same time,
encourage them when they make mistakes. Avoid criticism and unkind actions.

Parents should model this behaviour by praising kids for specific things they’ve done
well, even if they may not have played as expected.
Learning the injuries and safety in sport
Parents should teach their children about some risk when they join a sport and tell
them the solutions to handle the pain which they can get.Learning ways to keep
themselve safety because the risk can cause by a any basic sport then leave with
influence on health.
Being positive towards children's game
Tell your child about everything they gain by playing sport, like new skills, new
friends and teammates, and new attitudes to help throughout life. You should
emphasize the fact that they're playing to have fun, get exercise, and build team spirit.
Encourage kids to join more one sport-they can find out the sport that suitable
Characteristic of a dream job
Passions and interests
A dream job that matches your passions, interests, and values. You can be creative in
your job and feel comfortable doing it. A job where you can use your skills, strengths
and further develop your skills and strengths. It provides the opportunity to grow, learn
and progress in your career.
Positive work environment:
A dream job is characterized by a positive and supportive work environment. It
includes colleagues who are respectful, collaborative and a healthy workplace culture.
Work-Life Balance:
A dream job promotes a healthy work-life balance, allowing you to maintain harmony
between your professional and personal life. It provides flexibility and time for family,
hobbies, and self-care.
Financial Stability
While it may not be the only defining factor, a dream job provides financial stability. It
allows you to meet your financial needs and maintain a comfortable lifestyle.

Advantage of follow model in career

A career model provides a roadmap that can guide your career decisions and actions. It
offers a clear path to follow, helping you set goals, make choices, and navigate your
professional journey.
Inspiration and Motivation

Following a model can inspire and motivate you to strive for excellence and reach
your full potential. Seeing someone who has achieved success in your desired field can
boost your confidence, and drive you to pursue your goals with greater determination.
Learning from Success
A career model often represents successful individuals who have achieved their goals
and excelled in their fields. By studying their paths, their experiences, you can learn
valuable lessons and gain insights into what it takes to succeed and achieve your goals.
Career models often share their experiences and lessons learned, which can help you
avoid common mistakes. Learning from them can save you time and effort in
navigating your own career path.

Ways to reduce hyperactivity in children

Having healthy meal
Provide a well-balanced diet that includes nutritious foods and limits sugary snacks
and drinks. Some children may be sensitive to certain food additives, so monitor their
dietary intake to see if any specific foods or ingredients affect their hyperactivity
Excising regularly
Encourage regular physical exercise and activities that allow the child to release excess
energy. Engaging in activities such as sports, outdoor play can help improve their
health and reduce hyperactivity. Minimize the time for them to excessive screen time,
including television, video games, and electronic devices.
Planning a daily routine
Create a daily routine for the child, including mealtimes, bedtime, and times for other
activities because hyperactivity appear to children due to they have many free time . A
predictable routine can provide a sense of stability and help regulate their energy
+ do you think using music background and doing deep breath-can reduce
What are the benefit of getting promotion in your job
Getting higher salary
Promotions often come with salary increases, bonuses. This can improve your
financial stability and provide a higher income. Have a better life to take care of
parents, children..Make more motivation for working, and contribute to make more
benefit for company.
Improving social Status
A promotion can raise your professional profile and enhance your reputation and your
status within your industry or organization.The recognition that comes with a

promotion can lead to more respect and opportunities for collaboration and leadership
Gaining more work experience:
Because when you reach a high position, you will be able to meet more talented people
and learn more experience.It can contribute to your personal growth and self-
confidence. It gives opportunities to learn and develop professionally. This ongoing
learning can enhance your skills and position you for further growth in your career.
Why student choosing gap year?
A gap year allows students to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their
interests, and their goals. Through travel, volunteering, or engaging in new
experiences, students can explore their passions and gain clarity about their future
academic or career paths. Learning a skill, gaining work experience in your field, or
studying a language can all help your resume stand out.
Taking a gap year often involves stepping out of one's comfort zone and facing new
challenges. Spending time abroad opens your eyes to the world around you—you’ll
learn about how other people live and you’ll have a new perspective of your
surroundings.These experiences can foster independence, and problem-solving skills,
which are valuable for personal growth.
Factors in making any kind of discovery
Accidentally discoveries, occur while pursuing a different objective. Chance
encounters, unexpected events, or accidental observations can sometimes lead to
breakthrough discoveries.
Advances in technology and tools can enhance the discovery process. Access to
modern equipment, data analysis tools, or other technological advancements can
facilitate the exploration of new fields
Great intelligence can contribute to making discoveries through strong analytical skill,
analyze complex problems, break them down into smaller components, and identify
patterns or connections.
Supportive people can greatly impact the discovery process. They provide
encouragement, valuable feedback, collaboration and mentorship

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