Pol - SC NAM
Pol - SC NAM
Pol - SC NAM
The non aligned movement was an attempt by developing countries around the world to create a middle path between the two power blocs , one is capitalist led by USA
and another one is socialist ,led by the former USSR. The term Non-aligned was first used in 1950, and the united nation began using it in 1953. in 1956, an official
organization devoted to the Non-aligned Movement was created . The first meeting of the heads of the state of NAM occurred in 1961 in yugoslovia.
The term “Non-Alignment” was coined by India’s first defence minister V K Menon during a speech at the United Nations in 1953 and later would be used by Prime
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru from 1954 onwards.
In a speech at Colombo, Sri Lanka in that same year he laid down five principles that would be the cornerstone of NAM policy.
Principles of NAM
As J.L Nehru was founding members of NAM , the principles of NAM was largely guided by Panchsheel principles, some of them are:
1. Respect for the principles enshrined in the charter of the United Nations and international law.
2. Respect for sovereignty, sovereign equality and territorial integrity of all States.
3. Peaceful settlement of all international conflicts in accordance with the charter of the United Nations.
4. Respect for the political, economic, social and cultural diversity of countries and peoples.
5. Defence and promotion of shared interests, justice and cooperation, regardless of the differences existing in the political, economic and social systems of the States, on
the basis of mutual respect and the equality of rights.
6. Respect for the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence, in accordance with the charter of the United Nations
7. Non-interference in the internal affairs of States. No State or group of States has the right to intervene either directly or indirectly, whatever the motive, in the internal
affairs of any other State.
8. Promotion and defence of multilateralism and multilateral organisations as the appropriate frameworks to resolve, through dialogue and cooperation, the problems
affecting humankind.
Objectives of NAM
a) NAM has sought to "create an independent path in world politics that would not result in member States becoming pawns in the struggles between the major powers."
b) It identifies the right of independent judgment, the struggle against imperialism and neo-colonialism, and the use of moderation in relations with all big powers as the
three basic elements that have influenced its approach.
c) At present, an additional goal is facilitating a restructuring of the international economic order.
NAM in Cold War Era
1. Against Apartheid: The evil of apartheid was massively prevalent in African countries like South Africa, its was on the agenda of NAM right from first conference. During
2nd NAM conference at Cairo the government of South Africa was warned against the discriminatory practices of apartheid.
2. Disarmament: The Non-aligned Movement repeatedly comes out for maintenance of peace,'the cessation of arms race and the peaceful coexistence of all States. In the
General Assembly, India submitted a draft resolution declaring that the use of nuclear weapons would be against the charter of the United Nations and crime against
humanity and should therefore be prohibited.
3. UNSC reforms: Right from its inception NAM was in the favour of UNSC reforms, it was against the domination of US and USSR. It wanted the representation of third
world countries to make UNSC more democratic. Members echoed with same demand at 17th NAM conference at Venezuela.
4. Failed to resolve regional tensions: In the era of cold war the tension in South Asia escalated due to regional conflict between India- China and India-Pakistan. NAM
failed to avoid tensions in the region, that further led to the the nuclearisation of the region.
India’s Position with NAM
i) India being a founder and largest member in NAM was an active participant in NAM meetings till 1970s but India’s inclination towards erstwhile USSR created confusions
in smaller members. It led to the weakening of NAM and small nations drifted towards either US or USSR.
ii) Further disintegration of USSR led the unipolar world order dominated by US. India’s New Economic Policy and inclination towards US raised questions over India’s
seriousness over non alignment.
iii) Prime Minister of India skipped the 17th Non Aligned Movement (NAM) summit held in Venezuela in 2016, it was only second such instance when Head of a state didn’t
participate in NAM conference.
iv) Moreover, NAM continued losing relevance for India in a unipolar world, especially after the founding members failed to support India during crisis. For instance, during
1962 War with China, Ghana and Indonesia, adopted explicitly pro-China positions. During 1965 and 1971 wars, Indonesia and Egypt took an anti India stance and
supported Pakistan.
v) India in particular, but also most other NAM countries, have integrated themselves to varying degrees within the liberal economic order and have benefited from it.
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v) India in particular, but also most other NAM countries, have integrated themselves to varying degrees within the liberal economic order and have benefited from it.
vi) India is a member of the G20 and has declared itself as a nuclear weapons power and has for all practical purposes abandoned the call for global nuclear disarmament.
vii) India has also engaged itself with new and old global powers. India joining the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, a coalition seen by many as a counterforce to China’s rise
in the Indo-Pacific and Shanghai cooperation organisation led by China shown India’s balancing approach in new world order.
NAM Relevance in present day world
1. NAM has significant relevance in the present-day world as:
○ Earlier the NAM was a political movement, but now the movement is shifting its political concept to the economic. It’s also true that the bipolarity of the world
is ended after the cold war but still the world has an economic gap between the first world and third world nations. So, as long as the economic gap among the
nations exists the NAM continues as relevant in this present world order too
○ NAM continues to hold relevance to maintain world peace. It has played an active role to stand by its founding principles, idea and purpose, which mainly aims
to establish a peaceful and prosperous world
○ NAM as an international organization is relevant due to its principles. The idea of preserving the independence of every nation to save the territorial integrity
and sovereignty holds its relevance.
○ Around two-third nations belong to the United Nations and represent almost 55% of world population, hence NAM has a significant role to strengthen and
support to the UN. So, as one of the largest international organizations, it continues to hold relevance as a platform
○ NAM has become an Integral part of foreign policy. NAM as foreign policy is very much relevant today. Many developing countries like India still follow NAM
policy. The policy to avoid colonization and imperialism continues to remain valid for all small and developing countries
2. NAM acts as catalyst to foster the co-operation between South-South nations. It raises issues that are of major concern for the south countries. It
initiates economic, political and social development corner to achieve desired results of moving from developing to developed nations
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