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Cognitive Grammar and Gesture Points of Convergence Advances and Challenges

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Cognitive Linguistics 2016; 27(1): 67–100

Kasper I. Kok* and Alan Cienki

Cognitive Grammar and gesture: Points of
convergence, advances and challenges
DOI 10.1515/cog-2015-0087
Received December 16, 2014; revised August 25, 2015; accepted October 28, 2015

Abstract: Given its usage-oriented character, Cognitive Grammar (CG) can be

expected to be consonant with a multimodal, rather than text-only, perspective
on language. Whereas several scholars have acknowledged this potential, the
question as to how speakers’ gestures can be incorporated in CG-based gram-
matical analysis has not been conclusively addressed. In this paper, we aim to
advance the CG-gesture relationship. We first elaborate on three important
points of convergence between CG and gesture research: (1) CG’s conception of
grammar as a prototype category, with central and more peripheral structures,
aligns with the variable degrees to which speakers’ gestures are conventiona-
lized in human communication. (2) Conceptualization, which lies at the basis of
grammatical organization according to CG, is known to be of central importance
for gestural expression. In fact, all of the main dimensions of construal postu-
lated in CG (specificity, perspective, profile-base relationship, conceptual arche-
types) receive potential gestural expression. (3) CG’s intensive use of
diagrammatic notation allows for the incorporation of spatial features of ges-
tures. Subsequently, we demonstrate how CG can be applied to analyze the
structure of multimodal, spoken-gestured utterances. These analyses suggest
that the constructs and tools developed by CG can be employed to analyze the
compositionality that exists within a single gesture (between conventional and
more idiosyncratic components) as well as in the grammatical relations that may
exist between gesture and speech. Finally, we raise a number of theoretical and
empirical challenges.

Keywords: gesture, cognitive grammar, multimodality, iconicity

*Corresponding author: Kasper I. Kok, Department of Language, Literature and Communication,

Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands, E-mail:
Alan Cienki, Department of Language, Literature and Communication, Vrije Universiteit,
Amsterdam, Netherlands; Multimodal Communication and Cognition Lab, Moscow State
Linguistic University, Moscow, Russia, E-mail:

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1 Introduction
According to Cognitive Grammar’s (henceforth CG; Langacker 1987, 1991, 2008a)
usage-based perspective on language structure, the realm of the linguistic need
not be limited to verbal expression. Several scholars have discussed the poten-
tial of speakers’ gestures (in the sense of Kendon 1980, 2004) to attain gramma-
tical status. Langacker, himself, already alluded to the potential of certain
gestures to be part of a linguistic system, claiming that any type of expressive
behavior can in principle become entrenched as a symbolic structure (Langacker
1987). This potential received further attention in Langacker’s (2001, 2008a)
writings, and was evaluated in more detail by Cienki (2012, 2014, in press).
With respect to signed languages, Wilcox (2004), Wilcox and Xavier 2013), and
Liddell (2003), among others, have shown that CG provides useful analytical
constructs for detailing the relation between (ASL) grammar and iconicity.
Others have adopted CG-terminology in their discussions of sequential speech-
gesture compositions (Enfield 2004; Ladewig 2011b) and the phenomenon of
gestural iteration (Bressem 2012).
Despite the many connections between CG and gesture research made by
these scholars, CG has thus far not developed so as to adopt multimodality in its
basic design, nor has it become clear what it entails to incorporate speakers’
gestures in actual cognitive grammatical analysis. The aim of this article is to
provide a more comprehensive overview of the points of convergence between
CG and gesture than is currently available, and to advance the incorporation of
gesture in CG as appropriate. After reviewing current literature on this topic, we
show how CG’s analytical tools can be applied to language as multimodal
(spoken-gestured). We conclude with a discussion of theoretical and operational

2 Points of convergence
Whereas the study of speakers’ gestures from a linguistic perspective is still in
its infancy (Müller et al. 2013), several scholars have already explored the
potential of CG as a framework for understanding the grammar-gesture rela-
tionship. At least three aspects of the theory are of particular interest in this
respect. First of all, CG views grammar as emergent from actual communica-
tion, without posing restrictions on the kind of behaviors that may constitute a
linguistic system. Second, CG holds that grammatical meaning resides in
conceptualization – a cognitive process that has often been hypothesized to

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receive expression in manual gestures as well. Third, CG draws on the assump-

tion that many grammatical notions reflect cognitive representations that are
spatial in character, which aligns with the inherently spatial expressive
domain of manual gestures. In this section, we synthesize current literature
on these and related points of convergence.

2.1 Gestures as symbolic structures

A central thesis in CG is that grammar comprises a repository of symbolic

structures. These are thought of as pairings of a formal structure, the ‘phonolo-
gical pole’, and a semantic structure, the ‘semantic pole’. What constitutes these
poles may go well beyond what is traditionally considered the realm of phonol-
ogy and semantics, however. CG’s usage-based paradigm maintains that sym-
bolic structures are abstracted from communicative experiences, or ‘usage
events’, which “consist […] of a comprehensive conceptualization, comprising
an expression’s full contextual understanding, paired with an elaborate vocali-
zation, in all its phonetic detail” (Langacker 2001: 144). Thus, virtually any
aspect of language use may become entrenched as part of a grammatical
structure, as long as it is apprehended as a common denominator in multiple
communicative experiences. The semantic side of a usage event does not only
correspond to the imagery (in the technical sense of CG, not limited to visual
imagery) underlying the situation described, but also involves the discourse
context and aspects of the interaction itself (e. g., patterns in turn taking).
Likewise, on the expressive side, grammatical structures may include “both
the full phonetic detail of an utterance, as well as any other kinds of signals,
such as gestures and body language” (Langacker 2008a: 458). This broad con-
ception of the (potential) grammar proper is expressed by Langacker’s (2001)
representation of usage events as comprising multiple ‘channels’ at each pole
(Figure 1).

Figure 1: Symbolic units as comprising

multiple channels of conceptualization
and expression; adopted from
Langacker (2012: 97).

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What follows from this view is that whether or not elements of expression
qualify as linguistic does not depend on the modality through which they are
expressed. Rather, the grammatical potential of co-verbal behaviors is to be
assessed according to their degree of entrenchment as symbolic structures in
an individual’s mind and the degree of conventionalization of those symbolic
structures within a given community (Langacker 1987; Zima 2014). Taking this
continuous view as a starting point, the picture arises that some gestural
behaviors are clearly candidates to be part of the linguistic system (as a general
category, or of a given language; Cienki 2012), whereas others are more on the
periphery of that system.

2.2 Degrees of schematicity in gestural form and meaning

Co-verbal manual behaviors come in many varieties. Kendon (1980) first ana-
lyzed different types of gesture as forming a continuum from fully autonomous
to more idiosyncratic – later coined ‘Kendon’s continuum’ by McNeill (1992).
Kendon’s classification mirrors CG’s tenet that entrenchment is a matter of
degree rather than a dichotomy.
The entrenched status of so-called emblems (Efron 1941 [1972]; Kendon
2004: Ch. 16) is rather clear-cut. These are gestures with a stable form, that
can be attributed a meaning within a given culture in the absence of verbal
context (e.g., forming a ring with the thumb and index finger to say ‘OK’ in
North American and some other cultures, or extending the index finger and
middle finger in a V-shape, with the palm of the hand facing outward, to say
‘peace’). The use of emblems is to some extent language-specific, with different
repertoires being employed by different cultural communities (Efron 1941 [1972];
Payrató 1993). Hence, this category of gestures can be assumed to consist of
symbolic units that are both entrenched and conventionalized.
For most other categories of gestures, the grammatical status involved is only
evident on a higher level of abstraction. Even for gestural behaviors that may
seem rather systematic, such as manual pointing gestures, substantial variation in
form and meaning exists. Whereas pointing gestures often involve a stretched
index finger (in most Western cultures), there appear to be no strict constraints on
the shape of the hand and the degree of tension in the fingers. Likewise, in terms
of their meaning, pointing gestures may serve a variety of functions: they may be
used to draw the interlocutor’s attention to some contextual or abstract referent; to
resolve referential ambiguity, or to give or request the turn in a conversation
(Bavelas et al. 1992; Kita 2003). From a CG perspective, this variability in form and
meaning across different contexts “correlates with what cognitive grammarians

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believe is the schematicity of grammatical meaning” (Lapaire 2011: 95). Pointing

gestures thus can be said to manifest grammatical structures that are, as a
category, slightly more schematic (i. e., more contextually variable) in form and
meaning than emblems.
The grammatical status of the category of ‘recurrent gestures’ or ‘gesture
families’ (Kendon 2004; Müller 2004) can be analyzed in similar terms. These
are gestural patterns that share a set of formational and semantic features on
some level of abstraction. An example is the ‘cyclic gesture’ (Ladewig 2011a) used
by speakers of many European languages, whereby either the hand or one or more
fingers is continuously rotated outwards in a circular fashion. This gesture does
not have a fully fixed form, but rather “constitute[s] what can be called a family
resemblance category of phonological structure” (Cienki in press) in the sense of
Wittgenstein’s (1953) characterization of categories constituted by partially over-
lapping features. That is, different instances of cyclic gestures can be seen as more
or less prototypical exemplars of this gesture type. In terms of their meaning,
cyclic gestures are dependent on the context in which they are performed, but are
nonetheless bound to a limited set of discourse situations. Ladewig (2011a) char-
acterizes this semantic commonality among cyclic gestures in terms of an
Idealized Cognitive Model (ICM, cf. Lakoff 1987) that encompasses the image
schema CYCLE and a number of metaphorical extensions. Because some degree
of commonality in form and meaning exists between instances of these gestures,
they can be qualified as symbolic structures, with phonological and semantic
poles that are largely schematic (Cienki 2012).
A final category of gestures, for which the potential grammatical status is
even less obvious, is that of creative gesticulation: those gestures that are crea-
tively generated during speech production and do not instantiate a type of
emblem or recurrent gesture. Note that the term ‘creative gesticulation’ as used
here is narrower than Kendon’s 1988 category of gesticulation, which includes
certain recurrent patterns as well.1 Because these gestures do not appear to con-
form to clear standards of form, McNeill (1992) characterizes them as ‘idiosyn-
cratic’. It is questionable, however, whether no systematicity exists in such
gestures at all. On both the expressive and semantic side, creative gesticulation
is undoubtedly constrained by certain normative expectations. For instance,
speakers make consistent use of a small number of ‘representation techniques’
when using the hands to refer to objects and processes (e. g., molding the shape of
the object, or tracing its outline in the air; Müller 1998). Each of the representation
techniques could be considered as a central characteristic of a schematic class of
gestures. As Enfield (2013) argues with respect to tracing gestures:

1 Also note that this term does not imply that the speaker has the intention of being creative.

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It may be that there are conventions which allow interpreters to recognize that a person is
doing an illustrative tracing gesture, based presumably on formal distinctions in types of
hand movement in combination with attention-directing eye gaze toward the gesture space.
While the exact form of a tracing gesture cannot be pre-specified, its general manner of
execution may be sufficient to signal that it is a tracing gesture. (Enfield 2013: 701)

In terms of their semantics, creative gestures are strongly context-dependent,

but certain commonalities nevertheless exist. One recurrent feature, shared by
most instances of creative gesticulation (as well as some other gesture types), is
the function of modifying or highlighting of some aspect of the spoken dis-
course. Further, we can see an overlap with the category of ‘speech-linked
gestures’, e. g., when forming part of a performed quotation or impersonation
(“And I was like [gesture]”). In such cases, as Cienki (in press) argues, “there is
the schematic form-meaning structure in place that such words call for some
kind of depiction or illustration in order for the speaker’s point to be adequately
expressed (as if the word had a slot that needed to be filled by a gesture).”
Accordingly, it seems inadequate to fully dismiss creative gesticulation from the
realm of (cognitive) grammar. Rather, it can be considered to manifest a type of
very schematic grammatical structure, sharing only very few formal and seman-
tic features in common.
In conclusion, as summarized in Table 1, different types of gestures can be
thought of as ranging on a continuum from relatively fixed to much more
flexible symbolic structures.

Table 1: Summary of the degrees of specificity/schematicity in the form and meaning of

different types of gestures.

Gesture Emblems Pointing gestures Recurrent gestures Creative gesticulation

type (as defined above)

Form Largely More or less fixed Common ‘formational Flexible, but not
fixed within a given core’, but strong unrestricted – bound to
within a culture, with some variation within high-level norms and
given degrees of freedom. categories. constrained by the
culture. grammar of the verbal
Meaning Largely Variable, but Only characterizable in Mostly context-
fixed with clear abstract terms and/or dependent; generally
within a commonalities – with constructs such as associated with some
given typically related to image schemas or ICMs. modification of the
culture. attention allocation. verbal channel or
emphasis of some
aspect of it.

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This continuum aligns well with the CG perspective that verbal structures such as
words, morphemes and syntactic constructions can be placed along a continuum of
schematicity. As follows from the discussion above, different types of co-speech
gestures can be characterized in a similar fashion. They are not principally different
from one another or from verbal structures, but rather analyzable as a set of structures
that range from fixed to more variable and schematic in their phonology and seman-
tics. A view of this kind may help to answer the question whether gestures are to be
seen as subject matter for linguistic theory. To echo Langacker’s (2008b) view on this
matter: some gestures are clearly part of a grammatical system, others less so.

2.3 Gestures and CG’s dimensions of construal

A second important tenet of Cognitive Grammar is that language structure

reflects conceptualization. This presumption provides another line of conver-
gence with the gesture literature. It is consistent with the hypotheses that
gestures emerge from imagistic processes during ‘thinking for speaking’
(McNeill 1992; McNeill and Duncan 2000), ‘conceptualizing’ (De Ruiter 2007),
or ‘visual-motor simulation’ (Hostetter and Alibali 2008). More specific parallels
between CG and gesture research can be noticed in relation to what Langacker
(1987) sets forward as the dimensions of construal that receive grammatical
expression. These include specificity, perspective, focus-background and the
postulation of cognitively basic semantic structures. This section outlines how
each of these notions relates to speakers’ gestures.

2.3.1 Specificity

When communicating about the world, any referential situation needs to be

construed with a certain level of specificity. The same object may, for instance,
be described as a thing, or a small object, or a corkscrew, depending on the
specificity of the predication (Langacker 1987: 118). The same holds for gestural
expression: because our hands are not clay that can be reshaped however we
please, referential gestures are inherently underspecified. Gestures that repre-
sent objects are therefore always only able to iconically show some part of the
whole, and pointing gestures indicate a salient point to refer to the whole
referent entity or space (Cienki 2013).
An example of a gesture on the most specific end of the spectrum is that for
‘telephone’ – whereby the pinky and thumb are extended and the other fingers
folded – which has a rather restricted domain of possible referents (namely, a

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telephone, perhaps even just the handset of a landline phone).2 Gestures with a
grip handshape, whereby all five fingers are bent as if holding something in the
fist, are much less specific: they most likely (but not exclusively) refer to small-
sized, round or cylindrical objects. A type of gesture on the most schematic end
is the palm-up-open-hand gesture (Kendon 2004; Müller 2004). Palm-up-open-
hands may, via metonymy, refer to any type of object that might be held on the
hand, either concrete (e.g., the physical referent of the co-expressed noun
phrase) or abstract (e.g., a position in a debate) (see further discussion in
Mittelberg and Waugh 2009).

2.3.2 Subjective and objective construal

Elements of linguistic expression can involve different degrees of recourse to

the ground, i. e., the contextual circumstances of the linguistic interaction.
Those that are construed without reference to the ground are described as
objective (e. g., the conceived spatial relation evoked by ‘the lion is next to
the rock’); those that are contingent upon the physical location of the con-
ceptualizer (or another aspect of the ground) have a higher degree of sub-
jectivity (e. g., the conceived spatial relation evoked by ‘the lion is in front of
the rock’).
Similar construal options have been discussed with respect to the use of
referential gestures (McNeill 1992; Parrill 2010). Whereas pointing gestures typi-
cally assume a reference frame relative to the physical location in which
the interaction takes place (e. g., ‘go this way’ +[pointing gesture]), other ges-
tures are more objectively construed in the sense that the current communicative
situation is irrelevant to their interpretation (e. g., ‘the statue is shaped like
this’ + [tracing gesture]).3 This difference is further captured by the proposed
distinction between gestures with a character perspective and those with an
observer perspective (McNeill 1992). In the latter case, the speaker construes a

2 The intended meaning of a phone handshape may of course go further than mere reference to
a phone, e. g., when used as a full pragmatic move, as to say ‘I’ll call you’. The current
argument is concerned only with a simple, referential use of this gesture (e.g., as performed
while telling a story that involves the action of picking up a phone).
3 Note that neither of these gestures has an absolute reference frame: both draw upon the
spatial configuration of the hand of the speaker relative to the rest of the body. Where they
differ, however, is in whether the real-space physical position of the body matters to the
interpretation of the utterance.

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situation as objective – e. g., when tracing the path of the car by moving the
hand through space along a certain trajectory. A more subjective construal of the
same scene can be achieved when a character perspective is adopted, e. g., when
one mimics the action of driving in a car by impersonating hand movements of
the driver holding the steering wheel.

2.3.3 Focus and the stage model

In CG, foreground-background distinctions are seen as vital to grammatical orga-

nization. Langacker (1991: 283–284) employs the stage model metaphor to explicate
this. According to the stage model, meaning resides in the relation between a
profile, i. e., the center of attention, and a conceptual base, i. e., the immediately
relevant context and background knowledge. These notions apply to word meaning
(the noun rim, for instance, is only meaningful against the background of the
concept of something having such an edge, such as a WHEEL), but also to syntactic
relations (e. g., a verb phrase profiles a process, but requires as its conceptual base a
scene that involves an agent).
The stage model is not only relevant for the grammar of the verbal channel,
but can also help elucidate the way speech and gestures relate to each other
semantically. As Bressem (2012) notes, the profile of a verbal expression often
serves as part of the base with respect to the gesture. That is, speech often
provides the relevant background frames against which the meaning of the
gesture gets elaborated. A gesture whereby a circle is drawn in the air is
intrinsically underspecified, but attains a quite specific referential meaning
when co-expressed with the noun rim (Figure 2).

Figure 2: The profile of the verbal expression may serve as (part of) the conceptual base with
respect to the gesture.

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At the same time, gestures may further specify the verbally presented content.
The different representation techniques people use for making iconic reference –
molding, drawing, holding or enacting (Müller 1998) – profile different aspects of
the referent. While referring to a rim, a gesture whereby the hands draw its
contours in the air profiles its shape and outline; when using the hands as if
interacting with the rim, one profiles its physical affordances.
The trajector-landmark distinction that holds between primary and second-
ary participants within the focus domain can also have a gestural correlate, as
demonstrated in Enfield’s (2004) description of the symmetry-dominance con-
struction in Lao. Enfield describes a gesture sequence whereby the speaker first
depicts a fish trap by means of a two-handed, symmetrical gesture, and then,
while one hand is held in place, makes a gesture with the other hand that
represents the fish moving into the trap. In CG terms, the moving hand is the
Trajector with respect to the non-dominant hand, which takes the role of
Landmark. Note that in this example, the focus-background relation is not
only mapped onto an asymmetry in perceptual prominence (moving vs. non-
moving), but also on the temporal ordering of the two subsequent gestures.

2.3.4 Gesture and basic grammatical categories

In its description of grammatical classes, CG holds that language structure

reflects patterns in basic human experience, or ‘conceptual archetypes’, through
which we view the world. The existence of discrete objects which occupy
physical locations, for instance, is an archetype that is prototypical for the
grammatical class of nouns. To capture the semantic cohesion across the entire
class of nouns, including less prototypical instances, Langacker postulates the
more schematic conceptual structure thing, defined as “any product of grouping
and reification” (Langacker 2008a: 105). The temporal relationships that may
hold between things – referred to as processes – constitute a conceptual struc-
ture that corresponds to verbs (Langacker 1991: 13).
CG’s semantic characterization of grammatical categories can provide
further insights into the relation between linguistic elements expressed through
speech and those conveyed with the hands. In sign language research, it has
been adopted to characterize the semantics of manual expression. With respect
to ASL classifier predicates, Wilcox (2004: 127) has argued that “the things of
Cognitive Grammar are mapped onto handshape, and process is mapped onto
phonological movement.” In line with this view, it is possible to characterize
those gestures that refer to objects and represent their physical and/or kinesic
properties in terms of their semantic relation with basic grammatical notions

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(Ladewig 2011b). All gestures that perform the reification of some conceptual
content (thereby construing some referent as a thing) evoke a conceptual domain
that overlaps with that of nouns. Gestures whereby the hands of the speaker (in
addition) depict some static property of the referent bear correspondence to the
semantic domain of adjectives: they profile a non-processual relationship
between the referenced entity and some other conceptual structure. In cases
where the hand moves through space to represent the motion of some entity, the
gesture can be said to have a verb-like character, as it designates a processual
relationship (Figure 3).

Figure 3: A CG representation of the semantic poles (in their most schematic form; adopted
from Langacker 1987) of three major grammatical classes and the features of gestures that
relate to them. Things in CG are represented by circles, whereas squares stand for entities
(a broader category, which may encompass any kind of conceptual structure).

Two possible caveats of the proposed parallel can be noted at this moment. First:
since gestural expression is not linearized in the same way as speech, it is very
well possible that multiple conceptual structures are simultaneously evoked by a

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single gesture. In fact, gestures that depict the shape of an object are likely to be
interpreted as simultaneously performing reification (cf. Kok et al. in press).
Second, it should be noted that movement of the hand(s) does not necessarily
evoke a representation of a process. As Ladewig (2011b) notes, the movement of
the hands may instead be part of the act of reference, e. g., when referring to a
physical object by tracing its contours in the air. The gesture in this case can still
be seen as an object-process synthesis, where the hand is some drawing utensil
and the movement represents the act of drawing, but it serves a meta-referential
function: not the act of drawing but the drawn object is part of the situation

2.3.5 Autonomy – dependence

CG distinguishes autonomous and dependent structures; the former can be

described in their own terms, whereas the latter presuppose the support of
another structure. A dependent structure, in other words, “refers schemati-
cally to an autonomous, supporting structure as an intrinsic aspect of its own
characterization” (Langacker 2008a: 199). Examples of autonomy/depen-
dence relationships exist on various levels of grammatical organization:
consonants are dependent on vowels in the same syllable to be clearly
perceived; verb phrases are dependent on the presence of a noun phrase
(in canonical written language). In the latter case, the autonomy-dependence
relation is motivated by the underlying conceptualization. Verbs are depen-
dent on nouns because the corresponding processes cannot be conceptua-
lized without the presence of a thing to perform them. The semantic
integration of autonomous and dependent structures is described as elabora-
tion: the semantic pole of a dependent structure is said to contain an elabora-
tion site that can become specified (or: elaborated) by another, semantically
more fine-grained structure.
For an adequate characterization of the relationship between speech and
gesture, the concept of autonomy-dependence alignment is of crucial impor-
tance. Dependence between the two tiers is pervasive in multimodal language
use and exists in two directions. Verbal constructions, in particular those invol-
ving deictic reference (e. g., look over there) or iconic specification (e. g., the
German so einen X; ‘such a X’/‘a X like this’; Fricke 2012, 2013), require the
presence of some gesture (presumably a pointing gesture in the first case and a
representational gesture in the second). Conversely, many manual gestures
articulated during speech are functionally contingent upon the semantic and
pragmatic frames evoked verbally (Wilcox and Xavier 2013). Depending on the

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verbal context, a cyclic gesture may, for instance, represent a cyclic movement
of some object, but may also indicate that the speaker is searching for the right
words (Ladewig 2011a).
It is worth emphasizing that autonomy-dependence is not always a strictly
asymmetrical relationship. In the case of multimodal demonstrative utterances
like the man over there [ + pointing gesture], speech and gesture are mutually
dependent: the verbal component does not only presuppose the performance of
a deictic gesture, but the meaning of the gesture is at the same time elaborated
by the speech (the gesture could perhaps have pointed to the woman standing
next to the man). This symbiotic character of speech-gesture compositions is in
accordance with Langacker’s characterization of the autonomy-dependence rela-
tionship as variably asymmetrical:

Canonically the structures in a valence relation manifest substantial asymmetry, with one
of them (on balance) clearly dependent, and the other autonomous. As always, though,
recognition of the prototype must not be allowed to obscure the existence of other
possibilities. Nothing in the definition precludes a relation of mutual dependence between
two structures, or guarantees that there will always be a significant relation of dependence
in one direction or the other. (Langacker 1987: 300)

Thus, CG does not predict a simple dichotomy between gesture-compatible and

gesture-incompatible structures. There may instead be a continuous range of
degrees to which gestures and verbal constructions presuppose the presence of
one another.

2.4 Gestures and CG-diagrams

In addition to the many theoretical points of convergence with gesture research,

CG also has representational advantages over other grammar frameworks. Many
cognitive linguistic models, including CG, explicitly attempt to mirror language’s
relation to spatial cognition in their representational tools. The frequent employ-
ment of diagrammatic tools creates a natural point of connection with the inher-
ently spatial expressive domain of manual gestures (cf. Tversky et al. 2009). This
potential has already been proven by the natural integration of gesture research
with the notion of image schemas (Cienki 2005) and Talmyan force dynamics
(Hassemer 2015), but has not been elaborated in great detail in CG.
Nevertheless, as Cienki (in press) notices, “there is great potential for
incorporating schematic images of relevant gesture forms as part of the phono-
logical pole […], images which, through their form and orientation, would also
inherently show the perspective of the speaker’s construal.” Liddell (2003), has

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demonstrated that CG’s notation conventions can be useful for analyzing the
phonological and semantic structure of ASL signs.4 The benefit of these dia-
grams over text-only notations is most obvious when it comes to displaying
iconic mappings between phonological space and semantic space, e.g., when
the position or movement of the hands is isomorphic to the conceptualized
position or movement of some object. This potential is demonstrated Section 3
with respect to data from a video corpus.

3 Towards a CG analysis of gesture-internal

and cross-modal compositionality
As is evident from the previous sections, CG offers a rich analytical apparatus
to investigate the grammar-gesture interface. Nonetheless, the literature con-
tains a paucity of actual application of CG to multimodal data. In this section,
we aim to bridge this gap: we first present a CG-analysis of the internal
structure of a gesture, and subsequently we provide two example analyses of
combined spoken-gestured utterances.

3.1 Gesture-internal compositionality: Conventional

and ad hoc aspects

Like verbal expressions, gestures are complex structures that combine different
types of semiotic signs. On the one hand, as we have seen in Section 2.2,
gestures can be recognized as belonging to a particular class or category (e. g.,
cyclic gesture, thumbs-up emblem, tracing gesture). On the other hand, they
typically evoke form-meaning mappings that are specific to the particular con-
text in which they are used. As Mittelberg (2014: 1714) notes, “when producing
[creative] gestures, speakers-gesturers do not select from a given form inventory
of a system, […] but they create semiotic material each time anew.” Especially
iconic and indexical components of gestures, indeed, rely heavily on mappings
between form and conceptualization that are created on the fly and tailored to
the context of the utterance as a whole. Thus, as noted by Enfield (2009, 2013),
many gestures combine conventional and non-conventional (ad hoc) signs.

4 Liddell’s analyses, which extend CG notations with constructs from conceptual blending
theory, differs from the ones presented in this paper, which draw on CG notions only.

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This dual structuring is perhaps most clearly illustrated with respect to pointing
gestures: the pointing handshape itself is categorically linked to an expectation
of deictic reference or placement, but the location and direction of the pointing
gesture, which elaborate that expectation, are ad hoc and analog in nature
(cf. Liddell’s 2003 discussion of pronouns in ASL). Because this component of
the gesture does not (directly) rely on entrenchment in long-term memory or
convention, its symbolic status is of a different nature than that of prototypical
grammatical units.5 As Langacker (1987: 91) proposes, an iconic or indexical
structure is interpretable as a result of being “put in correspondence with itself”.
In other words, as a result of their inherent conceptual value, manually
expressed phonological structures have the potential to be self-symbolizing
(cf. Wilcox’s 2004 notion of cognitive iconicity).
At the risk of considerable oversimplification (for more detailed accounts,
see Mittelberg 2014; Mittelberg and Waugh 2014; Taub 2001), the analyses
below pursue the view here that instances of creative gesticulation can be
decomposed into a conventional component and an ad hoc component. An
example analysis of the internal structure of an instance of creative gesticulation
is given in Figure 5. The analysis concerns a fragment of the Speech and Gesture
Alignment (SaGA) corpus (Lücking et al. 2013), which contains video recordings
of German direction giving discourse. As seen in Figure 4, speech and gesture
are employed in tandem to describe a physical landmark that is relevant for the
route description. While the speaker says auf den Seiten sind zwei blaue
Wendeltreppen ‘on the sides there are two blue spiral staircases’, he simulta-
neously makes an upward spiral-shaped tracing gesture with the index fingers of
both hands. The time course of the gesture relative to speech is represented
below the transcript, following the conventions of Kendon (2004).6

auf den Seiten sind zwei blaue Wendeltreppen
|~~~~~|*************| .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.|
Prep Stroke |Recovery
‘on the sides there are two blue spiral staircases’

5 This is not to deny that many conventionalized units have iconic/analog features or that
analog representations may be susceptible to conventionalization. The point at stake here
concerns only those aspects of gestures that generated ‘on the fly’ and meaningful through
the construction of an ad hoc iconic mapping.
6 ‘Prep’ stands for the preparatory phase of the gesture; the ‘Stoke’ is the most energetic and
salient phase of the gesture; the ‘Recovery’ is the phase where the hands are retracted to rest

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82 Kasper I. Kok and Alan Cienki

Figure 4: Video stills of the fragment of the SaGA corpus analyzed in example (1).

Figure 5 shows how the internal structure of the tracing gesture can be analyzed,
building on the assumption that the conventional (long-term memory) and the
ad hoc (self-symbolized) components of the gesture can be thought of as separ-
able symbolic structures.
The diagram on the bottom-left part of the figure represents the assumption
that the handshape instantiates a category of tracing gestures. This category
is analyzed as akin to a schematic grammatical class that subsumes adjectives
as well as adverbs: it profiles a relationship between some physical characteristic
(a region of shape, contour or trajectory space; analogous to Langacker 2008a: 102)
and some THING. In line with this interpretation, the diagram on the left contains
two elaboration sites. The site on the right corresponds to the shape or contour
that is drawn by the hand; the one on the left corresponds to the entity to which
this shape or contour is to be attributed (presumably elaborated in the verbal
channel). Thus, the bottom-left diagram in Figure 4 indicates that the conven-
tional component of the gesture conveys as much as there is some entity that has
some spatial property – presumably a path, motion, or contour.
The ad hoc component of the gesture signifies, through self-symbolization, a
shape or path that is homologous to the tracing movement that is performed.7

7 The iconicity that governs the self-symbolizing tracing is not as straightforward as suggested
by the diagram in Figure 4. Because iconicity rarely involves full overlap between form and
meaning, some degree of arbitrariness remains as to what aspects of the referent are profiled by
the gesture. With the rare exception of cases where a speaker’s hand actually represents her
own hand at the moment of speaking, iconic reference involves some degree of schematization.
The challenge of capturing the systematicity that exists on this ‘iconicity-internal’ level in a CG-
based analysis remains outside the scope of this article.

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Cognitive Grammar and gesture 83

Figure 5: A CG analysis of the internal structure of a spiral tracing gestures as being composed
of a conventional part and a self-symbolized, analog part.

This is represented on the bottom-right part of the figure, where the label ‘self-
symbolized’ is added to emphasize that this dimension of the gestural structure
is not a direct manifestation of an entrenched/conventionalized mental struc-
ture. As seen in the upper part of the diagram, the unification of the two
symbolic structures simply entails recognition that the ad hoc component of
the gesture (the trace) elaborates one of the elaboration sites invoked by the
handshape: it restricts the region of shape space that is being attributed. To
emphasize the direction of the elaboration while keeping the diagrams manage-
able, the elaboration site is marked with a hatched area and the process of

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84 Kasper I. Kok and Alan Cienki

elaboration with a single dashed arrow (cf. the notation with two separate lines
for correspondence and elaboration used by Langacker 2008a: 198 and else-
where). What results from the integration of the component structures is a
construct that functionally expresses: ‘there is some entity that has a spatial
feature resembling the trace of the hand.’
The semantic pole of the gesture in Figure 4 is not only determined by the
tracing structure, however. An additional symbolic unit is established by the use
of two hands that are conspicuously positioned on the sides of the body, outside
central gesture space. The meaning of this aspect of the gesture is at least as
schematic as that of the tracing component. As diagrammed in Figure 6, it can
be assumed to signify a spatial relation between two unspecified THINGS along a
horizontal axis.8

Figure 6: An example CG analysis of the interaction between the symbolic structures evoked by
the tracing-component and the location-component of the gesture.

8 It remains an open question how this symbolic structure is most accurately characterized.
The use of two hands can also refer to a single object, for instance when the hands are being

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Cognitive Grammar and gesture 85

As seen in the middle diagram in the lower part of the figure, the positioning
of the hands is analyzed as a symbolic structure that evokes two THINGS, with the
conception of a horizontal axis as a salient part of the conceptual base. Like the
tracing component, this element of the gesture involves self-symbolization: the
physical distance between the hands maps onto the conceptualized spatial
relation (although on a different scale). The two THINGS that are schematically
referred to by the hand-positioning component of the gesture correspond to
those evoked by the tracing structure (Figure 5). This correspondence is perhaps
so obvious that it may give the impression of redundancy, but it nevertheless
demonstrates how CG can be employed to disentangle the elementary compo-
nents of gestures and their semantic qualities. The simplified, integrated repre-
sentation on the top part of the figure will serve as the basis for analyzing the
interaction with the verbal component of the utterance in the subsequent sec-
tion. Before doing so, it is important to note that this analysis, although it
exceeds the level of detail usually found in the gesture literature, is still likely
to be incomplete. Formal aspects such as the vertical position of the hands, their
position relative to gestures that have been made previously, the degree of
tension in the fingers may also carry some semantic import. Understanding
how these are best described in terms of symbolic structures requires more
empirical and analytical work, and is left out of consideration here (see
Section 4.1 for further discussion).

3.2 Multimodal compositionality

In addition to its application to gesture-internal structure, CG may help to

elucidate how gestures relate to the grammar of speech (for a review of different
ways in which speech and gestures interact, see Wagner et al. 2014). The
analysis in Figure 7 is limited to the fragment zwei blaue Wendeltreppen ‘two
blue spiral staircases’. Because the performance of the gesture temporally coin-
cides with the articulation of this noun phrase in its entirety (as seen from the
time stamps in Example 1), we analyze the semantics of the verbal component of
the utterance as an integrated whole; the compositional path of the verbal
channel is not considered relevant for the current analysis (see however

held with the palms towards each other, as if holding an object. In this case, however, this
interpretation is precluded by the handshapes and by the respective orientation of the hands,
which do not give the appearance of holding something.

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86 Kasper I. Kok and Alan Cienki

Figure 7: CG analysis of the spoken-gestured utterance in Example 1. Vertical connections are

not displayed for reasons of clarity and because they follow directly from the correspondences
depicted in the lower part.

Section 3.3 for a more incremental analysis, where the gesture interacts with
elements of the verbal channel before the meaning of the utterance as a whole is
The analysis of the gestural channel is already given in the previous section:
each of the hands schematically refers to a THING and attributes a self-symbolized
spatial characteristic to it. In combination with the noun phrase zwei blaue
Wendeltreppen ‘two blue spiral staircases’, the most obvious interpretation is that
each of the elaboration sites evoked by the hands corresponds to one of the
conceptualized objects (the spiral staircases) that are profiled by the verbal compo-
nent of the utterance. That is, the schematic structures evoked by the hands become
elaborated by the more specific structures evoked by the noun phrase zwei blaue
Wendeltreppen. The integrated meaning can be represented as in the upper part of
the diagram: the full multimodal utterance profiles the existence of two spiral
staircases (where the quantity is expressed in speech as well as in gesture) as
well as their color (only evoked through speech) and their shape and orientation

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Cognitive Grammar and gesture 87

(most explicitly evoked through gesture).9 The asymmetrical autonomy-dependence

relation between the speech and the gesture follows clearly from the fact that the
semantic pole of the gestural unit has a salient elaboration site, whereas the verbal
component can be understood in its own terms.

3.3 Multimodal deixis

The interaction between speech and gesture can take higher degrees of complex-
ity than in the example outlined above. Here, we provide an analysis of the
intersection between speech and gesture in the case of a multimodal deictic
utterance. It should be noted that our goal is not to take any particular stance in
deixis theory, nor do we hold that our analysis is the only one possible; the main
aim instead is to illustrate CG’s potential in analyzing the interaction between
verbal and gestural forms of spatial expression. In the example displayed in
Figure 8 and example 2, again taken from the SaGA corpus, the speaker per-
forms two pointing gestures while referring to a physical landmark (a spiral
staircase again, coincidentally). First, while she says sieht ein bisschen aus wie
die Wendeltreppe ‘looks a bit like the spiral staircase’, she points sideways,
ostensibly in the direction of the actual hallway in the university building
where she is located. Shortly thereafter she points again, roughly in the same
direction, while she says hier in der Halle ‘here in the hallway’. A more precise
representation of the timing of the pointing gestures relative to the speech is
given in Figure 8.
(2) A B C D E F
sieht ein bisschen aus wie die Wendeltreppe hier in der in der Halle
|~~~~~~ |*******/*******|.-.-.-.-.-| |~~~~~|************
Prep Stroke Hold Recovery Prep Stroke
‘looks a bit like the spiral staircase here in the in the hallway’

We see that the first of the two consecutive pointing gesture is performed
right before the noun phrase die Wendeltreppe ‘the spiral staircase’ is voca-
lized. The combination of these two components of the utterance is analyzed in
Figure 9.

9 The meaning of the noun Wendeltreppe ‘spiral staircase’ may already involve experiential
knowledge regarding its typical shape and orientation. The gesture makes these characteristics
of the referent more specific and marks them as salient.

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88 Kasper I. Kok and Alan Cienki

Figure 8: Video stills of the fragment of the SaGA corpus analyzed in example (2).

The semantics of the pointing gesture can be represented as in the bottom-left

diagram in Figure 9. The analysis follows the assumption that the semantics of
pointing gestures involves “the understanding that a body part projects a vector
toward a particular direction” (Kita 2003: 5). In addition, it follows Langacker’s
(2008a: 283) assumption that pointing gestures are associated with the function of
singling out one of the available candidate referents. The candidate referents are
depicted as circles with points in them (following Langacker 2008a: 278), to make
them visually distinguishable from classes of entities such as THINGS. The diagram
furthermore indicates that the pointing gesture by itself does not reveal what type of
entity is being referred to: the identity of the profiled referent remains underspecified.
About half a second after having performed the gesture, the speaker says die
Wendeltreppe ‘the spiral staircase’. Of particular interest here is the use of the

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Cognitive Grammar and gesture 89

Figure 9: CG-analysis of the first pointing gesture in combination with the definite noun phrase
die Wendeltreppe ‘the spiral staircase’.

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90 Kasper I. Kok and Alan Cienki

definite article. This suggests that the referent of the noun phrase is contextually
salient. Langacker (2008a: 285) represents the most basic meaning of the definite
article roughly as in the bottom-right diagram. The rounded rectangles represent
the attentional frames that are postulated in CG to analyze the linear-sequential
dimension of discourse organization (see Langacker 2001). As shown in the
diagram, the definiteness of the article suggests that the referent of the
(projected) noun phrase has been attended to in some previous attentional
frame.10 Because of the close temporal succession between the gesture and the
noun phrase, we can assume that the attentional frame that is schematically
referred to by the definite article aligns with the one in which the gesture was
performed. Thus, the referential content of the gesture elaborates one of the
elaboration sites set up by the definite article die ‘the’; a correspondence is
established between the referent of the gesture and that of the (projected) noun
phrase. The subsequently articulated noun Wendeltreppe ‘spiral staircase’
further specifies the type of entity that is being referred to. Here, the relatively
schematic referential content of the article-gesture combination becomes elabo-
rated by the more specific meaning of the noun, as shown in the middle and
upper segments of the figure.11 Overall, the verbal and gestural components of
the utterance segment are mutually informative: the noun phrase elaborates the
elaboration site that is created by the gesture (it classifies the referent that is
being singled out) and conversely, the gesture contributes to grounding the
utterance in the immediate physical context; it forms part of the conceptual
base for the interpretation of the noun phrase.
The analysis provided in Figures 10, 11 and 12 concern the part of the
utterance that follows, comprising the phrase hier in der Halle ‘here in the
hallway’ and the concurrent pointing gesture (the second of the two pointing
gestures). In all, this part of the multimodal utterance contains three deictic
elements: the spatial adverb hier ‘here’, the prepositional phrase in der Halle ‘in
the hallway’ and the pointing gesture. Figure 10 presents separate analyses of
each of these elements.
The locative adverb hier ‘here’ profiles a region of space in that is proximal
to the location of the speaker and hearer (Langacker 1991: 222). Its construal is
strongly subjective; the designated region is conceptualized relative to location

10 It may also be contextually salient for another reason. The current analysis however is
limited to the ‘anaphoric’ use of the definite article.
11 In fact, the semantics of the gestural component, in the preceding discourse frame, also gets
elaborated by the noun; to maintain clarity in the diagrams, these correspondences are not

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Cognitive Grammar and gesture 91

Figure 10: CG-analyses of the three deictic terms in the second part of the multimodal
utterance in (2).

of the speaker and hearer (denoted with S and H), which serves as a reference
point. The prepositional phrase in der Halle ‘in the hallway’, in contrast, desig-
nates a region of space in a more objective manner. It profiles a landmark Halle
‘hallway’ and a relation of inclusion with an unspecified trajector. The pointing
gesture, finally, has a subjectively construed semantic pole: the location of its
referent is defined relative to the location and orientation of the hand of the
speaker, as discussed before. In the analysis, it is furthermore assumed that the
gesture profiles an entity that is associated with a point on the projected vector,
namely the spiral staircase. This assumption is motivated by the fact that the
spiral staircase was brought to focus in the first part of the utterance and was the
referent of the first pointing gesture, as discussed above. Thus, the representa-
tion of the pointing gesture in Figure 10 and beyond includes its anchoring to
the preceding noun phrase die Wendeltreppe ‘the spiral staircase’, as well as the
relative frame of spatial reference that specifies one dimension of its location
(note that we here use a strongly simplified notation relative to analysis shown
in Figure 9). Figures 11 and 12 represent the sequential unification of the point-
ing gesture with the two other spatial elements in the utterance. The analysis
assumes that the gesture first forms a unit with the adverb hier ‘here’, which
subsequently elaborates the trajector schematically referred to by in der Halle ‘in
the hallway’. Given the immediate discourse context described above, this
interpretation is deemed more plausible than alternative analyses (e. g., where
the gesture directly grounds the referential content of in der Halle as to dis-
ambiguate which hallway is being referred to exactly).
The combined meaning of hier ‘here’ + [gesture] derives from the overlap of the
two spatial frames evoked. Crucially, hier profiles a region of space that includes the

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92 Kasper I. Kok and Alan Cienki

Figure 11: A CG analysis of the locative

adverb hier in combination with the
pointing gesture.

position of the interlocutors whereas the location designated by the pointing

gesture is construed as external to the position of the speaker. The integration of
these two frames is analyzed in Figure 11, as somewhat analogous to a demonstra-
tive noun phrase. The pointing gesture serves as the profile determinant, in the
sense that the utterance fragment as a whole profiles the spiral staircase, with the
proximal region of space as a salient aspect of its conceptual base. The search
domain for the referenced object is altogether restricted by the direction of the
stretched index finger and by the indicated proximity to the speaker and hearer.
Thus, the profile of the verbal element (hier) is part of the immediate scope for the
interpretation of the gesture. In Figure 12, the analysis continues with the integra-
tion of the noun phrase in der Halle ‘in the hallway’.

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Cognitive Grammar and gesture 93

Figure 12: Unification of the intrinsic and relative deictic frames.

The semantic representation of hier in der Halle ‘here in the hallway’ + [pointing
gesture] entails the integration of the structure depicted in Figure 10(a) and the upper
diagram in Figure 11. As diagrammed in Figure 12, the trajector schematically referred
to by the prepositional phrase in der Halle ‘in the hallway’ is elaborated by the
referential content of the hier + [pointing gesture] construct: the spiral staircase.
The resulting semantic representation involves an intersection between three spatial
frames. Two of these are defined relative to the location of the speakers – one through
a proximity relation and one through a position on the vector line that extends from
the stretched finger. The third is specified relative to the landmark Halle ‘hallway’,
which is contained in the scope of hier ‘here’.
Notwithstanding that there may be alternative interpretations of the semantics
of pointing gestures (see, e. g., Fricke 2007 for a comprehensive discussion), the
current analysis demonstrates CG’s potential utility in detailing the interaction

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94 Kasper I. Kok and Alan Cienki

between gestural and verbal means of spatial reference. In particular, we have

seen that CG’s diagrammatic notation conventions are fruitful for the analysis of
the iconic and indexical means through which (aspects of) gestures convey mean-
ing and the scope relations that hold between the verbal and gestural structures.

4 Further challenges
In order to further develop the application of CG to language as a multimodal
activity, various challenges remain to be addressed. We here discuss three
potential hurdles as they apply to the analyses presented above. Although
these might not necessarily be specific to CG – they are relevant for other
approaches to multimodal grammar as well (e. g., Kok in press) – a brief
discussion of these issues is important at this point because they will be
encountered by anyone pursuing a CG-analysis of spoken-gestured data.

4.1 What’s in a gesture?

As discussed in Section 3.2, gestures are semiotically rich units of expression

that may evoke various semantic structures at once. Our analyses of examples
(1) and (2) were necessarily limited to some of the most salient symbolic units. It
is very likely, however, that all of the gestures analyzed have additional mean-
ingful qualities. Because gesture forms reflect a complex interplay of representa-
tional, interactional and contextual dimensions of communication (Kok et al. in
press), it is often difficult to define clear one-to-one mappings between aspects
of form and function. To the extent that such mappings do exist, it furthermore
remains an open question on what level of abstraction they are best described,
e.g., whether they are most adequately captured in terms of individual form
parameters (handshape, location, etc.), more holistic patterns (planes, lines)
or theoretical constructs such as image or action schemas. The empirical chal-
lenges raised by this issue may furthermore bring along questions regarding
representation and notation. Considering gestures in their full functional com-
plexity may entail taking account of aspects of gestures that are somewhat
removed from traditional linguistic analysis, such as their role in managing
rhetorical relations and turn taking (e. g., Kendon 2004; Streeck 2009).
Whereas CG has in recent years made considerable advances in dealing with
pragmatic-discursive factors (Langacker 2012), its analytic devices were origin-
ally developed for the analysis of clause-internal structure. Since the theoretical
discussion and analyses presented in this paper are largely limited to

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Cognitive Grammar and gesture 95

‘traditional’ grammatical phenomena, it remains an open question of how much

diagnostic value CG’s toolbox can be for the analysis of functions of gestures
that play out on higher levels of communicative structure. As mentioned, how-
ever, there is a need for further empirical inquiry into the formal correlates of
these functions before this question can be adequately evaluated.

4.2 Structure as temporal, beyond the metaphor of ‘linearity’

In modeling the structure of language as a dynamic multimodal activity, the
notion of (morpho)syntax drastically increases in complexity. Symbolic struc-
tures expressed by speech and gesture are typically not organized in a purely
sequential fashion or constrained by well-defined rules or templates. In order to
better understand the grammatical relations that exist between elements of the
gestural and verbal tiers, at least three additional factors need to be taken into
account. One is the overlap in conceptual space as evoked by the two channels.
In example 1, the gesture is quite obviously related to the noun Wendeltreppen
‘spiral staircases’ because the trace of the index fingers is homologous to the
physical outline of the referenced objects. In addition, there is a role for con-
ventionality in the use of mimetic modes. Some of the modes of representation
distinguished by Müller (1998, 2014) appear to be preferentially used with
specific types of referents. Ladewig (2011a) found that gestures replacing noun
phrases relatively often represent an object (where the hands ‘become’ the
object), whereas gestures replacing verb phrases favor the acting mode (where
the hands act upon an object), although this trend was not without exceptions.
Such regularities can guide the interpretation of the grammatical relations that
exist between the verbal and gestural tier. A third factor is temporal coordina-
tion. Gestures are known to appear in rough temporal correspondence to the
verbal element they relate to most (Kendon 1970; McNeill 1992; Nobe 2000). As
argued by Cienki (in press), such patterns of temporal coordination ought to be
considered as part of the phonological pole of the symbolic structures under-
lying speech-gesture compositions. If this argument is taken seriously, nota-
tional conventions may need to be enriched: “[a] trick that remains to be solved
is how to display these analyses dynamically (with moving graphics), so as to
better reflect the actual dynamic processes of expression and online thinking (or
understanding) for speaking” (Cienki in press). Indeed, whereas preliminary
attempts to a dynamic representation have been made in the current paper
(Figures 9, 11 and 12), the analyses presented may still fall short in revealing
how the temporal relation between the verbal and gestural tiers affects the
grammatical structure of the utterance.

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96 Kasper I. Kok and Alan Cienki

4.3 Speaker-hearer asymmetry

A third potential problem concerns CG’s take on grammar as ‘direction-neutral’,

i. e., as equally applicable to language production and comprehension. This
view may not always be tenable, since considerable asymmetry can exist as to
whether a given manual behavior is meant or apprehended as communicative. It
has been argued that some forms of gestural expression primarily serve to
‘externalize’ imagery and other cognitive processes onto one’s body (Clark
2013; Pouw et al. 2014). People may for instance use their hands to scaffold
internal cognitive processes such as counting and numerical reasoning. Being
primarily self-oriented, such gestures do not seem good candidates for inclusion
in linguistic analysis. However, even if a hand movement is not intended as part
of a communicated message by the speaker, it might be interpreted as such by
the addressee. To give a somewhat contrived example: at the moment a barten-
der sees a customer counting on his fingers before making any eye contact with
him, he might already have understood the amount of drinks that the customer
wants to order. Whether the customer’s finger counting is to be regarded as a
linguistic action, is open to interpretation. Conversely, communicatively
intended gestures are not always picked up on by the addressee. People’s
disposition to integrate gestures with verbally presented information has been
shown to differ from person to person (Wu and Coulson 2014).
Overall, the challenge of deciding which forms of manual expression are to
be considered subject matter for grammatical analysis does not appear to have a
trivial solution (but see Enfield’s 2009 heuristics for ‘sign filtration’). This is a
general problem for multimodal approaches to grammar, but of particular
relevance to CG, which decisively rejects a sharp distinction between coded
and inferred meaning. Delimiting the set of gestural behaviors that are of
potential concern to cognitive grammatical analysis may require more serious
consideration of the relationship between grammar and the online processes of
language production and comprehension, and the asymmetries that may exist
between them.

5 Conclusion
In view of the incorporation of speakers’ gesture in grammatical theory, CG
has various theoretical and operational strengths. Due to its non-restrictive,
usage-based nature, it does not require fundamental amendments or a supple-
mentary ‘gesture component’. Because CG conceives of grammar from the

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Cognitive Grammar and gesture 97

perspective of prototype theory, as having more central and more peripheral

structures, it avoids having to make a rigid, arbitrary distinction between the
linguistic and non-linguistic proper. We see here that for spoken language, this
aspect of the theory can be extended beyond orally produced sounds to
include other behaviors. Moreover, CG’s notational conventions fit well with
the inherently spatial nature of (manual) gesture. Various, more specific points
of convergence are apparent between gesture research and the dimensions of
imagery postulated in CG (e. g., specificity, perspective, focus-background) as
well as in the potential to incorporate gesture in CG’s diagrammatic notation
We have shown that CG is not only theoretically compatible with a view of
language as multimodal, but can also be fruitfully applied to the analysis of video
data. A CG approach can benefit our understanding of gesture-internal structure
as well as of the interaction of iconic and deictic components of gestures with
elements of speech. This corroborates CG’s potential utility for a view of language
as multimodal, although some challenges remain. Most importantly, further
understanding is needed of the rich symbolic potential and functional complexity
of gestures, of the constraints that govern the grammatical relations between
different modalities, and of the asymmetries that may exist between gesture
production and comprehension. Overall, however, CG has been demonstrated to
provide important theoretical constructs and analytical tools for further advancing
our understanding of the structure of multimodal language use.

Acknowledgements: We thank John Newman and three anonymous reviewers

for helpful comments on previous versions of this article.

Funding: We are also grateful for research support from the Netherlands
Scientific Organization (NWO; grant PGW-12-39) to the first author and from
the Russian Science Foundation (grant #14-48-00067) to the second author.

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