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Travel Insurance 2

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Policyholder: FATEMA HASAN

Passport: 2635101 Policy Number 1875MED
Mobile Number: 33331885
Address MANAMA
Nationality BAHRAIN N. Passengers 1
Date Of Birth 24/07/1992

Coverage Period
Policy Amount
Effective from: 16/01/2022 Policy period: 10 day(s)

Expiry: 25/01/2022 Payment Method : Invoiced

Net Premium: 7.3 BD


Destination Area:



Medical expenses and hospitalization abroad 50,000
• COVID-19 Emergency Medical Expenses and hospitalization Sub Limit 35,000
• COVID-19 Quarantines Expenses Sub Limit up to 14 days / up to $100 per day
Emergency medical evacuation 50,000
Emergency dental care 1,000
Repatriation of mortal remains 10,000
Repatriation of family member traveling with the insured 5,000
Emergency return home following death of a close relative 2,000
Travel of one immediate family member
Max 850/-
24 Hours assistance service Covered
Delivery of medicine 1,000
Advance of Bail Bond 4,000
legal defence 2,000
Hijacking Not Covered
Loss of passport , driving license , national identity card abroad 300
Compensation for in-flight loss of checked - in baggage 1000
Per Bag 500
Per Item 50
Compensation for delay in the arrival of luggage 500
Delay Departure 500
Location and forwarding of personal effects Covered
Death in common carrier 25,000
Permanent disability % of principal sum as per scale
Permanent total disability 25,000
Personal civil liability 25,000

Assistance Information

General 24/7 international help line

Ireland : +35 391560621 Germany:+491805115610 International: +962 6 5008119
Watsapp:+962 77 6811108
By dialing our emergency number,the Insured will be prompted to provide: Passport number ,Assistance card number/Policy number , Full name of the injured and the principal insured ,The cause of the call ,The place he/she are located
(Hotel/City/Address/Phone number)

I acknowledge that I have read and understood

the terms and conditions of this certificate
and I agree to be bound by them.


TRAVEL PROTECT “Close Relative” of the Insured: Spouse, parents, children, grandparents,
grandchildren, siblings, mother and father in law and brothers and sisters in
Travel Insurance Policy Terms & Conditions
ARTICLE 1 - IMPORTANT INFORMATION “Children”: Persons from 3 months to 18 years old.
This policy does not cover everything. The policy holder should read this “Spouse”: Person officially registered as wife or husband of the Insured.
policy carefully including the policy’s general exclusions and the specific
exclusions for each benefit. “Usual Country of Residence”: The Country where the Insured person is
legal resident and where the Policy is issued by the Insurer.
Under some sections of this policy, the policyholder must pay excess. That
means that the policyholder will be responsible for paying the first part of “Illness”: Any change in health diagnosed and confirmed by a legally
the claim for each insured person, for each section, for each claim incident. recognised doctor during the life of the policy and which is not comprised or
The amount the policyholder has to pay is the excess. derived from either of the following two groups:
a. Congenital disease: the disease that exists at the moment of birth
ARTICLE 2 - DEFINITIONS as a consequence of hereditary factors or complaints acquired
“Insurer” or “The Company”: The Insurance Company MEDGULF TAKAFUL during pregnancy, even if it wasn’t diagnosed or known.
B.S.C. (c), registered and authorized in the in the country in which this b. Pre-existing disease: the disease that the Insured suffered prior to
insurance policy is issued and subscribed the date of the trip, even if it wasn’t diagnosed or known.
“The Assistance Company”: Gulf Assist, the company provided by the “Serious Illness”: Any illness with the conditions described above, that
reinsurer for the purpose of supplying the covers of this policy, directly or requires admission to hospital and which, in the opinion of the Assistance
by means of its network, on the reinsurer’s behalf. Company's medical team, prevents the Insured from continuing travel on
the date planned, or which involves the risk of death.
“Policyholder”: The natural or legal person who subscribes the policy with “Injury”: A medical problem caused by a sudden and severe external cause
the Insurer and who is bound by the obligations arising therefore, save those or reason beyond the control of the Insured, within the validity period of this
which, owing to their nature, must be complied with by the Insured. Policy, during the trip.

“Insured Person”: Within the validity period of the policy, the person aged “Serious Injury": An injury with the conditions described above which, in the
between 3 months and 80 years, whose name and address are specified in opinion of the Assistance Company's medical team, prevents the Insured
the policy, with respect to whom the premium has been paid before from continuing travel on the date planned or involves the risk of death.
his/her travel and who is a resident of the country where the policy was “Accident”: The bodily injury suffered during the life of the contract,
issued. which derives from a violent, sudden, external cause and one that is not
There are not eligible as “Insured Person” the following persons: intended by the Insured. For the purposes of this policy, the following
shall also be construed to be accidents:
a) Insured intending to travel more than 92 consecutive days unless
specified in the related plan. a. Asphyxia or injuries as a consequence of gases or vapours,
immersion or submersion, or from the consumption of liquid or
b) Persons of less than 3 months of age. solid matter other than foodstuffs.
c) Persons aged from 81 years old, except in case a specific Plan b. Infections resulting from an accident covered by the policy.
including such cover for persons aged from 81 years is contracted.
c. Injuries that are a consequence of surgical operations or medical
d) Non-residents in the country where the policy is issued; treatments resulting from an accident covered by the policy.
e) Those who have initiated the trip prior to the insurance “Emergency Dental Care”: Any natural dental treatment covered by the
underwriting. policy due to a condition suddenly started up at travel and that it does not
f) Insured travelling for work reasons (paid or otherwise), undertaking occur by reason of any pre-existing situation has been documented by
physical or manual hazardous activities such as: driving vehicles, use dentist’s report.
of machinery, loading and unloading, working at heights or in “Doctor” or “Physician”: An officially registered medical practitioner
confined spaces, assembly of machinery, working on floating or according to the law of the place where the claim happens.
underwater platforms, mines or quarries, use of chemical
substances, laboratory work of any kind and any other hazardous “Osteosynthesis material”: Parts or pieces of metal or of any other kind
activities. used to join together the ends of a fractured bone, or to knit together
the tips of joints, by surgical operation and which can be reused.
“Beneficiary”: Person or persons for whom the Insured recognises the
right to receive the corresponding amount of compensation as outlined in Orthopaedic material or orthesis: Anatomical parts or items of any kind
this contract. Should no one have been specified, the compensation will used to prevent or correct temporary or permanent deformations of the
form part of the Insured’s estate. body (walking sticks, cervical collar, wheelchair, etc.).

“Immediate Family Member” of the Insured: Spouse, children, parents, “Prosthesis”: These are deemed to be any item of any kind that
grandparents and siblings. temporary, or permanently, replaces the lack of an organ, tissue, organic
fluid, member or part of any of them. By way of an example, mechanical

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or biological items such as cardiac valve parts, joint replacements, The benefits guaranteed under the policy shall be provided, in every case,
synthetic skin, intraocular lenses, biological materials (cornea), fluids, according to the terms and conditions set forth in the policy and in keeping
gels and synthetic or semisynthetic liquids that replace organic humours with the specific guarantees that have actually been contracted.
or liquids, medicine reservoirs, mobile oxygen therapy systems, etc.
“Limit”: The amounts set forth in the Conditions of this Policy, Schedules
of Covers and Economic Limits of each different Plan, and which The Company will provide the following Benefits only when the Insured is
represents the maximum benefit (financial, temporary or another kind) travelling outside the Usual Country of Residence for up to a maximum of 92
covered under each guarantee. consecutive days unless specified in the related plan.
“Fraudulent Claims”: When the Insured, beneficiary or someone acting on SECTION A: MEDICAL & EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE
their behalf, uses any fraudulent means or devices in order to obtain any
1. Medical Expenses and hospitalization outside the habitual country
of the benefits of this policy, consequently, any payment of any amount in
of residence
respect of such claim shall be cancelled.
1.1. In the event that the Insured should fall ill or have an accident while
“Deductible” or “Excess”: The amount of expenses or the number of days
travelling outside their usual place of residence, the Company shall
which are not covered by the Insurer, and that are to be paid or supported
meet the cost of any hospitalisation expenses, surgical operations,
by the Insured Person before the Policy benefits become payable.
medical and nursing fees and any pharmaceutical products prescribed
“Premium”: The price of the insurance that the Policyholder must pay the by the doctor attending them, until their condition is sufficiently
Insurer in consideration for the coverage of the risks provided for the stabilised to allow them to continue the journey or be transferred to
Insured by the latter, the receipt for which will include, moreover, the their usual place of residence or hospital close to it, all of these up to
surcharges and taxes legally applicable. the limit duly established in the Specific or Special Conditions.
“Period of Insurance” or “Effective Date of Coverage”: The period that The Company’s medical team shall maintain the necessary telephone
commences and ends on the dates stated on the Certificate of the Policy conversations with the centre and with the doctors attending the
contracted. Such period of Insurance is in any case not renewable. Insured in order to supervise the provision of suitable health care.

“Territory”: Geographic area where the travel, object of the contract takes This cover is subject to a limit provided by the referred plan. USD 100
place, and in which the events that occur there have coverage. excess is applicable per claim, only for out-patient.

“Means of Transport /Common Carrier”: It will be understood like Common 1.2. Emergency Medical Expenses and Hospitalization due to COVID-19:
Carrier which are hired to carry out the trip object of this insurance and will
In case the Insured gets infected with the Covid-19 during a trip
remain limited to the plane, ship, train, or coach, including when going into
covered by the Insurance Policy, the Travel Insurance covers the
and going out of the above mentioned way of transport. Equally there
Medical Expenses & Hospitalization abroad, up to the proposed limit
remains covered the Accident of the way of public transport (limited to taxi,
on the particular conditions of the purchased policy and according to
rent car with driver, tramway train, bus, train, underground train) during the
the terms and conditions defined in the same, save the Insured travels
direct route between the point of exit or come (domicile or hotel) up to the
to a location declared as not recommended for travel by the
terminal of the trip (station, airport, port).
competent local Authority.
“Dangerous activities”: activities involving possible injury, harm, or death:
In case of infection, the Insured must contact the Emergency
characterized by danger or : able or likely to cause injury, pain, harm, death,
Assistance Service immediately to provide the necessary assistance.
This cover is subject to a limit provided by the referred plan. USD 100
ARTICLE 3 - OBJECT AND SCOPE OF THE POLICY excess is applicable per claim, only for out-patient.
By virtue of this contract the Company will immediately provide the Insured, 1.3. Covid-19 Quarantine Cover:
the assistance specified under the “Coverage” clause of this Insurance Policy
for accidents that occur due to unforeseen incidents during travels outside In case the Insured gets infected with the Covid-19 during a trip
his/her Usual Country of Residence, provided that this occurrence does not covered by the Insurance Policy, the Travel Insurance covers the
take place outside the specified geographical boundaries and does not take expenses incurred due to mandatory quarantine in a governmentally
place out of the prescribed travel duration between the validity dates of this approved or facilitated quarantine centre, up to the proposed limit on
Policy. The scope of this Policy becomes void when the travel causing the the particular conditions of the policy and according to the terms and
acquisition of this Policy ends and/or the Insured arrives at his/her Usual conditions defined in the same, save the Insured travels to a location
Country of Residence, whichever takes place first. declared as not recommended for travel by the competent local
The period of cover granted under this policy shall not exceed 92 consecutive
days each travel unless specified in the related plan. In case of infection, the Insured must contact the Emergency
Assistance Service immediately to provide the necessary assistance
Travel medical insurance shall cover any expenses which might arise in
connection with repatriation for medical reasons, urgent medical attention 2. Emergency Medical Evacuation
and/or emergency hospital treatment or death, only for the duration of the In the event of an accident or sudden illness, that is not pre-existing and
applicant’s stay(s) on the territory of the Member States and not throughout which is acute, the Company will take charge of transferring the Insured to
the validity of the visa. a properly equipped health centre or repatriating to his/her usual country of

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The Assistance Company’s medical team will maintain the telephone Insured’s country of residence and the Company will meet the cost of the
contacts necessary with the doctors attending to the Insured and will decide transfer expenses to the place of interment, cremation or funeral ceremony
which health centre the Insured is transferred to or whether repatriation is at his/her usual country of residence.
necessary, depending on the situation or gravity of the state the latter is in.
This cover is subject to a limit provided by the referred plan.
Assistance Company will arrange the evacuation, using the means it deems
Payment of expenses for interment, cremation or funeral ceremony is
suitable, based on the medical evaluation of the seriousness of the
excluded from this guarantee.
Insured’s condition. These means may include air ambulance, surface
ambulance, regular airplane, railroad or other appropriate means. All SPECIFIC CONDITIONS TO COVID-19 BENEFITS
decisions relating to the means of transportation and final destination will
be made by The Assistance Company. a- Travelers need to have a PCR negative test dated not more than
48 hours- 72 hours before departing for each trip conducted
Approval and arrangements shall be taken from the Assistance Company. regardless of the duration of the issued policy.
In case any transportation or arrangement is made without obtaining prior
approval from the Assistance Company, fees shall be paid by the Insured. b- Cover is valid only for the specified duration of stay and once this
duration is over, the cover ends and is not renewable.
This cover is subject to a limit provided by the referred plan.
c- Insured's age: up to 75 Years. ( Age loading remains applicable as
3. Emergency dental care per the actual treaty).
If and when found necessary, the Company will provide the Insured party d- Groups exceeding 10 members are excluded from the cover.
with the dental assistance required abroad. However, this coverage is
restricted to the treatment of pain, infection and removal of the tooth/teeth e- COVID-19 tests are not covered.
affected. f- In case of positive results, the Insured must contact the
This cover is subject to a limit provided by the referred plan. USD 50 Emergency Assistance Service immediately to provide the
excess is applicable per claim. necessary assistance.

4. Repatriation of family member travelling with the insured SECTION B: PERSONAL ASSISTANCE BENEFITS

Should the Insured be hospitalized due to sudden illness or accident for more 1. 24 Hours Assistance Services
than ten days or deceased, the Company will meet the cost of repatriating 1.1 Medical Assistance
one immediate family member accompanying the Insured at the moment of
the event, to his usual place of residence, when the latter is placed in the As soon as the Assistance Company is notified about a medical
same country of residence of the Insured, and provided this immediate emergency resulting from the Insured’s accident or illness, the
family member is unable to travel by his/her own means of transport or the Assistance Company will contact the medical facility or location
means of transport used for the initial trip. where the Insured is placed and confer with the Physician at that
location of the Insured to determine the best course of action to be
This cover is subject to a limit provided by the referred plan. taken.
5. Travel of one Immediate Family Member If possible and if deemed appropriate by the Assistance Company, the
In the event that the Insured should be admitted to hospital for more than Insured’s Physician will be contacted to in order to have a better
five days as a result of an accident or illness covered in the policy, the knowledge of the medical conditions of the Insured, The Assistance
insurer will take charge of the transfer of an immediate family member at Company will then analyse the situation and recommend the most
the Insured’s choice, from the usual country of residence of the Insured, appropriate way of providing the assistance benefits, as well as
including meeting the cost of the outbound to the place of hospitalisation, arranging hospital admission of the Insured where, in discretion, of
accommodation expenses and return journey, up to a limit provided by The Assistance Company is appropriate.
the referred plan. 1.2 Legal Assistance
6. Emergency Return Home following Death of Close Relative If the insured person is arrested or in danger of being arrested as the
When an Insured's trip/journey is interrupted by the death of a close relative result of any non-criminal action resulting from responsibilities
(spouse, parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, siblings, mother attributed to him, the Assistance Company will, if required, provide
and father in law, brothers and sisters in law), the Company will meet the him with the name of an attorney who can represent him in any
cost of travel to the usual country of residence, whenever he/she is unable necessary legal matters.
to travel by his/her own means of transport or the means of transport hired 1.3 Pre-Departure Services
for the trip. However, the Insured shall be required to furnish the evidence,
documents or certificates of the event, interrupting the journey (death Prior to The Insured’s departure, The Assistance Company will
certificate). provide basic useful information about foreign locations, information
about immunization requirements and passport or visa
This cover is subject to a limit provided by the referred plan. requirements, general information about weather and warnings
7. Repatriation of Mortal Remains about travel to certain locations.

In the event of the death of the Insured, The Assistance Company will make
the necessary arrangements for the return of the Insured’s remains to the

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1.4 International General Assistance This cover is subject to a limit provided by the referred plan.
The Assistance Company will serve as a central point for translation 2. Compensation for in-flight loss of checked-in baggage
and communication for the Insured during emergencies.
The Company will supplement the compensation for which the carrier is
The Assistance Company agrees to provide to him advice on liable up to a limit provided by the selected Plan, as a sum of both
contacting and using services available from consulates, government compensation payments, for the collection of baggage and possessions
agencies, translators and other service providers that can help with checked in by each Insured, in the event of loss during the carriage by air
travel problems. performed by the carrier company, for the purpose of which the Insured
shall furnish a list of the contents including the estimated price and date of
1.5 Abroad Information Assistance about lost Luggage and Passport,
purchase of each item, as well as the settlement of the compensation
If the Insured outside his country of residence, notifies the Assistance payment by the carrier.
Company that his/her luggage or passport has been lost, the
Compensation payment for loss will be calculated according to the
Assistance Company will endeavour to assist him/her by contacting
procedures recommended by international carriage by air organisations.
the appropriate authorities involved and providing direction for
replacing the passport or finding the luggage. The minimum period of time that must elapse for the baggage to be
considered to have been lost once and for all will be that stipulated by the
2. Delivery of Medicines
carrier company shall not be less than 21 days.
The Insurer will cover the expenses of sending medicines, in case of
This cover is subject to a limit provided by the referred plan.
emergency, which are prescribed by the Doctor of the Insured, even if this
prescription is previous to the trip, and are not available at the place where Money, jewellery, debit/credit cards, cheques and any type of document
she/he is staying. are excluded from this guarantee.
This cover is subject to a limit provided by the referred plan. 3. Compensation for delay in the arrival of luggage
The costs of the medicines are excluded from this guarantee. In the event of a delay of more than 4 hours in delivering the baggage
checked in, since the arrival of the flight on an IATA Member Airline, the
3. Legal Defence
Company will cover up to a limit specified by the selected plan for each
If the Insured is arrested or is in danger of being arrested as the result of Insured person, to purchase prime necessity items (those that are
any non-criminal action resulting from responsibilities attributed to him, indispensable while the Insured awaits the arrival of the delayed baggage),
the Assistance Company will, if required, provide him with the name of an provided that the relevant original copies of the invoices are furnished.
attorney who can represent him in any necessary legal matters.
This cover is subject to a limit provided by the referred plan.
All such claims shall be accompanied by documents duly certified by the
The Insurer will cover the expenses of legal defence abroad of the Airline attesting to the occurrence of the event.
beneficiaries in the penal or civil procedures which are generated against the
4. Delayed Departure
beneficiaries as a result of false arrest or wrongful detention.
When the departure of the common carrier contracted by the Insured for
This cover is subject to a limit provided by the referred plan.
travelling is delayed by at least 4 hours, the Company, subject to
4. Advance of Bail Bond presentation of the corresponding original invoices, shall reimburse any
additional expenses incurred (transport and hotel accommodation, as well
The Company will advance funds for any legal bond required on behalf of as meals) as a result of the said delay, with the following limits in
an Insured up to the amount provided by the referred plan. accordance with the Schedules in the Plan selected:
The Insured will be required to repay such sum as may have been advanced  Plan TRAVELLER : Worldwide & Worldwide I
within 45 days. The Assistance Company will require valid credit
authorisation prior to any such fund advance.  Up to USD 250, for delays in excess of four but less than twelve
5. Hijacking
 Up to USD 500, for delays in excess of twelve but less than eighteen
The insurer will pay the Insured a distress compensation up to the limit hours;
provided by the referred plan for every 24 hour during which any common
carrier in which the beneficiary is travelling has been hijacked.  Up to USD 750, for delays in excess of eighteen but less than twenty
four hours;
This cover is subject to a limit provided by the referred plan.
 Up to USD 1000, for delays in excess of twenty-four hours.
SECTION C: LOSSES & DELAYS BENEFITS  Plan PEARL : Worldwide & Worldwide I

1. Loss of Passport, driving license, national identity card abroad  Up to USD 125, for delays in excess of four but less than twelve
In case of loss of the Insured's passport, driving license, national identity card
while abroad, the Company will take charge of the expenses of the  Up to USD 250, for delays in excess of twelve but less than
replacements necessary for obtaining a new passport driving license, eighteen hours;
national identity card or equivalent consular document.

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 Up to USD 375, for delays in excess of eighteen but less than 3) If, upon the death of the Insured, there should be no designated
twenty four hours; beneficiary, nor rules to decide upon one, the insured sum shall go on
to form part of the Insured’s estate. Where there are several
 Up to USD 500, for delays in excess of twenty-four hours.
beneficiaries, and except agreement to the contrary, payment of the
This guarantee duly excludes any delay that is a direct consequence of a sum insured shall be divided equally between them, or in proportion
strike called by employees belonging to the airline company and/or the to their share of the estate, where those designated are the legal
departure or arrival airports for the flight, or to service companies heirs. That part not received by a beneficiary shall augment all the
subcontracted by the same. others, except agreement to the contrary, except in the case where
Also excluded from this guarantee are those delays that occur on charter any of them should be a wilful causer of the accident. In such a case,
or non-regular flights. any designation in favour of the same shall be deemed null and void
and the corresponding part not received shall go on to form part of
5. Location and forwarding of baggage and personal effects. the Policyholder’s estate.
The Company will furnish the Insured with advice on reporting the robbery 4) In order to obtain payment of the Insured Sum, the Beneficiaries
or loss of his/her baggage and personal possessions, and will collaborate should furnish the Insurer with the following documents:
in arrangements for locating them.
a) Insured’s Birth certificate and literal Death certificate.
In the event that the aforesaid possessions should be recovered, the
Company will take charge of forwarding them to the place of the trip b) Those that prove the Beneficiaries’ identity. Should they be
planned by the Insured or to his/her usual country of residence. the legal heirs, it shall also prove necessary to present the
declaration of heirs decreed by the competent Court.
In this event, the Insured is under an obligation to return the
compensation received for the loss in accordance with this policy. c) Where the beneficiaries are duly designated in a will, a
certification from the General Registry of Last Wills and
Conditions and Limitations applicable to section C: Testaments or local equivalent Authority, together with a first
copy thereof, will be required.
1. The Insured Person must obtain written confirmation from the
carriers or their agents of the actual date and time of departure d) Letter of payment or declaration of exemption from
and the reasons for delay before a claim is considered under this Inheritance Tax, duly issued by the corresponding Tax
Section of the Policy. Delegation or local equivalent Authority.
2. Claims under this Section shall be calculated from the actual time 3. Permanent Disability
of departure of the conveyance on which the Insured was booked
to travel, as specified in the booking confirmation. 1) This shall be deemed to consist of the permanent anatomic loss or
lack of functionality or limbs or organs as a result of an accident. The
amount of the indemnity shall be determined by applying to the Sum
Insured the percentages established in the following Injury Table:
1. “Means of Transport” Cover:
Insurance covers accidents the Insured may suffer at the means of Percentage of
Injury Table
transport used during the trip, including public means of transport (taxis, Indemnity
buses, microbuses, coaches) used by the Insured to get from his usual
Head and nervous system
place of residence to the boarding point (airport, sea port, bus station) and
from the point of arrival to the place of accommodation, as well as the  Complete mental derangement 100
return journey under the same conditions.
 Maximum expression of epilepsy 60
The indemnity limit for each cover is that provided at the Plan selected of
 Total blindness 100
the Policy or at the Individual Insurance Certificate.
 Loss of one eye or the sight thereof,
The indemnity limit for all Insured affected by the same accident is USD where the other had previously been 70
500,000 (five hundred thousand USD), regardless the number of Insured lost
persons or policies involved.
 Loss of one eye, while conserving the
2. Accidental Death other, or reduction of binocular vision to 25
1) Where an accident should lead to the death of the Insured, the
Insurer shall pay the Beneficiary the sum determined for this  Operated bilateral traumatic cataract 20
 Operated unilateral traumatic cataract 10
2) If, prior to the death, the Insurer has paid an indemnity for Disability,  Total deafness 50
as a result of the same accident and this had occurred in less than one
year, it shall indemnify the difference between the amount paid and  Total deafness in one ear, having
the insured sum in the event of death. Should the indemnity already previously lost hearing in the other
paid out be greater, the Insurer shall not lay claim to the difference.  Total deafness in one ear 15

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 Total loss of sense of smell or taste 5 Pelvis and Lower Limbs

 Total mutism with impossibility of  Total loss of movement of a hip 20

emitting coherent sounds
 Amputation of a leg above the knee 60
 Ablation of the lower jaw 30
 Amputation of a leg, while conserving
 Grave disorders in the articulations of the knee
both jawbones
 Amputation of a foot 50

 Partial amputation of a foot, while

Spine conserving the heel

 Paraplegia 100  Amputation of a big toe 10

 Quadriplegia 100  Amputation of any other toe 5

 Mobility limitations as a result of  Shortening of a leg by 5 cm or more 10

vertebral fractures, without
neurological complications or grave  Total paralysis of the external popliteal
20 15
deformations of the spine: 3 per cent for sciatic nerve
each vertebra affected, up to a
 Total loss of movement of a knee 20
maximum of
 Total loss of movement of an ankle 15
 Barré-Lieou syndrome 10
 Serious walking difficulties subsequent
to the fracture of one of the heel bones
Thorax and Abdomen
2) Applying the table of injuries shall be governed by the following
 Loss of a lung or a reduction to 50 per
20 principles:
cent of lung capacity
a. When the injuries affect the non-dominant upper limb, the left of a
 Nephrectomy 10
right-handed person or vice versa, the indemnity percentages for the
 Enterostomy 20 same shall be reduced by 15 per cent, except in case of a hand
amputation related to a foot amputation.
 Splenectomy 5
b. In order to determine the said percentages, neither the Insured’s
profession or age, nor any other factor not included in the table shall
Upper Limbs be taken into account.
 Amputation of an arm from the c. The accumulation of all the Disability percentages arising from the
articulation of the humerus same accident shall not give rise to an indemnity of over 100 per
 Amputation of an arm at the level of, or cent.
above, the elbow d. The total lack of functionality of some limb or organ shall be
 Amputation of an arm below the elbow 60 considered as total loss thereof.

 Amputation of a hand at the level of, or e. The sum of diverse partial percentages related to the same limb or
below, the wrist organ shall not exceed the percentage of indemnity established for
the total loss thereof.
 Amputation of four fingers of a hand 50
f. Those types of Disability not expressly specified shall be indemnified
 Amputation of a thumb 20
by analogy with other cases that do appear therein.
 Total amputation of an index finger or
15 g. Partial limitations and anatomic losses shall be indemnified
two joints thereof
proportionally, with respect to the total loss of the affected limb or
 Total amputation of any other finger or organ.
two joints thereof
h. In the event that, prior to the accident, some member or organ
 Total loss of movement of a shoulder 25 suffered amputations or functional limitations, the percentage of
 Total loss of movement of an elbow 20 the indemnity shall be the difference between the pre-existing
Disability and that present after the accident.
 Total paralysis of the radial, cubital or
25 3) For the purposes of the definitive indemnity, the degree of disability
median nerve
shall be determined by the Insurer whenever the Insured’s physical
 Total loss of movement of a wrist 20 condition is medically recognised as being definitive and the
corresponding medical certificate of incapacity is provided. Where
twelve months pass from the date of the accident, without the above

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being established, the Insured may request from the Insurer a further the blood alcohol level is grater than 0,50 grams per 1.000 cubic
period of up to twelve months more, after which time the latter must centimetres, or the Insured is fined or convicted for this cause.
determine the disability on the basis of what it believes, will be the
j) Intoxication or poisoning from the consumption of foodstuff.
definitive condition.
k) Injuries that are a consequence of surgical operations or medical
4) Should the Insured not accept the Insurer’s proposal, duly made in
treatments not brought about by an accident covered by the policy.
accordance with the medical certificate of incapacity and in line with
the scale outlined in the policy, the following rules shall apply: l) Accident as a result of any kind of loss of consciousness, illnesses of
any kind, fainting fits, syncope, strokes, epilepsy or epileptiforms.
a. Each party shall appoint a medical expert and their written
acceptance must be duly recorded. Should one of the parties not 4.2 The consequences of accidents that occurred prior to the coming into
make such an appointment, he shall be obligated to do so within force of this insurance are also excluded, despite the fact that they become
eight days of the date on which the party who had done so apparent during its lifetime, as well as the consequences or after-effects
requires him to comply; should the former still not name anyone of an accident covered which become apparent after the three hundred
within this period, it shall be taken that he accepts the report and sixty-five days subsequent to the date on which it occurred.
issued by the other party’s appraiser and he shall be duly bound
by it. 4.3 Unless expressly included in a specific Plan and subject to payment of
the relevant surcharge Premium, the consequences of the following are
b. Where the experts reach an agreement, this shall be reflected in excluded from the guarantee object of this contract:
a joint report, which shall state the causes of the loss, the degree
of disability, any other circumstances that have a bearing on the a) Engaging in the following sports: motor racing or motorcycle racing
determination of the same and the corresponding percentage of in any of its modes, big game hunting, underwater diving using
indemnity proposed. artificial lung, navigation in international waters in craft not intended
for the public transport of passengers, horse riding, climbing,
c. Where no agreement between the medical experts is mountaineering, alpinishm, pot holing, boxing, wrestling in any of its
forthcoming, both parties shall agree on the designation of a modes, martial arts, parachuting, hot air ballooning, free falling,
third appraiser. Should this agreed designation not prove gliding and, in general, any sport or recreational activity that is
possible, this shall be incumbent on the competent Judge notoriously dangerous.
corresponding to the Insured’s address, under the Insured’s
country Law of Civil Procedure. b) Participation in competitions or tournaments organised by sporting
federations or similar organisations.
4. Specific Exclusions for Personal Accident
c) The use, as a passenger or crew, of means of air navigation not
4.1 In addition to the General Exclusions to all the guarantees of this policy authorised for the public transport of travellers, as well as
described at the end of these General Conditions, the Insurer does not helicopters.
cover the consequences originated or produced by the following:
d) Accidents due to a physical or manual risk activity (paid or not) such
a) Bad faith on the part of the Insured or those intentionally caused by as: driving of vehicles, use of machinery, loading and unloading,
the same, except where the damage was sustained in order to avoid work in heights/levelling or confined locations, assembly of
something worse. machinery, undertaking work on floating or underwater/sub-aquatic
platforms, mines or quarries, use of chemical substances,
b) Wars, with or without prior declaration, and any conflicts or
laboratories of any kind, and any other dangerous activities.
international interventions using force or duress. Events arising from
terrorism, mutiny or crowd disturbances. As well as damage caused
during the course of strikes. SECTION E: CIVIL LIABILITY BENEFITS

c) Events or actions of the Armed Forces or Security Forces in 1. Personal Civil Liability
peacetime. 1. The Company guarantees the Insured to pay the compensation for
d) Extraordinary natural phenomena such as floods, earthquakes, which the Insured may be civilly liable by law, for bodily or material
landslides, volcanic eruptions, atypical cyclonic storms, falling damages caused involuntarily to third parties and products during the
objects from space and aerolites, and in general any extraordinary lifetime of the insurance contract, according to the definitions, terms and
atmospheric, meteorological, seismic or geological phenomenon. conditions set out in the policy and for incidents arising from the risk
specified therein.
e) Fall of sidereal bodies and meteorites.
2. Save express agreement to the contrary, the Company will assume the
f) Those derived from radioactive nuclear energy. legal supervision as regards the claim by the damaged party, and will meet
the cost of the defence expenses that arise. The Insured shall provide the
g) Those caused when the Insured takes part in bets, challenges or
collaboration necessary to assist the legal supervision assumed by the
brawls, except in the case of legitimate defence or necessity.
h) Accidents caused by the Insured’s participation in criminal acts, or as
3. If in the court procedures brought against the Insured there should be a
a result of his/her fraudulent, seriously negligent or reckless actions.
conviction, the Company will decide whether it is appropriate to appeal to
i) Accidents suffered as a result of being inebriated or under the effect the competent higher Court; if it does not deem the appeal appropriate, it
of drugs, toxics or narcotics. Inebriation shall be taken to mean when will inform the Insured thereof, and the latter will be free to lodge it on its
own exclusive account. In this latter event, if the appeal lodged were to

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give rise to a sentence favourable to the interests of the Company, it will l) Damage caused to movable or immovable property which, for their
be obliged to meet the cost of the expenses arising from such appeal. use or enjoyment, handling, transformation, repair, safe-keeping,
deposit or transport, have been entrusted, assigned or rented to the
4. When any conflict arose between the Insured and the Company,
Insured, or which are in his/her possession or sphere of control.
prompted by the latter having to maintain in the loss interests contrary to
the defence of the Insured, the Company will inform the Insured thereof, m) Financial losses that are not the consequence of a material damage
without prejudice to taking the measures which, because of their urgent covered by the policy, as well as the financial losses that are the
nature, are necessary for the defence. In this case, the Insured may choose consequence of a bodily harm or material damage not covered by
between maintaining the legal supervision provided by the Company or the policy.
entrusting its own defence to another person. In this last event, the
n) Damage caused by engaging in obviously dangerous sports, such as
Company will be obliged to pay the expenses of such legal supervision up
mountaineering, underwater activities, shooting or similar.
to the limit agreed in the Policy Schedule.
o) Injury to employees of the Insured.
When in the civil part an amicable agreement was reached, the defence
in the criminal part is discretionary on the part of the Company and is p) Liability arising out of:
subject to the prior consent of the defendant.
Any wilful act or misconduct;
This cover is subject to a limit provided by the referred plan.
The carrying on of any trade profession or business.
1.1. Recoveries
q) Liability to members of the Insured's family or any employee.
In the event of concurrence of the Company and of the Insured against a
liable third party, the amount recovered will be shared out between them r) Liability for which indemnity is provided to the Insured under any
both in proportion to their respective interest. other insurance.

2. Specific exclusions to Personal Civil Liability cover: THE COMPANY’S LIABILITY CONDITIONS

In addition to the General Exclusions, applicable to all Coverage and 1) In the event of any claim the liability of the Company shall be
Sections of this policy, the consequences of the following events and conditional on the insured claiming indemnity or benefit having
damages are not covered: complied with and continuing to comply with the terms of this Policy.

a) Damage which has its origin in the breach of or voluntary failure to 2) In the event of a claim under this Policy the Insured shall:
observe positive Legal rules or of those governing the activities a) Take all reasonable precautions to minimize the loss.
object of the insurance.
b) As soon as possible telephone the Company to notify the claim
b) Damage to goods or animals that are in the possession of the stating the Benefits required.
Insured, or the person for whom the latter is answerable, for his/her
own use, or that have been entrusted or rented out to him/her to c) Freely provide the Company with all relevant information.
use, look after, transport, use for working purposes or operate. d) Make no admission of liability or offer promise or payment of any
c) Damage caused by the contamination of the ground, waters or the kind.
atmosphere, unless the cause thereof should be accidental, sudden 3) The Insurer will not reimburse or consider reimbursing any expenses
and unforeseen or not anticipated by the Insured. which were not previously approved. In relation to previously approved
d) Damage caused by risks that should be object of compulsory expenses, the insured or beneficiaries will have to include the claim
insurance cover. number obtained from The Assistance Company prior to sending the
official receipts and/or letter explaining the reason and circumstances
e) Damage arising from the use and running of motor vehicles, and of of why the Travel Assistance Services for which expenses are claimed
the elements towed or incorporated therein. were not obtained from The Assistance Company directly.
f) The contractual obligations of the Insured.
g) Damage caused to ships, aircraft or any device destined for
The following exclusion applies to the whole of this policy:
navigation or water or air support, or caused by them.
1) It is excluded loss, damage, illness and/or injury directly or indirectly
h) Damage caused by the transport, storage and handling of corrosive,
caused by, arising out of, and/or during, and/or in consequence of the
toxic, inflammable and explosive substances and gases.
following are excluded from the guarantee/cover granted under this
i) The payment of penalties and fines, as well as the consequences of Policy:
failure to pay them and the furnishing of court bonds to guarantee
a) The bad faith of the Insured, by his/her participation in criminal
the criminal results of the procedure.
acts, or as a result of his/her fraudulent, seriously negligent or
j) Liability arising from labour accidents sustained by the personnel in reckless actions including those actions of the Insured in a state of
the service of the Insured. derangement or under psychiatric treatment costs for which are
themselves excluded;
k) Damage caused by products, completed works and services
rendered, after they have been delivered to clients or after they b) Extraordinary natural phenomena such as floods, earthquakes,
have been rendered. landslides, volcanic eruptions, atypical cyclonic storms, falling

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objects from space and aerolites, and in general any extraordinary t) Illness or injuries resulting from refusal and/or delay, on the part
atmospheric, meteorological, seismic or geological phenomenon of the Insured or persons responsible for him/her, in the transfer
any other type of natural disaster; proposed by the Company and agreed by its medical service;
c) Events arising from terrorism, mutiny or crowd disturbances; u) Illness or injuries caused by pregnancy and childbirth or any
complication therefore or voluntary termination of pregnancy;
d) Events or actions of the Armed Forces or Security Forces in
peacetime; v) Mental Health diseases.
e) Wars, with or without prior declaration, and any conflicts or w) Venereal sexually transmitted diseases.
international interventions using force or duress or military
x) All pre-existing, congenital and/or Chronic Medical Conditions
operations of whatever type.
prior to the date of the trip.
f) Those caused by or resulting from radioactive materials and
y) Any cardiac or cardio vascular or vascular or cerebral vascular
nuclear energy;
illness or conditions or after-effects thereof or complications that,
g) Those caused when the Insured takes part in bets, challenges or in the opinion of a medical practitioner appointed by the
brawls, save in the case of legitimate defence or necessity; Company, can reasonably be related thereto, if the insured person
has received medical advice or treatment (including medication)
h) Illness or injuries existing prior to the claim, unless expressly
for hypertension 2 years prior to the commencement of the
included in the Private or Special Conditions and subject to
Protected Journey.
payment of the relevant surcharge premium;
2) In addition to the foregoing General Exclusions, the following benefits
i) Those that occur as a result of the participation by the Insured in
are not covered by this insurance:
competitions, sports, and preparatory or training tests;
a) The services arranged by the Insured on his/her own behalf,
j) Engaging in the following sports: motor racing or motorcycle
without prior communication or without the consent of The
racing in any of its modes, big game hunting, underwater diving
Assistance Company, except in the case of an extreme
using artificial lung, navigation in international waters in craft not
emergency/urgent necessity. In that event, the Insured shall
intended for the public transport of passengers, horse riding,
furnish the Company with the vouchers and original copies of the
climbing, mountaineering, alpinism pot holing, boxing, wrestling in
any of its modes, martial arts, parachuting, hot air ballooning, free
falling, gliding and, in general, any sport or recreational activity b) Assistance or medical services, which are not medically necessary
that is known to be a dangerous one. and all Elective and/or non-Emergency medical condition and its
k) Participation in competitions or tournaments organised by
sporting federations or similar organisations. c) Rehabilitation treatments;
l) Hazardous winter and/or summer sports such as skiing and/or d) Prostheses, orthopaedic material or thesis and osteosynthesis
similar sports. material, as well as spectacles.
m) Permanent resident and students outside of country of residence. e) Assistance or compensation for events that occurred during a trip
that had commenced, in any of the following circumstances:
n) The use, as a passenger or crew, of means of air navigation not
authorised for the public transport of travellers, as well as 1) Before this insurance comes into force;
helicopters; and,
2) With the intention of receiving medical treatment;
o) The accidents deemed legally to be work or labour accidents,
3) After the diagnosis of a terminal illness;
consequence of a risk inherent to the work performed by the
Insured. 4) Without prior medical authorisation, after the Insured had
been under treatment or medical supervision during the
p) Internationally and locally recognized epidemics. This exclusion does
twelve months prior to the start of the trip;
not apply to the “Emergency Medical Expenses due to Covid19”
benefit f) Expenses that arise once the Insured is at his/her usual country of
residence, those incurred beyond the scope of application of the
q) Illnesses or injuries arising from chronic ailments or from those that
guarantees of the insurance, and, in any case, after the dates of
existed prior to the inception date of the policy;
the travel object of the Agreement have elapsed or after 90 days
r) Death as a result of suicide and the injuries or after-effects brought has elapsed since the start thereof, notwithstanding what is
about by attempted suicide or any self-inflicted injuries. provided for in the Additional Clauses or in the Private or Special
s) Illness, injuries or pathological states caused by the voluntary
consumption of alcohol, drugs, toxic substances, narcotics or g) Any Health Services that are received as Out-of-Hospital benefits.
medicines acquired without medical prescription, as well as any
h) All expenses relating to dental treatment, dental prostheses, and
kind of mental illness or mental imbalance;
orthodontic treatments.

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i) Services that do not require continuous administration by reduce its compensation in a fitting proportion, taking into account
specialized medical personnel. the importance of the damage arising from the same and the degree
of blame attributable to the Insured.
j) Personal comfort and convenience items (television, barber or
beauty service, guest service and similar incidental services and Should this breach be as a result of the Insured’s manifest intention to
supplies). injure or deceive the Company, the latter shall be freed from any
obligation to compensate for the said loss.
k) Medical Services that are not performed by Authorized Healthcare
Service Providers, apart from medical Services rendered in a c. Inform the Company of the existence of other insurance policies
Medical Emergency. taken out with other companies that could also cover the claim.
l) Prosthetic devices and consumed medical equipment. d. Make no admission of liability or offer promise or payment of any
m) Treatments and services arising as a result of hazardous activities,
including but not limited to, any form of aerial flight, any kind of e. Collaborate to ensure the optimum processing of the claim,
power-vehicle race, water sports, horse riding activities, informing the Company as soon as possible of any judicial,
mountaineering activities, violent sports such as judo, boxing, and extrajudicial or administrative notification that comes to their
wrestling, bungee jumping and any professional sports activities. knowledge and is related to the loss.
n) Costs associated with hearing tests, vision corrections, prosthetic f. Furnish the Company with all manner of information regarding the
devices or hearing and vision aids. circumstances and consequences of the loss, the initial medical
assistance provided and the evolution of the Insured’s injuries, apart
o) Patient treatment supplies (including elastic stockings, ace
from any complementary information the former may request.
bandages, gauze, syringes, diabetic test strips, and like products,
Failure to fulfil this obligation to provide information shall forfeit the
non-prescription drugs and treatments, excluding such supplies
right to compensation, in the event that there should also exist bad
required as a result of Healthcare Services rendered during a
faith or gross negligence.
Medical Emergency).
g. Present documentary proof – receipts, certificates, formal
p) Services rendered by any medical provider relative of a patient for
complaints, etc. – that corroborate both the occurrence of events
example the Insured person and the Insured member’s family,
covered by this Policy and having incurred expenses entitled to
including spouse, brother, sister, parent or child.
indemnity thereunder.
q) All Healthcare Services & Treatments for In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF),
h. Agree to an examination by the doctors the Company may
embryo transport, ovum and male sperms transport.
designate, where it deems this necessary in order to complete the
r) Treatments and services related to viral hepatitis and associated reports furnished, and, at the Company’s expense, attend the
complications, except for treatment and services related to corresponding medical facilities for the said examination.
Hepatitis A.
i. The Insurer will not reimburse or consider reimbursing any expenses
s) Air or Terrestrial Medical evacuation except for Emergency cases which were not previously approved. In relation to previously
or unauthorized transportation services. approved expenses, the insured or beneficiaries will have to include
the claim number obtained from The Assistance Company prior to
t) Medical services and associated expenses for organ and tissue sending the official receipts and/or letter explaining the reason and
transplants, irrespective of whether the Insured Person is a donor circumstances of why the Travel Assistance Services for which
or recipient. expenses are claimed were not obtained from The Assistance
u) Any test or treatment not prescribed by a doctor. Company directly

v) Diagnosis and treatment services for complications of excluded ARTICLE 7 - CONCURRENCE OF INSURANCE POLICIES
a) Where any of the risks covered by this Policy should also be
3) The Company is exempt from liability when, as a result of force covered by another Insurer for the very same period of time, save
majeure, it is unable to put into effect any of the benefits specifically agreement to the contrary, the Policyholder or the Insured must
envisaged in this policy. inform the Company of the other policies in existence.

ARTICLE 6 – CLAIMS & LIABILITY CONDITIONS Where, through bad faith, this information is omitted and the
loss should occur in a situation of over-insurance, the Company
When a loss incident occurs, the Policyholder, the Insured and/or the shall not be obligated to pay compensation.
Beneficiary are obliged to:
b) Once the loss occurs, the Policyholder or the Insured must report
a. Report the occurrence of the loss as soon as possible and, where this to the Company, in accordance with the provisions of article
appropriate, request by telephone the corresponding assistance, 16 of these General Conditions, indicating the names of the other
furnishing identifying details, the policy number, their location and insurers who shall be contributing proportionally to the payment
the kind of service required. For the purposes of handling and of the benefits provided.
reviewing claims, these conversations may be recorded.
c) In no case may the policy serve as a means of unfair enrichment
b. Employ all means available to them to mitigate the consequences of for the Insured.
the incident. Failure to fulfil this duty shall entitle the Company to

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Since the appearance of an event that could be included in any of the
guarantees described previously, the beneficiary or any person acting in
his place will necessarily contact, in the shortest possible time, in every
case, the Alarm Centre mentioned below, which will be available to help
any person 24h/24 7d/7.

Ireland: 00 (353) 91 56 06 21
Germany: 00 (49) 1805115610
France: 0033 800918040
Spain: 0034915811821
USA: 0015672692968
International: 00 962 6 5008119
Fax: 00 962 6 5627981




Saudi Arabia toll free number: 8008973919

International: 00 962 6 5008119

Spoken Languages: English, Arabic

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