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Energy Reviews 2 (2023) 100039

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Full Review Article

Digital twin in power system research and development: Principle, scope,

and challenges
Mohammed A.M. Yassin *, Ashish Shrestha, Suhaila Rabie
Department of Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Cybernetics, University of South-Eastern Norway, Porsgrunn, N-3918, Norway


Keywords: In order to address the issues that arise in modern power systems, such as system dynamics, stability, control,
Communication channel efficiency, reliability, economy, planning and policy, and so on, efforts have been made to develop new tools and
Cyber-physical systems techniques, components, methodologies, and scientific innovations in a variety of fields. These efforts have been
Digital twin
undertaken to address these issues. The term “digital twin” (DT) refers to one of the most reliable and rapidly
Internet of things
Machine learning
developing technologies that have recently been incorporated into a variety of applications, platforms, and real-
time projects. The authors of this study offered a scoping review of DT technologies with a primary emphasis on
power systems. It has been established that the underlying notion behind this technology, as well as its operating
principle, types, communication channels and protocols, and standards, have all been thoroughly examined. In
addition, the possibility of integrating other technologies with DT has also been considered, along with the po-
tential benefits of doing so and the potential difficulties that may arise. Based on the information gained from the
current projects, the finished projects, the research publications, as well as the research and industry insights, a
critical discussion has been made.

1. Introduction These innovations have been produced in an attempt to meet the issues
that come up in modern power systems. There are several tools and
1.1. Background techniques that have been developed using the most up-to-date concepts
and that cover the majority of the ground in terms of research, imple-
With the introduction of rapidly growing power electronic converter mentation, and operation while delivering satisfactory results. Machine
(PEC)-based technologies and information and communication technol- learning (ML), blockchain technology, the internet of things (IoT), big
ogies (ICTs), the modern power system is adopting a significant trans- data (BD), and cyber-physical systems (CPS) are a few of the prominent
formation in the generation, transmission, and distribution processes, as techniques that have been combined with power system research and
well as in utilization levels. This is being done in order to tackle the implementations, which have been widely employed in the last decade.
associated problems such as cost, reliability, system dynamics, stability, All of these technologies give chances for the integration of the physical
control, efficiency, security, and so on [1]. It is presumed that the pow- world and the digital world, which is an unavoidable development that
er/energy systems will be able to handle the difficulties that have been must be addressed to meet the expanding complexity and high market
described as a result of these changes; nevertheless, these trans- expectations [3,4].
formations have brought complications with their operation, trans- The digital economy and internet applications are gradually taking
mission, storage, and even security concerns [2]. The contemporary over various sectors. Numerous significant strategic actors will step up
power system is a complex system, and appropriate tools and method- their efforts in search of novel solutions as a result of the need to enhance
ologies are necessary to assess the power/energy systems both during the consumer engagement, product distribution, and operational efficiency
design phases and the operation stages. in retail, service, and other sectors [5,6]. Numerous variables may
To handle the difficulties that come up in contemporary power sys- contribute to lengthier analysis times and slower digital rollout timelines
tems, efforts have been made to create new tools and methods, compo- across numerous industries. The conversion point from data into useable
nents, methodologies, and scientific inventions in a range of domains. information still appears to be more manual than automated, despite the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.A.M. Yassin).
Received 6 March 2023; Received in revised form 22 July 2023; Accepted 23 July 2023
2772-9702/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Shenzhen City Clean Energy Research Institute, Shenzhen University. This is an open access
article under the CC BY license (
M.A.M. Yassin et al. Energy Reviews 2 (2023) 100039

fact that a digital strategy is in place and a team of professionals is being and keywords) for the last ten years (2014–22/05/2023) revealed a total
organized to tackle these problems. These issues include but are not of 14,180 documents on several research fields, as shown by Fig. 1 (a). As
limited to, the fact that the data is dispersed across the business, is of low evidenced by Fig. 1 (a), the publication rate has been exponentially on
quality, and lacks context (i.e., the capacity to translate and correlate the the rise in the last five years. In 2019, the number of publications has
available data) [7,8]. With the fast expansion, various problems occur, tripled and has had a steady increase of around 70% in 2020 and 2021.
particularly in the energy industry. The penetration of intermittent By May 22, the number of publications for 2023 is on track with 1,688
renewable energy sources is one example of this difficulty, as is the high publications. When the publications are analyzed by the origin countries,
estimated future energy consumption (which is expected to rise by 50% China is identified as the leader. For simplicity, the authors just took the
by 2050), the deployment of new equipment and controllers, and top ten countries that publish scientific papers on DT. After China, Ger-
financial and regulatory restrictions [9,10]. These difficulties are causing many, the USA, the UK, and Italy are the leading countries that contribute
the global energy business to relentlessly look for greener, more publications on DT technology. The overall distribution of these ten
dependable, cost-effective, self-healing, and more secure energy opera- countries is given in Fig. 1 (b). Similarly, Fig. 1 (c) provides the distri-
tions. One possible answer to these problems is to use “digital twin” DT bution of the publications concerning the subject area, which indicates
technology to help power systems switch quickly and make them more that most of the DT-based publications were based on the engineering
flexible [8,9]. domain. The main concern of the authors is power or/and energy
application; the focus area is energy. When the data is categorized for this
1.2. Literature review domain, the application of DT technologies seems to be increasing
significantly, as shown in Fig. 1(d). In this study, the author considered
The necessity to access and examine satellites after they had been the publications which are directly inclined with energy; 1,681 publi-
launched into orbit led NASA to use the word “Digital Twin” for the first cations related to energy are considered out of the 14,180 documents.
time in 1970 [11]. Dr. Michael Grieves first proposed the DT concept in
2002 [6,12]. By including “an integrated multiphysics, multiscale, 1.3. Research gap and contributions
probabilistic simulation of an as-built vehicle or system that uses the best
available physical models, sensor updates, fleet history, etc., to mirror the In the realm of research and development, the concept of DT has
life of its corresponding flying twin”, Dr. Grieves' presentation went emerged as a significant and promising tool, capturing the attention of
beyond the traditional Product Life-cycle Management (PLM) model both academia and industry. However, despite its potential, the devel-
[13]. This indicates that the currently used methodologies (i.e., simula- opment of DT technology is still in its nascent stages. A lack of stan-
tion and modeling) need to take a more comprehensive approach by dardized definitions, protocols, and implementation frameworks persists
obtaining real-time feedback from the physical system, including it in the [38]. Furthermore, existing studies on DT have revealed a deficiency in
simulation, processing the data, and feeding the system with the newly
processed data. Since Dr. Greives's presentation, the work in the DT
sector has advanced, concentrating on this two-way relationship between
the simulation and physical components [14–17]. DT technology is now a
hot topic in research and is recognized by Gartner, Inc., a leading
worldwide provider of research and consulting services [18,19], as one of
the most touted technologies of the 2020s. A comprehensive analysis of
the databases (Scopus, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, and Web of Sci-
ence) shows that there is still debate about a single definition of DT
technology. In Ref. [5], six distinct definitions of DT are provided, while
[20] has sixteen further meanings. The precise definition, however, de-
pends on the application area and shares similar key terms and aims (a
virtual equivalent or a dynamic digital representation of a genuine sys-
tem) [21]. Here are two examples of “generic” and “accurate” definitions
to provide a better idea of what they mean [22] have defined the DT as “a
digital representation of an active unique product (a real device, object,
machine, service, or intangible asset) or unique product-service system (a
system consisting of a product and a related service) that comprises its
selected characteristics, properties, conditions, and behaviors by means
of models, information, and data within a single or even distributed
computing environment.” On the flip side, [23] has presented
twenty-two different definitions with a focus on DT concepts on process
heat, energy, and decarbonization. A more specific definition in the
context of power systems derived from the literature list would be: in
power systems, DT is a visual copy of the power grid used to monitor and
simulate the power system to maximize the components' performance,
reduce safety risks, predict power outages, optimize the economy, and
comply with requirements [24–26].
In the last two decades, DT has been implemented in several in-
dustries such as manufacturing [27,28], smart cities and healthcare [29,
30], agriculture and smart farming [31], automobiles and smart
manufacturing [32], 3D printing [33], product design and development
[34,35], and several others. On the contrary, in the power system and
energy industry, the implementation of DT is still limited [9,23,36,37].
Although the implementation of DT is still in its infancy stage, the
research platforms are showing steady growth. A search of the keyword
‘‘digital twin’’ and “digital twins” on Scopus (limited to abstract, title, Fig. 1. Trend on DT-based research works (2014–22/05/2023).

M.A.M. Yassin et al. Energy Reviews 2 (2023) 100039

comprehensive and in-depth investigations, particularly in terms of limited to the abstract, title, and keywords fields, spanning the past ten
ideas, technologies, and industrial applications. Although DT's use is years (2014–22/05/2023). This search yielded a total of 14,180 docu-
currently limited, its growth is evident, particularly within the power ments across various research domains, as illustrated in Fig. 1. However,
system research and development field, demanding careful exploration in our primary focus was on the modern power system. Therefore, we
the near future. categorized the database into different topics, revealing 1,681 publica-
With a specific focus on power and energy systems, the authors of this tions directly related to energy/power systems, as depicted in Fig. 1(d).
manuscript aim to examine and utilize DT technology. The incorporation Although sifting through 1,681 relevant documents seemed like a
of a growing proportion of PEC into the grid adds complexity to today's formidable task, we began by manually screening a subset of records. By
power infrastructure. This integration, among other factors, necessitates reviewing the titles, abstracts, and keywords, we selected the relevant
the modification of power system operational principles to align with the documents. During the screening process, we considered factors such as
dynamics and characteristics of RES. The authors express concern about duplication of publications, language (English), availability of open-
the future direction and safety levels of power system operation. This access publications, and direct relevance to our research interests.
article primarily delves into the underlying concept of DT, exploring its Through these steps, we ultimately identified 141 documents for our
various types, operating principles, communication channels, protocols, final evaluation. Additionally, we also considered online information
and industry standards. Additionally, it contemplates the feasibility and from technology companies and governmental policies to gather updated
implications of combining DT with other technologies. Through detailed information, protocols, rules, and regulations. These sources provided
analysis, the paper offers the following key contributions: valuable insights to complement our literature review.
Fig. 2 presents a detailed outline of the process we followed with the
a) An up-to-date overview of DT-based research, categorized by date, selected number of documents, while Fig. 3 visually represents the key
country, and research area. The focus lies specifically on the appli- terms extracted from our chosen documents. The font size in Fig. 3 re-
cation of DT technologies within energy and power systems, flects the probability of word occurrence, with larger font sizes indicating
providing insights into the current status and emerging trends based higher probabilities.
on comprehensive research database analysis.
b) In-depth exploration of the working principles, communication 3. Fundamental concept of digital twin with a focus on the power
channels, protocols, and standards of DT technologies within power system
systems. The study investigates the importance and potential inte-
gration of concepts such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data (BD), Increased interconnection and intelligent automation have been
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), and Machine Learning (ML). introduced in response to the complexity of the energy market, economic
c) A critical analysis, leveraging the authors' expertise and an extensive volatility, rising demand, and inclination to delocalize production. The
review of relevant literature, to discuss and examine the various as- Fourth Industrial Revolution, often known as Industry 4.0, is defined by
pects of DT technologies. these answers [40,41]. This has led to the development of several tech-
nologies, including the IoT, BD, and CPS. The major technologies of In-
1.4. Paper organization dustry 4.0 have been identified and are the subject of much discussion
[42]. DT technology has benefited from the development of the afore-
In the beginning, this paper discusses the problems and significance mentioned three technologies (IoT, CPS, and BD) [43]. First off, IoT
of modern energy/power systems as well as the difficulties associated systems enable massive amounts of data to be collected from physical
with system dynamics, stability, control, efficiency, dependability, eco- systems and sent in real-time, enabling seamless integration between
nomics, planning and policy, and other factors. The processes used to them [44]. The CPS technology, which functions at virtual and physical
conduct this assessment are thoroughly described in section 2. Section 3 levels, interacting with and regulating physical devices, perceiving the
introduces the core idea of DT technologies with an emphasis on the environment, and taking appropriate action, enables us to obtain a
power system. This section has covered several DT technology categories deeper understanding of the data related to physical assets [42,45].
and how they relate to other ideas like the IoT, BD, CPS, ML, and stan- Thirdly, BD technologies include Hard-loop and Cloud-Based Analytics,
dards and regulations. In Section 4, a thorough explanation of previous which may assess data collection and generate projections, optimize
research and potential future applications of DT technologies on the digital twins based on data acquired, and calibrate the general model and
power system has been covered. Section 5 summarizes the challenges and its particulars. Industry 4.0 opens the door to real-time connectivity and
research gaps of DT within the power systems domain based on the the synchronization of physical actions with the virtual environment in
research material. Based on the research materials that were used and the this way [46].
authors' expertise, a critical analysis has been conducted highlighting the
future recommendation in Section 6. Finally, depending on the current
limits, conclusions have been discussed in Section 7.

2. Methodology

To gather insights from the latest advancements in the field, we

employed a hierarchical approach known as a Systematic Literature
Review (SLR) [39]. The SLR involves a series of sequential steps, which
encompass: (a) defining the research scope, (b) formulating the research
question, (c) devising the search strategy, (d) establishing inclusion and
exclusion criteria, (e) conducting screening and selection, and (f) per-
forming data extraction and quality assessment.
Initially, we delineated the scope of our research as “DT technologies
in power and energy systems.” Within this defined scope, we formulated
our research question as follows: “How does DT technology contribute to
the modern power system, which is predominantly dominated by PEC-
based technologies?” As outlined in subsection 1.2, we conducted a
search on Scopus using the keywords “digital twin” and “digital twins” Fig. 2. The adopted process of systematic literature review.

M.A.M. Yassin et al. Energy Reviews 2 (2023) 100039

current, temperature, and environmental factors. GIS technology,

as a final point of consideration, records and evaluates spatial data
connected to the infrastructure of power systems. It offers a
graphical depiction of the physical network, which is comprised of
power plants, substations, transmission lines, and distribution
(b) Virtual Layer: The virtual layer acts as a reflection or model of the
physical layer. It is similar to the physical layer in many ways. It
does this by employing cutting-edge simulation and modeling
techniques to produce a digital copy of the power system. The
power system simulation software and DT technology are both
important technologies that are utilized at this tier. The operation
of the power system is simulated using these various software
tools, which are guided by mathematical models and equations.
Fig. 3. Word cloud of the keywords form the selected documents. They make it possible for engineers and operators to study the
dynamics of the system, carry out contingency analysis, and
optimize the operation of the system. In a similar manner, DT
As proposed by Dr. Greives, DT was defined to include three layers: a)
technology integrates real-time data with simulation models to
the physical product, b) the virtual product, and c) their connections in
produce a digital representation of the physical power system. It
the form of data and information. Two more layers have recently been
makes it possible to synchronize the virtual and physical systems,
added to form the five-dimensional layers of DT. The two added layers
which in turn makes it easier to perform real-time monitoring,
are data and services [46–53]. Fig. 4 shows a simplified representation
predictive analysis, and scenario testing.
architecture of the five-dimensional layers from a power system DT
(c) Connection Layer: The connection layer creates a communica-
perspective. Each layer plays a distinct role in enabling a comprehensive
tion link that can travel in both directions between the digital
digital representation and management of a power system. A detailed
representation of the power system and the physical power sys-
overview of the technologies utilized in each layer of the presented ar-
tem. Communication protocols and data collection systems are
chitecture is described below [3,54–58]:
involved in this process. The transfer of data between devices,
control centers, and the DT is made possible by a variety of
(a) Physical Layer: The physical layer is the representation of the
communication protocols. Some examples of these protocols
objective existence of the power system. It encompasses a variety
include IEC 61850, DNP3, and Modbus. These protocols ensure
of features, including system behavior, rules, and data regarding
that the various components of the power system can integrate
physical space. This layer makes use of a variety of cutting-edge
with one another and work together without any problems. On the
technologies, such as the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisi-
other hand, data acquisition systems are responsible for the
tion (SCADA) system, IoT devices, and the Geographic Informa-
collection, preprocessing, and real-time transmission of data from
tion System (GIS). SCADA systems provide for real-time
the physical layer to the digital counterpart. They make it easier to
monitoring and control of the processes involved in the genera-
extract essential information and allow for decisions to be made
tion, transmission, and distribution of electrical power. They
on time.
collect data from remote devices, which enables operators to
(d) Data Layer: The data layer is responsible for managing the
monitor the performance of the system and respond to events in
massive amount of data that is transferred between the physical
an effective manner. The architecture of the electricity system is
and digital layers. This makes use of several technologies for the
littered with IoT devices, such as sensors and smart meters, in
processing, storing, and analyzing of data, such as BD analytics
order to collect real-time data on variables such as voltage,

Fig. 4. Simplified architecture of DT technology in power system.

M.A.M. Yassin et al. Energy Reviews 2 (2023) 100039

and a data management system. For processing and analyzing tool digital twin (DT) model. The DT model is a high-fidelity
massive volumes of real-time and historical data obtained from replica of the physical machine tool that can provide a
the physical layer, approaches from BD analytics are utilized. To time-varying representation of its performance.
accomplish this, data must first be cleaned, then aggregated, (b) Data-Driven Modelling: The data-driven modelling also can be of
patterns must be recognized, and lastly, ML techniques must be two types such as data replica models and statisticalmodels. The
applied. Likewise, reliable data management systems, which may data replica DTs are created by replicating and synchronizing the
include databases and data warehouses, are used to store and data from the physical object or system. They focus on capturing
organize the data that has been acquired. These technologies and analysing real-time data streams, allowing for monitoring,
assure the integrity of data, as well as its security and accessibility, analysis, and prediction based on historical patterns. [61] pro-
for a variety of applications operating inside the DT framework. vides a historical perspective on the evolution of manufacturing
(e) Service Layer: The service layer enables decision-making, and data and discusses the data lifecycle in manufacturing. Similarly,
control of the physical power system based on specified goals, and the statistical DTs use statistical techniques and algorithms to
it also provides security for the other layers. Technology such as model the behaviour of the physical object or system based on
advanced analytics and optimization, as well as control systems, historical data. They focus on identifying correlations, trends, and
are utilized in its operation. The processes of decision-making can patterns to make predictions and optimize performance[62]
benefit from the application of advanced analytics techniques (c) Hybrid Modelling: The hybrid modelling is of two types: Inte-
such as ML, optimization algorithms, and AI. They do data anal- grated and Multi-Level. The integrated DTs combine physics-
ysis on the data layer and provide insights that can be used to based models and data-driven models to create a comprehensive
improve system performance, boost productivity, cut down on representation of the physical object or system. They leverage the
interruptions, or save expenses. On the other hand, control sys- strengths of both approaches to provide a more accurate and
tems are constantly receiving updated parameters and instructions realistic simulation. Several articles ([63,64]) have been identi-
that are derived from the virtual model and analytics tools. They fied discussing this category. On the other hand, Multi-Level DTs
are responsible for putting control plans into action, regulating employ multiple modelling techniques at different levels of detail.
system components, and managing operational facets of the power They may use physics-based models for macro-level behaviour
system following the planned outcomes. and data-driven models for micro-level analysis, allowing for a
holistic understanding of the entity. For instance, Ref. [65] focuses
The power system DT framework offers greater monitoring, analysis, on modelling the proportional-integral control link of a voltage
decision-making, and management of the physical power system. This, in source converter (VSC) and uses the time convolution neural
turn, leads to improvements in the system's efficiency, dependability, and network (TCN) algorithm to accurately describe the
resilience. The framework works through the iterative interplay of these high-frequency switching states of power electronic devices and
layers and the technologies deployed within them. The following sub- the operation states of renewable energy units.
sections describe variants, integrated technologies, communication (d) Domain-Specific Modelling: In the context of power systems
channels, protocols, and standards for additional information on their domain, several articles are discovered on three levels of the
respective subjects: power system DT modelling: (a) Product Twins, (b) Process Twins,
and (c) System Twins.
3.1. Classification of DT variants
For the detailed analysis and classification, the authors categorized
There is a possibility that a uniform definition of DT has not yet been the research articles that based in different applications and listed in
agreed upon. Nevertheless, each description acknowledges that the section 4.
connection/integration layer is an essential part of the process of defining
the DT. The classification of DT based on modelling techniques can be 3.2. IoT communication channels and their protocols
done in several ways, considering the level of detail, the purpose of
modelling, and the availability of data used. The following classifications In conjunction with the different sensing technologies, the connection
of DT variants provide a framework for understanding the different layer serves as the fundamental building block of the IoT in DT. This layer
modelling techniques used in DT implementations. However, it's necessitates a high-fidelity connection between IoT devices in order to
important to note that the boundaries between these categories are not ensure that information is sent accurately and on time [66,67]. As can be
always strict, and hybrid approaches that combine multiple techniques seen in Fig. 5, the connection layer is responsible for the collection and
are common in practice. Here are some classifications of DT: transmission of data coming from and going to the physical layer. Using
technologies such as radio frequency identification devices (RFID),
(a) Physics-Based Modelling: The physics-based modelling can be cameras, sensors, software application programming interfaces (APIs),
two types such as static models and dynamic model. The static DTs QR codes, open database interfaces, and other IoT technologies [68],
use geometric and physical properties to create a static represen- real-time data from the physical system and its subcomponents are being
tation of the physical object or system. They focus on capturing sensed in this connection. The transmission of data is the second
the structure, dimensions, and material properties of the entity. fundamental component of the IoT, and it supplies data to both the data
An example of is shown in Ref. [59], where the article investigates layer and the virtual system. This transmission makes use of a variety of
the use of graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) nanofluids in enhancing communication technologies, protocols, and standards so that it may
the performance of thermoelectric generators (TEGs) and ther- interact with transmissions on higher levels, which may include wired
moelectric coolers (TECs). A numerical model is developed to and wireless transmissions. Some examples of technology for trans-
analyze the effects of nanofluid weight concentration and Rey- mitting data across wires include twisted-pair cable transmission, sym-
nolds numbers on heat transfer, electricity generation, and cooling metric cable transmission, coaxial cable transmission, and fiber optic
capability. Whereas the dynamic DTs incorporate the physics and transmission [68].
dynamics of the physical object or system. They simulate the The protocol that is used to link physical sensors to DT data across
behaviour, motion, and interactions of the entity over time, wires depends on the interfaces and communication capabilities that the
considering forces, constraints, and environmental factors, as sensors themselves offer. Such frequently used physical sensor wired-
shown in Ref. [60]. In this article, the authors discuss the imple- based protocols are: (a) Modbus that allows for reading sensor data
mentation of a consistency retention method for a CNC machine and sending control commands over a serial connection, such as RS-485;

M.A.M. Yassin et al. Energy Reviews 2 (2023) 100039

(b) the 4–20 mA current loop where the output is converted to a current service layer for further utilization.
signal, where 4 mA represents the lowest value and 20 mA represents the
highest value. This current is then measured by the receiving device, 3.3. Machine Learning integration in DT technology
typically a data acquisition system or a controller; (c) Highway
Addressable Remote Transducer (HART) which allows for simultaneous ML is a branch of AI that is used to instill learning behavior in com-
analog signal transmission (typically 4–20 mA) along with digital data puters through the use of a software model that improves its capabilities
encoded in the signal. HART-enabled sensors can provide additional in- through training on historical data [73]. Fig. 6 represents a simple visual
formation beyond the analog value, such as diagnostics, calibration data, of ML-integration into DT highlighting the main learning techniques
and configuration parameters; (d) Controller Area Network (CAN) which summarized from the literature list. As can be seen in Fig. 6, ML algo-
allows for reliable communication between multiple devices over a rithms have been divided into distinct groups depending on the learning
shared bus. CAN is often utilized for integrating sensors into DTs in techniques that they employ: supervised learning, unsupervised learning,
scenarios where sensors support the CAN interface; (e) Ethernet/IP that semi-supervised learning, reinforced learning, deep learning, transfer
enables communication between sensors, actuators, and control systems learning, ensemble learning, and online learning [74–76]. In this
over Ethernet networks. It provides real-time control and data exchange straightforward design, the ML integration in DT is denoted by the
capabilities and is commonly used in automation and manufacturing symbol shown in Fig. 6. Depending on the kind of result that is required,
environments [32]. input from the physical world is compiled and fed into the ML algorithm.
Similarly, wireless transmission technologies that could be used for After the historical and real-time data have been processed (normalized,
CPS include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zig-Bee, Ultra-Wideband (UWB), and Near cleaned, and compressed) [74,77], the data is then used to train and
Field Communication (NFC), as well as General Packet Radio Service/ evaluate the model [78]. This processed data is used by the virtual system
Code-division Multiple Access (GPRS/CDMA), digital radio, spread in order to iterate, update, and test the functionality of the physical
spectrum microwave, wireless bridge, satellite communication, machine- system in a variety of unexpected scenarios. After that, real-time data
to-machine (M2M) communications, and supervisory control and data from physical systems and outcomes from virtual systems are compared
acquisition (SCADA) [67,68]. On the back end of these different tech- at the service layer [79], where they are employed even further. The
nologies, different protocols can be identified, such as Hypertext Transfer virtual system is adjusted and modified appropriately in accordance with
Protocol (HTTP), REpresentational State Transfer (REST), WebSocket, the desired output, which may include visualization, prediction, opti-
Simple (or Streaming) Text Oriented Messaging Protocol (STOMP), mization, adaptability, or control. Last but not least, the actuators are
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Message Queuing, Telemetry used to bring the physical system up to date and regulate it.
Transport (MQTT), Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture Machine learning integration techniques in DT technology involve
(OPC UA), and so on. A comprehensive overview of the transmission the application of various ML algorithms and approaches to enhance the
protocols and their standards together with vulnerability and attack functionality and performance of DT. Depending on the data type, the
possibilities could be found in Refs. [69,70]. Data is being stored using availability of data, and the particulars of the issue, several ML algorithm
BD technologies such as distributed file storage (DFS), NoSQL database, approaches might be used. Some of the detailed descriptions are given as
NewSQL database, and cloud storage [68,71]. Further, the data is pro- follows:
cessed (normalized and cleaned) with the help of ML algorithms [72].
After that, the analyzed, normalized, and cleaned data is forwarded to the

Fig. 5. Communication channels in DT technology.

M.A.M. Yassin et al. Energy Reviews 2 (2023) 100039

(a) Supervised learning: Supervised learning algorithms are used aircraft experiments and found that it successfully demonstrated
when historical data with known labels or outcomes is available. the advantages of using active learning tools for SHM.
These algorithms learn from the labelled data to make predictions (d) Reinforcement learning: Reinforcement learning involves
or classifications. In the context of DT, supervised learning can be training an agent to make decisions and take actions in an envi-
employed to develop models that predict system behaviour, detect ronment to maximize a reward signal [76]. In the context of DT,
anomalies, or optimize system performance based on labelled reinforcement learning can be used to develop control policies
training data [80]. By analysing data from IoT sensors and using that optimize system behaviour. The DT can simulate the envi-
ML algorithms, the DT can predict the risk probability of accidents ronment, and the reinforcement learning algorithm can learn from
in oil pipelines [81]. Prognostic algorithms are used to detect trial and error to determine the best actions or policies for
failure precursors by estimating risk conditions based on pressure achieving desired outcomes [86]. Several issues within DT
data. Clustering techniques are then applied to identify abnormal application such as the requirement for a feedback loop in pre-
pressure behaviour. The extracted features are evaluated using a dictive maintenance approaches to change dynamically with the
kernel-based Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm to provide asset could be solved by employing reinforcement learning tech-
control actions in real-time. niques like Hidden Markov Models [71].
(b) Unsupervised learning: Unsupervised learning techniques are (e) Deep learning: A subset of machine learning, utilizes artificial
used when there is no labelled data available. These algorithms neural networks with multiple layers to learn complex patterns
aim to discover patterns, structures, or clusters in the data without and representations from data. Deep learning algorithms, such as
prior knowledge of the outcomes. Unsupervised learning can be convolutional neural networks (CNNs) or recurrent neural net-
applied in DT to identify hidden patterns, detect anomalies, or works (RNNs), are powerful tools for tasks like image recognition,
segment data for further analysis [82]. In this particular scenario, natural language processing, and time series analysis. Deep
the authors of [83] explore the effects of DT deployment strategies learning techniques can be applied in digital twins to analyze
on predictive maintenance activities in a distributed collaborative sensor data, images, or textual information for various applica-
prognosis framework. Collaborative prognosis is a technique that tions such as anomaly detection, predictive maintenance, or
allows assets to learn from similar assets in a fleet and improve optimization. Examples of this learning technique ([9,24,65,87])
their prognosis models. The study analyses the performance of are discussed in detail in section 4.
distributed and heterarchical multi-agent system architectures for (f) Transfer learning: Transfer learning involves leveraging knowl-
large fleets of assets with varying failure rates and noise levels in edge or models learned from one domain to another related
the failure data. domain. In DT, transfer learning can be beneficial when data is
(c) Semi-supervised learning: Semi-supervised learning is a ML limited or scarce. Pre-trained models from similar systems or do-
technique that combines labelled and unlabelled data to improve mains can be used as a starting point and fine-tuned using avail-
model performance [84]. In the context of DT, semi-supervised able data. It can accelerate the development and improve the
learning can be utilized when a limited amount of labelled data performance of machine learning models within digital twins.
is available, but there is a larger amount of unlabelled data. This [88] presents several use cases that demonstrate the potential of
technique can be particularly useful when it is expensive or cross-phase industrial transfer learning using intelligent digital
time-consuming to obtain labelled data [74]. [85] discusses the twins. These use cases include training deep neural networks,
application of cluster-adaptive active learning to structural health deploying algorithms, injecting rare faults, and enabling rein-
monitoring (SHM) strategies for aircraft experiments. SHM in- forcement learning.
volves observing a structure over time to determine its health (g) Ensemble learning: Ensemble learning combines multiple ML
status. However, obtaining diagnostic labels for the measured data models to make more accurate predictions or classifications.
is often costly and impractical. The researchers applied the Different models or algorithms are trained on the same data or
cluster-adaptive active learning method to measured data from subsets of data, and their outputs are combined to generate a final

Fig. 6. ML integration with DT.

M.A.M. Yassin et al. Energy Reviews 2 (2023) 100039

prediction or decision. Ensemble learning techniques, such as and collaborations to develop tools/platforms and implement them.
bagging, boosting, or stacking, can be employed in digital twins to These initiatives focus on areas such as grid optimization, asset man-
improve prediction accuracy, reduce model bias or variance, and agement, renewable energy integration, and operational efficiency.
handle uncertainty [89]. [90] proposed approach combines DT Table 1 provides case studies of power system DT implementations in
technology with multiple time series stacking (MTSS) to improve different regions of the world. These case studies highlight the diverse
the accuracy and timeliness of pavement performance prediction. approaches and applications of power systems DT across different re-
The approach includes the establishment of an MTSS prediction gions. They demonstrate how cultural and technological differences
model with multiple component learners, the extraction of mul- shape the implementation strategies, emphasizing factors such as
tiple time series features, and the optimization of hyper- renewable energy integration, grid reliability, resilience, and efficient
parameters. The results demonstrate the feasibility and energy management in specific regions.
effectiveness of the prediction method based on DT and MTSS. Similarly, several articles are discovered on the application of DT on
(h) Online learning: Also known as incremental learning, enables the three levels of the power system: generation, transmission, and distri-
model to continuously update and adapt to new data as it becomes bution system. These scientific works can be categorized into three
available. In DT, online learning can be valuable when the system groups such as monitoring, visualizing, analysis, and prediction; opti-
dynamics change over time or when real-time data streams need mization processes; and tools and platforms, as shown in Fig. 7. For the
to be processed. The model can be updated with new observa- detailed analysis and classification, the authors categorized the research
tions, allowing the digital twin to adapt and improve its pre- articles that based in different applications.
dictions or control strategies [91]. Fig. 8 provides an overview of research articles focusing on moni-
toring, visualization, and prediction within the power system using
Research articles [66,71,74,79], provide a comprehensive overview digital twin (DT) technology. The articles can be classified into four
of the implementation of ML algorithms in DT, which you can read more categories, as depicted in Fig. 8.
about here. In one study [102], an online analysis digital twin (OADT) approach
is proposed to enhance power grid online analysis, with a specific focus
3.4. Standards and regulations on the Chinese national power grid. The approach utilizes a Complex
Event Processing engine to support both model-driven and data-driven
A DT of a power system acts as a mirror image of an extremely large online analysis applications. It successfully tracks the operation state of
number of the system's sub-systems and individual components. Each the power grid with a sub-second delay. Another article [103] presents
component of the DT has to be able to share information with its physical the OADT method for power grid online analysis, employing advanced
counterpart, which necessitates interoperability, which in turn necessi- modeling techniques, in-memory computing, grid stability assessments,
tates the cooperation of several different technologies and tools. In order and complex event processing engines. The goal is to detect anomalies
to accomplish this goal, it is necessary to standardize data and models and potential failures, thereby improving power grid reliability and
and provide them in a manner that is compatible with other protocols resilience. For power system simulations, a real-time interactive simu-
and standards [68]. Even though the DT first appeared as a tool for lation architecture based on DT technology is introduced [104]. This
monitoring and managing distant physical items as early as 1970 (i.e., architecture incorporates twin bodies for power systems, voltage and
NASA), the worldwide formats and standards are still in the process of current sensors, and control units. It provides a framework for the
being developed and are not known to the general public for general uses application of digital twins in power systems and highlights potential
[32,66,92]. To the best of the authors' knowledge, there were no stan- benefits for the wider power industry. A measurement-based dynamic
dards discovered that was specifically devoted to the power systems area. model identification technique using artificial neural networks (ANNs) is
Nevertheless, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) proposed [91]. This method focuses on developing a digital twin that
has produced a standard for four-series DT for use in production; this models the dynamics of smart grids. The literature also mentions other
standard is known as ISO 23247 [93]. This series offers a framework and applications, such as OADT approaches for improving power grid online
accompanying papers to assist in the creation of observable analysis, the use of Complex Event Processing engines for situation
manufacturing DT by regularly updating the data about its employees, awareness analysis, integration of advanced modeling techniques,
equipment, materials, manufacturing processes, facilities, and environ- in-memory computing, and grid stability assessments, as well as the
ment. This framework does not define data formats or communication application of machine learning-based techniques for fast security
protocols, which is something that should be brought to your attention. assessment and anomaly detection. Furthermore, it emphasizes the
In addition, the international organization IPC published an international importance of tracking the power grid's operation state and detecting
standard called IPC-2551 at the beginning of 2021. This standard is made anomalies or potential failures.
up of the DT product framework, as well as the manufacturing and life- In another study [105], an advanced digital twin artifact system
cycle frameworks [94]. At the moment, the technical body ISO/IEC JTC (DTAS) technology is introduced to enhance the resilience and plasticity
1/SC 41 is working on DT standards, and the primary areas of attention of systems by integrating physical and numerical models. This includes
for these standards are the DT concept, nomenclature, and application an inspection technique for detecting material degradation and opti-
cases [95]. mizing inspection timings. DTAS is particularly useful for evaluating the
structural integrity of various artifacts, ranging from nuclear power
4. Digital twin in power system research and development plants to home appliances. A DT modeling method is proposed for
monitoring and diagnosing power electronic transformers using a
Research in digital twin technology is critical for advancing knowl- real-time field-programmable gate array-digital twin (FPGA-DT) tech-
edge, driving innovation, solving complex problems, validating models, nique [106]. The method demonstrates effectiveness and accuracy in
fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, generating economic benefits, analyzing and identifying faults in power electronic transformers. The
and shaping policies and standards. It is through research that we can literature also highlights other applications, such as the development of
unlock the full potential of digital twin technology and its transformative advanced DTAS technology for evaluating structural materials, the
impact on various industries and domains. As discussed in the preceding integration of physical and numerical models for monitoring and
sections, DT research on power systems is still in the preliminary stages of detecting material degradation, the optimization of inspection timings
development. In the context of progressing research in the field of DT, and modification of operational plans, and the applicability of DT tech-
various power systems companies, utilities, and research institutions nology to various artifacts.
have recognized the potential of digital twins and have initiated projects In [107], a DT model derived from Dynamic Digital Mirroring (DDM)

M.A.M. Yassin et al. Energy Reviews 2 (2023) 100039

Table 1 method is introduced for the thermal system of in-service thermal power
DT implementation case studies in power system domain by country. plants [64]. This method leverages system models and historical opera-
General application trends and Application scenarios Reference tion data to achieve high precision in simulation and support the
support development of digital twins. Other applications discussed in the litera-
Germany showcases expertise in Wind farm optimization, remote [96] ture include the use of dynamic digital mirroring (DDM) modeling for
renewable energy and advanced monitoring, condition-based real-time simulation, system analysis, and control feedback in power
grid management. The country maintenance. system assets, hybrid modeling methods combining operation data and
emphasizes environmental first-principle mechanisms for performance monitoring of control stage
sustainability and cross-border
systems, calculation of flow rate and efficiency characteristics in control
The United States rapidly Wind farm optimization, cloud- [97,98] stages of steam turbines, and the development of control stage digital
transitions towards green energy based DT platforms, grid twins for online performance monitoring.
reliance. Companies like General reliability improvement. A review of DT in power plants is provided in Ref. [9], along with a
Electric (GE) pioneer DT
DT for predicting power plants using dynamic system models (DSM),
technology, optimizing wind
farms. The country focuses on anomaly detection, deep learning, and distributed sensor networks. The
grid modernization and resilience proposed 5-level autoregressive DT architecture has the potential to
against natural disasters. transform the energy production industry and improve energy efficiency.
The Netherlands relies on DT to Environmental monitoring, [99,100] In Ref. [24], deep learning convolutional neural networks are integrated
predict environmental issues like water condition prediction,
water problems. Collaborations asset management.
into the Automatic Network Guardian for Electrical systems (ANGEL) DT
between companies like Siemens environment to detect faults in power systems. The framework exhibits
and IBM optimize service high accuracy in fault detection and can be scaled up for larger power
lifecycle management. systems. The literature mentions various applications, including the use
China's cultural perspective Coal-fired power plant [101]
of DT frameworks for predicting power plant performance and opti-
emphasizes technological optimization, thermal efficiency
advancement, data-driven improvement. mizing cost savings, the incorporation of dynamic system models,
decision-making, and integration anomaly detection, deep learning, and distributed sensor networks,
of AI and IoT. The adoption of DT consideration of energy system cybersecurity, and the integration of all
aligns with China's ambitions to components for a robust digital twin. The potential of these applications
become a global technology
to revolutionize the energy production industry and enhance energy ef-
Finland focuses on increasing Power system optimization, [34,35] ficiency is also highlighted.
renewable energy generation and energy-efficient asset Similarly, DT offer significant potential in optimizing operations and
reducing carbon emissions. maintenance. reducing costs across various industries. One of the key applications is in
Citizen participation and
the field of power systems, where DT models enable optimization and
engagement in the energy sector
are emphasized. Siemens' DT cost reduction strategies. A detailed information is listed in Table 2. For
applications improve automation, instance, in solar power plants, DT models of power inverters can be
data utilization, and decision- created to compare and analyze their efficiency and economic benefits.
making. This allows for the identification of more efficient inverters that can
provide economic advantages, particularly during periods of high elec-
tricity prices. Additionally, DT can be utilized in power networks to
predict grid conditions, balance grids, and prevent blackouts, leading to
improved operational efficiency and cost savings. In the construction of
nuclear plants, DT can help save expenses, avoid unexpected outages, and
optimize maintenance. By simulating and analyzing different scenarios,
DT enables informed decision-making and cost-effective strategies.
Furthermore, DT facilitates the optimization of energy demand and uti-
lization in Net Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB) by integrating energy-saving
improvements and renewable technologies, resulting in reduced energy
costs. Overall, the use of DT in optimization and cost reduction appli-
cations holds immense potential for enhancing operational efficiency and
achieving substantial savings across various industries within the power
systems domain.
On the other hand, Table 3 provides a comprehensive analysis of the
controlling and testing applications of DT in power systems. It includes
key features, advantages, and challenges associated with each work. The
key features highlight the unique aspects and technologies employed in
each application, while the advantages showcase the benefits and im-
provements brought by the use of DT. The challenges column addresses
the potential obstacles and areas that require attention for successful
implementation. This table offers a detailed overview of the various
works, enabling a comprehensive understanding of the controlling and
testing applications of DT in power systems.
Fig. 7. Categories of the DT based scientific works.
These tables provide evidence that the DT technologies are being
strongly used for research and development operations within the power
system domain, even though the technique and the objectives are distinct
is proposed for real-time simulation, fast system analysis, and control
from one another. After a careful inspection, it is observed that there are
feedback in power system assets. This approach enables advanced ana-
many ways to make use of it. For the sake of convenience, the tools and
lytics beyond standard SCADA databases by reflecting the real-time
platforms that were utilized in these research works can be categorized
operating condition of assets. A hybrid modeling and simulation DT
into several distinct areas, including monitoring, visualization, analysis,

M.A.M. Yassin et al. Energy Reviews 2 (2023) 100039

Fig. 8. Overview of DT applications.

prediction, optimization, and cost-saving applications. Creating, man- explored in Ref. [131] concerning both the healthcare industry and smart
aging, and making use of DT for power systems has inspired the devel- cities. Challenges and a paradigm based on standards are discussed in
opment of several commercial tools and platforms with the goal of Ref. [132] with regard to the shipping sector. The difficulties that DT
providing full solutions for these challenges. For example, there are some creates in supply chains and food logistics are discussed in Ref. [133].
tools and platforms which were developed to monitor, analyze, predict The application of DT is still in the theoretical phase globally in the
and visualize the power system states: (a) Oracle provides a cloud-based power systems domain, and as a result, this domain shares many of the
DT simulator where configurable live data could be generated, alerts, and issues that are faced in other domains. The difficulties in using DT
events for these simulated devices [122]; (b) Beijing BKC Technology technology within the power systems domain are outlined in Fig. 9, along
Co., Ltd. developed an intelligent power plant management and control with the research gaps that exist in this area.
system based on a five-dimension DT [96]; (c) ETAP provides a DT
platform for real-world power systems under various physical and (a) Modeling and simulation: ML models used in digital twins may
operational conditions [123]; (d) SEWIO provides Ultra-wideband based produce complex and non-intuitive outputs; Model interpret-
hardware and software DT platform for real-time monitoring and pre- ability and explainability. Understanding and explaining how
diction of assets [124]; (e) Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) is an these models arrive at their predictions or decisions is crucial,
open-source platform supported by 170þ tools allowing the creation, especially in critical applications where human operators need to
storage, exchange, and (re-) use of dynamic system models of different trust and comprehend the reasoning behind the model's behavior.
simulation systems for cyber-physical systems, and other applications Lack of multi-physics modeling knowledge and complexity of
[125]; (f) PTC has developed an IoT-based DT platform called ThingWorx large power systems and components represent obstacles in
IIoT platform [126]. On the other hand, Signify Philips is investing in implementing DT for monitoring and maintenance [10,46]. The
developing DT for lighting systems. They claim that the DT will contin- time-consuming process of accepting and replacing old ones is
uously optimize lighting to improve occupant comfort, energy efficiency, considered a social challenge facing DT [46,129]. The lack of a
or safety. In addition, they provide DT for biomedical equipment such as generic model building and validation criteria is another chal-
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and computerized tomography (CT) lenge facing DT. Many studies have investigated specific parts of
scans to get early signs of warning regarding technical issues [127]. the DT (modeling, IoT, ML, cloud computing, visualization), but
Among the reviewed scientific works, some documents [28,66,128] an ideal, unified architecture of DT is still yet to come [66,131].
mention other important and emerging platforms such as: (a) Ansys Twin (b) Connectivity and processing: Interoperability with existing
Builder, provided by Ansys, Inc., (b) Altair ONE TOTAL TWIN, provided technologies. A delay in implementation might occur due to the
by Altair Engineering Inc., (c) 3Dexperience, provided by Dassault Sys- incompatibility of data acquiring (IoT), speed of communication
tems, (d) Unity Pro, provided by Unity Software Inc., (e) APEX, provided channels, processing infrastructure (ML), and the interaction be-
by BP, and so on. tween the sub-systems in the existing facilities with DT [9,130,
134,135]. Scaling ML models to handle such volumes of data
5. Challenges and research gaps of DT in power systems (large-scale power systems) in real time can be computationally
intensive and may require distributed computing architectures or
Stakeholders in the power system sector are working feverishly to specialized hardware. For large-scale power systems, the twinning
improve flexible power plant operations, cut downtime, lower O&M and bidirectional data flow and synchronization require domain
costs, and boost efficiency, productivity, and profitability. In this knowledge, resources, and high-stream IoT connection [66,136].
framework, the DT technology is presented and used (as indicated in In the research sector, a common understanding of what AI/ML
section 3) in the literature list as a crucial enabling technology to can achieve in DT and how to use them generically poses some
accomplish these objectives. Even though there has been a noticeable challenges for implementing DTs. For example, it might be cost
increase in the research of DT over the last ten years, there are still added and less valued by using advanced ML technologies for
several obstacles that need to be overcome before DT can be successfully research of DT for monitoring [23,66].
realized and implemented across a variety of different sectors. According (c) Standardization: Many DT studies (including studies in other
to Dr. Greives' explanation, the universal DT is composed of the same domains) have underlined the necessity of having global stan-
fundamental building blocks regardless of the industrial area it is applied dards and a consistent framework for building a robust DT. This
to. However, during the phase of implementation, the domain-specific will help overcome many of today's challenges such as IoT infra-
DT will face several challenges, including the following: degree of structure, interoperability of sub-systems, information exchange,
complexity; integration challenges; the number of components; required transparency, data analysis, privacy, and security. Data quality
resources; data scale; performance evaluation metrics; interoperability and reliability: ML models heavily rely on the quality and reli-
issues; feasibility; and domain expertise [66]. In addition to this study ability of the data they receive. In digital twins, ensuring the ac-
[66], different articles [28,47,129,130] have analyzed and discussed the curacy, completeness, and consistency of data can be challenging,
universal difficulties associated with DT modeling in a variety of con- as sensor measurements may be noisy, missing, or subject to
texts. An article [32], describes some of the challenges that may be various uncertainties [9,23,66,137].
encountered in the manufacturing sector. Similarly, challenges are

M.A.M. Yassin et al. Energy Reviews 2 (2023) 100039

Table 2 (d) Security and privacy: Today, DTs are faced with cybersecurity
DT-based publications in the optimization and cost saving applications. challenges as it links multiple industrial sectors. The same applied
Application Summary Contributions References on the IoT components level, where real-time data from the sen-
sors could be leaked. Protecting sensitive data within digital twins
Solar power DT model of a three-phase DSPI has higher [108]
plant dual system power efficiency (0.22–0.27% is crucial, as they may deal with intellectual property, trade se-
inverter (DSPI) for solar higher) compared to the crets, or personal information Ensuring robust security and pri-
power plants. conventional inverter. vacy mechanisms for ML models and data is a challenge [66,137].
DSPI provides economic The Authentication process of the sender poses a challenge in
benefits during daylight
hours. Incorporating
today's communication channels and protocols of IoT
DSPI simplifies filter resource-constrained devices; possible threats registered like Sybil
systems and improves attacks [69,137].
power system quality.
Power DT for optimizing power DT allows predicting [96]
6. Observations and future recommendations
network networks in various grid conditions,
industries. balancing grids, and
preventing blackouts. Many benefits of DT implementations within the power systems
Challenges include lack domain have been discussed, such as less planning & designing time,
of standards,
prediction & monitoring, better visualization, better control & testing,
regulations, and
security concerns.
easier optimization & cost reduction mechanisms, and so on. However, a
Nuclear DT to save expenses, DT helps save costs, [109] spontaneous observation is that DT is far from being globally categorized
plants avoid outages, and prevent outages, and as a plug-and-play technology as neither the academic nor the industrial
optimize maintenance in optimize maintenance sector has yet agreed on a unified definition or generic architecture. In
constructing new nuclear in nuclear plant
the last ten years, however, segment-level progress in DT realization has
plants. construction.
Net zero DT/BIM study of the DT/BIM model shows a [110] been observed. In the area of modeling and simulation, it has been
energy techno-economic 6.76% reduction in observed that relying either only on research or industry in conceptual-
feasibility of a Net Zero energy demand and ization and design (DT) is a challenging, time-consuming track and
Energy Building (ZEB). feasibility of renewable
doesn't address the rapid transformation of power systems. To overcome
technologies. Clear
definitions, site-to-
this issue, several experts (hardware, software, operations, and business)
source factors, and must work together. This means boosting industrial and academic
government support are collaboration is the fastest track toward the fast implementation of a
needed. holistic DT. Advancing research on explainable AI techniques for digital
Green DT for optimizing the Optimal operating [111]
twins is essential. This includes developing methods to explain ML model
hydrogen operation of an alkaline pressure for AWE
water electrolysis (AWE) process is between 10 outputs, provide insights into decision-making processes, and build trust
system for green and 30 bar considering between human operators and the digital twin.
hydrogen production. hydrogen compression. The current practical utilization of DT in power systems is mainly for
Critical to consider monitoring, visualizing, analysis, and prediction maintenance. On the
hydrogen compression
to storage pressure
component level, wind turbines, as a representative of green power, are
when determining the most used component in DT research. In addition, photovoltaics ap-
optimal conditions. plications and transformers share a considerable portion of the DT
Load DT algorithm for Algorithm balances [112] research. For large power grids, some progress was observed in moni-
balancing optimizing load balancing heavy simulation tasks
toring and online analysis. However, many research areas such as com-
of simulation computing among available nodes,
tasks in multi-energy resulting in improved ponents modeling, real-time data acquisition, and processing, IoT sensing
system DT cloud clusters. matching and devices, components aging, etc. should be considered. A good approach
accelerated simulation for unlocking DT for large power grids is to practice microgrids. To that
computation. end, several papers for microgrid, DT had found promising results.
AC/DC DT model for Hybrid-driven model [113]
hybrid characterizing unmodeled combines linearized
Nevertheless, detailed optimization techniques and generic architecture
dynamics and uncertainty modeling mechanisms are worth further research. GE and Siemens were at the forefront of
of AC/DC hybrid with deep learning implementing DT in wind farms and machine-human interfaces in power
interconnection systems methods. Time systems in the industrial sector. However, it is a competitive environment
in renewable energy Convolution Neural
in which techniques and methods are restricted to the public and
systems. (TCN) network provides
accurate and efficient research domains. Investigating privacy-preserving ML techniques can
data-driven models. enable secure data sharing and collaborative modeling within digital
Highly accurate and twins while preserving the privacy of sensitive information. Techniques
robust against such as federated learning and differential privacy can be explored. In
validation sample sets.
Seaport DT for energy-saving and Solar and wind energy [114]
addition, integrating human expertise and feedback into the digital twin
energy increased energy can fully cover the port's environment can improve model performance and decision-making.
efficiency in a seaport, energy requirement. Research should focus on developing human-in-the-loop approaches
using wind and solar CO2 emissions are that facilitate effective collaboration between humans and ML models.
energy. reduced. Integration of
Connectivity and processing are crucial defining factors of DT. In
multi-scale digital data
sources, BIM, and GIS power grids, the number of components and the complexity of a huge
enables simulation for amount of real-time data sensing and processing place the DT in the
achieving a Zero Energy theoretical phase. Many studies have managed to establish this bidirec-
District. tional interaction between the physical and virtual systems. However, on
the one hand, challenges such as sensor failure (i.e., damaged data),
subsystem communication, or network speed are worth further research.
Some studies suggest developing specific sensors considering the aging of
the existing ones. Other research suggests that the 5G network and

M.A.M. Yassin et al. Energy Reviews 2 (2023) 100039

Table 3
DT-based publications in the controlling and testing applications.
Objective Summary Key Features Advantages Challenges References

Nuclear Power Highlights the benefits of using Optimal control theory, fuzzy *Improved system design, safety, *Lack of knowledge about [115]
Plant Control DT in nuclear power plants for logic and machine learning. and efficiency. *Reduced need for neural network decision-
and Testing controlling, testing, and costly physical testing. making. *Safety concerns.
diagnosing plant equipment.
Integrated Nuclear Conceptual framework for an Computational modeling, data *Shortened development times, *Technological gaps in [116]
Digital INDE connecting prototype acquisition, high-performance reduced costs, increased implementing INDE.
Environment design, operation, computing systems. credibility, operability,
(INDE) decommissioning, storage, and reliability, and safety.
waste disposal.
Adaptive Control Adaptive control system based on Software-in-loop (SIL), *Improved settling time and *Need for fine-tuning [87]
in Wind Turbine DT for pitch angle control in wind hardware-in-loop (HIL), active overshooting, better control parameters
Systems turbines. disturbance rejection control performance, *Enhanced DT- *Requirement of real-time
(ADRC), deep deterministic based system compared to state- computational.
policy gradient (DDPG) of-the-art schemes
IoT-based Digital An IoT-based DT model for the IoT, cloud computing *Improved energy cyber-physics *Stability, reliability, and [36]
Twin for communication topology of a systems (ECPS) functionality resiliency of interconnected
Microgrid cluster of microgrids. *Enhanced intelligent and power systems *Integration of
Management efficient operation of microgrids deep learning for situational
Virtual Laboratory Virtual laboratory framework for Virtual laboratory framework for *Optimized grid operation *Coordination of various [117]
for Microgrid developing, testing, and microgrid management *Cost reduction through technologies and modules
Management debugging tools for microgrid flexibility analysis *Integration of communication
management. *Seamless information sharing services
between geographically
separated nodes
Fault Diagnosis in Estimation, fault signature DT-based fault diagnosis *Early fault detection and *Generation of accurate error [118]
Building calculation, fault isolation approach for building-integrated isolation *Improved performance residuals and fault signatures
Integrated PV photovoltaics (BIPV). and safety of distributed PV
Real-Time Real-time simulation of a Real-time simulation, physics- *Self-optimizing grid-power plant Real-time simulation challenges [119]
Simulation of combustion engine-based power based modeling control for combined engine-electrical
Combustion plant with battery storage and *Superior efficiency and grid models
Engine Plants grid coupling. response time control strategies
beyond conventional approaches
Multiscale Fusion Multiscale fusion simulation Micro-level streamer simulation, Comprehensive and precise Integration with online [120]
Simulation for method for analyzing the macro-level circuit simulation online monitoring, controlling, monitoring and control systems
GIS Faults influence of temperature on GIS and optimization of GIS condition
insulation void defects
DT Model for DT model for fault diagnosis of Data gathering, simulation, Investigation of automated DT Selection of appropriate model [121]
Power power transformers using the performance verification diagnostics techniques for coefficients
Transformer LabView platform electrical equipment
Fault Diagnosis

in digital twins. Efficient utilization of computational resources and

minimizing data transfer can enable real-time decision-making in
distributed systems.
Like any emerging technology, DT is surrounded by privacy and se-
curity concerns. This topic is barely discussed in detail in the power
system DT. Data leakage and cyber-attacks are examples of these con-
cerns. Some studies suggest multi-layered active security systems for DT,
meaning the DT itself can monitor and mitigate cyber hazards. Other
studies suggest processing the data locally near the physical system
before transmitting it further. It has also been observed that blockchain
technology and federated learning, and secure multi-party computation
can enable collaboration and data sharing while preserving the privacy of
Fig. 9. Challenges and research gaps of DT in the power systems domain. sensitive information. These methods should get more research attention
as they could provide privacy solutions in IoT-based applications. From
vehicular networks will support bidirectional communication. On the all the above, it's clear to see that transparency and standardization are
other hand, a common understanding of AI and ML methods and their the key words in overcoming most of the challenges observed.
capabilities should be addressed. In the future, more research on M2M
communication should be conducted to pave the way for quick DT 7. Conclusions
implementation. Another major obstacle observed is the lack of frame-
work and common standards in building a holistic DT for power systems This article presents an in-depth examination and analysis of the use
considering existing facilities such as new renewable energy penetration, of Digital Twin (DT) technology in power systems. It has provided
autonomous operation, energy storage, load management, etc. As a numerous helpful insights and outlined some significant problems. In
starter, a reference framework for M2M communication and CPS inte- order to overcome these obstacles and make further progress in the
gration and fusion of data are agreed on in many studies as power system implementation of DT, certain ideas that can be put into practice are
DT enablers. Exploring distributed ML techniques and edge computing offered. First and foremost, it is necessary to focus research efforts on
architectures can address scalability and real-time processing challenges comprehending the core concept and application framework of DT in

M.A.M. Yassin et al. Energy Reviews 2 (2023) 100039

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