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April 2024

Questions 1 to 7 are based on the following passage.

Everyone has it tough during the COVID-19 pandemic, and we are all in the same boat - this has been a common refrain
throughout the crisis. It is true that we are all on board the Titanic together. However, some are riding first class, some are riding
third class, and others are in the galley below rowing... Oh, and there are not enough lifeboats to go round.
In reality, the super-rich are not only shielded from this crisis by their wealth, which enables them to shelter from the
virus on super yachts or escape it on private jets, some are even enjoying an unprecedented bounty during these difficult times.
This is especially the case in the United States.
During the coronavirus crisis, US billionaires accrued a huge windfall of more than 434 dollar bn in the two months
between mid-March and mid-May. This comes at a time when at least 40 million Americans are out of work, struggling to get
by, and 256 million people around the world are at risk of dying of hunger. while front-line workers risk their health and lives to
keep society functioning and care for the sick, the biggest financial winner by far is the world's richest man, Jeff Bezos, who has
seen his fortune expand by nearly 35 dollar bn thanks to the surge in the value of his company Amazon, as people trapped in
lockdown have turned to online shopping.
Whenever anyone, including myself, criticizes the obscene wealth of billionaires, there are those who rush in to defend
them, arguing that critics are just envious and that billionaires deserve this success and earned their vast fortunes. Like a
superhero origin myth, there is a typical narrative that surrounds billionaires, especially those in the tech industry. It goes
something like this: X, working in their bedroom/garage/dorm, came up with a brilliant idea, against the odds, brought it to
market and is now enjoying the fruits of their brilliance. However, is the acumen of these entrepreneurs really worth so much
more than everyone else's labour - combined?
Source: (with modifications)

1. What does the expression "... others are in the galley B. Paragraph 2
below rowing" in paragraph 1 mean? C. Paragraph 3
A. The ship is going to sink sooner than expected. D. Paragraph 4
B. The lower class of society are preparing to riot and E. Paragraph 5
disrupt the situation.
C. The lower class of society are gravely struggling to get 5. What is the writer's stance regarding billionaires?
by. A. Billionaires should redistribute their huge wealth to
D. The upper class is safe because society will eventually society.
survive the crisis. B. The elites do not deserve any of their wealth.
E. The upper class should support the lower class in the C. In the middle of crisis, they should stop gaining more
middle of crisis. profts,
D. The worthiness of their ridiculous wealth needs to be
2. What is the purpose of paragraph 2 and 3? challenged.
A. To justify the sacrifices made by the lower class with E. Billionaires should not exist to equalize society.
economic growth
B. To show the indistinguishable situations between 6. The word ‘acumen’ in the last paragraph most nearly
lower and upper class means ....
C. To provide context of why the elites need to be A. Belligerence
protected for the economy B. Intelligence
D. To exhibit the earnings of billionaires in the United
C. Immorality
E. To contrast the divergent situation between the elite D. Ineptness
class and everyone else E. Guile

3. What can be inferred from the text above? 7. According to the text, a part of the rich is reveling in
A. The socioeconomic inequality in the US is atrocious. even more wealth than any time before the pandemic. Is
B. Billionaires are heartless sociopaths that leech off this statement true? Which part supports this statement?
society, especially in the US. A. Yes, it's mentioned that they're shielded from the
C. The current economic system is detrimental to the pandemic effect by their wealth.
upper class. B. No, it’s mentioned that more than 40 million people in
D. Socioeconomic inequality has slightly improved during the US are losing their jobs.
the crisis. C. Yes, it’s mentioned that Jeff Bezos even added 35
E. During the crisis, the US economy came crumbling billion dollar to his wealth during the pandemic.
down. D. No, it’s not mentioned nor implied anywhere in the
text that the rich are gaining more than before.
4. Which paragraph shows the best evidence for the E. Yes, it's mentioned that some of the rich are even
answer in the previous question? enjoying an unprecedented bounty.
A. Paragraph 1
Questions 8 to 11 are based on the following passage.
Mariachi, small Mexican musical ensemble composed of a variety of mostly stringed instruments. In addition to referring
to an ensemble, the term mariachi is also used for the individual performer of mariachi music or for the music itself. Mariachi
has long been considered a uniquely Mexican sound, representing a homegrown tradition that embraces both indigenous and
foreign elements.
The mariachi orchestra emerged in the late 1700s or early 1800s in west-central Mexico. The word mariachi may have
come from the now-extinct language of the Coca Indians, but both the word's etymology and the early history of the form and its
followers are unknown. The typical instruments of contemporary mariachi include the vihuela, a five-string guitar related to an
instrument popular in the Spanish Renaissance; the guitarrén, a large, fretless six-string bass guitar; standard six-string acoustic
guitar; and violins and trumpets, which usually play the melody. Trumpets were not added until the early 20th century, but they
are now more or less an essential element. Mariachi music initially consisted of local or regional sones (instrumental music),
but, early on, performances began to include vocal elements.
Early mariachis dressed in peasant garb (usually white), though since the early 20th century male mariachi bands
typically have worn traje de charro, the attire of the cowboys of Jalisco—matching uniforms with tight, ornamented trousers,
boots, wide bow ties, sombreros, and short jackets. The traditional ensemble was all-male, but since the 1940s women have
played an increasing role in mariachi performance, and by the early 21st century there were a number of all-female mariachi
groups. Most female performers dressed either in a modified version of traje de charro or in china poblana, a traditional costume
consisting typically of an embroidered blouse, a long colourful skirt, and a rebozo (shawl).

8. The author’s intention for writing the text is to .... 1940s and by the early 21st century there were a
A. inform the readers about the features and origin of number of all-female mariachi groups.
B. establish an understanding about the typical 10. The word ‘indigenous’ in Paragraph 1 means ....
instruments and costumes used by the mariachi A. contemporary
orchestra B. cultural
C. delight the readers with unknown facts of mariachi
C. overwhelming
D. convince many people to admire mariachi for its
D. complex
indigenous and foreign elements
E. native
E. Inspire people with the victorious history of mariachi
in Mexican tradition
11. Based on the text, what is the role of trumpets in a
9. Paragraph 3 can be summarized as ... mariachi orchestra?
A. White peasant garb is the official costume of mariachi A. It used to be an essential element, but is no longer used
band. today.
B. Since the early 20th century, all-male mariachi bands B. It wasn’t included at the beginning, but currently, it is
typically wear traje de charro, and by the next century an important element.
female performers wear either modified traje de charro C. Nowadays, it is considered less important than it was
or china poblana. in the early 20th century.
C. The traditional ensemble was all-male, but since the D. It is used more often today compared with the early
1940s women have played an increasing role in 20th century.
mariachi performance. E. It has been considered an important element since the
D. Male mariachi groups usually wear traje de charro, early 1800s.
meanwhile female groups typically wear china
E. The number of female mariachi groups rose up in the

Questions 12 to 16 are based on the following passage.

As one of the most common sleep disorders, insomnia has become a significant public health problem. While the
prevalence of insomnia varies considerably across countries, its global prevalence of insomnia as defined by the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) criteria is estimated to be ~6-10%
Insomnia reportedly increases the rate of car accidents, decreases job performance, results in self -medication with
alcohol as well as socio-economic problems, and has been associated with the onset of cardiovascular diseases. Although a
previous (second) edition of the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD-2) distinguished psychophysiological
insomnia from mental- illness induced insomnia, there are substantial overlap features between the two: e.g., conditioned
arousal, poor sleep hygiene, and excessive worry about sleep. Also, many subjects with insomnia have psychiatric
comorbidities, rendering the discrimination of insomnia subtypes difficult. Because of these issues (overlapping primary and
secondary insomnia), in the next version, ICSD-3, insomnia was recategorized according to time course.
Nevertheless, it is still of great value to recognize the most common psychiatric comorbidities such as anxiety disorders
and depression in patients with insomnia. Among patients with insomnia, the prevalence of anxiety disorder, including
generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, post- traumatic stress disorder, and phobia, is 24-36%, while that of major
depression is 14-31%. Conversely, about 90% of patients with depression complain of sleep disturbance. Similarly, sleep
problems are much more common among individuals with anxiety disorders.
Multiple studies have investigated the relationship between sleep disorders and psychiatric comorbidity. A study that used
data collected by the national survey in the United States revealed that individuals with any comorbid sleep problem (especially
non-restorative sleep) are more prone to impairments of daytime activities. Using data obtained by the same survey, another
investigation reported that the rate of insomnia complaints was highest among individuals with anxiety and mood disorders (42-
63%). However, to date, it remains unclear whether the combination of anxiety and mood (depression) problems aggravate the
severity of insomnia itself and the sleep quality of people at high risk for insomnia.
This study explored the relationships among insomnia severity, sleep quality and daytime sleepiness, and comorbidities
with anxiety and depression among individuals at high risk for insomnia. In addition, we used mediation modeling to evaluate
whether insomnia severity is mediated by changes in general sleep quality.

12. From the passage above we can infer that... 14. The word "prevalence" in paragraph 3 sentence 2 is
A. insomnia is a sleeping disorder that only people with closest in meaning to.....
anxiety disorder can suffer from. A. peculiarity
B. anxiety has the capacity to worsen one's insomnia B. extraordinary
severity and sleep quality.
C. widespread
C. individuals with any comorbid sleep problems are
more prone to impairments of daytime activities. D. frailty
D. there might be relationships between insomnia and E. weakness
anxiety as well as depression.
E. insomnia is the main cause of the onset of 15. Which of the following statements is TRUE according
cardiovascular diseases and car accidents. to the passage?
A. People with comorbid sleep disorders are more
13. How does the second sentence relate to the first likely to be impaired when they partake in
sentence in paragraph 3? The second sentence ….. activities during daylight.
B. Each individual with anxiety disorders
A. explains that insomnia is caused by psychiatric
automatically has sleeping disorders.
C. Changes in general sleep quality is the most
B. argues that psychiatric comorbidities are not the
effective way to mediate the severity of insomnia.
only reason for insomnia
D. Onset cardiovascular diseases can be cured by
C. elaborates that depression is the major cause of
having generally better sleep quality.
insomnia not the anxiety disorders
E. People with insomnia suffer more from the
D. shows the fact that there is a relationship between
prevalence of major depression than anxiety and
insomnia and psychiatric comorbidities.
E. provides the percentages of major depression and
panic disorders among patients with insomnia
16. The word "prone" in paragraph 4 has the opposite
meaning with ....
A. liable
B. susceptible
C. inclined
D. predisposed
E. immune

Questions 17 to 20 are based on the following passage.

Berlin (Reuters)-No more Coca-Cola or Budweiser, no Marlboro, no American whiskey or even American Express cards
a growing number of restaurants in Germany are taking everything American off their menus to protest the war in Iraq.
Although the protests are mainly symbolic, waiters in dozens of bars and restaurants in Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Bonn
and other German cities are telling patrons, "Sorry, Coca-Cola is not available any more due to the current political situation."
The boycotts appear to be part of a nascent worldwide movement. One Web site,, calls
for boycotts of 27 top American firms from Microsoft to Kodak while another,, urges the "millions of
people against the war" to "Boycott Brand America."
Consumer fury seems to be on the rise. Demonstrators in Paris smashed the windows of a McDonald's restaurant last
week, forcing police in riot gear to move in to protect staff and customers of the American fast-food outlet. The attackers
sprayed obscenities and "boycott" on the windows.
This economic advantage, in turn, is used to sponsor terror and killing in Islamic countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq.
When product boycott was carried out by consumers in the Middle East and some in the European countries, sales of these
companies is reported to be decreased by 10% and this amounted to big numbers for giant companies. Thus, it is a rational for
Muslim especially in Malaysia to take similar action. Furthermore, Of late, many other products are available as an alternative
for the boycotted products. For example, we have Mukmin toothpaste instead of Colgate etc. and Fab or Breeze could be
replaced with Daiya, Puteri Emas etc.
There are a few questions arise in regard to the boycott such as how effective is the approach and why not boycotting all
the products altogether. In answering these questions, Sabasun has reiterated to look at collapse of the apartheid regime in South
Africa as the best example.
To answer the question in regard to why not boycotting all the products altogether, Sabasun has taken an approach to do
what can be done when one cannot do all. Hence, a few products that are really needed by consumers are offered on a limited
floor space and no promotion is done for the product. While products that are boycott completely will not even get space on the
shelves let alone floor space. During the early phase after the campaign was in progress, the effect of the boycott is very obvious
when Sabasun suffer a loss of nearly RM 150,000.

17. Both passages are similar in terms of... former clarifies the need to do the activity
A. The problem underlying in both passages
B. The writer's point of view 19. From the second passage, it can be inferred that the
C. The effect of the problem discussed topic discussed before the text B is ….
D. The area the problem taking place A. The basic reason for repelling American products
E. The reason leading to the problem B. The terror for Islamic countries
C. The motivation for not boycotting all the products
18. The difference between the first and the second altogether
passage is that the latter …. D. The effectiveness in carrying out the program
E. The economic advantage of the American firms
A. Asserts the economic advantage resulted from
boycotting while the former claims the cause of
boycotting 20. The most suitable word to least change the word
B. Exposes the disserve impact of boycotting for Islamic "nascent" in "The boycotts appear to be part of a nascent
countries while the former shows the situation in worldwide movement." in the first passage is ….
Germany A. Newly born
C. Affirms the need for boycotting American products B. Rising
while the former depicts the activity of boycotting in C. Perilous
D. Vital
D. Repudiates the boycott toward American products
E. Fretting
while the former presents the reason of boycotting
E. Points out the limitation of the activity while the

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