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Expressive Utterance On Trolls Movie

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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)
Study Program of English Department


NPM. 1402050104




Yuwanda, Rosa. 1402050104. Expressive Utterance on Trolls Movie. Skripsi.

English Education Program of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
University of Muhammadi yah Sumatera Utara. Medan. 2018.

This study deals with the study of Expressive Utterance on Trolls Movie.
The objestives of this study were to find out types expressive utterances used in
Trolls movie. To reveal the use of expressive utterance in Trolls movie. To figure
out the reason of the use type of expressive utterance dominantly in Trolls movie.
Descriptive qualitative method was used in this study. Source of data was
obtained from the script of Trolls movie. In collecting the data, the researcher
Downloading the script of Trolls movie from internet, Watching Trolls movie,
Reading and observing the dialogue from the script of Trolls movie, Identifying
the sentences to find out types expressive utterances used in Trolls movie. The
data were analyzed in some steps, Classifying the sentences of expressive
utterances into its types, Finding out the use of expressive utterances that used by
the characters of Trolls movie, Finding out the reason type of expressive utterance
which dominantly used in Trolls movie.
The finding showed the occurrences seven from nine types of expressive
utterances on Trolls movie, they were 5 utterances of apologizing or 8.63%, 6
utterances of thanking or 10.34%, 26 utterances of deploring/censoring or
44.83%, 7 utterances of lamenting or 12.07%, 3 utterances of welcoming or
5.17%, 2 utterances of forgiving or 3.45%,9 utterances of boasting or 15.51%.
The researcher suggests the next researcher develop this research by using a
different object such as speech, and also from daily activity or daily conversation.

Keywords : expressive utterance, movie, trolls.


Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

In the name of Allah Subhanahuwata’ala, the greatest Lord, the most

merciful and beneficent. Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin, all praises to Allah which

by His affection the researcher can finish this minithesis entitled “Expressive

Utterance on Trolls Movie”. Peace be upon the prophet Muhammad Sallallahu

‘alaihi wassalam which we hope for His blessing in the judgement day.

The researcher would like to thank her dearest parents. Her beloved father

Riduan and her beloved mother Yusnita because of their prayers, material and more

supports, and their love during her academic years in completing her study so finally

the researcher can reach this stage. Her beloved young brothers, Aswandi,

Adriansyah, Mhd Farhan and Mhd Aviv Fahri, who always become motivation

for the researcher to finish her study as fast as possible.

There are also so many people which have a big impact for the researcher

in finishing her minithesis so the researcher would like to thank :

1. Dr. Agussani, M.AP, the Rector of University Muhammadiyah Sumatera


2. Dr. Elfrianto S.Pd, M.Pd, the Dean of Faculty of Teachers Training and

Education who has give recommendation to carry out this research.

3. Mandra Saragih,S.Pd, M.Hum as the Head of English Department for always

motivate his students including the researcher to finish the study as soon as

possible, and also Pirman Ginting, S.Pd, M.Hum, the Secretary of English

Education Program for their suggestion and administrative help in the process

of completing the necessary requirements.

4. Dr. Hj Dewi Kesuma Nst, S.S, M.Hum, as researcher’s supervisor who

already set a valuable time to give comments and suggestions during finishing

this minithesis. And also, Dra. Diani Syahputri, M.Hum, as her reviewer.

Thanks for all guidance, knowledge, support and suggestion.

5. All of English lecturers at FKIP UMSU who already transfer the knowledge

and do the best efforts to all of the students in UMSU.

6. Muhammad Arifin, S.Pd, M.Pd as the Head of UMSU library for always

support the researcher during this research.

7. Friends in B Morning class especially for Febby Tirza, Ridho Abdullah

Siregar, Diah Julia, Anggi Syafira, Mitha Karnasih, Novira Anggraini, Juwita

Sari, Warlina Putri, for sharing the same insecurity, but luckily we finally did

it. And also, Friends in Senior High School till the end who always cheer her

up when the researcher feel down, Liza Purwita, Ana Str, and Nadia

Andarwiza, Liza Phili, Elli Devina Sari, Rahayu Dian Utami, Rafika Husna,

Mhd Izwar Putra.

Finally, the researcher hopes this minithesis is useful for the readers.

However, the researcher realizes that the minithesis is still far from being perfect.

So, the researcher greatly appreciate any criticsm, ideas, and suggestion for the

improvement of this minithesis.

Billahi fii sabilil haq

Fastabiqul Khairat

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh

Medan, March 2018

Rossa Yuwanda



ABSTRACT ............................................................................................ i

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...................................................................... ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................ v

LIST OF TABLE .................................................................................... viii

LIST OF APPENDIX ............................................................................. ix

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................ 1

A. Background of the Study..................................................................... 1

B. The Identification of the Problem ........................................................ 4

C. Scope and Limitation .......................................................................... 4

D. Formulation of the Problem ................................................................ 4

E. The Objectives of the Study ................................................................ 5

F. The Significance of the Study ............................................................. 5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE......................................... 6

A. Theoretical Framework ....................................................................... 6

1. Description of Linguistics ................................................................... 6

2. Description of Pragmatics ................................................................... 8

3. Description of Speech Acts ................................................................. 9

3.1. Representative Utterances .................................................................. 11

3.2. Directive Utterances........................................................................... 11

3.3. Commisive Utterances ....................................................................... 12

3.4. Expressive Utterances ........................................................................ 12

3.4.1. Apologizing .................................................................................. 13

3.4.2. Thanking ....................................................................................... 14

3.4.3. Congratulating .............................................................................. 15

3.4.4. Condoling ..................................................................................... 16

3.4.5. Deploring/Censoring ..................................................................... 16

3.4.6. Lamenting ..................................................................................... 17

3.4.7. Welcoming.................................................................................... 17

3.4.8. Forgiving ...................................................................................... 18

3.4.9. Boasting ........................................................................................ 18

3.5. Declarative Utterances ....................................................................... 19

4. Description of Movie .......................................................................... 20

4.1. Trolls Movie ...................................................................................... 21

B. Relevant Studies ................................................................................. 22

C. Conceptual Framework ....................................................................... 26

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH .......................................... 29

A. Research Design ................................................................................. 29

B. Source of the Data............................................................................... 29

C. Techniques of Collecting Data ............................................................ 30

D. Techniques for Analyzing Data ........................................................... 30

CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS............................ 31

A. Data Collection ................................................................................... 31

B. Data Analysis...................................................................................... 33

C. Data Findings...................................................................................... 59

D. Discussions ......................................................................................... 60

CHAPTER V .......................................................................................... 62

A. Conclusions ........................................................................................ 62

B. Suggestion .......................................................................................... 63





Table 4.1. Data Collection ......................................................................... 30

Table 4.2. Types of Expressive Utterances in the Script of Trolls Movie .... 32

Table 4.3. The Percentage of the Types of Expressive Utterances .............. 57


APPENDIX 1 : Synopsis of Trolls Movie

APPENDIX 2 : Trolls Movie Script

APPENDIX 3 : Form K-1

APPENDIX 4 : Form K-2

APPENDIX 5 : Form K-3

APPENDIX 6 : Lembar Pengesahan Proposal

APPENDIX 7 : Lembar Pengesahan Hasil Seminar

APPENDIX 8 : Surat Pernyataan Tidak Plagiat

APPENDIX 9 : Surat Izin Riset

APPENDIX 10 : Surat Balasan Riset

APPENDIX 11 : Berita Acara Bimbingan Proposal

APPENDIX 12 : Berita Acara Bimbingan Skripsi

APPENDIX 13 : Surat Keterangan Perpustakaan

APPENDIX 14 : Surat Pengesahan Skripsi

APPENDIX 15 : Form Curriculum Vitae



A. Background of the Study

Communication is a very important thing in life as a part of necessity in

social relationship of human being. Communication can make close relationship

among people. Interaction among people around the world must use the language

devices. Many alternatives can be used to understand the language very well.

There are many ways used by people to reveal their feeling, either in real action or

utterance. People prefer using utterance to express their feeling to others.

Communication clearly depends on not only recognizing the meaning of words in

an utterance, but recognizing what speakers mean by their utterances.

Common people make communication unstructured. This is not become

problem because the most important of that is their speech can be understood and

accepted by others. It is equally with the argument of Parker (1986:12) that what

people have to do in communication is how they use language to communicate

rather than the way of language is structured internally. Like what Yule (1996:47)

said that in the effort to express and asserting himself, people not only produce

grammatical structure sentences but they also produce or show actions in that


Linguistic is the study of language. The branches of linguistics are

phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. There are many ways

used by people to reveal their feeling, either in real action or utterance. People

prefer using utterance to express their feeling to others. Utterance is very


important in communication to present what the speaker’s intention to the hearer

and it is the physical production of linguistic behavior. An utterance is an act of

speech or writing; it is a specific event, at a particular time and place. It involves

at least one person, the one who produces the utterance, but usually more than one


Pragmatics focuses on the study of meaning as intended by the speaker’s

need. In studying pragmatics, people are familiar with speech act. Speech act is

the action performed by a speaker with an utterance. We use the term speech act

to describe actions such as requesting, commanding, questioning, or informing.

Speech acts are divided into five classes: declarative, representative, expressive,

commisive, and directive.

The speakers express their feeling by making their words fit with their

internal psychological world which is generally known as expressive utterances.

Expressive utterance belongs to adjective, which shows your feelings or thought.

Thus, expressive utterance is a kind of speech acts based on psychological states

and relate to the expression of feelings or emotions towards the hearer.

Actually from a movie, we can learn another subject when we watched it.

We can learn about the educational, moral or others value that implied there, or

about the acting of the actors or actress includes of the social relations or the

language and the dialogue or utterance they use, or learn about the literary

elements in the movie. Those studies are the branch of interdisciplinary sciences

such as pragmatics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and others. Both of those


interdisciplinary sciences can help us understand about the language inside the

conversation or inside the movie story.

Movies are periodicals at frequent intervals(daily, weekly, semi-weekly)

containing with comedy, romance, drama, adventure, fantasy, thriller, and the

others of current interest. Movies can give description to people about life,

experiences and communications. Transcript can help audience to understand the

dialogues in every scene and enjoy watching the movies. Movie have great

influences in developing English language where the watcher or listeners may

learn about some sentences or utterances from the dialogue of movie.

The researcher was interested in analyzes about expressive utterances

because still many students in university did not understand about speech act

especially expressive utterances. And in university especially University of

Muhammadiyah North Sumatera in fourth semester, the students did not study

about pragmatics deeply because pragmatics considered in semantics while

semantics is one of linguistic branch which study about meaning, and pragmatics

not only study about meaning, it also study between context and meaning. And

the researcher have several reason in choose Trolls movie script as a source of the

data in this research. For the first, universally, in this age movie was assumed as

tool of efective communication to express or communicate to the others. Second,

movie is an audio visual media which make the students easily to understand

about what the message was delivered by movie itself. And then, movie as one of

communication media which describe and show the voice of the movie characters

directly. The researcher also choose Trolls movie because it has many utterances

especially expressive utterances and this movie is one of the famous animation

movie and the story is easy to understand.

So, the researcher want to analyze the pragmatics on speech act especially

the expressive utterances in movie. Based on phenomenon above, the researcher

was decided to do the research entitled : Expressive Utterance on Trolls Movie.

B. Identification of the Problem

This study are identify as follow :

1. The students do not understand about expressive utterance.

2. The audience or viewer still get difficulty to understand the meaning on Trolls


3. There are types of expressive utterances for understanding the meaning on

Trolls movie.

C. Scope and Limitation

In this research, it is very important to limit the problem of the research

to the field study. The scope of this research was focused on speech act in

pragmatics. The limitation in this study was focused on expressive utterances on

Trolls movie.

D. Formulation of the Problem

The problem of this research are formulated as follows :

1. What are types of expressive utterances in Trolls movie?

2. How the use of expressive utterances in Trolls movie?


3. Why the type is used dominantly in Trolls movie?

E. The Objectives of the Study

In line with the problems, the objectives of the study are :

1. To find out types expressive utterances used in Trolls movie.

2. To reveal the use of expressive utterance in Trolls movie.

3. To figure out the reason of the use type of expressive utterance dominantly in

Trolls movie.

F. The Significance of the Study

The significance of the study was expected to be useful and relevant,

theoretically and practically.

Theoretically, this research can add knowledge about analyzing speech

act especially expressive utterance in movie transcript used in Trolls.

Practically, this research was expected to be useful for :

1. The readers, it was helped them to understand about expressive utterances,

and to enrich vocabularies about expressive utterances.

2. The English teachers, in teaching English as foreign language to increase their

knowledge in understanding about expressive utterances used in Trolls movie.

3. The other researchers, it can be references in analyzing the variation of speech

act especially expressive utterances in language phenomenon using pragmatics

in order to enrich the knowledge about linguistic.



A. Theoretical Framework

The theory deals with the definitions of certain terms as used in this

research, the definitions can be the term of attribute operational characteristic in

order to get a clear understanding. The functions of the terms may give a limited

meaning, which specially meant in the particular function and can be used in

related field. It is necessary to gather some information, theories or comments

dealing with the topic references and resources of the study. The explanation will

be given in order to avoid misunderstanding between the researcher and the


A research may be based on exciting theories of certain field of science.

In this case, the theoretical justification will give a clear concepts and it will be

applied in this research. The concepts will lead the research to be a better analysis.

Because, the concepts help the scope and the limitation of the problem and this


1. Description of Linguistics

The word “Linguistic” has been derived from Latin Lingua (tongue) and

Istics (knowledge of science). Etimology therefore, linguistics is the scientific

study of language. But the study not of one particular language, but the human

language in general. It studies language as an universal and recognizable part of

human behavior. It attempts to describe and analyze the language. The field of

linguistics comprises understanding of the place of language in human life; the


ways in which it is organized to fulfill the needs it serves, and the function it

performs. So, linguistics is the science which studies the origin, organization,

nature and development of language descriptively, historically, comparatively,

and explicitely, and formulates the general rules related to language (Shastri, 1985

:11). It is also, Meyer, Charles F (2009:3) said that language is a system of

communication, it is useful to compare it with other systems of communication”.

Linguistic is the science of language and also the study of hoe language

is used, and can cover very broad range of subjects, since language enters almost

in every area of human activity. Linguistic interested in language structure

consider the formal properties of languaer, including word structure

(morphology), sentence structure (syntax), speech sound and the rules and pattern

between (phonetics and phonology) and meaning in language (semantics and

pragmatics). Somehow linguistics in the scientific study of language, there are

broadly three aspects to the study, which include language form, language

meaning, and language context.

Language can be understood as an interplay of sound and meaning. The

discipline that studies linguistic sound is tem as phonetics, which us concerned

with the actual properties of speech sounds and non speech sound, how the

language produced and perceived. The study of language meaning is concerned

with how language employ logic and real world reference to convey, process and

assign meaning, as well as to manage and resolve ambiguity.


2. Description of Pragmatics

Linguistics is one of disciplines about language and one of the important

of linguistic field is pragmatics. Pragmatics is the study of the relationships

between linguistics form and the users of those forms and it is the study of the

speaker’s meaning (Yule, 1996:4). The pragmatics include in analysis speech act.

A speech act analysis is an utterance which has both a literal meaning and a

particular illocutionary force (Paltridge, 2000:16), and it also actions that

performed via utterances.

People learn language and it would be closely with two branches of

language science, semantics and pragmatics. Both of that sciences concern at

language but in different side. Semantics refers to the construction of meaning

language, while pragmatics refers to meaning construction in specific interactional

context. In other explanation, semantic study of word means and sentence

meaning without any relation to context whereas pragmatics also means as the

study of meaning use or meaning interaction (Mullany and Peter, 2010:11).

For some people learning about pragmatics is more challenging than

others science of linguistic. It is because in pragmatics we studies not only about

languages but also learns about the external meaning of the sentence or utterance.

It was involved such an interpretation for what people mean in the right context

and how that context impact what is said. In this studies we also need to explore

what listener implication that speaker uttered (Yule, 1996:3).

Context is the thing that makes semantics and pragmatics different at

their basic. Pragmatics has known as the area of investigation a number of aspects

of language use that consider under the heading of discourse. Pragmatics is

especially interested in the relationship between language and context (Paltridge,


Wagiman (2008:63) states that pragmatic is the study about utterance

meaning or sentence that used in communication between the speaker and the

hearer. Pragmatics also concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by

a speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a listener (or reader), this type of study

necessarily involves the interpretation of what people mean in a particular context

and how the context influences what is said. It explores how a great deal of what

is unsaid which recognized as part of what is communicated (Yule, 1996:3).

Here, the researcher can conclude that pragmatics is the study of context

and language use. It concentrates on aspects of meaning that cannot be predicted

by linguistic form knowledge alone and takes into account the knowledge about

the physical and social world. The focus of pragmatics analysis is on the meaning

of speaker’s utterances rather than on the meaning of words or sentence.

3. Description of Speech Act

According to Yule (1996:5), speech act is a study of how the speakers

and hearers use language. And Yule (1996:47) defines that speech acts are simply

things people do through language or actions performed via utterances and there

are five classes of speech act: directive utterance, commisive utterance, expressive

utterance, declarative utterance, and representative utterance.

Searle (1976:12) also said that “There are five basic categories speech

acts, that are representatives, directives, commisives, declaratives and


expressives”. Bach (1979:153) explains that an action in verbal communication

has message in itself, so the communication is not only about language but also

with action. Speech act is the utterance that occurs and act refers to an action. That

is the reason why people have to interpret the meaning of communication or

language through speech acts.

In every speech act we can distinguish three things, following Austin

(1962:100). What is said, the utterance, can be called the locution. What the

speaker intends to communicate to the addressee is the illocution. The message

that the addressee gets, his interpretation of what the speaker says, is the

perlocution. If communication is successful, the illocution and the perlocution are

alike or nearly alike.

Speech act is a kind of verbal communication and it is a subdivision of

pragmatics. According to Yule (1996:5), speech act is a study of how the speakers

and hearers use language. We always perform speech act in our daily life.

Sometimes we do not realize that the utterances we produce consist of speech act.

We often use utterances with indirect meaning. Speech act occurs on the process

of the meaning in how the communication occurs and how the listener perceives

the aim. In many times, people not only saying but also forcing the hearer to do

something. When the hearer is doing an act, it means that he or she is doing

illocutionary act. The researcher realizes that in our daily life, we also always use

the speech act function when we have communication with others. For example,

we say “the weather is hot today”; it means there is some implicit meaning to

request to do an action that is to switch on the fan or maybe open the window.

3.1. Representative Utterances

Representative is a kind of speech act that states what the speaker

believes to be the case or not, for example state, conclude, represent, deduce, etc.

By using this utterance, his or her expresses belief that the proportion all content

is true.

For example: “The world is flat” it means the speakers commits to the

hearer in her truth of speech about the flat of the world. Another example such as

“It’s raining out”. It means that the speaker was trying to get hearer to think that

he believed it was raining out.

3.2. Directive Utterances

In this type of speech acts, the speaker wants to ask someone else to do

something. Acts of commanding, ordering, requesting, inviting, are all the

examples of how the speaker expressing his or her wants.

For example: “Give me your pen” it means the speaker ask to the hearer to

borrow his pen to him. Anothe example such as “if raining comes in the weekend,

it will be traffic jam. We have to change our way of life to decrease traffic jam.

We have to find out solution together”. In this case, the speaker commits to

decrease traffic jam by using directive utterance. It is proved when he said “we

have to change, we have to find out solution together”. In this case, he told heares

to do something.

Directive utterance is type of speech act that represent attemps by the

speaker to get the hearer to do something. The speaker express what their want

hearer for to do something.


3.3. Commisive Utterances

When the speaker uses commisive speech acts, it means that he or she

will commit some future action. Basically, it expresses what the speaker intends.

For example: “I Promise I’ll be there” it means the speaker promise to

the hearer to come in a place. Another example such as the sentence : “We swears

to serve the master of the preciousss. We swears on...on the precious”. It means

that the speaker says he will do what hearer want. The words swears indicates that

the speaker intends to do a certain action on future by himself. In the sentence

“Say another word and I’ll break your arm. This is all a game for you, isn’t it”.

Utterance “I’ll break your arm” is commisive utterance. The speaker commits to

himself by threatning to do an action to break hearer’s arm if he says words again

that makes speaker’s angry.

3.4. Expressive Utterances

Expressive utterance is speech act that express the speaker’s feelings

about themselves or the world (Searle :1976:12). It also Norrick (1978:279) said

that specifies that expressive speech acts express psychological conditions and

thus not beliefs or intentions, which arise to given states of affairs”.

Some expressive speech acts concentrate on the use of politeness and on

thanking, and who define expressives as expressing the state of mind, the

attitudes, and the feelings of speakers (Taavitsainen and Jucker 2010:159).

According to Beijer (2003:9) expressive utterances refers to any

utterance in which the speaker in questions is emotionally involved, and in which


this involvement is linguistically expressed by means of intonation or by the use

of performative expressions.

Expressive is a kind of speech acts that states what the speaker feels. The

form of expressive can be statements of pleasure, pain, like, dislike, joy, or

sorrow. In this case, the speaker makes the words fit with the situation which his

or her feeling also includes in it. Acts of thanking, apologizing, congratulating are

all the examples of what the speaker feels.

According to Norrick (1978:284) he compares nine different types of

expressive utterances. These are, apologizing, thanking, congratulating,

condoling, deploring, lamenting, welcoming, forgiving and boasting.

3.4.1. Apologizing

Apologizing means where an agent-speaker expresses negative feelings

towards a patient addressee to appease them. Apologizing is an expression of

regret. Some definitions of apologizing such as acknowledge faults or

shortcoming failing, defend, explain, clear away or make excuse for by reasoning.

For example :

Dad : Sweet ride.

Son : Dad, what are you doing? We're not supposed to touch


Dad : Oh, sorry, sorry. Should I put it back?

Apologizing could be marked by word sorry, excuse, pardon, and

apology. The apologizing expression in the source language is marked by “Oh,

sorry, sorry”. Another example :


Mother : Iam very sorry to say this, my child, that I must give

up going to the ball with you tonight. It such a long way

to go in this cold spring weather.

Child : It’s okay, mom you should take a rest.

In this case, Mother shows word sorry because her regret to her child for

not going to the ball with her child as the hearer.

3.4.2. Thanking

Where the speaker expresses positive feelings to the hearer, who has

done a service or to do something to the speaker. Expressing for thanking is

considered to be one universal of interpersonal communication in particular in

realization of the politeness principle. Thanking classified as an expressive

utterances that can be defined as an expression of gratitude on the part of the

speaker to the adressee.

For example :

Grandmother : You’re so handsome, just like your father.

Son : Thank you.

“Thank you” in the source language refers to thanking. And another

example such as :

Mother : There must be something at the bottom of this. Is anything

worrying you? are you in debt?

Son : No, Thanks to the kindness of you. You have freed me

from that.

The utterance “thanks to the kindness of you” is identified as expressive

utterance since there is a certain force that the speaker expressed by saying the

utterance. Thanking can be defined as an expression of gratitude on the part of the

speaker to the hearer. It is a kind of utterance that will be expressed by speaker to

show that he or she is grateful for something that someone has been done. In this

case, Son as the speaker expressed his gratitude or thanks to Mother that they had

paid all of his debts.

3.4.3. Congratulating

Where the speaker has observed that the addressee has either benefitted

from or carried out a positively valued event. Congratulating shows the speaker’s

sympathy towards what has been happening to the hearer. Congratulating

expresses the feeling of pleasure towards the hearer’s luck.

For example :

John : I hear that you have married with Aldo, is it right?

Jean : Of course yes.

John : Wow! I congratulate on your wedding!

Jean : Thank you so much.

Expressive utterannce for congratulating shows the speaker sympathy

toward what has been happening to the hearer including the feeling of pleasure

toward the hearer’s luck or the feeling honor toward the hearer’s ability.

3.4.4 Condoling

Which resembles congratulating, except that the experienced event is

negatively valued. Condoling expresses the feeling of compassion towards the

hearer’s sadness.

For example :

Jean : You know how hard I try to give my best for him, but he

never care about it.

John : Jean, please forget him, I know you can. You’re a strong

girl i’ve ever seen. I’m hurt to see you like this, but I

can’t do anything, i’ll pray the happiness would come

to you.

Condoling could be marked by the sentences “I’m hurt to see you like

this but I can’t do anything, I’ll pray the happiness would come to you”.

Condoling also define when someone else is in times of adversity, either feeling

unhappy due to a misfortune or grieving the lost of a loved once.

3.4.5. Deploring/Censoring

Where the addressee is criticised for an event which had a negative

impact on the speaker or a third person. This kind of expressive about criticizing,

complaining and deprecating that express the feeling of disagree or dislike with

the hearer’s attitude.

For example :

Dad : It doesn’t matter, son. I know you so well.


Son : I’m so regret, dad. I believe him more than you, then,

he left me out, but you stay with me.

Dad : Aa.. aa... you’re my son, and I didn’t think to lost you


The speaker says “i’m so regret, dad. i believe him more than you and

then he left me out, but you stay with me”, son explain what he feel and had

negative impact for him about what he do.

3.4.6. Lamenting

Where the speaker expresses his or her own misfortune, either at their

own or somebody else’s doing, the speaker is also the main observer.

For example :

Son : You lost your son?

Dad : Yes. Many years ago.

Son : I lost my father.

Dad : I'm very sorry.

The speaker says “I lost my father” which clearly express his misfortune

and consider as lamenting.

3.4.7. Welcoming

Where the speaker expresses positive feelings towards the arrival of the

addressee or event. It also the act of greeting by the speaker to the hearer.

For example :

Dad : Son, these are your cousins. Dim and Sum.


Son : I have cousins!

Dim and Sum : Welcome! Welcome!

Welcoming expression could be marked by “welcome”, “come”, “hello”,

“hi” as the way the people introduce themselves consider as welcoming.

Expresive utterance of welcoming also is an act of greeting by the speaker to the

heare or for welcoming the visitors.

3.4.8. Forgiving

Which is found to have a similar conceptual set-up as deploring, except

for the fact that the speaker does not resent the addressee’s action.

For example :

Son : Dad, I’m so sorry for that, I don’t even know.

Dad : It doesn’t matter, Son. I know you so well.

Forgiving expression marked by the sentence “it doesn’t matter, son”.

Based on the sentence above, we know that his Dad forgiving him about his fault

that he did.

3.4.9. Boasting

Where the speaker expresses positive feelings about his or her own

actions towards and addressee.

For example :

Dad : Oh, Viper, was it?

Jerry : Jerry, sir.

Son : They're kind of my best friends.


Son : And this. This is Master Shifu. Legend.

Son tried to show off Shifu, the teacher, he has been admired. Boasting

expression is marked by the word “Legend”.

3.5. Declarative Utterances

Declarative is a kind of speech acts that change the situation via the

speaker’s utterance. In order to perform a declaration correctly, the speaker has to

have a special institutional role, in a specific context. For example, appoint,

nominate, sentence, pronounce, fire, and resign. In communication the process of

conveying message in communication can being form verbal and implied. When

speaker conveys the message (whether verbally or implicitly) of course there is

purpose behind uttering something.

For example; “When I smile I feel better” it means the speakers only

request to the hearer about smile. Another example is “When you comes to my

life, i feel my life was so great”. The speaker says to hearer that his life was


Searle speech acts classification is helpful to determine the purpose of the

utterance that being uttered by speaker toward hearer in communication. The type

of utterances function can be determined by identifying the context or situation of


Speech act also can be understood by take a look from the utterance and

the context. In understanding an utterance uttered by two persons or more when

they are making conversation, in which contain an implied meaning or known as


speech act. It means that we have to look at the context or pragmatic meaning

rather than literal meaning of the sentences uttered.

Therefore, understanding context can be a helpful way to know the

speaker and hearer’s intention. Context helps us to determine what is conveyed

implicitly but not explicitly stated by the speaker.

4. Description of Movie

Movie is defined as a motion picture considered especially as a source of

entertainment or as an art form (Webster’s third new international dictionary,

1981:1480). It is produced by recording the picture or photographic images

cameras, and some by creating images by animation techniques and visual effect,

and also some music. For recent years, movie or film considered being an

important art form, as a root of en vogue entertainment but now movie also

became a source of education for citizens. Learned and got education from films

was possible because of many messages that implied and founded there.

Moreover, there are also insert values such as moral values, educational values

and other values.

Movie or Films, and particularly video tapes, are like novels, which in

theory can be repeatedly read, or viewed (Klarer, 2005:57). Klarer also stated that

the visualization in movie has the action that not left merely to the imagination of

a reader, but rather comes to life in the performance, independent of the audience.

In both genres, a performance (in the sense of a visual representation by people)

stands at the center of attention. It is misleading, however, to deal with film

exclusively in the context of drama, since categorizing it under the performing art

does not do justice to the entire genre, which also includes non-narrative

subgenres without performing actors.

4.1. Trolls Movie

Trolls is a 2016 American 3D computer-animated musical film based on

the Troll dolls created by Thomas Dam. The film was directed by Mike

Mitchell and co-directed by Walt Dohrn, written by Jonathan Aibel and Glenn

Berger and based on a story by Erica Rivinoja. The film features the voices

of Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake, Zooey Deschanel, Russell Brand, James

Corden andGwen Stefani. The film revolves around two trolls on a quest to save

their village from destruction by the Bergens, creatures who eat trolls.

The 33rd animated feature film produced by DreamWorks Animation,

the film premiered on October 8, 2016, at the BFI London Film Festival and was

theatrically released in the United States on November 4, 2016, by 20th Century

Fox. The film received generally positive reviews from critics, grossed $344

million worldwide against its $125 million budget and received an Academy

Award nomination for Best Original Song for "Can't Stop the Feeling!".

A sequel is scheduled to be released on February 14, 2020, with Ke

ndrick and Timberlake reprising their roles.

DreamWorks announced plans for a film based on the Troll toyline as

early as 2010. This version was to be written by Adam Wilson and his wife

Melanie By 2012, Chloë Grace Moretz had already been cast in the female lead

role and Jason Schwartzman was reported to have been offered the male lead. In

September 2012, 20th Century Fox and DreamWorks Animation announced that

the film with the working title Trolls would be released on June 5, 2015,

with Anand Tucker set to direct the film, written by Wallace

Wolodarsky and Maya Forbes.

By April 2013, DreamWorks Animation had acquired the intellectual

property for the Trolls franchise from the Dam Family and Dam Things. Having

"big plans for the franchise," DreamWorks Animation became the exclusive

worldwide licensor of the merchandise rights, except for Scandinavia, where Dam

Things remains the licensor. In May 2013, the film was pushed back for a year to

November 4, 2016. The same month, DreamWorks Animation announced

that Mike Mitchell and Erica Rivinoja has been hired as a director and screenplay

writer to "reimagine" the film as a musical comedy, which will present the origin

of the Trolls' colorful hair. On June 16, 2014, Anna Kendrickjoined the cast to

voice Poppy, a princess. On September 15, 2015, reported

that Justin Timberlake will voice a character named Branch. Timberlake

previously worked with DreamWorks Animation as the voice of Arthur "Artie"

Pendragon in Shrek the Third in 2007. The full cast announced their respective

roles via announcements on Twitter on January 6, 2016.

Trolls was released on Digital HD on January 24, 2017, and

on DVD and Blu-ray on February 7, 2017. The film topped the home video sales

chart for two consecutive weeks.

B. Relevant Studies

In this study, it will be related to previous research. There are three

previous research which relevant to this study, such as :


For the first, Rika Meidaratika (2008), “A Study of Lady Chiltern’s

Expressive Speech Act in Oscar Wilde’s An Ideal Husband”. This undergraduate

thesis analyzes the expressive speech acts appear in Oscar Wilde’s An Ideal

Husband, specified in one of the major characters’ dialogues, which is Lady

Chiltern. This character is chosen because she represents the characters that lived

in English high-class society who express their feelings toward current topic or

other people they speak to through the utterances. This thesis uses pragmatics and

stylistics theory for the analysis.

The analysis is divided into three sub-chapters based on three problems

stated in the problem formulation, and they are: (1) How expressive is Lady

Chiltern as shown through her speech acts? (2) What reactions do those

expressive speech acts reveal toward the current topic or other characters? (3)

What messages do those expressive speech acts convey to other characters? There

are two methods used for doing the analysis. First, the researcher used data

collecting to get the list of all dialogues spoken by Lady Chiltern. Later, those

dialogues were analyzed to find out how many dialogues containing speech acts,

and which of them are considered as expressive speech acts. Next, the researcher

analyzed the data to find out the reactions and the messages within those

expressive speech acts.

As the results, the researcher found out that Lady Chiltern is quite

expressive as shown by the appearance of expressive speech acts in her dialogues

that cover about fifty three expressive speech acts that can be identified among

one hundred and forty three dialogues uttered by Lady Chiltern, which means

37.06% from all dialogues in act one until act four. Twenty nine of those

expressive speech acts reveal three kinds of reaction performed as the responses

from the other character’s utterances; positive responses, negative responses, and

neutral responses. Fifty expressive speech acts convey the messages and those

messages are classified into nine classes based on the contents; personal

judgment, persuasion, refusal, conviction, certainty, polite greetings, suggestion,

support, and relief.

The second, Ratna Adi Tejaningrum (2012), entitled “A Socio-Pragmatic

Analysis on Expressive Utterances In Action Movie And Its Translation”. The

aims of this research are to describe the equivalence of intention of expressive

utterances in action film and its translation, and to describe the equivalence of

politeness strategy of expressive utterances in action film and its translation. The

type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The data source of this research is

action film and its translation.

The methods of analyzing data are observation and documentation. The

techniques of analyzing data of this research are describing the equivalence of the

intention by referring to the speech act theory and describing the equivalence of

the politeness pattern by referring politeness strategy. Based on the result of the

data analysis, the writer findsthe equivalence of the intentions and the equivalence

of politeness pattern of expressive utterance in action film and its translation. The

equivalece of intention of expressive utterance used in action film and its

translation are: praising (22,22%), apologizing (13,89%), feeling of irritated (27,

78%), thanking (6,94%), accusing (4,17%), feeling of frightened (12,5%), feeling


of surprised (2,78%) and feelingof pleasure (9,72%). The politeness pattern is

divided into three kinds, they are: bald on record (45,83%), positive politeness

(41,67%), and off record (12,5%).

And the third, Ulin Nafiah (2015), “Expressive Speech Act in The Harry

Potter and Chamber of Secret Movie Script”. Everyday people communicate with

each other. In daily communication, people perform action via utterance. The

actions performed via utterance called speech act. There are five kinds of speech

act. One of the classifications is expressive speech act. It is the kind of speech act

that state about speaker feeling. This study aim to find the expressive speech acts

in the Harry Potter and Chamber of Secret Movie Script.

The research questions of this research are : 1) what are expressive

speech acts are found in the Harry Potter and Chamber Secret movie script?. 2)

how are those expressive speech act syntactically realized ?. In this research, the

researcher used content analysis as the design of the research. The method to

collect the data used documentation to get the data from the Harry Potter and

Chamber of Secret Movie Script. The researcher used theory from George Yule to

classify the expressive speech acts that were found by researcher. From analyzed

the Harry Potter and Chamber of Secret movie script, the researcher find the

expressive speech act and the syntactical realization of speech act.

The first result of her research, there are five kinds of expressive speech

acts are like, dislike, sorrow, pleasure and pain. Like is feeling enjoy or approve

of something or someone. Dislike is feeling not pleasant, attractive, or

satisfactory, enjoy. Sorrow is express strong disapproval or expression to say or


think that something is very bad. Pleasure is feeling enjoyment, happiness or

satisfaction, or something that gives this. The last kind of expressive speech act

that was found by the researcher in this movie script is joy. Joy is expression great

happiness. Form the five kind of expressive speech acts that were found by

researcher, dislike expressions were the most often appear in the movie script. The

syntactical realization of the expressive speech acts that were found by researcher

were declarative, interrogative and impressive. Most of the expressions are

declarative. From the finding researcher found that the expressions that are stated

in the Harry Potter and Chamber of Secret express feeling indirectly. Finally the

writer suggest the reader, student, and the future researcher who are interested

with pragmatic, especially in the expressive speech act theories, to study more

related references and to conduct a study about speech act especially expressive

speech act form various point of view. So, the study about speech act especially

expressive speech act will be develop.

C. Conceptual Framework

Pragmatic is the study of meaning that is using non linguistics knowledge

by considering the intension of the utterance, the context and social word.

Pragmatics is the study of language usage (Levinson, 1983). Here, pragmatics

covers both context dependent aspect of language structure and principles of

language usage and give a little attention to linguistic structure (Levinson,

1983:9). Levinson (1983:9) states that the space acts, implicature discourse

analysis, conversation analysis, politeness, etc.


The term of speech act is an action performed through utterance (Yule,

1994:82). Searle (1994:121) introduces the concept of speech act includes

directive, commisive, representative, declarative and Griffiths (2006:153) adds


Griffiths (2006:153) states that expressive is the utterance used to express

a psychological condition such as apologizing, thanking, congratulating,

condoling, deploring, lamenting, welcoming, forgiving, and boasting.

Movie script is the written form of movie that also includes instruction

on how the actor or actress to be acted and filmed in the movie itself. In this

research, the researcher expects that this research will give the contributions for

the teachers and the students because of this research in discuss about pragmatics.

Script of Trolls Movie


Speech Act

Representative Directive Expressive Declarative Commisive

The Types of The Use of The Reason Type of

Expressive Utterances Expressive Expressive Utterance

Utterances in Dominantly Used in

1. Apologizing
2. Thanking Trolls Movie Trolls Movie
3. Congratulating
4. Condoling
5. Forgiving
6. Deploring
7. Lamenting
8. Welcoming
9. Boasting


A. Research Design

Descriptive qualitative was applied in this research. Qualitative research

is the research which the description of observation is not ordinary expressed in

qualitative term. Descriptive qualitative was used to describe and to analyze each

finding during the research. The detail information was presented in data analysis.

The data analysis absolutely based on pragmatic analysis.

This research deals as a kind of research procedure that generates

descriptive data in words and languages form (Moleong, 2009:3). The purpose of

qualitative research is to understand something specifically, not always looking

for the cause and effect of something and to deepen comprehension about

something that studied (Moleong, 2009:31).

All the facts related to the subject of the analysis were collected and

analyzed. The research was described about type of expressive utterances and the

dominant type of expressive utterances that used in Trolls movie.

B. Source of the Data

The source of the data in this research was taken from Trolls movie. The

analysis was focused on utterances of four characters of Trolls movie. Those are

Branch, Poppy, King Gristle and Bridget. Based on the movie script, the analysis

of expressive utterances was conducted.


C. Techniques of Collecting Data

In collecting the data, the researcher was applied some steps, they are :

1. Downloading Trolls movie script from the internet.

2. Watching Trolls movie.

3. Reading and observing the dialogue from the script of Trolls movie.

4. Identifying the sentences to find out expressive utterances used in Trolls


D. Techniques for Analyzing the Data

In analyzing the data, the data were collected to find out the types of

expressive utterances and the most dominant type of expressive utterances used in

“Trolls”. The data were analyzed through some steps, they are :

1. Classifying the sentences of expressive utterances into its types.

2. Finding out the use of expressive utterances that used by the characters of

Trolls movie.

3. Finding out the reason type of expressive utterance which dominantly used in

Trolls movie.


A. Data Collection

The researcher collected the data of this research by reading the script of

Trolls movie. Selecting sentences and then underlining which one expressive

utterances. The data were classified into the types of expressive utterances. And

the data can be seen from the table below :

Table 4.1. Data Collection

No Data Collection
1 I’m sorry, I can’t!
I’m so sorry Branch, I had no idea. I just assumed you had a terrible
3 I’m sorry, Poppy. We’re too late.
Face it poppy! Sometimes people go into other people’s mouth and they
4 don’t come out. If we go after creek now, we’re going to get eaten. I’m
sorry. But, it’s too late for him.
5 Sor ry, Chef.
6 Yes chef, thank you, chef.
7 Thank you for that demonstration.
8 Thank you. that wasn’t so hard, was it? Branch...
9 Thank you
10 No, thank you.
That was the greatest day of my life! Thanks Poppy, thanks to all of
you! Even you, I guess.
12 That one's rotten!
Unbelievable, guys. Really, really great. Good job. I could hear you
from a mile away!
14 Big? Loud? Crazy?! You're just gonna lead the Bergens right to us!
15 Branch, you can't say "no", they're your friends!
16 Yes, to last me 10 years. Me! It'll last them 2 weeks!
17 They're alive, Branch. I know it!
Hey, I know it's not all cupcakes and rainbows. But, I'd rather go
through life thinking that it mostly is instead of being like you. You
don't sing, you don't gray all the time! What happened to
19 Really? Seriously? More singing?


20 Branch! He’s tryin’ to help us!

Branch, it’s a high five. The others lead to certain death.Get
22 Could you try to be positive? Just once. You might like it!
23 Save him from what? His stomach?
24 What are you talking about? Bergens don’t have feelings!
How do you always look on the bright side? There is no bright side
here, none!
26 You love Gristle too? You’d better back off, girlfriend!
27 Wait ... why isn’t this one singing?
28 I look like a child in this one.
29 When are you gonna ask him about Creek?
30 No! I mean say something nice about him.
31 What’s going on? Are you making fun of me?
No, no! You can’t leave. Lady Glittersparkles is gonna be the king’s
plus one at dinner.
The dinner where they’re serving the trolls? I think we’re gonna have
to skip that one.
That’s impossible! Only eating the Troll can make him happy.
Everyone knows that! I wish I’d never gone on this stupid date!
35 No! Bridget, if you go in there without us, you know what they’ll do.
Bridget just ruined her life to save ours. It’s not right! She deserves
to be happy as much as we do. They all do!
No! Happiness isn’t something you put inside. It’s already there.
Sometimes you just need someone to help you find it.
Oh, Barnabus! You’re only my friend in this whole miserable world.
Dad was right. I’ll never ever, never ever, never be happy. Never!
I’m sorry, I should have to listened to you. You told me not to throw
39 the party. And I threw it, anyway. And it's my fault they wear taken, and
now I don't know what to do.
40 No! He’s right. This idea is stupid. King gristle will never love me.
41 I haven’t sung a note since.
42 He’ll know that I’m just a scullery maid.
I’m sorry. I don’t know why I thought I could save you. All I wanted
to do was keep everyone safe, like you did, Dad. But I couldn’t”.
44 I let everyone down.
45 Hug time!
Good morning, daddy! Daddy, wake up Daddy, wake up! Wake up!
46 Wake up, daddy! Wake up, daddy. Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!
Daddy, wake up!
47 It's... Trollstice!
No, no, it was like an angel’s. At least, that’s what grandma used to
49 It’s okay. It’s okay, Poppy
50 20 years ago, King Peppy made us safe. And now, every troll is free to

be happy and live in perfect...(singing) Harmony.

I'd like to take a second to celebrate our king... My father. Who, 20
years ago this night, saved all of us from those dreaded.
Yeah, I really only have enough supplies down here to last me 10 years.
52 11, if I'm willing to store and drink my own sweat. Which I am. You all
said I was crazy, huh? Well, who's crazy now? Me. Crazy perpared.
Yeah, I’m the king. But, I think I should share this moment with all the
It better be! Trollstice is tomorrow night. I mean, I look good, but I have
to look great.
55 Of, course. I’m passionate about it.
56 I kinda do have a nice smile, don’t I?
No, no, no... it’s all wrong. I’m the king who’s bringing back
Trollstice! I need a bib to match!
58 Now that I’m queen, I decree that hug time is all the time.

From the table above , there were 58 utterances found in the script of

uttered by four characters of Trolls movie.

B. Data Analysis

B.1. Types of Expressive Utterances in Script of Trolls Movie

After collecting the data, the data were analyzed based on formulation of

the problem that were to find out the types of expressive utterances used by four

characters and why the type dominantly used and how expressive utterance used

by four characters of Trolls movie. Utterances were analyzed based on the types

of expressive utterances. And the data analysis can be seen below:

Table 4.2. Types of Expressive Utterances in the script of Trolls movie

Types of Expressive Utterances

No Data
1 I’m sorry, I can’t! √
I’m so sorry Branch, I had no idea. √
2 I just assumed you had a terrible

3 I’m sorry, Poppy. We’re too late. √

Face it poppy! Sometimes people go √
into other people’s mouth and they
4 don’t come out. If we go after creek
now, we’re going to get eaten. I’m
sorry. But, it’s too late for him.
5 Sorry, Chef. √
6 Yes chef, thank you, chef. √
7 Thank you for that demonstration. √
Thank you. that wasn’t so hard, was √
it? Branch.
9 Thank you √
10 No, thank you. √
That was the greatest day of my life! √
11 Thanks Poppy, thanks to all of
you! Even you, I guess.
12 That one's rotten! √
Unbelievable, guys. Really, really √
13 great. Good job. I could hear you
from a mile away!
Big? Loud? Crazy?! You're just √
gonna lead the Bergens right to us!
Branch, you can't say "no", they're √
your friends!
Yes, to last me 10 years. Me! It'll √
last them 2 weeks!
17 They're alive, Branch. I know it! √
Hey, I know it's not all cupcakes and √
rainbows. But, I'd rather go through
life thinking that it mostly is instead
of being like you. You don't sing,
you don't gray all the
time! What happened to you?
19 Really? Seriously? More singing? √
20 Branch! He’s tryin’ to help us! √
Branch, it’s a high five. The others √
lead to certain death.Get perspective
Could you try to be positive? Just √
once. You might like it!
Save him from what? His √
What are you talking about? Bergens √
don’t have feelings!
How do you always look on the √
bright side? There is no bright side

here, none!
You love Gristle too? You’d better √
back off, girlfriend!
27 Wait ... why isn’t this one singing? √
28 I look like a child in this one. √
When are you gonna ask him √
about Creek?
No! I mean say something nice √
about him.
What’s going on? Are you making √
fun of me?
No, no! You can’t leave. Lady √
32 Glittersparkles is gonna be the
king’s plus one at dinner.
The dinner where they’re serving √
33 the trolls? I think we’re gonna have
to skip that one.
That’s impossible! Only eating the √
Troll can make him happy.
Everyone knows that! I wish I’d
never gone on this stupid date!
No! Bridget, if you go in there √
35 without us, you know what they’ll
Bridget just ruined her life to save √
ours. It’s not right! She deserves to
be happy as much as we do. They all
No! Happiness isn’t something you √
put inside. It’s already there.
Sometimes you just need someone to
help you find it.
Oh, Barnabus! You’re only my √
friend in this whole miserable world.
Dad was right. I’ll never ever, never
ever, never be happy. Never!
I’m sorry, I should have to listened √
to you. You told me not to throw the
39 party. And I threw it, anyway. And
it's my fault they wear taken, and
now I don't know what to do.
No! He’s right. This idea is stupid. √
King gristle will never love me.
41 I haven’t sung a note since. √
42 He’ll know that I’m just a scullery √

I’m sorry. I don’t know why I √
thought I could save you. All I
43 wanted to do was keep everyone
safe, like you did, Dad. But I
44 I let everyone down. √
45 Hug time! √
Good morning, daddy! Daddy, √
wake up Daddy, wake up! Wake up!
46 Wake up, daddy! Wake up, daddy.
Daddy! Daddy!Daddy! Daddy!
Daddy, wake up!
47 It's... Trollstice! √
No, no, it was like an angel’s. At √
48 least, that’s what grandma used to
49 It’s okay. It’s okay, Poppy √
20 years ago, King Peppy made us √
safe. And now, every troll is free to
be happy and live in
perfect...(singing) Harmony.
I'd like to take a second to celebrate √
our king... My father. Who, 20
years ago this night, saved all of us
from those dreaded.
Yeah, I really only have enough √
supplies down here to last me 10
years. 11, if I'm willing to store and
52 drink my own sweat. Which I am.
You all said I was crazy, huh? Well,
who's crazy now? Me. Crazy
Yeah, I’m the king. But, I think I √
53 should share this moment with all the
It better be! Trollstice is tomorrow √
54 night. I mean, I look good, but I
have to look great.
55 Of, course. I’m passionate about it. √
I kinda do have a nice smile, don’t √
No, no, no... it’s all wrong. I’m the √
57 king who’s bringing back
Trollstice! I need a bib to match!

Now that I’m queen, I decree that √

hug time is all the time.
TOTAL 5 6 26 7 3 2 9

Note :

A : Apologizing

B : Thanking

C : Deploring or Censoring

D : Lamenting

E : Welcoming

F : Forgiving

G : Boasting

The Table 4.2 above shows that there were seven types of expressive

utterances found in Trolls movie, they were apologizing (5), thanking (6),

deploring or censoring (26), lamenting (7), welcoming (3), forgiving (2), and


B.2. The Use of Expressive Utterances in Trolls Movie

The use of expressive utterances which used by four characters of Trolls

movie based on its types can be seen below :

1.1. Apologizing

The term of apologizing means the speaker feel something wrong or do

something that make it fault so that could be have negative impact for the speaker

or hearer itself. In this case, the researcher finds 3 data of apologizing type of

expressive utterances. They are :

1. Data 1

“I’m sorry, I can’t.”

This data was found when Branch with his strong feeling to say sorry

and refuse to sing with Poppy and friends to make Bridget sure, she could make a

dating with King Gristle. Branch always feel sing is something wrong and do not

need to do.

The researcher classifies this utterance into expressive for apologizing

because the speaker shows the word “sorry” and can not do what the hearer want.

2. Data 2

“I’m so sorry Branch, I had no idea. I just assumed you had a terrible voice”.

Data 2 described about Poppy was wrong when make an assumption that

Branch is a miserable man and think why he do not sing, becasuse he had bad

voice. But actually, Branch is a good man and he had really good voice. Based on

data 2, the researcher classified it into apologizing.

3. Data 3

“I’m sorry, Poppy. We’re too late.”

In this case, the data found when Poppy and friends try to rescue Creek

from Gristle room and steal his jewel because Creek were on the jewel. But when

they get the jewel and open it, Creek was gone. Branch express “sorry” because

he should make Poppy realize that Creek eaten by King Gristle. From the situation

happens in this scene, Branch express apologizing to Poppy, because they’re late

to save Creek from King Gristle.

The researcher analyzed this data as expressive for apologizing because

the speaker express “sorry” because he can not save the hearer friends from the


4. Data 4

“Face it poppy! Sometimes people go into other people’s mouth and they
don’t come out. If we go after creek now, we’re going to get eaten. I’m sorry.
But, it’s too late for him”

This utterance produced by Branch when he want Poppy realize that

Creek was gone and died. The word “I’m sorry” uttered by Branch to Poppy

because he forced to say that Creek was gone and died because eaten by Bergen.

The researcher classifies this utterance into expressive for apologizing

because the speaker (Branch) feel sad about what was happened.

5. Data 5

“Sorry, Chef”

This utterance expressed by Bridget. In this scene, chef of Bergen saw

her, she is listening something in the pot which Trolls catched. She is afraid about

that, then she says apologize for chef. The researcher classifies this utterance into

expressive for apologizing. Where the speaker expresses the word “sorry” for the


1.2. Thanking

Thanking means utterance expressed by the speaker because the hearer do

something good. Expressive for thanking produced by a speaker as a reaction to a


past act carried out by a hearer which the speaker considers that has been

beneficial to him/her. In this case, the researcher was found 4 data about

Thanking. These are :

1. Data 6

“Yes chef, thank you, chef”.

This utterance produced by Bridget. A scullery maid in Bergen Kingdom.

At that time, chef of Bergen accept her to work with the chef. In this case, the

utterance classified into expressive for thanking because the speaker (Bridget)

shows positive feeling for the hearer who has accept her to work.

2. Data 7

“Thank you for that demonstration.”

This data expressed by Branch to Cloud Guy, when he asked Branch to

make a high five before he will give information how the way to the Bergen town.

The researcher classifies this utterence into expressive for thanking because the

speaker feels the hearer was do something good for him. But actually in this

scene, Branch say “thank you” to appreciate what Cloud Guy want that is help

them to find the way to Bergen town.

3. Data 8

“Thank you. that wasn’t so hard, was it? Branch...”

It is utterance produced by Poppy to Branch when Branch always think

negatively about what will happen to their friends in Bergen town. She ask Branch

to be positive once then he want.


The researcher analyzes this data as expressive for thanking. The speaker

shows the word “thank you” when the hearer want to do what the speaker wants

that is think positive once.

4. Data 9

“Thank you.”

This data found when Branch and Poppy was finished in sing. Poppy

were happy and express thanks to Branch, because he makes Poppy was happy.

The researcher analyzed this data as expressive for thanking because the

speaker expresses her gratitude for the hearer because the hearer was made the

speaker so happy.

5. Data 10

“No. Thank you.”

The expression used by Branch to Poppy, because Poppy makes Branch

realize that happiness is inside every people and she was taught Branch how to be


6. Data 11

“That was the greatest day of my life! Thanks Poppy, thanks to all of you! Even
you, I guess”

This utterance expressed by Bridget. In this case, Bridget feels so happy

about what Poppy and friends do for her. She thought that her day was great

because of Poppy and friends. She can go to dating with King Gristle and helped

by Poppy and friends. The researcher classifies this utterance into expressive for

thanking because the speaker expresses positive feeling about what the hearer do

for the speaker.


1.3. Deploring or Censoring

The term of deploring or censoring means the speaker criticised about

something which done by the hearer and have impact for the speaker or the hearer.

In this case, the researcher found 16 data for expressive for deploring. Those are:

1. Data 12

“That one's rotten!”

This utterance produced by Gristle when he want to eat the Troll

suddenly it could be turned into a wood. Gristle was really angry because he will

never feels happiness if he can not eat the Trolls.

Here, the speakers shows sad and angry feelings because what was

happen will make him never taste the happiness. So the researcher classifies this

utterance into expressive for deploring.

2. Data 13

“Unbelievable, guys. Really, really great. Good job. I could hear you from a
mile away!”
This data describe when Branch saw Poppy and friends singing so

loudly. Branch always remind all of the Trolls which held the event that makes

Bergens know where they live. Branch do not like anything that can noisy, he

thinks that it will make Bergen know the Trolls and They will catch and eat them.

This utterance as type deploring could be marked “I could hear you from a mile


3. Data 14

“Big? Loud? Crazy?! You're just gonna lead the Bergens right to us!”

The types of expressive utterances that is used in this data is deploring

type. This data is continuation from data 1, where Poppy and Branch still debate

about Poppy will hold the biggest party. From the utterance “Big?Loud?Crazy?”

the researcher saw Branch is really disagree about the party that will be held.

4. Data 15

“Branch, you can't say "no", they're your friends!”

The data above occurs when Poppy comes to Branch and she want

Branch accompanies her to save their friend that catched by bergen. This

utterances expressed by Poppy, because Branch refused to accompany Poppy to

save their freinds because Branch felt they were not his friends.

5. Data 16

“Yes, to last me 10 years. Me! It'll last them 2 weeks!”

This data found when Branch is angry to Poppy because she let all of the

Trolls come into his bunker. It is categorized as expressive of deploring because

what Poppy do can make Branch will ruin his preparation.

6. Data 17

“They're alive, Branch. I know it!”

This data performed by Poppy when they was debated about their friends

where their friends catched by Bergens. Poppy always have positive think about

her frien ds so that it can make Poppy was happy and enthusias to try to be saver

for her friends. So in this data, Poppy is really disagree with Branch which said

that her friends was eaten by Bergens.


7. Data 18

“Hey, I know it's not all cupcakes and rainbows. But, I'd rather go through life
thinking that it mostly is instead of being like you. You don't sing, you don't gray all the time! What happened to you...”

The expression “You don't sing, you don't dance, so gray all the time!

What happened to you” expressed by Poppy when she still debating with Branch

because he try to make Poppy realize and said Poppy just only know that the

world is only about cupcakes and rainbows. Then Poppy ask Branch what did

happen with him, because he never sing and dance as the other Trolls. This data

classified into deploring because what Branch do will have negative impact for

him, he does not sing or dance and will make him lonely without friends.

8. Data 19

“Really? Seriously? More singing?”

This utterance said by Branch. It is included to deploring. This data tells

about a scene when Poppy and Branch goes on a rescue mission, Poppy suddenly

sing when Branch want to sleep. Branch feel afraid if Poppy sing, Bergens will

hear it and then catched them. From the utterance above, the researcher classifies

this data into expressive for deploring which indicated by sentence “Really?

Seriously? More singing?” from this sentence, the researcher analyzes that the

speaker (Branch) criticise Poppy.

9. Data 20

“Branch! He’s tryin’ to help us!”

This utterance uttered by Poppy and it occurs when Poppy and Branch

looking for where the tunnels into the Bergen town. Suddenly Cloud Guy comes

and want to help them shows where the way is right one. But Branch look Cloud

Guy as someone is weird and stranger, he decide to refuse Cloud Guy that want to

help them. So, Poppy feels Branch have really wrong assumption, because Cloud

Guy just want to help and if they refuse Cloud Guy, they will never know where

the way to go to Bergen town.

Expressive utterance that is used in this data is deploring type. It can be

seen by the utterance “He’s tryin’ to help us!” this utterance shows the speaker

(Poppy) is criticised for what Branch do.

10. Data 21

“Branch, it’s a high five. The others lead to certain death.Get perspective”

This data describe about a scene when Poppy criticise Branch and try to

make Branch realize that Cloud Guy just ask to make high five. Because after

they make a high five, Cloud Guy will lead them choose the right tunnels into

Bergen town. If they choose wrong tunnels they will die.

The researcher classifies this utterance into deploring because in the

word “it’s a high five” Poppy stressed it just a little thing that Branch do, because

if Branch do not want to do it, they will never know the right way to Bergen town.

11. Data 22

“Could you try to be positive? Just once. You might like it”

This data tells about when Branch and Poppy were in Bergen Kingdom

secretly. Branch said that their friends is in a Bergen’s stomach and think that they

were died. Poppy is really unhappy about what Branch think. The utterance

“Could you try to be positive?” indicated by the researcher as expressive of

deploring because Poppy criticise about what Branch said.

12. Data 23

“Save him from what? His stomach?”

This data occurs when Branch and Poppy see that Creek eaten by King

Gristle. Poppy is really afraid that Creek was gone and she want to save Creek.

But Branch know that they can not do anything except save their other friends.

And Creek can not save anymore. Poppy keep thinking that Creek still alive and

want to save him again. Branch is angry Poppy want to do that because Creek was


The researcher analyzes this utterance and classifies into expressive for

deploring. The speaker (Branch) utters this utterance to the hearer (Poppy) with

strong feeling to realize the hearer that what she do will have negative impact for


13. Data 24

“What are you talking about? Bergens don’t have feelings”

This utterance produced by Branch when they see Bridget a scullery

maid in Bergen Kingdom was so in love with King Gristle, she save all of the

King’s Photo and love letter for the King but she do not want someone know

about her love. Poppy was so sad to see that. But Branch criticise about what

Poppy said that Bridget were in love with the King because the Bergen do not

have feelings to each other.


The researcher analyzes this utterance as expressive for deploring

because based on the utterance above, the speaker express his feeling

disagreement about what the hearer utters.

14. Data 25

“How do you always look on the bright side? There is no bright side
The utterance above expressed by Branch. He feels Poppy was always

looking for the bright side and always think postive. Meanwhile, they are facing

Bergens which can be catched them if Bergens know they were in Kingdom to

save their friends. The researcher classifies this utterance into expressive for


15. Data 26

“You love Gristle too? You’d better back off, girlfriend!”

This utterance expressed by Bridget when they think that Poppy love

King Gristle too. She thought that she would have a foe to get the King’s heart. In

the uttera nce “you love Gristle too?” the researcher classifies into expressive for


16. Data 27

“Wait ... why isn’t this one singing?”

In this case, the utterance produced by Bridget, when she saw Branch is

not singing like the others. She thought that Branch is not singing because what

they plans will not work.

The researcher analyzes this utterance into expressive for deploring

because the speaker criticised about the hearer who do not want to sing.

17. Data 28

“I look like a child in this one”

This utterance expressed by King Gristle, when he try a new bib that he

will use in Trollstice. But the sales give him an ugly bib. The researcher classifies

this utterance into expressive for deploring because the speaker expresses unlike

feeling about the bib which given by the sales and it make him look like a child.

18. Data 29

“When are you gonna ask him about Creek?”

This utterance produced by Branch. In this scene, Branch can not wait to

know about where Gristle hide Creek. So, he ask to Poppy about it. The

researcher classifies this utterance into expressive for deploring because the

speaker criticised about what Poppy and Bridget do, he can not wait to know

about Creek.

19. Data 30

“No! I mean say something nice about him”

Poppy expresses this utterance in scene, when she want Bridget

compliment Gristle. But, actually Bridget do not know what should she says. So,

Poppy says this utterance. If Bridget did not compliment Gristle back, she will

make Gristle disappointed.

Here, the researcher classifies this utterance into expressive for


20. Data 31

“What’s going on? Are you making fun of me?”


This utterance expressed by King Gristle, who feels odd in Lady

Glittersparkle or Bridget because she talk about his body. Actually, Bridget just

only want to compliment him but he do not know.

So, the researcher analyzes this utterance into expressive for deploring.

Because the speaker criticised about what the hearer says before.

21. Data 32

“No, no! You can’t leave. Lady Glittersparkles is gonna be the king’s plus one
at dinner”

This utterance produced by Bridget when Poppy and friends are going to

save Creek. Bridget do not want they leave her alone. She want Poppy help her to

be a Lady Glittersparkle in Trollstice.

The researcher identifies this utterance into expressive for deploring

because the speaker criticise about what the hearer do. Because the hearer want to

leave the speaker alone and can not help the hearer anymore.

22. Data 33

“The dinner where they’re serving the trolls? I think we’re gonna have to
skip that one.”

This utterance produced by Branch when Bridget still ask them to help

her for pretend to be Lady Glitter Sparkle. At that time, they want to escape from

Bergen Kingdom and should leave Bridget alone. The utterance above uttered by

Branch because if they help Bridget there, it will make them catched by Bergens.

The researcher indicates the expressive for deploring from the sentence

“the dinner where they’re serving the trolls? I think we’re gonna have to skip that

one”. In this sentence, the speaker shows feeling disagree to help Bridger because

it will make negative impact for the Trolls.

23. Data 34

“That’s impossible! Only eating the Troll can make him happy. Everyone
knows that! I wish I’d never gone on this stupid date!”

This utterance produced by Bridget who feels so miserable because

Poppy and friends do not want to help her anymore. Bridget says that Gristle and

her can not make each other happy because only eat the trolls can make Gristle

happy. Here, the researcher classifies this utterance into expressive for deploring

because the speaker shows the negative feelings about what the hearer has done.

24. Data 35

“No! Bridget, if you go in there without us, you know what they’ll do”

This data occurs when Bridget a scullery maid help the trolls to escape

from the Bergen. Then sentences above uttered by Poppy because she know what

Bridget do will make her in bad situation. The researcher classifies the data above

as one of expressive for deploring from the sentence “If you go in there without

us, you know what they’ll do”.

25. Data 36

“Bridget just ruined her life to save ours. It’s not right! She deserves to be
happy as much as we do. They all do!”

Expressive for deploring above marked with the utterance “Bridget just

ruined her life to save ours. It’s not right!” that produced by Poppy, because she

thinks that Bridget do something which make her life will end.

26. Data 37

No! Happiness isn’t something you put inside. It’s already there. Sometimes
you just need someone to help you find it.

This utterance produced by Poppy when all of the Bergen asks about why

King Gristle can be happy even though he never eat the Trolls. So, Poppy criticise

that statement about happiness is when they eat the Trolls. So, the researcher

identifies this utterance into expressive for deploring.

1.4. Lamenting

In this case, the term of lamenting means the speaker feels guilty about

what the speaker was done. Lamenting is an expression where someone expresses

regret over something considered unsatisfactory, unreasonable, or unfair.The

researcher found 4 data about it. And those are:

1. Data 38

“Oh, Barnabus! You’re only my friend in this whole miserable world. \

Dadwas right. I’ll never ever, never ever, never be happy. Never!”

This data produced by King Gristle, in this scene Gristle shows sad and

guilty feeling because he never ate the Trolls. The researcher identifies this

utterance as an example of expressive for lamenting, because here, the speakers

expresses how miserable his life because he never ate the trolls.

2. Data 39

“I’m sorry, I should have to listened to you. You told me not to throw the party.
And I threw it, anyway. And it's my fault they wear taken, and now I don't
know what to do”.
Expressive for lamenting marked in sentences “I should have listened to

you”. At that time, Poppy also said “it’s my fault they wear taken”. At the

begining, there is word “sorry” but from the situation happens, Poppy express her

misfortune, and because what she do, they friends has catched by Chef of Bergen.

Thus, the researcher classifies the utterance above as expressive for

lamenting because the speaker (Poppy) feels what she do was so bad.

3. Data 40

“No! He’s right. This idea is stupid. King gristle will never love me”.

In this scene, Bridget expresses her misfortune because she thought that

what they plans will success and make the King love her. She was so sad about

that. So, the researcher classifies this utterance as expressive for lamenting.

4. Data 41

“I haven’t sung a note since”

This data occurs when Branch explains why he do not sing and hate to

sing. He feels sing will remind him about his grandma which was died because

she save Branch from Bergen. He feels so guilty if he remember that.

The researcher analyzes this data as expressive of lamenting because the

speaker express feeling guilty about what he do in the past.

5. Data 42

“He’ll know that I’m just a scullery maid”

This utterances expressed by Bridget when she was disguise as Lady

Glittersparkle to get the King’s heart. She feels like be a Lady Glittersparkle will

not work to get attention the King.


The researcher classifies this utterance as expressive for lamenting

because the speaker expresses her miserable expression and thought that it is her

misfortune to be a Lady Glittersparkle.

6. Data 43

“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I thought I could save you. All I wanted to do was
keep everyone safe, like you did, Dad. But I couldn’t”.

The word “sorry” in this situation means to express what Poppy feels.

She really feels that everything happens because of her misfortune. She makes

everybody she love thrown in a pot. She was so sad. This data analyzed by the

researcher as expressive for lamenting because the speaker shows feeling sad and

guilty about what she do.

7. Data 44

“I let everyone down”

The data above shows what Poppy feels. She think that wha was

happened, it is because of her. She makes everybody catched by Bergen. She do

not know anything and can not save the trolls from the Bergen.

The researcher classifies this utterance as expressive for lamenting.

1.7. Welcoming

The term of welcoming means the speaker expresses feeling happy about

something or event which happen. Here, the researcher found 1 utterance, and can

seen below:

1. Data 45

“Hug time!”

Expressive utterance that is used in this data is welcoming type. It is

shows when Poppy is debating with Branch, suddenly the trolls’s clock is on and

it means that time to hug. Then all of the trolls hugging each other.

The researcher classifies this utterance into expressive for welcoming

because, in this scene the speaker was so happy if hug time comes.

2. Data 46

“Good morning, daddy! Daddy, wake up Daddy, wake up! Wake up! Wake up,
daddy! Wake up, daddy. Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy, wake up!”

This utterance occurs in the begining of Trolls movie, at that time Gristle

try to wake his daddy to welcome Trollstice. The researcher classifies “Good

morning, daddy!” as expressive for welcoming. Because the speaker shows

positive feeling.

3. Data 47

“It's... Trollstice!”

This utterance occurs when Gristle shows great feeling about Trollstice.

They will welcome and hold an event of Trollstice to make their days happy.

The researcher analyzed this utterance as expressive for welcoming

because the speaker (Gristle) shows to the hearer about arrival Trollstice.

1.8. Forgiving

Forgiving means the speaker expresses feeling humble and thinks that

there is no problem about what did happen. The researcher found 1 utterance in

this case. That is:

1. Data 48

“No, no, it was like an angel’s. At least, that’s what grandma used to say”

This data occurs when Branch says to Poppy that actually he has a good

voice. Before, Poppy says apologize because think that Branch has a bad voice

and can not sing. In the word “No, no.” It means Branch says it is not a problem

if Poppy think he has a bad voice.

The researcher classifies the utterance above as expressive for forgiving.

2. Data 49

“It’s okay. It’s okay, Poppy”

The speaker (Bridget) expresses this utterance when Poppy try to prevent

Bridget to take out the Trolls from the pot. Poppy afraid Bridget will be killed by

Chef of Bergen if the Trolls can escape from the pot. But, Bridget says this

utterance. the researcher classifies this utterance into expressive for forgiving,

because Bridget does not resent Poppy’s action.

1.9. Boasting

In this case, the term boasting means the speaker expresses positive

feelings about something and to be proud about what the speaker or the hearer do.

The researcher found 5 data in this case, and those are:

1. Data 50

“20 years ago, King Peppy made us safe. And now, every troll is free to be
happy and live in perfect...(singing) Harmony”
This data tells about scene Poppy feels proud to her daddy because he

was safe and can help the Trolls escape through underground tunnels when almost

eaten by Bergens. The researcher indicates this data that the data is included to

inform type of expressive utterances. It can be seen from utterance “King Peppy

made us safe”. The speaker’s (Poppy) utterance mark as boasting in expressive


2. Data 51

“I'd like to take a second to celebrate our king... My father. Who, 20 years ago
this night...saved all of us from those dreaded..”

From this data, the researcher classifies the utterance “Who, 20 years ago

this night, saved all of us from those dreaded” marked as boasting type. It is

express by Poppy when she hold a big event to celebrate their freedom from the

Bergen where it can happen because of her dad, King Peppy.

3. Data 52

“Yeah, I really only have enough supplies down here to last me 10 years. 11,
if I'm willing to store and drink my own sweat. Which I am. You all said I
was crazy, huh? Well, who's crazy now? Me. Crazy perpared”

The researcher classifies this data into type of boasting that marked by the

utterance “Me. Crazy prepared”. It is shows when Branch shows to Poppy what

was he prepared to face one day if the bergens know where the trolls live.

From the word which marked as expressive for boasting above, the

speaker shows that he do is really great.

4. Data 53

“Yeah, I’m the king. But, I think I should share this moment with all the
Here, the speaker (King Gristle) shows his positive feelings about his

action as the King of Bergen. He want to share all of the Trolls to all the kingdom.

In the utterance “I’m the king”, the researcher classifies as expressive for


5. Data 54

“It better be! Trollstice is tomorrow night. I mean, I look good, but I have to
look great”

The utterance “I look good” above expressed by King Gristle when he

looking for an amazing bib to used in Trollstice. He said that he look good as

usual. But in Trollstice he want to look great. This utterance is an expressive for


6. Data 55

“Of, course. I’m passionate about it”

This data uttered by Branch in scene when Poppy doubt Branch whether

Branch knows about love or not. Then Branch answers it and utters the utterance

above. The researcher analyze this data as expressive for boasting because the

speaker (Branch) feels that he knows and passionate about love.

7. Data 56

“I kinda do have a nice smile, don’t I?”

King Gristle expresses this utterance, when Bridget compliment him. The

researcher classifies it into expressive for boasting because the speaker shows

positive feeling about what the hearer says.

8. Data 57

“No, no, no... it’s all wrong. I’m the king who’s bringing back Trollstice! I
need a bib to match!”

The utterance “I’m the king who’s bringing back Trollstice!” produced

by King Gristle. In the scene when they choose one bib to used in Trollstice. He

thought that he is a king so, he should make a preparation and look dashing as a

King. Here, the researcher classifies this utterance into expressive for boasting.

9. Data 58

“Now that I’m queen, I decree that hug time is all the time”

This data occurs in end of the movie and uttered by Poppy when Trolls

and Bergens singing together. At that time, Branch want to hug Poppy but it is not

hug time, and Poppy realize that she is a queen and want decree that hug time is

all the time.

The researcher classifies this data into expressive for boasting because

the speaker what she do is something which have positive feeling and will make

everybody happy.

B.3. The Reason Type of Expressive Utterance Dominantly Used in Trolls


Finally, among the seven types of expressive utterances, the most

dominant occurence is deploring or censoring. It can be seen from the table 4.3

below :

Table 4.3 the Percentage of the Types of Expressive Utterances

No Types of Expressive
Total Percentage
1 Apologizing 5 8.63%
2 Thanking 6 10.34%
3 Deploring or Censoring 26 44.83%
4 Lamenting 7 12.07%
5 Welcoming 3 5.17%
6 Forgiving 2 3.45%
7 Boasting 9 15.51%
Total 58 100%

The table above shows that there were 58 utterances found in the script of

Trolls movie, they were expressive for aplogizing with the amount of 5 (8.63%),

expressive for thanking with the amount of 6 (10.34%), expressive for deploring

with the amount of 26 (44.83%), expressive for lamenting with the amount of 7

(12.07%), expressive for welcoming with the amount of 3 (5.17%), expressive for

forgiving with the amount 2 (3.45%), and expressive for boasting with the amount

of 9 (15.51%).

Expressive for deploring becomes the dominant type of expressive

utterance because the characters in this movie mostly does not have same

psychological conditions, they have different habit, and different feeling in

expresses or complains something, they also criticised something which happen

and had negative impact for the speaker or hearer itself. They also expresses

feeling of diagree or dislike about the other character’s attitude.

C. Data Findings

There were seven types of expressive utterances used by four characters

of Trolls movie. They were expressive apologizing was 5 expressions, expressive

for thanking was 6 expressions, expressive for deploring was 26 expressions,

expressive for lamenting was 7 expressions, expressive fo welcoming was 3

expression, expressive for forgiving 2 expressions, and expressive for boasting as

many as 9 expressions. So the total of expressive utterance used by four characters

of Trolls movie were 58 expressions.


The findings also showed the most dominant type of expressive utterance

was expressive for deploring, they were 26 utterances from 58 utterances and the

reason of the most dominant type of expressive utterance used by four characters

of Trolls movie because, the characters has different habit and psychological

conditions in expresses or criticises something which happen about the speaker or

the hearer itself. Poppy is girl which always happy and has a positive feelings and

she likes singing, dancing and hugging because it makes her relax. Branch

described as a boy which always loves silence and do not likes about singing,

dancing, and hugging. He was not same with the other trolls and he do not have

friends. King Gristle as King of Bergens is a Bergen who want to tasted the Trolls

to feels happy. And the last, Bridget is a scullery maid who loves King Gristle but

she afraid to shows their love, and she is only a Bergen who helped the Trolls to

escape from Bergen town.

So, the use of utterances in Trolls movie is consisting of the entire

expressive utterance types based on Norrick’s theory. However, this is still far

from completeness, but by this research, we know the expressive utterances used

in Trolls movie.

D. Discussions

Based on the data collection and data findings above, there are several

things can be arranged based on each research problem.

For the first, the findings showed the types of expressive utterances which

found on Trolls movie, there are apologizing, thanking, deploring or censoring,


lamenting, welcoming, forgiving, and boasting. These types used by four

characters of Trolls movie, they are Branch, Poppy, Bridget and King Gristle.

For the second, the use of expressive utterance by the characters of Trolls

movie based on the situations and what the character feels, and the statements

which uttered by the characters can be statements of pleasure, like, dislike, agree,

disagree or sorrow. The character makes the utterance fit with the situation happen

which his or her feeling also includes in it.

For the third, the type which dominantly used by the characters of Trolls

movie was deploring or censoring. It can be the dominant type because the

characters was different and have different psychological conditions in expresses

or criticises something which happen and have negative impact for the character

itself or the others.



A. Conclusions

This research is concerned with pragmatics analysis with the main focus

is expressive utterance used by four characters of Trolls movie. Those are Branch,

Poppy, King Gristle, and Bridget. In line with the objectives of the research which

were to find out the types of expressive utterance performed by four characters

and to reveal the use of expressive utterance used by four characters and to figure

out the reason of the use type of expressive utterance dominantly on Trolls movie.

From the analysis about expressive utterances on Trolls movie, the researcher

would like to draw the conclusion as follows:

1. There are seven from nine types of expressive utterances used by four

characters on Trolls movie these are : apologizing 5 utterances (8.63%),

thanking 6 utterances (10.34%), deploring or censoring 26 utterances

(44.83%), lamenting 7 utterances (12.07%), welcoming 3 utterances (5.17%),

forgiving 2 utterances (3.45%) and boasting 9 utterances (15.51%).

2. Expressive utterance used by four characters of Trolls movie, those are

Branch, Poppy, King Gristle and Bridget. The characters in this movie mostly

does not have same psychological conditions, they have different habit, and

different feeling in expresses or complains something, they also criticised

something which happen and had negative impact for the speaker or hearer

itself. They also expresses feeling of diagree or dislike about the other

character’s attitude.


3. Expressive for deploring was dominantly used by four characters of the Trolls

because in this story all of the characters expressed what they feel based on

what they want to express, they criticised something if it have negative impact

for themselves or the others. The character of Poppy described as a girl who

always happy, has positive thinking, she also likes singing, dancing and

hugging. Meanwhile, Branch is a boy who always grey, he does not likes

singing, dancing and hugging, he likes silence and alone. And when they do a

rescue mission to save their friends from Bergens, it makes them always

debate each other. And King Gristle described as King of Bergens who never

be happy because he never eat the trolls. The last, Bridget is a scullery maid

who really loves King Gristle but she do not want King Gristle know about

her feelings and also Bridget is a Bergen who helped the Trolls to escape from

Bergen town.

B. Suggestions

From the conclusion above, the researcher propose to explain speech acts

especially about expressive utterances based on Norrick’s theory has found in

Trolls movie.

For the readers, the researcher hopes the readers would not be confused

about what people means when they make conversation with the others. It is

because sometimes people have implied intention their utterance.

For the other researcher, this research could be one of the references in

studying about speech acts in pragmatics especially about expressive utterances


and the researcher hopes that there will be other researcher who will conduct the

same topic to complete this research in different field.

For learning process, the researcher hopes, studying speech acts may help

students to reduce misunderstanding of the meaning or intention that could appear

in learning process in the class and the other researcher that this study will be

useful for future improvement of speech acts in pragmatics especially expressive

utterances used by the characters of Trolls movie.


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The Trolls are small creatures who live in an almost perpetual state of

happiness, singing, dancing and hugging all day. However, they are discovered by

the Bergens, large miserable creatures, who can feel happy only after eating a

Troll. The Bergens imprison the trolls and eat them every year on a special

occasion, called Trollstice. The Trolls, led by their King Peppy, with his baby

daughter, Princess Poppy, escape through underground tunnels on the day of

Trollstice, when young Prince Gristle was going to eat his first Troll. Enraged,

Gristle's father King Gristle Sr. banishes his Chef who was in charge of the

Trollstice preparation.

20 years later, Poppy, throws a big party to celebrate the Trolls' escape,

despite the fears and warnings of the grey troll, Branch, that loud parties will

attract the Bergens. A Zen troll Creek arrives, and tells Branch to start being

happy, instead of being grumpy, but Branch refuses. At the party, Branch's fears

come true, when Chef sees the fireworks and captures some Trolls.

Alone inside the bunker, Branch was looking at a bunch of homemade

party invitations, indicating that he does want to go parties, and that Branch had

a crush on the princess. Meanwhile, Poppy goes on a rescue mission alone, as no

other troll is willing to venture to Bergen Town, including Branch. But later when

Poppy gets into trouble, She is saved by Branch, who thinks she will not make it if

she goes alone.


Once inside the Bergen prince's castle, Poppy and Branch witness Creek,

one of the Troll hostages, apparently get eaten by the now King Gristle, but Poppy

remains hopeful that Creek survived. Poppy and Branch find the rest of the

captured Trolls, being guarded by a scullery maid named Bridget. Poppy

discovers that Bridget is in love, with King Gristle and offers to help her get a

date with the king while trying to confirm if Creek is alive.

While setting her up for the date, Branch refuses to sing and triggers a

big argument with Poppy, revealing that, as a child, his beloved grandmother was

killed trying to save him, because his singing compromised his location to Chef.

His guilt caused his color, to turn from blue to grey. After Poppy comforts him

with a hug, Branch decides to help Bridget and the trolls. Bridget, disguised as

Lady Glitter Sparkles gets her date with Gristle at a roller rink and arcade

restaurant and Gristle asks her to be his "plus one" at Trollstice. Poppy notices

Creek being held captive in the jewel adorning the king's mantle.

Having helped Bridget, the Trolls attempt to rescue Creek from Gristle's

room and steal his jewel, but discover that it is empty. The Trolls are then

captured by Chef, and are shocked to discover, that Creek sold them out to the

Bergens, to spare himself from being eaten, and that Creek already knew that

Poppy had a love on him. Creek then lures out every troll from Troll village, and

they are captured by Chef and the other Bergens. With all the Trolls captured and

soon to be eaten, Poppy loses hope as she and all the other Trolls turn grey.

Branch sings for Poppy to cheer her up, and finally confesses his love for

princess. Poppy, after regaining her colors, reciprocates his romantic feelings, and

they end up restoring all the trolls' colors including Branch's. Bridget liberates the

trolls, willing to sacrifice herself for them. Poppy wishes to return the favor and

with Branch and her friends, shows the Bergens that Bridget was Lady Glitter

Sparkles and explains that they can find happiness within themselves instead of

eating the Trolls.

Chef however, refuses to accept the peace, tries to kill Poppy and Branch,

but is knocked into a serving cart that is sent rolling out of Bergen Town, on fire

with Creek in her pouch and (in the mid credits) are consumed by a giant monster.

With a peace agreement the Trolls and Bergens, Poppy is crowned Queen of the

Trolls. And at the new troll tree, Poppy and her boyfriend Branch share a romantic


And the casts of Trolls movie are :

1. Anna Kendrick as Princess Poppy, the princess and later queen of the Trolls

2. Iris Dohrn voices a baby Poppy.

3. Justin Timberlake as Branch, a paranoid, disgruntled Troll survivalist

4. Liam Henry voices a younger Branch.

5. Zooey Deschanel as Bridget, a kind-hearted Bergen who works as a scullery

maid to the Bergen Chef and has feelings for Gristle.

6. Christopher Mintz-Plasse as Prince Gristle, the prince (later king) of the

Bergens. He is Bridget's love interest.

7. Christine Baranski as Chef, a mean-spirited Bergen who is in charge of Troll


8. Russell Brand as Creek, a Troll with a positive personality and zen-like

wisdom later revealed to be a coward and traitor willing to sell out all the

trolls just so he won't be eaten.

9. Gwen Stefani as DJ Suki, the Trolls' resident disc jockey.

10. James Corden as Biggie, a chubby, friendly Troll.

11. Jeffrey Tambor as King Peppy, the king of the Trolls.

12. Ron Funches as Cooper, a giraffe-like Troll that walks on all fours.

13. Icona Pop as Satin and Chenille, twin trolls who are joined by their hair and

love fashion.

14. Kunal Nayyar as Guy Diamond, a glittery silver Troll with a highly Auto-

Tuned voice and is always naked.

15. Walt Dohrn as Mr. Dinkles, Biggie's pet worm.

16. Dohrn also voices Smidge, Fuzzbert, Cloud Guy, Tunnel Troll and Wedgie


17. John Cleese as King Gristle Sr., Gristle's father and the ruler of the Bergens at

the start of the film.

18. GloZell as Grandma Rosiepuff, an elderly Troll and Branch's late grandmother

who was taken by a Bergen while saving Branch.[20] In the UK version,

newsreader Susanna Reid voices the character and in the Australian version,

Dami Im voices the character.

19. Meg DeAngelis as Moxie Dewdrop, a dancing Troll.[20] Noodlerella voices

the character in the UK version.

20. Ricky Dillon as Aspen Heitz, a Troll skitterboarder.


21. Kandee Johnson as Mandy Sparkledust, a Troll who designs and repairs all the

treasures of Troll Town.

22. Quvenzhané Wallis as Harper, a Troll artist who paints with her hair.

23. Mike Mitchell as Darius, Vinny the Phone, Captain Starfunkle, Spider,

Wedgie Bergen #1, Chad, Card

24. Grace Helbig as Cookie Sugarloaf, one of the trolls. Carrie Hope Fletcher

voices this character in the UK version.

25. Curtis Stone as Todd, a royal guard that works for the Bergen Royal Family.

26. Rhys Darby as Bibbly, a Bergen shopkeeper of the Bib Store.




Poppy : Once upon a time, in the happiest tree, lived the happiest

creatures the world has ever known. The trolls. They

loved nothing more then to sing, and dance, and, and hug, and sing, and dance, and sing and

hug, and dance, and hug, and dance, and sing, and hug,

and dance, and hug. But then, one day, the trolls discovered

a Bergen! The bergens didn't know how to sing or dance or

even hug. They're the most miserable creatures in all the

land. And once they saw how happy the trolls were...they

wanted some of that happiness themselves.

Troll : Oh my god!

Poppy : Eating a troll made them feel so happy. They started a

tradition. Once a year, every year, the bergens would gather

around the troll tree to taste happiness. On a holiday they


Prince Gristle : Good morning, daddy! Daddy, wake up Daddy, wake up!

Wake up! Wake up, daddy! Wake up, daddy. Daddy!

Daddy!Daddy! Daddy! Daddy, wake up!

King Gristle Sr. : Gristle! What time is it?

Prince Gristle : It's... Trollstice!

King Gristle Sr. : Trollstice! Our one day to be happy.


Prince Gristle : Yeah!

Chef : Please give it up for your keeper of the Trolls.

Your minister minister of happiness, your royal chef... Me.

Prince Gristle : Ooh!

Chef : This is a very special Trollstice, as there is one amongst us

who has never tasted a troll.

Prince Gristle : Ooh, me! She's talking about me!

Chef : Prince Gristle. The time has come.

King Gristle Sr. : It's okay, son. I remember being nervous my first time.

Prince Gristle : Okay.

King Gristle Sr. : That's my boy.

Chef : It is my sacred duty, to initiate you in the ways of true

happiness. I have chosen an extra special troll for you. the

happiest, most positive, sweetest troll of all. And because

every Prince deserves a Princess. I give you the one they

call, “Princess Poppy”.

Prince Gristle : Please, make me happy, Princess Poppy.

Chef : What are you feeling?

Prince Gristle : That one's rotten!

Chef : It's fake?

Bergens : Fake?!

King Gristle Sr. : Fake?!

Prince Gristle : They're gone?


King Gristle Sr. : Where are they?

Chef : Don't worry, sire. We'll find them.

Prince Gristle : I think I hear something.

King Peppy : Go! Go!

Aspen : We got Poppy!

Troll 3 : Pass her to me!

Troll 1 : Here comes Poppy!

Troll 2 : Here she is!

King Peppy : Ah! There's my princess.

Baby Poppy : Da-da.

Purple Troll : King Peppy, some of the others can't keep up.

King Peppy : No troll left behind!

Troll 3 : Thank you, King Peppy!

Troll 4 : Thank you, King Peppy!

Troll 5 : Thank you!

Mandy : Thank you, King Peppy.

King Peppy : No troll left behind!

Prince Gristle : Daddy, where are they?

King Gristle Sr. : Don't just stand there, make my son happy!

Chef : He will be happy!

Troll 1 : Where is he?

Troll 2 : I don't think King Peppy make it.


King Peppy : When I say "No troll left behind"...I mean "No troll left


Troll 3 : King Peppy, where's Princess Poppy?

King Peppy : Don't worry, she's safe.

Baby Poppy : No troll left behind!

Trolls : Aww!

King Peppy : But, we'll be a lot safer the further we get from Bergen

Town. Go, go, hurry!

King Gristle Sr. : That's right! Take her away! Get her out of my sight! Sh

is hereby banished from Bergen Town forever.

Chef : We can all be happy again! I'll find the trolls! And shove

them down your ungrateful throats.

Prince Gristl : But, daddy...I never got to eat a troll. What's gonna make

me happy now?

King Gristle Sr. : Come here, son. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You will

never, ever, ever be happy.

Prince Gristle : Never?

King Gristle Sr. : Ever.

King Peppy : Here! Right here! This is where we rebuild our

civilization. It everything we need. Fresh air, clean

water...and sweet acoustics!

(Singing) Whoa, oh, oh, oh! Ba de ya say do you remember Ba de ya dancing in

September Ba de ya never was a cloudy day!


Poppy : 20 years ago, King Peppy made us safe. And now, every

troll is free to be happy and live in

perfect...(singing) Harmony.

Troll Kid 1 : (singing) Harmony.

Troll Kid 2 : (singing) Harmony.

Sharon Troll : And that's why we hug ever our.

Poppy : Yep. (She closes the book)

Chubby Troll : I wish it was every half our.

Poppy : So do I. But, that wouldn't leave much time for singing

and dancing, now would it?

Lulu : Princess Poppy, still bergens want to eat us?

Poppy : You bet! But, just because it's the only way they'll never

be happy.

Chubby Troll : (Licks his hand) Oh no. I do taste delicious.

Lulu : Isn't there anything else to make them happy?

Troll Kid 4 : Ooh. What about having birthday parties?

Troll Kid 5 : Or slumber parties?

Keith : Or staring at your parents while they sleep.

Kid Trolls : Eeesh.

Lulu : But, I don't want to be food.

Poppy : Don't worry. No troll will ever be. And that's why we're

celebrating the biggest party ever! Everybody's gonna be


Keith : Everybody?

Poppy : Everybody.

(She starts ringing her cowbell and the pod peels off as she starts to sing "Move

Your Feet/D.A.N.C.E/It's a Sunshine Day". She expands her hair on the tree and

flips up in the air and poses on her four coloring profiles. At the next shot of her,

she is dressed as a basket full of envelopes. Poppy brings out envelopes to the

trolls and the boy and girl troll began to kiss and she brings envelopes in their

lips. The scene cuts to the blue creature that is walking and we see a troll that has

red skin, orange hair with a purple hair bobble and has DJ headphones and

wears striped trousers and has a belly button. This is DJ Suki with Poppy on the

DJ station. The DJ Station Bug starts to explode. Poppy lands on the other trolls

that are dancing. The chubby troll has blue skin, light blue hair, and wears purple

jacket and pants. This is Biggie. The other troll has glittery skin and he is nude.

This is Guy Diamond. The tiny troll has yellow skin, blue hair, pink bow and

wears a pink dress with a blue button. This is Smidge. She has a shockingly deep

voice. The giraffe troll has pink and dark pink stripey skin and has light blue feet,

blue hair and wearing a green hat. This is Cooper. The fuzzy troll has green hair

and has orange feet. This is Fuzzbert. Poppy bounced on three bugs and flies

away. Cooper appears on the camera. Poppy comes by bouncing on creatures and

goes to the workout station where Smidge is holding the dumbbell by her hair.

Smidge lifts Poppy and Poppy gives the envelopes to the trolls. Then, the worm

named Mr. Dinkles wears a business suit when taking his photo)

Biggie : (from o.s) Okay, Mr. Dinkles.

(Cut back to him and Poppy) Say "Leaves"!

(Mr. Dinkles squeaks. He takes the photo shoot and puts the

frame on the wall) Hmm, something's missing.

(Guy Diamond farts glitter on his butt to make Mr. Dinkles'

picture perfect.

Poppy, Snack Pack : That's it!

Trolls : Yeah!

(They started to pant softly after their celebration. Luckily, a clapping sound is

heard and we see a troll under the tree that has grey skin, light purple nose while

it wears a green jacket filled with leaves and wears a brown pants with patches on

it, and has black hair. This is Branch with his sticks.

Branch : Unbelievable, guys. (He walks toward them) Really, really

great. Good job. I could hear you from a mile away!

(Poppy and her Snack Pack come down)

Poppy : Good. I was worried we weren't projecting enough.

Branch : Poppy, if I can hear you, so can the Bergens.

(Pan to Guy Diamond)

Guy Diamond : Oh, boy. (Pan to Biggie and Cooper)

Cooper : Here we go again.

Biggie : Oh, Branch. (Pan to Satin and Chenille)

Satin : You always ruin everything.

Chenille : Warning us about the Bergens.


Branch : (embarrassed) No, I don't.

Branch : THE BERGENS ARE COMING! (He pushes the birthday

cake over, screams and runs off. Next, we see a wedding

party where he had running inside. He pushes the clown


Branch : THE BERGENS ARE COMING! (He pushes the wedding

cake over, screams and runs off. Last, we see a funeral

where he had running inside)

Branch : THE BERGENS ARE COMING! (He pushes the coffin

over, screams and runs off. Back at the present moment)

Poppy : Come on, we haven't seen a Bergen in 20 years. They're

not gonna find us.

Branch : No, they're not going to fine me, because I'll be in my

highly camouflaged heavily fortified Bergen proof survival


Poppy : You mean, you're not going to the party?

Satin, Chenille : But, it's gonna be the biggest...

DJ Suki : The loudest!

Cooper : The craziest party ever!

(Poppy and The Snack Pack start chattering at Branch)

Branch : Big? Loud? Crazy?! You're just gonna lead the Bergens

right to us!

Cooper : Are you sure you wanna invite this party pooper to poop

on your party?

Poppy : Yes. I think deserves to be happy.

Branch : I don't do happy.

Poppy : Branch, I know you have happiness inside you. You just

need our help to find it.

Card : (singing) Celebrate freedom from the Bergens.

(The glitter splats on Branch's face)

Poppy : What do you say, Branch?

(Branch takes her card and throws it in the ground and smashes it with his feet.

Poppy and The Snack Pack gasp in horror)

Smidge : Oh my god!

Branch : I wouldn't be caught or dead at your party, but you will

be. Caught and dead.

Creek : Whoa, whoa. Easy, Branch. Easy.

(The bug puts him down).

Creek : Thank you for providing safe passage, brother.

(The bug flies away)

Creek : Namaste. Okay. First of all, mate, thanks for sharing your

unique perspective on things. Again. But, just for now, why

don't you try in a little positivity, eh?

(He gets closer to Branch)

Creek : A little positivity might go with that vest.


Branch : Okay, fine. I'm positive you all are gonna get eaten.

Poppy : Hug time!

Creek : It is hug time.

Poppy, Snack Pack : Hug time!

Biggie : Oh, that feel good.

Creek : Our hearts are sychronizing!

Guy Diamond : (autotune voice) I can sque-e-e-ze you forever.

(Branch squeezes out while Poppy and The Snack Pack are hugging)

Branch : Someday, when the Bergens find us, and the survival of

every troll in your hands. I sure hope the answer is singing,

dancing and hugging. Because that's all you know how to


Biggie : That's not true! Poppy can also scrapbook.

Branch : I can't believe you're gonna be queen one day.

Creek : Tune out his negative vibrations, Poppy. They're toxic.

Some folks just don't want to be happy.

Poppy : I guess.

Creek : You guessed right.

DJ Suki : Yeah!

Biggie : Whoo-hoo! I love you so much!

Smidge : (Suddenly gets up) YOLO!!!


(The trolls cheer. Then we see Poppy and Cooper on the mushroom. Poppy is now

wearing a bean-sprouted ponytail with a light blue rubber band. Then we see

Branch on the top seeing the trolls are having a party. He scoffs and walks away.


(The trolls fire glitter on by pulling the vines)

Poppy : TURN IT UP!

(We see Chef in her house who is banished on Bergen Town. She goes to the

telescope and sees the fireworks of Poppy)

Poppy : (from o.s) I CAN'T HEAR YOU!

Chef : Trolls.

Poppy : (from o.s) Okay, everyone. I just want to take a moment,

and get a little real.

Biggie : (from o.s) Poppy! (Cut back to the Snack Pack) She's my

friend! I know her!

Snack Pack : Shhh! (Mr. Dinkles squeaks)

Poppy : I'd like to take a second to celebrate our king... My father.

Who, 20 years ago this night...saved all of us from those


King Peppy : Bergens.

(Cooper comes up front. The trolls see that Chef has arrived in their village)

Chef : Gotcha. (Cooper farts cupcakes)

Poppy : Uh...(She picks up the cupcakes and offers them to

Chef) Cupcake? (Chef starts taking over the village. Poppy


drops the cupcakes) RUN!!! (The trolls start running away.

Chef takes Guy Diamond. Biggie runs to the camera).

Biggie : Mr. Dinkles! Has anyone seen Mr. Dinkles? (Mr. Dinkles

is on his back. Chef then takes him).

Poppy : (from o.s) Biggie! (Chef then takes Fuzzbert) Blend in!

Blend in! BLEND IN!!

(The trolls blend in hiding in the grass, using their hair to hide up and forming

their hair. We see Smidge running away from Chef. Chef puts her hand in Smidge)

Poppy : (from o.s) Run, Smidge! (Chef takes Smidge)

Smidge : Oh my gah!

(We see Satin and Chenille getting out of the way of Chef's feet. Chef then takes


Troll Kid : Poppy, help!

Poppy : Hurry! Go! Go! Go!

(She and the trolls form their hair into grass)

Cooper : Phew...(Chef takes him) Whoa!

Poppy : Cooper! (We see Creek taken by Chef)

Creek : Everyone, minimize your auras!

Poppy : Creek! (She and Creek expand pull their hair)

Creek : Poppy!

Poppy : Hold on...

Creek : POPPY! (He and Poppy un-pull their hair and he is now

taken by Chef) Ahh!


Poppy : No! Creek! (After Chef takes Poppy's friends, we see King

Peppy beating up Chef's foot)

King Peppy : Bad Bergen! Bad, bad Bergen!

Poppy : Dad!

(As Chef was about to take Poppy and King Peppy, they hide under the bush as

Poppy forms her hair into a sheild to protect. Chef stands up)

Chef : Thanks for throwing the biggest, the loudest..

Cooper : The craziest party ever!

(Chef goes back to her town. Then, Poppy un-forms her hair and changes back.

All the trolls come by)

Moxie : Is it coming back?

Harper : What are we gonna do now?

King Peppy : We have to find a new home. Everyone, hurry. We have

to leave before the Bergens come back.

Poppy : We have to rescue them.

King Peppy : No, Poppy, we have to run. Now, let's go, everyone.

Come on!

Poppy : What about "No troll left behind"?

King Peppy : I'm sorry, Poppy. That was a longtime ago. And I'm not

the king I once was.

Poppy : Then, I'll go.

King Peppy : No, Poppy. It's too dangerous.

Poppy : I have to at least try.


King Peppy : No. You can't go to Bergen Town by yourself. It's


(At the bunker, Branch is sitting at the table with Poppy's card)

Card : (singing) Celebrate freedom from the Bergens. Celebrate

freedom from the Bergens.

(Branch hears a knock on the door. He closes the window and the cards fall


Card : Branch, you're invited!

Branch : No! No! No! Shh! Shh! Shh!

(Outside, we see Poppy knocking in the door)

Poppy : Branch! Branch! Branch! BRANCH, ARE YOU IN

THERE?! (Branch opens the "Go Away" mat) Huh?

Branch : I'm not going to your party.

Poppy : The party's over.We just got attacked by a Bergen!

Branch : I knew it!

(He brings Poppy down in his trap room. He locks up the doors and puts the

mouse trap closed)

Poppy : Branch! (Branch covers her mouth)

Branch : Shh.

Poppy : I have to tell you something.

Branch : Shh!

Poppy : I was just gonna...


Branch : (Stammering) Shh! Shh! (Poppy waves a serious "Hello"

to him) What? What could be so important that it's worth

leading the Bergen right to us?

Poppy : The Bergen's gone.

Branch : You don't know that. It could still be out there. Watching.

Waiting. Listening.

Poppy : No, it left. It took Cooper, and Smidge, and Fuzzbert, and

Satin, and Chenille, and Biggie, and Guy Diamond...and


Branch : (Rolls his eyes) Mm.

Poppy : Which is why I have to ask you...will you go to Bergen

Town with me and save everyone?

Branch : What? No.

Poppy : Branch, you can't say "no", they're your friends!

Branch : Ah-ah-ah. They're your friends. I'm staying right here in

my bunker where it's safe.

Poppy : Oh, that's great. You're the one guy who knows more

about Bergens than anyone...but, when we finally need you,

you just want to hide here forever?

Branch : Forever? (He scoffs) No. (He pulls the lever which makes

the elevator down)

Poppy : Whoa! (While she and Branch go down, we see the stuff in

the bunker)

Branch : Yeah, I really only have enough supplies down here to last

me 10 years. 11, if I'm willing to store and drink my own

sweat. Which I am. You all said I was crazy, huh? Well,

who's crazy now? Me. Crazy perpared.

Poppy : I'm sorry. I should have listened to you. You told me not

to throw the party. And I threw it, anyway. And it's my

fault they wear taken, and now I don't know what to do.

Branch : Why don't you try scrapbooking to freedom?

Poppy : Solid burn, Branch. Well, thanks, anyway.

Branch : Hey, anytime, Poppy. See you in 10 years.

Poppy : (She pulls the lever and makes the elevato go up. Then,

she pulls the lever and makes it go down) Hey, Branch. Just

wondering if I could borrow something.

Branch : What?

Poppy : Your bunker.

Branch : What?

Poppy : Okay, everybody! Come on in!

Branch : No! No! No! Whoa, wait! Poppy, what are you doing?

Poppy : You said you have enough provisions for last 10 years,


Branch : Yes, to last me 10 years. Me! It'll last them 2 weeks!

Poppy : Then, I guess I better hurry.

Branch : Wait, wait, wait. You won't last a day out there.

Poppy : And you won't last a day in here.

Poppy : Solid burn, returned.

King Peppy : Uh, Poppy, wait. Please be careful.

Poppy : Don't worry dad, I can do this.

King Peppy : I love you, Poppy.

Poppy : I love you, too, dad.

Keith : They grow up so fast. (Poppy goes to the elevator)

Poppy : Bye, everybody!

Troll : See you soon!

Troll Kid : Good luck, Princess Poppy!

Poppy : And 3, 2, 1.

King Peppy : Hug time!

Branch : No.

Trolls : Hug time! Hug time! Hug time!

Branch : NO! NO!

(Fade to black. Then, we see Poppy in a scrapbook version while rescuing her


Poppy : (from o.s, narrating) With her friends safely hidden,

Princess Poppy set off to rescue her other friends.

Confindence she'd make it to Bergen Town on her own.

(Poppy bumps into Chef's foot. Chef then takes Poppy's head and Poppy's body

bleeds rainbows)

Poppy : Confident she'd make it to Bergen Town on her

own. (Chef puts salt on Poppy and eats her. Then, we see

Poppy outside reading her book). Convinced she'd make it

to Bergentown...

Poppy : Um...(She closes the book) Totally sure she'd...make it to

Bergen Town.

(She sighs. She walks off to find her friends. She hears a cawing sound of a bird in

the forest as she starts to sing "Get Back Up Again". The next shot, we see Poppy

standing on a flower. The petal falls off. She starts screaming as she falls. She

expands her hair and her hair lands on the ground. Her hair transforms into

stairs. She flips and walks down. Her hair changes back and walks. A butterfly

appears on her. As she stops singing, the butterfly gets caught by a tongue. Then,

we see a bubbles monster and a brown monster on the spot of the forest. The

brown monster eats the butterfly. The bubbled monster eats the brown monster

and a group of orange flying monster pass by eat the bubbled monster, leaving the

skeleton of the monster. Then, a purple-furred monster chimes in and lets out fire

in his mouth, which makes the skeleton monster into a pile of dust. He sucks up

the dust and looks at Poppy. Close-up to the monster)

Monster : Hmm? (Cut to Poppy making an awkward face)

Poppy : It's gonna be a fantastic day. What if it's more than I can

take? No! I can't think that way! 'Cause I know, that I'm

really, really, really gonna be okay! Hey! I'm not giving up

today. There's nothing getting in my way! And if you knock


knock me over...I will get back up again! Oh! If something

goes a little wrong... Well, you can go ahead and bring it

on. 'Cause if you knock knock me over... I will get back up


Chorus : (singing) Get up!

Poppy : (singing) ! Woah oh oh oh oh oh

Chorus : (singing) Get up!

Poppy : (singing) Oh!

Chorus : (singing) Get up!

Poppy : (singing) Get back up again!

Chorus : (singing) Get up!

Poppy : (singing) Woah oh oh oh oh oh!

Chorus : (singing) Get up!

Poppy : (singing) Oh...(She falls into spider webs and gets

cocooned) I'm okay!

Chorus : (singing) Get up!

Poppy : (singing) Woah oh oh oh oh oh!

Chorus : (singing) Get up!

Poppy : (singing) Oh, oh...

(She falls on the ground)

And if you knock knock me knock knock me

over...(She gets exhausted)

I...will...get back up again. (Zoom back to her as she closes


her eyes and sticks her tongue out of her mouth)


(Fade to black. The four eyes open and it looks at thecocooned Poppy. It is

revealed to be a four-eyed spider. The other spiders climb down to Poppy and

begin to eat her. Then, Branch's hair expands to grab Poppy away from the

spiders. He glares at the spiders as the spiders look at him. Branchtakes a pan out

of his camping bag. He throws the pan at the spiders, but it didn't work. He gasps

nervously as the spider ran toward him. He takes off his camping bag and

expands his hair to fight the spiders. After he fights the spiders with his hair, the

spiders get eaten by a monster. The monster looks down at Branch. Branch gasps

and the monster falls back asleep. Branch sighs and looks at the cocooned Poppy)

Branch : (from o.s) Oh, no. Poppy! Hang on!

Poppy : Get back up again! (She looks at Branch) Branch! My

man. You were right on time.

Branch : Oh, right. Like you knew I was coming. (He puts the bugs

down and puts on his camping bag)

Poppy : Yes. Figured out the third Hug Time, getting eaten by

Bergen wouldn't seem so bad.

Branch : And I think there was no way you could do this by

yourself. Guess we were both right.

Poppy : Hmm. Alright! Let's do this. Sooner we get to Bergen

Town, sooner we get everybody, and make it home safely.

(She and Branch walk to the forest. She pushes a plant)


Branch : Wait, wait, wait. What's your plan?

Poppy : I told you. To rescue everyone and make it home safely.

Branch : Okay. That's not a plan, that's a wish list.

Poppy : Oh! I suppose you have a plan.

Branch : (He clears his throat) First... We get to the edge of Bergen

Town without being spotted. Then, we get inside by

sneaking through the old escape tunnels... Which will then

lead us to the trolls tree. Right before we get caught, and

suffer the miserable death of the hands of a horrible,

bloodthirsty Bergen! Hold on a second. Are you

scrapbooking my plan?

Poppy : Uh-huh, yeah. Almost...(She uses the scissors to cut the

paper. She then pops up) Done!

(The scrapbook opens with a Poppy and Branch scrapbook version, along with

the Snack Pack. The words open up and it says "We Did It!". The glitter splats on

Branch's face)

Branch : There will be no more.. scrapbooking. Do you have to


Poppy : I always sing when I'm in a good mood.

Branch : Do you have to be in a good mood?

Poppy : Why wouldn't I be? By this time tomorrow, I'll be with all

my friends. Ohh, I wonder what they're all doing right now.

Branch : Probably being digested.


Poppy : They're alive, Branch. I know it!

Branch : You don't know anything, Poppy. I can't wait to see the

look on your face when you realize the world isn't all

cupcakes and rainbows. 'Cause it isn't. Bad things happen

and there's nothing you can do about it. (He walks off)

Poppy : Hey, I know it's not all cupcakes and rainbows. But, I'd

rather go through life thinking that it mostly is instead of

being like you. You don't sing, you don't gray all

the time! What happened to yo...

Branch : Shh! (He uses his finger to cover Poppy's mouth)

Poppy : A Bergen?

Branch : Maybe. (He walks off. Poppy looks around, but there isn't

a Bergen)

Poppy : There's no Bergen, is there? You just said that so I stopped


Branch : Maybe.

(He walks off. At night, Poppy and Branch are at the forest. Poppy is in her leaf

sack, and Branch has a blanket and a matress. Poppy looks at the picture of

Creek. She sighs, and puts the picture on the side. She expands the pictures of

Satin and Chenille, Fuzzbert and Smidge. She expands the pictures of Guy

Diamond, Biggie and DJ Suki on top. Then, expands the tall picture of Cooper)

Poppy : So special. (She puts her hand on her cheek) Good night,

Cooper. Good night, Smidge. Good night Fuzzbert. Good


night, Satin. Good night, Chenille. Good night, Biggie.

Good night, DJ. Good night, Guy Diamond. (She

snickers) Good night, Creek. (She taps the

picture) Boop. (Branch turns around to her)

Branch : And good night, Poppy.

(He turns back. Poppy turns looks at the sky with stars. Her hug time bracelet

chimes. She gets up and looks at her bracelet. She looks at Branch) Don't even

think about it.(Poppy's bracelet shut off. She mumbles and looks at the sky as she

starts to sing)

Poppy : (singing) Stars shining bright above you...

(Branch then turns around to her)

Branch : Really? Seriously? More singing?

Poppy : Yes, seriously. Singing helps me relax. Maybe you ought

to try it.

Branch : I don't sing, and I don't relax. This is the way I am, and I

like it! And I also like a little SILENCE!

(He glares at Poppy and turns back around. Poppy then feels like Branch hurt her

feelings. As Branch is sleeping, he hears a sound. He turns around to see that

Poppy is playing her ukulele)

Poppy : (singing) Hello, darkness my old friend...(She steps back

and the flowers bloom and start singing with her) I've come

to talk with you again...(A spider appears next to Branch)

Spider : Hello.

Poppy : (from o.s, singing) Because, the visions of me

creeping...(The spider crawls on Branch and Branch flicks

it away) Left it's seeds while I was sleeping...(More of the

monsters appear) And the vision that was planted in my

brain...(A frog appears singing along) Still remains. Within

the sound...(The monsters start sleeping) Of silence. (She

finishes playing her ukelele. Branch starts getting up)

Branch : May I?

(Poppy gives her ukelele to him. He puts the ukelele in the fireplace. He goes back

to bed).

(The next day, we see the edge of Bergen Town where the trolls tree is. Zoom

down to Poppy and Branch walking)

Poppy : (from o.s) So, one of these tunnels leads to the trolls tree.

Branch : (from o.s) That's right.

Poppy : There's so many of them. (She and Branch go to the

tunnel. Branch takes off his camping bag) I wonder which


Branch : I don't know.

(All of a sudden, he and Poppy hear a deep voice)

Voice : Choose a hole wisely. Because one to Bergen Town...and

lead the others to certain death.

(Poppy and Branch looked around to see where the voice is coming from)

Branch : Who said that?


Voice : It was...

(The scene pans to the clouds of the sky. The cloud grows eyes, mouth and legs

with socks. It comes down and grows arms. This is Cloud Guy)

Cloud Guy : Me. Hey guys, how’s it going? Welcome to the root

tunnels. I just wanted to warn you, one of these tunnels

leads to the troll tree, and the others to certain death, death,

death, death...

Poppy : Do you think you can tell us which is the right one?

Cloud Guy : You bet!

Poppy : Great!

Branch : No, that’s okay. We’re fine, thanks.

Poppy : Branch! He’s tryin’ to help us.

Branch : I don’t like the looks of him. I mean, who wears socks

with no shoes?

Poppy : He seems to know what he’s talking about.

Branch : Ok, fine. Which way do we go?

Cloud Guy : First, you have to give me high five. Then, I’ll tell you.

Branch : What?

Poppy : I love high fives. I’ll do it.

Cloud Guy : Oh, I know you’ll do it. But, will he? All right, dumpy

diapers, up high!

Branch : Nope, I don’t do high fives!

Cloud Guy : Slap it, boss.


Branch : Not gonna happen.

Cloud Guy : Party on the top floor.

Branch : Nope.

Cloud Guy : Little slappy, make daddy happy.

Branch : That’s weird.

Cloud Guy : Come on, just one little high five.

Branch : No, thanks. I’m good.

Cloud Guy : Here, just do this. But, with your hand.

Branch : Thank you for that demonstration. Really cleared up,

exactly what i will not be doing.

Poppy : Branch, it’s a high five. The others lead to certain death.

Get perspective.

Branch : One high five and then you’ll tell us which tunnel to take,


Cloud Guy : So easy.

Branch : Ok, fine!

Cloud Guy : Too slow.

Branch : Too slow?

Poppy : Classic.

Cloud Guy : No, no. all right. I’m gonna let you slide with a fist bump.

Shark attack! Nom...nom...nom... Jellyfish! Hand sandwich.

Turkey. Snowman. Dolphin. Helicopter. Last supper.

Monkey in a zoo.

Branch : What?

Cloud Guy : Gear shift. Hahaha. Okay, okay, okay, now i’m thinking

we hug.

Branch : That’s right. You better run, cloud!

Poppy : No, wait.

Branch : I’m gonna tear your little cloud arms. Off your cloud body

and high five your face with them!

Poppy : He’s just a cloud.

Branch : Get back here!

Poppy : Branch! He can help us!

Branch : Come back! (say to cloud)

Poppy : Run, cloud guy!

Branch : I’m gonna kill you!

Cloud Guy : Tadaaaa, We’re here! You guys are a lot of fun. You

know, I gotta go. Got some cloud stuff to take care of.

Catch you on the way back? Unless.... you die.

Poppy : The Troll tree. Bergen town.

Bergens sing : I aint happy. I’m feeling glad. I got sunshine in a bag i’m useles.

But not for long, the future is coming on. I ain’t happy. I’m feeling glad. I got

sunshine in a bag i’m useless. But not for long, the future is coming on. Is coming

on, is coming on.


Poppy : Wow! They’re as miserable as you. which means they

haven’t eaten a troll yet. Now, come on. Let’s go save our


Branch : Your friends!

Poppy : Our friends! Don’t fight it!

Prince Gristle : Oh, Barnabus! You’re only my friend in this whole

miserable world. Dad was right. I’ll never ever, never ever,

never be happy. Never.

Chef : Never say never.

Chadd. Thodd.

Prince Gristle : Chef, where did you come from? My father banished you

20 years ago. Have you been standing behind that plant this

whole time?

Chef : If only, sire. No, I’ve been out in the wilderness thinking

of nothing but how i let you down. If only there was some

way I could make you feel better.

Prince Gristle : Well, fat chance! The only way i’ll ever be happy is by

eating a troll and that ain’t gonna happen, thanks to you.

Chef : But it just might, thanks to me.

Prince Gristle : You found the trolls. So, this means i might actually get to

be happy!

Chef : That’s right. Of course, everyone else in bergen town will

still be miserable but that’s not your concern.


Prince Gristle : I’m their king, so maybe it kinda is ...

Chef : What exactly are you proposing? Bringing back trollstice?

For everyone? Hmm...

Prince Gristle : Yes, that’s exactly what i’m proposing.

Chef : Great idea, sire! Absolutely brilliant. Aren’t you smart?

Prince Gristle : I guess I am.

Chef : And I, your loyal chef, will be right behind you. holding a


Prince Gristle : What’s that?

Chef : Holding a knife, a spoon, a ladle. I’m your chef, after all!

Prince Gristle : Yeah, you sure are!

Chef : I’m back! You , scullery maid, what’s your name?

Bridget : Bridget.

Chef : Congratulating Idget. You work for me now. So, you take

those dishes downstairs and you start scrubbing.

Bridget : Yes chef, thank you, chef.

Biggie : Don’t cry mr. dinkles. Shhhh.... guys, mr. dinkles is really

freaking out!

Creek : Whoa... whoaa... everyone, we must all remain calm.


Chef : That’s right, a calm troll is a tasty troll. And you are a key

ingredient in my recipe for success. You see... he who


controls the trolls controls the kingdom. And i, i am that


Cooper : You’re a dude?

Chef : By this time tomorrow, i’ll be queen and all of bergen

town will get exactly what they deserve. True happiness!


Poppy : So where do you think our friends are?

Branch : If I had to guess, I’d say in a bergen’s stomach.

Poppy : Could you try to be positive? Just once. You might like it.

Branch : Okay, I’m sure they’re not only alive... but about to be

delivered to us on a silver platter.

Poppy : Thank you. that wasn’t so hard, was it? Branch...

Branch : Hug time? Seriously?

Poppy : shhh.... listen.

Prince Gristle : This gonna be the best trollstice ever! Such a great idea I


Chef : Yes, tomorrow is trollstice, everyone. And it must be


Guard : Yes, chef!

Chef : Feels great to be ordering everyone around again.

Poppy : Branch, look!

Branch : They’re alive?

Poppy : And on a silver platter too. We were both right.


Chef : And to mark the occasion, your highness, look. I found

your old troll bib.

Prince Gristle : Wow, I bet you still fit. Like a glove!

Cooper : HAHAAHAH...

All trolls : shhhh....

Prince Gristle : You think that’s funny? We’ll see who’s laughing when i

bite your yummy head off. When i bite all y’all yummy

heads off. Wait a minute, chef, this isn’t enough yummy

heads to feed all of bergen town. How are we supposed to

have trollstice if there’s not enough trolls?

Chef : There’s plenty more, where that came from, sire.

Prince Gristle : Are you sure? Because i promised everyone a troll.

Chef : No, no, no, sire. Everything will be fine. If I were truly

worried. Would I be willing to do this?

Poppy : Creek!

Prince Gristle : Whoaaa... my first troll.

Chef : Go on, eat, king gristle! Enjoy a taste of true happiness.

Prince Gristle : Shouldn’t we wait for trollstice?

Chef : Sire, everyday is trollstice, when you have trolls.

Prince Gristle : Yeah, I guess. But my dad said the first time should be


Chef : Well, you’re the king now.


Prince Gristle : Yeah, I’m the king. But, I think I should share this

moment with all the kingdom.

Chef : Eat it!

Smidge : Oh my god!

Poppy : No!

Chef : Yes! Idget, lock these trolls in your room, and guard them

with your life!

Bridget : Yes, chef!

Poppy : Branch! We have to save him!

Branch : Save him from what? His stomach?

Poppy : We didn’t see him chew. We didn’t see him swallow!

Branch : Face it poppy! Sometimes people go into other people’s

mouth and they don’t come out. If we go aftter creek now,

we’re going to get eaten. I’m sorry. But, it’s too late for


Branch : Poppy!

Chef : Scullery maid! Wash these pots and pans for the trollstice!

The king’s inviting everyone. Except you.

Bridget : (bridget is crying) I’ve been alone with you inside my

mind. And in my dreams i’ve kissed your lips a thousand

times. I sometimes see you pass outside my door. Hello, is it

me you’re looking for? I can see it in your eyes, i can see it


in your smile, you’re all i’ve ever wanted and my arms are

open wide cause you know just what to say.

Prince Gristle : You’re all the idiots!! I have to do everything myself!

Bridget : And you know just what to do, and i want to tell you so

much, I love you.

Prince Gristle : I have to get out of bed, I’m supposed to put my own

clothes on, tie my own shoes.

Poppy : Whoaa, she is in love with the king.

Branch : What are you talking about? Bergens don’t have feelings.

Poppy : Maybe you don’t know everything about the Bergens.

Now let’s go. Guys!!

Trolls : Poppy!!! Celebrate good times, come on.

Poppy : It’s a celebration.

Branch : Sshhhh...

Trolls : There’s a party going on right here.

Branch : No, there is not a party going on right here. The sooner we

get you guys out of here.

Poppy : The sooner we can save Creek!

Branch : What?

Bridget : Hello? Is it me you’re looking for?

Branch : I know you’re looking for the cupcakes and rainbows

here, but let’s face it, Creek’s been eaten.

Biggie : They put him in a taco!


Cooper : It was horrible!

Guy Diamond : Sorry, Poppy! Creek’s gone!

Branch : Poppy, how could you possibly think Creek’s still alive?

Poppy : I don’t think he’s alive, I hope he’s alive, and that’s


Branch : How do you always look on the bright side? There is no

bright side here, none!

Poppy : There’s always a bright side.

Bridget : Hey! Where do you think you’re going?

Trolls : Aaaaaaaaaaa.........

Guy Diamond : Glitter! No! Get back in your cage!

Bridget : Chef’s gonna be so mad! No!

Poppy : Bridget, stop! You’re in love with king gristle!

Bridget : Ah, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Excuse me!

That’s not mine! Ahhh.... what does it matter? It’s not like

he even knows i’m alive.

Poppy : Bridget, I can help you! what if there was a way we could

both get what we want?

Bridget : You love gristle too? You’d better back off, girlfriend!

Poppy : No, bridget, no! That troll king gristle put in his mouth,

that’s Creek. And I would do anything to save him. The

only problem is.... we can’t get anywhere near the king


without him eating us. But, you can. You can walk right up

to him and tell him how you feel.

Bridget : As if... I can’t just walk right up to the king. His royal

awesomeness would never talk to a scullery maid like me.

Poppy : What if he didn’t know you were a scullery maid? What if

he thought you were this total babe?

Bridget : What kind of total babe would be dressed like a scullery

maid? I smell like gravy.

Satin and chenille : What if we made you a new outfit? I’m thinking...


Bridget : What’s the point of a jumping suit, if I still have this hair?

Poppy : We can fix that.

Bridget : What’s the point of a new outfit and new hair ... if I don’t

even know what a total babe would ever say?

Poppy : We can help with that too!

Bridget : Really?

Poppy : What do you say bridget? You get us Creek, and we’ll get

you a date with the king.

Bridget : Let’s do it ....

Poppy : A, 5, 6, 7, 8... When you look in the mirror, let it

disappear...all your insecurities...

Bridget : Wait ... why isn’t this one singing?

Cooper : Come on, branch! Sing with us!


G.Diamond,Biggie : Yeah, branch! Sing with us!

Branch : No, that’s okay!

Bridget : You don’t think this will work?

Branch : Ohh, no, no, no... it’s not that. I just don’t sing.

Poppy : Branch!!

Bridget : No! He’s right. This idea is stupid. King gristle will never

love me.

Trolls : Come on. Hey, hey... what’s all this?

Dj Suki : That’s right bridget. Just let it all out!

Biggie : Bridget, let it go. Just have a good cry. Go girl!...

Bridget : (bridget is crying)

Biggie : Okay, now bring it back in. Reel it in.

Poppy : Branch, what are you doing? You have to sing!

Branch : I told you, I don’t sing.

Poppy : You have to!

Branch : I’m sorry, I can’t.

Poppy : No, you can’t, you just won’t.

Branch : Fine! I just won’t.

Poppy : You have to!

Branch : No!

Poppy : Yes!

Branch : No!!

Poppy : Why not? Why won’t you sing?


Branch : Because singing killed my grandma, okay? Now, leave me


Cooper : My uncle broke his neck tap dancing once.

Poppy : How did singing kill your grandma? What song was she


Branch : I was the one singing. (and i need you now tonight and i

need you more than ever....) that day... I was so lost in

song... I didn’t hear my grandma tryin’ to warn me.

Branch’s grandma : Branch! Watch out!

Branch : (and we’ll only be making it right)

Branch’s grandma : Watch out Branch!

Branch : (stream out) Grandma!!

Trolls : (once upon a time there was light in his life, but now

there’s only love in the dark, nothing he can say...)

Bridget : (a total eclipse of the heart...)

Branch : I haven’t sung a note since.

Poppy : I’m so sorry branch, I had no idea. I just assumed you had

a terrible voice.

Branch : No, no, it was like an angel’s. At least, that’s what

grandma used to say. Whoaa...whoaa... what are you doing?

It’s not a hug time.

Poppy : I just thought you could use one.

Branch : Okay, okay, I’ll help. But I’m still not singing.

Poppy : Okay people, hair we go!

Trolls : You....

Poppy : (you gotta let it show...I’m comin’ I’m... comin’ )

Prince Gristle : No, no, no... it’s all wrong. I’m the king who’s bringing

back trollstice! I need a bib to match!

Bergen : Yes, sire!

Prince Gristle : I look like a child in this one.

Bergen : Oh, sire!

Prince Gristle : I need something elegant, shopisticated. You know, a

man’s bib.

Bridget : Oh, He’s so beautiful.

Poppy : And so are you.

Bridget : He’ll know that I’m just a scullery maid.

Poppy : No,no, no!

Bridget : I got to get out of here.

Poppy : I’ll be right here for you, bridget. We all will.

Bridget : You’ll tell me what to say, right?

Poppy : Of course, I will.

Bridget : Of course, I will.

Poppy : Just wait until we get inside.

Bergen : Sire! I believe I have the perfect bib.


Prince Gristle : It better be! Trollstice is tomorrow night. I mean, I look

good, but I have to look great. Right. Aaaaaaaaaa...... it’s

got a wing dingle on it!

Bergen : Your majesty! Look at you! such a big, big boy.

Poppy : I love it!

Bridget : I think you look fat!

Prince Gristle : What?

Poppy : P-H, phat. Than strike that pose!

Bridget : P-H, phat.

Prince Gristle : Hot lunch! Total honesty from a total babe! And who

might you be?

Poppy : Your name is ....

Biggie : Lady...

Guy Diamond : Glitter...

Troll : Sparkle...

Branch : Seriously?

Bridget : My name is Lady Glittersparkles, seriously.

Prince Gristle : Well, my Lady Glittersparkles, would you care to join me

for an evening, at captain starfunkle’s roller rink and


Bridget : Would I! Would I?

Poppy : Yes, you’d be delighted.

Bridget : Yes, you’d be delighted.


Prince Gristle : Indeed I would.

Branch : When are you gonna ask him about Creek?

Poppy : We have to warm him up first. Don’t you know

everything about romance?

Branch : Of, course. I’m passionate about it.

Poppy : Really?

Branch : Don’t you know anything about sarcasm?

Cooper : I think I had a sarcasm once.

Prince Gristle : And I’ll take one of everything, bibbly. Things are gonna

get messy.

Bergen sales : Enjoy your pizza. Here’s your tokens.

Bridget : Hmm... so fancy... good thing I brought my appetite.

Prince Gristle : You’re fantastic!

Poppy : Bridget! Compliment him back!

Bridget : I like your back!

Poppy : No! I mean say something nice about him.

Bridget : But I do like his back.

Prince Gristle : Ha?

Branch : Poppy help her!

Poppy : Your eyes... they’re... oohh! Your ears...

Bridget : Your ears...

Biggie : Nose!

Satin : Skin!

Cooper : Neck!

Bridget : Skin, neck, ears! Nose, face, back of your head.

Prince Gristle : Are you okay?

Guy Diamond : Your teeth...

Bridget : Teeth...

Prince Gristle : What’s going on? Are you making fun of me?

Bridget : Your eyes... they’re like... two pools, so deep. I fear I dive


Branch : I might I never come up for air.

Bridget : I might I never come up for air.

Branch : And your smile... the sun itself turn jealous... and refuses

to come out from behind the clouds...

Briget : Knowing it cannot shine half as bright.

Prince Gristle : I kinda do have a nice smile, don’t I?

Branch : Yes, you do.

Bridget : I can’t believe I’m about to say this.

Biggie : Guys, she’s going rogue!

Bridget : But, being here with you today, makes me realize that true

happiness is possible.

Poppy : Whoaaaa...

Prince Gristle : It is! True happiness is a lot closer than you think. It’s

right here.

Bridget : That’s pretty, I guess!


Poppy : What do you think now?

Branch : Creek?

Poppy : I knew he was alive.

Biggie : Mr.dinkles he’s alive.

Mr. dinkles : Oh, snap!

Trolls : Haaaaaaaa?

Biggie : You just talked!

Prince Gristle : I’ve been savoring this little guy!

Creek : Help! Mercy!

Prince Gristle : Tell me, my Lady, will I be seeing you at the trollstice


Bridget : Well, duh. I’ll be working.

Poppy : It!

Bridget : It working it! You know... workin’ it.

Prince Gristle : Yeaah, you’re not kidding, you will because you’re gonna

be there as my plus one.

Bridget : Really?

Prince Gristle : Assuming you’ll say yes?

Bridget : Yes!

Prince Gristle : Yes!

Trolls : Yes!

Prince Gristle : Meantimes, maybe we should find some other way to,

work up an appetite.

Bridget : Oh yeah? What did you have in mind?

Chef : Your majesty, you seem to be having... fun.

Prince Gristle : Oh, I am. Meet the lovely Lady Glittersparkles.

Chef : You remind me of someone...

Prince Gristle : She’s gonna be my plus one.

Chef : Oh, I see. For a moment there I was concerned you were

changing the plan. Well, this won’t be a problem at all,

your highness. I’ll just get my worthless scullery maid to

get another place setting ready for the lovely Lady


Prince Gristle : Put her place setting next to mine. I want her right by my

side. Hey, Lady Glittersparkles? Lady glittersparkles! I’ll

see you at trollstice, yeah? I miss you already. Ow!...

Cooper : I think the king really likes us.

Biggie : I know, right?

Bridget : That was the greatest day of my life! Thanks poppy,

thanks to all of you! Even you, I guess. I just never thought

something like that could happen to me. And it just did! I’m

so excited I could just scream.

Poppy : Oh, I could scream too! Creek is alive!

Trolls : Yeaaayyy!!!

Branch : Yeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy!!

Poppy : Branch, what’s wrong?


Branch : Nothing, I thought we were celebrating.

Cooper : That’s your happy shout?

Branch : It’s been a while.

Poppy : Well, you’re gonna have plenty of practice, because we’re

gonna save Creek and life will be all cupcakes and

rainbows again.

Branch : Up top! Too slow!

Trolls : Yes! I knew it!

Poppy : Okay, everybody... let’s go save Creek.

Bridget : No, no! You can’t leave. Lady Glittersparkles is gonna be

the king’s plus one at dinner.

Branch : The dinner where they’re serving the trolls? I think we’re

gonna have to skip that one.

Bridget : No, no! You have to help me be Lady Glittersparkles. I

need you.

Poppy : You don’t wanna pretend to be someone you’re not


Bridget : Then, how about just for tomorrow?

Poppy : Bridget you don’t need us anymore. You and the king can

make each other happy!

Bridget : That’s impossible! Only eating the Troll can make you

happy. Everyone knows that! I wish I’d never gone on this

stupid date!

Poppy : Bridget...

Bridget : Just go! Get out of my room. Leave me alone.

Poppy : Please, listen!

Chef : Bridget!

Branch : We’ve gotta go..

Poppy : Bridget!

Chef : What’s going on down there? Bridget, scrub that dish!

The king’s bringing a plus one.

Bridget : Yes, chef.

Prince Gristle : We can do this, barnabus. I just have to lose 30 pounds in

the next eight hours.

Poppy : There it is!

Prince Gristle : (oh, I feel good, I feel good)

Poppy : Creek, we’ll have you out there in a second. Hurry!

Branch : It’s stuck!

Poppy : Ruuuuun!

Prince Gristle : (I feel love)

Branch : Hey guys, over here! Everyone get in! Let’s go!

Poppy : Branch, give him to me!

Branch : Go! Just go!

Poppy : Go!

Branch : Everybody hold on! Hold it steady, guys.

Poppy : Satin, Chenille! Sharp right!


Satin and chenille : Let’s do it!

Poppy : Guy Diamond, glitter him!

Guy diamond : Eat, glitter!

Poppy : Look! Hold on! Creek! Branch!

Branch : We got you!

Poppy : Gotcha! No! He can’t be gone!

Branch : I’m sorry poppy, we’re too late.

Chef : Actually, you’re timing is perfet. Sorry, but I can’t have

you leaving before tomorrow’s dinner. A dinner to which

you are all invited. And when I say all, I mean every troll in

troll village.

Poppy : You’ll never find them. Not where they’re hiding.

Chef : Oh, you’re all right. I couldn’t find them. But, I could with

someone they know. Someone they trust.

this guy.

Poppy : Creek, you’re alive.

Biggie : He’s so cool.

Cooper : Yes!

Branch : He’s selling us out!

Poppy : Branch! Wait! I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation.

At least give him a chance.

Creek : Thank you, Poppy. I’m selling you out.

Guy Diamond : No, stop! No, wait!


Poppy : You better explain yourself, Creek!

Creek : As I was about to accept my fate... I had, what I can only

describe as a spritual awakening.

I don’t wanna die! Don’t eat me! Eat someone else. Anyone

else. Everyone else. But not me!

Chef : But the king want’s to be happy now!

Creek : Wait! Wait! There must be some other way. I’ll do


Poppy : No Creek! Please, don’t do this.

Creek : Believe me! I wish there was some other me-not-getting

eaten way.

Chef : But, there isn’t.

Creek : And now I have to live with this for the rest of my life. At

least you get to die with a clear conscience. So, in a way,

you could say I’m doing this for you. boop!

King Peppy : Shhh... listen. It’s Poppy’s cowbell! Maybe did it!

Poppy did it!


Uh oh....

Bergens : Trollstice! Trollstice! Trollstice!

Chef : Now, let’s prepare the main course.

The trolls!

King Peppy : Poppy?

Poppy, thank goodness. You’re allright.

Poppy : I’m doing great. I got everybody I love thrown in a pot.

Thanks for asking.

Biggie : Poppy, are you being sarcastic?

Poppy : Yes!!

The Trolls : Hah?

Smidge : Oh, my god!

Poppy : I’m sorry. I don’t know why I thought I could save you.

All I wanted to do was keep everyone safe, like you did,

Dad. But I couldn’t.

King Peppy : Poppy.

Poppy : I let everyone down.

Branch : But, Poppy...

Poppy : You were right, Branch. The world isn’t all cupcakes and


Branch : (branch is singing)

Chef : What are you doing? The king is waiting. Get those trolls

out there!

Bridget : Sorry, Chef.

Chef : Oh, you are sorry.

Poppy : Thank you.

Branch : No, thank you.


Poppy : For what?

Branch : For showing me how to be happy.

Poppy : Really? You’re finally happy? Now?

Branch : I think so. Happiness is inside of all of us, right?

Sometimes you just need someone to help you find it.

Trolls Kid : What’s gonna happen now, Princess Poppy?

Poppy : I don’t know. But I know we’re not giving up.

The trolls shock... the pot has opened.

Guy Diamond : No.

Biggie : This is it, Mr. Dinkles. This is it.

Bridget : Poppy.

Poppy : Bridget? What are you doing?

Bridget : I can’t let them eat you.

Poppy : But...

Bridget : Come on! Hurry! Go, go. Get out of here!

Poppy : No! Bridget, if you go in there without us, you know what

they’ll do.

Bridget : I know.

Poppy : But, Bridget...

Bridget : It’s okay. It’s okay, Poppy. You showed me what it feels

like to be happy. I never would have known if it wasn’t for

you. and I love you for that.

Poppy : I love you too, Bridget.


Chef : Bridget!!!

Bridget : Go on, now! You have to hurry!

Poppy : Come with us!

Bridget : And make it easier for them to find you?

No way! You have to go, now!

Poppy : Bridget!

Bridget : Bye, Poppy.

Bergens : Trolls! Trolls! Trolls!

Princes Gristle : Wait! Chef, shouldn’t we wait for Lady Glittersparkles?

Chef : You are absolutely right.

Now, everyone, there will be no trolls until the King’s plus

one has arrived.

Bergens : Woooo.......We’ve waited long enough!

Chef : Unless...

Prince Gristle : Unless, what?

Chef : Well, unless she doesn’t come at all. But, that’s crazy talk.

Who wouldn’t wanna be with you?

Prince Gristle : Yeah. Maybe we shouldn’t start.

Bergens : Trolls! Trolls! Trolls!

Trolls : Trolls! Trolls! Trolls!

Cooper : Yeah!

Branch : Go, come on!

Poppy : Come on, everybody, let’s go. No troll left behind!


Branch : Watch your step!


Poppy : Bridget just ruined her life to save ours. It’s not right!

She deserves to be happy as much as we do. They all do!

Chef : All right, everybody. Who’s ready to eat Trolls?

King Gristle... there’s only one thing that will ever make

you happy and only one Bergen who can provide it.

Bon appetite!

They’re gone!

Trolls : Gone?

Prince Gristle : They’re gone?

Chef : Idget, what did you do? You ate them!

You greedy, greedy pig.

Bridget : No, I...

Bergen : She ruined Trollstice!

Chef : Guards, lock her up!

Bergen : Let’s get her!

The trolls is coming...

Prince Gristle : Haaaah? Lady Glittersparkles?

Chef : What?

Prince Gristle : But how? Why? Why did you do this?

Poppy : Because she didn’t think you would want someone like


Bridget : I mean, hello? Is it me you’re looking for? I don’t think


Chef : Guards, finish her!

Prince Gristle : No!

Poppy : Wait! King Gristle, when you were with Bridget, you

were feeling something, weren’t you?

Prince Gristle : Yeah, I was. I just thought it was too much pizza.

Bridget : Me, too.

Poppy : That feeling? That was happiness.

Bergens : What?

Bergen 1 : But you have to eat Troll to be happy. Everyone knows

that! Dont you?

Poppy : But King Gristle’s never been eaten a Troll in his life,


Prince Gristle : No, I haven’t. Yet, here I am. My belly empty. And my

heart full.

Chef : Don’t listen to her! There’s only one way to be happy. My


Bridget : No!

Chef : With me in charge, i’ll serve you Troll everyday of the

year. With me as queen all of life will be a never ending

feast of happiness! Come on, eat! Eat!


Poppy : No! Happiness isn’t something you put inside. It’s already

there. Sometimes you just need someone to help you find it.

Bergen 2 : Can I really be happy?

Bergen 3 : I want to be happy!

Bergen 4 : And me!

Guard : And what about me?

Bergen 1 : Do you really think I can be happy?

Poppy : Of course! It’s inside you! it’s inside of all of us! And I

don’t think it. I feel it.

Trolls singing....

Chef : Ouhh.. my eyes!

Troll twin : Let’s do it!

Trolls keep singing and dancing with bergens...

King Peppy : Our new queen!

Bridget : Go, Queen Poppy!

Prince Gristle : Way to go, Poppy!

Trolls : You did it!

Troll Kid : Alright, Queen Poppy!

Biggie : She’s my friend, I know her!

Branch : I know it’s not officially hug time yet, but...

Poppy : Now that I’m queen, I decree that hug time is all the time.

Clouds Guy : Up high!

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