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Assegurando Dispositivos de Rede

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Securing Network Devices

2.0 Introdução

2.1 Protegendo o acesso ao dispositivo

2.2 Atribuindo Funções Administrativas

2.3 Monitoramento e Gerenciamento de Dispositivos

2.4 Usando recursos de segurança automatizados

2.5 Protegendo o Plano de Controle

2.6 Resumo

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Single Router Approach (Acesso de Roteador unico)

Defense in Depth Approach (Defesa em acesso de profundidade)

DMZ Approach (Acesso DMZ) Demilitarized Zone (Zona


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© 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 6
• Restringir a acessibilidade do dispositivo

• Log e conta para todos os acessos

• Autenticar acesso

• Autorizar ações

• Apresentar notificação legal

• Garanta a confidencialidade dos dados

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Local Access Remote Access Using Telnet

Remote Access Using Modem and Aux Port

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Dedicated Management Network

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• Use um comprimento de senha de 10 ou mais caracteres.

• Inclua uma mistura de letras maiúsculas e minúsculas, números, símbolos e espaços.

• Evite senhas baseadas em informações facilmente identificáveis.

• Digite deliberadamente uma senha incorretamente (Smith = Smyth = 5mYth).

• Altere as senhas com frequência.

• Não anote as senhas e as deixe em lugares óbvios.

Weak Why it is Weak Strong Why it is Strong

Password Password
secret Simple dictionary password b67n42d39c Combines alphanumeric
smith Mother’s maiden name 12^h u4@1p7 Combines alphanumeric
characters, symbols, and
includes a space
toyota Make of car

bob1967 Name and birthday of user

Blueleaf23 Simple words and numbers

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• Configure all secret passwords using type 8 or type 9 passwords

• Use the enable algorithm-type command syntax to enter an

unencrypted password

• Use the username name algorithm-type command to specify type

9 encryption

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Virtual login security
• Implemente atrasos entre
tentativas de login sucessivas
• Ative o desligamento de login
se houver suspeita de
ataques DoS
• Gere mensagens de registro
do sistema para detecção de

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Command Syntax: login block-for

Example: login quiet-mode access-class

Example: login delay

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Generate Login Syslog Messages

Example: show login failures

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Example SSH Configuration

Example Verification of SSH

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Duas maneiras de conectar:
Habilite o SSH e use um roteador Cisco como servidor SSH ou
cliente SSH.
Como servidor, o roteador pode aceitar conexões de cliente SSH
Como cliente, o roteador pode se conectar via SSH a outro
roteador habilitado para SSH
Use um cliente SSH em execução em um host, como PuTTY,
OpenSSH ou TeraTerm.

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Ao concluir esta seção, você deverá ser capaz de:
Configure os níveis de privilégio administrativo para controlar a
disponibilidade do comando.
Co n f i g u re o a c es s o à CL I b a s e a d o e m f u n ç ã o p a r a c o n t ro l a r a
disponibilidade do comando.

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Privilege levels: Levels of access commands:

• Level 0: Predefined for user-level access privileges. • User EXEC mode (privilege level 1)
Lowest EXEC mode user privileges
• Level 1: Default level for login with the router
prompt. Only user-level command available at the router>
• Level 2-14: May be customized for user-level
privileges. • Privileged EXEC mode (privilege level 15)
All enable-level commands at the router# prompt
• Level 15: Reserved for the enable mode privileges.

Privilege Level Syntax

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• No access control to specific interfaces, ports, logical
interfaces, and slots on a router
• Commands available at lower privilege levels are always
executable at higher privilege levels
• Commands specifically set at higher privilege levels are not
available for lower privilege users
• Assigning a command with multiple keywords allows access to
all commands that use those

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For example:
• Security operator privileges
Configure AAA
Issue show commands
Configure firewall
Configure IDS/IPS
Configure NetFlow

• WAN engineer privileges

Configure routing
Configure interfaces
Issue show commands

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Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

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Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

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Enable Root View and Verify All Views

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Upon completion of this section, you should be able to:
Use the Cisco IOS resilient configuration feature to secure the Cisco IOS
image and configuration files.
Compare in-band and out-of band management access.
Configure syslog to log system events.
Configure secure SNMPv3 access using ACL
Configure NTP to enable accurate timestamping between all devices.

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Configure the router for server-side SCP with local AAA:
1. Configure SSH

2. Configure at least one user with privilege level 15

3. Enable AAA

4. Specify that the local database is to be used for

5. Configure command authorization

6. Enable SCP server-side functionality

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1. Connect to the console port.

2. Record the configuration register setting.

3. Power cycle the router.

4. Issue the break sequence.

5. Change the default configuration register with the confreg 0x2142 command.

6. Reboot the router.

7. Press Ctrl-C to skip the initial setup procedure.

8. Put the router into privileged EXEC mode.

9. Copy the startup configuration to the running configuration.

10. Verify the configuration.

11. Change the enable secret password.

12. Enable all interfaces.

13. Change the config-register with the config-register configuration_register_setting.

14. Save the configuration changes.

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Disable Password Recovery

No Service Password

Password Recovery
Functionality is Disabled

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In-Band Management:

Apply only to devices that need to

be managed or monitored

Use IPsec, SSH, or SSL when


Decide whether the management

channel need to be open at all time

Out-of-Band (OOB) Management:

Provide highest level of security

Mitigate the risk of passing

management protocols over the
production network

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Security Levels

Example Severity Levels

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Step 1

Step 2 (optional)

Step 3

Step 4

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Cisco MIB

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Message integrity & authentication


Access control

• Transmissions from manager to agent may be authenticated to guarantee the

identity of the sender and the integrity and timeliness of a message.

• SNMPv3 messages may be encrypted to ensure privacy.

• Agent may enforce access control to restrict each principal to certain actions on
specific portions of data.

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Sample NTP

Sample NTP
Configuration on R1

Sample NTP
Configuration on

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Upon completion of this section, you should be able to:
• Use security audit tools to determine IOS-based router vulnerabilities.

• Use AutoSecure to enable security on IOS-based routers.

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There is a detailed list of security settings for protocols and
services provided in Figure 2 of this page in the course.

Additional recommended practices to ensure a device is

• Disable unnecessary services and interfaces.

• Disable and restrict commonly configured management services.

• Disable probes and scans. Ensure terminal access security.

• Disable gratuitous and proxy ARPs

• Disable IP-directed broadcasts.

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1. O comando de segurança automática é inserido

2. O assistente reúne informações sobre as interfaces externas

3. O AutoSecure protege o plano de gerenciamento desativando

serviços desnecessários
4. O AutoSecure solicita um banner

5. O AutoSecure solicita senhas e habilita os recursos de senha e login

6. As interfaces são protegidas

7. O plano de encaminhamento está protegido

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Upon completion of this section, you should be able to:
• Configure a routing protocol authentication.

• Explain the function of Control Plane Policing.

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Consequências da falsificação de protocolo:
• Redirecione o tráfego para criar loops de roteamento.

• Redirecione o tráfego para que ele possa ser monitorado em um

link inseguro.
• Redirecione o tráfego para descartá-lo.

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