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VOLUME: 8 | ISSUE: 1 | 2024 | March

Design and Simulation of a High

Performance 5G mm-Wave MIMO Antenna
Array for Mobile Applications

H.R. Barua, I.A. Chowdhury∗

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Science and Technology

Chittagong, Chattogram, Bangladesh

*Corresponding Author: I.A. Chowdhury ( )

(Received: 29-October-2023; accepted: 29-January-2024; published: 31-March-2024)

Abstract. This paper presents the design 1. Introduction

and simulation of an efficient multiple input
multiple output (MIMO) antenna array for
5G millimeter-wave (mm-wave) mobile applica- Since its inception, wireless communication has
tions. With a dielectric constant of 2.2 and a drawn people’s interest because of its affordabil-
loss tangent of 0.0009, the substrate employed ity, viability, mobility, flexibility, and numerous
is a Rogers RT5880 that is 0.254 mm thick. other alluring aspects. Research and develop-
The 37 GHz frequency spectrum, reserved for ment (R&D) in the field of communication sys-
millimeter-wave mobile applications for 5G, is tems has been expanding at an enormous rate,
covered by the proposed MIMO antenna arrays. particularly in the previous three decades, be-
The single antenna element has a gain of 6.44 cause the advancement of communication sys-
dBi, which is increased to 7.89 dBi with a two- tems is essential to the advancement of human
element array configuration and 10.88 dBi with civilization.
a four-element array configuration. The pro-
posed MIMO antenna array performance met- Wireless communication is impossible without
rics—including reflection coefficient, gain—are the use of an antenna. The dipole, monopole,
seen and discovered to be below the accepted whip, and helix antennas were the first types
threshold. A power divider is incorporated into of external antennas used in telephones. These
the array structure and is designed to ensure antennas had detrimental impacts on the user’s
that every antenna element receives the same head and provided poor performance [1]. Due
amount of power in order to produce good ra- to superior performance, internal antenna sys-
diation characteristics. In the desired operating tems like microstrip antenna found an enor-
frequency band, it is noticed that more than 85 % mous increase in use in mobile phones after be-
of the proposed MIMO antenna array’s radiation ing introduced when it comes to printed cir-
efficiency is achieved. According to simulation cuit board fabrication, size, and manufactur-
findings, the proposed design may be potentially ing costs. Therefore, the telecommunications
feasible for mobile applications using millimeter sector as well as researchers in this field had
waves in the 5G network. been interested in microstrip antennas. This
topic is hence strongly related to microstrip an-
Keywords: MIMO, mm-Wave, Patch An- tenna. The need for increased telecommunica-
tenna, 5G, CST Software tion network capacity has been steadily grow-
ing in the meantime. In order to meet these

© 2024 Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation (JAEC) 247

VOLUME: 8 | ISSUE: 1 | 2024 | March

demands, the telecommunications sector has de- 2. Related Works

veloped new generations of wireless communi-
cation standards nearly every ten years. Wire-
less communication will enter a new era thanks For the Internet of Things, the 5G wireless net-
to 5G, as will device-to-device (D2D) commu- work, and other advanced spectrum-based appli-
nication and, most excitingly, the Internet of cations, the FCC has recommended using the 37
Things. A number of enabling technologies, in- GHz MmWave spectrum [5]. At the operational
cluding mm-wave system, multiple radio access frequency of 37 GHz for 5G technology, various
technology (Multi-RAT), advanced multiple in- researchers have been working. For 5G mobile
put multiple output (MIMO), an advanced net- applications, a H slot and inverted T slot an-
work, and advanced small cell, will be intro- tenna has been proposed for 37 GHz with mini-
duced by the telecommunications sector to solve mal return loss -43.05 dB, gain 8.18 dB [6]. In [7]
these features [2]. There is no other option ex- a single element modified Pharaonic Ankh-Key
cept to choose higher frequency bands in order antenna, with a peak gain of 10.2 dBi, is de-
to enable 5G to offer the features mentioned pre- signed to complement contemporary technolo-
viously with higher antenna gain.The most com- gies and improve the use of 5G applications.
mon and effective method for creating high-gain Antenna specialists have demonstrated a height-
antennas is to create an array of antennas where ened level of interest in developing antenna de-
the gain grows according to the number of ele- signs for fifth generation technology, particu-
ments in the array. However because it would larly within the frequency range of 37-40 GHz
occupy more space, it is impossible to raise the [8]. The frequency range under consideration
array’s element count intentionally. It increases exhibits minimal atmospheric losses [9], hence
interior space in areas of the phone when space facilitating the achievement of enhanced band-
is limited. As a result, there is a trade-off be- width provision and data speeds, a key objective
tween the array antenna’s gain and the num- of future 5G communication systems relying on
ber of elements. However, Using high-quality millimeter-wave technology. In their study, the
materials is crucial to achieving optimal func- researchers introduce an antenna that operates
tionality in any communication instrument, but inside the particular 5G frequency range of 38
it’s much more crucial in one as demanding as GHz, as documented in reference [10]. One of
5G communications. As previously stated, 5G the primary objectives of contemporary com-
functions with the current 4G network giving munication technology is to address the issue
exceptional data aptitudes, unrestricted call ca- of atmospheric attenuations encountered during
pabilities, and information dissemination that mm-wave transmission. To tackle this obstacle,
is influenced by the most pertinent materials a proposed solution involves employing a single
for the particular request at higher frequencies feed antenna arrangement, without the use of an
and spectrums. A further obligation that needs array or MIMO setup. The antenna’s highest
to be taken into consideration in order to get gain is stated to be 10 dB, as referenced in [11].
good outcomes while safeguarding signal relia- This paper introduces a multi-element array an-
bility and preventing signal losses is coming up tenna working within the frequency band of 38
with creative processing routes. Flexibility con- GHz, which consists of four individual elements.
nected to implantable and wearable features can The capacity of the given design is limited due
accelerate this evolution and provide further ad- to its single feed, despite its gain exceeding 12
vantages [3].The selection and growth of the an- dB, which is deemed adequate for 5G mobile
tenna is an important factor in communication, communications. The frequency range of 37-
and it is regulated by the incidence range, trans- 40 GHz, commonly referred to as the mm-wave
mission power, and/or atmosphere [4]. band, has been designated for the implementa-
tion of 5G technology. In a previous study ref-
erenced as [12], an antenna design capable of
operating within this frequency range was pre-
sented. The utilization of an array design en-
hances the gain by a maximum of 12 dB. Never-

248 © 2024 Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation (JAEC)

VOLUME: 8 | ISSUE: 1 | 2024 | March

theless, the absence of a MIMO setup in the sin-

gle feed restricts the capacity for data process-
ing. The antenna depicted in reference [13] pos-
sesses dimensions of 8 mm by 8 mm and is capa-
ble of operating throughout the frequency range
of 37.1-38.1 GHz. However, it should be noted
that this antenna does not incorporate any gain
enhancement techniques or utilize a multiple-
input multiple-output (MIMO) strategy to mit-
igate the effects of atmospheric attenuation.
This work presents an efficient MIMO antenna
arrays with two and four slotted E-shaped ele-
ments for 5G communication systems. The an-
tenna operates at the 37 GHz band and utilizes
microstrip technology. The proposed antenna
performance matrices such as reflection coeffi-
cient, antenna gain ensure that it will be a best
fit for mm-wave mobile applications. Further-
more we also compare our results with existing
MIMO antenna array which shows a significant
improvement in terms of performacne.

3. Materials and Methods

3.1. Antenna Design

1) Single Element

A flow chart representing the entire design pro-

cess is shown in Figure 1. First, a single element
rectangular microstrip patch antenna (MPA) op-
erating in the 37 GHz band is constructed using
equation-based antenna design, which is based
on the fundamental equations for creating MPA.
After that, the construction is modelled to see
if the results show that the antenna satisfies the
requirements. Figure 1 depicts the front side of Fig. 1: Flowchart of the proposed antenna design
the suggested single element antenna. Figure 2
illustrates the antenna element design utilizing
is employed and inserting E-shaped slots. The
RT-5880 modeling, a 0.254 mm thick substrate,
design parameters are listed in the Table 1.
a relative permittivity of 2.2, a loss tangent of
To compute the parameters, this study uses the
0.0009, and operating in the desired 37 GHz fre-
equations shown below [14]. The width of the
quency region. This substance is suited for high
frequency applications due to its low dielectric c
constant and minimal dielectric loss. It isotropic Wp = q0 (1)
and has a low moisture absorption rate. The 2fr εr2+1
suggested antenna element has the following di- The actual length of the patch
mensions: 10× 6× 0.254(mm×mm ×mm), re-
spectively. On the substrate’s top side, copper Lp = Lef f − 2∆L (2)

© 2024 Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation (JAEC) 249

VOLUME: 8 | ISSUE: 1 | 2024 | March

Calculation of the length extension

(εef f + 0.3) (W/h + 0.264)

∆L = 0.412h (5)
(εef f − 0.258) (W/h + 0.8)

2) Single Element: Design of a

Multiple Element Antenna Array

The single antenna element shown in Figure 1

that works at a frequency of 37 GHz. Although
the progress made is significant, it is not enough
to address some issues. In order to maximize
the gain of a single antenna, an array technique
is used, in which a single feed is used to supply
power. The 1×2 and 1×4 arrays’ geometry is
depicted in Figure 3. The design parameters are
listed in the Table 2.

Tab. 2: Dimensions of the 1×2 array and 1×4 array an-

Fig. 2: Equation based Single element antenna
Parameter (1×2 array) P Q Gp1 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4
Value(mm) 10 6 3.4 2 3.5 0.5 0.2
Parameter (1×4 array) E F Gp2 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8
Value(mm) 19 7.7 6.6 1.9 6.7 0.6 0.2

3.2. MIMO Configuration

The expanded array design architecture, which

was made possible by applying the corporate
Fig. 3: (a) 1×2 array (b) 1×4 array.
feed technique to the two-port MIMO arrange-
Tab. 1: Dimensions of the Proposed Single Element An-
ment, is depicted in Figure 4. In order to provide
tenna pattern variety and excellent isolation among
antenna arrays, the arrays are positioned side
Parameter L W e f r s by side. This frequently causes problems when
Value (mm) 6 10 0.8 1 0.8 1.5 the arrays are extended to the MIMO. Similar to
Parameter t u v w x y array structures, we already use several elements
Value (mm) 0.4 1.6 0.6 0.4 0.6 1.5 to increase the antenna’s gain; but, because they
Parameter a b c d - - only use one port, there are still serious issues
Value (mm) 0.6 1.2 1.05 1 - - with channel capacity, which must be effectively
addressed by using multiple ports. Controlling
Calculation of Effective length the coupling between comparable arrays can be
difficult in arrays, even though that technique
Lef f = √ (3) is quite simple in single-element cases. Symme-
2fr εef f try is preserved in the suggested MIMO struc-
ture, and the array structure below the position
The Dielectric Constant of Effective Potential is left unchanged. The overall substrate dimen-
sions employed in the MIMO arrangement are L
εr + 1 εr − 1 h
εef f = − 1 + 12 − 0.5 (4) = 7.70 mm × W = 32 mm.
2 2 W

250 © 2024 Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation (JAEC)

VOLUME: 8 | ISSUE: 1 | 2024 | March

Fig. 4: MIMO arrangement of corporate feed array

3.3. Optimization through Fig. 5: S11 graph for proposed antenna array
Optimizer in CST Software

The geometric design of the antenna should performance improves. Figure 6 depicts a sin-
be optimized using an optimizer for improved gle element, a 1×2 array, and a 1×2 array with
impedance matching after it has been designed respective VSWR values of 1.1437, 1.0073, and
using the formula. In this study, the optimizer 1.0033. In terms of the standard limit, which
uses the "Trust Region Framework" technique falls between standard 1 and 1.5. The 3D ra-
since it yields better results.The operating fre-
quency is changed once an antenna array has
been created. Therefore, optimization is re-
quired for both antennas to operate at the in-
tended frequency. Here, the S11 of the 1×2 ar-
ray antenna is only slightly better than previ-
ously, whereas the S11 of the 1×4 array antenna
is unchanged.

Fig. 6: Voltage Standing Wave Ratio of the proposed

antenna array
4. Results
diation pattern, which is measured in the far-
The graph below compares the return loss of a
field region, is a three-dimensional representa-
single element antenna with that of an upgraded
tion of the radiated power from the antenna in
1×2 array and 1×4 array. For a single element, a
free space. In relation to an isotropic antenna,
1×2 array, and a 1×4 array, the coefficient of re-
it is the measurement of the power radiated in
flection and return loss are represented in Figure
a particular direction. It is quite simple to see
5. As is generally accepted, the antenna is func-
the power provided in a certain direction from a
tioning well at the frequencies if the Return loss
3D radiation pattern. Figure 7 below at 37 GHz
(S11) value through the frequency is less than
depicts the 3D radiation patterns of the single el-
-10 dB. In figure 5 when operating at 37 GHz,
ement, 1×2 array, and 1×4 array antennas. This
a single element antenna got a return loss of -
figure demonstrates that the maximum gain for
23.477 dB, an optimized 1×2 array got a return
a 1×4 array antenna is around 11 dBi at 37 GHz.
loss of -48.771 dB, and a 1×4 array got a return
loss of -55.658 dB. The return loss graphs are Figure 8 displays the single element, 1×2 ar-
functioning effectively at the target band. Com- ray, and 1×2 array antennas’ total efficiency
paring three different antennas, it can be shown and radiation efficiency vs. frequency curves.It
that a 1×4 array generated the best performance has been noted that the overall efficiency and
in terms of the 1×2 array and single element an- radiation efficiency of single element, 1×2 ar-
tenna. Analysis of the voltage standing wave ra- ray, and 1×2 array antennas, respectively, are
tio (VSWR), which is one of the major factors 86%, 81%, and 78%.This single element, 1×2 ar-
influencing an antenna’s performance, is crucial. ray, and 1×2 array antenna have total efficiency
Less than two is the VSWR number that is opti- and radiation efficiency of more than 70%, mak-
mum. As VSWR levels decrease, the antenna’s ing them suitable for mobile mm-Wave applica-

© 2024 Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation (JAEC) 251

VOLUME: 8 | ISSUE: 1 | 2024 | March

half-array antennas have gains of 6.44 and 7.89

dBi, respectively. Figure 10displays the reflec-

Fig. 9: Gain of single element, 1×2 array and 1×4 array


tion coefficient for the suggested MIMO struc-

ture. The antenna for port-1 resonates at 37.01
GHz, which is the center frequency, providing
a bandwidth of 36.4 to 37.8 GHz. In contrast,
the magnitude reached was −46 dB. Similar to
port 1, port 2′ s bandwidth spans from 36.4 to
37.8 GHz below the 10 dB band, and the an-
tenna resonates at the central frequency of 37
GHz with a reflection coefficient magnitude of -
58 dB. Figure 11a analyzes and displays the gain

Fig. 7: 3D radiation pattern of (a) single element (b)

1×2 array (c) 1×4 array antenna at 37 GHz.

Fig. 10: S11 graph for proposed MIMO antenna array.

tions. Figure 9 displays the gain vs. frequency
patterns for the port-1 in the 0- and 90-degree
planes. The antenna array main lobe direction is
initially found at 353.0 degrees in the 90-degree
plane. Although an excellent side lobe level of
-24.3 dB is attained having a 68.2 degree beam-
width at 3 dB. The radiation pattern is very
directed, with very few side and rear lobes. The
major lobe is oriented toward the 359-degree an-
gle, according to the 0-degree plane analysis, and
Fig. 8: Total and Radiation efficiencies of single ele- the side lobe level is -11.7 dB. Moreover, the
ment, 1×2 array and 1×4 array Antenna. beam-width at 3 dB is 22 degrees. With a low
degree of back lobes, the radiated beam likewise
curve for a single element, a 1×2 array, and a appears to be highly directional in this plane.
1×4 antenna. It demonstrates that the 14 ar- The radiation pattern analysis for the two pri-
ray antenna’s maximum gain is roughly 10.88 mary planes, E and H, in the instance of port-2 is
dBi. Figure 8 show that the single element and similarly shown in Figure 11b. In the 0-degree

252 © 2024 Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation (JAEC)

VOLUME: 8 | ISSUE: 1 | 2024 | March

communication systems. The proposed MIMO

antenna array will cover the 37 GHz frequency
range, which is reserved for 5G mm-wave mo-
bile communication applications. The antenna
element’s gain is 6.44 dBi, however when two el-
ements and a four-element array are used, the
gains are 7.89 dBi and 10.88 dBi, respectively.
The return loss, voltage standing wave ratio, di-
(a) rectivity, and surface current distribution per-
formance measures for MIMO antenna arrays
are observed and found to be within the allowed
threshold. The radiation efficiency of the pro-
posed MIMO antenna array is determined to
be efficient within the defined operational fre-
quency range. The proposed antenna array is
also a design that may be a competitor for 5G
mm-wave communication systems when com-
pared to existing antennas.

Fig. 11: Configuration gain pattern for corporate array

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[6] 1 2021 -43.5 8.25 6 0.504 mm3 -
[19] 4 2017 -12 5.75 0.3 287.375 mm2 -
[20] 4 2016 -30 6.7 1.2 68.6 mm2 0.66 of 37 GHz
[21] 2 2019 -23 7.49 4.56 25×30×0.8 mm3 -
[22] 4 2019 -40 7.11 3.96 12×25.4×0.8 mm3 -
[23] 4 2017 -24.07 - 0.64 3.025×3.2×1.6 mm3 0.6 of 37 GHz
[24] 4 2021 -18 9.9 0.4 35×35×4.75 mm3 -
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About Authors
Split-Ring Resonator Lens. IEEE Trans-
actions on Antennas and Propagation, 65, H.R BARUA currently persuing his B.Sc.
4263–4267. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
from University of Science and Technology
[20] A. Dadgarpour, M.S.S. & Kishk, A.A. Chittagong (USTC), Chattogram, Bangladesh.
(2016). Wideband Low-Loss Magnetoelec- His research interest includes MIMO antenna
tric Dipole Antenna for 5G Wireless Net- design for 5G, mm-Wave mobile applications
work With Gain Enhancement Using Meta and Internet of Things.
Lens and Gap Waveguide Technology Feed-
ing. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and I.A CHOWDHURY received the B.Sc.
Propagation, 64, 5094–5101. degree in Electronic & Telecommunication
[21] Shuhrawardy, M., MiahChowdhury, M., & Engineering from International Islamic Uni-
Azim, R. (2019). A Four-element Compact versity Chittagong, Bangladesh in 2014 and
Wideband MIMO Antenna for 5G Appli- M.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from
cations. International Conference on Elec- Kyung Hee University, Yongin, South Korea
trical, Computer and Communication Engi- in 2020. He is currently a faculty member of
neering (ECCE), Cox’sBazar, Bangladesh, the Department of Electrical and Electronic
1–5. Engineering at the University of Science and
Technology Chittagong (USTC), Chattogram,
[22] Venkateswara, R., Madhav, B., Krishna, J., Bangladesh. His research interest includes
Usha, D., Anilkumar, T., & Prudhvi, N. unmanned aerial vehicle communication, coop-
(2019). CSRR-loaded T-shaped MIMO an- erative communication and wireless powered
tenna for 5G cellular networks and vehicu- communication with energy harvesting, MIMO
lar communications. International Journal antenna design and the Internet of things.
of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided, 29,

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which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is
properly cited (CC BY 4.0)."

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