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VOL. #399

Publisher: Royce Martine, Editorial Director: James Fillmore

Art Director: Franklin Monroe, Senior Editor: Calvin Harding
Photography Editor: Millie Wilson

Published every eight weeks in the United States and Canada

by Blair Publishing, Inc. Contents copyright 2021 by Blair Pub-
lishing, Inc., 10170 W. Tropicana Ave. #156-168, Las Vegas, NV
89147. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reprinted in
whole or in part without the written permission of the publish-
er. The records required by Title 18, U.S. Code 2257 (a) through
(c) and the pertinent regulations 28 C.F.R., Ch. 1, Part 75. Club
Specials and all materials associated with such records are
maintained by Blair Publishing, Inc. Director of Research and
Custodian of Records, M. Stone, at 9516 W. Flamingo Rd., Ste.
300, Las Vegas, NV 89147 and are available for inspection and
review by the Attorney General at reasonable times. Any sim-
ilarity between people and places in this magazine and real
people and places is purely coincidental. The words, descrip-
tions, quotes and scenarios depicted and presented in the pic-
torials do not describe the models actual behavior, thoughts or
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Club Specials magazine or its editors are assumed to be in-
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10170 W. Tropicana Ave. #156-168, Las Vegas, NV 89147. All
models appearing in this magazine are 18 years of age or older.


Crystal Klein
Cassia Riley

Adrienne Manning

Shyla Stylez

Cindy Doller

Romi Rain

Sandra Shine
A long lazy night at the beach beckons Adrienne who brings her
beautiful, lithe body and perfect tits and ass to the warm sands.
She crawls around while her tits jiggle and her kitty tries to
avoid the gritty grains. For more than an hour, she writhes on
the dune as our photographer snaps these great shots. Enjoy!
Crystal &Cassia
Crystal is a B&B os ess an s e s giving assia specia a en ion or some orny and hot after-
noon sex. She needn’t have worried, because Cassia got turned on the second she saw Crystal
in her barely there lingerie. After enjoying their fill of oral sex, they shake with intense orgasms.
erotic rush

5 surefire sex tricks to bring the heat to your relationship

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Whether you’re married or living together, regular Our first sure-fire trick, then, is to plan a “lost week-
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fuck buddies or once-a-month lovers, few couples es- end” for yourselves (actually anything from a day to a
cape sexual dry spells. There’s no question that, now week depending on your resources and stamina), de-
and then, every erotic relationship could use some voted exclusively to romance and hot sex. It doesn’t
spicing up. That’s why we‘ve compiled these bed- have to be an expensive couples-only type of trip to
room boredom-busters, a virtual pentathlon of sex some distant locale. In fact, staying home offers the
tricks that’s guaranteed to give you an erotic rush. advantage of not being distracted by tour schedules
or dining room hours.

1. THE LOST WEEKEND The important thing is that you devote a lot of time
and thought to planning your weekend of hedonism,
Once a couple passes the “More, more, more” stage building up your anticipation in the process. Discuss
at the beginning of their relationship, sex often tends the sensual pleasures that appeal most to both of
to fall into a predictable pattern, like “it’s 10 o’clock, you, then arrange ways to accomplish them.
time to fuck!” The ecstasy’s over in an hour or less.
“We set up four or five special weekends a year,” says
With our fast food mentality, sex too often becomes Jan. “Me and Larry clear the decks on our calendars
instant excitement followed by instant gratification, so nothing will interfere. Friends and family are told
leaving little or no time to savor some of the more we won’t be available and we don’t answer the phone
thrilling but subtle aspects of erotic pleasure. for two days.

The only exception is the traditional honeymoon, a “We lay in a supply of our favorite foods, pre-cook a
week or two of unabashed lust interwoven with other lot of them and put them in the freezer so they can
sensual pleasure. Few people today are aware that just be heated up, like us. I pick up our favorite wines,
the honeymoon is just a weak imitation of such robust cheeses and sticky desserts, feeling no guilt at all
activities as the French phenomenon of cabinets par- about the prospects of a total pig fest. Larry usually
ticuliers. These were combination bedroom/dining gets a load of porn flicks ready to stream.
room facilities where couples disappeared for hours,
even days, to feast on exotic foods and satiate them- “Most of the time we buy new outfits, as much to sat-
selves with erotic delights. isfy our own fantasies and our partner’s. Last month
. . . ................ .......... ......... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Larry brought home sexy silk PJs and I showed up in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wishes and forbidden fantasies that we’ve never for-
fishnet stockings that drove him out of his mind. gotten. We might still be slightly ashamed of them or
fear that our partner will ridicule their apparent silli-
“From Friday until Sunday we spend our time feasting ness. Yet they represent the most potent sources of
on mouth-watering food (and each other’s body). We sexual excitement… if we just have the courage to
shower together and screw in front of windows with reveal them.
the shades up. Larry might splash champagne on his
dick and I’ll suck it off with his cum. I might cover my Our second sure-fire trick for starting your juices of
pussy with whipped cream and he’ll lick it away. lust flowing is to confess to each other your most
wicked unfulfilled sex fantasies. Then help them come
“No two wild weekends are the same except that they true for one another.
all share the goal of pleasing our senses and appe-
tites. It may mean anal sex in a bubble bath one night Veronica’s girlhood masturbation had centered on
to throbbing rock music; the next could bring filet mi- a handsome teacher. She spent hours daydream-
gnon and tit-fucking to a symphony. We might stay in ing about scenes of herself and the teacher, both
bed all day to watch videos of pumping hard-ons and stripped naked and taking turns teasing each other.
women getting fucked. Our only rule is that there are
no rules— except to have even more fun fucking than The prime object of her husband Dan’s boyhood lust
we had the last time!” had been Cindy, a voluptuous family friend, who vis-
ited for a month when he was a teenager and she
2. FORBIDDEN SEXUALITY was in her twenties. Still vivid in his memory are the
gleaming stockings and towering spike heels she al-
No matter how liberated a background we may come ways wore. He recalls the straining hard-ons he ex-
from, as children all of us went through some form of perienced looking at them. What he remembers best
sexual repression. Whether you were a boy who was is an incident he saw one night through a basement
scolded for “playing with yourself” in the bathroom or window: his own father being seduced in the TV room
a girl who experienced guilt when you were mastur- by Cindy’s shiny legs.
bating, each of us discovered the fears, as well as
joys, of forbidden sexuality. While he pumped his penis into his fist, Danny watched
in awe as Cindy exposed her garters and his dad bur-
Sometimes those repressed images evolve into erot- ied his face in her slippery thighs. When she slipped
ic tastes and fetishes. A girl, who harbored fantasies her high heels off md wriggled her sleek stockinged
for her friend’s handsome father on reaching wom- feet in his face, Danny’s father eagerly smelled them
anhood, finds her pussy soaked whenever she sees and stuffed the toes into his mouth while he pulled
him. A boy who regularly jerked off over a woman with out an enormous erection. He was soon ramming it
ass-length hair might easily grow into a dude with a relentlessly into her pussy until both of them were
fetish for long hair when he gets older. rolling and writhing through an orgasm. For years af-
terward, Dan masturbated over what he’d seen and
Just about all of us harbor sex secrets—unspeakable never forgot it.
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Neither he nor Veronica had ever revealed the secret Any woman who’s used such a dildo knows the very
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facts and fantasies of their childhood to their part- different and exquisite kind of pleasure it yields, whir-
ners. Dan had playfully teased his wife a few and, ring against her vagina and clitoris. And any man
whenever she’d worn slick pantyhose and heels, he’d who’s watched or helped a woman reach a vibrator
acted especially passionate. Yet both found it difficult orgasm realizes what an important tool it can be for
to confess their long-held desires. building desire during foreplay.

When they finally did, though, neither of them could The trick is to open up your mind to the stimulating
have been more understanding and eager to please. possibilities that lie in the world of assisted arousal. If
Veronica went out and bought her first pair of gar- one vibrator is exciting, imagine using four or five—
tered nylons since high school and the spikiest heels and finding new places to put them
she could find.
A woman who applies two vibrators to her sensitive
‘‘The first night that Dan fulfilled my fantasy was the nipples at the same time that others are sending their
most sexually stimulating night of my life!” reports Ve- pulsating sensations through her cunt and up her ass
ronica. “My pussy was literally dripping with desire can find the experience almost unbearably delight-
when I saw Dan nude with that feather in his hand. ful. A man with a gyrating dildo plugging his asshole,
As he swiped it across my bare cheeks, then let me who then adds the tingle of another vibrator against
do the same with his, I had to keep remembering it his rigid cock, can discover a whole new universe of
wasn’t a dream. I don‘t know how many times I cli- splashing ejaculation.
maxed during our session, but it seemed like dozens.
Then, the next night, it was my turn to fulfill Dan’s And, finally, don’t overlook the many other products
dream.” around the house or office which can contribute their
own special brands of stimulation.
“It was even better than my fantasies,” says Dan.
‘‘Those shoes, those stockings! I kept blowing off “The first time Jimmy laid me against the washing ma-
loads of cum in my pants as I snapped Veronica’s chine, it was an accident,” says Arlene. “He sneaked
garters, licked her filmy thighs, sucked her high heels up and pulled my pants down for a quickie screw. As I
and kissed her gorgeous feet. I can’t remember ever leaned on the jiggling washer while it went through its
banging her as hard as I did that night.” ‘spin’ cycle, I found the combination of Jimmy’s pow-
erful thrusts and the machine’s vibrations absolutely
3. GOOD VIBRATIONS breathtaking!

Our third sure-fire trick to turn the two of you on “We started experimenting and the results have been
comes from the world of electronics. Most couples some of the wildest times we’ve ever had. A small fish-
have owned a single, standard, bullet shaped vibrator tank pump not only vibrates at high speed against my
or “cordless neck massager,” as advertisers like to pussy, but it also blows a delightful, tickling stream of
call it. But that’s just a beginning. air into me. I also use a scalp massager, the kind you
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strap on the back of your hand, to give Jimmy hand- a little boy or a macho stud; she’ll be a sexy flight
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jobs that make his cum squirt two feet in the air!” attendant or a total stranger. There’s no way we can
ever be tired of each other again!”
Whether it’s with a vacuum cleaner, a food processor,
a paint sprayer or an exercise bike, look through your 5. ‘TAILS’ OF THE UNEXPECTED
possessions with an erotically creative eye for ma-
chines that will give your relationship good vibrations. Our final sure-fire trick for pumping up the passion is
one that depends on the element of surprise: think
4. STRANGERS IN THE NIGHT up hot, erotic surprises your partner will enjoy, then
spring them when they’re least expected.
Our fourth way to rekindle the flames of desire is to
step out of your familiar selves and take on new iden- “Bob and I were shopping one afternoon downtown,”
tities. To give your relationship some spicy variety, try recalls Jeanne. “I don’t know what got into him, but
becoming “strangers in the night,” new people offer- he had an erection that wouldn’t quit. On the spur
ing new mysteries and new reactions to each other. of the moment, he whisked me into a hotel, rented
a room, tossed me on the bed and gave me one of
At first that may sound difficult, but you’ll find it’s re- the most fantastic rides of my life. His prick seemed
ally quite easy. Start by play-acting as your own oppo- extra-large and he was plunging it into me so hard
sites; soon you’ll find yourselves slipping comfortably that the sweat was pouring off his body.
and naturally into new roles.
“It had been so sudden I could hardly catch my breath,
“Maryanne has always tended to be the more aggres- but that didn’t stop me from being incredibly turned
sive one in our relationship,” says Karl, “while I was on and enjoying his spontaneous fucking to the hilt.
usually more passive. When she wanted to fuck, she’d
come on strong, parading around nude, grabbing my “That night we went to the movies and, right in the
dick, throwing herself across me and smothering me middle of the flick, I leaned over in the darkened the-
with kisses. ater, pulled out his cock and gave him a hard-sucking
blowjob while the people around us sat there in total
“One night I went after her,” remembers Karl. ignorance.

“Suddenly we both realized that this was a totally “Ever since those incidents, Bob and I have looked for
different experience and very exciting. Maryanne way to surprise each other with exciting new experi-
started pretending to resist me, crying ‘No!’ and pull- ences. It’s breathed a whole new spirit of passion into
ing her dress down. This drove me up the wall with our relationship.”
desire because it was like having sex with a different ..............................................................
There you have it. Five suggestions on how to rev up
“Now we try on new personalities all the time. I’ll play the engines of sexual and get out and try them!
Cindy’s n t to be
signed. Her landlord apparently liked what he
saw and he made her offer she couldn’t refuse.
He knew she would accept and soon he would
get a taste of that delicious ass! This girl loves
anal and she’d soon get rammed like the wild
girl, and good tenant, that she was!
We had the hottest brunette come ed to stay for a few hours so we
proposed a photo shoot. She had all the perfect curves, huge boobs, perfect ass, and long legs.
This hot babe was a true master of photographic seduction, because she really seduced us.
Shyla doesn’t waste any time when she
wants to get laid, and neither does Der-
rick. They’re a perfect couple to watch for
great pussy licking, cock sucking, topped
of with an extra large splash on her chest.
h w
to ep

Why do our men cheat keep it fresh. Don’t do

on us? That’s a very
difficult question to
Ladies, the main cause of infidelity the same thing every
time. Vary the place
answer. There could
be many reasons, but is not paying enough attention to and duration. Add a
new twist every now
most probably the and then. Make the
number one answer is
lack of good sex. No
your man. There are ways to keep blow job the total act
of sex, then let him
matter how you phrase
it, men want sex and, him faithful from cheating... relax. I don’t believe
any man will work at
from my experience, getting sex if it’s read-
they don’t care who they have it with as long as ily available to him. Remember, the act can be
they get it. And the one sex act that men like the accomplished in less than a half hour, usually
most is a blow job. There is very little for them to less, Now that isn’t much time to spend to save
do except sit back and let the woman do all the your marriage. You spend more time getting your
work. So, I don’t believe that the ‘other woman’ nails done.
is a better lover than me. I think she’s willing to
do what his wife probably won’t do or has stopped But how do you keep it fresh? How can you make
doing. it an event he’ll look forward to? The simplest
answer is to think about it and formulate a plan.
You can keep your man by just sucking his dick. You know his schedule. Analyze the best time.
How much more blunt can I be. No matter how After he comes home form work, in the middle of
long you’ve been married or how often you have the night, driving across town, in the backyard,
intercourse, a blow job keeps him satisfied and in the kitchen, at some public place. The possi-
keeps him home. Think about it: if your husband bilities are endless. But I have found that after a
knows that he’s going to get head several times, good dinner and you two are sitting back, pop in
or even a few times a week, and it’s from a ready a porn movie, or a sexy movie if you’re not into
and willing source, his wife, why would he spend porn, and be sure he’s comfortable.
energy to go find it elsewhere when it’s right
there in front of him. He won’t. He’ll look forward I’m not a housewife, I’m a working woman and
to it from you. The only thing you have to do is yet I know how important it is to find time for
him, for this. Keep in mind, just as pure enter- course or sex, but if your relationship is falling
tainment: it doesn’t cost anything, it can last apart or he’s thinking of cheating, this may be
from fifteen minutes to hours, you control that. the answer.
Some times it will lead to intercourse, but most
likely, he’ll cum and you’re done. And above all We had finished Chinese take-out for dinner after
it’s fun. another busy day for the both of us. We were
three weeks into trying to avoid a separation and
One of the most important aspects of the blow it’s been getting easier and easier to give my hus-
job is his anticipation. If you’re doing it regular- band oral sex. We’ve increased the frequency to
ly, he’ll want it more and more. He’ll be hot and every other day for him and every few days for
ready if he knows he going to get some. He’ll me as time allows and the mood hits. We ate in
rush home from work. He’ll keep his body and the living room watching the evening news. I took
his privates clean. He’ll probably ‘reward’ you in the empty take-out boxes to the kitchen and told
some manner, with gifts perhaps. But there is one him to go freshen up.
thing you should do for yourself before you start
a blow job regiment: decide if your going to spit, When I got back, he was already on the sofa wait-
swallow or take it on your body. Most guys will ing for me. The TV show had changed to some-
want you to swallow and it’s really not that bad, thing loud and I took the remote and turned it
but if you’re uncomfortable with that, work it out down a little. I didn’t mind if he watched TV while
with him. If you’re going to be sucking you’re I was blowing him. I sat next to him and laid my
husband’s cock then surely you should be able head on his shoulder with his arm outstretched
to work that out. It makes for a nice, comfortable on the top sofa cushions. This is the perfect po-
conclusion to the act that you’re both okay with. sition to start with. You can kiss,, you can rub
his chest, buttons and zippers are easy to get
Now I’m going to de- at, and you’re not in the
scribe a scenario with way of the TV.
my husband. Personal-
ly, we were on the verge I started by was just
of a divorce and sex had running my hand up
quite a bit to do with and down his leg, not
it. Without getting into too long, just enough to
details, the solution we build anticipation. I’d
came up with, talking occasionally touch his
to each other as adults, cock through his pants
because that’s what we until I sensed he was
are, was to have more hardening. That’s when
oral sex. For both of us. I knew that his pants
The biggest reason in had to come off. Men do
our discussion was that not like their hard cock
it was quick and usu- confined inside pants,
ally fulfilling. Women or even underwear. He
can cum several times unzipped his pants, al-
rather easily. A man, lowing his hard cock to
especially if he’s older, release into my hand.
is usually only good for
one climax. His eyes closed and
I reached down to
We were also both work- pull his pants lower. I
ing people and out time paused for a moment,
was taken up by work I stroked him gently,
or sleep. We were often occasionally squeezing
too tired for full blown tighter, sometimes fast-
sex sessions, but hand er. Mostly I just worked
jobs and blow jobs can slowly. Up and down,
be done rather easily turning my hand, en-
and/or quickly. Please joying the feeling of his
don’t misunderstand, hard cock in my hand.
I’m not saying this I unbuttoned his shirt
should replace inter- with my free hand and
found his nipple for a good pinch, I felt him tense cock, looking up at him. I licked around the head
slightly at this, another good sign. of his cock. I started to suck again, working him
into my throat, my head bobbing up and down
I moved my head lower over his lap. I puckered as he touched against the back of my throat. I
my lips, kissing the head of his cock a few times didn’t pause. I just kept sucking and enjoying the
before licking my lips and engulfing it. I rolled feeling of working him up. He was getting close.
my tongue around the head for several minutes, I wanted him to come now. I had been teasing
releasing my lips and then resucking with them. him for almost an hour. I kept stroking his balls
I then started licking up and down the underside never once letting them go. I took his cock in my
of his cock, looking up at him. When I sensed the right hand, starting to massage carefully with my
right moment, I got up, stood in front of him and fingertips.
stripped myself naked as he watched. Of course
my pussy was wet and I stuck a finger in and I worked him down into my throat again, mas-
brought it up to my mouth and licked it. I bent saging with my tongue sucking, swallowing. He
down and finished pulling his pants off and then gasped and pressed my head down, pulling me
dropped to my knees and crawled the few feet to up slightly by the hair. It wasn’t rough, just direc-
his manhood. Nothing in the world gets a man tive. He was showing me exactly what to do this
more excited than a woman inching her way to time. I felt his grip on my hair tighten. I sucked
his cock and balls on her knees. Nothing! even harder. As he came, he pulled my head
down on his cock. I stroked him with the tip of
I let my breasts brush against his thighs as I crawl my tongue. He shot his load deep into my mouth.
closer, outstretching my arms ahead of me and I swallowed his cum with each spurt and when he
rubbing his thighs and then his hips. Sometimes finished I licked my lips like it was the most deli-
I’ll make eye contact, sometimes I’ll look intently cious thing I ever tasted.
at his cock and balls. I reach his privates and
pull the head of his cock into my mouth without I laid my head on his groin next to his cock and
using my hands. I licked around the head, flick- flicked my tongue at it a few times. That’s just a
ing my tongue across the underside a few times. visual thing for him. I got off the floor and laid
With my hand I held his on my side on the sofa,
balls carefully, and with resting my head on his
the other I reach up and belly. I moved my fin-
caress his chest, pinch- gers down between his
ing his nipples now and thigh and balls and be-
then. gan to play with them
as we watched TV. I’d
I start to suck him even pinch and pull every so
harder, pulling his cock often. I was in control.
deeper into my throat. From here, I can restart
I sucked, allowing my a fuck session, I can
throat to do some of the fall asleep, watch TV,
hard work, swallowing a finger his butthole. You
little sometimes so my name it.
throat would massage
his cock as well as my This was a medium
tongue. As you do more length blow job. Lon-
of this, you’ll teach ger ones involve play-
yourself new tricks to ing with his balls and
cock-sucking. Don’t be playing with ass. Short-
afraid to try anything. er ones would be just
He’ll never say no. We dropping down in front
all know that men are of him to my knees,
visual sexual animals, pulling down his zipped
Let him see you doing and sucking him off in-
it. Keep your hair back. tensely for ten minutes.
Look at him. Let him see This one every guys
your tongue at work. fantasizes about. Never
fails. No matter how long
My lips pressed against you do it for, do it often
the underside of his and he’ll never stray.
Sandra is the epitome of a beautiful (almost) naked girl with her legs wide open and a sultry look. It
has to be one of the sublime pleasures in life. Her breath slowly turning into a breath of passionate
moans and her expressions give us an up close and intimate moment with this sexy stunning lady.
Mayya was an au pair from Europe visiting
her friends Choky and Tony. It was snowing
so they decided to stay in and call it a day.
That’s when it all began! It was DP heaven
as they fucked her till her holes were raw.
Smile if you want to see me naked tonight?
I know you do, and my girlfriends, too! Check us all out at!

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