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ITEM 1 - SUSU20-00069 Green Acres Subdivision Replat A

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Green Acres Subdivision Replat “A”

City Plan Commission — October 29, 2020 – POSTPONEMENT REQUEST


CASE MANAGER: Tuuli Martin, (915) 212-1561,
PROPERTY OWNER: Tropicana Building II, LLC
REPRESENTATIVE: Moreno Cardenas Inc.
LOCATION: West of Doniphan Dr. and South of Artcraft Rd. (District 1)
PROPERTY AREA: 27.04 acres
PARK FEES: Park Fees Not Required
ZONING DISTRICT(S): P-R I (Planned Residential District)

SUMMARY OF POSTPONEMENT REQUEST: The applicant has requested a postponement until the
November 12, 2020 City Plan Commission (CPC) meeting in order to allow for additional review time for
compliance with applicable density standards.

STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff recommends APPROVAL of the postponement request.

Figure A: Proposed plat with surrounding area

DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: The applicant is proposing to resubdivide 27.04 acres of vacant land into 65
single-family residential lots and one apartment site containing 124 apartment units. The single-family
lots range from approximately 5,200 to 11,000 square feet in size. The proposed apartment site is 8.11
acres in size. Additionally, a 1.83 acre park and a 1.41 acre stormwater pond are proposed. Sorrel Drive
and Oleaster Drive will both be extended into the site and new streets, Patricia Elena Place, Merced Court,
and Will Jordan Place, will be improved and dedicated. The subdivision will be accessed from Sorrel Drive
and Oleaster Drive from the south and from Artcraft Road from the north. This application is reviewed
under the current subdivision code.

NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER: Surrounding neighborhood characteristics are identified in the following

Surrounding Zoning and Use
North C-4 (Commercial) / Commercial development
South R-2 (Residential) / Residential development
East P-I/sc (Planned-Industrial/special contract) / Office and industrial developments
West R-2 (Residential) / Montoya lateral and residential development
Nearest Public Facility and Distance
Park Borderland Park (0.65 mi.)
School Jose H. Damian Elementary School (0.84 mi.)
Plan El Paso Designation
G-3, Post War
Impact Fee Service Area


City Plan Commission (CPC) has sole and final authority on subdivision matters. When a waiver of right
to thirty-day action is brought forward to the CPC for review, the Commission may take any of the
following actions:
1. Approval: The CPC finds that the postponement request is in conformance with all applicable
requirements of Title 19 of the El Paso City Code in regards to waivers of thirty-day action. If
approved, action on the plat will be waived for a period of time not to exceed thirty days. (Staff
2. Denial: The CPC finds that the postponement request is not in conformance with all applicable
requirements of Title 19 of the El Paso City Code in regards to waivers of thirty-day action. If
denied, action shall be taken on the plat application.

1. Aerial Map
2. Preliminary Plat
3. Application
4. Department Comments

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Planning & Inspections Department- Planning Division

Developer / Engineer shall address the following comments:
1: Submit to the Planning & Inspections Department – Planning Division the following prior to recording of the
a: Current certificate tax certificate(s)
b: Current proof of ownership.
c: Release of access document, if applicable.
d: Set of restrictive covenants, if applicable.
2: Every subdivision shall provide for postal delivery service. The subdivider shall coordinate the installation and
construction with the United States Postal Service in determining the type of delivery service for the proposed
subdivision. In all cases, the type and location of delivery service shall be subject to the approval of the United
States Postal Service.
3. The proposed number of apartment units (124) exceeds the maximum allowed density for the P-R I (Planned
Residential) zoning district. Pursuant to Title 20, Appendix B – Table of Density and Dimensional Standards,
the maximum allowed number of apartment units is 7 units per acre. The calculation is done for the lot size in
which the apartments are located and not the entire development area. Given the proposed lot size of 8.11
acres, the maximum number of apartments is 56.
4. Please revise the Artcraft Rd. cross section to show the intended 15ft parkway, including 10ft of hike and bike
and 5ft of landscape parkway. Please coordinate the details with TxDOT.
5. Please clarify the cut out in the subdivision boundary line in Lot 1, Block 1 (near Lot 15, Block 2). The original
Green Acres subdivision plat nor the previous replat submitted to the city in 2018 did not show an exclusion of
this portion of land.
6. Please revise plat note #8 to “65 unit single-family.”
7. Please include contour lines two hundred feet outside the proposed subdivision boundaries.
8. Please combine the different curve tables into one. Revise the order of curves to have the numbers in
9. Please show radii for each turning heel. Please refer to the DSC for annotation and minimum required
10. There are two lots numbered as 2 in Block 5. Please revise.
11. Please verify the average lot depth for Lots 2, 16 and 22 in Block 2. The minimum average lot depth for the P-
R-I(Planner Residential) zone is 100ft. Please refer to 20.02.532 - Lot depth for guidance on measuring.
12. Please clarify the dashed line in the rear of the lots in Block 2 and Block 5.
13. Please verify the dashed line for “Portion of Lot 1” East of the subdivision is necessary.
14. Planning recommends removing plat note #12. Any requirements concerning treatment of double frontage
lots will be handled as a condition during the City Plan Commission hearing.
15. Planning recommends removing the mailing address for the school district. The district name is sufficient.

Planning & Inspections Department- Land Development Division

1. The proposed ponding areas shall have enough capacity to hold the developed runoff for a designated 100-yr.
storm event.
2. Verify if proposed pond access maintenance ramp and gates can better align as per DSC 2-2A.5
3. Coordinate plat with the Water Improvement District #1 for proposed development abutting irrigation
laterals. Verify if lots will retain water rights and or easements.
4. Coordinate with TXDOT for proposed development for drainage and access requirements.
5. Verify FEMA FIRM panel & flood zone information for this subdivision.

El Paso Water
EPWater request an exclusive 20-foot PSB easement to accommodate proposed water and sewer mains in Lot 1,
Block 1, (apartment site).

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From the intersection of Sorrel Drive and Bridal Way along Sorrel Drive towards the north there is an existing six (6)
inch diameter water main. This main dead-ends at approximately 420 feet north of Bridal Way. This main is available
for service and main extensions.

From the intersection of Oleaster Drive and Bridal Way along Oleaster Drive towards the north there is an existing
eight (8) inch diameter water main. This main dead-ends at approximately 156 feet north of Bridal Way. This main
is available for service and main extensions.

Previous water pressure readings conducted on fire hydrant number 4865 located at the comer of Sorrel Drive
and Bridal Way have yielded a static pressure of 72 pounds per square inch (psi), residual pressure of 58 psi,
discharge of 1,048 gallons per minute (gpm).
Sanitary Sewer:
Sanitary sewer service is critical.

From the intersection of Sorrel Drive and Bridal Way along Sorrel Drive towards the north there is an existing eight
(8) inch diameter sanitary sewer main. This main dead-ends at approximately 380 feet north of Bridal Way. This
main has an approximate depth of four (4) vertical feet.

From the intersection of Oleaster Drive and Bridal Way along Oleaster Drive towards the north there is an existing
eight (8) inch diameter sanitary sewer main. This main dead-ends at approximately 246 feet north of Bridal Way.
This main has an approximate depth of four point five (4.5) vertical feet.

EPWater-PSB requires a new service application to serve the subject property. New service applications should be
made 6-8 weeks in advance of construction to ensure water for construction work. The following items, if applicable,
are required at the time of application: (1) hard copy of site plan with street names and addresses; (2) finalized set
of improvement plans, including grading & drainage plans; (3) digital copy of site plan; (4) benchmark check; (5)
construction schedule; and (6) a certificate of compliance. Service will be provided in accordance with the current El
Paso Water – Public Service Board (EPWater-PSB) Rules and Regulations. The owner is responsible for the costs of
any necessary on-site and off-site extensions, relocations or adjustments of water and sanitary sewer lines and

Streets & Maintenance Department

1. The Artcraft Palms & Green Acres Subdivision TIA will not be approved at this time due to a need for
2. The proposed transition in ROW width for Oleaster Drive and Sorrel Drive has not been justified in the TIA,
therefore it is not acceptable. (Ref. 19.15.060.I – Street Standards)

Parks and Recreation Department

We have reviewed Green Acres Subd. Replat “A”, a resubdivision combination plat map and on behalf of Parks &
Recreation Department, we offer Applicant / Engineer the following comments:
Please note that this Subdivision is composed of 65 Single-family dwelling lots, and 1 multi-family lot (apartment
site) with 124 multi-family dwelling units. A final copy of the recorded restrictive covenants should be provided.

In addition, as per the preliminary plat, the applicant is proposing to dedicate a 1.82 Acre Park/Pond; affirmative
recommendation by the director of the Parks Department is subject to the following:

1. Provide concept plan to confirm dedicated parkland meet design requirements for a Park/Pond.

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2. A minimum of 0.50 acres of flat area (at curb level elevation) needs to be provided which shall not be subject to
periodic inundation (10 year storm frequency) for installation of minimum improvements as required per
Section 19.20.050(B).
3. A minimum of 17’ wide flat perimeter area needs to be provided all along the rim/ pond perimeter to
accommodate a 5’ parkway for street trees, a meandering 7’ wide concrete sidewalk and a 5’ planted buffer
4. Proposed Pond area slope next to the flat area not subject to periodic inundation needs to be maximum 12% or
8.5(H):1(V) so as to not to trigger the DSC 6’ high rock wall fencing requirement.
5. All other Pond area slopes not abutting the flat area not subject to periodic inundation need to be maximum
6(H):1(V) so as to not to trigger the DSC 6’ high rock wall fencing requirement.
6. A 5’ wide ADA “Pedestrian” access (concrete sidewalk) shall be provided from the top of the flat area not subject
to periodic inundation to the bottom of the pond area with-out hand railing.
7. Pond depth needs to be 4 feet maximum or half the depth from proposed top of street pavement and existing
top of ground water table elevation - Provide written depth confirmation by independent soils lab.
8. Usable park area at the bottom of the Pond shall be large enough for practice fields; no less than 35,000 Sq. Ft.
or 0.80 acres.
9. A 15’ wide concrete vehicular access ramp at maximum 12% slope shall be provided to the bottom of the Park
/ Pond area.
10. Park / Pond design concept also needs approval from City Flood Plain Administrator (Land Development Dept.)
and EPWU Storm Water Division.
11. Provide 15’ wide “Pedestrian Access” to the east & west sides of the development to provide access to the
Montoya Main Lateral/River levee & the 120’ Montoya Drain.
12. Restrictive covenants need to be provided.

The proposed park design and layout (Concept & Final) need to be coordinated with Parks Department and/or
department liaison/designee for review and approval.

Subdivision is located within park zone: NW-8

Nearest Park: Borderland Park

If density/acreage is increased /decreased or the property zoning /use changes, then "Park fees" will be re-
assessed based on applicable conditions.

TxDOT’s comments are as follows:

• Requestor will need to submit a request for a driveway permit and for a grading and drainage review
since improvements are proposed abutting TxDOT right-of-way.
• Requests may be submitted to
• Please include spacing between driveway and ramp/gore.

Fire Department
No adverse comments.

Sun Metro
No objections.

El Paso Water County Improvement District #1

Application and application fee is required to be submitted to the El Paso County Water Improvement District #1
office located at 13247 Alameda Ave.

El Paso County 911 District

No comments received.

Texas Gas

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No comments received.

El Paso Electric
No comments received.

Capital Improvement Department

No comments received.

El Paso County
No comments received.

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