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2.1 Project Planning and scheduling

2.1.1 Project Development Approach

Software Development Process Model:
The goal of any development effort is to produce some product. A development
process is a set of activities, together with an ordering relationship between
activities, which if performed in a manner that satisfies the ordering relationship,
will produce the desired product. A process model is an abstract representation
of a development process. In a software development effort, the goal is to
produce high quality software. The development process is, therefore, the
sequence of activities that will produce such software. A software development
process model specifies how these activities are organized in the entire software
development effort. The purpose of specifying a development process model is
to suggest an overall process for developing software.

Types of Software Process Models:

➢ The Linear Sequential Model (Waterfall Model)
➢ The Prototyping Model
➢ The Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model
➢ The Incremental Model
➢ The Spiral Model
➢ The WINWIN Spiral Model
➢ The Concurrent Development Model
➢ The Formal Methods Model
➢ The Component Based Development Model
➢ Fourth Generation Technique (4GT)
➢ Agile Software Model.

Note: Our software is based on Linear Sequential Model. The Linear Sequential
Model: (Water Fall Model):
The Linear Sequential Model suggests a systematic, sequential approach to
Software development that begins at the system level and progresses through
analysis, design, coding, testing, and maintenance.
All projects follow a lifecycle model (SDLC). The most widely used SDLC
model in Online Banking Transaction Application.



Fig.1 Incremental Model

The Incremental model encompasses the following activities:

➢ System/information engineering and modeling

System engineering and analysis encompass requirements gathering at the
system level with a small amount of top-level design and analysis.
Information engineering encompasses requirements gathering at the strategic
business level and at the business area level.

➢ Software requirements analysis

The requirements gathering process is intensified and focused specifically on
software. Software requirement analysis encompasses understanding the
information domain for the software as well as required function, behavior,
performance and interfacing. Requirements for both the system and the software
are documented and reviewed with the customer.

➢ Design
Software design is actually a multi-step process that focuses on four distinct
attributes of a program: data structure, software architecture, interfaces
representation and procedural detail. The design process translates requirements
into a representation of the software that can be accessed for quality before
coding begins.

➢ Code generation
Code-generation phase translates the design into a machine-readable form.
➢ Testing
Once code has been generated, program testing begins. The testing process
focuses on the logical internals of the software, ensuring that all statements have
been tested, and on the functional externals; that is, conducting tests to uncover
errors and ensure that defined input will produce actual results that agree with
required results.

➢ Maintenance
Software maintenance applies to following phases in the existing
➢ Change in software due to errors.
➢ Change in software because the software must be adapted to accommodate
changes in its external environment.
➢ Change in software when the customer requires functional or performance

2.1.2 Project Plan:

A plan is drawn up at the start of the project, should be used as the driver
of the project. The project planning consists of:
➢ Selection of suitable software development process model which I
have selected Incremental Model.
➢ Risk Management Plan, which involves the risk identification and risk
➢ Project Scheduling, which involves the tasks and duration required for
performing tasks. This is described by task representation and the Timeline
chart representation.
➢ Cost and Effort estimation, which involves estimation of cost as well as
effort applied by the developers.


➢ Cost-saving benefits.
➢ Improve service level benefits.
➢ Improve information level benefits.
➢ Time saving benefits.
2.1.3 Schedule Representation

Fig 2.scedule repesentation

2.2 Risk Management

Risk management is a structured approach to managing uncertainty through risk

assessment, developing strategies to manage it, and mitigation of risk using
managerial resources.
The strategies include transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk,
reducing the negative effect of the risk, and accepting some or all of the
consequences of a particular risk.
Some traditional risk managements are focused on risks stemming from physical
or legal causes (e.g. natural disasters or fires, accidents, death and lawsuits).
Financial risk management, on the other hand, focuses on risks that can be
managed using traded financial instruments.
Risk management also faces difficulties allocating resources. This is the idea of
opportunity cost. Resources spent on risk management could have been spent on
more profitable activities. Again, ideal risk management minimizes spending
while maximizing the reduction of the negative effects of risks.

Steps in risk management process

➢ Risk identification
➢ Risk analysis
➢ Risk planning
The process of risk identification involves following steps:
➢ Identification of risk in a selected domain of interest.
➢ Planning the remainder of the process.
➢ Mapping out the following:
▪ the social scope of risk management
▪ the identity and objectives of stakeholders
▪ he basis upon which risks will be evaluated, constraints.
➢ Defining a framework for the activity and an agenda for identification.
➢ Developing an analysis of risks involved in the process.
➢ Mitigation of risks using available technological, human and organizational
2.2.1 Risk Identification:

The following are the possible risks in the project.

Project Risk: It is mainly associated with the schedule, staff, resources,
customers, requirement problems and their impact on the current system. Its
impact may be a project schedule slip and increase in the costs.
Technical Risk: They mainly identify potential design, implementation,
interface, verification and maintenance problems. Threatens the quality and
timeliness of the project.
Predictable Risk: Predicted from past experiences like low staff to maintain and
update the records, absence of user-friendly website controls etc.
Development Environment Risk: Risk associated with the availability and
quality of the software used.
Support Risk: Represents the degree of uncertainty that the resultant software
would be easy to correct, adapt and enhance.
Cost and Schedule Risks: The degree of uncertainty whether the cost and
schedule of the project will be maintained.

2.2.2 Risk Analysis:

The most important step we took to evaluate our e-commerce plan was to have
a close, realistic, even pessimistic view of it. Our project team thoroughly
evaluated the project plan and pointed out the places where disaster was most
likely to fall and compiled the list -end up with your very own risk list. We knew
where the pitfalls arose and realized it while making the risk list. When you're
putting together a risk list, be sure to review the list of benefits to see if some of
the benefits of the plan also come with great risk. For example, you may find
that some of the benefits require the use of new and unproven technologies,
therefore making them risks themselves.

Here's a sample risk list to get you started (Try to be realistic; "The world might
end tomorrow" is a little off target for this particular exercise):

➢ This project could distract key resources within the company, causing the
rest of the business to suffer.
➢ We will be placed on the same level as our major competitor, a company
that already does most of its business online. (Yes, this is a risk as well as a
➢ Our customers may not want to change the way they do business with us,
so the cost of an e-commerce project may not generate profits. Increasing the
number of products we offer by using a Web site will create warehousing and
distribution issues.

If we decide to use alternative warehousing options, we have to create

partnerships that make us vulnerable -we have to count on those partners to ship
products on time.
Our employees may feel threatened by the project and refuse to use it
recommend it to customers.
2.2.3 Risk Planning:
The risk planning process considers each of the key risks, which have been
identified and identifies strategies to manage the risk.

➢ Defective component: - Replace potentially defective component with a

component of known reliability and quality.
➢ Database performance: - Investigate the possibility of buying a higher
performance database Underestimated development time: - Investigate
buying in component , investigate the use of a program generator
➢ Risk mitigation monitoring:
Risk mitigation includes the problem avoidance activities.
Risk monitoring involves regularly assessing each of the identified risk to
decide whether or not that risk is becoming more or less probable and whether
the effects of the risk have changed. Risk monitoring should be a continuous
process and at every management process review, each of the key risks should
be considered separately and discussed by the meeting.
Risk Management methodologies address the entire life cycle of software
acquisition, development, and maintenance. The premise that the ultimate
efficacy of the developed methodologies and tools for software engineering is to
buy smarter, manage more effectively, identify opportunities for continuous
improvement, use available information and databases more efficiently, improve
industry, raise the community’s playing field, and review and evaluate progress.

Criteria are of risk management in this project:

➢ Effectiveness:
The analysis and design phase are quite effective. The user can run any function
at any time without any failure. We have used the latest technology and more
reliable technological framework so called .NET framework 3.5

➢ Efficiency :

The Efficiency of the proposed application is quite reliable. User can perform
any type of query related for searching the various facilities in web inventory
management system. User will find the application very user-friendly and self-

➢ Confidentiality:
The login name & password are quite secure and much confidential.

➢ Integrity:
The user input process and the output process are quite perfect i.e. the user gets
what he queries. The application is quite secure from hacking and prevents
itself from poor authority granting procedure.

➢ Reliability:
We ensure that each and every information is quite perfect and reliable. So user
can trust on them.

2.3 Estimation

2.3.1 Effort Estimation

Effort estimation consists in predict how many hours of work and how many
workers are needed to develop a project. The effort invested in a software project
is probably one of the most important and most analyzed variables in recent years
in the process of project management. The determination of the value of this
variable when initiating software projects allows us to plan adequately any
forthcoming activities. As far as estimation and prediction is concerned there is
still a number of unsolved problems and errors. To obtain good results it is
essential to take into consideration any previous projects. Estimating the effort
with a high grade of reliability is a problem which has not yet been solved.

Several methods have been used to analyze data, but the reference technique has
always been the classic regression method. Therefore, it becomes necessary to
use some other techniques that search in the space of non linear relationship.
Some works in the field have built up models (through equations) according to
the size, which is the factor that affects the cost (effort) of the project, the most.
The equation that relates size and effort can be adjusted due to different
environmental factors such as productivity, tools, complexity of the product and
other ones. The equations are usually adjusted by the analyst to fit the real data.

2.3.2 Cost Analysis:

The Business model followed here to develop the application aims at cost
effective budget. The targeted application aims at the common man who neither
is techno savvy nor will be interested to buy expensive applications. The cost
effectiveness of the application was the important factor which had to take care
of throughout the application development. The cost of my project will be around
19000 Rs.

3.1 User Characteristics

Analyzing user characteristics is an important aspect of any project. It allows us
to clearly define and focus on who the end users are for the project. Also, it
allows checking the progress of the project to ensure that we are still developing
the system for the end users. The user must have following characteristics:
➢ User must have basic knowledge of Computers & Internet.
➢ User should understand the use of all modules.
➢ User should be aware about how to use the system.
➢ User can easily interact with the proposed system.
➢ User should be also be aware about the running process of the system.

There are basically two types of users who will use the system as per the
requirement. The Users are as follows:
Admin :
Admin has all final authority they maintain shop’s items list ,user
list,member list, all

They have authority to create invoice editing in invoice.

User : User is till person they are show item list and buy the product.
Guest: Guest user are visitors of website.
Shopper :
They can add their products and shops also .
View Add Edit Delete
Admin Y Y Y Y
Guest Y Y N N
Users Y Y N Y
shopper Y Y Y Y

3.2 Hardware and Software Requirements

For better performance following hardware and software constraints should be
Hardware Interface:
For this project one server is necessary which can hold our data and web

Development Purpose we used following Hardware specification

➢ C2D Processor 2.4GHZ or high
➢ 2 GB RAM or high, 160GB HDD or high
➢ 1024x768 pixel Resolution Color Monitor
➢ Key Board ,Mouse

System Requirements:-
➢ Operating System: - Windows Vista, Windows XP, etc...
➢ Processor: - 400 MHz Processor
➢ RAM: - 1 GB (Minimum);
➢ Hard Disk: - Up to 500 MB of available space required
➢ Display: - 800 x 600, 256 colors (Minimum); 1024 x 768 high color, 32-bit
➢ Platform: - .Net framework 4.0
➢ Front End: - Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
➢ Back Hand: - SQL Server 2008(Management Studio).
➢ Development Tools used (documentation):- Microsoft Excel, PDF-Adobe

For Deployment Purpose require following software specification

➢ Operating System :Windows 7
➢ Development Tool: Visual Studio 2010
➢ Web Server : IIS Server
➢ Database : SQL Server Management Studio Express
➢ Internet Explorer : IE 8,Firefox 3.0+, Chrome, Opera

External Interface Requirements:

Entirely web based, our product will require only a web browser, preferably
Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, and a connection to the Internet. With a
streamlined design approach, any sort of Internet connection would be sufficient
to viewing the site.
The various External Interface Requirements are:
User Interface:
The User-Interface is the web-based GUI provided, which gives various
functionalities to the user.
Communications Interfaces:
Presently the HTTP protocol suffices the communication requirement for the
system. There is nothing else required for the users of the system to
communicate. All the data thought in different formats is sent through HTTP.
3.2 Constraint
There are some constraints to use this web application
➢ As the java script is used the web browser should be JavaScript enabled.
➢ Also the internet facility should be in order to get the correct and accurate
results as expected.
3.3.1 Regulatory Policies
To register in website user must create account. The user account can be
generated only after Trail registration process or registration with the website
3.3.2 Hardware Limitations
The user of the system is free to use any modules, which satisfies above
minimum software requirements. The system requires: RAM cannot be less than
512 MB but ideal would be 1 GB and the processor cannot be less than Pentium
3.3.3 Interface to Other Applications
The System must have the Internet Explorer or Fire Fox or any other web
browser though which each user can interact with the system. It specifies:
The website is made in ASP.NET and it run on the Web Browser.
The System will interact with user through GUI. So, User can easily operate with
3.3.4 Parallel Operations
It won’t create any problem.
3.3.5 Higher Order Language Requirements
This website needs .NET as a higher order language and some use of JavaScript
to make website more attractive.
3.3.6 Reliability Requirements
The system should be reliable enough that no other user should be able to login
as other name by using other name username & password else same named
user can login from 2 or more systems. The system should be reliable enough
to get the back up of data if at all the data crashes due to catastrophic event or
some other event.
3.3.7 Criticality of the Application
If any problem will occur during any Operation of modules entire transaction
will be canceled and it will be rolled back.
3.3.8 Safety and Security Consideration
The system uses .NET functions and different security algorithm to make
website more secure and safe.

4.1 Study of Current System:

➢ It is important to examine the characteristic of software that helps us to

understand the existing system in a much better way and hence to develop a
successful new system.
➢ It also includes the study of information content and determinacy as
these are the important factors in determining the nature of software
➢ Content which basically refers to the form of incoming and outgoing
➢ And information determinacy refers to the predictability of the order and
timing of information.
➢ It also included the study of modules which current system possess which has
further helped us to decide what changes could be made to the existing
modules or what kind of a new modules could be added to the system in order
to make it more efficient, user friendly and improved patient satisfaction.
➢ Study of previous database and its relationship which was helped us to
understand the system in a much better way.
➢ The study of current system also included the flow of information in the
system and hence it has helped us to understand how the modules are
interrelated with each other. The functionalities it provides.
4.2 Problem and Weaknesses of Current System:

➢ In Existing System the Customer is completely depending on the manual

process for buying the products.
➢ Manual process is a time consuming factor. And when customer approaches
for a manual shopping directly, actually he/she does not have an idea about
things like, price range, items, etc.,

➢ The time which has been spent by the customer in manual shopping can

➢ The time which has been spent by the customer in manual shopping can
equates to multiple number of shopping. As customer can sit at home and
browse in a fraction of seconds.
➢ Thus we need to change to a system like “Online Shopping “.

4.3 Requirement of new System

The new system that was to be built in the organization need to have some
creative concept that can help the user in the real manner and the next important
thing is that it should give the cost effective solution to the user. Due to the
collaborative nature of the application the user can really be an important part of
it rather than just using it blindly. As the prior applications were not providing
the user portability, the new application should be created it. The new application
also gives the user the liberty to know and use the application from the web
through the web modules which gives complete information of the application.
4.3.1 User Requirement:
➢ User can see the it’s own profile.
➢ User can give the review about product.
➢ User can see the product that are add in the cart & also delete that product.
➢ User can get discount on particular occasion (like sale).

4.3.2 System Requirement: Functional Requirement:
➢ System should have a provision for customer to view/order products.
➢ System should have facility for sales person to update products & order
➢ System should allow the sales person to create/update/delete invoice bills.
➢ System should have a provision for warehouse employee to create/delete
products information
➢ Customer must have a valid login ID to enter into the site.
➢ Purchase any product through valid credit card.
➢ Customer must logout of the site after purchasing product.
➢ The customer can check online at any time the order status.
➢ After customer’s order has been entered into the system, the salesperson
sends an electronics request to the warehouse with details of the ordered
➢ The customer chooses to view the details of the configuration, perhaps with
intention of buying it as is or to build a more suitable configuration.
➢ The price for each configuration can be computed on the customer’s request. Non-Functional Requirements:

➢ The users of the system should be provided user id and password along
with the well defined access privileges.
➢ 24X7 internet connectivity should be provided for well functioning of the
➢ Systems should be provided with proper backup media and resources to
handle system crash scenarios.

4.3 Feasibility Study:

➢ An important outcome of the preliminary investigation is the determination
that the system requested is feasible or not. There are three study aspects in
the feasibility study portion of the preliminary investigation.
➢ The first study aspect is whether the current project is technically feasible,
existing software technology, and available personnel. If a new technology is
required then what is the likelihood that it can be developed?
➢ The second study aspect probes whether the project is economically viable or
not i.e., whether the creation of a new system has sufficient benefits to make
the costs acceptable or not. Or whether the cost of not creating the system is
so great that the project must be undertaken.
➢ The third study aspect probes whether the project is operationally feasible or
not i.e., whether the system will be used if it is developed and implemented,
or whether, there will be any resistance from the users that may undermine
the possible application benefits. The following is the feasibility study report,
which is undertaken for the Requirements Traceability Tool.
4.4.1 Technical Feasibility
The following technical feasibility areas were probed during the feasibility study
➢ The necessary technology i.e. front-end development tool, back-end database
technology and various other tools for developing the system are already
available within the organization.
➢ The front-end tool proposed is easily compatible with the current hardware
configuration in the organization.
➢ The back-end tool proposed has the capacity to hold the data required for
using the new system.
➢ The system is expandable in many dimensions with respect to addition of
more functionality, features etc.
➢ The front-end and the back-end technologies provide a way to preserve the
accuracy, reliability and ease of access and data security.
➢ Being a App-based system, the system require to be installed on almost client
4.4.2 Economic Feasibility
For declaring that the system is economically feasible, the benefits obtained from
the system has to be rated against the cost incurred to actually develop the
system. The following are the benefits that would be derived from the proposed
➢ Speeds up the archival of information in the form of corresponding between
employees, Approval or disapproval of leave etc. when necessary.
➢ As all the tools required to implement the system are readily
available with the organization, no extra cost is incurred.
➢ Reduces the workload on senior staff.
➢ All this benefits in terms of saving time, minimization of errors, etc. can to a
long way improve the quality of software being developed, since more time
can be devoted to the development.
4.4.3 Operational Feasibility

➢ The current business methods can very well be incorporated into the proposed
system. The proposed system has more chance of being accepted by the
intended users.
➢ The system will work when it is developed and installed and there are no
major barriers to its implementation within the organization. This accounts
for the operational feasibility of the proposed system.
4.5 Requirement Validation:
➢ Username and Password validation that is compulsory to enter within
system (Not for visitor).
➢ Phone No must be Numeric and length is of maximum 12 ( Cell no, or lane
line) Digit.
➢ Name must be character not in digit.
➢ Pin code No. is of at least 6 digits.
➢ The field denoted by (*) is compulsory.
➢ Most of the data are enter from the master table so it also reduces the
chances of mismatch data, so no multiple entries.
➢ The time should be entered in the valid format. (MM-DD-YYYY)

5.1 UML Approach

A UML diagram is the graphical presentation of a set of elements, most often

rendered as a connected graph of vertices and arcs, you draw diagram to
visualize a system from different perspective, so a diagram is a projection into a
system. For all but most trivial systems, a diagram represents an elided view of
the elements that make up a system. The same element may appear in all
diagrams, only a few diagrams, or in no diagrams at all.
In theory, a diagram may contain any combination of things and relationships.
In practice, however, a small number of common combinations arise, which are
consistent with the five most useful views that comprise the architecture of a
software-intensive system. For this reason, the UML includes nine such

1. Use-Case Diagram

2. Sequence Diagram

3. Activity Diagram

4. State Diagram

5. Data Flow Diagram

6. Class Diagram

5.2 Use Case diagram

A use case is a set of scenarios that describing an interaction between a user and
a system. A use case diagram represents the relationship among actors and use
case. The two main components of a use case diagram are use case and actors.
Actors are something or someone which exists outside the system under study,
and who take part in a sequence of activities in a dialogue with the system, to
achieve goal: they may be end users, other systems, or hardware devices.
Fig.3 Use Case Diagram
5.3 Sequence diagram

Fig.4 sequence Diagram for admin

:Application :Buy :Show cart :Billing :Credite card :Order
User : User

Surf & Shopping

Buy the product

Add the shopping cart

user check out

Fill the information of billing & shipping

Continu check out

Fill the information

Conformation order

Print recipt of order


Fig 6 Sequence Diagram for User

5.4 Class Diagram

A Class diagram is a picture for describing generic descriptions of possible
systems. Class diagrams and collaboration diagrams are alternate representations
of object models. Class diagrams contain classes and object diagrams contain
objects, but it is possible to mix classes and objects when dealing with various
kinds of metadata, so the separation is not rigid we applied that concept over
here. Class diagrams contain icons representing classes, interfaces, and their
Fig 6. Class Diagram for User

5.5 System Activity

Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise

activities and actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. In the
Unified Modeling Language, activity diagrams can be used to describe the
business and operational step-by-step workflows of components in a system. An
activity diagram shows the overall flow of control.
Activity Diagram for User

Fig 7. Activity Diagram for User

Activity Diagram

Fig 8. Activity Diagram for login

Activity Diagram

Fig 9. Activity Diagram for buy a product

Activity diagram :

Fig 10. Activity Diagram for payment

5.6 Data Flow Diagram
Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) can be used to graphically illustrate the flow of data
through a system or model. More generically, Flow Diagrams (or Process Flow
Diagrams) can be used to depict the movement and process steps of data,
information, people, money, electricity, etc. through a system. The basic concept
is a means of showing what goes in (to a system or model), what processes occur
(within the system or model) and what comes out.

A flow diagram is a graphical means of presenting, describing, or analyzing a

process. This is done by drawing small boxes which represent steps or decisions
in a chain of steps or decisions. These boxes are connected to other boxes by
lines and arrows which represent sequence and dependency relationships (i.e.,
X must be done before Y can be done). The flow diagram is also known as
Flow Chart.
0, 1 LEVEL
The information moves through software.It is modified by a series of
transformations.A data flow diagram is a graphical representation that depicts
information flow and the transforms that are applied as data move from input to
output.Data Flow strategy shows the use of data in the system pictorially.The
tool used in in this strategy show all essential features of the system and how
they fit together.
A graphical tool used to describe and analyze movement of the data through a
system- manual or automated-including the processes.Stores of data,and delay
in the system.The transformation from input to output through processes may be
described logically and independently of the physical components associated
with system.
The following symbols are commonly used in many Data Flow Diagrams:

➢ Input Data (Information sources) are represented by square boxes

➢ Processes are represented by labeled ovals (bubbles)
➢ Output Data are represented by rectangular boxes
➢ Data flows (connections) are represented by a labeled arrow
➢ Process parameters can be annotated on the flow diagram or footnoted

• Data flow

• Process
• Source or Destination

• Data Store

A data flow diagram may be used to represent a system or software at any level
of abstraction. In fact, DFDs may be partitioned into levels that represent
increasing information flow and functional detail. Therefore, the DFD provides
a mechanism for functional modeling as well as information flow modeling. A
level 0 DFD, also called a fundamental system model or a context model,
represents the entire software element as a single bubble with input and output
data indicated by incoming and outgoing arrows, respectively.
A level 1 DFD might contain five to six bubbles with interconnecting arrows.
Each of the processes represented at level 1 is a subfunction of the overall system
depicted in the context model.

5.6.1 0 level DFD

Dispatch Admin
Request For Reports

Bill detail / rejection Order Info

Search result
Order Sponsor Detail
Search Info
Online Log in detail
cust info and log in info
Cust A/C info

Payment Conformation
Validation Cust Info
Bank Courier

Fig 11. DFD Diagram for level 0

5.6.2 level 1 DFD

Customer Search info 1

Searching Item info
Search result For

2 Customer info
Customer log in info Cust_trans
Log in
Admin log in info

Order info 3
Order info Admin
Order Cust_info
Order info
Order_trans Processing


Payment Detail Payment Detail Cust_trans
Bank module

Admin 5 Ordered item

Ordered item Dispatch

Dispatch item info

Customer info 7
Report Reports
Item info
Item_master Generating
Request for report

Order info

discount detail Updates
Store discount info Of Discount detail

Fig 12.DFD Diagram for level 1

5.6.3 2 level DFD

User name and 2.1

Customer password User name and password
Sign in User detail
Authentication log_in_master
User name and Answer

User name and Security question

Answer Authentication
Security question password
Request for new password
New password
New password

Log in info 2.4

And cust info
Sign up
cust info Log in info

Fig 1. DFD Diagram for level 2

5.7 Data Dictionary

Table 5.7.1 Admin login

Field Name Data Type Size Constraint

Id Int 11 Primary Key
admin_email Char 200 Not Null
admin_pass Char 50 Not Null

Table 1 Data Dictionary of Admin

Table 5.7.2User Registration Info

FieldName DataType Size Constraint
Id Int 11 Primary Key
full_name Char 100 Not Null
email Char 200 Not Null
password Char 100 Not Null
phone Char 50 Not Null
image Char 300 Not Null
otp Char 30 Not Null

Table 2 Data Dictionary of Reg.i

Table 5.7.3 Shop and Shopper Info

FieldName DataType Size Constraint
Id Int 11 Primary Key
reg_id Int 11 Foreign Key
owner_name Char 200 NotNull
email Char 300 NotNull
phone Char 30 NotNull
shop_name Char 100 NotNull
shop_address Char 300 NotNull
shop_city Char 50 NotNull
latitude Char 30 NotNull
longitude Char 30 NotNull
shop_proof_ Char 300 NotNull
shop_image Char 300 NotNull
status Char 300 NotNull

Table 3 Data Dictionary of shopper info

Table 5.7.4 Shop product Info

FieldName DataType Size Constraint
Id Int 11 Primary Key
shop_id Int 11 Foreign Key
reg_id Int 11 Foreign Key
shop_name Char 100 Foreign Key
category Char 50 Foreign Key
sub_category Char 50 Foreign Key
third_category Char 50 Foreign Key
product_brand Char 50 NotNull
product_name Char 200 NotNull
product_size Char 50 NotNull
Product_des Char 200 NotNull
original_price Char 50 NotNull
discount Char 50 NotNull
product_price Char 50 NotNull
product_image Char 300 NotNull
product_image2 Char 300 NotNull

Table 4 Data Dictionary of Product info

Table 5.7.5 Wishlist Info

FieldName DataType Size Constraint

Id Int 11 Primary Key
reg_id Int 11 Foreign Key
pro_id Int 11 Foreign Key
shop_id Int 11 Foreign Key
shop_name Char 100 NotNull
product_name Char 100 NotNull
product_des Char 200 NotNull
original_price Char 50 NotNull
discount Char 50 NotNull
product_price Char 50 NotNull
product_image Char 50 NotNull

Table 5 Data Dictionary of Wishlist info

Table 5.7.6 Category info

FieldName DataType Size Constraint
Id Int 11 Primary Key
category Char 50 NotNull
Table 6 Data Dictionary of Product category info

Table 5.7.7 Sub Category info

FieldName DataType Size Constraint

Id Int 11 Primary Key
category Char 50 Foreign Key
sub_category Char 50 NotNull
Table 5.7.8 Third Category info

FieldName DataType Size Constraint

Id Int 11 Primary Key
category Char 50 Foreign Key
sub_category Char 50 Foreign Key
third_category Char 50 NotNull

Table 8 Data Dictionary of Third category info


6.1 Snapshot of Frontend: Home page

Fig.13 Home page

6.2 Login Page:

Fig.14 Login page

6.3 Registration Page:


6.4 Verification code

Fig.16.Verification code
6.5 verification code Receive

Fig.17.Verification code receive

6.6 Sub Category

Fig.18. Sub category

6.7 Products Detail

Fig.19.Product details

6.8 My cart

Fig.20 My cart
6.9 Shipping address

Fig.22 shipping address

6.10 Place the Order

Fig.23 Place Order

6.11 Product bill

Fig.24 Product bill


7.1 Testing Table

No. Test Input Output Test

1 Login • Username Users Pass
• Password Dashboard
2 Add Order • Prod. ID Prod. details Pass
• Prod. Name successfully
• Prod. Category added!
• Prod. Price
• Prod. shipping
3 View Cart • Click on Place Order List Pass
4 Delete • Click on Delete Order List Pass
Order Order
5 Add new • Order ID Pass
Order • Order Quantity
• Order Cost
• Date of Order
• Manufacturing Date
• Expiry data
5 View • Click on Manage Order List Pass
Order Order
6 View • Click on Manage Customer List Pass
Customer Customer

Table testing
7.2 Testing Phase:

7.2.1 Testing Requirement:

➢ Functionality Testing: The application must be tested to ensure that it meets all the
functional requirements specified in the SRS document.

➢ Performance Testing: The application must be tested to ensure that it performs well
under normal and peak load conditions.

➢ Compatibility Testing: The application must be tested to ensure that it works

correctly on all supported devices and operating systems.
➢ Security Testing: The application must be tested to ensure that it is secure and
protected against common types of attacks.
➢ Usability Testing: The application must be tested to ensure that it is easy to use and
meets the needs of its intended users.

➢ User Acceptance Testing: The application must be tested by the end-users to ensure
that it meets their expectations and requirements.

➢ Regression Testing: The application must be tested after every change or update to
ensure that it still works correctly and does not introduce any new defects.

➢ Error Handling Testing: The application must be tested to ensure that it handles
errors and exceptions gracefully and provides clear error messages to users.

➢ Accessibility Testing: The application must be tested to ensure that it meets the
accessibility requirements and can be used by users with disabilities.

➢ Localization Testing: The application must be tested to ensure that it works

correctly with different languages and cultures.
▪ For a Systematic progressive testing the modular approach is

7.2.2. Test Planning:

➢ Test Scope: Define the scope of testing, including what parts of the application will
be tested and what will not be tested.

➢ Test Objectives: Define the objectives of testing, including what you are trying to
achieve and what problems you are trying to identify.

➢ Test Strategy: Define the overall testing strategy, including what testing
methodologies will be used, what types of testing will be performed, and what testing
tools and resources will be required.

➢ Test Environment: Define the test environment, including the hardware, software,
and network configurations required for testing.

➢ Test Schedule: Define the testing schedule, including when testing will start and
end, and how long each testing phase will last.

➢ Test Deliverables: Define the test deliverables, including what documents and
reports will be produced as part of the testing process.
➢ Test Cases: Develop test cases that cover all the functional requirements of your
application. Each test case should include a description of the test scenario, input
data, expected output, and the actual result.

➢ Test Execution: Execute the test cases and record the results. If there are any defects
found during testing, they should be reported and tracked until they are resolved.

➢ Test Reporting: Generate test reports that summarize the testing activities and
provide insights into the application's quality and performance.

7.3 Testing Types:

Unit testing:

➢ Testing if user is able to register successfully with valid input.

➢ Testing if user is not able to register with invalid input.

➢ Testing if user is able to login successfully with valid credentials.

➢ Testing if user is not able to login with invalid credentials.

➢ Testing if user is able to add products to their cart.

➢ Testing if user is able to remove products from their cart.

➢ Testing if user is able to update the quantity of products in their cart.

➢ Testing if user is able to place an order successfully.

➢ Testing if user is not able to place an order with invalid or incomplete information.

➢ Testing if user is able to write a review for a product.

➢ Testing if user is not able to submit a review with invalid or incomplete information.

➢ Testing if seller is able to add a product successfully.

➢ Testing if seller is not able to add a product with invalid or incomplete information.

➢ Testing if seller is able to update a product successfully.

➢ Testing if seller is not able to update a product with invalid or incomplete


➢ Testing if seller is able to add a banner image successfully.

➢ Testing if seller is not able to add a banner image with invalid or incomplete

➢ Testing if seller is able to receive payment for orders successfully.

Integration Testing:

➢ Testing if the user login module is properly integrated with the order module.

➢ Testing if the user registration module is properly integrated with the add to cart

➢ Testing if the payment module is properly integrated with the order module.

➢ Testing if the product search module is properly integrated with the add to cart

➢ Testing if the review module is properly integrated with the product search module.

➢ Testing if the banner image module is properly integrated with the home page

➢ Testing if the seller module is properly integrated with the product search module.

➢ Testing if the seller module is properly integrated with the payment module.

➢ Testing if the seller module is properly integrated with the order module.

➢ Testing if the seller module is properly integrated with the banner image module.

➢ Testing if the search by location module is properly integrated with the product
search module.

System Testing:

➢ Testing if the application is able to handle a high volume of user traffic.

➢ Testing if the application is able to handle a large number of products and users.

➢ Testing if the application is able to handle simultaneous transactions from different

➢ Testing if the application is able to handle various types of payment methods.

➢ Testing if the application is able to handle various types of products such as physical
goods, digital goods, and services.

➢ Testing if the application is able to handle various types of orders such as bulk orders,
customized orders, and urgent orders.

➢ Testing if the application is able to handle various types of users such as registered
users, guest users, and sellers.

➢ Testing if the application is able to handle different types of devices such as mobile
devices, tablets, and desktops.

➢ At the end of analysis, we concluded that our project contains actors like admin,
customer their roles are managing data of each customer order, complaints, plans
details , report generate.

➢ Our developed system is also not an exception in this case, having mentioned the
limitation. At one time only one page can be accessed.More load on the system
sometimes affects the performance of the system.


• Develop mobile app for Android and iPhone in Future

• In future we are planning for add track system of documents.

• Chatting functionality

• Live Support to Customer



1. The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, Second Edition by

James Rumbaing
2. Pressman Roger S., Software Engineering Practitioner’s Approach,
3. Rajiv Mall, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.


1., “SQL Server Version”.

2., “For Software Details”.,“SearchedVideos”.
➢ Ecommerce:
➢ Ecommerce, also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, refers to the
buying and selling of goods and services over the internet.

➢ Nearby Store Feature:

➢ A feature that allows users to find and shop at physical stores in their local area using
the Amul app.

➢ Payment Gateway:
➢ A payment gateway is a service that facilitates the transfer of funds between a
customer and a seller in an online transaction. Payment gateways securely process
credit card or other electronic payments.

➢ Shopping Cart:
➢ A virtual cart or basket that stores the items a customer has selected to purchase on
an ecommerce website or app.

➢ User Interface (UI):

➢ The point of human-computer interaction and communication in the Amul app. This
includes the display screens, buttons, and other visual and interactive elements that
allow users to navigate the app and complete tasks.

➢ User Experience (UX):

➢ The overall experience a user has when using the Amul app, including factors such
as ease of use, efficiency, and satisfaction.

Company Name : Xipra Technology

Xipra Technology is an information technology (IT) company. The company

offers a range of IT services, outsourcing and business solutions. We also offer
IT infrastructure services, business process outsourcing services, engineering
and industrial services, global consulting and asset leveraged solution. Xipra
Technology was incorporated in the year 2010.

Company Address :

94/B , Shraddha park,

Email: -
Visit us: -

➢ Application Development & maintenance.
➢ Web Development
➢ Migration and Re-Engineering.
➢ Software as a Service(SaaS)
➢ Enterprise Solution.
➢ Product Development and Support.
➢ Multimedia Services.
➢ Search Engine Optimization

Ganpat University- U.V. Patel College of Engineering (GUNI-UVPCE) is situated

in Ganpat Vidyanagar campus. It was established in September 1997 with the aim
of providing educational opportunities to students from It is one of the constituent
colleges of Ganpat University various strata of society. It was armed with the vision
of educating and training young talented students of Gujarat in the field of
Engineering and Technology so that they could meet the demands of Industries in
Gujarat and across the globe.

The College is named after Shri Ugarchandbhai Varanasibhai Patel, a leading

industrialist of Gujarat, for his generous support. It is a self-financed institute
approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi and
the Commissioner ate of Technical Education, Government of Gujarat.

The College is spread over 25 acres of land and is a part of Ganpat Vidyanagar
Campus. It has six ultra-modern buildings of architectural splendor, class rooms,
tutorial rooms, seminar halls, offices, drawing hall, workshop, library, well
equipped departmental laboratories and several computer laboratories with internet
connectivity through 1 Gbps Fiber link, satellite link education center with two-way
audio and one-way video link. The superior infrastructure of the Institute is
conducive for learning, research, and training.

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