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BCA Syllabus SemIV 2023 24 KMCLU

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Detailed Syllabus – BCA Semester IV (Three Year Course)

BCA Semester IV
BCA 401: Database Management System
Credit: 04, IA Marks: 25, ESE Marks: 75
Lectures: 45 Hours, Tutorial: 15 Hours
1. To define the fundamental concepts of database management system.
2. To execute manually a given (simple) database design & transaction over it.
3. To implement (simple) algorithms and data structures as database transaction.
4. To introduce the concept of DBMS and provide a general introduction to relational model.
5. To understand & learn SQL.
6. To understand the concept of normalization.
UNIT- I Lectures: 11
Introduction: An overview of database management system, Database System Vs File System, Database
system concepts and architecture, data models schema and instances, data independence and data base
language and interfaces, Data definitions language, DML, Overall Database Structure. Concepts of keys.
UNIT- II Lectures: 12
Data Modeling using the Entity Relationship Model: ER model concepts, notation for ER diagram,
mapping constraints, relationships of higher degree. Relational data Model and Language: Relational data
model concepts, integrity constraints: entity integrity, referential integrity, Keys constraints, Domain
constraints, relational algebra, Generalization, aggregation.
UNIT-III Lectures: 12
Introduction to SQL: Characteristics of SQL, Advantages of SQL, SQL data types and literals, Types of
SQL commands, SQL operators and their procedure, Tables, views and indexes, Queries and sub queries,
Aggregate functions, Insert, update and delete operations, Joins, Unions, Intersection, Minus.
UNIT-IV Lectures: 10
Data Base Design & Normalization: Functional dependencies, normal forms, first, second, third normal
forms, BCNF, inclusion dependencies, alternative approaches to database design. Transaction Processing
Concepts: Transaction system, Database Concurrency, Database Recovery.
Course Outcome: After successful completion of this course students will be able to:

S. No. Course Outcome Bloom’s Taxonomy

For a given query write relational algebra expressions for that
1 K1, K2
query and optimize the developed expressions

For a given specification of the requirement design the

2 K2, K3
databases using ER method and normalization

For a given specification create the SQL queries for Open

3 K2, K3, K4
source and Commercial DBMS -MYSQL

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, KMCLU, Lucknow.

Detailed Syllabus – BCA Semester IV (Three Year Course)

For a given evaluation of transaction-processing system,

4 determine the transaction atomicity, consistency, isolation, and K2, K3, K4
Suggested Readings:
1. Date C J, “An Introduction To Database System”, Addision Wesley
2. Korth, Silbertz, Sudarshan, “Database Concepts”, Tata Mcgraw-hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd.
3. Elmasri, Navathe, “Fundamentals Of Database Systems”, Pearson Education New Delhi India.
4. Bipin C. Desai, “An introduction to Database Systems”, Galgotia Publication Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
5. Majumdar & Bhattacharya, “Database Management System”, Tata Mcgraw-hill Education (India)
Pvt. Ltd.

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, KMCLU, Lucknow.

Detailed Syllabus – BCA Semester IV (Three Year Course)

BCA Semester IV
BCA 402 – Operating Systems
Credit: 06, IA Marks: 25, ESE Marks: 75
Lectures: 75 Hours, Tutorial: 15 Hours
1. To develop the understanding of the structure and functioning of Operating System.
2. To learn about Processes, Threads and Scheduling algorithms.
3. To understand the principles of concurrency and Deadlock.
4. To learn various memory management schemes.
5. To study I/O management and File systems.
UNIT-I Lectures: 19
Operating Systems Overview: Evolution of Operating System, Operating System structure, Types of
Operating System: Batch Processing, Multiprogramming, Timesharing, Distributed System, Real Time
System, Kernels, System calls.
Process Management:Process concepts, Process states,Process control blocks,Process Scheduling,
Scheduling Criteria,Types of scheduling, CPU Scheduling Algorithms.
UNIT-II Lectures: 19
Concurrency Control:Principles of Concurrency, Inter-process Communication, Process
Synchronization,Mutual Exclusion, Semaphores, Classical Problems ofSynchronization:Readers-Writers,
Producer Consumer, and DiningPhilosopher problem.
Threads: Overview, Multithreading models, Threading issues
Deadlocks:Principles of Deadlock, Deadlock Prevention,Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection.
UNIT-III Lectures: 18
Memory Management: Contiguous and Non-Contiguousmemory allocation, Static and Dynamic
Partitioning,Memory Allocation Strategies (First Fit, Best Fit, and Worst Fit),Fragmentation;Paging,
Segmentations, Segmentation with Paging.
Virtual Memory:Concepts, management of virtual memory, PageReplacement Policies (FIFO, LRU,
Optimal,Other Strategies), Thrashing.
UNIT-IV Lectures: 19
I/O Management: Disk Organization, Disk Parameters, Disk scheduling algorithms.
File Management: Concept of files, Files types and operations, File access and security, File storage
Management, File Organization, Operating System security
Overview of Linux System: Design Principles, Kernel Modules, etc.
Course Outcome: After successful completion of this course students will be able to:

S. No. Course Outcome Bloom’s Taxonomy

Understand the role of operating system, their types, System
1 calls.Apply the process management policies and scheduling of K1, K2, K3
processes by CPU.
Understand the concept of process synchronization, concurrency,
2 K1, K2, K3
semaphores. Analyze a system model for deadlock and methods for

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, KMCLU, Lucknow.

Detailed Syllabus – BCA Semester IV (Three Year Course)

handling deadlocks.
Understand the memory management, memory allocation, paging
3 and segmentation and apply these concepts for mapping between K2, K3, K4
primary memory and secondary memory.
Understand the concept of Diskand various disk scheduling
4 algorithms, File Management and basic concepts of Linux K2, K3, K4
Operating System.
Suggested Readings:
1. Silbersachatz and Galvin, “Operating System Concepts”, Pearson.
2. Madnick E., Donovan J., “Operating Systems:,Tata McGraw Hill.
3. H.M. Deitel, Operating Systems, Prentice-Hall.
4. Tannenbaum, “Operating Systems”, PHI.
5. D.M. Dhamdhere, Operating Systems A Concept Based Approach, TMH.

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, KMCLU, Lucknow.

Detailed Syllabus – BCA Semester IV (Three Year Course)

BCA Semester IV
BCA 403 – E-Commerce
Credit: 06, IA Marks: 25, ESE Marks: 75
Lectures: 75 Hours, Tutorial: 15 Hours
1. To introduce the concepts of E-Commerce infrastructure.
2. To understand security concerns in E-Commerce.
3. To gain technical understanding of Electronic Payment Systems.
UNIT-I Lectures: 19
Introduction to E-Commerce: Fundamental of e-commerce, Brief history of e-commerce, Impact of e-
commerce, Benefits and limitations of e-commerce, Classification of ecommerce: Inter organizational e-
commerce, Intraorganizational e-commerce, Business to Business electronic commerce, Business to
Customer electronic commerce and Collaborative commerce, Mobile Commerce etc., Applications of e-
commerce technologies, E-Commerce Business models.
UNIT-II Lectures: 19
E-Commerce Infrastructure: Framework of e-commerce, I-Way Concept, EC Enablers, Review of the
Internet structure, the TCP/IP Protocol Suite, The client/server model, Review of the architectural
components of World-Wide Web, Proxy servers, Internet call centers, cookies, Agents in e-commerce
and their role, Network infrastructure for ecommerce: Intranets and their applications, Extranets and their
applications, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), Internet-based VPNs, Firewalls, and their types.
UNIT-III Lectures: 19
Security in E-Commerce: Issues in Network and Transaction Security, Cryptography and Cryptanalysis,
Symmetric and Public Key Cryptographic systems, Authentication protocols, Public Key Infrastructure
(PKI), Integrity and Non-repudiation, Digital Certificates, Digital Signatures, Electronic mail security,
Security protocols for web commerce: SSL, SET etc.
UNIT-IV Lectures: 18
Electronic Payments: Introduction to Money, The nature of money, Overview of electronic payment
systems, Limitations of traditional payment instruments, Electronic payment requirements, Micro
payments, Online payment systems, Card-based payment systems.
Course Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course students should acquire the following
course outcomes.

COs CO Statement Bloom’s Taxonomy

Illustrate the major categories and trends of ecommerce
CO1 applications and Examine the essential processes of an e- K1,K2
commerce system.
CO2 To Understand E-Commerce Architecture. K2

Analyze the basic concepts of cryptography and network security

CO3 K2,K3
and classify attacks on a network. .

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, KMCLU, Lucknow.

Detailed Syllabus – BCA Semester IV (Three Year Course)

Define various electronic payment types and associated security

CO4 K1,K2
risks and the ways to protect against them.
Suggested Readings:
1. David Whiteley, “ E-Commerce”, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Ravi Kalakota, Electronic Commerce, Pearson.
3. Goel Ritendra, E-Commerce, New Age.
4. K. C. Laudon and C. G. Traver, "E-commerce: business, technology, society", Addison Wesley
5. Eframi Turban, Jae Lee, David King, K. Michale Chung, “Electronic Commerce”, Pearson.

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, KMCLU, Lucknow.

Detailed Syllabus – BCA Semester IV (Three Year Course)

BCA Semester IV (Minor Elective)

BCA 404 – Office Automation
Credit: 04, IA Marks: 25, ESE Marks: 75
Lectures: 45 Hours, Lab: 30 Hours


1. To explore various features of MS-Word and its applications.
2. To explore various features of MS-Excel and its applications.
3. To design the presentation using MS-Power Point.

UNIT-I Lectures: 10
MS-Word: Opening & Saving files, Editing text documents, Inserting, Deleting, Cut, Copy, Paste,
Undo, Redo, Find, Search, Replace, Formatting page & setting Margins, Converting files to different
formats, Using Tool bars, Ruler, using help. Setting Font styles, Font selection- style, size, colour,
etc, Type face - Bold, Italic, Underline, Case settings, Highlighting, Special symbols, Alignments,
Indents, Line Space, Margins, Bullets & Numbering, Formatting Page, Page tab, Margins, Layout
settings, Header & footer, Shortcut Keys; Page Numbering, Table settings, Borders, Alignments,
Insertion, deletion, Merging, Splitting, Inserting ClipArts, Pictures/Files etc.
UNIT-II Lectures: 10
MS-Excel: Spread Sheet & its Applications, Opening Spreadsheet, Menus- main menu, Formula
Editing, Formatting, Toolbars, Using Icons, Using help, Shortcuts, Spreadsheet types. Working with
Spreadsheets- opening, Saving files, setting Margins, Converting files to different formats, Rows,
Columns & Cells, Referring Cells & Selecting Cells, Shortcut Keys.
Entering & Deleting Data: Entering data, Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Redo, highlighting values, Find,
Search & replace, Inserting Clipart, Pictures, Files etc.
UNIT-III Lectures: 13
MS-Excel:Setting Formula- finding total in a column or row, Mathematical operations (Addition,
Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Exponentiation), Using other Formulae.
Formatting Spreadsheets: Formatting- Cell, row, column & Sheet, Alignment, Font, Border &
Shading, Hiding/ Locking Cells, Sheet Name, Row height & Column width, Security, Borders &
Shading, Shortcut keys. Sorting, Filtering, Validation, Creating various Charts, Printing, Error
checking, Spell Checks.
UNIT-IV Lectures: 12
MS-Power Point: Introduction to Presentation, Opening New Presentation, Different
Presentation Templates, Setting Backgrounds, Selecting Presentation Layouts. Creating a
Presentation: Setting Presentation style, Adding text to the Presentation, Creating, Saving and
Printing a presentation, Adding a slide to presentation, Slide-show, Formatting a Presentation-
Adding style, Colour, Adding Header & Footer, Slide Background, Adding Graphics to the
Presentation, Inserting pictures, tables etc into presentation, Adding Effects to the Presentation:
Setting Animation.

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, KMCLU, Lucknow.

Detailed Syllabus – BCA Semester IV (Three Year Course)

Course Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course students should acquire the following
course outcomes.
S. No. Course Outcome Bloom’s Taxonomy
CO1. Acquire knowledge about MS-Word, Starting MS-
Word, Creating and Formatting a document, setting up a
1 K1, K2
different formatting styles, creating tables and learning
related operations.
CO2.To understand MS-Excel: spreadsheets and various
2 operations on them, working on data in spreadsheets K2, K3

CO3. To understand MS-Excel: setting formula,

3 formatting spreadsheets, creating various charts. K2, K3

CO4. Acquire knowledge about MS-Power Point, new

presentation, adding slides, working with presentation
4 templates, setting styles, slide-show functionalities, K2, K3
different formatting styles used, working with and
Suggested Readings:
1. MS-Office 2000(For Windows) – By Steve Sagman.
2. Office 2007 – By Shelly, Cengage Publication.
3. MS-Office 2007 – Michael Price
4. Comdex windows 7 with Office 2010 – By Vikas Gupta, Dreamtech Press
5. MS-Office 2000 – No Experience Required, Courter G. and Marquis A., BPB
6. Working in Microsoft Office, Mansfield R., Tata McGraw Hill Edition.
7. Teach Yourself Microsoft Office 2000, Perry G., Techmedia

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, KMCLU, Lucknow.

Detailed Syllabus – BCA Semester IV (Three Year Course)

BCA 405: Lab: DBMS

Credit: 02, IA Marks: 25, ESE Marks: 75
Lab: 60 Hours
1. To understand the fundamental concepts of database management system.
2. To understand the concept of entity-relationship.
3. To create and manage database/tables.
4. To create and query database tables for various cases.
5. To retrieve data from multiple tables.
6. To handle the aggregate functions.
7. To understand the concept of normalization and dependencies.
8. Creation and querying & managing database tables.
9. Writing SQL statements.
10. Restricting and sorting data.
11. Displaying data from multiple tables.
12. Aggregating data using group function.
13. Manipulating data.
14. Design of tables by normalization and dependency analysis.
Note: The Instructor may add/delete/modify experiments, wherever he/she feels in a justified manner.
Course Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course students should acquire the following
course outcomes.

S. No. Course Outcome Bloom’s Taxonomy

1 To understand the creation and managing database/tables. K1, K2

Querying of database tables for various cases. To retrieve data

2 K2, K3
from multiple tables.

3 To handle the aggregate functions. K2, K3

4 To understand the concept of normalization and dependencies. K1, K2, K3, K4

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, KMCLU, Lucknow.

Detailed Syllabus – BCA Semester IV (Three Year Course)

BCA Semester IV
SDC-4: BCA 406-Introduction to Python Programming
Credit: 03, IA Marks: 25, ESE Marks: 75
Lectures: 30 Hours, Lab: 30 Hours
1. To demonstrate an understanding of Python Programming.
2. To discuss the process of Basic Programming Structure with Control Statements.
3. To Understand Concept of Function, List, Tuples, Dictionary.
4. To introduce Object Oriented Programming in Python.
5. To cover commonly used Database Programming.
UNIT – I Lectures: 05
Introduction to Python: Installation and Working with Python Understanding Python variables Python
basic Operators Understanding python blocks, Declaring and using Numeric data types: int, float,
complex Using string data type and string operations Defining list and list slicing Use of Tuple data type.
UNIT – II Lectures: 07
Control Statements and Functions: Conditional blocks using if, else and elif Simple for loops in
python For loop using ranges, string, list and dictionaries Use of while loops in python Loop
manipulation using pass, continue, break and else Programming using Python conditional and loops
block, Organizing python codes using functions Organizing python projects into modules Importing own
module as well as external modules Programming using functions, modules and external packages, HTTP
UNIT – III Lectures: 08
Python File Operation, Regular Expression:Reading config files in python Writing log files in python.
Understanding read functions, read(), readline() and readlines() Understanding write functions, write()
and writelines() Manipulating file pointer using seek Programming using file operations, Powerful
pattern matching and searching Power of pattern searching using regex in python Pattern finding
programs using regular expression
UNIT – IV Lectures: 10
Object Oriented Programming, Exception Handling:Oops Concept of class, object and instances
Constructor, class attributes and destructors Real time use of class in live projects Inheritance ,
overlapping and overloading operators Adding and retrieving dynamic attributes of classes
Programming using Oops support, Avoiding code break using exception handling Safe guarding file
operation using exception handling Handling and helping developer with error code Programming using
Exception handling.

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, KMCLU, Lucknow.

Detailed Syllabus – BCA Semester IV (Three Year Course)

Course Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course students should acquire the following
course outcomes.

S. No. Course Outcome Bloom’s Taxonomy

To understand important tools and software requirements,
1 K1, K2
To understand syntax Of Python Architecture.
To understand the analyze and apply the role languages like
Python in the workings of Control Statements. To discuss the
2 process of editing a Python Program using Python editors. To K1, K2, K3
understand and develop web application using loops and
conditional statements in Python.
To understand and develop Python Programs using Python
3 Functions. To understand and develop web application using K1, K2, K3
String Manipulation and Regular Expression.
To understand and develop Python Program with Object
4 K1, K2, K3
Oriented Programming in Python.
Suggested Readings:
1. Allen B. Downey, Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, 2nd edition,
2. Updated for Python 3, Shroff/O’Reilly Publishers ( -
3. Guido van Rossum and Fred L. Drake Jr, An Introduction to Python – Revised and
updated for Python 3.2, Network Theory Ltd.
4. John V Guttag, ―Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python’’,
Revised and expanded Edition, MIT Press.
5. Kenneth Lambert , Fundamentals of Python: First Programs, Course Technology,
Cengage Learning, ISBN-13: 978-1-111-82270-5
6. Comprehensive learning material- Official Python website.

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, KMCLU, Lucknow.

Detailed Syllabus – BCA Semester IV (Three Year Course)

BCA Semester IV
BCA 406-Introduction to Database and MySQL
Credit: 03, IA Marks: 25, ESE Marks: 75
Lectures: 30 Hours, Lab: 30 Hours

1. To understand basic concepts of Database System

2. To understand Relational Data Model & design the databases using ER method and
3. To acquire knowledge of Database Languages.
4. To learn various SQL queries and implement the SQL queries using Open source DBMS
Unit-I Lectures: 07
Introduction to Database: Fundamentals of Database, Data, Information, Knowledge, Database
System Vs File System, Database system concepts and architecture, Data Independence,
Database Users, Application of Database, Concepts of keys.

Unit-II Lectures: 07
Relational data model concepts, Relation, Tuples, Attributes, Entity & Entity Set, ER model
concepts, notation for ER diagram, integrity constraints: entity integrity, referential integrity,

Unit-III Lectures: 08
Introduction to MySql, Introduction to SQL: Database Languages- DDL, DML, DCL, SQL data
types, Types of SQL, Tables, views and indexes, Integrity Constraints.

Unit-IV Lectures: 08
Queries and sub queries, Aggregate functions, JOINs, clauses: group by, having, order by, Set
Operations: Unions, Intersection, Difference, Cartesian Product.

Course Outcome: After successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

S. No. Course Outcome Bloom’s Taxonomy

1 To understand Database system concepts and architecture K2
Concepts of keys.
2 To acquire knowledge of Database Languages & For a K2, K3
given specification of the requirement design the databases
using ER method and normalization.

3 For a given specification create the SQL queries for Open K6

source DBMS -MYSQL.

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, KMCLU, Lucknow.

Detailed Syllabus – BCA Semester IV (Three Year Course)

4 For a given specification create the advance SQL queries for K6

Open source DBMS -MYSQL.
Suggested Readings:
1. Date C J, “An Introduction To Database System”, Addision Wesley
2. Korth, Silbertz, Sudarshan, “Database Concepts”, Tata Mcgraw-hill Education (India)
Pvt. Ltd.
3. Elmasri, Navathe, “Fundamentals Of Database Systems”, Pearson Education New Delhi
4. Bipin C. Desai, “An introduction to Database Systems”, Galgotia Publication Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi.
5. Majumdar & Bhattacharya, “Database Management System”, Tata Mcgraw-hill Education (India)
Pvt. Ltd.

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, KMCLU, Lucknow.

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