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Civil Engineering Orientation - 1st Semester

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Skills Associated with Engineering
 Strong interest in Math and Science.
What are the Different Fields in Engineering?  Strong social awareness and concern for
quality of life.
 Electrical and Computer
 Desire to put ideas into action.
 Mechanical and Civil
 Strong academic background.
 Aerospace
 Ability and determination to succeed,
 Petroleum and Chemical
continuing education.
 Industrial
 Good communication skills.
 Acoustics
 Teamwork.
 Biomedical
 Materials Civil Engineering
 Nuclear
 Civil Engineers design and build many
 Agricultural
systems that are central to everyday life.
 Environmental
 Civil Engineers plan, design, construct,
 Ocean
operate, maintain, inspect, and manage
What is Engineering? bridges, buildings, offshore structures,
airports, seaports, railroads, highways,
 An engineer is a person who uses scientific
waterways, dams and water treatment
knowledge to solve practical problems.
plants, and many other public facilities.
 Engineers create new things and make old
 They work to prevent or minimize damage
things better.
due to natural disasters.
What will you study as an Engineering student?  Civil Engineers also work to reduce air,
water, and soil pollution, develop alternative
 Forces, motion, structures: statics, energy sources, and improve congested
dynamics, kinematics, mechanics of solids, transportation systems.
and fluids.
 Energy: Thermodynamics, heat transfer, Foundations in Civil Engineering
and other chemical reactions.
 Mathematics
 Materials: Material Engineering,
 Physics
processing, and manufacturing.
 Structural Analysis
 Design: Graphics, and other computer
 Materials Science
design applications.
 Fluid Dynamics
 Electronics: Circuits and Electricity
 Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
 Economics: Engineering economic
analysis, cost engineering. Careers in Civil Engineering
 Human and Social Studies: Arts,
 Design facilities that vary widely in nature,
humanities, social sciences, history,
size, and scope and include space satellites
government, ethics, and law.
and launching facilities, offshore structures,
 Overall Foundation: Math, physics,
bridges, buildings, tunnels, highways, and
chemistry, biology, analysis skills,
many more.
communication skills, computation skills.
 Opportunities all across the world as a Civil
What Engineers Do? Engineer.
 Bridge Design
 Engineers cover a variety of tasks in
 Waterway and waste treatment design.
general. They create and fix almost
 Traffic control
 Beach Protection (coastal civil engineering)
 Some Major fields in engineering are:
 Tunnel Design
 Mechanical, Civil, Electrical,
 Mining (ocean and land)
Computer, Ocean, Agricultural,
 Wildlife protection
Environmental, Petroleum,
Chemical, and Petroleum. Conclusion
 Career Paths in General are:
 Engineering is a field that requires
 Industry, Teaching, Graduate School,
dedication and focus.
Entrepreneur or Business Owner,
 If you enjoy math and science, this is a
Research Labs, Military,
great field to pursue.
Government, Preparation for other
 It is a challenging course, but also exciting
Professions (Law, Medicine, etc.)
and highly satisfying career.
 Environmental Engineering – Develop
technologies to improve or sustain our
 Water supply and treatment plants
 Landfills
Types of Civil Engineering and some of the  Municipal waste recycling centers
Famous Engineers  Transportation Engineering – Have you
Civil Engineering ever wondered why there are six lanes on
some roads and only two on others? How
 Civil Engineering deals with the construction do they know how wide to make the lanes,
of bridges, roads, buildings, dams, towers, and who determines where to put
waterways, dykes, levies, sewers, and intersections, traffic lights, and exits?
railways. Transportation Engineers make these kinds
 Civil Engineering is the oldest and broadest of decisions. Roads, highways, airports,
area of engineering. train depots, and the systems that make
 Early examples of Civil Engineering include: sure vehicles travel safely are all designed
 Egyptian Pyramids by Transportation Engineers.
 Mayan Pyramids  Water Resources Engineering – Civil
 Imhotep designed the Pyramid of Engineers that focus on water resources
Djoser in Egypt almost 5000 years engineering design wastewater treatment
ago. plants, water supply lines, and water
 The name civil engineering comes from distribution facilities. The ancient civilization
civilian engineering. In the early days of the of Machu Picchu is a prime example of
profession, there were only two types of Water Resources Engineering.
engineering, Civil and Military.  Materials Engineering – What type of
 John Smeaton was the first engineer to call material is best suited to use in the
himself a “Civil Engineer”. construction of a bridge that must withstand
 Smeaton founded the Society of Engineers extreme cold without compromising its
in 1771. This society came to be called strength? Which material would perform
Institution of Civil Engineers. best when used to build a road in a hot, arid
 The American Society of Civil Engineers climate with little precipitation and heavy
was founded in 1852. traffic? Material Science is one aspect of
 Today, Civil Engineering encompasses Civil Engineering that spans across all
many different subsets: specialties.
 Structural Engineering
 Coastal Engineering Famous Civil Engineers
 Geotechnical Engineering  Gustave Eiffel – Eiffel is famous for
 Environmental Engineering designing the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.
 Transportation Engineering The Eiffel specialized in metal. He also
 Water Resources Engineering designed the framework for the Statue of
 Materials Engineering Liberty.
 Structural Engineering – Structural  James Buchanan Eads – Eads made his
Engineers focus on the stresses and forces fortune using submarines which he
that affect structures such as buildings, designed to bring up salvage from the
bridges, and dams. Structural Engineers Mississippi River. During the Civil War Eads
need to ensure their designs are resistant to designed and built ironclad warships that
earthquakes and other natural stresses were instrumental in the Union’s victory.
while supporting structural load. Eads designed and built the first bridge to
 Coastal Engineering – Designing jetties, span the Mississippi River at St. Louis.
harbors, canals, dykes, and seawalls are  Thomas Brassey – A Railway Engineer in
some of the projects that Coastal Engineers the nineteenth century. Brassey is
might undertake. The Panama Canal is one responsible for the construction of railway
of the examples of a large-scale coastal lines in North America and Europe.
engineering marvel.  Sir Marc Isambard Brunel – Brunel
 Geotechnical Engineering – Geotechnical created a mechanism for tunneling
Engineers are “grounded” in geology. These underwater. He designed and constructed
specialized Civil Engineers spend their time the first tunnel underwater in England over
“digging” into the impact if designs on the many years. The tunnel opened to traffic in
soil and groundwater around them. The test 1843.
soil and rock to ensure the ground is stable
enough for building projects. The Leaning
Tower of Pisa is actually a Geotechnical
Engineer’s mistake.
Machu Picchu
 Machu Picchu is a 15th-century Inca site
located on a ridge between the Huayna
Picchu and Machu Picchu mountains in
Peru. It sits 7,970 feet (2,430 meters) above
sea level on the eastern slope of the Andes
and overlooks the Urubamba River
hundreds of feet below.
 Machu Picchu symbolizes the excellent
technical skill, and productivity of the Inca
Empire in its apogee. It is considered the
most amazing urban creation of the Inca
Empire and one of the most important
heritage sites in the world.
 Some Interest facts about Machu Picchu
 Machu Picchu is one of the New
Seven Wonders of the World.
 Amazingly, no wheels were used to
transport heavy rocks for the
construction of the city.
 Structures at Machu Picchu were
built with a technique called “ldquo
ashlar.” Stones are cut to fit together
without mortar.
Burj Khalifa
 In March 1996 the Petronas Towers in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, overtook the Sears
Tower's record as the world's Tallest office
building. Stainless steel pinnacles 73.5
metres (241 ft) long placed atop the 88-
storey towers brought their height to 451.9
metres (1,482 ft 8 in). Then, in 2003,
Taiwan’s Taipei 101 (also known as the
Taipei Financial Centre) took the title at a
huge 508 metres (1,666 ft). Just one year
later, construction on the Burj Khalifa began.
 Height = 830 meters to tip
 Floor Area = 309,473 square meters
 Cost = US Dollars 1.5 Billion
 Design and Construction: "We're born
with a challenge. A challenge to prove to
ourselves first, and to the world, 'Yes we
can'," said Mr Ahmed Al Falasi, Executive
Director of Burj Khalifa, when describing his
initial inspiration for erecting the tower.
Cebu-Cordova Link Expressway
Project Brief:
 Cable – stayed main span: 390 m
 Total Length: 8.5 km
 Number of lanes: 2 x 2 (total of 4 lanes)
 Height of bridge: 51m (nav. clearance);
145m (tower height)
 Concession Period: 35 years
 Design Speed: 60 kph (at Approaches)
80kph (at Main Bridge and Causeway)
 Construction Cost = 30 Billion Pesos
 Opening = 2022

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