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Mouser10 2023

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A Mouser Magazine


5G advances
Industry 4.0 cyber risk
Digital engineering
and space cybersecurity
Edge processing
enables next-gen mm
wave scanners
Considerations for
automotive powertrain
safety and security

Industry News:
Trace/debug custom MPUs
Portable generators safe for kids
Micron boss wins Noyce honour
ML algorithm tames huge data sets
New cathode for sustainable
EV batteries
Vision On: An introduction to
image processing NEW SERIES
Test & Measurement
Connector Geek
Tech Ideas
Dev Kit pick
Breathe easier with
Environmental Sensors

Mouser Electronics® keeps you connected to tomorrow with its award-winning content series:
Empowering Innovation Together™. The latest Environmental Sensors technology gets a thorough
exploration. By gathering real-time data on pollutants, noxious gasses and other toxins, these sensors
monitor the quality of indoor air, creating an early warning system that ensures a comfortable and safe
environment – and can even save lives.

Listen to the podcast, see the videos, read expert articles and more at:
©2023 Mouser Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved.

In this issue...
Safety and security are wide-
ranging issues. We aim to reflect
* Portable generators safe for kids * Trace/debug custom MPUs
some aspcts of this complex subject * ML algorithm tames huge data sets * Micron boss wins Noyce honour
with articles themed: 5G advances * New cathode for sustainable EV batteries
Industry 4.0 cyber risk; Edge
processing enables next-gen mm
wave scanners; Considerations for
automotive powertrain safety and
security; and Digital engineering * Mouser adds Raspberry Pi * Best in class
and space cybersecurity. * Empowering environmental sensors


Edge processing enables next-gen mm wave scanners PAGE 11

5G advances Industry 4.0 cyber risk PAGE 16

Digital engineering and space cybersecurity PAGE 18

Considerations for automotive powertrain safety and security PAGE 20


Do Connectors Pose Cybersecurity Risks? PAGE 22

Mark Patrick spotlights development tools from Crystek,
Critical Link, u-blox, Wolfspeed and NXP PAGE 24

Elsewhere, Adam Taylor begins a

new series on image processing, and
in Tech Ideas we look at how we can More inputs for T&M’s ‘Swiss Army Penknife’. PAGE 26
benefit from more inputs that are
now offered by the T&M industry’s VISION ON
‘Swiss Army Penknife’. David Pike New image processing series PAGE 28
asks the question ‘Do Connectors
Pose Cybersecurity Risks?’ and Stuart TEST & MEASUREMENT
Cording tells us how to ‘roll-your-own ‘Roll-your-own’ T&M. PAGE 30
T&M’. Plus the news round-up, Dev
Kit Pick and, of course, a review of
the most innovative products now in
stock at Mouser.
Newest products now available from
Published by Mouser Electronics. Superior Sensor Technology, STM, Digi and more
For Editorial contact Nick Foot at

For Advertising, contact

Claudia Bertaccini at October 2023 3


New The group was awarded $20 million

from the Vehicle Technologies Office

cathode for
in DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy, allocated in

$5 million yearly increments through
2025. It will allow the consortium to

EV batteries
develop DRX battery cathodes that could
perform just as well if not better than
the nickel-manganese-cobalt cathodes
A consortium of battery scientists, led by currently used in legacy lithium-ion

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, batteries.
intends to accelerate the commercialization
of a novel battery cathode material called
Researchers at the Department of
DRX or “disordered rock salt” to deliver Energy’s National Energy Research
DRX cathodes that will result in batteries
safe for kids
Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)
with a higher energy density than with will help the team narrow down the
conventional lithium-ion battery cathodes best combination of manganese and
made of nickel and cobalt. The U.S. titanium through computer modeling. Portable generators can be life-
Department of Energy (DOE) has made it a Researchers from Oak Ridge National
saving sources of power in times of
priority to find ways to reduce or eliminate Laboratory and Argonne National
the use of cobalt in batteries, and the DRX emergency.The Portable Generator
Laboratory will work on chemical
Consortium is focused on making DRX Manufacturers’ Association (PGMA) is
synthesis and scale up the materials
cathodes made of manganese or titanium, releasing a portable generator safety
for industry.
which are both more abundant and curriculum, ‘Generate Safety’, designed
cheaper than nickel or cobalt. New DRX-compatible electrolytes will be
for school-aged children. Content is
developed at Pacific Northwest National divided into two distinct age groups:
The DRX Consortium was formed Laboratory. And researchers from K-6 and 7-12 grades.
last autumn, and includes a team of Berkeley Lab’s Molecular Foundry, SLAC The lessons promote safe usage of
approximately 50 scientists from Berkeley National Accelerator Laboratory, and UC portable generators in emergencies and
Lab, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Santa Barbara will assist with materials avoidance of exposure to dangerous
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, characterization. carbon monoxide fumes.
Argonne National Laboratory, Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, and the University of PGMA is the industry association for
California at Santa Barbara. portable generators and is dedicated
to educating consumers on the
safe use of portable generators, as
Trace and debug Including trace in an SoC significantly
speeds up the time-consuming software
demonstrated by its Take It Outside
custom processors debug task and hereby reduces the
campaign. “Generate Safety” is ideal
for use in schools, scout and other
bring-up time and the cost of software
Codasip now offers the Tessent development. Codasip has chosen to work troop programs, safety towns and other
Enhanced Trace Encoder solution with Siemens EDA for its Trace Encoder community-based children’s safety
from the Tessent Embedded Analytics because the companies share a belief advocacy classes, power company and
product line at Siemens EDA with its in product quality achieved efficiently other public safety outreach managers,
customizable RISC-V cores. Through the throughout the whole product design flow. and more.
joint solution, developers can efficiently This focus on quality empowers innovation
trace and debug issues between silicon and delivers significant productivity gains The program helps fulfill teachers’ mission
and software, and accurately understand for customers even in the most complex of preparing children by helping to
real-time behaviors of even the most heterogeneous and custom designs. develop safe behaviors students can carry
complex customized designs based on into adulthood. The program’s goal is to
Codasip RISC-V processors. The Tessent Enhanced Trace Encoder help consumers appreciate that portable
builds on the RISC-V standard produced generator safety isn’t just for adults.
Codasip RISC-V processors are fully by the Debug and Trace Working Group,
customizable and adaptable to the which was led by representatives from “Generate Safety” includes a detailed
unique needs of an application. System Siemens who donated the Trace algorithm Teacher’s Guide and downloadable
designers can use the Codasip Studio to the RISC-V International community. educational content, including posters,
toolchain to find the best software and However, the solution from Siemens goes word searches, lessons, and support
hardware trade-offs and achieve optimal well beyond the RISC-V standard, offering materials that teach students about safe
features and PPA (Power, Performance, a far more efficient tool with significant placement and operation of portable
Area). The combination of customizable productivity gains in the development of generators as well as the advanced
processors and tools for processor the most complex systems, and it supports planning needed to help ensure their
design enables an automated approach custom instructions. It conducts detailed proper, effective use.
to achieve Custom Compute. To make examinations on systems to find the bug
this customization usable for software and its root cause. It is cycle-accurate, All tools and materials are
developers, Codasip makes sure that which means the developer gets insights
available FREE from PGMA and
all tools—including the compiler and into each and every instruction.
can be downloaded at
debugger—also support customization.
This now includes the trace solution.
under the Safety Resources tab.

4 October 2023


Proof-of-Concept for Imagimob

automotive gateways and Infineon
Inventec and Renesas Electronics have
launch ML
announced that they will jointly design
automotive-grade gateway solutions for
the rapidly-growing EV market. Targeting
Tier-1 automotive suppliers and OEMs,
the companies will develop a Proof of
Infineon Technologies and Edge
Concept (PoC) for connected gateways
based on the industry-leading R-Car
AI and Tiny Machine Learning
system-on-chip (SoC) from Renesas. company, Imagimob, are releasing
their first solution since Imagimob’s
Under the terms of the agreement, acquisition, the integration of
Renesas will provide Inventec with its Infineon’s ModusToolbox Software
latest offering of R-Car SoCs, analog, with Imagimob’s ML development
and power products, along with platform. Created to enable quicker,
engineering support to assist Inventec The new PoC will not only drive easier, and more cost-effective
in developing a PoC for next-generation innovation in vehicle development, development of AI-based machine
in-vehicle connected gateway systems. but also create new possibilities for learning models, it will enable
The two companies will regularly share emerging vehicle manufacturers companies to reduce time to market
product development roadmaps, market worldwide to take part in the rapidly by cutting out years of development
insights and specifications. The first PoC expanding EV market. and millions of dollars to create a
will integrate cybersecurity and over-the- proprietary in-house solution.
air (OTA) features for connected gateway The Renesas R-Car is a high-performance,
applications and is expected to be scalable compute platform that The integration of Imagimob AI with
available by Inventec in Q2 of 2024. addresses a wide range of automotive Infineon’s ModusToolbox Software
applications, such as Automated Driving takes the platform Imagimob AI
The development of the PoC for (AD), ADAS, connected gateways, in- one step further, providing a fully-
automotive gateways reflects a vehicle infotainment systems, cockpits, fledged Integrated Development
transformational shift toward new E/E and dashboards. In the future, the two Environment (IDE) with easy
(electrical and electronics) architectures companies plan to collaborate not only deployment to Infineon products.
in the automotive industry. Automotive in connected gateways, but also in a These developments come on top of
system developers need to integrate wide range of in-vehicle applications Imagimob’s latest software update
complex networks of electronic control such as vehicle computers, and battery this week; with vastly improved UX
units (ECUs) into their vehicles and management systems. that is much more responsive and
enable software to receive OTA
visually appealing, and a more than
updates securely. 10x improvement in data rendering

Nexperia gets 18.7 The update also includes a

complete redesign of the AutoML

ESG Risk Rating functionality, which now allows for

the creation of even more powerful
model architectures and a more
Nexperia received an ESG Risk Rating Sustainalytics' ESG Risk Ratings, structured approach to finding the
of 18.7 from Morningstar Sustainalytics employed to gauge a company's best model. In addition, Imagimob
in July 2023, ranking among the top exposure to industry-specific ESG AI now includes auto-labeling of
11% out of a total of 221 assessed risks and its management of those data, making previously laborious
entities within the semiconductor design risks, utilize a multi-dimensional processes more efficient.
and manufacturing sub industry on a approach. This approach combines risk
global scale. Morningstar Sustainalytics management and exposure to arrive The updated end-to-end workflow
assessed Nexperia to be at low risk at a comprehensive assessment of ESG was created by integrating the best
of encountering material financial risk, resulting in a comparable ESG of Imagimob AI’s features with both
impacts resulting from Environmental, Risk Rating across diverse industries. ModusToolbox ML for optimization,
Social, and Governance (ESG) The five categories of ESG risk severity quantization and deployment, and
factors. This assessment underscores identified by Sustainalytics range from with ModusToolbox for developing,
Nexperia's dedication to sustainability negligible (0-10) to severe (40+), with coding and programming Infineon
and responsible business practices, Nexperia's low-risk rating highlighting its
positioning the company among the conscientious management of
top 16% within the larger global ESG concerns.
semiconductor industry. Furthermore,
Nexperia also received a strong overall
ESG Risk Management Rating. sustainability October 2023 5


ML algorithm The distributed algorithm for modern

and heterogeneous high-performance

tames huge computer systems can be useful

on hardware as small as a desktop

data sets
computer, or as large and complex as
Chicoma, Summit or the upcoming
Venado supercomputers, Boureima
A machine-learning algorithm has Boureima is first author of the paper in
demonstrated the capability to process The Journal of Supercomputing on the The Los Alamos implementation takes
data that exceeds a computer’s available record-breaking algorithm. advantage of hardware features such
memory, identifying a massive data as GPUs to accelerate computation and
set’s key features and dividing them “Our implementation simply breaks fast interconnect to efficiently move
into manageable batches. Developed down the big data into smaller units data between computers. At the same
at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, that can be processed with the time, the algorithm efficiently gets
the algorithm set a world record for available resources. Consequently, multiple tasks done simultaneously.
factorizing huge datasets during a test it’s a useful tool for keeping up with Non-negative matrix factorization
run on Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s exponentially growing data sets.” is another installment of the high-
Summit, the world’s fifth-fastest performance algorithms developed
supercomputer. Equally efficient on “Traditional data analysis demands that under the SmartTensors project at Los
laptops and supercomputers, the highly data fit within memory constraints. Our Alamos. In machine learning, non-
scalable algorithm solves hardware approach challenges this notion,” said negative matrix factorization can be
bottlenecks that prevent processing Manish Bhattarai, a machine learning used as a form of unsupervised learning
information from data-rich applications scientist at Los Alamos and co-author to pull meaning from data.
in cancer research, satellite imagery, of the paper. “We have introduced an
social media networks, national security out-of-memory solution. In the record-breaking run by the Los
science and earthquake research, to Alamos team, the algorithm processed
name just a few. When the data volume exceeds the a 340-terabyte dense matrix and an
available memory, our algorithm 11-exabyte sparse matrix, using 25,000
“We developed an ‘out-of-memory’ breaks it down into smaller segments. GPUs. This research was funded by
implementation of the non-negative It processes these segments one at DNN R&D and by the Laboratory
matrix factorization method that a time, cycling them in and out of Directed Research and Development
allows you to factorize larger data sets the memory. This technique equips program at Los Alamos National
than previously possible on a given us with the unique ability to manage Laboratory.
hardware,” said Ismael Boureima, a and analyze extremely large data sets
computational physicist at Los Alamos efficiently.”
National Laboratory.

However, the following year, it While the total revenue for processors
experienced a slight downturn, is expected to reach US$242 billion by
with revenue settling at US$154 billion. 2028, CPUs are expected to maintain

for CPUs
The primary factor contributing to their dominant position, GPUs are
this decline was the CPU segment, projected to experience significant
which was mainly impacted by growth, and data centers are poised to
reduced shipments in the PC category emerge as the fastest-growing market.
Processor revenue is expected to and increased competition from
reach US$242 billion in 2028, with non-x86 APUs. More advanced iterations of processors
an 8% CAGR between 2022 and demand increased integration of
2028. The processor market is largely The GPU market also experienced circuitry, particularly larger blocks
dominated by a few key players: Intel, a minor contraction, dropping to of logic and SRAM. In the past,
AMD, Nvidia, and Qualcomm, with US$22.6 billion in 2022. This decline progress toward denser logic was as
these giants holding 54% of the total was primarily attributed to decreased straightforward as the next lithography
market share. Advanced generations PC GPU shipments and declining shrink.
of processors require more integrated interest in cryptocurrency. Projections
circuitry, especially larger blocks of for 2023 anticipate a 3% recovery, However, as transistors continue to
logic and SRAM . The surge in chiplet reaching US$23.3 billion, driven by the shrink in size, they have become more
integration is driving 2.5D and 3D growing trend of Generative AI. intricate and expensive to manufacture.
packaging growth by players like Intel, In 2022, the industry is approaching
TSMC, AMD, NVIDIA, and Samsung. Conversely, the APU market saw the end of the finFET era, with gate-all-
significant growth in 2022, and the around architectures at 3nm and 2nm
The processor market had a remarkable data center sector exhibited substantial on the horizon.
year in 2021, achieving a historic high expansion, leading to a shift in revenue
of US$155.5 billion with a robust distribution.
growth rate of 22.3%.

6 October 2023


Micron President wins Noyce honour

Sanjay Mehrotra, president and CEO Many of his more than 70 patents are He is also a graduate of the Stanford
of Micron Technology has won the foundational to enabling high-capacity Graduate School of Business
2023 Robert N. Noyce Award. The flash memory, now a ubiquitous Executive Program.
SIA’s highest honour, the Noyce Award element of modern computing.
is presented annually to recognize a “It is a great honour to receive the
leader who has made outstanding At Micron, Mehrotra is driving advances Noyce Award and join the ranks of
contributions to the semiconductor in semiconductor manufacturing previous recipients, individuals who
industry in technology or public policy. across the globe. Following passage have helped build the semiconductor
of the CHIPS and Science Act, Micron industry into one of the most innovative,
“Sanjay is a highly accomplished leader announced plans to invest in leading- influential, and important sectors in the
in our industry and a tireless advocate edge memory manufacturing in Idaho world,” said Mehrotra. “I look forward
for STEM education initiatives and a and New York, with the New York to continuing to collaborate across
diverse and inclusive semiconductor facility being the first greenfield U.S. our industry to push the boundaries
workforce,” said John Neuffer, SIA memory manufacturing fab built in of semiconductor technology and
president and CEO. “During a career 20 years. Micron has also announced manufacturing to meet the future
that has spanned more than four planned investments in its fab in demand and the tremendous
decades, Sanjay has greatly advanced Hiroshima, Japan, its assembly and opportunity facing our industry in
our industry, our technology, and our test facility in Xi’an, China, and an the years ahead.”
workforce. We’re pleased to recognize additional assembly plant in India.
him with the 2023 Robert N. Noyce The Noyce Award is named in honor of
Award for his many achievements.” Mehrotra is deeply committed to semiconductor industry pioneer Robert
building an inclusive and equitable N. Noyce, co-founder of Fairchild
Mehrotra joined Micron in 2017 after a culture at Micron, as well as increasing Semiconductor and Intel Corporation.
distinguished career at SanDisk Corp., diverse representation across
where he led the company from its engineering, technology, and leadership
start in 1988 until its sale in 2016. In career paths. He led company efforts to
addition to being a SanDisk co-founder, achieve comprehensive global pay equity
he served as its president and CEO from for all underrepresented groups and
2011 to 2016, overseeing its growth 50% female representation on Micron’s
to an industry-leading Fortune 500 board of directors. He also actively
company. supports helping communities thrive
through promoting STEM education,
Mehrotra has more than 40 years supporting community investment, and
of experience in the semiconductor encouraging volunteerism.
memory industry, having held previous
engineering and leadership positions Mehrotra earned bachelor’s and
at Integrated Device Technology, SEEQ master’s degrees in electrical
Technology, and Intel Corporation. engineering and computer science from
the University of California, Berkeley.

FPGA’s security This analysis provides the option for

single-chip cryptography in addition to
Pass-through CRI license enables royalty-
free development of DPA-protected
reviewed what already exists within the devices
for protecting IP, securing data and
algorithms using techniques patented by
CRI, and supply chain security features
by UK Cyber protection against physical tampering. reduce the risk of counterfeiting, re-
marking, and overbuilding.
Security Centre PolarFire FPGA IP protection includes
AES 256-encrypted configuration These include silicon biometrics including
Security is now an imperative for all files with SHA 256-based HMAC Physically Unclonable Functions to allow
designs in every market, and recently authentication, with processing each device to be uniquely identified and
the United Kingdom’s National Cyber protected against Differential Power cryptographically validated.
Security Centre reviewed Microchip Analysis with technology licensed from
Technology’s PolarFire FPGAs devices Cryptography Research Incorporated The devices are supported by Microchip’s
when used with the Single-Chip Crypto (CRI). It has Public-key cryptographic Libero SoC Design Suite available to
Design Flow against stringent device- cores for secure distribution of keys, license, including no-charge versions.
level resiliency requirements. The work true random-number generators, and PolarFire FPGA and SoC development
done with Microchip on the Design hardened cryptographic accelerators for kits and hardware are also available.
Separation Methodology in the PolarFire use in the end application.
FPGA enables the user to take advantage
of improved resilience and functional
isolation within the device. October 2023 7


Empowering This series includes the latest

installment of The Tech Between Arduino
environmental memory
Us podcast hosted by Raymond
Yin, Technical Content Director at
Mouser Electronics. He is joined by
In the latest installment of its award-
Ronan Cooney, Head of Product at
Ambisense, to discuss the current
landscape of indoor air quality
winning Empowering Innovation compared to outdoor air quality. Entrants in Mouser’s latest
Together series, Mouser examines the memory game, running
technology and applications behind They also review the major until December 1st, will be
environmental sensors and how they contributors to poor air quality, entered in the draw to win
are used in creating indoor air quality regulations, and design considerations one of three prizes:
monitoring solutions through a technical for air quality measurement devices.
content stream of articles, blogs, videos, Additionally, the episode maps out
and the latest podcast episode of The Mouser’s environmental sensor Arduino Nicla
Tech Between Us. selections and the considerations Vision
needed when designing for specific
Environmental sensors have become applications.
more popular among employers
looking to improve air quality inside Arduino Nicla
the workplace, bolstered at least in Voice
part by the pandemic and the demand
for clean indoor air, and sensors to
track potential hazards. By monitoring
pollutants, particulates, and hazardous Arduino Nicla
gasses in real time, employers can Sense ME
more easily address potential threats
to employee health and productivity.
Mouser’s variety of articles, Players simply
Poor indoor air quality has been infographics and videos offer an match the CLIC
linked to a variety of short-term in-depth overview of environmental machine HER K
ailments, such as headaches, fatigue sensors, the risks associated with poor
and difficulty concentrating. With no indoor air quality, the exploration
products and ER
federal standards regarding indoor of sensor selection for improving
air quality, employers are taking indoor air quality (IAQ) and choosing fill out the form.
responsibility for monitoring their the right volatile organic compound
environments and providing clean air (VOC) sensors. This EIT installment
to employees. is sponsored by Mouser’s valued
partners Amphenol, TE Connectivity,
Mouser explores how environmental Honeywell, Renesas, Sensirion, and
sensors offer an efficient way of doing Bosch.
so, allowing accurate readings that
can be easily monitored over time to innovation
provide the data companies need.

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8 October 2023


More Podiums as Mouser

team leads championship
The Mouser-pponsored Vasser He quickly got going again, earning Barnicoat ran a clean final stint and
Sullivan Lexus team has earned the team’s third-straight second-place brought the No. 14 RC F GT3 home in
another two Podium finishes, and result. Jack Hawksworth also won the third place with a chance to earn the
now leads the IMSA WeatherTech Motul Pole Award for the GT Daytona first full-season GT championship when
SportsCar Championship. Drivers Pro (GTD PRO) class during qualification the Lexus takes the green flag at Petit
Jack Hawksworth and Ben Barnicoat on Saturday. The pole award was Le Mans next month.
scored an exciting second-place Hawksworth’s third of the season. In
finish in the GTD PRO class at the the GTD class, Aaron Telitz and Frankie Mouser and valued manufacturer
Virginia International Raceway (VIR), Montecalvo also scored a top-five finish partner Molex co-sponsor the Vasser
the followed that up last month with with a fifth-place result in the GT-only Sullivan Lexus Racing team, seeing the
third place for the GTD PRO class at race. opportunity as an inventive way to
Indianapolis Motor Speedway (IMS). communicate its performance-driven
The Indianapolis result marks the ninth In Indianapolis, Hawksworth qualified business model and promote the
podium result of the year for the driver third in the No. 14 Lexus and led nine newest technologies.
duo, who currently lead the GTD PRO laps around the 14-turn, 2.439-mile
championship by 188 points heading Indianapolis road course. Hawksworth
into the season finale at Petit Le Mans. was in the lead when a caution came
out nearly 52 minutes into the two-
In Virginia, Hawksworth and Barnicoat hour and 40-minute sprint race, and
led 48 laps around the 17-turn, 3.27- the team elected to pit under yellow.
mile road course in the Vasser Sullivan After the pit stop, Hawksworth worked
No. 14 Lexus RC F GT3. Barnicoat was his way back up to third place before
in the lead with 56 minutes remaining turning driving duties over to Barnicoat.
in the two-hour, 40-minute race when
he stalled in the pits.

Mouser has announced the 2023 Each one has played a significant role
recipients of its Best-in-Class Awards, in helping us to not only support our
which are given to individuals at the large and growing customer base, but
company’s supplier partners. Winners also to help grow Mouser sales and
are chosen based on five main criteria: share in the competitive electronics
strategically partnering with the marketplace,” said Jeff Newell, Mouser
Mouser team; promoting product lines Electronics Senior Vice President
and working together on new product of Products. “We are grateful for
launches; finding creative solutions these outstanding professionals and
to grow market share mutually for congratulate each of them for winning
both companies; maximizing Mouser’s the Mouser Best-in-Class Award.”
unique value proposition within their
own businesses; and championing The winners are: Mary Benetti-Condon,
Mouser within their organizations. Bel; Sabine Colen, Analog Devices;
Pictured with the Best-in-Class winners Tim Fredricks, Advantech; Kris Lafko,
“We are incredibly excited to honor are Mouser’s President & CEO Glenn Smith u-blox; Lora McIlheran, 3M; Dennis
and Senior Vice President of Products Jeff
these ten talented individuals across our Nesterov, Amphenol; Younga Pearson,
large base of suppliers. EATON; Ron Peterson, Nexperia; Mike
Sewart, Molex; and Jill Wagar, Omron. October 2023 9


Specialty Enclosures etc from Phoenix Mecano

Mouser has announced a new global ROSE Aluminum standard enclosures, ROSE NoVoTronic enclosures feature
distribution agreement with Phoenix designed for mechanical engineering integrated guide grooves that function
Mecano, whose suite of enclosures and automation technology, offer IP66 both as a styling and functional
and accessories covers a wide array ingress protection and fixing options element, for slide-in strips or
of applications in the electronic, for DIN rails and mounting plates, electromechanical components, with
industrial, automotive, medical, safety, making them ideal for the installation built-in stacking and footing aids to
measurement, and control sectors. of electrical and electromechanical ensure secure connections of multiple
components, including buttons, enclosures.
Phoenix Mecano produces both standard
terminals, switching elements, and
and specialized products, which can be BOPLA Euromas series is a classic
electronic modules containing PCBs.
customized to the customer’s specific industrial enclosure that is available
application. Mouser now offers many of ROSE NoVoTronic electronics enclosures in three different material variants:
these enclosures, including: feature an aluminum profile enclosure ABS, polycarbonate and polycarbonate
system with IP65 ingress protection with UL 94 V-0 flame protection. A
ROSE Polyester standard enclosures
for data, PC, and MCR technology transparent cover allows a view into the
provide protection for equipment
operating in -40°C to +90°C enclosure. Inside the enclosure features
against certain acids, oils, and fats in
temperature environments. large processing areas and versatile
food and chemical industries. These
mounting options for connectors,
robust enclosures are lightweight, high These enclosures are offered in a stylish
switches and keys. Circuit boards can
in mechanical strength and impact deep black color with ruby red accents
be securely fixed in the base by means
resistant up to 7J (joules) per EN 60529. and feature external screw channels to
of screw domes. The enclosure can also
ROSE Polyester standard enclosures ensure reliable protection of electronics
be supplied on request with quick-
feature a universal structure suitable for and to prevent metal fragments from
release fastener screws.
installing terminals and other electronic damaging highly sensitive electronics
components, enabling use as a classical during assembly.
terminal enclosure or a distribution phoenix-mecano

Mouser adds The RP2040 powerful, cost-effective

microcontroller based on dual Arm®
The Pico series is a range of tiny, fast,
versatile boards built around RP2040.

Raspberry Pi
Cortex®-M0+ processors. This device From light displays and IoT devices to
offers maximum performance at low signage and manufacturing processes,
power, which can be crucial for deeply the Pico boards can provide the power
Mouser now offers design engineers,
embedded applications, enabling long- to control countless home, hobby,
pro-makers, and hobbyists the the
duration operation with relatively small and industrial operations. Pico W also
entire catalogue of single-board
batteries. includes fully certified 2.4GHz 802.11n
computers (SBC), embedded devices,
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5.2, making it the
and peripherals from Raspberry Pi, RP2040 is also ideal for endpoint
perfect solution for IoT applications
with full traceability/authenticity from AI, thanks to the built-in TensorFlow
and projects requiring wireless
the manufacturer. “Mouser is excited Lite Micro library. This allows the
about this expanded partnership microcontroller to run machine learning
with Raspberry Pi,” said Andy Kerr, (ML) models for sensor-based analysis, The Compute Module 4 is a system-
Mouser Electronics Vice President of such as voice and image recognition on-module (SoM) that harnesses the
Supplier Marketing. “With their line of and accelerometer-based gesture power of the popular Raspberry Pi 4
industrial-ready products, customers recognition. Model B SBC in a smaller form factor
across the globe now have access to suitable for product integration. The
an expanded offering of innovative, optional dual-band 2.4/5.0GHz Wi-
scalable products that are certified, Fi® and Bluetooth® 5.0 have modular
low-cost, powerful and production compliance certification. This allows the
ready.” board to be designed into end products
with significantly reduced compliance
“Known for their best-in-class
testing, improving both cost and time
distribution, outstanding service and
to market.
exceptional customer reach, Mouser
is a valued strategic partner for us,” The Camera Module 3 is a compact
said Mike Buffham, Chief Commercial add-on camera for Raspberry Pi
Officer of Raspberry Pi. applications, featuring a 12MP sensor,
and offered with standard and wide-
Raspberry Pi products now offered by
angle lenses; with or without an
Mouser include:
infrared filter.

10 October 2023


How Edge
Is Enabling
Wave Scanners
By Eamon Nash, Analog Devices

Introduction The phase and amplitude of the The hardware required to complete
backscatter are measured by all of such a scan must be multichannel and
Millimeter wave (mmWave) imaging has the receive antennas in the array. have a wide operating frequency range.
become an important part of security Polarisation may be used between the
scanning systems in airports, public transmit and receive antennas to reduce The 10GHz to 40GHz frequency range
buildings, and stadia. Millimeter wave direct transmit-to-receive leakage. Once is wide enough to differentiate the
scanners are superior to traditional this measurement is complete, the objects in a typical security scanning
metal detectors because they can same signal is transmitted from another scenario (clothing, backpacks,
identify and locate both metallic transmit antenna (operating at the weapons, and explosives). Higher
and non-metallic threats. This article same frequency) and the measurement channel count systems tend to have
describes how mmWave imaging process is repeated. higher resolution, giving them the
hardware works and will present a ability to identify small objects. For
chipset that uses edge processing to Because the depth of penetration of RF example, while detecting a razor blade
manage massive data loads to enable signals and the nature of the reflection is critical in airport scanners, securing
the development of walkthrough vary with frequency, the scan described public buildings and stadia focuses
security scanning systems. earlier is typically repeated at multiple more on the detection of larger items
frequencies, across a wide band. The such as weapons or explosives. In these
How mmWave resulting matrix of vectors forms a applications, a lower channel count is
multidimensional array (vs. frequency typically used.
Imaging Works
and spatial location) that is used to create
Figure 1 illustrates how a mmWave an image that can identify metallic and
scanner operates. The system consists non-metallic objects that are concealed
of an array of transmitters and receivers between and under layers of clothing.
connected to a spatially dispersed
antenna array. The system is analogous
to a network analyser that is measuring
return loss or S11. At any one time, one
antenna in the array is transmitting a
low power signal at a single frequency.

This signal reflects off the target and

generates backscatter (the illustration
shows reflection from a single point
on the target but in practice the
transmitted signal is omnidirectional, so
there will be reflections from multiple
points on the target).

Figure 1. Operation of a mmWave security imaging system. October 2023 11


Another critical component in these

systems is fast switching time. This
enables the realisation of scanning
systems where the person being
scanned only has to pose for a short
amount of time (typically one second
or less). Next-generation walkthrough
systems require faster switching times
so that the person does not have to
stop and pose.

Figure 2 shows how an Analog Devices

mmWave imaging chipset can be used
to implement a complete mmWave
scanner. An array of transmitters
(ADAR2001) is driven from a central
agile frequency source. An array of
receivers (ADAR2004) detects the
Figure 2. A complete mmWave imaging system.
reflected signals and downconverts
them to a low intermediate frequency
at which they are IF sampled by a A CW RF input signal between 2.5GHz To do a complete 10GHz to 40GHz
multichannel continuous-time sigma- to 10GHz and with a power level frequency sweep, the multiplier/filter
delta (CTSD) converter (AD9083). of at least –20dBm is applied to the block settings must be adjusted seven
RFIN port. The broadband frequency times to ensure optimum harmonic
We will now take a closer look at multiplier consists of three parallel rejection and output power. In
these components and how their subcircuits. Each subcircuit (low band, addition, while the system is dwelling
functionality optimises overall system mid band, high band) is optimised to at one frequency, each transmitter
performance. multiply and filter a segment of the channel must be successively turned on
total frequency range. Switches at the and off. To avoid creating a bottleneck
input and output of the multiplier block of SPI commands, the ADAR2001
Transmitter are used to select the subcircuit for the includes two state machines that can
desired frequency of operation. be pre-programmed with up to 70
As already noted, the transmitter states. Once the device’s RAM has
consists of a large channel count of The multiplier output passes through been programmed, state advances can
spatially dispersed antennas, each a programmable attenuator before be made with a simple pulse to the
driven by a power amplifier. The being split into four and applied to four device’s MADV (advance) pin. These
ADAR2001 is a 4-channel transmitter power amplifiers. In addition to the features combine to ensure a 2ns
that connects directly to the antennas configurable filtering in the multiplier channel switching time.
and has an output frequency range block, each PA contains a low-pass/
of 10GHz to 40GHz. Because of the notch filter that can be enabled or This switching time is also achievable
difficulty associated with distributing disabled. For output frequencies up to when switching between ICs (for
a 10GHz to 40GHz signal in a large 20GHz, this filter should be enabled. example, Channel 4 of Device A is
array, the ADAR2001 incorporates a 4× Above 20GHz, it should be disabled. switching off as Channel 1 of Device
multiplier. As a result, all the plumbing B is switching on). Because a full
and signal distribution in front of the The programmable attenuator is used scan involves a full-channel sweep at
transmitter ICs happens in the 2.5GHz to help ensure relatively flat output multiple frequencies, switching time
to 10GHz frequency range. power vs. frequency. This attenuator is critical. For example, if the array has
has approximately 15dB of digital step 500 elements and is going to sweep
The main RF elements of the attenuation range. from 10GHz to 40GHz in 50MHz steps,
ADAR2001 transmitter are an RF input it must perform a total of 300,000
buffer, a 4× frequency multiplier with As the output frequency sweeps from channel switches to complete a full
integrated switchable harmonic filters, a 10GHz to 40GHz, this attenuation scan.
1:4 signal splitter, and four differential- should be decreased to maintain the The RF output power on each channel
out power amplifiers, which are desired output power flatness vs. can be monitored using individual,
intended to drive differential antenna frequency. This results in a nominal PA on-chip RF detectors. Die temperature
structures such as dipole or spiral output power of +5dBm on each of the can also be monitored by an on-chip
antennas. A detailed block diagram of differential PA outputs with harmonic temperature sensor. These sensors feed
the ADAR2001 is shown in Figure 3. suppression that ranges from –20dBc to into a 5:1 analogue multiplexer, which
–30dBc. passes the desired signal to an on-chip
8-bit ADC.

12 October 2023


Figure 3. The ADAR2001 10GHz to 40GHz transmitter. Figure 4. The ADAR2004 10GHz to 40GHz receiver
block diagram.

The ADF4368 PLL/VCO provides the The IF outputs of the mixers are then The absence of AC-coupling capacitors
stimulus to the transmitter network. Its sampled by the AD9083, a 16-channel ensures that there are no charging/
output signal will be split multiple times continuous-time sigma-delta ADC with discharging transients when the mixer
depending on the number of transmit integrated digital downconversion. An output switches abruptly (for example,
channels. IF sampling architecture was chosen during a frequency step at the input of
over a zero-IF architecture to avoid DC the mixer).
offsets that result from LO leakage in
the receiver and I/Q errors that result The use of a first-order CTSD ADC
from imperfect quadrature balance in architecture with an integrated
the LO’s quadrature splitter. single-pole filter saves PCB space
by minimising external filtering.
While these imperfections can be The architecture also enables a fast
mitigated by calibration, calibration signal settling time when compared
would be required at every input to the settling time of Nyquist rate
frequency because LO leakage and converters, which require highly
quadrature errors tend to vary with selective antialiasing filters to eliminate
frequency. noise folding. Fast settling time is a key
The ADF4368’s relatively high output requirement in this application because
power of +9dBm and the minimum Figure 4 shows a block diagram of the ADC settling time must be able to
input threshold of the ADAR2001 the ADAR2004 quad mixer. The LO keep up with the fast channel switching
(–20dBm) ensure that the ADF4368’s input is driven by a 2.5GHz to 10GHz on the transmit side.
output can be passively split many sine wave that produces a 10GHz to
times before amplifier buffering is 40GHz at the output of the multiplier. Each ADC has a signal processing
required. The multiplier output is fed to the four tile to filter out-of-band, shaped
mixers that have a programmable gain noise from the sigma-delta ADC
on their IF outputs. Like the ADAR2001 and reduce the sample rate. Each
Receiver transmitter, the ADAR2004 receiver tile contains a cascaded integrator
also has two on-chip state machines comb (CIC) filter, a quadrature digital
The reflections from the transmission that can be pre-programmed. downconverter (DDC) with multiple
are picked up by the receivers, which finite input response (FIR) decimation
are an array of multichannel mixers filters (decimate by J block), or up to
and ADCs. The ADAR2004 is a quad Multichannel ADC three quadrature DDC channels with
mixer and ADC driver with a digitally averaging decimation filters for data
programmed gain amplifier (DGA). The Figure 5 shows a block diagram of the gating applications.
LO input, which also has an internal AD9083, a 16-channel CTSD ADC. The
4× multiplier, is driven by a second PLL ADC inputs are designed to have the The presence of three quadrature
whose output frequency is offset from same common-mode voltage as the IF DDC channels enables simultaneous
the radio frequency so that the mixer outputs of the ADAR2004. This allows demodulation of up to three
produces a real IF output. the mixer output and the ADC input to frequencies. We will see later how this
be connected directly. can be used to dramatically speed up
the scan time. October 2023 13


During these four states, all the other

ICs are either in SLP or ready (RDY)

Likewise, IC 2 is only fully active during

states 5 to 8 as all of the other ICs
are either in SLP or RDY mode. By
configuring the 16 state machines in
this manner with their on cycles offset
from one another, it is possible to drive
the advance and reset lines of all 16
devices with parallel pulses.

The RDY mode is an intermediate state

Figure 5. The AD9083 block diagram.
of what was developed to optimise
switching time while saving power.
Because most of the transmitters are
System Setup and Let’s consider how to set up a inactive most of the time, the SLP
Operation 64-channel system (64-transmitter, mode is key to keeping down power
64-receiver) for a channel-based scan consumption. However, the time
The ADAR2001 and ADAR2004 were - that is, we cycle through all of the required to switch from SLP mode to
specifically designed for efficient transmit channels at a single frequency transmit mode (50ns) is excessive from
operation in large arrays. Particular before incrementing the frequency and a system perspective and would result
emphasis was placed on reducing repeating the scan. in delays during the scan. The RDY
wiring overhead. The RFIN and LO input mode is an intermediate state that can
ports of ADAR2001 and ADAR2004 Figure 6 shows how the state machines be invoked when an IC is preparing to
can operate at input levels as low as in the 16 ADAR2001 devices are transmit.
–20dBm. Because it is desirable to drive programmed to enable this sweep.
these inputs from a common LO source A key goal of the architecture is to Notice in Figure 6 that in State 4,
(the ADF4368 in this case), this low be able to sequence multiple devices Channel 4 of IC 1 is transmitting, and
input sensitivity allows lots of passive that are doing different things from IC 2 is being prepared for transmission
fanout before amplification is required. common control lines. by placing it in RDY mode. In the
transition from transmitter states 4 to
For example, if we assume that a Notice in Figure 6 that while each 5, IC 1 transitions from transmit mode
Wilkinson power splitter has a net loss IC has 65 states, most of the ICs are to RDY mode, and IC 2 transitions from
of 1dB, the ADF4368’s output power programmed to be in sleep mode (SLP) RDY to transmit mode. This transition
of 9dBm can be passively fanned out most of the time. For example, IC 1 is takes 10ns. The subsequent on-chip
seven times and can drive 128 devices only fully active for the first four states channel switches (that is, from Channel
(512 channels). as channels 1, 2, 3, and 4 of that IC 1 to Channel 2 to Channel 3 to Channel
sequentially transmit. 4 on IC 2) have a switching time of 2ns.
The advance and reset pins that drive
the ADAR2001 and ADAR2004’s
on-chip sequencers are also designed
to be driven in parallel to minimise
the number of GPIOs the processor
or FPGA must provide. By providing
enough depth and complexity in the
sequencers, it is possible to drive up to
16 ADAR2001 devices with a single set
of advance and reset pulses.

Before operation, the ADAR2001

and ADAR2004’s sequencers must
be programmed. While it is possible
to access all of the functionality of
both devices using SPI commands, the
associated latency would result in an
unacceptably long overall scan time.

Figure 6. Programming 16 ADAR2001 transmitters for a channel sweep that is driven by a single advance pulse.

14 October 2023


For a 1024-element array that sweeps For example, by positioning three IF Conclusion
from 10GHz to 40GHz in 0.1GHz steps, tones at 50MHz, 75MHz, and 100MHz,
the complete scan time would be less all three can be simultaneously The chipset consisting of the
than 20ms. This assumes a PLL lock demodulated into I and Q baseband ADAR2001 quad transmitter, the
time of 50μs. If two PLLs operating in data. ADAR2004 quad receiver, the AD9083
ping-pong mode were used to achieve 16-channel ADC, and the ADF4368
faster frequency settling, the scan time To facilitate this approach on the PLL/VCO provides the high level of
would be well below 5ms. transmit side, three transmit PLLs must integration and functionality that
be used instead of one. The three is necessary to implement next-
The operation and sequencing of transmit frequencies must always be generation walkthrough mmWave
the ADAR2004 receiver are less directed to different physical transmit security scanners. Integrated state
complex because it is typical practice ICs (the multipliers in the ADAR2001 machines and on-chip digital
to configure all the receiver channels cannot conduct multitone signals). downconversion significantly offload
to be receiving all the time. The state The three frequencies must always traditional centralised processing and
machines must still be sequenced so be different but must remain close move it to the Intelligent Edge. The
that the correct multiplier path and in frequency to one another as they net result is that the central processor
filter settings are chosen as the receiver sweep. has to worry less about controlling
sweeps in tandem with the transmitter. the system during a scan and the data
For example, if one channel on one of that it receives is already demodulated
As already noted, each AD9083 the ADAR2001 devices is transmitting and decimated. While this chipset was
ADC channel can access up to three at 10GHz, two other devices will developed specifically for mmWave
quadrature DDC channels. This means be transmitting at 10.025GHz and security imaging applications, the wide
that it can simultaneously demodulate 10.050GHz to support IF outputs at frequency range of the ADAR2001
three frequencies, assuming that all 50MHz, 75MHz, and 100MHz. This transmitter and ADAR2004 receiver
three frequencies are within the input scheme requires more hardware and as well as the level of integration of
frequency range of the ADC’s analogue switching infrastructure in the transmit the AD9083 16-channel ADC, make
input bandwidth (125MHz). path but has the benefit of reducing this chipset useful in other applications
the overall scan time by a factor of 3. where high channel density and fast
switching are required.

Energy Storage
Solutions October 2023 15


As 5G Advances in
Industry 4.0,
So Does Cyber Risk
More Connected Devices
Means More Endpoints
for Cybersecurity

By Jim Romeo for Mouser Electronics

The fifth generation (5G) of wireless This has, in turn, created numerous
technology has and will continue to endpoints vulnerable to cyber threats.
transform telecommunications. Many
new connections, capabilities, and In short, with the broad adoption
services will enable connections to of 5G in industrial systems comes
millions of edge devices in the wake of increased cyber risks that leave
Industry 4.0. In this article, we provide networks vulnerable to compromise.
an overview of the significance of 5G networks are a likely target for
not just the arrival of 5G but also the cybercriminals to exploit sensitive data.
potential rise in cybersecurity risk. Such
risk calls for an examination of the
threats that pose dangers in this new
environment and the steps to take to
mitigate them.

The Emergence of
Connected Industrial
Control Systems

5G wireless technology is transforming

telecommunication networks, enabling
a plethora of connected devices that
provide new capabilities and enhance
innovation. This transformation is
accelerating Industry 4.0, which has
applied the benefits of IT capabilities Be Vigilant of the
on physical systems, enhancing Many Different Types
many different control mechanisms. of Cyber Threats
Using digital technology to replace
legacy analog controls, connected While there are numerous types of
devices such as embedded digital cyberattacks, Figure 1 presents some
controls, cameras, and sensors have of the most common categories. Each
ushered in an environment of "smart" has many variations that can damage
everything—from buildings and organizations, so employees throughout
transportation to manufacturing and the company should remain vigilant. Figure 1: Types of general security threats.
many other industries. (Source: Mouser Electronics)

16 October 2023


Segregate Networks Build a Security Program For example, a team may include
to Deter Cyber Risk personnel from IT, engineering
One way to mitigate risks across an (specifically those knowledgeable about
organization—and an important Using these risk management policies, underlying automation and controls),
point of overall network security— organizations should develop and and operations plus cybersecurity and
is by segregating corporate and deploy an industrial control security IT architecture subject matter experts.
industrial or control networks via program. Such a program should An information security manager
different architectures. By introducing work together with other IT security should oversee the team and its
a simple two-port firewall between programs throughout the enterprise. ongoing work.
the corporate and control networks, The security program’s key elements
companies can achieve significant should include building and training To further bolster the cross-functional
security improvements. If properly cross-functional teams, conducting team and its mission, organizations also
configured, such a firewall reduces the regular security audits, and using need to create a cybersecurity culture
chance of a successful external attack an established risk management that extends beyond the team and into
on the control network. framework, such as the U.S. the extended enterprise. This includes
Department of Commerce National training and educating all personnel,
Institute of Standards and Technology implementing policies such as two-
(NIST) cybersecurity framework. factor authentication throughout the
organization, and enforcing processes
While establishing a security program like cybersecurity clearances for
is important, it’s equally important contractors, vendors, and other tiered
to continually update it to reflect organizations that work with the
changes in technology, operations company.
and processes, industry standards
and regulations, and any unique Conclusion
requirements for the security of specific
equipment, processes, or facilities. By utilizing established cybersecurity
frameworks and developing shrewd
Develop a policies and practices, organizations
Cross-Functional can mitigate much of the risk posed by
Develop Risk Team and Promote the expansion of 5G in Industry 4.0.
Management Plans Cybersecurity Culture Part of the journey is understanding
and Policies the consequences of attacks and taking
As mentioned in the previous section, steps to build not only secure networks
To further mitigate the risk of cross-functional teams are an important and devices but also a culture that
cybersecurity compromise brought part of a security program. Because recognizes threats and vulnerabilities
on by the infusion of billions of the domain knowledge across an well ahead of an attack.
connected devices that 5G enables, enterprise varies, cross-functional teams
risk management plans and policies are can bring different but complementary
critical. Companies should continually knowledge and skills to managing and
evaluate and adjust these policies as mitigating risk.
5G adoption continues to grow and as
automation technology, cyber security
threats, and personnel change. Risk
management plans and policies should
be built on processes that focus on
framing and assessing risks, responding
to threats, and continuously monitoring
processes and systems to detect such
risks. For example, policy may include
implementing symmetric encryption as
a means of protecting data so that only
the sender and recipient can use the
key or password to gain access.

In the context of cybersecurity, these

processes are mostly interrelated and
will vary according to the size, location,
landscape, and nature of the business
and industry. October 2023 17


and Space
By Rudy Ramos for Mouser Electronics

Cybersecurity in space refers to Cloud Provisioning Conclusion

the measures taken to protect and Embedded
spacecraft, satellites, and Security Cybersecurity in space is a
other space-based systems crucial consideration for the
from cyber threats such as The OPTIGA™ Trust M design, development, and
hacking, unauthorized access, Evaluation Kit from Infineon operation of space systems,
and malware attacks. Digital Technologies takes the and digital engineering
engineering, on the other secured connectivity to plays a key role in enabling
hand, refers to using digital the cloud to the next level the creation of secure and
technologies and approaches with secured zero-touch reliable space systems.
to design, develop, and provisioning, easy integration, MAXQ1065 Evaluation
operate complex systems, future-proof security, and Kit from Maxim This week's products
including space systems. performance. Integrated consists of five address the growing focus
MAXQ1065GTC+ devices in on securing embedded
Space systems rely on complex a 12-pin TDFN package and systems and cloud service
networked systems and digital a MAXQ1065 evaluation 12- provisioning. AI and cloud
technologies to function pin TDFN socket board. The services are driving innovative
and perform their intended device makes it fast and easy applications in space,
missions, which makes them to implement full security for including those related to
vulnerable to cyber threats. embedded and connected cybersecurity.
Cybersecurity in space is The OPTIGA™ Trust M products without requiring
critical for the safety and solution is a high-end security firmware development. The The number of devices
reliability of these systems and controller optimized for MAXQ1065 coprocessors connected to these
for protecting sensitive data connected devices. It provides can be designed-in from applications is exponentially
and communication channels. extremely flexible, high- the start or added to an growing, presenting
performance, secured access existing design to guarantee opportunities, and increasing
Digital engineering can play a to any major cloud provider confidentiality, authenticity, security risks. This week's
role in cybersecurity in space for industrial and building and integrity of the device. devices and development
by enabling the development automation, smart home, and platforms allow for the
of robust and secure systems consumer applications. The MAXQ1065 EV kit is fast-tracking of digital
using digital tools and designed to be compatible engineering solutions to
techniques. This can include The OPTIGA™ Trust M offers with a variety of platforms, implement comprehensive
using advanced modeling and ease of integration and a wide including PC, Raspberry Pi, security for embedded and
simulation tools to design range of security features, Arduino Uno, and custom connected products.
and test the security of space including CC EAL6+ (high) motherboards. The software
systems as well as using digital certified high-end security development kit (SDK)
approaches to manage and controller, I2C interface provides several tools for
monitor the security of these with shielded connection, evaluating the MAXQ1065
systems throughout their cryptographic toolbox, socket board using one of
lifecycle. and MIT licensed software the supported platforms. The
framework on GitHub. SDK is available by request.

18 October 2023


Delivering precise measurements

for a smarter and greener future

Infineon Technologies XENSIV™ PAS CO2 Sensor October 2023 19


Three considerations
for automotive
powertrain safety
and security
Contributed on behalf of Texas Instruments

With functional safety and security concerns in automotive And with electric vehicle battery voltages approaching 600
electronics gaining attention, including in standards to 800 V, it is equally important to understand and apply the
bodies, it’s important for automotive designers to enable requirements for high-voltage safety systems.
functionally safe and secure automotive electric powertrains.
Functional safety, cybersecurity and high-voltage safety play Automotive safety and security
an important role in the design, development and mass standards
production of modern electric vehicles.
These international standards address safety and security
Functional safety aspects:
- International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
A prevalent estimate for the amount of software in a
26262:2018 outlines the functional safety requirements
modern vehicle is between 100 and 200 million lines of
of road vehicles.
code. This software runs on a large variety of programmable
electronic control units and provides functions for advanced - ISO 6469:2018 specifies high-voltage electrical safety
driver assistance systems and safety features in the vehicle. requirements for electrically propelled road vehicles.
Examples of such systems include blind-spot monitoring,
- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe WP29:2020
automatic emergency brakes and adaptive cruise control.
details automotive cybersecurity requirements for automakers
Vehicles with autonomous and electric features require
functional safety for safe operation.
Additionally, automotive Tier 1s (subsystem manufacturers)
Cybersecurity follow:

The increasing sophistication in the type and amount of - ISO DIS 21434:2020, which is still a draft international standard
connectivity available makes vehicles more vulnerable to and a superset of Society of Automotive Engineers
digital attacks. What was once considered the gold standard
- (SAE) J3061. ISO DIS 21434:2020 outlines a cybersecurity
in the prevention of cyberattacks is no longer valid. Given the
management framework and activities in deference to the ISO
implementation of communications protocols like Controller
26262 functional safety-compliant V-model-based product
Area Network and Bluetooth®, and now Global System for
development life cycle.
Mobile Communications and Wi-Fi® networks for vehicle-to-
vehicle communication, automobiles are no longer protected - SAE J3061:2016, the original “Cybersecurity Guidebook for
by the “air gap” between them and networks that hackers Cyber-Physical Vehicle Systems” on which ISO/SAE DIS 21434
may employ. Imagine a scenario where a hacker immobilizes is based.
a vehicle and only unlocks it after being paid a ransom in
bitcoin. Electric vehicle system designers must consider aspects of all
three safety and security measures.
High voltage
ISO 26262 defines four automotive safety integrity levels
Additionally, all aspects of the electric drivetrain – such as (ASILs), as listed in Table 1.
the onboard charger, high-voltage to high-voltage or high-
voltage to low-voltage DC/DC converter, and electric vehicle
traction inverter – all use programmable microcontrollers
(MCUs) such as C2000Tm real-time MCUs.

20 October 2023


Single-point Latent fault Probabilistic metric for

ASIL class
fault metric metric hardware random fails
ASIL A n/a n/a n/a
≤100 failure in time
ASIL B ≥90% ≥60%
ASIL C ≥97% ≥80% ≤100 FIT
ASIL D ≥99% ≥90% ≤10 FIT
Table 1: ISO 26262 quantitative random hardware diagnostic coverage metrics per each
ASIL class

ISO/SAE 21434 defines four cybersecurity assurance levels

(CALs) based on attack vector and impact, as listed in Table 2.
Attack Vector
Physical Local Adjacent Network
Negligible n/a n/a n/a n/a
Moderate CAL 1 CAL 1 CAL 2 CAL 3

Major CAL 1 CAL 2 CAL 3 CAL 4
Severe CAL 2 CAL 3 CAL 4 CAL 4

Table 2: ISO/SAE 21434 cybersecurity assurance levels

SAE J3061 defines four cybersecurity integrity levels (CSILs)

and recommends the application of a cybersecurity process
for all automotive systems responsible for functions that are
ASIL rated per ISO 26262, or for functions associated with
subsystems such as propulsion, braking and steering. These

ISO 6469 describes four classes that depend on the

maximum working voltage range “U” of an electric circuit,
as listed in Table 3.
Highest (maximum) working voltage
Voltage class AC voltage (in root-
DC voltage (in V)
mean-square value)
0 < U ≤ 60
60 < U ≤ 1,500
0 < U ≤ 30
30 < U ≤ 1,000
B1 60 < U ≤ 75 30 < U ≤ 50 Stop
B2 75 < U ≤ 1,500 50 < U ≤ 1,000
Table 3: ISO 6469 permissible maximum voltage levels per each voltage class

There is significant synergy between ISO 21434 and ISO

26262 in terms of how to implement their recommendations
during the design, development and mass production of an
electrical/electronic/programmable electronic system.

Conclusion Complete Machine

With the increasing complexity of automotive subsystems Safety Chain Solutions
in hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles and the
electrification of the powertrain, safety and security are
becoming higher priorities. Fortunately, commonly accepted Watch Videos
normative international standards address these safety and
security aspects.

TI can help you make security and safety assessments and

achieve security and safety goals in your automotive designs.
For example, while developing a powertrain solution with a
C2000™ real-time MCU, the online safety material is a great
starting point. October 2023 21


From the
Connector Geek
Don’t diss connectors! David Pike is proud to call himself the ‘Connector Geek’.
He has spent nearly 30 years in the interconnection marketplace, working with
manufacturers and distributors, building a reputation throughout the industry
for his passion and knowledge. So we gave him his own series...

When we imagine the concept of Just a few days before I wrote this In the article, the writer suggested that
cybersecurity, the classical portrayal column in September of 2023, Apple the USB-C might be the first piece of
is often a lone hacker, working in the had announced the launch of their technology in history that everyone in
shadows, using computers to infiltrate latest iPhone. Alongside the usual the world will possess.
corporate or government networks. selection of improvements – faster
While this may have been true processors, improved cameras and
decades ago, the reality has evolved brighter displays – there was another
as cybersecurity and cyber warfare change that made the headlines.
have entered an industrialised age. The
modern hacker is just as likely to sit For the first time, Apple have
in an air-conditioned office building, abandoned their infamous Lightning
wearing a tie and a name badge. connector and adopted the USB Type-C
as the main interface for the iPhone.
Whether this was a conscious business
choice or Apple’s hand was forced by
the latest legislation is a subject for
another day. However, the practical
consequence is that all the latest
generation of smartphones available on
the market today will use the USB-C.
The USB-C – One Plug to Rule Them All
Truly Universal
Whether this is likely to be true is, once
The Universal Serial Bus Type-C again, a subject for another column,
connector is a fantastic tool that is but it does highlight an interesting
The traditional portrayal of a hacker simplifying the world of electronic concern for anyone interested in
devices. It can deliver power, data cybersecurity. The USB-C is a connector
Wherever the modern cybersecurity and even video connections in a small that has been designed from the
specialist plies their trade, the image is interface. When it was launched nearly beginning to be universal. When every
still of someone using the internet to a decade ago, even the New York handheld device, machine, computer
conduct their work remotely. However, Times featured a story about it. and domestic appliance is fitted with
this is just one aspect of cybersecurity,
the same connector, how do you
the one that we see reported in the As much as I love connectors, even I protect the device to which it is fitted?
newspapers. The truth is that some will confess that it is unusual for major
risks are of a physical nature, and this is news channels to feature a story of This is the same problem that users have
where connectors play their part. this kind. faced with the original USB connector,
the letter-box-shaped type-A.

22 October 2023


These have been around long enough Industrial clamp meters used by The undersea optical fibre network
to have entered Hollywood. How electricians take advantage of this is still vulnerable to physical threats.
many movies have shown the hero effect to measure the current flowing As we become more dependent on
escape from a dinner party to sneak through wires without breaking them. high-speed internet communications,
into the bad guy’s office with a small the security of our undersea cables
USB memory stick, and download the It is perfectly possible to gain is vital. Recent internet outages have
evidence needed to bring them to information about the data passing been caused by natural events such
justice? This portrayal of cybersecurity through the cable by exploiting as undersea rockfalls or earthquakes,
might prove to be a more accurate the same physical effect. There is a but the cables are also can also be
representation of reality than the hero fascinating book called Blind Man’s damaged by more malevolent forces. In
typing into a computer. Bluff that describes the efforts that the this case, the removal of our ability to
superpowers were willing to expend communicate could be just as crippling
With the launch and widespread during the Cold War years of the 20th as the interception of our data.
adoption of the USB-C, we now have a Century to intercept traffic through
connector that has become so common undersea cables. Using submarines,
that it is virtually invisible. People taps were placed on cables to Make Connectors Part
carry them in their pockets or on their eavesdrop on telephone conversations, of Your Cybersecurity
keyrings, leave them lying on their obtaining vital information about the
desks or throw them into their bag. opponent’s intentions. Policy
This could mean that they pose an Undersea cables are still relevant today. With so many of us carrying powerful
even bigger security risk than the Even in the era of wireless connections computing devices in our pockets every
shadowy hacker. If someone can gain and satellite communication, the day, we are constantly being advised
physical access to your equipment, the importance of undersea cables has to protect our personal data. We are
USB-C with its unobtrusive design, increased rather than decreased as wary of public wireless networks, and
universal interface, and plug-and-play they form the backbone of the modern we are cautious about opening emails
functionality could be the backdoor internet. The principal difference is that appear too good to be true.
they need cause havoc. that most today’s undersea cables use But even the most modern wireless
optical fibres rather than copper and communications depend on physical
infrastructure. A significant part of the
High School Physics electrons.
journey that data takes to reach your
There are plenty of technical reasons phone will be over physical, copper
While this universality might make it
for this. Even the smallest optical fibre cabling.
the latest challenge to cybersecurity,
can carry vast volumes of data over
this is not the first time that connectors The next time you watch a movie in
long distances, making them ideal for
and wires have created a potential which the hero frantically types into
ocean-spanning communications.
weak point. Connectors and cables a computer to disable the bad guy’s
are simple devices that carry electrical They are also immune to the kind of network, consider whether it might
signals along conductive paths made of electromagnetic eavesdropping that have been easier for them to just bluff
metal. But if you cast your mind back makes copper cables vulnerable. The their way into the villain’s lair and use
to your high school physics lessons, light travelling through the fibre does a USB memory stick. And consider
there is an unbreakable relationship not alter the magnetic field, making whether, in creating a truly universal
between electricity, magnetic fields and them impossible to intercept. interface, the interconnection industry
electromagnetic radiation. has unintentionality made it easier for
the bad guy to access your information
Many of the devices that we use
today depend on this relationship.
The electric motor and generator Just like the mythical Hydra,
both work by using the movement of cybersecurity is a many-headed
conductive elements through magnetic monster. For every attack you foil, those
fields. The generator depends on who wish to infiltrate your network
this movement to create a current will find a new approach. The physical
and generate electricity, while the accessibility of a universal connector
motor uses electricity and magnets to is a tempting target, especially when
create motion. As far as the physics its familiarity can make us overlook
is concerned, the differences are the role it plays in our data security. To
unimportant – they both make use of counter this, we must make sure that
the same effect. physical security – controlling who has
access to our computer hardware and
The force exerted by a motor is
connectors – is just as important as
achieved by using many conductive Modern undersea optical fibre cable
virtual security.
wires in parallel, but even a tiny current
passing along an individual circuit will When formulating your cybersecurity
exert an influence on the environment policy, don’t let the connectors that you
around it. use be the weak point that lets the bad
guys in. October 2023 23


The development
tools you need
Top 5 Development Tools

Mouser offers one of the widest ranges of development kits immediately available off-the-shelf to help
designers get started. Here, Mouser’s Technical Marketing Manager, EMEA, Mark Patrick, presents his
‘Top 5 Pick’ of recently-released dev kits.

Watching the waves

Crystek CEVAL-0914 oscillator
eval board
Crystek’s CEVAL-0914 evaluation board is designed to
test 9mm x 14mm VCXOs, VCSOs, and clock oscillators.
It uses a high-performance test socket capable of up to
3GHz operation with minimal signal loss, and can test
sine wave or CMOS waveform output-based oscillators
without soldering the Unit Under Test (UUT). The board
has two methods to supply power and control voltage,
female SMAs or terminal screws, and operates across the
-40°C to 85°C temperature range.


SoM product
Critical Link MitySOM-AM62
The 80-001694 devkit provides all the hardware and
software support for evaluating the MitySOM-AM62
System-on-Module (SOM). The kit comes complete with
the MitySOM-AM62 module, an onboard dual RS-232 to
micro-USB port, dual 10/100/1000 Mbit Ethernet, dual
USB 2.0 host ports, one MIPI camera interface port, and
one USB 2.0 Dual Role Device (DRD) port. The kit also
includes dual electrically isolated CAN bus ports and a 46-
pin 0.1” header that provides several direct connections
to the AM62x processor supporting GPIO, SPI, I2C, and
GPMC peripherals.

An HDMI port supports displays up to 2048 x 2048

resolution through a standard connector (video only).
Support for up to two LCD displays utilizing LVDS data
and I2C control interfaces are available via an external
connector interface. Standard stereo line-in and line-out
3.5mm / 1/8th jacks are provided for audio. A standard
micro-SD card interface is available for MitySOMAM62
boot media and general non-volatile data storage.


24 October 2023


Quick IoT
u-blox USB-ANNA-B4
These eval tools allow quick prototyping of a variety of
extremely low-powered IoT applications. They are built on
the ultra-compact BLUETOOTH® low energy SIP module
ANNA-B4, based on the Nordic Semiconductor nRF52833
chip, and feature a USB stick form factor with a USB
interface to simplify evaluation and prototyping directly
from a PC. The USB-ANNA-B4 demo tools support the full
BLUETOOTH® Core specification v5.1 and IEEE 802.15.4
standards. The USB-ANNA-B4 boards are available in two
variants to accommodate alternative software solutions.
The USB-ANNA-B402 board includes an Open CPU
ANNA-B402 module with an internal 2.4GHz antenna
(integrated with the SiP), while the USB-ANNA-B412
board includes an ANNA-B412 module with pre-flashed
u-connectXpress software and an internal 2.4GHz antenna
(integrated into the SiP).


Get GaNing
Wolfspeed CMPA1D1J001S-AMP1
eval board
This evaluation board is designed to demonstrate the
functionality and versatility of Wolfspeed’s CMPA1D1J001S
12.7GHz to 18GHz, 1W GaN High Power Amplifier (HPA).
The CMPA1D1J001S utilizes Wolfspeed’s high performance,
0.15µm GaN, on the SiC production process. With a
12.7GHz to 18GHz frequency range, the CMPA1D1J001S
supports radar and communication applications within
military and commercial markets.


Thinner massive MIMO

eval board
NXP Semiconductors’ A5M36TG140TC-EVB top-side-
cooling evaluation board enables thinner 5G massive
MIMO radios. The A5M36TG140TC-EVB removes the
need for the dedicated RF shield and separates thermal
management from RF design. The first family of NXP
top-side-cooled devices are designed for 64T64R (320 W)
or 32T32R (200 W) mMIMO radios covering 3.3GHz to
3.8GHz. A5M36TG140TC-EVB Top-Side Cooling Evaluation
Board - NXP Semiconductors | Mouser

FIND OUT MORE >> October 2023 25


Tech Ideas
Twice as
many inputs
on the
Red Pitaya
By Črt Valentinčič, CTO, Red Pitaya

The traditional Olympic motto of Citius,

Altius, Fortius (Faster, Higher, Stronger)
not only applies in the world of sports,
but also to the technical needs and
requirements of STEMlab users. In
the tech world, standing still means
going backwards, and the constant
upgrading of STEMlab specifications is
only the logical result of combining this
basic idea with the dynamic Red Pitaya

But changes and improvements don’t

always come in the form of large
technological advances related to
sampling frequencies and resolution.
Sometimes, it´s enough to come up with
an apparently simple but smart idea
to make users’ lives much easier. For
example, when browsing some of the
blog posts on the Red Pitaya website
we find a whole range of practical and This experiment only uses the inputs In EIT, an array of electrodes injects
innovative case studies that make use of a STEMlab 125-14, and none of tiny currents in the body (or simulated
of the versatile STEMlab units. And in the outputs, as can be seen in the tissue), measuring the related voltages
some of these studies, we clearly see an experimental setup diagram below. In to create a realistic image, very similar
imbalance in the use of analog I/Os: his conclusions, the author refers to one to MRI scans. The figure below shows a
possible way of improving performance, schematic overview of the EIT imaging
In his master’s thesis project, A. related to the availability of additional process, in which the Red Pitaya board
Hungenberg explains how the Red inputs and increased noise reduction. was responsible for generating the
Pitaya unit captures laser intensity levels analog output, as well as for the DAQ of
via photodiodes, placed in the beam In another dissertation, A.J. Schluchter the measurement signals.
after a linear Paul-trap with 40Ca+ ions also integrates the STEMlab 125-14
for qubit creation. model in an imaging experiment.

26 October 2023


Figure 4: Red Pitaya units integrated in the SPIDER experiment diagnostics

In this setup, the STEMlab receives At these temperatures and energies, the
Start-Stop signals, making it possible to solidity of beam diagnostics and DAQ
measure the ToF (time-of-flight) of the instruments is paramount, especially
laser beam between the emitter-object- given the necessary variety of systems,
receiver to determine the distance- requiring the integration of 12 FPGAs.
to-object (shown in Figure 3 below). The RFX Consortium opted for STEMlab
Fast ADC of the reflected beam signal, units, mostly because of their flexible
Figure 2: EIT imaging process overview along with a Python program for signal logic design – enabling greater ease
processing, makes it possible to filter of data transfer – as well as their small
In the conclusions section the author out the background noise for safer size – allowing installation close to the
notes the need to include more inputs results. Both processes were carried out sensors – leading to a solution that
and a better signal-to-noise ratio for by the Red Pitaya board, only utilizing integrates several diagnostics systems
improved performance. its analog inputs. into a single model. Out of the 12 Red
Pitaya boards used, 11 (integrated in the
The scientific paper by T.-T. Nguyen Finally, the clearest example of a Dual Directional Couplers DDC, Beamlet
et al. on a high-precision LiDAR project that almost exclusively takes Current Measurement BCM, and Beam
system working in high background advantage of the ADC inputs of the Dump Current Measurement BDCM)
light conditions describes another STEMlab 125-14, and hardly any of its only made up of their input sampling
project where the same Red Pitaya outputs, is the SPIDER Beam Source capacities.
model played a crucial role in distance of the RFX Consortium, developed
measurement for an Advanced Driver for the experimental thermonuclear Even if these projects were successful
Assistance System, using near-IR fusion reactor prototype, ITER. In this and able to achieve their objectives, the
light for object detection in realistic endeavor, SPIDER is in charge of Neutral Red Pitaya team always believes there
background light conditions. Beam Injection (NBI), one of the is still potential for additional value,
systems that heat the reactor plasma up especially for those projects where signal
to 150 million °C. generation is not needed. In such cases,
four Hi-Speed input channels would
be the perfect solution. This simple,
smart approach will save desk or rack
space, reducing the cost and power
consumption of similar solutions by a
significant factor.

On top of the increase in the number of

input channels, this upgrade has been
applied to the previously revamped
STEMlab 125-14 model with the Xilinx
Zynq 7020 SoC version, providing better
noise and crosstalk reduction as well
as superior computational capabilities,
while maintaining its legendary flexibility
and versatility, thanks to the customary
Figure 3: LiDAR main building blocks open-source programmability. October 2023 27


Vision On Vision-based systems are playing an increasingly

important part in our everyday lives. In a new series,
regular Mouser’s EIU contributor, Adam Taylor of
Adiuvo Engineering, will examine key elements of
vision-based systems, from the different types of
sensors available to the application of image processing
By Adam Taylor
algorithms and the deployment of machine-learning
for Mouser Electronics
inference to extract information contained within.

An introduction to image
processing and image sensors
One of my memories of school math sensor performance, which will have an Additional external circuitry is also
classes is of the teacher saying mental impact on the performance of the overall required to convert the voltage into a
arithmetic was important as we would application. digital pixel value which can be used
not always have a calculator available further in the processing system.
when needed. Fast forward 30 years Most image sensors are defined to
and of course, many of us are carrying work within the visible element of the CMOS Image Sensors however, use a
around a high-performance computers electromagnetic spectrum, that we as active pixel sensor in which each pixel
nominally to make phone calls but mostly humans can see. The stretches from contains a photo diode in series with a
used for messaging, surfing the internet, 380nm to 700nm, or from blue to green capacitor.
gaming and of course occasional use as a to red as human eyes perceive those
wavelengths. Though as we will see in This enables over the integration time
later instalments, embedded vision is (the time the pixels are exposed to the
The mobile phones I referred to - possible outside of the visible spectrum ambient light) the photo current to be
and that we all carry around - also and can be useful for several applications. integrated and hence converted to a
have significant image processing / voltage. Unlike CCD devices CIS imagers
embedded vision capabilities. In fact, Two main technologies are used for are read out by enabling each pixel in the
these embedded vision capabilities image sensors, Charge Coupled Devices array to be directly addressed and output
have become so important they are (CCD) and CMOS Image Sensors (CIS). via a amplifier and ADC on chip. This
now a distinguishing factor in the provides each pixel in the array with a
Charge Coupled Devices accumulate digital value. The number of bits provided
marketplace, and different mobile phone
charge within the sensor pixels (called by the ADC conversion will provide the
manufacturers focus on the performance
potential wells), this charge is transferred pixel resolution, typical pixel resolutions
and capabilities of the cameras as a
sequentially from one pixel to another in image processing systems are 8, 10, 12
competitive advantage.
during the read-out phase, just like a shift or 16 bits per pixel.
It is not just mobile phones where register. The final stage of the output is
vision systems play an important part a charge to voltage convertor, enabling In both CCD and CIS solutions, to
in our everyday life; increasingly image the pixel voltage to be sampled externally support higher resolutions and faster
processing and embedded vision are key using an ADC. frame rates several outputs may be
elements of our lives that are used not provided in parallel by segmenting the
only in our mobile phones to capture image array.
our memories, but also across a range of
Outside specialist applications such as
applications from automotive to medical
scientific and space imaging, most image
and of course smart cities.
applications utilise a CIS as it provides a
This series of articles will examine key simpler solution for integration requiring
elements of vision-based systems, from fewer voltages and external components.
the different types of sensors available
Selecting the sensor technology is
to the application of image processing
however only one element of selecting
algorithms and the deployment of
the most appropriate image sensor for
machine learning inference to extract
This makes CCD devices complex to drive your application.
information contained within.
as transferring the charge effectively
The next step of the selection process is
In this first instalment we are going to from one pixel to another requires several
to determine the resolution required in
explore the different kind of sensors, different precise, noise free voltages and
terms of pixels per line and number of
and how the sensor works. We are timing control signals.
also going to explore key elements of

28 October 2023


A scientific astronomy application, for • Fixed Pattern Noise (FPN) is spatial in So far we have looked at sensor type,
example, may require a high-resolution nature and is related to the different CCD or CIS, configuration line scan or
two-dimensional sensor while an responses of pixels when subject to the two-dimensional, shutter type and front
industrial inspection system may be best same illumination intensity. or back illuminated. The pixel value being
served using a line-scan approach. output represents a scale of intensity,
• Dark current is caused by thermal noise when processed this will provide a grey
Line-scan devices comprise one or a few within the image sensor and is present scale image. While the world is colour,
lines of pixels in the X direction, typical even when there is no illumination. many image processing applications - as
applications include production line The impact of dark signal upon the we will discover over this series - use grey
inspection. final image quality is less significant scale images. However we may also want
at higher frame rates. It is also to capture colour images, in this case
In Line Scan devices movement in the Y temperature related, and so may be each pixel on the sensor has a Bayer filter
direction provides the two-dimensional reduced by cooling the sensor using a applied to it, this filter allows through
image. device such as a Peltier element. photons of only one wavelength either
Line-scan sensors are also capable of red, green or blue. The Bayer filter is
Understanding the noise model helps
providing Time Domain Integration applied to the image sensor in a 2x2 grid
determine the Signal to Noise Ratio
(TDI), TDI devices have multiple lines in which consists of one red, one blue and
the X direction. As the target moves, two green pixels typically. Down stream
the pixel value is accumulated from Along with understanding the noise image processing algorithms are then
one to the next thereby increasing sources and how they effect the able to recreate the RGB colour possible
effective sensitivity to allow faster scan image sensor, there are several device in each pixel and recover a colour image.
speed or greater low-light performance. parameters which are important. The Using a RGB pixel in comparison to grey
Synchronization is required between the first of these is the dynamic range, scale pixel can increase significantly the
line transfer and movement of the target, dynamic range quantifies the ability of computation requirements. This increase
to prevent smearing and image defects. the sensor to capture images containing arises as each colour channel now
However, frame rates can be very high, as both highly illuminated areas and dark consists of a number of bits for example
there are only a few lines to read out. areas. It is usually expressed in dB or 8 bits for each colour channel. This
as the ratio of the full-well capacity of means the image processing application
Should a two-dimensional imager be the pixel (the number of electrons the needs to process each colour channel
required we need to select the shutter pixel can hold before saturating) to the individually and also increases the storage
type, this can be either global or rolling sensor readout noise. If the device has a requirements and bandwidths required to
shutter. A global shutter image sensor digital output, the dynamic range may
is similar to a classical camera in that all Understanding the different elements
also be influenced by the number of bits.
of the pixels are exposed at the same of sensor selection is important as the
Dynamic range is one of the reasons,
time and read out at the same time. This remainder of the vision system will be
the images taken on the manned moon
means the image represents a snapshot based around the sensor selected. This
missions in the 60s and 70s did not show
at a moment in time. As all of the pixels processing chain will implement several
many stars in the sky.
are read out at the same time this can different features from de-Bayering
limit the framerate of the sensor as Another critical device parameter which to gamma correction and convolution
the read-out time can be considerable should be considered by the image filtering as we will see in upcoming
especially for larger resolution sensors. system designers is that of quantum articles.
efficiency. QE is a measure of the
Alternatively, a rolling shutter reads out sensors pixels ability to convert incident
a line at a time as other lines are still photons to electrons. If every photon
integrating, this means we can achieve Adam Taylor, Founder
was converted to a electron the QE
a higher frame rate. However the image would be said to be 100%, there are and Principal Consultant
does not represent a snapshot in time, several elements which can effect a at Adiuvo Engineering,
only a single line is a snapshot. As each pixels quantum efficiency, this includes is a chartered
line represents a different snapshot in the wavelength of the photon and the engineer and fellow
time the image may contain artifacts construction of the sensor itself. of the Institute of Engineering and
or smearing, especially when trying to
capture fast moving images. The construction of the sensor also has Technology. Over his multi-decade
a significant impact on the quantum career, he has had experience
CIS are available in both Global and efficiency of the sensor. Image sensors within the public and private sector,
Rolling Shutter configurations, however are typically manufactured on a silicon developing FPGA-based solutions
the most popular type of shutter across substrate on to this poly silicon structures
many applications is the rolling shutter. for a range of applications including
are created. When a device is illuminated
from the front poly silicon structures can RADAR, nuclear reactors, satellites,
One of the most important consideration cryptography and image processing.
appear opaque at some wavelengths
for image systems is the noise allowable Adam is also a Visiting Professor of
impacting the quantum efficiency. Back
within the image sensor. There are
illuminated devices have the silicon embedded systems at the University
several well-known noise sources with a
thinned by a chemical / mechanical of Lincoln. Education is his deepest
process enabling the photo sensitive area
passion and he has delivered
• Device Noise is temporal in nature and to be exposed directly to the incoming
light. The removes the effects of the thousands of hours' worth of training
includes shot noise as well as noise
to corporate clients and casual
introduced by the output amplifiers and poly silicon structures and increases the
reset circuits. quantum efficiency of the sensor. hardware enthusiasts alike. October 2023 29


Talking Test
By Stuart Cording, Consulting Engineer

Whatever your new normal is – back in the lab, remote or hybrid

– you’ll need good test resources with the emphasis on accuracy,
flexibility, portability and affordability. Electronics engineer and
technical writer Stuart Cording, who focuses primarily on the
semiconductor and embedded systems sectors, is here to help.

Roll-your-own T&M
with Advanced
There is plenty of test equipment out Being pre-Internet, plenty of time The FS3000-1015 sensing element,
there, and your lab bench is probably was spent thumbing through catalogs from Renesas Electronics, is a surface
weighed down with a selection of to find an anemometer of suitable mount microelectromechanical system
boxes powder coated in “T&M Gray.” accuracy. (MEMS) thermopile device measuring
But what do you do when you’re 7.6 × 9.0 × 4.0mm constructed a little
Nowadays, silicon chip sensors are
compelled to test something for which like an underpass or tunnel. The sensor
capable of precisely measuring almost
you don’t have a dedicated piece of test is mounted so that the air enters at
anything. And, together with an
hardware? This happens more often the end where pin 1 is located. The
Arduino board or similar single-board
than you might think. For example, board simplifies connectivity and
computer, all sorts of test equipment
while working at a manufacturer of integration thanks to SparkFun’s Qwiic
can be constructed to your precise
crystal oscillators, the team started interface. Designed for boards using
needs at short notice.
developing a new product – oven- I2C connectivity, it provides power and
controlled oscillators, or OCXOs. a data link. Daisy-chaining of boards
is also supported, and a polarized
Specially selected SC-cut quartz Watching the wind connector avoids potential damage
was used thanks to its relatively flat
For the purposes of generating data during circuit construction.
frequency deviation around 50°C
for a product datasheet, the OCXO
– 60°C. Being oscillator specialists,
application required a calibrated
product development was relatively
anemometer. However, not every use
simple, and we achieved a few parts-
case requires a calibrated tool. For
per-billion (ppb) accuracy. While most
example, you may have an application
of the product’s datasheet parameters
or a field return where you suspect
could be filled in, one piece of data
an internal fan turns off under some
was more challenging to quantify –
specific conditions. Or, you think that
the impact of air movement on the
airflow fluctuations are a potential
cause of an issue. So, to check your
A simple wind tunnel was constructed hypothesis, you want to leave the
using a large plastic tube and a fan, application running for a few days to
and a variable power supply enabled monitor airflow.
wind speed adjustment. However, a
A board like the SparkFun Air Velocity
method of measuring wind speed was
Sensor Breakout would probably do the
not available. Figure 1: This SparkFun air velocity sensor features Qwiic
job (Figure 1). connectors for speedy connection with the I2C bus for
matching microcontroller boards.

30 October 2023


Figure 2: Example Arduino code outputting measurements from the FS3000 air velocity sensor. (Source: SparkFun) Figure 4: At just 10.1 mm on a side, the SCD40 sensor
measures true CO2 levels using the Non-Dispersive Infrared
(NDIR) measurement technique as well as humidity and

The sensor operates from the 3.3 Data can either be read as samples Today, a broad selection of sensors are
V supply of the Qwiic connector, become available or read in bursts using available to measure CO2 quantities,
although the FS3000-1015 sensor the integrated 96-result-sized FIFO. but some generate their output as an
can operate down to 2.7V, and draws equivalent reading based on quantities
The sensor requires a 2.25V to 3.6V
10mA typical. Airflow of between of other Volatile Organic Compounds
supply. This is converted into a 1.8V
0 and 15m/s (0 to 33.6mph) can be (VOCs).
supply by its integrated LDO for the
measured to an accuracy of 5% at
analog blocks, such as the 20-bit The Adafruit SCD-40 True CO2,
25°C, and an operating temperature of
sigma-delta analog-to-digital converter Temperature, and Humidity sensor
-20°C to 85°C is supported.
(ADC). A temperature sensor is also utilizes a device from Sensirion that
Integration into a monitoring available, read through a 12-bit measures true gas concentrations
application is simplified thanks to an successive approximation ADC. (Figure 4). CO2 molecules strongly
Arduino library in the SparkFun GitHub absorb infrared radiation at
Should the device be subjected to
Repository. The API supports access wavelengths around 4.2µm.
excessive force, over-range protection
to the raw data as well as offering
intervenes to avoid electrostatic capture The SCD-40 sensor leverages this using
readings in meters per second and
of the proof mass. Finally, if your a photoacoustic Non-Dispersive Infrared
miles per hour (Figure 2).
monitoring application needs to be (NDIR) measurement technique. As
wireless, battery life won’t be overly molecules absorb light from a pulsing
impacted by the sensor with its 200µA IR transmitter, a pressure wave is
Monitoring movement current draw in measurement mode generated that is detected by an
Some time ago, the famous Swedish- and 21µA in standby. integrated microphone. This approach
meatball-purveying furniture store enables the development of sensors
used to show their armchairs being smaller than alternative detectors, such
subjected to repeated compression by a as transmissive NDIR that use an IR
linear actuator to demonstrate product emitter and photodetector.
However, sometimes the contraption The board includes a 3.3V regulator
would fail. If this were a long-term test to ensure a low-noise supply to the
in a lab, it would be helpful to know at SCD-40, something that helps to
what point either the test apparatus or improve the quality of measurements.
device under test failed. Analog Devices This allows it to attain its measurement
has a solution for this with their EVAL- range of 400 to 2000 ppm with
ADXL359 evaluation board. an accuracy of ±50 ppm. On top,
Figure 3: Mounted on a meaty piece of FR4, the ADXL359
MEMS accelerometer evaluation board is ready to monitor
the board delivers relative humidity
Mounted onto a meaty slab of FR4 movement. readings of 0% to 100% and
circuit board (Figure 3) is their low- temperature from -10°C to 60°C.
noise, low-power 3-axis MEMS
ADXL359 accelerometer. Offering Integration with your chosen
Checking the indoor microcontroller board is also simple
selectable ±10g, ±20g, and ±40g
measurement ranges, it’s ideal for environment thanks to the use of the same Qwiic
industrial applications with long- connectors (that SparkFun name
Indoor air quality remains a hot
term stability and minimal offset drift STEMMA QT) highlighted earlier. When
topic, especially as winter nears and
over temperature. Both SPI and I2C using the Arduino IDE, users can install
the transmission of airborne viruses
interfaces are available, providing the Sensirion I2C SCD4x library directly
becomes more likely. An Increase in
choice when connecting to a from the Library Manager to get started
CO2 indicates a general lack of airflow
microcontroller. quickly (Figure 5).
and a build-up of pollutants, such as
particulate matter from laser printers or
bio-contaminant aerosols. October 2023 31

Retaining the familiar form factor and Another clever addition is the 12 × 8
pinout, the brains are provided by a matrix array of Charlieplexed LEDs.
32-bit RA4M1 series Arm Cortex-M4 By leveraging the available libraries,
microcontroller from Renesas (Figure 6). simple operational feedback can be
provided without having to resort to an
Offering 256kB flash and 32kB SRAM,
alphanumeric LCD.
there is more than enough memory
for sensor monitoring code that shares
data wirelessly with a backend of your Monitoring measurements
Figure 5: Demo code displaying CO2, temperature,
choice, enabling results to be stored for
and humidity from the SCD-40 using an Arduino board.
(Source: AdaFruit) later analysis. Wireless connectivity is made easy
provided by an Espressif ESP32-S3 Wi-Fi While traditional test and measurement
Plugging it all together module integrated onto the board. equipment supports the gathering
A Qwiic connector is also provided, of results good enough for inclusion
With your sensors selected for your
allowing compatible sensors to be easily in a product datasheet, sometimes
target environmental measurements,
attached using Qwiic cable assemblies. you just want to monitor a parameter
it’s time to select some programmable
Operating at 3.3 V, it’s ready to use for fault finding or check correct
hardware for the monitoring.
without modification by the modules long-term operation. Semiconductor
Arduino is an excellent choice as the
highlighted here. vendors offer a wealth of exceptionally
range of available boards is largely
accurate sensors that other suppliers
interchangeable without needing to
package up in easy-to-use boards.
edit application code. The Arduino
Such hardware is simple to operate,
UNO has often been seen as a good
and software support in the form of
starting point.
libraries is also available, ensuring that
However, with its 8-bit microprocessor success is attained in just a few lines
and limited memory, it lacks the of code. Together with the latest UNO
performance required for remote R4 WiFi board from Arduino, you also
wireless monitoring and more complex have a compact board with more than
application code. enough performance to build wireless
monitoring setups that can be adapted
All this changes with the recent release
to your ever-changing testing needs.
of the Arduino UNO R4 WiFi.
Figure 6: Featuring a 32-bit Renesas MCU, the Arduino
UNO R4 WIFI packs in a Wi-Fi module and Qwiic connector
for I2C sensor modules.

Automotive PSoC™ TRAVEO™


32 October 2023


Wi-Fi 7 FEM for Smart Home NEW PRODUCT

and portables
Mouser is now stocking the QM45639 5GHz to 7GHz
Wi-Fi® 7 front end module (FEM) from Qorvo.

Wi-Fi 7 offers a wider channel and capacity gains than the 6GHz
spectrum, resulting in massive throughput gains. Wi-Fi 7 can
deliver peak rates of over 40Gbps, a 4× increase over Wi-Fi 6E.
The QM45639 FEM offers lightning-fast wireless connectivity
for PCs in both gaming and work environments, as well as
exceptional performance for customer premises equipment, smart
home devices, portable consumer electronics and wearables.

Optimized for 802.11be systems, the Qorvo QM45639 Matter is a universal software layer, a foundation for
supports the next generation of data-centric IoT applications. connected things and their applications, built upon and
The QM45639 module offers outstanding performance by compatible with various protocols. By using standard IP as
optimizing the power amplifier for a broad range of supply the communication protocol Matter builds upon, it acts as
voltages for mobile applications, from 3 V to 5 V. The high- the universal IoT standard compatible with various protocols
performance module boasts a 29-dB Tx gain and 2.3-dB deployed in homes today.
noise figure, as well as a 14-dB Rx gain (high gain), 12-dB
Rx gain (low current), and 3-dB bypass loss. The device’s The QM45639 module is supported by the Qorvo
integrated power coupler and multiple Wi-Fi transmit states QM45639EVB evaluation board, also available at Mouser.
ensure flexible, highly efficient operations for all applications.

As a Wi-Fi 7 device, the QM45639 module offers

compatibility with Matter™, a new connectivity standard for
Click for More Information
Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

5-in-1 antennas: cellular, Wi- NEW PRODUCT

Fi, GNSS, IoT/IIoT, wireless:
Engineered for advanced commercial vehicles and
wireless applications, Sunshade 5-in-1 antennas from
Molex combine LTE/5G full-band cellular, Wi-Fi® and
GNSS functionalities into a single compact solution
while providing reliable performance and extreme
design flexibility.

Available from Mouser Electronics, Sunshade 5-in-1 low-

profile antennas have built-in cellular (LTE and 5G) MIMO *2,
Wi-Fi (tri-band) *2, and GNSS features, making them ideal
solutions for diverse, advanced applications.

The cellular 5G frequency on these antennas ranges from All Sunshade 5-in-1 antennas are ROHS compliant and have
698MHz to 960MHz and 1,710MHz to 5GHz, while the Wi-Fi an IP67 protection rating, making them waterproof and
frequency comprises 2.4GHz, 5GHz, and 6GHz. protecting them against contact with objects greater than 1
mm in diameter.
The GNSS frequency range is 1,561MHz to 1,602MHz RF.
Power for the antennas is specified at 2 W. Molex Sunshade 5-in-1 antennas measure just 95 mm x
95mm x 38mm in size. They offer excellent performance
Constructed of high-quality plastic material and mated with on metal and non-metal surfaces and have an operating
SMA straight female cable plugs that facilitate adjustable temperature range of -40°C to +85°C. Target applications
cable lengths and are adaptable to FAKRA and HFM include commercial vehicles, wireless infrastructure and
connectors, the enhanced design of the Sunshade 5-in-1 telecommunications/networking infrastructures.
antennas is offered in two mounting styles for maximum
flexibility. The 220573-1000 antenna has a bolt-nut for use
on a vehicle top or roof cabinet, while the 219264-0001 has Click for More Information
adhesive on the backside for mounting on any surface type. October 2023 33


Pressure sensors for high flow NEW PRODUCT

O2 devices
Mouser Electronics, industry’s leading New Product
Introduction (NPI) distributor with the widest selection
of semiconductors and electronic components, is now
shipping VN Series pressure sensors - a comprehensive
set of parts for ventilator and high-flow oxygen
devices - from Superior Sensor Technology.

VN Series pressure sensors are based on Superior’s VN Series pressure sensors provide 24-bit output resolution
NimbleSense™ architecture, providing inlet (wall and tank), and two extreme resolution sensors for flow, with
flow, inspiratory, expiratory, and barometric pressures while approximately 18-bit effective resolution at high bandwidth.
eliminating the need for the ventilator to oversample sensor
outputs, as the sensor oversamples at 12kHz and includes The Superior Sensor Technology EK07-VN sensor evaluation
internal bandwidth filters to provide a clean > 1kHz data rate. board, also available at Mouser, is designed to evaluate the
capabilities of the VN Series pressure sensor series. This
The VN Series pressure sensors also utilize Multi-RangeTM evaluation board leverages a USB interface to plug into any
technology, which combines an advanced piezoresistive standard computer with the provided software. The EK07-VN
sensing element featuring integrated amplification with an sensor evaluation board is cost-effective and offers excellent
analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and digital signal processor data logging capabilities to compare results. This evaluation
(DSP) for increased dynamic range. This design eliminates the board is equipped with a socket that can be used to change
need for fine-tuning or additional calibration. target devices quickly.

Click for More Information

ML vision, voice and GUI for NEW PRODUCT

IoT, IIoT and smart apps
Mouser is now stocking the SLN-TLHMI-IOT EdgeReady
Smart HMI solution from NXP Semiconductors.

Integrating advanced graphics capabilities, hands-free far-

field voice control and NXP’s cutting-edge vision processing
technology for face and gesture recognition, the SLN-TLHMI-
IOT is a 32-bit embedded evaluation board that leverages the
power of the company’s i.MX RT117H crossover MCU as part of
a complete Smart Human Machine Interface (SMHMI) solution.

The crossover MCU performs all face and gesture recognition Combining the software framework, turnkey vision/
and voice control entirely offline, helping to eliminate engineer voice algorithms, graphics display UI capabilities, memory
concerns about using the cloud because of privacy and latency resources (including 2 MB on-chip SRAM) and robust set of
issues. This plug-and-play solution includes fully-integrated on-chip peripherals, this solution enables designers’ complete
turnkey software, hardware reference designs, demo use cases flexibility to define and customize their applications for
and NXP’s one-stop-shop support to minimize time to market, different SMHMI use cases.
reduce risk, and maximize development efforts.
Apart from the crossover MCU capabilities and functionality,
The NXP SLN-TLHMI-IOT Smart HMI solution features an other notable development features on the SLN-TLHMI-IOT
Arm® Cortex®-M7 core, operating at up to 1GHz, and a include an optional 720P RBG or VGA IR image sensor, a
power-efficient Cortex®-M4 core, running at up to 400MHz. 5.5-inch 720P MIPI LCD, Voice seeker audio front-end (AFE),
This dual-core architecture packs plenty of performance and microphone driver and audio capture capabilities (including
real-time response for edge machine learning (ML) and HMI an MQS driver and audio playback), camera drivers, image
multitasking, and the MCU is licensed to run NXP’s face/gesture capture and pre-processing, built-in security, bootloader
recognition, audio front-end and ML speech engine libraries. and application validation, an IR, RGB and two white LEDs,
Whether the user wants to incorporate ML, vision for face and PIR sensor, and all the essential wireless drivers, including
gesture recognition, AFE-integrated far-field voice control, or a Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) and Wi-Fi®.
2D graphical user interface (GUI), the i.MX RT117H and software
framework can enable designers to mix and match functions to
best fit their application and help simplify overall system design. Click for More Information

34 October 2023



By eliminating the time-consuming and expensive
FCC and carrier end-device certification process, the
Digi XBee® 3 Global GNSS LTE CAT 1 development kit
enables designers to quickly integrate cutting-edge
LTE cellular into their devices and applications

Featuring the Digi XBee 3 Global LTE Cat 1 embedded

modem, the kit comes pre-loaded with three months of
cellular data service, preactivated and ready to go.

Available from Mouser Electronics, the Digi XBee 3 devkit

lets users prototype cellular integration using onboard

With the full suite of standard Digi XBee API frames and Pairing Digi Remote Manager® with the XBee 3 Global LTE
AT commands, MicroPython, and Digi XCTU®, users can Cat 1 modem allows users to configure and control the
seamlessly transition to this embedded modem with only modem from a central platform. The built-in Digi TrustFence®
minor software adjustments. security, identity, and data privacy features use multiple
control layers to protect against new and evolving cyber
Utilizing the Digi XBee 3 Global LTE Cat 1 smart modem, threats. Standard XBee API frames and AT commands,
OEMs and solution providers can also have the flexibility to MicroPython, and XCTU simplify setup, configuration, testing
switch between multiple frequencies and wireless protocols and adding or changing functionality.
as needed. These pre-certified Global LTE Cat 1 modules
are built on industry-leading technology and are ideal for
moderate bandwidth (typically less than 25MB per month)
Click for More Information
and low-cost IoT applications.

u-blox connectivity and NEW PRODUCT

location products
Mouser Electronics, the industry's leading New
Product Introduction (NPI) distributor with the
widest selection of semiconductors and electronic
components™, offers an extensive product portfolio
from u-blox, a leading manufacturer of positioning
and wireless communication technologies.

Mouser stocks more than 250 different products from

u-blox, as well as 393 part numbers available to order.

High-performance u-blox products include the SARA- The u-blox M2-JODY-W3 modules are card modules that
R510AWS LTE-M AWS IoT ExpressLink module, a turnkey provide the highest data rates in Wi-Fi using the most
solution designed to directly access Amazon Web Services advanced Wi-Fi® 6 (802.11ax) technology. The M2-JODY-W3
(AWS) Internet of Things (IoT) Services securely over LTE-M. modules also support Bluetooth® LE features such as
The SARA-R510AWS module is optimized for the fast and extended advertising, long-range, and a 2 Mbit/s data rate.
easy development of secure IoT devices. The module features The card modules are ideal for automotive and industrial
extremely low power consumption, making it an ideal choice applications, including in-car access points for internet
for battery-powered applications. access, hands-free in-car equipment, medical applications,
and security and surveillance devices.
The ZED-F9R GNSS module from u-blox makes use of all four
GNSS constellations simultaneously, delivering high-precision The MIA-M10 standard precision GNSS modules deliver
positioning with the highest possible availability. The ZED- outstanding acquisition times and sensitivity for L1 GNSS
F9R GNSS module features sophisticated built-in algorithms, systems. The MIA-M10 modules support power consumption
combining IMU data, GNSS measurements, wheel ticks, of less than 25mW in continuous tracking mode, enabling
and a dedicated, dynamic model to provide highly accurate significant power autonomy for battery-operated devices
positioning. such as asset trackers.
Click for More Information October 2023 35


6-axis inertial measurement NEW PRODUCT

unit for drones and robots
Mouser is now shipping the WSEN-ISDS 6-axis inertial
measurement unit (IMU) from Würth Elektronik.

The WSEN-ISDS IMU is a 16-bit digital ultra-low power and high-

performance sensor featuring a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis
s gyroscope, with selectable measuring ranges and data rates.

This versatile motion sensor facilitates integration, with output Selectable data rates up to 937Hz for the gyroscope and up to
and processed data pre-calibrated, for application-specific 1400 Hz for the accelerometer, with a built-in FIFO buffer to store
functionalities like localization and navigation for robotics, the output data rate up to 6.6kHz, further enhancing flexibility
drones, automation, industrial tools, machines, antenna, in the design process. The WSEN-ISDS sensor features ultra-
platform stabilization and Industrial IoT devices. small dimensions (2.5mm × 3.0mm × 0.86mm), an embedded
temperature sensor and is available in an LGA package.
The WSEN-ISDS includes free-fall, wake-up, tap, activity,
motion, tilt, and orientation detection functionalities, Würth’s WSEN-EVAL evaluation board provides the
featuring linear and angular acceleration measurement, opportunity to verify the sensor performance and develop
extending from single-event registration to high-frequency fast prototyping using an extension board. This evaluation
continuous vibration monitoring. User-selectable acceleration board is designed to be used with either the Sensor Shield
measurement ranges of ±2g, ±4g, ±8g, ±16g and an angular for Arduino (2501000101291) or the Sensor FeatherWing
rate range of ±125dps, ±250dps, ±500dps, ±1000dps, (2501000201291). The WSEN-EVAL evaluation board can
±2000 degrees per second enhance design versatility. also be mounted on a breadboard using through-hole pin
header connections.

Click for More Information

Ready-to-go wireless IoT box kit NEW PRODUCT

The STEVAL-MKBOXPRO programmable wireless box
kit from STMicroelectronics provides engineers with a
ready-to-go, all-in-one IoT sensor node development
kit that fits in the palm of your hand.

Available from Mouser, the kit is designed for developing any

IoT application based on remote data gathering and evaluation.
The STEVAL-MKBOXPRO implements motion and environmental
data sensing through a suite of customizable precision sensors,
along with a digital microphone, to enhance connectivity and
the smartness of the users’ environment.

Along with motion and accelerometer, temperature, pressure, ‘Expert’ mode can build custom applications in a simple
and magnetometer, the STEVAL-MKBOXPRO includes a 6-axis graphical interface through the STBLESensor App. Access to
inertial measurement unit (IMU) with Qvar and advanced AI specific input data through corresponding available in-box
features. The STEVAL-MKBOXPRO features an ultra-low-power sensors and powerful algorithms accelerates application
Arm®-Cortex®-M33 FPU microcontroller with TrustZone® development regardless of expertise.
and features both an on-board Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.2
antenna and NFC tag. The free STBLESensor App is available ‘Pro’ mode permits the rapid development of users’
for smartphones and tablets, both on Google Play and the tailored IoT applications utilizing STM32 open development
AppleStore, to command the board utilizing three different environment (ODE) and ST function pack libraries, including
modalities: sensing AI function packs with neural network libraries,
without performing any coding activity.
‘Entry’ mode allows users to run a wide range of already
embedded IoT applications for motion, featuring compass, free-
fall detection, level, pedometer, or sensor–fusion–quaternion;
Parameters for environmental, log, AI (artificial intelligence),
MLC (machine learning core) human activity recognition, user
Interface and connectivity sensors are also accessible. Ideal for
Click for More Information

36 October 2023


Ultra-low power MPUs for NEW PRODUCT

high-performance connectivity
and user interface apps
Combining high performance and low power with low
system cost and high-value integration, the SAM9X7
series of MPUs from Microchip Technology touts an
impressive array of connectivity options, enriched
user interface capabilities and state-of-the-art security
features all wrapped around a powerful 800MHz Arm
Thumb® processor.

The SAM9X70 MPUs, available from Mouser Electronics, feature Other connectivity options include an LCD controller, an image
an ARM926EJ-S Core, with the CPU running up to 800MHz and sensor controller, thirteen FLEXCOMs, an ADC, PWM, one
system processing up to 266MHz. The on-chip memories are high-speed USB device/ three high-speed USB hosts and more.
offered in the form of a 176-kbyte internal ROM, a 64-kbyte
internal SRAM, a DDR3(L)/DDR2 controller and an External Along with the SAM9X7 Series connectivity peripherals
Bus Interface (EBI). The MPUs also support various non-volatile are state-of-the-art security functions such as Secure
memory (NVM) interfaces, including NAND Flash, Quad SPI and Boot capability with on-chip secure key storage (OTP) to
eMMC Flash. The SAM9X7 MPUs achieve ultra-low power from effectively keep secret keys hidden from unauthorized users
the real-time clock, 32-bit GP registers, clock generators, power and high-performance crypto accelerators (SHA, AES and
management controllers, and software-programmable ultra-low TDES) to protect classified information and encrypt sensitive
power modes and optimization capabilities. data. Other security features include tamper protection and
a physical unclonable function or PUF that generates on-
Apart from its processing and robust ultra-low-power demand keys that can be instantaneously erased once used.
features, what sets the SAM9X7 Series on another level
of performance is its extensive set of peripheral interfaces The Microchip Technology SAM9X70 MPUs are ideally suited
available on-chip. The MPUs have a 10/100/1000 Mbps to IoT applications, automotive, connectivity devices and user
Ethernet interface with time-sensitive networking (TSN) interfaces. The SAM9X7 Series is supported by Microchip
connectivity support that provides deterministic messaging MPLAB®-X development tools, Harmony, Linux® distributions
on standard Ethernet. The devices also offer MIPI-DSI, LVDS, and the Ensemble Graphics Toolkit.
RGB and 2D graphics, MIPI-CSI-2, Gigabit Ethernet with TSN
and CAN-FD for connectivity and user interface applications.
Click for More Information

3D, AR, VR and more NEW PRODUCT

The BMM350 high-performance magnetometer from at
Bosch is an ultra-small, high-performance, low-current,
16-bit 3-axis magnetometer, ideally suited for a
wide range of consumer applications such as virtual,
augmented, and mixed reality applications, head
orientation, indoor navigation, magnetic compass,
high-end gaming and robotics.

Available from Mouser Electronics, the Bosch magnetometer Combined with a low noise ratio of ± 190n Trms for x, y-axis,
is based on Bosch’s proprietary tunnel magnetoresistance and ± 450n Trms in z-axis, the BMM350 is ideally suited for a
(TMR) technology with field shock recovery features that multitude of target orientation applications.
provide protection against external magnetic fields while
ensuring high accuracy. For augmented reality or virtual reality The BMM350 sensor module is housed in a compact 9-pin
(AR/VR), ultra-precise digital pathfinding improves tracking wafer-level chip scale package (WLCSP) with a footprint
of head movements and 3D audio, reducing pixel latency and of only 1.28mm × 1.28mm and a sensor height of 0.5mm.
motion sickness for VR users. New data-ready interrupt signals The small dimensions and low power consumption of the
and data-ready status register read-out provide the BMM350 sensor make it ideal for use in portable and battery-driven
instant data updates and status polling of positioning and applications.
speed detection for indoor navigation and AR/VR applications.

The BMM350 allows measurements of the magnetic field

in three perpendicular axes, with a magnetic field range of
typical ± 2000µT (x, y, z-axis) and a low current consumption Click for More Information
of ± 200µA @ 100Hz in low power preset. October 2023 37


Boost battery life for IoT NEW PRODUCT

Complementing the company's expanding battery
management solutions portfolio, new NBM5100A/B and
NBM7100A/B battery boosters from Nexperia extend
the life of non-rechargeable lithium primary batteries
by up to 10x over competing solutions while also
increasing peak output current by up to 25x compared
to batteries without a battery booster.

When coupled with the NBM5100A/B and NBM7100A/B, The NMB7100A and NBM5100A include an I2C interface,
lithium primary batteries will not only have a longer life, they while the NMB7100B and NBM5100B offer a Serial Peripheral
will also achieve higher performance, avoid unwarranted waste Interface (SPI).
and be a better, more sustainable power source for low-power
IoT and other portable applications that, before, could only In addition, the NBM5100A/B incorporates a capacitor voltage
operate using AA- or AAA- batteries. balancing port for supercapacitor-based applications. Other
features of the NBM5100A/B and NBM7100A/B include a low
The Nexperia NBM5100A/B and NBM7100A/B battery battery indicator/integrated fuel gauge, an auxiliary regulated
boosters, available from Mouser Electronics, are equipped output pin and brownout protection to prevent the storage
with two high-efficiency DC/DC conversion stages and capacitor from charging when the battery is nearing its end of life.
an intelligent learning algorithm to help better control the
relatively high internal resistance and chemical reaction rates Extending the lifetime of energy-dense lithium primary
typically found with 3 V CR2032 and CR2025 lithium coin cell batteries, such as coin cells, lithium thionyl (i.e., LS14250 1/2
batteries. The first conversion stage involves the slow energy AA) and emerging paper-printed battery types, the Nexperia's
transfer from the battery to a capacitive storage element. The NBM5100A/B and NBM7100A/B battery boosters are available
second stage uses the conserved energy to provide a regulated in a compact, 16-pin DHVQFN package measuring 2.5mm x
(programmable from 1.8V to 3.6V) high-pulse output current 3.5mm x 0.85mm. These ICs are specified over a temperature
(up to 200mA). The intelligent learning algorithm monitors range of -40°C to +85°C, making them ideally suited for
the energy consumed during repetitive load pulse cycles and commercial indoor and industrial outdoor environments.
optimizes the first DC/DC conversion stage to minimize the Target applications include battery-powered wireless IoT nodes
capacitor's residual charge. When not undergoing a cycle (Bluetooth®, LoRaWAN®, Sigfox™, LTE-M, NB-IoT, Zigbee®,
of energy conversion (standby state), the NBM5100A/B and etc.), wireless sensors, industrial devices, portable consumer
NBM7100A/B consume less than 50nA. devices, wearables and utility meters.

Each device features a peripheral interface for host

communications, configuration and control. Click for More Information

Entry level MCUs are high NEW PRODUCT

Featuring a 100MHz Arm® Cortex® -M33 core, RA4E2
MCUs from Renesas Electronics provide an entry-
level solution for low-memory, low-pin count,
small package designs, while delivering high-speed
performance for applications including smart home
devices, consumer electronics, medical devices, and
industrial sensor networks.

The Renesas RA4E2 microcontrollers, now available at RA4E2 evaluation kits enable users to assess the features
Mouser, feature a robust range of peripherals, including a 12- of the RA4E2 MCU group and develop embedded systems
bit ADC, a general PWM timer, USB FS device, SCI, SPI, I3C, applications using the flexible software package and e2
SSI, CANFD, and HDMI-CEC. The MCUs are compatible with studio integrated development environment (IDE). The rich
the Open Arm ecosystem, while the devices’ easy-to-use on-board features along with a range of popular ecosystem
flexible software package supports easy development and add-ons can serve as excellent starting points for designers
migration for a range of designs and applications. The RA4E2 to develop their custom applications. The RA4E2 evaluation
MCUs include 128 kbytes code Flash memory, 40 KBytes kits support high-speed performance testing and evaluation
SRAM, and 4 kBytes data flash. of safety features.

Click for More Information

38 October 2023

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