The Happiest Refugee Booklet
The Happiest Refugee Booklet
The Happiest Refugee Booklet
View the following video and answer the questions below in your book:
1. From this video, we are able to learn quite a bit about Anh’s personality.
Describe Anh and how you think he approaches difficult situations in
2. Why do you think Anh uses humour so frequently? (Besides the fact that
he is a comedian!)
3. What topic does Anh frequently discuss during this interview? How do
you think this has shaped his personality.
4. Explain whether the title and front cover of his book is an accurate
representation of Anh Do.
5. How does Anh challenge perceptions of a “typical” refugee?
6. If you had to create a title for your own memoir based on your
personality/ experience, what would it be?
- FORM: is the name of the text type that the writer uses. For example,
scripts, sonnets, novels etc. All of these are different text types that a
writer can use. The form of a text is important because it indicates the
writer's intentions, characters or key themes.
- MEMOIR: is a collection of memories written by the person themselves,
with the intention of elevating a larger theme/ idea/ message.
- PROLOGUE: is an opening to a story that establishes the context and
gives background details, often some earlier story that ties into the main
one, and other miscellaneous information.
Text summary:
The Happiest Refugee is a memoir, written by Anh Do about his life and about
his family. The story follows Do’s life. It begins when he was a little boy who
escaped Vietnam with his family and continues to talk about his current
success as a law graduate, comedian and media celebrity.
Prologue Activity:
“I’m flying down the Hume Highway at 130 kilometers an hour. I’ve lost
control a few times but the brrrrrr of those white guide things on the side of
the road keep me on track. A steering wheel wet from tears is a very slippery
object,” so begins Anh Do’s memoir.
1. How many similarities between the three excerpts can you find? Outline
2. Which beginning do you find most interesting? Why?
3. Why do you think these authors have started their reflections in this
4. What types of events do you expect to find in a memoir?
Think about a time in your life when you were challenged or experienced
something confronting/ exciting/ challenging etc. Describe this incident
It is important to have a strong lead or hook when you are writing a memoir
because it establishes the direction your writing will take. A good lead grabs
the reader’s attention and refuses to let go. In other words, it hooks the reader.
Below are some ideas on how to write an interesting lead.
Using the event you have described and one of the memoir openings, create an
opening for your own memoir below. Your opening should clearly outline your
personality, a source of conflict, setting and your response to the conflict.
The Definition of a Refugee International legal protection of refugees centres
on a person meeting the criteria for refugee status as laid down in the 1951
Refugee Convention.:
“...owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race,
religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is
outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is
unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a
nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a
result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.”
It was also a war where new weapons, especially chemical weapons, were
used. The effect of these weapons on Vietnamese villages and people was
devastating. More than 72 million litres of toxic chemicals were sprayed in
Vietnam and over 50 per cent of the mangrove forests were destroyed. In just
two years, 1968 and 1969, over 2 million tonnes of bombs were dropped by
the American and Australian air and naval forces. Over the entire conflict, this
total was over 14 million tonnes of bombs. Over 80 per cent of Vietnamese
people were farmers, so the shelling and deforestation of farmland left many
Vietnamese not only without a home but also without a livelihood
2. Fill in the following table in your exercise book and respond accordingly.
Dot point notes on Dot point notes on the Dot point notes Short term
what caused the war. main characteristics of the and long term impacts of
war e.g. Who was this war on the Vietnamese
involved, how was the war and other countries
fought, weapons used, key involved I.e. how did the
events war impact society?
Anh description of the Vietnam war: “ A bloody and merciless war has just
finished and the murky, ugly rules of a stain coloured jungle now apply.”
1. Identify literary techniques used in this description?
2. What image does this evoke of the ‘current’ Vietnam?
3. Give three examples, mentioned since the beginning of the book, that
highlight the desperate situation in South Vietnam in 1976.
4. Would these examples cause you to flee your country? Why? Would
you break the law to ensure your safety?
1. Describe the boat aboard which Anh and his family escaped.
2. Attacked by two groups of pirates, outline three horrific events the
escapees endured.
3. Explained how these events would have impacted Anh’s and his parents
i.e. How does trauma allow people to gain new perspectives.
4. Why did Anh’s father begin to destroy the boat with the axe?
5. Describe how Anh’s father is portrayed in chapter two. How does this
portrayal contrast to his introduction in the prologue.
Imagine you have fled your country, and you are on an overcrowded boat in
the South China Sea. Write a short creative piece (poem, reflection, diary entry
etc.) to create an idea of your experience.
When Anh’s family walk into the St. Vincent de Paul shop, they are
overwhelmed by astonishment and gratitude. They continue to be amazed at
their ‘luck’.
1. What are some of the experiences that Anh has at the family farm?
Which one do you think was important in developing his character?
2. Anh’s father had a saying, “There’s only two times in life, there’s now
and there’s too late.” What does this saying mean? Do you agree with
the sentiment? (53).
3. What happens to the farm? What was Australia experiencing at the
4. What does the success and eventual failure of the farm tell us about the
values of Anh’s family?
5. Anh’s father allows them to have a budgie cage, yet the boys have to
make it themselves. This is called experiential learning, or learning by
doing. Was this a good idea? Is this different to “Anglo” families?
- How do you learn? Write about one time that you had to learn
how to do something by simply doing it. What were the
challenges, and what was the outcome? (58)
Anh vividly describes the farm throughout this chapter. Using his descriptions,
draw a map of what you think the farm looks like. Label this map using quotes
from the novel.
QUESTION: Explain how Anh’s father has been portrayed throughout the first
four chapters of the novel.
Quotes: (Reproduce this table in your exercise book and respond accoringingly)
Do you think the sacrifices that Anh’s mother made to send him to St. Aloysius
were worth it? Would Anh have been the same person if he had gone to the
local high school? Write one persuasive SEAL paragraph arguing whether Anh’s
parents should have sacrificed to send Anh to St Aloysious.
S Engaging opening which outlines your stance e.g. How is it fair for someone’s mother
to work tirelessly to send their child to an elite public school? What is wrong with a
local public school?
E Explain your two examples e.g. Anh’s mother was completely foolish to send Anh to
Sydney’s most elite public school as __________ and _____________
A Analyse your examples and link to the question. Do not forget to use a variety of
persuasive techniques
Summarise the event Significant quote Identify a literary Explain how this event
device in your quote would have Anh to gain
resilience/ determination
2. What sort of student was Anh? Explain how his context/ upbringing
would have influenced his behaviour at school.
3. Do uses an allusion and humour in the line, “We must have looked like a
Vietnamese version of the Beverly Hillbillies.” Define the word allusion and
explain the effectiveness of Do’s use of humour.
4. Describe the role Mrs. Borny played in inspiring Anh. Support your
answer with textual evidence.
5. Halfway through the chapter Do includes a series of images from his
childhood. Justify his reason for including these photographs.
6. From pages 94 to 103, there are several stories - the Paper Run, Fin Boy,
Trinity Chess Game, and Homeless Shelter episodes. Which is your
favourite? Why? What do you learn about Anh?
The Kind Lions episode is a welcome and hilarious short story. (86-88)
1. How does Anh construct a humorous short story?
2. How is character established?
3. Does he know the climax he’s heading toward? Is there a twist? If so
where in the story? How does the placement of the twist make the short
story effective?
A lack of money affected Anh throughout his school career. What effect did
this have on his identity. Write a journal entry from Anh’s point of view, talking
about and lamenting this identity struggle.
- Your diary entry should not be a recount of events. Instead, you must
reflect on events and the impact that it has had.
1. Chapter eight opens by immediately referencing Suzie. Explain how this
highlights her significance in Do’s life. Find two quotes that highlight that
Anh is captivated by Suzie.
2. What epiphany does Anh outline on page 113? How is this similar to his
father’s view on life from page 48?
3. On 116 – 118, Anh has a near-death experience. What does he discover
about his own and his mother’s values?
4. Do uses listing in, “In my second year of university, I was juggling lots of balls:
law and art, helping mum out with the garments, working at a cake shop and
a bunch of other off jobs, doing anything to earn extra cash.” Explain the
impact this has on the sentence structure and how it portrays Anh.
5. Anh shows bravery for asking Uncle Eight for his father’s number, yet he
highlights internal conflict when he decides to not call his father for,
“another two years.” Why do you think he decided to do wait to call his
Using your knowledge of his identity struggle in high school to inform
your answer, how is Anh exploring and experimenting with his
identity in this chapter?
- List some examples of his ‘phases’
- Analyse the motivation behind each of these ‘phases’ – why do you think
he was creating new identities?
Using ONE of the phases that Anh had gone through. Find three images that
you think Do would have posted on his Instagram during this phase. Each
image must have a caption - approx 50 words and at least 5 hashtags.
● This activity can be completed on a google doc. See the format below.
Insert image:
1. Explain the phrase, “work smarter, not harder.” How does Anh
encapsulate the meaning of this idiom in his career choice? Support your
answer with textual evidence.
2. When he won his first competition, what did he do with the prize
money? What does this say about his values?
3. Was it a surprise that Anh and Suzi finally ended up together? How did
Anh foreshadow their relationship progressing throughout the novel.
4. Workplaces, like schools, are full of competing egos. How are Anh’s
values challenged by Samantha’s priorities?
5. On page 150, we are taken back to the incident that starts Anh’s memoir
- the confrontation with his father after eight years of no communication
between the two.
a. What lines are repeated from the prologue?
b. Why does he return to this episode at this point in his memoir?
c. What effect does this structural choice have on you as a reader?
6. “I realised I still very much loved this laughing, beautiful, terribly flawed
man.” Explain how this sentence is paradoxical
7. At Suzie and Anh’s engagement party, a number of kind cultural
exchanges happen. Outline three interesting occurrences? (Pages 154 –
On page 157, Anh’s mother makes an emotional speech. This is the first time
we ‘hear’ her voice in the text.
- Does this change your opinion of Anh’s mother?
- Reflecting on this, what does this excerpt highlight about the language
barrier between cultures and how we judge people by how they speak?
- What other instances in the book display this language barrier?
- Do you speak/learn another language? What are some of the barriers
you face when talking with native speakers?
1. Explain why Suzi is outraged about the discrimination that Anh
experienced. Why does Anh’s reaction differ to suzie’s?
2. What does the incident on page 181 tell us about Anh? What does he
gain from this experience?
3. Is there evidence in the book to suggest that Australia is a racist
4. Explain how the story of Uncle One has shaped both Anh’s and his
father’s life.
5. How does Anh feel about his father at the end of this chapter?
a. Knowing what you now know about Anh’s father and Uncle One,
does this change your perception of Anh’s father? Why?
Question: How has Anh Do displayed the power of resilience and an optimistic
outlook of life in his novel, The Happiest Refugee. (PLAN BELOW)
Key words
Write a speech accepting the YAOTY award from Khoa’s point of view. Take
Khoa’s personality and previous statements into consideration. In your speech
you must outline:
- What feelings would Khoa be experiencing?
- Who and/or what would he thank?
- What experiences have shaped his life/ willingness to help others?
- The importance of determination/ resilience.
Write a reflection on “The Happiest Refugee”, using the dot points below as a
starting point.