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BUS 2203

Human Resource Management

IDENTIFICATION 9. Skills Inventory
– This approach involves the listing of all the skills
1. PMAP possessed by the workforce and they are made to
– The Personnel Management Association of the relate to the requirements of the organization. This
Philippines (PMAP) is a nationwide organization of all technique requires detailed information of the
the personnel managers and human resource experience and training of every individual in the
practitioners in the country which was established to organization.
uphold the profession to the fullest. 10. Technique Overload
2. Human Resource – The use of so many techniques sometimes leads to
– crucial to the long-term survival of the organization. the gathering of so much information. Then the
– definition of value includes not only profits but also techniques do not get to be applied effectively. This
employee growth and satisfaction, additional makes the techniques serve as a trap rather than a
employment opportunities, protection of the means for action.
environment and contribution to community 11. Recruitment
development. – is the process of attracting the best individuals to join
3. Human Resource Development the company on a timely basis in sufficient numbers
– Development refers to formal education, job and meeting the qualification requirements, thereby
experiences, relationships, and assessments of encouraging them to apply for the jobs in the
personality and abilities that employees prepare for organization
the future. 12. Job Posting
– Development can be thought of as the growing – This is the process by which internal recruitment is
capabilities that go beyond those required by the accomplished. Every time a position becomes
current job. It represents the employee's ability to available it is posted in the company bulletin board for
handle variety of assignments. the information of all interested parties. Qualified
– Development helps the employee prepare for other employees are given preference for promotion or
positions and increase their ability to move into other transfer to another section. The information posted in
jobs that may be available in the future. It prepares the bulletin board should specify and contain the job
also the employee for changes in current jobs due to description; the department where there is a vacancy,
changes in technology, work design and customers or salary grade, work schedule and work conditions. The
new products or new type of market. deadline for applications should also be stated so that
4. Interpersonal Teamwork at the end of the scheduled date, management may
– The introduction of new technology in the work place open the position to outsiders. The standard time for
brought about varied HR problems. An employee has job posting is a period of one week to two weeks.
to undergo training and development of new skills and 13. Word of Mouth
work values. Global competitiveness, being the – This method of recruitment is found to be effective in
essence of the new mandate for industries, needs local situations. It is one of the least expensive
employees who are dedicated and work-oriented. recruitment systems. As soon as people learn that
Teamwork cannot be developed in a day or two. there's a job opening, the word spread around. The
Teambuilding and organizational interventions are department head tells other department heads, the
needed to develop greater teamwork. Teamwork adds employee talks with other employees and then it
value to more efficient manpower. spreads out to the company's community of friends
5. Supervisory Level and families. This is very common in a locality where
– The promotion to a higher level depends on the ability there are few jobs available and more applicants want
and capability of the Personnel Assistant to acquire to get employed.
the skills necessary in the HR functions. 14. Advertising Media
6. HRP – One popular and often effective means soliciting
– Human Resource Planning (HRP) is the process of applicants is advertising it through the media, like
systematically reviewing human resource newspapers, magazines, radio or television. Careful
requirements to ensure that the number of employees planning in terms of content, timing and location can
matches the required skills. generate a large response, usually resulting in hiring.
– It is the process of matching the internal and external 15. Campus and University Recruitment
supplies of people with job openings anticipated in the – Colleges are undisputable sources of talent for an
organization over a specific period of time. organization to tap. Recent graduates are considered
7. Strategic Planning highly desirable for companies to select, groom and
– Strategic Planning is the determination of the overall develop recruits from top schools in the country. The
organizational purpose and goals and how they are to most suitable candidates are from the University of
be achieved. the Philippines, Ateneo University and De la Salle.
8. Career Management Mapua University produces good engineers. There
– Determining, planning and monitoring the career are little elite schools that produce good potentials for
aspiration each individual in the organization and future executives an experienced person in the field of
developing them for improved productivity. recruitment considers other schools like Polytechnic
University of the Philippines for computer and
business courses and the Technological University of
BUS 2203
Human Resource Management
the Philippines for the technical and Engineering – Intelligence tests that are designed by the
courses. Both are government universities that psychological Society of the Philippines are adaptable
produce scholars from poor and average families. to the local conditions. They are now available for use
There are still a lot of other schools scattered all over by practitioners of HRM.
the country that produce quality graduates and are a 21. Organizational Analysis
good source of potential employees. – Organizational Analysis the specific source of
– The records of the graduating students are available information and operational measures or an
at the registrar's office and they are just too willing to organization level needs analysis
provide the information for companies who need their – which include the following:
graduates. Some universities have placement offices o Grievances
and will be most willing to coordinate with Human o Accident record
Resource Practitioners in getting highly qualified o Observations
applicants. o Exit interview
– Campus recruitment requires careful planning and o Customer's complaints
preparation. As there are many universities that o Equipment utilization and breakdown
produce good students, proper scheduling must be
o Material wastage, scraps, and quality control
made and matched with manpower projections based
on present and future needs. Student potentials must
o Training committee, observation and need
be properly evaluated together with their academic
standing along these line students who are leaders in assessment data
campus activities are potential leaders in industry if 22. Individual Analysis
given the proper break, orientation and training. They – The use of performance appraisal data in making this
may start as cadets and given training to assume individual analysis is the most common approach. A
future supervisory positions. performance review reveals the employee's
16. Selection inadequacy to perform certain types of task and this
– can be defined as the process of determining from will reveal what necessary training is needed to
among the applicants who can meet the job correct the weaknesses. An employee's potential may
requirements and can be offered the vacant position mean further training to assume a higher position in
in the organization. It is the deciding point, which the future
determines who among the applicants has the 23. Self-efficacy
personal qualities that match the requirements for the – It is the employee's belief that he can successfully
position. learn the content of the training. The employee must
17. Apprenticeship understand that the training is for his advantage and
– Apprenticeships is the development of the required skills learning gain could be an asset for the future.
for a particular type of work. It is a learner's job to 24. Psychological Testing
familiarize himself with the required skills. They may be – Pencil and paper tests have been used for years to
regular or probationary employees after passing the trade determine employees' development potentials and
skills test during the apprenticeship period. Some may needs. Intelligence tests, verbal and mechanical
come from on-the-job training required of students to reasoning tests can furnish useful information about
graduate with certain degree. factors of motivation, reasoning, abilities, leadership
18. Application Form styles, interpersonal response traits and job
– The applicant is required to fill out the company's preferences.
official application form after passing the preliminary 25. Performance Appraisal
interview. The company's application forms contain – Performance appraisal that measures the employees'
more information that the company may need in MIS potential when done properly could be a good source
files or some information that may be required during of development information. Observable and
the in-depth interview. Application forms vary from measurable output, attitude and behavior, data on
company to company. Employment details are productivity, employee relations, job knowledge and
important during the interview process. leadership behavior are important source of employee
19. Aptitude test information. These are usually available in the
– It measures the person's capacity to learn a given job, personnel file.
provided there is adequate training. This type of test is
usually administered for mechanical and clerical
20. Intelligence Test
– it is widely used to measure mental ability or general A. Managerial Level
learning ability. – At this level the HR practitioner has acquired the
– There is no good definition of intelligence but it is above skills. However, at this point, the concentration
commonly associated with one's personal capacity for of the HR is the effective management of the different
learning and doing things that he learns. The areas of personnel functions.
outstanding feature of this type of test is its ability to B. Analytical of the facts as basis for decision making
predict the general capacity for learning or problem- – Along this area, the HR manager is saddled with the
solving. analysis of the employee's the development program
BUS 2203
Human Resource Management
and finding alternative solutions to improve o It is very costly, as the message has to be
employee's performance level as it relates to global repeated to get the target audience.
competitiveness. His main concern is how human o The message must be convincing and should be
resource assets could be turned into productive done by a professional.
investments through a proper compensation and o The message on radio and television should be
benefits program. sincere and pleasing.
C. Leadership and conceptual ideas visioning o The name of the company must be repeated
– Here the HR manager is part of the strategic including the telephone number so that the
management team that participates in organization audience can remember where to contact the
strategies planning for improved products and company.
services as they relate to employees' productivity and L. The External Source
its relation to technology enhancement programs. – The hiring from the outside source is a management
D. Compliance Administration and Control option. If it thinks that no one from within among the
– The changing social and work force environment next rank of employees can successfully perform the
needs compliance with the social and legal norms in job or deliver the required output, then hiring an
the work place. This includes labor laws, outsider would be inevitable. This could also be
environmental regulations, safety and security resorted to when the new vacant position requires
employee services including recreation and other added skills due to the introduction of new technology
manpower demands for a better working environment. and the need is immediate and necessary.
E. Entrance Level – Another reason why management may resort to hiring
– A new college graduate may start as personnel assistant from outside is the culture of conflict among
in a medium-size organization. The following skills are employees who are vying for a new position. This
necessary: practice of hiring from outside is resorted to by
o Assisting in interviewing applicants; management to eliminate dissensions among internal
o Giving tests and scoring test results in personality employees competing for promotions.
inventory and other skills test M. Government Agencies
o Assisting in employee orientation and training – Some local government units have their placement
programs; offices look for possible employments for their
o Record keeping. constituents. The Dole has also an agency that
F. Performance Management compiles applications for referral to the different
– Analyzing, improving and monitoring the performance companies. They screen and refer many applicants
of each employee and of the organization as a whole. usually for manual or unskilled positions. Some are
G. Systematic Forecasting of Manpower Needs new college graduates or protégées of politicians who
– On the basis of business conditions and forecasts, may not be qualified for the job. Some referrals are
manpower needs are planned and monitored closely. accommodated at times for political patronage.
H. Management Development – These types of referrals are sometimes difficult to
– Assessing and determining the developmental needs handle due to political pressures. The human
managers for future succession requirements. resource manager must screen the applicant properly
I. Replacement Approach to give consideration if found to possess added
– Under this approach, HRP is done to have a body of qualities other than political connections. Rejections
manpower in the organization that is ready to take sometimes may create friction with the powers that
over existing jobs on a one-to-one basis within the be. In case the applicants fail to meet the standard
organization. This approach calls for year-round requirements, the recommending official must be
acceptance of applications for possible replacements. given a very strong justifiable reason why the
J. Improvement Plans applicant was not accepted.
– Determination of the appropriate steps to implement N. The Internet
the HRP in order to insure that the company has the – The internet could become another source of
right number and right quality of people, properly employment opportunities. Company profiles and job
assigned to jobs for which they are most useful. This placement could eventually come into the internet.
includes action plans to improve the capabilities of While this method is not frequently resorted to at the
current personnel thru training and development. This moment, it will come easy and handedly in the future.
plan can be part and parcel of the total development – The following advantages are:
program which covers career planning, management o Application letters or resumes could immediately
development programs, succession programs, etc. be sent to the company.
K. Radio and Television o Immediate answers could be available through e-
– Radio and television are now used as mediums for mail.
manpower recruitment. Since the coverage of the o Other necessary information could be available
advertisement is of great magnitude, more qualified from the applicants.
applicants can be reached and could even tempt o Immediate needs of the company on manpower
other applicants who are not actually looking for jobs. requirements could be answered in a short time.
– While they have the advantage for job recruitment O. Blind Ads
the following are some points to consider: – These are ads that do not reveal the identity of the
company, instead they give a box number where the
BUS 2203
Human Resource Management
resume' or pertinent papers will be forwarded. This is competencies include knowledge, skills or behavior
usually done to avoid responding to a flood of phone that are critical for successful job performance. The
calls or unwanted resume's goal of training is for employees to master the
P. Interest Test knowledge, skills and behaviors emphasized in
– It is derived from hereditary and environmental training programs and to apply them in day-to-day
factors. It tries to predict the success in the job if thee activities.
person's interest and the job are properly matched. W. Understanding the Customer Needs
For example, if the person is interested in operating – The global market is quality competitive.
mechanical instruments he should be placed in a X. Transfer of Training
situation where there are mechanical operations. If his – Transfer of training is the practical application of what
interest is in art, the nature of the job must be related was learned in the program. Immediate supervisors
to art works. and peers support opportunity to practice what was
Q. The preliminary Screening learned the technology in the work area and self-
– The first step in the assessment of an applicant for the management skills influence the climate of transfer.
job is the initial interview or preliminary screening. The environment is the laboratory for the transfer of
This step deals with obvious factors such as voice, learning.
physical appearance, personal grooming, educational Y. Basic Skills
background, professional training and experience that – Skills needed to perform one's job effectively.
need to be assessed. – This refers to the degree of the employee's desire to
R. In depth Interview learn the cognitive ability, reading and writing skills
– The in-depth interview is the most important part of and other technology changes necessary in the work
the selection process. After passing all tests required, environment.
the applicant is now ready to formally enter into the
selection process. All the relevant information about ENUMERATION
the applicant is brought into focus at this point as the
1-3 What are the different HR management functions?
final decision to hire the individual is made during this
interview.A  Talent Management
S. Achievement or Proficiency Test  Compensation and Benefits
– It tries to measure the applicant's knowledge of a  Training and Development
given job. It tries to eliminate "trade bluffers" who
 Work Safety
profess to know a particular type of work. Trade
 HR Compliance
bluffers are people who claim knowledge of a
particular type of work or experience that they do not 4-5 Enumerate at least (2) examples of personal qualities
actually possess. Work sampling is commonly used to of the personnel manager
determine the individual ability to perform certain to
type of work. A trade Test is a part of this type of  Can communicate effectively, both orally and in writing
measuring the ability to perform a certain type of task.  Possesses an above-average intelligence
T. Evaluating References  Enjoys working with people
– References are important in finally assessing the
applicant's worth for the position. References to be 6-10 Enumerate at least (5) examples of planning
credible must be checked with utmost confidentiality if techniques in HR management
one would like to get a true picture of the individual
who would like to join the organization.  Skills Inventory
U. Assessment Phase  Ratio Analysis
– Training is designed to help the organization  Cascade Approach
accomplish its objective. Planners determine the need  Replacement Approach
for training and specify the training objectives and the  Commitment Planning Approach
training efforts. An important part of the company's  Successor Planning Approach
strategic human resource planning is the identification
of the knowledge, skills, abilities that will be needed 11-15 Enumerate at least (5) different methods of the HR
by the employees in the future as both jobs and the recruitment
organization change. Both internal and external forces
 Job Posting
that will influence training must be considered when
 The Word-of-mouth System
doing organizational analysis. The problem posed by
 Advertising Media
the technical obsolescence of current employees and
an insufficiently educated labor pool from which to  Walk Ins and Unsolicited Applicants
draw. new workers should be confronted before those  Campus or University Recruitment
training needs become critical.  Job Fair and Open House
V. Training  Government Agencies
– Training is the process where people acquire  Radio and Television
capabilities to aid in the achievement of organizational  The Internet
goals. It is a planned effort of the company to facilitate
learning on the job-related competencies. These 16- 20 Enumerate at least (5) selection process
BUS 2203
Human Resource Management
 Preliminary Screening
 Application Form
 Testing and Evaluation of Result
 In-depth Interview
 Evaluating References
 Physical Examination
 Placement

21-25 Enumerate the (5) in development programs

 Formal Education
 Team Building
 Case Studies
 Role Playing
 Simulation

26-28 What are the examples of conducting needs


 Organizational analysis
 Person Analysis
 Task Analysis

29-30 Give at least (2) examples of ensuring employees

readiness for training

 Attitude and motivation

 Basic Skills

30-35 What are (5) criteria for evaluation of training

 Determine what to measure

 Establish the Base line
 Isolate Variables
 Measure Attitudes
 Measure Performance

35-38 What are the processes that are used in


 Assessment Centers
 Psychological Testing
 Performance Appraisal

39-40 What are (2) examples of evaluating training


 Identification of training outcome and evaluation designs

 Cost-benefit analysis


What is the impact of human resource planning in an


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