Wave DPP
Wave DPP
Wave DPP
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1 2
2. A point source ‘S’ of light of power 0.4W emitting mono energetic photons of energy 5eV is placed
at a distance 50 cm from the centre of an uncharged stationary metallic sphere of radius 30 cm and
work function 3 eV. The efficiency of photoelectron emission is one for every 10 6 incident photons.
Assume that the sphere is isolated and the photoelectrons are instantly swept away after emission. The
time from the beginning of the experiment after which the photoelectron does not leave the surface of
sphere is (ignore space charge effects)
R 30 cm
d 50 cm
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3. The graph of activity versus time for a radioactive nuclide sample is drawn. The mean life of sample
is . The activity at t = 0 is R0 . A tangent is drawn to the curve at an instant when activity is and
this tangent intercepts the time axis at t 0 as shown. The value of t 0 is
A) B) C) 1 ln 2 D) 1 2ln 2
ln 2
4. Find the force exerted by a light beam of intensity I , incident on a cylinder (height h and base radius
r) placed on a smooth surface as shown in figure if surface of cylinder is having reflection coefficient
0.8. (Assume no transmission)
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5. An electron and a proton are separated by a large distance. The electron starts approaching the proton
with energy 2 eV. The proton captures the electron and forms a hydrogen- atoms in first excited state.
The resulting photon is incident on a photosensitive metal of threshold wavelength 4600Å. The
maximum KE of the emitted photoelectron is
6. A radioactive nuclei ‘A’ starts decaying from time t = 0 following law of radioactive decay. It decays
in two ways. In first case, A 2B 3C where B and C are stable daughter nuclei. In second case,
A B D where B and D are stable daughter nuclei. Initially only A is present. Decay constant for
1 1 ln 2
the two decays are 4hr and 2hr respectively. At time t hour , the ratio of radioactive
nuclei to the total number of nuclei is close to
7. The graph of binding energy per nucleon (BE) versus mass number (A) for various nuclei has been
approximated as made up of two linear components as shown in figure. The slope of line for 0<A<56
is 0.16 and slope of line for A>56 is -0.012. The binding energy of 2 He nucleus is 11 times the value
predicted by the shown graph due to its very stable structure. Estimate the minimum mass number (A)
of a nucleus for it to exhibit alpha decay.
O 56
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8. Work function of a metal X equals the ionization energy of Li 2 ion in second excited state. Work
function of another metal Y equals the ionization energy of He ion with electron in n 4 . Now
photons of energy E fall separately on both the metals such that maximum kinetic energy of
photoelectron emitted from metal X is half that of photoelectron emitted from metal Y. Choose the
correct statement (E0 = Potential energy of electron in ground state of hydrogen atom)
A) E 3.5E0
7 E0
B) E
C) If E is increased, difference in maximum kinetic energies of photo electrons emitted from X and Y
D) If E is increased, difference in maximum kinetic energies of photo electrons emitted from X and Y
remains constant
9. In a hypothetical atom, a negatively charged particle having a charge of magnitude 3e and mass 3m
revolves around a proton. Here, e is the electronic charge and m is the electronic mass. Mass of proton
may be assumed to be much larger than that of the negatively charged particle, thus the proton is at
rest. This “atom” obeys Bohr’s postulate of quantization of angular momentum, that is mvr n
It is given that for the first Bohr orbit of hydrogen atom: radius of orbit is r0 speed of electron is v0 ,
A) speed of the revolving particle in the hypothetical atom is 9v0 in the first Bohr orbit.
B) Radius of hypothetical atom is .
C) Speed of the revolving particle in the hypothetical atom is 3v0 in the first Bohr orbit.
D) Radius of hypothetical atom is .
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10. When photons of energy 4.25 eV strike the surface of a 'metal A', the ejected photo electrons have a
maximum kinetic energy EA eV and de-Broglie wavelength A .The maximum kinetic energy of
photoelectrons liberated from surface of another 'metal B' by photons of energy 4.70 eV is
EB ( EA 1.50)eV . If the de-Broglie wavelength of these photoelectrons is B 2 A then.
C) EA 2.0eV
D) EB 2.75 eV
11. Photons of wavelength 248 nm fall on a metal surface whose work function is 2.2 eV. Assume that
each photoelectron inside the metal lattice may come out of the surface or collide with the lattice before
coming out. In each collision with the lattice, it loses 20% of its existing energy. Which of the
following can be a kinetic energy of an ejected photoelectron?
12. A 100 ev electron collides with a stationary He-ion ( He ) in its ground state, and excites it, to a higher
level. After collision, He ion emits two photons in succession with wave length 1085A0 and 304 A0 .
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13. In a basic YDSE source of light used is emitting a light of wavelength 4000 A0 and its intensity at slits
is 100 watt m-2. A sufficiently large screen is replaced by a metal sheet having work function 2.0 e V.
The distance between slits is 2 mm and the screen is at a distance of 2.0 m. Then
A) photo electron emission takes place from all points on the screen
B) electron are emitted from the centre of the screen in a width of 0.2 mm
C) electron are emitted from the centre of the screen in a width of 0.4 mm
D) If wave length of light is increased to 7000 A0 without changing intensity, no photo electron will
be observed
14. Consider a hypothetical new atomic model in which electrons are revolving in uniform perpendicular
magnetic field B0 . Assume Bohr’s postulates are valid. Consider transition between orbits follow
similar rules as Bohr’s model (All symbols have their usual meanings). Choose correct statement(s)
1 qB
n2 n1 n2 n1
4 me c
4 me c
D) Maximum wavelength emitted on transition of electron for final state n 1 is
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15. A light of wavelength is incident on a metal plate of work function 2eV . The wavelength
varies with time as 3000 40t , where is in A0 and t is in second. The power incident on metal
sheet is always constant and is equl to 100 W. This signal is switched on and off for time interval of
2 minute and 1 minute respectively. Each time the signal is switched on the starts from initial value
of 3000 A0 . The metal plate is grounded and electron clouding is negligible. The efficiency of
photoemission is 1%. hc 12400 eV A0 . Mark the correct statements.
A) The variation of rate of emission photoelectron , (in dps) versus time (in sec) is
3.12 1018
1.51 1018
B) The variation of rate of emission photoelectron (in dps) versus time (in sec) is
3.12 1018
1.51 1018
C) The total number of photo electrons ejected in one hour is 3.71 1021
D) The total number of photo electrons ejected in one hour is 3.71 1018
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16. A B C
A radioactive nucleus A at rest disintegrates into two nuclei B and C. Mass of ‘B’ is 12m and that of
‘C’ is 4m. The Q-value of the reaction is, Q . The energy liberated in reaction is completely
24m 2
imparted to the products (B and C) as kinetic energy.
C) The mass of the nucleus A is 16m
24mc 2 2
D) The de Broglie wavelength of C is
17. A metallic sphere of radius ‘r’, charged to potential – V0 placed in free space is continuously irradiated
by UV of wavelength () [assume potential at infinity is zero] then, given: threshold wavelength is 0,
c : speed of light, ‘h’ : plank’s constant, m : mass of electron
2hc 1 1
(A) Maximum speed of photoelectron immediately after emission is
m 0
2hc 1 1 eV0
(B) Maximum speed of photoelectron at great distance from sphere is
m 0 2m
2hc 1 1
(C) Potential of sphere after prolonged irradiation is
e 0
4 0 r
hc 1 1
(D) Total number of photoelectron emitted from ring is V0
e e 0
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Answer Q.18 and Q.19 by appropriately matching the lists based on the information given in the
An evacuated tube is set up as shown. Capacitance of tube and condenser is same. Jockey J is touching at half
length of rheostat. A low intensity beam of monoenergetic photons of energy 3.5 eV is incident on the emitter.
Both plates of tube are made of same metal of work function 1.2 eV. At steady state,
List-I List-II
volt) is
T) <4.6
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19. An evacuated tube is set up as shown. Capacitance of condenser is two times the capacitance of tube.
Initially condenser is charged to V0 volt. Jockey J is touching at half-length of rheostat. A low
intensity beam of mono energetic photons of energy 3.5 eV is incident on the emitter. Both plates of
tube are made of same metal of work function 1.2 eV. At steady state,
S2 J
List-I List-II
I) S1 and S2 are close, S3 is open, limiting value of stopping P) 2.3
potential Vs (in V) is
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20. A point source of - radiation has a half-life of 30 minutes. The initial count rate recorded by a Geiger
counter placed 1.0 m from the source is 360 sec 1 . The distance between the counter and the source
is altered. After 1.5 hour the count rate recorded is 5 sec 1 . What is the new distance between the
counter and the source (in m)?
21. Half-life of a radioactive substance is 2.34 minute. It is produced at a constant rate of 108 nuclei per
sec. How soon after (in minute), the beginning of production will its activity be equal to 7.5 107
disintegration per sec.
22. Half-lives of two isotopes X and Y of a material are known to be 2 × 109 years and 4 × 109 years
respectively. If a planet was formed with equal number of these isotopes, then the current age of planet,
given that currently the material has 20% of X and 80% of Y by number, is P × 109 years. Fill in the
value of P,
23. Nuclei of a radioactive substance A are being produced at a constant rate " " nuclei per second.
Substance has decay constant . At t 0 there are N 0 nuclei of substance. If 2N 0 ,then net rate
N 0
of change of number of nuclei A after one half life Is . What is the value of x.
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24. A particle of mass 6.6 1030 kg starts (at t = 0) moving on a straight line with velocity 10 m/s. Its
velocity decreases with time, however rate of change of de-Broglie wavelength associated with particle
remains constant at 104 m / s . (Take h 6.6 1034 J s ) . Magnitude of retardation of particle at t =
0.9 s is________________m/ s2.
25. The number of the elements in a row between those elements (excluding those elements) whose
wavelength of K lines are equal to 250pm and 160pm is
(Rydberg constant = 107 m 1 , screening constant b = 1)
26. In an experiment of photo-electric effect, singly ionized ‘He’ is excited electronically to different
energy levels. The emission spectra of the He hence produced is made to incident on a photoelectric
plate in the photo-cell. When He is excited to fourth energy level then the observed stopping potential
of photo –cell is found to be five times the stopping potential, when the spectra of the hydrogen gas
excited to the third energy level is incident on the same plate in photo cell. The work function of the
material of the photo electric plate is n times 0.59eV. Then n is_______
27. A point-like radioactive sample of decay constant initially at a distance r0 from a radiation counter
starts moving towards the counter. If the count number recorded by the counter remains constant with
respect to time, Then the speed of the radioactive sample as function of time is given by v x0e 2
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28. Half-life of a radioactive substance is 2.34 minute. It is produced at a constant rate of 108 nuclei per
sec. How soon after (in minute), the beginning of production will its activity be equal to 7.5 107
disintegration per sec. If your answer is x times its half life time, the value of x is ………
29. Consider a silver target in Coolidge tube to produce x-rays. The accelerating potential is 31 kV.
Ek 25.51 keV , EL 3.51 keV . The value of k min (in pm) is found to be 2y. the value of y
is____ Round off your answer to nearest integer.
30. A neutron strikes a hydrogen atom which is initially at rest and free to move. The initial speed of the
neutron is v0 . After the collision both neutron and the H atom move making 30° angle with the initial
velocity of the neutron. Also the H atom is found to get excited to first excited state. If the initial KE
of neutron is ‘x’ times first excitation energy of the H atom, find the value of ‘x’ (assume mass of
neutron = mass of H atom)
31. A radioactive source in the form of metal sphere of diameter 10–3 m emits beta particle at a constant
rate of 6.25 × 1010 particle per second. If the source is electrically insulated how long (in microseconds)
will it take for its potential to rise by 1.0 volt, assuming that 80% of the emitted beta particles escape
from the source? Mark your answer to nearest integer.
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40 40
32. In a radioactive sample, 19 K nuclei either decay in to stable 20 Ca nuclei with decay constant 4.5 x
33. In a nuclear reactor an element X decays to a radioactive element Y at a constant rate 1015 atoms per
sec. Each decay releases 100MeV energy. Y immediately decays to a stable product Z. Each decay of
Y releases 50MeV. All energy released inside the reactor is used to produce electricity at an efficiency
of 25%. Calculate the electrical power in kW generated in the reactor in steady state. (Take
eV 1.6 1019 J )
34. In Bohr’s model for a hydrogen atom, according to standard conventions, energy of an electron can be
written as 2
eV . However, if the potential energy of the electron in 1st excited state is taken to
be zero as a reference, then the mechanical energy (in eV) of the electron in ground state of hydrogen
atom becomes 3.4 eV , find
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