Author: Stephen J. Grodzicki © 2019 Pickpocket Press.
Cover: Andreas Rocha.
Layout, Art Curation: Stephanie Grodzicki.
Interior Art: Andreas Rocha, Daniel Comerci, Dean Spencer, Matt Morrow, Gary Dupuis, Eric Pommer, John
Blaszczyk, Anderson Maia, Storn Cook, JE Shields, Pawel Dobosz The Forge Studios LLC, Juan
Diego Dianderas, Wren Hunter, Cobalt Sages Creations, Daniele Ariuolo, Vincent Van Hoof,
Michael Malkin, Forrest Imel, Emilis Emka, Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey
/ Fat Goblin Games, Grim Press & Bob Greyvenstein. All art copyright and used with permission.
All rights reserved.
Editing: Bud Wright, Stephanie Grodzicki.
Special Thanks: Glenn Fleetwood, Jason Hobbs, Jodie Brandt, Brent Taylor, William Henry Dvorak, Eric Mason,
David Durrett, J.D Diaz, Brad Ohlman, Bud Wright & Gaming Friends, Damian Hupfeld.
Websites: Find us on Discord, Facebook, MeWe, Twitter and Reddit.
Band of Backers
Dorsey Bisel, Andre Martin, Kaervack & Brian Reeder
CubThulhu, 6mmWar, A.J. Bailey, Aaron Morgan, Adam, Adam Kelly, Adam Longley, Alaric Shapli, Aldo J. Regalado, Alessandro Forlini, Alex Duden, Alexander Chang, Allan Rodda, Allison
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Ben, Ben Provinciael, Ben Zorn, Bentley Burnham, BerkeCanatar, Big Willie, Bjørn Flindt Temte, BloodyCoin, Bob Mosdal, brad ohlman, Brenan Flinders, Brett Welch, brian burns, Brian Griffin,
Brian Isikoff, Brian Manula, Brian Reeder, Brian Rodriguez, Brody States, Brutorz Bill, Bryan Jones, Bryan Rumble, BT, Bud Wright, C.J. Hare, Cailean Dunbar, Cameron Baldi, Cameron Orwin,
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Hall Hood, Hauke S., Hawk Silverthorn, Howard Bishop, huntersblades, Ian Dupre, Ian Lee, Ian McKay, Iceassassin77, Ido Moses, Ignacio Rodríguez Chaves, Isaac Books, J, J. Davis, J. Howerton,
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Jody C. aka The Bunny of Doom, Joe Brookes, Joe McGee, Joey Johnson, Joey Trapp, John, John "johnkzin" Rudd, John Andrew Cox, John Andrews, John B. McCarthy, John Bookwalter Jr.,
John Buczek, John C, John C. Randall, John Canales, John Griffis, John Taft, John Wright, JohnX, Jonathan Carman, Jonathan Ferris, Jonathan Ly Davis, Jordi Rabionet Hernandez, Jose Perez,
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Mark Story, Martin Greening, Martin Hinves, Martin Hoag, Martin McCoy, Martin Nichol, Martyn Findley, Mathew Marolt, Mathyew Smith, Matic Kačič, Matt Whalley, Matteo Broglia, Matthew,
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Miguel Warlock Patreon, Mike Jones, Mildra, Millenium Jones, Morgan Hazel, Morrison Woods, Myssy "Landy" Hoffower, Nathan Kellen, Nathan Swift, Neal5x5, Nicholas Rowe, Nick "Slab
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Andersson, Paul A Foster, Paul Grindrod, Paul Holden, Paul Umbers, pdcurry, Pete Keller, Peter, Peter Banks, Peter Engebos, Peter Hartman, Peter Paralikas, PHE, Phergus, philip hindley, Philip
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Scott, Scott Paine, Sean Holman, Sebastian D., Sebastian Reid, Sébastien L'Heureux, Shaelynn Bingham, Shane S, Shaun Beckett, shaun vellucci, Sheldon, Shrekgrinch, Simonas Buzas, Sonata,
spacht, Stacy Blake, Stephanie Gildart, Stephen, Stephen C Gorski, Stephen Clay Baxter, Steve Zalek, Steven Howse, Steven Kenobi, teven Lord, Steven Wales, Steven Warble, Stu C, Stuart, T
Devon Sharkey, Taylor Herman, Taylor Inesta, Terrell, Terry Herc, Tgmoore, Thalji, The Coopersteins, The Creative Fund by BackerKit, The Crimson Ghost, Thomas Grey, Thomas P. Kurilla,
Thomas R, Thomas Vanstraelen, Tifany Oslin, Tiff, tim, Tim Baker, Tim Campbell, Tim Voves, Tim Ward, Timolution, Timothy G Smith, Tobias Lohl, Todd Stephens, Tony Black, Tony
Strutynski, Travis Johnsen, Travis Smith, Trevor Bramble, Tristan Merrick, Troy Ellis, TurboNewbe, Ty Pitre, Valdir Possani, Vaughn Romero, VKA, Wayne Naylor, Wesley Velazquez, Will
Triumph, William Brisson, William Dvorak, William E Seibert, William James Dowie, William L. Munn (Adept Icarus), William Swengel, Wolf Jouett, wolfknight75, Wyldblade, Xander Crowe,
xidle2, Yonatan Spira, Yurj Mancina, Zachary, Zack Grainger, Zack Nelson, Ziggwam
A big thank you to all our Backers - we couldn’t have made LFG Companion without your generous support :D
Monsters 119
Monsters by HD & Page 119
Index 164
See Adventure Framework #37 Shadows & Dust.
As entry 4, plus a 3d6 x 10 gp
2-3 Kidnapping: The enemy, rival or an
donation, kickback, sweetener, etc.
The contact is willing to help, but the 1 agent attempts to kidnap a person or
PC owes them a debt (equal to the pet dear to one or more PCs (family,
Failing to receive such care risks a complication, • Dr Ruben’s Affliction Effluxion: this
requiring a Con check (for a physical injury) or brackish sludge causes the imbiber to
Will check (for a madness). A character’s Reroll immediately vomit up whatever they last
Pool is not available for this test. If the test is failed, ate, which may be helpful for certain
the character permanently loses 1 point of Con or poisons, etc.
Will respectively.
• Dr Ruben’s Incogitable Cure All: this
Herbalism cloudy tincture smells of chlorine and
At the GM’s option, Rangers, Barbarians, Monks, causes skin to redden. If ingested
apothecaries, herbalists and similarly skilled however, the drinker gains one final save
characters might be able to create herbalist to resist any non-magical disease or
mixtures during Downtime. poison they are suffering.
Masterforged Items
On rare occasions, exceptional mastersmiths may
be commissioned to fashion bespoke weapons and
armour of unmatched quality. Made of flawless or
advanced materials, and perfectly weighted to
match the owner’s physiology and technique, such
armaments outperform similar weapons of their
1 Family 4 Religious
Guild or
2 5 Business
Gold: The NPC is seeking 3d6 x 20 gp
for a tithe, tax, bail money, rent, guild
fees, church donation, old debt,
protection money, etc.
Time: The NPC needs the PC to
perform an extended task, occupying
3d4 weeks of the adventurer’s Pets
2 Downtime (eg: escorting a caravan,
babysitting someone in hiding, complex A character skilled in Animal Lore may attempt to
research, gang surveillance, pilgrimage, train an ordinary or monstrous animal to follow
locating a fugitive, etc). directions and fight beside them. Such pets are
Tested Oath: The PC has the power to treated like hirelings; they act of their own accord,
help the NPC, but only if they break a apply the usual morale rules, and die at zero hp.
3 promise, oath or undertaking to another Directing a pet to attack a target other than the one
NPC. Whatever the PC decides, there the PC is attacking, or to perform a specific trick
will be repercussions. under pressure, usually requires an action (and
Code or Guideline? The task requested perhaps a Cha (Animal Lore) check; GM’s call).
by the NPC is within the PC’s power, but
contrary to the character’s moral code,
4 Ordinary Pets
religious beliefs, personal standards, etc.
Completing the task may affect the PC’s Training an ordinary pet to fight with the PC, or to
reputation in certain circles. perform a specific trick under pressure, requires
Confidante or Canary: The PC has the 2d6 weeks, 10 gp per week, and a successful Cha
power to help the NPC, but only by (Animal Lore) check.
5 divulging a secret or other confidential
information relating to themselves, the Monstrous Pets
party, or another NPC or faction. Most monstrous animals (Owlbears, Griffons,
Sidekick: The NPC requires the PC to
War Wombats, etc) are not susceptible to training;
6 train another NPC (perhaps even an
animal) “on the job”, by taking them their instinctive ferocity and distrust of bipeds
renders such attempts doomed to failure.
33 Mane of a Manticore.
41 Heart of a Demon.
-1 PC is level 4 or less.
PCs interested in bolstering or quieting their -1 PC is a recent arrival.
profile in a particular outpost, town or city may do
so by spending time and gold; mixing in social -1 Outpost, village or small town.
engagements, community service, hiring rumour
mongers, hiding away in safehouses, etc. -2 Remote or isolated settlement.
The NPC’s social circle is far
Every 1d6 weeks (at 20 gp per week) spent -2
removed from the PC’s usual milieu.
finessing one’s reputation allows a Charisma
+1 PC is a long term resident.
(Gather Information) check. On a success, the PC
gains a +1 or -1 modifier on Renown checks as +1 Very large city or trade crossroads.
outlined below (max modifier equal to one third
level). This temporary modifier lasts until the next Recent deeds by the PC or party
adventure ends and a new period of Downtime worthy of rumour and gossip.
PC or party has connections to at
+1 least three high profile or well
connected NPCs in the settlement.
PC or party is a member of the
+2 NPC’s organisation, guild, faction,
profession, etc.
This section is intended to cover rumour hunting
and rumour mongering that PCs might wish to
become involved with. For the most part, rumour
hunting requires an evening or afternoon speaking
with locals whilst buying them food and drinks
(4d6 gp). The PC then makes a Cha (Gather
Information) check, perhaps with a bonus or
Renown Checks advantage if they spend extra time or gold. On a
success they learn 1d3 true rumours, and as many
From time to time, players might inquire whether
false rumours as the GM cares to use.
a particular NPC the party is interacting with
recognises them. Assuming the GM doesn’t
Rumour mongering on the other hand is more
simply decide the answer, a Renown check might
labour and gold intensive. Before a new gossip
assist. Roll 1d12 and apply modifiers to the PC’s
item takes root and spreads, the PC must spend
level (capped at 12) as guided below. If the result
2d6 days “leaking” it to as many tattletales as they
is equal to or lower than the PC’s level, the target
can (costing 10 gp per day). At the end of this
knows something of the PC. A roll of 12 is always
process, the PC makes a Cha (Persuasion,
a failure regardless of modifiers. The GM decides
1 2 oz of Demon ichor.
6 3 ft of Mummy dressings.
8 8 oz of Doppelganger saliva.
The inscribing process takes 1d6 weeks plus one 16 7 oz of Serpentmen fat.
week per spell level, and costs 2d4 x 50 gp, plus 50 A quill fashioned from a Cockatrice
gp per spell level. The Magic User must be able to 17
cast the spells to inscribe them, and an Int (Arcane
20 5 oz of amniotic fluid from a Skorn. Once per month however, the PC may engage in
a major illegal operation (series of high value break
and enters, concerted pickpocket operation in the
Skills merchant quarter, difficult forgery job, etc). The
Under this option, obtaining a new skill at level 4, PC may invest up to 200 gp (or other amount,
8 and 12 requires some formal training from a GM’s call) in preparatory expenses (paying for
skilled instructor; generally 2d4 weeks at 20 gp per equipment, information, access, etc), then rolls
week. In addition to the usual LFG skills, such 2d6. Any modifiers are at the GM’s discretion.
training might allow the PC to learn an apprentice
level custom skill such as smithing, appraising, or
Arrested: The job goes horribly wrong
due to poor performance, awful
timing, doublecross, etc, leading to
your arrest. You spend 1d6 months in
2-3 prison. After this you are branded on
the forearm (first offence) or neck
(second offence), have your hand cut
off (third offence), or hung (fourth
Guild Warning: A rival thieves’ guild
disrupts the job, and sends you a
message to keep off their turf (roll
1d4): (i) your pet is killed, (ii) a loved
one is injured, (iii) death threat
demanding you leave the settlement in
1d6 days, (iv) food poisoned (roll 1d12
on the Poison Traps table).
Injured: The job fails and you are
injured in the process; roll on the
5 Injuries & Setbacks table (no
permanent injuries). 50% chance your
Thievin’ reputation is affected for 1d6 months.
Some PCs may wish to engage in low key criminal Indebted: The job fails and in order to
activity during Downtime, for example make good your escape you become
pickpocketing, burglary, and other base thievin’. indebted to someone (roll on the
Obligations table).
For game balance reasons, each week spent in No Harm No Foul: You don’t manage
illegal activity is resolved by a simple Dex check to pull off the job, but scavenge
(skills might apply, eg Deception, Sleight of Hand, something to cover your costs (break
Spring loaded blade in
Hidden pommel, handle, etc. Gain
Pommel advantage on melee attacks
Blade resulting from an opponent’s
A switch coats the weapon
Poison with one dose of poison as If swallowed or grappled, the
Reservoir part of an action (once only spikes automatically cause the
between refills). foe 2d4 damage at the start of
Collapsible segments allow the user’s turn.
the weapon to be hidden Flame Advantage to resist fire based
Collapsible more easily. GM determines Retardant attacks (magical or otherwise).
whether a weapon type may Quick
May doff armour as an action.
be collapsible. Release
Weapon is chained to an arm Quick Fit May don armour as an action.
bracer; the user cannot be
Chain Grip disarmed. Cannot use Advantage to resist cold &
another weapon/shield in Insulated lightning based attacks
that hand while chained. (magical or otherwise).
Use an action to fire one dart Permits swimming (if GM
up to 20 ft (1 dmg) from the Buoy Lining does not allow heavy or
Projectile weapon’s structure (single medium armour swimming).
Dart shot only). The dart may be Blackened +2 bonus on sight based
prepared with poison. or hiding checks while in a
Use an action to fire a single Camouflage matching environment.
bullet (as pistol) up to 30 ft +2 bonus on checks to move
Blackpowder Muffled
from the weapon’s structure silently.
Bullet (single shot only). Costs 2d4 May sleep in the armour with
x 50 gp. Ergonomic no penalties (if the GM usually
imposes penalties for such).
Cost: 4,000 gp + (Grade x 1,000 gp). Maximum If the party has hirelings, and a PC spends 1d4
Grade 5. weeks training them during Downtime, roll twice
on the Advancement table (instead of once) and
Secret Chamber or Passage the player chooses the best result (LFG p.162).
Each secret passage allows PCs to travel between
two nominated chambers or corridors of their PCs that spend at least 1d4 weeks in personal
stronghold (or perhaps separate buildings) in a practice gain a single use bonus (equal to the hall’s
clandestine manner. Depending on the start and Grade) on a check relating to a specific physical
end point, the passage might also act as a shortcut. skill during their next adventure (only one skill per
A secret chamber is only accessible via a secret Downtime period). The player nominates the skill
door or passage, and may be used for any purpose at the time of training (eg Athletics, Stealth, Sleight
the PCs desire (at appropriate cost). of Hand, etc). The bonus is one use only, and may
be applied after seeing the relevant roll.
Only the PCs are aware of the secret passages or
chambers, plus any NPCs they specifically inform. Cost: 5,000 gp + (Grade x 500 gp). Maximum
In exceptional circumstances, the GM might Grade 3.
decide that one or more NPCs have also become
aware (eg the Spy entry in Domain Events). Trapped Room
Distinct from individual traps that may be
Secret passages and chambers are accessed via purchased separately (LFG p.237), this room or
secret doors. 10-15 minutes of searching the corridor’s primary purpose is to trap, kill or maim
approximate area, and a Perception (Detection) intruders (usually located at a critical junction or
check, will detect the presence of a secret door adjacent to a vault).
(but not necessarily the trigger to open it; GM’s
call). Each Grade above 1 imposes a -1 penalty on Would be thieves, assassins or other intruders
the Perception (Detection) check. must make a Group Luck save or be killed,
maimed or captured by the trapped area. Each
Cost: 5,000 gp (chamber) or 1,500 gp (passage), + Grade above 1 imposes a -1 penalty on the save.
(Grade x 500 gp). Maximum Grade 5. The trap functions a number of times equal to its
Grade before needing to be reset/restocked. The
Throne Room GM decides whether an intruder’s particular
An inspiring throne room, grand hall or similar approach exposes them to the trap.
allows PCs to display their personal style and
impress visitors. Increase Influence and Fealty by Cost: 9,000 gp + (Grade x 500 gp). Maximum
1 (p.55), and PC social checks to persuade, cajole, Grade 5.
deceive or intimidate guests made in the chamber
gain a +1 bonus for each Grade. Tunnels
Tunnels beneath the stronghold might include
Cost: 15,000 gp + (Grade x 1,000 gp). Maximum catacombs, extensive sewers, natural caverns, an
Grade 3. excavated escape route, and so on.
Cost: 7,000 gp + (Grade x 500 gp). Maximum A Grade 2 or higher vault includes a capture
Grade 3. mechanism to imprison up to 1d3 would be
thieves for later questioning. Burglars with more
HD than the Grade gain a Luck save to avoid
falling into the PCs’ clutches.
Control of a stronghold inevitably brings the
Masters into contact with the criminal underworld,
if for no other reason than to curb rising crime.
From time to time however, Masters might require
the talents of professional killers to remove rivals
in an arm’s length, and permanent, manner.
Spies sown throughout one’s own lands, as well as
foreign kingdoms (both allied and opposed), are a
practical necessity for Masters keen to avoid being
blindsided by enemies or rivals. A spy network
may be narrow, middling, wide or expansive in
scope, ranging from a handful of agents in a single
settlement, to a vast network of informers covering
all major cities and outposts across a continent (or
other large geographic area designated by the
GM). Networks specifically targeting a patchwork
of cities or regions, might be made up of multiple
rings (GM’s call).
In rare and exceptional circumstances, an
authority may choose to exercise mercy, and
commute a sentence of death to permanent and
immediate exile instead. Such a person is not only
physically exiled, but also “outside” of the law itself
Very serious offences such as maiming or murder (ie without rights and unprotected by the law, may
be killed with impunity, etc).
are generally punished on an eye for an eye basis
(self defence, if made out, is a valid rebuttal to such
charges). Property damage, fraud and theft may
From time to time, the GM might require the
incur a range of penalties, depending on the
quantum involved. Masters to personally preside over important
disputes and pass judgment. If so, some roleplay
Sorcery and perhaps an Int (General Lore) check will
The study and the practice of magic is illegal and generally suffice to dispose of the matter in a way
rightly feared. Offences committed with magic, or most parties will abide by. Particularly fierce,
clever, and/or popular rulings might impact on a
that result from using it (for example, rampaging
monstrosities) are invariably punished by Master’s wider reputation; gaining a +1 Renown
maiming, exile or death. bonus (GM’s call).
The domain is highly unstable with frequent protesters and rioting. Services are often
suspended, and large numbers of guards patrol the streets. Night curfews and gate
closures are common. Crime rises to an appalling level and few places feel safe. Each
quarter, each Master loses 3d100+200 gp, reduce domain Fealty by 1, and there is a
50% chance Domain Size shrinks one category (minimum small).
If Domain Size is small, there is a 50% chance the stronghold is besieged. If not
besieged, there is a 20% chance of a population morale improvement. If an uprising is
quashed (treat as a Mass Battle , or as the GM determines), most residents abandon the
region. Renown checks invariably reference the domain’s state of upheaval.
The domain is quasi stable and mostly serviceable, but positively unpleasant. Residents
work hard for no real gain, opportunities are few or illusory, and crime high. External
threats make frequent forays into the land to exploit settlers with minimal reprisal.
Each quarter, each Master loses 1d100+100 gp, and there is a 25% chance Population
Morale rises or drops one level (check for both). There is a 20% chance Domain Size
shrinks one category.
The domain is stable and serviceable but not pleasant. Residents work hard for little
gain, opportunities are limited, and crime moderate to high. External raids are common
but usually responded to. Each quarter, each Master gains 1d100+50 gp, and there is a
30% chance Population Morale rises or drops one level (check for both).
The domain is stable, serviceable, and somewhat pleasant. Residents work hard but earn
wages a little higher than most comparable settlements. Opportunities remain limited,
and crime moderate. External raids are uncommon and usually met with sufficient force
to rebuff them. Each quarter, each Master gains 1d100+200 gp, and there is a 25%
chance Population Morale rises or drops one level (check for both).
The domain is highly stable, well serviced, and more pleasant than not. Residents work
hard but earn favourable wages compared to most neighbouring lands. Opportunities
are not uncommon, and crime low to moderate. External threats are often deterred or
rebuffed with a strong show of force.
Each quarter, each Master gains 2d100+250 gp and there is a 20% chance Population
Morale drops one level. Renown checks often include reference to the covetous state of
the domain. May attract interest from foreign powers (for good and/or ill). At the
Masters’ option (subject to GM veto), there is a 20% chance Domain Size increases one
• Brain Burst: You spend an action to • Project Phantom: As Waking Dream, but
directly assault the physical brain of a the illusion is conjured in the mind of a
target within 60 ft, perceivable as a single target only.
distortion in the air between the two of
you (line of sight is required). The attack • Psionic Scream: As Insidious Slumber,
destroys synapses and neurochemistry, but centred on you (you are immune), and
causing 2d8 + Will mod damage (Luck affected creatures are reduced to zero hp
(Will) save for half). Damage dice that roll instead of being put to sleep. Using this
8 are rolled again and accumulate. power is taxing; it requires a Will check,
automatically triggers a Psychic Surge, and
• Third Eye: When you use this power, • Path of Years: You may engage in a 1d4
choose one of the following spell like hour ritual to read the future. Make a
effects: Inescapable Unmasking, Echo of Luck save. If successful, you may ask the
Days, Pierce the Veil. GM one question about the future. If
possible, the GM will answer truthfully or
provide a useful clue (GM discretion).
Mental Fortress (1st level)
The answer may be cryptic or in riddles.
You have a particularly resilient mind, gaining
Each time you use this ability, you gain a
advantage when resisting attacks on your mental minor madness, or if you have an existing
state such as charm, fear, madness, and so on. madness, it increases in severity level.
Roll 1d6; (1) Psychic Disjunction, (2) Mind Raid, (3)
Evoke Madness, (4) Strip Sense, (5) Force Crush
(single target), (6) Psionic Scream.
This Unique Feature is exclusive to Fighters and
When all your psionic uses have been expended, Barbarians. When using a Major Exploit to kill or
you may unleash one final power by fracturing incapacitate an enemy, you may target a creature
your mental well. The experience is extremely with HD equal to your level, plus 1 per Reroll die
taxing, imposing a minor madness (if you already you expend (max increase equal to your Str or
suffer from madness, it increases in severity Con modifier).
instead) and automatically triggers a Psychic Surge.
You may use this ability once per adventure.
PSIONICS (Crossclass)
You gain a limited version of the Psion Psionics
You are famous for being a ruthless killer that ability. Gain a phasing tell and one psionic power.
wiped out an entire thieves’ guild after they You begin an adventure with two uses of this
murdered your pet (whether the reputation ability.
reflects your past deeds, or is a curious
misunderstanding, is up to you). Gain a +3 bonus
on Renown checks, and attempts to disguise you PSI ENERGY
as another human or demihuman are made at When you learn a new Psionic power, you
disadvantage. If recognized, (i) ordinary citizens 1 may choose Sonic Wave (as Thunderous
are leery of you, (ii) underworld figures accord you Invocation).
a special respect, (iii) gain a +2 bonus on From 5th level, when you learn a new
intimidation checks, and (iv) intimidation Greater Psionic power, you may choose
successes count as great successes. Energy Burst: By spending an action,
lightning arcs from you in a 10 ft radius. All
ORACLE targets within range suffer 1d6 damage per
psion level (Luck (Dex) save for half).
You have learnt to interpret the portents of fate in From 11th level, when you learn a new
some way (runebones, tea leaves, celestial Greater Psionic power, you may choose
movements, steaming entrails, whispering winds, 3
Antimatter Beam (as Viridian Ray of
etc). Once per week, you may spend 1d4 hours to Unmaking).
make an Int check to divine the future (treat as the
greater psionic Path of Years). Successful or not,
you gain a minor madness (if you have an existing PSI METABOLISM
madness it increases in severity instead). When you learn a new Psionic power, you
may choose Morph Arm: By spending an
POISONER 1 action, you transform your forearm into a
bone, crystal or chitinous object as large as
You are adept at scavenging illegal ingredients to a one handed weapon. The effect is
concoct various toxins and poisons. If you spend
Roll 1d12; (1) Elemental (10 HD); (2) Dream Rust Monster; (8) Gelatinous Cube; (9) Invisible
Phantom; (3) 2d6 Animated Objects (weapon size); (4) Stalker; (10) N’Tarc; (11) Shade (12) Spectre.
Doppelganger; (5) Yeggsûl; (6) Gibbering Terror; (7)
Roll 1d8; (1) Gift of the Fiery Furnace; (2) Behold (4) Malediction of Lunacy; (5) Writhing Fog; (6) A
the Secret Truth; (3) Roll on the Holgrim’s Chest table; Wisp Unseen; (7) Bane of Mortals; (8) Flesh to Stone.
Spades – King The Sun* The Red Mace of the Star Empress grants three
levels of attunement as follows:
Spades – Queen The Moon*
i. The wielder may invoke Strange Joining at
Spades - Jack The Void # will (each use requires the usual DDM
Spades - Two The Hanged Man #
ii. When using the mace, the wielder’s crit
Clubs - Ace Wheel of Fortune*
range by increases by 1 point, and on a
Clubs – King The Hierophant* critical hit, adds the user’s full level to
damage (instead of half level).
Clubs – Queen The High Priestess*
iii. Once every 1d4 days, the wielder may
Clubs - Jack The Tower # spend an action to invoke Dimension
Clubs - Two Death #
• The Fool; The PC is immediately struck
Joker (with TM) The Fool # by a Feeblemind spell, but the Luck (Will)
save is made at disadvantage.
Joker (without TM) Unholy Avenger #
• The Hanged Man; The PC is immediately
• Death; All living things within 120 ft of the suspended in the air and begins
PC instantly die (animals collapse, plants suffocating. A successful Luck (Con) save
wither). Intelligent humanoids gain a Luck ends the effect before the PC dies
(Con) save to resist. The drawer is (permanently lose 1 Con instead).
• The Hierophant; The PC may assume the
• The Demon; A Balor crosses the Veil form of a 15 HD Elemental once every
somewhere in the world, called by the 2d6 months (treat as the spell Sudden
• The Lovers; The PC immediately falls in • The Undying; The character no longer
love with the next stranger of the same requires sleep, will not die from mundane
race and opposite sex, and vice versa. The causes (excluding catastrophic injury such
magical attraction ends approximately as beheading), and ceases to age for 500
nine months later, when a child is born. years.
The infant displays magical powers, and
grows increasingly alien as they mature. • Unholy Avenger; A rent in space
unleashes a Gibbering Terror that attacks
• The Magician; The PC learns 1d3 the PC for 1d4 minutes. The Terror has
random spells (level 1d4, roll for each), Major Exploit Protection and Off Turn
which they may cast once per adventure Attacks. The Terror cannot be escaped
(treat the PC’s level as caster level). via the standard Party Retreat rule.
Axe of Inigo
This large axe has a blacksteel blade inscribed with
crimson runes along one edge, and a large spike at
the back. One of few magical objects created in the
present Age, the weapon was forged by House
Lorca’s finest smith, Cavar Inigo, then enchanted
by forces unknown. Dropped in the twisting
tunnels of the Lost Roads two centuries ago, some
say the axe has resurfaced in Port Brax. 1. The axe has a tendency to inflict deep cuts
(advantage on damage rolls).
Attunement takes 1d4 days, except by Karoks who
require 1d4 minutes. Attempting to use the axe 2. Once every week, the user may cause the
against a member of House Lorca instantly causes axe to become impossibly sharp (no
it to become too heavy to lift. Attunement benefits action), able to cut through any non-
are as follows: magical material (iron, stone, adamantine,
etc). The effect lasts a number of rounds
equal to the wielder’s Str modifier.
Bane of Argosa
This roughshod cudgel is fashioned of petrified,
blood stained wood, the head studded with human
teeth. Discovered in ancient burial mounds by
skorn raiders, the Bane of Argosa has passed
through many a beastman’s hands over the
centuries. The origins of the club are unknown,
but Pierce the Veil reveals an infernal aura.
3. Once per month the user may take 1. The chained censer may be wielded as a
complete control of a bound creature by (magical) flail, and once per week, the user
possessing its body for up to 1d6 x 10 may spend an action to invoke Enduring
minutes. Whilst doing so, the user’s own Radiance (centred on the thurible).
body slips into a comatose state. The user
may spend an action to end the 2. Once per month, the user may spend an
possession, reawakening in their own action to cause the smoky incense to
body at the start of the next round. If the coalesce into 2d4 ghostly acolytes (as Call
animal’s body is killed whilst the user Forth Simulacra IV, use Ogre stats). The
inhabits it, the user loses 1d6 Will and acolytes remain for up to 2d6 minutes
reawakens as above. before dissipating.
Boots of Solitude
These leather boots have an oak motif, decorated
with several green garnets, and were enchanted by
a reclusive wizard who died among the Sunstone
Ranges. When the magician passed, his body was
eaten by skorn, and the boots discarded into one
of the many rivers that eventually flow into Lake
1. While wearing the cloak, the user is 2. The user forms a direct connection with
immune to cold damage (magical or the Veil. Once every week, they may
otherwise), and once per month, may spend an action to unleash an
transform into heavy mist (no action, as abomination within 30 ft (treat as DDM
Cradle of Formlessness, but movement entry 11; ie the monster is uncontrolled).
20 ft). Using this power increases the user’s
DDM tally by 3 points.
2. While wearing the cloak, once per week,
the user may spend an action to transform 3. Once per month, the user may spend an
into a white coloured wolf or owl (as action to invoke the Magus Queen’s fury
Sudden Transmogrification, but lasts up (as Word of Ending).
to 2d6 hours).
4. At this level of attunement, the user may
Crown of Belidbarazûl assume other forms (as Sudden
Worn by the first, and last, Magus Queen of Transmogrification, requires an action).
Argosa, the Crown of Belidbarazûl is a relic of the This power may be used at will, but each
Second Age; a golden coronet with curling wings transformation drains a level from the
and a tapered spire. Before the Queen was user until the end of the adventure. After
executed by her own people, Belidbarazûl’s 1d6 uses, Belidbarazûl attempts to possess
sorcery all but erased the city of Westrun, the user’s flesh, requiring a Luck (Will)
Duskers’ Vest
This black leather cuirass was cut from the hide of
an elder cloaker, marked with a moon sigil and
sewn with numerous secret pockets. It may be
worn as light armour or as part of a set of medium
armour. Used for centuries by assassins of the
enigmatic Duskers, the armour entered general
circulation after a botched murder attempt in
Crow’s Keep.
4. Once per month, the user may spend an 1. Upon being Staggered, or when reduced
action to transform into a Giant Serpent to zero hp, the user may make an
(treat as Sudden Transmogrification, but immediate melee attack against everyone
12 HD, Bite 2d8 + poison, and the effect in reach.
lasts 2d6 minutes).
1. The user’s Perception score increases by 1. The user’s AC increases by 1, and once
2 (max 19), and they cannot be blinded by every 1d4 days, the user may leap up to 30
bright light. ft in any direction.
2. Once every 1d4 days, the user may see 2. Once per week, the user may stomp their
through walls (treat as Artificer Xray foot on the ground to unleash a wave of
Goggles). force, or shatter an object with a kick (as
Thunderous Invocation).
3. Once every six months, the user may
spend an action to fire a disintegrating Herald of Ssu Rahda
beam at a single target (as Veridian Ray of As suggested by this brass shield’s reptilian stylings,
Unmaking). the Herald of Ssu Rahda was forged by the dracor
at the turning of the First Age, bound by sorceries
Ear: only a dragon could contain. Entrusted to the
reptile champion Sossk’Vithra, legend suggests the
1. The user’s Perception score increases by Herald was buried with her in a remote tomb in
2 (max 19), and they cannot be deafened the Sunstone Ranges.
by loud noises.
Attunement takes 2d6 days except by Fighters,
2. Once every 1d4 days, the user gains Barbarians and Rangers who require 2d6 rounds.
echolocation like a bat for 2d6 rounds (no Once attuned, the user turns sterile and cold
action). blooded over the next 1d4 months (if attunement
is broken off during this time, the effects are
3. Once per week, the user may spend an reversible, otherwise they are permanent).
action to invoke a field of silence, centred Additionally, the user develops a powerful
on themselves (as Globe of Silent arrogant streak (treat as a serious madness, LFG
Contemplation). p.164 entry 3). This last trait abates over time if
attunement is ended.
1. Once every 1d4 days, while wielding the 1. Once every 1d4 days, after hitting a target
sword, the user may spend an action to with the knife, the user may sacrifice their
invoke one of the following spells: Lucent own lifeforce (an agonizing experience) to
Emanation (but moonlight), Sundering inflict extra damage. For each point of
Sign, Speaker of All Tongues or Shadows Con loss (user decides how much) the
& Dust. attack adds 1d10 damage (no save). Con
sacrificed in this way cannot be regained
2. Once per week, provided the sword is on by any means until the end of the
their person, the user may access their adventure.
Reroll Pool as many times as required (ie
not limited to one reroll) to perform an 2. Once per week, the user may touch a
especially flashy, ostentatious or target with the knife to draw out a sickness
flamboyant action and/or move. The or disease (may be part of an attack) and
Reroll Pool may be accessed even for store it in the weapon (the target is cured).
conduct that would not normally be At any future time, the user may transfer
applicable (eg an attack roll). the disease to another target by touching
them with the dagger (not necessarily an
3. Each month with the rising of the full “attack”, a Luck (Con) save resists).
moon, the sword generates a random spell
(use the Scroll tables) that is stored within
it. The user instinctively knows the nature
of the spell. While wielding the rapier, the
user may spend an action to unleash its
magic. If the stored spell is not used
before the next full moon, another takes it
Knife of Baalec
This curved knife has a hilt made of dragon bone,
inscribed with litanies to Baalec, Lord of Crows (a
precursor god of the Second Age, later known as
Baal). Enchanted by Baalec exiles in their citadel
Ortu Menon, the knife was lost to a master thief
who infiltrated the stronghold to steal it. The relic
has never resurfaced.
1. On a critical hit, the whip tears off one of Attunement benefits are as follows:
the target’s limbs (no save, targets with 7+
HD are tripped or disarmed instead). 1. The wearer may sacrifice Reroll dice to
cast spells they know instead of expending
2. Once per month, by wrapping the whip spell uses. The number of Reroll dice
around one’s waist, the user fades from required is equal to the spell level plus one
sight and hearing (as A Wisp Unseen and (eg a 2nd level spell costs three Reroll dice).
Globe of Silent Contemplation, but only
the user is affected). 2. Once every 1d4 days, the user may change
the element of one magic effect to another
Leathers of Agmundr (eg from fire to frost, wind, stone, etc).
Ensorcelled two centuries ago by Runeseer
Agmundr, this surprisingly flexible leather armour 3. Once per week, the user may spend an
is imbued with incantations of elementalism, action to invoke Channel Lightning, Gift
doom and defiance. Exiled by the Council of of the Fiery Furnace, or Blast of Frozen
Varnor for crimes unspoken, the unaging warlock Ruin (at the user’s level or minimum
died forty winters past during a bulette ambush on caster level, whichever is higher).
the High Plains.
4. Once per month, upon being Staggered,
Attunement takes 2d6 weeks except by Magic the user may unleash an immediate
Users who require 2d6 days. Once attuned, the backlash against their attacker. For each
user finds their ability to sense magic improves point of Con the user gives up, the
dramatically (when attempting to sense magic LFG attacker suffers 1d10 elemental damage
p.83, they automatically succeed). This enhanced (no save, the user chooses the element).
connection to the Veil however also increases the Con points lost in this way cannot be
user’s starting DDM by 2 points. Both of these restored until the next Downtime period.
traits fade over 1d12 months if attunement ends.
1. Once per week, the user may cause pure 3. Once only, the user may pray for aid from
sunlight to project from the lantern, the lamp and be granted a Forbidden
driving back or destroying nearby Wish. A Luck (Will) save is required (if
abominations (treat as Turning like a unsuccessful, the petition fails, and the
Cultist of the user’s level). user rolls on the Divine Rebuke table
instead). After attempting this power, the
Light vanishes, reappearing elsewhere in
the world in 2d10 years.
Attunement benefits are as follows: 3. Once per month, the user may unleash a
death glare against a single living target
1. Once every day, the user may drink from within 20 ft (giant sized or smaller). The
the cup and command gates, doors, target must succeed on a Luck save or is
windows, etc to open (as Sundering Sign). instantly slain, curling up into a desiccated
husk. Invoking this ability automatically
2. Once every 1d4 days, the user may drink triggers a DMM effect.
from the cup to alter their appearance (as
Mantle of Many Faces).
1. Once every month, the user may perform 1. After the user suffers a critical hit, if they
a 1d4 hour ritual to cause both mirrors’ use their next action to successfully strike
surfaces to transform into shadowy mist. their attacker with Morg Tor, the strike
For the next minute, anyone may enter becomes a critical hit.
one mirror and emerge from the other.
The journey takes 1 hour and a creature
may only travel once per ritual. During
this time the traveller is tossed about in a
“sea” of cold, churning darkness, beneath
a sky of strange and unfamiliar stars.
Ring of Belemôn
In the First Age, before the fair and munificent 2. Once every 1d4 days, the user may
Belemôn devolved into the monstrous cyclopes of transform the ring into a mace, spear or
today, a trio of prophets fashioned a magical ring. sword that crackles with lightning (no
Perhaps the last relic of the primordial giants, the action, as flickering candlelight, plus
Ring of Belemôn is made of polished oak, set with bonus 1d8 damage on a hit). The weapon
a stone of bright amber. lasts up to 2d6 minutes.
Attunement requires 1d4 weeks. During this time 3. Once per month, the user may spend an
the user develops an altruistic streak. At the GM’s action to conjure two horizontal portals
option, refusing to help those in dire need may
(up to 15 ft diameter) which exist for up to
cause the ring’s powers to falter, function
intermittently, or not at all (Luck checks might be one round, allowing anything to move into
required, for example). Sustained disregard for the one and out the other. The portals must
vulnerable causes the ring to permanently vanish. be (i) within 600 ft of each other and (ii)
within line of sight of the ring bearer. The
Attunement benefits are as follows: user may close the portals at any time (no
action). Using this power automatically
1. The user develops a sixth sense, warning triggers a DDM effect.
against hidden danger at the last moment.
They cannot be surprised and gain Rod of All Things
advantage to avoid physical traps. This curious object appears as an intricately
etched, 3 ft iron bar, with a spider like symbol
worked into the centre (thought by some to be an
early sigil of Shennog, goddess of night, mystery,
deceit, and madness). The rod’s origins are
unknown, and no rediscovered histories refer to it.
Pierce the Veil reveals a transmutation aura.
1. The user develops rudimentary dark 3. Once per month, the user may spend an
vision, able to make out rough shapes and action to conjure a Gibbering Terror from
outlines in complete darkness the void. The terror obeys the user’s
(disadvantage on vision checks, and 33% commands (no action) and remains for
miss chance, instead of blind). 2d6 rounds or until destroyed.
2. Once every 1d4 days, the user may spend Talisman of the Black Sun
an action to strike the staff on the ground, This palm sized amulet is made of gold, with a
causing alien tentacles to burst upwards. glass inset depicting a black circle surrounded by a
Enemies within a 20 ft radius are grappled red corona. The talisman’s age and origins are
(Str contest vs Str 19 to resist). If grabbed uncertain; there are no known books, tablets or
a target cannot move from their location, other writings that refer to it. Attempts to catalogue
but may use an action to attempt a the talisman inevitably fail, intending authors
Strength contest to break free. The inexplicably forget, become distracted, or are
rubbery tentacles have AC 14 and 25 hp. deluded into thinking they have already completed
They last 2d6 rounds before withdrawing the task before they begin. Pierce the Veil reveals
back into the earth. an arcane aura, but nothing more.
Thrane’s Halberd
This hundred year old halberd has a spiked steel
blade and oak staff. It is unnaturally heavy,
requiring significant strength to use effectively
(minimum Str 14 or a -3 penalty to attack rolls
applies). First wielded by a champion of the
Rinwolde family of Crow’s Keep, the weapon was
lost during an expedition into the Suurat Jungle.
Attunement benefits are as follows: 3. If the user is attuned to all three stones,
once per month, the user may summon a
1. Each stone possessed grants a +1 bonus to flock of Griffons from the sky (requires an
an attribute of the user’s choice (excluding action, as many griffons as party members,
Luck, max 19). Additionally, once every up to 10 max). The Griffons follow the
1d4 days, the user may touch a stone to a user’s commands and remain for 4d6
target (including themselves) to cast hours.
Nostrum of the Dying.
Torc of Sebutett
2. With two stones, once per week, the user This golden torc is decorated with green peridot
may spend an action to cast Solace of stones, crafted by the ancient Ramorans for King
Argona, Purge the Accursed or Priest Sebutett. According to legend, the torc was
Thaumaturgical Vesting. buried with the mummified king in a secret tomb
in the Forest of Drelnor.
< 1 HD 1 HD 2 HD 3 HD
Animated Sword 123, Deep Elf 132, Deep Animated Armour 122, Animated Rug 122,
Burn Bugs 127, Dwarf 131, Face Ripper Blight Hound 125, Bugbear 126, Grey
Fishling 136, Rot 135, Flesh Eating Vines Blue Fey 125, Crawling Croaker 131, Dracor
Beetle 125, Skinless 137, Green Croaker Terror 120, Flesh 133, Feathered Maw
Terror 121, Spriggan 131, Mudman Burrower 137, Gnoll 135, Giant Tree Spider
153, Vomitor 159. (Mudling) 145, 139, Implacable Blob 151, Iguaato 141,
Shrieker Fungi 150, 142, Rust Monster 149, Mudman (Drone) 145,
Skratt 151, Waterwing Slime Spider 151, Raptor 133, Winged
160. Toadmen 155. Snake 160, Brain
Eating Zombie 162,
Zombie Rat Swarm
4 HD 5 HD 6 HD 7 HD
Animated Table 122, Cave Stalker 127, Dire Animated Wardrobe Batbeast 123, Dream
Argosan Strangler 123, Boar 126, Black 123, Drider 134, Phantom 134, Frost
Assassin (Human) 140, Croaker 131, Fey Ghasthound 138, Hook Worm 161, Fungoid
Bone Cutter Ant Creeper 135, Spider 152, Man Eating 137, Hookfurgle 140,
Swarm 155, Frost Ooze Mechanized Wolf 160, Caterpillar 143, Rock Mudman (Coreguard)
147, Redjaw 148, Mimic 143, Mudman Grinder 149, Shegmot 144, Speckled Ooze
Scroach 150, Squid (Sentry) 145, N’Tarc Terror 120, Star Beast 147, Yeggsûl Demon
Thing 153, Urgot 146, Rhino 148, Vault 153. 132, Vine Puppet 158,
Champion 156. Guardian 158, War Void Nebula 158.
Wombat 159.
8 HD 9 HD 10 HD 11 – 12 HD
Grandmaster (Human) Cloaker 127, Glass Dire Bear 124, Lake Abominable Snow
141, Splinter Ooze 147, Golem 140, Mesmer Wyrm 142, Scarab Beast 122,
Stormraven 154, Falcon 143, Werebear Mummy 145, Ankylosaurus 132,
Underlurker 156. 143. Shambling Mound 150, Giant Horn Beetle 124,
Zombie Giant 162. Roper 149, Tree Ettin
156, Whip Worm 161.
13 – 14 HD 15 HD 16 – 17 HD 18+ HD
Bronze Golem 139, Greater Ghost 138, Aboleth 121, Colossus 128, Mudman
Fire Giant 138, Giant Naga 146. Triceratops 133. (Core) 144.
Tree Spider (Mother)
Blight Hound
No. Appearing: 2d6
Armour Class: 12
Hit Dice: 2
Attacks: Bite 1d10 + wasps
Nat 19: the Bite wound magically festers, reducing
the target’s maximum hp by the damage suffered
until the end of the adventure (no save, Purge the
Accursed removes the effect).
S:14 D:10 C:13 I:2 P:13 W:12 Ch:3
Luck: 5
Move: 50 ft
Cave Stalker
No. Appearing: 1d4
Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 5
Attacks: Bite 1d6 and 2 x Claws 1d8
Nat 19: special
S:16 D:16 C:10 I:5 P:16 W:10 Ch:4
Luck: 8
Move: 40 ft and may climb walls, ceiling, etc
3. Struck by falling debris from above (5d10 If the overall challenge is failed, the PCs are
damage, Luck (Dex) save for half). stranded on the torso until they come up with
some other way of reaching the head. If no other
4. A valuable piece of equipment is dropped means of scaling the torso eventuates, the colossus
or dislodges from the PC’s pack, belt, etc destroys the city.
(determine randomly, eg climbing gear,
shield, weapon, potion, etc). Obstacle 3: The Head.
Navigating the shoulders, neck and finally head is
If the overall challenge is failed, scaling the legs the most dangerous part of the encounter. By this
proves impossible at this time. The PCs will have time the PCs are exhausted, and the colossus
to find another way to recommence the climb realises they are a threat. Their only chance is to
later (perhaps by being fired out of a catapult, distract the titan long enough to give the hammer
etc). If no other means of scaling the legs bearer an opportunity to strike the gem!
eventuates, the colossus destroys the city.
Resolution: Party Challenge (Hard, 11 successes)
Obstacle 2: The Torso . focusing on Str, Dex, Con, Int, Will, Athletics,
Scaling the torso is exceptionally dangerous, with a Acrobatics, Arcane Lore, Divine Lore, Deception,
high risk of falling, being swatted by a hand, or and Stealth.
inadvertently struck by siege weapon fire. By this
stage the PCs are growing tired, and the colossus On a failed check, roll 1d3:
begins to notice they are climbing it.
1. The PC is thrown off the head to their
Resolution : Party Challenge (Hard, 11 successes) doom (Luck (Dex) save at disad resists).
focusing on Con, Will, Perc, Cha, Athletics,
Acrobatics, Detection, Insight and Leadership. 2. The PC is crushed between the titan’s
fingers or swept into its mouth (a great
On a failed check, roll 1d4: success Luck (Dex) save narrowly avoids
death and equipment destroyed. If
1. The PC falls. 50% chance they drop 3d6 successful roll 1d6 on the Injuries &
x 10 ft before catching hold elsewhere on Setbacks table instead).
the torso (Dex check). Otherwise they
plummet to their death. 3. The green gemstone shoots beams of
emerald light at 1d4 PCs (as Viridian Ray
2. Swatted by a hand (Luck (Dex) save or of Unmaking, but requires a great success
dead, if successful, roll 1d6 on the Injuries Luck (Dex) save).
& Setbacks table instead).
If this challenge is failed, the titan destroys the city.
3. Inadvertently struck by siege weapon fire If completed, the party has managed to give the
(6d10 damage, Luck (Dex) save for half). hammer bearer one chance to shatter the gem… a
final Group Luck save is required to break it. If
4. The PC ends up on an arm, being swung successful, the colossus crumbles over the next
about in all directions (causes extreme thirty seconds (whether PCs have any prospect of
surviving the crumbling is left to the GM).
Green croakers are gangly, humanoid anurans, 5 Deep dwarves are invariably bald, grey skinned
ft tall, with elongated limbs and protruding eyes. and silver bearded, lairing in the deepest bowels of
Their smooth skin tends toward dappled grey or the earth. The embodiment of rage, avarice, and
green, and secretes a toxic sheen. Technically xenophobia, deep dwarves jealously guard their
omnivores, the croakers prefer to eat meat if border tunnels against all comers, mining and
available, and have no qualms devouring humans crafting in blissful isolation.
when the opportunity arises.
Deep dwarves see as well in darkness as torchlight,
On a 19+ attack roll, the green croaker chokes its but sunlight blinds them. They enjoy 50% magic
victim with elongated fingers and poisons them resistance, and may enter a Barbarian’s Ferocious
with toxic secretions (Luck (Con) save or 1d3 Con Rage once per combat (they literally swell up when
loss). A croaker may spend an action coating their they do so, gaining 1 ft in height). The dwarf’s skin
knife with their natural toxin (lasts 2d6 rounds or and beard are naturally chameleonic and light
until used). dampening, imposing disadvantage on Perception
(Detection) checks to spot them when hiding.
Demon, Yeggsûl
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 7
Deep Elf Attacks: Claw 1d12+1 and Spine (special)
No. Appearing: 3d6 Nat 19: the target is spiked (see below).
Armor Class: 12 (light armour) S:19 D:12 C:15 I:10 P:12 W:13 Ch:6
Hit Dice: 1 Luck: 9
Attacks: As weapon + (possible) poison Move: 30 ft
Nat 19: the elf is “blessed” by their demon masters,
transforming into a Giant Spider or Fungoid (even Yeggsûl are 6 ft bundles of muscle and sinew, with
chance, once per battle only, otherwise use the flat faces and tooth like spines jutting from their
appropriate weapon effect). limbs, skull and back. They are cruelty manifest
S:9 D:14 C:8 I:10 P:13 W:11 Ch:8 and seek only to skewer and devour all intelligent
Luck: 4 beings they encounter. The demon’s Spine attack
Move: 30 ft inflicts Unholy Rot, causing a random limb (below
the elbow or knee) to turn black and drop off over
Deep elves are hunched, albino skinned 1d6 hours (Luck (Con) save resists). Yeggsûl have
subterranean fey that abhor the sun, with cat like the usual demon benefits (LFG p.182), and are
eyes and elongated noses. Innately paranoid and protected by 60% Magic Resistance.
malicious, they are masters of poison and ambush,
ever beholden to their twin mistresses, the Matron Dinosaur, Ankylosaurus
of Fungi and the Queen that Crawls. No. Appearing: 2d4
Armor Class: 19
Male deep elves are unknown, and it is believed Hit Dice: 12
the females reproduce asexually. Deep elves see as Attacks: Hammer Tail 3d10
well in darkness as torchlight, but sunlight blinds
Dinosaur, Raptor
No. Appearing: 2d6 Raptors are 7 ft bipedal dinosaur predators that
Armor Class: 13 hunt in packs. They display intelligence similar to
Hit Dice: 3 a smart dog. Raptors gain advantage on attacks
Attacks: Bite 1d10 when flanking with an ally.
Nat 19: another Raptor suddenly leaps out of the
jungle to aid this one! Dinosaur, Triceratops
S:14 D:14 C:10 I:3 P:10 W:10 Ch:4 No. Appearing: 1d4
Luck: 6 Armor Class: 16
Move: 60 ft Hit Dice: 16
Attacks: Gore 3d8+2
Nat 19: target is skewered and reduced to zero hp
(no save if the target is Staggered, otherwise a Luck
(Dex) save resists).
S:21 D:9 C:21 I:3 P:10 W:12 Ch:9
Luck: 16
Move: 60 ft
No. Appearing: 2d6 or 10d6 lair
Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 3
Attacks: Bite or Claw 1d8+1 and weapon
Dracor are 7 ft, dragon like, cold blooded The dream phantom has Major Exploit
humanoids with hard scales, sharp claws and short, Protection. If defeated, the victim immediately
stubby tails. Arrogant and savage, their hubris is wakes and the phantom dissipates for 2d12 years.
eclipsed only by their xenophobic loathing of If the PC is defeated, they are subject to
other races. Some say dracor are the sorcerous Feeblemind (no save) and lose 1d2 Con each day
spawn of dragon eggs, created to serve their as the parasite feeds on their life force. At the end
reptilian overlords. Whatever their origin, they of the Feeblemind period, or if the victim dies, the
speak only the serpentmen (reptile) tongue, and phantom exits the corpse to seek a new victim.
instinctively revere dragons, wyverns and other
great reptiles as Ssu Rahda (living gods). Soft Drider
skinned humans are mocked as Tah Krii (fire No. Appearing: 1d8
monkeys), elves Sithru (old rot), and dwarves Bok Armor Class: 14
Marr (deep vermin). Hit Dice: 6
Attacks: 2 x Spear 1d6+2 + poison
Dream Phantom Nat 19: the target is wrapped up in webs (helpless);
No. Appearing: 1 a Luck (Dex) save resists.
Armor Class: 14 S:16 D:17 C:12 I:10 P:11 W:13 Ch:9
Hit Dice: 7 Luck: 8
Attacks: Dream Attack 1d10 + 1 Will drain Move: 50 ft including up walls, ceilings, etc
Nat 19: special
S:15 D:15 C:15 I:15 P:15 W:15 Ch:15 Drider are accursed agents of the Unseelie; half
Luck: 10 arachnid, half fey abominations with purple, black,
Move: 40 ft flying or deep auburn skin. Exiled to the material world
as punishment for some fell transgression, the
Dream phantoms appear as rolling clouds of transformation process invariably turns them
smoke, shadow or gossamer light, floating through malicious and cruel, with an abiding hunger for the
the air at 40 ft per round. They target sleeping misery of others.
enemies, entering their head by the nose, mouth
and ears, to merge with their brain. Once installed, Drider poison puts humanoid targets into an
the victim cannot be woken by any means as the unnatural sleep for 1d6 x 10 mins ( Luck (Con)
parasite attacks the victim’s mind. save resists, may repeat the save if shaken
violently). Once per day, the monster may shoot
Dream phantoms cannot be fought in the usual webs at a single humanoid target up to 60 ft ( Luck
way, instead “combat” occurs in the target’s (Dex) save or helpless until cut free). Drider are
nightmare, where the phantom manifests as the protected by 50% magic resistance, and see as well
victim’s darkest fear. The PC appears as in darkness as in torchlight. They avoid daytime
themselves, with their usual statistics and gear, activity as sunlight blinds them. Some rare
except as follows: individuals manifest spellcasting abilities (as Magic
User level 1d6).
Giant, Fire
No. Appearing: 1d8
Armour Class: 17 (armoured)
Hit Dice: 14+3 hit points
Attacks: Giant Hammer 4d8
Nat 19: special
S:21 D:11 C:17 I:10 P:13 W:14 Ch:12
Luck: 14
Move: 50 ft
No. Appearing: 4d6 hunters or 10d6 pack
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 2
Attacks: Claw/Bite 1d8 or Bow 1d6+2
Nat 19: the gnoll issues a yapping, cackling howl,
urging its kin to greater bloodlust (all gnolls
increase their crit range by 1, up to maximum 3).
S:13 D:13 C:10 I:9 P:13 W:9 Ch:8
Luck: 5
Move: 35 ft Golem, Bronze
No. Appearing: 1
Gnolls are 7 ft, hyena like humanoids, with teeth Armor Class: 17
filled snouts, rending claws and semi furred torsos. Hit Dice: 13
Despite a strong musculature, they prefer light Attacks: 2 x Fists 2d10
armour and ranged weapons to take advantage of Nat 19: the golem blasts blinding light into the
their speed and natural sniper tendencies. target’s face (Luck (Perc) save or blind for 2d4
Gnolls are strict carnivores and prefer to eat S:21 D:8 C:23 I:- P:10 W:- Ch:-
intelligent humanoids, whom they torture and Luck: 13
sacrifice to their demon god. Devouring the Move: 30 ft
carrion of a sacrificial victim is one of the pack’s
highest honours. Bronze golems are 14 ft automatons that were
favoured by serpentmen in the Second Age. They
Some rare tribes include a shaman (4 HD) capable have 70% Magic Resistance, except against Curse
of invoking the following spell like blessings once of Searing Steel which causes 7d8 damage (once
per day: Lash of Unerring Pain, Fetid Fog of the only). If both Fist attacks hit, the target is crushed
Rotting Horde, Hunger for Blood, Bestial (Luck (Con) save to avoid rolling on the Injuries &
Communion and Glimpse the True Gods. Setbacks table). Bronze golems have a 10 ft reach.
No. Appearing: 1d3 or 2d6 pack
Armour Class: 14
Hit Dice: 7+2
Attacks: 2 x Hooks 1d8 and Beak 1d12
Nat 19: the target is flung 1d4 x 10 ft into a tree,
wall, other PC, etc, stunning them for 1 round
(lose next action, no save).
When Staggered, the golem flashes brilliant light S:19 D:6 C:20 I:3 P:11 W:12 Ch:6
in a 20 ft radius, blinding targets for 2d4 rounds Luck: 8
(Luck (Perc) save resists). When reduced to zero Move: 40 ft
hp, a bronze golem explodes in a rain of shrapnel,
causing 5d6 damage in a 20 ft radius (Luck (Dex) Hookfurgles are 12 ft tall, furred humanoids, with
save for half). serrated beaks and wicked bone hooks in lieu of
forearms. Moving swiftly on all fours in gorilla like
Golem, Glass fashion, they are violent and sadistic brutes that
No. Appearing: 1 enjoy tormenting their prey before devouring
Armor Class: 15 them alive. On a critical hit for or against them,
Hit Dice: 9 hookfurgles fly into a frenzied berserk, gaining
Attacks: 2 x Fists 2d6+1 advantage on damage rolls and ignoring morale
Nat 19: the golem vibrates, emitting a bone until either they or their target is dead.
shuddering resonance wave (creatures within 20 ft Hookfurgles have a 10 ft reach.
lose their next action, Luck (Con) save resists).
S:17 D:19 C:20 I:- P:10 W:- Ch:- Human, Assassin
Luck: 10 No. Appearing: 1
Move: 40 ft Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 4
Attacks: Dagger 1d4+1 + poison
Mudmen are 5 ft, humanoid creatures, with Mudmen sentries are larger 6 ft variants, bred as
earthy, sludge like flesh and luminous eyes. They mobile guardians of the hive and drones. Mudmen
have no legs, instead sliding across the ground (or sentries have the same traits as drones, but on a
wall, or ceiling) like a rolling wave. Mudmen Nat 19 the target’s weapon is engulfed in hardened
possess insect like intelligence, communicating via mud and stuck to the floor (1d4 minutes to break
chemical signals they exude through their skin, but the weapon free).
are otherwise silent. Each member is an intrinsic
part of a single, interconnected hive mind Mummy, Scarab
(directed by the Core), exchanging information via No. Appearing: 1 or pair
touch, shape and pheromones. Armour Class: 15
Hit Dice: 10
On a Nat 19, a random body part is trapped in Attacks: Fist 2d8 + Mummy Rot
heavy, solidified mud; Roll 1d6: (i) head, (ii) left Nat 19: the mummy unleashes a scarab swarm.
arm, (iii) right arm, (iv) left leg, (v) right leg, (vi) S:19 D:8 C:19 I:5 P:12 W:16 Ch:3
chest) and effectively petrified for 1d4 hours Luck: 11
(action to break free, Str contest vs Str 16). Move: 40 ft
Mudmen may squeeze through narrow cracks at
half normal speed, suffer double damage from Scarab mummies are greater guardians, warrior
fluid based attacks, and lose 1 HD per round if champions and priests of the old ways that gave
submerged in water. They see as well in darkness their lives to act as sentries for eternity. Unlike
as in light. normal mummies, they are not especially
susceptible to fire, and have Major Exploit
Mudman, Mudling Protection. Most scarab mummies have no real
No. Appearing: 2d4 intelligence and simply follow the orders of their
Armor Class: 11 master, but some show cunning or even speak.
Hit Dice: 1
Attacks: Bite 1d4 or Throw Glob 1d4 (90 ft) Each time the guardian is hit, magical scarab
Nat 19: as Drone beetles skitter from the wound (packed inside the
S:10 D:4 C:10 I:2 P:6 W:8 Ch:8 corpse during the mummification process). When
Luck: 4 Staggered, a swarm of the vicious insects emerge to
Move 20 ft and may climb walls, ceilings etc aid their host (treat as Bone Cutter Ant Swarm).
The mummy’s touch inflicts Mummy Rot, a
Mudlings are infant 2 ft mudmen that were magical curse that causes 1 Con loss and prevents
recently spawned, shuffling about and eating, often healing of all kinds until the adventure ends (a
monitored or groomed by 1d6 drones. Luck (Will) save resists). Purge the Accursed lifts
the mummy’s curse.
Ooze, Speckled
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 7
Attacks: Pseudopod 4d4 + special, may be flung
up to 60 ft.
Nat 19: special
S:13 D:14 C:17 I:2 P:14 W:15 Ch:1
1. Puff cloud of toxic spores causing 1d8 Like most vermin, the ratmen are disease laden,
damage in a 5 ft radius (Luck (Con) save skulking scavengers, careful to avoid physical
resists, once per hour), danger unless necessary. Once engaged however,
the ratmen fight with desperate fury, exploiting any
2. Flexible stem allowing the shrieker to rear obvious weakness in their foe. The skratt take no
back and strike at an adjacent target like a prisoners, and leave no survivors, preferring to eat
hammer (attack roll as normal, 1d4 slain enemies whenever possible (whilst technically
damage). omnivores, they prefer carrion).
No. Appearing: 3d6 or 5d10 lair
Armour Class: 13
Hit Dice: 1 hp
Attacks: Bite 1d2 + special
Nat 19: the spriggan’s poison causes 1d8 damage
and a Malediction of Lunacy effect (Luck (Con)
save resists both).
S:4 D:18 C:4 I:10 P:13 W:12 Ch:10
Luck: 3
Move: 30 ft including climbing, and leap 30 ft
No. Appearing: 1d3
Armour Class: 14
Hit Dice: 8+2
Attacks: 2 x Claws 1d10 and Bite 2d6
Nat 19: the stormraven unleashes a shocking blast,
causing 3d6 lightning damage (no save).
Urgot, Champion
No. Appearing: 1
Armour Class: 15 (medium armour)
Hit Dice: 4
1. Hooks for Hands (drawn out forelimbs 13. Filth Spores (fighting the mutant requires
ending in wicked hooks, 2d8+2 damage). a Luck (Con) save or random disease).
6. Spine Spitter (may use an action to shoot 17. Unhinging Moan (once per combat the
2d4 spines up to 60 ft once per combat, urgot may use its action to moan, causing
roll to hit as normal, causing 1d4+1 a Malediction of Lunacy effect within 30
damage per spine). ft. Victims also suffer a minor madness).
7. Infernal Seed (when the champion dies, a 18. Sudden Blob (when Staggered, the urgot
monster bursts from its corpse; treat as splits into twin blob forms; AC14, half
entry 11 on the Dark & Dangerous Magic max hp, pseudopod 1d12).
19. Petrifying Snort (the urgot may spend its
8. Hideous Beyond Reckoning (instils action to snort petrifying gas from its
nausea in any who look upon it, Luck nostrils (range 5 ft, treat as a Basilisk’s gaze
(Will) check or lose next action due to attack, recharge 50%).
uncontrollable retching, etc).
20. Abominable Stink (once per combat, the
9. Lashing Tentacles (gains Off Turn urgot oozes a debilitating stench, causing
Attacks). anyone in melee with it to lose 1d4 Str,
Luck (Con) save for half).
No. Appearing: 5d6
Armor Class: 10
Hit Dice: 1d4 hp
Attacks: Bite 1d3 + special
Nat 19: the vomitor spews an especially potent
corrosive on the target (no save), causing 6
damage, then 3 damage, then 1 damage (see
S:6 D:11 C:8 I:3 P:10 W:9 Ch:6
Luck: 3
Move: 30 ft
Wolf, Mechanized
No. Appearing: 1
Armour Class: 18
Hit Dice: 5
Attacks: Bite 2d10
Nat 19: the wolf Causes Injuries on 19-20 attack
S:19 D:17 C:19 I:2 P:13 W:13 Ch:5
Luck: 11
Move: 70 ft
Worm, Frost
No. Appearing: 2d4
Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 7 Worm, Whip
Attacks: Bite 2d8 No. Appearing: 1d6
Nat 19: special Armor Class: 15
S:19 D:10 C:15 I:3 P:8 W:14 Ch:4 Hit Dice: 11
Luck: 9 Attacks: Bite 3d6 and 2 x Lashing Hooks 1d8 +
Move: 40 ft or 5 ft burrowing grabbed (Str contest to resist).
Nat 19: special
Frost Worms are armour plated, 15 ft predators S:19 D:9 C:18 I:3 P:10 W:15 Ch:4
with segmented jaws, found in freezing climes of Luck: 11
ice and snow (typically high mountain peaks and Move: 50 ft or 15 ft burrowing
glaciers). They hunt for flesh in small groups,
detecting their prey through a combination of Whip worms are 25 ft, worm like monstrosities
smell, tremor sense and echolocation. with twin tendril hooks and snapping beaks. They
spend most of their lives in hibernation, only
On a natural 19-20 attack roll, the worm exhales a burrowing to the surface to feed prior to mating.
blood freezing fog (10 ft diameter) causing an
Incantation of Exhaustion effect (Luck (Con) save On a 19-20 attack roll, the target’s weapon is
resists). In times of great scarcity, frost worms snatched away and swallowed (recoverable after
revert to a stasis like hibernation until a warm the beast is dead with sufficient time). A whip
blooded creature approaches within 120 ft. They worm’s body mucus negates fire and cold damage,
are immune to cold damage of all kinds. but salt burns them like acid. An adventurer may
harvest enough mucus for one humanoid from a
The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
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