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Importance of Sutika Paricharya: Dr. Preeti Agarwal and Dr. Sujata Sharma

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World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Agarwal et al. SJIF Impact

World Journal of Pharmaceutical Factor 8.084
Volume 11, Issue 2, 1087-1092. Review Article ISSN 2277– 7105


Dr. Preeti Agarwal1* and Dr. Sujata Sharma2

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Prasuti Tantra evum Stri Roga, Quadra institute of Ayurveda
Roorkee, Haridwar Uttarakhand.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Kaumarbhritya, Quadra institute of Ayurveda Roorkee,
Haridwar Uttarakhand.

Article Received on
10 December 2021, Ayurveda has always given importance to care the female at every
Revised on 31 Dec. 2021, phase of her life in respect of Rajaswala Paricharya, Garbhini
Accepted on 20 Jan. 2022
DOI: 10.20959/wjpr20222-23019
Paricharya and Sutika Paricharya. Sutika kala is the period begins after
expulsion of placenta. The lady after such difficult process of Prasava
must be advised to follow special dietary regimen and life style called
*Corresponding Author
Sutika paricharya. Aacharyas have described Abhyanga, Parishechana,
Dr. Preeti Agarwal
oral administration of medicated sneha with decoction, Yavagu, etc to
Assistant Professor, Dept. of
Prasuti Tantra evum Stri ensure proper physical and mental wellbeing. Mithyaachara
Roga, Quadra institute of (inappropriate physical and mental behavior) in this period definitely
Ayurveda Roorkee, results in many diseases. So Ayurveda has given most importance to
Haridwar Uttarakhand.
Sutika Paricharya which not only improves her physiological condition
but also protect her from upcoming disease as it helps in Garbhashaya
shuddhi, Dhatu Paripurnata, Stanya Vriddhi and Punarnavakarana.

KEYWORDS: Sutika, Sutika paricharya, Ayurveda.

The existence of the human race revolves around the women to whom is also assigned the
name “Janani” because of her power to bring a new life in the universe. Ayurveda regards
woman and her ability to reproduce and care for children as the premise of family life. She is
the foundation of society, these characteristics only can manifested in a society, if women are
healthy. In Ayurveda, the term Sutika can be used only after expulsion of placenta. During
Puerperium the body tissues, especially the pelvic organs revert back approximately to pre-
pregnant state both anatomically & physiologically.[1] After delivery the woman become │ Vol 11, Issue 2, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 1087
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emaciated and have Shunyashareera because of Garbhavriddhi, Shithilasarvashariradhatu,

Pravahanavedana, Kledarakta-nisruti[2], Agnimandya, these will lead to Dhatukshaya hence
extra care to be given to prevent complication during this period to avoid 74 types[3] of
disease which can happen in this period if not managed properly. So Ayurveda told a specific
regimen so that the Sutika attains all lost things and reaches her pre pregnancy stage as it
helps in Garbhashaya shuddhi, Dhatu paripurnata, Stanya Vriddhi and Punarnavakarana. This
particular study on Sutika Paricharya focusses on the regimen to be followed during
puerperal period to prevent further complications and restore the health of mother.


i. To study about the concept of Sutika and its Paricharya.
ii. To understand clinical importance of Sutika Paricharya.


Literary references are collected from Charaka Samhita, Sushrut Samhita, Kashyapa Samhita,
and various other Ayurvedic Samhita and various journals are also reviewed.

DEFINITION: A woman who has just given birth to a child followed by expulsion of the
placenta is called as Sutika. According to Acharya Kashyapa we cannot used the word Sutika
until placenta is not expelled after delivery of child.[4]

SUTIKA KALA- Acharya Charaka not given any specific time limit. Acharya Sushruta[5]
has mentioned that after 11/2 month of regulated & specific dietetics & mode of life the
woman become free from the epithet of Sutika. Some Acharyas opines that Sutika Kala is
until the next Rajodarshana. Acharya Kashyapa[6] told it is up to Six month. Modern science
told it is up to 6 weeks.[7]

SUTIKA PARICHARYA- The woman after such difficult process of Prasava must be
advised to follow special dietary regimen and life style called Sutika paricharya.

Present study protocol of Sutika Paricharya is divided into three major components as
1. Ashwasana (Psychological Reassurance)
2. Vihara (Normal daily activities and therapeutic procedures)
3. Aahara (Normal diet in puerperium) │ Vol 11, Issue 2, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 1088
Agarwal et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

1. Ashwasana: Ashwasana is psychological reassurance. The women after delivery should be

encouraged by sweet spoken words.[8] It is a kind of Satvavajay Chikitsa. It is a process of
mental boosting to let her prepare to take care of herself and also her baby. The Sutika should
fix amulet of Trivruta over her head. It is sort of psychological support to her. Thus may
protect her from harmful things (Grahabadha).[9]

2. Vihara (Normal daily activities and therapeutic procedures)

a) Abhyanga: Abhyanga given to Sutika may be Sthanika (Udara or Yoni) or Sarvadaihika
with the help of Ghrita and Taila especially with BalaTaila which is Vatashamaka,
Shramahara. Abhyanga tones up the pelvic floor, abdominal, back muscle, tissues and relieve
the muscle spasm. It also helps in recovery from soft tissue injury by increased circulation. It
prevents thrombosis by rubbing & friction improves the venous blood flow by dilating
superficial blood vessels. Yoni Abhyanga helps to tone the vagina and perineum.[10]

b) Parisheka & Avagaha:[11] Parisheka is pouring hot water in a stream, it is Vatakaphahara,

Vedanahara, does Agnideepti, Twakaprasannata, Srotoniramalata, so that abnormal blood
clots accumulated in uterine cavity after the delivery of Garbha excreted properly and Vata
Dosha also subsides.

c) Udaraveshtana (Pattabandana): It prevents vitiation of Vata Dosha by compressing hollow

space produced after expulsion of foetus. Abdomen should be tightly wrapped with long
cotton cloth after bath. It provides support to the back & abdomen. It mainly helps the uterus
to shrink back to its normal size.[12]

d) Yonidhupana (fomentation): Vaginal defense is lowered due to hypo estrogenic state and
patient is prone for infection. Dhupana will maintain the hygiene of the perineum. It keeps
episiotomy healthy, hastens its healing process. The drugs used like Kusta, Agaru, Guggulu
have the properties like Jantugna, Kandugna, Shothahara, Vranashodhana, Ropana.[13] This
restricts entry of Vata and prevents vagina from various infections.

e) Snana: On auspicious period of 10th or 12th day, according to the rituals of family the
bathing ceremony of puerperal women should be performed.

3. Aahara (Dietary regimen in puerperium)

 Snehapana: Snehapana alleviates Vata dosha in Sutika awastha, increases appetite level.
Snehapana is given with drugs like Pippali,Pippali mula , Chavya , Chitraka, Shrungavera │ Vol 11, Issue 2, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 1089
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and Yavani. Because they are Katu, Tikta Rasa and Ushna Veerya which in turn helps to
digest Sneha and act as an appetizer.[14]
 Garbhashayashodhana: Drugs like Panchakola are given with warmed jaggery water for
excretion of DushtaShonita from uterus. These drugs having the Garbhashayashodhaka &
Garbhashayasankochaka properties, removes the Dushtashonita or Sheshadosha from
 Snehayavagu or Ksheerayavagu: Yavagupana in the form of Manda, Peya with Sneha or
Kwatha stimulate the Agni, it is Grahi, Laghu in nature, Dhatuposhana, Tarpana
properties, easily digestible & absorbable, reduces thirst thus does the maintenance of
water in the body. Ksheera is rich source of proteins, vitamins and calcium provides
energy & maintains tissue.[15]
 Yusha: Yusha is given to the Sutika is prepared of Yava, Kola, Kulatha. It is semisolid,
rich in protein. It act as Agnideepaka ,Balya, Swedajanana, Pusti Sukhaprasadana.[16]
 Mamsa rasa: Meat is an excellent source of iron, Vitamins, essential amino acids and
trace elements. Madhura, Brimhaniya drugs are anabolic and helpful to recover from
stress and strain of labour and help in galactogenesis and enhance the property of
maternal milk.[17]

Aushadha(drugs): Pippali, Pippalimula, Chavya, Chitraka, Shringavera are Ushna,

Teekshna, Deepana, Pachana, Shoolagna & Kaphavatashamaka, so it is helpful in reducing
Agnimandya & Shoola in Sutika. It is also helpful for Prakrityonigataraktasrava. These drugs
are Katurasatmaka & Katuvipak has the properties of Shonitasanghatbhedana leads to normal
Yoni Gatasrava because of this Garbhashayashuddhi occurs. Pippali, Pippalimula are anti-
inflammatory[18] & shows antibacterial activity. It is also useful for the recovery of the
relaxed organs soon after delivery. Chavya is liver stimulant & blood cleansing and has
rejuvenating properties. Chitraka is useful as appetizer, digestive, anti-helminthic, causes
uterine contractions, and cures postpartum disorders. Shunthi is known to stimulate digestion.
It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial property. Manda (Rice gruel) prepared with
Vidaryadigana act as Rasayana. Therefore the above mentioned drugs are administered
during Sutikakala for the wellbeing of the Sutika.

The woman become weak & emaciated due to growth of foetus, & also empty body due to
instability of all Dhatus, labour pains, excretion of Kleda & Rakta. By Paricharya she attain │ Vol 11, Issue 2, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 1090
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all the lost things and reaches her prepregnant state. In Sutika Agni is manda so every effort
is made to provide regimen for Agnideepana prior to the administration of Brimahana drugs.
Snehapana suppresses Vata, Laghuannapana to replenish Dhatu, Mamsarasa and
Brimhanadravya act as Dhatuvardhaka and maintain proper lactation. Abhyanga pacifies
Vata, helps in involution of uterus, Parishechana act as Vedanahara, Kledahara.
Udaraveshtana helps abdomen to retrieve back and prevents accumulation of Vata in vacant
sites, Dhoopana acts as Rakshoghna and Vedanahara.

The diets & regimens which are described by Ayurveda literatures thousands of years ago for
Sutika is totally scientific. Different procedures included needs a proper management of
Ahara, Achara for the purpose of Punarnaveekarana of the Stree itself is Sutika Paricharya.
Sutika Paricharya have been told for the counteractive action of problems of women like
backache etc. So by following Sutika Paricharya, Garbhashayashuddhi, Dhatuparipurnata,
Sthanya-vriddhi, Punarnavekarana are completely established.

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