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MM Melitene

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23rd Sunday after Pentecost Commemoration of the 33 Martyrs in Melitene Commemoration of Our Venerable Father Lazarus the Wonderworker, Who Struggled in Asceticism on Mount Galesius
VESPERS: P. C. 1. Tone 6

Regular Beginning Lord I have cried... O Christ, triumphant over hell,/ Thou hast ascended upon the Cross,/ to raise up with Thyself those dwelling in the darkness of death./ Free among the dead,/ Thou pourest forth life from Thine own light:// O almighty Saviour, have mercy upon us. Christ, having trampled upon death today,/ according to His word, rose up bestowing joy upon the world,/ that all of us shouting this hymn might say:/ O Fount of life, O Light that no man can approach,// O almighty Saviour, have mercy upon us. Whither shall we sinners fly from Thee, O Lord,/ Who art everywhere in the creation?/ Into heaven? Thy abode is there./ Into hell? Thou hast trampled upon death./ Into the uttermost parts of the sea?/ Thy hand reaches thither, O Master./ We run to Thee and falling before Thee we pray:// O Thou, risen from the dead, have mercy upon us. We exult in Thy Cross, O Christ,/ and we praise and glorify Thy Resurrection./ For Thou art our God;// we know no other Lord but Thee.




(Tone 4) Stichera for the 33 MM of Melitene 5. As is meet, O right glorious ones,/ ye were truly shown to be a divinely assembled regiment,/ a sacred army, a godly company, a holy nation, a legion of martyrs inspired by God,/ a comely gathering, an unbreakable alliance,/ inhabitants of the city on high.// Wherefore, ye are called blessed, as is fitting. 6. Assembling together, let us all honour Nicander and Hesychius,/ Athanasius and Mamas, the divine Barachius and Callinicus,/ Theogenes and Nicon, Longinus and Theodore,/ Valerius and Xanthius, Theodulus, Callimachus and Eugene,// the godly Theodochus and Ostrychius. Together let us hymn with faith the true witnesses:/ the valiant Hieron, the glorious Epiphanius,/ Maximian and Ducitius, Claudian and Theophilus, and the godly Gigantius,/ Dorotheus and Theodotus, Castrycius, Anicetas and Themelius,// as well as Eutychius.


Stichera for St. Lazarus (Tone 6) 8. Having set aside all the folly of the passions and made thy flesh subject to thy spirit,/ thou didst become a rule of virtue,/ the confirmation of monastics, a model for fasters,/ the adornment of the venerable/. And now thou dost behold the ineffable beauty of thy

2 Creator,/ ever nurtured by the Spirit on the beauties of heaven.// Wherefore, having assembled, we celebrate thine honoured and most festive memory in hymns, with sweet songs. 9. Thou didst cut off all the heavy burden of matter/ and the greatly riotous tumult of the flesh,/ and, controlling thy breathing, O wise one,/ thou didst remain unaffected by the passions,/ strong as a pillar, through spiritual armor and valorous mind./ And now thou hast truly received the divine vision and splendor,/ and hast taken thy place before Him Whom thou didst desire,// delighting in His neverending radiance, deified by thy posture. Loving the light, like Elijah and John the luminary,/ thou didst observe stillness in the mountains and arid deserts,/ ever learning divine ascent and excelling in the way of the virtues./ Wherefore, thou hast attained thine ultimate desire, O all-wise one,/ and, rejoicing, dost stand before the thrice-radiant light of the Trinity;/ and receiving divine splendor directly therefrom,// thou prayest with boldness in behalf of our souls.


Glory... (Tone 5) O venerable father,/ thou gavest neither sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids,/ until thou didst free thy soul and body from the passions/ and didst prepare thyself to be a dwelling-place of the Spirit;/ and Christ, coming with the Father, made His abode within thee./ As thou art a favorite of the consubstantial Trinity,// O great preacher Lazarus our father, pray thou in behalf of our souls. Both now & ever... Dogmatikon Tone 6 Who does not call thee blessed,/ O all-hallowed Virgin?/ Who does not sing the praises of thy giving birth,/ which was not according to the laws of nature;/ for the only-begotten Son Himself,/ timelessly having shone out of the Father,/ came forth from thee who art pure;/ and having been ineffably made flesh, He, Who by nature is God,/ for our sakes became also by nature man,/ not in two divided persons, but in two natures without confusion is He known./ O thou, honoured and greatly blessed,// beseech Him to have mercy on our souls. P. C. P. P. P. R. P. Wisdom. Aright! O Joyful Light... Prokimenon. The Lord is King... Wisdom! (And readings, if any) Augmented Litany Vouchsafe... Litany of Fervent Supplication (Tone 6)


Angels in heaven sing the praises/ of Thy Resurrection, O Christ our Saviour./ Vouchsafe that we too on earth// may from pure hearts give Thee glory.

3 V. 2. The Lord is King,/ and hath put on glorious apparel.

After breaking in pieces the gates of brass/ and crushing the bolts and bars of hell,/ Thou, being almighty God, didst raise fallen man./ Therefore, with one accord, we cry:// Glory unto Thee, O Lord, risen from the dead. V. He hath made the world so sure/ that it cannot be moved.


Wishing to lift us out of the ancient corruption,/ Christ was nailed upon the Cross and laid in the tomb./ As in tears the women bearing myrrh searched for Him,/ they said, lamenting: Woe are we, O Saviour of all:/ How comes it that Thou wast pleased to dwell in the tomb?/ How comes it, if that was Thy wish, that Thou hast now been stolen?/ How comes it that Thou hast been taken elsewhere?/ In what place have they laid Thy life-bearing Body?/ But, O Master, as Thou hast promised, appear to us and dry up the fountain of our tears./ Upon which, as they wept, an angel came to them and cried:/ Cease your weeping and tell the apostles that the Lord is risen// giving the world purification and great mercy. V. Holiness becometh Thine house/ O Lord, forever.


Crucified according to Thy Will, O Christ,/ despoiling death by Thy entombment,/ Thou hast risen up on the third day as God in glory,// granting the world life without end and great mercy.

Glory... (Tone 6) O venerable father,/ the sound of thy corrections hath gone forth into all the earth;/ wherefore, thou hast found the reward for thy labors in the heavens,/ hast destroyed legions of demons, attained unto the ranks of the angels/ and blamelessly emulated their life./ As thou hast boldness before Christ,// entreat peace for our souls. Both... (Tone 6) O all-hallowed Virgin,/ Christ, the Maker and Deliverer and Lord proceeded from thy womb,/ and clothing Himself in me, set man free from the original curse of Adam./ Wherefore, O all-pure Virgin,/ we sing without ceasing to thee as Mother of God and Virgin/ in truly the greeting of the angel:// Rejoice! O Lady, advocate and defender and salvation of our souls. C. R. C. St. Symeon's Prayer Trisagion Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos Blessed be the Name of the Lord... MATINS: P. P. C. Tone 6


Regular Beginning Great Ectenia God is the Lord...

4 C. Sunday Troparia (Tone 6) (once only) The angelic powers were at thy tomb;/ the guards became as dead men./ Mary stood by Thy grave,/ seeking Thy most pure Body./ Thou didst capture hell not being tempted by it./ Thou didst come to the Virgin, granting life./ O Lord, Who didst rise from the dead:// Glory to Thee. (Tone 4) Troparion for the 33 Martyrs of Melitene In their sufferings, O Lord,/ Thy martyrs have received imperishable crowns from Thee, our God;/ for, possessed of Thy might,/ they cast down the tormentors and set at naught the feeble audacity of the demons.// By their supplications save Thou our souls. Glory... Troparion for St. Lazarus (Tone 8) With prayerful vigils and outpourings of tears didst thou water thy pillar,/ and with sighs from the depths of thy soul thou didst bring forth fruit a hundredfold,/ and wast a shepherd, granting the petitions of all.// O Lazarus our father, entreat Christ God, that our souls be saved. Both... (Tone 8) (See music in vigil book) Thou, O good Lord, for our sakes wast born of a Virgin/ and hast endured crucifixion, despoiling death by death,/ and as God, Thou hast shown forth the Resurrection./ Despise not the work of Thine hands./ Show Thy love for man, O merciful Lord./ Accept the intercession made on our behalf by the Theotokos who bore Thee,// and, O our Saviour, save Thy despairing people. Lord Have Mercy Glory... R. R. P. R. Now... Kathisma II Small Ectenia 3x

Sessional Hymns: When the tomb was opened and hades wept, Mary cried out to the apostles, who had hidden themselves: Come forth, ye laborers of the vineyard! Proclaim the tidings of the resurrection! The Lord hath risen, granting the world great mercy. V. Arise, O Lord my God, let Thy hand be lifted high; forget not Thy paupers to the end. O Lord, Mary Magdalene stood before Thy tomb and wept aloud; and supposing Thee to be the gardener, she said: Where hast Thou hidden our eternal Life? Where hast Thou laid Him Who sitteth upon the throne of the cherubim? For those who guarded Him have become as dead through fear. Either give me my Lord, or cry out with me: O Thou Who wast among the dead and hast raised up the dead, glory to Thee! G/B... He Who called thee Mother and blessed went up of His own will to suffer, and wishing to search out Adam, He made light shine with the Cross, saying unto the angels: Rejoice with Me, for I have found the lost

5 piece of silver. wisely. R. P. R. Kathisma III Small Ectenia Glory unto Thee, O God, Who hast ordered all things

Sessional Hymns: Life lay in the tomb, and a seal was affixed to the stone. Soldiers guarded Christ as they would a sleeping king, and the Lord arose, invisibly smiting His enemies. V. I will confess Thee, O Lord, with my whole heart, I will tell of all Thy wonders. Jonah prefigured Thy tomb, and Symeon told of Thy divine resurrection, O immortal Lord; for Thou didst descend into the tomb as one dead, demolishing the gates of hades, and didst arise as Master, without corruption, for the salvation of the world, O Christ our God, Who hast enlightened those in darkness. G/B... O Virgin Theotokos, entreat thy Son, Christ our God, Who of His own will was nailed to the Cross and arose from the dead, that our souls be saved. C. C. P. R. Polyeleos Evlogitaria (Blessed art Thou, O Lord...) Small Ectenia

Ypakoe: Having, as God broken down the gates of hades by Thy voluntary and life-creating death, O Christ, Thou didst open ancient paradise unto us; and rising from the dead, Thou hast delivered our life from corruption. Hymn of Degrees: (Antiphon One) I lift up mine eyes to heaven, to Thee, O Word. Have pity, that I may live in Thee. Have mercy upon us who are downcast, O Word, making us vessels useful to Thee. G/B... The Holy Spirit is the Cause of all salvation. And if He blow upon anyone as is meet, He quickly taketh him away from among the things of earth: He giveth him wings, maketh him grow and setteth him on high. Hymn of Degrees: (Antiphon Two) If the Lord were not among us, none of us would be able to combat the warfare of the enemy; for they who conquer are lifted upon from hence. Let not my soul be seized like a bird by the teeth of the enemy, O Word. Woe is me! How shall I, who love sin, escape them? G/B... From the Holy Spirit come deification, goodwill, understanding, peace and blessing for all; for He worketh equally with the Father and the Word. Hymn of Degrees: (Antiphon Three) They that hope in the Lord are fearsome to the enemy and wondrous to all; for they direct their gaze on high.

6 He who hath Thee, O Saviour, as his Helper, the Portion of the righteous, doth not stretch out his hands toward iniquities. G/B... The dominion of the Holy Spirit is over all. Him do the armies on high worship, as doth every creature here below. P. Prokimenon: O Lord, stir up Thy might/ and come to save us. V. O Shepherd of Israel, attend, Thou that leadest Joseph like a sheep. Let every breath praise the Lord. GOSPEL #1 Having Beheld the Resurrection of Christ... Psalm 50 Glory... Now... Have mercy on me... Jesus having risen... Save, O God, Thy People... Anointing.

C. P. C. R. C. P.

Canticle One Irmos: Traversing the deep on foot/ as though it were dry land,/ and seeing the tyrant Pharaoh drowned,/ Israel cried aloud:// Let us chant unto God a hymn of victory.

Glory to Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord. Jesus the Good, by Thine arms outspread upon the Cross, Thou hast filled all things with the good pleasure of the Father. Therefore shall we all sing Thee a triumphal song. For fear of Thee, the end that is death became like a servant and was ordered to approach the Master of Life, whereby He awarded us life without end and the Resurrection. Theotokion Having received thine own Creator incarnate of thy seedless womb in manner past understanding, O pure one, as He Himself desired, thou wast truly shown to be the Mistress of creation. Most Holy Theotokos, Save us. Eve partaking of the forbidden fruit of the garden brought in the curse. But thou, O Pure, hast loosed it by bearing Christ, first-fruit of blessing. O pure Virgin, who hast borne Christ the pearl from the divine lightning, do thou disperse by the light of thine own brightness the gloom of my passions and the tumult of my faults. Holy Martyrs of Melitene, pray to God for us! Having joined the divine hosts of heaven, O right victorious martyrs, ask cleansing for all who praise your radiant memory.

7 Desiring to tread the path of martyrdom with splendor, ye mightily endured all the threefold waves of torture, strengthened by the Holy Spirit. Ye were shown to be luminaries upon the earth, dispelling the darkness of polytheism, O divine athletes. Wherefore, ye have received the neverwaning light. Theotokion He Who createth all thing by His gesture and hath crowned the athletes who likewise trampled down the foe, is incarnate of thee ineffably, O pure Mother. Holy Father Lazarus, pray to God for us! Come, ye faithful, and, rejoicing with faith and godly spirit, let us praise the divine Lazarus, crying out to Him: O blessed one, deliver us from misfortunes by thy supplications. Though thou didst not desire it, God caused thee to return again to thy native land; wherefore, by thy supplications save me who ever pursue the passions. Glory... The radiant and divinely bestowed love which shone forth richly in thee, O God-bearer, caused thee to lay down thy life zealously for thy neighbor. Both... From all wrath and tribulations do thou save us who bow down before thy holy image and confess thee with faith to be the Theotokos, O most immaculate Theotokos. Katavasia (Tone 4) I shall open my mouth/ and the Spirit will inspire it,/ and I shall utter the words of my song to the Queen and Mother:/ I shall be seen radiantly keeping feast// and joyfully praising her wonders. Canticle Three Irmos: There is none as holy as Thee,/ O Lord my God,/ Who hast uplifted the horn of Thy faithful/ and established us// on the rock of the confession of Thee, O Good One. C.

Glory to Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord. The creation, looking upon God crucified in the flesh was dissolved by fear but was strongly held together by the firm hand of Him Who was crucified for us. Death having been destroyed by death, the wretch lay lifeless; For, not able to bear the divine assault, he who was strong was put to death and the Resurrection was bestowed upon all.

8 Theotokion The miracle of thy divine birthgiving transcendeth every order of nature, O pure one; for thou didst supernaturally conceive God in thy womb, and having given birth thou dost ever remain a virgin. Most Holy Theotokos, Save us. Ineffably taking upon Himself my changing and mortal flesh from thee, O all-pure Mother of God, He Who is Good, after making it incorruptible, joined it eternally to Himself. Looking at God, made flesh from thee, O Virgin, the choirs of angels were stricken with fear and wonder and they honour thee as Mother of God in hymns that are never still. Holy Martyrs of Melitene, pray to God for us! With thy sacred precepts, O glorious and divinely blessed Hieron, thou didst train the sacred martyrs for the divine contest and didst most gloriously cause them to pay no heed to the torments. Crushed by a tree, O holy ones, ye emulated the precious suffering of the all-good Master and with the grace of the Almighty crushed the pernicious deceivers. Setting your hope upon the Lord of all, O martyrs who behold God, ye were in no wise moved from your great stand, but lawfully finished the divine race with upright character. Theotokion Rejoice, O pure Mistress, Maiden of great renown, who gavest birth unto the infinite Word Who became circumscribed by the flesh, confessing Whom the choir of the martyrs suffereth most mightily. Holy Father Lazarus, pray to God for us! Fortified by divine strength, O wise one, thou wast delivered from savage beasts. Wherefore, entreat Christ, that He deliver from noetic beasts those who hymn thee. Strengthened by the power of Christ, O venerable one, thou didst manfully endure the hunger, privation and oppressiveness of the desert in the hope of ineffable sweetness. Glory... Protected by divine grace, O most blessed one, thou didst escape the assaults of the hostile spawn of Hagar, saved for the benefit of many. Both... Thou gavest birth to the Master of all, O pure Virgin, in manner ineffable and past describing. Him do thou entreat, O most hymned one, that He rescue those who hymn thee from the dominion of the passions. C. Katavasia (Tone 4)

9 O Mother of God,/ thou living and plentiful fount,/ give strength to those united in spiritual fellowship,/ who sing hymns of praise to thee:/ And in thy divine glory// vouchsafe unto them crowns of glory. P. C. Small Ectenia

(Tone 8) Kontakion for the Martyrs The radiant choir of martyrs, the luminous company, descending to us noetically,/ hath illumined the Church today with wondrous rays./ Wherefore, celebrating their honoured memory, we ask of Thee, O our Saviour:// through their supplications deliver us from misfortunes, that we may chant unto Thee: Alleluia! (There is no ikos for the Martyrs) C. Kontakion for St. Lazarus (Tone 4) With gladness the Church of Christ doth glorify thee in psalms as a luminary most great./ Wherefore, cease thou never to beseech Christ,// that He grant forgiveness of transgressions unto all. (There is no ikos for St. Lazarus) R. Sessional Hymns Having shown mighty courage, O wise ones, ye foiled the most malicious snares of the enemy, preaching Christ at the tribunal. Wherefore, when ye were beheaded, ye were crowned by the right hand of God, O thirty-three blessed inhabitants of Melitene. O honourable martyrs, be ye mindful of us who honour you with faith. Glory... Possessed of divine intelligence, O venerable one, thy heart exchanged earthly things for things divine and lasting; and thou joinest chorus with the angels, delighting in immaterial light and rejoicing unceasingly. Wherefore, O venerable one, entreat Christ God, that He grant us great mercy. Both... Thou wast the divine tabernacle of the Word, O thou who alone art the all-pure Virgin Mother, who dost surpass the angels in purity. With the divine waters of thy prayers, O pure one, cleanse me who above all others am dust and have defiled myself with carnal transgressions; and grant me great mercy. Canticle Four Irmos: Christ is my power, my God and my Lord,/ the honoured Church doth sing,/ crying out in godly manner/ with a pure mind,// keeping festival in the Lord.

Glory to Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord. The Wood made life truly flower, O Christ. For the Cross set up and watered by the Blood and Water from Thy spotless side, put forth life for us.

10 The serpent no more whispers falsely to me that I should be God; for Christ, the divine Maker of the nature of man hath now unfolded unto me, without hindrance, the path of life. Theotokion Truly ineffable and unapproachable to those on earth and in heaven are the mysteries of thy divine birthgiving, O Ever-virgin. Most Holy Theotokos, Save us. We praise thee, undefiled and without blemish, through whom we have been saved and singing with reverence we cry: Blessed art thou, O everVirgin, who hast given birth to God. Thou, O most blessed Virgin, hast borne the Light that never sets, Who shone through the flesh unto those in the darkness of life and thou hast poured forth joy unto those who sing thy praises, O ever-Virgin. Holy Martyrs of Melitene, pray to God for us! With the rays of divine struggles, ye most gloriously enlighten all the ends of the universe and drive away the darkness of the invisible foe, O ye who are most rich. Wherefore, with pious intent we celebrate your radiant and divine solemnity. Having completed the contest, having given your own blood for Him Who suffered and shed His divine blood willingly on the Cross for our salvation, O ye who are one in mind, ye have all been vouchsafed equal honour. Wherefore, we call you blessed. Now let us praise the wise martyrs Theogenes and Mamas, Hieron, Claudian, Nicon and Nicander, Longinus and Hesychius, Barachius, the great Callinicus and the godly Xanthius, Theophilus and Valerius. Most wisely hastening to the struggle, O right glorious ones, ye found the divine grace of the Deliverer which accomplisheth all things, and ye right wisely endured all manner of tortures, chanting unto Christ with thanksgiving: Glory to Thy power, O Thou Who lovest mankind! Holy Father Lazarus, pray to God for us! As thou didst spurn all transitory things, passionate attachments and love, O venerable one, having ever set all thy hope on God, that which thou acquired did the hands of the poor receive. Turning aside the malice of the demons through the onslaughts of wild beasts, O venerable and blessed one, thou didst remain in no wise touched thereby, protected by the grace of God Who doth ever aid thee in all things. Glory... Seeing thy love and gratitude towards God, O venerable one, the most wicked one sought to weaken thy strength. Wherefore, he set dogs upon thee; but his wiles were shown to be in vain.

11 Both... I hymn thee, O Mistress Theotokos, and cry out to thee: Preserving me, sanctify me by thy supplication, and guide me to salvation who have fallen through many sins and am beset by the assaults of the demons. Katavasia (Tone 4) He Who sits in glory upon the throne of the Godhead,/ Jesus the true God,/ is come in a swift cloud,/ and with His pure hand He has saved those who cry:// Glory to Thy power, O Lord. Canticle Five Irmos: With Thy divine light/ illumine the souls of those who with love/ rise at dawn unto Thee, I pray Thee, O Good One,/ that they may know Thee, O Word of God, to be the true God// Who calleth all forth from the darkness of sin. C.

Glory to Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord. The cherubim now withdraws from me and the flaming sword turns its back on me, O Master, after beholding Thee, O Word of God Who art God indeed, making for the thief a way in Paradise. I shall no more fear my return to the earth, O Master Christ, for through much compassion hast Thou by Thy Resurrection led me, forgotten, from the earth to the height of immortality. Theotokion Save those who with all their soul confess thee to be the Theotokos, O good Mistress of the world, for we have thee, the true Theotokos, as an invincible intercession. Most Holy Theotokos, Save us. Shining radiantly with purity, thou, whom all men sing, hast become the divine dwelling-place of the Master. For only thou hast been shown forth as Mother indeed of God, and hast carried Him as a babe in thine arms. Wearing the spiritual beauty of thy most fair soul, thou hast become the Bride of God, sealed with holy virginity and shining upon the world the joyful light of purity. Holy Martyrs of Melitene, pray to God for us! Let us praise the wise athletes who manfully completed the course, honouring Maximian and the godly Eugene, Theodore and Ducitius, Callimachus, Theodulus and Dorotheus. The valiant warriors who were voluntarily slain and crushed have inherited everlasting immortality and join chorus now in the spaciousness of paradise, having received blessed hope. Having spurned the slumber of indifference, O most lauded ones, with godly vigilance ye raced each other during your contest, the course of the divine faith of martyrdom, and have now arrived at the refuge of heaven.

12 Theotokion O most lauded Mistress who hast loosed the bonds of hades by thy divine birthgiving: Loose me who am bound with the bonds of transgressions, I pray thee, and set my feet upon the paths that lead to life. Holy Father Lazarus, pray to God for us! Hoping to cast down the steadfastness of thy soul and the firmness of thy resolve, O venerable one, the evil one transformed himself into a dog, and thus came to vex thee. In great dearth of confusion the enemy departed, O blessed one, seeing thee in nowise affected, who moreover bore want with thanksgiving. Glory... Ever wielding the Cross in thy hands like a mighty pestle, O venerable one, thou didst grind all the activity of the enemy's wiles into dust. Both... Save me from every assault of enemies visible and invisible, O all-hymned Mother of God, thou hope of the despairing and intercessor of the faithful. Katavasia (Tone 4) The whole world was amazed at thy divine glory,/ for thou, O Virgin who hast not known wedlock,/ hast held in thy womb the God of all,/ and hast given birth to an eternal Son,// Who rewards with salvation all who sing thy praises. Canticle Six Irmos: Beholding the sea of life/ surging with the tempest of temptations,/ fleeing to Thy calm haven I cry unto Thee:/ Lead up my life from corruption,// O greatly Merciful One. C.

Glory to Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord. O Master, crucified with nails, Thou hast wiped out the curse against us while pierced in Thy side by the lance, Thou hast torn up the handwriting against Adam and set the world free. Tripped up by the heel through beguilement, Adam hath been led down towards the pit of hell. But God Who is compassionate by nature, descended to seek him and carrying him on His shoulders, He raised him up with Himself. Theotokion O all-pure Mistress who for men gavest birth to Christ, the Helmsman, allay the inconstant and grievous tumult of my passions, and grant serenity to my heart. Most Holy Theotokos, Save us.

13 Moses, great among the Prophets, wrote proclaiming thee beforehand as being a Tabernacle and Table, and Candlestick and Jar, symbolically signifying the Incarnation of the Most High from thee, O Mother Virgin. Death is put to death and the corruption from the condemnation of Adam is abolished by its coming into conflict with thy Fruit, O Lady, for thou hast given birth to the Life Who delivers from corruption all those who sing thy praises, O Mother Virgin. Holy Martyrs of Melitene, pray to God for us! In hymns let us bless the athletes Theodotus and Hilarion, the wise Gigantius and Athanasius, and the divine Eutychius and Epiphanius. In thy faith let the valiant martyrs of Christ be blessed: Hieron and Diodotus, the wise Castrycius and the godly Ostrychius, the great Themelius and Amonitus. Having drowned the invisible Pharaoh and all his army in outpouring of your blood, O right victorious martyrs, ye reached heavens and have adorned the Church of the firstborn. the the

Theotokion The weaponry of the enemy was rendered useless, O Theotokos, from the moment when Christ, to Whom thou gavest birth, was pierced by the spear, edifying with blood and water those who have become worn out. Holy Father Lazarus, pray to God for us! Desiring to show thy heart to be a temple for God, O venerable one, thou didst go about the churches of the saints, from whom thou didst abundantly receive the grace of the Holy Spirit as confirmation for many. Thy native land received thee back as a priceless treasure through the judgment of God, O divinely wise one. Wherefore, make me, who am a stranger to the homeland of Eden, to be an heir thereto, O venerable one. Glory... The church of the virgin-martyr Marina first received thee as a tenant, and therein thou didst shine forth like a never-waning star, shedding light upon those who sleep in the darkness of ignorance, O venerable one. Both... O all-immaculate Virgin, entreat thy Son and Lord in behalf of thy servants who ever venerate the precious image of thy countenance with faith; for thou art able so to do. C. Katavasia (Tone 4) As we celebrate/ this sacred and solemn feast of the Mother of God,/ let us come, clapping our hands,/ O people of the Lord,/ and give glory to God// Who was born of her. P. C. Small Ectenia Kontakion (Tone 6)

14 When Christ God the Giver of Life,/ raised all of the dead from the valleys of misery with his mighty hand,/ He bestowed resurrection on the human race.// He is the Saviour of all, The Resurrection, the Life, and the God of all. R. Ikos We, the faithful, hymn and bow down before the Cross and Thy burial, O Bestower of life, O Immortal One. Thou didst raise the dead with Thyself, didst break down the gates of death, and didst destroy the dominion of hell, in that Thou art God. Wherefore, with love we mortals glorify Thee Who hast arisen and cast down the most destructive might of the enemy, and hast raised up all who have believed Thee to have risen and delivered the world from the arrows of the serpent and the deception of the enemy, in that Thou art the God of all. Canticle Seven Irmos: An angel caused the furnace to pour forth dew/ upon the pious youths,/ and the command of God, which consumed the Chaldeans,/ prevailed upon the tyrant to cry out:// Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Glory to Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord. The sun, lamenting at Thy Passion, was wrapped in gloom, and on that day, O Master, the light was darkened over the whole earth, that cried aloud: Blessed art Thou, the God of our fathers. At Thy descent, O Christ, the lowest parts of the earth put on light: while our forefather appeared singing full of joy and he danced crying aloud: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers. Theotokion Through thee, O Virgin Mother, radiant Light hath shone forth upon the whole world; for thou gavest birth unto God, the Creator of all. Him do thou entreat, O most pure one, that He send down great mercy upon us, the faithful. Most Holy Theotokos, Save us. The furnace that burnt not the three Children was the prefigure of thy giving birth. For the divine fire went to dwell in thee without consuming thee and taught all to cry aloud: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers. The serpent, most evil, pierced me with his deadly fangs, but thy Son, O Mother of God, broke them while He gave me the strength to cry aloud: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers. Holy Martyrs of Melitene, pray to God for us! Seeing thy precious hand severed for the truth, O glorious Hieron, thou didst cry out hymns of thanksgiving unto Him Who seeth all things, chanting: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

15 With great sense thou wast the model for thy fellow sufferers, O glorious Hieron, and with them thou hast received a portion in the kingdom on high, chanting: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou! As valiant warriors of the eternal King, with the sword of your courage ye destroyed the legions of the deceiver, chanting: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou! Theotokion As thou gavest birth to the Physician, O pure Virgin, heal thou the sufferings of my heart and deliver me from everlasting torment who cry out in hymns: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou! Holy Father Lazarus, pray to God for us! Thou didst prepare an abundant feast, replete with thy goodly divine virtues; and nurturing all therewith, thou didst teach them to chant: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou! Following the words of thine all-wise teachings, and having with true zeal set aside the love of all transitory things, men chose dwelling with thee to be something good, O most blessed one. Glory... Having acquired the manner of thy life from the wondrous Symeon, thou didst stand unsheltered upon thy pillar, firm as stone, crying out in gladness: O most divine God of our fathers, blessed art Thou! Both... By thy mediation save me from the snares of the enemy, O pure one, and to the ultimate love of thy good Son bind me who am ever driven away from Him by wicked pleasures. C. Katavasia (Tone 4) The Holy Children bravely trampled upon the threatening fire,/ preferring not to worship created things rather than the Creator,/ and they sang in joy:/ 'Blessed art Thou and praised above all,// O Lord God of our fathers.' Canticle Eight Irmos: From the flame didst Thou pour forth dew upon the venerable ones,/ and didst consume the sacrifice of the righteous one with water;/ for Thou, O Christ, dost do all things soever Thou desirest.// Thee do we exalt supremely for all ages!

Glory to Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord. Envy hath now made the people of the Jews who killed the Prophets in past times into killers of God, since they hung Thee upon the Cross, O Word of God Whom we exalt above all for ever. Without forsaking the vaults of Heaven, Thou hast gone down into hell, and hast raised up with Thyself, O Christ, man entire who lay in decay and who exalts Thee above all forever.

16 Theotokion From Light thou didst conceive the Word, the Bestower of light; and having ineffably given birth unto Him, thou hast been glorified. For the Spirit of God dwelt within thee, O Maiden. Wherefore, we hymn thee for all ages. Most Holy Theotokos, Save us. He Who by His will alone set up the world was lent flesh of thy pure womb, wishing to form it anew from above. We exalt Him above all forever. From the Union of the Word with me that is man, thou, O Most Pure, hast appeared as a divine dwelling-place, making the brightness of virginity plainly shine. We therefore praise thee for ever. Holy Martyrs of Melitene, pray to God for us! Having died to the world, ye inherit the life which is to come and pour forth the grace of healing upon those who chant: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord; exalt Him supremely forever! Revealed by the rays of your sufferings to be splendid luminaries, ye illumine the world, O martyrs and passion-bearers, crying out: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and exalt Him supremely forever! Cast into prison, O truly divine preservers of the truth, your flesh scourged pitilessly with leather thongs, O blessed ones, ye in no wise strayed from the straight path. Wherefore, ye have received crowns of victory. Theotokion As one holier than the angels, O pure one, thou didst receive the God of all Who resteth in the saints. Wherefore, all of us, the faithful, hymn and glorify thee for all ages. Holy Father Lazarus, pray to God for us! Truly studying the struggles and feats of the fathers who fasted before thee, O father, thou didst strive to show thyself their successor; and thou didst not only do so, but even surpassed them. Thou didst fulfill the supplication wherewith thou didst entreat God of old, O thrice-blessed one, offering thy bread unto all and saying: O Lord of glory, Thine own of Thine own do we offer unto Thee for all ages! Let us bless Father, Son, Holy Spirit, the Lord! Directing those with thee toward the divine path by word and deed, O father, and being thyself directed thereto far more than they, thou didst perform miracles for them; for God increased the harvest through thy supplications. Both... Let heaven rejoice! Let the earth and men be glad! For the Virgin Mary hath ineffably given birth unto the Creator of all, to Whom we chant: We exalt Thee supremely, O Christ, forever!

17 We praise, we bless, exalting Him unto all ages. C. we worship the Lord, praising and supremely

Katavasia (Tone 4) The Offspring of the Theotokos/ saved the holy Children in the furnace./ He Who was then prefigured has since been born on earth,/ and He gathers together all the creation to sing:/ O all ye works of the Lord,// bless ye the Lord and exalt Him above all forever. P. C. Magnificat Song of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Canticle Nine Irmos: It is not possible for men/ to behold God,/ upon Whom the ranks of angels dare not gaze;/ but through thee, O most pure one,/ hath the Word appeared incarnate unto men;// and magnifying Him with the armies of heaven, we call thee blessed.

Glory to Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord. Having associated in the flesh with passion, Thou hast remained without participation in passion. And Thou, O our Saviour, dost set man loose from passion by having made the passions suffer. For Thou only art impassible and almighty. Having accepted the corruption of death, Thou hast kept Thy body from tasting corruption: While Thy life-giving and divine soul, O Master, hath not been left in hell, but Thou, risen as from sleep, hast made us rise with Thyself. Triadicon O all ye men, with pure lips let us glorify God the Father and the Son Who is equally without beginning, and let us honour the ineffable and allglorious power of the most Holy Spirit; for Thou alone art the almighty and indivisible Trinity. Most Holy Theotokos, Save us. The Star which shineth forth out of Jacob with the rays of divinity shone forth upon those held fast in darkness; for through thee, O most pure one, did Christ God the Word become incarnate. And illumined by Him, with the armies of heaven we call thee blessed. Thou hast been manifestly shown to be the loom of the Divinity, whereon the Word wove the garment of His body, deifying my form, O Virgin. And having clothed Himself therein, He hath saved all who magnify thee with pure thought. Holy Martyrs of Melitene, pray to God for us! Strengthened by divine power, O all-wondrous Hieron, with strength of mind thou wast able to vanquish the greatly devious one, and thou didst

18 lead to Christ an assembly of athletes by thy teachings, with whom we ever bless thee with faith. Ye were shown to be an honourable army assembled in Christ, O ye of great renown; and ye opposed the powers of the prince of this world. And having vanquished them with the sword of the divine faith, in gladness ye received crowns from the hand of the Author of life. Rise up, O Melitene, bringing to the Almighty a goodly assembly of honoured martyrs, whose city is on high, since they have completed the sacred race! And with all cities ever bless them with faith. O Christ, Thou never-setting Sun, through the supplications of Thy glorious martyrs illumine the rays of splendor and sanctify those who celebrate their radiant and divine martyrdom, and, as Thou art God, vouchsafe us to share in the kingdom on high. Holy Father Lazarus, pray to God for us! Woe is me! I have led a life of sloth and fear the dread judgment! Yet, O Lord Who lovest mankind, at the entreaty of Lazarus send me torrents of tears, that I may thereby wash away the filth of my transgressions. Possessed of a calm soul, O father, thou didst likewise have a suitably meek countenance, O wise one, wholly manifest as consoling to all, and watering men's souls with streams of thy words. Beseech Christ that He grant this tranquility also unto us. Glory... Desiring to reveal the most manifest and divine virtue plainly to all, O venerable father, God prompted thee to approach the wild mountain, from whence thou didst illumine the whole world, readily emitting rays of life. Both... Show forth thy Son, to Whom thou gavest birth without seed, as a merciful judge when He shall seat Himself upon the holy throne, as it is written, to judge all mortals for the wicked things they committed during their life, O Maiden. Katavasia (Tone 4) Let every mortal born on earth,/ radiant with light, in spirit leap for joy;/ and let the hosts of the angelic powers celebrate/ and honor the holy feast of the Mother of God,/ and let them cry:// Hail! Pure and blessed ever-Virgin, who gavest birth to God. C. P. C. R. Small Ectenia Holy is the Lord our God...

Exapostilarion One (Mt 28:16-20) Let us go with the disciples into a mountain of Galilee to behold with faith Christ saying: Let us learn to receive power over things above and below; how to teach all the nations and to baptize them in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and as was promised I shall be even unto the end of the world with those who know the mysteries.

19 Exapostilarion for the Martyrs Protected by the sword of Thy precious Cross, O Word, Thine athletes mightily vanquished the adverse powers and put the tyrant to shame. They suffered for Thee, and reign together with Thee, O my Christ, Thou King of all. Glory... Exapostilarion for St. Lazarus Let us all praise with hymns the ever-memorable Lazarus, the God-bearer and emulator of the Master, who with the power of God destroyed the savagery of the demons. Both... Theotokion Thou, O Theotokos Virgin, hast rejoiced with the disciples, at seeing Christ rising on the third day from the tomb as He clearly said; and He has appeared to them teaching and disclosing the better things, commanding them to baptize in the Father, the Son and the Spirit, for us to believe in His Rising and to glorify thee, O Maid. C. Lauds: Tone 6 Stichera Let every breath praise the Lord/ Praise the Lord from the Heavens/ Praise Him in the highest/ To Thee is due a hymn, O God/ Praise Him, all ye His Angels;/ Praise Him, all ye His hosts.// To Thee is due a hymn, O God.

R. (The following may be read or sung antiphonally) Praise Him, O sun and moon; praise Him, all ye stars and light. Praise Him, ye heavens of heavens, and thou water that art above the heavens. Let them praise the name of the Lord; For He spake, and they came to be; He commanded, and they were created. He established them forever, yea, forever and ever; He hath set an ordinance, and it shall not pass away. Praise the Lord from the earth, ye dragons and all ye abysses, Fire, hail, snow, ice, blast of tempest, which perform His word, The mountains and all the hills, fruitful trees, and all cedars, The beasts and all the cattle, creeping things and winged birds, Kings of the earth, and all peoples, princes and all judges of the earth, Young men and virgins, elders with the younger; let them praise the name of the Lord, for exalted is the name of Him alone. His praise is above the earth and heaven, and He shall exalt the horn of His people. This is the hymn for all His saints, for the sons of Israel, and for the people that draw nigh unto Him. Sing unto the Lord a new song; His praise is in the church of the saints. Let Israel be glad in Him that made him, let the sons of Sion rejoice in their king. Let them praise His name in the dance; with the timbrel and the psaltery let them chant unto Him. For the Lord taketh pleasure in His people, and He shall exalt the meek with salvation. The saints shall boast in glory, and they shall rejoice upon their beds.

20 The high praise of God shall be in their throat, and two-edged swords shall be in their hands. To do vengeance among the heathen, punishments among the peoples, To bind their kings with fetters, and their nobles with manacles of iron, V. 1. To do among them the judgment that is written/ This glory shall be to all His saints.

Thy Cross, O Lord,/ is the life and resurrection of Thy people/ and assured of this, we sing unto Thee our risen God:// Have mercy upon us. V. Praise ye God in His saints,/ praise Him in the firmament of His power.


Thy burial, O Master,/ opened Paradise for mankind,/ and we, delivered from corruption,/ sing unto Thee our risen God:// Have mercy upon us. V. Praise Him for His mighty acts,/ praise Him according to the multitude of His greatness.


Let us praise Christ with the Father and the Spirit:/ Let us cry aloud unto Him risen from the dead:/ Thou art our life and resurrection:// Have mercy on us. V. Praise Him with the sound of trumpet,/ praise Him with psaltery and harp.


O Christ, on the third day,/ Thou hast risen from the tomb according to the Scriptures,/ having raised our forefather with Thyself;// therefore, mankind glorifies Thee and praises Thy Resurrection. V. Praise Him with timbrel and dance,/ praise Him with strings and flute.


O Lord, mighty and dreadful is the mystery of Thy Resurrection./ For Thou hast come forth from the tomb as a bridegroom from his chamber,/ after destroying death by death that Adam might be set free./ Therefore, the angels in heaven make glad and men on earth/ give glory to Thy compassion that Thou hast shown towards us,// O Thou, Who lovest mankind. V. Praise Him with tuneful cymbals, praise Him jubilation./ Let every breath praise the Lord. with cymbals of


O wicked Jews, where are the seal and the pieces of silver that ye gave to the guards?/ The treasure was not stolen, but rose up according to His power;/ and ye were yourselves put to shame by denying Christ,/ the Lord of glory, Who suffered and was buried and rose from the dead;// Him let us worship. V. Arise, O Lord my God, let Thy hand be lifted high;/ forget not Thy paupers to the end.

21 7. The tomb sealed, the guard set and the stamps attached:/ How was He stolen, O ye Jews?/ Through the closed door the King proceeded:/ Either show Him dead or worship Him as God, and sing with us:// Glory, Lord, to Thy Cross and Thy Resurrection. V. 8. I will confess Thee, O Lord, with my whole heart,/ I will tell of all Thy wonders.

The women bearing sweet-smelling ointments came in tears to Thy tomb that held life, O Lord,/ and carried with them spices wherewith they sought to anoint Thine all-pure Body./ But seated on the stone they found a shining angel, who called out to them and said:/ 'Why do ye weep for Him from Whose side flows life unto the world?/ Why do ye seek Him Who is immortal as dead in the tomb?/ Go rather and announce to His disciples the good tidings of His Resurrection, joy of all the world.'/ Having also enlightened us by it, O Saviour,// mayest Thou grant us cleansing and great mercy.

Glory... Gospel Sticheron (Tone 1) When the disciples had gone up into the mountain,/ for His ascension from the earth,/ the Lord stood by and they worshipped Him./ And, having been taught that power had been given to them everywhere,/ they were sent as far as heaven covers/ to preach the Resurrection from the dead,/ and the restoration to heaven./ And Christ, God and Saviour of our souls,// promised without fail to be with them eternally. Both now and ever... (Tone 2) Most Blessed art Thou, O Virgin Theotokos,/ for through Him Who became incarnate of thee is hades led captive,/ Adam recalled, the curse annulled, Eve set fre-e, death slain,/ and we are given life. Wherefore, we cry aloud in praise:/ Blessed art Thou, O Christ God,// Who hast been thus wellpleased, glory to Thee. The Great Doxology Dismissal Tropar: Having risen from the tomb, and having burst the bonds of hades, Thou hast destroyed the sentence of death, O Lord, delivering all from the snares of the enemy. Manifesting Thyself to Thine apostles, Thou didst send them forth to preach; and through them hast granted Thy peace to the world, O Thou Who alone art plenteous in mercy. P. R. Litanies Dismissal Hours: Tropar: Kontak: Resurrection & Martyrs/St. Lazarus alternating Resurrection

At Liturgy: Order of Troparia & Kontakia as per double service

22 Prokimenon for Tone 6 O Lord, save Thy people, and bless Thine inheritance. V. Unto Thee, O Lord, will I cry; O my God, be not silent unto me. Prokimenon for the Saints (Tone 7) Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Epistle(s): Eph 2:4-10 & Gal 5:22-6:2 Alleluia for Tone 6 V. He that dwelleth in the help of the Most High shall abide in the shelter of the God of heaven. V. He shall say unto the Lord: Thou art my helper and my refuge. He is my God, and I will hope in Him. Alleluia for the Saints (Tone 6) V. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord; in His commandments shall he greatly delight. Gospel(s): Luke 8:41-56 & Matt 4:25-5:12a Communion Hymn: Praise Ye & In everlasting remembrance...

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