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l1 Opinion Essay

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Activity 1: Read the passage and answer the questions as follows. Work in groups of
three. (Number the students again)
Essay 1

What Can Space Exploration Do for Me?

Whether we realize it or not, space exploration has changed our lives in dramatic
ways. People have walked on the moon, and robots have traveled to Mars. These
exciting events have created history, but they are also important because they have
provided many practical benefits for humans here on earth.
The importance of space programs can be seen in the technology we use every day.
Satellite technology allows people to watch TV shows and listen to radio programs
from everywhere on earth. Also, many of the advances in computer technology were
first invented to support space exploration. For example, the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA) has contributed to the creation of software that
people use every day in manufacturing and design. Robotic technology is another
famous example. Engineers designed robots to work on the International Space
Station, but now robots are being developed to do jobs here on Earth. Even with all
these advances, some people say that space exploration is an expensive luxury that
takes money away from important programs such as health care and education.
However, if they considered how space technology has improved life on Earth, they
would see that space exploration is actually important to civilization.
In summary, space exploration creates a need for technological advances. Later,
these advances are used in other ways that help people. Wonderful new inventions
such as satellites and computers are just a beginning. In the future, space exploration
will provide useful and amazing new inventions that we cannot even imagine in the
(272 words)
1. What strategy does the writer use to hook the reader’s attention?
A. a surprising statement
B. a story
C. a question
2. Circle the background information that the writer provides.
3. Which of the following best summarizes the author’s thesis statement?
A. Space exploration creates history.
B. Space exploration has improved daily life on earth.
C. Scientists discover many things by accident.
D. The technology needed for space exploration can be used in other ways.
4. Underline the topic sentence of the body paragraph.
5. Underline examples that support the topic sentence.
6. Do all the supporting sentences relate to the topic sentence?
7. Do all the examples include facts and explanations?
8. Write the counter-argument in your own words.

Activity 2: Read the passage and answer the questions as follows. Work in groups of
Essay 2

The Best Medicine

Last week, I noticed that my son had a bad cold. I took him to the pediatrician, and
she told me he had an infection. Then she gave me a prescription for antibiotics.
After two days, my son was happy and healthy thanks to this important medicine.
Every day doctors prescribe antibiotics to help thousands of patients around the
world fight infections. I do not like to think about what might happen if we did not
have antibiotics.
Antibiotics are one of the greatest medical inventions in human history for several
reasons. First, infections are frequent. Almost everyone has experienced an ear
infection or a sinus infection. These common illnesses cause pain and discomfort
to millions of people around the world every year. In addition, infections can be
life-threatening. For example, sepsis, a dangerous infection of the blood, is
responsible for one out of every one hundred hospitalizations. The victims are
usually very young, old, or weak. Another reason why antibiotics are important is
that they stop an infection from spreading to others. Infectious diseases can
quickly travel from person to person if they are not treated right away. Antibiotics
are the most effective way to control the spread of these serious illnesses.
Recently, many people have argued that doctors prescribe antibiotics too often and
that the bacteria that cause infections are becoming stronger as a result. This may
be true; however, this evidence does not mean that antibiotics are not important. It
simply shows that we must learn to use them wisely.
To conclude, infections can attack anyone at any time. They can also attack entire
populations. While many infections create minor discomfort and suffering, some
are quite dangerous. Antibiotics are the most effective way to treat infections.
Without antibiotics, many more people would get seriously ill, and others would
(302 words)

1. What strategy does the writer use to hook the reader’s attention?
A. a surprising statement
B. a story
C. a question
D. a fact
2. Circle the sentence that gives background information.
3. Circle the thesis statement. Does it tell you the writer’s position?
4. Underline the topic sentence of the body paragraph.
5. How many main reasons does the writer give in the body paragraph?
6. Does the writer introduce a counter-argument?
7. Which of the following strategies does the writer use in the conclusions?
A. giving a warning
B. making a prediction

Activity 3: Introducing the basic theoretical background of an opinion essay.

Teacher may ask the following questions:
1. What is the organization of an opinion essay?
2. What do you write in the introduction?
3. About body paragraphs, how many can this kind of essay consist of?
4. What do you write in each body paragraph?
5. Is there a paragraph discussing the counter-argument and refutation?
6. What kind of information does the conclusion contain?



In an opinion essay, the writer tries to convince the reader of a point of view on a controversial
issue (something that people disagree about).

● The hook introduces a controversial issue.

● The hook may be a short story or an anecdote, a question, or a surprising statement or

fact that makes the reader want to know more.
● The middle sentences explain why the issue is important by giving background
information. This background information explains the issue with details about the
history or the people involved, what they want, or how it affects them.
● The thesis statement at the end presents the writer’s point of view (position)

Body paragraph(s)
● The topic sentence has a controlling idea that supports the writer’s main argument in
the thesis.
● The following sentences support the topic sentence with reasons, facts, and
explanations to help the reader understand the writer’s point of view.
● If there are two or more body paragraphs, one of them often includes a statement that
describes the opposing opinion. This is called counter-argument. The writer then argues
against the counter-argument. This is called a refutation. In the refutation, the writer
points out weaknesses in the counter-argument, and shows how his own argument is

● This restates the writer’s opinion, but often using different, more persuasive
● It may also offer a warning, a prediction, or other type of comment that reinforces
the writer’s viewpoint.

Activity 4: Introducing key terms


1. Fact and opinion

Fact: a truth that is scientifically proven or generally accepted.

E.g. Antibiotics cure infections.

Opinion: One point of view among many.

E.g. Antibiotics are the most important invention of the twentieth century.

2. Interpreting facts to support an opinion.

After the writer gives factual examples, she or he then interprets the facts, explaining how
they support her or his own opinion. Look at the example below, which includes an opinion,
factual examples, and an interpretation of the facts.

Opinion: Animals use language to communicate with each other.

Factual examples: Arctic wolves, for example, communicate the presence of caribou
through their howls and barks. Other wolves hear the messages and are able to meet their
pack to join the hunt.

Interpretation: Clearly, if another animal can understand vocalized messages that tell him or
her the location of food, then that animal is using language.

3. Counter-Argument and Refutation

● In order to make an opinion essay as persuasive as possible, the writer includes a counter-
argument and a refutation. Counterargument in an essay has two stages: you turn against
your argument to challenge it and then you turn back to re-affirm it. You first imagine a
skeptical reader, or cite an actual source, who might resist your argument by pointing out a
problem with your demonstration, e.g., that a different conclusion could be drawn from the
same facts, a key assumption is unwarranted, a key term is used unfairly, certain evidence is
ignored or played down;
● one or more disadvantages or practical drawbacks to what you propose;
● an alternative explanation or proposal that makes more sense.

● The counter-argument is the opposing opinion. It disagrees with the writer’s

position. By including the counter-argument, the writer shows an understanding of
other points of view.

● The refutation is the writer’s responses to the counter-argument. In the refutation,

the writer shows why the counter-argument is weak and the writer’s position of
strong. The refutation may also address doubts the reader may have about the
writer’s position.


Counter-argument: Many people think that a child is unhappy without brothers or sisters;
however, most only children would disagree with this statement.

Refutation: An only child receives more attention from parents, gets into fewer fights, and has
plenty of social contact with friends and classmates.

In the above example, the writer raises a counter-argument (that people think children are
unhappy without siblings). Then the writer gives a refutation: only children are not unhappy,
and then gives reasons to support the argument.

Activity 5: Introducing common expressions in an opinion essay


1. Expressing opinions
In my opinion, ... In my eyes, ...
To my mind, ... As far as I am concerned, ...
From my point of view, ... As for me / As to me, ...
My view / opinion / belief / impression / conviction is that ... I hold the view that ...
I would say that ... It seems to me that ... I am of the opinion that ...
My impression is that ... I am under the impression that ... It is my impression that ...
I have the feeling that ... My own feeling on the subject is that ...
I have no doubt that ... I am sure / I am certain that ...
I think / consider / find / feel / believe / suppose / presume / assume that ...
I hold the opinion that ... (I form / adopt an opinion.) I dare say that ...
I guess that ... I bet that .... I gather that ...
It goes without saying that ...

2. Expressing agreement, disagreement, partial agreement

Agreement: I strongly agree that ……, It is agreed that….., I am convinced that …., I totally
agree…., I am in favor of ….
Disagreement : It is disagreed that….., I disagree …, I do not believe that …, I am
unconvinced that …, I do not agree that …., It is unjustifiable to say that..., That's not always
true that ….
Partially agreement
It is only partly true that...
That’s true, but…
That seems obvious, but... .
I agree with …… in principle, but…
I partly agree with ….. , but…
I think this is true (in certain areas), while (in other areas), (a degree) is not (useful).

3. Introducing opposing arguments (counter-arguments) and refutations

Introduce the Opposing Argument
But _______ is not completely inaccurate.
It is often argued that...
It is true that...
Opposing views claim...
One might object here that...
It might seem that...
Acknowledge parts of the opposition that are valid
One cannot deny that...
At the same time...
It's true that...
Of course,...
or with an anticipated challenging question:
But how...?
But why...?
But isn't this just...?
But if this is so, what about...?
Counter the Argument
On the other hand,
4. Using a range of modifiers and “softer” vocabulary

It is important not to make absolute or sweeping statements. You can do this by

using a range of modifiers and ‘softer’ vocabulary.

Quantifiers: Verbs: Frequency adverbs:

some appear sometimes
many seem often
most tend rarely

Expressions Modal verbs: Probability adverbs:

It is said that … can possibly
It is possible that … could probably
In some circumstances … may perhaps

Rapid technological change destroys traditional values*.
Rapid technological change can weaken traditional values.
1. Example Opinion Question 1
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Write an essay of at least 250 words.
* Thesis Statement: It is disagreed that the best way to resolve increasing pollution and
congestion problems is to raise the cost of fuel.

2. Example Opinion Question 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Currently there is a trend towards the use of alternative forms of medicine. However, at best
these methods are ineffective, and at worst they may be dangerous.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Write an essay of at least 250 words.


● A thesis statement that agrees with the opinion:
Alternative medicine is not new. It is accepted that it pre-dates conventional medicine and it is
still used by many people all over the world. However, I strongly believe that this form of
medicine does not work and is possibly a danger to those using it.
● A thesis statement that disagrees with the opinion:
Alternative medicine is not new. It is accepted that it pre-dates conventional medicine and it is
still used by many people all over the world. I am unconvinced that it is dangerous, and feel that
both alternative and conventional medicine can be useful.
● A thesis statement that partly agrees with the opinion:
Alternative medicine is not new. It is accepted that it pre-dates conventional medicine and it is
still used by many people all over the world. I agree that for certain conditions this type of
medicine is ineffective and could even be dangerous, but for some illnesses it is a good alternative


Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, and it is often argued
that these are the best people to talk to teenagers about the dangers of committing a
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
(1 vài người từng ở trong tù đã trở thành công dân tốt sau đó, và họ được cho là những người tốt
nhất để nói chuyện với người trẻ về những nguy hiểm của việc phạm tội.
Bạn đồng ý hay không đồng ý với ý kiến này?)
-Đầu tiên chúng ta cần biết rằng introduction gồm khoảng từ 2-3 câu và có 2 phần:.
🎯 Phần 1: General statement: Bạn sẽ chỉ cần từ 1-2 câu để cho người đọc biết về chủ đề của bài.
Ở ví dụ trên đó là Crime. Sẽ có 1 số cách để viết GS như sau:
+Paraphrase lại đề bài (Sử dụng từ đồng nghĩa, đổi cấu trúc câu gốc,…) ->
It is thought that ex-prisoners can later become productive members of society. Some believe that
these are the best to speak to teenagers about the consequences of breaking the law.
(1 số cụm từ đồng nghĩa: people who have been in prison=ex-prisoners; talk to= speak to; the
dangers of committing a crime=the consequences of breaking the law)
+Sử dụng cấu trúc: X is a topic of concern (X đang là 1 chủ đề gây nhiều quan ngại, trong đó X
là 1 cụm danh từ chỉ chủ đề của bài viết) hoặc X remains a source of controversy (X là 1 vấn đề
tranh cãi)
Ví dụ trong bài viết này chủ đề được nói đến đó là Crime education (Giáo dục tội phạm) hoặc việc
thực hiện giáo dục tội phạm (The conducting of crime education)
->Nowadays, the conducting of crime education is a topic of concern in modern society.
+Viết freestyle: Bạn có thể viết từ 1-2 câu theo ý muốn của mình, miễn là nó chạm đến được
topic của bài.
->In the present days, it is thought that since ex-prisoners have suffered from the isolation and
punishment, they can share their experience with teenagers and encourage them to abide by the
🎯 Phần 2: Thesis statement: 1-2 câu để trả lời câu hỏi của đề bài. Nếu đề bài hỏi agree/disagree
thì bạn nêu quan điểm của mình tại đây; nếu đề bài hỏi nêu nguyên nhân/giải pháp cho vấn đề X
thì bạn viết rằng essay của tôi sẽ trình bày cause/solution cho X,…
Bạn có thế viết thesis statement theo những cách sau:
+Trả lời trực tiếp câu hỏi của đề bài: Chúng ta sẽ dùng 1 câu trả lời trực tiếp câu hỏi của đề bài
->In my opinion, I completely agree with this view.
->In my viewpoint, I agree that it is the best idea to have ex-prisoners educate young people about
the dangers of violating the law.
+Dùng cấu trúc nhượng bộ: While/Although View A, View B (Trong khi tôi thấy view A
cũng đúng, nhưng tôi lại ủng hộ view B hơn)
->While allowing the people who have been in prison to talk to teenagers about crime is a good
idea, I believe that this is far from the best method.
->Although allowing ex-prisoners to talk to teenagers about crime has a few benefits , I would
argue that there are better alternatives to this problem.
Và tùy thuộc vào các câu, độ dài của mở bài mà khi chúng ta ghép general statement và thesis
statement sẽ được các kết quả khác nhau:
->It is thought that ex-prisoners can later become productive members of society. Some believe
that these are the best to speak to teenagers about the consequences of breaking the law. In my
opinion, I completely agree with this view.
(Nhiều tội phạm cũ được nghĩ rằng có thể trở thành công dân tốt cho xã hội sau này. Một vài
người tin rằng họ là những người tốt nhất để nói với người trẻ về hậu quả của việc phạm tội. Theo
quan điểm của tôi, tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý với ý kiến này)
->In the present days, it is thought that since ex-prisoners have suffered from the isolation and
punishment, they can share their experience with teenagers and encourage them to abide by the
laws. In my viewpoint, I completely agree with this view.
(Ngày này, có suy nghĩ rằng vì những tội phạm cũ đã trả qua sự cô lập và hình phạt ở trong tù
nên họ có thể chia sẻ trải nghiệm của mình với người trẻ và khuyến khích họ tuẩn thủ luật pháp.
Theo quan điểm của tôi, tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý với ý kiến này.)
->In the present days, crime education remains a source of controversy in modern
society .Although allowing ex-prisoners to talk to teenagers about crime has a few benefits, I
would argue that there are better alternatives to this problem.
(Ngày nay, việc giáo dục tội phạm vẫn luôn là 1 chủ đề gây tranh cãi trong xã hội hiện đại. Mặc
dù cho phép cựu tội phạm nói chuyện với người trẻ có 1 vài lợi ích, tôi sẽ tranh luận rằng có
những giải pháp tốt hơn cho vấn đề này)

Topic: Over the last few decades, there has been an increase in international tourism.
Some people think that tourism is beneficial for local communities and should be

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Write an outline for your essay.

A. Introduction

Background information:

Thesis statement:

B. Body paragraph (s)

Body paragraph 1:

Topic sentence:

Example reasons


Body paragraph 2:

Topic sentence:

Example reasons

Body paragraph 3:


Acknowledgement of parts of the opposition that are valid:



C. Conclusion

Restate your viewpoint, using different language


Offer a warning, a prediction, or other type of comment that reinforces your viewpoint

1. Tourism brings money and boost the economy.
2. It offers employment to local people.
3. It offers fresh perspectives on life and culture.
4. Locals usually need to learn English to talk to tourists which can have beneficial
long-term effects.
5. To boost tourism, local communities often invest money on improving the
infrastructure which has lasting positive effects.
1. Tourism can create an economic dependency which can be detrimental to the
community if it is not suitable.
2. Tourism can have a negative impact on the local environment in terms of
- Noise pollution from tourist entertainment
- Air pollution from increased transportation.
3. Tourism can cause friction between locals and tourists, if local culture is not
4. The bulk of money brought in by tourism rarely finds its way into local hands
and instead lines the pockets of the middle man (the tour operator).

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