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Oup1-Experiment 1

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College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology

Electronics Engineering Program

Electrical Circuits 2 Laboratory

Experiment 1

AC Measurement

Group No. Date Performed:

Members: Signature:

Experiment 1: AC Measurement
• Measure amplitude of ac waveforms using oscilloscope
• Measure voltage, current and impedance using an oscilloscope
• Measure and set frequency of ac waveforms using oscilloscope

In dc circuits, voltage and current values do not change polarity. In ac circuits, however,
circuit values are constantly changing polarity and amplitude over time. With ac, time as
well as amplitude must be considered when you make measurements.

There are three basic ac measurements. The first is amplitude measurement of voltage and
current. The second is the time-related measurement of frequency, which is the number of
cycles of a given waveform that occur in one second. The last measurement, phase angle, is
a time-related measurement used to compare two sine waves of identical frequency.
However, before phase angle can be explained, you will need a better understanding of
what each cycle of a sine wave represents.

The sine wave bears a direct relationship to circular rotation. The figure illustrates that 1
cycle of a sine wave, like a circle, is equal to 3600. Each cycle of the sine wave in common
household electricity is produced as a result of a rotating armature in a generator of the
local power plant.

At any given instant, a sine wave is at a given angle (measured in degrees). Consider two
identical generators adjusted to exactly the same frequency. Suppose the second
generatoris turned on a short instant after the first, if both waveforms could be observed
together on an oscilloscope, the display would be similar to the figure below. Using the
sine wave from the first generator as a reference, we can say that the second waveform is
lagging the reference by several degrees or that the reference is leading the second
waveform by several degrees. The degree, or angle, of separation between the two
waveforms is the phase angle.

Terms and Words:

Average value (avg) – the sum of number of quantities divided by the number of
quantities. For sine wave, Vavg = 0.637 x Vpk.

Peak value (pk) – amximum amplitude in either polarity of an ac waveform. Vpk = Vpk-pk/2

Peak-to-Peak (pk-pk)–amplitude between opposite peaks of an ac waveform. Vpk-pk=Vpkx2

Period (T) – time required for an ac waveform to complete one cycle. T = 1/f, f=frequency

Phase angle – the angle of separation between two ac waveforms of identical frequency.

Rms value – an ac value that produces the same heating effect in a resistor as an
equivalent dc value does ( the power of 1Vrms = the power of 1 Vdc); also called the effective
value. For sine waves, Vrms = 0.707 x Vpk.


1 unit FACET Base Unit

1 unit AC 1 Fundamentals Circuit Board
1 unit Oscilloscope
1 unit Function Generator
1 unit Multimeter
1 set Probes and Connectors

1. Turn off the power sources. Insert the AC 1 FUNDAMENTALS circuit board into the base
unit. Turn on the power sources.

2. Locate the DC/AC WAVEFORMS circuit block. Use a two-post connector to connect the
Function Generator to R1. Use terminal posts to connect the generator to the DC/AC
WAVEFORMS circuit block. Turn on the generator and set the frequency to 60 Hz.

3. Connect the channel 1 probe of the oscilloscope across R1. Adjust the generator
amplitude to produce a sine wave display 6 divisions high. What is the peak-to-peak
value of the displayed waveform (VR1)? Sketch the signal true-to-scale and the values as
depicted on the table.

Peak-to-Peak Peak RMS AVG

5.96 V 2.96 V 2.09 V 1.89 V

Waveform measurements using oscilloscope

4. Disconnect the oscilloscope probe from the circuit. Use the multimeter and set it for ac
voltage measurement. Measure the rms voltage across VR1. Calculate the peak-to-peak,
peak, and average values of the voltage. Record the results on the table below.

Peak-to-Peak Peak RMS AVG

5.94 V 2.97 V 2.098 V 1.89 V

Waveform measurements using multimeter

5. Compare the measurements using the oscilloscope and the multimeter.

There is no much discrepancy between the usage of oscilloscope and multimeter.

Measuring AC Voltage, Current, and Impedance with an Oscilloscope

The ADD-INVERT method employs two scope probes and the channel 1 and 2 inputs. To
use the ADD-INVERT method, connect the channel 1 input to the side of the component
having the greatest potential with respect to common, or ground, and connect the
channel 2 input to the other side. Connect the ground clips to the generator ground.
Both channel attenuators must be on the same setting. Invert channel 2 and switch the
vertical mode to ADD to display the voltage drop across the component on the

6. Locate the INDUCTANCE/INDUCTIVE REACTANCE circuit block and connect the circuit
as shown. Use a two-post connector to short out R2. Adjust the Function Generator for
10 Vpk-pk at 1 kHz.

7. Remove the two-post connector across R2 and measure the peak-to-peak voltage across
R2, then record your result. Calculate and record the total circuit current, I.

I = Vpk-pk/R2; I = 5.87 mA pk-pk

8. Replace the two-post connector across resistor R2. With the measured current,
calculate the total circuit impedance.

Impedance = Vt/I; Impedance = 1.70 k ohms

9. Connect the channel 1 probe to the upper side of R1 and channel 2 probe to the lower
side. Set both channels to 0.2 V/div.

10. Select the channel 2 probe INVERT functiopn and vertical mode to ADD. Record
the amplitude and sketch the graph of the waveform. VR1 = 8.08 V

Voltage waveform across R1

Measuring and Setting Frequency

11. Locate the DC/AC WAVEFORMS circuit block and use a two-post connector to connect
the AF generator to R1. Connect channel 1 probe of the oscilloscope across R1 then
adjust the generator so that VR1 is 10 Vpk-pk.

12. Set the time base control to 50 us/div and adjust the frequency of the generator for a
waveform cycle that is 8 divisions wide along the horizontal axis. What is the period, T
of this waveform? T = 19.90 mS

13. Calculate the frequency, f , of the displayed waveform.

f= 1/T, f = 50.25 Hz

14. Use the frequency control on the generator to set the frequency to 10 kHz. Calculate
the period, T of the waveform. T = 1/f ; T = 100 µS

Phase Angle

In the following procedure, you will use the PHASE ANGLE circuit block on the circuit
board. It is made up of two resistors R1 and potentiometer R2, and a capacitor C1, which is
a component that causes phase shift.

15. Connect the generator to the PHASE ANGLE circuit block and set the generator for sine
wave output. Turn the potentiometer R2 fully clockwise. Connect the channel 1 probe of
the oscilloscope to the input of the generator and the channel 2 probe to the output across
C1. Set both channel ground references to the center graticule line.

16. Set the generator output to 6 Vpk-pk at 1kHz. What is the phase angle between the input
and output waveforms? Sketch the graph of the output waveform.

Phase Angle Between Input and Output Waveforms

Phase Shift = 0 degrees

17. Slowly turn the potentiometer R2 completely counterclockwise while observing the
waveforms. Does a phase shift occur? Yes

What is the phase shift between the two waveforms?

Phase Shift = 72 degrees


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