Baumueller Bmaxx en 112019
Baumueller Bmaxx en 112019
Baumueller Bmaxx en 112019
b maXX has up to eleven inserts for plug-in modules and can therefore be individually adapted for
special automation tasks. Special plug-in modules interface b maXX, including interface adaptors for
most standard bus systems. The plug-in b maXX-drivePLC module provides integrated intelligent control.
Function and option modules for b maXX 4400
With more than 30 different function and option can secure a wide variety of functions and configure
modules b maXX can easily be adapted in line with the appropriate combinations on their own. In this
the individual tasks of the automation and drive way, he can react quickly and flexibly to new
solution. requirements.
The individual modules are designed as plug-in This system also ensures that the drive can be
boards and therefore the drive controller no longer quickly expanded at the user‘s facility. Production
has to be ordered as a preassembled unit. By using adjustments can be implemented within a short
various plug-in boards, the machine manufacturer space of time and with minimal effort.
1–2 encoders
encoder b maXX-
emulation drivePLC
storage module 25
Digital I/Os Analog I/Os
• 4 inputs, 24 V industrial logic, • 2 inputs ± 10 V 12 Bit and
isolated 2 outputs ± 10 V 8 Bit
• 4 outputs, 24 V industrial logic, • 2 inputs ± 10 V 16 Bit and
isolated, 0.5 A 2 outputs ± 10 V 16 Bit
• 2 inputs ± 10 V 12 Bit and
2 outputs ± 10 V 12 Bit
• 2 inputs 4–20 mA, 16 Bit,
Encoder Interfaces
2 outputs ± 10 V 16 Bit
• SinCos encoder
With hiperface interface and
electronic rating plate. Resolution: Field bus modules for b maXX 4400
up to several million incr./rev.
• Resolver, resolution: 1024 incr./rev. b maXX 4400 supports all
• 5 V-square-wave incremental en- conventional field bus
coder, res.: (stroke no. x 4) incr./rev. systems. b maXX can be
• SinCos encoder with EnDat® interface optimally integrated into all
Sine/cosine encoder with EnDat 2.1 and 2.2 inter- systems by simply replacing
face for single and multiturns, length measure- the corresponding option
ment systems and absolute position recognition. module. EtherCAT is the
• SinCos encoder with SSI interface standard field bus.
Sine/cosine encoder with SSI standard interface,
with internal and external encoder power
supply. Field bus interfaces
• Incremental encoder emulation
5 V-square-wave/differential signal, Field bus b maXX 4400 b maXX-drivePLC
90° phase shift EtherCAT Slave Slave, Master, Cluster
EtherNet/IP Slave -
CANopen Slave Slave, Master
CANsync Slave Slave, Master
Storage module
Profibus Slave Slave
The parameter storage module contains Sercos Slave -
all the parameters that are set on the Varan Slave -
b maXX-drivePLC
The b maXX-drivePLC module makes the drive in- Speed up your applications
telligent. This in-drive control intelligence allows • Makes drives user-programmable
very fast access to the setpoints and actual values
• Delivers excellent real-time performance
of the drive controller. Therefore, the functionality
• Increases availability
of the drive can be enhanced with complex mo-
tion, control and technology functions. This en- • Reduces control cabinet size
sures that the application can be created quickly • Ensures a consistently stable system
and economically. 27
In-drive PLC
With a cycle time of 100 μs for 1,000 lines of STL, existing EtherCAT master challenging and highly
the b maXX-drivePLC is suitable for both compre- synchronized movement processes are controlled
hensive control and demanding motion control directly on the b maXX-drivePLC. The extensive
tasks. Through the use of our drivePLC, the PLC product range includes decentralized analog and
can be assisted, down-sized or even completely digital I/O modules.
replaced. A new transparency and clarity is also
created in the application via the clean decoupling The program memory of the b maXX-drivePLC is
of motion control applications from the machine sufficient for typical 120,000 lines of IL. 2 MB of RAM
program. The drivePLC can be integrated into the are available for variables. The optional residual
b maXX 4400 servo controller series and enables data memory of 100 KB is buffered battery-free
the uncomplicated creation of control technology with a NVRAM. This means there is enough memory
programs with ProMaster or PROPROG. available for sufficient code. Costly memory ex-
pansions can be dispensed with. The battery-free
A CANopen master is included with the CAN option NVRAM means that data is available maintenance-
module for b maXX-drivePLC. This enables up to free and after every time the system is switched
65,536 digital I/O points to be switched. With the off and on without any data loss.
b maXX HMI
• 32-bit Risc CPU 120 MHz
• 16 MB flash memory, of which
2 MB is reserved for the
IEC program and 4 MB for cams
• 100 KB non-volatile RAM
PLC and drive are synchronous
The in-drive PLC can have synchronized access to all setpoints and
actual values of the drive controller via the internal parallel bus.
Therefore, time-consuming communications programs do not
have to be created. The signal transit times are reduced to a mini-
mum. This greatly enhances process security and also increases
the availability of the system. 29
b maXX 4400 – The modular servo drive
DC link coupling
Safety module
b maXX 4400 servo drive family
Technical data
b maXX 4400
Frame size 1S 1B 2 3 4 5 6 7
Supply voltage: 207–528 V ± 0% AC Electronics supply: external 24 V DC (diagnostic capability) 1) Depth air cooling / depth water cooling
Supply frequency: 50/60 Hz Fan connection: frame size 1–3: 24 V DC electronics supply 2) for 1 second
Supply rated voltage: 400 V frame size 4–7: 230 V AC ± 10% 3) single phase
DC link voltage: 540 V rated voltage Certification: CE, CSA, UL 4) air cooling only
Chopping frequency: 2/4/8 kHz 5) water cooling only
Output voltage: 0–95% of supply voltage Subject to alteration Height and depth w/o mounting brackets; depth
incl. required bending radius of connecting cables 31
b maXX 4100
Regenerative power supply unit
Baumüller’s tried-and-tested b maXX automation mains supply rather than wastefully dissipating
and drive solution is being expanded with the this energy as heat.
addition of the new b maXX 4100 series regenerative From the standpoint of energy costs, this offers the
power supplies. These units work in conjunction user considerable savings over the machine’s service
with b maXX 4400 series units, and can supply the life. Regenerative systems help to lower energy con-
DC link voltage to one or more drives. By using a b sumption (and do their bit for the environment) by
maXX 4100, all excess regenerative brake energy feeding the available brake energy back to the power
generated by the system is returned to the AC grid rather than wasting it via a regenerative resistor.
The b maXX 4100 units are fully integrated into
Baumüller’s b maXX automation and drive solution
family of products. The benefits which the b maXX Mains Voltage Mains filter
series offers to its users such as modularity and contactor
Supply voltage: 360–528 V ± 0% AC Electronics supply: external, 19.3–30 V DC (diagnostic capability) 1) For 640 V DC DC link rated voltage
Supply frequency: 45–65 Hz Fan connection: frame size 3: 24 V DC electronics supply 2) For 60 seconds
Supply rated voltage: 400 V AC frame sizes 4–6: 230 V AC ± 10% 3) Height and depth without mounting
DC link rated voltage: 640 V DC Certification: CE, CSA, UL brackets; depth including required bending
Switching frequency: 8 kHz radius of connecting cables
Regenerative switching transistor: Integrated Subject to alteration 33
b maXX 4600/4700
Peak and nominal load devices
Peak and nominal load devices available in five sizes supplement the proven b maXX series. Regardless of whether you require maximum
performance on a continuous or temporary basis — the b maXX series offers customised drive solutions for every application.
The tried-and-tested b maXX automation and high performance is required. As a result, the drive
drive solution is being expanded to include new can be adapted perfectly to the power requirements
peak and nominal load devices from the 4600 and of the relevant application.
4700 series. Baumüller is now able to meet the Although the devices in the series are more power-
specific require-ments of applications in the injec- ful, they have a compact design and take up much
tion moulding or extrusion sector, for example, less space in the control cabinet — double benefits
where either short-term peak output or permanent for the user.
b maXX 4600/4700 — Your benefits at a glance 35
DS/DS2/DA1 — General purpose servo motors
The servo motor for all applications with strict energy efficiency requirements.
Type DS/DS2: Sizes 45, 56, 71, 100, 132, 160, 200, power range 0.25–295 kW (0.33–396 hp),
speeds up to 6000 min-1, type of protection: unventilated IP54,
ventilated IP23/IP54, water-cooled IP54.
Type DA1: Sizes 100, 132, 160, 180, 225, 280, power range 3.5–400 kW (4.7–536 hp),
speeds up to 8000 min-1, type of protection: ventilated IP23/IP54, water-cooled IP54 47
Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH, Ostendstraße 80–90, 90482 Nürnberg, Phone: +49 (0) 911 5432 - 0, Fax: +49 (0) 911 5432 - 130
Baumüller Anlagen-Systemtechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Ostendstr. 84, 90482 Nürnberg, Phone: +49 (0) 911 54408 - 0, Fax: +49 (0) 911 54408 - 769
Baumüller Reparaturwerk GmbH & Co. KG, Andernacher Straße 19, 90411 Nürnberg, Phone: +49 (0) 911 9552 - 0, Fax: +49 (0) 911 9552 - 999
Baumüller DirectMotion GmbH, Flugplatzweg 2, 37581 Bad Gandersheim, Phone: +49 (0) 5382 9805- 0, Fax: +49 (0) 5382 9805 - 55
All data/information and particulars given in this brochure is non-binding customer information, subject to constant further development and continuously updated by our
permanent alteration service. Please note that all particulars/figures/information is current data at the date of printing. These particulars are not legally binding for the purpose
of measurement, calculation or cost accounting. Prior to using any of the information contained in this brochure as a basis for your own calculations and/or applications, please
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