Brown 1985
Brown 1985
Brown 1985
Richard E. Hay,' rector
This document is disseminated under the aponaorship of the Departrnentof
Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States
Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof.
The contents of this report reflect the views of the cantractor who is
responsible for the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contente do
not neeessarily reflect the official policy of the Department of
This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.
The United States Government does not endorse products or manufacturers.
Trade or manufacturers' names appear herein only beeause they are considered
essential to the object of this document•
4. TIIi. Ol"ld Subli'!e S. R.porT 001.
Ju1y 1985
6. P.,fo,,,,ing OrlJoni101ionCod.
8. P.,'o,ming Or,oni:totion Report No.
7. AUlho,fs)
Scott A. Brown SCR-371-83-039
9.,mlng Orgal'liJ;otlonNome end Addr.s. 10. Wo,kUnit No, (TR,A,IS)
Sutron vorporation
11. Controct or Gronl No.
2190 Fox Mil! Road
13. Type of Repo,t ond Period Covered
12. Sponsoring Agenel' Nome ond Addren Final Report
Federal Highway Administration October 1980 to
Office of Engineering & Highway Operations R&D SeDtember 1983
Multiple By To Obtain
Structures oivision 14. Sponsoring Alleney Code
McLean, Virginia 22101
1 S. Suppl.menlorl' No'u
inches 2.5 centimeters
Contracting Officerls Technical Representative: Dr. Roy Trent (HNR-IO) feet 30 centimeters
yards 0.9 meters
16. A.bstrac:t mlles 1.6 kilometers
A study of the applicability and design of .pur-type flow-con trol and square inches 6.5 square centimeters
streambank stabilization structures has been conducted to establish design square feet 0.09 square meters
guidelines and other criteria for the use of spurs. The recommendations and square yards 0.8 square meters
findings are based on a thorough review of pertinent literature, analY8i8 of square mlles 2.6 square kilometers
several hundred field sites, and on a recent laboratory study conducted by the acres 0.4 hectares
Federal Highway Administration. Recommendations for the general application
of spur-type structures are given in relation to function of the spur, the ounces 28 grams
erosion mechanisms that are countered by spurs, the environmental conditions pounds 0.45 kilograms
best suited for the use of spurs, and potential negative impacts produced by short t ons 0.9 tonnes
spurs. An in troduc tion to the most common types of spurs is given, along with (2000 Ibs)
discussions of the factors most important to the design of specific 'spu r
types. Design guidelines for establishing spur permeability, the required
extent of protection, spur length, spur spacing, spur'orientation, spur height,
spur crest profile, and the shape of the spur tip or head are presented. An
example outlining a recommended procedure for establishing the geometric layout
of spurs within a spur scheme is recomaended.
Unclassified 106
Costs 41
Oumnel Si:r:e 44
CHAPTER 2. CO.SIDER.lTHIiS lil TUE SELECTIO. .llID DESIG. OF Cbannelbed Fluctuations 44
SPOK-TYPE STRUC11JRES 3 Yegetation 45
Vandalisia and "aintenanee 45
Function 3
Erosiom Kecbanisas 3 PEIIl4E.IBILITY 46
River Envirou.ent 4
Channel Size 4 GEOHETRY 52
Bend Radius 4
Channelbank Characteristics 5 E:r:tentof Bank Protection 52
Syste. r.pacts 5 Spur Lengtb 56
Environmental Impacts 6 Spur Spaclng 60
Esthetic Impacts 8 Spur Orientat1on 64
Construction-Related Considerations 8 Geoaet Design Ezaaple 72
Costs 9
Retardance Spurs 10
Fence Type 10 BED JJID BAH COWT"CT 85
Jack/Tetrahedron Type 19 Cbannelbed Contact 85
Retardanee/Diverter Spurs 19 Cbannelbank Contact 90
Light Fence Type 21
Heavy Diverter Spurs 24 SPUR HElD FORM OR DESIGN 91
Diverter Spu"s 27
Transverse-Dike Spurs 28 Peraeabil1t,. 91
Dtent of Oumnelbank Protection 93
OF ..SPUI TYPE 31 Spur Spacing 93
Spur lngle/Orientation 94
Spur FuDctionlPurpose 32 Spur Syst.. Geomet ..y 95
Eros1on "ecbanisa 34 Spu ..Heigbt 95
Sediment Environment 35 Spu.. C..est Profile 95
Flow Enviro~ent 37 Cbannelbed and Cbannelbank Contact 96
ehanael Yelocity Environment 38 Spur Bead Fora 96
Flow Stage 38
Bend Radius 39 REFERENCES 97
Debris and Iee-Load Enviro .. ent 40
v vi
LIST OF FIGUBES (Continueel) LIST OF FIGUBES (Contlnued)
This report i s based on a thorough llterature review, extensive review
and evaluation of spur fleld installations, numerous personal contacts with
design engineers actively involved in designing flow-control structures, and
a laboratory study designed to evaluate critical spur design parameters.
Chapter 1
In the past, little guidance has been available for the design of
spur-type structures. Few design guidelines have been available; those that
are avallable are limited in scope and generally inaccessible to highway
design engineers. The design of these structures has been primarily based on
the designer' e experience and numerous rules-of-thumb. While actual field
design experience is indispensable when designing flow-control structures,
many highway design engineers have only limited experience, indicating a need
for some design guidance. There is also a need for more definite criteria
relating to the behavior of spurs under various river-flow conditions. This
would remove some of the uncertainty in their design and permit greater
economy in the design of spur schemes by minimizing over-design as well as
under-design. This design document addresses these needs by presenting
guidel1nes for the design of spur-type flow control and bank-stabilization
counter these particle displacement erosion mechanisms by diverting the
high-energy streamflow away from the bank. The immediate consequence is that
the flow dynamics and forces responsible for bank eros ion are moved away from
the bank, greatly reducing or eliminating the potential for erosion . Spurs
are particularly well-suited for protecting lower portions of the bank from
erosion at the bank toe. Toe scour and the resulting undermining of
Cbapter 2 channelbanks are discussed in FHWA(1984). Toe scour has been identifi ed as
a primary cause of bank failure. By moving the flow forces responsible for
COISIDERATIONS IN TOE SELECTlOl AID DESIGI OF SPUR-TYPE toe scour away from the bank, this erosion mechanism is effectively
STRUC'ruRES countered .
Channelbank Characteristics Environmental Impacts
Channelbank characteristics related to the use of spur s include bank Environmental impacts include impacts on channel geometry, water
height, bank configuration, and bank vegetation. Spurs are best suited for quality. and biology.
the protection of 10101- (Le ss than 10 ft) to medium-height (from 10 to 20 ft)
banks from the erosion mechanisms discussed above. Protecting high banks Changes in channel geometry caused by channelbank stabilization are
with spurs of ten requires special design considerations and/or excess discussed in detail in FHWA(1984); discussions of the channel deepening that
structural material. However, spur s that have successfully protected high occurs in stabilized channelbends also are included. In channelbend.
channelbanks have been designed (see Figure 22a for example). stabilized with spur=type st.ruct.ur es , this channel deepening can be
magnified, particularly at the spur head. There are two reasons for this.
Bank configuration refers to the geometry of the bank. Because, in most First, spur schemes naturally constrict river flows in channelbends. In an
cases, spur s do notrequire extensive bank reshaping or grading prior to attempt to maintain its previous level of discharge or flow conveyance,
construction, they are well-suited for use along steep-cut banks where further scour Lng of the channelbed occur s , In addi ti on, flow concentration
significant site preparation would be required for other cauntermeasure types at the spur head results in severe scour holes at and just downstream of the
(see FHWA, 1984). Also, the use of spurs is not adversely affected by spurs. This channel reshaping has been documented both at field sites (Brice
irregular bank lines. Again, spur use is recommended along irregularly et al., 1978; Littlejohn, 1969; Fenwiek, 1966) and in laboratory studies
shaped banks because excessive bank preparation and reshaping is not required (FHWA,1983; Ahmad, 1951a and b, and 1953; Franco, 1966).
to produce a smooth alignment around the bend.
The location of the scour trough discussed above provides another point
One advantage in the use of spur-type structures is th at they have been of comparison between spurs and other countermeasure types. Because spur s
observed to provide an enhancing influence on bank vegetation. The erosive shift the flow current away from the bank, they a1so shift the scour trough
action of currents impinging directly on the bank wi11 of ten prevent or away from the bank, thus removing the immediate danger from undermining away
hinder the natural volunteering of plant materials down the bank. Since from the bank. Streambank-stabilization schemes that have their primary
spurs shift these main flow currents away from the bank. a greater component parallel to the channelbank (i.e., revetments, retardance
opportunity exists far the natural volunteering of vegetation down the bank structures, longitudinal dikes, and bulkheads) must be designed to proteet
and into the .. spur zone," helping to stabilize both the upper and lower against undermining along the entire length of the bank, adding significantly
sections of the channelbank. In environments characterized by high sediment to the cost of the stabilization schemes. Because only the riverward ends of
loads, the vegetation will usually volunteer to the berm deposited between spur-type structures are impacted by the scour trough, only localized
the spurs, enhancing the stabilizing characteristics of the spur scheme. In protection at the spur heads is required. Also, the risk of a catastrophic
low sediment-yield environments, the reduced flow veloeities within the spur failure of the entire stabilizatian scheme as a result of toe erosion and
zone create a more acceptable environment for vegetative growth, therefore undermining is lower with spurs than with other structure types because on1y
allowing the advance of vegetative materials down the bank and into this zone the ends of the spur are impacted at any gi ven time. Fai I ure of the spur
during low-flow periods. Again, the additional vegetative growth thus head still leaves additional spur length to provide partial protection for
created will enhance bank stabilization and help counter the lack of a the bank until repairs can be made.
deposited sediment berm in 10101 sediment-yield environments. It al so helps
minimize the bank-scalloping characteristic of impermeable' spur Several factors will affect the magnitude of the channel reshaping just
installations . The development of thick vegetation on the banks and between discussed. First, the more severe the channel constriction, the more
spurs also prov ides a mechanism for flow retardance and energy dissipation pronounced the resulting channel scour patterns will beo The channelbed
for spur-topping flow conditions, further enhancing bank stabilization. Bank composition also plays a role in the magnitude of these erosion patterns;
vegetation also enhances the appearance of the bank by presenting a more channels cut in silt- and sand-size materials will exhibit greater depths and
natural-looking bankline. extents of erosion than channels in gravel- and cobble-size materiais. Since
impermeable spur s have a greater constricting effect on channel flows than
System Impacts permeable spur s , the erosion patterns produced by impermeable spurs can be
expected to be more severe (assuming similar channel environments).
The general impaots of stabilizing a channelbend are discussed in FHWA
(1974) in terms of channel morpho10gy. The impact produced by Impacts on channel geometry can a1so result from incorrect design and/or
bank-stabilization schemes was also mentioned as a countermeasure selection construct ion of the spur scheme. The geometrie layout of the scheme is of
criterion in FHWA(1984). The system impacts produced by spur-type flow primary importance. Misalignment of spurs can cause severe flow deflection
control and bank-stabilization structures can be classified as environmental and could initiate an erosion problem on the opposite bank. Figure 1
and esthetic. illustrates a case in point. The timber-pile spur shown was designed with a
projected length (length perpendicular to the flow line) of 50 percent of the
channel width. The resulting flow deflection has severely eroded the
5 6
than many other countermeasures, these impacts will be minimized if spurs are
Esthetic Impacts
9 10
13 14
WOOD ..... U
,., Ccl
17 18
pa.l i s ade and hasa net section made of strapping material that is supported
by steel-pipe piles instead of the wood-fence unit. Additional variations on
the fenee-type retardance spurs are also possible; for example. using
ehainlink panels or other materiais. A rigid chainlink design is shown in
Figure 15c. Chainlink panels that are vertically flexible could also be
used ,
JacklTetrahedron Type
Jack and tetrahedron units have also been used to form retardanee
spur s , The basic structural units of these spur s , the jacks and
tetrahedrons, are illustrated in Figure 17; part (a) illustr~tes a jaek; part
(b) i11 ustrates a tetrahedron. These structural units are skeletal frames
adaptable to permeable spur s by tying a number of similar units together in
longitudinal alignments. Cables are used to tie the units together and
ancnor key units to deadmen. Struts and wires are added to the basic frames ICAU
as needed to increase impedance to flow (either directly by their own 1000 o 1000 1000 FT
resistance or indirectly by the debris they collect). Flgure 3 illustrates a
typical tetrahedron spur unit. The basic frame of the Jack [see Figure 17
(a) ] is a triaxial assembly of three mutually perpendicular bars acting as .IGURE 16. HEKSOK
six canti lever legs from their central connection. Besides the
steel-membered jack illustrated, concrete jacks have also been used. The
tetrahedron frame [see Figure 17 (b)] is assembied from six equal members,
three forming the triangular base and the others the three faces sloping
upward from the base to an apex. Like other permeable spurs, jacks and
tetrahedrons rely primarily on flow retardance and sediment deposition as
their primary bank-protection mechanism. Various jack and tetrahedron
designs have been patented in the past; the current status of these patents
is unknown.
BetardancelDlverter Spurs
WI1I8 O •••••••• 14,
T,.• .cAI,
as light-fence type retardanoe/diverter structures. Figures through 6
illustrate the three most typical designs: a wood-fence spur. a light-link or
wire-fence structure, and a double-row timber pile and wire-fence structure. FLOW
Heavy Diverter Spurs
Heavy diverter spurs are illustrated in Figures 7 through 11; steel pile
and welded wire-mesh spurs and numerous timber-pile designs are detailed.
~81r:_ Figure 23 [(a) through (c») illustrates design sketches for three
timber-pile spur designs. The design illustrated in Figure 23 (a) consists
of three pile clusters joined by horizontal timber-pile stringers lashed to
the vertical pile clusters. As mentioned above, single or multiple rovs of
U w ~j LJ w••• 'iJ"N Ol ., •• .., W.I.
piIe clusters and stringers can be used, depending on the needs of individual
sites; up to three rows have been used in the past. An al ternate design is
illustrated in Figure 23 (b). This design consists of alternate single
vertical piles straddling a single horizontal-pile stringer. This design is
commonly used by the eOE on large rivers to provide flow constriction for
n~vigational purposes. The design is also applicable for bank-stabilization
application". Figure 23 (c) illustrates another timber-pile structure. Th1s
design uses wldely-spaced vertical piles with trees slashed to the hor1zontal
~ .' ~ stringers to reduce the structure's permeability.
~ W'I ..... Ol •••• D Willi
U... T.... II 1101 Another retardance/diverter spur using timber piles for the vert10al
support structure are horizontal wood-plank struetures. Figure 11
PART PLAN l11ustrates one aueh structure. As is the case w1th other spur types, many
design variations are possible for pile and horizontal-plank .truetures.
FIGURE 21. TIHBER-PILE AND WIRE-MESH SPUR. Figure 24 shows a typieal design sketch for the spur illustrated in Figure
11. This design uses a double row of timber piles as vertieal supports.
25 26
retardance/diverter structures discussed abovel. The two primary
subclassifications of diverter structures are hardpoints and transverse-dike
spur s , The primary difference between these two types of di vert.e r "pur. is
the structure's length.
~ I
obstruction •
Transverse-Dike Spurs
Transverse-dike spurs are the most widely used impermeable spurs. These
structures are most commonly constructed of dumped rock riprap. Where rock
FIGURE24. TYPICALDESIGNSKETCHFORTIHBER-PILEANDWOOD of sufficient ai ze is not available, however, gabion and er tb designs have
SPUR. also been used. Sheet-pile. asphalt, and ooncrete spurs have also been
designed. The cost of these structures will be prohibitive in most cases.
-=:-~ -AI
(bi (ol
ITitl •• "DI WuI. M'IM 0 .. '''''110 WIIII
u U
29 30
• bend radius/flow alignment, and
• flow environment,
.~ ~ g
• transport by streamflow,
~j =
." ·"·"
• "0
...~~ 0 ... VELOCln STA.GE
Ol ~
c 0
, ,~ displacement at the toe of the bank
~ ·
·. ~ , ~
. ~"
• particle
.'" ~ .
C c
0 0 streamflow-induced shear stresses, and
" , c ! 3 ~ j M
.. 0
.; ~ j s"" • partlcle displacement by abrasion.
Light rence 3 3 3 3 ) 2 2 ) ) 2 3 ) 2 )
, 42
) 3 3 2 ) ,, 2 A sediaent-transporting lIleehani_ must be present for erosion to occur.
This mechanism is provided by the flowing water. All spur types will
H.avy utver eer 3 4 4 3 ) 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 J 2 ) 3
effectively counter this mechanism by retarding and/or deflecting the
streamflow currents in the vicinity of the bank erosion. However, under some
Hardpoirtt 3 ,, ,, 33 J 4 2 3 ,
4 3 3 ,, ) 3 2 ) 4 3
5 medium to high flow-velocity environments, some of the more permeable
Tn.n&ver.e Dike 3 ) 3 3 4 2 ) ) ) 1 J 2 ) J 5
retardance and retardance/diverter spurs will not provide sufficient flow
retardance to reduce flow velocities below the critical transport level.
Welded wire mesh (Figure 23), other wire-fence spurs (Figures 15, 20, and
'Henoon 'po, Je"' .. ilO nted a Î to' thio <on"juon 21), and jack and tetrahedron designs (Figure 17) are examples of structures
that might not provide sufficient flow retardance in some flow environments.
33 34
structures have two significant advantages over other spur types. First, adjacent to the bank. This is important in cases where erosion resulting
impermeable diverter spurs function by deflecting currents and any floating from bank-weakening mechanisms (wave erosion , subsurface flow and dral nage ,
debris away from the channelbank. Impermeable structures also have more etc.) is occurring. As discussed previously, Henson-type spur s provide a
structural mass than most permeable structures and, therefore, are subject to particular advantage in these highly dynamic environments because of thei r
less damage from floating debris. The light retardance structures have a vertical flexibility. Other fence-type structures will also function well.
history of being severely damaged by floating debris. This is because of Jack and tetrahedron structures have also been quite effective in these
their small at ze and the fact that permeable structures will become cIogged environments except where there are high-flow velocities. In high-velocity
with floating debris, increasing the hydraulic forces on the structure. environments the jacks and tetrahedrons do not provide sufficient flow
Therefore, these structures should not be used , Retardance/deflector spurs retardance and are of ten lost to scour.
are designed to deflect flow currents, as are the impermeable deflector
spurs. Their permeability, however, makes them debris skimmers like the Permeable retardance/deflector spur s have al so performed well in
retardance structures. The light fence retardance/diverters are prone to regime/low-threshold channels. Because of their flow deflection
damage from the floating debris and therefore, are not recommended. However, characteristics, however, they are bet ter sut ted for medium-threshold
some of the heav ier retardance/di ver ter structures have been found to be environments. This is particularly true of the larger heavy diverter
effective at resisting abrasion forces. structures. Local scour problems associated with these larger structures
have resulted in struatural undermining in some cases when they are used in
regime/low-threshold environments.
When discussing a spur's effectiveness in a given sediment environment, The above discussion is not meant to imply that permeable spur s should
it is appropriate to refer to spurs as either permeable or impermeable. not be used on channels that do not carry large sediment loads. Tn some
Referring to the classification scheme outlined above, retardance spur e and cases, the flow retardance produced by the spur scheme can be designed to
retardance/deflector spurs are permeable, and deflector spurs are provide the desired level of bank protection. This is particularly true of
impermeable. permeable retardance/deflector structures. These structures are designed to
function as flow deflectors as weIl as retardance structures. Permeable
Both permeable and impermeable spurs have been used in a wide range of retardance spur s and the light fence retardance/deflector structures are not
sediment environments. Sediment environments (or channelbed conditions) can suited as well for use on high threshold/rigid channels.
be defined as regime, threshold, or rigid. For purposes of identifying an
appropriate spur type, the sediment environment can be classified as Impermeable deflector spur s are best sui ted for use on high
regime/low threshold, medium threshold, or high threshold/rigid. A regime threshold/rigid channels. They have been used effecti vely, however, in some
channel is one whose bed is in motion under virtually all channel-flow regime and low-threshold environments. There are several drawbacks that make
conditions. Low threshold channels are those channels whose channelbeds are impermeable deflector spur s Less acceptable than permeable spur s in truly
in motion under all but some very low flow conditions. Therefore, regime/low alluvial channels (regime/low threshold and some medium-threshold
threshold environments are characterized by large suspended and bed-sediment environments). In tru1y alluvial environments, impermeable di ver ter spur s
loads under most flow conditions. These channels are typically cut through will cause sediment deposition along the channelbank in 8 similar fashion 8S
noncohesi ve sand- and silt-size materials . Medium threshold channels are permeable structures. However, this deposition will be to a much lesser
typically cut through sand- and gravel-s1ze materials whose channelbeds are degree than with permeable structures. The primary source of deposition
mobile for moderate and high channel-flow condit Icns , Channels cut through between impermeable spurs is from spur-topping flows. These flow conditions
cohesive materials can also be considered medium threshold. High have been observed to carry significant amounts of suspended material into
threshold/rigid channels are typically cut through larger gravel-, cObble-, zones between spur s , where it is then deposited as a result of the lower
and boulder-size materials. These materials will remain stable or rigid transport capacity between spur s , Another sour ce of sediment for deposition
under most flow conditions, but will become mobile during high flows. cornes from suspended materials carried into the interspaces by the expansion
of flow as it passes the spur tips. Again, this material deposits due to the
Permeable spur s are best suited for regime/low threshold and medium low transporting capacity of the currents between spurs. It 1s important to
threshold environments. Permeable retardance spurs have been found to be keep in mind that the amount of deposition that can be expected between
particularly effecti ve in regime/low threshold environments. In fact, they impermeable spurs is less than that induced by permeable structures.
generally provide an advantage over other spur types in these environments.
The flow retardance created by retardance spur schemes creates a depositional When using impermeable deflector structures in alluvial environments lt
environment within the retarded flow zone along the channelbank for the is important to recognize the potentially detrimental impacts they aan have.
suspended and bed-sediment Loads carried by these channels. This produces a Flow concentration and 10ca1 scour are primary smong these impacts. flow
sediment berm or bench that will stabilize the base of the channelbank. concentration is inherent in impermeable spur design. A oonsequence of the
Also, by lowering flow velocities in this zone, permeable retardance spur flow-constricting effect produced by spurs is a concentration of flow 11nes
schemes will reduce or el1minate the transporting ability of channel flows along the riverward tip of each spur. The flow concentration in this area
results in a magnified potential for erosion of the channelbed in the Channel Velocity Environment
vicinity and just downstream of the tip of the impermeable structures. This
condi tion is much more pronounced in high-veloci ty environments and around The applicabili ty of various spur types with respect to the channel' s
sharp bends than it is in low-velocity environments and around mild bends. velocity environment is in many ways related to the channel's sediment
The occurrence of significant erosion at and downstream from the spur tip has environment. It is the interaction of the flow environment and the channel's
been obser ved by the authors at numerous field si tes and is well documented bed-material constituency that determines the sediment-transport environment
in reported laboratory studies (FHWA, 1983; Ahmad, 1951a and 1951b). Local of a particular stream. The channel-flow velocity is also related to the
scour is a primary concern in alluvial environments because of the highly s i ze and structural integr i ty of a spur , Generall y, the larger and more
erosive nature of the gravel-, sand-, and silt-size material comprising the rigid the spur scheme, the better its adaptability to the more severe flow
channelbed. The potential for excessi ve erosion at the scour tip, combined environments.
with the high cost of providing protection against the erosion is a drawback
in the use of impermeable diverter spurs in alluvial environments. As discussed above , retardance spurs are best suited for regime and
low-threshold sediment environments. Within these environments. however ,
The flow concentration and local scour conditions just described are retardance spurs have not been successful in high-velocity environments. or
characteristic of impermeable installations in all river environments. In some of the higher medium-veloci ty environments. In these environments, the
high threshold/rigid channels (those cut through large gravel- and cobble- retardance spurs generally do not provide sufficient flow retardance and are
size materiaIs) ; however, these conditions pose less of a threat to the of ten undermined or outflanked due to the dynamic nature of the channelbed
stability of impermeable spur schemes. Flow concentration at the spur tip combined with the high flow veloeities. This has been found to be
will still cause eros ion in these environments. Because of the low particularly true for jack and tetrahedron structures. Jack and tetrahedron
transportability of the coarse materials making up the channeIbed , and the designs should not be used in the higher medium- or high-veloci ty
natural channelbed armoring that occurs in these environments, however, i t environments. Retardance spurs are also smaller and less structurally rigid
will be of a much smaller magnitude. In most cases, onlya limited amount of than other spur types and, therefore, are more susceptible to structural
erosion (in comparison with truly alluvial environments) will occur. This damage in high-velocity environments than other types of spurs.
can usually be anticipated and adeQuately designed at little addltional
cost. Because of their permeability to flow, retardance/deflector spurs are
also subject to undermining and outflanking in high- velocityenvironments.
Flow Envlrooaent
However. because they divert channel flows and provide flow retardance, they
have been effective in higher velocity environments than retardance spurs .
The channel-flow environment includes consideration of both channel-flow Retardance/deflector spurs are also more structurally r i g i d than retardance
velocities Bnd flow stage. Consideration of channel-flow velocities includes spurs, and therefore, can withstand higher flow forces. However, the
both the magnitude of the velocity, as weIl as the freQuency of occurrence of extremely permeable retardance/ diverter spurs (such as the welded wire mesh
a specified flow velocity. For classification purposes, channel flow structures illustrated in Figure 22) should not be used in the higher medium-
velocities will be clBssified as low. medium, and high. Low-velocity and high-veloci ty environments because they wi 11 not prov lde sufficient flow
environments are defined as those where the dominant or controlling flow retardance.
veloeities are less than four feet per second , Medium velocity environments
are defined as those where the dominant or controlling flow velocities are Deflector spurs have been found to be effective over the widest range of
greater than four feet per second but less than eight feet per setond. flow conditions. Because of their structural rigidity, impermeable deflector
High-velocity environments are defined as those where the dominant or spur s are the least susceptible to damage in high-veloci ty environments of
controlling flow velocities are greater than eight feet per second. The any of the spur types. For this reason they are generally considered to be
f'r equency of ocourrence is reflected in the terms "dominant or controlling." applicable for low-, medium-, and high-velocity environments. It must be
The dominant or controlling velocities are those primarily responsible for remembered, however, that they are subject to limitations in regime and
the erosion process. In one si tuation these veloci ties might be associated low-threshold sediment environments.
with normal low-flow conditions. In Bnother situation the dominant or
controlling velocities might be associated only with extreme flow events. Flow Stage
Flow stage can be classified in terms simllar to flow velocity. A low Flow stage must be considered in light of the height of bank to be
flow stage will be considered to be one where the dominant or controlling protected. For example, if the primary cause of eros ion to be protected
flow stage is less than 10 feet. A medium flow stage is one where the against occurs at low stages (as defined above ) , or affects only the lower
dominant or controlling flow stage is greater than 10 feet but less than 18 portions of the channelbank, then spurs suitable for low-stage conditions
feet. A high flow stage is one where the dominant or controlling flow stage
should be used. Conversely, if the primary cause of erosion occurs at high
is greater than eighteen 18 feet.
stages. or impacts upper portions of high banks , spurs suited for countering
high flow stages should be used.
37 38
retardance/deflector spurs have been used effectively on both large- and
As indicated in Table 1, all of the major spur types are suited for use medium-radius channelbends. Because of their permeability, however, they
under low stage conditions. Under medium stage conditions, retardance spurs have not been as effecti ve as impermeable deflector spur s on smaU-radius
are at a sl1ght disadvantage because at this point some of the outflanking channelbends. As indicated in Table 1, impermeable deflector spur s provide
characteristics discussed above have been observed, However, this an advantage over other spur types on both medium and small channelbends.
disadvantage can be overcome in some cases by increasing the structure height Thi.s is primarlly due to their capacity as positive flow-oontrol structures.
and ensuring that the retardance-spur structures are adequately tied to the On extremely smaU radius bends (bend radii less than 350 feet) , the larger
channelbank to prevent or minimize the potential for outflanking. Although transverse-dike impermeable structures will cause eXcessive flow constriction
spur-type structures are generally not well-suited to protecting against high and scour problems th at will make them unacceptable. Impermeable hard point
stage conditions, some large retardance/deflector spurs have been found to be spurs have however, been used effectively on some channelbends less than 350
adaptable to these conditions. This is due to their structural design feet in radius because they do not cause a significant flow obstruction.
carrying up and into the channelbank. For example, see Figure 22(a).
Debris and Ice-Load EDyir~nt
Another stage consideration is the impact produced by spur-topping flow
stages. As the flow stage reaches and exceeds the spur crest, a zone of Debris and iee-load environments are defined in Table as minimal
magnified flow turbulence is created just downstream of the spur structure debris, light debris, and large debris and ice. Minimal debrls refers to
along the channelbank (FHWA, 1983). This zone of flow turbulence can cause flow environments that rarely carry ice or debris of any size. Light debris
accelerated streambank erosion between individual spur s , particularly 1f the rerers to the flow environments thet typically carry debrls loads of smallor
channelbank between spur s is not well vegetated or protected with a light lightweight materiel. Lerge debris and iee refer to large braneh- and tree-
layer of riprap or some other revetment. The laboratory studies conducted size material, as weIl as significant ice loadings.
for FHWA(1983) indicate that this is primarily a problem with impermeable
spur s . Because permeable spur s allow flow to pass through the structure, Debris and ice-load environments affect the function as well as the
there is very little additional disturbance as the spur crest is exceeded. stability of spurs. Retardance spurs function best when there is light
However, this is not the case with impermeable structures. As the stage debris present to reduee the permeability of the structures and enhance their
exceeds the crest elevation of impermeeble structures, a high level of flow-retardance qual1ties. However, large debris and ice will damage these
turbulence is generated on the downstream side of the structure as the flow light structures and render them ineffective. This is particularly true of
passes over the structure and into the zone between spurs. It has been the wire-fence and jaek/tetrahedron designs. The wire-fence and jack/
observed that the greater the spur angle in the downstream direction , the tetrahedron designs have also been found to be less effective than ot her spur
greater the generated turbulence. The implication is that spurs should be types in minimal debris environments. Without light debris to clog partially
designed with cr est elevations that should not be exceeded frequently, If or block the structural frames of some of these structures. they do not
th is is not practical, an impermeable structure should be used. provide sufficient flow retardance to protect the channelbank adequately.
Bend Radius Retardanee/deflector spur s have been used suceessfully in most debris
and ice environments. Like retardance spur s , the presence of light debrls
The radius of the channelbend to be protected is another factor that enhances the effectiveness of retardance/deflector spurs and makes them
must be considered when selecting a spur type. Channelbend radii csn be particularly adaptable 'to environments where light debris is present.
classified as small, medium, and large. These definitions correspond to Because of their flow-deflection qualities, these structures have al so been
channelbend radii greater than 350 feet but less than 800 feet, greater than moderately effecti ve in minimal debris environments. The large structural
800 feet but tess thsn 2000 feet, snd greater than 2000 feet, respectively. size of heavy diverter spurs makes this type of retardance/diverter
Spur-type structures are not well-sui ted for use on small channels having acceptable in large debris and ice environments as well. However, some of
channelbend radii less than 350 feet. Therefore, the small channelbend the lighter fence-type retardance/diverters are susceptible to extensive
category is limi ted to channels having radii greater than 350 feet but less damage in environments characterized by large debris and ice.
than 800 fe et .
Impermeable deflector spurs have been used effectively in all categories
The degree of bend curvature required or desired is directly of debris and ice environments. They provide a significant advantage,
proportional to the level or intensity of flow control needed to eliminate or however, over other spur types in large debris end ice environments.
minimize the streambank erosion. As is indicated in Table 1, the more Impermeable deflector spurs divert much of the floating debris instead of
passi ve, permeable retardance structures perform as well as other spur types skimming it from the surface as do permeable structures. AIso, their
on large-radius channelbends. This statement can be extended to include some structural mass makes them less susceptible to damage than the lighter
of the larger medium-radius bends as well. However, smaller radius bends permeable structures. This does not, however, imply that they will not be
require a more positive flow control , and retardance-type spur s become less damaged by floating debris, only th at the damage will be less severe.
acceptable. Because of their flow-deflection qualities, permeable
The selection criteria discussed above are by no means the only factors
that should be considered when selecting a type of spur for a specific site.
Other considerations include:
• costs,
• vegetation, .","RAP
DI'4' •• '11I
• vandalism and maintenance,
• construction-related impacts,
at the other end of the scale, schemes having 100-foot spacings had reported high channelbank heights. Also, co st data were not reported for larger
costs in the neighborhood of $110/foot to $150/foot·. Although less structures. Cost data for large riprap diverter structures ranged from
expensive, the schemes designed with 100-foot spacings have not been as $50/foot to $226/foot. Here again, a major factor reflected in the cost
effective at stabilizing channelbanks as the 40- to 50-foot spacings. range is the spur length and spacing.
Cost data were found for four of the retardance/diverter spur s , Data Channel Size
for the board-fence structures (similar to those illustrated in Figures 4 and
19) were reported by the U.S. Corps of Engineers (1981). Five installations Channel st ze considerations were discussed earlier in this chapter in
were reported having an average cost of $51/foot. These structures were on relation to the applicability of spurs in general. It was stated that spurs
small- to medium-width channels with medium-height banks and mild are generally unacceptable for use on small or narrow-width channels (widths
channelbends. They were constructed at 100-foot spacings and had lengths of less than 150 feet). In general, this is true. Several spur types, however,
approximately 25 feet. have been used effectively on some of the larger narrow-width ohannels. The
spur types that have been used effect i vely on narrow-width channels include
The other retardance/diverter structures for which cost data were the smaller permeable fen ce structures and rock hard points . Aotually, any
available were all heavy diverter structures. Two steel-pi Ie and welded-wire spur that can be designed only to produce a minimal flow constriotion (less
fence structures were documented on the Soldier River by Brice et al. (1978) than 10 to 15 percent of the channel width) could be used. However, spurs
(see figures 22(a) and 8). The average reported cost for these structures was should not be used at sharp bends on narrow channels.
$230/foot. The Soldier River is a medium-width channel with medium to high
channelbanks. The structures were placed on meandering channelbends. Cbannelbed Fluctuatiou3
Structure length was about 110 feet with a interspur spacing of 110 feet.
These structures are designed to proteet the entire bank height. The streambed elevation of alluvial channels is known to fluctuate as a
result of local scour, general scour, dynamic scour, and aggradation and
Cost data were also available for several timber-pile degradation processes. In truly alluvial regime/low-threshold channels,
retardance/deflector spur a. The costs ranged from $295/foot to $445/foot. these processes occur continually and can cause extreme fluctuations in
These structures were all on medium-width channels with medium to high channelbed surface levels. Channelbed surface level fluctuations caused by
channelbanks and were on moderate channelbends. Spur spacing ranged from 130 one or more of the above-mentioned actions have been a primary cause of
reet to 450 feet; spur lengths ranged from 55 feet to 150 feet. The two structural undermining and fallure of spur-type structures as well as other
designs for which cost data were available were plle structures with timber structures constructed in ri ver environments. Spur structures designed for
piles as horizontal members (see Figures 23 end 9), and timber-pile use in alluvial environments must be designed to contend with these bed-level
structures with wood-plank sheathing as horizontal members (see Figures 24 fluctuations. Henson spur jetties (see Figures 2 and 15) are particularly
and 11). The cost of the timber-pile struoture with horizontal-pile stringers adaptable to these environments. This is due to the vertical flexi bi 11ty of
was $445/ft.; the average cost of the timber-pile struoture with wood-plank the fence panels. As discussed previously, these panels shift downward with
sheathing as horizontal members was $332.50/foot. the bed profile. This allows them to maintain contact with the channelbed at
all times so that the retardance structure is not undermined. Thus, the toe
Cost data were also available for diverter spur s , Costs for riprap of the channelbank remains stabie even under severe bed-scour condi tions.
hardpoints (see Figure 25) ranged from $13/foot to $110/foot. The primary Other permeable spurs are designed to counter undermining by extending the
factor affecting the reported costs is hardpoint spacing, which is dependent spur' s retardance structure (wire or wood facing) for a distance below the
on channelbend radius. Other factors influencing the cost of these channelbed. This is sufficient in many cases, except where the anticipated
structures are site preparation and bank height. The low end of the reported scour depth is underestimated. Extending the retardance structure to below
range was for hardpoints spaeed at 100 feet and having lengths of 68 feet. the channelbed is also costly in many cases because of the extra excavation
The $110/foot hardpoints were designed with 100-foot lengths, spaeed at 40 that is required. This is particularly true if the si te is underwater. To
feet on mild channelbends in channels having large widths and medium bank. A avoid the need to extend the permeable facing below the channelbed, many
comparison of these costs indioates that hard point spacing is one of the permeable structures, particularly the retardance di verter structures, are
important design parameters that must be defined. designed with a rock toe or blanket to proteet them against undermining fr om
local scour , Impermeable diverter spurs can be designed with extra
Casts for bath gabion and riprap diverter structures were reported. The structural mass (rock volume) to armor the channelbed in the vicinity of the
cost.s reported for gabion spur installations (see Figures 22 and 13) ranged spur to proteet it against undermining.
from $32/foot to $126/foot. The low end of the scale was for 10-foot long
spur s in a small channel with low channelbanks. The higher cost was reported
for 25-foot long spurs on a medium-width channel with low channelbanks. Both
ends of the cost range reported were documented on channels having sharp bend
radii. No cost data were reported on channels having mild bends or medium to
45 46
are acceptable. In environments where only a mild reduction in velo city is One area of comparison between spurs of different permeabi1ities is the
required, where bank stabilization without a significant amount of flow scour pattern produced downstream of the spur tip. As might be expected, the
control is necessary, or on mildly curving channelbends, spurs having 1aboratory data indicated that the greater the spur permeabili ty, the less
effective permeabilities up to 80 percent have been used effectively. severe the scour pattern downstream of the spur tip. As spur permeabil1ty
However, these high degrees of permeability are not recommended unless increases, the magnitude of scour downstream of the spur decreases s1ightly
experience has shown them to be effective. in size, but more significantly in depth. rigure 31 illustrates the
relationship between spur permeability and scour depth for spurs having
Additional comments can be made regarding specific spur types identified lengths equal, to 20 percent of the channel' s width. As can be seen, the
in Chapter 2 based on their field performance. The permeabili ty of jack and scour depth decreases with increasing spur permeablli ty regardless of the
tetrahedron retardance spurs (see F1gure 11) 15 set by their design. The "pur angle to flow. rigure 31 also illustrates that impermeable spurs
permeability of these structures is generally greater than 80 percent. produce the greatest change in scour elevation over a given range of "pur
However. because of their high level of permeability, they do not provide angles, indicating a greater variabili ty of local scour at the spur tip for
sufficient flow retardance on their own to be effective as bank-stabilization the range of spur angles tested. Similar trends were also observed for other
or flow-control structures. Where they have been effect! ve, it has been spur lengths. Therefore, if an important design consideration is to minimize
because they have trapped a sufficient volume of light floating debr Ls to the size and depth of local scour just downstream of the spur, spur
reduce their effective permeability to an estimated value of approximately 50 permeability should be maximized.
to 60 percent. Thus , i t is recommended that jack and tetrahedron retardance
spurs be used only where it can be reasonably assumed that the structures The type of vertical structural member used in the permeable spur also
will trap a sufficient volume of floating debris to produce an effective has a bearing on the amount of scour produced downstream of the spur tip.
permeability of 60 percent or less. Round-membered verticals produced significantly less scour than square
vertical members, This impl1es that all vertioal structural members should
Henson-type retardance spurs (see rigure 15) are characteristically be round or streamlined to minimize local scour where possible. Here again,
built with a structural permeability of approximately 50 percent. This if minimizing 10ca1 scour depth is an important consideration for a
degree of spur permeabllity has been found to be adequate for most cases particular design, spurs having round or streamlined vert1cal support members
reported. However, in environments characterized by significant volumes of should be used,
large floating debris and high flow veloeities, the reduced permeability
caused by spur clogging often produces hydraulic forces that damage the rlow concentrationat the spur tip is another area of comparison between
structure. In these environments, a greater permeability of the spur spurs of various permeabilities. A dimension1ess velocity, V', defined as
structure should be considered. It is recommended that Henson-type spurs be the ratio of the velocity recorded in the vicinity of the spur tip to the
designed to have an effective permeability of approximately50 percent. average cross section velocity upstream of the spur was used to define flow
concentration at the tip of spurs in the rHWA laboratory investigation. The
A variety of retardance/diverter spurs were documented in Chapter 2 findings indicated that the greater the spur permeabllity, the lower the
(Figures 19 to 24). There was no standard spur permeabil1ty found for any of value of V'. Again, this finding held regardless of spur projected length or
these structures, although most of these structures feIl in the 25 percent to angle. However, the more significant finding was the magnitude of the
50 percent effective permeability range. Exceptions were found in the difference in flow concentration (as measured by V') between impermeable and
lightweight wire and welded wire mesh spurs illustrated in Figures 1 through permeable spurs, F1gure 32 illustrates this difference. Note how the V'
9. which typically had structural permeabilities of 80 percent or more and curve plotted for the impermeable spurs falls significantly higher than those
effective permeabilities of approximately 10 percent. These high- plotted for the permeable apurs, Also, note that the curves plotted for the
permeability structures were used in environments where only a mild reduction permeable spurs fall over a fairly narrow band width. indicating that V I is
in velocity is required, where bank stabilization without a significant Leas sens1tive to changes in spur permeabllity when the degree of
amount of flow control is necessary, or on mildly curving channelbends. In permeability is greater than 35 percent than it is when the degree of
general, the criteria for retardance spurs is as discussed above for permeability is less than 35 percent. Although different in magn1tude,
permeable spurs in general. similar relationshipswere found for other spur angles.
Recent laboratory investigations (FHWA,1983) provide additional insight Additional comments can be made regarding the magnitude of V I found
into how various spur permeabilities impact the behavior of spurs. The during the laboratory studies ror spurs having permeabil1tiesgreater than 35
following is a brief summary of the conclusions and findings from the rHWA percent. Note in rigure 32 that for spur angles greater than 120 degrees and
laboratory investigation relating to spur permeability. This information can permeabilities greater than 35 percent the corresponding vaIues of V' are
be used in conjunction with the information provided above. and the spur-type less than 1. This indicates that the maximum veloeity off the spur tip for
selection criteria presented in the previous chapter to select an appropriate these spurs is less than the average channel velocity upstream of the spur,
spur permeability for a given bank-stabilizationsituation. or that there is very little acceleration of flow around the spur tip for
these spur COnfigurations. Based on thi" information, if minimizing flow
concentration off the spur tip is important to a particular spur design, a
'.0 spur with a permeability greater than 35 percent should be used.
study are quali tati ve in nature, and are not recommended for field
0 application. Values of VI would be expected to be higher in real
channelbends due to centrifugal acceleration and the natural flow
0.' concentration at the outside of the channelbend in curved channels.
0 Spur permeabili ty was also found to impact the length of bank protected
downstream of the spur. An expansion angle downstream of the spur tip was
D 0.' used as a measure of the length of bank protected during the FHWAlaboratory
study. The expansion angle was defined as the angle between a flow tangent
at the spur tip, and a line between the spur tip and a point on the near bank
where the flow has reexpanded to impact the channelbank. This measure of
length of bank protected was used to avoid including the projected spur
O.II±.::.----::I';:O---~.'=O---~.O::----:'.O length parallel to the channelbank in the measure of leng th of bank
projected. Figure 33 illustrates the relationship between spur permeabili ty
and the leng th of bank protected as measured by the expansion angle for spurs
having projected lengths equal to 20 percent of the channel' s width. Figure
VS. SCOURDEPTH. 33 indicates that the expansion angle 1ncreases with increasing spur
permeabili ty in all instances. This indicates that the more permeable the
spur, the shorter the length of channelbank protected downstream of the spurs
riverward tip. Figure 33 also illustrates that the expansion angle remains
almost constant until a permeability of almost 35 percent is reached. Beyond
this point the expansion angle increases much more rapidly. Similar trends
were found for other spur configurations during the FHWAlaboratory study.
The implication here is that spurs with permeabilities up to approximately 35
percent protect almost the same length of channelbank downstream of the spur
tip as do impermeable spurs; spurs having permeabilities greater than
approximately 35 percent protect shorter lengths of channelbank, and this
length decreases with increasing spur permeability. Relationships for the
length of bank protected for the various spur types will be discussed in the
next section with considerations of spur geometry.
49 50
permeable spurs allow a flow equalization on both sides of the structure this
acceleration/deceleration turbulence is only minimal for permeable spurs.
4. Because of the increased
potential for erosion of the channelbank
of the spur root and immediately downstream when the flow stage
in the
unless measures are taken to proteet the channelbank 1n this area.
ol 0.'
•c The geometry of a spur system is made up of several components that
0 10 produce the spur system' s geometrie form when combined. These components
ii include the longitudinal extent of the spur system, the length of individual
c spur s , the spacing of individual spurs, and the orientation of individual
oe spurs. The longitudinal extent of the spur system describes the length of
erosion problems in a very locali zed portion of the bend, again requiring THREAD HIOH FLOW
impractical dur ing medium to high flow per Iods so that other means must be
used to establish flow conditions for these higher discharges. Some of the
best information available can come from aerial photographs taken of the • review of flow and eros ion forces for various flow-stage
sites under different flow conditions. Additional information can be condi tions.
obtained by flying over the site dur t ng periods of high flow. or observing
the channelbend in question from a vantage point such as a bridge or nearby Information from these approaches should then be combined with personal
hi Ll , Accurate prediction of the location of shifting flow patterns in a judgement end a knowledge and awareness of the flow conditions impacting at
channelbend requires a thorough knowledge of flow processes in channelbends the site to establish the appropriate limits of protectien.
and an understanding of the flow conditions characteristic of the bend in
question. Spur Length
The above analysis will indicate the bank regions impacted by channel Spur length as referred to here is the projected length of the spur
flows under various flow conditions. Not all of these flow conditions, perpendicular to the main flow direction ; it is reported as a percentage of
however, wi11 necessarlly cause bank erosion problems. As discussed the channel width at bank-full stage. Both the projected spur length and the
previously, evidence of the upstream limit of eros ion can usually be channel width used in these computations reflect lengths measured from the
identified by field observations. If no evidence of an initial point of desired channelbank line. On channels having smooth, regular bank lines
erosion can be discerned (ei ther from field investigation or observations these lengths are measured from the actual bank. When the spur s are being
from aerial photographs), other methods must be used , Dne such method is to used to shift the channel to a new location or provide a new smooth alignment
estimate the shear stress in the channelbend for var reus flow conditions. along channelbanks th at have been severely eroded, the actual spur projeoted
Methods for estimati ng shear stress in channe Ibends are presented in FHWA length and the channel width should be measured from the desired bank l1ne
(1984). Comparing the actual shear stresses computed with critical shear and not the actual bank line. In these later cases, the actual spur
stresses Cor the channelbank will define the flow condition for which erosion projected length will be longer than the projected lengths to be recommended
begins. The point where the flow pattern for this critical flow condition here. Actual spur lengths may vary within a spur scheme to ensure th at the
impacts the channelbank would define the upstream limit of bank protection . flow alignment provided lines up to an even curvature.
The downstream limit of channelbank protection would be defined as the
furthest downstream contact point for the design discharge being considered. A review of pertinent literature reveals that available criteria for
Normally, this downstream limit is extended to provide a factor or margin of establishing spur length are very site-specific. For example, Richardson and
safety in the design. Simons (1974) recommend that the minimum length be 50 fe et and the maximum
length be less than 10 to 15 percent of the bank-full channel width on
As indicated previously, the extent of bank protection can also be straight reaches, long radius bends, and braided channels. The 50-foot
influenced by existing channel controls. The most common situation minimum length is based on economie considerations, since the use of shorter
encountered is the existence of a bridge somewhere along the channelbend. If spurs might make it cheaper to riprap the bank. Also, Acheson (1968) reports
the bridge has an abutment immediately adjacent to the channelbank, it wi11 that gabion spurs should extend 20 to 30 feet out from the bank. However,
act as a control point with respect to channel stability. The location of these are rather broad-based statements that do not consider many of the
the br idge abutment (or other channel control such as a rock outerop) wi11 site-specific factors influencing spur length considerations.
usua11y define the downstream limit of the protection r equi r ed , It is rare
that significant erosion will occur downstream of the channel control; The appropriate length of spurs wUhin a bank-stabilization scheme is
however, if the analysis of flow patterns indicates th at excessive erosion dependent on the spur t s behavior in the particular environment, as well as
might occur downstream of the channel control , the protection should extend the desired flow alignment (as discussed abovel. The behavior of specific
beyond the control. spur types was investigated during laboratory studies sponsored by FHWA
(1983). During these studies it was shown that the length of both permeable
The above discussions provide techniques by which the extent of bank and impermeable spurs impaots the local soour depth at the spur tip, the
protection required can be estimated. Due to the uncertainties in the magnitude of flow concentration at the spur tip, the length of channelbank
analytical methods presented, no one of them should be used independently. protected by individual spurs, and the apparent current deflection angle
The recommendation is that the extent of bank protection be evaluated using a caused by the spur s , The relationships between each of these parameters and
variety of techniques including the following: spur length are illustrated in Figure 37. For each of the variables plotted
in Figure 37 (with the exception of the length of channelbank protected), as
• empirical methods, the spur length increases the dependent variabie moves in a direction
indicating a worsening condition with respect to the spur's performance.
• field reconnaissance. Figure 37 illustrates that the length of bank protected mcr eaees with spur
length. The relationships plotted are for spurs of various permeabilit1es
• evaluation of flow traces for var10us flow-stage conditions, and
constructed perpendicular to the main flow current. Similar relationships
were found for spurs having orientations ranging to 150 degrees. The
following is a brief description of the trends illustrated in Figure 37.
... / .. the spur tip divided by the average approach velocity upstream of the spur.
. ..
! .'+--~-~-~-~
CO"".'t:no WIO'" ,.,
Ol' O
, ..
L ••• TM'
velocity than will a comparable increase in the leng th of a impermeable
deflec·tion angle is defined as the angle between the directior. of flow
deflection off the spur tip and the flow tangent at the spur tip measured in
the upstream direction from the former to the latter . As illustrated in the
figure, as the spur Length increases, the flow deflection angle decreases,
c .. indicating a steeper cross channel deflection of flow currents.
impermeable spurs are much more sensitive to this parameter than are
permeable spurs, meaning that a unit increase in the spur I s length has a
~ ...
~~, ••... " LIT...
~ •• " "".'''I'L'TT greater impact on flow deflection angles for lmpermeable spurs than it does
for permeable spurs.
-----......... ~ ....• ,,, •• "ln.lT\'
--.....;;._, A.ILlT'
Another important design parameter is t he length of channelbank
. 1. ...• protected by individual spurs. To define this relationship, a term length of
....". Lt•• T.
e , 0' e '''V. LI •• '. channelbank protected div i ded by the spur I s projected length (LBP/PL) was
I'" IIT . e'...... C•• T 0' c." •• tL ."'"'
evaluated. The relationship between spur length and LLB/PL is illustrated in
Figure 37(0). The trend illustrated for impermeable spurs indicates that
LBP/PL increases slightly with spur projected length to a maximum of
approximately a 20 percent constricted width, and then decreases. This
FIGURE 37. RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN SPUR LEMGTH ANO implies that an optimum spur leng th exists at the 20 percent constricted
width length. The inerease in the value of LBP/PL up to the maximum at 20
percent is only minor, however. and does not indicate a significant advantage
to the 20 percent length over shorter lengths. Oata colleeted from permeable
spur experiments did not indicate a similar maximum. The pe rme ab Le spur
trend indicated is that the greater the spur length. the smaller the relative
length of channelbank protected. Figure 37 (0) also indicates that the value
of LBP/PL remains fairly constant for both permeable and 1mpermeable spurs to
57 58
a .pur length of about 20 percent of the channel's width. Therefore, to thi. Spur Spacing
point there i. a ne ar !inear relationship between the spur leng th and the
length of bank protected by the spur . For spur lengths greater than 20 The spacing of spur s in a bank-protection scheme is a function of spur
percent of the channel's width, LBP/PL drop. off more rapidly indicating th at length, angle, and permeability, as well as the ohannelbend'. degree of
increasing the spur length beyond this point produces less of en increase in curvature (FIIWA, 1983).
length of bank protected. The significanee of this is that a spur having a
leng th not greater than 20 percent of the channel width should be used to Typically, spur spacing has been related to spur length by a spaoing
maximize the length of channelbank protected per unit projected length of the factor, which is the ratio of a spur ' s spacing to i ts projected length.
spur. Although not indicated in the figure, the laboratory data also Values of the spaoing factor reported in the 11terature range from less than
indicate that the greater the spur angle, the more rapid the drop in LBP/PL 1 for retardanoe spurs to 6 for impermeable d1verter spur s , Fenw1ck (1969)
with increasing spur leng th beyond 20 percent of the channel's width. reports spacing ratio values of 2 to 2.5 tor flow constriction applications
(comparable to retardance spur design) on large rivers and a value of 3 for
Evaluation of field sites also provides insight into the determination angled dikes used for bank protection (comparable to retardance diverter and
of an appropriate spur length. A review of field- site data ind1cates th at di ver ter structures). Richardson and Simons (1974) recommend val ues of 1.5
spur projected Lengt hs used at successful spur field installations ranges to 2.0 for retardance-type applications, and 3 to 6 for retardanoe-di verter
fr om 3 percent of the channel width to approximately 30 percent of the and diverter applications. On straight- or large-radius bends, Richardson
channel width. The most common range, however, is 10 to 20 percent. and Simons recommend values of 4 tO 6: values of 3 to 4 are recommended on
Impermeable .purs generally fell in the lower end of this range, with lengths small- to moderate-radius bends. Additionally, Acheson (1968) reoommends a
usually less than 15 percent of the channel width. Permeable spurs were spac1ng factor of 2 to 4, depending on the degree of bend curvature. While
commonly found with lengths up to 20 or 25 percent of the channel width. these recommendations hint at the relationship between spur spacing, the
However, the effective length of permeable spurs is a function of spur spur' s permeability, and the degree of channelbend curvature, they do not
permeability, and only the more permeable structures were effective at the provide defin1te criteria in these respects.
longer lengths.
The recent laboratory investigation sponsored by FHWA(1983) provides
The above discussions indicate that the appropriate length of spurs additional information th at is useful in establishing a criterion for spur
within a given bank-stabilization scheme are dependent on the spur's behavior spacing. In the FHWAstudy, two parameters were used to de fine the length of
in the given environment. This makes the selection of an appropriate spur channelbank protected by individual epur s in a straight flume: the length of
length site-specific. The proper approach is to identify the factors channelbank protected divided by the spur' s projected length (LBP/PL), and
important to the si te (e.g. , Is minimizing the magnitude of flow the flow expansion angle downstream of the spur tip. The results of the FHWA
concentration at the spur tip of greater importance than providing a greater study indicate that the length of channelbank protected by individual spurs
length of protected bank per individualspur?) and select a spur length that is best represented by the flow expansion angle.
appears to provide the best balance between the conflicting criteria. This
will require determining the magnitudes of flow concentration, local scour The flow expansion angle is defined as the angle between a flow tangent
depth, and the length of bank protected for various configurations to see how at the spur tip and a line between the spur tip and the point on the
each varies with spur length at the given site. ehannelbank where the flow reexpands to impact the channelbank. The
definition of expansion angle is illustrated in Figure 38. The results of the
The following general recommendations are given with regard to spur FHWAlaboratory study indicated that for a spur of given permeability, the
length: expansion angle downstream of the spur tip varled only with the spur's
length. Figure 39 illustrates the relationships found between spur length
• The projected length of impermeable spurs should be held to Iess and the expansion angle for various spur permeabilities. As indicated in
than 15 percent of the channel width at bank-full stage. Figure 38, the expansion angle for lmpermeable spurs is almost constant at a
value of 17 degrees. In contrast, the expansion angles for the permeable
• The projected length of impermeable spurs should be held to less spurs were found to increase exponentially with spur projected length.
than 25 percent of the channel width. However, this criterion Additionally, for spur lengths less than approximately 18 percent of the
depends on the magnitude of the spur's permeability. Spurs channel width, spurs having a permeabili ty of 35 peroent produoe
approximately the same expansion angles as impermeable spurs. This ind10ates
having permeabilities of less than 35 percent should be limited
that they proteet approximately the same length of channelbank. Also, as
to projected lengths not to exeeed 15 percent of the channel's
spur permeability lncreases, the length of channelbank protected by the spur
bank-full flow w1dth. Spurs having permeabilities of 80
decreases and is lndicated by an lncreasing flow expansion sngle.
percent should be limited to projected lengths of up to 25
percent of the channel's bank-full flow width. Between these
two limits, a linear relationship between the spur permeability
and spur length should be used ,
The use of an expansion angle as a criterion for establishing spur
spacing (or the length of channelbank protected by an individual spur ) has
several advantages over other criteria, such as the ratio LBP/PL. As
illustrated above, the expansion ang l e is largely dependent only on
permeability and the spur's length perpendicular to the direction of the flow
field. In comparison, the LBP/PL parameter is also dependent on the spur' s
projected length parallel to the channelbank. Also, the value of LBP/PL will
vary with bend radius, whereas a single expansion angle can be applied
regardless of the bend curvature (as will be demonstrated below) . Also, it
was determined from the data coilected during the FHWA study that the
expansion angle is not significantly affected by spur angle as long as the
angle was held to a value of 120 degrees or less. For these reasons , i t is
recommended that an expansion angle be used to define the appropriate spur
spacing. .
With the channel thalweg located, a tangent to the thalweg at the point
where the bend radius passes through the spur tip (line OR) is drawn (line
AB). This flow tangent is th en projected to the spur tip as illustrated by
:::Z= ~. ,., .
line A'B'. The point where this line intersects
the location
the channelbank (point
defines the location of the root of the next downstream spur .
61 62
-_ - ......
'" , <,
" ,,
FLOW DI~.CTIOII The primary criterion for establishing an appropriate orientation for
the spurs within a given spur scheme is to provide a scheme that efficiently
and economically guides the flow through the channelbend, while at the same
time protects the channelbank and minimizes the adverse impacts on the
channel system. Meeting these criteria requires consideration of how various
spur angles impact flow patterns around individual spurs, flow concentration
at the spur tip, scour depths at and just downstream of the spur tip, the
length of channelbank proteoted by individual spurs, and flow deflection.
65 66
tNITIÁ~tIo ... nt ) L _
~'~'! ,.
,,, ,.,
.. -
~~ ,/
~ "~I
STAGNATION POINT depth is inversely proportional to the "pur angle. That is, the smaller the
spur angle, the greater the scour depth. The greatest soour depths oocur for
SPURS spurs angled upstream; the least loc al "cour is associated with spurs angled
Ahmad's findings with respect to scour depth were confirmed during the
recent FHWA study, during which 1t was found that scour depth always
decreases with increasing "pur angle. It was also found that impermeable
spurs produce the greatest change in scour elevation over a g1ven range of
spur angles, indicating the greatest variablli ty of local soour at the spur
tip. Also, this variability in scour depth with spur angle decreases with
decreasing spur permeab11ity. As spur permeab11ity increases beyond 35
percent, 1t was observed that the rate of change of soour elevation with spur
angle and spur length becomes very small, indicatlng that permeable spur" are
not as sensi ti ve to these parameters with regard to the magnitude of looal
scour as are impermeable spurs.
The amount of flow deflection produced by apur s is another factor that
is controlled by the spur' s orientation. Figure 38 provides a defini t i on
sketch of the flow deflection ang l e being disoussed here. It was found
during the FHWA studies that for impermeabie spur s and spur a with
permeabllities up to about 35 percent the deflection ang.le increased with
increasing spur angle. For spurs tested during the FHWAstudy with
permeabilities greater than 70 percent, no change in deflection angle with
changing spur orientation wás found. Flow deflection angles ranged from
approximately 140 degrees to 160 degrees for impermeabie spurs with spur
angles ranging from 90 degrees to 150 degrees. Impermeable spurs with a
permeabili ty of approximately 35 percent had flow deflection
from approximately 130 to 145 degrees ror spurs having angles of 90 degrees
to 150 degrees. These findings were for single spurs in a straight
angles r ang mg
However, because the magnitude of the flow deflection angle will be impacted
by the complex forces affectlng flow in chann~lbends, the actual flow ,al (b)
deflection angies recorded during the FHWAlaboratory study will not reflect
actual flow deflection angles in the field. However, the trends indicated
It is interesting th at the flow deflection angles found during the FHWA
study indicate a steeper flow deflection for permeable apur s than for the
impermeable spurs tested. An explanation for this lies in consideration of
Please note also that these comments are based on laboratory findings in
the shape of the ri verward tip of the spur , The impermeable spur s used in
a test channel with highly erodible banks . Field observations indicate that
the experiments had smoothly rounded tips, which allowed for a smoother flow
transit ion around the spur tip. However, the permeable spurs had sharp edged this upper-bank erosion is not a problem if upper portions of the bank are
or square tips. This difference in head form was seen to have a distinct well vegetated or otherwise stabilized. In arid regions, however, with
impact on the amount of flow deflection ereated by the spur. li ttle upper-bank vegetation, these flow conditions could resul t in
upper-bank erosion if not otherwise stabilized.
Another factor that has been observed to be a function of spur
orientation is the effect of spur-topping flows on the channelbank behind and Ouring the FHWAstudy, consideration of multiple spurs within a
just downstream of the spur. Duri ng the FHWAstudies, i t was observed that bank-stabilization scheme on a meandering channel revealed additional inslght
there is a disturbance on the channelbank at the spur root and immediately into the impact spur orientation has on flow in channelbends. Ouring these
downstream that is eaused by the near-bank flows passing over the spur studies, spur orientation was found to have a direct effect on the position
crest. This disturbance impacts only the upper portions of the channelbank; of the channel thalweg (main flow current) in the channelbend. Spurs hav i ng
the lower portions of the channelbank rema1n protected by the spur. steeper orientations (around 90 degrees) were found to force the thalweg more
towards the center and inside portions of the channel through the
Flow patterns observed when the spur crest is submerged are illustrated channelbend. This correlates with the findings of the single spur
in Figure 45 for two spur orientations. The flow component acr css the spur experiments, and indieates that steeply angled spurs provide a more positive,
crest is of primary concern with respect to spur orientation. As illustrated or active, flow control. Spurs oriented at greater angles to the channel
in Figure 45, flow passes over the spur crest in a direction generally flow provide a less abrupt flow control , allowing the channel thaI weg to
perpendicular to the spur crest. Therefore, as the spur angle is increased, shift closer to the concave channelbank. Figure 46 compares the location of
t he flow over the spur crest becomes aimed more directly towards the bank, the channel thalweg produced by spurs angled at 120 degr ees and 150 degrees
resulting in a more severe impact on the ohannelbank (campare Figures 45(a) to the thaI weg.
and (b). The magnitUde of this upper-bank disturbance has been observed to
be much more severe for impermeable spur s and permeable spurs with Additional conclusions from the FHWAstudy indicate th at spurs designed
permeabilities less than 35 percent. For permeable spurs of greater to provide flow diversion should be designed to provide a gradual flow
permeability, the impact of spur-topping flows becomes less severe with training through the channelbend. This is accomplished by designing the spur
increasing permeability. For permeable spurs with permeabilities greater system so that the spur furthest upstream is at a flat angle (that is, a
than 70 percent, very little impact on the upper channelbank was observed. large angl e as defined here) and then reducing the spur angle for each
subsequent spur. For example, the optimum scheme found in the FHWA
laboratory study had the upstream-most spur oriented at approximately 150
69 70
• The greater the spur angle the smaller the magnitude of flow
concentration at the spur tip.
• The greater the spur angle the smaller the angle of flow
• The smaller the spur angle the greater the magnitude of flow
control as represented by a greater shift of the flow thalweg
away from the concave (outside) channelbank.
------ ACTUAL "U ...
------ lUX PLOW o.oAe ....... '
- - - - - - - '0.. 'La. CO"I'RIOTIOII
--- - -- Law 'LOW 'NAa.WIO
-- __ -_ "IDIU .. PLOW 'HAL.I.
-- - - - - HIQH 'LOW 'NALWIO
Figure 51 illustrates the procedure used to locate and orient the first
upstream-most spur. First the bend radius line Rl is drawn from the center
of curvature of the bend through the point defining the upstream limit of the
protection as defined in step 1. Next, a flow tangent to the estimated flow
stream-line at the spur tip is drawn. Typically, the low-flow thalweg
location should be used , since it will generally follow the desired flow
alignment. Such a flow tangent is 1l1ustrated in Figure 51 as line AA. The
flow tangent is then shifted along the radius line Rl untll the 10 percent
flow constriction line is reached (see line A'A'). The spur angle of 150
degrees is then turned in an upstream di rection (clockwise) from line A' A' ,
to establish the line BB, which is parallel
through the constricted
to the desired spur orientation
width line where it intersects the radius line (Rl).
- - - - - - - 10'1 'lOW CONSTRICTlOM
The line B'B' is then drawn through the the point defining the upstream limit --- - -- LOW FLOW THALWEG
of protection (spur location point) parallel to line BB. This line defines -- - - -- MEDIUM FLOW THALWEQ
the location of the center line of the spur. The spur length is then set -- - - - - HIGH 'lOW THALWEQ
between the eroded bankline, and the 10 percent flow constriction line.
Setting the orientation of spur #2 and each subsequent spur is the same
as the procedure for orienting spur #1. As illustrated in Figure 53, the
first step is to draw a radius line, R3, through the spur location point
(0). Next, a flow tangent to the estimated flow stream-line at the spur tip
is drawn (line AA as discussed in step 4). Line AA is shifted along line R3
to the tip of the spur (seo line A'A') The spur angle of 140 degrees is then FIGURE51. LOCATION
turned in en upstream direction from line A'A' to establish the line BB. The
line B'B' is then drawn through the spur location point (.). Line B'B'
defines the centerline of spur #2. The spur length is then set between the
eroded bankline, and the 10 percent flow constriction line.
77 78
_______ ACTUA" •• NKLlN,
_______ ACTUAL aANKLU'.
_______ M.JC 'LOW I"C"OAC*MINT
-------IIAI 'LOW ... CROACH .... T _______ 10" 'LOW CON'T'UCTION
- - - - - - - 10,. 'LOW CO ... TIUCTIOM _______ lOW 'LOW '"A"WIO
--- - --- LOW 'LOW 'HAL WIG ______ M&DIUM'LOW 'HALWIO
-- - - - -- HfGH 'LOW THALWIG
The height to which spur s should be constructed is primarily a function
of the height of channelbank to be protected. Factors that influence the
appropriate height of bank protection are as follows:
81 82
The existing bank height and design flow stage can be considered
together when establishing an appropriate spur height. If the flow stage to
be protected against (usually a design flow of gi ven frequency), is lower
tnan the channelbank height, the design stage should be used to set the spur
height. Ir the design flow stage is higher than the bank height, spur s are
generally only designed to a height equal to the bank height. It has been ~.,," ~.,,"
found (Pokrefke, 1978) that constructing a spur to bank height does not /777~/777 /77777777
reduce its effectiveness when overtopped; over topping of spur s by as much as
3 feet does not affect the "purs' efficiency. Impermeable spurs are
generally not constructed above bank height to el1minate the possibility of (al (bI
out-flanking of the spur by flow concentration and erosion behind the spur at
high river stages. The most commonly advised height for spur" is that which FIGURE 55. COMPARISON OF SCOUR PATTERNS GENERATED BY
Designing spur s lower than floN stages that carry significant debris
loads is more important for permeable spurs than for impermeable spurs
because of the flow-skimming qual1ties of the permeable structures. The CREST PROFILE
elevation of the top of these structures should be well below the high-water
level to allow the heavy debris to pass over the top and prevent damage to Spur crest profile is related to spur height. Permeable "purs are
the structure. usually designed with level crests, although in special cases where high
banks are to be protected, sloping crest designs have been used (see Figure
The effect of flow submergence on the behavior of a spur is related to 22) •
defining an appropriate spur height. Recently, it has been found (FHWA,
1983) that the behavior of impermeable "purs with respect to flow deflection Impermeable spurs have been constructed with both level orest! and
and local scour and flow concentration at the spur tip is Norse for flow crests sloping towards the head. Bath Acheson (1968) and J onsen et al.
stage conditions lower than the crest of the spur than when the spur crest is (1979) suggest that impermeable spurs be designed with a slight fall towards
submerged. For example, Figure 55 compares the scour patterns generated by the head. Richardson and Simons (1974) recommend that level crest spurs be
submerged and nonsubmerged spurs, As 1l1ustrated, the scour pattern placed normal to flow and sloping crest spurs be placed normal or angled
generated for the nonsubmerged case is larger and deeper. downstream to flow. Simons, et al. (1979) also recommend sloping crest
dikes for bank protection. The main advantage of sloping crest spur! is that
Based on the above statements, the following recommendations are made they allow different amounts of flow constriction w1th stage. The sloping
for establishing the height of spur systems: crest also allows the accommodation of changes in meander trace with stage.
Franco (1966) 1ndicates that sloping crest spurs are as effective as
• The spur height should be sufficient to proteet the regions of the level-crested designs.
channelbank impacted by the erosion process.
The following is a list of recommendations regarding crest profile:
• If the design flow stage is lower than the channelbank height, spurs
should be designed to a height no more than three feet lower than the • Permeable spurs should be designed w1th level crests unless bank
design flow stage. height or other special conditions dictate the use of a sloping
crest design.
• If the design flow stage is higher than the channelbank height, spurs
should be designed to bank height. • Impermeable spurs should be designed with a slight fall towards
the head, thus, al10N1ng different amounts of flow constriction
a Permeabie spurs should be designed to a height that will permit the with stage (particularIy important in narrow width channels), end
passage of heavy debris over the "pur crest and not cause structural the accommodation of changes in meander traoe with stage.
• When possible, impermeable spurs should be designed to be submerged by
approximately three feet under their worst design flow condition, thus
minimizing the impacts of local scour and flow concentration at the
spur tip. and the magnitude of flow deflection.
Cbannelbed Contact
The mechanisms by which spurs maintain contact with the channelbed vary
with spur type.
Impermeable rock riprap spurs can be designed with excess stone in the
spur head to counter undermining at the spur tip in the event of streambed
elevation changes. As illustrated in Figure 56, as the streambed lowers, the
stone material will launch channelward, armoring the area around the spur tip
against future drops in the channelbed. In a design of this type, care must
be taken to size the riprap properly to provide a sufficient volume of
material for the launching process.
~i :
- ~
~ ~ ~
, ~
87 88
OlllalMAL .IED
units can be placed on top of the old units to restore the structure' s
FIGURE 60. HENSON SPURS (A) RESTING ON ORIGINAL CHANNELBED. height. A similar mechanism could be designed for other fence-type
AND (B) AFTER DROP IN CHANNELBED LEVEL. structures. However, care must be taken not to infringe on existing
89 90
• Where it is necessary to provide a moderate reduction in flow
veloei ty, a moderate level of flow oontrol, or where the
structure is being used on a mild to moderate channelbend, the
spurs with permeabilities up to 50 percent can be used.
SPUR BEAD FORM OR DESIGN • The greater the spur permeability, the lower the magnitude of
flow concentration at the spur tip.
Numerous design shapes have been suggested for the head or riverward tip
of spurs. These have included straight, T-head, L-head, wing, hocky, • If minimizing the magnitude of flow deflection and flow
inverted hocky, etc. However, a simple straight spur head form is concentration at the spur tip is important to a particular spur
recommended. The only additional recommendation is that the spur tip be as design, a spur with a permeability greater than 35 percent should
smooth and rounded as possible. Smooth, well-rounded spur tips help minimize be used.
10ca1 scour, flow.
• The more permeable the spur, the shorter the length of
SUMMARY OF SPUR DESIGV RECOMMEWDlTIOWS channelbank protected downstream of the spur's riverward tip.
The following is a summary of the major recommendations presented in • Spurs with permeabilities up to approximately 35 percent proteet
this chapter; they are organized by design component for easy reference. almost the same length of channelbank as do impermeable spurs;
spurs having permeabilities greater than approximately 35 percent
eability protect shorter lengths of channelbank, and this length decreases
with increasing spur permeability.
o Where it is necessary to provide a significant reduotion in flow
velocity, a high level of flow control, or where the structure is • Because of the increased potential for erosion of the channelbank
being used on a sharp bend, the spurts permeability should not in the vicinity of the spur root and immediately downstream when
exceed 35 percent. the flow stage exceeds the crest of impermeable spurs, it is
recommended that impermeable spurs not be used along channelbanks
composed of highly erodible material unless measures are taken to
proteet the channelbank in this area. a major role in determining an acceptable spacing between
individual spurs in a bank-stabilization scheme.
E.tent or Channelbank Protection
• Reducing the spacing between individual spurs below the minimum
• A common mistake in streambank protection is to provide required to prevent bank erosion between the spurs results in a
protection too far upstream and not far enough downstream. reduction of the magnitude of flow concentration and local scour
at the spur tip .
• The extent of bank protection should be evaluated using a variety
of techniques, including: • Reducing the spacing between spurs in a bank-stabilization scheme
causes the flow thalweg to stabilize further away from the
- empirical methods, concave bank towards the center of the channel.
- field reconnaissance,
evaluation of flow traces for various flow • A spacing criteria based on the projection of a tangent to the
stage conditions, and flow thalweg, projected off the spur tip, as presented in the
_ review of flow and erosion forces for various flow above discussions, should be used.
stage conditions.
Spur Angle/Orientation
Information from these approaches should then be combined with
personal judgement and a knowledge of the flow processes • The primary criterion for establishing an appropriate spur
occurring at the local site to establish the appropriate limits orientation for the spurs within a given spur scheme is to
of protection. provide a scheme that efficiently and economically guides the
flow through the channelbend, while protecting the channelbank
Spur Length and minimizing the adverse impacts to the channel system.
• As the spur length is increased, • Spurs angled downstream produce a less severe constriction of
flows than those angled upstream or norm al to flow.
- the scour depth at the spur tip increases,
the magnitude of flow concentration at the spur tip • The greater an individual spur's angle in the downstream
increases, direction, the smaller the magnitude of flow concentration and
_ the severity of flow deflection increases, and local scour at the spur tip. Also, the greater the angle, the
- the length of channelbank protected increases. less severe the magnitude of flow deflection towards the opposite
• The projected length of impermeable spurs should be held to less
than 15 percent of the channel width at bank-full stage. • Impermeable spurs create a greater change in local scour depth
and flow concentration over a given range of spur angles than do
• The projected length of permeable spurs should be held to less permeable spurs. This indicates that impermeable spurs are mucp
than 25 percent of the channel width. However, this criterion more sensitive to these parameters than are permeable spurs.
depends on the magnitude of the spur's permeability. Spurs
having permeab11ities less than 35 percent should be limited to • Spur orientation does not in itself result in a change in the
projected lengths not to exceed 15 percent of the channel's flow length of channelbank protected for a spur of given projected
width. Spurs having permeabilities of 80 percent can have length. It is the greater spur length parallel to the
projected lengths up to 25 percent of the channel's bank-full channelbank associated with spurs oriented at steeper angles that
flow width. Between these two limits, a linear relationship results in the greater length of channelbank protected.
between the spur permeability and spur length should be used.
• Retardance spurs should be designed perpend1cular to the primary
Spur Spacing flow direction.
• The spacing of spurs in a bank-protection scheme 1s a function of • Retardance/diverter and diverter spurs should be designed to
the spur's length, engIe, end permeebility, as weIl as the provide a gradual flow training around the bend. This is
channelbend's degree of curvature. accomplished by maximizing the flow efficiency within the bend
while min1mizing any negative impacts on the channel geometry.
• The direction and orientation of the channel's flow thaIweg plays
93 94
• The smaller the spur angle, the greater the magnitude of flow
control as represented by a greater shift of the flow thaI weg Cbannelbed and Channelbank Contact
away from the concave (outside) channelbank.
• Careful considerationmust be given to designing a spur that will
• It is recommended that spurs within a retardance/diverter or maintain contact with the channelbed and channelbank so that ft
diverter spur scheme be set with the upstream-most spur at
approximately 150 degrees to the main flow current at the spur
will not be undermined or outflanked. Methods and examples
tip. and with subsequent spurs having incrementally smaller presented herein can be used to ensure adequate bend and bank
angles approaching a minimum angle of 90 degrees at the
downstream end of the scheme.
Spur Read Form
Spur Syste. Geometry
• A simple straight spur head form is recommended.
• A step-by-step approach to setting out the geometry of a
retardance/diverteror diverter spur scheme was presented above. • The spur head or tip should be as smooth and rounded as possible.
The use of this approach wi'llyield an optima1 geometrie spur Smooth, well-rounded spur tips help minimize local scour, flow
system design. concentration,and flow deflection.
Spur Beight
Acheson, A.R., River Control and Drainage in New Zealand, Minlstry Franco, J.J., 1966. "Laboratory Research on Design of Dikes for River
of Works, New Zealand, 1968. Regulation," Miscellaneous Paper No. 2-860, U.S. Army Engineers
Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, November.
Ahmad, M., 1951a. "Spaclng and Projection of Spurs for Bank Protection, Part (Available through the National Technical Information Service; NTIS
1" Clvil Engineering (London), Vol. 46, No. 537, April. Publication AD735846)
Ahmad, M., 1951b. "Spacing and Projection of Spurs for Bank Protection, Part Jansen, P., Ph.D, et aL, 1979. Principles of River Engineering:
2," Civil Engineering (London), Vol. 46, No.• 538, April. The Non-Tidal Alluvial River, Pitman Publishing Limited, London.
Ahmad, M., 1953. "Experiments on the Design and Behavior of Spur Dikes," Keeley, J.W., 1971. "Bank Protection and River Control in Oklahoma," Federal
Proceedings, Minnesota International Hydraulics Convention, Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads, Oklahoma Division.
University of Minnesota, September 1-4, 1953. Published by St. Anthony
Falls Hydraulic Laboratory, August. Littlejohn, B.J., 1969. "Investigation of Existing Dike Systems," Potomology
Investigations, Reports 21-23, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District,
Apmann, R. P., 1972. "Flow Processes in Open Channel Bends," Journalof Memphis, Tennessee, May.
the Hydraulics Division, American Society of Civil Engineers Volume
98, No. HY5, Proceedings Paper 8886. Parsons, O.A., 1960. "Effect of Flow Flows on Channel Boundaries,"
Journalof the Hydraulics Division, American Society of
Brice, J.C., Blodget, J.C., et al., 1978. "Countermeasures for Hydraulic Civil Engineers, Vol. 86, No. HY4, Proceedings Paper 2443, April.
Problems at Bridges," Final Report, Federal Highway Administration,
FHWA-RD-78-162, Volumes 1 and 2. Pokrefke, T., No Title, Unpublished Paper, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways
Experiment Station, Hydraulics Laboratory, Vicksburg, Mississippi.
Brown, S.A., 1979. "Investigation of Meander Migration and Control on the
Loyalsock Creek Using a Physical Model," Masters Thesis, Submitted in Richardson, E. V., and Simons, D.B., 1974. "Spurs and Guide Banks," Open
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of File Report, Colorado State University Engineering Research Center, Fort
Science, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Collins, Colorado, February.
Simons, D.B, Li, R.M., Alawady, M.A.. and Andrew, J.W., 1979. "Connecticut
Federal Highway Administration, 1983. "Laboratory Investigation of Flow River Streambank Erosion Study, Massachusetts, New Hampshire. and
Control Structures for Highway Stream Crossings," U.S. Department of Vermont," Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England
Transportation, August. (Available through the National Technical Division, Waltham, Massachusetts, November. (Available throu%h the
Information Service, Springfield, Va.) National Technical InformationService; NTIS Publication ADA080466).
Federal Highway Administration,1984. "Selection and Design of Flow Control U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: 1978. "Interim Report to Congress; The
and Streambank stabil1zation Structures," Report No. FHWA/RD-83/099, Streambank Erosion Control Evaluation and Demonstration Act of 1974,"
U.S. Department of Transportation.Washington, D.C. Section 32 Program Interim Report, September.
Fenwick, G.B., ed., 1969. "State of Knowledge of Channel Stabilizationin U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981. "The Streambank Erosion Control
Major Alluvial Rivers," Technical Report No. 7, Committee on Channel Evaluation and DemonstrationAct of 1974, Section 32, Public Law 93-251:
Stabilization,U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, October. Final Report to Congress," Main Report and Appendices A through H,
97 98 "U.S. GOVf.1U'lMENT
PRINTINC OFFICE, 198$-461-816,20141
The Offices of Research, Development, and maintenance, traffic services for maintenance
Technology (RD&T) of the Federal Highway zoning, management of human resources and
Adrninistration (FHWA) are responsible for a brood equipment, and identification of highway
research, development, and technology transfer pro- elements that affect the quality of the human en-
gram. This program is accomplished using numerous vironment. The goals of projects within thls
methods of funding and management. The efforts eategory are to maximize operational efficiency
inelude work done in-house by RD&T staff, con- and safety to tbe traveling public while conserv-
tracts using administrative funds, and a Federal-aid ing resources and reducing adverse highway and
program conducted by or through State highway or traffic impacts through protections and enhance-
transportation agencies, which include the Highway ment of environmental features.
Planning and Research (HP&R) program, the Na-
tional Cooperative Highway Research Program
4. Pavemenl Design, Conslruclloo, and
(NCHRP) managed by the Transportation Research
Board, and the ene-half of one percent training pro-
gram conducted by the National Highway Institute. Pavement RD&T is coneerned with pavement
design and rehabilititation methods and pro-
The FCP is a earefully selected group of projects, cedures, construction technology, recycled
separated into braad categones. formulated to use highway materiais, improved pavement binders,
research, development , and technology transfer
and improved pavement management. The goals
resources to obtain solutions to urgent national
will emphasize imprcvements to highway
highway problems.
performance over the netwerk 's life cycle, thus
The diagonal double stripe on the cover of this report extending maintenance-free operation and max-
represents a highway. It is cclor-ccded to identify imizing benefits. Specific areas of effort will in-
the FCP category to which the report's subject per- clude material characterizations , pavement
tains. A red stripe indicates category I, dark blue damage predictions, methods to minimize local
for category 2, light blue for eategory 3, brown for pavement defects, quality control specifications,
category 4, gray for category 5, and green for long-term pavement monitoring, and life cyele
category 9.
cost analyses.
Fep Cat.gory Descriptions
1. Highway Design and Operation tor Safety S. Structural Desigo and Hydraulic.
Safety RD&T addresses problems associated Structural RD&T is concerncd with furthering the
with the responsibilities of the FHW A under the latest technological advances in structural and
Highway Safety Act. It ineludes investigation of hydraulic designs, fabrication processes, and con-
àppropriate design standards, roadside hard- struction teehniques to provide safe, efficient
ware, traffic control devices, and collection or highway structures at reasonable costs, This
analysis of physical and scientific data for the
category deals with bridge superstructures, earth
formulation of improved safety regulations to
structures, foundations, culverts, river
better proteet all motorists, bicycles, and
mechanics, and hydraulics, In addition, it in-
eludes material aspect. of structures (metal and
2. Traffic Control and Managemenl concrete) along with their proteetion from cor-
Traffic RD&T is concerned with increasing the rosive or degrading environments.
operational efficiency of existing highways by
advaneing technology and balaneing the 9. RD&T Maoagemeol and Coordinatloo
demand-capacity relationship through traffic
management techniques such as bus and carpool Actlvities in this category include fundamental
preferenrial treatrnent, coordinated signal tim- work for new concepts and systern character-
ing, motorist information. and terouting of ization befere the investigation reaches a point
traffic. where it is incorporated within other categories FHWA!R0-84/1 01/7-85(4oo)OE
of the FCP. Concepts on rhe feasibility of new
3. Highway Operalions
This category addresses preserving the Nation's technology for highway safety are includcd in this
highways, natura! resources, and community category. RD&T reports not within ether FCP
auributes. It includes activitles in physical project' will be published as Category 9 projects.