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Operation and maintenance manual

Valid for the following tractor models: Table of contents

For tractors with cab or ROPS frame model: GENERAL INFORMATION
Tractor identification.
Introduction, warranty and safety notes.
Safety notes.
Safety decals.


Heating and air conditioning.
proposition 65 Warning
Diesel engine exhaust and some of Starting the engine.
its constituents are known to the Starting the tractor.
State of California to cause cancer, Adjusting wheel track.
birth defects, and other reproductive Wheels and tyres.
harm. Auxiliary control valves.
Three point linkage.
Towing attachments.


Routine maintenance table.
Tractor maintenance:
Greasing, oil level checks and changes.
Adjustments - axles, brakes and wheels.
Air conditioning system.

Replacements - fuses, bulbs and batteries.






Publication N. 3549 021 M3

Published in 1999

Tractor identification

Tractor identification
The tractor is identified by a serial number stamped on
the rear part of the transmission housing and on the
bonnet. The engine serial number is stamped on the
engine block.

Always state the chassis and engine serial numbers to

ensure prompt and efficient service when ordering
spare parts or when asking for technical explanations
or other information.

Chassis serial number .....................................................

Engine serial number .......................................................

Cab serial number ............................................................ Fig.1 Engine serial number (on engine block).

Type of tractor .................................................................

Owner / Operator .............................................................

Address of dealer ............................................................


Delivery date ....................................................................

Warranty expiry date ........................................................

NOTE: Look after this Operation and Maintenance

Manual carefully and consult it whenever in doubt.

Fig.2 Type of tractor and chassis serial number (on

This publication has been written in compliance with International Standard ISO lower dashboard panel).
3600 'Guide for: information, contents and presentation of operation and
maintenance manuals supplied with tractors and machinery for agricultural and
forestal use'.

Fig.4 Chassis type and serial number (on radiator Fig.3 Chassis type and serial number (on housing).

Introduction, warranty and safety notes

Table of contents Page N°

Introduction .......................................................................... 4
Warranty, pre-delivery and installation ................................. 4
Warranty procedure ........ ..................................................... 4
Parts warning .............................................. ......................... 5
If you move ........................................................................... 5
Service after warranty ........................................................... 5
Safety .................................................................................... 5
Safety alert symbol and terms ............................................. 6
Safety - tractor and implement ............................................. 6
Safety - Introduction ............................................................. 6
Safety - a word to the operator ............................................ 6
Safety - Danger, Warning and Caution ................................. 7
Safety - decals ...................................................................... 7
Safety - follow a safety program .......................................... 7
Safety - ROPS ....................................................................... 8
Safety - operation ................................................................. 8
Safety - servicing the tractor ................................................. 11
Safety - starting ..................................................................... 11
Safety - work safely .............................................................. 12
Safety - cab ........................................................................... 18
Safety - after operation ......................................................... 18
Additional notes .................................................................... 19
Risks deriving from exposure to noise ................................. 21
Safety decals and their locations ......................................... 22

Introduction and warranty

INTRODUCTION Compliance with, and strict adherence to, the conditions

of operation, service and repair as specified by LANDINI
NOTE: This book is published for worldwide distribution, also constitute essential elements for the intended use.
and the availability of equipment shown either as basic or
accessory may vary according to the territory in which the These tractors should be operated, serviced and repaired
tractor is to be operated. Full details of equipment available only by persons familiar with all their particular
in your area can be obtained from your LANDINI Dealer. characteristics and who are acquainted with the relevant
safety rules (accident prevention).
The purpose of this book is to enable the owner and driver
to operate the tractor in a safe manner. Providing that the Customers are strongly advised to use an official LANDINI
instructions are followed carefully, the tractor will give Dealer in connection with any service problems and
years of service in the tradition of LANDINI. adjustments that may occur.

The installation of the product by the Dealer gives the WARRANTY, PRE-DELIVERY and
opportunity to ensure that these operating and INSTALLATION
maintenance instructions are understood. Always consult The Company, when selling new goods to their Dealers,
your Dealer if you do not understand any part of this book. gives a warranty which, subject to certain conditions,
It is important that these instructions are understood and guarantees that the goods are free from defects in material
observed. Daily maintenance should become a routine, and workmanship. Since this book is published for
and a record of hours in service should be kept. worldwide circulation, it is impossible to detail the exact
terms and conditions of warranty that apply to a retail
When new parts are required it is important that only ge- customer in any particular country. Purchasers of new
nuine LANDINI service parts are used. LANDINI Dealers LANDINI equipment should request full details from their
supply genuine parts and can give advice regarding their supplying Dealer.
fitment and use. Extensive damage may occur as a result
of the fitment of parts of inferior quality. Customers are In accordance with LANDINI policy of continuous
advised to buy their service parts only from an authorized improvement to its machines, alterations in the
LANDINI Dealer. specifications of machines may be made at any time
without notice. The Company accepts no responsibility
Owing to wide variations in operating conditions, it is for discrepancies which may occur between the
impossible for the Company to make comprehensive or specifications of its machines and the descriptions thereof
definitive statements in its publications regarding perfor- contained in its publications.
mance or methods of use of its machines, or to accept
liability for any loss or damage which may result from A Dealer is required to carry out certain activities when
these statements, or from any errors or omissions. If the supplying a new LANDINI tractor. These consist of a full
tractor is to be used for abnormal conditions which may pre-delivery inspection to ensure that the tractor supplied
be detrimental (e.g. deep water or paddy fields) consult is ready for immediate use, and full instruction in the basic
your LANDINI Dealer for special instructions, or the principles of operation and maintenance of the tractor.
warranty may be invalidated. These instructions will cover instruments and controls,
routine maintenance and safety precautions. All persons
These tractors are designed solely for use in customary who will be concerned with the operation and
agricultural operations (intended use). maintenance of the machine should be present for these
Use in any other way is considered as contrary to the
intended use. LANDINI accepts no liability for any damage NOTE: LANDINI will not accept responsibility for any claim
or injury resulting from misuse and these risks must be resulting from the fitment of non-approved parts or
borne solely by the user. attachments, or unauthorized modification or alteration.

Introduction and warranty


Correct installation, coupled with regular maintenance, During the warranty period, you should have all your
will do much to prevent breakdowns. If, however, repairs and maintenance performed by your LANDINI
operating trouble is experienced during the warranty Dealer. This ensures that a detailed check is kept on the
period, the following procedure must be adopted:- progress and performance of your new tractor.

Immediately notify the Dealer from whom you purchased In order to obtain the best results from your LANDINI
the tractor, quoting the Model and Serial Number. It is tractor, it is important that regular maintenance and service
most important that there should be no delay, and you checks continue after the warranty period has expired.
should realise that, even where the original failure is Make use of your local LANDINI Dealer for all major tractor
covered by warranty, if the failure is not repaired services; a trained engineer will spot any problems
immediately, warranty cover may not apply. between one service and the next.

Provide your Dealer with as much background information The mechanics are regularly trained and updated on the
as you can. It will help him to know how many hours product, servicing techniques and the use of modern
service has been achieved, the type of work on which service tools and diagnostic equipment. They receive
you are engaged and the symptoms of the trouble. regular Service Bulletins, have all Workshop Manuals and
other such technical information to ensure that the repair
It should be noted that normal maintenance services such or service is to the standard required by LANDINI.
as tuning, brake/clutch adjustments, and the supply of
materials used to service the tractor (oil, filters, fuel and SAFETY
antifreeze) are not covered by terms of the warranty. The safety of the operator is one of the main concerns in
designing and developing a new tractor. Designers build
PARTS WARNING in as many safety features as possible. However, every
The fitment of non LANDINI parts may result in a part of year many accidents occur which could have been avoided
substandard quality being used. LANDINI will not take by a few seconds thought and a more careful approach
the responsibility for any loss, damage or liability resulting to handling farm machinery and implements.
from the fitment of such parts, and, if fitted during the
normal warranty period the manufacturer's guarantee may Read and implement the safety instructions detailed in
be invalidated. the next section of this book.

IF YOU MOVE WARNING: In some of the illustrations used in

Only the LANDINI Dealer from whom you purchased the this Operator Instruction Book, panels or guards
tractor is responsible for the protection afforded by your may have been removed for clarity. Never opera-
warranty and, where possible, you should always take te the tractor whitout these components in
the tractor to him for repair. If, however, you move to position. If the removal of panels or guards is
another area or if your tractor should be working necessary to make a repair, they MUST be replaced
temporarily at some distance from the Dealer from whom before operation.
it was purchased, you are recommended to obtain from
the original Dealer the name and address of the LANDINI
Dealer nearest to your new location and to ask for
arrangements to be made for outstanding service warranty
commitments to be transferred to the latter. If you have
left the area in which the original Dealer operates and
have not made arrangements with your new Dealer, the
latter will readily provide assistance in an emergency but
you will be charged at normal rates for any work
undertaken unless:

a. You make it clear that the warranty has not expired,


b. You give the repairing Dealer the opportunity to make

suitable arrangements with the retailing Dealer.

Safety notes



The safety alert symbol identifies important safety messages on machines, safety signs, in manuals or elsewhere.
When you see this symbol, be alert to the possibility of personal injury or death. Follow the instructions in the safety

Why is SAFETY important to you?





• The tractor is a source of power - Mechanical and hydraulic.
• On its own, the tractor is of little practical value. Only when used in conjunction with an implement or other
attachment does it become a working unit.

• This instruction book is compiled to cover those safe working practices that are associated with the base
tractor operation.

• Itmay
does not cover all operation and safety instructions relevant to all known implements and attachments that
be fitted at the time of tractor delivery or at some future date.

• Itattachments.
is essential that operators use and understand the relevant instruction manual of such implements and


This safety section of your Operator Instruction Book is It is YOUR responsibility to read and understand the safety
intended to point out some of the basic safety situations section in this manual before operating your tractor. You
which may be encountered during the normal operation must follow these safety instructions that take you step
and maintenance of your FOOTSTEP or CAB tractor, and by step through your working day.
to suggest possible ways of dealing with these situations.
This section is NO
NOT T a replacement for other safety In reading this section, you will note that illustrations have
practices featured in other sections of this book. been used to highlight certain situations. Each illustration
is numbered and the same number appears in the text in
Additional precautions may be necessary depending on parenthesis. This number is placed at the end of the
attachments used and conditions at the work site or in written text that refers to the illustration.
the service area. LANDINI has no direct control over
tractor application, operation, inspection, lubrication or Remember that YOU are the key to safety. Good safety
maintenance. Therefore it is YOUR responsibility to use practices not only protect you, but also the people around
good safety practices in these areas. you. Study the features in this manual and make them a
working part of your safety program.

Safety notes

Keep in mind that this safety section is written only for SAFETY - FOLLOW A SAFETY
this type of machine. Practice all other usual and
customary safe working precautions, and above all -
CAN PREVENT SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. For safe operation of an agricultural tractor, you must be
a qualified and authorized operator. To be qualified you
must understand the written instructions supplied in this
SAFETY - DANGER, WARNING and Operator Instruction Book, have training, and know the
CAUTION safety rules and regulations for the job.
Whenever you see the words and symbols shown below,
used in this book and on decals, you MUST take note of Some regulations specify that no one under the age of 16
their instructions as they relate to personal safety. years, for example, may operate power machinery. This
includes tractors. It is your responsibility to know what
DANGER: The symbol and the word DANGER in- these regulations are, and obey them, in the operating
dicate an imminently hazardous situation which, area or situation.
if not avoided, will result in DEATH OR VERY
SERIOUS INJURY. These will include, but are not limited to, the following
instructions for safe tractor operations.
WARNING: The symbol and the word WARNING
indicate a potentially hazardous situation. If the WARNING: An operator should not use alcohol
instructions or procedures are not correctly or drugs which can change his alertness or co-
followed it could result in PERSONAL INJURY, OR ordination. An operator on prescription or 'over
LOSS OF LIFE. the counter' drugs needs medical advice on
whether or not he or she can safely operate
CAUTION: This symbol and the word CAUTION
indicate a potentially hazardous situation which, Observe the following precautions
if not avoided, may result in MINOR OR MODE-
• NEVER allow children or unqualified persons to ope-
rate your tractor. Keep others away from your area of
IMPORTANT: The word IMPORTANT is used to identify work.
special instructions or procedures which, if not strictly
observed, could result in damage to, or destruction of the • Securely fasten your seat belt when the tractor has a
ROPS (Roll Over Protective Structure) frame in the
machine, process or its surroundings. upright position or is fitted with a cab.

NOTE: The word NOTE is used to indicate points of • Where possible, avoid operating the tractor near
ditches, embankments and holes. Reduce speed when
particular interest for more efficient and convenient repair
turning, crossing slopes, and on rough, slippery, or
or operation. muddy surfaces.

SAFETY - DECALS • Stay off slopes too steep for safe operation.
WARNING: DO NOT remove or obscure Danger, • Watch where you are going, especially at row ends,
on roads, and around trees.
Warning, Caution or Instruction decals.
• DO NOT permit others to ride on the tractor or the
implement unless an approved passenger seat belt is
Replace any Danger, Warning, Caution or Instruction
Decals that are not readable or are missing. Replacement
decals are available from your Dealer in the event of loss
or damage. The actual location of these Safety Decals is
• Hitch only to the drawbar and recommended hitch
points, and never above the centre line of the rear
illustrated at the end of this section. axle.

If a used tractor has been purchased, refer to the • Operate the tractor smoothly - no jerky turns, starts or
stops. When the tractor is stopped, apply the parking
illustrations at the end of this section to ensure that all brake securely.
the safety warning decals are in the correct position and
are readable. • Never modify or remove any part of the equipment
and never use attachments unless they are properly
matched to your tractor.

Safety notes

Roll Over Protective Structure
A Roll Over Protective Structure (ROPS) and seat belt is
fitted as standard equipment to the footstep tractor at
the time of factory assembly. If the ROPS was deleted by
the original purchaser or has been removed, it is
recommended that you equip your tractor with a Roll
Over Protective Structure and a seat belt. ROPS are
effective in reducing injuries during overturn accidents.
Overturning a tractor without ROPS can result in serious
injury or death (Fig. 5).

If a fold-down ROPS is installed, DO NOT wear a seat belt

when the ROPS is in the folded down position. NEVER
keep the ROPS in the folded down position when working
with the tractor.

• Before using the tractor ensure that the ROPS frame is
not damaged, that it is securely fastened to the tractor,
and, if a hinged section is fitted, that it is in the raised
position and secured.

• Iforthe ROPS frame has been removed from the tractor,

folded down for a specific operation, it must be
refitted or erected immediately using the proper
hardware and applying the recommended torque value.

• DO NOT ATTACH chains, ropes or cables to the ROPS

for pulling purposes; this will cause the tractor to tip
backwards. Always pull from the tractor drawbar.

• Always wear your seat belt - adjusted snugly except

when operating with a folded down ROPS or if the
ROPS has been removed.

• Check the seat belt for damage. A damaged seat belt

must be replaced (Fig. 6).

Damage to the ROPS

If the tractor has rolled over or the ROPS has been
damaged (such as striking an overhead object during
transport), the ROPS must be replaced to provide the
original degree of protection.
Fig. 6
After an accident, check for damage to the ROPS,
operator's seat, seat belt and seat belt mountings. Before
you operate the tractor, replace all damaged parts.


ROPS. To do so reduces the protection it offers.

Safety notes



Protect yourself IMPORTANT: This manual covers general safe practices

Wear all the protective clothing and personal safety for agricultural tractors. It must always be kept with the
devices issued to you or called for by job conditions. Don't tractor. For further copies contact your LANDINI Dealer.
take chances (Fig. 7).

You may need:

• A hard hat.

• Safety glasses, goggles or face shield.

• Hearing protection.
• Respirator or filter mask.
• Foul weather clothing.
• Reflective clothing.
• Heavy gloves (neoprene for chemicals, leather for
rough work.

• Safety shoes.
NOT T wear loose clothing, jewellery or other items and
tie up long hair which could catch on controls or other
Fig. 7
parts of the tractor.

Learn where fire extinguishers and first-aid or emergency

equipment is kept and where to get help in a hurry. Make
sure you know how to use this equipment (Fig. 9).

Know your equipment

Know your tractor. Know how to operate all equipment
on your machine and the implements and attachments
used with it. Know the purpose of all the controls, gauges
and dials. Know the rated load capacity, speed range,
braking and steering characteristics, turning radius, and
operating clearances.

Keep in mind that rain, snow, ice, loose gravel, soft ground,
etc. can change the way your tractor operates.. Under
poor conditions, slow down and be extra careful, engage
four-wheel drive, if fitted. Fig. 8

Study the DANGER, W ARNING or CA

WARNING UTION safety signs
on your tractor and the information signs also.




Fig. 9

Safety notes

Use all available protective and safety devices

Keep all protective devices in place and securely fastened.
Make certain all guards, shields and safety signs are
properly installed, as specified, and are in good condition.

To help keep you and others around you safe, your tractor
should be equipped with:
• Roll Over Protective Structure (ROPS). A seat belt
and ROPS is recommended.

• Tractor PTO shield.

Your tractor may also need:

• Rear view mirrors.

• Fire extinguisher.
• Safety frame with FOPS (Falling Object Protective
Structure), protective enclosure or protective screens Fig. 10
(Fig. 10). Remember FOPS are protection from light
falling objects and are not intended as protection from
large falling objects such as large round bales or fence

• SMV (Slow Moving Vehicle) emblem. Additional safety

guards, lights or decals and a back-up alarm (Fig.25
and 26).

Know which devices are required for safe operation of

your tractor. Use them. Make sure they are in place and in
good condition. Never remove or disconnect any safety

Check the equipment

Before you begin your working day, take time to check
your tractor and ensure that all systems are in good
operational condition.

• DO NOT smoke while refuelling the tractor. Keep any

type of open flame away (Fig. 11).

• Check for loose, broken, missing, or damaged parts.

Have everything put into good repair. Make certain all
safety devices are in place. Fig. 11

• Check ROPS and seat belt for damage. (A damaged

ROPS or seat belt MUST be replaced).

• Ensure that implements and attachments are properly

installed and that the tractor and implement PTO
RPM ratings match.

• Check the tyres for cuts, bulges and correct pressure.

Replace worn or damaged tyres. Check foot and
parking brakes for proper operation. Adjust if

Fig. 12

Safety notes

• Stop the engine and wait for it to cool before refuelling. • Remove or put away tools, buckets, chains and hooks.
• Check the engine oil level and add oil if required. Protect the environment
• Perform all maintenance procedures outlined in the
maintenance and adjustment section of this manual.
• Itauthorized
is illegal to pollute drains, water courses or soil. Use
waste disposal facilities, including civic
amenity sites and garages providing facilities for
• Check that the PTO drive locking devices are latched. disposal of used oil. If in doubt, contact your local
authority for advice.
• Check that the tractor PTO shield and driveline guards
are in place and operating properly.

• Check the tractor and implement hydraulic system.

Have any leaks or damaged parts repaired or renewed.

WARNING: Diesel fuel or hydraulic fluid

under pressure can penetrate the skin or
eyes and cause serious personal injury,
blindness or death. Fluid leaks, under
pressure, may not be visible. Use a piece of
cardboard or wood to find leaks. Never use
your bare hand. Wear safety goggles for eye
protection. If any fluid is injected into the
skin, it MUST be surgically removed within a
few hours by a doctor familiar with this type
of injury (Fig. 12).

Before applying pressure to the fuel or hydraulic system, Fig. 13

be sure all connections are tight and that lines, pipes,
and hoses are not damaged. Before disconnecting fuel SAFETY - SERVICING THE
or hydraulic lines, be sure to relieve all pressure. TRACTOR
Make sure that all hydraulic lines are correctly installed • DO NOT service the tractor while the engine is running
or hot, or if the tractor is in motion (Fig. 13).
and not crossed.

WARNING: Liquid cooling systems build up

• Before making adjustments to, or servicing the
electrical system, disconnect the battery cables, ne-
pressure as the engine gets hot. Before removing gative (-) cable first.
the radiator cap, stop the engine and let the
system cool. • To prevent fires or explosions keep open flames away
from the battery or cold weather starting aids. To
prevent sparks which could cause explosions use
• Check the engine cooling system and add coolant as
jump cables according to instructions.

• When making repairs or adjustments it is

recommended that you consult your LANDINI Dealer,
Clean the tractor and have the work carried out by trained personnel.
• Keep work surfaces and engine compartments clean. • The implement and/or tractor must be supported on
suitable wooden blocks or stands, NOT a hydraulic
• Before cleaning the machine, always lower
implements to the ground, place transmission in jack.
neutral, engage the parking brake, shut off the engine
and remove the key. • Check all nuts and bolts periodically for tightness,
especially wheel hub and rim nuts. Tighten to the
prescribed torque values.
• Clean steps, pedals and floor. Remove grease or oil.
Brush away dust or mud. In winter, scrape away
snow and ice. Remember - slippery surfaces are • Check the power steering reservoir regularly and top-
up as necessary with a LANDINI approved oil.
• Check the brakes regularly, top up the reservoir and/
or adjust where necessary. Make sure that the brakes
are evenly adjusted, especially when using a trailer.

Safety notes

Warn personnel befor starting.
Before starting, walk completely around the tractor and
any attached equipment. Make sure that no one is under
ir, on it, or close to it. Let other workers and bystanders
know you are starting up and don't start until everyone is
clear of the tractor, implements and towed equipment.

Ensure that all bystanders, particularly children

children, are in a
safe position before starting the engine

Mount and dismount safely.

Always use 'three point contact' with the machine, and
face the machine when you mount it. (Three point contact
means both hands and one foot or one hand and both
feet are in contact with the machine at all times during
mounting and dismounting).

Clean your shoes and wipe your hands before climbing

on. Use handrails, grab handles, ladders or steps (as Fig. 14
provided) when mounting or dismounting.

NEVER use control levers as a hand hold and NEVER step

on foot controls when mounting or dismounting. DANGER: Start the engine, with the starter key,
from the operator's seat only. Never attempt to
NEVER attempt to mount or dismount from a moving start the engine by shorting across the starter
tractor. NEVER jump off a tractor in any circumstances, terminals. The machine will start in gear if the
neutral start circuit is bypassed. This could cau-
Start safely. se serior injury or death to anyone near the
tractor (Fig. 14).
WARNING: Before starting the engine make
sure there is plenty of ventilation. Never
operate the engine in a closed building. Follow recommended starting procedures
The exhaust fumes may cause asphyxiation. Follow the starting procedures recommended in the
Operation section of this Operator Instruction Book. This
Always start the engine from the operator's seat with all includes normal starting, cold starting, and the use of
the transmission levers and the PTO lever in neutral. starting fluids.

Make sure that the tractor dual brake pedals are locked Test the controls.
together at all times unless you are making turns in the After starting, re-check all gauges and lights. Make sure
field which require independent use of the brakes. Make everything is functioning correctly. If the tractor does not
sure the brakes are properly adjusted so that both brakes respond correctly when each control is operated, DO NOT
engage at the same time. use the machine until the fault is rectified.

Adjust the seat, fasten the seat belt (where applicable as Ensure that the starter solenoid cover is always in position.
outlined in this manual), apply the parking brake and put
all controls in neutral before starting up.

Safety notes

Starting fluid

WARNING: It is very important that you read the

label on the can before using starting fluid. DO
NOT use aerosol cans of starting aid on tractors
with the thermostart connected to the electrical
system. Ether combined with thermostart can
cause an explosion with damage to engine, per-
sonal injury or both.

Handle starting fluid safely. Starting fluid must only be

used when an ether-start aid is fitted as original equipment
by the manufacturer or when installed by a Dealer as an
accessory. In case of tractors being fitted with glow plugs
or thermostart, these must be removed prior to the
installation (Fig. 15).
Fig. 15
If aerosol cans of starting fluid are to be used the
thermostart must be disconnected. Remove the wire from
the thermostart unit which will be found on the induction
manifold. Tape the end of the wire to prevent an electrical
short circuit.


WARNING: An unbalanced tractor could overturn
and cause injury or death. Make sure front frame
counterweights, wheel weights and wheel ballast
are used as recommended by the manufacturer.
NEVER add extra counterweights to compensate
for an overload. It is better to reduce the load.

WARNING: Keep all parts of your body inside the
operator's compartment while operating the
tractor. • DO NOT get on or off a moving tractor. Keep a firm
grip on the steering wheel at all times, with the
thumbs clear of the spokes when driving the tractor.

• Make sure you have adequate clearance in all

directions for tractor, cab, safety frame and implement.
Make the right moves
Make sure your tractor is ready for the job it must do. • NEVER play games with a tractor or equipment.
Know the rated load capacities of your tractor and never
exceed them. Be certain that any equipment or
• NEVER attempt to work the controls except from the
operator's seat.
implements you intend to use DO NOT exceed the load
rating of your tractor. Be sure the tractor and implement • Before getting off the tractor, always disengage the
PTO, lower all attachments and implements to the
PTO rev/min match. ground, place the tractor in neutral, engage parking
brake, shut off the engine and remove the key.
Keep in mind that tractors normally operate on uneven,
unpaved, and often bumpy or sloping surfaces. Operating DO NOT touch, lean on, or reach through any implement
conditions can reduce the amount of weight you should mechanism or permit others to do so.
carry or pull.
Stay alert. Should something break, come loose, or fail to
Follow safe operating practices operate in your equipment, stop work, shut off the engine,
inspect the machine and have repairs or adjustments
• Operate the controls smoothly - don't jerk the steering
wheel or other controls. made before resuming operation.

Safety notes

Watch out for others

• Be aware of what is going on. Never allow an untrained
or unqualified person to operate your tractor. They
could injure themselves or someone else.

WARNING: Your tractor is a one-person machine.

DO NOT permit others to ride on the tractor or
the implement (Fig. 16). In some territories a
passenger seat and/or seat belt must be fitted to
carry passengers. Never allow anyone to ride on
the implements or other equipment including
trailers, except on certain harvesting equipment,
specifically designed for riders during the actual
harvest operation only (not during transport).
Such equipment must have provision for a safe
riding area. NEVER allow children on a tractor.

WARNING: Be certain you can control both speed

and direction before moving. Move slowly until Fig. 17
you are sure that everything is operating properly.
After starting, recheck the steering, right and left.
Be certain you have full steering and brake
control. If differential is locked, DO NOT operate
at high speed or turn the tractor until the
differential lock is disengaged.

WARNING: NEVER lift a load over anyone.

• Keep others away from your operation. Never allow

anyone to stand or pass under a raised implement (Fig.

• DO NOT lift objects that cannot be contained safely in

the bucket, get the appropriate attachment. Never
allow anyone to stand on the ROPS or fenders.

• When using a loader, avoid sudden stops, starts,

turns, or change of direction.

• Never stand (or allow anyone else to stand) in front of,

under, or behind loaded or loading equipment. Never Fig. 18
drive a tractor up to someone standing in front of a
fixed object.
Risk of overturning
• Keep others away from articulation joints, hitches,
drawbar, lift arms, PTO drives, cylinders, belts, pulleys, For your safety, it is recommended that all footstep tractors
and other moving parts. Keep all shields and guards in are fitted with Roll Over Protective Structures (ROPS) and
place. seat belts (Fig. 18).

In the event of overturning with a tractor fitted with a cab

WARNING: NEVER stand, or allow anyone else to or ROPS, hold the steering wheel firmly and DO NOT
stand between the tractor and implement unless attempt to leave the seat until the tractor has come to
the engine is turned off and the parking brake is rest. If the doors of the cab are obstructed, leave through
engaged, the transmission is in neutral, and all the rear window or the roof hatch. (Fig.18).
attachments or implements are lowered to the
ground. To avoid side overturns
• Set the wheel track at the widest setting suitable for
the job being done.

• Lock the brake pedals

transport speeds.
together before driving at

• Reduce speed to match operating conditions. If the

tractor is equipped with a front-end loader, carry the
bucket and load as low as possible.

Safety notes

• Make wide slow turns at reduced speed. DON'T let

your tractor bounce. You may loose steering control.

• DON'T pull a load too heavy for your tractor. It could

run away on the down slope or the tractor could
jackknife around a towed load.

• DON'T brake suddenly. Apply brakes smoothly and


• When going down a slope use the throttle to slow the

tractor engine and use the same gear you would use
to up the slope. Shift into gear before you start

• Engage four-wheel drive (if fitted), this will give four-

wheel braking.

WARNING: NEVER disengage the clutch or attempt

to shift gear after you have started downhill.

• Itsteep
is always preferable to travel straight up or down a
slope rather than across it.
Fig. 19
• Avoid crossing steep slopes if possible. If you must do
so, avoid any holes or depressions on the downhill
side. Avoid any stumps, rocks, bumps or raised areas
on the uphill side. When operating near ditches and
banks, always keep your tractor behind the shear line
(A, Fig. 19). Avoid ditches, embankments and river-
banks which might cave in.

• Ifuphill,
it is necessary to cross a steep slope, avoid turning
slow down and make a wide turn. Travel directly
up or down the slope, never across it. When travelling
up or down a slope, keep the heavy end of the tractor
pointed uphill.

• When travelling across a slope with side mounted

implements, keep the implement on the uphill side.
Don't raise the implements. Keep them as low to the
ground as possible when crossing a slope.

• When towing a load at transport speed, lock the

drawbar in the centre position and use a safety chain.

• NEVER use your tractor to round up farm animals.

Fig. 20
To avoid rear overturns

WARNING: Hitching to the rear axle, or any other • High hitching can cause rear overturn, which may
cause serious injury or death. Hitch loads to the
point above the swinging drawbar, can cause a
drawbar only.
rear overturn.

• DO NOT pull anything using the top link connection, • When using a three-point linkage drawbar, the stays
must be fitted and kept in the down position.
or from any point above the centre line of the rear
axle. Always use an approved drawbar, and only use
a drawbar pin that locks into place. • Use front counterweights to increase tractor stability
when towing a heavy load or to counter balance a
heavy rear mounted implement (Fig. 20).

Safety notes

• Start forward slowly and gradually increase your

speed. DO NOT rev the engine or drop the clutch. If
the tractor is attached to a heavy load, or immovable
object, improper clutching may cause overturn.

• Ifspeed
the front end of the tractor starts to lift, reduce your
and, if necessary, disengage the clutch.

• Ifground,
your tractor is bogged down in mud or frozen to the
DO NOT attempt to drive forwards. The tractor
can rotate around its rear wheels and overturn. Lift
any attached implement and attempt to BACK OUT.
If this is not possible, tow it out with another vehicle.

• Ifyouyoumust
get stuck in a ditch, BACK OUT, if possible. If
go forward, do it slowly and carefully.

• Aattachments
bare tractor or a tractor with rear mounted
should be backed up the slope in reverse
and travel forward downhill.

• Abacked
tractor with a loaded front-end bucket should be
down the slope and travel forward uphill.
Keep the loader bucket as low as possible. Fig. 21

• Always keep the tractor in gear when going downhill.

Never permit the tractor to coast with clutch
disengaged or transmission in neutral.

General operating hazards

• Ensure that the PTO shield (1) is in place and that the
PTO cap (2) is fitted when the PTO driveline is not in
use (Fig. 21).

• Before attaching, detaching, cleaning or adjusting

PTO driven implements, disengage the PTO, stop the
engine, remove the key, and make sure that the PTO
driveline has stopped.

• Ensure that all the PTO driveline safety guards are in

place and observe all safety decals (Fig. 22).
Fig. 22
• Be sure everyone is clear of your machine before
engaging the PTO. For stationary PTO operation,
always place transmission in neutral, engage parking
brake and chock both tractor and implement wheels. • The top link and lift rods must not be extended beyond
the point where threads begin to show.

• When operating mobile PTO driven equipment, never

leave the tractor seat until the PTO drive is disengaged, WARNING: NEVER attempt to unplug the
the transmission is in neutral, the parking brake is
engaged, the engine shut off and the key removed. hydraulic connections, or adjust an implement
with the engine running or the PTO drive in
• DO NOT use PTO adaptors, reducers or extensions
as they extend the PTO coupler and universal joint out
operation. To do so may result in serious injury
or death.
beyond the protection offered by the PTO shield.
• When using chemicals, carefully follow the chemical
manufacturer's instructions for use, storage and
disposal. Also follow the chemical application
equipment manufacturer's instructions.

• When operating under poor visibility conditions, or in

the dark, use your tractor field lights and reduce your
ground speed. (DO NOT use your field lights when
travelling on a roadway because rear pointed white
lights are illegal except when reversing and may con-
fuse following drivers).

Safety notes

• Operate your tractor with the wheels set at the widest

setting possible, consistent with the particular task
you are performing. To adjust wheel settings refer to
Maintenance and Adjustment section.

• Reduce your speed when operating over rough or

slippery ground and when foliage restricts your view
of hazards.

• DO NOT make sharp turns at high speed.

Implements and attachments.

WARNING: A front-end loader (bucket or forks)

must be equipped with a suitable restraining
device to prevent the load, bales, fence posts, rolls
of fence, wire etc.) from rolling down the lift arms
into the operator's compartment and crushing the
driver when the loader is raised. Inadequately
secured objects could also fall and injure
bystanders. Fig. 23

• Three-point hitch and side mounted implements make

a much larger arc when turning than towed equipment.
Make certain to maintain sufficient clearance for safe

• When using attachments or implements with the

tractor, be sure to thoroughly read the Operator
Instruction Book for that attachment or implement
and follow its safety instructions.

• DO NOT overload an attachment or towed equipment.

Use proper counterweights to maintain tractor stability.
Hitch loads to the drawbar only.

• Ashould
safety chain will help control drawn equipment
it be accidentally separated from the drawbar
while transporting. Using the proper adaptor parts,
attach the chain to the tractor drawbar support or
other specified anchor location. Provide only enough
slack in the chain to permit turning. See your LANDINI
Dealer for a chain with a strength rating equal to, or
greater than the gross weight of the towed machine
(Fig. 23).
Fig. 24
• Pull only from the approved drawbar. Towing or
attaching to other locations may cause the tractor to
overturn (Fig. 24).

• Make sure any towed implements are equipped with

a safety chain linking tractor and implement, if required
by law (Fig. 23).

Road transport
Before operating your tractor on a public road, a number
of precautions must be taken.

• Familiarise yourself - and comply - with all local bye-

laws, and national laws appropriate to your tractor.

• Lock your brake pedals together.

Fig. 25 - Use the symbol valid in your country

Safety notes

• Raise all implements to their transport position and

lock them in place. • Keep tractor in gear. Never coast with the clutch
disengaged or transmission in neutral.

• Place all implements into their narrowest transport

configuration. • STAY OUT of the path of oncoming traffic.
• Disengage the PTO and differential lock. • Drive in your correct lane keeping as near to the curb
as possible.

• Make sure tractor and equipment are equipped with

slow moving vehicle (SMV) signs or beacon if the law • Ifit traffic
go by.
builds up behind you, pull off the road and let
requires them (Fig. 25 and 26).

• Make sure any required clearance flags or hazard • Drive

defensively. Anticipate what other drivers might
lights are in place and in working order.

• Make sure you use a proper safety hitch pin with a • When towing a load, start braking sooner than normal
and slow down gradually.
safety clip retainer.

• Clean off all reflectors and road lights, front and rear, • Watch out for overhead obstructions.
and be certain they are in working order.

Rules of the road

When operating your tractor on a public road a number of
precautions must be taken.

WARNING: DO NOT allow any passengers on the

tractor or towed equipment.

• Know the route you are going to travel.

• Use flashing lights or beacon when travelling on roads,
day or night, unless prohibited by law (Fig. 26).

• Use caution when towing a load at transport speeds

especially if the towed equipment is NOT equipped
with brakes.

• Observe all local or national regulations regarding the

road speed of your tractor.

• Use extreme caution when transporting on snow-

covered or slippery roads.
Fig. 26
• Wait for traffic to clear before entering a public road.
• Beware of blind intersections. Slow down until you
have a clear view. The safety cab has been designed for fitment to this series
of tractors and meets all the legal requirements of cab
• DO NOT attempt to pass at any intersection. safety and noise levels.

• Slow down for turns and curves. The safety cab conforms to the various international safety
• Make wide, gentle turns. standards. The cab must NEVER be drilled, or modified
to install accessories or implements. Welding components
• Signal your intent to slow, stop or turn. to the cab or repairing damaged components is NOT
PERMITTED. Never attach chains or ropes to the main
• Shift to a lower gear before going up or down hills. frame of the cab for pulling purposes.


When stopping at any time, bring the tractor to a secure
halt, apply the parking brake, disengage the PTO, place
all gear shift levers in neutral, lower the implement to the
ground, stop the engine and remove the key BEFORE
leaving the seat.

Safety notes

Additional notes On normal terrain in good operating conditions, wheel

slip should be between 4 and 10%.
The following notes are designed to complete the Opera-
tion and Maintenance Manual to ensure that your tractor On loose soil, wheel slip can exceed 12%.
always works safely, reliably and efficiently.
If wheel slip is found to be greater than this amount,
Tractors are mainly designed for towing implements that proceed with care as operating conditions might
quickly become unstable.
are held by a drawbar or three-point linkage or for driving
implements using the PTO. In certain conditions, it might be better to add ballast
in order to reduce wheel slip, but this increases the
To obtain the greatest possible towing force, particularly workload of the transmission and thus reduces the
when using a tractor with dual rear wheels, you should working life of the tractor.
observe the following rules concerning axle loads and Your dealer will be able to help you ascertain the
wheel slip. maximum ballast weight that you can use in your
normal working conditions.
If an extra implement is attached, the extra loads must
conform to the specifications given in the Manual or by Using dual wheels or wider tyres, the tractor will have
greater grip but the workload on the transmission will
your dealer. also be greater in dry and difficult soil conditions.
1. Front axle payload: 4WD tractors. Dual wheels or wider tyres can sometimes be mounted
for use on slippery or sandy terrain but the axle
The front axle normally bears 40% of the tractor weight on hard, dry surfaces must be limited as the
weight on the road without implements; it may thus greater grip provided by wider tyres can damage the
be necessary to add an extra weight on the front end transmission.
to ensure that the front axle has traction.
The only torque limiter in transmission is wheel slip.
If an implement is mounted on the front end of the
tractor, check the weight of the fully loaded imple- 4. Front axle lead when four-wheel drive is en-
ment by placing the front axle on a scale: the maxi- gaged.
mum axle load must be less than the capacity of the
front axle. In a 4WD tractor, the ground speed of the front
wheels must be slightly greater than that of the rear
Check the maximum payload capacity of the front wheels, in order to ensure traction.
axle (maximum weight allowed on it) in your Opera-
tion and Maintenance Manual). The front wheel advance must be between 1% and
2. Rear axle payload.
Greater percentages may be used only on very soft
The maximum permissible payload for the rear axle ground.
depends on whether or not the tractor is carrying a
weight or towing a load. The tyres supplied with your tractor have been checked
for the correct advance of the front wheels, but when
When the tractor is only carrying a load, without you change them, make sure you use tyres of the
towing, the wheels must have sufficient capacity that same make and size in order to maintain the same
is ensured if the tyres are of the exact size and have speed ratio between front and rear wheels.
the specified number of warps (plies).
If tyres of different makes are used, their size and
In certain conditions, extra weight may be applied to internal pressure may modify this ground speed ratio,
the rear axle but it is not normally necessary unless or advance. This could increase the load on the front
the ground offers very little grip. axle and lead to unacceptable operating conditions,
excessive tyre wear and, in extreme conditions, dam-
When fully loaded, the weight of the tractor must be age to the front axle or to the transmission.
less than the maximum permissible ballasted weight
since the tractor cannot be loaded right up to the Changes in the weight of the tractor, in the pressure
maximum static payload for each of the axles, front or size of the tyres can cause the tyres themselves to
and rear, at the same time. bounce. This is not only annoying for the driver in the
cab, but it can also cause a loss of grip and excessive
3. Ballast and wheel slip. wear in the transmission unit.
Wheel slip must be measured for the tractor to oper-
ate efficiently during tillage.

Safety notes

5. Economy PTO. 9. Operating a dry-disc clutch.

As shown in the Operation and Maintenance Manual, Most tractors with a manual gearshift are equipped
the economy PTO on large tractors is a feature that with a dry-disc clutch for changing gear.
makes it possible to use the PTO at standard speed Since the clutch slips every time the gear is changed,
using lower RPM rates. it can cause a certain amount of wear and thus create
heat. To ensure long life for the clutch, it is thus
This feature can only be used when the implements advisable to reduce the load of the tractor and reduce
powered by the PTO are to be used only for light engine speed when starting up the tractor from a
operations, such as for sprinklers or rakes, which standing position.
require less than 30 H.P.
Prolonged slipping at high engine speed with large
The economy PTO does not need to use the maxi- loads will cause the clutch disc to heat up, thereby
mum power of the engine but it is designed to save reducing its working life.
10. Further instructions for the operator.
When using the Economy PTO, make sure that the The Operation and Maintenance Manual provides in-
implement input shaft RPM NEVER exceeds the structions to ensure that the tractor is always used in
recommended RPM for the implement, e.g. max. 610 conditions of safety.
RPM for a 6 spline shaft, and max. 1170 RPM for a 21
spline shaft. If your tractor is also driven by other people, make
sure that they are fully aware of these accident pre-
6. Working on slopes. vention instructions.
The Operation and Maintenance Manual provides in-
formation on using the tractor on slopes in conditions Passengers may only be carried on the tractor if they
of safety. are sitting on a special passenger seat and have their
seat belt fastened.
It is also important to note that, when working on very
steep slopes, the lubrication conditions in the trans- It is forbidden to carry anyone on the outer structure
mission may be reduced. This is caused by the oil of the tractor in any circumstances.
flowing towards the front or rear part of the transmis-
sion unit. This is because the ROPS is only designed to protect
persons inside the ROPS cab or the ROPS (Roll-Over
Special measures and extra lubrication may be re- Protection Structure).
quired when using the tractor in conditions of safety.
If the tractor is equipped with a ROPS alone, it is
Your dealer will be able to assist you if you expect to inadvisable to transport passengers even using a
work on slopes of over 15°. special passenger seat.
7. Remote hydraulic controls. 11. Chemical filters for the cab (if installed).
The hydraulic system of the tractor may be used in Use of a filter with chemical absorbent in air-condi-
some particular applications to operate the hydraulic tioned cabs can increase the degree of protection in
motors. certain applications but you must always read and
understand the label on the chemical product to be
When using these applications, note that the hydrau- used.
lic motors can generate considerable heat and the oil
cooling system of the tractor may not be sufficient WARNING: PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT
when these high-power hydraulic motors are used. MAY BE NECESSARY WHEN USING CHEMICAL SUB-
Some remote applications have an extra cooling sys-
tem. However, every time they are used, make sure Follow the instructions on the labels of the chemical
that the oil is cooled and filtered sufficiently in order substances and on the filters to be used.
to avoid damage to the tractor's hydraulic system.

8. Towing heavy loads (trailers, etc.)

When towing heavy loads at high speed, it may be
necessary to have a supplementary braking system
(e.g. trailer brakes) and greater ballast on the rear
wheels in order to ensure sufficient braking power on
the rear axle.

Consult your dealer for any further requirements there

may be for special applications.

Safety notes

Risks deriving from exposure to Other effects

Noise does not just determine aural sensation. For levels
noise exceeding 70 dBA, it causes stress by means of the
Noise characteristics and measurement cerebral integration centers and determines a specific
Noise is a pressure variation in an elastic medium, gener- neurovegetative reaction responsible for effects that lead
ally the air, produced by the vibration of a material body to cardiocirculatory and gastroenteric diseases.
(source) that determines an undesired and often annoying Amongst these, it is worthwhile noting: an increase in
acoustic sensation. Noise is mainly characterized by: gastric acidity, a decrease in the heart rate, visual range
• sound intensity or level: expresses the entity of the
pressure variation due to the sound wave. Measured in
and reflex speed; a sensation of discomfort and weari-
ness with an increased sense of fatigue.
decibels (dB), it doubles the sound intensity and, thus, These effects are dangerous because they also increase
the energy that reaches the ear. the risk of accidents.
• frequency: expresses the number of pressure varia-
tions of the wave per second and is measured in Hertz
(Hz) - acute noises have high frequencies (2000-4000 Hz
Personal equipment to protect
or more) while low-pitched noises have low frequen- against noise
cies (250 Hz or less). Individual protective equipment attenuates the sound
energy transmitted to the ear through the air.
How the risk is evaluated This equipment is used when dangerous exposure cannot
The higher the sound level and exposure time, the greater be avoided in any other way.
the noise risk will be. There are different types of devices with different attenu-
Two parameters are used: ating capacities: helmets, ear muffs, ear plugs.
• LAeq (Equivalent continuous weighted level A): this is
a sound level measurement that takes into account
Helmets and ear muffs offer the greatest protection but
they are bulky and inconvenient to wear. They are there-
noise fluctuations and the varying sensitivity of the ear fore only of use for exposure to high noise levels but for
to the frequencies: LAeq is measured with a sound- short periods of time (max. 2 hours).
level meter; Ear plugs are generally tolerated to a greater extent and
• PEL (Personal Exposure Level): this is a measurement
that takes the various noise levels into account along
are of particular use in the case of lengthy exposure to
noise of a lesser intensity.
with the time the worker remains on the individual Always use adequate individual protective equipment to
machines or working at determined processes: PEL is safeguard the hearing when the personal daily level of
calculated mathematically. exposure to noise is 85 dBA or more.
Consult the "Specifications" chapter of this manual in
relation to tractor noise measured in instantaneous condi-
Noise pathologies tions in compliance with the laws in force.
Damage to the hearing
Noise causes hypacusia or deafness because it destroys
the acoustic receptors, nervous cells able to transform the
mechanical sound vibrations into nervous impulses that,
on reaching the brain, determine the aural sensation.
These receptors are irreplaceable if they are destroyed
and the resulting damage is irreversible: hypacusia wors-
ens if exposure to noise continues and does not improve
even if this terminates.
Moreover, it is also bilateral since it can be accompanied
by annoying buzzing and whistling sounds, and by intoler-
ance to loud noise.
The damage is insidious since it proceeds slowly and
unexpectedly: in the initial phase, when it is limited to a
diminished ability to perceive acute sounds (music, bells)
or the spoken voice when there is a background noise, it
can only be detected by means of an audiometric test.
Pulsating noises of great intensity lasting a very short time
are highly damaging since the ear is unable to actuate any
physiological protective measures in time.
Hypacusia from noise generally arises after several years Fig. 27
of exposure and depends on the PEL (risk almost null
below 80 dBA) and on individual characteristics. It is an
incurable disease: the only efficacious means of protec-
tion against it is prevention.

Safety notes


For this decal pack, order part N° 3559 552 M93

3559 557 M1 3559 558 M1

Inside the cab, on upper lining or Inside the cab on the top lining or
on the left-hand fender for tractors on the left-hand fender for tractors
with ROPS. with ROPS.

DANGER: Risk of overturning and WARNING: Caution. Read the

crushing the chest. If the tractor is safety and operating instructions
tipping over, hold tightly on to the in the operation and maintenance
steering wheel. DO NOT leave your manual..
seat or jump off the tractor.

3648 447 M1 3647 158 M1

Tractors with safety belts. On the Inside the side panel near the
pillar inside the cab or on the left- battery support.
hand fender for tractors with
ROPS. WARNING: Risk of electrocution.
Always disconnect the negative
WARNING: Danger of being lead before the positive lead when
crushed. When safety belts are removing the battery or servicing
worn, the safety frame must be in the electrical system.
the upright position.

3559 554 M1 3559 559 M1

On the expansion tank of the On both sides of the radiator or on

engine cooling circuit. the intake manifold.

DANGER: Hot steam or water jets. WARNING: Hot surfaces. Risk of

Protect your face. Radiator under burns to hands and fingers.
pressure when engine is hot. Remove Warning. Keep well clear of hot
cap with caution only when engine components, keep at a safe
is cold. distance.

WARNING: Danger of
3559 556 M1 entanglement. Keep hands well
clear of moving parts and be
On left and right-hand sides of the
careful not to get caught up in
radiator or conveyor.
belts or pulleys when engine is on.
Keep guards in place.
WARNING: Danger of
entanglement. Keep the hands well
away from the fan when the
engine is running. Always keep the
guards and shields mounted.

Safety notes

3647 032 M1 3559 553 M1

On rear lining inside the cab for Inside the rear fender.
tractors without passenger seat
and on left-hand fender for DANGER: Risk of entanglement.
tractors with ROPS. keep clear of spinning shafts. Be
careful NOT to get caught up by the
WARNING: Risk of being crushed. cardan shaft of the PTO drive-line.
DO NOT allow any passenger to sit Keep all guards in place on the
on the fenders or on any other part transmission shafts on the tractor
of the tractor or towed and implements.

3648 152 M1 3647 463 M1

On the starter On the rear left fender, only with

motor. electronic lift.

DANGER: Risk of DANGER: Risk of blows and serious

electrocution. DO accidents. Keep to one side of the
NOT short across tractor when using external lift
starter terminals to controls. NEVER STAND between
start the engine. This tractor and implement - you could
operation could put be hit by the implement.
your life at risk. Start
the engine only from
the driving seat.

3647 299 M1

On rear right fender, only with

3559 555 M1 electronic lift.
On the starter DANGER: Risk of blows and serious
motor. accidents. Keep to one side of the
tractor when using external lift
WARNING: controls. NEVER STAND between
Risk of electrocution. tractor and implement - you could
Always disconnect the negative terminal of the battery before be hit by the implement.
removing the solenoid cover and before servicing the electrical

3647 157 M1
Near the brake
circuit fluid reservoir.
WARNING: Risk of
damage to the brake
system. Carefully read
the safety warnings
and instructions in
the Operation and
Maintenance Manual
before servicing.

Safety notes


For this decal pack, order part N° N. 3559 552 M93

Fig. 28 Position on tractors with cab

3559556M1 3559555M1
3559559M1 3647157M1 3648152M1

. .


. .
... .

3647032M1 3647463M1
3559554M1 3648447M1

Safety notes
For this decal pack order part No. 3558702M94
CAUTION 3648153M1
Located on starter motor

Read the operator
instruction Book for safety Start only from seat
information and operating
instructions. with transmission and
PTO in neutral.
Fasten your seat belt
before tractor operation.
Starting in gear kills.
Start engine only when
seated in operator’s seat.

Make sure everyone is

clear of tractor and
equpement before starting
engine or operation. Remove negative cables
Keep all shields, covers from batteries before
and guards and place and removing solenoid cover
stay away from moving and before servicing the
parts while engine is
running. electrical system.

Place transmission shift

lever in neutral and apply 3558705M1
parking brake before Located on the starter motor.
using external 3-point
hitch controls.

Apply parking brake,

lower equpment, stop
engine and remove key
before leaving the tractor

Wait for all movement to

stop before servicing
tractor or equpment.

Securely support or block

lifted implements which
must be in the raised
position for servicing or

Couple brake pedals

together for road travel.

Use flashing warning

lights and SMV emblem
when on public roads,
except where prohibited 3558703M1
by law. Located inside cab on
Always drive with care the left fender
and attention


Use only mineral type brake fluid as
specified in the Operator’s Manual.
Keep seat belt adjusted snugly
Incorrect fluid could cause brake
system fallure and loss of control,
resulting in personal injury or death.

Located on the brake reservoir
braket and on the clutch reservoir
Keep hands clear of
fan and belts while bracket under engine hood
engine is running.
Do not jump if
tractor tips
3558707M1 Located on right-and
Located inside cab on left-hand side of
the left - handfender radiator on the top.

Safety notes


Personal injury could result from PTO driveline separation.

1. Drawbar supplied provides standard distance “A”. Do not change.


540 35mm (1.38 in) 356mm (14.0 in)
1000 35mm (1.38 in) 406mm (16.0 in)
Beware hot parts
2. Three-point link distance “C” and mounter implement distance “D” may not be standard.
Measure distance “B” over complete lift range for
tractor and implement combination. Select driveline
length to ensure that driveline will not bottom out at
minimum distance “B” and will have sufficient overlap
at maximum distance.

Located at rear of cab on the inner side of the right fender
To avoid personal
injury, keep all shields, 3558706M1
covers and guards in
place whili engine is Located on right - and
running. lefthand side of
radiator, on the bottom.
Shield Explosive Avoid sparks Sulphuric

eyes gas and flame acid

EXPLOSIVE GASES POISON causes severe bums
Always shield eyes and face from
battery. Cigarettes, flames or sparks Contains sulphuric acid. Avoid contact
could cause battery to explode. with skin, eyes or clothing.
Do not charge or use booster cables or In event of accident flush with water and
adjust post connections without proper call a physician immediately.
instructions or training. Keep out of reach of children.

Located on the battery bracket

Serious personal injury
or machine damage
may result from
overspeed of PTO
driven equipment.

WARNING Select tractor PTO

speed to match
implement specified
High pressure steam speed.
and hot water. Do not operate PTO
Remove filler cap with above recommended
extreme care. maximum speed. 3558710M1
Nominal Maximum Located inside
540 630
3558708M1 1000 1170 cab on the
Located on the radiator reservoir righthand pillar.


Rotating driveline
Pull only from
contact may cause
approved drawbar or serious injury or death.
lower links of 3-point Keep all driveline,
linkage at horizontal tractor and equpment 3647155M1
position or below. sheilds in place during Stand clear when
operation using switch to Located at rear
move 3 point hitch. of cab on the
3558704M1 right and left rear
Located at rear of cab on the left fender fenders

Safety notes


For this decal pack order N° 3558702M94


Instruments and controls

Table of contents Page N°

Instruments and controls ...................................................... 26
Digital instrument panel ........................................................ 27
Warning lights ........................................................................ 27
Operation indicator lights ...................................................... 27
Control panel ......................................................................... 29
Cab ......................................................................................... 30
Heating - Air Conditioning ..................................................... 32
Automatic Air Conditioner ..................................................... 32
Seat ........................................................................................ 33
Miscellaneous ........................................................................ 34
Bonnet ................................................................................... 34

Instruments and controls

Instruments and controls -

Legend Top
NOTE: Consult the 'Operation' chapter for instructions
on how to correctly use the controls.

1 Reverse shuttle lever.

2 Light switch and horn.

3 Warning buzzer.

4 Instrument panel.

5 Steering wheel height adjuster knob.

6 Rotating beacon and hazard light switches.

7 Heating and air conditioning controls.

Fig.29 Controls and the front - Legend Top
8 Brake pedals.

9 Accelerator pedal.

10 Clutch pedal.

11 Parking brake lever.

12 Speed selector lever.

13 Range selector lever (Low - Standard - High).

14 Accelerator lever:
- up: idling;
- down: full acceleration.

15 4WD button.

16 Differential lock button.

17 Auxiliary control valve levers.

18 Up/down switch and electronic power lift control Fig.30 Controls on the rh side of driver's seat - Legend
panel. Top

19 Cigarette lighter.

20 PTO switch.

21 Creeper lever.
23 PTO mode selector lever (independent or
22 PTO speed selector lever. proportional to ground speed).

24 Adjustable steering wheel locking lever.

25 AUTO function button (available on request with

Delta - Six gearbox only)

Instruments and controls

- +



Fig. 31 Instrument panel.

Instrument panel
Warning lights Operation indicator lights

Battery charging warning light - red. Should

go out as soon as engine starts. Direction indicator light for tractor - green.

Engine oil pressure warning light - red. Direction indicator light for 1st trailer - green.
Should go out as soon as engine starts. It
is quite normal for this light to come on if
a hot engine is left to idle.
Side light indicator light - green.

Dry air filter blockage warning light - red.

When this comes on, the cartridge must Main beam indicator - blue.
be cleaned or replaced.

Differential lock indicator - orange.

Warning light for transmission and hydraulic
circuit oil filter blockage - red.

4WD indicator - orange (if installed).

Warning light for low pressure in
transmission hydraulic circuit - red. A
warning buzzer will start operating when
this light comes on during work: contact Vacant - Not used.
your Dealer's Specialized Workshop if this

Red warning light. This comes on whenever Rear PTO indicator - orange.
the parking brake is engaged and when the
oil in the brake fluid reservoir or clutch
circuit fluid reservoir drops to a low level. In
this case, top up with the required fluid. Vacant - Not used.

Red warning light for low pressure in trailer 540 RPM PTO or 540ECO/1000 RPM PTO
brake system (if fitted and depending on the indicator - yellow (depending on the type
market) installed).

Instruments and controls

RPM meter and hour counter Engine coolant temperature gauge.

A Indicates the temperature of the

water used to cool the engine.

Fig. 33.

-White area = normal operating temperature.

-Red area = temperature high.
The overheating warning light comes on at 105-110°C
(221-230°C). Possible causes of overheating:
a - Low engine coolant level.
Fig.32 b - Radiator caked with mud, dust, straw, etc.
The engine rate is displayed by an analog indicator (B) c - Build-up of deposits in coolant circuit.
where a pointer turns on a graduated scale as the rate d - Loose fan belt.
increases. The pointer should never reach the red zone e - Faulty thermostat.
which shows excessive engine speed. The green zone
with the PTO symbol shows the nominal rate of use. CAUTION: If the engine temperature is too high, let the
The hour counter at the bottom of the gauge indicates engine idle immediately but do not switch it off. If the
the total hours worked, irrespective of engine speed. temperature gauge stays in the red, identify the cause
5 white digits indicate the hours immediately and seek expert advice if necessary.
1 yellow digit indicates 1/10th of an hour
1 yellow sector indicates 1/100th of an hour

Power Take-off range marks

A - Green: 1950 RPM engine rate = 540 RPM and 1000
RPM PTO rate.
B - Red: 2278 RPM engine rate = never reach this rate
when using the PTO. Fuel gauge.
The 540ECO PTO rate is obtained at 1322 RPM: never
exceed a 1591RPM engine rate or the PTO driveline When the pointer moves into the
could be seriously damaged. red zone and the red reserve
warning light comes on, there are
still about 10 liters of fuel in the
Speedometer tank.

Power-Six range indicator lights

The speedometer displays the ground speed of the
tractor without considering wheel slip. The speed can Low range - orange light (A) on.
be expressed in kph or mph, depending on the country High range - orange lights (A) and (B) on.
in which the tractor is to be used.
NOTE: if the originally fitted tyres must be changed for PTO speed indicator lights
special jobs, the speedometer can be re-programmed
to suit the size of the new ones.
PTO RPM meter
Red light (C) on = 540 RPM PTO.
Red lights (C) and (D) on =540ECO RPM or 1000 RPM
PTO on request.

This indicator displays the operating rate of the PTO

Tractor direction indicator lights (only
with great accuracy. The operating rate of implements with Delta-Six gearbox)
for which the rotation speed must be precisely selected
can therefore be kept under constant control. Green light - Forwards
Orange light - Reverse

Instruments and controls

Ignition switch (A-Fig. 34)

STOP • No circuit powered. Engine stopped. The

key can be removed.

• Contact position. Various users powered.

Indicators and controls on.

• Thermostarter preheating position for

cold weather starting.

START • Engine start position. Key automatically

returns to power on position when

Light switch (1-Fig.35)

1 - Light switch for direction indicators and horn. Fig.34 Ignition switch (A), hazard light switch (B) and
Only operates with ignition switch in the contact rotating beacon switch (C).
A- Forwards: right hand direction indicator.
B- Back: left hand direction indicator.
C- Pressed: horn.

1 - Road light switch: turn the knob at the end of the

lever to operate the lights.
Lights off.

Side lights on.

Dipped beams.
Pushed down: driving beams.
Hazard light switch (B - Fig. 34)
Fig.35 - Light and horn switch.
0 - Off.
1 - Flashing hazard lights on.

Warning buzzer (3 - Fig.29)

The buzzer will start operating if the red warning light

indicating low pressure in the transmission hydraulic
circuit comes on. Immediately contact your Dealer's
Specialized Workshop if this occurs.

Rotating beacon switch (with light switch on) (C -

Fig. 34)

0 - Off.
1 - Rotating beacon on.

Instruments and controls

The cab is made of steel section metal and is fixed to
the tractor by a double set of silent-block rubber
dampers that insulate the driving seat from vibrations
and engine noise. This allows the noise level to be kept
at very low values (86 dBA), improving the conditions in
which the operator works (Fig.36).

Doors (1)
The doors can be opened from both the inside and
outside and be kept in the open position by dampers.
Both doors can be locked with a key.
Fig. 36 - Main cab components.
Rear window (2)
To open the rear window, just turn the handle in an 1 - Fully opening doors with safety lock; 2 - Rear
anticlockwise direction to release it and then push. window; 3 - Rear view mirrors; 4 - Windscreen wiper; 5
Dampers will keep the window in the open position. - Opening roof; 6 - Opening side windows; 7 - Front
field lights; 8 - Rear field lights.
Side windows (6)
The side windows can be opened to the required
extent. The articulated handle is used to open, close
and regulate the opening angle of the windows. Controls on cab roof
Additional field lights
The cab can be equipped with additional front (7) and
rear (8) field lights which notably increase the visibility
during night work. The switches to operate the lights
are on the cab roof (Fig. 38).

Rotating beacon
The rotating beacon is mounted on the rear part of the
cab. It is operated by means of switch (C - Fig. 34) on
the dashboard.

Fig.38 - Roof opened by handle (6) with controls on cab


Interior lights 1 - Three-position windscreen wiper switch: Stop -

Intermittent - 1st Speed.
2 - Windscreen washer: press the switch to spray
water to wash the windscreen.
3 - Rear window wiper switch.
0 - Off.
1 - Rear window wiper on.
2 - Window washer operation.
4 - Front field light switch (with light switch on).
0 - Lights off.
1 - Two external front lights on.
2 - All front lights on.
5 - Rear field light switch (with light switch on).
0 - Lights off.
Fig. 37 - Interior lights. 1 - Two external rear lights on.
2 - All rear lights on.
Switch (1 - Fig. 38) is used to operate the interior lights. 6 - Handle to open roof.
This switch has three positions:
To the left - Turns on the large interior light (3).
Center - Lights off.
To the right - Turns on the reading light (2).


Instruments and controls


The cab heating and ventilating controls are all located
on the instrument panel.
The instrument panel has several air vents that can be
regulated to direct the air where required (Fig. 39).

Set the temperature adjuster knob (C) as required in the
red area for heating (Fig. 39). Use switch (D) to re-
circulate the air and quickly heat the cab.

WARNING: make sure that the air conditioning switch is

"OFF". Fig.39a -Cab heating, air circulation and air conditioning
Air conditioning
A -Air conditioner switch.
NOTE: make sure that the temperature control knob is
in the blue area. Press to turn on the air conditioning system.
Remember to set the air circulation switch (D) to the
UP position when the air conditioner is turned on. B-Fan switch.

1 - Make sure that all the doors and windows are shut 0 - OFF
and then press the A/C button I - Slow
(A - Fig.39a). II - Medium
2 - With the engine running, turn the temperature III - Fast
adjuster knob fully clockwise to obtain faster
cooling during the initial phase (C). C-Temperature control knob.
3 - Turn the fan control knob (B) fully clockwise and
open the air vents (D - Fig.39a) to obtain faster Red area - Hot air
cooling. Blue area - Cold air
Lower the fan speed once the required temperatu-
re has been reached. D-Switch to re-circulate the air in the cab or fresh air
4 - Adjust the temperature with the knob (C). from outside.

NOTE: if the air-conditioning system is operated at a Up - For fresh air from outside.
low temperature for a long time, ice may form on the Down - To re-circulate the air in the cab.
evaporator. If this happens, or if the automatic tempera-
ture control mechanism cuts out the system, adjust the E - Faulty air conditioner indicator - red. Turn off the air
temperature control to increase the temperature setting. conditioning system if this light comes on and have the
If the problem persists, increase the fan speed. system checked by specialized technicians.

5 - Adjust the fan speed to maintain comfortable WARNING: if the tractor is to remain unused for
operating conditions. Remember that the cold a long period of time, or if the system is not
increases at low speed because the air moves used, remember to allow the air conditioner to
more slowly. operate for about 15 minutes each week. This
precautionary measure prevents gas from
NOTE: clean the cab air filter at the indicated times leaking from the compressor.
(see Maintenance chapter) and mount special filters
when chemical products are used.

Instruments and controls

Automatic air-conditioner (available on request in the Top version)

3 4 5


12 11 10 9 8 7

Fig.39b-Automatic air-conditioner controls.

The automatic air-conditioner ECC (Electronic Climate

Control) automatically regulates all the basic functions
according to the temperature selected by the operator.
The air-conditioning system connects to the ducts that
distribute air around the cab. The heating and
conditioning functions can therefore be activated by
means of the automatic air-conditioner controls: this
allows the operator to obtain hot dehumidified air in the
winter and cold dehumidified air in the summer.

1-2- Temperature setting.

1 - Lowers the temperature. 9- Automatic mode selector switch. Ventilation and
2 - Raises the temperature. air re-circulation occur automatically. The
compressor is also activated automatically if
3-4- Ventilation controls. necessary.
3 - Increases the fan speed.
4 - Lowers the fan speed. 10 - Displays the outside temperature on the digital
5- Liquid crystal panel indicating the entered
functions and the set temperature values. 11 - Quick cab cooling button.

6- Manual switch to select fresh air circulation or re- 12 - Quick cab heating button.
circulation of the air in the cab.
WARNING: if the tractor is to remain unused for
7- Automatic defrosting function. a long period of time, or if the system is not
used, remember to allow the air conditioner to
8- Economy mode. Turns off the compressor and operate for about 15 minutes each week. This
leaves all the other functions in automatic mode. precautionary measure prevents gas from
leaking from the compressor.

Instruments and controls

Steering wheel adjustment

The steering wheel can be adjusted in height by
unscrewing the knob (1 - Fig. 40). It can be tilted to suit
the driver's requirements after having released the lever
(2 - Fig. 40).

The driver's seat has devices to adjust the suspension,
height and distance from the controls (Fig. 41).

Seat suspension
This can be modified to suit the driver's weight by
means of the adjuster lever, which is easily accessible
Fig. 40 - Positionable hot/cold air vents and knob to
from the driver's seat (3 - Fig. 41).
regulate the height (1) and tilt (2) of the steering
Weight and height indicator (4 - Fig. 41)

Seat height adjustment

Use knob (2 - Fig. 41) to raise or lower the seat.

NOTE: pneumatic seat suspension, which is adjusted

for height and distance in the same ways, is available in
certain countries on request.

Regulating the distance

The seat can be moved forwards or backwards by
releasing the relative lever (Fig. 41).

Support in the lumbar region (5). Available on


Fig. 41 - Driving seat - (Type supplied according to


1 -Seat suspension: horizontal adjuster.

2 -Seat height/tilt adjuster.
3 -Seat suspension adjuster.
4 -Weight and height indicator.
5 -Support in the lumbar region (on request).

Instruments and controls

Oil union for hydraulic trailer brakes (1 - Fig. 42).
(Available on request in certain markets).

7-pin rear power socket for trailer (2 - Fig. 42).

Quick couplings (3 - Fig. 12). Quick couplings of the

« Push-Pull» type for auxiliary spool valves are supplied
for remote controls.

Tool kit. A bag containing a set of tools and other

materials for the tractor will be found in the
compartment under the passenger seat beside the
driver's seat.
Fig. 43 -Reservoir for windscreen wiper-washer fluid (1)
and reservoir to collect engine coolant (2).

The side panels of the bonnet can be easily removed in
order to service the engine and all the other
Pull the knobs indicated by the arrows at both sides of
the tractor to remove the panels (Fig. 44).
To fit the panels back on again, align the top edge with
the moulding on the upper part of the bonnet, then
press down on a level with the clips at the two ends.

Fig. 42 - Various users:

1 - Trailer brake oil tap union; 2 - Power socket; 3 -

«Push-Pull» quick couplings.

Fig. 44 -Removing the side panels of the bonnet.

Fig. 45 - 190 capacity fuel tank.

An additional 80 liter capacity tank is available on



Table of contents Page N°

Starting and stopping the engine ......................................... 36

Starting the tractor ................................................................ 37
Clutch operation ................................................................... 38
Gearbox operation ................................................................ 38
Power Take-off ...................................................................... 41
Brakes ................................................................................... 44
Differential lock ..................................................................... 46
2WD ...................................................................................... 46
4WD front axle - Regulating the
steering angle ....................................................................... 46
Adjusting wheel track ........................................................... 47
Wheels and tyres .................................................................. 51
Ballast ................................................................................... 51
Towing attachments ............................................................. 54
Three point linkage ............................................................... 57
Electronically controlled hydraulic lift ................................... 60
Auxiliary control valves ......................................................... 66


OPERATION Cold weather starting (temperatures

below 0°C)(32°F)
WARNING: carefully read the starting
instructions on the two "Starting Instructions" CAUTION: when outdoor temperatures drop to
decals, one affixed to the side where the driver around or below 0°C. (32°F), check the cooling
climbs into the cab and the other on the circuit and if necessary add the recommended
windscreen in front of the driving seat. antifreeze.

ENGINE WARNING: do not inject fluids (ether) to make

Starting the engine the engine easier to start in cold weather. The
tractor is equipped with a cold weather
starting system.
WARNING: make sure that the starting system
allows the engine to start only when the reverse
Proceed as follows:
shuttle lever and PTO slow/fast selector lever
are in the neutral position. If this fails to occur,
- Perform operations a, b, c, d, as instructed above.
have the tractor repaired by your dealer or
- Turn the ignition key to the pre-heat position and keep
authorized service center.
it there for 20 seconds, then turn the ignition key to
the "START" position. If the engine fails to start within
A- Check that the reverse shuttle lever, the gearshift
15 seconds, return the key to the pre-heating
lever and the range selector lever are in neutral.
B- Move the PTO slow/fast speed selector lever to
- Wait a further 10 seconds and then turn the ignition
neutral position.
key to the "START" position again.
C- Move the hand throttle lever to about halfway
- As soon as the engine starts, release the key.
- If the engine fails to start, repeat the pre-heating or
D- Depress the clutch pedal all the way.
starting procedure as described above.
TURBO ENGINE: allow the engine to run for a few
seconds with the starter motor to allow the turbo
- If the engine fails to start after two or three attempts
compressor to be lubricated. Detach the contacts of
and smoke can be seen coming out of the exhaust,
the electric stop command on the injection pump (Fig.
repeat the starting procedure without the
73) or remove the fuse (F16' - Fig. 101) to prevent the
thermostarter pre-heating phase.
engine from starting. Restore the electrical circuit to its
initial conditions. As soon as the engine starts, accele-
- Do not keep the key turned to the start position for
rate to a 1000-1200 RPM rate without increasing further
more than 15 seconds at a time.
until the engine has reached the normal operating
- Wait at least 1 minute between one attempt at starting
and another.
E- Turn the ignition key to the "START" position.
Release the key as soon as the engine fires and
If the engine does not start regularly and easily, do not
quickly set the accelerator lever to the idling speed
continue as for you may run down the battery. Bleed
of 700/800 RPM.
any air that may have accumulated in the fuel system
and, if the problem persists, check that:
WARNING: when the engine is running, keep at
a safe distance from the radiator fan. - the fuel filters are not blocked.
- the battery and thermostarter are efficient.
- the fuses of the ignition circuit are in good conditions
WARNING: to prevent accidents, never allow and that the fuel shut-off valve is open (contact your
anyone to sit on the mudguards or on any dealer or a specialized workshop).
other part of the tractor or implement.
NOTE: before starting a cold engine in cold weather,
first cover the radiator with a radiator cover. Remove the
cover as soon as a normal working temperature has
been reached.


Running in CAUTION: do not keep your foot on the

gearshift clutch pedal when driving and
It is essential to take the following precautions during remember to check and adjust the clutch to
the running in period: prolong its life and avoid sudden damage to it.

1 - Experience has shown that the first 50 hours of

use are of fundamental importance for the CAUTION: if your tractor is equipped with a
subsequent performance and working life of the mechanical reverse shuttle, always bring the
engine. During this period, do not subject the tractor to a complete standstill before changing
tractor to loads greater than those it will have to direction.
deal with during the rest of its working life.

2 - Engage low gears when towing heavy loads. Accelerator pedal

3 - When running in, check regularly that all screws, The accelerator pedal can over-ride the setting of the
nuts and bolts are tight. hand throttle lever to accelerate the engine. However,
when you release the pedal, the engine returns to the
4 - To ensure prolonged clutch life, run in the clutch speed set by the hand lever.
discs correctly. When using the accelerator pedal, always set the hand
throttle lever to the idling position.
NOTE: use the clutch frequently but carefully during
the first 15 hours of use.
Stopping the tractor
Starting the tractor - Reduce the engine speed.

WARNING: before moving off, make sure you - Depress the gearshift clutch pedal to disengage
are perfectly familiar with the brakes, drive.
transmission, PTO, diff lock and engine shut
off. - Once the tractor has come to a stop, move the gear
lever and speed range lever to neutral before
After starting the engine: releasing the gearshift clutch pedal.

1 - Fully depress the clutch pedal, select the gear - Use both pedal brakes to stop the tractor and then
required and then select the speed range. apply the parking brake.

WARNING: make sure that the reverse shuttle

lever is set for the direction required. Turning off ther engine
2 - Release the parking brake.
- Turn the hand throttle lever to the "Idling" position.
WARNING: take care of bystanders, especially
- Stop the engine by turning the ignition key to the
when backing up.
STOP position to disconnect all electrical circuits.
3 - Accelerate the engine slightly and gradually release
TURBO ENGINE: take care when stopping the engine
the gearshift clutch pedal.
after a period of operation at full load. It is advisable to
allow it to idle for 3 or 4 minutes before stopping it. This
4 - Move your foot completely off the clutch pedal and
allows the overheated turbo-compressor to cool to an
slowly accelerate until you have reached the speed
acceptable temperature.
you need.


Gearshift clutch pedal (Fig. 46).

-Pos. A up = drive engaged.

-Pos. B down = drive disengaged.

Make your gear changes gradually. When the engine is

under load, do not slip the clutch to accelerate, but
change to a lower gear.

-Never keep your foot resting on the gearshift
clutch pedal when driving.
Fig. 46 - Gearshift clutch pedal.
-Never coast down slopes with the gear lever in

The gearbox is available with a number of options to
meet specific needs.

The first combination is:

Standard "Speed-Six" gearbox with reverse

shuttle: this is the basic version with six synchronized
gears in three speed ranges (Low - Standard - Fast) and
gives 18 forward speeds and 18 reverse speeds with
the synchronized reverse shuttle.
The sixth gear cannot be engaged in the fast range in
the 30 kph (18.7 mph) max. version (only available in
certain markets), thus the available speeds are: 17
forward and 17 reverse speeds.

The other available options are:

Creeper: reduces all the speeds of the standard

gearbox by 80% (ratio 5 : 1), obtaining 36 forward
speeds and 36 reverse speeds.

Power-Six: electro-hydraulic engagement allowing all

the speeds of the standard gearbox to be reduced by
17%, thus obtaining 36 forward speeds and 36 reverse Fig. 47 -Gearshift levers.
speeds (Legend Top only).
A - Speed range selector lever.
Power-Six and Creeper: installed along with the B - Gearshift lever.
standard Speed-Six gearbox to obtain 72 forward C - Power-Six button.
speeds and 72 reverse speeds (Legend Top only).

Delta-Six: available on request. Consult the Technical

Specifications chapter.


Gear lever Reverse shuttle lever

The lever has six different positions. All six gears are To engage the forward or reverse gears, you must de-
fully synchronized (B - Fig. 47). press the gearshift clutch pedal, stop the tractor and
then select the required reverse shuttle lever position.
You must do this even if the gears are synchronized.

Six lever positions

equivalent to six
ground speeds.


To change from one gear to another within the same

speed range, simply depress the gearshift clutch pedal
and move the gear lever to its new position. There is no
need to stop the tractor.

Speed range selector lever (A - Fig. Fig. 48 - Reverse shuttle control lever.
The speed range selector lever has three possible A - Forward gears.
positions corresponding to the low, standard and high N - Neutral.
speed ranges. Each speed range is identified by a R - Reverse gears.
symbol on the knob of the lever.
Creeper control lever (D - Fig. 49)
* Optional extra
To engage or disengage the creeper range, depress the
Gating layout of the gearshift clutch, bring the tractor to a complete
speed range standstill and then move the creeper lever to the
selector lever desired position.
showing the three
speed ranges The standard speeds of the gearbox are
Neutral position.

Ultra-slow speeds, 80% lower than the

Low range
standard speeds, are engaged.

Standard range

High range

To change from one speed range to another, disengage

the gearshift clutch pedal, bring the tractor to a comple-
te standstill before moving the speed range selector to
its new position.

Fig.49 - Creeper control lever.


Power-Six is an electro-hydraulic device that allows a
low gear to be engaged for all the available gearbox
Power-Six is engaged whilst the tractor is on the move,
without having to disengage the main clutch. Just press
the button (Fig. 50) on the speed selector lever.

Low Range: reduces any gear engaged by


High Range: increases any gear previously

engaged in Low Range by 20%.

Using the gearbox and choosing the Fig. 50 -Power-Six engaging button and warning lights
correct speed on the instrument panel indicating the engaged
Correct ground speed depends on the type of work in
hand, the type of implement being used and the type of Low Range = Red light (A) on.
terrain. High Range = Red lights (A) and (B) on.
Always choose a gear that enables the engine to work
at 75% of its maximum speed so that any extra
workload can be absorbed by the engine. Delta-Six Gearbox

How to choose the correct ground speed

1 - Decide whether to work with the creeper range

engaged or with the standard speed range (if the
Creeper option is fitted).

2 - Select the speed range which is most suited to the

type of work you are doing (Low - Standard - High).

3 - Choose one of the six synchronized gears.

The Power-Six gearbox offers 12 speeds for each
Range (Low - Standard - High): the six
synchronized speeds of the standard Speed-Six
gearbox plus six half-speeds reduced by 17%
thanks to the Power-Six button.
Fig 50b- Levers and buttons of the Delta-Six gearbox
4 - The synchronized reverse shuttle makes gear
changing easy and simplifies row-end manoeuvres
and work with the front loader. Consult the “Technical Specifications” chapter for a
description of the Delta-Six gearbox.
NOTE: the ground speeds given by the various gears
and ranges are listed in the “Technical Specifications” at
the end of this manual.


Power take off

Top version
The power take-off is fully independent from the
transmission. It is engaged by means of the button (A,
Fig. 51) on the right-hand side of the driver’s seat. The
indicator light on the instrument panel comes on when
the PTO is engaged.

Power take-off engaged.

Power take-off disengaged and PTO

output shaft at a standstill: hydraulic stop
device engaged.
The PTO must be in neutral when the
engine is started. Fig. 51 - PTO controls.

A - PTO engaging switch.

Engage the PTO at a low rate to protect the clutch and B - Lever to select independent PTO mode or
driveline. synchronized PTO mode.
Select the operating mode and the required speed C - PTO speed selector lever.
before engaging the PTO. D - Creeper lever.
E - Not used - Available for installation of an auxiliary
control valve.
PTO operation

Power take off operating mode selector lever (B -

Fig. 51).

Independent PTO.
The PTO is driven straight by the engine. B

PTO proportional to ground speed. X100

The PTO is driven by the gearbox.

Independent PTO
The independent PTO can operate at 540 RPM with a Fig. 52
1944 RPM engine rate or at 1000 RPM with a 1956 RPM
engine rate (540ECO RPM with a 1322 RPM engine rate PTO range marks
is available on request). In this operating mode, the PTO A - Green: 1950 RPM engine rate = 540 RPM and 1000
is driven straight by the engine and it operates RPM PTO modes
irrespective of the tractor ground speed.
B - Red: 2278 RPM engine rate = never reach this rate
when using the PTO.

The 540 ECO PTO is obtained at a 1322 ROM engine

rate: never exceed a 1591 RPM engine rate as this
would seriously damage the PTO driveline.


Speed selection Synchronized ground drive PTO

To switch from the 540 RPM speed to the 1000 RPM
speed (or 540ECO RPM) and vice versa, use the speed Synchronized use of the rear power take-off with the
selector lever (C - Fig. 51) which can be set in two gearbox is solely designed for towing self-driven trailers
positions: and, more generally, for all those farming implements
which have to operate in synchronism with tractor
540 RPM PTO. movement and which do not require more than 40 -
45% of rated engine power. Engage the synchronized
PTO with the tractor at a standstill: disengage the
Neutral position gearshift clutch by depressing the clutch pedal.

1000 RPM or 540ECO RPM PTO. WARNING: when using the synchronized PTO and if you
are forced to reverse once or several times, remember
that the driveline inverts its spinning direction. Thus,
WARNING: The PTO must be disengaged when with certain implements, it is advisable to disengage
changing from one speed to the other. Use the the PTO when reversing in order to avoid serious
PTO at 540 RPM to operate implements damage.
designed for this speed or at 1000 RPM (or
540ECO RPM) for implements designed to Synchronized PTO revolutions
operate at 1000 RPM (or 540ECO RPM).
Whichever forward gear is engaged, the splined shaft
of the PTO accomplishes, for each turn of the rear

PTO speed indicator

lights Type of PTO driveline revolutions
PTO L105 - L115 - L130 L145 - L165
540 11.26 12.126
540ECO 16.54 17.818
1000 20.627 22.312
Red light (A) on = 540 RPM PTO.
Red lights (A) and (B) on = 1000 RPM PTO (or 540ECO
RPM PTO) How to change PTO drivelines
Various types of PTO driveline are available:
Economy PTO - 13/8" (34.9 mm) diameter driveline with 21 splines,
standard assembly.
A PTO speed of 540 RPM can be obtained for
implements that do not require maximum power, such - 13/8" (34.9 mm) diameter driveline with 6 splines,
as fertilizer spreaders, sprayers, etc.) by using the PTO mounted on request.
at 540ECO RPM and decelerating to 1322 RPM. The
PTO economy mode has a number of advantages, - 13/4" (44.45 mm) diameter driveline with 6 splines,
including a reduction in fuel consumption, noise and mounted on request.
- 1"3/4" (44.45 mm) diameter driveline with 20 splines,
WARNING: when using the tractor in paddy fields or mounted on request.
marshy ground, where the water level could rise above
the height of the PTO, ask your dealer for instructions To change the output shaft, first remove the spring ring
on all necessary waterproofing and sealing measures. If (Fig. 53) using special nippers.
such measures are not taken, the guarantee could be Take out the shaft. Thoroughly grease the new shaft
rendered invalid. and fit it in place, making sure that it is fully inserted in
its housing.
Fit the spring ring correctly back in place: replace it if it
is damaged or deformed.


PTO driveline connections

The 1000 RPM driveline has 21 splines and is standard
assembly. The 540 RPM driveline has 6 splines and is
supplied with the tractor. Both drivelines are 35 mm in
diameter and have a round groove so that the
implement can be correctly coupled. A removable cap
protects the grooving and the operator when the PTO is
not used.
1. Unscrew and remove the cap that protects the PTO
and keep it safe in the tool box so that it can be fitted
back when required.
2. Connect the PTO driveline to the tractor’s splined
shaft. Make sure that the locking device fixes the
shaft firmly in place.
3. Make sure that all the protections are mounted
Fig. 53 - Changing the PTO driveline.
1 - PTO driveline.
Precautions when using the PTO
2 - Spring ring.
WARNING: PTO drivelines and the implements
operated by the PTO can be extremely
dangerous. It is important to comply with the
following instructions:

Never drive without the PTO cap (1,Fig.53b) or

protection (2,Fig.53b) mounted. These
components protect the operators from injury
and the shaft splines from damage.

Before connecting, adjusting or working on

implements operated by the PTO, disengage the
PTO, stop the engine, remove the ignition key
and engage the parking brake. Never work
under raised implements.

Make sure that all implements operated by the

Fig. 53b - PTO driveline protections.
PTO are fitted with the correct protections, are
1 - Cap for the PTO driveline.
in a good condition and comply with the laws
2 - Protection for the PTO driveline.
in force.

Never use the PTO at 540 RPM if the power

required by the implement exceeds 56 kW (75
When using the PTO with the tractor at a
HP) since the damage such action causes to the
standstill, always make sure that the gears are
driveline and hitched implements could lead to
in neutral position and that the parking brake
bystanders being injured. Implements that need
is engaged.
56 kW (75 HP) must only be used with the 1000
RPM PTO driveline.
Before starting up any PTO-driven implement
Before driving an implement through the PTO,
hitched to the three-point linkage, lift the
always make sure that all bystanders are well
implement to its full height and check that at
away from the tractor.
least 1/4 of the total length of the telescopic
section of the drive shaft is engaged. Adjust the
Fix the draw bar in the central position when
height limiter on the electronic power lift to
using implements operated by the tractor’s
limit the maximum height of the stroke.


The rear brakes are multi-disc oil bath units. Brake
action is hydraulic, controlled by pumps operated by
the pedals.
The brake fluid reservoir (A - Fig. 120) keeps the brake
circuit supplied with fluid.

WARNING: when changing or topping up the

brake fluid in the reservoir, be absolutely sure
to use the correct type of fluid as different
varieties have totally different properties. These
machines use an LHM mineral-based fluid
which is completely different from the normal
LHS synthetic fluid used on other types of
Never mix or exchange these two types of brake Fig. 54 - (A) Brake pedals.
fluid as this could rapidly bring about brake (B) Pedal coupling lock.

Parking brake
Main brakes
A hand lever (Fig. 55) controls the parking brake. This
The main brakes are operated by means of two pedals acts, via a series of linkages, directly on the brake discs
(A - Fig. 54), one for each rear wheel. Braking on one and is fully independent of the foot brakes. The parking
side assists steering in tight manoeuvres. By locking brake can therefore also be used as an emergency
the rear wheel on the inside of a curve, you can virtually brake.
turn the tractor around on its own axis. For The parking brake lever is held in place by a ratchet
simultaneous braking during normal use and for on- mechanism.
road use, simply lock the two pedals together with the To release the lever, simply press the button at the end
special brake coupling lock (B - Fig. 54). It becomes of the lever.
even more important to do this if the tractor is also A red warning light on the instrument panel comes on
equipped with front brakes since a device installed in to show that the parking brake is engaged.
the hydraulic control circuit only allows the front brakes
to be used if the two pedals are operated at the same

WARNING: always keep the brake pedals

coupled for on-road driving to ensure
simultaneous braking on all four wheels. Never
use the brakes independently when driving on
public roads.

WARNING: if you ever notice the brakes

becoming less effective, identify the cause
immediately and repair. When working on
slopes, avoid using the brakes as much as
possible and select a lower gear in order to use
engine braking.

Fig. 55 - Parking brake lever.


Hydraulic trailer brake (Approved for

The tractor braking system can be equipped with a
hydraulic valve (A - Fig. 56) which, if connected to the
hydraulic circuit of the trailer brakes, allows the trailer
itself to be braked along with the tractor. .
Comply with the following instructions to correctly
connect and disconnect the flexible trailer brake tube to
and from the union (1 - Fig. 56) at the rear of the tractor
and to always operate in conditions of the utmost

The trailer-tractor connecting tube can be connected

and disconnected with the engine either running or at a
Fig. 56 -Hydraulic trailer braking tap (Approved for
- With the engine at a standstill: there are no
A - Valve unit.
difficulties when either connecting or disconnecting
1 - Oil tap union.
as there is no oil pressure in the brake circuit.
2 - Indicator light on dashboard.
- With the engine running: it is essential to engage the
hand brake since this ensures that no pressure
remains in the brake circuit. Hydraulic trailer brake (Approved for
FRANCE and EXPORT market)
WARNING: it is extremely important to always The tractor braking system can be equipped with a
carry out this operation before detaching the dedicated hydraulic valve (A - Fig. 57) that, if connected
trailer from the tractor since it ensures the to the hydraulic circuit of the trailer brakes, allows the
immediate action of the automatic safety trailer to be braked along with the tractor.
braking system with which this trailer braking The flexible tube of the trailer brakes should be
system is obligatorily equipped. connected to the union (1 - Fig. 57) installed at the rear
of the tractor.
There is a specific indicator light (2 - Fig. 56) on the
control panel of the tractor which keeps the operator
constantly informed about the operating conditions of
the trailer brake oil tap.

Indicator light off:

- When the oil tap is not connected to the trailer.
- When the pressure of the oil in the circuit is regular
with the trailer connected.

Indicator light on:

- When the engine is at a standstill and the ignition key
is turned to first position.
- When the hand brake is engaged with the engine

WARNING: if the indicator light should come on

in conditions differing from those mentioned
above, this means that there is a fault in the Fig. 57-Hydraulic trailer braking tap
braking system and that use of it must (Approved for FRANCE and EXPORT market).
immediately stop for safety reasons.
A-Valve unit.
1- Oil tap union.


Differential lock functions

Locking the differential - Lock engaged: for speeds of less than 10 kph (6
The tractors are fitted with a system for locking the mph) and steering angles of less than 20° and up to
differential on the rear and front axles on 4WD models. 20 kph (12 mph) with steering angles of less than 5°
They are used when a wheel slips because of lack of - Automatic disengagement in all other cases.
grip. To lock the differentials, just press the button (A -
Fig. 58) under the control panel of the electronic power
lift for a second.

A yellow function indicator on the instrument panel

lights up to indicate that the diff lock is engaged.

NOTE: for the best results, engage the diff lock before
the wheels are likely to slip. Do not engage the lock
while one of the wheels is actually slipping.

Depress one or both of the brake pedals to disengage

the diff lock.

WARNING: disengage the diff lock when you C

need to turn the tractor.
Fig. 58 -Buttons to engage differential lock (A) and 4WD
Four-wheel drive AUTO function (C) available in request.

4WD increases traction on broken ground, mud and

slippery surfaces, etc. Adjusting the max. steering angle
Press the button (B - Fig. 58) to engage 4WD. When
4WD is engaged, an indicator light on the instrument The maximum steering angle of the 4WD front axle can
panel comes on. When it is disengaged, the light be varied depending on the type of tyre mounted and
remains off. the way the tractor is used. The angle is changed by
adjusting the stop screw (C - Fig.59) on the final drive of
NOTE: only use four-wheel drive when strictly the axle.
necessary. Avoid use of 4WD when maximum traction This adjustment is very useful when adopting minimum
is not required, e.g. on hard ground, roads, etc., since track since it prevents the wheels from interfering with
this would only increase tyre wear unnecessarily. the engine housing.
The maximum steering angle is 55°.
AUTO function (Available on
request with Delta - Six)
The AUTO button (C-Fig.58) selects the automatic 4WD
and diff lock managing function.
- Press the button to select the AUTO function - the
light in the button comes on.
- Press the button again to deselect the function. The
light in the button will go out. In this case, the 4WD
and differential lock can be controlled by their
respective buttons (A and B Fig. 58).

4WD functions
- 4WD engaged for speeds of up to 15 kph (9 mph).
- 4WD disengaged for speeds above 15 kph (9 mph).

Fig.59 - Adjusting the steering angle.

C-Adjuster screw.
1-Check nut.


Adjusting wheel track

Adjusting wheel track on 2WD

The front track on 2WD tractors can be set in 5 different
positions, i.e.:

Legend 105-115-130-145-165
1586 mm 1686 mm 1786 mm 1886 mm 1986 mm
62.4 in. 66.4 in. 70.3 in. 74.2 in. 78.2 in.

Proceed in the following way to adjust track width:

Fig.60 -Front track adjustment for 2WD axles.
- Jack up the front axle. 1 and 2-Check bolts for the sliding ends.
3-Fastening bolt for the track rod clamp.
- Unscrew and remove the bolts (1 and 2 - Fig.60), nuts
and washers that hold the sliding ends.

- Remove the bolt (3 - Fig.60) that fastens the track rod


- Slide the LH end sideways and fix it at the required

track width.
Repeat the same operation for the RH end. The
position of the hydraulic steering cylinder must also
be adjusted by moving the support (4 - Fig.61) to one
of the five positions (5 - Fig.61) that corresponds to
the required track width.

The wheel nuts should be fastened to a torque of

between 13 and 15 da Nm (97 to 112 lbf ft).

Adjusting wheel track on 4WD

Fig.61 -Front track adjustment for 2WD axles.
The front track on 4WD tractors can be adjusted by 4- Bolts to fix the hydraulic ram connecting support.
changing the position of the hubs and central wheel 5- Holes used to vary the ram connecting point.
discs as shown in the table below.

Make sure that the wheel nuts are correctly tightened

to a torque wrench setting of 27 to 29 daNm (202 to
217 lbf ft).

W13-24 mm 1629 1742 1830 1944 1797 1910 1998 2112
in. 64.1 68.6 72.0 76.5 70.7 75.2 78.7 83.1
115 W14L-28 mm 1561 1674 1767 1880 1861 1974 2067 2180
130 W12-28 in. 61.4 65.9 69.6 74.0 73.3 77.7 81.4 85.8
W13-24 mm 1689 1802 1890 2004 1857 1970 2058 2172
145 in. 66.5 70.9 74.4 78.9 73.1 77.6 81.0 85.5
165 W14L-28 mm 1621 1734 1827 1940 1921 2034 2127 2240
W12-28 in. 63.8 68.3 71.9 76.4 75.6 80.1 83.7 88.2

* The axle cannot be used with a 55° steering angle when minimum track widths A and B are adopted since the wheels
could interfere with the engine. The tracks are in mm. 1 mm = 0.039 inches.


Mod. 105-115-130 - Rear track

width adjustment
The rear track width of tractors Mod. 105-115-130 can
be adjusted by changing the position of the rim fixing
points or the central wheel discs, as shown in the table
Torque the nuts and bolts that fix the rim to the disc to
28 daNm (210 lbf ft) and those that fix the disc to the
wheel hub to 26 - 30 da Nm (from 195 to 225 lbf ft)

Fig. 62 -Mod. 105-115-130 - Torquing the rear wheel


1 - Bolts that fix the rim to the disc.

2 - Bolts that fix the disc to the hub.

Mod. 105-115-130 - Rear track adjustment with sheet metal rims


105-115 18.4 R 34 DW16-34 mm 1704 1776 1900 1980 2104
105-115 520/70-34 in. 67.1 69.9 74.8 77.9 82.8
105-115 16.9-38
105-115-130 480/70-38 DW15-38DL mm 1684 1780 1880 1984 2084
105-115-130 18.4 R 38 in. 66.3 70.1 74.0 78.1 82.0

105-115-130 520/70-38 DW18L-38 mm 1704 1776 1900 1980 2104

in. 67.1 69.9 74.8 77.9 82.8

Mod. 145-165 - Rear track

This model has a splined axle shaft where the hub
slides. This allows the interflange (I - Fig.64/a - 64/b) to
be adjusted from 1800 mm (70.87 in.) to 2350 mm
(92.52 in.) max.
The system allows different track widths to be obtained
by moving the wheel on the axle shaft, by changing the
rim fixing points or by changing the positions of the
sheet metal wheel discs (Fig.64/a - 64/b).

The torque wrench setting for the nuts and bolts that fix
the rim to the disc is 28 daNm (210 lbf ft) and from 26
to 30 daNm (from 195 to 225 lbf ft) (Fig.63) to fix the
disc to the wheel hub.

WARNING: never use the tractor if the hub and Fig. 63 -Mod. 145-165 - Torquing the rear wheel bolts.
rim bolts are slack. The bolts that fix the disc to 1 - Bolts that fix the rim to the disc.
the rim must be gradually torqued in at least 2 - Bolts that fix the disc to the hub.
three stages and in a crosswise fashion until all
have been locked to the appropriate torque


I = 1800 mm I = 2350 mm
70.87 in. 92.52 in.

Fig. 64/a - Mod. 145-165

Rear track adjustment.

Possible combinations with the

rim and sheet metal wheel disc
pointing inwards.

I = 1800 mm I = 2350 mm
70.87 in. 92.52 in.

Fig. 64/b - Mod. 145-165

Rear track adjustment.

Possible combinations with the

rim and sheet metal wheel disc
pointing outwards.

Fig. 64 - Mod. 145-165 - Rear track adjustments.

The interflange (I) between the external flange that fixes the wheels on to the two adjustable hubs varies from a
minimum 1800 mm (70.87 in.) to a maximum 2350 mm (92.52 in.).
Lots of intermediate positions can therefore be obtained. The available track widths are doubled by setting the wheel
disc inwards or outwards.


Mod. 145-165 - Flange adjustment

on the axle shafts
See (Fig.63-64-65):

- Jack up the tractor to take the weight off the wheels.

Slacken off two hub bolts (1) by about five turns.
Remove the two remaining bolts and screw them into
the puller holes (2).

- Tighten these latter until they touch the flange.

Continue to screw them in alternately until the flange
has been released. The hub will now be free to slide
on the axle shaft.

NOTE: if the hub remains locked on the axle shaft,

Fig.65 -Mod. 145-165 - Flange adjustment on the rear
insert a wedge shaped tool into the slit in the hub in
axle shafts.
order to enlarge it slightly.
1 - Hub bolts.
2 - Puller holes.
- Set the hub in the desired point and remove the two
bolts (2). Tighten the fixing bolts to a 15-18 Kgm (108-
130 ft.lbs) torque setting.

- Proceed in the same way for the other wheel.

WARNING: there is a right-hand hub and a left-

hand one. They cannot be interchanged with
each other.

Mod. 145-165 - Track widths with

P.A.V.T. wheels
Besides being able to vary the interflange (I - Fig.63-64)
between the external flange that fixes the wheels on to
the two adjustable hubs from a minimum 1800 mm
(70.87 in.) to a maximum 2350 mm (92.52 in.), use of
P.A.V.T. allows further rapid track width variations to be
made in successive 50 mm (1.95 in.) increases at a time
for each wheel, thus a total 100 mm (3.9 in.) at a time
for both.
Track is adjusted in the following way with P.A.V.T. Fig.66-Mod. 145-165 - Rear track adjustments with
wheels: P.A.V.T. wheels.
A - Stop fixing bolts.
1 -Remove and then fix the stops (A - Fig.66) of each B - Bolts that fix the disc to the hub.
guide in the required position.
Positions1-2-3-4-5-6 indicate the six available settings:
2 -Slacken off all the bolts that fix the disc to the rim by each position involves a 50 mm (1.97 in.) increase per
3 turns and then oil them (B - Fig.66). wheel, i.e. a total 100 mm (3.94 in.) increase for both.
3 -Move forwards or backwards, braking the wheel NOTE: the maximum track width must only be used for
opposite to the one being adjusted until the guiding light loads. Pay particular attention when driving with
blocks touch the stops. this track width.
4 -Position the remaining stops so as to lock the disc in
both wheel turning directions. Tighten the bolts (B -
Fig.66) in a diagonal and progressive way starting
from the bottom, until reaching a final driving torque
of 28 daNm (209 lbf ft). The driving torque is the one
prescribed for rims with tyres inflated to the correct

5 -Adjust the other wheel in the same way.


Wheels and tyres Ballast

Regularly check that the front and rear wheel nuts are When the tyre is not sufficiently loaded in relation to the
fully tightened. traction the tractor must produce during work, it may
easily slip, causing loss of speed and wear on the tread
Tyre pressure must be checked and adjusted before plus reduced efficiency on the job. To get the most out
using the tractor. Make further checks at regular of tractor power, it is therefore advisable to ballast the
intervals. tractor by applying cast iron rings to the driving wheels
or by filling the tyres with water.
The pressures shown in the table below are given as an
indication only since a number of factors may influence Ballasting the rear wheels
them. These may include different tyre compound
which may vary from one manufacturer to another, Two or three cast iron rings can be applied to each
different ballast, operating conditions, etc. wheel, see (Fig.67). The first is fixed straight on to the
wheel while the second is fixed to the first ring and the
third to the second.
The total weight that can be applied is therefore:
Steering - 2 WD 1.5 - 2.5 Bar
(22 - 36 lbf/
Driving - 4 WD Min. on field 1.3 Bar (19 lbf/
Max. on road 1.8 Bar (26 lbf/ Mod. 105-115-130-145-165- 6 rings 6: 85 Kg Tot. 510 Kg
Mod. 105-115-130-145-165 - 6 rings: 187 lb Tot. 1124 lb

Max. on field 1.3 Bar (19 lbf/

Ballasting the front axle
Max. on road 1.8 Bar (26 lbf/

If heavy implements that might destabilize the tractor

If these simple rules are carefully followed, they will are hitched to the lift, cast iron plates can be added to
ensure maximum working life for your tyres. The the front end to counterbalance their weight (Fig. 68).
pressures given can be used in all circumstances,
without risk of damaging the side walls.

In some instances, these pressures may be reduced if Mod.105-115-130 plates 12- weight 42Kg (92lb)
the earth sticks to the tread. Total 504 (1111 lb)
Mod. 145-165 plates 12- weight 42Kg (92lb)
If you notice any cuts in the tread or side walls, have Total 504 (1111 lb)
them vulcanized immediately to avoid further damage
to the tyre.
The plates have handles so that they can be mounted
Drive slowly on roads if the pressure in the tyres has and demounted more easily.
been reduced for use on soft earth. They should be applied to the radiator core support and
fixed with the relative rods.
To obtain maximum efficiency, do not use tyres with
more than 30-50% wear.
NOTE: if the tractor is not going to be used for a long - Do not ballast the tractor over its rated carrying
period of time, support it on raised blocks to remove the weight.
load from the tyres. - When using the tractor for light work, transport and
on-road towing, remove the ballast to avoid
NOTE: avoid parking the tractor on floors which are unnecessary strain on the mechanical components.
covered with oil or diesel fuel. Also avoid parking the - With semi-mounted and fully mounted implements
tractor where the tyres are permanently exposed to (which inevitably increase the load on the rear axle of
direct sunlight, especially if the tractor is not going to be the tractor), ballast must only be used when strictly
used for some time. necessary. There is no point in increasing grip beyond
the level necessary for efficient work as this will
reduce tyre life.


- Carefully check the tyre inflation pressure since this

will make the tyre last longer and ensure a more
regular use.
- In relation to the Table (Page 53), the softer the soil the
lower tyre inflation must be while the tyre should be
inflated to a greater extent as the soil becomes more

Ballasting with water

The tractor can also be ballasted by filling the tyres with

To lower the freezing point a few degrees in winter, add

calcium chloride to the water in compliance with the
proportions given in the following table. The ballast Fig.67 -Rear wheel ballast.
should evidently be removed when the job does not
require excessive draft, otherwise the soil could Max. 3 rings per wheel.
become excessively compressed.

The following table gives approximate values for the

liters of water and kilos of calcium chloride required to
prepare the antifreeze solution used to three-quarters
(75%) fill each tyre.

In relation to ballasting with cast iron rings on the

driving wheels, this type of weighting offers the
following advantages:

- Low cost.

- Easy preparation.

- Improved steering.

- The weight of the driving wheels can be regulated

according to the real requirements.

How to fill the tyres with water

WARNING: when you prepare a solution of
calcium chloride to ballast the tyres, NEVER
EVER pour the water on to the calcium chloride
since this could lead to a violent reaction. This
danger can be avoided by adding the calcium
chloride very slowly to the water and stirring
until it has completely dissolved.

Jack up the wheel and position it with the valve right at

the top (Fig.69).
Unscrew the movable union of the valve and wait until
the tyre deflates.

Fig.68 -Front axle ballast: max. 12 plates weighing 42

Kg (92 lb) each.


Tighten the relative fitting (3 - Fig.69) into the valve

housing (1) and apply the tube (2). Air will escape from
the little tube (4) as the tyre is filled with water.

The tyres are filled to the three-quarter mark when

water escapes from the small tube (4) if this is
positioned completely downwards.
To add less water, i.e. obtain a lower weight, turn the
wheel so that the valve is in a more downward position.

Tighten the union on the valve casing again and inflate

the tyre with air until obtaining the prescribed pressure.

Take the following precautions when preparing the

water-calcium chloride mixture (antifreeze solution for
the cold season):
Fig.69 -Indicative layout for water ballasting.
- Pour the necessary amount of water in a vessel and
then pour in calcium chloride until the established 1-Valve housing.
quantity has been reached. Never pour water on to 2-Water tube union.
the calcium chloride as this would cause a violent 3-Special fitting to pour in an drain out the water.
reaction. 4-Air bleeding tube.
- Only use the solution after it has completely cooled.
To limit the acidity, add 1% of soda in proportion to
the calcium chloride used.
– Tighten the relative union into the valve housing and
- After inflating the tyre, thoroughly rinse any metal place the tube (4) in contact with the tyre.
parts that may have been wetted with this corrosive
solution, with water. – Blow in pressurized air through the union (2): the
remaining water will drain through the tube (4).

How to deflate the tyres – Remove the union (3), replace it with the valve
retainer and then inflate the tyre.
- Jack up the tyre in question and set it with its valve
NOTE - Never use ballasting systems differing from the
pointing downwards.
ones indicated above.
– Unscrew the mobile union of the valve and allow the
water to drain from the tyre.


Ballasting with antifreeze solution
Tyre to Commercial
size valve level sodium Weight of
(75%) chloride solution
litres US Gal. Imp.Gal.
litres US Imp. 70-72% Kg lb.
Gal. Gal. Kg lb

380/70-28 130 34 28 35 77 116 31 25 151 333

13.6-28 140 37 31 38 84 124 33 27 162 357
14.9-24 150 40 33 40 88 134 35 29 174 383
14.9-28 180 47 39 49 108 160 42 35 209 461
16.9-28 210 55 46 57 126 187 49 41 244 538
16.9-38 280 74 62 76 167 249 66 55 325 716
18.4-34 360 95 79 97 214 321 85 71 418 921
18.4-38 370 98 81 100 220 329 87 72 429 945
20.8-38 480 127 106 130 286 427 113 94 557 1228
480/70-38 310 82 68 84 185 276 73 61 360 793
520/70-38 380 100 84 103 227 338 89 74 441 972


Towing attachments

Front pull hook

The tractor may be equipped with a front pull hook (Fig.
39) for emergency pulling operations from the front and
for towing the tractor.

Class “C” tow hook

A Class “C” tow hook "C" (Fig. 40) may be fitted for
towing single or twin axle agricultural implements and

To make hitching the implement easier, this device can

be adjusted in height; it can also be moved both above Fig. 70 - Front pull hook.
and below the PTO driveline in a total of 4 positions.
See (Fig. 41) for the available fixing heights.

To adjust the tow hook, pull out the securing pins (1 -

Fig. 40) and the bolts (2) to free the hook and move it to
the desired height.

Tow hook positioning is extremely important.

Manoeuvrability and stability when driving depend on
implements and trailers being hitched at the correct

CAUTION: In the higher positions, the tow hook

has a greater towing capacity but the risk of
lifting the tractor’s front wheels is also greater.

When using four wheel drive, keep the tow hook in the
low positions so that the drawbar remains as horizontal
as possible. This keeps the weight over the front axle Fig. 71 - Class “C” tow hook.
and improves tractive force.

Distance from rear axle: 880 mm (34.6 in.).

Max. vertical load: 1500 Kg (3304 lbs).
Max. horizontal load: 6000 Kg (13216 lbs).

Fig. 72 -Class “C” tow hook positions.

(Tyres 18.4 R-34)


Class “D3” rear tow hook

A Class “D3” tow hook can be supplied on request for
160 quintal trailers (Fig.73).
The height from ground level can be adjusted in four
positions (Fig. 73).
Distance from the rear axle: 880 mm (34.6 in.)
Max. vertical load: 2500 Kg (5500 lbs)
Max. horizontal load: 20000 Kg (44000 lbs)

Class “C” and “D3” tow hook with

quick height adjustment
On request, the tractor can be supplied with a Class
Fig. 73 -"D3" tow hook for 160 quintal trailers.
“C” or “D3” tow hook with quick height adjustment. Six
(Height settings with 18.4 R-34 tyres)
heights from ground level can be obtained. A lever (A -
Fig.74-75) releases the tow hook which can then slide
upwards or downwards as needed.

Refer to the Table for the various height values.

Quick adjusting hooks Type C Type D3

Max. vertical load Kg-lbs 1500-3300 2500-5500

Max. horizontal load Kg-lbs 6000-13200 20000-44000

Fig.74 -Class “C” rear tow hook, adjustable in height (A Fig.75 -Class “D3” rear tow hook, adjustable in height
- Lever). (A - Lever).
(Heights from ground level with 18.4 R-34 tyres) (Heights from ground lever with 18.4 R-34 tyres)


Class “A” swinging drawbar

The tractor may be equipped with a Class “A” swinging
drawbar (Fig. 76) consisting of a drawbar and a cross-
member. It is designed only for agricultural implements
with two or more axles.

Never use this type of attachment to tow single axle

implements and trailers because they can apply enough
weight to the drawbar to pitch the tractor up at the

The drawing (Fig. 77) shows the various distances that

can be obtained between the PTO shaft and the hitch
on the drawbar. There are two possible adjustments:
Fig.76 - Class “A” swinging rear drawbar.
- Turn the drawbar upside down so that the hitch lies
1 - Drawbar.
over or under the bar.
2 - Fixing pins to limit swing.
- Vary the point where the cross-member is hinged on
to the tractor support.

For those implements that need it, the cross member

can also be used to provide considerable side swing in
either direction.

The locking pins (2) can also be used to limit drawbar

swing in either direction.

WARNING: when towing implements driven by

the PTO, adjust the height of the drawbar so
that it lies between 150 (5.9”) and 300 (11.8”)
below the height of the PTO shaft.

Cramer automatic tow hook

Available on request in some markets

Fig.77 -Class “A” swinging drawbar positions.

(Measurements taken using 18.4/R-34 tyres)

NOTE: the Class “A” drawbar can be mounted along

with the Class “C” or “D3” tow hook but only when
these latter are mounted pointing upwards.

Fig.78 - Cramer automatic tow hook (optional)


Implement hitch
The three point linkage is used to connect the tractor to
implements controlled by the hydraulic lift.

The three-point linkage is suitable for connection to

implements of various classes as shown by the
diagram and data given in (Fig. 79).

A Cat. II three point linkage with II and III Cat.

interchangeable ball ends is standard supply.

WARNING: always take great care when using

or adjusting the three point linkage.

Hitching the implement

To allow the lift to operate in the correct way, you must Fig. 79 - Implement hitch dimensions.
carefully check the dimensions of the implements to be
coupled to the tractor. a- Distance from the center of gravity of the implement.
As short as possible (the heavier the implement, the
These couplings must be the same standard size as the shorter the distance must be).
three point linkage of the tractor to prevent the whole b-Retraction of the third point: from 0 to 80 mm (0 to 3.1 in.)
assembly from being subjected to irregular stress c- Height of top link hitch ball: 500-600 mm (19.7 to 23.6 in.)
during work, caused by dimensional incompatibility. d-Length of bar: 825+1.5 mm (32.5 in.)
See dimensions given in (Fig.79).
NOTE: the plough shown in the figure is purely
Weight of the implement indicative since the dimensions are valid for any type of
To prevent the regular operation of the lifting system implement.
from being impaired, the weight of the implements
must be less than the maximum load the lift can raise.
This value (given in the specifications) is only indicative,
since the distance at which the center of gravity of the
implement is set in relation to the three point linkage
can also exercise a notable influence.

If an implement, even when lighter than the indicated

weight, is set at an excessive distance from the tractor,
it will bear down on the three point linkage with a much
greater weight than the weight of the implement itself.

Three point linkage

The articulated device with three point suspension
mainly consists of the following components (Fig.80):

Adjustable top link (3rd point)

The adjustable top link (1 - Fig.80) is connected to the

support by two holes. The correct hole to use depends
on the height of the implement.
Fig.80-Mechanically adjusted three point linkage (2nd
Adjust the length of the top link to vary the attachment
angle of the implement in relation to the ground.
1 - Top link with length adjuster sleeve.
2 - Rh vertical life rod with regulating device.
Shorten the top link to increase the angle of
3 - Side stabilizers (2).
attachment, lengthen it to reduce the angle of
4 - Lower links.
5 - Lh vertical lift rod with length regulating device.


During work, the top link must slowly drop towards the
tractor, when the lower links are parallel to the ground.

A hydraulically regulated 3rd point top link can be

supplied on request (6 - Fig.81). This allows the operator
to adjust the length from the driving seat.

Adjustable RH lift rod

The right-hand lift rod (2 - Fig. 80) can be adjusted in
length by means of a lever (2). This adjustment is very
useful since it allows the implement to be levelled
according to the job in hand.

Turn the lever clockwise to shorten the right-hand lift

Fig. 81 -Hydraulically adjusted top link (3rd point).
Turn the lever anticlockwise to lengthen the right-hand
lift rod.

On request, the RH lift rod can be equipped with a

hydraulic adjuster device operated from the driving seat
(7 - Fig.82).

Vertical lift rods

The right and left vertical lift rods (2 and 5 - Fig. 80) can
be regulated by means of an adjustment crank in order
to alter the lateral angle of the implements. They can
also be adjusted by turning the backing plate through
90°: this gives two settings, one with the plate fixed
(Fig. 83/a), the other with the plate free to slide (Fig. 83/
b). This latter position must be used for implements
that require a certain freedom of sideways movement
(cultivators, spaders, harrows).
Fig. 82 -Hydraulically adjusted rh vertical rod (available
on request) 7 - Hydraulic ram.

83/a - Backing plate in fixed position. 83/b - Backing plate free to slide.
Fig. 83 - Plates for the hinge pins of the vertical rod forks.


Lower links
The lower links (4 - Fig.80) transmit tractive force and
support the implement.
They are equipped with quick-hitch couplings for
attaching the implements (Fig.84).
The tractor is supplied with Cat. 2 and 3
interchangeable ball-ends to fit to the crossbar on the

Quick hitch couplings

To hitch an implement, release the hook lock (D - Fig.84)
by pulling the connecting cables (E) from the driving
Reverse the tractor until the couplings are in the Fig. 84 - Quick-hitch couplings.
direction of the ball-ends previously mounted on the
crossbar of the implement. C - Quick hitch coupling.
Slowly raise the lift links until the ball-ends push against D - Lock.
the spring-loaded quick-hitch couplings (C) and are E - Control cable.
locked into place.
The couplings can be opened straight from the cab by Important recommendations when using and regulating
means of the control cables. the three-point linkage.

Side stabilizers
WARNING: always stop the engine before
making any adjustments to the three-point
The side stabilizers (3 - Fig.80) can be set to reduce the
hitch or the implement.
lateral movement of the lower links of the three point
WARNING: always use the lift in position
When work is carried out with certain implements such
control mode when transporting implements
as graders, rollers, hoes, seeders, etc., adjust the
hitched to the three-point linkage.
stabilizers to restrict the side swing of the lower links.

With other implements such as ploughs, harrows, etc.,

WARNING: always use the lift in position
the stabilizers can be set to allow for a greater freedom
control mode when an implement is hitched or
of movement.
unhitched to or from the three-point linkage.
When driving on roads with the power lift in the raised
position, side swing must be limited whichever setting
WARNING: when the tractor is stopped, always
was previously used during work.
lower any implements connected to the three-
point linkage.
To adjust the stabilizers (3):
- Turn anti-clockwise to increase lateral swing.
- Turn clockwise to reduce lateral swing.
WARNING: never ever work under an
implement kept raised by the hydraulic lift
When the three-point linkage has been adjusted to
alone. Always block it safely with a suitable
floating mode, make sure that the implement swings to
support and turn off the engine.
the same extent on both sides, using the edge of the
rear wheel rim as a reference.

Push the three-point linkage as far as it will go towards

the right and measure the distance between the lower
link and the rim.


ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED 3 - Transport shock absorber engaged indicator light.

4 - Down speed selector:
Description 0 - Does not lower. Lock - Turned in an anti-
clockwise direction.
The electronically controlled hydraulic power lift is Max. - Fast descent - Turned clockwise.
available as an option on certain tractor models,
depending on the requirements of the particular market. 5 - Down movement indicator light.

Electronic control of the power lift gives a number of 6 - Maximum height limiter:
major benefits. In particular, control and response Minimum height: turned anti-clockwise.
signals can be processed and action taken to adjust for Maximum height: turned clockwise.
variations in ground conditions encountered by the
implement in a fraction of the time possible with 7 - Up movement indicator light.
manual controls.
8 - Function selector:
To obtain the best results from the electronic control - Position Control, turned anti-clockwise.
system, you must be fully familiar with the controls on - Draft Control, turned clockwise.
the power lift control panel. A full description is given - Intermediate position: mixed Draft and Position
below. Control (INTERMIX).

9 - Electronic power lift "Check Control" indicator light.

Power lift control panel (Fig. 85)
10 -Implement work depth/height control:
0 - Maximum depth.
1 - 3-position up/down switch.
10 - Max. height from ground.
A :Lifting - Transport: the fully raised position is
established by the limiter (6).
11- External power lift controls - Buttons on the
B :Stop - The lift arms are unable to move in any
fenders (Fig. 87).
way in the stop position.
C :Lowering - Work position. This depends on the
way the controls (8 and 10) are regulated.

2- Button to activate the "Shock Absorber" device in

the transport position.

Fig. 85 - Electronic power lift control panel.




Enabling the power lift (Fig. 86)

The power lift incorporates a safety device which
disables the hydraulic power lift controls when the
engine is off or if the external controls have been used.
This prevents accidental movement of the lift arms and
links as a result of interference with the controls or
settings while the tractor was stopped. When the
engine has been started, or after the external controls
have been used, simply turn the control switch (1) to
position A.

- If the switch is already in (Pos. A), turn the switch (1) Fig. 86 -Control panel - Activating the electronic power
to (Pos. C) then back to (Pos. A) again. lift.

- If the switch (1) is not in (Pos. A) and the lift is

lowered, turn switch (1) to (Pos. A).

WARNING: the lift arms will rise as soon as the

control panel is enabled. Limit the max. lifting
height with the control (6 - Fig. 86) before re-
activating the electronic power lift.
-If you need to stop lift movement immediately,
simply turn the switch (1) to (Pos. B).
-Before you enable the power lift controls,
check that the settings of controls (10 and 8) do
not cause any dangerous movement of the

NOTE: the electronic power lift control system also

incorporates safety devices which disable the lift
functions if any of the following faults are detected:
1 - Insufficient battery power.
2 - Short circuit in the power line.
3 - Position-control circuit malfunction.
If the electronic power lift fails to operate correctly after
the controls have been enabled as instructed above,
have the circuits checked by your local dealer.

Check-control indicator light

When the engine is started, the check-control indicator
(9) lights up. Once the electronic power lift is enabled
as already described, the check-control indicator should
go out. Fig. 87-External controls (11) for raising and lowering
If the indicator lights up and flashes during work, the lift arms.
consult your local dealer who will be able to locate the


Hitching an implement
From the internal control panel (Fig. 88)

- Turn the power lift control switch (1) to (Pos. A) to

enable the power-lift control panel.

- Turn the control switch to the working position (C).

- Turn the function selector (8) anti-clockwise to select

position control mode.

- Turn the knob (10) anti-clockwise to lower the arms.

The arms-down indicator (5) should light up.

- Manoeuvre the tractor to the right position and hitch

the implement’s ball-ends on to the ends of the links. Fig. 88-Control panel - Hitching an implement from the
Fit safety pins to secure the hitch. driving seat.
Hitch up the top link.

- Turn knob (10) clockwise to raise the implement.

The arms-up indicator should light up.

With the external control buttons (Fig. 87 and 89)

There is no need to enable the power lift in order to use

the external control buttons (Fig. 87).

To use the external controls, just press on the buttons

to raise or lower the lift arms. Now enable the power lift
control panel by means of the switch (1).

-Arm movement stops as soon as the buttons are
-Descent speed is 30% slower than max. speed with the
external controls. Down speed regulation remains
-To enable the control panel controls after the external
ones have been used, release the safety device by
setting the switch (1 - Fig. 89) to (Pos. A) and then to
working position (C).

WARNING: always stand at a safe distance

from the implement and the three-point linkage
when operating the external control buttons.

Fig. 89 -Control panel - Hitching an implement with the

external controls.


Transporting implements (Fig. 90)

- Select the maximum transport height with the
selector (6).
- Raise the three-point linkage by turning the switch (1)
to (Pos. A).
- Set the selector (8) to position control mode (Pos. 1)
by turning it in an anti-clockwise direction.
- Set the down-speed selector (4) to position (0) (lock)
to prevent any accidental lowering movement should
the controls be accidentally operated.

WARNING: if the control lever (1) is moved to

the links down position (C) and the work
height control knob (10) is moved, the arms
could be lowered. Set the lowering speed
control (4) to (Pos. 0), (lock) to prevent any Fig. 90 -Control panel - Transporting implements.
accidental movement.

Shock absorber function in the

transport position (Fig. 91)
This function is activated by moving the selector (1) up
(A) and pressing the button (2). Indicator light (3) will
come on.

Press the button (2) again to deactivate the shock-

absorber function in the transport position.

Operating the power lift (Fig. 92)

- Select the power lift operating mode by means of the
mode selector (8).

Position 1 Turn the knob anti-clockwise for

position control mode. The Fig. 91 -Control panel - Shock absorber function during
implement will remain at a transport.
constant height or depth.

Position 6 Turn the knob clockwise for draft

control mode. Use for ploughing
and similar operations that
require constant tractive force.

Intermediate positions "Intermix" mode.

(2 - 3 - 4 - 5) Combining position control
and draft control; for use on
variable soils or with subsoi-
lers, etc.

- Use the selector (4) to set a suitable descent speed

for the type of implement being used.
- Set the switch (1) to working position (C).
- Turn the control knob (10) to obtain the correct
working depth/height.

Fig. 92 -Control panel - Operating the power lift.


Working with tillage implements

(Fig. 93)
- If the implement pitches (makes large lifting and
lowering adjustments) in draft control mode, turn the
mode selector knob (8) anti-clockwise to introduce an
element of position control (Intermix).
The sensitivity of the electronic power lift to variations
in the traction force required in working conditions is
automatically controlled and thus the operator need
not intervene to make corrections.

Intermix/draft/position control
adjustments (Fig. 94)
Tillage work: position (3 or 4). Fig. 93 -Control panel - Working with tillage
Ploughing: positions (3 - 4 - 5). implements.
Light soil turning: positions (2 - 3).
Grubbing: position (3 or 4).
Carried implement: position 1 (position control).

These settings are purely indicative and may vary

depending on the implement used and the soil.

Headland manoeuvres (Fig.95)

- Raise the implement at the end of the field by setting
the switch (1) to (Pos. A). The arms lift to the height
set on the lift height limiter (6). Adjust the lift height
limiter so that if a drive shaft is connected between
the PTO and the implement, it is not twisted into
acute angles. This will also avoid wasting time lifting
the implement to transport height.

- To re-engage the implement, simply turn the switch

(1) to the working position (C). The implement will
Fig. 94 -Intermix/draft/position control regulation.
lower at the speed set with selector (4) until is
reaches the position selected with knob (10).

Float mode (Fig.95)

Used for implements that rest on the earth and follow
the relief of the ground.

- Turn switch (1) to position (C).

- Turn knob (10) to position (10), fully anti-clockwise as
far as it will go.

WARNING:comply with the maintenance and

safety regulations governing the electrical
system of the tractor to safeguard and protect
the electronic power lift.

Fig. 95-Control panel - Headland manoeuvres and float


(See Fig.85 for the references)


(3) (1) (4) (6) (5)
Enabling Pos. 0 - Minimum Pos. A to Pos. C 0 - Minimum Use controls (4) and (6)
control or to prevent arm
Pos. C to Pos. A movement

Hitching or unhitching Max. height pos. Pos. C work Set to desired height Position control Set to intermediate pos.
implements using Turn clockwise Up: fully
the controls on anti-clockwise
the panel

Hitching or unhitching Not used Pos. B or C Re-enable control

implements using panel after
external controls use

Transporting implements Max. height Pos. A - engage Pos. 0

Turn anti-clockwise locking
device (2)

Working in position Set to max. Pos. C - work Set to desired Up: fully Set to desired position Use switch 1
control mode desired height height / depth anti-clockwise for headland

Working in draft Set to max. Pos. C - work Set to desired Down: fully Set to desired position Use switch 1
control or desired height depth clockwise for headland
Intermix mode Intermediate positions turns
for Intermix

Headland Set to max. Pos. A To not interfere

turns desired height with
work settings

Start of Pos. C - work Do not interfere

furrow Pos. D - Irapid soil with

engagement work settings


Max. lifting capacity of hydraulic AUXILIARY CONTROL VALVES

power lift
A maximum of 4 auxiliary control valves can be
The three-point linkage can be arranged in different mounted on the right-hand side of the driver’s seat in
ways to achieve either a greater lifting capacity or a order to control external cylinders. These control valves
greater freedom of movement. are linked to the circuit of the hydraulic lift and thus use
All Legend models have two holes (A and B), (Fig. 96) the same oil.
used to hitch the vertical links. The control levers for the auxiliary control valves are
The operator can therefore choose greater freedom of installed on the console on the right-hand side of the
movement for the three-point linkage by using hole (A), driving seat (1 - Fig. 97).
which is nearest to the center point (A = 470 mm), or a
greater lifting capacity by using hole (B), ( B = 522 mm) Different types of control valve can be mounted,
which is farthest from the centering point but nearest to depending on the type of work involved:
the end where the implement will be hitched.
- Standard control valve for single and double-acting

- Convertible single/double acting control valves with

Cylinder Max. lifting capacity “Kick-out” automatic release.
diam. mm A=470 mm (18.5") B=522 mm (20.6")
- Convertible single/double acting control valves with
105 80 STD 5100 Kg-11240 lb 5500 Kg-12122 lb floating position.
130 90 OPT 6500 Kg-14326 lb 7000 Kg-15428 lb - Specific types for hydraulic engines.

145 90 STD 6500 Kg-14326 lb 7000 Kg-15428 lb

Control valve operation
165 100 STD 7600 Kg-16750 lb 8400 Kg-18514 lb
- Standard control valve to operate single and double
STD = Standard OPT = Optional acting cylinders.
If set to positions (A and B) and released, the control
lever (1 - Fig. 97) automatically returns to the hold
position (N), locking the implement in the position it
has assumed.

- Convertible single and double-acting control valve

with automatic release (optional). If set to positions
(A and B), the control lever remains blocked in the
assumed position. Once the cylinder has reached end
of stroke, the pressure automatically releases the
lever, setting it back in the neutral position (N).
The level can be moved back to the neutral position
by hand before the cylinder reaches end of stroke.

- Convertible single-double acting control valve with

floating position (optional), used for implements that
normally rest on the ground and follow its relief (e.g.
graders, snow-ploughs, etc.). The floating position is
obtained by moving the lever (2) to the second
setting in position (F), where it remains locked.
Fig. 96 -Adjusting the max. lifting capacity. - Specific control valve for use with hydraulic motors.


Selecting the single/double acting

All control valves can be regulated to control single-
acting cylinders.
To do this, just loosen the check nut (2 - Fig. 98) and
turn the screw fully anti-clockwise (1 - Fig. 98). Now lock
the check nut again.
To select the double-acting mode, turn the adjuster
screw (1 - Fig.98) clockwise.

NOTE: to ensure that the hydraulic circuit operates in a

regular way, the level of the transmission oil must be
frequently checked and topped up if necessary, as
indicated in the “Checking the transmission oil lever”
part of the Maintenance chapter.
Fig. 97 -Auxiliary control valve levers for N.A.
F - Floating position (optional)
WARNING: make sure that the hydraulic
A - Delivery position (outlet A)
cylinders of the connected implements contain
N - Neutral position.
the same type of oil as the transmission unit of
B - Delivery position (outlet B)
the tractor to prevent this from being polluted
and leading to faulty operation.

NOTE: the side panel to the right of the driving seat is

pre-engineered for installation of a control lever for
supplementary hydraulic users (E - Fig. 51).

Fig. 98-"Push-Pull" quick couplings at the rear.

1 - Adjuster screw for single/double acting modes.
2 - Check nut.


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Table of contents Page N°

Routine maintenance table .................................................. 70
Maintenance (general information) ...................................... 71
Running in ............................................................................. 71
For long idle periods ............................................................. 71
Engine ................................................................................... 72
Fuel ....................................................................................... 73
Fuel filter ............................................................................... 73
Bleeding air from the fuel circuit .......................................... 74
Dry air filter ........................................................................... 75
Engine cooling circuit ........................................................... 77
Hydraulic circuits, steering circuit and transmission oil ....... 78
Clutch pedal .......................................................................... 79
Brakes ................................................................................... 80
Fan and alternator belt .......................................................... 83
Cab air filter ........................................................................... 84
Air conditioning system ........................................................ 84
Routine maintenance guide ................................................. 86
Important information ........................................................... 86
Recommendations ............................................................... 86
Variable maintenance ........................................................... 87
100 hours .............................................................................. 89
250 hours .............................................................................. 89
500 hours .............................................................................. 90
1000 hours ............................................................................ 91



the following operations to

In maintenance





General lubrication from 20 to 24

Lubricate three-point linkage Variable 9


Grease front axle hubs, non-driving front axle 31

Lubricate rear axle bearings (Mod. 145-165 only) 32
Check engine oil level Variable 4

Change engine oil 25

Change engine oil filter 26
Check valve clearance 29
Clean fuel filter bowls Variable 5
Change fuel filter cartridges 30

Check injector settings 42

Dry air filter: clean drain valve Variable 1
Dry air filter: clean or change cartridge Variable 2
Drain sludge from fuel tank 40
Check coolant level in radiator Variable 3

Clean radiator fins Variable 16

Wash out cooling circuit 32
Check oil level in gearbox, front axle differential and

front side final drives (steering and power lift circuits) Variable 17-10-11

Change oil in gearbox(2), front axle differential and

Front side final drives (steering and power lift circuits) 34-35-36
Change oil filters on the intake(3) of the steering and power lift circuits 27
Change oil filter on the delivery(3) of the steering circuit 28
Clean transmission oil radiator Variable 16
Check free travel of brake pedals Variable 13
Check oil level in brake and clutch circuits Variable 12-14

Check level of electrolyte in battery Variable 6


Check alternator belt tension Variable 7

Check efficiency of alternator and starter motor 38-39
Check level of screen wash liquid Variable -

Check and clean cab air filter Variable 15


Change cab filter element 37

Check charge in air conditioning system Variable -
Clean condenser in air conditioning system Variable 16
Check compressor belt tension Variable 8
Check tyre pressure Variable 18

Check wheel nut tightness Variable 19

Check tightness of nuts and bolts in general Variable -
Operations marked "0" must be performed by an authorized dealer or service agent.
(1) Operation to be carried out at least once a year.
(2) It is advisable to change the oil after the first 500 hours service and then every 1000 hours.
(3) Change the filters on the intake and the filter on the delivery after the first 50 hours service and then every 250
CAUTION: use your own discretion and experience when deciding the actual intervals for variable interval service
and maintenance operations. Always remember however, that it is better to perform them too often than not often


MAINTENANCE After the first 50 hours

- Change the engine oil and the engine oil filter
cartridge. Then change the engine oil and diesel fuel
GENERAL INFORMATION filters twice at 100 hours intervals.
After this, change the engine oil and the engine oil
and diesel fuel filters at the intervals specified in the
This section describes those maintenance operations
“Routine Maintenance Guide".
which require specific instructions. Operations not
- Hydraulic and steering system: change the filter on
requiring specific instructions are simply listed in the
the delivery and the filters on the intake.
Routine Maintenance Guide.
Subsequently change them after every 250 hours
This brief guide covers all the maintenance operations
to be carried out at different intervals.
- Check that all screws, nuts and bolts are tight.
When it is stated that operations may be performed at
- Check all fluid (oil) levels and top up with the correct
variable intervals, determine the actual intervals to suit
type if necessary.
the weather and the conditions your tractor has to
- Check the tension of the fan belt.
operate in. Use common sense and experience!.
- Grease all points provided with grease nipples.
Always perform routine maintenance and lubrication
- Check tyre pressures.
operations at the intervals given in the Routine
maintenance Guide.
Always refer to the tractor’s actual operating hours as
shown on the meter.
RUNNING IN - Park the tractor in a dry, covered place.
- Clean the tractor.
Constant efficiency and a long working life largely - Drain the coolant from the radiator and engine.
depend on how the new tractor is treated during the - Grease all points provided with grease nipples.
running in period. - Clean all the diesel fuel filters.
- Drain the fuel tank and fill up with clean diesel fuel.
It is therefore extremely important to follow these - Remove the injectors and squirt a small quantity of
instructions: engine oil into the cylinders. Turn the engine over by
hand and replace the injectors.
- Your engine does not require any special running in - Disconnect and remove the battery. Smear the
when new. You can use it at full power from the start terminals with clean Vaseline (not normal grease) and
but you must never overload it. Avoid using the store in a dry place.
engine at full power before it reaches an operating - Recharge the battery every three months while the
temperature of at least 60°C (140°F). tractor is idle.
- Every time you start the engine from cold, let it run
slowly without load for a few minutes to warm up.
This is particularly important with turbo-charged
engines. Sealed parts
- Avoid idling the engine for long periods.
- Regularly check for oil leaks. Do not remove the seals from the following parts:
- To ensure long clutch life, carefully run in the clutch injection pump and over-speed screw.
plates. To do this, operate the clutch frequently but If you need to repair or adjust any of these units,
gradually during the first 15 hours’ service. contact your local dealer or authorized repair shop.
The warranty is automatically invalidated if these seals
The above precautions also apply if the engine has are tampered with.
been overhauled or major components replaced.


Engine oil
Use Supplement 3 detergent oil for the engine as
specified in the Lubricants and Fuels Chart.
Detergent oils contain additives to minimize corrosion,
oil oxidation and sludge formation. Detergent oils also
help disperse the carbon compound formed during
combustion. In view of its wear-proofing properties
during the running-in period, there will be a slight delay
in bedding the piston rings. Oil consumption will
consequently be slightly higher. This will, however,
return to normal once the rings have finally bedded.
Always change the oil at the specified intervals. Oil
gradually loses its lubricant properties as combustion
residues form and the oil’s molecular chains break

Check the level of the engine oil every day or after Fig. 99 - Engine oil.
every 10 hours service (Variable maintenance).
Check the oil level with the dipstick (1 - Fig. 99). 1 - Engine oil dipstick.
To avoid unnecessary oil consumption: 2 - Engine oil fill plug.
- Never add oil beyond the “maximum” mark.
- Never add oil before the level has dropped to the
“minimum” mark.
If necessary, top up the level with new oil of the type
indicated in the “FUELS AND LUBRICANTS” chart.

Change the engine oil after the first 50 hours service

and then after every 250 hours.
Change the oil when the engine is hot. Remove the
drain plug (3 - Fig.100) on the left-hand side, with the
tractor parked on level ground.
Replace and tighten the drain plug (tightening torque
3.5 daNm) (26 lbf ft).
Add new oil of the type recommended up to the MAX
mark on the dipstick.

NOTE: allow the oil to settle in the sump before

checking its level.
250 hours is the longest permissible oil change interval. Fig.100 - Engine oil.
Under harsh conditions, change the engine oil more
frequently, e.g. every 125 hours). 3 - Engine oil drain plug.
4 - Engine oil filter.
Engine oil filter
Change the engine oil filter for the first time after
50 hours service and then after every 250 hours. WARNING: it is advisable to change the engine
Proceed in the following way to change the filter: oil and engine oil filter at least once a year
1 - Unscrew the old filter (4 - Fig.100) from the even if the established work hours have not
support. been reached during that period.
2 - Smear clean oil on the seal of the new oil filter and
make sure it fits into its housing on the filter head.
3 - Screw the new filter into its housing by hand and WARNING: to engine the engine is correctly
then hand-tighten one extra half turn. lubricated, remember to only use genuine filter
Do not overtighten. cartridges. Spurious spares can compromise the
correct operation and life of the engine.


Use only good quality diesel fuel. Poor quality fuel can
reduce the efficiency of the injection system.
Diesel fuel must be free from particles in suspension. If
necessary, decant the fuel for two or three days before
using it in the tractor.
Efficient fuel decanting can be achieved by using the
simple but efficacious system illustrated in (Fig.101).
Never use fuel which has been left in an open can for
any length of time and which could contain dirt or
Fill the tractor’s fuel tank in the evening after finishing
the day’s work. This prevents condensation from
forming inside the tank.
The fuel filter cap is fitted with a gauze filter which
should be removed and cleaned at regular intervals. Fig.101 -Setting up a tank for fuel decanting.
a - 25% slope.
b - Water.
CAUTION: never fill the fuel tank when the c - Sludge drain cock.
engine is on or over-heated.

NOTE: never use galvanized containers to store fuel.

Fuel filters

At suitable intervals, use the plugs (1 - Fig. 102 and

104) to drain water from the fuel filters and pre-
This operation must be carried out with the engine

During the running-in period, change the filters for

the first two times at 100 hour intervals. Following
this, change the fuel filter cartridges after every 500
hours service (2 - Fig. 102 and 104). Fig.102 - Fuel filters.
1 - Sludge drain plug.
To change the fuel filter 2 - Filter cartridge.
Proceed in the following way (Fig.103):
1 - Clean the outside of the filter.
2 - Hold the bottom of the filter in one hand and
remove the screw on the top of the filter, above
the center of each filter element.
3 - Remove the bottom cover of the filter.
4 - Remove and dispose of the old cartridge. Fit in a
new one.
5 - Clean the inside of the filter top and cover.
6 - Bleed the air from the fuel system if necessary.

Fig.103 - Demounting the fuel filter.


Bleeding air from the fuel system

Air is normally expelled automatically from this type of

However, when the filters are removed, you should
operate the fuel pump (Fig. 104) by hand to pump the
fuel out, this to avoid operating the starter motor for an
excessively long time.

Proceed in the following way to completely bleed the

air from the system (Fig.104 and 105).

1 - Make sure that the fuel tank contains a sufficient

quantity of fuel. Fig.104 - Bleeding air from the fuel circuit.

2 - Slacken off the bleeder fitting at the top of the filter 1 - Plug to drain off deposits.
body (2) by a couple of turns. Operate the fuel 2 - Pre-filter filter cartridge.
pump lever (3) until bubble-free fuel flows out of 3 - Fuel pump.
the bleeder. Re-tighten the bleeder fitting.

3 - Proceed in the same way with the bleed screw (6 -

Fig.106) of the injection pump.

4 - Slacken off one of the fittings (5 and 7 - Fig.105)

that connect the injectors and allow the engine to
turn over by means of the starter motor until the
engine starts.

CAUTION: do not operate the electric starter motor for

more than 20 seconds at a time to avoid overheating
the windings. If the engine fails to start, wait a while to
let the starter motor cool down before trying again.

5 - Shut off the injector fitting (5) when bubble-free L110

fuel flows from the fitting itself. Fig.105-Mod.130-145-165 injection pump and injectors.
4 - Injection pump.
6 - Check all the fuel lines and seals for leaks. 5 - Injectors (6).
7 - Fuel shut-off valve contacts.
Empty the fuel tank every 1000 hours by means of
the fitting in the left-hand front part.

Every 1000 hours service have the injector settings
checked by your dealer’s authorized service center.

Valve clearance
Have the intake and exhaust valve clearance
checked and adjusted by your dealer every 500
Fig.106-Mod. 105-115 injection pump and injectors.
4 - Injection pump.
5 - Injectors.
6 - Bleed screw.
7 - Fuel shut-off valve contacts.


Dry air filter

Whenever the red filter blockage warning light on the
instrument panel comes on, remove the cover from the
body of the filter (3 - Fig. 107), remove the outer
element (1) and clean it.
The filter cartridge can be either washed in water or
cleaned with compressed air.

Cleaning with compressed air

Direct a jet of dry compressed air at the maximum
pressure of 6 bar from the inside towards the outside of
the filter cartridge (Fig.108).
Blow evenly all over the inner surface, moving the jet Fig. 107 - Removing the dry air filter.
along the pleats in the paper until all dust has been 1 - Outer element.
eliminated. 2 - Internal safety filter.
3 - Filter holder.

Washing with water

This method is particularly suitable when the cartridge
is heavily soiled or clogged with dust and soot. Wash
the cartridge by immersing it in a bath containing water
and non-foaming detergent at a temperature of not
more than 45°C. Shake the cartridge in the bath to
ensure that all dirt is removed (Fig.109).
After washing, rinse the cartridge with a jet of water
directed from the inside towards the outside and at a
pressure or no more than 3 bar (Fig.110).
Now allow the cartridge to dry at room temperature for
24 hours. To speed up this process, the cartridge can
be dried with hot air at a temperature of no more than

NOTE: keep a spare cartridge ready to hand to avoid Fig.108-Cleaning the filter with compressed air (Max.
wasting time when it needs changing. pressure 6 bar)

Fig.109-Washing the filter in water containing



Change the outer cartridge if you have already cleaned

it six times and at least once a year. Shine a light inside
the element to check that there are no holes or cracks
or other visible damage and change it if this is the case
The internal safety element (2 - Fig.107) must neither be
washed nor blown clean but changed each time the
outer element has been cleaned 3 times.

WARNING: there is no point in cleaning the

filter element before the red filter blockage
warning light comes on. Unnecessary cleaning
shortens the life of the element.

-Never slacken or remove air filter elements

while the engine is running. Never run the
engine without the air filter elements in place.
Fig.110-Rinsing the air filter element.
(Max. pressure 3 bar)
-Check to make sure that the separator and
rubber filter seals are in a good condition and
replace them if damaged.

- Use a clean damp rag to wipe the inside of the

filter body, in order to eliminate all traces of

- Make sure that the filter elements are firmly

in place before closing the filter body.

- Make sure that the rubber air intake is in a

good condition and that the hose clamps are

Fig.111 -Checking an air filter element for holes.


Engine cooling system

Your tractor is delivered with a 50% mixture of water
and antifreeze in the cooling system. This protects the
engine at all temperatures down to -35°C (-31°F).
Increase the percentage of antifreeze if you have to
work in colder conditions.

Once a year or at the beginning of each cold

season, check the density of the antifreeze. Add
antifreeze according to the following table if necessary:

Degrees C° -8° -15° -25° -35°

Degrees F° 18° 5° -13° -31°

Percentage by volume
20 30 40 50 Fig.112-Plug (1) to drain water from the radiator.
of antifreeze

Antifreeze has anti-oxidant, anti-corrosion and anti-

incrustation properties and can be left in the cooling
system during winter and summer for up to 2 years,
provided that the tractor is used for no more than 1000
hours. The cooling system must be flushed out
whenever the coolant is changed.

If the system develops a leak, you can top up with

clean water to prevent it running dry, but you must
repair the leak as soon as possible and top up with
antifreeze to the percentage required to withstand the
outside temperatures.

Also regularly check that the radiator does not become

blocked with leaves, mud, straw, etc. If the radiator fins
become choked, the cooling system will be unable to
operate efficiently.
Blow any fouling material off the radiator fins with
compressed air, directing the jet from the inside Fig.113-Plug (2) to drain water from the cylinder block.
towards the outside.
a - Completely drain all coolant from the radiator and
WARNING: never remove the radiator cap when cylinder block through the radiator drain holes (see
the engine is hot. You could be scalded! Fig.112 and 113) while the engine is warm.
Unscrew the radiator cap slowly for part of its
turn to release pressure before removing it b - Dissolve 250 grams (0.5 lb) of sodium carbonate in
completely. 10 liters (17 pt) of clean water. Filter the solution
and pour into the radiator while the engine is cold.
NOTE: occasionally check that the pressure relief valve
in the radiator cap is free to move. Lubricate with a few c - Operate the tractor for about one hour to allow the
drops of oil if necessary. engine to warm up and the solution to circulate. At
the end of the hour, drain out the solution through
the relative holes.
Flushing out the cooling system
d - Wait for the engine to cool and then refill the
Every 1000 hours service or whenever you system with fresh water.
change between warm and cold season coolants,
flush out the cooling system as described below: e - Run the engine for a few minutes and then drain
out the water. It should run clear.

f - Definitively fill the radiator with the water/antifreeze

mixture prescribed for current operating


Transmission circuit, steering and

hydraulic circuit oil levels
Regularly check the oil level in the transmission,
steering and hydraulic circuits.
The oil level should be between the minimum and
maximum marks on the dipstick (Fig. 114) with the
power lift arms fully raised: top up if necessary using oil
of the specified type.

Ensure that the transmission oil is at the correct level

since hydraulic actuators such as hydraulic cylinders,
motors, etc., require a certain amount of oil.
To do this, it is sufficient to know the amount required
to fill the implement. When the level is on the max.
mark, only 7 liters may be used without compromising Fig.114 -Checking the oil level in the transmission
the correct operation of the tractor. housing.
Min. - no oil used.
NOTE: never let the oil level drop below the minimum Max. - max. 7 liters used.
mark. When external hydraulic circuits are used, the oil
level must always be between the minimum and
maximum marks.

NOTE: if you use the tractor on slopes, make sure the

minimum oil level is respected even with the tractor on
the steepest gradients it has to encounter.

NOTE: make sure that the hydraulic services

connected to the tractor use the same type of oil as the
transmission. Mixing different oil types can lead to
damage to the system.

Transmission, steering and power

lift filters
The filters of the transmission oil and the power lift
circuit are mounted on the intake (A - Fig. 115) of the
hydraulic pumps and on the delivery (Fig. 116) of the
steering circuit.
They are equipped with sensors which warn the
operator when the filter/s is/are clogged and need to be
changed by means of an indicator light on the
dashboard: check to make sure which filter needs
changing. Fig.115-Filters (A) for the transmission oil and on the
hydraulic pump intakes.
The filter cartridges should, however, be changed after
every 250 hours service.

Filters on the intake (A - Fig.115) of the hydraulic c - Screw the new cartridges on to the supports until
pumps the retention ring touches the top of the filter, then
a - Unscrew the cartridges (A) from the support. hand-tighten another half-turn (do not tighten too
b - Oil the new retention rings with new clean oil and much).
fit them on to the new cartridges.
NOTE: remember to change the filters for the first time
after 50 hours service and then every 250 hours, or
whenever the blockage indicator light comes on.


Filter on the delivery (Fig. 116) of the steering circuit.

Change the filter on the delivery after the first 50
hours service and then after every 250 hours.
Change the element of the filter on the delivery on the
left-hand side of the tractor:
a - Unscrew the holder (1), remove and discard the
filter element (3).
b - Fit the new filter element (3) into the cover of the
filter (2).

To prevent the filter element from being dirtied (with

mud, etc.) only completely remove the plastic
protection after fitting.

c - Mount the holder (1) after having oiled its threaded

part, the washer (4) and seal (5) with clean new oil.
Take great care to fit the individual parts in the Fig.116-Transmission, steering circuit and hydraulic
right directions. power lift oil filter.
1 - Holder.
Change the seal (5) and the washer (4) every 2 - Cover.
3 - Filter element.
1000 hours service or whenever necessary.
4 - Washer.
5 - Retention ring.
d - Fully screw on the holder (1) by hand.

Change the oil in the transmission, steering and

power lift circuits every 1000 hours (see Routine
Maintenance Guide Op. 117).

NOTE: after having changed the oil and filters, allow

the engine to turn and make sure there are no leaks.
Check the oil level again and top up if necessary.
Clean the transmission oil radiator fins if required (Fig.

The clutch is hydraulically controlled and needs no
adjustment: consult your dealer if necessary.

Clutch fluid reservoir Fig. 117-Clean the fins of the transmission oil radiator
(1). Loosen the stops (2) and remove the radiator. Blow
At suitable intervals, check the level of the fluid in the
with compressed air at the max. pressure of 7 bar.
clutch reservoir.
Make sure that the reservoir (A - Fig. 118) is always full.
Always use mineral based oil (the same as the brake
circuit) as indicated in the Lubricants and Fuels Chart.

Bleeding the air from the clutch

It becomes necessary to bleed the circuit when air
enters owing to lack of oil in the relative reservoir or
when the clutch system is serviced.

Fig.118-Oil reservoir (A) for the clutch circuit.


This operation should be carried out by specialized

personnel. If, however, you decide to do it yourself,
proceed in the following way.

1 - Make sure that the reservoir (A - Fig. 118) is full.

2 - Thoroughly clean the area around the bleed screw.
3 - Fully depress the clutch pedal.
Meanwhile, unscrew the bleed screw (B -Fig.119)
on the clutch cylinder (A) a half-turn and allow any
air and oil to flow out. Re-tighten the bleed screw
and release the pedal.
4 - Repeat this operation until bubble-free oil flows
from the bleed screw.
5 - Make sure that the clutch pedal travel is firm and
not spongy.
6 - On completion of bleeding, top up the fluid level in
the reservoir (A - Fig.118).

NOTE: never reuse previously bled oil without having

first filtered it.


Brake fluid reservoir Fig. 119 - Bleeding air from the clutch circuit.
A - Clutch cylinder.
At suitable intervals, check the level of the fluid in the B - Bleed screw.
brake reservoir. The reservoir (A - Fig.120) must always
be kept full. Top up only with the correct brake fluid, as
indicated in the Lubricants and Fuels chart.

WARNING: when changing and topping up the

fluid in the clutch (A - Fig. 118) and brake (A -
Fig.120) reservoirs, be absolutely sure to use the
correct type of fluid as different varieties have
totally different properties. These machines use
an LHM mineral-based fluid which is
completely different from the normal LHS
synthetic fluid used on other types of tractor.
Never mix or exchange these two types of brake
fluid as this could rapidly bring about brake

WARNING: the oil in the brake circuits has been Fig.120-Brake fluid reservoir (A) and bleed screw (B) on
studied to operate at a temperature of 100°C the front brake on-off valve (C).
but only if not polluted by other substances, e.g.
water in considerable quantities will turn into
vapour and prevent the braking system from
operating in the correct way. Take the
necessary precautions to prevent water from
the lowest part of the system, is the one most
penetrating into the system: protect the front
exposed to this type of fault.
axle and the components in the braking system
when the tractor is washed; store oil in
sheltered places where water cannot infiltrate.
If you think that there is water in the braking
system you must contact your dealer’s
specialized personnel and have it removed. In
this case, the rear brake cylinders will have to
be demounted and emptied and particularly
the brake housing of the front axle which, being


Bleeding air from the rear brake

It becomes necessary to bleed the circuit when air
enters owing to lack of oil in the relative reservoir or
when the braking system is serviced.
This operation should be carried out by specialized
personnel. If, however, you decide to do it yourself,
proceed in the following way.

1 - Check that the brake fluid reservoir (A - Fig.120) is


2 - Thoroughly clean the area around the bleed

screws. Fig.121-Bleeding air from the rear brake circuit;
adjusting the free travel of the brake pedals.
3 - Press down on the left-hand brake pedal. D - Bleeder screw.
Meanwhile, unscrew the bleeder (D - Fig.121) by E - Brake lever.
half a turn to expel all frothy fluid from the bleeder. 1 - Check nut.
Re-tighten the bleeder first and then release the 2 - Adjuster nut.

4 - Repeat this operation until the fluid that comes out

is free from air.

5 - Make sure that the brake pedal travel is correct and

that the action is firm and not spongy.

6 - Repeat the above operations for the right-hand

brake circuit.

7 - On completion of bleeding, top up the brake fluid

reservoir (A - Fig.120).

NOTE: never reuse previously bled oil without having

first filtered it.
Fig.122 - Bleeding air from the front brake circuit.
Bleeding air from the front brake F - Bleeder screws (2).
circuit NOTE: if the tractor is equipped with a valve for hydraulic
trailer braking, it will also be necessary to bleed off any
After having carefully carried out operations 1 to 7 to
air in the piloting tube of this valve. A screw on the body
bleed the rear brakes, proceed in the following way:
of the valve allows this operation to be easily carried
1 - Depress both brake pedals at the same time. Use
3 - Check free pedal travel and that the front brakes
the special coupling lock to keep the pedals
act at the same time. Do this by testing the action
together. Unscrew the bleed screw (B - Fig.120)
on the road.
on the on-off valve (C) until bubble-free oil flows
4 - After having done this, top up the level in the
Re-tighten the screw and release the pedals.
reservoir with oil of the prescribed type.
2 - Depress both pedals at the same time and slacken
WARNING: always keep the brake pedals
off the two bleed screws (F - Fig.122) at the rear of
coupled for on-road driving in order to ensure
the central part of the front axle.
simultaneous braking on both sides. Never use
Repeat this operation until bubble-free oil flows
the brakes independently on public roads.
When working on slopes, avoid using the
brakes as much as possible. Instead, select a
lower gear and use engine braking.


Adjusting the brakes

Rear brakes
Check the efficiency of the braking system regularly.

The braking system must be adjusted when the free

travel of the pedals (A - Fig.123) becomes excessive and
the pedals are near to end of travel.
Proceed in the following way to restore free pedal travel
to its normal value of about 3.5 cm (1.4 in.) (dimension
1 - First make sure that there is no air in the hydraulic
brake circuit. Bleed if necessary. (The presence of Fig.123-Free travel (A) of brake pedals.
air in the circuit is normally denoted by a spongy
braking action).

2 - Jack up the rear wheels of the tractor.

3 - Make sure that the parking brake is off.

4 - Free the brake pedals by raising the lock.

5 - Slowly unscrew the adjuster nut (2 - Fig.125) until

you can no longer turn the wheel by hand.

6 - Make a reference mark on the adjuster nut and on

the support, then slacken off the adjuster nut by 1
and 4/6ths of a turn (Fig. 124), i.e. until the wheel
can be freely turned. Now lock the adjuster with
the relative check nut (1 - Fig.124).
Fig. 124 - Brake adjuster nut (2).
7 - Check that the brake pedal has a free travel of 3.5
cm (1.4 in.) and repeat the adjustment if necessary.

8 - Repeat the procedure for the other side. Finally,

check that the free travel is the same for both
pedals and that the brakes engage simultaneously
on both sides.

9 - Check that the parking brake lever has not been

affected and adjust if necessary.

Front brakes
No periodic adjustment is required as the front brakes
are self-regulating.

Fig. 125-Adjusting the free travel of the parking brake.

1 - Check nut.
2 - Adjuster nut.
3 - Parking brake adjuster nut and check nut.



The parking brake hand lever is directly linked to the
brake pedals.
Replacing the belt
Make sure that free travel is identical for both pedals,
since free travel of the pedals determines the free travel The fan belt must be immediately changed if it is worn
of the parking brake and left/right distribution of the or torn.
braking action when the brakes are locked. Check the condition of the belt regularly.
Contact your dealer’s authorized repair shop to have it
Once you have adjusted the brake pedals, adjust the replaced.
free travel of the parking brake by means of the adjuster
nut (3 - Fig.125) on the brake lever, so that the parking
brake engages after 2 clicks of the ratchet mechanism. Adjusting the belt tension
Regularly check the tension of the fan - alternator
Hydraulic trailer brakes belt.
Belt tension is correct when it gives 1-1.5 cm (3/8 - 1/2”)
To brake the trailer along with the tractor, the flexible when pressed with the thumb (Fig.124).
tube of the trailer brakes must be connected to the If the belt is slacker, turn the alternator outwards after
fitting at the rear of the tractor (1 - Fig.56 or 57). Always having loosened its fixing screws (1).
make sure that the two parts are clean before you
connect them, to ensure that the various components NOTE: remember that the belts must never be too taut
operate in a perfect way. as this would lead to rapid wear and damage to the
alternator and fan supports.

WARNING. Trailer brake approved for ITALY.

When the tractor is operating, it is absolutely
essential to engage the parking brake when
either connecting or detaching the tube that
links the tube of the trailer braking system to
the quick coupling (1 -Fig. 56).

NOTE: air may enter the hydraulic trailer brake circuit

during normal servicing operations such as oil changes,
cleaning of oil ducts. Air in the circuit leads to vibrations
on the pedal when the brakes are used. Air can be
easily bled from the circuit by pulling the parking brake
lever and depressing the brake pedal several times.

Fig.124-Checking the tension of the fan-alternator belt.

1 - Alternator fixing screws.


Cab air filter

Clean the cab air filter every 100 hours or more
often if necessary.
1 - Remove the side panel of the bonnet to reach the
2 - Unhook the fastener and remove the filter (1 - fig.
3 - Use compressed air to clean the filter.
4 - Before replacing the filter, clean the housing with a
dry cloth to remove all traces of dirt.
Replace the cab air filter every 1000 hours or once
a year.

Do not reply on standard filters for protection

against chemical products. Consult your dealer Fig.125 - Removing the cab air filter.
for information on special active carbon filters.

Active carbon filters

When working with chemicals, always use an active
carbon filter: always follow the instructions given by the
filter manufacturer when working with chemicals and
wear protective clothing and a face mask if necessary.
Active carbon filters CANNOT be cleaned. Change the
active carbon filter every 250 hours when
working with chemicals. When it is not required, use
the normal filter in order to prolong the working life of
the active carbon filter.
WARNING: never blow clean or wash active carbon
filters. When washing the tractor, avoid aiming jets of
water on to the filter. For safety’s sake, it is better to
remove the filter.

Air conditioning system

Checking that your air conditioning system works.
A red warning light (E - Fig.39a) comes on when the
circuit needs recharging and servicing. Turn off the
system and have it recharged and checked by a
Start the engine and let the air conditioning system run
for a few minutes. Check the indicator (1 - Fig. 126) (if
fitted) on the dehydration tank (2 - Fig. 126). If you see
bubbles appearing, the system needs recharging.

The A/C system uses R134 GAS. It must be Fig.126-Dehydration tank-filter for the air-conditioning
recharged by a specialist service center. Have the
1 - Charge indicator.
system checked once a year, at the beginning of 2 - Dehydration tank-filter.
each summer..

NOTE: to keep the unit in good working order, the A/C DANGER: if there should be any leaks, wear
system should be turned on for a few minutes every protective clothing and goggles. The coolant
week in order to keep all components well lubricated. can cause injury to the eyes. If R134 cooling
fluid cones into contact with naked flames, it
can release a toxic gas.


Regularly check the system to keep it in a good
condition and use compressed air to remove any dust
and dirt from and around the condennser fins.
To access the condenser (Fig.127), remove the two side
panels from the engine, then blow compressed air at a
max. pressure of 7 bar (98 psi) in the opposite direction
to that of the normal air flow.

WARNING: never disconnect any pipes or hoses

in the air conditioning system to reach the

WARNING: if the tractor is to remain unused for

a long period of time, or if the system is not Fig.127 - Cleaning the condenser (2) of the engine
used, remember to allow the air conditioner to coolant radiator (1) and transmission oil radiator (3).
operate for about 15 minutes each week. This
precautionary measure prevents gas from
leaking from the compressor.

Compressor drive belt

Regularly check the tension of the A/C compressor
drive belt and adjust in the following way if necessary

1 - Loosen the fixing nuts (1).

2 - Loosen the nut of the slotted support (2), position

the compressor (3) so that the belt (4) gives 15 mm
in the center of its longest side.

3 - Tighten all the nuts.

Fig.128 - Checking and regulating the tension of the
4 - Also make sure that the alternator-fan belt is compressor belt.
correctly adjusted.



The routine maintenance guide has been prepared to detail: consult the «Maintenance» chapter for greater
make tractor servicing easier. The maintenance information.
operations have been grouped according to the
intervals at which they must be carried out, allowing IMPORTANT: operations marked with a
the operator to draw up his own maintenance circle must only be carried out by authorized
schedule. The individual operations are not given in repair shops.

DRY AIR FILTER - The filtering cartridge must be cleaned whenever the red filter blockage indicator becomes
visible. It can either be cleaned by blowing with compressed air or washing with water and non-foaming detergent,
depending on how dirty it is (see instructions in the "Maintenance" chapter).

Replace the outer filter element after it has been cleaned six times, or once a year, or whenever holes
become visible when a lamp is held inside.
The inner backup filter element should never be blown clean or washed, but must be replaced every 3
times the outer element is cleaned.

There is no point in cleaning the filter element before the red filter blockage indicator has appeared. Unnecessary
cleaning shortens the life of the element.

ENGINE OIL FILTER - Use only original spare filter cartridges. Non-original filters can damage the engine and
shorten its working life.

REGULATING THE INJECTION PUMP - this is carried out for normal engine operation and the maximum adjuster
screw is sealed during the test phase. All warranty rights will immediately become void if the seal is tampered with.

FUEL FILTERS - The filter cartridges must never be washed. They must be replaced only.

TRANSMISSION OIL - It is advisable to change the transmission oil for the first time after the first 500 hours
service. After this, change the oil after every 1000 hours service.

BATTERY - Check the level of the electrolyte in the battery every 3 or 5 months depending on the ambient tempera-
ture. This must be done with the engine switched off, the battery cold and with the tractor parked on flat, level
ground. Use only distilled water to top up the battery.

TYRES - Check tyre pressure at regular intervals. Remember that the values given in the Technical Specifications
chapter of the Operation and Maintenance Manual are only indicative and must be adjusted to suit tyre compound
(which varies from one manufacturer to another), ballasting and operating conditions, etc.

GREASING - Before lubricating parts equipped with grease nipples, thoroughly clean the surfaces of these latter
and make sure that the retention ball is free. After lubrication, remove all traces of grease to prevent soil or dust from
sticking to it.

Routine maintenance must be performed with reference to the hours displayed on the tractor meter hour counter.

Whenever ambiemt temperatures drop below 0°C (32°F), and at least once a year before winter sets in,
check the concentration of antifreeze in the cooling circuit. Restore the required percentage by volume up
to 50% if protection is required down to -35°C (-31°F) (consult the instructions in the “Maintenance” chapter).


Caution: Use your own discretion and experience when deciding the actual timing for variable interval service and
maintenance operations. It is obviously better to perform these operations too often than not often enough.

GREASING - Before lubricating

parts equipped with grease nipples,
thoroughly clean the surfaces of
these latter and make sure that the
retention ball is free. After lubricating,
remove all traces of grease to prevent
soil and dust from sticking.
that all the external bolts on the
tractor are well tightened, particularly
the wheel nuts and bolts. 1 Air filter valve:
Check whether the discharge val- 2 Air filter: Whenever the red filter
blockage indicator on the air pump
ve is clogged by pressing on the rubber end under the dashboard comes on, open the
(1). filter body, remove the outer filter element
(1) and clean it:
-with a dry air jet of less than 6 bar (87 lbf/ directed from the inside towards the
outside of the filter.
- with water and detergent. After this, rinse
in clean water and dry with dry air at a tem-
perature of not more than 50°C (112°F).
Never wash or blow clean the inner filter
element (3). Thoroughly clean the body (1)
and refit the filter. Consult the «Important
Precautions» and the instructions in the
3 Radiator: Make sure that the
level of the coolant reaches the 4 Engine oilo: Check the oil level
using the dipstick (1) and top up if «Operation and Maintenance» manual.
reference mark on the reservoir. Top up if necessary with oil of the prescribed type
necessary. through the fill plug (2).

5 Fuel filter: Slacken the drain

plug (1) at the bottom of the filter 6 Battery: Check the level of the
electrolyte in each cell of the 7 Alternator and fan belt:
Check that give under thumb
bowls (3 pcs) and drain out all impurities. battery (1). See the “Important precautions” pressure is approx. 1-1.5 cm (3/8-1/2”).
This must be done with the engine running. when topping up. Slacken nuts (1) if adjustments are required.

8 Air conditioner compressor

belt: Check that give is approx. 9
Hydraulic power lift and
implement hitch: Inject grease 10
Front axle: Remove plug (A) and
check the oil level. Top up if
1-1.5 cm (3/8-1/2”). Slacken screws (1 and of the prescribed type (7 points). necessary through the same plug.
2) if adjustments are required.



11 Front axle epicyclic final

drives: Remove plug (A) and
12 Clutch fluid reservoir: Check
the level of the fluid in the reservoir 13 Brakes: After having operated
the pedals three times, make sure
check the oil level (the plug should be (A). Top up with oil of the prescribed type if that both pedals have a free travel (A) of 3-
horizontally aligned with the wheel hub). Top necessary. 3.5 cm (1.38 in.). Consult the “Maintenance”
up if necessary through the same plug. chapter if adjustments are required.

14 Brake fluid reservoir:

Check the level of the brake fluid
15 Cab air filter:
Remove and clean the cab air filter. 16 Engine radiator (1)- A/C
condenser (2) - Transmission
in the reservoir (A). Top up as necessary Refer to the “Maintenance” chapter. oil radiator (3): Make sure that the
with the recommended fluid. radiator fins are not clogged. Clean with a
jet of compressed air blown from the inside
towards the outside. Remove the radiator
(3) after having loosened the two screws.

Wheel nuts:
Gearbox and rear axle:
Check the oil level using the 18
Tyre pressure:
Check and adjust the tyre 19 Make sure that the wheel nuts are
dipstick. Top up the levels using oil of the pressures as indicated in the tables in the torqued to the values indicated in the
prescribed type. “Technical Specifications” chapter. “Operation” chapter.



20 Non-driving front axle king-

pins: Inject the recommended 21 Non-driving front axle pivot
pin: Inject the recommended type 22 Driving front axle pivot: Inject
the recommended grease (2
type of grease (2 points). of grease (2 points). points).

23 Front axle drive shaft

bearing: Inject the recom- 24 Clutch sleeve: Grease with the
recommended grease (max. two
mended type of grease. gun strokes) every 100 hours of effective


25 Engine oil: Drain the oil from the

sump drain plug (3). Refit the plug 26 Engine oil filter: Replace the
filter cartridge (4). Smear the seal 27 Hydraulic power lift oil filter
on the intake: Remove the two
and refill with the recommended oil (see of the new cartridge with oil and screw hand cartridges (A). Change the filter elements,
op. 4 and 26). tight (perform together with op. 25). oil the seals and screw in hand tight.

28 Oil filter on the steering

circuit delivery side: Remove
NOTE: operations (27 and 28) must
the holder (1) and change the inner filter be performed whenever the
element. Oil the seal and washer and fit hydraulic filter blockage warning light
them back correctly. Fit the holder (1) back on the dashboard comes on.
on and screw it in hand tight.



Valve clearance: Have the val-
ve clearance checked. Consult 30 Fuel filters: Replace the fuel
filter cartridges (3 pcs) and clean 31 2WD front wheel hubs:
Inject grease of the prescribed
the Technical Specifications in the the filter bowls. Bleed air from the fuel type (2 points). Have the toe-in of the front
Operation and Maintenance Manual for the system. steering wheels checked.
clearance values.

32 Rear axle shaft bearings

mod.145-165: Inject grease of
the recommended tyre (maximum 25 pump



33 Engine cooling system: Open the drain plugs of the radiator (1) and cylinder
block (2) and allow the fluid to drain out. Flush out the cooling system). See 35 Front differential housing:
Remove the drain plug (B). Drain
Operation and Maintenance manual. out the old oil. Fill with new oil of the
prescribed type up to the required level (see
op. 10).

34 Gearbox and rear axle: Remove plugs (1-2-3) (set in the lowest position)
from the gearbox housing and rear axle and drain out the oil. Clean the plugs 36 Front axle epicyclic final
drives: Remove plug (A) and
and replace. Refill with clean oil to the required level (op. 17). allow the oil to drain out. Pour in new oil of
the prescribed type (see op. 11).

Cab air filter: Remove the old

37 cab air filter (1) and fit a new one 38 Starter motor: Have the
commutator and brushes checked 39 Alternator: Have alternator (1)
efficiency checked by an
in its place. by an authorized service center. authorized service center.

Injectors: Have the injectors

42 checked by an authorized service

Operations marked
40 Fuel tank: When the tank is Knuckle joints for the with a circle must only
nearly empty, remove the fitting (1) 41 steering cylinder: Have the
be carried out by
and drain out any sludge. Bleed the fuel knuckle joint nuts checked by an authorized
system if necessary. service center after the first 50 hours and authorized repair shops
then after every 1000 hours service.


Page left intentionally blank.

Electrical system

Table of contents Page N°

Battery .................................................................................. 94
Starter motor ........................................................................ 94
Alternator .............................................................................. 94
Headlights ............................................................................. 95
Fuses to protect the electrical system - Legend Top .......... 96
Wiring diagram for digital control panel ............................... 97
Wiring diagram for Legend Top with cab and
electronic selector ................................................................ 99
Wiring diagram of electronic power lift control panel
and power pack .................................................................... 100

Electrical system

Electrical system

Your tractor is equipped with a "Maintenance Free"
battery which will rarely need checking for electrolyte
level or charge under normal conditions.
However, you are advised to check the level of the
electrolyte occasionally and top up with distilled water
if necessary.
If you need to top up frequently, have your charging
system checked.
The engine should be stopped, the battery cold and the
tractor parked on level ground to check or top up the
battery. Proceed as follows (Fig.129).
1 - Remove the battery caps. Fig.129 - Battery.
2 - Carefully add distilled water if necessary until the
level just covers the tops of the battery plates.
3 - Replace the caps.
The alternator keeps the battery fully charged.
Hints on battery care
The alternator is a brushless model and requires no
Comply with the following hints to get the best from special maintenance. However, the following
your battery: precautions must be observed.

- Keep the battery clean, particularly on top. 1 - When fitting a battery, make sure that the positive
- Only use distilled water to top up. and negative terminals are connected to the same
- Check regularly that the battery terminals are firm and leads as the alternator. If you make the wrong
tight. connection, you will short circuit the battery
- Use a spanner of the right size to loosen and tighten through the alternator diodes. This not only
the battery terminal nuts. Never use pliers. discharges the battery but also burns out the
- Smear the battery terminals with pure Vaseline to diodes and leads.
protect against corrosion. Never use ordinary grease.
- Never allow the battery to run down completely. Have 2 - When connecting the battery to a charger, make
it recharged once a month if possible. sure that the positive (+) lead of the charger is
connected to the positive of the battery, and the
negative (-) to the negative. Incorrect connection
WARNING: battery electrolyte contains will damage the alternator diodes and other circuit
sulphuric acid and can cause serious burns. components.
Avoid contact with the skin and eyes. Keep
naked flames, sparks and lighted cigarettes 3 - Never run the alternator unless it is properly
well clear of batteries which are being charged. connected. If the battery is not connected, high
Keep the area in which batteries are being voltages can build up inside the alternator that can
charged well ventilated. be extremely dangerous if the output terminal is
touched. Make sure that all connections are firm
and tight before carrying out any inspections or
Starter motor tests on the electrical system.

Every 1000 hours, or once a year, clean the starter 4 - Never short circuit or earth any of the alternator
motor thoroughly and, in particular, check whether the terminals. This could damage the electrical system.
brushes and collector are worn.
5 - Never invert the alternator connections. The battery
and alternator earths must be of the same sign or
the alternator diodes will be damaged.

6 - Always disconnect both the alternator terminals

before undertaking any electric arc welding on the

Electrical system

As you can use your tractor on public roads, the lighting
must comply with the applicable traffic and road
regulations. Periodically check headlight alignment in
the following way:
Checking headlight alignment (Fig. 130-131).

- Halt the tractor on level ground facing a shaded wall

(preferably white). The tractor must be unloaded and
the tyres correctly inflated. Mark two crosses on the
wall in front of the tractor headlights (Fig.131).

- Reverse the tractor 5 meters (16.4 ft) away from the


- Switch on the main beam. The center of each beam Fig.130-Headlight alignment adjusters.
must be vertically aligned with the crosses on the
wall. A maximum outward divergence of 130 mm (5
in.) is acceptable.

- Switch on the dipped beam. The line separating the

lighted area from the dark area must fall below the
crosses and must be separated from their centers by
at least 1/20th of the height of the crosses from the

- Adjust the headlight alignment screws to correct

alignment as necessary (Fig. 130).

Fig. 131 - Checking headlight alignment.

Electrical system


Fuse box B - Fig. 133
The tractor’s electrical system is protected against 50 Main and dipped beams, air conditioner 60
short-circuits and overload by a set of fuses. The relay, electronic power lift,
number of fuses in the electrical systen depends on the horn - M2
tractor version. 51 Ignition switch - M1 100
52 Field lights, rotating beacon,
The fuses are installed in two fuse-boxes: roof light, radio, clock - M3 70
A - Main relay and fuse box (Fig. 132) on the left-hand 53 Alternator - M4 80
side of the dashboard.
B - Front fuse box (Fig. 133).

NOTE: before replacing a blown fuse with an

equivalent one, try to identify and remedy the cause of
the fault.

FUSES Fig.132
F 1 Speed/Shift electric switch 5
F 2 Cigarette lighter 10
F 3 Instrument panel 5
F 4 Cushioned seat 15
F 5 Diff lock elect. relay 5
F 6 Rear window wiper 15
F 7 Rear trailer socket 15
F 8 Night lighting button 7.5
F 9 Side lights 7.5
F 10 Side lights 7.5
F 11 Rotating beacon 7.5
F 12 Roof light 7.5
F 13 Electronic power lift (battery powered) 5
F 14 Horn 10
F 15 Headlights 15
F 16 Headlights 15
F 1' - -
F 2' Key-operated light relay 5
F 3' Windscreen wiper 30
F 4' Motor stop 7.5
F 5' Key-operated elect. power lift 5
F 6' P.T.O. relay switch 7.5
F 7' 4WD solenoid valve 5
F 8' Brake lights 10
F 9' Rear field lights 30 Fig. 132-Main relay and fuse box.
F 10' Front field lights 30
F 11' Air conditioner power 30 F = Fuses
F 12' Air conditioner switch 7.5 RL = Relays
F 13' - - MRL = Minirelays
F 14' Thermostarter 20
F 15' Hazard lights 15
F 16' Engine ignition relay 30 NOTE: when there are four front and rear field lights,
fuses F9' and F10' are the 30A type.
RL 1 Relay
RL 2 P.T.O. relay 53
RL 3 Air conditioner relay
RL 4 Engine ignition relay

MRL 1 Key-operated light mini relay
MRL 2 Differential lock mini relay 51
MRL 3 Fast-slow P.T.O. indicator light mini relay
MRL 4 Rear field lights mini relay
MRL 5 Front field lights mini relay
MRL 6 Speed/Shift indicator light mini relay 52

Fig.133 - Front fuse box (B).

Electrical system


B 23


B 32

Fig. 134 - Wiring diagram of digital instrument panel - Legend Top.

Key to wiring diagram of digital TABLE OF INSTRUMENT SETTINGS

instrument panel SWITCHES
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3-Forward speed ind. led*; 4-Reverse gears engaged
Led*; 5-6-7 - P.T.O. speed Led; 8-9-10 - Power-Six range
engaged ind. led; 16 - Electronic ground speed and 480/70 R38
P.T.O. driveline RPM ind.; 17 - Alternator ind. light; 18 - 105
18.4/15 R38 OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF -
Engine oil pressure ind. light; 19 - Air filter blockage ind. 115 520/70 R38
light; 20 - Hydraulic oil filter blockage ind. light; 21 -
Hydraulic circuit pressure low ind. light; 22 - Parking 130 18.4 R34
brake and brake fluid reservoir level ind. light; 23 - 520/70 R34 OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF -
Trailer brake oil pressure ind. light; 24 - 4WD 600/65 R34 1
transmission ind. light; 25 - Headlight ind. light; 26 -
Synchronized P.T.O. ind. light; 27 - P.T.O. engaged ind. 520/70 R38
light; 28 - Differential lock ind. light; 29 - Vacant, not 18.4 R38 OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF -
used; 30 - Vacant, not used; 31 - Direction ind. light; 32 115/165 600/65 R38
- 1st trailer direction ind. light; 33 - Side light ind. light; 1
20.8 R38
35 - Analog engine RPM indicator; 36 - Fuel level OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF -
indicator; 37 - Coolant temperature ind. light. 580/70 R38

* Leds 3 and 4 are only installed with the Delta - Six 1-NOTE: Switch N° 5 selects the speed indication.
gearbox ON - mph
OFF - kph

Electrical system

64 - Differential lock relay MRL2

KEY TO WIRING DIAGRAM FOR 65 - Front field light relay MRL5
Legend Top (Fig. 135) 66 - Front field light switch
67 - Outer front field lights
68 - Inner front field lights
1- 12V battery 69 - Rear field light relay MRL4
2- Cigarette lighter 70 - Rear field light switch
3- Lh main beam 71 - Outer rear field lights
4- Rh main beam 72 - Inner rear field lights
5- Registration plate light 73 - Windscreen wiper motor
6- Rotating beacon 74 - Windscreen wiper switch
7- Rotating beacon switch 75 - Windscreen washer switch
8- Interior cab light 76 - Windscreen wiper-washer kit
9- Rh loudspeaker 77 - Rear window wiper motor
10 - Lh loudspeaker 78 - Rear window wiper/washer switch
11 - Radio 79 - Pneumatic seat motor (if installed)
12 - Antenna 80 - Relay MRL6 for Power-Six
13 - Lh rear side light 81 - Power-Six solenoid
14 - Rh rear side light 82 - Power-Six switch
15 - Lh front side light 83 - Relay
16 - Rh front side light 84 - 4WD switch
17 - Lh rear turn indicator 85 - 4WD solenoid
18 - Rh rear turn indicator 86 - Air conditioning/ventilating relay RL3
19 - Lh front turn indicator 87 - Air conditioning temperature regulator
20 - Rh front turn indicator 88 - Air conditioner compressor electromagnetic coupling
21 - Hazard light switch 89 - Air conditioner switch relay
22 - 7-pin trailer power socket 90 - Electronic temperature regulator
23 - P.T.O. hazard lights 91 - Temperature potentiometer
24 - Horn 92 - Fan
25 - Light switch 93 - Resistance
26 - Thermostarter 94 - Cab air re-circulation switch
27 - Ignition switch 95 - Cab air re-circulation actuator
28 - RL2 ignition safety relay 96 - Re-circulation commutator
29 - RL4 ignition enabling relay 97 - Air conditioner switch
30 - Safety switch 98 - Fan speed switch
31 - Motor stop solenoid valve 99 - Ice-preventing thermostat
32 - Starter motor 100- Faulty air conditioner indicator LED
33 - Independent P.T.O. / P.T.O. brake switch 101- Two-level pressure switch
34 - P.T.O. solenoid 102- BOSCH electronic power lift power pack
35 - P.T.O. brake solenoid 103- Electronic power lift control panel
36 - Clutch circuit oil level sensor (if installed) 104- Electronic power lift control solenoid valve
37 - Parking brake switch 105- Switch (Up/Down)
38 - Trailer brake oil pressure sensor (for certain markets) 106- Rh draft sensor
39 - Buzzer to warn of low pressure in hydraulic circuit. 107- Lh draft sensor
40 - Low pressure circuit pressure sensor 108- Position sensor
41 - Brake circuit fluid sensor (for certain markets) 109- Lh external lifting button
42 - Alternator 110- Lh external lowering button
43 - Engine RPM sensor 111- Rh external lifting button
44 - Instrument panel 112- Rh external lowering button
45 - Engine oil pressure sensor Cable colours
46 - Engine air filter blockage sensor Correspondence between
47 - Intake oil filter blockage sensor
A -Orange
ISO-SAE trailer socket
48 - Safety switch on P.T.O. lever B -White
49 - P.T.O. proportional to ground speed switch C -Pink

D -Grey

50 - P.T.O. speed LED switch



51 - P.T.O. (Slow/Fast) speed relay MRL3 E -Green 1

52 - P.T.O. driveline RPM sensor F -Blue 58L

53 - Ground speed sensor G -Yellow 2


54 - Engine coolant temperature sensor

H -Light blue
L 5
55 - Fuel level probe
56- Supplementary tank probe (if applicable)
M-Brown 3
54 4

57- Key-operated light relay N -Black

58- Lh brake switch R -Red
59- Rh brake switch V -Purple
61- Rh BRAKE light 7-pin socket for trailer - ISO
62- Differential lock solenoid valve 1 - Lh turn indicator; 2 - Not used; 3 - Earth; 4 - Rh turn
63- Differential lock switch indicator; 5 - Rh rear side light; 6 - BRAKE lights; 7 - Lh rear
side light.

Electrical system

Fig. 135 - Wiring diagram for Legend Top with cab and electronic power lift.

Electrical system


Fig. 136 - Wiring diagram of electronic power lift control panel and power pack.

Legend Techno

Table of contents Page N°

Instruments and controls ...................................................... 102
Power take-off clutch lever .................................................... 102
4WD lever .............................................................................. 103
Mechanically controlled hydraulic power lift ......................... 103
Analog instrument panel ....................................................... 105
Wiring diagram of analog instrument panel .......................... 107
Wiring diagram - Legend Techno with cab ........................... 108
Fuses and relays - Legend Techno with cab ......................... 110
Fuses and relays - Legend Techno with platform ................. 111
Wiring diagram - Legend Techno with platform ................... 112

Legend Techno

Legend Techno
Legend Techno tractors are available in the cab and
footstep versions. The basic specifications, dimensions
and weights are the same as those of Legend Top
tractors. Information about the controls and their use is
given below.

NOTE: consult the "Operation" chapter in this manual

for information about use of the controls,
recommendations and safety notes.

Instruments and controls

Description Fig. 137-138-139

1- Reverse shuttle lever.
2- Dashboard and instrument panel.
3- Hazard light switch.
4- Air conditioning controls.
5- Brake pedals.
6- Accelerator pedal. Fig. 137 - Legend Techno controls.
7- Gearshift lever.
8- Range selector lever (Low - Standard - High).
9- Auxiliary control valve levers.
10 - Differential lock button.
11 - Accelerator lever.
12 - Mechanical power lift levers.
13 - PTO selector lever for independent operation or
proportional to ground speed.
14 - Creeper lever.
15 - 540/540ECO RPM or 540/1000 RPM PTO speed
selector levers.
16 - PTO clutch lever.
17 - Main clutch pedal.
18 - Buzzer to warn of low pressure in the hydraulic
circuit. Stop the tractor and contact the dealer's
specialized personnel.

Power take-off clutch lever

Fig. 138-Controls on the right-hand side and mechanical
power lift levers.
Independent PTO engaged.

Independent PTO disengaged.

WARNING: when the PTO is not used, keep the

clutch lever (16 - Fig. 139) in the forward
position (clutch engaged) and disengage the
PTO with the relative lever (13 - Fig. 137 and
138). When working with the PTO, only
disengage the clutch for the time strictly
required to carry out the various manoeuvres.

WARNING: when using the PTO with the tractor

at a standstill, always make sure that the lever
of the gearbox reduction unit is in the neutral
position and that the parking brake is engaged.
Fig. 139 - Controls on the left-hand side.
PTO lever (16).
4WD lever (19).

Legend Techno

4WD lever
To engage or disengage the 4WD, fully depress the
main clutch pedal and stop the tractor before making
the manoeuvre. Always disengage the 4WD when
driving on the roads.

4WD lever (19-Fig.139)

4WD engaged.

4WD disengaged.

Mechanically controlled hydraulic

power lift - Legend Techno

Description of the controls

The symbols near the levers inform the operator where
the levers themselves must be positioned in order to
obtain the various functions.

A - Lift arm lever.

When the lever is in this position, the lift

arms are completely down.

When the lever is in this position, the lift

arms are completely up.

B -Draft control, position control and mixed draft

Fig.140-Mechanical power lift controls and parking
and position control (INTERMIX) selector lever.
brake lever (1).
Lever fully forwards = pure draft control
A-Lift arm control lever.
B-Draft - Position - Intermix selector lever.
C-Lever lock (A).
Lever fully back = position control zone.

Lever between the two positions =

mixed position and draft control zone
divided in half; blue zone = draft control
increases as the lever is moved
forwards; red zone = position control
increases as the lever is moved back.

C - Lever lock (A).

Legend Techno

Use of the controls

Position control (Fig.140) Draft control (Fig.140)

- Move the lever (B) fully back to the position control - Move the selector lever (B) fully forwards to the draft
setting. control setting.

- To adjust the working position of the implement, - At the beginning of the furrow, dig the implement into
progressively move the lever (A) either down or up to the soil down to the required depth by progressively
obtain the required setting and then lock the pawl (C) moving the control lever (A) forwards. The depth
under the lever so that the work position is the same reached by the implement is proportional to the
on each run. movement of the lever.

Floating position (Fig.140) - When the implement has reached the required depth,
lock the pawl (C) in front of the control lever to obtain
Use of the lift in the floating position is obtained by the same depth on each run.
moving the selector lever (B - Fig. 140) fully back to the
position control setting and the arm lever (A) fully - Move the control lever (A) back to raise the
forwards. Just use the control lever (A) to lower and lift implement at the end of each run.
the implement.
- When work is carried out at shallow depths, lever
travel will be very slight.
To prevent the implement from digging into the soil
too slowly, it is advisable to move the lever fully
forwards at the beginning of each run, by-passing the
stop (C), and to then progressively move the lever to
the required position, by-passing the stop (C) in the
opposite direction.

Fig. 141-Standard seat with reclining arms, adjustable

for distance (1) and with adjustable suspension (2).

Legend Techno

- +


Fig. 142 Analog instrument panel - Legend Techno.

Analog instrument panel

Warning lights Function indicators

Battery charging warning light - red. Should

go out as soon as engine starts. Direction indicator light for tractor - green.

Engine oil pressure warning light - red. Direction indicator light for 1st trailer - green.
Should go out as soon as engine starts. It
is quite normal for this light to come on if
a hot engine is left to idle.
Side light indicator - green.

Dry air filter blockage warning light - red.

This comes on when the filter needs Main beam indicator - blue.
cleaning or changing.

Diff lock indicator - orange.

Warning light for transmission and hydraulic
system filter blockage - red.

4WD indicator - orange (if installed).

Warning light for low pressure in hydraulic
transmission system - red. When it lights up
during operations, a buzzer sounds: if this
happens, seek advice from your dealer's Vacant - Not used.
specialized workshop.

Red light. This comes on when the parking Rear PTO indicator - orange.
brake is applied and when there is
insufficient oil in the brake system or in the
clutch system reservoir. In this case, top up
with fluid. Vacant - Not used.

Warning light for low pressure in trailer 540 RPM or 540ECO/1000 RPM indicator -
brake system (if fitted and depending on the yellow (depending on type mounted).
market) - red.

Legend Techno

RPM meter and hour counter Engine coolant temperature gauge.

A Engine coolant temperature gauge.

Fig. 144

-White area = temperature normal.

-Red area = temperature high.
The overheating warning light comes on at 105-110°C
(221-230°F). Possible causes of overheating:
a - Low engine coolant level.
Fig.143 b - Radiator caked with mud, dust, straw, etc.
The engine RPM rate is shown on an analog gauge (B) c - Build-up of deposits in coolant circuit.
on which, as RPM increases, a pointer moves along the d - Loose fan belt.
graduated scale. The pointer should never reach the red e - Faulty thermostat.
zone which shows excessive engine speed. The green
zone with the PTO symbol, indicates the nominal CAUTION: If the engine temperature is too high, let the
engine RPM. engine idle immediately but do not switch it off. If the
The hour counter at the bottom of the gauge indicates temperature gauge stays in the red, identify the cause
the total hours worked, irrespective of engine speed. immediately and seek expert advice if necessary.
5 white digits indicate the hours
1 yellow digit indicates 1/10ths of an hour
1 yellow sector indicates 1/100ths of an hour

Power Take-off range marks

A - Green: 1950 RPM engine rate = 540 RPM and 1000
RPM PTO rate.
B - Red: 2278 RPM engine rate = never reach this rate Fuel gauge.
when using the PTO.
The 540ECO PTO rate is obtained at 1322 RPM: never When the pointer moves into the
exceed a 1591RPM engine rate or the PTO driveline red zone and the reserve warning
could be seriously damaged. light comes on, there are still about
10 liters of fuel in the tank (2.25
Warning light gal.) (2.64 US gal.).

PTO speed indicator lights

Red light (C) on = 540 RPM PTO.
Red lights (C) and (D) on =540ECO RPM or 1000 RPM
General red warning light. This comes on at the PTO on request.
same time as one of the first seven red warning lights
or together with the red coolant temperature indicator if
there is a fault in the component in question. When the
ignition key is in the contact position and on, this light
should go out as soon as the engine starts.

Legend Techno

Fig. 145 - Wiring diagram of analog instrument panel - Legend Techno.

Key to wiring diagram of analog TABLE OF INSTRUMENT SETTINGS

instrument panel SWITCHES
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5-6-7 - Forward speed Led; 8-9-10 - Power-Six range
engaged Led; 16 - Led for simultaneous monitoring 16.9 R38 OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF -
from 17 to 23 plus coolant temperature led; 17 - 480/70 R38
Alternator warning light; 18 - Engine oil pressure 105
18.4/15 R38 OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF -
warning light; 19 - Air filter blockage warning light; 20 - 115 520/70 R38
Hydraulic oil filter blockage warning light; 21 - Hydraulic
circuit low pressure warning light; 22 - Parking brake 130 18.4 R34
and brake fluid reservoir warning light; 23 - Trailer brake 520/70 R34 OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF -
pressure warning light; 24 - 4WD transmission warning 600/65 R34 1
light; 25 - Headlight indicator light; 26 - Synchronized
PTO indicator light; 27 - PTO engaged indicator light; 28 520/70 R38
- Differential lock indicator light; 29 - Vacant, not used; 18.4 R38 OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF -
30 - Vacant, not used; 31 - Direction indicator light; 32 - 145/165 600/65 R38
1st trailer direction indicator light; 33 - Side light 1
20.8 R38
indicator light; 35 - Engine RPM analog indicator; 36 - OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF -
Fuel level indicator; 37 - Coolant temperature indicator. 580/70 R38

1-NOTE: Switch N° 5 selects the speed indication.

ON - mph
OFF - kph

Legend Techno

Key to wiring diagram for Legend 61 - Differential lock relay MRL2

62 - Front field lights relay MRL5
Techno with cab (Fig. 145) 63 - Front field light switch
64 - Outer front field lights
1- 12V battery 65 - Inner front field lights
2- Cigarette lighter 66 - Rear field lights relay MRL4
3- Lh main beam 67 - Rear field light switch
4- Rh main beam 68 - Outer rear field lights
5- Registration plate light 69 - Inner rear field lights
6- Rotating beacon 70 - Windscreen wiper motor
7- Rotating beacon switch 71 - Windscreen wiper switch
8- Interior cab light 72 - Windscreen washer switch
9- Rh loudspeaker 73 - Windscreen wiper/washer kit
10 - Lh loudspeaker 74 - Rear window wiper motor
11 - Radio 75 - Rear window wiper/washer switch
12 - Antenna 76 - Pneumatic seat motor (if installed)
13 - Lh rear side light 77 - P.T.O. and air conditioning/ventilating relay RL3
14 - Rh rear side light 78 - Aid-conditioning temperature regulator
15 - Lh front side light 79 - Air-conditioner compressor electromagnetic coupling
16 - Rh front side light 80 - Air-conditioner switch relay
17 - Lh rear turn indicator 81 - Electronic temperature regulator
18 - Rh rear turn indicator 82 - Temperature potentiometer
19 - Lh front turn indicator 83 - Fan
20 - Rh front turn indicator 84 - Resistance
21 - Hazard light switch 85 - Cab air re-circulation switch
22 - 7-pin trailer power socket 86 - Cab air re-circulation actuator
23 - P.T.O. hazard light 87 - Re-circulation commutator
24 - Horn 88 - Air-conditioner switch
25 - Light switch 89 - Fan speed switch
26 - Thermostarter 90 - Ice-preventing thermostat
27 - Ignition switch 91 - Faulty air-conditioner indicator LED
28 - RL2 ignition safety relay 92 - Two-level pressure switch
29 - RL4 ignition enabling relay 93 - Switch for 4WD indicator
30 - Safety switch
31 - Motor stop solenoid valve Cable colours
32 - Starter motor A - Orange
33 - P.T.O. relay RL1
B - White
34 - Clutch circuit oil level sensor (if installed)
35 - Parking brake switch
C - Pink
36 - Trailer brake oil pressure sensor (for certain markets) D - Grey
37 - Buzzer to warn of low pressure in hydraulic circuit E - Green
38 - Low pressure circuit pressure sensor F - Blue
39 - Brake circuit fluid sensor (for certain markets) G - Yellow
40 - Alternator H - Light blue
41 - Engine RPM sensor M -Brown
42 - Instrument panel
N - Black
43 - Engine oil pressure sensor
44 - Engine air filter blockage sensor
R - Red
45 - Intake oil filter blockage sensor V - Purple
46 - Safety switch on P.T.O. lever
47 - Switch for P.T.O. proportional to ground speed 7-pin socket for trailer - ISO
48 - P.T.O. speed LED switch 1 - Lh turn indicator; 2 - Not used; 3 - Earth; 4 - Rh turn
49 - P.T.O. (Slow/Fast) speed relay MRL3 indicator; 5 - Rh rear side light; 6 - BRAKE lights; 7 -
50 - Synchronized P.T.O. indicator relay MRL6
Side light.
51 - Engine coolant temperature sensor
52 - Fuel level probe Correspondence between
53 - Supplementary tank probe (if installed) ISO-SAE trailer socket
54 - Key-operated lights relay MRL1
55 - Lh brake switch


56 - Rh brake switch


57 - Lh BRAKE light 1
58 - Rh BRAKE light
58L 6

59 - Differential lock solenoid valve 2


60- Differential lock switch L


3 R
54 4


Legend Techno

Fig. 146 - Wiring diagram for Legend Techno with cab.

Legend Techno


Techno with cab Fuse box B - Fig. 148
50 Main and dipped beams, air conditioner 60
The tractor's electrical system is protected against relay, horn - M2
51 Ignition switch - M1 100
short-circuits and overload by a set of fuses. The 52 Field lights, rotating beacon, roof light, 70
number of fuses in the electrical system depends on radio, clock - M3
the tractor version. 53 Alternator - M4 80
The fuses are installed in two fuse-boxes:
A - Main relay and fuse box (Fig. 147) on the left-hand
side of the dashboard.
B - Front fuse box (Fig. 148).
NOTE: before replacing a blown fuse with an
equivalent one, try to identify and remedy the cause of
the fault.

FUSES Fig.147
F 1 - -
F 2 Cigarette lighter 10
F 3 Instrument panel 5
F 4 Pneumatic seat 15
F 5 Diff lock elect. relay 5
F 6 Rear window wiper 15
F 7 Rear trailer socket 15
F 8 Button night-lighting 7.5
F 9 Side lights 7.5
F 10 Side lights 7.5
F 11 Rotating beacon 7.5
F 12 Roof light 7.5
F 13 - -
F 14 Horn 10
F 15 Headlights 15
F 16 Headlights 15
F 1' - -
F 2' Key-operated light relay 5
F 3' Windscreen wiper 30
F 4' Motor stop 7.5
F 5' - -
F 6' P.T.O. relay switch 7.5
F 7' - -
F 8' Brake lights 10
F 9' Rear field lights 30 Fig. 147-Main relay and fuse box.
F 10' Front field lights 30
F 11' Air conditioner power 30 F = Fuses
F 12' Air conditioner switch 7.5 RL = Relays
F 13' - - MRL = Minirelays
F 14' Thermostarter 20
F 15' Hazard lights 15
F 16' Engine ignition relay 30 NOTE: when there are four front and rear field lights,
fuses F9' and F10' are the 30A type.
RL 1 Relay 50
RL 2 P.T.O. relay 53
RL 3 Air conditioner relay
RL 4 Engine ignition relay

MRL 1 Key-operated light mini relay
MRL 2 Differential lock mini relay 51
MRL 3 Slow-fast P.T.O. indicator light mini relay
MRL 4 Rear field lights mini relay
MRL 5 Front field lights mini relay
MRL 6 Synchronized P.T.O. indicator mini relay 52

Fig.148 - Front fuse box (B).

Legend Techno


Techno with platform Fuse box B - Fig. 150
50 Main and dipper beams, relay 60
The tractor's electrical system is protected against horn - M2
51 Ignition switch - M1 100
short-circuits and overload by a set of fuses. The 52 Field lights, rotating beacon, roof light, 70
number of fuses in the electrical system depends on - M3
the tractor version. 53 Alternator - M4 80
The fuses are installed in two fuse-boxes:
A - Main relay and fuse box (Fig. 149) on the left-hand
side of the dashboard.
B - Front fuse box (Fig. 150).
NOTE: before replacing a blown fuse with an
equivalent one, try to identify and remedy the cause of
the fault.

FUSES Fig.149
F 1 - -
F 2 - -
F 3 Instrument panel 5
F 4 - -
F 5 Diff lock elect. relay 5
F 6 - -
F 7 Rear trailer socket 15
F 8 - -
F 9 Side lights 7.5
F 10 Side lights 7.5
F 11 Rotating beacon 7.5
F 12 - -
F 13 - -
F 14 Horn 10
F 15 Headlights 15
F 16 Headlights 15
F 1' - -
F 2' Key-operated light relay 5
F 3' - -
F 4' Motor stop 7.5
F 5' - -
F 6' P.T.O. relay switch 7.5
F 7' - -
F 8' Brake lights 10
F 9' Rear field lights 30 Fig. 149-Main relay and fuse box.
F 10' - -
F 11' - - F = Fuses
F 12' - - RL = Relays
F 13' - - MRL = Minirelays
F 14' Thermostarter 20
F 15' Hazard lights 15
F 16' Engine ignition relay 30 NOTE: when there are four front and rear field lights,
fuses F9' and F10' are the 30A type.
RL 1 Relay 50
RL 2 P.T.O. relay 53
RL 3 -
RL 4 Engine ignition relay

MRL 1 Key-operated light mini relay
MRL 2 Differential lock mini relay 51
MRL 3 Slow-fast P.T.O. indicator light mini relay
MRL 4 -
MRL 5 -
MRL 6 Synchronized P.T.O. indicator mini relay 52

Fig.150 - Front fuse box (B).

Legend Techno

Key to wiring diagram - Legend 56 - Field light switch

57 - Outer field light
Techno with platform (Fig. 151) 58 - Inner field light
59 - Switch for 4WD indicator
1 - 12V battery
2 - Lh main beam
Cable colours
3 - Rh main beam
A - Orange
4 - Registration plate light
B - White
5 - Rotating beacon
C - Pink
6 - Rotating beacon switch
D - Grey
7 - Lh rear side light
E - Green
8 - Rh rear side light
F - Blue
9 - Lh front side light
G - Yellow
10 - Rh front side light
H - Light blue
11 - Lh rear turn indicator
M -Brown
12 - Rh rear turn indicator
N - Black
13 - Lh front turn indicator
R - Red
14 - Rh front turn indicator
V - Purple
15 - Hazard light switch
16 - 7-pin socket for trailer
17 - P.T.O. hazard lights
7-pin socket for trailer - ISO
1 - Lh turn indicator; 2 - Not used; 3 - Earth; 4 - Rh turn
18 - Horn
indicator; 5 - Rh rear side light; 6 - BRAKE lights; - Side
19 - Light switch
20 - Thermostarter
21 - Ignition switch
22 - RL2 ignition safety relay Correspondence between
23 - RL4 ignition enabling relay ISO-SAE trailer socket
24 - Safety switch
25 - Motor stop solenoid valve



26 - Starter motor

27 - P.T.O. relay RL1 1


28 - Clutch oil sensor (if installed)

58L 6

29 - Parking brake switch L

30 - Trailer brake oil pressure sensor (for certain

3 R
markets) 54 4

31 - Buzzer to warn of low pressure in hydraulic circuit

32 - Low pressure circuit pressure sensor
33 - Brake fluid sensor (for certain markets)
34 - Alternator
35 - Engine RPM sensor
36 - Instrument panel
37 - Engine oil pressure sensor
38 - Engine air filter blockage sensor
39 - Intake oil filter blockage sensor
40 - Safety switch on P.T.O. lever
41 - Switch for P.T.O. proportional to ground speed
42 - P.T.O. speed LED switch
43 - P.T.O. (Slow/Fast) speed relay MRL3
44 - Synchronized P.T.O. indicator relay MRL6
45 - Engine coolant temperature sensor
46 - Fuel level probe
47 - Supplementary tank probe
48 - Key-operated light relay MRL1
49 - Lh brake switch
50 - Rh brake switch
51 - Lh BRAKE light
52 - Rh BRAKE light
53 - Differential lock solenoid valve
54 - Differential lock switch
55 - Differential lock relay MRL2

Legend Techno

Fig. 151 - Wiring diagram for Legend Techno with platform.

Legend Techno

Page left intentionally blank

Technical specifications

Table of contents Page N°

Tractor specifications ........................................................... 116

Weights and measurements ................................................ 116
Engine ................................................................................... 117
Transmission ........................................................................ 119
Ground speed table - Speed Six .................................. 120-121
Ground speed table - Power Six .................................. 120-121
Differential lock ..................................................................... 122
Power take-off ...................................................................... 122
Brakes ................................................................................... 122
Track adjustment .................................................................. 122
Steering components ........................................................... 123
2WD front axle ...................................................................... 123
4WD-DANA front axle ........................................................... 123
Tyres ..................................................................................... 124
Hydraulic circuit .................................................................... 125
Hydraulic power lift ............................................................... 125
Three point linkage ............................................................... 125
Auxiliary control valves ......................................................... 125
Towing attachments ............................................................. 126
Cab - Safety frame ................................................................ 126
Seat ....................................................................................... 126
Bonnet .................................................................................. 126
Noise level ............................................................................ 126
Electrical system ................................................................... 127
Control panel instruments .................................................... 127
Cab electrical system ........................................................... 127
Optional extras ...................................................................... 128
Delta - Six gearbox ................................................................ 129
4WD “Carraro” front axle” .................................................... 133
Suspended front axle ............................................................ 135
'CE' declaration of conformity ............................................... 137
Installation of implements .................................................... 138
Diagram of implement hitching points ................................. 139
Lubricants and fuels chart .................................................... 141
Alphabetical index ................................................................ 142

Technical specifications

Fig. 152 - Measurements

General data
105-115 130 145 165
4 driving 4 driving 4 driving 4 driving
wheels wheels wheels wheels

With tyres
- front 14.9 R 28 420/70-28 16.9 R 28 16.9 R 28
- rear 18.4 R 38 520/70-38 20.9 R 38 20.9 R 38


- In running order, front ballast

and cab ............................................. Kg. (lb) 6340 (13973) 6340 (13973) 6850 (15097) 6850 (15097)

Weight distribution
- Front axle (cab vers.) .......................... Kg. (lb) 2840 (6259) 2840 (6259) 2870 (6325) 2870 (6325)
- Rear axle (cab vers,) ........................... Kg. (lb) 3500 (7714) 3500 (7714) 3980 (8772) 3980 (8772)
- Weights with safety frame ................. Kg. (lb) 6190 (13642) 6190 (13642) 6190 (13642) 6190 (13642)


A - Cab height ...................................... mm. (in.) 2945 (116) 2945 (116) 2945 (116) 2945 (116)
Safety frame height ......................... mm. (in.) 2945 (116) 2945 (116) 2945 (116) 2945 (116)

B - Width .............................................. mm. (in.) 1678/2278 1678/2278 1829/2429 1829/2429

(66.06/89.68) (66.06/89.68) (72/95.6) (72/95.6)
C - Ground clearance ........................... mm. (in.) 565 (22.2) 565 (22.2) 600 (23.6) 600 (23.6)
D - Wheelbase ..................................... mm. (in.) 2795 (110) 2795 (110) 2795 (110) 2795 (110)
E - Max. length ..................................... mm. (in.) 5090 (200.4) 5090 (200.4) 5090 (200.4) 5090 (200.4)

F - Front track ....................................... mm. (in.) See track See track See track See track
- Rear track ........................................ mm. (in.) tables tables tables tables

Technical specifications

Blue engines 105 115 130 145 165

Type Perkins Diesel, 4 stroke Perkins Diesel, 4 stroke

direct injsction direct injection
Model 1006.6 HR 4 1006.6 HR 3 1006.6 TLR 2 1006.6 THR 2 1006.6 THR 4
Fuel supply Natural Natural Turbo Turbo Turbo
Number of cylinders Vertical straight 6 Vertical straight 6
Bore mm (in.) 100 (3.937) 100 (3.937) 100 (3.937) 100 (3.937) 100 (3.937)
Stroke mm (in.) 127 (5.0) 127 (5.0) 127 (5.0) 127 (5.0) 127 (5.0)
Swept volume cc. (cu. in.) 6000 (365) 6000 (365) 6000 (365) 6000 (365) 6000 (365)
Compression ratio 16.5:1 16.5:1 16:1 16:1 16:1
Power (DIN 70020) HP/kW 103/75.8 110/81 127/93.5 138/101.5 160/117.8
HP SAE 101.6 108.6 125.4 136 158
Max. speed under load RPM 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200
Max. speed with no load RPM 2310 2310 2310 2310 2310
Max. torque (DIN 70020) Nm (lbf ft.) 395 (292) 425 (314) 505 (373) 552 (408) 636 (470)
Max. torque speed RPM 1200 1400 1400 1400 1400
Idling speed RPM 850 850 850 850 850
Cylinder liners Cast iron, dry, extractable

Timing system
Type Overhead valves controlled by tappets

Tappet gap, cold engine:

- Intake (mm) (in.) 0.20 (0.008) 0.20 (0.008) 0.20 (0.008) 0.20 (0.008) 0.20 (0.008)
- Exhaust (mm) (in.) 0.45 (0.018) 0.45 (0.018) 0.45 (0.018) 0.45 (0.018) 0.45 (0.018)
Injection timing before T.D.C. 22° 17° 9° 10° 10°

Fuel system
Fuel pump AC-DELCO, membrane type, with hand primer
DSA 938 DSA 977 DB2-5110 DB2-5109 DB2-5107
Fuel pre-filter 1 1 1 1 1
Filters on injection pump delivery 2 2 2 2 2

Firing order 1,5,3,6,2,4 1,5,3,6,2,4

Injectors (Perkins N°) 2645 A 032 2645 A 032 2645 L 019 2645 L 018 2645 L 013
Injector pressure setting (bar) (lbf/ 220 (3188) 223 (3232) 223 (3232) 223 (3232) 233 (3377)
Cold starting device Thermostarter
Air filter With two dry elements removable for maintenance

Diameter of air filter (inches) 203.2 mm (8") 203.2 mm (8") 254 mm (10") 254 mm (10") 254 mm (10")

Technical specifications



Engine 105 115 130 145

Type Perkins Diesel, 4 stroke Perkins Diesel, 4 stroke

direct injection direct injection
Model 1006.60 1006.60T 1006.60T 1006.60T
Fuel supply Natural Turbo Turbo Turbo
Number of cylinders 6 vertical in line 6 vertical in line
Bore mm (in.) 100 (3.937) 100 (3.937) 100 (3.937) 100 (3.937)
Stroke mm (in.) 127 (5.0) 127 (5.0) 127 (5.0) 127 (5.0)
Swept volume cc. ( 6000 (365) 6000 (365) 6000 (365) 6000 (365)
Compression ratio 17.25:1 17.25:1 17.25:1 17.25:1
Power (DIN 70020) HP/kW 103/75.8 110/81 127/93.5 138/101.5
HP SAE 101.6 108.6 125.4 136
Max. speed under load RPM 2200 2200 2200 2200
Max. torque (DIN 70020) Nm (lbf.ft) 395 465 516 588
Max. torque speed RPM 1200 1400 1400 1400
Idling speed RPM 750 750 750 750
Cylinder liners Cast iron, dry, extractable

Timing system
Type Overhead valves controlled by tappets

Tappet gap, cold engine:

- Intake (mm) (in.) 0.20 (0.008) 0.20 (0.008) 0.20 (0.008) 0.20 (0.008)
- Exhaust (mm) (in.) 0.45 (0.018) 0.45 (0.018) 0.45 (0.018) 0.45 (0.018)

Fuel system
Fuel pump AC-DELCO, diaphragm type, with hand primer
DP 202 DP 202 DP 202 DP 202
Fuel pre-filter 1 1 1 1
Filters on injection pump delivery 2 2 2 2

Firing order 1,5,3,6,2,4 1,5,3,6,2,4

Injectors (Perkins N°) 2645 A 043 2645 A 044 2645 A 044 2645 A 045
Injector pressure setting (bar)(lbf/ 294 (4260) 294 (4260) 294 (4260) 294 (4260)
Cold starting device Thermostarter
Air filter Dry, with two elements, removable
for maintenance
Diameter of air filter (inches) 203.2 mm (8") 203.2 mm (8") 254 mm (10") 254 mm (10")

*Available in countries where the laws contemplate EC Stage 1 and USA 40

CFR Part.89 standards to reduce consumptions and noise

Technical specifications

Lubrication Transmission
Forced lubrication from pump operated by the gears of
the timing system.

Oil filtration by: Speed-Six gearbox with helical gears and 6

synchronized speeds with 3 speed Ranges (Low -
- Gauze filter on the pump intake. Standard - High) offering 18 forward speeds and 18
reverse speeds by means of the synchronized reverse
- Replaceable cartridge filter on the engine delivery shuttle.
line. The sixth gear cannot be engaged in high range in the
30 kph max. version, thus there are: 17 forward speeds
Oil pressure (with engine at maximum rated power and 17 reverse speeds (for Export markets only).
speed): 3.5/4.2 bar (50-60 psi).
Creeper (mounted on request) with a 5.357 reduction
ratio allowing all the speeds of the basic “Speed-Six”
gearbox to be reduced by 80%, thus giving 36 forward
Cooling speeds and 36 reverse speeds.
In the 30 kph max. version: 34 forward speeds and 34
Water cooling, forced circulation by centrifugal pump reverse speeds (for Export markets only).
operated by the gears of the timing system.
Power-Six (Legend Top only, can be mounted on
Vertical tube type radiator. request). This is an electro-hydraulically engaged final
drive with a 1.2037 reduction ratio that allows all the
Mod. 105-115: suction fan controlled by V-belts. speeds of the basic gearbox to be reduced by 20%,
Mod. 130-145-165: viscostatic suction fan. obtaining:
- Mounted with the basic Speed-Six gearbox only: 36
Double thermostat control for water circulation from the forward speeds and 36 reverse speeds.
engine to the radiator. - Mounted with the Speed-Six gearbox and Creeper: 72
forward speeds and 72 reverse speeds.
Starting temperature: 77°/85°C (163-187°F) In the 30 kph version, these become (for Export
markets only):
Antifreeze is required for very low temperatures (see - With Speed-Six alone: 34 forward speeds and 34
“Maintenance” chapter). reverse speeds.
- With Speed-Six and Creeper: 68 forward speeds and
68 reverse speeds.
Engine starting
Thermostarter cold weather starting device for starting Reduction ratio of bevel gear pair
in low temperatures.
and rear final drives
L105 - L115 - L130
Bevel gear pair (11/47)......................................... 4.2727
Legend Top: 14" (355 mm) diameter single disc dry
clutch with cerametallic plates. Reduction ratio of epicyclic final drives ............... 5.7857
Hydrostatic power control with automatic play
adjustment. Total reduction ratio............................... ............ 24.7207

Legend Techno: dry double clutch. Hydrostatic power L 145-L165

13"/13" diameter clutch for Mod. 105-115 Bevel gear pair (11/47)......................................... 4.2727
14"/14" diameter clutch for Mod. 130-145-165 with disc
with cerametallic plates. Reduction ratio of epicyclic final drives ................. 6.230

Total reduction ratio ............. ..............................26.6189

WARNING: these technical specifications are of a

general character. Consult your dealer’s brochures for
the specific characteristics available in each individual

Technical specifications

Ground speed table “OPTIONALS” is added to the basic gearbox:

The following table gives the various speeds, in kph, - CREEPER (80% reduction)
which different types and versions of the tractor can - POWER-SIX (20% reduction)
reach at maximum speed rate. The table shows the - POWER-SIX and CREEPER together
speeds of the basic 40 kph max.* gearbox, comprising
18* standard speeds and 18* speeds with the reverse * Whe sixth gear cannot be engaged in high range with
shuttle. the 30 kph max. speed basic gearbox (for Export
The table also gives the supplementary speeds that can markets only).
be obtained when one of the following **Power-Six is only available with Legend Top.
Models L105 - L115 - L130
Speeds in kph with the engine at 2200 RPM and rear tyres as shown: (mph: multiply kph by .621)


16.9 R 38 18.4 R 38

480/70 R 38 520/70 R 38


Km/h mph Km/h mph Km/h mph Km/h mph Km/h mph Km/h mph Km/h mph Km/h mph

1 1.8 1.1 1.5 0.9 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.1 1.9 1.2 1.6 1.0 0.35 0.22 0.29 0.18
2 2.4 1.5 2.0 1.2 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.2 2.4 1.5 2.0 1.3 0.46 0.28 0.38 0.24
3 3.1 1.9 2.5 1.6 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.3 3.1 2.0 2.6 1.6 0.59 0.37 0.49 0.3
4 3.9 2.5 3.3 2.1 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.4 4.1 2.5 3.4 2.1 0.76 0.47 0.63 0.39

Low 5 5.1 3.2 4.2 2.6 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.5 5.2 3.2 4.3 2.7 0.98 0.6 0.81 0.5
6 6.7 4.2 5.6 3.5 1.3 0.8 1.0 0.6 6.9 4.3 5.8 3.6 1.3 0.8 1.08 0.7

1 4.5 2.8 3.8 2.4 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.4 4.7 2.9 3.9 2.4 0.9 0.5 0.73 0.5
2 5.9 3.7 4.9 3.1 1.1 0.7 0.9 0.6 6.1 3.8 5.0 3.1 1.1 0.7 0.94 0.6
3 7.6 4.7 6.3 3.9 1.4 0.9 1.7 0.7 7.8 4.9 6.5 4.0 1.5 0.9 1.22 0.8
4 9.8 6.1 8.1 5.1 1.8 1.1 1.5 0.9 10.1 6.3 8.4 5.2 1.9 1.2 1.57 0.97
Standar 5 12.6 7.9 10.5 6.5 2.3 1.5 1.9 1.2 13.0 8.1 10.8 6.7 2.4 1.5 2.02 1.25
6 16.7 10.4 13.9 8.7 3.1 1.9 2.6 1.6 17.2 10.7 14.3 8.9 3.2 2.0 2.67 1.7

1 10.8 6.7 8.9 5.6 2.0 1.2 1.7 1.1 11.1 6.9 9.2 5.7 2.1 1.3 1.72 1.1
2 13.9 8.7 11.5 7.2 2.6 1.6 2.1 1.3 14.3 8.9 11.9 7.4 2.7 1.7 2.22 1.4
3 18.0 11.2 14.9 9.3 3.4 2.1 2.8 1.7 18.5 11.5 15.4 9.6 3.5 2.2 2.88 1.8
4 23.1 14.4 19.2 12 4.3 2.7 3.6 2.2 23.9 14.8 19.8 12.3 4.5 2.8 3.70 2.3
High 5 29.8 18.6 24.7 15.4 5.6 3.5 4.6 2.9 30.7 19.1 25.5 15.9 5.7 3.6 4.77 2.8
6 39.6 24.7 32.9 20.6 7.4 4.6 6.1 3.8 40.8 25.4 33.9 21.1 7.6 4.7 6.33 3.9
1 1.9 1.2 1.6 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.1 2.0 1.2 1.6 1.0 0.4 0.23 0.30 0.20
2 2.4 1.5 2.0 1.2 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.2 2.5 1.6 2.1 1.3 0.5 0.29 0.39 0.24
3 3.2 2.0 2.6 1.6 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.3 3.3 2.0 2.7 1.7 0.6 0.4 0.51 0.32
4 4.1 2.6 3.4 2.1 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.4 4.2 2.6 3.5 2.2 0.8 0.5 0.65 0.41
Low 5 5.3 3.3 4.4 2.7 1.0 0.6 0.8 0.5 5.4 3.4 4.5 2.7 1.0 0.6 0.84 0.5
6 7.0 4.4 5.8 3.6 1.3 0.8 1.1 0.7 7.2 4.5 6.0 3.6 1.3 0.8 1.12 0.7

1 4.7 2.9 3.9 2.4 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.5 4.9 3.0 4.0 2.4 0.9 0.6 0.76 0.5
2 6.1 3.8 5.1 3.2 1.1 0.7 0.9 0.6 6.2 3.9 5.2 3.1 1.2 0.7 0.97 0.6

3 7.9 4.9 6.5 4.1 1.5 0.9 1.2 0.7 8.1 5.1 6.8 4.0 1.5 0.9 1.26 0.8
4 10.1 6.3 8.4 5.3 1.9 1.2 1.6 1.0 10.5 6.5 8.7 5.4 2.0 1.2 1.62 1.0
Standard 5 13.1 8.2 10.9 6.8 2.4 1.5 2.0 1.2 13.5 8.4 11.2 7.0 2.5 1.6 2.09 1.3
6 17.3 10.8 14.4 9.0 3.2 2.0 2.7 1.7 17.9 11.1 14.9 9.2 3.3 2.1 2.77 2.1

1 11.2 7.0 9.3 5.8 2.1 1.3 1.7 1.1 11.5 7.2 9.6 5.9 2.1 1.3 1.79 1.1
2 14.4 9.0 12.0 7.5 2.7 1.7 2.2 1.4 14.9 9.2 12.3 7.7 2.8 1.7 2.31 1.4
3 18.6 11.6 15.5 9.7 3.5 2.2 2.9 1.8 19.2 11.9 16.0 9.9 3.6 2.2 2.98 1.8
4 24.1 15.1 19.9 12.5 4.5 2.8 3.7 2.3 24.8 15.4 20.6 12.8 4.6 2.9 3.84 2.4
High 5 30.9 19.3 25.7 16.1 5.8 3.6 4.8 3.0 31.9 19.8 26.5 16.4 5.9 3.7 4.94 3.7
6 41.0 25.6 34.1 21.3 7.7 4.8 6.4 4.0 42.3 26.3 35.2 21.8 7.9 4.9 6.56 4.1
Technical specifications

Ground speed table “OPTIONALS” is added to the basic gearbox:

The following table gives the various speeds, in kph, - CREEPER (80% reduction)
which different types and versions of the tractor can - POWER-SIX (20% reduction)
reach at maximum speed rate. The table shows the - POWER-SIX and CREEPER together
speeds of the basic 40 kph max.* gearbox, comprising
18* standard speeds and 18* speeds with the reverse * Whe sixth gear cannot be engaged in high range with
shuttle. the 30 kph max. speed basic gearbox (for Export
The table also gives the supplementary speeds that can markets only).
be obtained when one of the following **Power-Six is only available with Legend Top.
Models L145 - L165
Speeds in kph with engine at 2200 RPM and rear tyres as shown:

18.4 R 38 20.8 R 38
520/70 R 38 580/70 R 38

600/65 R 38 650/65 R 38
Km/h mph Km/h mph Km/h mph Km/h mph Km/h mph Km/h mph Km/h mph Km/h mph

1 1.8 1.1 1.5 0.9 0.3 0.21 0.3 0.17 1.8 1.1 1.5 0.9 0.34 0.21 0.28 0.17
2 2.3 1.4 1.9 1.2 0.4 0.26 0.35 0.22 2.4 1.5 2.0 1.2 0.44 0.27 0.37 0.23
3 2.9 1.8 2.4 1.5 0.5 0.34 0.4 0.28 3.1 1.9 2.5 1.6 0.57 0.36 0.47 0.29
4 3.8 2.4 3.1 1.9 0.7 0.44 0.6 0.36 3.9 2.4 3.3 2.1 0.73 0.46 0.61 0.38

Low 5 4.9 3.1 4.0 2.5 0.9 0.57 0.7 0.5 5.1 3.2 4.2 2.6 0.95 0.59 0.79 0.49
6 6.5 4.1 5.4 3.4 1.2 0.75 1.0 0.6 6.7 4.2 5.6 3.5 1.25 0.78 1.04 0.65

1 4.4 2.8 3.6 2.2 0.8 0.51 0.7 0.4 4.5 2.8 3.8 2.4 0.85 0.53 0.70 0.44
2 5.6 3.5 4.7 2.9 1.0 0.66 0.9 0.5 5.9 3.7 4.9 3.1 1.09 0.68 0.91 0.57
3 7.3 4.6 6.0 3.7 1.4 0.85 1.1 0.7 7.6 4.7 6.3 3.9 1.42 0.89 1.18 0.74
4 9.4 5.9 7.8 4.9 1.7 1.1 1.4 0.9 9.8 6.1 8.1 5.1 1.82 1.14 1.52 0.95
Standard 5 12.1 7.6 10.0 6.2 2.2 1.4 1.9 1.2 12.6 7.9 10.5 6.6 2.35 1.47 1.95 1.22
6 16.0 10.0 13.3 8.3 3.0 1.9 2.5 1.5 13.9 8.7 13.9 8.7 3.12 1.95 2.59 1.62

1 10.3 6.4 8.6 5.4 1.9 1.2 1.6 1.0 10.8 6.7 8.9 5.6 2.01 1.26 1.67 1.04
2 13.3 8.3 11.0 6.9 2.5 1.5 2.1 1.3 13.9 8.7 11.5 7.2 2.59 1.62 2.15 1.34
3 17.2 10.8 14.3 8.9 3.2 2.0 2.7 1.7 17.9 11.2 14.9 9.3 3.35 2.09 2.78 1.74
4 22.2 13.9 18.4 11.5 4.1 2.6 3.4 2.1 23.1 14.4 19.2 12 4.32 2.7 3.58 2.24
5 28.5 17.8 23.7 14.8 5.3 3.3 4.4 2.8 29.8 18.6 24.7 15.4 5.56 3.47 4.61 2.88
6 37.9 23.7 31.4 19.7 7.1 4.4 5.9 3.7 39.5 24.7 32.8 20.5 7.38 4.6 6.13 3.83
1 1.8 1.1 1.5 0.9 0.3 0.21 0.3 0.17 1.9 1.2 1.6 1 0.35 0.22 0.29 0.18
2 2.3 1.4 1.9 1.2 0.4 0.27 0.4 0.22 2.4 1.5 2.0 1.2 0.46 0.29 0.38 0.24
3 3.0 1.9 2.5 1.8 0.6 0.36 0.5 0.29 3.2 2.0 2.6 1.6 0.59 0.37 0.49 0.31
4 3.9 2.4 3.2 2.1 0.7 0.46 0.6 0.38 4.1 2.6 3.4 2.1 0.76 0.47 0.63 0.39
5 5.0 3.1 4.2 2.6 0.9 0.59 0.8 0.5 5.2 3.2 4.4 2.7 0.98 0.61 0.81 0.51
6 6.7 4.2 5.5 3.5 1.2 0.78 1.0 0.6 6.9 4.3 5.8 3.6 1.36 0.81 1.08 0.67

1 4.5 2.8 3.8 2.4 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.4 4.7 2.9 3.9 2.4 0.88 0.55 0.73 0.46
2 5.8 3.6 4.8 3.1 1.1 0.7 0.9 0.6 6.1 3.8 5.0 3.1 1.14 0.71 0.94 0.59

3 7.5 4.8 6.3 3.9 1.4 0.9 1.2 0.7 7.9 4.9 6.5 4.1 1.47 0.92 1.22 0.76
4 9.7 6.1 8.1 5.1 1.8 1.1 1.5 0.9 10.1 6.3 8.4 5.2 1.89 1.18 1.57 0.98
Standard 5 12.5 7.8 10.4 6.5 2.3 1.5 1.9 1.2 13.0 8.1 10.8 6.7 2.44 1.52 2.02 1.26
6 16.6 10.4 13.8 8.6 3.1 1.9 2.6 1.6 17.3 10.8 14.4 9 3.23 2.02 2.69 1.68

1 10.7 6.0 8.9 5.6 2.0 1.25 1.7 1.0 11.2 7 9.3 5.8 2.08 1.3 1.73 1.08
2 13.8 8.6 11.5 7.2 2.6 1.6 2.1 1.2 14.4 9 11.9 7.4 2.69 1.68 2.23 1.39
3 17.9 11.2 14.8 9.2 3.3 2.1 2.8 1.7 18.6 11.6 15.5 9.7 3.48 2.17 2.89 1.81
4 23.0 14.4 19.1 11.9 4.3 2.7 3.6 2.2 24.0 15 19.9 12.4 4.48 2.8 3.72 2.3
High 5 29.6 18.5 24.6 15.4 5.5 3.5 4.6 2.9 30.9 19.3 25.6 16 5.76 3.6 4.79 2.99
6 39.3 24.6 32.6 20.4 7.3 4.6 6.1 3.8 41.0 25.6 34.0 21.2 7.65 4.78 6.36 3.97

Technical specifications

Differential lock - 1 3/8" (34.9 mm) diameter shaft with 6 splines (on
Legend Top: rear differential lock with electro-hydraulic
control and hydraulic engagement by means of an oil- - 1 3/4" (44.45 mm) diameter shaft with 6 splines (on
cooled multiple disc clutch: number of discs 5. request).

Legend Techno: rear differential lock with electro- - 1 3/4" (44,45 mm) diameter shaft with 20 splines (on
hydraulic control and mechanical engagement. request).

In both models, the diff lock is disengaged by means of

the brake pedals. Brakes
Front and rear differential locking takes place at the
same time by means of the Twin-Lock system in four- Rear brakes
wheel drive tractors.
Multidisc oil-cooled brakes mounted on rear differential
Power take off half shafts.

Independent PTO synchronized with gearbox, mounted Number of friction discs.................. ....... 10 (5 per side).
at the rear of the tractor.
Friction material................................ ....... resin-graphite.
Legend Techno: PTO engaged through a mechanically
controlled clutch by a lever in the cab. Hydraulic control by means of the two pedals on the
driver’s right: the two pedals can be coupled together
Legend Top: PTO engaged through a hydraulic clutch by a locking device to provide simultaneous braking
with electro-hydraulic control by means of a button in action on both sides.
the cab.
Engagement is modulated by a hydraulic accumulator. Parking brake controlled by an independent hand lever
The PTO driveline is stopped through an electro- and linkage acting directly on the main brakes.
hydraulically controlled brake by means of the switch
used to control the PTO itself. Hydraulic trailer brake mounted on request.

Operation: independent or proportional to ground Compressed air trailer brake mounted on request.

1- Rotation speed in independent mode: Front brakes (4WD only)

- 540 RPM with a 1944 RPM engine rate. Multidisc oil-cooled brakes mounted on front
- 540ECO RPM with a 1322 RPM engine rate (available differential half shafts.
on request, known as economy power take-off).
- 1000 RPM with a 1956 RPM engine rate. Number of friction discs:

2- Rotation speed in synchronized mode (PTO driveline All models................................... .............. 4 (2 per side).
turns per rear wheel turn): Friction material................................. ...... resin-graphite.

IBS-Integral Braking System hydraulic control ensuring

simultaneous braking along with the rear brakes when
the brake pedals are coupled together by means of the
relative locking device.
Type of PTO driveline revolutions
PTO L105 - L115 - L130 L145 - L165

540 11.26 12.126

Track adjustment
540ECO 16.54 17.818
1000 20.627 22.312 Track is adjustable on 2WD and 4WD front axles and on
rear axles. See the Tables in the “Operation” chapter.
Different PTO output shafts are available, in compliance
with A.S.A.E. standards.

- 1 3/8" (34.9 mm) diameter shaft with 21 splines (standard


Technical specifications

Legend Top: electro-hydraulic front drive engagement

Steering components by means of oil-cooled hydraulic disc clutch.

Propeller shaft without universal couplings installed

Power steering along the longitudinal axis of the tractor.

Power steering system controlled by the steering Transmission through central differential and epicyclic
wheel. final drives in the wheel hubs.

Telescopic steering wheel adjustable in height and tilt. Max. steering angle ....... ............................................55°

Turns on the steering wheel (from one stop point to the Front axle with oil-cooled front brakes. The front
next): brakes are the oil-cooled multi-disc type mounted on
- 2 WD........................................................ ................... 5 the live axles of the front differential: 4 discs (2 for each
- 4 WD........................................................ ................ 4.5 live axle).

Gear pump with a delivery rate of 35 l/min. at a 2200 Electro-hydraulically controlled "Twin-Lock” differential
RPM engine rate (see “Description of the Hydraulic lock mounted as standard supply. Engagement occurs
Circuit”). at the same time the rear differential is engaged. The
differential lock is disengaged by means of the brake
Paper filter on the delivery side. pedals.

Balanced, double-acting steering cylinder mounted on Mod. 105-115-130 - AG 125 axle

the axle casing.
Bevel gear pair reduction ratio ................... 13/41=3.154
Max. working pressure in power steering
system ..... ..................................................170 +/- 5 bar Reduction ratio of epicyclic final drives ............ 1 : 5.077
(2465 +/- 75 psi)
Total reduction ratio ............................................. 16.012

Minimum turning radius (dimensions in mm-in.). Transmission ratio between front and rear
axles ....................................................................... 1.346

2 WD 4 WD Transmission unit on gearbox with reduction

MODEL ratio ......... ...............................................................41/47
without brakes without brakes with brakes
Mod. 145-165 - AG 155 axle
105-115-130 4400mm-173in. 5350mm-211in. 4600mm-181in.
Bevel gear pair reduction ratio ................. 12/41 = 3.416
145-165 4500mm-177in. 5350mm-211in. 4600mm-181in.
Reduction ratio of epicyclic final drives ............ 1 : 5.077

Total reduction ratio ............................................. 17.346

2WD front axle
Transmission ratio between front and rear
Box-section front axle pivoting around central pin. axles ....................................................................... 1.339

Track adjustment by telescopic sliding axle-end Transmission unit on gearbox with infinitely meshed
sections. gears and reduction ratio ...................................... .41/47

Max. steering angle............................................ ....... 55° Consult the dedicated chapter for the Carraro axle
mounted as an alternative.

Consult the dedicated chapter for the axle with

4WD front axle independent suspensions mounted on request.

Front axle in spheroidal cast iron pivoting around two

central supports.

Legend Techno: mechanical front drive engagement by

means of lever in cab.

Technical specifications

Tyres Choose the right pressure according to your own

The following is a list of possible tyre types and front/ experience in conjunction with the manufacturer’s
rear combinations: consult your dealer for any queries instructions. For tractors with the overdrive function,
you may have about these combinations. only use tyres marked with the words “load index A8”.
The pressures given are purely indicative and can vary
as a result of difference in tyre compound and design
from one manufacturer to another, ballasting, operating
conditions, and so forth.

Tyre table for 2WD and 4WD tractors: 1 bar = 14.5 psi

Front Tyres Rear Tyres

Tyre Rim Bar lbf/in2 Tyre Rim Bar lbf/in2

11.00-16 (8 Ply) W 8-16 2.5 36.2 18.4 R 34 (8 Ply) DW 14-34 DL 1.5 21.7
2 WD

11.00-16 (8 Ply) W 8-16 2.5 36.2 16.9 R 38 (8 Ply) DW 14-34 DL 1.7 24.6
11.00-16 (8 Ply) W 8-16 2.5 36.2 480/70-R 38 145 A 8 DW 16-38 1.6 23.2

14.9-24 (6 Ply) W 13-24 1.8 26.1 18.4 R 34 (8 Ply) DW 16-34 DL 1.5 21.7
420/70-24 (130 A 8) W 13-24 1.6 23.2 520/70-34 (148 A 8) DW 16-34 DL 1.6 23.2
4 WD

13.6-28 (6 Ply) W 12-28 2.0 29 16.9 R 38 (8 Ply) DW 15-38 DL 1.7 24.6

14.9/13-28 (128 A 8) W 12-28 1.8 26.1 18.4/15-38 (146 A 8) DW 15-38 DL 1.8 26.1
380/70 R 28 (127 A 8) W 12-28 1.6 23.2 480/70-38 (145 A 8) DW 15-38 DL 1.6 23.2
420/70-28 W 14 L-28 1.6 23.2 520/70-38 (150 A 8) DW 18 L-38 DL 1.6 23.2
2 WD

11.00-16 (8 Ply) W 8-16 2.5 36.2 18.4 R 38 (8 Ply) DW 16-38 1.8 26.1
11.00-16 (8 Ply) W 8-16 2.5 36.2 520/70-R 38 150 A 8 DW 16-38 1.6 23.2

14.9/13-28 (128 A 8) W 12-28 1.8 26.1 18.4/15-38 (146 A 8) DW 15-38 DL 1.8 26.1
4 WD

380/70 R 28 (127 A 8) W 12-28 1.6 23.2 480/70-38 (145 A 8) DW 15-38 DL 1.6 23.2
420/70-28 W 14 L-28 1.6 23.2 520/70-38 (150 A 8) DW 18 L-38 DL 1.6 23.2

11.00-16 (8 Ply) on W 8-16 2.5 36.2 18.4/15-38 (8 Ply) DW 16-38 or 1.8 26.1
2 WD

W 16 L-38 PAVT
11.00-16 (8 Ply) on W 8-16 2.5 36.2 20.8 R 38 (8 Ply) W 18 L-38 PAVT 1.6 23.2

14.9/13-28 (128 A 8) W 12-28 1.8 26.1 18.4/15-38 (146 A 8) DW 15-38 DL 1.8 26.1
16.9 R 28 (136 A 8) W 14 L-28 1.7 24.6 20.8 R 38 (153 A 8) W 18 L-38 PAVT 1.6 23.2

480/70 R 28 (140 A 8) W 14 L-28 1.6 23.2 580/70 R 38 (155 A 8) DW 18 L-38 DL 1.6 23.2
4 WD

480/70 R 28 (140 A 8) W 14 L-28 1.6 23.2 580/70 R 38 (155 A 8) W 18 L-38 PAVT 1.6 23.2
480/65 R 28 (129 A 8) W 14 L-28 1.6 23.2 600/65 R 38 (147 A 8) DW 18 L-38 DL 1.6 23.2
480/65 R 28 (129 A 8) W 14 L-28 1.6 23.2 600/65 R 38 (147 A 8) W 18 L-38 PAVT 1.6 23.2
420/70-28 W 14 L-28 1.6 23.2 520/70 R 38 (150 A 8) DW 18 L-38 DL 1.6 23.2
420/70-28 W 14 L-28 1.6 23.2 520/70 R 38 (150 A 8) W 18 L-38 PAVT 1.6 23.2

14.9/13-28 (128 A 8) W 12-28 1.8 26.1 18.4/15-38 (146 A 8) DW 15-38 DL 1.8 26.1
16.9 R 28 (136 A 8) W 14 L-28 1.7 24.6 20.8 R 38 (153 A 8) W 18 L-38 PAVT 1.6 23.2
480/70 R 28 (140 A 8) W 14 L-28 1.6 23.2 580/70 R 38 (155 A 8) DW 18 L-38 DL 1.6 23.2
480/70 R 28 (140 A 8) W 14 L-28 1.6 23.2 580/70 R 38 (155 A 8) W 18 L-38 PAVT 1.6 23.2
4 WD

480/65 R 28 (129 A 8) W 14 L-28 1.6 23.2 600/65 R 38 (147 A 8) DW 18 L-38 DL 1.6 23.2
480/65 R 28 (129 A 8) W 14 L-28 1.6 23.2 600/65 R 38 (147 A 8) W 18 L-38 PAVT 1.6 23.2
420/70-28 W 14 L-28 1.6 23.2 520/70 R 38 (150 A 8) DW 18 L-38 DL 1.6 23.2
420/70-28 W 14 L-28 1.6 23.2 520/70 R 38 (150 A 8) W 18 L-38 PAVT 1.6 23.2
540/65-28 W 14 L-28 1.6 23.2 650/65 R 38 DW 18 L-38 DL 1.6 23.2

Technical specifications

Hydraulic circuit Three point linkage

Two stage hydraulic gear pump powered directly by the Class 2 three point linkage with side stabilizers to limit
gears of the timing system with 40 micron double implement swing.
paper filter on the intake.
The two pump stages supply: Adjuster crank on RH vertical link rod. Optional
1st Stage: delivery 35 l/min. (9.26 pm) at a 2200 RPM hydraulic adjuster jack.
engine rate.
20 micron paper filter on the delivery. Adjuster crank of LH link rod with two positions at the
Supplies: - The power steering circuit, max. operating lower end: one fixed and the other sliding.
pressure 170 +/- 5 bar (2465 +/- 75 psi).
- The 17-18 bar (247-261 psi) low pressure Lower links have interchangeable Class 2 and 3 ball
circuit including Power-Six*, the four-wheel ends and quick hitch mechanisms.
drive*, the hydraulic Power Take-Off*, the
hydraulic brake of the Power Take-Off* and Top link with rapid hitch mechanism, optional hydraulic
the differential lock (* Legend Top only). adjuster jack.
- The oil cooling circuit, max. pressure 5 bar
(72.5 psi). Three point linkage powered by two single-acting
- The lubricating circuit of the gearbox and hydraulic cylinders:
Power-Six*, max. pressure 1.5 bar (22 psi).
(* Legend Top only). Mod. 105-115-130 .................. diameter 80 mm (3.150”)
2nd Stage: delivery 62 l/min. (16.46 pm) at a 2200 RPM (90 mm diameter available on request) (3.543”).
engine rate.
Supplies: -The hydraulic trailer brake, max. operating Mod. 145 ................................. diameter 90 mm (3.543”)
pressure 130 +/- 10 bar (1885 +/- 145 psi).
-The auxiliary control valves (max. 4), max. Mod. 165 ............................... diameter 100 mm (3.937”)
operating pressure 180 +/- 5 bar (2610 +/- 75
psi). Rated lifting capacity at ends of lower links:
-The hydraulic power lift, max. operating
pressure 180 +/- 5 bar (2610 +/- 75 psi). Mod. 105-115-130 ............ minimum 5100 Kg (11240 lb)
maximum 5500 Kg (12122 lb)

Mod. 145 ........................... minimum 6500 Kg (14326 lb)

Electronically controlled power lift maximum 7000 Kg (15428 lb)
- Legend Top
Mod. 165 ........................... minimum 7600 Kg (16750 lb)
Draft control, position control, “Intermix” combined maximum 8400 Kg (18514 lb)
draft and position control, and float mode.
Auxiliary control valves
Monitoring system .......................................... Electronic Open center auxiliary control valves with rapid "Push-
Pull" attachments.
Type of control ..................................... Electro-hydraulic
Up to 4 control valves can be fitted.
Electronic plant, sensors
and electro-distributor ........................................ BOSCH Available versions:

Draft control by means of sensors mounted on the - Standard single or double-acting control valve.
lower links (2 sensors) of the three-point linkage.
- Convertible single or double-acting control valve with
Operating voltage rating ...................................... 12 Volt automatic coupling.

- Convertible single or double-acting control valve with

float position.
Mechanically controlled power lift -
- Special control valve for hydraulic motors.
Legend Techno
The auxiliary control valves use the power lift pump,
Draft control, position control, “Intermix” combined
thus the max. operating pressure is 180 bar (2610 psi).
draft and position control, and float mode.

Technical specifications

Towing devices Noise level

Front pull hook. In compliance with EEC 77/311 (dBA) regulations -
Appendix II (without load) - and in movement, in
Class “C” rigid rear tow hook adjustable in height: 4 compliance with EEC 74/151 (dBA), the following table
positions. gives the noise level in the driving seat in any given
Class “D3” rigid rear tow hook adjustable in height: 4
positions (available on request). Noise levels in driving seat EEC 77/311 - Appendix II

4 WD 2 WD
Class “C” or “D3” rear tow hook with quick height
adjustment (7 positions) (available on request). Com- EEC 77/311 Win- Win- Win- Win-
mer- test Type dows dows dows dows
Class “C” rear swinging towbar (optional, in place of the cial number closed open closed open
Class “C” or “D3” tow hook).
105 10982 BBKL 79 83 79 83

115 10983 BAKL 79 82 79 82

130 10984 BAML 76 81 76 81
Cab and platform tested to OECD international
standards. 145 10985 BAPL 76 81 78 82
Noise level complies with EEC standards.
165 11083 BATL 77 83 77 83
Platform completely supported on Silent Block dampers
and cab in pressed structural steel with isothermal blue-
tinted glass panes. NOTE: for BBLL-BAJL-BALL-BANL-BASL 2WD versions,
Heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems. refer to the values for the 4WD version without front
Openable roof with wide visibility in an upward wheel drive engaged.
Drive-by noise EEC 74/151

Seat 4 WD 2 WD

Com- EEC 74/151 Tractor Tractor Tractor Tractor

Standard padded seat with adjustable suspension. mer- approval Type at moving at moving
The seat is also adjustable for height and distance from cial numbers standstill standstill
controls. Mod.
A seat with pneumatic suspensions, adjustable in the 105 15130055 BBKL 84.5 87 84.5 87
same way as the previous one, is available on request
for major comfort. 115 15130054 BAKL 83 87 83 87

130 15130053 BAML 83.5 86 83.5 86

Bonnet 145 15130052 BAPL 81 84 81 84

Robust single piece pressed sheet bonnet. 165 e28031 BATL 83.2 89 83.2 89
The side panels can be opened for full access to the
battery, air filter and main engine components. NOTE: for BBLL-BAJL-BALL-BANL-BASL 2WD versions,
refer to the values for the 4WD version without front
wheel drive engaged.

WARNING: should daily exposure to sound levels, when

using the tractor continuously and correctly, be equal
to or in excess of 85 dBA, the user must adopt all the
precautions indicated in Art. 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44 of
legislative decree D.L. 277 of 15/08/1991. Regarding the
possible risks caused by exposure to noise, please
consult the section entitled “Safety Notes” in this

Technical specifications

- Two adjustable rear field lights (55W halogen bulb)

Electrical system (max. four lights).

Voltage: 12 V negative earth. - 7-pin rear power socket for trailer lights).

Battery Fuses

"Maintenance Free" type. Complies with SAE J537 Consult the description in the “Electrical system” chapter
regulations. for the fuses that protect the electrical system.

Specifications: Control panel instruments

Voltage............................................................. ........ 12 V
Cold-starting surge at -18°C (-1°F) - Digital instrument panel - Legend Top
for 30 seconds.................................................... ... 750 A
Charge for 20 hours........................................... .... 95 Ah - Analog instrument panel - Legend Techno
Charge reserve........................................ .......... 170 min.
- Electronic revolution counter with work hour totalizer.
- Fuel level gauge with red reserve warning light.
Type................................................................ . 55 Amp/h
- Engine coolant temperature gauge with red overheating
Max. power at 2200 RPM engine rate ...... ............500 W warning light.

Automatic voltage regulator incorporated. - 17 indicators/warning lights, 3W each.

Remote charge indicator with light. - 2 dashboard lights, 2W each.

- 4-position ignition switch.

Starter motor
- Combination switch for direction indicators, dipped and
main beams and horn.
Continuous power 2.9 kW (4 HP).
Automatic pinion engagement by means of electro-
- Windscreen wiper switch.
- Rocker switch for the hazard warning lights.
- Buzzer to warn of low pressure in the low pressure
Front lights including: hydraulic circuit.
- Two double filament headlights, 45/50 W.
Electrical system in cab
- Two side lights (5 W bulb) with white glass.
- Rotating beacon switch.
- Two direction indicators (21 W bulb) with orange
- Switch for the front field lights.
- Two direction-adjustable halogen field lights, 55W
- Switch for the rear field lights.
(max. four lights).
- Rear window wiper switch.
Rear lights including:
- Two tail lights (5 W bulb) with red glass. - Windscreen wiper and rear window wiper motors.

- Two direction indicators (21W bulb) with orange - Interior cab light with control switch.
- Four-position switch for the electric fan in the cab.
- Two brake lights (21W bulb) with red glass.
- Thermostat to activate the compressor in the air-
- Registration plate light (5W bulb). conditioning system (if installed).

- Rotating beacon (optional, depending on country.

Technical specifications

Optional extras

- Towing device. - Delta - Six gearbox (Legend Top): electro-hydraulic

- Front pull hook. engagement of three speed ranges plus electro-
- Class “A” rear swinging drawbar. hydraulic reverse shuttle, available in two versions:
- Class “C” or “D3” adjustable height rear tow
hook. 1- Delta - Six + basic gearbox :51 forward speeds
- Class “C” or “D3” rear tow hook with quick and 18 reverse speeds.
height adjustment.
2- Delta - Six+basic gearbox + Creeper :102
- Up to four open center auxiliary control valves with forward speeds and 36 reverse speeds.
hydraulic hoses and "Push-Pull" couplings. Available in
various versions. - Supplementary 80 liter (17.7 gal) (21.1 US gal.)
capacity tank.
- Hydraulic trailer braking system available in two
versions: one version for the Italian market and the - Three-point linkage with hydraulic rh levelling rod.
other for the Export market.

- Pneumatic trailer braking system.

- 540ECO RPM PTO as an alternative to the 1000 RPM


- PTO proportional to the ground speed of the tractor

to operate self-propelled trailers (on request and
depending on the market).

- 1 3/8" (34.9 mm) diameter PTO shaft with 6 splines.

- 1 3/4" (44.4 mm) diameter PTO shaft with 6 splines.

- 1 3/8" (34.9 mm) diameter PTO shaft with 21 splines.

- Front ballast: up to 12 cast iron plates weighing 42 Kg

(93 lbs) each for a total 504 Kg ((1111 lbs).

- Rear-wheel ballast (2, 4, 6 cast iron rings weighing 85

Kg each) (187 lbs): total weight 170-340-510 Kg) (375-
749-1124 lbs).

- Luxury seat with pneumatic suspension, adjustable

as to height and distance from controls (Legend Top

- Front fenders (depending on the market).

- Creeper range for very low gears with reduction ratio

of 1 : 5.357 that reduces all the gears in the Speed-
Six gearbox by 80%, providing 36 forward gears and
36 reverse gears.

- Power-Six (Legend Top only): electro-hydraulically

engaged reduction unit with 1.2037 reduction ratio
allowing all the gears of the basic gearbox to be
reduced by 20% and providing:
- Mounted with the basic Speed-Six gearbox only:
36 forward speeds and 36 reverse speeds.
- Mounted with the Speed-Six gearbox and
Creeper: 72 forward speeds and 72 reverse

Delta - Six

Mounted on request.
On-load engagement of three forward speed ranges
and the electro-hydraulic reverse shuttle (Fig.153).

Delta - Six provides 51 forward speeds and 18 reverse A

Delta - Six offers the following ranges: +
- Underdrive:18 speeds reduced by 20%
- Direct drive: 18 basic speeds
- Overdrive: 15 high speeds increased by 20%. The 6th -
gear is automatically inhibited with the Overdrive
- Reverse: 18 reverse speeds controlled by the reverse
shuttle lever. Fig. 153: Delta - Six control buttons and range indicator
Press the buttons on the lever to select the Range lights.
(Underdrive, Direct drive, Overdrive) (Fig.153). A : Clutch disengaged (orange)
+:+20% speed increase (green)
Delta - Six with Creeper option - :-20% speed decrease (green)
Provides a further ultra-slow 51 forward speeds and 18 Orange indicator lights of the Delta - Six range (1,2,3)
reverse speeds for a total 102 forward speeds and 36 -Underdrive: light 3 on
reverse speeds. -Direct drive range: lights 2 and 3 on
-Overdrive: lights 1-2-3 on
Electro-hydraulic reverse shuttle
On-the-move direction changes.
FWD - Lever forwards: Forward speeds

N - Neutral: Always move the lever to this position to

allow the engine to start.

REV - Lever back: Reverse speeds

The system is monitored by a plant that only allows

reversing below (8 kph) (5.9 mph). Always slow down to REV
less than 8 kph (5.9 mph) to reverse gear.

Two arrow lights on the instrument panel indicate the

direction in which the tractor is moving

Forwards (green)) Fig. 154: Reverse shuttle lever

Reverse (orange) WARNING: To start the tractor when the weather is

particularly cold, it is advisable to heat the
Clutch disengaging button (Fig.153) transmission oil by running the engine until it reaches
Press button A (orange) to disengage the clutch and a temperature of 20°. This ensures that Delta Six is able
change gear. to operate correctly. During the first few minutes of
Whenever the clutch is disengaged by means of button work with the tractor, only change gear with Delta Six
A, the gearbox will be in the Direct drive range. To when strictly necessary until the normal operating
return to Overdrive or Underdrive range, press the temperature has been reached.
relative buttons + e -
The clutch pedal is only used for: Delta-Six transmission oil: use LAND OIL TRANSFLUID
- safety purposes, sudden obstructions, drop in engine according to MF CMS-M-1127 specifications. Carry out
power during work, etc. the same operations as those of the standard
- precision approaches: to hitch implements. transmission indicated in the Maintenance chapter
- depress the clutch pedal to select the gear. The Delta when servicing Delta-Six and change its filter every 250
- Six gearbox will remain in the engaged range hours. The filter is installed under the cab on the right-
(Overdrive, Direct drive, Underdrive). hand side near the Delta Six hydraulic monitoring units.

Delta - Six

The flashing message “AL” comes on in the ground speed
indicator on the instrument panel if the Delta-Six system
becomes faulty. Immediately contact your dealer’s
specdialized workshop and have the fault identified if this
The number that follows the letters AL identifies the
incorrect manoeuvre or the Delta-Six operational fault.

Incorrect manoevres

Code Incorrect manoevres

24 An attempt has been made to engage the reverse gear with a speed of more than 8 kph. Slow down
below 8 kph and the operation will take place automatically.
25 The reverse shuttle lever has been moved wrongly or too slowly. Move the reverse shuttle lever to
neutral position and repeat the operation
26 The position of the reverse shuttle lever has been modified with the pedal not fully depressed. A n
attempt has been made to reverse the tractor with the synchronizer disengaged: the clutch pedal has
been released with the Reverse synchromesh not fully engaged.
27 The Declutch button has been pressed with the clutch pedal either not free or partially depressed.
28 An attempt has been made to engage the forward gear with a speed of more than 8 kph. Slow down
below 8 kph and the operation will take place automatically.

Troubleshooting table - Contact your dealer to have the problem solved

Code Fault

1 Faulty reverse synchromesh solenoid valve: short circuit or broken wires

2 Faulty underdrive synchromesh solenoid valve: short circuit or broken wires
3 Faulty overdrive synchromesh solenoid valve: short circuit or broken wires
4 Not used
5 Faulty diff lock solenoid valve: short circuit or broken wires
6 Faulty 4WD solenoid valve: short circuit or broken wires
7 Not used for Legend - Faulty Creeper solenoid valve in Mythos
8 Faulty MODE clutch control solenoid valve (Reverse -Overdrive -Underdrive)
9 Not used
10 Faulty Main clutch (Direct drive) solenoid valve
11 Delta - Six sensor: one of the two sensors fails to function or broken wires
12 Not used
13 Transmission oil temperature sensor
14 Steering angle sensor
15 Sensor on clutch pedal
16 Clutch pedal end of travel safety switch
17 Forward gear position of reverse shuttle lever contact fault
18 Reverse gear position of reverse shuttle lever contact fault
19 Orange Declutch button: button broken or broken wires
20 Comes on if the Reverse synchromesh has failed to engage after 5 sec.: synchromesh engaging switch
broken - seized solenoid valve - mechanical fault in the synchromesh - seized piston - low oil pressure
in duct.
21 Comes on if the Underdrive synchromesh has failed to engage after 5 sec.: synchromesh engaging
switch broken - seized solenoid valve - mechanical fault in the synchromesh - seized piston - low oil
pressure in duct.
22 Comes on if the Overdrivedrive synchromesh has failed to engage after 5 sec.: synchromesh engaging
switch broken - seized solenoid valve - mechanical fault in the synchromesh - seized piston - low oil
pressure in duct.
23 Not used
29 The hydraulic clutch has still not engaged completely after the preset 10 sec. time limit: the clutch slips
owing to an excessive load - low oil pressure in the clutch circuit.

Delta - Six

LEGEND 105 - 115 - 130 LEGEND 105 - 115 - 130

Delta - Six Delta - Six
with CREEPER - Speed in kph Speed in kph
18.4 R38; 520/70 R38; 600/65 R38 tyres 18.4 R38; 520/70 R38; 600/65 R38 tyres

1st Low 0.295 0.353 0.428 0.363 1st Low 1.578 1.891 2.294 1.944
2nd Low 0.380 0.455 0.552 0.468 2nd Low 2.035 2.439 2.958 2.507
3rd Low 0.492 0.590 0.715 0.606 3rd Low 2.635 3.158 3.830 3.246
4th Low 0.633 0.759 0.921 0.780 4th Low 3.393 4.067 4.932 4.180
5th Low 0.815 0.977 1.185 1.004 5th Low 4.367 5.234 6.347 5.379
*6th Low 1.082 1.296 - 1.332 *6th Low 5.794 6.943 - 7.136

1st Std. 0.732 0.877 1.063 0.901 1st Std. 3.920 4.697 5.697 4.828
2nd Std. 0.944 1.131 1.371 1.162 2nd Std. 5.055 6.058 7.347 6.226
3rd Std. 1.222 1.464 1.776 1.505 3rd Std. 6.546 7.844 9.514 8.062
4th Std. 1.573 1.885 2.287 1.938 4th Std. 8.429 10.101 12.251 10.381
5th Std. 2.025 2.427 2.943 2.494 5th Std. 10.848 13.000 15.766 13.361
*6th Std. 2.686 3.219 - 3.309 *6th Std. 14.392 17.246 - 17.725

1st High 1.731 2.074 2.515 2.132 1st High 9.271 11.110 13.475 11.419
2nd High 2.232 2.675 3.244 2.749 2nd High 11.957 14.329 17.378 14.727
3rd High 2.890 3.463 4.201 3.560 3rd High 15.483 18.554 22.503 19.069
4th High 3.721 4.460 5.409 4.584 4th High 19.936 23.891 28.976 24.555
5th High 4.789 5.740 6.961 5.899 5th High 25.658 30.748 37.291 31.602
*6th High 6.354 7.615 - 7.826 *6th High 34.040 40.792 - 41.925
* 6th gear is inhibited when Overdrive is engaged * 6th gear is inhibited when Overdrive is engaged

NOTE: for mph multiply kph by .621

LEGEND 145 - 165 LEGEND 145 - 165

Delta - Six Delta - Six
with CREEPER - Speeds in kph Speeds in kph
18.4 R38; 520/70 R38; 600/65 R38 tyres 18.4 R38; 520/70 R38; 600/65 R38 tyres

1st Low 0.285 0.342 0.415 0.351 1st Low 1.528 1.831 2.221 1.882
2nd Low 0.368 0.441 0.535 0.453 2nd Low 1.970 2.361 2.864 2.427
3rd Low 0.476 0.571 0.692 0.587 3rd Low 2.552 3.058 3.708 3.143
4th Low 0.613 0.735 0.891 0.755 4th Low 3.286 3.937 4.775 4.047
5th Low 0.789 0.946 1.147 0.972 5th Low 4.228 5.067 6.146 5.208
*6th Low 1.047 1.255 - 1.290 *6th Low 5.610 6.723 - 6.909

1st Std. 0.708 0.849 1.030 0.873 1st Std. 3.795 4.548 5.516 4.674
2nd Std. 0.914 1.095 1.328 1.125 2nd Std. 4.894 5.865 7.114 6.028
3rd Std. 1.183 1.418 1.719 1.457 3rd Std. 6.338 7.595 9.211 7.806
4th Std. 1.523 1.826 2.214 1.876 4th Std. 8.161 9.780 11.861 10.051
5th Std. 1.961 2.349 2.849 2.415 5th Std. 10.503 12.586 15.265 12.936
*6th Std. 2.601 3.117 - 3.204 *6th Std. 13.934 16.698 - 17.162

1st High 1.676 2.008 2.435 2.064 1st High 8.976 10.757 13.046 11.056
2nd High 2.161 2.590 3.141 2.662 2nd High 11.577 13.873 16.826 14.258
3rd High 2.798 3.353 4.067 3.446 3rd High 14.990 17.964 21.787 18.463
4th High 3.603 4.318 5.237 4.438 4th High 19.302 23.131 28.055 23.774
5th High 4.637 5.557 6.740 5.711 5th High 24.842 29.770 36.106 30.597
*6th High 6.152 7.372 - 7.577 *6th High 32.957 39.495 - 40.592
* 6th gear is inhibited when Overdrive is engaged * 6th gear is inhibited when Overdrive is engaged

Delta - Six

- +



Fig. 155 - Wiring diagram of digital instrument panel - Legend Top with Delta - Six.

Key to wiring diagram of digital TABLE OF INSTRUMENT SETTINGS

instrument panel SWITCHES
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3-Forward speed Led; 4-Reverse gears engaged Led; 5-
6-7 - PTO speed ind. led; 8-9-10 - Delta-Six range 16.9 R38 OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF -
engaged Led; 16 - PTO driveline RPM and ground 480/70 R38
speed electronic ind.; 17 - Alternator indicator light; 18 - 105
18.4/15 R38 OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF -
Engine oil pressure indicator light; 19 - Air filter 115 520/70 R38
blockage indicator light; 20 - Hydraulic oil filter blockage
indicator light; 21 - Low pressure in hydraulic circuit 130 18.4 R34
indicator light; 22 - Parking brake and brake reservoir 520/70 R34 OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF -
fluid level ind. light; 23 - Trailer brake fluid pressure 600/65 R34 1
light; 24 - 4WD transmission light; 25 - Headlight ind.
light; 26 - Synchronized PTO light; 27 - PTO engaged 520/70 R38
ind. light; 28 - Diff lock light; 29 - Vacant, not used; 30 - 18.4 R38 OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF -
Vacant, not used; 31 - Direction light; 32 - 1st trailer 145/165 600/65 R38
direction light; 33 - Side light light; 35 - Engine rate 1
20.8 R38
analog indicator; 36 - Fuel level gauge; 37 - Coolant OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF -
temperature ind. light. 580/70 R38

1-NOTE: Switch N° 5 selects the speed indication.

ON - mph
OFF - kph

Delta - Six


with Delta-Six and suspended Axle Fuse box B - Fig. 157
50 Main and dipper beams, air-conditioner 60
The tractor’s electrical system is protected against relay, electronic power lift,
horn - M2
short-circuits and overload by a set of fuses. The 51 Ignition switch - M1 100
number of fuses in the electrical systen depends on the 52 Field lights, rotating beacon,
tractor version. roof light, radio, clock - M3 70
The fuses are installed in two fuse-boxes: 53 Alternator - M4 80
A - Main relay and fuse box (Fig. 156) on the left-hand
side of the dashboard.
B - Front fuse box (Fig. 157).

NOTE: before replacing a blown fuse with an

equivalent one, try to identify and remedy the cause of
the fault.

FUSES Fig.156
F 1 Speed sensors, buzzer, Auto button light 5
F 2 Cigarette lighter 10
F 3 Instrument panel 5
F 4 Pneumatic seat 15
F 5 + key-operated, suspended Axle 7.5
F 6 Rear window wiper 15
F 7 Rear trailer socket 15
F 8 Button night lighting 7.5
F 9 Side lights 7.5
F 10 Side lights 7.5
F 11 Rotating beacon 7.5
F 12 Roof light 7.5
F 13 Electronic power lift (battery powered) 5
F 14 Horn 10
F 15 Headlights 15
F 16 Headlights 15
F 17 + Direct, suspended axle 7.5
F 1' - -
F 2' Key-operated light relay 5
F 3' Windscreen wiper 30
F 4' Motor stop 7.5
F 5' Key-operated elect. power lift 5
F 6' P.T.O. relay switch 7.5
F 7' +12V Delta-Six plant 15
F 8' Brake lights 10 Fig. 156-Main relay and fuse box.
F 9' Rear field lights 30
F 10' Front field lights 30 F = Fuses
F 11' Air-conditioner power 30 RL = Relays
F 12' Air-conditioner switch 7.5 MRL = Minirelays
F 13' - -
F 14' Thermostarter 20
F 15' Hazard lights 15 NOTE: when there are four front and rear field lights,
F 16' Engine ignition relay 30 fuses F9' and F10' are the 30A type.

RL 1 Relay 53
RL 2 P.T.O. relay
RL 3 Air-conditioner relay
RL 4 Engine ignition relay

MRL 1 Key-operated light mini relay 51
- -
MRL 3 Slow-fast P.T.O. indicator light mini relay
MRL 4 Rear field lights mini relay
MRL 5 Front work lights mini relay 52
MRL 6 -

Fig.157 - Front fuse box (B).

Carraro Front Axle

“Carraro” 4WD front axle Front brakes (4 WD only)

Mounted as an alternative to the standard axle. Oil-cooled multi-disc brakes mounted in the epicyclic
Front axle in spheroidal cast iron pivoting in the center final drives.
around two supports.
Number of friction discs:
Legend Techno: mechanical front drive engagement by
means of lever in cab. All models...................................4 (2 each side).
Friction material.................................resin-graphite.
Legend Top: electro-hydraulic front drive engagement
by means of oil-cooled hydraulic disc clutch. IBS-Integral Braking System hydraulic control ensuring
simultaneous braking along with the rear brakes when
Propeller shaft without universal couplings installed the brake pedals are coupled together by means of the
along the longitudinal axis of the tractor. relative locking device.

Transmission through central differential and epicyclic

final drives in the wheel hubs. Lubricants
Max. steering angle ....... ............................................55° Central housing ...................................... 8 liters (8.4 qts)
Epicyclic final drives, each ..................... 2 liters (2.1 qts)
Front axle with oil-cooled front brakes. The front
brakes are the oil-cooled multi-disc type mounted on Oil corresponding to APIGL4/GL5 - MIL-2105
the live axles of the front differential: 4 discs (2 for each specifications:
live axle). - LAND - OIL LOT OTRAS/B
Electro-hydraulically controlled "Twin-Lock” - ELF TRACTELF SF3
differential lock mounted as standard supply. - AGIP ROTRA MULTI THT
Engagement occurs at the same time the rear - TEXACO TETRAN AS
differential is engaged. The differential lock is - MOBIL MOBILFUID 422
disengaged by means of the brake pedals. - Q8 T3000
Mod. 105-115-130 - Carraro 20.25FR axle

Bevel gear pair reduction ratio ................. 13/30 = 2.308

Reduction ratio of epicyclic final drives ................. 6.923

Total reduction ratio ............................................. 15.976

Transmission ratio between front and rear axles .. 1.346

Transmission unit on gearbox with reduction

ratio ......... ...............................................................41/47

Mod. 145 - Carraro 20.29FR axle

Bevel gear pair reduction ratio ................. 33/13 = 2.538

Reduction ratio of epicyclic final drives ................. 6.923

Total reduction ratio ............................................. 17.574

Transmission ratio between front and rear axles . 1.339

Transmission unit on gearbox with infinitely meshed

gears and reduction ratio ....................................... 41/47

Carraro Front Axle



1 Bleed screw of the front brake

circuit (1). 2 pcs. Grease nipples 2 Front differential housing:
Make sure that the oil reaches the 4 Front axle epicyclic final
drives: Remove the plug (A) and
of the front axle kingpins (2) 4 pcs. Grease top of the plug (A). Top up through the same check the oil level (the plug must be on the
as required by the environmental type using oil of the recommended type if wheel center line). Top up the level through
conditions. necessary the same plug.

3 Front axle pivot bearings:

Inject the recommended type of
grease (1).


1 A

5 Front drive axle pivot pin:

Inject grease of the recommended 6 Front axle epicyclic final
drives: Remove the plug (A) and
type (1). allow the oil to drain out. Pour in new oil of
the recommended type (see op.3)


7 Front differential housing:

Remove the lower plug (B) and 8 Ball joints for the 4WD
steering cylinder:Have an
allow the oil to drain out. Fill with new oil of Authorized Workshop check that the nuts that
the recommended type until reaching the fix the ball joints are correctly torqued after
level of the plug (A) (see op. 2) the first 50 hours service. Following this, have
the nuts checked every 1000 hours.

Suspended axle

Axle with hydraulic suspensions

Mounted on request. B
The independent hydraulic suspensions can be
regulated by the operator depending on the job in hand A
(transport or field work).

Rigid axle
Turn switch C to position 1 for a rigid axle.

Axle with free suspensions

Select this mode for transfers and when driving on the C
Set button C to position 3.
The axle will automatically set to the intermediate Fig. 156
position for greater freedom of movement. Switch for manual ground clearance adjustment (A and
The suspensions are independent in this position. B).
The light in switch C, pos. 3 will remain on when self- A - Reduces ground clearance
levelling mode is operative. B - Increases ground clearance
Light C, pos. 3 will remain off if the suspension is
blocked (rigid axle) or in manual mode. C - 3-position switch to select the operating mode
Pos1- OFF Rigid axle in lowered position
Pos2- Intermediate-Press AUTO once. Manual
Ground clearance adjustment
ground clearance adjustment. Use buttons A
Set button C to position 2 to regulate the ground
and B to regulate by hand.
Pos3- AUTO-Press AUTO once.
Adjust the ground clearance with buttons A and B.
Axle with free suspensions automatically
-Press button A to reduce the ground clearance.
regulated by the plant in the intermediate
-Press button B to increase the ground clearance.
position. The height can still be regulated with
buttons A and B. Press AUTO to return to the
Technical specifications intermediate automatic position.
4WD axle with independent hydraulic suspensions. OFF AUTO

Transmission ratios (Legend 105-115-130): Wait a few seconds for the adjustments to
Bevel gear pair ........... ............................................2.538 take effect when regulating in the AUTO 2 and
Epicyclic final drives ... ............................................6.923 3 positions.
Total reduction ......... ............................................17.574

Transmission ratios (Legend 145-165):

Bevel gear pair ........... ............................................2.538
Epicyclic final drives ... ............................................6.923
Capacities and type of oil
Total reduction ......... ............................................17.574
Final drives, each ................................ 2.0 liters (2.1 qts)
Electro-hydraulically controlled differential locking at
Central part of differential ................... 2.2 liters (2.3 qts)
the same time as the rear differential locks.
Oil-cooled multi-disc front brakes mounted on the
Oil specifications: SAE 80W 90EP exceeds API GL4-GL5
epicyclic final drives: 2 discs each side (tot. 4) with
and MIL-L-2105 and MIL-L-2105D specifications.
resin-graphite friction material.
Hydraulic control at the same time as the rear brakes.
Grease specification: TECNOLUBE SEAL POLYMER
400/L according to DIN=KHER1R and ISO-I-XMR-XMR2

Suspended axle

General lubrication
Periodically grease the components through the grease
nipples indicated by the star (Fig.157 and (1-158)
depending on the conditions in which the tractor is
1 1
Epicyclic final drives
Variable maintenance
Set the plug (3) in a horizontal position to check the
level and top up if necessary, until reaching the level of
the hole.
Every 500 hours
Move the plug (3) downwards to drain out the oil. Move
the plug (3) to the horizontal position to fill until
reaching the level of the hole. Fit the plug back on. Fig.158 - Greasing points (1)

Central differential
Variable maintenance
Check the level through the plug (1) and top up through Ball joints for the steering cylinder
plug (2) if necessary. Have an authorized workshop check that the ball joint
nuts are correctly torqued after the first 50 hours and
Every 1000 hours after this, every 1000 hours.
Changing the oil
Remove plug (4) and completely drain out the oil. Fit
plug (4) back on. Remove plug (2) and fill with new oil
of the recommended type until reaching the level of
plug (1).

Fig. 157 - Suspended axle servicing points. Star = grease nipples

Technical specifications


The CE code on the tractor approval plate solely

indicates that the tractor in question conforms with
directive 89/336/EEC and successive modifications and
that it therefore complies with the essential requisites
of the directive governing electromagnetic compatibil-

Type of tractor and serial number of the chassis (lower

dashboard panel).

Issue of Authorization
Requests for authorization to mount fixed implements for industrial or farming applications
(loaders, snow ploughs, bush-cutters, etc.) oblige Landini to inform the converter of all hitching
conditions, maximum permissible loads on the axles and the hitch points that are to be used. The
technical specifications to be observed when hitching farming or industrial implements are
enclosed with the Operation and Maintenance Manual together with a drawing of the hitch points
for implements and the application form. Both documents must be filled in by the converter
company and sent to the Landini Sales Management.

via Matteotti, 7 - 42042 FABBRICO (RE) LANDINI S.p.A.
Tel. (0522) 656111 (10 lines) - Fax (0522) 660725 Via G. Matteotti, 7
Landini Fabbrico - Telex 530024 42042 FABBRICO

(date) ...............................


For Landini tractor (trade name)

serial number
a. Support frames for the implement must be fitted using the hitch points on the tractor as shown in the enclosed
drawings JX 76939.
b. The operations for mounting / re-mounting particular components of the tractor must be carried out according to
Landini instructions as indicated in the Workshop manual and Servicing notes.
c. Never bend, weld, or modify any part of the tractor’s safety frame in any way.
d. The tractor’s safety frame has been registered under the O.E.C.D. code with an overall weight of 6500 Kg (14326
e. Loads can be applied to the axles and tyres must never exceed the following amounts, as must be indicated in the


AT 40 kph for ITALY


Max load Track Max load Track weight

With front brakes DT 105 3800 Kg 1900 mm 6200 Kg 1900 mm 10000 Kg 6500 JX76939
With front brakes DT 115 3800 Kg 1900 mm 6100 Kg 1900 mm 9900 Kg 6500 JX76939
With front brakes DT 130 3800 Kg 1900 mm 6100 Kg 1900 mm 9900 Kg 6500 JX76939
With front brakes DT 145 3800 Kg 1900 mm 6500 Kg 1900 mm 10300 Kg 6500 JX76939
With front brakes DT 165 4200 Kg 1900 mm 6700 Kg 1900 mm 10900 Kg 6500 JX76939

Conversion factors: 1 Kg = 2.204 lb / 1 mm = 0.039 inches)

f. The tractor’s safety frame has been registered under the O.E.C.D. code with an overall weight of 3650 Kg, (8045
lbs) so the extra weight of the frames attached to the tractor must take this maximum limit into consideration.
e. Loads can be applied to the axles and tyres must never exceed the following amounts, as must be indicated in the
g. Drawings of the implements and the hitching must be sent for inspection purposes only.
h. The weight load on the axles must be such as to guarantee the stability of the tractor. It is a good principle for the
load displaced to the ground via the front axle to be equal to at least 25% of the total original weight of the tractor.
i. The general conditions of the tractor and, particularly, the state of maintenance of its axles, wheel assemblies,
steering mechanism and brakes must be perfect and suited to the task.

Release of the Authorization is subject to acceptance of the above regulations. This letter is therefore to be signed by
the converting company.

The Converter (Qualification and Development Manager)

(seen and accepted)

Implement hitching points
Legend 105-115-130-145-165 (JX76939)

Machine axis

Machine axis



14 holes
Machine axis

machine axis



4 holes
4 holes

8 holes
8 holes

Dimensions in mm. Conversion factor: 1 mm = 0.039 inches


TYPE: .............. ( ) Adaptation of farm tractor

CHASSIS N° .............. ( ) Road-working machine


The following documents are enclosed: Initial set-up of the tractor at delivery:
weights per axle and total with implement/s max. speed
( ) Photostat copy of conformity certificate ( ) Bi-directional drive
( ) Photostat copy of log book .......... ( ) Cab
( ) Fixed/folding safety frame with two uprights
Pre-set ballast: ( ) Safety frame with four uprights
( ) at rear Kg (lb) ...... projecting ( ) Front lift
( ) lateral Kg (lb) ...... projecting ( ) Power brakes for farm trailers
( ) at front Kg (lb) ...... projecting

The tractor is currently equipped with the following tyres:


Rear tyres Tare: Kg

HITCH POINTS: on the front axle: Kg

Front: N° Bolts - meas.
Center: N° Bolts - meas. on the rear axle: Kg
Rear: N° Bolts - meas.


Make Type Position Code Alternative implements


The undersigned ................................................................................... with registered offices in ..........

that he/she has attached the above mentioned implement in accordance with the highest professional and
technical standards and, thus, that the undersigned accepts full responsibility for the conversion and correct
set-up of the vehicle in compliance with the current regulations concerning road traffic, labour safety and
civil and penal responisibility.
LANDINI S.p.A. is thus relieved of all and every responsibility for the correct operation of the vehicle, with
reference to the afore-mentioned application.


LUBRICANTS AND FUELS Conversion factors: 1 gal=4,545litres 1US gal=3,785litres 1litre=1,06 US qts

Q.ty in liters Specifications Ambient SINCLAIR MOBIL ESSO SHELL BP LAND OIL AGIP
SYSTEM 105 145
130 165 temperature
Coolant Ambient temperature Degrees -8° -15° -25° -35°
25 27 27 Anti-freeze in the following percentages
circuit Antifreeze percentage % 20 30 40 50
Fuel 190 190 190 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
API CD-SF S3 Plus 10 W 1310 D/3 Plus 10 W Oil 10 W C3 10 W SIGMA 10 W

0° to 27° C HY VIS HD EXTRA DELVAC Essolube RIMULA CT BP Vanellus HDL S3 20 W 20 DIESEL

API CE-SF S3 Plus 20 W 20 1320 D/3 Plus 20 W Oil 20 W C3 20 W SIGMA 20 W
Engine with filter 16.6 16.6 16.6
S3 Plus 30 1330 D/3 Plus 30 W Oil 30 W C3 30 W SIGMA 30
MIL-L-2104E Any temperature HY VIS HD EXTRA Mobiland Essolube Universal Farm BP Super tractor UNILAND SIGMA TURBO
S3 Plus 15 W 40 Super Universal XD/3 EXTRA Oil Universal 15W 40 UNITRACTOR S



Gearbox-Steering and API GL 4 Any temperature TRANSFLUID AS/B Mobilfluid 422 Torque fluid 62 Donax TD Tractran 8 LOT OTRAS/B ROTRA
85 85 85
hydraulic circuit (1) MF 1135 MULTI THT

Front API GL 4 Any temperature TRANSFLUID AS/B Mobilfluid 422 Torque fluid 62 Donax TD Tractran 8 LOT OTRAS/B ROTRA
differential 10 11 11
housing “DANA”
Front final drives API GL 5 Any temperature HD GEAR OIL MOBILUBE GX 90 GEAR OIL SPIRAX BP Hypogear LOT CX ROTRA HP
1,6 1,8 1,8
(each) MIL-2105 D EP 90-140 MOBILUBE HD 90 GP 80 W 90 HD 80 W 90 Oil 80 W 90 80 W 90
Carraro 8 8 8
Axle API GL 4/GL 5 Any temperature TRANSFLUID AS/B Mobilfluid 422 Torque fluid 62 Donax TD Tractran 8 LOT OTRAS/B ROTRA
F.drives* 2 2 2 MIL-L-2105 MULTI THT
Suspended Axle 2,2 2,2 2,2 API GL 4/GL 5 Any temperature HD GEAR OIL MOBILUBE GX 90 GEAR OIL SPIRAX BP Hypogear LOT CX ROTRA HP
axle F.drives* 2,0 2,0 2,0 MIL-L-2105/2105D EP 90-140 MOBILUBE HD 90 GP 80 W 90 HD 80 W 90 Oil 80 W 90 80 W 90

Clutch circuit 0,5 0,5 0,5 MF R 1264

Grease nipples _ Any temperature MULTIPURPOSE Mobilgr. MP Multipurpose Farm Grease BP LITHIUM GREASE 30
- - -
Mobilgr. MS Grease H Universal Agrichange GREASE

(1) Use only lubricants that comply with LANDINI, Ford ESEM M2 C 86 A and B, M-F 1135 specifications, with additives and anti-noise properties. Use of different
types of oil, or mixing other types of oil into the oil supplied with the tractor when new can lead to increased noise. (2) Transmission with Delta-Six. Use LAND OIL
TRANSFLUID AS/C oil in compliance with MF CMS-M-1127 specifications. *Each
Alphabetical index

Adjustable RH lift rod ............................................... 57 Fan and alternator belt ....................................... 83
Adjustable top link ................................................... 57 Four-wheel drive ....................................... 46, 134, 136
Adjustments, maintenance ...................................... 69 Four-wheel drive front axle ................................. 46, 47
Air conditioning system, maintenance .................... 84 Four-wheel drive steering angle adjustment ........... 46
Air-conditioning ........................................................ 32 Front pull hook ......................................................... 54
Alternator ............................................................. 94 Fuel .......................................................................... 73
Fuel filter .................................................................. 73
Analog instrument panel .......................................... 105
Fuel gauge .......................................................... 28, 106
Auxiliary control valves ............................................ 66
Fuses ......................................................... 96, 110, 111
Ballast ...................................................................... 51 Gearbox, maintenance ............................................. 78
Battery ..................................................................... 94 Gearbox, use of the controls .............................. 38, 39
Bleeding air from the fuel system ........................... 74 Gearshift lever .......................................................... 38
Bleeding the brake circuit ........................................ 80 General greasing ....................................... 87,88,89,90
Brake fluid reservoir ................................................. 80 General information ............................................ 2, 3, 4
Brakes, maintenance ............................................... 80 General lubrication .............................................. 70, 86
Brakes, use .............................................................. 44 General red warning light ........................................ 106
General wiring diagram, electronic power lift ......... 100
C General wiring diagram, mechanical power lift ....... 112
Cab ........................................................................... 30 Ground speed tables, Delta-Six ......................... 130,131
Cab air filter ........................................................ 84 Ground speed tables, Power-Six ....................... 120,121
Cab doors ................................................................ 30 Ground speed tables, Speed-Six ....................... 120,121
Cab heating .............................................................. 30
Cab wiring diagram .................................................. 86 H
Carraro front axle (supplied as an alternative) ......... 134 Hazard light switch .............................................. 29
Headlights ........................................................... 29, 95
CE declaration of conformity ................................... 138
Highway Code rules ............................................. 17
Check the equipment .............................................. 10
Hitching implements ........................................... 138
Class A tow hook ..................................................... 56
Hydraulic circuit and transmission oil filter .......... 78
Class C tow hook ..................................................... 54
Hydraulic circuit, oil level and changes ............... 78
Cleaning ................................................................... 11 Hydraulic circuit, steering, maintenance ............. 78
Clutch pedal, bleeding the circuit ............................... 79 Hydraulically controlled trailer brake .................... 45
Compressor belt ...................................................... 84
Creeper lever ............................................................ 39 I
Implement hitching points ....................................... 140
D Implements, hitching and unhitching ...................... 62
Delta - Six ................................................................. 129 Injection pump and injectors ................................... 74
Delta - Six gearbox ................................................... 129 Injectors ................................................................... 74
Differential lock ........................................................ 46 Instruments and controls ......................................... 26
Digital instrument panel ........................................... 27
Legend Techno ........................................................ 101
E Legend Techno - instruments and controls ......... 102
Economy Power Take off, 540 ECO ........................ 42 Legend Top - instruments and controls ............. 26,27
Electrical system ...................................................... 93 Light switch ............................................................. 29
Electronically controlled power lift .......................... 60 Lights, switches ................................................. 29,31
Engine air filter ......................................................... 75 Lower links ............................................................... 59
Engine coolant temperature gauge ................... 27,106 Lubricants ................................................................ 141
Engine cooling system ............................................ 77 Lubricants and fuels ................................................ 142
Engine oil filter, replacement ................................... 72
Engine oil, level and replacement ............................ 72 M
Engine, maintenance ............................................... 72 Main clutch, control pedal ....................................... 38
Engine, starting and stopping ........................... 36, 37 Maintenance ............................................. 11, 69, 86
Equipment, checks .................................................. 10 Maintenance, 100 hours .......................................... 89

Alphabetical index

Maintenance, 1000 hours ........................................ 91 Starter motor ............................................................ 94

Maintenance, 250 hours .......................................... 89 Starting the engine .................................................. 36
Maintenance, 500 hours .......................................... 90 Starting the engine, cold weather starting ........ 11,36
Mechanical power take-off ...................................... 102 Starting the tractor ................................................... 36
Mechanical PTO clutch lever ................................... 102 Steering circuit oil filter ............................................ 78
Mechanically controlled power lift ........................... 103 Steering wheel ......................................................... 33
Steering wheel adjustment ...................................... 26
O Suspended axle ....................................................... 136
Operation indicator lights .................................... 27, 105 Systems, checking ................................................... 10
Optional extras ......................................................... 128
P Technical specifications .......................................... 115
Parking brake ........................................................... 45 Technical specifications, 2WD front axle ................ 123
Power-Six, gearbox .................................................. 38 Technical specifications, 4WD front axle ................ 123
Power take off .......................................................... 41 Technical specifications, auxiliary control valves .... 125
Power take off, speed indication ............................. 41 Technical specifications, brakes .............................. 122
Pre-delivery .............................................................. 5 Technical specifications, cab ................................... 126
Precautions .......................................................... 7, 8, 9 Technical specifications, electrical system ............. 127
Precautions when using the PTO ............................ 43 Technical specifications, electronic power lift ........ 125
Preparing for long idle periods ................................ 71 Technical specifications, engine .............................. 117
Protective clothing ................................................... 9 Technical specifications, hydraulic circuit ............... 125
PTO proportional to ground speed .......................... 42 Technical specifications, mechanical power lift ...... 125
PTO speed indicator, digital panel ........................... 28 Technical specifications, power take-off ................. 122
Technical specifications, steering components ...... 123
Q Technical specifications, three-point linkage ........... 125
Quick couplings, auxiliary control valves ...... 66 Technical specifications, transmission .................... 119
Quick couplings, lower links .................................... 59 Three point linkage .................................................. 57
Tool box ................................................................... 30
R Towing attachments ................................................ 54
Range selector lever ................................................ 38
Towing, attachments and hooks ............................. 54
Rear final drives, transmission oil ............................ 78
Track width adjustments ......................................... 47
Reverse shuttle lever ............................................... 39
Track, adjustments .................................................. 47
Risk of overturning ................................................... 14
Tractor identification ................................................ 2
Risks deriving from exposure to noise .................... 21
Transmission, oil level and replacement ................. 78
Risky operations ...................................................... 15
Turning off the engine ............................................. 37
Road transport ......................................................... 16
Tyres, wheels ..................................................... 51, 124
ROPS ........................................................................ 8
ROPS, repairs ........................................................... 8 U
Routine maintenance table .................................. 70, 86 Use of the tractor ..................................................... 7, 35
RPM meter ........................................................... 28, 106 Use of the tractor on public roads ........................... 5
RPM meter and hour counter ................................ 28
Running in .............................................................. 71 V
Valve clearance, tappet gap .................................... 74
Variable maintenance ........................................ 87, 88
Safety ....................................................................... 6
Safety alert symbols ................................................ 6 Warning lights .................................................... 27, 105
Safety and warnings ................................................ 6 Warranty ............................................................... 5
Safety decals ....................................................... 22, 23 Weights and measurements ................................... 116
Safety notes ....................................................... 5,6,19 Wheels and tyres ............................................... 51, 124
Safety, a word to the operator ................................. 6 Wiring diagram of analog instrument panel ............ 105
Sealed parts ............................................................. 71 Wiring diagram of digital instrument panel ............. 97
Seat .......................................................................... 33 Work safely .............................................................. 12
Side stabilizers ......................................................... 59
Special cab air filter ................................................. 84
Speedometer, digital panel ...................................... 28

To ensure
long and efficient
service from your tractor
use only

spare parts and lubricants

recommended by


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