Cat 1 Introdution To Database
Cat 1 Introdution To Database
Cat 1 Introdution To Database
a. Sorting and Finding are two methods you can quickly locate records. Differentiate between
sorting and finding?
-Sorting refers to arranging elements in a specific order, such as ascending or
descending ,based on some criteria like numerical value, alphabetical order or custom
defined keys while finding involves searching for a specific element or value within a
collection or an array (4 marks)
b. Outline steps for creating a report using a wizard. (6 marks)
1. Launch the wizard: open the reporting tool or software that offers a wizard for creating
2. Select data source: specify the data source for your report.
3. Choose fields: select the fields from the data source that you want to include in the report.
4. Grouping and sorting: if your report requires grouping or sorting of data specify the criteria
for grouping and sorting.
5. Design layout: design the layout of your report by specifying details such as
headers,footers,titles,labels and formatting options .
6. Generate report: once satisfied with the layout and content of the report, proceed to
generate the final report using wizard.
c. Mount Kenya University would like to acquire a Database Management system to be used
for students’ admissions. What are the major functionalities that they should consider?
1. Data storage: the DBMS should efficiently store and manage large volumes of data in various
formats, ensuring data integrity, security and reliability
2. Data retrieval: it should provide robust querying capabilities to retrieve specific data sets
quickly and accurately, supporting both simple and complex queries.
3. Data manipulation: The DBMS should support operations like adding, updating and deleting data
records while ensuring data consistency and concurrency control.
4. Security: should offer robust security features to protective sensitive data from unauthorized
access including user authentication,authorizations,encryptions and auditing mechanisms
5. Performance: The DBMS should deliver high performance in terms of data processing, query
execution and transaction handling even under heavy workloads.
e. Explain how you would create a query from several related tables. (6 Marks)
1. Identify Tables: Determine which tables contain the data you need for your query.
2. Understand relationships: understand how tables are related to each other
3. Select fields: determine which fields from the related tables you want to include in your
4. Join tables: Use the appropriate join operation to combine the related tables based on their
common fields.
5. Specify join conditions: Specify the conditions under which the records from different tables
should be joined.
6. Test the query: before finalizing the query test to ensure that it returns the desired results.