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Study of the Performance of an FSAE Cooling Radiator

Conference Paper · April 2021

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7 authors, including:

Abdelrahman Ahmed Farouk Abdallah Mohamed

Zagazig University Zagazig University


Ahmed Abdel Gawad

Zagazig University


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Proceedings of ICFD14:
Fourteenth International Conference of Fluid Dynamics
2-3 April 2021, Fairmont Nile City Hotel, Cairo, EGYPT


Study of the Performance of an FSAE Cooling Radiator

Abdelrahman Ahmed Farouk, Amin Ali Amin, Ehab Wael Ali, Abdullah Mohamed Abdullah,
Tariq Gaballah Mohamed, and ZUFS Racing Team,,,,

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Farouk AbdelGawad
Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, Egypt

Engine produces a high amount of heat while Radiators are used in automobiles to transfer heat
running, which is about one-third of the total from the engine coolant to ambient air. Insufficient heat
power. This heat can raise the engine temperature dissipation can result in the overheating of the engine,
to a very high level and damage or seize the engine which leads to the breakdown of lubricating oil, metal
components. Hence, for the safety of the engine weakening of engine parts, and significant wear
components, it needs to run at much lower between engine parts. To minimize the stress on the
temperature, which is called engine working engine as a result of heat generation, automotive
temperature. radiators must be redesigned to be more compact while
Radiator plays a vital role in engine cooling still maintaining high levels of heat transfer
system. It is important to determine mass flow rate performance. Despite the name, most radiators transfer
of the cooling water as a function of the crank shaft bulk of their heat via convection. The demand to
rotational speed. Thus, the present study concerns enhance the heat transfer rate can be addressed either
many parameters to have a complete overview on by increasing the surface area or by increasing the
the radiator operation. These parameters include convective heat transfer coefficient. With regard to
the heat rejected from the engine to the cooling higher surface area, many types of compact heat
water as a function of crank shaft rotational speed, exchangers have been proposed. In order to increase the
the mass-flow rate of air through the radiator core convective heat transfer coefficient, innovative heat
as a function of the car speed, static pressure drop transfer fluids are required, for which, conventional
of the air across the radiator core at varying air heat transfer fluids have lower thermal conductivity.
mass-flow rates. Thus, in the present work, some of the radiator
The present work is part of the design and parameters are changed to fit the present application,
construction of a Formula Student cart to Formula Student Car that has an engine CBR600rr
participate in the competitions of FSAE. Honda, which has 620cc and produces 75 kW BHP. It is
Interesting findings are presented and discussed. our objective to reject the heat produced to reach the
working temperature. A complete design and
KEYWORDS: mathematical calculation for the radiator needed is
I.C. Engine, Cooling system, Radiator, CFD introduced for the present application. The design
parameters for this kind of heat exchangers are
developed. Simulation tools, such as ANSYS-Fluent
software, are useful for the investigation and validation

1 Copyright © 2021 by ICFD14

of the design. The techniques, information, and This amount of heat is transferred to the coolant.
data of the present work are based on Refs. [1-7]. Knowing the inlet (Ti) and outlet (To) temperatures of
the coolant, the required mass-flow rate (m′) of this
II. PRESENT RADIATOR MODEL coolant, needed to transfer all of the amount of heat, can
Generally, the heat-transfer rate and efficiency be found as follows:
of the proposed radiator are high. Thus, the life-
time of engine is also increased. q = m′  Cp  (To-Ti) (2)
For the present proposed radiator (FSAE car From Eq. 2, considering Cp of water equals
radiator), two flat plates are inside the tube, which 4,200 J/kg.k, and assuming that To = 85ᵒC and Ti = 55ᵒC
act as the nozzle, Fig. 1. The present radiator is part with q = 25,000 W, the mass-flow rate (m′) equals
of the design for the Formula Student Car to 0.2 kg/s.
participate in the competitions of Formula Society Then, from this mass-flow of the coolant, we get
of Automotive Engineers (FSAE). the needed flow velocity with the standard dimensions
Hence, nozzle velocity increases, and pressure of radiator tubes. This velocity influences the value of
decreases. Pressure is directly proportional to the heat transfer coefficient. This velocity of coolant
temperature. Thereby, when pressure decreases, changes during the running of the engine because of the
temperature decreases. As a result, the efficiency speed variation due to the change in pump speed.
of the proposed radiator is increased by 5.37% However, we take the value of a mean velocity based
when comparing with the existing methods as will on the obtained mass-flow rate.
be seen in the following sections. Considering the passage dimensions, the final
cross-sectional area (Ap) for the coolant flow is
calculated as:
Ap=1.69  18.35=31.0115 mm2=0.0000310115 m2 (3)
Finally, the mean velocity is found as:
Vp = m′/( A)
= 0.2/(1000  0.0000310115) = 6.45 m/s (4)

III.1. Air
On the second part of the application, the air
system of heat transfer, which occurs largely by
convection. The high speed of the race car positively
affects the coefficient of heat transfer from the radiator
to the ambient air.
Fig.1 Present proposed (FSAE) car radiator. As there is a constant rate of heat transfer to be
removed to the ambient air, the required area (Ar) that
interfaces with the medium can be calculated as
The present FSAE radiator is designed to Inlet air temperature: Tai = 20ᵒC
achieve the required heat transfer for the hot water Outlet air temperature: Tao = 85ᵒC
to obtain the working temperature. Convection heat transfer coefficient (h): 800 W/(m2.K)
III.1. Coolant q = h A (Tao - Tai) (5)
The amount of the heat that get out of FSAE Thus, 25,000 = 800  A  (85-20)
car engine can be calculated as it is considered one- A = 0.48 m2
third of total power produced by the used engine. Based on this needed area, the length (L) of each of
As mentioned before, CBR 600rr is used, which the radiator tubes can be found from the following
can produce 75 kW BHP. This heat transfers to the relation:
coolant by conduction and convection. Then, heat A = (2  1.8 L2/0.75) + (2  0.169  L2/0.75)
is removed to the ambient air by radiation and A = 5.25 L2
convection methods. Thus, L = 35 cm
Thus, the resulted heat (q) from the present The number of tubes is assumed to be 40, with the
engine can be calculated as follows: width of the radiator (W) = 30 cm.
q = (1/3)  engine BHP = (1/3)  75 = 25 kW (1)

2 Copyright © 2021 by ICFD14

IV. COMPUTATOINAL SIMULATION - Temperature of the fins.
The radiator is drawn by Solidworks software - Water velocity in the tubes.
to be used in the computational simulation by the - Outlet atmospheric pressure.
ANSYS-Fluent software. Figure 2 shows the
Solidworks drawing (CAD model) of the radiator,
which is based on the radiator dimensions obtained
in the previous section.

Fig.5 Fluid zone.

Then, the solution is carried out for a suitable

number of iterations that corresponds to a specified
limit of accuracy. Figures 6, and 7 show the temperature
distribution for the tubes and heads, and fins,
Fig.2 CAD model of car radiator.

Then, the CAD model is transported to

ANSYS-Fluent software. The first step, after
reading the geometry, is to create the suitable
computational mesh that affects the accuracy of the
solution. Thus, very careful consideration is paid to
generate a high-quality mesh to give accurate
results. Figures 3 and 4 show the mesh construction
for the head and inlet pipe, and tubes and fins,

Fig.6 Temperature distribution for tubes and heads

(Red is the hottest and Blue is the coldest).

Fig.3 Mesh of head and inlet pipe.

Fig.4 Mesh of tubes and fins.

After defining the fluid zone, Fig. 5, the Fig.7 Temperature distribution for fins
boundary conditions are defined, which include: (Red is the hottest and Blue is the coldest).

3 Copyright © 2021 by ICFD14

Generally, the contribution of the radiator to an We would like to thank all of our university’s staff
engine is considered when the efficiency of a who teach us the fundamentals of heat transfer and how
radiator is good. Currently, the temperature to calculate the heat losses in a heat exchanger such as
distribution is dependent on the tubes used in the the radiator and how to improve the performance by
radiator. So, the modification of the tubes in the changing some parameters. Moreover, we would like to
radiator contributes to the engine cooling through thank Prof. Dr. Ahmed Farouk AbdelGawad for his
efficient radiator action. great supervision in our FSAE competition and his
The nozzle effect of the present work provides efforts to finish our project. We received a lot of care
additional cooling to the engine because it from them during our study period.
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4 Copyright © 2021 by ICFD14

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