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Meridian Tooth Chart Compress

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M e r idia n Toot h Ch a r t

( t e e t h an d m e r idia n s, t oot h m e ridia n ch a r t )

Sou r ce s:

Empirical Relationships Between Teeth, Organs, Disease Chart

Com piled by Thom as Rau, M.D.
Paracelsus Clinic, Lust m uhle, Swit zerland

Emotions and Their Relationships to Organs

Feelings Buried Alive Never Die
By Karol K. Trum an
TEETH - ORGAN S EM OTI ON S posit ive Em ot ion s
N e ga t ive

1 - Third Molar ( t op right ) Joy Rej ect ion

Love Resent m ent
( wisdom t oot h) Com passion Fam ily Problem s

Heart , Duodenum

2 - Second Molar ( t op right ) Self- Est eem Low Self- Est eem
Order Depression
ORGAN S Securit y Guilt
Pa n cr e a s St om a ch Bla dde r Judgm ent al

3 - First Molar ( t op right ) Det erm inat ion Anger

Resolut ion Unflexibilit y
Liver, Kidneys Caring Pride
Pancreas, St om ach Hum or Disrespect ful

4 - Second Prem olar ( t op right ) Passion Monot ony

Det erm inat ion Possessiveness
Right Lung, LargeI nt est ine Balance Revenge
Sm all I nt est ine, Gall Bladder, Ego Crit ical

5 - First Prem olar ( t op right ) Excit em ent Grief

Purpose Condem nat ion
ORGAN S Self- Est eem Unaccept ance
Affect ion Love
Righ t Lu n g, Pa n cr e a s Pain
La r ge I n t e st in e , St om a ch

6 - Canine ( t op right ) Decisiveness Anger

Com passion Regret
ORGAN Joy Fam ily Problem s
Live r , H e a r t , Ga ll Bla dde r Pride Rej ect ion
7 - Second I ncisor ( t op right ) Caring I nflexibilit y
I nt im acy Ego Problem s
ORGAN S Order Disorganized
Righ t Kidn e y, Bla dde r , Aloof
Ur oge n it a l

8 - First I ncisor ( t op right ) Clarit y Disrespect

Accept ance Em ot ional Out burst s
ORGAN S Survival St ubbornness
Righ t Kidn e y, Bla dde r ,
Ur oge n it a l

9 - First I ncisor ( t op left ) Accept ance I nflexibilit y

I nt im acy Ego Problem s
ORGAN S Order Survival Fear
Le ft Kidn e y, Bla dde r ,
Ur oge n it a l

10 - Second I ncisor ( t op left ) Com fort ing Prideful

Survival St uborness
ORGAN S Closeness Repression
Le ft Kidn e y, Bla dde r , Avoidance of
Ur oge n it a l I nt im acy

11 - Canine ( t op left ) Resolut ion Anger, Regret

Purpose, Love Sadness
Liver, Heart , Bile Duct s Approval Resent m ent
Crit ical

12 - First Prem olar ( t op left ) Excit em ent Grief

Decisiveness Cont rolling
Left Lung, Liver , Pancreas Judm ent Monot ony
Large I nt est ine, St om ach Happiness Depression
Spit e

13 - Second Prem olar ( t op left ) Ent husiasm Unaccept ance

Det erm inat ion Negat ivit y
Left Lung, Liver , LargeI nt est ine Balance Fear
Sm all I nt est ine, Gall Bladder, Assim ilat ion Uneasiness
Duodenum Ant i- social
14 - First Molar ( t op left ) Purpose Self- Condem enat ion
Com fort ing Regret
Liver, Kidneys, Spleen Peace Price Rej ect ion
St om ach Affect ion Agit at ion

15 - Second Molar ( t op left ) Self- Love Ant agonism

Calm ness Em ot ional Conflict
Spleen, St om ach, Bladder Securit y Lack of Self- love

16 - Third Molar ( t op left ) Com passion Avoidance

Joy Resent m ent
( wisdom t oot h) Love Rej ect ion

Heart , Jej unum , I leum

17 - Third Molar ( bot t om left ) Joy Depression

Love Fam ily Problem s
( wisdom t oot h) Resolut ion Guilt
Purpose Regret
Heart , Liver, Jej unum

18 - Second Molar ( bot t om left ) Passion Anger

Excit em ent Grief
Pancreas Assim ilat ion Manipulat ive
St om ach Self- cent ered

19 - First Molar ( bot t om left ) Ent husiasm Love Pain

Balance Cont rolling
Lung Zest Revenge
Large I nt est ine Over Crit ical

20 - Second Prem olar ( bot t om Peace Condem nat ion

left ) Happiness Unrest ful
Calm ness Agit at ion
Spleen Em ot ional Conflict s
St om ach
21 - First Prem olar ( bot t om left ) Self Love Anger
Ent husiasm Lack of Self- love
Spleen, Liver, Pancreas, St om ach Hum or Resent m ent
Securit y Regret

22 - Canine ( bot t om left ) Resolut ion Resent m ent

Excit m ent Disorganized
Liver, Lungs, Pancreas, Bile Duct s Judgm ent Lack of Accept ance
Over- bearing

23 - Second I ncisor ( bot t om left ) Com fort ing Repression

Closeness Pride
Left Kidney, Bladder Caring Unhappy Sexual
Urogenit al Order Feelings

24 - First I ncisor ( bot t om right ) Accept ance I nflexibilit y

I nt im acy Anger
Left Kidney, Bladder, Urogenit al Order Em ot ional Out burst s

25 - First I ncisor ( bot t om right ) Clarit y Disrespect

Accept ance St ubbornness
Right Kidney, Bladder Survival Sexual Problem s
Urogenit al

26 - Second I ncisor ( bot t om right ) Caring Disorganized

I nt im acy I nflexible
Right Kidney, Bladder, Urogenit al Order Disharm ony

27 - Canine ( bot t om right ) Judgm ent , Pride Anger

Decisiveness Regret
Liver, Lungs, Pancreas Com passion, Joy Grief
Gall Bladder Condem nat ion
Fam ily Problem s

28 - First Prem olar ( bot t om right ) Purpose Judgm ent al,

Self- Est eem I nsecurit y
Pancreas, Liver Affect ion Low Self- est eem
St om ach, Pylorus Push
29 - Second Prem olar ( bot t om Passion Cont rolling
right ) Det erm inat ion Revenge,
Balance Unforgiving
Right Lung, Liver, LargeI nt est ine Ego Manipulat ive
Sm all I nt est ine, Gall Bladder, Unyielding

30 - First Molar ( bot t om right ) Passion Ant i- social

Balance Pessim ist ic
Large I nt est ine Zest Grief
I leocecal Region Fear of t he Fut ure

31 - Second Molar ( bot t om right ) Excit em ent Deppression

Balance Guilt
Lung Passion Lack of Accept ance
Large I nt est ine Negat ivit y
I leocecal Region

32 - Third Molar ( bot t om right ) Joy Fam ily Problem s

Love Resent m ent
( wisdom t oot h) Com passion Avoidance
I leum
I leocecal Region

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